Tradr 2X Long Innovation ETF
Tradr 2X卖空TSLA每日ETF
(原名Tradr TSLA Bear Daily ETF)
Tradr 1.5X做空NVDA每日ETF
(前身为Tradr 1.25X NVDA Bear Daily ETF)
Tradr 2X卖空创新每日ETF
(前身为Tradr Short Innovation Daily ETF)
这些基金寻求每日反向、反向杠杆或长期杠杆投资结果,并打算用作做空- 学期交易车辆。
Tradr 2X做多创新ETF(简称“做多创新ETF”)寻求提供相当于方舟创新ETF每日业绩两倍(200%)的每日投资结果。
Tradr 2X Short Innovation Daily ETF(简称“做空创新ETF”)寻求提供对应于两倍逆价差(-200方舟创新ETF的日常表现。
(1) 寻求每日反向杠杆或长期杠杆投资目标的基金比不使用杠杆的基金风险更高,因为这些基金放大了其标的证券的表现。
(2) 特斯拉每日交易所买卖基金追求的每日投资目标是反向投资目标的两倍(-200%)到特斯拉公司的业绩,这一结果与大多数共同基金和交易所相反交易资金。
(3) NVDA Daily ETF追求的每日投资目标是逆价差的1.5倍(-150%),这一结果与大多数共同基金和交易所相反交易资金。
(4) 多头创新ETF追求的每日投资目标是方舟创新ETF业绩的两倍(200%)。
(5) 做空创新ETF追求的每日投资目标是反向投资目标的两倍(-200%)对方舟创新ETF的表现,这一结果与大多数共同基金和交易所相反交易资金。
(6) 特斯拉每日ETF和NVDA每日ETF寻求存在复利和市场波动风险的每日投资结果。因此,特别是在市场波动时期,标的证券的波动对基金回报的影响可能与标的证券的回报一样大,甚至更大。
(7) 对每日投资目标的追求意味著,每只基金在超过一个完整交易日的时间内的回报将是相关期间内每个交易日的一系列每日杠杆或反向杠杆回报的乘积,并具有每日重新定位的风险敞口。因此,特别是在市场波动时期,方舟创新ETF的波动对每只基金的回报的影响可能与方舟创新ETF的回报一样大,甚至更多。此外,投资期少于一个完整交易日的投资者的回报将不会是基金声明的每日长期杠杆或反向杠杆投资目标的回报与方舟创新ETF在整个交易日的表现的乘积。在波动性较高的时期,如果基金持有的时间不同于一个交易日,当投资者可能预期收益时,基金可能不会像预期的那样表现,基金可能会出现亏损。
(a) 了解与使用反向策略和杠杆相关的风险;
(b) 理解追求每日反向和杠杆投资结果的后果;
Long Innovation ETF和Short Innovation ETF、信托和顾问不隶属于ARk ETF信托、ARk Innovation ETF或ARk Investment Management LLC。
Tradr 2X Long Innovation ETF
Tradr 2X卖空TSLA每日ETF
Tradr 1.5X做空NVDA每日ETF
Tradr 2X卖空创新每日ETF
1 |
17 |
31 |
44 |
56 |
57 |
70 |
88 |
90 |
92 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
103 |
Tradr 2X长线创新ETF的重要资讯
Tradr 2X Long Innovation ETF(以下简称“基金”或“Long Innovation ETF”)寻求每日杠杆投资结果,与大多数其他交易所截然不同。交易资金。因此,该基金的风险可能比不使用杠杆的替代基金更高,因为该基金的目标是放大(200%)方舟创新ETF的每日表现。投资期限长于或短於单个交易日的投资者的回报不应预期为方舟创新ETF在该期间表现的200%。基金回报超过一个交易日的期间,将是该期间每个交易日的复合回报的结果,这很可能与方舟创新ETF在该期间回报的200%有所不同。持有期较长,方舟创新ETF的波动性和杠杆率较高,都会增加复利对投资者回报的影响。在较高方舟创新ETF波动期间,方舟创新ETF的波动对基金回报的影响可能与方舟创新ETF的回报一样大,甚至更大。
| ||
管理费 | | |
分销和服务费(规则120亿1) | | |
其他费用 | | |
年度基金运营费用总额1 | | |
费用减免和费用报销2 | ( | |
减免费用和报销后的年度基金运营费用总额1,2 | |
2 顾问已签约同意豁免其费用及/或支付基金的营运开支,以确保年度基金营运开支总额(不包括任何(I)杠杆利息、(Ii)经纪费及佣金、(Iii)已取得的基金费用及开支、(Iv)与衍生工具有关的费用及开支)
一年 |
三年前 |
五年 |
十年。 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
此外,该基金可能在40岁以下进行投资-80- 学期
- 学期通过投资实现资本增长
小节总结--Tradr 2倍做多创新ETF |
小节总结-贸易长线2X创新ETF |
一年 | 200% | 波动率 | ||||
返回 | 返回 | 10% | 25% | 50% | 75% | 100% |
-60% | -120% | -84.2% | -85.0% | -87.5% | -90.9% | -94.1% |
-50% | -100% | -75.2% | -76.5% | -80.5% | -85.8% | -90.8% |
-40% | -80% | -64.4% | -66.2% | -72.0% | -79.5% | -86.8% |
-30% | -60% | -51.5% | -54.0% | -61.8% | -72.1% | -82.0% |
-20% | -40% | -36.6% | -39.9% | -50.2% | -63.5% | -76.5% |
-10% | -20% | -19.8% | -23.9% | -36.9% | -53.8% | -70.2% |
0% | 0% | -1.0% | -6.1% | -22.1% | -43.0% | -63.2% |
10% | 20% | 19.8% | 13.7% | -5.8% | -31.1% | -55.5% |
20% | 40% | 42.6% | 35.3% | 12.1% | -18.0% | -47.0% |
30% | 60% | 67.3% | 58.8% | 31.6% | -3.7% | -37.8% |
40% | 80% | 94.0% | 84.1% | 52.6% | 11.7% | -27.9% |
50% | 100% | 122.8% | 111.4% | 75.2% | 28.2% | -17.2% |
60% | 120% | 153.5% | 140.5% | 99.4% | 45.9% | -5.8% |
小节总结-贸易长线2X创新ETF |
小节总结-贸易长线2X创新ETF |
小节总结-贸易长线2X创新ETF |
小节总结-贸易长线2X创新ETF |
小节总结-贸易长线2X创新ETF |
小节总结-贸易长线2X创新ETF |
小节总结--Tradr 2倍做多创新ETF |
小节总结-贸易长线2X创新ETF |
小节总结-贸易长线2X创新ETF |
小节总结-贸易长线2X创新ETF |
年度-到目前为止 返回截至
| | 节结束 |
| ( | 节结束 |
| 一年 | 自.以来 |
| | ( |
| | ( |
| | ( |
| | |
| | |
小节总结-贸易长线2X创新ETF |
AXS Investments LLC是该基金的投资顾问。
Trampe先生和Binion先生共同对这一天负有主要责任- 今天基金投资组合的管理。
税 信息
摘要部分 |
Tradrr 2X做空特斯拉每日交易所交易基金重要资讯
| ||
管理费 | | |
分销和服务费(规则120亿1) | | |
其他费用 | | |
年度基金运营费用总额1 | | |
免除和/或退还费用2 | ( | |
免收费用和/或报销费用后的年度基金运营费用总额1,2 | |
2 顾问已签约同意豁免其费用及/或支付基金的营运开支,以确保年度基金营运开支总额(不包括任何(I)杠杆利息、(Ii)经纪费及佣金、(Iii)收购基金费用及开支、(Iv)与衍生工具有关的费用及开支(包括期权及掉期费用及开支)、(V)卖空利息及股息开支、(Vi)税项、(Vii)与任何合并或重组有关的开支、或(Viii)(诉讼费等非常费用)不超过1.15%。本协定有效期至2025年7月31日,只有在该日期之前,信托董事会方可终止本协定。允许顾问申请报销
小节摘要-Tradr 2X做空特斯拉每日交易所交易基金 |
一年 |
三年 |
五年 |
十年。 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
此外,该基金可能在40岁以下进行投资-80基金投资组合的百分比,视乎基金的交易对手在以下方面所需的抵押品数额而定:(1)美国政府证券,如美国财政部发行的票据、票据和债券;(2)货币市场基金;(3)短期债券ETF和/或(4)公司债务证券,如商业票据和其他短期债券- 学期由评级为投资级或质量相当的企业发行的无担保本票(“抵押品投资”)。
小节摘要-Tradr 2X做空特斯拉每日交易所交易基金 |
小节摘要-Tradr 2X做空特斯拉每日交易所交易基金 |
一年多 | -200% | 标的股票波动率(年化) | ||||
| 25% | 50% | 75% | 100% | ||
-60% | 120% | 500.9% | 415.3% | 196.2% | 15.3% | -69.1% |
-50% | 100% | 286.3% | 230.5% | 89.7% | -25.6% | -80.5% |
-40% | 80% | 168.8% | 130.4% | 31.6% | -48.3% | -86.9% |
-30% | 60% | 98.0% | 69.3% | -3.3% | -62.4% | -90.3% |
-20% | 40% | 51.6% | 29.8% | -26.1% | -71.8% | -92.6% |
-10% | 20% | 19.8% | 2.4% | -41.6% | -77.5% | -94.2% |
0% | 0% | -2.9% | -17.0% | -52.7% | -81.8% | -95.3% |
10% | -20% | -19.8% | -31.4% | -61.2% | -84.9% | -96.2% |
20% | -40% | -32.6% | -42.4% | -67.4% | -87.5% | -96.7% |
30% | -60% | -42.6% | -51.0% | -72.2% | -89.4% | -97.3% |
40% | -80% | -50.6% | -57.7% | -76.1% | -90.7% | -97.7% |
50% | -100% | -56.9% | -63.3% | -79.2% | -92.0% | -97.9% |
60% | -120% | -62.2% | -67.7% | -81.9% | -93.1% | -98.2% |
在基金出售投资组合证券以现金满足部分或全部赎回请求的范围内,基金可能会产生应税收益或损失,如果完全在#年赎回,基金可能不会产生这些收益或损失。 |
此外,局部、区域或全球事件,如战争、恐怖主义行为、传染病传播或其他公共卫生问题,或其他事件可能对安全或文书产生重大影响。 |
- 收入 |
主动管理风险。 |
证券市场指数。 |
资产净值最低的日历季度回报率 |
| | 后 |
| ( | 显示的回报与通过税收持有基金股份的投资者无关 |
| 摘要部分- Tradr 2X卖空TSLA每日ETF | 管理 |
| ( | ( |
| ( | ( |
| ( | ( |
| | |
Tradr 1.5倍做空NVDA每日ETF的重要资讯1
基金不寻求在一个交易日以外的一段时间内实现其所述的投资目标。 |
作为诉讼费用)不会超过1.15%。 2025年7月31日
投资组合周转率 |
| ||
基金投资组合的百分比取决于基金的交易对手在以下方面所需的抵押品数额:(1)美国政府证券,如美国财政部发行的票据、票据和债券;(2)货币市场基金;(3)短期债券ETF和/或(4)公司债务证券,如商业票据和其他短期债券 | | |
- 学期 | | |
由评级为投资级或质量相当的企业发行的无担保本票(“抵押品投资”)。 | | |
NVDA开创了加速计算的先河,帮助解决最具挑战性的计算问题。NVDA将重点从个人电脑图形扩展到其他几个大型和重要的计算密集型领域,如人工智慧、数据科学、自动驾驶汽车、机器人以及增强现实和虚拟现实。NVDA根据《证券交易法》向美国证券交易委员会提供或提交的资讯,包括报告、委托书和资讯声明,以及其他资讯,可以通过参考美国证券交易委员会的档案号0找到。1 | | |
(CIK编号1045810),通过美国证券交易委员会的网站www.sec.gov。NVDA的股票在纳斯达克全球精选市场交易所上市。2 | ( | |
基金从上述可公开获得的档案中得出了本文件中关于NVDA的所有披露。关于基金证券的发售,基金、信托或顾问或其任何关联公司均未参与编制有关NVDA的此类档案。基金、信托或顾问或其任何关联公司均未表示有关NVDA的此类公开可获得档案或任何其他公开可获得资讯是准确或完整的。随后披露任何这类事件,或披露或未披露关于非自愿捐款的重大未来事件,都可能影响基金关于非自愿捐款的投资的价值,从而影响基金的价值。1,2 | |
你投资该基金可能会赔钱。2 对基金的投资不是银行的存款,也不受联盟存款保险公司或任何其他政府机构的保险或担保。
不能保证基金的投资目标一定会实现。 |
基金期望将互换作为实现其投资目标的一种手段。掉期通常在场外市场交易,直到最近才受到CFTC的监管。然而,CFTC的规则并不涵盖所有类型的掉期。因此,投资者可能得不到CFTC法规或商品交易所法案中与基金掉期相关的法定方案的保护。在某些情况下,这些市场缺乏监管可能使投资者蒙受重大损失,包括在参与者滥用交易或财务失败的情况下。与期货合约不同,未清算的场外掉期交易对手通常是一家银行或其他金融机构,而不是由一群金融机构支持的清算组织。因此,就其预期从未清算掉期交易对手那里获得的金额而言,基金面临更大的交易对手风险。如果交易对手破产或因财政困难而无法履行其义务,基金可能在这些合同上遭受重大损失,投资者对基金的投资价值可能会下降。掉期还面临掉期与掉期所涉及的参考资产价值之间存在不完全相关性的风险。衍生品固有的杠杆作用往往会放大基金的得失。此外,关于掉期的使用,如果NVDA的盘中大幅波动导致基金净资产大幅下降,基金与其交易对手之间的掉期条款可能允许交易对手立即结束与基金的交易。在这种情况下,基金可能无法进行另一次掉期交易或投资于其他衍生品,以达到符合基金投资目标的预期风险敞口。这反过来可能会阻碍基金实现其投资目标,即使NVDA在第二天结束时逆转了全部或部分盘中走势。因此,基金的投资价值可能会在没有任何警告的情况下迅速变化。 |
如果基金在较长一段时间内超过这些监管门槛,基金可确定有必要调整基金的投资战略,包括基金预期的每日杠杆业绩。 |
杠杆风险。 |
杠杆增加了投资者投资全损的风险,可能会增加基金的波动性,并可能放大基金与NVDA表现之间的任何差异。 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
NDVA业绩的%和那些带阴影的绿色代表基金可以预期回报超过下表并不代表基金的实际回报,由于本文讨论的任何风险因素,基金的实际回报可能比下面所示的回报好得多或差得多。一年-150性能 -150的 底层 股票
-150% |
一年-80性能 的 底层
- 年
若干因素可能会影响基金与NVDA实现高度关联的能力,而且不能保证基金将实现高度关联。 |
停牌通常发生在证券中悬而未决的买入和卖出订单出现严重失衡时,或者由于根据交易所“熔断机制”规则出现的异常市场波动。一个非 |
摘要部分-Tradr 1.5倍做空NVDA每日ETF | 空头(反向)头寸旨在从特定参考资产价格下跌中获利。当NVDA上升时,投资者会赔钱,这与传统基金的结果相反。即使NVDA随后走低,NVDA业绩的单日或盘中增长也可能导致投资者投资的全部损失或几乎全部损失。与杠杆基金一样,反向基金可能被认为是激进的。这类工具可能会在投资价格与标的证券或指数之间出现不完全的负相关。使用反向工具可能使基金面临额外的风险,如果它只投资于“多头”头寸,就不会受到这些风险的影响。 | 到下一个。当在盘中买入股票时,在基金下一次资产净值计算时间之前,基金股票相对于NVDA的表现通常将大于或低于基金所述的NVDA表现的倍数。 | ||||
| 25% | 50% | 75% | 100% | ||
-60% | 90% | 286.1% | 250.2% | 147.6% | 38.7% | -39.2% |
-50% | 75% | 176.6% | 151.0% | 77.6% | -1.0% | -57.0% |
-40% | 60% | 111.0% | 91.3% | 35.1% | -24.7% | -67.2% |
-30% | 45% | 67.5% | 51.8% | 7.0% | -40.6% | -74.2% |
-20% | 30% | 37.2% | 24.4% | -12.3% | -51.6% | -78.9% |
-10% | 15% | 15.0% | 4.2% | -26.9% | -59.5% | -82.4% |
0% | 0% | -1.9% | -11.0% | -37.3% | -65.3% | -85.2% |
10% | -15% | -14.9% | -22.9% | -45.9% | -69.9% | -87.0% |
20% | -30% | -25.4% | -32.4% | -52.5% | -73.7% | -88.7% |
30% | -45% | -33.8% | -40.0% | -57.8% | -76.7% | -90.0% |
40% | -60% | -40.8% | -46.4% | -62.2% | -79.1% | -91.1% |
50% | -75% | -46.7% | -51.7% | -66.0% | -81.3% | -91.9% |
60% | -90% | -51.6% | -56.2% | -69.3% | -83.0% | -92.6% |
即 |
--询问 |
- 收入 |
波动性风险。 |
安全发行者风险。 |
- 今天 |
Tradr 2X空头创新每日ETF
| ( | 年度基金营运开支 |
| ( | 管理费 |
| 年度基金运营费用总额 | |
| ( | ( |
| ( | ( |
| ( | ( |
| | |
,代表方舟创新ETF的特定美元金额的回报或价值变化。方舟创新ETF是一只积极管理的交易所交易基金,寻求做多 |
- 学期
- 学期
- 年句号。方舟创新ETF的波动率是对方舟创新ETF回报在一年内波动幅度的统计衡量小节总结-交易2X做空创新每日ETF定义的期间。在波动率较高的情况下,即使方舟创新ETF的回报持平,该基金也有可能大幅缩水。实际波动性,方舟创新ETF和基金的表现可能与下图有很大不同。图表中显示的业绩假设:(A)没有基金支出;(B)借款/贷款利率(以获得杠杆敞口)为零%。如下图所示,如果方舟创新ETF在方舟创新ETF经历25%的年化波动率的一年期间没有提供任何回报,则基金预计将亏损17.0%。在较高的波动率范围内,即使方舟创新ETF的回报持平,该基金也有可能大幅缩水。
(1) ETF-200%一年性能
(2) 创新
ETF (-2x方舟创新ETF波动率(年化)
- 年- 年
市场风险。 |
| ||
衍生工具包括基于一个或多个标的证券、金融基准、指数或其他参考义务或价值衡量标准并与之相关的工具和合同。衍生品的主要类型包括期货、期权、掉期和远期合约。使用衍生品使基金面临更多或更高的风险,包括杠杆风险、流动性风险、估值风险、市场风险、交易对手风险和信用风险。1 | | |
小节总结-交易2X做空创新每日ETF | | |
适用于交易衍生工具的许多风险也适用于衍生工具交易。然而,衍生品面临著额外的风险,例如操作风险,包括结算问题,以及法律风险,包括基础档案不完整或含糊不清。至于须由受监管结算所结算的衍生工具,其他风险可能来自基金与经纪公司的关系,基金透过该经纪公司提交衍生工具交易以供结算,在某些情况下,包括来自该经纪公司的其他结算客户。 | | |
互换风险。1,2 | |
授权参与者集中风险。 |
只有经授权的参与者才能直接与基金进行创设或赎回交易。该基金只有少数机构以机构形式担任获授权参与者( |
即 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
-种类 |
小节总结-交易2X做空创新每日ETF | 到下一个。当在盘中买入股份时,基金的股份相对于方舟创新ETF的表现,直至基金下一次资产净值计算时间为止,一般会大于或低于基金所述的方舟创新ETF表现的数倍。 |
| ||||
| ||
-60% | 120% | 500.9% | 415.3% | 196.2% | 15.3% | -69.1% |
-50% | 100% | 286.3% | 230.5% | 89.7% | -25.6% | -80.5% |
-40% | 80% | 168.8% | 130.4% | 31.6% | -48.3% | -86.9% |
-30% | 60% | 98.0% | 69.3% | -3.3% | -62.4% | -90.3% |
-20% | 40% | 51.6% | 29.8% | -26.1% | -71.8% | -92.6% |
-10% | 20% | 19.8% | 2.4% | -41.6% | -77.5% | -94.2% |
0% | 0% | -2.9% | -17.0% | -52.7% | -81.8% | -95.3% |
10% | -20% | -19.8% | -31.4% | -61.2% | -84.9% | -96.2% |
20% | -40% | -32.6% | -42.4% | -67.4% | -87.5% | -96.7% |
30% | -60% | -42.6% | -51.0% | -72.2% | -89.4% | -97.3% |
40% | -80% | -50.6% | -57.7% | -76.1% | -90.7% | -97.7% |
50% | -100% | -56.9% | -63.3% | -79.2% | -92.0% | -97.9% |
60% | -120% | -62.2% | -67.7% | -81.9% | -93.1% | -98.2% |
如果基金所选择的投资和所采用的战略不能产生预期的结果,基金的表现可能不及具有类似投资目标和/或战略的其他基金,或者可能产生负回报。 |
小的 |
抵押品投资风险。 |
更新的业绩信息可在基金网站上获取, |
基金的个别股份只能透过经纪在二级市场买卖。 |
方舟创新ETF每日业绩的1%)。 |
| | 或访问基金网站www.tradretfs.com。 |
| ( | |
| 一般来说,在每个交易日收盘时或接近收盘时,做多创新ETF会调整其投资组合,以确保做多创新ETF对方舟创新ETF的敞口与其声明的投资目标一致。多头创新ETF会检讨其每份掉期的名义风险敞口,以反映多头创新ETF在掉期下的总投资敞口的程度,以确保长期创新ETF的风险敞口符合 | - 线 |
| ( | |
| ( | |
| ( | |
| | ( |
| | |
例如 |
- 学期
- 学期
- 学期
每个基金都打算通过以下方式实现其投资目标:将相当大一部分资产投资于对其标的证券有风险敞口的投资工具、任何一种或多种金融工具,使基金在计算资产净值时对其标的证券的风险敞口等于其各自倍数。一只基金投资的金融工具的数量每天都会改变- 今天每一基金将与主要的全球金融机构签订互换协定,期限从一天到一年以上不等,在此期间,各自的基金和全球金融机构将同意交换在标的证券上赚取或变现的回报。双方之间交换或“互换”的总回报是根据“名义金额”计算的,例如即代表标的证券的特定美元金额的回报或价值变化。每个交易日,顾问调整每个基金对其标的证券的敞口,以符合基金每日的反向投资目标。当日市场走势的影响决定了投资组合是否需要重新定位。
基金重新平衡投资组合的时间和方式可能会因市场情况和其他情况而有所不同,由顾问自行决定。各基金审查其在每一次掉期下的名义风险敞口,这反映了基金在掉期下的总投资敞口的程度,以确保基金的风险敞口在 |
- 线其明确的投资目标。将交换的总回报是根据名义金额和与掉期挂钩的基础证券回报计算的。掉期交易通常是在净额的基础上完成的。这是根据协定各方所担任职位的相对价值,根据协定应支付或收到的金额。如果基金因任何原因无法重新平衡其全部或部分投资组合,或如果投资组合的全部或部分重新平衡不正确,基金的投资风险可能与基金的投资目标不符。至
- 学期
这些基金可以使用标的证券的掉期和旨在跟踪标的证券表现的各种投资工具的掉期的组合。由于嵌入成本和其他因素,标的投资工具可能无法跟踪标的证券的表现,这可能会增加基金的关联风险,并影响基金与其标的证券关联的能力。 |
关于投资技术和政策的其他资讯费用和支出对基金在单个交易日的回报的影响。为了创造必要的风险敞口,基金使用反向或反向杠杆投资技术,这必然会产生经纪和融资费用。根据这些收费和基金的营运开支,基金在一个交易日的预期回报等于总预期回报,即标的证券的每日回报乘以基金每日的反向或反向杠杆投资目标,减去(I)投资组合所产生的融资费用及(Ii)每日营运开支。例如,如果假设的标的证券在给定的一天回报率为2%,2X ShortX基金的总预期回报率将为-833-297-2587A基金将在每个交易日结束时重新定位其投资组合。因此,如果投资者在给定的第二个交易日收盘时购买2XShort Fund的股票,投资者对假设标的证券的敞口将反映出假设标的证券在下一个交易日的反向表现的200%,受上述费用和费用的限制。
底层 安全性能基础设施的200%
安全性能值 基金b投资尽管基金b在第二天的百分比跌幅小于第二天的百分比收益1,损失适用于较高的本金金额,因此,即使在该时间段的基础证券总价值没有下降的情况下,基金b的投资也会遭受损失。(这些计算不包括费用比率和融资费用。)
底层 -2x安全值
底层 安全性能值
底层 -80安全性能-200%的基础 安全性能
在内部购买TSLA Daily ETF股票的投资者
天底层 安全价值
底层 值
天底层 值
90美元,亏损11.76%,而玛丽的投资从10.00美元减少到7.34美元,亏损27%。假设标的证券的波动性影响了假设标的证券的期间收益与玛丽收益之间的相关性。玛丽也受到了伤害,因为她没有达到假设标的证券前2%的预期,在第二天的剩余时间里贝塔系数为196%。 市场波动。 这些基金不会试图、也不应指望提供高于标的证券回报倍数的回报,这些回报的期限不是一个交易日。每个基金每天重新平衡其投资组合,因应当天的收益而增加敞口,或因当天的损失而减少敞口。
- 年 |
期间,年化波动率为20%。 |
期间,年化波动率为20%。如果基础证券没有提供比基础证券更高的回报 |
$100.00 |
$100.00 |
1 |
$105.00 |
5.00% |
$105.00 |
2 |
$100.00 |
-4.76% |
$100.00 |
,200%或 |
例如 |
$100.00 |
1 |
5.00% |
10.00% |
$110.00 |
2 |
-4.76% |
-9.52% |
$99.53 |
预计对Bull Fund的购买将根据Bull Fund的标的证券价值自前一个交易日收盘时的变动而提供。 相反,如果标的证券在对牛市基金不利的方向上移动了5%,投资者将从那时起获得标的证券表现的敞口,直到投资者在当天晚些时候或当天结束时出售,相当于投资者投资的约211%。该表包括标的证券从20%到20%的变动范围
标的证券的变动超出以下范围将导致贝尔斯登基金每日反向杠杆投资目标的风险敞口进一步扩大。 基础安全举措
贝尔斯登基金由此产生的风险敞口 基金在单一交易日以外的其他期间的预计回报。
这些基金每天都在寻求杠杆投资结果,从一个交易日的常规交易结束到下一个交易日的收盘,这不应等同于在任何其他时期寻求杠杆投资目标。例如,如果一只标的证券在一周内上涨了10%,即使一只1.5倍的牛市基金在一周内达到了其每日杠杆投资目标,也不应指望它在一周内提供15%的回报。 |
例如 |
%)一般不会等同于一只基金在同一时期的业绩。 |
表5 |
$100.00 |
$100.00 |
1 |
$105.00 |
5.00% |
$105.00 |
2 |
$100.00 |
-4.76% |
$100.00 |
熊市基金 |
每天 |
累积 |
$100.00 |
1 |
5.00% |
-10.00% |
$90.00 |
2 |
-4.76% |
-9.52% |
$85.68 |
每天性能累积 -200性能-200NAV
性能 第1天 第2天
第4天 |
第5天 |
第7天 |
第9天 |
$100.00 |
$100.00 |
1 |
$108.00 |
8.00% |
$108.00 |
2 |
$100.00 |
-7.41% |
$100.00 |
表5中假设基础投资10个交易日的累计表现为0%。假设牛市基金10个交易日期间的回报为 -1500.12%,而假设的熊市基金的回报率为
.45%。假设基础投资表现的波动性和缺乏明确的趋势结果 |
每个假设基金在该期间的表现与假设基础投资在10个交易日期间的表现关系不大。 |
- 的 |
底层安全 |
$100.00 |
1 |
8.00% |
-12.00% |
$88.00 |
2 |
-7.41% |
11.12% |
$97.87 |
熊市基金 值
性能 NAV 每日
性能 累积 性能NAV每日-200性能
性能 第1天 第2天 第3天第4天第5天第6天第7天
第8天 第9天 第10天 表6中假设基础投资10个交易日的累计表现为20%。假设的公牛基金10个交易日期间的回报率为43.50%,而假设的熊市基金的回报率为 .25%。在这种情况下,由于假设基础投资趋势为正,假设公牛基金的收益大于假设基础投资收益的200%,假设熊市基金的跌幅小于 10个交易日期间假设基础投资收益的%。表7 - 日
值 每日 性能 累积 90,
性能 NAV
第4天 |
第5天 |
第6天 |
10% |
-1% |
-3% |
20% |
-4% |
-12% |
30% |
-9% |
-26% |
40% |
-15% |
-45% |
50% |
-23% |
-65% |
60% |
-33% |
-92% |
70% |
-47% |
-99% |
80% |
-55% |
-99% |
90% |
-76% |
-99% |
100% |
-84% |
-99% |
表7中假设的标的证券的累计业绩为 |
10个交易日涨幅为%。假设牛市基金在10个交易日期间的净收益为 |
64.72% |
其他投资 |
51.79% |
现金等价物和短期投资基金可以投资于一年以下的证券或现金等价物,也可以持有现金。投资于这类资产的资金比例各不相同,取决于几个因素,包括市场状况。有关合格做空的更多资讯- 学期这些基金可能会在短期内进行投资- 学期美国政府证券。美国政府证券包括美国财政部债务和由美国政府各机构发行或担保的证券,或由美国政府设立或担保的各种工具发行或担保的证券。由联盟机构和美国政府支持的工具发行或担保的证券可能会也可能不会得到美国政府的完全信任和信用的支持。-200关于投资这些基金的风险的补充资讯-200本招股说明书中列出的风险如下。主要风险市场风险(所有基金)。-200%).
