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证券 交易委员会





形式 F-4



的 1933年证券法








加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省   1041   不适用

西乔治亚街1800 - 925号套房

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省V6 C 3L 2,加拿大

(604) 688-3033




Puglisi & Associates



(302) 738-668

(Name、地址(包括邮政编码)和电话号码(包括地区编码), 服务代理)





Daniel M.米勒

Dorsey & Whitney


西855 - 1095套房 Pender



哥伦比亚 V6 E 2 M6,


(604) 630-5199




贝内特 琼斯律师事务所

套房2500 - 666


温哥华, 不列颠哥伦比亚省V6 C 2X 8,


(604) 891-5326






套房1800- 925 西

Georgia Street


哥伦比亚 V6 C 3L2,


(604) 688-3033





套房910- 西乔治亚街925号

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省V6 C,3L2,加拿大

(604) 424-0984




White & Case LLP




(212) 819-8200



拟向公众出售证券的大约开始日期:在本注册声明成为后尽快 在所附招股说明书中描述的交易完成后生效。

如本表格是为注册其他证券而提交的 根据证券法第462(B)条的规定,勾选下列方框,并列出同一发售之前生效的注册声明的证券法注册声明编号。 ☐

如果此表格是根据证券法下的规则462(D)提交的生效后修正案,请选中以下框并列出证券法 同一发行的较早生效的注册声明编号。 ☐

如果适用,请在框中放置X 指定进行此交易所依赖的适当规则条款:

交易法规则 13E-4(I) (跨境发行人要约收购) 

交易法规则 14D-1(D) (跨境第三方要约收购) 

通过勾选标记来验证注册人是否是 1933年《证券法》第405条定义的新兴成长型公司。

新兴成长型公司 ☐

如果一家新兴成长型公司根据美国公认会计原则编制财务报表,请通过勾选标记表明注册人是否选择不这样做 使用延长的过渡期来遵守根据《证券法》第7(a)(2)(B)条规定的任何新的或修订的财务会计准则。ð 


新的或修订的财务会计准则是指财务委员会发布的任何更新 2012年4月5日之后,会计准则委员会对其会计准则进行了编纂。



这个 注册人特此在必要的一个或多个日期对本登记声明进行修改,以将其生效日期推迟到注册人提交进一步修正案时为止,该修正案明确指出,本登记声明应 此后,根据修订后的1933年《证券法》第8(A)节生效,或直至本注册声明于美国证券交易委员会根据 第8(A)条,可决定。




本委托书/招股说明书所载资料并不 填写完毕,并可更改。与这些证券有关的注册声明已提交给美国证券交易委员会。在登记之前,这些证券不得出售,也不得接受买入要约。 声明生效。本委托书/招股说明书不是出售这些证券的要约,也不是在征求购买这些证券的要约,也不会在任何司法管辖区内出售这些证券, 根据任何此类司法管辖区的证券法,在注册或取得资格之前,招揽或出售是不允许的,或将是非法的。




GATOS Silver,Inc.的委托书    First Marestic Silver Corp.招股书。






尊敬的Gatos Silver,Inc.股东:

我们很高兴地通知您,2024年9月5日,Gatos Silver,Inc.(我们称之为“Gatos”) 与First Majestic Silver Corp.(我们称为“First Majestic”)和Ocelot Transaction Corporation签订合并协议和计划(我们称为“合并协议”),Ocelot Transaction Corporation是 First Majestic(我们称为“合并子公司”),规定First Majestic收购Gatos。根据合并协议中规定的条款和条件,合并子公司将与Gatos合并并并入Gatos( 我们称之为“合并”或“交易”),Gatos在合并后作为First Majestic的直接全资子公司继续存在。

合并将在合并证书正式提交给国务大臣后生效 特拉华州或经Gatos和First Majestic同意并在合并证书中规定的较晚时间(我们称为“生效时间”)。如果合并完成,您将有权获得 以您在紧接生效日期前持有的每股Gatos普通股(我们称为Gatos普通股)(合并协议中描述的某些排除在外的股份除外)2.55 MARESTIC普通股(我们称为“第一股MARESTIC普通股”,该数字称为“交换比率”),任何零碎的股份将以现金形式支付,不含利息(我们称为 统称为“合并对价”)。

汇率是固定的,不会进行调整以反映 Gatos普通股或First Majestic普通股在生效时间之前的价格变化。我们预计与此次交易相关发行的第一批Majestic普通股将在纽约证券交易所上市(我们 指纽约证券交易所)和多伦多证券交易所(我们称多伦多证券交易所)。根据2024年9月4日发行的Gatos普通股和第一股Majestic普通股的股份数量,完成 在本次交易中,我们预计Gatos普通股的前持有者(我们统称为Gatos股东)将在合并后立即拥有约38%的已发行第一Majestic普通股以及 在合并前是First Majestic股东的股东将在合并后立即拥有First Majestic普通股约62%的股份。First Majestic普通股在纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所交易,交易价格为 符号“AG.”Gatos普通股在纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所交易,代码为“GATO”。我们鼓励您获取Gatos普通股和First Majestic普通股的当前报价。

由于交换比例是固定的,对Gatos股东的合并对价的市值将随着 第一批Majestic普通股的市场价格,在Gatos股东对交易进行投票时不会知道。根据2024年9月4日第一股Majestic普通股在纽约证券交易所的收盘价5.29美元, 在双方签订合并协议之日之前的最后一个完整交易日,对Gatos股东的合并对价隐含价值约为每股Gatos普通股13.49美元。在……上面 [    ],2024年,在本委托书/招股说明书日期之前的最后一个可行交易日,纽约证券交易所第一股Majestic普通股的收盘价为每股[    ]美元,导致 对Gatos股东的合并对价的隐含价值为每股Gatos普通股$[    ]。

在Gatos股东特别大会上 [    ],2025年(我们称之为“Gatos特别会议”),Gatos股东将被要求考虑并表决(1)通过合并协议的提案(我们称之为“Gatos 合并建议“)和(2)建议不时批准Gatos特别会议休会,以征集支持Gatos合并建议的额外委托书,如果当时票数不足 休会批准Gatos合并提议,以确保对本委托书/招股说明书的任何补充或修改及时提供给Gatos股东,或如果会议主席另有决定是必要的,或 适当(我们称之为“加托斯休会建议”,与“加托斯合并建议”一起称为“加托斯建议”)。

加托斯董事会(我们称之为“加托斯董事会”)组成了加托斯的一个特别委员会。 董事会(我们称为“Gatos特别委员会”)由不是Gatos最大股东Electrum Silver US LLC及其附属公司的董事组成,他们过去和现在都不是成员 管理层。Gatos特别委员会完全有权审查、审议和谈判任何潜在交易,确定潜在交易是否符合Gatos及其股东的最佳利益,并报告此类建议 加托斯董事会。Gatos特别委员会在其独立法律顾问和财务顾问的协助下,审议、评估和谈判了合并协议,并最终建议Gatos董事会 批准并通过合并协议。

Gatos理事会(根据Gatos特别工作组的建议行事 (委员会) 在考虑本委托书/招股说明书中所述的理由后,已确定合并和合并协议中考虑的其他交易是可取的,并且符合GATOS的最佳利益 及股东一致同意并通过合并协议、合并事项及合并协议拟进行的其他交易。*Gatos董事会一致建议Gatos股东投票支持 加托斯合并提案和加托斯休会提案.