即 |
,代表其他市场参与者)。在上述任何一种情况下,如果这些机构退出业务或无法继续执行基金的创设和/或赎回指令,并且没有其他授权参与者能够挺身而出创建或赎回,则股票的交易价格可能低于基金的资产净值,并可能面临退市。 |
-20% |
267% |
-15% |
243% |
-10% |
225% |
-5% |
211% |
0% |
200% |
5% |
191% |
10% |
183% |
15% |
177% |
0% |
171% |
买卖股票的成本。 |
此外,二级市场投资者还将承担投资者愿意购买股票的价格(“买入”价格)和投资者愿意出售股票的价格(“要价”)之间的差价的成本。这种出价和要价的差异通常被称为“价差”或“出价”。 |
-20% |
-114% |
-15% |
-131% |
-10% |
-150% |
-5% |
-173% |
0% |
-200% |
5% |
-233% |
10% |
-275% |
15% |
-329% |
20% |
-400% |
尽管预计股票的市价将接近基金的资产净值,但有时股票的市价可能高于资产净值(溢价)或低于资产净值(折价)。在此期间,对基金份额的需求可能会大幅减少,并导致基金份额的市场价格大幅偏离基金的资产净值。 |
做市商风险。 |
如果基金的日均交易量较低,它可能会依赖于少量的三分之一 |
- 派对 |
做市商为基金份额买卖提供市场。与这些市场庄家的交易活动有关的任何交易暂停或其他问题可能会导致基金资产净值与基金股票在交易所的交易价格之间的价差发生巨大变化,从而可能导致基金股票的价值缩水。此外,做市商或经授权的参与者决定在市场紧张时期减少他们的作用或放弃这些活动,可能会阻碍套利过程在维持基金投资组合证券的基本价值与基金市场价格之间的关系方面的有效性。 |
出价 |
基金份额的利差。 |
基金只有一天的投资目标,基金在任何其他期间的业绩都是该期间每一天的复合收益的结果。 |
同期特斯拉每日收益的1%,未计入费用和支出。复利影响所有投资,但对反向基金和每日重新平衡的基金影响更大。随著特斯拉波动率和持有期的增加,这一效应变得更加明显。超过一天的基金业绩可以根据以下因素的任何一组假设进行估计:(A)特斯拉的波动性;(B)特斯拉的业绩;(C)一段时间;(D)与反向敞口相关的融资利率;以及(E)基金的其他支出。下图说明了两个主要因素--特斯拉波动性和特斯拉业绩波动--对基金业绩的影响。图表显示了特斯拉波动性和特斯拉表现的多种组合的估计基金回报 |
句号。特斯拉的波动率是对特斯拉收益在一定时期内波动幅度的统计衡量。在较高的波动区间,即使特斯拉的回报持平,该基金也有可能大幅贬值。实际波动性、特斯拉和基金表现可能与下表大不相同。图表中显示的业绩假设:(A)没有基金支出;(B)借款/贷款利率(以获得反向风险敞口)为零%。如果反映基金支出和/或实际借款/贷款利率,基金的业绩将低于所示。 |
100 |
$100.00 |
$100.00 |
105 |
5.00% |
5.00% |
$110.00 |
10.00% |
10.00% |
$90.00 |
-10.00% |
-10.00% |
110 |
4.76% |
10.00% |
$120.48 |
9.52% |
20.47% |
$81.43 |
-9.52% |
-18.57% |
特斯拉业绩的%和那些带阴影的绿色代表基金可以预期回报超过 |
100 |
-9.09% |
0.00% |
$98.57 |
-18.18% |
-1.43% |
$96.23 |
18.18% |
-3.76% |
90 |
-10.00% |
-10.00% |
$78.86 |
-20.00% |
-21.14% |
$115.48 |
20.00% |
15.48% |
一年 |
85 |
-5.56% |
-15.00% |
$70.10 |
-11.12% |
-29.91% |
$128.31 |
11.12% |
28.33% |
性能 |
100 |
17.65% |
0.00% |
$94.83 |
35.30% |
-5.17% |
$83.03 |
-35.30% |
-16.97% |
基础的 |
95 |
-5.00% |
-5.00% |
$85.35 |
-10.00% |
-14.65% |
$91.33 |
10.00% |
-8.67% |
股票 |
100 |
5.26% |
0.00% |
$94.34 |
10.52% |
-5.68% |
$81.71 |
-10.52% |
-18.28% |
-200% |
105 |
5.00% |
5.00% |
$103.77 |
10.00% |
3.76% |
$73.54 |
-10.00% |
-26.45% |
一年 |
100 |
-4.76% |
0.00% |
$93.89 |
-9.52% |
-6.12% |
$80.55 |
9.52% |
-19.45% |
性能 -6的 -19底层
性能 |
的 |
底层 |
股票 |
标的股票波动率(年化) NVDA对这五个国家的年化历史波动率 |
- 年 截至2023年12月31日的期间为51.79%。NVDA的最高年化波动率在2022年为63.42%。NVDA五家公司的年化总回报表现 |
- 年 |
截至2023年12月31日的期间为71.30%。NVDA的历史波动性和表现并不能预示NVDA的波动性和未来的表现。美国外汇的波动性 交易 |
反映NVDA价值的证券或工具可能与NVDA的波动性不同。 复合风险和市场波动风险(做空创新ETF)。 |
方舟创新ETF同期单日回报率的%,未计入费用和支出。复利影响所有投资,但对杠杆基金的影响更大。随著方舟创新ETF的波动性和持有期的增加,这种影响变得更加明显。下图说明了方舟创新ETF波动率和方舟创新ETF业绩波动两个主要因素对基金业绩的影响。该图表显示了方舟创新ETF波动率和方舟创新ETF业绩的多种组合的估计基金回报 - 年 |
- 年 截至2023年12月31日的期间为46.73%。2022年日历年年化波动率最高为67.95%。方舟创新ETF五只股票的年化表现 |
100 |
$100.00 |
$100.00 |
- 年 |
102 |
2.00% |
2.00% |
$104.00 |
4.00% |
4.00% |
$96.00 |
-4.00% |
-4.00% |
截至2023年12月31日的期间为7.75%。方舟创新ETF的历史波动性和表现并不能预示方舟创新ETF未来的波动性和表现。反映方舟创新ETF价值的证券的波动率,如掉期,可能与方舟创新ETF的波动率不同。 |
104 |
1.96% |
4.00% |
$108.08 |
3.92% |
8.08% |
$92.24 |
-3.92% |
-7.76% |
关联风险(所有基金)。 |
106 |
1.92% |
6.00% |
$112.24 |
3.84% |
12.23% |
$88.69 |
-3.84% |
-11.31% |
一些因素可能会影响基金与其基础证券实现高度相关性的能力,而且不能保证基金将实现高度相关性。未能达到高度的相关性可能会阻碍基金实现其投资目标,基金每一天资产净值的百分比变化可能与当天标的证券百分比变化的所述倍数不同,可能在金额上,甚至可能在方向上不同。 |
108 |
1.89% |
8.00% |
$116.47 |
3.78% |
16.47% |
$85.34 |
-3.78% |
-14.66% |
为了实现与其基础证券的高度相关性,每个基金都寻求每天重新平衡其投资组合,以使风险敞口与其投资目标保持一致。基金对其基础证券的风险敞口严重不足或过高,可能会妨碍基金与其基础证券实现高度相关性,并可能使基金面临更大的杠杆风险。市场中断或关闭、监管限制、市场波动、基金所投资金融工具市场的流动性不足,以及其他因素将对基金将风险敞口调整至必要水准的能力产生不利影响。投资组合敞口的目标金额受到标的证券走势的动态影响,包括日内走势。因此,一只基金不太可能在第二天或每一交易日结束时拥有完美的敞口,在标的证券波动较大的日子,特别是当标的证券在第二个交易日或接近收盘时波动较大时,基金被大幅低估或过度敞口的可能性更高。 |
110 |
1.85% |
10.00% |
$120.78 |
3.70% |
20.78% |
$82.18 |
-3.70% |
-17.82% |
基金可能为了提高税务效率、遵守监管限制或其他原因而持有或不持有头寸,每一种原因都可能对基金与标的证券的相关性产生负面影响。基金还可能受到资产流入和流出基金的巨大影响,可能导致基金对标的证券的敞口不足或过度敞口。这些因素中的任何一个都可能降低基金业绩与相关证券之间的相关性,并可能妨碍基金在当日或前后实现其每日投资目标的能力。 |
112 |
1.82% |
12.00% |
$125.18 |
3.64% |
25.17% |
$79.19 |
-3.64% |
-20.81% |
全损风险(长线创新ETF)。 |
114 |
1.79% |
14.00% |
$129.65 |
3.58% |
29.66% |
$76.36 |
-3.58% |
-23.64% |
杠杆头寸的使用增加了风险,并可能导致投资者的投资在一天内全部损失。多头创新ETF对杠杆头寸的投资通常需要相对于假设的投资敞口金额较小的投资。因此,这种投资产生的损失可能远远超过投资于这些工具的金额。 |
116 |
1.75% |
16.00% |
$134.20 |
3.50% |
34.19% |
$73.68 |
-3.50% |
-26.31% |
重新平衡风险(所有基金)。 |
118 |
1.72% |
18.00% |
$138.82 |
3.44% |
38.81% |
$71.14 |
-3.44% |
-28.85% |
如果基金因任何原因无法重新平衡其全部或部分投资组合,或如果投资组合的全部或部分重新平衡不正确,则基金的投资风险可能与基金的投资目标不符。在这些情况下,一只基金对其标的证券的投资敞口可能显著高于或低于其声明的倍数。因此,一只基金可能比它们得到适当再平衡时更容易受到杠杆风险的影响,可能无法实现其投资目标。 |
120 |
1.69% |
20.00% |
$143.53 |
3.38% |
43.50% |
$68.73 |
-3.38% |
-31.25% |
-31标的发行人和中金公司的股票在纳斯达克上市。证券交易所可以对停牌适用不同的规则。此外,在暂停交易方面,交易所可能会以不同于ETF股票的方式对待股票。标的发行人和/或基金股票的暂停交易可因“监管”或“非监管”而发生-200- 监管
「原因。当公司有可能影响证券价格的悬而未决的消息时,当证券是否继续符合交易所的上市标准存在不确定性时,或者当监管机构专门暂停证券交易时,可能会出现监管暂停。当证券的主要交易所实施监管暂停时,同样交易该证券的其他美国交易所通常会遵守这一暂停。非- 监管 停止通常发生在证券待定的买卖订单严重失衡或根据交易所「熔断器」规则出现异常市场波动时。非
- 监管 |
一个交易所的交易停止或延迟并不一定意味著其他交易所将停止证券交易。监管机构暂停标的发行人股票的交易预计将导致基金股票的交易停止。然而,并非所有非 |
- 监管 |
影响基础发行人股票的停牌将导致基金股票停牌。 |
交易对手风险(所有基金)。 |
这些风险包括,在某些市场条件下,作为空头头寸基础的工具的波动性增加和流动性下降,这可能会降低基金的回报,导致亏损,限制基金通过金融工具获得反向敞口的能力,或者要求基金通过可能不太可取或实施成本更高的替代投资策略寻求反向敞口。作为基金空头头寸基础的任何资产的任何收入、股息或支付,如果有的话,都会对基金产生负面影响。 |
逆相关风险(特斯拉每日ETF、NVDA每日ETF和做空创新ETF)。 |
反向仓位也可能被杠杆化。 间接投资风险(所有基金)。 |
标的证券的发行人与信托、顾问或其任何联营公司并无关联,亦不以任何方式参与是次发售,在采取任何可能影响股份价值的公司行动时,并无义务考虑基金。顾问并无就与是次发行有关的相关发行人的公开资料作出任何尽职调查。这些股份的投资者将没有投票权或获得股息或其他分派的权利,或与相关发行人的普通股有关的任何其他权利。 盘中价格表现风险(所有基金)。 |
以一个资产净值计算,在二级市场买卖的基金股份的日内表现一般会与基金的表现有所不同。 |
- 时间 到下一个。当在盘中买入股票时,在基金下一次资产净值计算时间之前,基金股票相对于其标的证券的表现通常将大于或低于基金所述标的证券表现的数倍。 |
汽车企业风险(特斯拉每日交易所买卖基金)。 汽车技术的发展( |
100 |
$100.00 |
$100.00 |
例如 |
98 |
-2.00% |
-2.00% |
$96.00 |
-4.00% |
-4.00% |
$104.00 |
4.00% |
4.00% |
汽车公司可能在很大程度上受到政府有关汽车产品进出口的政策和法规的影响。 |
96 |
-2.04% |
-4.00% |
$92.08 |
-4.08% |
-7.92% |
$108.24 |
4.08% |
8.24% |
- 合规 |
94 |
-2.08% |
-6.00% |
$88.24 |
-4.16% |
-11.75% |
$112.76 |
4.16% |
12.75% |
。虽然大多数主要汽车制造商都是大公司,但某些其他公司可能不是 |
92 |
-2.13% |
-8.00% |
$84.49 |
-4.26% |
-15.51% |
$117.55 |
4.26% |
17.55% |
或低于投资 |
90 |
-2.17% |
-10.00% |
$80.82 |
-4.34% |
-19.17% |
$122.66 |
4.34% |
22.65% |
-等级 |
88 |
-2.22% |
-12.00% |
$77.22 |
-4.44% |
-22.76% |
$128.12 |
4.44% |
28.10% |
一些评级低于投资的公司债务证券 |
86 |
-2.27% |
-14.00% |
$73.71 |
-4.54% |
-26.27% |
$133.94 |
4.54% |
33.91% |
-等级 |
84 |
-2.33% |
-16.00% |
$70.29 |
-4.66% |
-29.71% |
$140.17 |
4.66% |
40.15% |
通常被认为是投机性的,因为它们比质量更高的债务证券具有更大的损失风险,包括违约。 |
82 |
-2.38% |
-18.00% |
$66.94 |
-4.76% |
-33.05% |
$146.84 |
4.76% |
46.82% |
80 |
-2.44% |
-20.00% |
$63.67 |
-4.88% |
-36.32% |
$154.01 |
4.88% |
53.99% |
一般来说,固定收益证券如果利率上升,价值就会下降,如果利率下降,价值就会上升,时间更长- 学期
- 学期
证券。例如,带有3的证券的价格- 年持续期预计将下降约3%,以回应1%的利率上升。存续期是对从固定收益证券获得未来付款(包括利息和本金)现值所需时间长度的加权衡量。一般来说,债券或固定利率贷款的期限和期限越长,对这种风险就越敏感。利率下降也可能造成基金收入下降。除其他因素外,政府政策的变化、不断上升的通货膨胀率和总体经济发展可能导致利率上升,并可能对基金的投资价值产生重大和直接的影响。在通胀上升的时期,这些风险更大。此外,利率的潜在上升可能导致波动期和赎回增加,这可能需要基金在不利的价格和时间清算投资组合证券。
信用风险(所有基金)。 |
- 时间
投资顾问 |
200% |
日均净资产 |
特斯拉每日交易所买卖基金 |
10% |
25% |
50% |
75% |
100% |
-60% |
-120% |
-84.2% |
-85.0% |
-87.5% |
-90.9% |
-94.1% |
-50% |
-100% |
-75.2% |
-76.5% |
-80.5% |
-85.8% |
-90.8% |
-40% |
-80% |
-64.4% |
-66.2% |
-72.0% |
-79.5% |
-86.8% |
-30% |
-60% |
-51.5% |
-54.0% |
-61.8% |
-72.1% |
-82.0% |
-20% |
-40% |
-36.6% |
-39.9% |
-50.2% |
-63.5% |
-76.5% |
-10% |
-20% |
-19.8% |
-23.9% |
-36.9% |
-53.8% |
-70.2% |
0% |
0% |
-1.0% |
-6.1% |
-22.1% |
-43.0% |
-63.2% |
10% |
20% |
19.8% |
13.7% |
-5.8% |
-31.1% |
-55.5% |
20% |
40% |
42.6% |
35.3% |
12.1% |
-18.0% |
-47.0% |
30% |
60% |
67.3% |
58.8% |
31.6% |
-3.7% |
-37.8% |
40% |
80% |
94.0% |
84.1% |
52.6% |
11.7% |
-27.9% |
50% |
100% |
122.8% |
111.4% |
75.2% |
28.2% |
-17.2% |
60% |
120% |
153.5% |
140.5% |
99.4% |
45.9% |
-5.8% |
顾问的投资组合经理,担任基金的投资组合经理。比尼翁先生于2021年1月加入AXS。在2014年前,Binion先生在2012-2014年间担任Heritage Capital的投资顾问代表。他持有高级文凭。在杜克大学攻读经济学专业,在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校获得法学博士学位。特拉维斯·特拉姆普顾问的投资组合经理,担任基金的投资组合经理。特伦普先生于2022年加入AXS。在加入AXS之前,Trampe先生在ETF发行商和资产管理公司担任投资组合经理超过15年,负责管理ETF、共同基金、UCITS和其他基金工具。-200经理的经理结构-200基金及顾问已收到美国证券交易委员会发出的豁免命令,在经理的经理架构下运作,容许顾问在董事会批准下委任及更换附属公司
-顾问 |
-咨询 |
-顾问 |
25% |
50% |
75% |
100% |
-60% |
120% |
500.9% |
415.3% |
196.2% |
15.3% |
-69.1% |
-50% |
100% |
286.3% |
230.5% |
89.7% |
-25.6% |
-80.5% |
-40% |
80% |
168.8% |
130.4% |
31.6% |
-48.3% |
-86.9% |
-30% |
60% |
98.0% |
69.3% |
-3.3% |
-62.4% |
-90.3% |
-20% |
40% |
51.6% |
29.8% |
-26.1% |
-71.8% |
-92.6% |
-10% |
20% |
19.8% |
2.4% |
-41.6% |
-77.5% |
-94.2% |
0% |
0% |
-2.9% |
-17.0% |
-52.7% |
-81.8% |
-95.3% |
10% |
-20% |
-19.8% |
-31.4% |
-61.2% |
-84.9% |
-96.2% |
20% |
-40% |
-32.6% |
-42.4% |
-67.4% |
-87.5% |
-96.7% |
30% |
-60% |
-42.6% |
-51.0% |
-72.2% |
-89.4% |
-97.3% |
40% |
-80% |
-50.6% |
-57.7% |
-76.1% |
-90.7% |
-97.7% |
50% |
-100% |
-56.9% |
-63.3% |
-79.2% |
-92.0% |
-97.9% |
60% |
-120% |
-62.2% |
-67.7% |
-81.9% |
-93.1% |
-98.2% |
25% |
50% |
75% |
100% |
-60% |
90% |
286.1% |
250.2% |
147.6% |
38.7% |
-39.2% |
-50% |
75% |
176.6% |
151.0% |
77.6% |
-1.0% |
-57.0% |
-40% |
60% |
111.0% |
91.3% |
35.1% |
-24.7% |
-67.2% |
-30% |
45% |
67.5% |
51.8% |
7.0% |
-40.6% |
-74.2% |
-20% |
30% |
37.2% |
24.4% |
-12.3% |
-51.6% |
-78.9% |
-10% |
15% |
15.0% |
4.2% |
-26.9% |
-59.5% |
-82.4% |
0% |
0% |
-1.9% |
-11.0% |
-37.3% |
-65.3% |
-85.2% |
10% |
-15% |
-14.9% |
-22.9% |
-45.9% |
-69.9% |
-87.0% |
20% |
-30% |
-25.4% |
-32.4% |
-52.5% |
-73.7% |
-88.7% |
30% |
-45% |
-33.8% |
-40.0% |
-57.8% |
-76.7% |
-90.0% |
40% |
-60% |
-40.8% |
-46.4% |
-62.2% |
-79.1% |
-91.1% |
50% |
-75% |
-46.7% |
-51.7% |
-66.0% |
-81.3% |
-91.9% |
60% |
-90% |
-51.6% |
-56.2% |
-69.3% |
-83.0% |
-92.6% |
股息再投资服务经纪人可以向拥有存托信托公司账簿上的基金份额的客户提供- 入口股息再投资服务。联邦所得税后果以下讨论非常笼统,不针对受特殊规则约束的投资者,例如通过个人退休账户、401(K)计划或其他税收持有基金股票的投资者
账户。如果你出售基金股票,通常被认为是应税事件。净空头的分布-200- 学期基金净资本收益的分配(即
- 学期资本收益超过净空头- 学期-200-200- 学期
资本收益,无论股东持有基金股票的时间有多长。 |
股东以适用于Long的降低费率 |
- 企业 |
25% |
50% |
75% |
100% |
-60% |
120% |
500.9% |
415.3% |
196.2% |
15.3% |
-69.1% |
-50% |
100% |
286.3% |
230.5% |
89.7% |
-25.6% |
-80.5% |
-40% |
80% |
168.8% |
130.4% |
31.6% |
-48.3% |
-86.9% |
-30% |
60% |
98.0% |
69.3% |
-3.3% |
-62.4% |
-90.3% |
-20% |
40% |
51.6% |
29.8% |
-26.1% |
-71.8% |
-92.6% |
-10% |
20% |
19.8% |
2.4% |
-41.6% |
-77.5% |
-94.2% |
0% |
0% |
-2.9% |
-17.0% |
-52.7% |
-81.8% |
-95.3% |
10% |
-20% |
-19.8% |
-31.4% |
-61.2% |
-84.9% |
-96.2% |
20% |
-40% |
-32.6% |
-42.4% |
-67.4% |
-87.5% |
-96.7% |
30% |
-60% |
-42.6% |
-51.0% |
-72.2% |
-89.4% |
-97.3% |
40% |
-80% |
-50.6% |
-57.7% |
-76.1% |
-90.7% |
-97.7% |
50% |
-100% |
-56.9% |
-63.3% |
-79.2% |
-92.0% |
-97.9% |
60% |
-120% |
-62.2% |
-67.7% |
-81.9% |
-93.1% |
-98.2% |
- 相关
- 学期资本利得股息“通常不受此类扣缴的限制。
- 相关
-来源- 学期资本利得股息达到净空头的程度- 学期- 学期备用预扣不适用于已缴纳本段所述30%预扣税的付款。一个非
- 学期
- 学期
资本收益或亏损。- 学期
资本收益或亏损,如果基金中组成创造单位的份额已持有超过一年,否则通常会做空- 学期资本收益或亏损。任何因赎回持有6个月或以下的创造单位而产生的资本损失,将被视为长期资本损失- 学期
被视为分配给Long的适用授权参与者的任何金额的资本损失- 学期如果购买者(或一组购买者)在获得所订购的基金股份后,将拥有基金80%或以上的已发行股份,且根据守则第351节,基金将拥有与该等证券在存入日的市值不同的任何证券基础,则每一基金有权拒绝设立单位的命令。每个基金还有权要求提供必要的资讯,以确定80%的确定的受益股份所有权。如基金确实向一名购买者(或一群购买者)发行创造单位债券,而该购买者在取得所订购的基金股份后,会拥有该基金80%或以上的已发行股份,则该购买者(或一群购买者)不得确认以证券交换创造单位时的损益。购买或赎回创造单位的人应就任何创造或赎回交易的税务处理咨询自己的税务顾问。总代理商分销商不维持股票二级市场。董事会根据规则第12B条通过了一项分配和服务计划根据1940年法案。根据其规则第12B条
根据该计划,除做空创新ETF外,基金每年有权支付最高达其平均每日净资产0.25%的金额,以偿还分销商用于资助主要旨在导致出售Creation Units或提供投资者服务的活动的金额。分销商亦可使用这笔款项补偿证券交易商或其他提供分销协助的人士,包括经纪。-经销商以及股东支持以及教育和推广服务。这些基金现在没有也没有打算支付120亿美元手续费。然而,在事件12b中费用是在未来收取的,因为这些费用是从基金的资产中支付的,随著时间的推移,这些费用将增加您的投资成本,并可能比某些其他类型的销售费用更高。基金服务商
应注意的是,如果交易商不是承销商,但正在参与分销(与普通二级市场交易形成对比),并因此处理属于证券法第4(A)(3)(C)节所指未售出配售的基金份额,则交易商将无法利用证券法第4(A)(3)节规定的招股说明书交付豁免。请提醒因基金股份承担招股说明书交付义务的公司,根据证券法第153条,根据证券法第(5)(B)(2)节,因在交易所的销售而欠交易所会员的招股说明书交付义务,是以基金招股说明书可在美国证券交易委员会的电子申报系统上获得这一事实来满足的。规则第153条规定的招股说明书交付机制仅适用于交易所的交易。财务摘要某些资讯反映了单一基金份额或单一前身基金份额相对于做空创新ETF的财务结果。-总回报数位代表每只基金和前身基金的投资者在基金和前身基金投资中赚取(或亏损)相对于做空创新ETF的百分比(假设所有股息和分派进行再投资)。以下所示2024年3月31日终了期间的财务资讯已由独立注册公共会计师事务所Tait Weller审计,其报告连同每个基金的财务报表包括在基金的年度报告中,该报告可根据要求查阅(见封底)。关于截至2022年3月31日的财政年度及以前的短期创新ETF的财务资讯,由前身基金的独立注册会计师事务所审计,其报告以及前身基金的财务报表包括在前身基金的年度报告中,该报告可根据要求查阅(见封底)。特斯拉公司根据《交易所法案》向美国证券交易委员会提供或提交的资讯,包括特斯拉公司以下列形式提交的财务报表:通过美国证券交易委员会的网站www.sec.gov。NVIDIA公司根据《交易所法案》向美国证券交易委员会提供或提交的资讯,包括NVIDIA公司以其表格形式提交的财务报表,可参考美国证券交易委员会档号000定位
通过美国证券交易委员会的网站www.sec.gov。Tradr 2倍做多创新ETF
为 日止期间
3月31日, 资产净值,期末
费用与平均净资产之比:3月31日, 为 日止期间 3月31日, 资产净值,期末
如果顾问没有免除或吸收费用,总回报可能会更低。该等报税表并不反映股东就基金分派或赎回基金股份而须支付的税款的扣除。未按年计算。市值总回报按期初按市价计算的初始投资、期内按资产净值计算的所有股息及分派(如有)的再投资及于期内最后一天按市价赎回计算。市值由综合收盘价决定。综合收盘证券价格定义为纳斯达克上最后报出的销售价格。市值可能高于或低于资产净值,具体取决于基金在纳斯达克上的收盘价。年度化。Tradr 1.5倍做空NVDA每日ETF财务摘要
每股经营业绩。为止年度3月31日, 为 日止期间 3月31日,
比率和补充数据:期末净资产(单位:千)费用与平均净资产之比:在免除费用和吸收/收回费用之前地址:Public info@sec.gov。美国证券交易委员会案卷编号:333
Tradr 2倍做多创新ETF(股票代码:Tark)交易商2倍做空特斯拉每日交易所买卖基金(原为Tradr特斯拉熊日ETF)
(股票代码:TSLQ)Tradr 1.5倍做空NVDA每日ETF-19(以前,Tradr是NVDA Bear Daily ETF的1.25倍)(股票代码:NVDS)Tradr 2X空头创新每日ETF
(原为Tradr Short Innovation Daily ETF)-19
附录b代理投票政策和程式 |
信托和基金 |
-结束 |
0.95% |
管理投资公司于2013年8月20日根据德拉瓦州法律成立为德拉瓦州法定信托基金。该信托目前由其他几个系列的受益股份组成。本SAI仅与基金有关,而与信托的其他系列无关。 |
0.95% |
该信托基金已在美国证券交易委员会(“美国证券交易委员会”)注册为开放式基金。 |
0.95% |
-结束 |
0.75%* |
* 管理投资公司。基金招股说明书和本SAI遗漏了向美国证券交易委员会提交的注册说明书中包含的某些资讯。在支付规定的费用后,可以从美国证券交易委员会获得这些资讯的副本。
2022年8月5日,Tradr 2X Short Innovation Daily ETF(简称:做空创新ETF)于2022年8月5日收购了合作投资系列基金旗下Tuttle Capital做空创新ETF(简称前身基金)的全部资产及负债。基金采用了前身基金的以往业绩和财务历史。
投资战略、政策和风险下文的讨论补充了基金章程中有关基金投资政策的资讯。对基金的投资也应了解互换、证券和其他资产投资所固有的风险,包括发行人的财务状况可能受损或市场总体状况可能恶化的风险(这两种风险中的任何一种都可能导致基金所持投资组合的价值下降,从而导致股票价值下降)。随著市场信心以及投资者情绪和看法的变化,每个基金的投资组合持有量都容易受到一般市场波动和价值波动增减的影响。投资者的看法基于各种不可预测的因素,包括对政府、经济、货币和财政政策、通胀和利率、天气和气候条件、经济扩张或收缩以及全球或地区性政治、经济或银行危机的预期。各基金的主要投资策略和相关风险见下表,并在表后详细说明。基金也可以在较小程度上投资于被确定为其本金投资以外的其他投资。投资与风险长 创新 ETF特斯拉每日ETFNVDA每日
业务发展公司 |
其他集合投资工具 |
普通股 |
中小市值股票 |
1.15% |
令状和权利 |
优先股 |
1.15% |
可换股证券 |
首次公开招股 |
1.15% |
债务证券: |
较低评级债务证券 |
1.15% |
OTC交易 |
- 现有的
除非收购完成,否则SPAC通常会将其资产(减去为支付费用而保留的部分)投资于美国政府证券、货币市场基金证券和现金。-U- 建立在一段时间内,投资的资金将返还给实体的股东,减去某些允许的费用,SPAC发行的任何认股权证都将到期一文不值。由于SPAC和类似实体除了寻求收购外,通常没有经营历史或正在进行的业务,其证券的价值特别取决于实体管理层识别和完成有利可图的收购的能力。-柜台市场,可能被认为缺乏流动性和/或受到转售限制。SPAC管理。SPAC的管理团队通常由金融业专业人士组成,他们在SPAC将收购的潜在发行人经营的商业部门管理公司方面几乎没有经验(如果有的话)。此外,基金投资的太平洋岛屿国家咨询委员会的高级管理人员和董事可能参与基金没有投资的其他可能从事类似商业机会的太平洋岛屿国家咨询委员会。-组合实体,将经常从那一天起下台- 今天岗位管理-组合SPAC交易目标和交易的完善。SPAC的典型交易目标是一家私人公司。对这些公司进行尽职调查可能很困难,而且它们往往不会拥有与公共实体相同的财务控制水准。在此期间,如果基金投资于SPAC证券,则风险调整后的回报可能不那么吸引人。SPAC解散后,认股权证将失效,毫无价值。
ETF股份的价格是以ETF所持证券的价值为基础(但不一定相同)。因此,买卖ETF股份所涉及的风险水准与买卖传统普通股所涉及的风险水准相若,只是ETF股份的定价机制是以一篮子股票为基准。-1-1基金可投资于杠杆ETF、反向ETF及反向杠杆ETF。杠杆ETF寻求提供其追踪的指数或其他基准的成倍表现,并使用衍生品,以努力放大标的指数或基准的回报。虽然杠杆ETF可能提供更大回报的潜力,但亏损的潜力和实现亏损的速度也更大。反向ETF通过使用各种形式的衍生品交易,寻求与特定指数的表现负相关,简称为- 销售基础指数。当标的指数的价值上升时,反向ETF的投资价值将会下降。-1-1-设置
因此,不能保证ETF的实际长期回报将等于基金寻求实现的每日回报。作为复利的结果,反向ETF和杠杆ETF通常只有一天的投资目标。在计入费用和基金支出之前,反向ETF在超过一个交易日的时间段内的表现,可能会好于基准指数的反向表现,也可能比基准指数的反向表现差。同样,杠杆化ETF的表现超过一天一段时间的表现,可能会好于指数表现,也可能低于相关倍数的指数表现。随著市场波动性的增加,这种影响对这些类型的ETF来说变得更加明显。即使反向ETF寻求与之负相关的标的基准的价值下降,反向ETF的价值也不一定会增加。 |
投资衍生工具亦涉及衍生工具合约的其他各方可能无法履行其责任的风险,这可能会令交易所买卖基金蒙受损失。特别是卖空的风险,如果卖空证券的价格上升,反向ETF或反向杠杆ETF可能须以高于卖空价格的价格回补其空头仓位,从而令ETF蒙受损失,并间接令基金蒙受损失。与基金直接投资于被追踪指数相关的证券或不使用衍生工具的ETF相比,ETF使用这些技术将使基金对ETF的投资更加不稳定。交易所买卖票据(“ETN”). 投资ETN涉及风险,包括可能的本金损失。ETN是银行发行的无担保债务证券,与市场指数的总回报挂钩。投资ETN的风险还包括投资组合多样化有限、本金支付不确定以及流动性不足。此外,投资者手续费将减少到期或赎回时的回报金额,因此,即使相关指数的价值有所增加,投资者在到期或赎回时获得的回报也可能少于本金金额。对ETN的投资可能并不适合所有投资者。 反向ETN反向ETN提供的薪酬与其跟踪的指数或基准的表现相反。由于反向ETN的表现与指数或基准的反向表现挂钩,因此反向ETN背后的指数或基准水准的任何增加都将导致还款金额的减少,并可能导致到期或可选赎回时的付款少于原始投资。此外,如果指数或基准的水准上升或下降到足以抵消应计投资者手续费的负面影响,投资者在到期或赎回时获得的反向ETN可能会低于原始投资。封闭式基金基金可投资于已关闭的-结束资金。-结束基金面临各种风险,包括依赖管理层满足关闭的能力-结束
-质量-4在一年或更短时间内到期的债务投资。一般来说,私人和交易稀少的公司几乎没有公开资讯,投资者可能无法做出完全知情的投资决策。对于债务工具的投资,发行人可能会违约或宣布破产。此外,BDC可能只会产生负债金额,使BDC的资产覆盖率在发生此类负债后至少等于200%。这些对资产组合和杠杆的限制可能会阻碍BDC筹集资金的方式。BDC通常投资于不太成熟的私营公司,这些公司涉及的风险比- 建立,上市公司。
基金可在下列情况下购买证券- 已发布或延迟交货的基础上。在何时购买证券时
- 已发布或延迟- 交货在此基础上,基金承担担保所有权的权利和风险,包括价格和收益波动的风险。- 已发布
或延迟交付基础上,它将记录交易,反映每一天此类证券的价值,以确定其资产净值,并在适用的情况下,为自该日起的平均到期日计算到期日。在收购之时,一家- 已发布证券的估值可能低于购买价格。基金组织将在下列情况下作出承诺
- 已发布-K如果在收购之前持有证券,它可以像处置任何其他投资组合债务一样,确认因市场波动而产生的应税资本收益或损失。此外,如果交易的另一方违约,基金可能会处于不利地位。-34756
- 已发布-K-23985- 交货
- 风格
。该基金可能会发行备兑看涨期权。如果基金拥有赎回所依据的证券,或者有绝对权利获得证券而不需要额外的现金对价,或者如果需要额外的现金对价,则现金或现金等价物由基金托管人在单独的账户中持有,则看涨期权是“承保”的。看涨期权的持有者获得溢价,并赋予购买者以行权价格购买期权标的证券的权利。在行使期权时,发起人有义务在期权期间交付标的证券,以应对行权价格的支付。如果交易所的撰稿人 |
在书面看涨期权中完成收盘交易将允许基金在标的证券上发行另一种看涨期权,行使价格或到期日不同,或两者兼而有之。此外,结清交易将允许同时出售受选择权约束的任何证券的现金或收益用于基金的其他投资。如果基金希望出售其投资组合中已发行看涨期权的特定证券,它将在出售该证券之前或同时进行结清交易。 |
除了备兑看涨期权外,基金还可以承销证券的无担保(或“裸”)看涨期权,包括ETF的股票和指数。 |
$ |
64.34 |
$ |
150.00 |
承销备兑指数看涨期权 |
。基金还可以对其已出售的期权执行结清购买交易,然后以不同的行权价和/或到期日出售另一种期权。基金进行这种结算交易的目的是增加期权保费收入、限制损失或保护标的股票的预期收益。1 |
1.63 |
0.41 |
在交易所的情况下 |
13.86 |
(86.07 |
) |
交易 |
15.49 |
(85.66 |
) |
选择后,基金设立一个代管账户。基金的托管人(或代表托管人的证券托管人)担任基金的代管代理人。代管代理人就基金所包括的股票订立称为代管收据的档案(或与其他可接受证券有关的代管收据)。当看涨期权到期或基金进入结束购买交易时,托管代理将股票从托管账户中释放。在此之前,基金不能出售标的股票。基金在出售场外指数看涨期权时,可能会与交易对手订立类似的抵押品安排。 |
$ |
79.83 |
$ |
64.34 |
基金出售的指数看涨期权的购买者可按行使日指数收盘时的固定价格行使该期权。除非基金拥有足以满足行使指数看涨期权的流动资产,否则基金将被要求清算投资组合证券,以满足行使的要求。在行使选择权和基金能够出售这些证券之间,这类证券的市值可能会下降。例如,即使基金所写的指数看涨期权被基金以相同执行价格持有的指数看涨期权所“覆盖”,它也将承担在向期权结算公司提交行使通知之日的交易收盘与基金行使其持有的看涨期权之日或卖出看涨期权之日的交易收盘之间指数水准可能下降的风险,在任何一种情况下,这都不会早于提交行使通知的第二天。如果指数交易中断,基金将无法平仓其期权头寸。2,3 |
24.07 |
% |
(57.11 |
)%4 |
期权交易的风险3,5 |
24.05 |
% |
(57.11 |
)%4 |
。证券和指数期权交易有几个风险。 |
$ |
63,918 |
$ |
50,871 |
-构思 |
由于市场行为或意外事件,交易可能在某种程度上不成功。基金可进行期权交易的程度可能受到《基金作为受监管投资公司资格守则》的要求的限制。 |
1.49 |
% |
1.43 |
%6 |
1.15 |
% |
1.15 |
%6 |
。本基金可进行场外交易及交易所交易 |
交易 |
2.05 |
% |
0.36 |
%6 |
选择。某些额外风险是场外期权特有的。基金可聘请结算公司进行兑换 |
2.39 |
% |
0.64 |
%6 |
交易 |
— |
% |
— |
%4 |
* 但是,如果基金购买了场外期权,则在行使期权的情况下,它必须依赖从其购买期权的交易商。如果交易商不这样做,将导致损失基金支付的溢价,并损失交易的预期利益。
** 交换
1 交易
2 期权通常有一个持续的流动性市场,而场外期权可能不会。因此,基金一般只有通过行使期权或将期权转售给发行该期权的交易商,才能实现其所购买的场外期权的价值。同样,当基金买入场外期权时,基金一般只能通过与基金最初买入期权的交易商达成成交购买交易,才能在期权到期前结清期权。除非基金作为备兑场外买入期权的发起人能够进行平仓买入交易,否则在期权到期或行使之前,基金将不能清算用作备兑的证券(或其他资产)。
3 美国证券交易委员会的立场是,购买的场外期权是流动性较差的证券。因此,基金将把场外期权视为受基金对非流动性证券的限制。如果美国证券交易委员会改变对场外期权流动性的立场,IMF将相应改变此类工具的处理方式。
4 股票指数期权
5 。基金可投资于指数的期权,包括广义指数
6 - 基于
如果这样的更改导致已行使的期权失效 |
信用违约互换 |
货币互换 |
$ |
42.56 |
$ |
50.00 |
。基金可为投资目的进行货币互换。货币互换与利率互换类似,不同之处在于它们涉及多种货币。 |
利率掉期1 |
1.28 |
0.82 |
。基金可订立利率互换协定,以防止基金持有的固定收益证券价值下跌。在这种情况下,基金可以同意支付固定利率(乘以名义金额),而交易对手同意支付浮动利率(乘以相同名义金额)。如果利率上升,导致基金投资组合的价值缩水,基金将根据掉期获得付款,这将部分或全部抵消这种价值的缩水。 |
(1.79 |
) |
(6.23 |
) |
掉期期权 |
(0.51 |
) |
(5.41 |
) |
。掉期期权或“掉期”是一种合同,赋予交易对手权利(但不是义务)在指定的未来时间以指定的条款签订新的掉期或缩短、延长、取消或以其他方式修改现有的掉期。合同卖方收到溢价,并承担标的掉期发生不利变化的风险。 |
- 基于 |
(3.73 |
) |
(0.46 |
) |
或责任 |
— |
(1.57 |
) |
- 基于 |
(3.73 |
) |
(2.03 |
) |
根据基金是在对其资产进行对冲还是在对其负债进行对冲而定。基金可以买入(卖出)和购买看跌互换和看涨互换,其程度与其使用标准 |
$ |
38.32 |
$ |
42.56 |
2,3 |
2.44 |
% |
(12.97 |
)%4 |
当基金购买掉期交易时,如果它决定让期权到期而不行使,它可能只损失已支付的保费金额。然而,当基金进行掉期交易时,一旦行使选择权,基金将根据基本协定的条款承担义务。3,5 |
2.52 |
% |
(13.02 |
)%4 |
场外衍生品交易 |
基金可进行场外衍生工具交易。 |
$ |
105,768 |
$ |
112,371 |
--弗兰克 |
ACT首次建立了全面监管场外衍生品市场的新法定框架。 |
1.45 |
% |
1.21 |
%6 |
由于联盟和州的法律和法规,国内银行被要求保持特定的准备金水准,它们可以借给单一借款人的金额受到限制,并受到旨在促进财务稳健的法规的约束。然而,这种法律和条例不一定适用于外国银行,从而影响基金可能获得的银行债务所涉及的风险。 |
1.15 |
% |
1.15 |
%6 |
基金可将部分资产投资于商业票据及短票 |
3.27 |
% |
2.21 |
%6 |
- 学期 |
3.57 |
% |
2.27 |
%6 |
笔记。商业票据由公司发行的无担保本票组成。商业票据和短票发行情况 |
— |
% |
— |
%4 |
* - 学期
3 - 学期
4 票据由购买时评级为“A”的债券组成
5 或更高,由S&P,“Prime”
6 或“素数”
-基本面 |
- 学期 |
受限的 |
$ |
401.20 |
$ |
1,250.00 |
到期日 |
该基金可将高达15%的净资产投资于非流动性证券。非流动性证券是指基金合理预期在当前市场条件下不能在七个日历日或更短的时间内出售或处置的证券,除非出售或处置这些证券的市值发生重大变化。1 |
7.80 |
9.20 |
基金可投资于受限制证券。限制性证券是指在没有根据19法案注册或获得豁免注册的情况下,不能自由向公众出售的证券。虽然受限证券通常被推定为非流动性的,但可以确定特定的受限证券是流动性的。19法案下的规则144A建立了一个避风港,使其不受19法案对向合格机构买家转售某些证券的登记要求的影响。在许多情况下,根据规则144A出售的受限证券的机构市场既提供了易于确定的受限证券的价值,也提供了清算投资以满足股票赎回令的能力。这类市场可能包括交易、结算和结算国内外发行人未注册证券的自动化系统,例如纳斯达克赞助的门户网站系统。然而,有兴趣购买第144A条合格限制性证券的合格买家数量不足,可能会对此类投资组合证券的可销售性产生不利影响,并导致基金无法迅速或以有利的价格处置此类证券。 |
(323.71 |
) |
(835.40 |
) |
该基金可购买根据19法案第4(A)(2)款发行的商业票据。4(A)(2)商业票据具有与商业票据基本相同的价格和流动性特征,但4(A)(2)商业票据的转售限于机构投资者市场。这种对转售的限制使4(A)(2)商业票据从技术上讲是19法案下的受限证券。 |
(315.91 |
) |
(826.20 |
) |
规则22E |
根据1940年法案,除其他事项外,要求基金组织建立流动性风险管理计划(“LRMP”),该计划旨在合理地评估和管理流动性风险。规则22E |
(21.35 |
) |
(2.72 |
) |
基金实施了一项低风险管理计划,以满足相关要求。此外,董事会,包括大多数独立受托人,批准指定顾问为基金的长期风险管理计划管理人来管理这一方案,并将至少每年审查一次由顾问编写的书面报告,该报告涉及长期风险管理计划的运作情况,并评估其充分性和执行效果。除其他事项外,LRMP还规定将基金投资归类为“高流动性投资”、“中等流动性投资”、“流动性较差投资”或“非流动性投资”。基金投资的流动性风险分类是在合理询问并考虑到相关的市场、交易和投资后确定的 |
— |
(19.88 |
) |
-特定 |
(21.35 |
) |
(22.60 |
) |
考虑因素。如果基金的投资被认为是“非流动性投资”或“流动性较差的投资”,基金预计将面临更大的流动性风险。 |
$ |
63.94 |
$ |
401.20 |
这些风险包括承担相关费用,可能会影响基金的业绩及其实现其投资目标的能力。2,3 |
(81.73 |
)% |
(66.14 |
)%4 |
如果购买非流动性证券的结果是基金净资产的15%以上投资于此类证券,基金将不会购买此类证券。如果在任何时候投资组合经理和/或顾问或下属3,5 |
(81.72 |
)% |
(66.14 |
)%4 |
-顾问 |
确定基金持有的非流动性证券的价值超过基金净资产的15%,基金的投资组合管理人和顾问或小组 |
$ |
70,221 |
$ |
91,474 |
-顾问 |
会采取他们认为适当的步骤,在合理切实可行的范围内尽快降低该百分率。 |
1.42 |
% |
1.81 |
%6 |
房地产投资信托基金 |
1.15 |
% |
1.15 |
%6 |
(“房地产投资信托基金”) |
该基金可投资于房地产投资信托基金。 |
4.38 |
% |
1.69 |
%6 |
投资房地产投资信托基金除了与投资房地产行业相关的风险外,还涉及某些独特的风险。REITs依赖于管理技能,不是多元化的,受到严重的现金流依赖,借款人和自我违约 |
4.65 |
% |
2.35 |
%6 |
— |
% |
— |
%4 |
* 投资REITs涉及的风险与投资小盘股公司类似。从历史上看,小盘股,如REITs,比大盘股有更大的价格波动。
** 房地产投资信托基金可能无法根据该法获得通常对它们有利的联盟所得税待遇,也可能无法保持根据1940年法案的登记豁免。房地产投资信托基金(尤其是抵押房地产投资信托基金)也面临利率风险。当利率下降时,房地产投资信托基金的固定投资价值
1 -费率
2 可以预期,债务将会增加。相反,当利率上升时,房地产投资信托基金对固定资产的投资价值
3 -费率
4 可以预期,债务将会减少。
5 -费率
6 义务。
-顾问 |
利率(可能高于或低于基础投资组合证券的利率)。受回购协定约束的证券将由托管人或在美联储/财政部账簿中持有 |
反向回购协议 |
$ |
40.02 |
$ |
61.89 |
$ |
30.00 |
贷款组合证券 |
1 |
1.51 |
0.57 |
(0.24 |
) |
-经销商 |
(11.41 |
) |
(8.69 |
) |
32.13 |
或金融机构,但此类贷款可由基金随时赎回(须遵守下文所述的通知规定),并始终以现金或现金等价物担保,这些现金或现金等价物按照适用条例保存在一个单独的账户中,且至少等于所借证券的每日确定的市场价值。 |
(9.90 |
) |
(8.12 |
) |
31.89 |
- 学期 |
义务。基金将不会出借有价证券,如果这类贷款不被其股票有资格出售的任何州的法律或法规所允许。基金组合证券的贷款将根据适用的监管要求进行抵押,任何贷款都不会导致所有贷款证券的价值超过基金总资产价值的331/3%。 |
(3.26 |
) |
— |
— |
贷款一般可由借款人在一个营业日通知时终止,或由基金在五个营业日通知时终止。与任何信贷扩展一样,如果证券的借款人在财务上倒闭,就存在恢复延迟的风险,在某些情况下,甚至会丧失抵押品的权利。然而,这些有价证券的贷款只会发放给基金管理层认为信誉良好的公司,而且这些贷款可以赚取的收入证明随之而来的风险是合理的。贷款终止后,借款人须将证券归还基金。贷款期间市场价格的任何收益或损失都将由基金承担。与投资组合证券贷款相关的风险与回购协定相关的风险基本相似。因此,如果贷款的对手方申请破产或受到美国破产法的约束,有关基金权利的法律将无法解决。因此,在极端情况下,基金出售抵押品的能力可能会受到限制,基金将蒙受损失。当出借证券附带的表决权或同意权移交给借款人时,基金将遵循催缴出借证券的政策,在发出通知后一天内交付,以便在所涉事项对基金对出借证券的投资产生重大影响的情况下,允许行使此类权利。基金将为借出其证券支付合理的找寻人费用、行政费用和托管费。 |
— |
(13.75 |
) |
— |
(3.26 |
) |
(13.75 |
) |
— |
$ |
26.86 |
$ |
40.02 |
$ |
61.89 |
某些账户持有人可不时(实益地或登记在案)拥有或控制基金相当大比例的份额。这些账户持有人赎回其在基金中的股份可能会影响基金的流动资金和资产净值。这种赎回还可能迫使基金在不会这样做的时候出售证券,这可能会增加基金的经纪人成本,并影响股东税。2,3 |
(24.22 |
)% |
(19.82 |
)%4 |
106.28 |
%4 |
3,5 |
(24.28 |
)% |
(19.69 |
)%4 |
106.23 |
%4 |
基金等投资公司及其服务提供者可能因网路攻击而面临业务和资讯安全风险。除其他行为外,网路攻击包括窃取或破坏在线或数位方式维护的数据、对网站的拒绝服务攻击、未经授权发布机密资讯或各种其他形式的网路安全漏洞。影响基金、顾问或分支机构的网路攻击 |
-顾问 |
$ |
125,582 |
$ |
310,158 |
$ |
374,405 |
、基金托管人或转让代理人、中间人或其他第三方 |
- 派对 |
0.94 |
% |
1.01 |
%6 |
0.83 |
%6 |
服务提供者可能会对基金产生不利影响。例如,网路攻击可能干扰股东交易的处理,影响基金计算其资产净值的能力,导致私人股东资讯或公司机密资讯泄露,阻碍交易,使基金面临监管罚款或财务损失,并造成声誉损害。出于网路安全风险管理的目的,基金还可能产生额外费用。虽然基金及其服务提供者建立了业务连续性计划和风险管理系统,旨在防止或减少网路安全攻击的影响,但这些计划和系统具有固有的局限性,部分原因是 |
0.75 |
% |
0.75 |
%6 |
0.75 |
%6 |
- 变化 |
自然界 |
4.04 |
% |
2.03 |
%6 |
(0.58 |
)%6 |
此外,基金无法控制其服务供应商实施的任何网路安全计划或系统。 |
4.23 |
% |
2.29 |
%6 |
(0.50 |
)%6 |
基金所投资证券的发行人也存在类似类型的网路安全风险,这可能对此类发行人造成重大不利后果,并可能导致基金对这类投资组合公司的投资价值缩水。 |
— |
% |
— |
%4 |
— |
%4 |
借款和杠杆风险 基金可以出于现金管理或投资目的借入资金。为投资而借款是杠杆的一种形式。杠杆投资,通过用借来的钱购买证券,是一种投机技术,它增加了投资风险,但也增加了投资机会。由于基金的几乎所有资产的价值都会波动,而借款的利息义务可能是固定的,因此当基金利用其投资时,基金每股资产净值的波动将比其他情况下更大。此外,借款的利息成本可能会随市场利率的变化而波动,并可能部分抵消或超过所借资金的回报。在不利的条件下,这些基金可能不得不出售投资组合证券,以满足利息或本金的支付,而此时的投资考虑并不有利于这种出售。根据1940年法案的要求,每个基金必须保持所有借款金额的300%的持续资产覆盖率(总资产,包括用借入的资金获得的资产,减去不包括借款的负债)。如果基金的资产价值在任何时候都不能达到300%的覆盖率标准,基金将在三个工作日内(不包括周末和节假日)将基金的借款减少到满足300%覆盖率要求所需的程度。维持这一百分比限制可能会导致在投资考虑不利于出售有价证券的时候出售投资组合证券。同样涵盖的期货合约和掉期协定下的债务将不被视为“优先证券”,因此不受300%资产覆盖率要求的约束。
* 交易对手信用风险
** 未清算掉期的交易对手通常是一家主要的全球金融机构。在涉及其对手方的破产、破产或其他重组程式中,基金在获得任何追回方面可能会出现重大延误(包括追回其提供的任何抵押品),并且在这种情况下可能只获得有限的追回,或者可能得不到任何追回。根据适用法律或合同规定,包括如果基金与一家金融机构进行投资或交易,而该金融机构(或该金融机构的关联机构)遇到财务困难,则在某些情况下,基金可能被阻止或推迟行使其终止投资或交易的权利,或在任何抵押品上变现,并可能导致当事人在这种投资或交易下暂停付款和交付义务,或在未经基金同意的情况下以另一机构取代该金融机构。此外,基金可获“保释”
1 - 在
2 “适用法律规定的风险,即在金融机构当局要求的情况下,金融机构的负债可以减记、消除或转换为股权或其他所有权工具。保释
3 - 在
5 - 在
6 如果发生这种情况,基金也可能受到同样的影响。
- 面向市场
- 面向市场
基金的某些掉期协定包含终止条款,其中包括要求基金维持预付款- 决心基金的净资产水准,和/或规定了基金资产净值在特定时间段内下降的限制,这可能不包括赎回,也可能不排除。若基金触发该等拨备并持有未平仓衍生工具,当时掉期交易对手可选择终止该等协定,并要求立即支付相等于相关协定下的负债净额(如有)的款项。特别考虑事项跟踪和关联-833-297-2587.