我们无法完成这笔交易 除非Gatos的合并提议得到Gatos股东的批准。你对这些事情的投票非常重要,无论你持有多少股票。

请登记股东填写并交回随附的委托书,以确保您持有的GATOS股份 普通股是在Gatos特别会议上表决的,无论你作为股东是否能够亲自参加会议。请填妥随附的代理卡,并将其装在已付邮资的信封内寄回或致电通行费。 免费电话号码或使用您的代理卡附带的说明中所述的互联网,以便授权您的代理卡上指定的个人或在Gatos特别会议上投票您的股票。非注册(有益) 通过其经纪人或其他中介机构收到这些材料的股东应按照其经纪人或中介机构提供的指示填写并发送委托书或投票指示表。有关以下内容的进一步详细信息 如何投票可以在题为代表投票或亲自投票(包括虚拟投票),见[●]页。

股东可通过电话1-855-476-7868联系Gatos的代理律师Kingsdale Advisors(北方地区免费 美国)或1-646-491-9096(在北美以外启用短信和呼叫),或通过电子邮件发送至Contactus@kingsdalevisors.com。

此委托书声明/招股说明书为您提供了有关Gatos特别会议、交易 和加托斯的提案。我们鼓励你仔细阅读整份文件,特别是“风险因素“第41页的章节,以讨论与交易相关的风险。


如上所述,加托斯董事会一致建议加托斯股东投票“支持” 加托斯合并提案和“FOR”加托斯休会提案。







美国证券交易委员会、美国任何州或加拿大省或 领土证券委员会已批准或不批准与交易相关发行的证券,或确定本委托声明/招股说明书是否真实或完整。任何相反的表示都是 刑事犯罪。

本委托书/招股说明书的日期为[    ],2024年,而且是第一次 邮寄给加托斯股东[    ],2024年。







Gatos股东特别会议通知将于[]举行,  2025








致美国投资者的有关矿产储备和资源的说明 估计
















与合并相关的风险因素(第页 []) 


与First Majestic业务相关的风险因素(第[]页) 






合并的影响;合并考虑(第页 [●])


加托斯特别委员会和加托斯委员会的建议及其理由 用于合并(第[]页) 


First Majestic的交易原因


比较每股市场价格信息(页面 []) 


加托斯财务顾问的意见(第页 []) 










加托斯普通股退市和注销(第页 []) 


美国联邦所得税的重大后果(第页 []) 


某些加拿大联邦所得税后果(页面 []) 




交易需要监管批准(第页 []) 








合并完成的条件(请参阅第页 [●])






您作为第一大股东的权利将与您的权利不同 作为加托斯股东(第[]页) 




Gatos董事和高管在交易中的利益 (page[]) 








与First Majestic业务相关的风险




关于前瞻性的警示声明 报表


比较每股市场价格和股息 信息


未经审核的形式浓缩合并财务 信息












加托斯特别委员会和加托斯委员会的建议及其理由 为合并


First Majestic的交易原因




加托斯特别委员会财务顾问Gencap的意见 加托斯董事会




























































合并对加托斯普通股的影响;合并 审议


















表格的准备 F-4, 代理 声明/招股说明书和第一次重大通函; Gatos股东大会和第一次重大股东大会




































前后股东权利比较 合并




















附件D-投票和支持协议的格式 D&O股东


附件E-投票和支持协议与支持 股东



Gatos向美国证券交易委员会提交年度、季度和其他报告、委托书和其他信息 (我们把它称为“美国证券交易委员会”)。First Majestic归档或提供年度报告、表格报告6-K以及与美国证券交易委员会有关的其他信息。由于First Majestic是一家“外国私人发行人”, 根据经修订的1934年《美国证券交易法》(我们称为《美国交易法》)通过的规则,它不受《美国交易法》的某些要求的约束,包括委托书和信息 美国交易所法案第14节的条款以及美国交易所法案第16节适用于高级管理人员、董事和大股东的报告和责任条款。

本委托书/招股说明书通过引用并入有关Gatos和First Majestic From的重要业务和财务信息 未包括在本委托书/招股说明书中或随本委托书/招股说明书一起交付的文件。有关以引用方式并入本委托书/招股说明书的文件列表,请参阅标题为“在哪里可以找到其他 信息,“,见第[ ]页。

您可以获得以引用方式并入本委托书的文件的副本 声明/招股说明书免费从美国证券交易委员会网站www.sec.gov下载。您还可以获得Gatos和First Majestic在电子文件分析和检索系统(我们称为 “SEDAR+”),加拿大版的美国证券交易委员会系统,网址:www.sedarplus.ca。

您也可以获取 加托斯提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件,网址为Investor.gatossilver.com/financials/sec-filings/,从https://firstmajestic.com/investors.的First Majestic开始

我们不会将美国证券交易委员会、Gatos、First Majestic或任何其他实体或任何其他网站的内容纳入本 委托书/招股说明书。

我们为您提供有关如何获取某些文档的信息 在这些网站上引用本委托书/招股说明书仅为方便起见。

您也可以索取此类文件的副本 以引用的方式并入本委托书/招股说明书中(不包括所有证物,除非某一证物已通过引用明确并入本委托书/招股说明书中)、以书面形式要求或通过 通过以下地址和电话号码拨打相应公司的电话:




温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省,V6C 3L2,


注意:企业 秘书





加拿大温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省V6C 3L2



此外,如果您对交易或Gatos特别会议有疑问,还需要此委托书的其他副本 声明/招股说明书或需要获得代理卡或其他与委托书征集相关的信息时,您可以通过以下电话号码和电子邮件地址联系Gatos的代理律师Kingsdale Advisors:


股东可联系Kingsdale Advisors


1-855-476-7868 (北美地区免费)



Gatos将不在Gatos特别会议上处理任何其他事务,除非那些可以适当地提交Gatos特别会议处理的事务 会议或由Gatos董事会(我们称为“Gatos董事会”)或在其指示下的任何休会或延期。随附的委托书/招股说明书,包括所附的合并协议 作为附件A,载有关于这些事项的进一步信息。


- 1 -

Gatos登记在册的股东 在[   ],2024年(我们称为“记录日期”)的业务将有权在加托斯特别会议或加托斯特别会议的任何休会或延期上通知并投票。

Gatos董事会组成了Gatos董事会的一个特别委员会(我们称之为“Gatos特别委员会”),成员包括 不是Gatos最大股东Electrum Silver US LLC及其附属公司的董事,以及不是管理层成员的董事。加托斯特别委员会完全有权审查、审议 并就任何潜在交易进行谈判,确定潜在交易是否符合Gatos及其股东的最佳利益,并向Gatos董事会报告此类建议。加托斯特别委员会在其 法律顾问和独立财务顾问对合并协议进行了审议、评估和谈判,并最终建议Gatos董事会批准和通过合并协议。F-4Gatos董事会(根据Gatos特别委员会的建议采取行动)一致决定合并协议和 据此拟进行的交易(我们称为“合并”或“交易”)是可取的,并批准了合并协议和交易。*Gatos董事会指示将合并协议 提交给Gatos股东,供此类股东会议通过,并一致建议Gatos股东投票支持Gatos合并提议和Gatos休会提议。您的投票是非常重要的,无论Gatos普通股的数量如何 你所拥有的

。在没有Gatos合并提议批准的情况下,双方不能完成合并协议中设想的交易,包括交易。Gatos合并提议的批准需要 至少是Gatos普通股的大部分流通股。

持有Gatos合计约32%股份的股东 有权在Gatos特别会议上投票的普通股已与First Majestic达成协议,将在Gatos特别会议上投票赞成合并,

包括如果它被推迟到更晚的日期。这些股东还同意First Majestic投票反对Alternative 在Gatos特别会议之前,不得出售或转让其股份。如果合并协议终止,投票和支持协议将终止。参与投票和支持的股东 协议包括Electrum Silver US LLC及其某些关联公司,以及每个董事和Gatos的某些高级管理人员(我们将这些人统称为“支持股东”)。

无论您是否计划通过特别会议网站参加Gatos特别会议,Gatos敦促您立即标记、签署和 在随附的代理卡上注明日期,并将其装在已付邮资的信封中寄回,如果在美国邮寄,则不需要邮资,或者通过拨打免费电话号码或使用互联网以电子方式提交您的投票 在随附的代理卡附带的说明中描述,以便您的股票可以在Gatos特别会议上代表和投票。如果您通过银行、经纪商或其他被提名者以“街道名称”持有您的股票 (而不是作为登记持有人),请按照您的银行、经纪人或代名人提供的投票指示表格上的说明投票您的股票。有权在Gatos特别会议上投票的Gatos股东名单为 在Gatos特别会议之前至少10天内,可在我们的总部供与会议有任何关系的任何Gatos股东审查。如果你想看看Gatos的股东名单 记录,请致电Gatos的公司秘书(604)


如果您选择虚拟出席Gatos特别会议和/或在Gatos特别会议期间投票您持有的Gatos普通股, 您需要代理卡上的控制号。如果您以“街道名称”持有您的股份,您必须获得一个合法的代表,以便虚拟地出席Gatos特别会议并在Gatos特别会议期间投票您的股份。 开会。


- 2 -

作为本通知一部分的委托书/招股说明书提供了合并和合并的详细描述 协定和将在加托斯特别会议上审议的其他事项。我们敦促您仔细阅读本委托书/招股说明书(包括本委托书/招股说明书的附件)以及通过引用并入本文的任何文件的全文。