• --询问
• - 向上或限制
- 向下-191476
- 第三
- 已发布
或延迟交割证券,或逆回购协定; 担任承销商,但基金可被视为与其投资组合中的证券销售有关的承销商的范围除外;
买卖房地产或房地产或房地产有限合伙企业的权益(但基金可以买卖以房地产为担保的证券以及房地产投资信托基金等投资或交易房地产的公司的证券); |
B-2 |
B-2 |
B-38 |
B-39 |
B-52 |
B-54 |
B-54 |
B-55 |
B-55 |
B-56 |
B-57 |
B-65 |
B-72 |
B-72 |
B-74 |
B-75 |
B-79 |
(born 1957) 受托人自.以来
退休(2022年4月至今);金融服务组织独立咨询(2021年3月至今); Ameritas Investment Partners副总裁兼首席合规官,注册投资顾问(1995年至2021年3月)。Monachil信用收入基金,一个已关闭的-结束
投资公司凯萨琳·k。什库达(born 1951)
Zigzag Consulting,一家金融服务咨询公司(2008年至今);美林证券管理账户总监(2007 - 2008年)。
没有。 |
Larry D. Tashjian |
董事会 |
家族办公室CAm Capital Advisors负责人(2001年至今)。 |
(born 1961) |
九月 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
退休(2014年6月至今); UMb Fund Services,Inc.执行长共同基金和对冲基金服务提供商,以及转帐代理人、基金公证等 |
X |
-管理员 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
基金(2006年12月至2014年6月)。 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
投资经理系列信托III,一家注册投资公司(包括7个投资组合); Source Capital,Inc.,闭合 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
-结束 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
投资公司 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
姓名、地址、年份 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
出生和职位 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
以信任持有 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
任期 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
办公室 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
和 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
长度 |
X |
X |
服刑时间 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
主要职业 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
在过去的五年里, |
X |
X |
X |
X |
其他附属机构 |
X |
数量 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
中的投资组合 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
基金 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
复杂 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
监督 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
受托人 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
其他 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
董事职务 |
X |
X |
X |
持有 |
X |
X |
受托人期间 |
X |
X |
过去五年 |
X |
X |
感兴趣的受托人: |
X |
X |
X |
X |
特伦斯·P·加拉格尔 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
(born 1958) |
受托人兼总裁 |
投资经理系列信托II总裁(2013年9月至今);执行副总裁兼信托平台总监(2024年至今);执行副总裁兼基金会计、管理和税务总监,UMb Fund Services,Inc. (2007- 2023年)。 |
收入基金,投机风险 |
- 管理 |
信用基金、Infinity Core另类基金、Keystone私募收入基金、First Trust另类机会基金、Variant另类收益基金、Variant Impact基金、First Trust私募资产基金、First Trust私募信贷基金、First Trust Real Asset基金、Destiny Alternative Fund LLC、Destiny Alternative Fund(TEI)LLC、Pender房地产信贷基金、First Trust Hedged Strategies基金和Felicitas私募市场基金每个都是封闭的 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
-结束 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
投资公司 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
姓名、地址、年份 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
出生和职位 |
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X |
X |
X |
以信任持有 |
X |
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X |
X |
任期 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
办公室 |
X |
X |
X |
和 |
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X |
X |
X |
长度 |
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X |
X |
X |
服刑时间 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
主要职业 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
在过去的五年里, |
X |
X |
其他附属机构 |
X |
数量 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
中的投资组合 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
基金 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
复杂 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
监督 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
受托人 |
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X |
X |
X |
其他 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
持有 受托人期间 过去五年
乔伊·奥西利-19(born 1966) -19受托人、副总裁兼助理国务卿-19自.以来一月 Co-19- 酋长
共同基金管理有限责任公司执行官(2016年至今)和副总裁(2006 - 2015年);投资经理系列信托II副总裁兼助理秘书(2016年1月至今);投资经理系列信托副总裁兼秘书(2016年3月至今);公司
- 总统、Futhill Capital Management,LLC,注册投资顾问(2018 - 2022年)。没有。信托官员:丽塔·达姆
(born 1966) 财务主管兼助理 书记自.以来九月 Co- 酋长 共同基金管理局有限责任公司执行官(2016年至今)和副总裁(2006 - 2015年);公司
- 总统、Futhill Capital Management,LLC,注册投资顾问(2018 - 2022年)。
(born 1967)
书记自.以来一月 共同基金管理有限责任公司高级法律顾问(2015年10月至今);注册投资顾问Foothill Capital Management,LLC首席合规官(2018 - 2019年)。N/AN/A约书亚·戈尔
(born 1988) 美国副总统自.以来-42024年4-4共同基金管理有限责任公司副总裁(2020年12月至今)和助理副总裁(2018年12月至2020年11月)。
• N/A马丁·齐乌拉(born 1959) 首席合规官自.以来
• 九月
iii. N/A
*他表示,由于他在UMB Fund Services,Inc.担任职务,因此加拉格尔先生是该信托基金的“利害关系人”。补偿从2024年1月1日起,每位独立受托人每季度可获得26,000美元的预聘金;每项特别拨款为4,000美元- 人
出席的会议,或以视像会议或电话会议代替出席的任何特别会议- 人根据《美国证券交易委员会》的规定,每出席一次特别会议或电视电话会议,或处理特别复杂的事项或需要在会前审查重要材料的事项,均可获得2 000美元的费用,以采取董事会的行动和(或)准备供审查的材料。该信托基金没有养老金或退休计划。与信托有关联的任何其他实体都不向受托人支付任何补偿。
- 人
- 人受托人可选择根据信托的不承诺,推迟从基金支付他们的补偿
委员会椅子凯萨琳K.Shkuda,独立 估值委员会椅子拉里 D.塔什干, 独立 受托人, 主席约翰·P·扎德, 独立 受托人
- 评估
- 有效为了消除或减轻某些风险,可能需要承担某些风险(如投资-U- 相关
拉里·塔什金,独立董事无无Kathy Shkuda,独立受托人无无托马斯·肯珀,独立受托人无无约翰·P·扎德,独立受托人无无乔伊·奥斯利,感兴趣的受托人无无特伦斯·P·加拉格尔,感兴趣的受托人无
控制人、主要股东和管理层所有权下表列出了截至2024年8月2日该基金的控制人。控制人是指受益或通过控制公司拥有基金25%以上投票证券或承认存在控制权的人。 拥有控股权的股东可能会影响投票结果或基金的管理方向。
截至该基金的股份 2024年8月2日Tradr 2X Long Innovation ETF国家金融服务有限责任公司 麻萨诸塞州波士顿02210
嘉信理财公司 FBO 加利福尼亚州旧金山94104加州Tradr 1.5X做空NVDA每日ETF
嘉信理财公司 FBO 加利福尼亚州旧金山94104
Tradr 2X卖空创新每日ETF
FBO 加利福尼亚州旧金山94104加州该等基金没有有关通过金融中介账户拥有的基金股份受益所有人的信息。下表列出了截至8月份该基金的主要股东2024年2月2日。主要股东是持有该基金5%或以上已发行股份的记录持有人,包括作为金融中介的上市股东。主要股东占未偿贷款总额的百分比 截至该类别的股份 2024年8月2日Tradr 2X Long Innovation ETF国家金融服务有限责任公司 麻萨诸塞州波士顿02210嘉信理财公司 FBO
Tradr 2X卖空TSLA每日ETF
嘉信理财公司 FBO 加利福尼亚州旧金山94104国家金融服务有限责任公司 麻萨诸塞州波士顿02210北卡罗来纳州花旗银行纽约州纽约州10048高盛有限责任公司 纽约州纽约州10282ABN AMRO伊利诺州芝加哥60604盈透证券有限责任公司 格林威治,康乃狄克州06830 Tradr 1.5X做空NVDA每日ETF嘉信理财公司FBO加利福尼亚州旧金山94104国家金融服务有限责任公司马萨诸塞州波士顿,邮编02210
北卡罗来纳州花旗银行纽约州纽约市,邮编:10048互动经纪公司,LLC康涅狄格州格林威治06830号Tradr 2X空头创新每日ETF嘉信理财有限公司FBO加利福尼亚州旧金山,邮编:94104国家金融服务有限责任公司
C截至2024年8月2日,信托的受托人和高级职员作为一个整体,拥有的基金流通股不超过1%。 R《顾问》
该顾问还持续监测基金的投资目标、政策和限制的遵守情况。- 年
F句号。在最初的两场比赛之后 I- 年
费 应计咨询
做空创新ETF截至2023年3月31日的财年长期创新ETFTSLA每日ETFNVDA每日ETF做空创新ETF截至2022年9月30日的财年Tradr 2X卖空创新每日ETF2022年4月28日(开始运营)至2023年3月31日期间。
公司其他集合 投资工具
总 资产(in数百万)数量账户总 资产(in数百万)
注册投资 公司其他集合 投资工具其他 账户投资组合经理
总 资产
当投资组合经理有一天的时间时,可能会出现实际或明显的利益冲突- 今天
这笔费用根据每个基金的平均每日净资产按月支付。这些基金向下列公司支付了- 行政
在2022年8月5日基金重组之前的一段时间内,费用已向前身基金的投资顾问支付。转会代理人。 -经销商
基金可不时收购和持有由其“正规经纪或交易商”或该等经纪或交易商的母公司发行的证券。基金在一个财政年度内持有的任何“正规经纪商和交易商”的任何证券,将在该财政年度结束后由基金披露。在截至2024年3月31日的财年中,没有任何基金持有其“定期经纪商和交易商”的任何证券。投资组合周转率- 学期为了进行交易,当顾问认为投资考虑需要采取这种行动时,可以出售有价证券,而不考虑其持有的时间长短。投资组合周转率的计算方法是:(1)除以(1)该财年购买或出售投资组合证券的较少者,再除以(2)该财年所拥有的投资组合证券价值的月平均值。如果基金投资组合中的所有证券(收购时到期日为一年或以下的证券除外)全部售出,并在一年内回购或更换,则会出现100%的周转率。高的投资组合周转率(100%或更高)通常会导致较高的交易成本,并可能导致更多的应税交易。- 学期
- 月
- 邮件口头或其他方式),除非符合本政策。信托的首席合规官可授权披露投资组合持有量。审计委员会定期审查这项政策的执行情况。净资产价值的确定
I该存款证券的买入价超过该等存款证券被视为由转让代理收到当日的价值,加上与该等购买有关的经纪费用及相关交易费用。一旦托管人收到所有遗失的存款证券或由信托购买并存入信托,信托将退还额外现金存款中任何未使用的部分。 R接受设立单位的订单S(D)律师认为接受基金存款是违法的;。(E)信托律师认为接受或接收设立单位的订单是违法的;或(F)在信托、托管人、转让代理、分销商和/或顾问不能控制的情况下,处理设立单位的订单在所有实际目的上都是不可行的。
-标准 收费投资者负责将构成存款证券的证券转移到信托账户的费用。的
对于直接从基金购买创造单位的投资者来说,存在某些独有的法律风险。例如,如果股东从基金购买Creation Units股票,将其分解为成份股,并将这些股票直接出售给客户,或者如果股东选择将创建新股与涉及募集二级市场的积极出售努力结合起来,则可以被视为法定承销商.
- 市场
对股票的需求。不是“承销商”但正在参与分销的交易商(相对于普通二级市场- 市场交易),从而将基金的股票作为证券法第4(A)(3)(C)节所指的“未售出分配”的一部分来处理,将不能利用证券法第4(A)(3)节所规定的招股说明书交付豁免。救赎然而,不能保证公开交易市场在任何时候都会有足够的流动资金,以允许成立一个创设单位。关于基金,托管人通过NSCC在交易所开盘前(目前为上午9:30)提供。于每个营业日(美国东部时间),由基金指定的适用于在该交易日(定义见下文)以适当形式(定义如下)赎回的证券(“赎回证券”)的证券名称及份额清单。赎回证券的身分及股份数目或现金赎回金额(定义见下文)可能会因应基金的投资目标而不时更改。
与执行此类交易所产生的交易有关的费用,例如经纪费用、税收、外汇、执行、市场影响以及其他成本和费用。当顾问确定对某些订单不收取浮动费用符合基金股东的最佳利益时,基金可决定不对某些订单收取可变费用,例如,赎回订单有助于基金投资组合以比没有这种订单更具税收效益的方式进行再平衡。 R使用获授权参与者、经纪人或其他此类仲介机构的服务的投资者可能会被收取此类服务的费用,其中可能包括赎回交易费和非
-标准当基金产生与赎回创建单位、收到赎回证券和现金赎回金额以及其他交易成本相关的成本时,应向基金支付费用。顾问可保留全部或部分赎回交易费,但前提是顾问须承担信托与赎回设立单位有关的开支,而赎回交易费旨在涵盖该等费用。创造单位的赎回程式赎回创造单位的订单必须在参与者协定规定的时间之前以适当的形式提交给转让代理。在下列情况下,赎回请求被认为是“适当的形式”:(I)如果授权参与者已经或导致将创建单位(S)转移到信托的转让代理,则通过本书赎回- 学期- 学期
- 企业
基金支付的股息可能部分符合股息的要求- 收到符合条件的股利收入待遇和股利- 收到如(I)股东有责任(不论是否根据卖空或其他方式)就实质上相似或相关物业的持仓支付相关款项,或(Ii)基金及股东层面未能同时满足某些持有期要求,则可减少或取消扣减。一般来说,基金的股东只有在分配超过报告为其他类型税收的分配部分的总和的情况下,才可将报告为利息股息的分配视为利息收入--受青睐
基金报告为资本利得股息的净资本收益分配,如果有,将向非- 企业股东只要
- 学期
如果股东确认个人股东与基金份额有关的亏损为200万美元或更多,或公司股东为1000万美元或更多(或几年的组合中某些更大的金额),股东必须向美国国税局(IRS)提交一份IRS Form 8886中的披露声明。
基金在期权和其他类似交易中的交易,如期货和掉期,可能受《守则》特别规定的约束,这些规定除其他外,影响基金从这类投资中实现的任何收入的性质,加速确认基金的收入,推迟基金的损失,影响基金证券的持有期,影响分配是否有资格获得股息- 收到扣除或被视为合格的股利收入,影响资本损益是否具有长期特征的确定
- 学期
或短- 学期资本收益或亏损。因此,这些规则可能会影响向股东分配股份的性质、金额和时机。这些规定还可能要求基金“标明
- 面向市场
交易由此产生的收益或损失被视为60%的长度- 学期
- 学期
资本收益或亏损。如上所述,基金的净空头分配- 学期资本利得通常作为普通收入向股东征税,而净长期收益的分配- 学期资本利得应向股东纳税,只要- 学期资本收益,无论股东持有基金股份的时间有多长。
- 学期
1. 和短- 学期-来源所得及有关的外国税项。由于这些规则可能会产生不同的影响,这取决于每个股东的特定税务情况,某些股东可能无法就基金支付的外国税款中其比例份额的全部金额申请抵免。无需缴纳美国联盟所得税(含税)的股东
2. - 豁免
3. 股东通常不会从这次选举中受益。如果基金确实做出选择,它将向股东提供所需的税务信息。基金在计算可分配给股东的收入时通常可以扣除未转嫁给股东的任何外国税款,以满足适用的税收分配要求。在某些情况下,如果基金收到上一年缴纳的外国税款的退款,基金股票的价值可能会受到影响,或者就基金当年外国税款转嫁给股东的任何外国税收抵免或扣除可能会减少。
4. 基金因某些涉及外币的交易而实现的外汇损益
5. --计价
6. 与外币、外币远期货币合约、外币或以外币计价的应收账款或应收款有关的债务证券、若干期权及未来合约须受守则第2988节规限,该条文一般导致该等损益被视为普通损益,并可能影响向股东分派的金额、时间及性质。
- 税非S.S.这些人在处置“美国不动产权益”(“USRPI”)时须缴纳美国税项。这种处置的收益有时被称为“FIRPTA收益”。- 通过如果你看起来- 通过
S.S.要求股东提交非居民美国个人所得税申报单。 |
基金向非政府组织支付的普通股息及某些其他付款 |
资本损失,如果有的话。为了有资格获得扣缴豁免,非 |
-8本 |
基金的股东和潜在股东应根据其特定的税务情况,就拥有基金股份的影响咨询他们自己的税务顾问。 |
红利的支付通过DTC参与者和间接参与者向当时登记在册的受益者支付,收益来自信托基金。 |
a |
- 入口 |
-经销商 |
23 |
可能会提供DTC书- 入口股息再投资服务,供基金的实益拥有人透过直接投资公司参与者进行股息分配的再投资。投资者应与他们的经纪人联系,以确定这些服务的可用性和描述。 |
一般信息a |
管理投资公司于2013年8月20日根据特拉华州法律成立为特拉华州法定信托公司。该信托基金拥有一系列已发行的实益权益股份,每一股都代表一个独立证券组合的权益。 |
一个系列的每一份代表著该系列的每一份与该系列或类别的每一份同等比例的权益。 |
23 |
已发行的股票没有预付 |
-先发制人a |
在某些情况下,股东还有权在不召开会议的情况下罢免一名或多名受托人。 |
23 |
评级为Aaa的债务被认为质量最高,信用风险最小。 |
AA型a |
-中等 |
BAA评级为Baa的债务面临中度信用风险。它们被认为是中等的-等级 |
23 |
因此可能具有某些投机特征。BA评级为BA的债务被认为具有投机成分,并面临巨大的信用风险。 |
评级为b的债务被认为是投机性的,并面临高信用风险。 |
CA |
2,在从AA到CAA的每个通用评级分类中为3。 |
S&P |
只在很小程度上承担义务。 |
评级为BBB的债务具有足够的保护参数。然而,不利的经济条件或不断变化的情况更有可能导致债务人履行其对债务的财政承诺的能力减弱。 |
注意a* |
与其他投机性债券相比,评级为BB的债券不太容易受到拖欠的影响。然而,它面临著持续存在的重大不确定性或面临不利的商业、金融或经济状况,这可能导致债务人能力不足,无法履行其对债务的财务承诺。 |
23 |
C级可用于涵盖已提交破产申请或已采取类似行动的情况,但这一义务的付款仍在继续。在提交破产申请或采取类似行动时,如果债务付款受到威胁,也将使用D评级。注意加(+)或减(-)。从AA到CCC的评级可以通过添加加号或减号进行修改,以显示在主要评级类别中的相对地位。具有重大非信用风险的金融工具的评级用“r”符号表示。它强调了预期回报本金或波动性的风险,这些风险在信用评级中没有提到。例子包括:与股票、货币或商品挂钩或挂钩的债务;面临严重提前还款风险的债务-这样的作为利息- 只有- 只有 |
优先股 |
-等级 |
-中等 |
BA |
CAb† |
注意 |
2,每个评级类别中的3:修饰符1表示证券处于其通用评级类别的较高端;修饰符2表示MID-范围S&PAAA |
23 |
这是标准普尔可能给予优先股发行的最高评级,表明其支付优先股债务的能力极强。 |
AA |
评级为AA的优先股发行也符合高评级b |
保全。 |
BBB评级为BBB的债券被视为有足够的能力支付优先股债务。虽然它通常表现出足够的保护参数,但不利的经济状况或不断变化的情况更有可能导致支付这类优先股的支付能力比支付A类股票的能力更弱。Bb、b、ccc总的来说,就发行人支付优先股债务的能力而言,评级为BB、b和CCC的优先股被视为主要是投机性的。BB表示投机程度最低,CCC表示最高。虽然此类问题可能具有一些质量和保护性特征,但这些问题被巨大的不确定性或暴露在不利条件下的重大风险所掩盖。 |
评级为C的优先股是一个不需要支付的问题。 |
评级为D的优先股是发行人在债务工具上违约的不支付问题。 |
新泽西州b |
为了提供更详细的优先股质量指标,可以通过增加一个加号或减号来修改从AA到CCC的评级,以显示在主要评级类别中的相对地位。 |
穆迪 |
穆迪采用以下三个评级标准来表示评级发行人的相对偿债能力,这三个标准均被评为投资级: |
Prime |
评级为Prime的发行人b |
素数 |
在成熟的行业中处于领先的市场地位。 |
基金回报率高。 |
资本结构保守,适度依赖债务,资产保护充足。 |
固定财务费用的收益覆盖范围和高内部现金产生方面的广泛利润率。b |
- 学期 |
这通常会从上面提到的许多特征中得到证明,但程度较小。收益趋势和覆盖率虽然合理,但可能更容易发生变化。资本化特征虽然仍然合适,但可能更受外部条件的影响。 |
Prime |
- 学期
- 学期
评级为A的债务一小段- 学期
与较高评级类别的债务相比,较高评级类别的债务更容易受到环境和经济条件变化的不利影响。然而,债务人履行其对债务的财务承诺的能力令人满意。一小段- 学期评级为A的债务显示出足够的保护参数。然而,不利的经济条件或不断变化的情况更有可能导致债务人履行其对债务的财政承诺的能力减弱。
一小段- 学期评级为b的债券被视为具有显著的投机性特征。
- 学期 |
代理投票政策和程式 |
每一年。 |
每一年。每一份这样的档案都详细说明了截至6月30日的前12个月代表基金投票的所有委托书。 |
证明表明顾问采用了符合美国证券交易委员会代理投票规则的代理投票政策和程式。 |
$3,121 |
$3,121 |
$3,121 |
$3,121 |
安盛投资有限责任公司2 |
$7,155 |
$7,155 |
$7,155 |
$7,155 |
代理投票政策和程式2,3 |
$4,611 |
$4,611 |
$4,611 |
$4,611 |
一个。 |
$11,662 |
$11,662 |
$11,662 |
$11,662 |
该等代理投票政策及程式(下称“政策”)旨在阐明AXS就基金投资组合中持有的证券进行投票的原则及程式,而AXS对这些证券行使投票权(一般在AXS并未将代理投票酌情权授权予基金的次顾问的情况下)。就本政策而言,“投票”包括安盛行使投票权的客户账户所持有的任何证券的任何委托书和任何股东投票或同意。 |
-例行程序 |
事情可能涉及各种各样的问题。 |
-例行程序 |
与案件有关的事项 |
-逐个案例 |
以下内容通常被认为是“非” |
-例行程序 |
-逐个案例1,2,3 |
$67,791 |
$67,791 |
$67,791 |
$67,791 |
1 分析:
2 董事责任和赔偿建议;
3 高管薪酬计划;
4 有争议的董事选举;抗
- 收购
• ~http://www.axsinvestments.com/20240715/role/ScheduleAverageAnnualReturnsTransposed20016列DEI_LegalEntiyAxis COMPACT CK0001587982_S000076107成员列rr_PerformanceMeasureAxis COMPACT*ROW PRIMARY COMPACT*~
• ~http://www.axsinvestments.com/20240715/role/ScheduleExpenseExampleTransposed20020列DEI_LegalEntiyAxis压缩CK0001587982_S000076585成员行主压缩*~
• ~http://www.axsinvestments.com/20240715/role/ScheduleAnnualTotalReturnsBarChart20021列DEI_LegalEntiyAxis压缩CK0001587982_S000076585成员行主压缩*~
• ~http://www.axsinvestments.com/20240715/role/ScheduleAverageAnnualReturnsTransposed20022列DEI_LegalEntiyAxis COMPACT CK0001587982_S000076585成员列rr_PerformanceMeasureAxis COMPACT*ROW PRIMARY COMPACT*~
• 顾问已根据合约同意豁免其费用及/或支付基金的营运开支,以确保年度基金营运开支总额(不包括任何(I)杠杆利息、(Ii)经纪费用及佣金、(Iii)收购基金费用及开支、(Iv)与衍生工具有关的费用及开支(包括期权及掉期费用及开支)、(V)卖空利息及股息开支、(Vi)税项、(Vii)任何合并或重组所产生的开支或(Viii)诉讼开支等非常开支)不超过1.15%。本协定有效期至2025年7月31日,只有在该日期之前,信托董事会才能终止该协定。如果偿还不会导致基金的年度费用比率超过下列两者中较小的一项,则可要求基金偿还:(A)免除此类费用或付款时的费用限额,或(B)偿还费用时的费用限额。
• CK0001587982:S000075836成员 CK0001587982:S000075836成员
• 31, 2024.