在……里面 特别是,我们敦促您仔细阅读[页]开始的题为“风险因素”的部分。

如果你 对交易有任何疑问,请拨打电话联系加托斯(604)

或致函不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华西乔治亚街910-925号套房Gatos Silver,Inc.,邮编:V6C 3L2, 加拿大,注意:公司秘书。

股东可通过电话联系Gatos的代表律师Kingsdale Advisors,电话: 1-855-476-7868(北美免费)或1-646-491-9096(北美以外地区启用短信和呼叫),或发送电子邮件至Conactus@kingsdalevisors.com。








“Electrum”或“Electrum Support股东”是指Electrum Silver US LLC和Electrum Silver US II LLC。

《电子支持协议》是指第一方之间订立的投票和支持协议 2024年9月5日,MARESTIC,合并子公司和Electrum支持股东。


“First Majestic”指的是First Majestic Silver Corp.“First Majestic董事会”是指First Majestic的董事会。


- 3 -

“首届Majestic董事会推荐”系指首届Majestic董事会向 第一批Majestic股东批准与合并相关的第一批Majestic股票发行。“First Majestic普通股”是指First Majestic的法定资本,包括 不限数量的没有面值的普通股。

“FLI”指的是美国证券公司第27A节所指的前瞻性陈述 法案和美国交易所法案第21E条。

“Gatos”指的是Gatos Silver,Inc.

“加托斯休会提案”系指批准加托斯特别会议休会的提案。 如果在休会时没有足够的票数批准Gatos合并建议,则应不时召开会议,征求支持Gatos合并建议的其他委托书,以确保对此的任何补充或修正 委托书/招股说明书及时提供给GATOS股东,或如果会议主席另有决定是必要的或适当的。841-7937“Gatos董事会”是指Gatos的董事会。

“Gatos董事会推荐”是指Gatos董事会对Gatos股东的推荐。 通过合并协议。

“加托斯普通股”是指已发行的普通股,每股面值0.001美元。 加托斯。“Gatos DSU”系指名义上授予权利的文书 ].

非员工841-7937董事获得一定数量的Gatos普通股,根据Gatos LTIP授予。

“GATOS LTIP”是指2023年GATOS修订和重新启动的长期激励计划。

“加托斯合并提案”是指拟审议和表决的通过合并协议的提案。 由Gatos股东在Gatos特别会议上提出。


“Gatos期权”是指未行使的(不论既得或非既得)期权。 Gatos普通股,根据Gatos LTIP授予。

“Gatos PSU”是指涵盖Gatos普通股股票的业绩归属限制性股票单位, 根据Gatos LTIP授予。

货币和汇率 信息

First Majestic和Gatos各自使用美元作为其提交货币。本委托书/招股说明书 包含对美元和加拿大元的引用。除非另有说明,否则所有美元金额(即“$”)均以美元表示,而加拿大元则称为“C$”。2024年10月10日, 根据加拿大银行的报告,以美元表示的一加元的每日汇率为1加元至0.7271美元。


First Majestic的储量和资源


- 4 -

First Majestic遵守美国交易所法案的报告要求,但不受该法案规定的报告要求的约束 适用于美国国内公司。有关First Majestic矿物属性的信息是根据加拿大证券法的要求准备的,特别是NI 43-101(定义和描述 ),与美国证券交易委员会适用于美国国内发行人的要求,特别是S-k1300(定义和描述如下)存在实质性差异。因此,本委托书/招股说明书所披露的有关 首先,Majestic的矿产属性无法与受美国证券交易委员会矿业披露要求约束的美国发行人的披露相提并论。




Gatos遵守美国交易所法案和适用的加拿大证券法的报告要求,因此,Gatos 根据适用于这些要求的标准,单独报告其矿产储量和矿产资源。美国的报告要求受法规第1300子部分的约束









根据加拿大采矿、冶金和石油学会提供的定义采用。这两套报告标准在传达适当的 对所报告的披露的一致性和可信度,但标准体现了略有不同的方法和定义。所有矿物的披露












第1A项。 风险因素-与我们业务相关的风险-Cerro Los Gatos矿(“CLG”)和洛斯加托斯区(“LGD”)其他矿藏的矿产储量和矿产资源计算仅为估计和 实际生产结果和未来估计可能与目前的估计大不相同


- 5 -





经第1号修正案修订的截至 2023年12月31日。



对已测量和指示资源的估计涉及到其经济可行性的更大不确定性。 超过已探明和可能储量的估计,因此提醒投资者不要假设所有或任何部分已测量或指示的资源将转换为根据






所有在以下日期收盘时持有Gatos普通股股份的记录持有人 [    ],2024年是加托斯特别会议的记录日期,有权收到加托斯特别会议的通知并在会议上表决。Gatos普通股的每个持有者有权对每个持有者投一票 在Gatos特别会议上适当提出的事项,对于该持有人在记录日期记录在案的每股Gatos普通股。出席加托斯特别会议不需要投票。见下文和标题为 “












委托书是股东对另一人投票表决该股东所持股份的合法指定 以他们的名义。用来指定代表投票你持有的Gatos普通股的文件被称为“代理卡”。






每一名Gatos股东有权就每持有一股Gatos普通股投票 记录日期。截至记录日期,Gatos普通股有[    ]流通股。






法定人数是需要表示的最小股份数量,可以通过 股东亲自(包括虚拟)或通过代理人代表召开有效会议。



有权在会议上投票的Gatos普通股已发行股份总投票权过半数的持有人 将构成法定人数。



如果出席会议的法定人数不足,Gatos特别会议可休会或推迟到 持有Gatos普通股所需数量的股东出席会议。






第一批Majestic普通股目前在纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所上市,代码为 “AG.”纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所根据合并协议向Gatos股东发行的第一批Majestic普通股获得有条件的上市批准是完成合并的一个条件。这样的第一个上市 First Majestic普通股必须在交易日结束后的下一个工作日或之前满足纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所的所有要求。不能保证第一批Majestic普通股会被接受 在纽约证券交易所或多伦多证券交易所上市。



如果交易没有完成,会发生什么?如果Gatos的合并提议没有得到Gatos股东的批准,或者如果交易没有完成 由于任何其他原因,Gatos股东将不会收到合并对价或与交易有关的任何其他对价,他们的Gatos普通股将保持流通股。如果交易没有完成,First Majestic和Gatos将分别 上市公司保持彼此独立,第一批Majestic普通股和Gatos普通股将继续在纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所上市和交易。



如果合并协议在某些特定情况下终止,Gatos可能被要求首先支付Majestic a 可能需要向Gatos支付2,800万美元的解约金或First Majestic,以支付4,600万美元的解约金。见标题为“”的部分









分别在[●]、[●]和[●]页上,获取有关这些内容的更详细讨论 解雇费。


- 6 -








根据纽约证券交易所的规则,银行、经纪商和其他被提名者可以使用他们的自由裁量权投票 “无指示”股份(即由银行、经纪人或其他被提名人持有的登记在案的股份,但此类股份的实益所有人尚未就如何就某一特定提案进行表决提供指示) 被认为是“例行公事”的事情,但不是关于


















在下列情况下:(1)银行、经纪人或其他被提名人有权酌情对一项或多项提议进行表决,该提议将在股东大会上表决, 但未经股份实益所有人指示,不得对其他提案进行表决;(2)实益所有人未向银行、经纪商或其他被提名人提供此类指示的。因此,加托斯没有 希望有任何经纪人






在Gatos特别会议上,如果您以“街道名称”持有Gatos普通股,您的股份将不会被代表,也不会在任何事项上投票 除非您肯定地指示您的银行、经纪人或其他代名人按照您的银行、经纪人或其他代名人提供的投票指示如何投票您的股票。经纪人的影响















在Gatos特别会议上,需要多少股东投票才能批准Gatos的每项提议? 如果我在Gatos特别会议上对Gatos的每一项提议都没有投票或弃权,会发生什么?






加托斯·西尔弗 Inc.



西乔治亚街910-925号套房加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华,V6C 3L2注意:公司秘书


- 7 -





Gatos特别会议--代理的可撤销和对 加托斯股东投票权






如果我持有“街名”的股份,我可以更改投票指示吗? 向我的银行、经纪人或其他被提名者提交投票指示?



如果您的股票是以银行、经纪商或其他被提名人的名义持有的,并且您之前提供了投票权 如需向您的银行、经纪或其他代名人提供投票指示,您应按照您的银行、经纪或其他代名人提供的指示撤销或更改您的投票指示。






加托斯特别会议的初步投票结果预计将在加托斯会议上公布 特别会议。此外,在特别会议之后的四个工作日内,Gatos将提交Gatos特别会议的最终投票结果(如果最终投票结果尚未得到认证,则提交初步结果)。 美国证券交易委员会上的一份当前报告表格






不是的。因为Gatos普通股在纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所上市,截至Gatos特别交易的记录日期 会议和Gatos股东将单独获得First Majestic普通股(以及代替零星First Majestic普通股的现金)作为合并对价,以换取他们的Gatos普通股,并作为结束 交易,此类首批Majestic普通股必须根据正式发行通知批准在纽约证券交易所上市,并有条件地批准或授权在多伦多证券交易所上市(仅受惯例上市条件的限制),不 根据DGCL第262节,可获得与合并有关的评估权。



在决定是否投票批准加托时,我应该考虑到任何风险吗? 合并提案?





- 8 -

风险 因素

“见[●]页。您还应阅读并仔细考虑与Gatos和First Majestic有关的风险因素,这些因素包含在通过引用并入本委托书/招股说明书的文件中。

如果我在记录日期之后但在Gatos特别行动之前出售我持有的Gatos普通股,会发生什么情况 开会?

记录日期早于加托斯特别会议的日期。如果你出售或以其他方式转让 在记录日期之后但在Gatos特别会议之前,除非有特殊安排,否则您将保留在Gatos特别会议上的投票权。谁为Gatos特别会议和这次委托书征集买单?

Gatos已聘请Kingsdale Advisors(我们称为“Kingsdale”)协助 为加托斯特别会议征求委托书。Gatos估计,它将向Kingsdale支付大约12万美元的费用,外加一定的补偿


费用和开支。Gatos已同意赔偿Kingsdale与其征求 代理(除某些例外情况外)。

Gatos还可能被要求偿还银行、经纪人和 其他托管人、被指定人和受托人或他们各自的代理人将代理材料转交给Gatos普通股的实益所有人的费用。Gatos的董事、官员和员工以及First Majestic的董事, 官员和员工也可以通过电话、电子方式或亲自征求委托书。他们将不会因为招揽代理人而获得任何额外的报酬。

First Majestic对Gatos的收购预计何时完成?

以满足或放弃以下标题部分所述的成交条件为条件 “

合并协议-交易发生必须满足或放弃的条件在第[●]页,包括盖托斯股东对盖托斯合并提议的批准,预计交易将是 于2025年第一季度完工。然而,Gatos和First Majestic都无法预测交易将完成的实际日期,或者交易是否将完成,因为 交易的完成取决于两家公司控制之外的条件和因素, 包括收到某些所需的反垄断批准。合并协议要求First Majestic对Gatos的收购必须在2025年4月30日结束日期前完成,但该结束日期将自动延长 至2025年5月31日,如果在2025年4月30日之前尚未获得根据墨西哥反垄断法所需的批准或许可,但关闭的所有其他条件已得到满足(根据其条款的条件除外 必须在结案时得到满足,每一项都能够得到满足)或(在法律允许的范围内)放弃。交易完成后,Gatos股东将立即持有First Majestic的什么股权? 43-101基于第一股Majestic普通股和Gatos于 2024年9月4日,在有效时间,前Gatos股东预计将在交易完成后立即拥有约38%的已发行第一股Majestic普通股,以及 交易完成后,预计紧接交易前的Majestic股东将拥有约62%的已发行第一股Majestic普通股。First的相对所有权利益 威严的股东和前盖托人43-101”), 交易后First Majestic的股东将取决于First Majestic普通股的数量以及立即发行和发行的Gatos普通股的数量 在交易之前。


- 9 -

如果我是GATOS普通股的持有者,我将如何获得我所要接受的合并对价 有资格吗?如果您以簿记形式持有Gatos普通股,无论是通过存托信托还是 否则,您将不需要采取任何具体行动来将您的股票交换为First Majestic普通股。在生效时间,您的Gatos普通股将自动交换为第一股Majestic普通股 以及任何现金,以代替您有权获得的零碎First Majestic普通股。如果您以认证的形式持有您持有的Gatos普通股,则在收到您提供的以下适当和完整的文件后 交易完成后,ComputerShare Investor Services Inc.或First Majestic在Gatos事先批准下选择的银行或信托公司或类似机构将向您交付第一批Majestic普通股和任何现金 取代您有权作为合并对价获得的任何零碎的第一Majestic普通股。有关更多信息,请参阅标题为“合并协议-合并对价“和”合并 协议--无零碎股份10-K,“分别在[●]和[●]页上。

在生效时间向Gatos股东发行的首批Majestic普通股是否将进行交易 在交易所?是。第一股Majestic普通股是交易完成的条件 根据惯例上市条件,与合并相关发行的股票将被批准在纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所上市。First Majestic已申请将Gatos股东在合并中收到的第一股Majestic普通股上市,于 纽约证券交易所及多伦多证券交易所,均以“AG”为代码。“)和某些其他条件,这样的5%的美国持有者才有资格从合并中受益,有资格享受预期的税收待遇,并且目前没有根据条款确认收益 367(A)作为合并的结果,但作为零碎的第一Majestic普通股收到的现金(如有)除外。除某些例外情况外,10-K,非美国


- 10 -

托架(定义为 在下面标题为“

Gatos合并提案-美国联邦所得税的重大后果“)在合并中将其Gatos普通股交换为第一Majestic普通股的,一般将受到相同的限制 适用于美国持有者的规则,见“Gatos合并提案-实质性的美国联邦所得税后果-合并对美国持有者的某些美国联邦所得税后果“(但就 关于《守则》第367(A)节的讨论)。].



关于美国联邦收入的更详细的摘要 合并的税务后果,见“




“从[●]页开始。你应该咨询你自己的税务顾问,关于 根据你自己的个人情况对你进行合并。








- 加拿大联邦所得税的某些后果,“在第[●]页),谁处置他们的GATOS普通股换取第一Majestic普通股(以及为代替零碎的第一Majestic普通股而收到的任何现金) 这笔交易通常将实现加拿大联邦所得税方面的资本收益(或资本损失),相当于第一股Majestic普通股的公平市值与收到的任何现金的总和 代替零碎的第一股Majestic普通股,超过(或低于)加拿大居民持有者在紧接出售前确定的Gatos普通股的调整成本基础,以及任何合理的处置成本。






常驻持有人(如部分所定义 题为“Gatos合并提案--加拿大联邦所得税的某些后果,“页上的[●])将不会根据



- 11 -

Gatos和First Majestic的未经审计的形式简明合并财务信息 仅为说明性目的,不能说明合并后公司在First Majestic和Gatos合并后的经营结果或财务状况。First Majestic或Gatos可以放弃一个或多个关闭条件,而无需 重新征集股东批准或股东批准。

Gatos财务顾问向Gatos董事会提交的意见并不反映 合并协议签署至交易完成之间的情形。



如果不能完成合并协议中考虑的交易,可能会对 Gatos普通股,以及未来的业务和财务业绩。



GATOS的董事和高管在交易中的利益可能不同于 Gatos股东的一般利益,包括如果交易完成,获得财务和其他利益。



除非在特定情况下,如果生效时间到外部日期仍未发生,则GATOS或 First Majestic可能会选择不继续进行交易。



与发行人相比,关于First Majestic的公开信息可能更少 而不是外国私人发行人。First Majestic普通股的市值可能会因为First Majestic的合并而缩水 还有加托斯。

Gatos和First Majestic可能成为证券集体诉讼和衍生品诉讼的目标,这可能导致 并可能延迟或阻止交易完成。



合并后的公司可能面临更多的诉讼,这可能会对 合并后的公司的业务和运营。



如果颁布了《守则》第367(A)节和美国财政部条例下的某些要求 因此,Gatos股东可能被要求在根据合并将Gatos普通股交换为First Majestic普通股时,确认美国联邦所得税的收益(但不是亏损)。 合并协议包含的条款使First Majestic和Gatos更难追查 交易的替代方案,并可能阻止其他公司试图以高于First Majestic同意支付的价格收购Gatos。如果竞标提案(如标题为“

合并协议-协议备注 征集其他报价)收购Gatos或First Majestic,交易的完成可能会延迟或受阻。在拟议的合并中,Gatos股东将无权获得评估权。


- 12 -

与First Majestic业务相关的风险因素(页面[ ])