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员ck 0001587982:衍生品风险会员ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员ck 0001587982:杠杆风险会员ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员
ck 0001587982:复合风险和市场波动性风险成员
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员
ck 0001587982:TotalLossRiskMember |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:对手风险会员 |
ck 0001587982:传播部门风险成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:HealthCareSectorRiskMember |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:生物技术公司风险会员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:制药公司风险成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:信息技术部门风险成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:InternetCompany RiskMember |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:半导体公司风险成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:软体行业风险成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:比特币风险会员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:股票证券风险会员
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员1ck 0001587982:特殊目的收购公司SPAC成员
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:InternetInformationProviderCompany RiskMember |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:外国证券风险会员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 ck 0001587982:新兴市场证券风险会员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
43.43% |
ck 0001587982:间接投资风险会员 ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 ck 0001587982:LargeCapCompanyRiskMember |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
29.38% |
ck 0001587982:SmallCapAndMidCapCompanyRiskMember |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 ck 0001587982:微资本化公司风险成员 ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:日内价格绩效风险会员 |
28.44% |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:流动性风险会员 ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 ck 0001587982:市场风险会员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
36.38% |
1 ck 0001587982:波动性风险会员
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 ck 0001587982:Active Management RiskMember1
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:OperationalRiskMember |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
ck 0001587982:非多元化风险会员 ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
43.43% |
ck 0001587982:抵押品投资风险会员 ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 ck 0001587982:估值风险会员 |
29.38% |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 ck 0001587982:最近市场事件成员 ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
5.10% |
ck 0001587982:网络安全风险会员 ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
5.04% |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
RR:After TaxesOnDistributionsMember ck 0001587982:C000235149成员 ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 |
17.06% |
RR:After TaxesOn DistributionsandSales Member ck 0001587982:C000235149成员 |
16.32% |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 ck 0001587982:index_ARK_Innovation_ETF_Index_reflections_no_education_for_fes_accessory_or_taxes成员 |
15.74% |
ck 0001587982:S 00075836成员 ck 0001587982:index_SP_500_Index_reflects_no_dedition_for_fees_expenses_or_taxesMember |
6.57% |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 |
6.30% |
ck 0001587982:C000235537成员 RR:RiskLoseMoneyMember |
6.09% |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 |
RR:风险不保险存款机构成员 ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 RR:风险非多元化状态成员 |
28.44% |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 ck 0001587982:衍生品风险会员 |
15.76% |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 ck 0001587982:相关风险成员 |
14.96% |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 ck 0001587982:复合风险和市场波动性风险成员 |
5.57% |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 |
ck 0001587982:再平衡风险成员 ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 ck 0001587982:交易暂停风险会员 |
36.38% |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 ck 0001587982:对手风险会员 |
20.05% |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 ck 0001587982:ShortSaleExposureRisk Member |
10.54% |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 ck 0001587982:InverseCorrelationRisk成员 ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 |
5.56% |
1 ck 0001587982:间接投资风险会员
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员
ck 0001587982:日内价格绩效风险会员
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员
ck 0001587982:汽车公司风险会员ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员ck 0001587982:ETF结构风险成员ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员ck 0001587982:杠杆风险会员
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员
ck 0001587982:流动性风险会员
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员
ck 0001587982:市场风险会员
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员
ck 0001587982:估值风险会员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 |
ck 0001587982:Active Management RiskMember |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 |
$577,828 |
$(206,174) |
$371,654 |
ck 0001587982:OperationalRiskMember |
$992,867 |
$(318,800) |
$674,067 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 |
$823,086 |
$(232,672) |
$590,414 |
ck 0001587982:非多元化风险会员 |
$1,365,264 |
$(405,352) |
$959,912 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 |
ck 0001587982:税务风险会员1 |
$364,521 |
$(109,366) |
$255,155 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员2 |
$581,590 |
$(39,147) |
$542,443 |
ck 0001587982:证券发行人风险成员2 |
$104,713 |
$(72,363) |
$32,350 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员3 |
$1,152,117 |
$(462,957) |
$689,160 |
ck 0001587982:最近市场事件成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员4 |
$1,958,335 |
$(251,311) |
$1,707,024 |
1 ck 0001587982:网络安全风险会员
2 ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员
3 ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员
4 RR:After TaxesOnDistributionsMember
ck 0001587982:C000235537成员
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员
RR:After TaxesOn DistributionsandSales Member |
ck 0001587982:S 00076096成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员 |
ck 0001587982:C000235548成员 |
RR:RiskLoseMoneyMember |
RR:风险不保险存款机构成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员 |
ck 0001587982:复合风险和市场波动性风险成员 |
ck 0001587982:相关风险成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员 |
3 |
$233 |
0 |
$0 |
0 |
$0 |
ck 0001587982:交易暂停风险会员 |
6 |
$339 |
0 |
$0 |
0 |
$0 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员 |
ck 0001587982:对手风险会员 |
ck 0001587982:ShortSaleExposureRisk Member |
ck 0001587982:InverseCorrelationRisk成员 |
ck 0001587982:间接投资风险会员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员 |
ck 0001587982:ETF结构风险成员 |
ck 0001587982:流动性风险会员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员 |
ck 0001587982:抵押品投资风险会员 |
0 |
$0 |
0 |
$0 |
0 |
$0 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员 |
0 |
$0 |
0 |
$0 |
0 |
$0 |
ck 0001587982:LargeCapCompanyRiskMemberck 0001587982:S 00076107成员ck 0001587982:波动性风险会员ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员
ck 0001587982:Active Management RiskMemberck 0001587982:S 00076107成员
ck 0001587982:OperationalRiskMemberck 0001587982:S 00076107成员
ck 0001587982:非多元化风险会员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员 |
ck 0001587982:证券发行人风险成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员 |
ck 0001587982:最近市场事件成员 |
A |
A |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员 |
A |
A |
ck 0001587982:网络安全风险会员 |
A |
A |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员 |
A |
A |
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员
RR:After TaxesOnDistributionsMemberck 0001587982:C000235548成员ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员RR:After TaxesOn DistributionsandSales Memberck 0001587982:C000235548成员
ck 0001587982:S 00076107成员
ck 0001587982:index_SP_500_Index_reflects_no_dedition_for_fees_expenses_or_taxesMemberck 0001587982:S 00076585会员
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员ck 0001587982:C000236570成员RR:RiskLoseMoneyMemberck 0001587982:S 00076585会员RR:风险不保险存款机构成员
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员RR:风险非多元化状态成员ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员
ck 0001587982:复合风险和市场波动性风险成员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员 |
ck 0001587982:市场风险会员 |
$66,349 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员 |
$129,866 |
ck 0001587982:相关风险成员 |
$105,557 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员 |
$274,817 |
ck 0001587982:对手风险会员 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员1 |
$74,265 |
ck 0001587982:衍生品风险会员2 |
$81,190 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员2 |
$20,131 |
ck 0001587982:ShortSaleExposureRisk Member3 |
$292,614 |
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员 |
ck 0001587982:ETF结构风险成员4 |
$65,410 |
1 ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员
2 ck 0001587982:InverseCorrelationRisk成员
3 ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员
4 ck 0001587982:日内价格绩效风险会员
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员ck 0001587982:间接投资风险会员
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员ck 0001587982:LargeCapCompanyRiskMember
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员ck 0001587982:杠杆风险会员
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员ck 0001587982:流动性风险会员
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员ck 0001587982:Active Management RiskMemberck 0001587982:S 00076585会员ck 0001587982:非多元化风险会员-2529ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员
ck 0001587982:破坏性创新风险会员
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员ck 0001587982:SmallCapAndMidCapCompanyRiskMemberck 0001587982:S 00076585会员
ck 0001587982:微资本化公司风险成员
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员ck 0001587982:抵押品投资风险会员ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员
ck 0001587982:最近市场事件成员
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员
ck 0001587982:网络安全风险会员ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员
RR:After TaxesOnDistributionsMember
ck 0001587982:C000236570成员-1ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员-1RR:After TaxesOn DistributionsandSales Member-1ck 0001587982:C000236570成员
ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员-1ck 0001587982:index_ARK_Innovation_ETF_Index_reflections_no_education_for_fes_accessory_or_taxes成员-1ck 0001587982:S 00076585会员-1ck 0001587982:index_SP_500_Index_reflects_no_dedition_for_fees_expenses_or_taxesMember-1xbrli:纯粹-1iso4217:USD
Marketing and Support Payments
The Advisor, out of its own resources and without additional cost to the Funds or its shareholders, may provide cash payments or other compensation to certain financial intermediaries who sell shares of the Funds. These payments are in addition to other fees described in the Funds’ Prospectus and this SAI, and are generally provided for shareholder services or marketing support. Payments for marketing support are typically for inclusion of the Funds on sales lists, including electronic sales platforms. Investors may wish to take these payments into account when considering and evaluating recommendations to purchase shares of the Funds.
Portfolio Transactions and Brokerage
Pursuant to the Advisory Agreement, the Advisor determines which securities are to be purchased and sold by the Funds and which broker-dealers are eligible to execute the Funds’ portfolio transactions. The purchases and sales of securities in the over-the-counter market will generally be executed by using a broker for the transaction.
Purchases of portfolio securities for the Funds also may be made directly from issuers or from underwriters. Where possible, purchase and sale transactions will be effected through dealers (including banks) that specialize in the types of securities which the Funds will be holding unless better executions are available elsewhere. Dealers and underwriters usually act as principals for their own accounts. Purchases from underwriters will include a concession paid by the
issuer to the underwriter and purchases from dealers will include the spread between the bid and the asked price. If the execution and price offered by more than one dealer or underwriter are comparable, the order may be allocated to a dealer or underwriter that has provided research or other services as discussed below.
In placing portfolio transactions, the Advisor will use reasonable efforts to choose broker-dealers capable of providing the services necessary to obtain the most favorable price and execution available. The full range and quality of services available will be considered in making these determinations, such as the size of the order, the difficulty of execution, the operational facilities of the broker-dealer involved, the risk in positioning the block of securities, and other factors. In those instances where it is reasonably determined that more than one broker-dealer can offer the services needed to obtain the most favorable price and execution available, consideration may be given to those broker-dealers which furnish or supply research and statistical information to the Advisor that they may lawfully and appropriately use in their investment advisory capacities, as well as provide other services in addition to execution services. The Advisor considers such information, which is in addition to and not in lieu of the services required to be performed by it under its Advisory Agreement with the Funds, to be useful in varying degrees, but of indeterminable value.
While it is the Funds’ general policy to seek to obtain the most favorable price and execution available in selecting a broker-dealer to execute portfolio transactions for the Funds, weight is also given to the ability of a broker-dealer to furnish brokerage and research services as defined in Section 28(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, to the Funds or to the Advisor, even if the specific services are not directly useful to the Funds and may be useful to the Advisor in advising other clients. In negotiating commissions with a broker or evaluating the spread to be paid to a dealer, a Fund may therefore pay a higher commission or spread than would be the case if no weight were given to the furnishing of these supplemental services, provided that the amount of such commission or spread has been determined in good faith by the Advisor to be reasonable in relation to the value of the brokerage and/or research services provided by such broker-dealer. The standard of reasonableness is to be measured in light of the Advisor’s overall responsibilities to the Funds.
Investment decisions for the Funds are made independently from those of other client accounts that may be managed or advised by the Advisor. Nevertheless, it is possible that at times, identical securities will be acceptable for both the Funds and one or more of such client accounts. In such event, the position of the Funds and such client accounts in the same issuer may vary and the holding period may likewise vary. However, to the extent any of these client accounts seek to acquire the same security as the Funds at the same time, the Funds may not be able to acquire as large a position in such security as it desires, or it may have to pay a higher price or obtain a lower yield for such security. Similarly, the Funds may not be able to obtain as high a price for, or as large an execution of, an order to sell any particular security at the same time as the Advisor’s other client accounts.
The Funds do not effect securities transactions through brokers in accordance with any formula, nor do they effect securities transactions through brokers for selling shares of the Funds. However, broker-dealers who execute brokerage transactions may effect purchase of shares of the Funds for their customers. The brokers may also supply the Funds with research, statistical and other services.
The Funds did not pay any brokerage commissions for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024.
Holdings of Securities of the Funds’ Regular Brokers and Dealers
From time to time, a Fund may acquire and hold securities issued by its “regular brokers or dealers” or the parents of those brokers or dealers. “Regular brokers or dealers” (as such term is defined in the 1940 Act) of a Fund are the ten brokers or dealers that, during the most recent fiscal year, (i) received the greatest dollar amounts of brokerage commissions from the Fund’s portfolio transactions, (ii) engaged as principal in the largest dollar amounts of the portfolio transactions of the Fund, or (iii) sold the largest dollar amounts of the Fund’s shares. Any securities of any “regular brokers and dealers” held by the Funds during a fiscal year will be disclosed by the Funds after the end of such fiscal year. No Fund held any securities of its “regular brokers and dealers” for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024.
Portfolio Turnover
Although the Funds generally will not invest for short-term trading purposes, portfolio securities may be sold without regard to the length of time they have been held when, in the opinion of the Advisor, as applicable, investment considerations warrant such action. Portfolio turnover rate is calculated by dividing (1) the lesser of purchases or sales of portfolio securities for the fiscal year by (2) the monthly average of the value of portfolio securities owned during the fiscal year. A 100% turnover rate would occur if all the securities in a Fund’s portfolio, with the exception of securities whose maturities at the time of acquisition were one year or less, were sold and either repurchased or replaced within one year. A high rate of portfolio turnover (100% or more) generally leads to higher transaction costs and may result in a greater number of taxable transactions. To the extent net short-term capital gains are realized, any distributions resulting from such gains will generally be taxed at ordinary income tax rates for federal income tax purposes. The table below reflects each Fund’s portfolio turnover rate as a percentage of the average value of its portfolio.
Fund |
Portfolio Turnover Rate1 |
2024 |
2023 |
Long Innovation ETF |
0% |
0%2 |
TSLA Daily ETF |
0% |
0%3 |
NVDA Daily ETF |
0% |
0%3 |
Short Innovation ETF |
0% |
0%4 |
1 Excludes the impact of in-kind transactions related to the processing of capital share transactions in Creation Units.
2 For the period April 28, 2022 (commencement of operations), through March 31, 2023.
3 For the period July 13, 2022 (commencement of operations), through March 31, 2023.
4 For the period October 1, 2022 (commencement of operations) through March 31, 2023.
Proxy Voting Policy
The Board has adopted Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures (the “Trust Policies”) on behalf of the Trust, which delegates the responsibility for voting the Funds’ proxies to the Advisor, as applicable, subject to the Board’s continuing oversight. The Trust Policies require that the Advisor vote proxies received in a manner consistent with the best interests of the Funds. The Trust Policies also require the Advisor to present to the Board, at least annually, the Advisor’s Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures (“Advisor’s Policies”) and a record of each proxy voted by the Advisor on behalf of the Funds, including a report on the resolution of all proxies identified by the Advisor as involving a conflict of interest. See Appendix B for the Advisor’s Proxy Policies and Procedures and the Trust Policies. The Trust Policies and Advisor’s Policies are intended to serve as guidelines and to further the economic value of each security held by a Fund. The Trust’s CCO will review the Trust Policies annually. Each proxy will be considered individually, taking into account the relevant circumstances at the time of each vote.
If a proxy proposal raises a material conflict between the Advisor’s interests and Fund’s interests, the Advisor will resolve the conflict by following the policy guidelines or the recommendation of an independent third party.
Each Fund is required to annually file Form N-PX, which lists the Fund’s complete proxy voting record for the 12-month period ended June 30 of each year. Once filed, a Fund’s proxy voting record will be available without charge, upon request, by calling collect 1-833-297-2587, or by visiting the SEC’s web site at http://www.sec.gov.
Portfolio Holdings Information
The Trust’s Board has adopted a policy regarding the disclosure of information about the Funds’ security holdings. Each Fund’s entire portfolio holdings are publicly disseminated each day the Fund is open for business through financial reporting and news services including publicly available internet web sites. In addition, the composition of the in-kind creation basket and the in-kind redemption basket is publicly disseminated daily prior to the opening of the applicable Exchange via the NSCC.
Greater than daily access to information concerning a Fund’s portfolio holdings will be permitted (i) to certain personnel of service providers to the Fund involved in portfolio management and providing administrative, operational, risk management, or other support to portfolio management, and (ii) to other personnel of the Fund’s service providers who deal directly with, or assist in, functions related to investment management, administration, custody and fund accounting, as may be necessary to conduct business in the ordinary course, agreements with the Fund, and the terms of the Trust’s current registration statement. From time to time, and in the ordinary course of business, such information may also be disclosed (i) to other entities that provide services to the Fund, including pricing information vendors, and third parties that deliver analytical, statistical or consulting services to the Fund and (ii) generally after it has been disseminated to the NSCC.
Each Fund will disclose its complete portfolio holdings in public filings with the SEC on a quarterly basis, based on the Fund’s fiscal year-end, within 60 days of the end of the quarter, and will provide that information to shareholders, as required by federal securities laws and regulations thereunder.
No person is authorized to disclose any of the Funds’ portfolio holdings or other investment positions (whether in writing, by fax, by e-mail, orally, or by other means) except in accordance with this policy. The Trust’s Chief Compliance Officer may authorize disclosure of portfolio holdings. The Board reviews the implementation of this policy on a periodic basis.
Determination of Net Asset Value
The NAV of each Fund’s shares will fluctuate and are determined as of 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time, the normal close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (the “NYSE”) on each day the NYSE is open for trading. The NAV may be calculated earlier if permitted by the SEC. The NYSE annually announces the days on which it will not be open for trading. The most recent announcement indicates that the NYSE will not be open for the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth National Independence Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. However, the NYSE may close on days not included in that announcement.
The NAV is computed by dividing (a) the difference between the value of the Fund’s securities, cash and other assets and the amount of the Fund’s expenses and liabilities by (b) the number of shares outstanding. The NAV takes into account all of the expenses and fees of the Fund, including management fees and administration fees, which are accrued daily.
Net Assets |
= |
Shares Outstanding |
Generally, the Fund’s investments are valued at market value or, in the absence of a market value, at fair value as determined in good faith by the Advisor pursuant to procedures approved by or under the direction of the Board. Pursuant to those procedures, the Board has designated the Advisor as each Fund’s valuation designee (the “Valuation Designee”) responsible for determining whether market quotations are readily available and reliable, and making good faith determinations of fair value when appropriate. The Valuation Designee carries out its responsibilities with respect to fair value determinations through its Valuation Committee. As the Valuation Designee, the Advisor is responsible for the establishment and application, in a consistent manner, of appropriate methodologies for determining the fair value of investments, periodically reviewing the selected methodologies used for continuing appropriateness and accuracy, and making any changes or adjustments to the methodologies as appropriate. The Valuation Designee is also responsible for the identification, periodic assessment, and management of material risks, including material conflicts of interest,
associated with fair value determinations, taking into account the Fund’s investments, significant changes in the Fund’s investment strategies or policies, market events, and other relevant factors. The Valuation Designee is subject to the general oversight of the Board.
Each Fund’s securities which are traded on securities exchanges are valued at the last sale price on the exchange on which such securities are traded, as of the close of business on the day the securities are being valued or, lacking any reported sales, at the mean between the last available bid and ask prices.
Pricing services generally value debt securities assuming orderly transactions of an institutional round lot size, but such securities may be held or transactions may be conducted in such securities in smaller, odd lot sizes. Odd lots often trade at lower prices than institutional round lots.
Securities that are traded on more than one exchange are valued on the exchange determined by the Advisor to be the primary market. Securities primarily traded in the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (“NASDAQ”), National Market System for which market quotations are readily available shall be valued using the NASDAQ Official Closing Price (“NOCP”). If the NOCP is not available, such securities shall be valued at the last sale price on the day of valuation, or if there has not been any sale on such day, at the mean between the bid and ask prices. Over-the-counter (“OTC”) securities which are not traded in the NASDAQ National Market System shall be valued at the most recent trade price.
Stocks that are “thinly traded” or events occurring when a foreign market is closed but the NYSE is open (for example, the value of a security held by the Fund has been materially affected by events occurring after the close of the exchange or market on which the security is principally traded) may create a situation where a market quote would not be readily available. When a market quote is not readily available, the security’s value is based on “fair value” as determined by the Advisor’s procedures, which have been approved by the Board. The Advisor will periodically test the appropriateness and accuracy of the fair value methodologies that have been selected for the Fund. The Fund may hold portfolio securities, such as those traded on foreign securities exchanges that trade on weekends or other days when the Fund’s shares are not priced. Therefore, the value of the Fund’s shares may change on days when shareholders will not be able to purchase or redeem shares.
Short-term debt obligations with remaining maturities in excess of 60 days are valued at current market prices, as discussed above. Short-term securities with 60 days or less remaining to maturity are, unless conditions indicate otherwise, are amortized to maturity based on their cost to a Fund if acquired within 60 days of maturity or, if already held by a Fund on the 60th day, based on the value determined on the 61st day.
All other assets of the Funds are valued in such manner as the Advisor in good faith deems appropriate to reflect as their fair value.
Depository Trust Company (“DTC”) acts as securities depositary for the Funds’ shares. Shares of the Funds are represented by securities registered in the name of DTC or its nominee, Cede & Co., and deposited with, or on behalf of, DTC. Except in limited circumstances set forth below, certificates will not be issued for shares.
DTC is a limited-purpose trust company that was created to hold securities of its participants (the “DTC Participants”) and to facilitate the clearance and settlement of securities transactions among the DTC Participants in such securities through electronic book-entry changes in accounts of the DTC Participants, thereby eliminating the need for physical movement of securities certificates. DTC Participants include securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies, clearing corporations and certain other organizations, some of whom (and/or their representatives) own DTC. More specifically, DTC is owned by a number of its DTC Participants and by the NYSE and FINRA. Access to the DTC system is also available to others such as banks, brokers, dealers, and trust companies that clear through or maintain a custodial relationship with a DTC Participant, either directly or indirectly (the “Indirect Participants”).
Beneficial ownership of shares of a Fund is limited to DTC Participants, Indirect Participants, and persons holding interests through DTC Participants and Indirect Participants. Ownership of beneficial interests in shares of a Fund (owners of such beneficial interests are referred to herein as “Beneficial Owners”) is shown on, and the transfer of ownership is effected only through, records maintained by DTC (with respect to DTC Participants) and on the records of DTC Participants (with respect to Indirect Participants and Beneficial Owners that are not DTC Participants). Beneficial Owners will receive from or through the DTC Participant a written confirmation relating to their purchase of shares of a Fund. The Trust recognizes DTC or its nominee as the record owner of all shares of the Funds for all purposes. Beneficial Owners of shares of the Funds are not entitled to have such shares registered in their names, and will not receive or be entitled to physical delivery of share certificates. Each Beneficial Owner must rely on the procedures of DTC and any DTC Participant and/or Indirect Participant through which such Beneficial Owner holds its interests, to exercise any rights of a holder of shares of the Funds.
Conveyance of all notices, statements, and other communications to Beneficial Owners is effected as follows. DTC will make available to the Trust upon request and for a fee a listing of shares of the Funds held by each DTC Participant. The Trust shall obtain from each such DTC Participant the number of Beneficial Owners holding shares of the Funds, directly or indirectly, through such DTC Participant. The Trust shall provide each such DTC Participant with copies of such notice, statement, or other communication, in such form, number and at such place as such DTC Participant may reasonably request, in order that such notice, statement or communication may be transmitted by such DTC Participant, directly or indirectly, to such Beneficial Owners. In addition, the Trust shall pay to each such DTC Participant a fair and reasonable amount as reimbursement for the expenses attendant to such transmittal, all subject to applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
Share distributions shall be made to DTC or its nominee, Cede & Co., as the registered holder of all shares of the Funds. DTC or its nominee, upon receipt of any such distributions, shall credit immediately DTC Participants’ accounts with payments in amounts proportionate to their respective beneficial interests in the Fund as shown on the records of DTC or its nominee. Payments by DTC Participants to Indirect Participants and Beneficial Owners of shares of a Fund held through such DTC Participants will be governed by standing instructions and customary practices, as is now the case with securities held for the accounts of customers in bearer form or registered in a “street name,” and will be the responsibility of such DTC Participants.
The Trust has no responsibility or liability for any aspect of the records relating to or notices to Beneficial Owners, or payments made on account of beneficial ownership interests in the Fund’s shares, or for maintaining, supervising, or reviewing any records relating to such beneficial ownership interests, or for any other aspect of the relationship between DTC and the DTC Participants or the relationship between such DTC Participants and the Indirect Participants and Beneficial Owners owning through such DTC Participants.
DTC may determine to discontinue providing its service with respect to a Fund at any time by giving reasonable notice to the Fund and discharging its responsibilities with respect thereto under applicable law. Under such circumstances, a Fund shall take action either to find a replacement for DTC to perform its functions at a comparable cost or, if such replacement is unavailable, to issue and deliver printed certificates representing ownership of shares of the Fund, unless the Trust makes other arrangements with respect thereto satisfactory to the applicable Exchange.
Each Fund issues and redeems its shares on a continuous basis, at NAV, only in a large, specified number of shares called a “Creation Unit,” either principally in-kind for securities designated by the Fund together with the deposit of a specified cash payment or in cash for the value of such securities. The NAV of a Fund’s shares is determined once each Business Day (defined below), as described below under “Determination of Net Asset Value.” The Creation Unit size may change. Authorized Participants will be notified of such change.
Purchase (Creation)
The Trust issues and sells shares of a Fund only: (i) in Creation Units on a continuous basis through the Distributor, without a sales load (but subject to transaction fees), at their NAV per share next determined after receipt of an order, on any Business Day, in proper form pursuant to the terms of the Authorized Participant Agreement (“Participant Agreement”). A Fund will not issue fractional Creation Units. A Business Day is, generally, any day on which the Exchange is open for business. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Trust may, but is not required to, permit orders until 4:00 p.m., Eastern time, or until the market close (in the event the exchange on which the relevant Fund’s Shares are listed closes early).
Fund Deposit
The consideration for purchase of a Creation Unit of a Fund generally consists of either (i) the in-kind deposit of the Deposit Securities and the Cash Component (defined below), computed as described below, or (ii) the cash value of the Deposit Cash and the Cash Component. When accepting purchases of Creation Units for cash, a Fund may incur additional costs associated with the acquisition of Deposit Securities that would otherwise be provided by an in-kind purchaser. These additional costs may be recoverable from the purchaser of Creation Units.
Together, the Deposit Securities or Deposit Cash, as applicable, and the Cash Component constitute the “Fund Deposit,” which represents the minimum initial and subsequent investment amount for a Creation Unit of a Fund. The “Cash Component” is an amount equal to the difference between the NAV of the shares of a Fund (per Creation Unit) and the market value of the Deposit Securities or Deposit Cash, as applicable. If the Cash Component is a positive number (i.e., the NAV per Creation Unit exceeds the market value of the Deposit Securities or Deposit Cash, as applicable), the Cash Component shall be such positive amount. If the Cash Component is a negative number (i.e., the NAV per Creation Unit is less than the market value of the Deposit Securities or Deposit Cash, as applicable), the Cash Component shall be such negative amount and the creator will be entitled to receive cash in an amount equal to the Cash Component. The Cash Component serves the function of compensating for any differences between the NAV per Creation Unit and the market value of the Deposit Securities or Deposit Cash, as applicable. Computation of the Cash Component excludes any stamp duty or other similar fees and expenses payable upon transfer of beneficial ownership of the Deposit Securities, if applicable, which shall be the sole responsibility of the Authorized Participant (as defined below).
Each Fund, through NSCC, makes available on each Business Day, prior to the opening of business on the Exchange (currently 9:30 a.m., Eastern time), the list of the names and the required number of shares of each Deposit Security or the required amount of Deposit Cash, as applicable, to be included in the current standard Fund Deposit (based on information at the end of the previous Business Day) for the Fund. Such standard Fund Deposit is subject to any applicable adjustments as described below, in order to effect purchases of Creation Units of the Fund until such time as the next-announced composition of the Deposit Securities or the required amount of Deposit Cash, as applicable, is made available.
The identity and number of shares of the Deposit Securities or the amount of Deposit Cash, as applicable, required for the Fund Deposit for the Fund may be changed from time to time with a view to the investment objective of a Fund. The composition of the Deposit Securities may also change in response to corporate action events and adjustments to the weighting or composition of a Fund’s portfolio.
The Trust reserves the right to permit or require the substitution of Deposit Cash to replace any Deposit Security, which shall be added to the Cash Component, including, without limitation, in situations where the Deposit Security: (i) may not be available in sufficient quantity for delivery; (ii) may not be eligible for transfer through the systems of DTC for corporate securities and municipal securities or the Federal Reserve System for U.S. Treasury securities; (iii) may not be eligible for trading by an Authorized Participant (as defined below) or the investor for which it is acting; (iv) would be restricted under the securities laws or where the delivery of the Deposit Security to the Authorized Participant would result in the disposition of the Deposit Security by the Authorized Participant becoming restricted under the securities laws; or (v) in certain other situations (collectively, “custom orders”). The Trust also reserves the right to (i) permit or require the substitution of Deposit Securities in lieu of Deposit Cash; and (ii) include or remove Deposit Securities from the basket in anticipation of or implementation of changes to a Fund’s portfolio.
Cash Purchase Method
The Trust may at its discretion permit full or partial cash purchases of Creation Units of a Fund. When full or partial cash purchases of Creation Units are available or specified for a Fund, they will be effected in essentially the same manner as in-kind purchases thereof. In the case of a full or partial cash purchase, the Authorized Participant must pay the cash equivalent of the Deposit Securities it would otherwise be required to provide through an in-kind purchase, plus the same Cash Component required to be paid by an in-kind purchaser together with a creation transaction fee and non-standard charges, as may be applicable.
Procedures for Purchase of Creation Units
To be eligible to place orders with the Transfer Agent to purchase a Creation Unit of a Fund, an entity must be (i) a “Participating Party”, i.e., a broker-dealer or other participant in the clearing process through the Continuous Net Settlement System of the NSCC (the “Clearing Process”), a clearing agency that is registered with the SEC; or (ii) a DTC Participant (see “Book Entry Only System”). In addition, each Participating Party or DTC Participant (each, an “Authorized Participant”) must execute a Participant Agreement that has been agreed to by the Distributor, and that has been accepted by the Transfer Agent and the Trust, with respect to purchases and redemptions of Creation Units. Each Authorized Participant will agree, pursuant to the terms of a Participant Agreement, on behalf of itself or any investor on whose behalf it will act, to certain conditions, including that it will pay to the Trust, an amount of cash sufficient to pay the Cash Component together with the creation transaction fee (defined below) and any other applicable fees, taxes, and additional variable charge. The Adviser may retain all or a portion of the creation transaction fee to the extent the Adviser bears the expenses that otherwise would be borne by the Trust in connection with the purchase of a Creation Unit, which the creation transaction fee is designed to cover.
All orders to purchase shares of a Fund directly from a Fund, including custom orders, must be placed for one or more Creation Units in the manner and by the time set forth in the Participant Agreement and/or applicable order form. The date on which an order to purchase Creation Units (or an order to redeem Creation Units, as set forth below) is received and accepted is referred to as the “Order Placement Date.”
An Authorized Participant may require an investor to make certain representations or enter into agreements with respect to the order, (e.g., to provide for payments of cash, when required). Investors should be aware that their particular broker may not have executed a Participant Agreement and that, therefore, orders to purchase shares directly from a Fund in Creation Units have to be placed by the investor’s broker through an Authorized Participant that has executed a Participant Agreement. In such cases there may be additional charges to such investor. At any given time, there may be only a limited number of broker-dealers that have executed a Participant Agreement and only a small number of such Authorized Participants may have international capabilities.
On days when the Exchange closes earlier than normal, a Fund may require orders to create Creation Units to be placed earlier in the day. In addition, if a market or markets on which a Fund’s investments are primarily traded is closed, a Fund will also generally not accept orders on such day(s). Orders must be transmitted by an Authorized Participant by telephone or other transmission method acceptable to the Transfer Agent pursuant to procedures set forth in the Participant Agreement and in accordance with the AP Handbook or applicable order form. The Transfer Agent will notify the Custodian of such order. The Custodian will then provide such information to the appropriate local sub-custodian(s). Those placing orders through an Authorized Participant should allow sufficient time to permit proper submission of the purchase order to the Transfer Agent by the applicable cut-off time on such Business Day. Economic or market disruptions or changes, or telephone or other communication failure may impede the ability to reach the Transfer Agent or an Authorized Participant.
Fund Deposits must be delivered by an Authorized Participant through the Federal Reserve System (for cash and U.S. government securities) or through DTC (for corporate securities), through a subcustody agent (for foreign securities) and/or through such other arrangements allowed by the Trust or its agents. With respect to foreign Deposit Securities, the Custodian shall cause the subcustodian of a Fund to maintain an account into which the Authorized Participant shall deliver, on behalf of itself or the party on whose behalf it is acting, such Deposit Securities (or Deposit Cash for all or a part of such securities, as permitted or required), with any appropriate adjustments as advised by the Trust. Foreign
Deposit Securities must be delivered to an account maintained at the applicable local subcustodian. The Fund Deposit transfer must be ordered by the Authorized Participant in a timely fashion so as to ensure the delivery of the requisite number of Deposit Securities or Deposit Cash, as applicable, to the account of a Fund or its agents by no later than the Settlement Date. The “Settlement Date” for a Fund is generally the first Business Day after the Order Placement Date. Each Fund reserves the right to settle transactions on a basis other than “T” plus one Business Day (i.e., days on which the NYSE is open) (“T+1”). All questions as to the number of Deposit Securities or Deposit Cash to be delivered, as applicable, and the validity, form and eligibility (including time of receipt) for the deposit of any tendered securities or cash, as applicable, will be determined by the Trust, whose determination shall be final and binding. The amount of cash represented by the Cash Component must be transferred directly to the Custodian through the Federal Reserve Bank wire transfer system in a timely manner so as to be received by the Custodian no later than the Settlement Date. If the Cash Component and the Deposit Securities or Deposit Cash, as applicable, are not received by the Custodian in a timely manner by the Settlement Date, the creation order may be cancelled and the Authorized Participant shall be liable to the Fund for losses, if any, resulting therefrom. Upon written notice to the Distributor, such canceled order may be resubmitted the following Business Day using the Fund Deposit as newly constituted to reflect the then current NAV of the Fund.
The order shall be deemed to be received on the Business Day on which the order is placed provided that the order is placed in proper form prior to the applicable cut-off time and the federal funds in the appropriate amount are deposited by 3:00 p.m. Eastern time, with the Custodian on the Settlement Date. If the order is not placed in proper form as required, or federal funds in the appropriate amount are not received by 3:00 p.m. Eastern time on the Settlement Date, then the order may be deemed to be rejected and the Authorized Participant shall be liable to a Fund for losses, if any, resulting therefrom. A creation request is considered to be in “proper form” if all procedures set forth in the Participant Agreement, AP Handbook, order form, and this SAI are properly followed.
Issuance of a Creation Unit
Except as provided herein, Creation Units will not be issued until the transfer of good title to the Trust of the Deposit Securities or payment of Deposit Cash, as applicable, and the payment of the Cash Component have been completed. When the subcustodian has confirmed to the Custodian that the required Deposit Securities (or the cash value thereof) have been delivered to the account of the relevant subcustodian or subcustodians, the Adviser shall be notified of such delivery, and the Trust will issue and cause the delivery of the Creation Units. The delivery of Creation Units so created generally will occur no later than the first Business Day following the day on which the purchase order is deemed received by the Transfer Agent. However, a Fund reserves the right to settle Creation Unit transactions on a basis other than the first Business Day following the day on which the purchase order is deemed received by the Transfer Agent in order to accommodate foreign market holiday schedules, to account for different treatment among foreign and U.S. markets of dividend record dates and ex-dividend dates (that is the last day the holder of a security can sell the security and still receive dividends payable on the security), and in certain other circumstances. The Authorized Participant shall be liable to a Fund for losses, if any, resulting from unsettled orders.
Creation Units may be purchased in advance of receipt by the Trust of all or a portion of the applicable Deposit Securities as described below. In these circumstances, the initial deposit will have a value greater than the NAV of the shares of the Fund on the date the order is placed in proper form since in addition to available Deposit Securities, cash must be deposited in an amount equal to the sum of (i) the Cash Component, plus (ii) an additional amount of cash equal to a percentage of the market value as set forth in the Participant Agreement, of the undelivered Deposit Securities (the “Additional Cash Deposit”), which shall be maintained in a separate non-interest bearing collateral account. The Authorized Participant must deposit with the Custodian the Additional Cash Deposit, as applicable, by the time set forth in the Participant Agreement on the Settlement Date. If a Fund or its agents do not receive the Additional Cash Deposit in the appropriate amount, by such time, then the order may be deemed rejected and the Authorized Participant shall be liable to the Fund for losses, if any, resulting therefrom. An additional amount of cash shall be required to be deposited with the Trust, pending delivery of the missing Deposit Securities to the extent necessary to maintain the Additional Cash Deposit with the Trust in an amount at least equal to the applicable percentage, as set forth in the Participant Agreement, of the daily marked to market value of the missing Deposit Securities. The Trust may use such Additional Cash Deposit to buy the missing Deposit Securities at any time. Authorized Participants will be liable to the Trust for all costs, expenses, dividends, income, and taxes associated with missing Deposit Securities, including the costs incurred by the Trust in connection with any such purchases. These costs will be deemed to include the amount by which the actual
purchase price of the Deposit Securities exceeds the value of such Deposit Securities on the day the purchase order was deemed received by the Transfer Agent plus the brokerage and related transaction costs associated with such purchases. The Trust will return any unused portion of the Additional Cash Deposit once all of the missing Deposit Securities have been properly received by the Custodian or purchased by the Trust and deposited into the Trust. In addition, a creation transaction fee as set forth below under “Creation Transaction Fee” may be charged and an additional variable charge may also apply. The delivery of Creation Units so created generally will occur no later than the Settlement Date.
Acceptance of Orders of Creation Units
The Trust reserves the right to reject an order for Creation Units transmitted to it by the Transfer Agent in respect of a Fund including, without limitation, if (a) the order is not in proper form or the Deposit Securities delivered do not consist of the securities that the Custodian specified; (b) the Deposit Securities or Deposit Cash, as applicable, delivered by the Participant are not as disseminated through the facilities of the NSCC for that date by the Custodian; (c) the investor(s), upon obtaining the shares ordered, would own 80% or more of the currently outstanding shares of the Fund; (d) the acceptance of the Fund Deposit would, in the opinion of counsel, be unlawful; (e) the acceptance or receipt of the order for a Creation Unit would, in the opinion of counsel to the Trust, be unlawful; or (f) circumstances outside the control of the Trust, the Custodian, the Transfer Agent the Distributor and/or the Adviser make it for all practical purposes not feasible to process orders for Creation Units.
Examples of such circumstances include acts of God or public service or utility problems such as fires, floods, extreme weather conditions and power outages resulting in telephone, telecopy and computer failures; market conditions or activities causing trading halts; systems failures involving computer or other information systems affecting the Trust, the Distributor, the Custodian, a sub-custodian, the Transfer Agent, DTC, NSCC, Federal Reserve System, or any other participant in the creation process, and other extraordinary events. The Distributor shall notify a prospective creator of a Creation Unit and/or the Authorized Participant acting on behalf of the creator of a Creation Unit of its rejection of the order of such person. The Trust, the Transfer Agent, the Custodian, any sub-custodian and the Distributor are under no duty, however, to give notification of any defects or irregularities in the delivery of Fund Deposits nor shall either of them incur any liability for the failure to give any such notification. The Trust, the Transfer Agent, the Custodian and the Distributor shall not be liable for the rejection of any purchase order for Creation Units.
All questions as to the number of shares of each security in the Deposit Securities and the validity, form, eligibility and acceptance for deposit of any securities to be delivered shall be determined by the Trust, and the Trust’s determination shall be final and binding.
Creation Transaction Fee
A fixed purchase (i.e., creation) transaction fee may be imposed for the transfer and other transaction costs associated with the purchase of Creation Units (“Creation Order Costs”). The standard creation transaction fee for each Fund is currently $250, regardless of the number of Creation Units created in the transaction. Each Fund may adjust the creation transaction fee from time to time. The creation transaction fee may be waived on certain orders if the Custodian has determined to waive some or all of the Creation Order Costs associated with the order or another party, such as the Advisor, has agreed to pay such fee.
In addition, a variable fee may be imposed for cash purchases, non-standard orders, or partial cash purchases of Creation Units. The variable fee is primarily designed to cover non-standard charges, e.g., brokerage, taxes, foreign exchange, execution, market impact, and other costs and expenses, related to the execution of trades resulting from such transaction. In all cases, such fees will be limited in accordance with the requirements of the SEC applicable to management investment companies offering redeemable securities. The Funds may determine not to charge a variable fee on certain orders when the Adviser has determined that doing so is in the best interests of Fund shareholders, e.g., for creation orders that facilitate the rebalance of a Fund’s portfolio in a more efficient manner than could have been achieved without such order.
Investors who use the services of an Authorized Participant, broker or other such intermediary may be charged a fee for such services which may include an amount for the creation transaction fee and non-standard charges. Investors are responsible for the costs of transferring the securities constituting the Deposit Securities to the account of the Trust. The
Adviser may retain all or a portion of the Transaction Fee to the extent the Adviser bears the expenses that otherwise would be borne by the Trust in connection with the issuance of a Creation Unit, which the Transaction Fee is designed to cover.
Risks of Purchasing Creation Units
There are certain legal risks unique to investors purchasing Creation Units directly from a Fund. Because each Fund’s shares may be issued on an ongoing basis, a “distribution” of shares could be occurring at any time. Certain activities that a shareholder performs as a dealer could, depending on the circumstances, result in the shareholder being deemed a participant in the distribution in a manner that could render the shareholder a statutory underwriter and subject to the prospectus delivery and liability provisions of the Securities Act of 1933. For example, a shareholder could be deemed a statutory underwriter if it purchases Creation Units from a Fund, breaks them down into the constituent shares, and sells those shares directly to customers, or if a shareholder chooses to couple the creation of a supply of new shares with an active selling effort involving solicitation of secondary-market demand for shares. Whether a person is an underwriter depends upon all of the facts and circumstances pertaining to that person’s activities, and the examples mentioned here should not be considered a complete description of all the activities that could cause you to be deemed an underwriter.
Dealers who are not “underwriters” but are participating in a distribution (as opposed to engaging in ordinary secondary-market transactions), and thus dealing with a Fund’s shares as part of an “unsold allotment” within the meaning of Section 4(a)(3)(C) of the Securities Act, will be unable to take advantage of the prospectus delivery exemption provided by Section 4(a)(3) of the Securities Act.
Shares of a Fund may be redeemed only in Creation Units at their NAV next determined after receipt of a redemption request in proper form by a Fund through the Transfer Agent and only on a Business Day. EXCEPT UPON REORGANIZATION, MERGER, CONVERSION OR LIQUIDATION OF THE FUND, THE TRUST WILL NOT REDEEM SHARES IN AMOUNTS LESS THAN CREATION UNITS. Investors must accumulate enough shares of a Fund in the secondary market to constitute a Creation Unit in order to have such shares redeemed by the Trust. There can be no assurance, however, that there will be sufficient liquidity in the public trading market at any time to permit assembly of a Creation Unit. Investors should expect to incur brokerage and other costs in connection with assembling a sufficient number of shares to constitute a redeemable Creation Unit.
With respect to a Fund, the Custodian, through the NSCC, makes available prior to the opening of business on the Exchange (currently 9:30 a.m. Eastern time) on each Business Day, the list of the names and share quantities of securities designated by a Fund that will be applicable (subject to possible amendment or correction) to redemption requests received in proper form (as defined below) on that day (“Redemption Securities”). Redemption Securities received on redemption may not be identical to Deposit Securities. The identity and number of shares of the Redemption Securities or the Cash Redemption Amount (defined below) may be changed from time to time with a view to the investment objective of the Fund.
Redemption proceeds for a Creation Unit are paid either in-kind or in cash, or combination thereof, as determined by the Trust. With respect to in-kind redemptions of a Fund, redemption proceeds for a Creation Unit will consist of Redemption Securities plus cash in an amount equal to the difference between the NAV of the shares of the Fund being redeemed, as next determined after a receipt of a request in proper form, and the value of the Redemption Securities (the “Cash Redemption Amount”), less any fixed redemption transaction fee as set forth below and any applicable additional variable charge as set forth below. In the event that the Redemption Securities have a value greater than the NAV of the shares of a Fund, a compensating cash payment equal to the differential is required to be made by or through an Authorized Participant by the redeeming shareholder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, at the Trust’s discretion, an Authorized Participant may receive the corresponding cash value of the securities in lieu of the in-kind securities value representing one or more Redemption Securities.
Cash Redemption Method
Although the Trust does not ordinarily permit full or partial cash redemptions of Creation Units of a Fund, when full or partial cash redemptions of Creation Units are available or specified for a Fund, they will be effected in essentially the same manner as in-kind redemptions thereof. In the case of full or partial cash redemptions, the Authorized Participant receives the cash equivalent of the Redemption Securities it would otherwise receive through an in-kind redemption, plus the same Cash Redemption Amount to be paid to an in-kind redeemer.
Redemption Transaction Fee
A fixed redemption transaction fee may be imposed for the transfer and other transaction costs associated with the redemption of Creation Units (“Redemption Order Costs”). The standard redemption transaction fee for each Fund is currently $250, regardless of the number of Creation Units redeemed in the transaction. Each Fund may adjust the redemption transaction fee from time to time. The redemption transaction fee may be waived on certain orders if the Custodian has determined to waive some or all of the Redemption Order Costs associated with the order or another party, such as the Advisor, has agreed to pay such fee.
In addition, a variable fee, payable to a Fund, may be imposed for cash redemptions, non-standard orders, or partial cash redemptions for the Fund. The variable fee is primarily designed to cover non-standard charges, e.g., brokerage, taxes, foreign exchange, execution, market impact, and other costs and expenses, related to the execution of trades resulting from such transaction. In all cases, such fees will be limited in accordance with the requirements of the SEC applicable to management investment companies offering redeemable securities. A Fund may determine not to charge a variable fee on certain orders when the Adviser has determined that doing so is in the best interests of Fund shareholders, e.g., for redemption orders that facilitate the rebalance of a Fund’s portfolio in a more tax efficient manner than could be achieved without such order.
Investors who use the services of an Authorized Participant, broker or other such intermediary may be charged a fee for such services, which may include an amount for the redemption transaction fees and non-standard charges. Investors are responsible for the costs of transferring the securities constituting the Redemption Securities to the account of the Trust. The non-standard charges are payable to a Fund as it incurs costs in connection with the redemption of Creation Units, the receipt of Redemption Securities and the Cash Redemption Amount and other transactions costs. The Adviser may retain all or a portion of the redemption transaction fee to the extent the Adviser bears the expenses that otherwise would be borne by the Trust in connection with the redemption of a Creation Unit, which the redemption transaction fee is designed to cover.
Procedures for Redemption of Creation Units
Orders to redeem Creation Units must be submitted in proper form to the Transfer Agent prior to the time as set forth in the Participant Agreement. A redemption request is considered to be in “proper form” if (i) an Authorized Participant has transferred or caused to be transferred to the Trust’s Transfer Agent the Creation Unit(s) being redeemed through the book-entry system of DTC so as to be effective by the time as set forth in the Participant Agreement and (ii) a request in form satisfactory to the Trust is received by the Transfer Agent from the Authorized Participant on behalf of itself or another redeeming investor within the time periods specified in the Participant Agreement. If the Transfer Agent does not receive the investor’s shares of a Fund through DTC’s facilities by the times and pursuant to the other terms and conditions set forth in the Participant Agreement, the redemption request shall be rejected, unless, to the extent contemplated by the Participant Agreement, collateral is posted in an amount equal to a percentage of the value of the missing shares of a Fund as specified in the Participant Agreement (and marked to market daily).
The Authorized Participant must transmit the request for redemption, in the form required by the Trust, to the Transfer Agent in accordance with procedures set forth in the Participant Agreement. Investors should be aware that their particular broker may not have executed a Participant Agreement, and that, therefore, requests to redeem Creation Units may have to be placed by the investor’s broker through an Authorized Participant who has executed a Participant Agreement. Investors making a redemption request should be aware that such request must be in the form specified by such Authorized Participant. Investors making a request to redeem Creation Units should allow sufficient time to permit
proper submission of the request by an Authorized Participant and transfer of the shares of a Fund to the Trust’s Transfer Agent; such investors should allow for the additional time that may be required to effect redemptions through their banks, brokers or other financial intermediaries if such intermediaries are not Authorized Participants.
Additional Redemption Procedures
In connection with taking delivery of shares of Redemption Securities upon redemption of Creation Units, a redeeming shareholder or Authorized Participant acting on behalf of such shareholder must maintain appropriate custody arrangements with a qualified broker-dealer, bank or other custody providers in each jurisdiction in which any of the Redemption Securities are customarily traded, to which account such Redemption Securities will be delivered. Deliveries of redemption proceeds generally will be made within one Business Day of the trade date. However, due to the schedule of holidays in certain countries, the different treatment among foreign and U.S. markets of dividend record dates and dividend ex-dates (that is the last date the holder of a security can sell the security and still receive dividends payable on the security sold), and in certain other circumstances, the delivery of in-kind redemption proceeds may take longer than one Business Day after the day on which the redemption request is received in proper form. If neither the redeeming shareholder nor the Authorized Participant acting on behalf of such redeeming shareholder has appropriate arrangements to take delivery of the Redemption Securities in the applicable foreign jurisdiction and it is not possible to make other such arrangements, or if it is not possible to effect deliveries of the Redemption Securities in such jurisdiction, the Trust may, in its discretion, exercise its option to redeem such shares in cash, and the redeeming shareholders will be required to receive redemption proceeds in cash.
If it is not possible to make other such arrangements, or it is not possible to effect deliveries of the Redemption Securities, the Trust may in its discretion exercise its option to redeem such shares in cash, and the redeeming investor will be required to receive its redemption proceeds in cash. In addition, an investor may request a redemption in cash that a Fund may, in its sole discretion, permit. In either case, the investor will receive a cash payment equal to the NAV of its shares based on the NAV of shares of a Fund next determined after the redemption request is received in proper form (minus a redemption transaction fee and additional charge for requested cash redemptions specified above, to offset the Trust’s brokerage and other transaction costs associated with the disposition of Redemption Securities). A Fund may also, in its sole discretion, upon request of a shareholder, provide such redeemer a portfolio of securities that differs from the exact composition of the Redemption Securities but does not differ in NAV.
Pursuant to the Participant Agreement, an Authorized Participant submitting a redemption request is deemed to make certain representations to the Trust regarding the Authorized Participant’s ability to tender for redemption the requisite number of shares of a Fund. The Trust reserves the right to verify these representations at its discretion, but will typically require verification with respect to a redemption request from a Fund in connection with higher levels of redemption activity and/or short interest in a Fund. If the Authorized Participant, upon receipt of a verification request, does not provide sufficient verification of its representations as determined by the Trust, the redemption request will not be considered to have been received in proper form and may be rejected by the Trust.
Redemptions of shares for Redemption Securities will be subject to compliance with applicable federal and state securities laws and the Funds (whether or not it otherwise permits cash redemptions) reserve the right to redeem Creation Units for cash to the extent that the Trust could not lawfully deliver specific Redemption Securities upon redemptions or could not do so without first registering the Redemption Securities under such laws. An Authorized Participant or an investor for which it is acting subject to a legal restriction with respect to a particular security included in the Redemption Securities applicable to the redemption of Creation Units may be paid an equivalent amount of cash. The Authorized Participant may request the redeeming investor of the shares of a Fund to complete an order form or to enter into agreements with respect to such matters as compensating cash payment. Further, an Authorized Participant that is not a “qualified institutional buyer,” (“QIB”) as such term is defined under Rule 144A of the Securities Act, will not be able to receive Redemption Securities that are restricted securities eligible for resale under Rule 144A. An Authorized Participant may be required by the Trust to provide a written confirmation with respect to QIB status in order to receive Redemption Securities.
Because the portfolio securities of a Fund may trade on the relevant exchange(s) on days that the Exchange is closed or are otherwise not Business Days for a Fund, shareholders may not be able to redeem their shares, or to purchase or sell shares on the applicable Exchange, on days when the NAV of a Fund could be significantly affected by events in the relevant foreign markets.
The right of redemption may be suspended or the date of payment postponed with respect to a Fund (1) for any period during which the New York Stock Exchange is closed (other than customary weekend and holiday closings); (2) for any period during which trading on the New York Stock Exchange is suspended or restricted; (3) for any period during which an emergency exists as a result of which disposal of the securities owned by the Fund or determination of the NAV of the shares of the Fund is not reasonably practicable; or (4) in such other circumstance as is permitted by the SEC.
Federal Income Tax Matters
The following is a summary of certain material U.S. federal (and, where noted, state and local) income tax considerations affecting the Funds and their shareholders. The discussion is very general. Current and prospective shareholders are therefore urged to consult their own tax advisors with respect to the specific federal, state, local and foreign tax consequences of investing in the Funds. The summary is based on the laws in effect on the date of this SAI and existing judicial and administrative interpretations thereof, all of which are subject to change, possibly with retroactive effect.