投资First Majestic普通股涉及许多风险,包括但不一定限于以下概述的风险。你 应仔细考虑关于这些风险的特别委员会的建议。加托斯特别委员会,根据联合国儿童基金会会议通过的决议 Gatos特别委员会于2024年9月4日召开,一致(1)确定合并协议考虑的交易是可取的,符合Gatos及其股东的最佳利益,(2)建议 Gatos董事会批准并通过了合并协议,并完成了Gatos计划进行的交易。关于加托斯特别委员会审议的理由的说明,见题为“



合并 -Gatos特别委员会和Gatos董事会的建议及其合并理由



“见[●]页。加托斯董事会的建议。Gatos董事会,根据一致通过的 根据Gatos特别委员会的建议,一致(1)确定合并协议所考虑的交易是可取的,符合Gatos及其股东的最佳利益,并批准并通过了合并 协议及其预期的交易;(2)授权和批准签署、交付和履行合并协议及其预期的交易,包括合并;和(3)建议 Gatos的股东投票赞成通过合并协议并批准合并。关于Gatos理事会审议的理由的说明,见题为“合并-委员会的建议 Gatos特别委员会和Gatos董事会及其合并的原因“在第页上。 [●]。

First Majestic的交易理由

经过与First Majestic管理层、外部法律顾问和财务顾问的适当考虑和广泛咨询 对于First Majestic和First Majestic董事会,First Majestic董事会一致批准了合并协议和交易(及相关事项),并确定该交易符合First Majestic及其 股东们。在作出批准这项交易的决定时,第一届Majestic董事会考虑并依赖了一些因素,其中包括:墨西哥贵金属资产的多样化投资组合; 具有强劲利润率的生产概况;支持自由现金流的产生;利用经验丰富的合并团队和良好的记录;保持同行领先的白银敞口;创造350,000公顷非常有前景的土地 已取得勘探成功和经济发现的历史的土地组合;接受专家意见和公平意见;加强公司资产负债表和改善资本市场状况;实现和资本化 有意义的协同效应;双方目前的状况;交易完成的可能性;以及合并协议中的规定,包括在某些情况下支付终止费。关于第一届Majestic董事会审议的理由的说明,见题为“First Majestic的理由 这笔交易






每股市价比较信息(第页 [ ])First Majestic普通股目前在纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所上市交易,代码为“AG”和 Gatos普通股目前在纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所挂牌交易,代码为“GATO”。First Majestic的普通股也在法兰克福证券交易所挂牌交易,代码为“FMV”。下表列出了纽约证交所和多伦多证交所的First Majestic普通股以及Gatos普通股在纽约证交所和多伦多证交所的每股收盘价 纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所于(A)2024年9月4日,即签署合并协议前的最后一个完整交易日,以及(B)[●],2024年,邮寄本委托书/招股说明书之前的最后一个可行交易日。这张桌子 还显示了每股Gatos普通股应付的合并对价的隐含价值,计算方法是将纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所的第一股Majestic普通股在这两个日期的收盘价乘以 兑换率。


- 13 -























股份于 NYSE






















- 14 -


多伦多证券交易所等值”, “合并考虑每加托斯公共份额



Gatos合并提案--实质性的美国联邦所得税 后遗症Gatos普通股的股东将不确认在合并中用其Gatos普通股换取第一股Majestic普通股时的损益(除非收到现金,如果有现金代替零碎的First 宏伟的普通股,如《



Gatos合并提案-美国联邦所得税的重大后果“)。然而,由于First Majestic不是符合美国联邦所得税目的的美国公司,5%的美国持有者(AS 在下文标题为“”的部分中定义Gatos合并提案-美国联邦所得税的重大后果“)将被要求加入GRA(如下文标题为”Gatos并购案 提案-材料美国联邦所得税

A 后果“)和某些其他条件,这样的5%的美国持有者才有资格从合并中受益,有资格享受预期的税收待遇,并且目前没有确认 根据守则第367(A)条的规定,除现金(如有)以代替零碎的第一Majestic普通股外,本公司并无因合并而收到任何现金。除某些例外情况外,非美国持有者(作为 在下文标题为“”的部分中定义Gatos合并提案-美国联邦所得税的重大后果“)以其Gatos普通股换取合并中的第一股Majestic普通股,一般将受 适用于美国持有者的相同规则,见“Gatos合并提案-美国联邦所得税的重大后果-某些美国合并对美国持有人的联邦所得税后果“(除与 关于《守则》第367(A)节的讨论)。有关美国联邦所得税后果的更详细摘要,请参阅 有关合并的详细信息,请参阅“ Gatos提议的合并-美国联邦所得税的实质性后果






加拿大联邦所得税的某些后果(页面[ ])自合并协议之日起至生效之日止,未发生任何变更、影响、 已经或很可能对GATOS产生实质性不利影响的发展、情况、条件、事实状态、事件或事件。

《关贸总协定》义务的条件First Majestic关于缺少First Majestic材料的某些陈述和保证 自2023年12月31日起至合并协议签署之日起至合并协议签订之日及截止日期为止各方面真实无误的不利影响;


- 15 -


第一控股及合并附属公司有关其资本化的若干陈述及保证 在所有方面都是真实和正确的,除了









First Majestic关于资格、组织、 附属公司、与股本股份有关的某些权利、与合并协议有关的公司权力、以及发现者和经纪人(不给予任何关于重要性的限制



或其中所载的第一重大不利影响)在合并协议日期和截止日期在所有重要方面均属真实和正确(但在以下范围内除外 明示于较早日期订立,在此情况下,以该日期为准);



合并中规定的第一家合并子公司和合并子公司的其他陈述和保证 在合并协议的日期和截止日期(但在以下范围内除外)真实和正确的协议(不对协议中所载的关于重要性或第一重大不利影响的任何限制生效) 在较早的日期明确作出),除非任何该等陈述和保证不属实,亦不会合理地预期会个别地或在 骨料,头号主料的不利影响;已在所有实质性方面履行或遵守义务的第一控股和合并子公司, 合并协议规定它们在生效时间或生效时间之前必须履行或遵守的契诺和协议;Gatos已收到由正式授权的执行官员代表First Majestic签署的证书 第一个Majestic证明直接列于上述项目的条件已得到满足;

Gatos收到White&Case LLP的意见(“White&Case”)(或其他法律 Gatos选择的律师),其形式和实质令Gatos合理满意,日期为截止日期,大意是,根据该意见中提出或提到的事实、陈述和假设,合并 符合《守则》第368(A)节所指的“重组”;及自合并协议之日起至生效之日止,未发生任何变更、影响、 已经产生或合理可能产生重大不利影响的发展、情况、条件、事实状态、事件或事件。 对成交条件的失望无 作为不完成合并的依据,如果上述任何条件不能得到满足,如果这种不能满足是由于该方实质上没有遵守合并的任何规定而造成的,则作为不完成合并的依据 协议。不征求其他报价的协议(参见第[ ]页)

在过渡期间,Gatos和First Majestic各自同意不会,并使其子公司及其各自 高级管理人员不会、也将指示并尽其合理的最大努力促使其及其子公司的其他代表不直接或间接地:

征求、发起、知情地鼓励或知情地促进任何竞争性提案(定义见 标题为“

《合并协议》不征求其他要约的协议关于Gatos董事会和Gatos特别委员会从各自的财务顾问那里收到的意见的说明,见 标题为“






美国银行证券和Gencap“见[ ]页。美银证券的意见副本附于本委托书/招股说明书的附件b及Gencap的意见副本 作为本委托书/招股说明书的附件C,并通过引用将其全文并入本文。未能做到 完成合并协议中考虑的交易可能会对Gatos普通股的价格及其未来的业务和财务业绩产生负面影响。

如果合并协议考虑的交易由于任何原因没有完成,Gatos正在进行的业务可能会实质性地 受到不利影响,GATOS将面临一些风险,包括但不限于以下风险:



Gatos可能会经历金融市场的负面反应,包括对交易的负面影响 Gatos普通股以及Gatos员工和供应商的价格;以及


- 16 -

如果合并,Gatos将被要求向First Majestic支付2800万美元的终止金 协议在某些情况下终止。



此外,Gatos可能会受到与任何 未能完成交易或与具体执行Gatos在合并协议下的履约义务的任何程序有关。



如果这些风险中的任何一种成为现实,它们可能会对Gatos的业务、财务状况、财务业绩和 股票价格。GATOS的董事和高管在交易中拥有的利益可能不同于 Gatos股东一般包括,如果交易完成,获得财务和其他利益。在……里面 考虑到Gatos董事会和Gatos特别委员会的建议,Gatos的股东应该意识到,Gatos的董事和高管在交易中拥有的利益可能不同于,或除此之外, 一般情况下,Gatos股东的利益。这些权益可包括根据合并协议处理尚未支付的Gatos股权奖励,以及在某些终止时可能支付的遣散费。 在控制权变更之后或之前的一段时间内发生的就业(如每位高管的雇佣协议所界定的),包括合并,以及获得持续赔偿和保险的权利 覆盖范围。Gatos特别委员会和Gatos董事会在批准合并协议和由此考虑的交易,包括合并时,除其他事项外,意识到并考虑了这些利益, 并建议Gatos股东批准Gatos合并提议。

GATOS的每一名执行干事(除 (Huerta先生)是现有雇佣协议的当事方,该协议规定,如果该执行干事因控制权的变更而被解雇,则该执行干事的遣散费和福利将得到某些增强 Gatos,其中包括合并。有关此类控制权变更协议的更完整的说明,见题为“






在……上面 第[ ]页

除非在特定情况下,如果生效时间到外部日期仍未发生,则GATOS或 First Majestic可能会选择不继续进行交易。Gatos或First Majestic可能终止合并 如果生效时间在2025年4月30日(即外部日期)之前尚未发生,则达成协议;前提是,就该交易而言,获得墨西哥反垄断审查所需的条件尚未达到 在2025年4月30日或之前得到满足或豁免,但所有其他成交条件已得到满足,或在允许的范围内被免除(除按其性质将在成交时满足的条件外)、外部 日期将自动延长至2025年5月31日。然而,如果Gatos或First Majestic违反了其在合并协议下的义务,则Gatos或First Majestic将无法获得终止合并协议的权利 一直以来都是 未能在外部日期或之前完成交易的原因。如需了解更多信息,请参阅标题为“《合并协议》--终止合并 协议“,第[ ]页。公司。然而,法典第7874节和根据该条款颁布的美国财政部条例包含具体内容 可能会导致

非美国就美国联邦所得税而言,公司被视为美国公司(或受到某些其他不利税收后果的影响)。 根据合并后前Gatos股东预计将立即拥有的已发行First Majestic普通股的百分比,First Majestic认为它应该 不应被视为美国联邦所得税目的的美国公司,根据守则第7874节和紧随合并后在其下颁布的美国财政部条例。然而,不能保证美国国税局 不会采取相反的立场,或者相关的美国联邦所得税法不会以会导致相反结论的方式进行更改(可能具有追溯力)。如果确定First Majestic被视为 根据该法第7874节和据此颁布的财政部条例,为美国联邦所得税目的而设立的美国公司,First Majestic可能要承担大量的美国税收义务,其 非美国






第一 鉴于First Majestic和Gatos的合并,Marestic和Gatos可能难以吸引、激励和留住高管和其他关键员工。


- 17 -


First Majestic在完成交易后的成功将在一定程度上取决于First Majestic留住关键高管和 其他拥有关键技能和知识的员工,这些技能和知识对合并后的公司实现关键里程碑和协同效应至关重要。交易对First Majestic和Gatos员工的影响的不确定性可能会 分别对First Majestic和Gatos各自造成不利影响,从而对合并后的公司产生不利影响。这种不确定性可能会削弱First Majestic和/或Gatos吸引、留住和激励关键人员的能力。员工留任 在交易悬而未决的过程中可能尤其具有挑战性,因为First Majestic和Gatos的员工可能会遇到未来他们在合并后公司中的角色的不确定性。



此外,如果First Majestic或Gatos的关键员工离职或面临离职风险,包括由于与 整合的不确定性和困难、财务安全或不想成为合并后公司的员工,First Majestic可能不得不在留住这些人或在确定、聘用和留住这些人方面产生重大成本 这可能会对即将离职的员工产生重大影响,并可能失去大量专业知识和人才,合并后的公司实现交易预期收益的能力可能会受到重大不利影响。不能保证 合并后的公司将能够吸引或留住关键员工,其程度与First Majestic和Gatos过去吸引或留住员工的程度相同。合并协议包含的条款使First Majestic和Gatos更难寻求替代 这可能会阻止其他公司试图以高于First Majestic同意支付的价格收购Gatos。合并协议包含的条款使Gatos更难将其业务出售给First Majestic以外的一方 与First Majestic同意在交易中提供的对价相同或更具吸引力的对价,或First Majestic出售其业务的对价。这些规定包括一般禁止每一方当事人征求任何 相互竞争的提案,但有有限的例外。此外,只有在有限的情况下,一方当事人可以终止合并协议以接受相互竞争的提议,以及其董事会同意的有限例外。 不会以不利于交易的方式撤回或修改其建议。请参阅“《合并协议》-不征求其他要约的协议






合并协议-终止 合并协议,



“分别在本委托书/招股说明书的[ ]和[ ]页上。



当事人相信这些 条款是合理的、惯例的,并不排除其他报价,但这些限制可能会阻止有兴趣收购全部或大部分Gatos或First Majestic的第三方考虑或 提出一个替代方案。



如果提出了收购Gatos或First Majestic的竞争性建议, 交易可能会延迟或受阻。



如果提出了收购Gatos或First Majestic的竞争性提议, Gatos和First Majestic各自的管理团队可能会从交易中分流出来,这可能会推迟或阻碍交易

交易完成。与这种相互竞争的提案有关的事项,包括任何潜在的相关诉讼,可能需要双方和双方承诺投入时间和资源。 各自的代表,否则他们本可以致力于完成交易。

这个 矿山或矿产的运营和开发涉及许多风险,如设备故障、边坡故障、环境灾害和意外的地质构造。

矿山或矿业权的经营和开发涉及许多风险,这些风险是经验、知识和谨慎的结合 评估可能无法克服。这些风险包括:


(604) 841-7937


开采资源中含有有害成分的;环境危害和灾难;与尾矿储存设施的完整性和稳定性相关的风险,包括故障或 渗漏;




















- 18 -





塌方;自然现象,如恶劣或恶劣的天气条件、洪水、干旱、岩崩和 地震。



这些事件可能导致环境破坏和责任、工作停顿和延误 生产损失、生产成本增加、矿产或生产设施损坏或毁坏、人身伤害或死亡、资产减记、货币损失、对第三方的负债和其他负债。



采矿作业依赖可靠的基础设施,缺乏可获得性或可获得性的延迟可能会阻止或 推迟First Majestic项目的开发或开发,并可能需要First Majestic建设替代基础设施。



采矿、加工、开发和勘探活动在某种程度上依赖于适当的基础设施。可靠的道路, 桥梁、电源、供水,在某些情况下,空中通道是资本和运营成本的重要决定因素。无法按可接受的条件供货或延迟供货其中任何一项或多项 可能会阻止或推迟First Majestic项目的开发或开发,并可能需要First Majestic建造替代基础设施(例如,输电线和其他与能源相关的基础设施)。



非墨西哥人子公司,即STB,随后签订了新的San Dimas流协议。之前San Dimas Stream协议的具体条款要求Primero通过STB将白银出售给惠顿的开曼群岛 因此,持有San Dimas矿特许权的Primero的墨西哥子公司PEM达成了一项协议(“内部流协议”),以出售所需的金额 向STB出售由San Dimas矿特许权生产的白银,使STB能够履行先前San Dimas Stream协议项下的义务。

Primero最初收购San Dimas矿时,PEM向STB的销售按现货市场价格进行,而STB向SWC的销售按现货市场价格进行 都是在合同规定的PEM实现价格。2010年,PEM修改了内部分流协议的条款,使PEM将以价格向STB出售STB履行先前San Dimas分流协议下的义务所需的白银 这与PEM实现的价格相符。出于墨西哥所得税的目的,PEM随后在其实际实现收入的基础上确认了这些白银销售的收入,即PEM实现价格。






为了 为了保证Sat将接受PEM实现价格(而不是现货市场银价)作为计算墨西哥所得税的适当价格,Primero通过PEM申请并收到了Sat的APA。《行政程序法》 确认PEM已实现价格可用作PEM在2010至2014课税年度根据内部流动协议出售给STB的白银所欠税款的计算基础。2010-2014纳税年度《行政程序法》面临的挑战2015年,Sat启动了一项法律程序,试图废除《行政程序法》:然而,Sat没有在法律索赔中确定替代依据 用于计算PEM销售的白银的税收,并获得PEM实现价格。