Each Fund is treated as a separate entity from other series of the Trust for federal income tax purposes. Each Fund intends to elect to be, and intends to qualify each year for treatment as, a “regulated investment company” under Subchapter M of the Code by complying with all applicable requirements of the Code, including, among other things, requirements as to the sources of the Fund’s income, diversification of the Fund’s assets and timing of Fund distributions. To so qualify, each Fund must, among other things: (a) derive at least 90% of its gross income in each taxable year from dividends, interest, payments with respect to certain securities loans, and gains from the sale or other disposition of stock or securities or foreign currencies, or other income (including, but not limited to, gains from options, futures or forward contracts) derived with respect to its business of investing in such stock, securities or currencies, and net income derived from interests in “qualified publicly traded partnerships” (i.e., partnerships that are traded on an established securities market or tradable on a secondary market, other than partnerships that derive 90% of their income from interest, dividends, capital gains, and other traditionally permitted mutual fund income) (collectively, “qualifying income”); (b) diversify its holdings so that, at the end of each quarter of the Fund’s taxable year, (i) at least 50% of the market value of the Fund’s assets is represented by cash, securities of other regulated investment companies, U.S. government securities and other securities, with such other securities limited, in respect of any one issuer, to an amount not greater than 5% of the Fund’s assets and not greater than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of such issuer and (ii) not more than 25% of the value of its assets is invested, including through corporations in which the Fund owns a 20% or more voting stock interest, in the securities (other than U.S. government securities or securities of other regulated investment companies) of any one issuer, in the securities (other than the securities of other regulated investment companies) of any two or more issuers that the Fund controls and that are determined to be engaged in the same or similar trades or businesses or related trades or businesses, or in the securities of one or more “qualified publicly traded partnerships”; and (c) distribute an amount equal to the sum of at least 90% of its investment company taxable income (computed without regard to the dividends-paid deduction) and 90% of its net tax-exempt income, if any, for the tax year (including, for purposes of satisfying this distribution requirement, certain distributions made by the Fund after the close of its taxable year that are treated as made during such taxable year). The application of these requirements to certain investments (including swaps) that may be entered into by the Funds is unclear. In addition, the application of these requirements to the Funds’ investment objectives is not clear, particularly because each Fund’s investment objective focuses on the performance of the stock of a single issuer.
As a regulated investment company, a Fund will not be subject to U.S. federal income tax on the portion of its taxable investment income and capital gains that it distributes to its shareholders provided that it satisfies a minimum distribution requirement. In order to also avoid liability for a non-deductible federal excise tax, the Fund must distribute (or be deemed to have distributed) by December 31 of each calendar year at least the sum of (i) 98% of its ordinary income for such year, (ii) 98.2% of the excess of its realized capital gains over its realized capital losses for the 12-month period generally ending on October 31 during such year and (iii) any amounts from the prior calendar year that were not distributed and on which the Fund paid no federal income tax. A Fund will be subject to income tax at the regular corporate tax rate on any taxable income or gains that it does not distribute to its shareholders. The Funds’ policy is to
distribute to its shareholders all investment company taxable income (determined without regard to the deduction for dividends paid) and any net capital gain (the excess of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss) for each fiscal year in a manner that complies with the distribution requirements of the Code, so that the Funds will not be subject to any federal income or excise taxes.
If, for any taxable year, a Fund were to fail to qualify as a regulated investment company or were to fail to meet certain minimum distribution requirements under the Code, it would be taxed in the same manner as an ordinary corporation and distributions to its shareholders would not be deductible by the Fund in computing its taxable income. In addition, in the event of a Fund’s failure to qualify, the Fund’s distributions, to the extent derived from the Fund’s current or accumulated earnings and profits, including any distributions of net capital gain, would be taxable to shareholders as ordinary dividend income for federal income tax purposes. However, such dividends would be eligible, subject to any generally applicable limitations, (i) to be treated as qualified dividend income in the case of shareholders taxed as individuals and (ii) for the dividends received deduction in the case of corporate shareholders. Moreover, if a Fund were to fail to qualify as a regulated investment company in any year, it would be required to distribute its earnings and profits accumulated in that year in order to qualify again as a regulated investment company. Under certain circumstances, a Fund may be able to cure a failure to qualify as a regulated investment company, but in order to do so the Fund might incur significant Fund-level taxes and might be forced to dispose of certain assets. If a Fund failed to qualify as a regulated investment company for a period greater than two taxable years, the Fund would generally be required to recognize any net built-in gains with respect to certain of its assets upon a disposition of such assets within five years of qualifying as a regulated investment company in a subsequent year.
Shareholders generally will be subject to federal income taxes on distributions made by a Fund whether paid in cash or additional shares. Distributions of net investment income (including interest, dividend income and net short-term capital gain in excess of any net long-term capital loss, less certain expenses), other than qualified dividend income, will be taxable to shareholders as ordinary income. Distributions of qualified dividend income by a Fund, generally will be taxed to non-corporate shareholders at the federal income tax rates applicable to net capital gain, provided the Fund reports the amount distributed as qualified dividend income.
In general, dividends may be reported by a Fund as qualified dividend income if they are attributable to qualified dividend income received by the Fund. Qualified dividend income generally means dividend income received from a Fund’s investments in common and preferred stock of U.S. companies and stock of certain qualified foreign corporations, provided that certain holding period and other requirements are met by both the Fund and its shareholders. If 95% or more of a Fund’s gross income (calculated without taking into account net capital gain derived from sales or other dispositions of stock or securities) consists of qualified dividend income, the Fund may report all distributions of such income as qualified dividend income.
A foreign corporation is treated as a qualified foreign corporation for this purpose if it is incorporated in a possession of the United States or it is eligible for the benefits of certain income tax treaties with the United States and meets certain additional requirements. Certain foreign corporations that are not otherwise qualified foreign corporations will be treated as qualified foreign corporations with respect to dividends paid by them if the stock with respect to which the dividends are paid is readily tradable on an established securities market in the United States. Passive foreign investment companies are not qualified foreign corporations for this purpose.
Dividends paid by a Fund may qualify in part for the dividends-received deduction available to corporate shareholders, provided the Fund reports the amount distributed as a qualifying dividend and certain holding period and other requirements under the Code are satisfied. The reported amount, however, cannot exceed the aggregate amount of qualifying dividends received by the Fund for its taxable year. Eligibility for qualified dividend income treatment and the dividends-received deduction may be reduced or eliminated if, among other things, (i) the shareholder is under an obligation (whether pursuant to a short sale or otherwise) to make related payments with respect to positions in substantially similar or related property or (ii) certain holding period requirements are not satisfied at both the Fund and shareholder levels. In addition, qualified dividend income treatment is not available if a shareholder elects to have the dividend income treated as investment income for purposes of the limitation on deductibility of investment interest.
Under Section 163(j) of the Code, a taxpayer’s business interest expense is generally deductible to the extent of the taxpayer’s business interest income plus certain other amounts. If a Fund earns business interest income, it may report a portion of its dividends as “Section 163(j) interest dividends,” which its shareholders may be able to treat as business interest income for purposes of Section 163(j) of the Code. A Fund’s “Section 163(j) interest dividend” for a tax year will be limited to the excess of its business interest income over the sum of its business interest expense and other deductions properly allocable to its business interest income. In general, a Fund’s shareholders may treat a distribution reported as a Section 163(j) interest dividend as interest income only to the extent the distribution exceeds the sum of the portions of the distribution reported as other types of tax-favored income. To be eligible to treat a Fund’s Section 163(j) interest dividend as interest income, a shareholder may need to meet certain holding period requirements in respect of the Fund shares and must not have hedged its position in the Fund shares in certain ways.
Distributions of net capital gain, if any, that a Fund reports as capital gain dividends will be taxable to non-corporate shareholders as long-term capital gain without regard to how long a shareholder has held shares of the Fund. The Fund may retain certain amounts of capital gains and designate them as undistributed net capital gain in a notice to its shareholders, who (i) will be required to include in income for U.S. federal income tax purposes, as long-term capital gain, their proportionate shares of the undistributed amounts so designated, (ii) will be entitled to credit their proportionate shares of the income tax paid by the Fund on those undistributed amounts against their federal income tax liabilities and to claim refunds to the extent such credits exceed their liabilities and (iii) will be entitled to increase their federal income tax basis in their shares by an amount equal to the excess of the amounts of undistributed net capital gain included in their respective income over their respective income tax credits.
For U.S. federal income tax purposes, a Fund is permitted to carry forward indefinitely a net capital loss from any taxable year to offset its capital gains, if any, in years following the year of the loss. To the extent subsequent capital gains of a Fund are offset by such losses, they will not result in U.S. federal income tax liability to the Fund and may not be distributed as capital gains to shareholders. Generally, a Fund may not carry forward any losses other than net capital losses. Under certain circumstances, a Fund may elect to treat certain losses as though they were incurred on the first day of the taxable year immediately following the taxable year in which they were actually incurred.
Distributions by a Fund in excess of earnings and profits will, as to each shareholder, be treated as a tax-free return of capital to the extent of the shareholder’s basis in his or her Fund shares. A distribution treated as a return of capital will reduce the shareholder’s basis in his or her shares, which will result in an increase in the amount of gain (or a decrease in the amount of loss) that will be recognized by the shareholder for tax purposes on a later sale of such shares. After the shareholder’s basis is reduced to zero, any distributions in excess of earnings and profits will be treated as a capital gain, assuming the shareholder holds his or her shares as capital assets.
A 3.8% Medicare contribution tax generally applies to all or a portion of the net investment income of a shareholder who is an individual and not a nonresident alien for federal income tax purposes and who has adjusted gross income (subject to certain adjustments) that exceeds a threshold amount ($250,000 if married filing jointly or if considered a “surviving spouse” for federal income tax purposes, $125,000 if married filing separately, and $200,000 in other cases). This 3.8% tax also applies to all or a portion of the undistributed net investment income of certain shareholders that are estates and trusts. For these purposes, interest, dividends and certain capital gains (among other categories of income) are generally taken into account in computing a shareholder’s net investment income.
Certain tax-exempt educational institutions are subject to a 1.4% tax on net investment income. For these purposes, certain dividends and capital gain distributions, and certain gains from the disposition of Fund shares (among other categories of income), are generally taken into account in computing a shareholder’s net investment income.
Distributions are generally taxable when received. However, distributions declared in October, November or December to shareholders of record on a date in such a month and paid the following January are taxable for federal income tax purposes as if received on December 31 of the calendar year in which declared. In addition, certain distributions made after the close of a taxable year of a Fund may be “spilled back” and treated for certain purposes as paid by the Fund during such taxable year. In such case, shareholders generally will be treated as having received such dividends in the taxable year in which the distributions were actually made. For purposes of calculating the amount of a regulated investment company’s undistributed income and gain subject to the 4% excise tax described above, such “spilled back” dividends are treated as paid by the regulated investment company when they are actually paid.
A sale of Fund shares may result in recognition of a taxable gain or loss. The gain or loss will generally be treated as a long-term capital gain or loss if the shares are held for more than one year, and as a short-term capital gain or loss if the shares are held for one year or less. Any loss realized upon a sale or exchange of shares held for six months or less will be treated as a long-term capital loss to the extent of any amounts treated as distributions of long-term capital gains during such six-month period. Any loss realized upon a sale may be disallowed under certain wash sale rules to the extent shares of a Fund or substantially identical stock or securities are purchased (through reinvestment of distributions or otherwise) within 30 days before or after the sale.
An Authorized Participant who exchanges securities for Creation Units generally will recognize gain or loss from the exchange. The gain or loss will be equal to the difference between the market value of the Creation Units at the time of the exchange and the sum of the exchanger’s aggregate basis in the securities surrendered plus the amount of cash paid for such Creation Units. The ability of Authorized Participants to receive a full or partial cash redemption of Creation Units of a Fund may limit the tax efficiency of the Fund. A person who redeems Creation Units will generally recognize a gain or loss equal to the difference between the sum of the aggregate market value of any securities received plus the amount of any cash received for such Creation Units and the exchanger’s basis in the Creation Units. The Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”), however, may assert that a loss realized upon an exchange of securities for Creation Units cannot be deducted currently under the rules governing “wash sales” (for an Authorized Participant which does not mark-to-market its holdings) or on the basis that there has been no significant change in economic position.
Any gain or loss realized upon a creation of Creation Units will be treated as capital gain or loss if the Authorized Participant holds the securities exchanged therefor as capital assets, and otherwise will be ordinary income or loss. Similarly, any gain or loss realized upon a redemption of Creation Units will be treated as capital gain or loss if the Authorized Participant holds the shares comprising the Creation Units as capital assets, and otherwise will be ordinary income or loss. Any capital gain or loss realized upon the creation of Creation Units will generally be treated as long-term capital gain or loss if the securities exchanged for such Creation Units have been held for more than one year, and otherwise will be short-term capital gain or loss. Any capital gain or loss realized upon the redemption of Creation Units will generally be treated as long-term capital gain or loss if the shares comprising the Creation Units have been held for more than one year, and otherwise will generally be short-term capital gain or loss. Any capital loss realized upon a redemption of Creation Units held for six months or less should be treated as a long-term capital loss to the extent of any amounts treated as distributions to the applicable Authorized Participant of long-term capital gains with respect to the shares included in the Creation Units (including any amounts credited to the Authorized Participant as undistributed capital gains).
The Trust on behalf of a Fund has the right to reject an order for a purchase of shares of the Fund if the purchaser (or a group of purchasers) would, upon obtaining the shares so ordered, own 80% or more of the outstanding shares of that Fund and if, pursuant to Section 351 of the Code, that Fund would have a basis in the securities different from the market value of such securities on the date of deposit. The Trust also has the right to require information necessary to determine beneficial share ownership for purposes of the 80% determination. If a Fund does issue Creation Units to a purchaser (or a group of purchasers) that would, upon obtaining the shares so ordered, own 80% or more of the outstanding shares of the Fund, the purchaser (or a group of purchasers) may not recognize gain or loss upon the exchange of securities for Creation Units. Persons purchasing or redeeming Creation Units should consult their own tax advisers with respect to the tax treatment of any creation or redemption transaction.
If a shareholder recognizes a loss with respect to a Fund’s shares of $2 million or more for an individual shareholder or $10 million or more for a corporate shareholder (or certain greater amounts over a combination of years), the shareholder must file with the Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) a disclosure statement on IRS Form 8886. Direct shareholders of portfolio securities are in many cases exempted from this reporting requirement, but under current guidance, shareholders of a regulated investment company are not exempted. The fact that a loss is so reportable does not affect the legal determination of whether the taxpayer’s treatment of the loss is proper.
A Fund’s transactions in options and other similar transactions, such as futures and swaps, may be subject to special provisions of the Code that, among other things, affect the character of any income realized by the Fund from such investments, accelerate recognition of income to the Fund, defer Fund losses, affect the holding period of the Fund’s securities, affect whether distributions will be eligible for the dividends-received deduction or be treated as qualified dividend income and affect the determination of whether capital gain and loss is characterized as long-term or short-term
capital gain or loss. These rules could therefore affect the character, amount and timing of distributions to shareholders. These provisions may also require a Fund to “mark-to-market” certain types of the positions in its portfolio (i.e., treat them as if they were closed out), which may cause the Fund to recognize income without receiving cash with which to make distributions in amounts necessary to satisfy the distribution requirements for avoiding U.S. federal income and excise taxes.
A Fund’s transactions in broad based equity index futures contracts, exchange-traded options on such indices and certain other futures contracts are generally considered “Section 1256 contracts” for federal income tax purposes. Any unrealized gains or losses on such Section 1256 contracts are treated as though they were realized at the end of each taxable year. The resulting gain or loss is treated as 60% long-term capital gain or loss and 40% short-term capital gain or loss. Gain or loss recognized on actual sales of Section 1256 contracts is treated in the same manner. As noted above, a Fund’s distributions of net short-term capital gain are generally taxable to shareholders as ordinary income while distributions of net long-term capital gain are taxable to shareholders as long-term capital gain, regardless of how long the shareholder has held shares of the Fund.
A Fund’s entry into a short sale transaction, an option or certain other contracts, such as futures, could be treated as the constructive sale of an appreciated financial position, causing the Fund to realize gain, but not loss, on the position.
If a Fund invests in certain pay-in-kind securities, zero coupon securities, deferred interest securities or, in general, any other securities with original issue discount (or with market discount if the Fund elects to include market discount in income currently), the Fund must accrue income on such investments for each taxable year, which generally will be prior to the receipt of the corresponding cash payments. However, each Fund must distribute, at least annually, all or substantially all of its investment company taxable income (determined without regard to the deduction for dividends paid), including such accrued income to shareholders to avoid federal income and excise taxes. Therefore, a Fund may have to sell portfolio securities (potentially under disadvantageous circumstances) to generate cash, or may have to undertake leverage by borrowing cash, to satisfy these distribution requirements. Dispositions of portfolio securities may result in additional gains and additional distribution requirements.
If a Fund invests in a market discount bond, it will be required to treat any gain recognized on the disposition of such market discount bond as ordinary income (instead of capital gain) to the extent of the accrued market discount, unless the Fund elects to include the market discount in income as it accrues as discussed above. A market discount bond is a security acquired in the secondary market at a price below its redemption value (or its adjusted issue price if it is also an original issue discount bond).
A Fund may be subject to withholding and other taxes imposed by foreign countries, including taxes on interest, dividends and capital gains with respect to its investments in those countries, which would, if imposed, reduce the yield on or return from those investments. Tax treaties between certain countries and the United States may reduce or eliminate such taxes in some cases. So long as a Fund qualifies for treatment as a regulated investment company and incurs “qualified foreign taxes,” if more than 50% of its net assets at the close of its taxable year consist of stock or securities of foreign corporations, which for this purpose may include obligations of foreign governmental issuers, the Fund may elect to “pass through” to its shareholders the amount of such foreign taxes paid. If this election is made, information with respect to the amount of the foreign income taxes that are allocated to the Fund’s shareholders will be provided to them and any shareholder subject to tax on dividends will be required (i) to include in ordinary gross income (in addition to the amount of the taxable dividends actually received) his/her proportionate share of the foreign taxes paid that are attributable to such dividends; and (ii) either to deduct his/her proportionate share of such foreign taxes in computing his/her taxable income or to claim that amount as a foreign tax credit (subject to applicable limitations) against U.S. income taxes.
Shareholders of a Fund who do not itemize deductions for U.S. federal income tax purposes will not be able to deduct their pro rata portion of qualified foreign taxes paid by the Fund, although such shareholders will be required to include their shares of such taxes in gross income if the Fund makes the election described above. Qualified foreign taxes generally include taxes that would be treated as income taxes under U.S. tax regulations but do not include most other taxes, such as stamp taxes, securities transaction taxes, and similar taxes. No deduction for such taxes will be permitted to individuals in computing their alternative minimum tax liability.
If a Fund makes the election to pass through qualified foreign taxes and a shareholder chooses to take a credit for the foreign taxes deemed paid by such shareholder, the amount of the credit that may be claimed in any year may not exceed the same proportion of the U.S. tax against which such credit is taken that the shareholder’s taxable income from foreign sources (but not in excess of the shareholder’s entire taxable income) bears to his entire taxable income. For this purpose, long-term and short-term capital gains a Fund realizes and distributes to shareholders will generally not be treated as income from foreign sources in their hands, nor will distributions of certain foreign currency gains subject to Section 988 of the Code or of any other income realized by a Fund that is deemed, under the Code, to be U.S. source income in the hands of the Fund. This foreign tax credit limitation may also be applied separately to certain specific categories of foreign-source income and the related foreign taxes. As a result of these rules, which may have different effects depending upon each shareholder’s particular tax situation, certain shareholders may not be able to claim a credit for the full amount of their proportionate share of the foreign taxes paid by a Fund. Shareholders who are not liable for U.S. federal income taxes, including tax-exempt shareholders, will ordinarily not benefit from this election. If a Fund does make the election, it will provide required tax information to shareholders. A Fund generally may deduct any foreign taxes that are not passed through to its shareholders in computing its income available for distribution to shareholders to satisfy applicable tax distribution requirements. Under certain circumstances, if a Fund receives a refund of foreign taxes paid in respect of a prior year, the value of the Fund’s shares could be affected, or any foreign tax credits or deductions passed through to shareholders in respect of the Fund’s foreign taxes for the current year could be reduced.
Foreign exchange gains or losses realized by a Fund in connection with certain transactions involving foreign currency-denominated debt securities, certain options and future contracts relating to foreign currency, foreign currency forward currency contracts, foreign currencies, or payables or receivables denominated in a foreign currency are subject to Section 988 of the Code, which generally causes such gains or losses to be treated as ordinary gain or loss and may affect the amount, timing and character of distributions to shareholders.
A Fund may purchase the securities of certain foreign entities treated as passive foreign investment companies for federal income tax purposes (“PFICs”). PFICs may be the only or primary means by which a Fund may invest in some countries. If a Fund invests in equity securities of PFICs, it may be subject to U.S. federal income tax on a portion of any “excess distribution” or gain from the disposition of such securities even if such income is distributed as a taxable dividend to shareholders. Additional charges in the nature of interest may be imposed on a Fund with respect to deferred taxes arising from such distributions or gains. Capital gains on the sale of such holdings will be deemed to be ordinary income regardless of how long such PFICs are held. A “qualified electing fund” election or a “mark to market” election may generally be available that would ameliorate these adverse tax consequences, but such elections could require a Fund to recognize taxable income or gain (subject to the distribution requirements applicable to regulated investment companies, as described above) without the concurrent receipt of cash. In order to satisfy the distribution requirements and avoid a Fund-level tax, a Fund may be required to liquidate portfolio securities that it might otherwise have continued to hold, potentially resulting in additional taxable gain or loss to the Fund. In order for a Fund to make a qualified electing fund election with respect to a PFIC, the PFIC would have to agree to provide certain tax information to the Fund on an annual basis, which it might not agree to do. Each Fund may limit and/or manage its holdings in PFICs to limit its tax liability or maximize its return from these investments.
If a sufficient percentage of the equity interests in a foreign issuer that is treated as a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes are held by a Fund, independently or together with certain other U.S. persons, that issuer may be treated as a “controlled foreign corporation” (a “CFC”) with respect to the Fund, in which case the Fund will be required to take into account each year, as ordinary income, its share of certain portions of that issuer’s income, whether or not such amounts are distributed. Such a Fund may have to dispose of its portfolio securities (potentially resulting in the recognition of taxable gain or loss, and potentially under disadvantageous circumstances) to generate cash, or may have to borrow the cash, to meet its distribution requirements and avoid Fund-level taxes. In addition, some Fund gains on the disposition of interests in such an issuer may be treated as ordinary income. Each Fund may limit and/or manage its holdings in issuers that could be treated as CFCs in order to limit its tax liability or maximize its after-tax return from these investments.
Non-U.S. persons are subject to U.S. tax on disposition of a “United States real property interest” (a “USRPI”). Gain on such a disposition is sometimes referred to as “FIRPTA gain.” The Code provides a look-through rule for distributions of “FIRPTA gain” if certain requirements are met. If the look-through rule applies, certain distributions attributable to income received by the Fund, e.g., from REITs, may be treated as gain from the disposition of a USRPI, causing distributions to be subject to U.S. withholding tax at rates of up to 21%, and require non-U.S. shareholders to file nonresident U.S. income tax returns.
A Fund is required to withhold (as “backup withholding”) a portion of reportable payments, including dividends, capital gain distributions and the proceeds of redemptions and exchanges or repurchases of Fund shares, paid to shareholders who have not complied with certain IRS regulations. The backup withholding rate is currently 24%. In order to avoid this withholding requirement, shareholders, other than certain exempt entities, must certify on IRS Forms W-9 or on certain other documents, that the Social Security Numbers or other Taxpayer Identification Numbers they provide are their correct numbers and that they are not currently subject to backup withholding, or that they are exempt from backup withholding. A Fund may nevertheless be required to backup withhold if it receives notice from the IRS or a broker that a number provided is incorrect or that backup withholding is applicable as a result of previous underreporting of interest or dividend income.
Ordinary dividends and certain other payments made by a Fund to non-U.S. shareholders are generally subject to withholding tax at a 30% rate (or a lower rate as may be determined in accordance with any applicable treaty). In order to obtain a reduced rate of withholding, a non-U.S. shareholder will be required to provide an IRS Form W-8BEN or similar form certifying its entitlement to benefits under a treaty. The withholding tax does not apply to regular dividends paid to a non-U.S. shareholder who provides an IRS Form W-8ECI, certifying that the dividends are effectively connected with the non-U.S. shareholder’s conduct of a trade or business within the United States. Instead, the effectively connected dividends will be subject to regular U.S. income tax as if the non-U.S. shareholder were a U.S. shareholder. A non-U.S. corporation receiving effectively connected dividends may also be subject to additional “branch profits tax” imposed at a rate of 30% (or a lower treaty rate).
The 30% withholding tax described in the preceding paragraph generally will not apply to distributions of net capital gain, to redemption proceeds, or to dividends that the Fund reports as (a) interest-related dividends, to the extent such dividends are derived from the Fund’s “qualified net interest income,” or (b) short-term capital gain dividends, to the extent such dividends are derived from a Fund’s “qualified short-term gain.” “Qualified net interest income” is a Fund’s net income derived from U.S.-source interest and original issue discount, subject to certain exceptions and limitations. “Qualified short-term gain” generally means the excess of the net short-term capital gain of a Fund for the taxable year over its net long-term capital loss, if any. In order to qualify for an exemption from withholding, a non-U.S. shareholder will need to comply with applicable certification requirements relating to its non-U.S. status (including, in general, furnishing an IRS Form W-8BEN or other applicable form). Backup withholding will not be applied to payments that are subject to this 30% withholding tax.
Unless certain non-U.S. entities that hold Fund shares comply with IRS requirements that will generally require them to report information regarding U.S. persons investing in, or holding accounts with, such entities, a 30% withholding tax may apply to a Fund’s dividends payable to such entities. A non-U.S. shareholder may be exempt from the withholding described in this paragraph under an applicable intergovernmental agreement between the United States and a foreign government, provided that the shareholder and the applicable foreign government comply with the terms of such agreement.
This discussion and the related discussion in the Prospectus have been prepared by management of the Funds, and counsel to the Trust has expressed no opinion in respect thereof.
Shareholders and prospective shareholders of the Funds should consult their own tax advisors concerning the effect of owning shares of the Fund in light of their particular tax situations.
Dividends and Distributions
The following information supplements and should be read in conjunction with the section in the Prospectus entitled “Dividends, Distributions and Taxes.”
General Policies
Dividends from net investment income, if any, are declared and paid annually by the Funds. Distributions of remaining net realized capital gains, if any, generally are declared and paid once a year, but a Fund may make distributions on a more frequent basis for the Fund to comply with the distribution requirements of the Internal Revenue Code, in all events in a manner consistent with the provisions of the 1940 Act.
Dividends and other distributions on shares of a Fund are distributed, as described below, on a pro rata basis to Beneficial Owners of such shares. Dividend payments are made through DTC Participants and Indirect Participants to Beneficial Owners then of record with proceeds received from the Trust.