2019年,SAT发布了重新评估 2010年至2012年纳税年度总额约317.0美元(62.22亿比索),包括应计利息、通货膨胀和罚款。在2021年,国际税务总局还发布了2013课税年度对PEM的重新评估。 总额约为167.6比索(32.89亿比索),包括应计利息、通货膨胀和罚款,2023年,国家税务总局发布了2014年、2015年和2016年纳税年度的重估,总金额为 427.2美元(83.85亿比索),包括应计利息、通货膨胀和罚款。关于2017和2018纳税年度,国税局启动了尚未结束的审计,因此尚未进行纳税评估。 已发布。首先,Majestic认为,重新评估未能承认有效的转让价格方法的适用性。重估的主要项目包括根据白银现货市场价格厘定收入、否认 利息费用和手续费的扣除,存在与重复计税、利息和罚款有关的技术错误。



First Majestic继续在墨西哥国内法律程序中为《行政程序法》辩护,First Majestic还要求解决 根据相关的避免双重征税条约,墨西哥、加拿大、卢森堡和巴巴多斯主管税务机关之间的相互协定程序的转让定价争议。英国国家气象局拒绝接受 三个税务条约所载的相互协议程序程序下的必要步骤。首先,Majestic仍然相信《行政程序法》对SAT仍然有效并具有法律约束力。



虽然First Majestic继续大力捍卫《行政程序法》及其转让的有效性 除了定价立场外,它还参与了针对Sat的各种诉讼程序,寻求解决问题并通过谈判解决方案带来税收确定性。尽管有这些广泛的努力和对重新评估的持续的法律挑战,但在 2020年4月和2021年2月,Sat向PEM发出通知,试图确保根据其发布的重新评估所欠的款项。这些通知对PEM施加了某些限制,包括其处置其 此外,该公司还决定禁止开采矿产特许权和不动产,并限制使用其银行账户内的资金,包括增值税退款,增值税退款的进一步信息见“增值税应收款”标题下。


- 19 -


First Majestic通过其可用的所有国内手段对SAT的重新评估和额外通知提出质疑,包括 墨西哥联邦税务法院仍未解决的废止诉讼,以及墨西哥联邦纳税人辩护律师办公室的申诉。2020年5月13日,First Majestic向 墨西哥政府根据北美自由贸易协定。北美自由贸易协定的通知开始于






墨西哥政府与First Majestic进行真诚友好谈判以解决争端的期限。在……上面 2020年8月11日,90天期限已过,争议仍未得到任何解决。第一 MARESTIC继续根据墨西哥法律和相关税务条约寻求所有可用的国内和国际补救办法。此外,如下文进一步讨论的那样,它还根据《公约》第11章对墨西哥提出了索赔。 北美自由贸易协定违反其国际法义务。墨西哥的国内补救措施



2020年9月,First Majestic收到了墨西哥联邦税务法院的一项裁决,寻求废除授予PEM的《行政程序法》。这个 墨西哥联邦税务法院的决定指示Sat




与Gatos有关的风险 业务您应该阅读并考虑Gatos业务的特定风险因素,这些因素也会影响合并后的公司 在交易之后。这些风险在Gatos的年度报告Form截至2023年12月31日的财政年度,经Gatos年度报告第291号修正案修正 论形式截至2023年12月31日的财政年度,这些文件通过引用并入本委托书/招股说明书,并通过引用并入 委托书/招股说明书。见标题为“”的部分在那里您可以找到更多信息

,“,第[●]页,提供通过引用并入本委托书/招股说明书的信息的位置。关于前瞻性陈述的警告性声明 本委托书/招股说明书,包括以引用方式并入本委托书/招股说明书的信息,包含 《美国证券法》第27A节和《美国交易所法》第21E节所指的前瞻性陈述,这些陈述旨在由这些条款和其他适用法律所创造的安全港涵盖,以及 前瞻性信息(我们统称为“FLI”),向First Majestic和Gatos股东/股东(视情况适用)和潜在投资者提供有关First Majestic、Gatos及其各自的信息 子公司和附属公司,包括每家公司管理层对First Majestic、Gatos及其各自子公司未来计划和运营的各自评估,这些评估可能不适合用于其他目的。FLI 通常由诸如“预期”、“预期”、“项目”、“估计”、“预测”、“计划”、“打算”、“目标”、“相信”、“可能”、“ “预期”和类似的词,暗示未来的结果或关于前景的陈述。除历史事实陈述外的所有陈述都可以是FLI。



尽管我们认为,根据目前可用的信息和准备过程,FLI是合理的,但这样的声明是 不能保证未来的表现,我们告诫您不要过度依赖FLI。就其性质而言,FLI涉及各种假设,这些假设基于可能难以预测的因素,并可能涉及已知和 未知的风险和不确定性,以及其他可能导致实际结果、活动水平和成就与这些FLI明示或暗示的结果大不相同的因素,包括但不限于:



即将进行的交易,包括其预期收益,对公司的资本结构产生影响 拟发行股票的数量;交易的时间安排和完成,包括收到所需的批准,包括某些 需要反垄断审批,并满足其他惯常的成交条件;预计将在纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所交易中发行的首批Majestic普通股上市; 对未来矿产生产和销售的估计;对未来生产成本、具体业务和合并业务的其他费用和税收的估计 依据;


- 20 -


对未来现金流的估计以及现金流对黄金、铜、银、铅、锌和其他金属的敏感性 金属价格;财务预测估计数;未来资本支出、建筑、生产或关闭活动以及其他现金需求的估计数, 具体业务和综合业务,以及对其供资或时间安排的预期;估计某些矿藏的预计开发,包括这种开发的时间, 此类开发的成本和其他资本成本、这些矿藏的融资计划和预期投产日期;关于未来勘探结果的矿产储量估计和矿产资源陈述 矿产储量和矿产资源替代以及矿产储量对金属价格变化的敏感性;未来借款或融资的可获得性以及与之相关的条款和成本,以及 未来的债务偿还;2024年9月4日[●],2024年[●][●][●]日期第一宏伟的公共







合并对价每股加托斯普通股 基于价格 个第一多伦多证券交易所上的宏伟普通股

A (C$)(C$)(C$)2024年9月4日[●],2024年贸易及其他应收款项应收增值税应收所得税









- 21 -


资产对关联公司的投资 采矿利益房及设备













资产非流动 受限制现金
















负债债务工具租赁负债 退役负债


非流动 应付所得税




未经审计的暂定简明合并收益(亏损)表 21-2,



First Majestic


- 23 -























- 24 -
































First Majestic

























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- 27 -










     ($)      ($)      ($)  


     5.29        11.62        13.49  


     截至9月份的合并资产负债表        资产        流动:现金及现金等值物  



- 28 -


     资产      使用权      资产  


     7.14        15.75        18.21  


     贸易和其他应付款项应付所得税当前租赁负债        租赁负债        租赁负债  



股本 已缴费 资本



- 29 -



联合S. GAAP到IFRS的调整 A)长期资产减值根据美国公认会计原则和国际财务报告准则,当事件或环境变化表明 账面金额可能会减值。根据美国公认会计原则,首先通过确定资产组的账面价值是否超过资产组在未贴现基础上的预期未来现金流,来测试资产组的可恢复性。如果该资产 如资产集团被确定为不可收回,则就资产集团账面金额超过其公允价值入账减值支出。此外,禁止未来对以前确认的减值损失进行冲销。

根据《国际财务报告准则》,当确定存在减值指标时,将为超出的现金计入减值费用 发电单位账面价值大于其公允价值减去处置成本和使用价值的金额。在某些情况下,以前记录的减值费用在后续期间是可逆的。

在2021年第四季度,Gatos记录了80,348美元的减值损失,与以下投资的账面价值有关 LGJV。未经审计的备考财务信息不反映Gatos由于矿产储量和经营业绩的改善而对这一历史减值进行的任何潜在冲销,因为

重新估算LGJV在2024年9月30日的公允价值。此外,作为收购的一部分,LGJV按其相对公允价值记录,这反映在交易会计中 调整。.