A Fund will make additional distributions to the extent necessary (i) to distribute the entire annual taxable income of the Fund, plus any net capital gains and (ii) to avoid imposition of the excise tax imposed by Section 4982 of the Internal Revenue Code. Management of the Trust reserves the right to declare special dividends if, in its reasonable discretion, such action is necessary or advisable to preserve a Fund’s eligibility for treatment as a regulated investment company (“RIC”) or to avoid imposition of income or excise taxes on undistributed income.
Dividend Reinvestment Service
The Trust will not make the DTC book-entry dividend reinvestment service available for use by Beneficial Owners for reinvestment of their cash proceeds, but certain individual broker-dealers may make available the DTC book-entry Dividend Reinvestment Service for use by Beneficial Owners of a Fund through DTC Participants for reinvestment of their dividend distributions. Investors should contact their brokers to ascertain the availability and description of these services. Beneficial Owners should be aware that each broker may require investors to adhere to specific procedures and timetables in order to participate in the dividend reinvestment service and investors should ascertain from their brokers such necessary details. If this service is available and used, dividend distributions of both income and realized gains will be automatically reinvested in additional whole shares issued by the Trust of the same Fund at NAV per share. Distributions reinvested in additional shares of a Fund will nevertheless be taxable to Beneficial Owners acquiring such additional shares to the same extent as if such distributions had been received in cash.
General Information
The Trust is an open-end management investment company organized as a Delaware statutory trust under the laws of the State of Delaware on August 20, 2013. The Trust has a number of outstanding series of shares of beneficial interest, each of which represents interests in a separate portfolio of securities.
The Trust’s Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to create additional series of shares, to issue an unlimited number of full and fractional shares of beneficial interest of each series, including the Funds, and to divide or combine the shares of any series into a greater or lesser number of shares without thereby changing the proportionate beneficial interest in the series. The assets belonging to a series are charged with the liabilities in respect of that series and all expenses, costs, charges and reserves attributable to that series only. Therefore, any creditor of any series may look only to the assets belonging to that series to satisfy the creditor’s debt. Any general liabilities, expenses, costs, charges or reserves of the Trust which are not readily identifiable as pertaining to any particular series are allocated and charged by the Trustees to and among the existing series in the sole discretion of the Trustees. Each share of the Funds represents an interest in the Funds proportionately equal to the interest of each other share. Upon a Fund’s liquidation, all shareholders would share pro rata in the net assets of the Fund available for distribution to shareholders.
Each share of a series represents an equal proportionate interest in that series with each other share of that series or class.
The shares of each series participate equally in the earnings, dividends and assets of the particular series. Expenses of the Trust which are not attributable to a specific series are allocated among all the series in a manner believed by management of the Trust to be fair and equitable. Shares issued do not have pre-emptive or conversion rights. Shares when issued are fully paid and non-assessable, except as set forth below. Shareholders are entitled to one vote for each share held. Shares of each series generally vote together, except when required under federal securities laws to vote separately on matters that only affect a particular series.
The Trust is not required to hold annual meetings of shareholders but will hold special meetings of shareholders of a series when, in the judgment of the Board, it is necessary or desirable to submit matters for a shareholder vote. Shareholders have, under certain circumstances, the right to communicate with other shareholders in connection with requesting a meeting of shareholders for the purpose of removing one or more trustees. Shareholders also have, in certain circumstances, the right to remove one or more trustees without a meeting. No material amendment may be made to the Trust’s Declaration of Trust without the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of each portfolio affected by the amendment.
The Trust’s Declaration of Trust provides that, at any meeting of shareholders of the Trust or of any series, a shareholder servicing agent may vote any shares as to which such shareholder servicing agent is the agent of record for shareholders who are not represented in person or by proxy at the meeting, proportionately in accordance with the votes cast by holders of all shares of that portfolio otherwise represented at the meeting in person or by proxy as to which such shareholder servicing agent is the agent of record. Any shares so voted by a shareholder servicing agent will be deemed represented at the meeting for purposes of quorum requirements. Any series may be terminated (i) upon the merger or consolidation with, or the sale or disposition of all or substantially all of its assets to, another entity, if approved by the vote of the holders of two-thirds of its outstanding shares, except that if the Board recommends such merger, consolidation or sale or disposition of assets, the approval by vote of the holders of a majority of the series’ outstanding shares will be sufficient, or (ii) by the vote of the holders of a majority of its outstanding shares, or (iii) by the Board by written notice to the series’ shareholders. Unless each series is so terminated, the Trust will continue indefinitely.
Shareholders may send communications to the Board. Shareholders should send communications intended for the Board by addressing the communications to the Board, in care of the Secretary of the Trust and sending the communication to 2220 E. Route 66, Suite 226, Glendora, California 91740. A shareholder communication must (i) be in writing and be signed by the shareholder, (ii) provide contact information for the shareholder, (iii) identify the Fund to which it relates, and (iv) identify the number of shares held by the shareholder. The Secretary of the Trust may, in good faith, determine that a shareholder communication should not be provided to the Board because it does not reasonably relate to the Trust or its operations, management, activities, policies, service providers, Board, officers, shareholders or other matters relating to an investment in the Fund or is otherwise immaterial in nature. Other shareholder communications received by the Fund not directly addressed and sent to the Board will be reviewed and generally responded to by management, and will be forwarded to the Board only at management’s discretion based on the matters contained therein.
The Declaration of Trust provides that no Trustee or officer of the Trust shall be subject to any personal liability in connection with the assets or affairs of the Trust or any of its series except for losses in connection with his or her willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of his or her duties. The Trust has also entered into an indemnification agreement with each Trustee which provides that the Trust shall advance expenses and indemnify and hold harmless the Trustee in certain circumstances against any expenses incurred by the Trustee in any proceeding arising out of or in connection with the Trustee’s service to the Trust, to the maximum extent permitted by the Delaware Statutory Trust Act, the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act, and which provides for certain procedures in connection with such advancement of expenses and indemnification.
The Trust’s Declaration of Trust also provides that the Trust shall maintain appropriate insurance (for example, fidelity bonding and errors and omissions insurance) for the protection of the Trust, its shareholders, trustees, officers, employees and agents covering possible tort and other liabilities.
The Declaration of Trust does not require the issuance of stock certificates. If stock certificates are issued, they must be returned by the registered owners prior to the transfer or redemption of shares represented by such certificates.
Rule 18f-2 under the 1940 Act provides that as to any investment company which has two or more series outstanding and as to any matter required to be submitted to shareholder vote, such matter is not deemed to have been effectively acted upon unless approved by the holders of a “majority” (as defined in the rule) of the voting securities of each series affected by the matter. Such separate voting requirements do not apply to the election of Trustees or the ratification of the selection of accountants. The Rule contains special provisions for cases in which an advisory contract is approved by one or more, but not all, series. A change in investment policy may go into effect as to one or more series whose holders so approve the change even though the required vote is not obtained as to the holders of other affected series.
The Trust and the Advisor each have adopted Codes of Ethics under Rule 17j-1 of the 1940 Act. These codes of ethics permit, subject to certain conditions, personnel of each of those entities to invest in securities that may be purchased or held by the Funds.
Financial Statements
Incorporated by reference herein is the Funds’ Annual Report to shareholders for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, which includes the “Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm”, “Schedule of Investments”, “Statement of Assets and Liabilities”, “Statement of Operations”, “Statements of Changes in Net Assets”, “Financial Highlights” and “Notes to Financial Statements” (statements are consolidated for the Funds, as applicable). A copy of the Funds’ Annual Reports can be obtained at no charge by calling collect 1-833-297-2587 or writing the Fund.
Appendix A
Description of Securities Ratings
Corporate Bonds (Including Convertible Bonds)
Aaa |
Obligations rated Aaa are judged to be of the highest quality, with minimal credit risk. |
Aa |
Obligations rated Aa are judged to be of high quality and are subject to very low credit risk. |
A |
Obligations rated A are considered upper-medium grade and are subject to low credit risk. |
Baa |
Obligations rated Baa are subject to moderate credit risk. They are considered medium-grade and as such may possess certain speculative characteristics. |
Ba |
Obligations rated Ba are judged to have speculative elements and are subject to substantial credit risk. |
B |
Obligations rated B are considered speculative and are subject to high credit risk. |
Caa |
Obligations rated Caa are judged to be of poor standing and are subject to very high credit risk. |
Ca |
Obligations rated Ca are highly speculative and are likely in, or very near, default, with some prospect of recovery. |
C |
Obligations rated C are the lowest rated class of bonds and are typically in default, with little prospect for recovery of principal or interest. |
Note |
Moody’s applies numerical modifiers 1, 2, and 3 in each generic rating classification from Aa through Caa. The modifier 1 indicates that the obligation ranks in the higher end of its generic rating category; the modifier 2 indicates a mid-range ranking; and the modifier 3 indicates a ranking in the lower end of that generic rating category. |
S&P |
An obligation rated AAA has the highest rating assigned by Standard & Poor’s. The obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is extremely strong. |
AA |
An obligation rated AA differs from the highest-rated obligations only in small degree. The obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is very strong. |
A |
An obligation rated A is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than obligations in higher-rated categories. However, the obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is still strong. |
An obligation rated BBB exhibits adequate protection parameters. However, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity of the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. |
Note |
Obligations rated BB, B, CCC, CC, and C are regarded as having significant speculative characteristics. BB indicates the least degree of speculation and C the highest. While such obligations will likely have some quality and protective characteristics, these may be outweighed by large uncertainties or major exposures to adverse conditions. |
BB |
An obligation rated BB is less vulnerable to nonpayment than other speculative issues. However, it faces major ongoing uncertainties or exposure to adverse business, financial or economic conditions, which could lead to the obligor’s inadequate capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. |
B |
An obligation rated B is more vulnerable to nonpayment than obligations rated BB, but the obligor currently has the capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. Adverse business, financial, or economic conditions will likely impair the obligor’s capacity or willingness to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. |
An obligation rated CCC is currently vulnerable to nonpayment, and is dependent upon favorable business, financial, and economic conditions for the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. In the event of adverse business, financial, or economic conditions, the obligor is not likely to have the capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. |
CC |
An obligation rated CC is currently highly vulnerable to nonpayment. |
C |
The C rating may be used to cover a situation where a bankruptcy petition has been filed or similar action has been taken, but payments on this obligation are being continued. |
D |
An obligation rated D is in payment default. The D rating category is used when payments on an obligation are not made on the date due even if the applicable grace period has not expired, unless Standard & Poor’s believes that such payments will be made during such grace period. The D rating also will be used upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition or the taking of a similar action if payments on an obligation are jeopardized. |
Note |
Plus (+) or minus (-). The ratings from AA to CCC may be modified by the addition of a plus or minus sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories. The “r” symbol is attached to the ratings of instruments with significant noncredit risks. It highlights risks to principal or volatility of expected returns, which are not addressed in the credit rating. Examples include: obligations linked or indexed to equities, currencies, or commodities; obligations exposed to severe prepayment risk-such as interest-only or principal-only mortgage securities; and obligations with unusually risky interest terms, such as inverse floaters. |
Preferred Stock |
Moody’s |
Aaa |
An issue that is rated “Aaa” is considered to be a top-quality preferred stock. This rating indicates good asset protection and the least risk of dividend impairment within the universe of preferred stocks. |
Aa |
An issue that is rated “Aa” is considered a high-grade preferred stock. This rating indicates that there is a reasonable assurance the earnings and asset protection will remain relatively well maintained in the foreseeable future. |
A |
An issue that is rated “A” is considered to be an upper-medium grade preferred stock. While risks are judged to be somewhat greater than in the “Aaa” and “Aa” classification, earnings and asset protection are, nevertheless, expected to be maintained at adequate levels. |
Baa |
An issue that is rated “Baa” is considered to be a medium-grade preferred stock, neither highly protected nor poorly secured. Earnings and asset protection appear adequate at present but may be questionable over any great length of time. |
Ba |
An issue that is rated “Ba” is considered to have speculative elements and its future cannot be considered well assured. Earnings and asset protection may be very moderate and not well safeguarded during adverse periods. Uncertainty of position characterizes preferred stocks in this class. |
B |
An issue that is rated “B” generally lacks the characteristics of a desirable investment. Assurance of dividend payments and maintenance of other terms of the issue over any long period of time may be small. |
Caa |
An issue that is rated “Caa” is likely to be in arrears on dividend payments. This rating designation does not purport to indicate the future status of payments. |
Ca |
An issue that is rated “Ca” is speculative in a high degree and is likely to be in arrears on dividends with little likelihood of eventual payments. |
C |
This is the lowest rated class of preferred or preference stock. Issues so rated can thus be regarded as having extremely poor prospects of ever attaining any real investment standing. |
Note |
Moody’s applies numerical modifiers 1, 2, and 3 in each rating classification: the modifier 1 indicates that the security ranks in the higher end of its generic rating category; the modifier 2 indicates a mid-range ranking and the modifier 3 indicates that the issue ranks in the lower end of its generic rating category. |
S&P |
This is the highest rating that may be assigned by Standard & Poor’s to a preferred stock issue and indicates an extremely strong capacity to pay the preferred stock obligations. |
AA |
A preferred stock issue rated AA also qualifies as a high-quality, fixed-income security. The capacity to pay preferred stock obligations is very strong, although not as overwhelming as for issues rated AAA. |
A |
An issue rated A is backed by a sound capacity to pay the preferred stock obligations, although it is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions. |
An issue rated BBB is regarded as backed by an adequate capacity to pay the preferred stock obligations. Whereas it normally exhibits adequate protection parameters, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity to make payments for a preferred stock in this category than for issues in the A category. |
BB, B, CCC |
Preferred stock rated BB, B, and CCC is regarded, on balance, as predominantly speculative with respect to the issuer’s capacity to pay preferred stock obligations. BB indicates the lowest degree of speculation and CCC the highest. While such issues will likely have some quality and protective characteristics, these are outweighed by large uncertainties or major risk exposures to adverse conditions. |
CC |
The rating CC is reserved for a preferred stock issue that is in arrears on dividends or sinking fund payments, but that is currently paying. |
C |
A preferred stock rated C is a nonpaying issue. |
D |
A preferred stock rated D is a nonpaying issue with the issuer in default on debt instruments. |
N.R. |
This indicates that no rating has been requested, that there is insufficient information on which to base a rating, or that Standard & Poor’s does not rate a particular type of obligation as a matter of policy. |
Note |
Plus (+) or minus (-). To provide more detailed indications of preferred stock quality, ratings from AA to CCC may be modified by the addition of a plus or minus sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories. |
Short Term Ratings |
Moody’s |
Moody’s employs the following three designations, all judged to be investment grade, to indicate the relative repayment ability of rated issuers: |
Prime-1 |
Issuers rated Prime-1 (or supporting institutions) have a superior ability for repayment of senior short-term debt obligations. Prime-1 repayment ability will often be evidenced by many of the following characteristics: |
• Leading market positions in well-established industries. |
• High rates of return on Fund employed. |
• Conservative capitalization structure with moderate reliance on debt and ample asset protection. |
• Broad margins in earnings coverage of fixed financial charges and high internal cash generation. |
• Well-established access to a range of financial markets and assured sources of alternate liquidity. |
Prime-2 |
Issuers rated Prime-2 (or supporting institutions) have a strong ability for repayment of senior short-term debt obligations. This will normally be evidenced by many of the characteristics cited above but to a lesser degree. Earnings trends and coverage ratios, while sound, may be more subject to variation. Capitalization characteristics, while still appropriate, may be more affected by external conditions. Ample alternate liquidity is maintained. |
Prime-3 |
Issuers rated Prime-3 (or supporting institutions) have an acceptable ability for repayment of senior short-term obligations. The effect of industry characteristics and market compositions may be more pronounced. Variability in earnings and profitability may result in changes in the level of debt protection measurements and may require relatively high financial leverage. Adequate alternate liquidity is maintained. |
Not Prime |
Issuers rated Not Prime do not fall within any of the Prime rating categories. |
S&P |
A-1 |
A short-term obligation rated A-1 is rated in the highest category by Standard & Poor’s. The obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is strong. Within this category, certain obligations are designated with a plus sign (+). This indicates that the obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on these obligations is extremely strong. |
A-2 |
A short-term obligation rated A-2 is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than obligations in higher rating categories. However, the obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is satisfactory. |
A-3 |
A short-term obligation rated A-3 exhibits adequate protection parameters. However, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity of the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. |
B |
A short-term obligation rated B is regarded as having significant speculative characteristics. The obligor currently has the capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation; however, it faces major ongoing uncertainties, which could lead to the obligor’s inadequate capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. |
C |
A short-term obligation rated C is currently vulnerable to nonpayment and is dependent upon favorable business, financial, and economic conditions for the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. |
D |
A short-term obligation rated D is in payment default. The D rating category is used when payments on an obligation are not made on the date due even if the applicable grace period has not expired, unless Standard & Poor’s believes that such payments will be made during such grace period. The D rating also will be used upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition or the taking of a similar action if payments on an obligation are jeopardized. |
Investment Managers Series Trust II (the “Trust”) is registered as an open-end investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (“1940 Act”). The Trust offers multiple series (each, a “Fund” and, collectively, the “Funds”). Consistent with its fiduciary duties and pursuant to Rule 30b1-4 under the 1940 Act (the “Proxy Rule”), the Board of Trustees of the Trust (the “Board”) has adopted this proxy voting policy on behalf of the Trust (the “Policy”) to reflect its commitment to ensure that proxies are voted in a manner consistent with the best interests of the Fund’ shareholders.
Delegation of Proxy Voting Authority to Fund Advisors
The Board believes that the investment advisor of the Fund (each, an “Advisor” and, collectively, the “Advisors”), as the entity that selects the individual securities that comprise its Fund’s portfolio, is the most knowledgeable and best-suited to make decisions on how to vote proxies of portfolio companies held by that Fund. The Trust will therefore defer to, and rely on, the Advisor of the Fund to make decisions on how to cast proxy votes on behalf of such Fund. An Advisor may delegate this responsibility to the Fund’s sub-advisor.
The Trust hereby designates the Advisor of the Fund as the entity responsible for exercising proxy voting authority with regard to securities held in a Fund’s investment portfolio. Consistent with its duties under this Policy, each Advisor shall monitor and review corporate transactions of corporations in which the Fund has invested, obtain all information sufficient to allow an informed vote on all proxy solicitations, ensure that all proxy votes are cast in a timely fashion, and maintain all records required to be maintained by the Fund under the Proxy Rule and the 1940 Act. Each Advisor will perform these duties in accordance with the Advisor’s proxy voting policy, a copy of which will be presented to the Board for its review. Each Advisor will promptly provide to the Trust’s Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”) updates to its proxy voting policy as they are adopted and implemented, and the Trust’s CCO will then report such updates to the Board.
Availability of Proxy Voting Policy and Records Available to Fund Shareholders
If the Fund or an Advisor has a website, a copy of the Advisor’s proxy voting policy and this Policy may be posted on such website. A copy of such policies and of the Fund’s proxy voting record shall also be made available, without charge, upon request of any shareholder of the Fund, by calling the applicable Fund’s toll-free telephone number as printed in the Fund’s prospectus. The Trust’s transfer agent will notify the Advisor of any such request of proxy voting procedures. The Advisor shall reply to any Fund shareholder request within three (3) business days of receipt of the request, by first-class mail or other means designed to ensure equally prompt delivery.
Each Advisor will provide a complete annual voting record, as required by the Proxy Rule, for each series of the Trust for which it acts as advisor, to the Trust’s co-administrator no later than July 31st of each year. The Trust’s co-administrator, MFAC, will file a report based on such record on Form N-PX on an annual basis with the Securities and Exchange Commission no later than August 31st of each year.
Each Advisor is responsible for providing its current proxy voting policies and procedures and any subsequent amendments to the Trust’s CCO. SEC Form N-PX is filed with respect to the Fund by MFAC (acting as filing agent), by no later than August 31st of each year. Each such filing details all proxies voted on behalf of the Fund for the prior twelve months ended June 30th. In connection with each filing on behalf of the Fund, the Advisor’s CCO must sign and return to MFAC no later than July 30th a Form N-PX Certification stating that the advisor has adopted proxy voting policies and procedures in compliance with the SEC’s Proxy Voting Rule.
The purpose of these proxy voting policies and procedures (the “Policy”) is to set forth the principles and procedures by which AXS votes with respect to securities held in Fund portfolios for which AXS exercises voting authority (generally where AXS has not delegated proxy voting discretion to the Fund’s subadviser). For purposes of this Policy, a “Vote” includes any proxy and any shareholder vote or consent for any security held by a client account for which AXS exercises voting authority.
This Policy been designed to help ensure that Votes are voted in the best interests of the applicable Fund in accordance with AXS’s fiduciary duties and Rule 206(4)-6 under the Act.
Votes must be cast in the best interests of the Fund. AXS’s guiding principle in this regard is that it is generally in the best interest of the client to cast Votes in a manner designed to maximize the economic value of the Fund’s holdings, taking into account the Fund’s investment goals and objectives (as set forth in its current registration statement) and all other relevant circumstances at the time of the vote. AXS does not permit voting decisions to be influenced in any manner that is contrary to this principle. AXS recognizes that, in rare instances, the interest of one Fund with respect to a Vote may conflict with the interests of AXS or another Fund. Any conflicts of interest relating to the casting of Votes, regardless of whether actual or perceived, will be addressed in accordance with this Policy.
It is AXS’s general policy to vote or give consent on all matters presented to shareholders in any Vote, and these policies and procedures have been designed with this in mind. However, AXS reserves the right to abstain from any particular Vote or otherwise withhold its Vote or consent on any matter if, in the judgement of AXS’s CCO or the relevant AXS investment professional, the costs associated with voting such Vote outweigh the benefits to the applicable Fund, or if the circumstances make such an abstention or withholding otherwise advisable and in the best interests of the Fund.
The voting guidelines below summarize AXS’s general positions on various common issues, and provides a general indication of how Fund portfolio securities for which AXS has voting discretion will be voted on proposals dealing with particular issues.
These voting guidelines are just that — guidelines. The guidelines are not exhaustive and do not address all potential voting issues. Because the circumstances of individual companies are so varied, there may be instances when AXS does not cast Fund Votes in strict adherence to these guidelines.
1. Management Proposals
The majority of matters presented to shareholders are proposals made by an issuer’s management, which have usually been approved and recommended by the issuer’s board of directors. For routine matters (which generally means that such matter will not measurably change the structure, management, control or operation of the company and are consistent with customary industry standards and practices), AXS will typically vote in accordance with the recommendation of the company’s management; unless, in AXS’s opinion, such recommendation is not in the best interests of the Fund.
Generally, in the absence of any unusual or non-routine circumstances, the AXS supports the following items:
• Ratification of appointment of independent auditors;
• General updating/corrective amendments to charter;
• Increase in common share authorization for a stock split or share dividend;
• Stock option plans that are incentive based and not excessive; and
• Regular, uncontested elections of directors and payment of fees (unless such fees exceed market standards).
Non-routine matters may involve a variety of issues. Therefore, AXS will typically cast Votes on non-routine matters on a case-by-case basis, in each case casting Votes in a manner that AXS believes is in the best interests of the applicable client based on the considerations described above. The following will typically be considered “non-routine” matters requiring case-by-case analysis:
• Directors’ liability and indemnity proposals;
• Executive compensation plans;
• Contested elections of directors;
• Mergers, acquisitions, and other restructurings submitted to a shareholder vote;
• Anti-takeover and related provisions.
AXS will generally Vote against proposals to classify a board, absent special circumstances indicating that shareholder interests would be better served by this structure.
2. Shareholder Proposals
In general, AXS casts Votes in accordance with the recommendation of the company’s board of directors on all shareholder proposals. However, AXS will support shareholder proposals that it believes are in the best interests of the Fund based on the considerations described above. In addition:
Generally, shareholder proposals related to the following items are supported:
• Confidential voting;
• Declassifying a board, absent special circumstances indicating that shareholder interests would be better served by a classified board structure;
• Requiring director nominees to receive support from holders of a majority of votes cast or a majority of shares outstanding in order to be (re)elected.
• Bylaw and charter amendments only with shareholder approval;
• Eliminating supermajority vote requirements in the company’s bylaws and charter documents; and
• Requiring a majority of independent directors on a board.
Generally, shareholder proposals related to the following items are not supported:
• Limitations on the tenure of directors;
• Cumulative voting;
• Restrictions related to social, political, or special interest issues that impact the ability of the company to do business or be competitive and that have a significant financial or vested interest impact; and
• Reports that are costly to provide or expenditures that are of a non-business in nature or would provide no pertinent information from a shareholder perspective.
Due to the nature of AXS’s business and its ownership, AXS believes it is unlikely that conflicts of interest will arise when casting Votes. The Fund’s investment team, however, is responsible for monitoring Votes for any actual or perceived conflicts of interest. If at any time any Supervised Person becomes aware of any potential, actual, or perceived conflict of interest regarding any particular Vote(s) to be case, he or she is required to contact AXS’s CCO immediately, who will review the Vote(s) in advance to ensure that AXS proposed Vote(s) is consistent with this Policy and AXS’s duties to the applicable Fund.
If a conflict of interest is evident, the CCO will:
• advise IMST II’s Chief Compliance Officer (or other relevant IMST II officer) of the conflict in advance of casting the Vote;
• use his or her best judgement to address the conflict and ensure that it is resolved in accordance with his or her independent assessment of the best interests of the Fund.
Where the CCO deems appropriate in his or her sole discretion, unaffiliated third parties (such as prosy voting services) may be used to help resolve conflicts. In this regard, the CCO shall have the power to retain independent fiduciaries, consultants, or professionals to assist with Voting decisions and/or to delegate voting or consent powers to such fiduciaries, consultants, or professionals.
All AXS personnel are responsible for promptly forwarding all proxy materials, consents or voting requests or notices, or materials related thereto, to the CCO and to the applicable investment professional(s) primarily responsible for managing the applicable Fund’s portfolio. The CCO shall be responsible for ensuring that each Vote is voted in a timely manner and as otherwise required by the terms of such Vote.
All Voting decisions initially are to be referred to the appropriate investment professional for determination. In most cases, the most senior Portfolio Manager of the applicable Fund, or his or her designee, will make the decision as to the appropriate vote for any particular Vote.
The Portfolio Manager will inform the CCO of any such Voting decision, and if the CCO does not object to such decision as a result of his or her conflict of interest review, the Vote will be voted in such manner. If the Portfolio Manager and the CCO are unable to arrive at an agreement as to how to vote, then the CCO may consult with independent third-parties (including a proxy voting service) as to the appropriate vote.
In accordance with Rule 204-2 under the Act, AXS must retain (i) its proxy voting policies and procedures; (ii) proxy statements received regarding Fund/client securities; (iii) records of its votes on behalf of the Fund; (iv) records of Fund requests for proxy voting information; and (v) any documents prepared by AXS that were material to making a decision how to vote, or that memorialized the basis for the decision. AXS may rely on proxy statements filed on the SEC’s EDGAR system (instead of keeping its own copies), and may rely on proxy statements and records of its votes cast that are maintained by a proxy voting service provider.