根据美国公认会计原则,合资企业被定义为其运营和活动由其股权共同控制的实体 投资者。合营企业采用权益会计法进行会计核算。比例合并在采矿和采掘业中使用,当工作利益所有者联合在一起开发和运营一个 根据书面协议在单独的法律实体之外共同拥有或合并的财产。

国际财务报告准则涉及两个问题 合资安排的类型:(1)合资经营和(2)合资经营,两者都以当事人的权利和义务为区别。在联合经营中,实体对基础资产和债务拥有权利 资产负债并确认其在资产、负债、收入和因利息产生的费用中所占份额。在合资企业中,采用权益会计方法,需要使用一个单独的法人实体。不像 根据美国公认会计原则,单独的法律实体的存在不足以得出一项安排是合资企业的结论。

First Majestic根据IFRS对LGJV的会计进行了初步评估,并确定LGJV符合 因此,Gatos对LGJV的会计处理符合“国际财务报告准则”。C)其他 注意事项First Majestic对美国GAAP与IFRS的潜在差异进行了初步评估 对于勘探和评估支出、资产报废债务、应收账款减值和租赁,并已确定差异不大。因此,这些调整没有反映在未经审计的备考表格中 财务信息。事务处理会计调整对未经审计的备考财务信息进行了以下调整,以反映某些初步情况 采购价格核算及其他形式上的调整。进一步审查可能会确定可能对合并后公司的未经审计的预计财务信息产生重大影响的额外调整。


对这一余额的调整主要反映了将对价分配给该公司拥有的Cerro Los Gatos矿 LGJV。由于LGJV采用权益法入账,收购的增量成本771,829美元分配给LGJV的账面价值。


- 30 -


这一调整反映了股本净增加583,409美元,以反映首批Majestic股票的发行生效 交易及为取代Gatos股票期权而发行的首批Majestic股票期权的代价,该等股票期权是根据“购买”项下附注1所述收购的Gatos股份的公允价值计量的 考虑“,并消除Gatos累计赤字164,317美元。


2023年12月31日终了年度和终了九个月期间的净调整数76 652美元和53 458美元 2024年9月30日分别反映了为代表从2023年初至2024年9月底发生的税后额外损耗而进行的总计130 111美元的调整。首先,Majestic应用了墨西哥联邦利率 根据将适用于LGJV的估计税率,将额外消耗增加27%。这一调整反映了收购资产的公允价值和交易的税务影响。耗尽是通过使用历史 根据《国际财务报告准则》调整损耗率,使之与First Majestic的损耗会计政策保持一致。

D)交易费用First Majestic估计的现金交易成本为24,103美元,其中包括美国银行的估计总费用 与合并有关的证券公司。First Majestic产生的成本预计将计入收购的总成本。E)按股份支付在这笔交易的同时,First Majestic将向Gatos员工发行First Majestic股票期权作为替代 他们的加托斯股票期权。替换First Majestic股票期权相对于现有Gatos股票期权的递增公允价值将在剩余的归属期间支出。增加的费用估计为5137美元, 截至2023年12月31日的年度和截至2024年9月30日的9个月分别为3,853美元。未经审计的备考简明每股财务信息数据

下表列出了未经审计备考财务信息所列期间的未经审计备考 合并后实体的每股预计收益及未经审核的预计加权平均流通股。

这个 下表假设交易发生在2024年9月30日,并基于

截至2024年9月30日的未偿还GATOS普通股和未偿还RSU、PSU和DSU数量。如本委托书/招股说明书所述,First的实际股份数量 根据交易可发行的MARESTIC将根据交易完成时已发行的Gatos普通股数量进行调整。表中的预计数据假设交易发生在2023年1月1日 损益表的目的。形式组合在截至的第一年中,






- 31 -



稀释用于计算每股运营的基本收益和摊薄收益(亏损)的股份 分享基本稀释会议法定人数;弃权和 经纪人无投票权Gatos股东的法定人数是进行Gatos特别会议所必需的 开会。有权在Gatos特别会议上投票的Gatos普通股流通股总投票权的多数持有人亲自出席(包括虚拟)或由代表代表出席,将构成 法定人数。然而,因为这两项提议都被考虑“非常规”根据纽约证券交易所规则(如下所述),以“街道名称”持有的股份将不被计入 目的是确定是否存在法定人数,除非股东在Gatos特别会议之前向其银行、经纪人或其他被指定人提供至少一项提案的投票指示。如果未达到法定人数,则Gato 特别会议可休会或推迟至达到所需数量的Gatos普通股的持有者出席。根据纽约证券交易所的规则,银行、经纪商或其他被提名人代表该等股份的实益拥有人持有“街头名下”的股份 当未收到实益所有者的投票指示时,股票有权酌情对某些“例行”提议投票。然而,银行、经纪人或其他被提名者不被允许 根据纽约证券交易所规则,就下列事项行使表决权“非常规的。” 这可能会导致“经纪人”的出现 无投票权“,发生在下列情况下:(1)银行、经纪人或其他被提名人有权酌情对一项或多项“常规”提案进行表决,该提案将在下列情况下进行表决: 股东,但不允许对其他股东投票“非常规”未经股份实益所有人指示的建议书,以及(二)实益所有人未向银行提供的, 经纪人或其他具有投票指示的被提名人“非常规”物质。Gatos的两项提议都得到了考虑 “非常规”纽约证券交易所的事务 规则,银行、经纪商或其他被提名人将无权在会议前对任何事项进行投票。因此,Gatos预计不会有任何经纪人

无投票权在加托斯特别会议上 如果您以“街道名义”持有您持有的Gatos普通股,您的股票将不会被代表,也不会在任何事项上投票,除非您肯定地指示您的银行、经纪人或其他被提名人如何投票您的股票。 按照您的银行、经纪人或其他被提名人提供的投票指示。因此,通过指示您的银行、经纪人或其他被提名人如何投票来投票是至关重要的。经纪人将不能对其中任何一项进行投票 Gatos提议,除非他们收到受益所有者的投票指示。所需票数


这笔交易整合了三家世界级的、 在一家公司的领导下在墨西哥生产银矿。Cerro Los Gatos矿、San Dimas矿和Santa Elena矿共同为Gatos股东提供了一个独特的机会,可以在更多元化的资产基础上获得股权参与 将Cerro Los Gatos与互补的高质量资产结合在一起。资产优化潜力。合并后的实体的白银产量预计将 主要来自墨西哥,使合并后的实体能够优化两家公司的专业知识、供应链和一个重要的银矿开采国家的地区基础设施,以推动

A 一流的性能。勘探的上行潜力。合并后的实体的墨西哥业务将设在三个 世界一流的银矿区,取得了勘探成功和经济发现的历史。涵盖约350,000公顷矿业权的合并资产组合的土地组合提供 与Cerro Los Gatos相比,独立勘探潜力大幅扩大。卓越的财务实力和灵活性。合并后的实体将是一家更大的公司,拥有 加强了资产负债表,改善了资本市场状况。截至2024年6月30日,合并后实体的预计现金和受限现金余额为345.6亿美元,预计可用流动性超过5亿美元。 这种卓越的财务实力和灵活性将用于支持持续的利润率提高、增长项目和勘探计划。


- 32 -

促进自由现金流的产生。合并后实体的年度自由现金流预计将超过 2025年2亿美元,Gatos预计将为合并后的实体贡献约7000万美元的年度自由现金流。有机会参与合并后实体的增长前景。

的流通股持有人 在紧接合并完成之前,Gatos普通股将在合并完成后立即拥有约38%的已发行第一股Majestic普通股。因此,Gatos的股东将拥有 有机会参与合并后实体的未来业绩,包括合并后实现的收入和成本协同效应。


预计合并将带来企业成本节约、供应链 以及采购效率、专业知识的交叉授粉以及内部项目和勘探计划的加速和优化。如果实现这种协同效应,将为合并后的实体创造机会,拥有更好的未来 收益和前景与Gatos的收益和前景进行独立比较。Gencap的财务分析和公平意见。Gencap向Gatos特别委员会提交了 其对拟议交易的财务分析,随后是口头意见,并通过提交日期为2024年9月4日的书面意见予以确认,其大意是,基于并受制于假设、资格、限制和 Gencap在准备其意见时考虑的其他事项,截至该日,从财务角度来看,拟议的交易对Gatos股东是公平的。有关以下观点的更详细说明 Gencap,见标题为“[●]”的部分。



。这个 Gatos特别委员会的评估认为,没有一种可能的合并替代方案(包括继续作为独立上市公司运营Gatos或寻求不同的交易,以及Gatos的可取性和已知风险 这些替代方案,以及这些替代方案对Gatos股东的潜在好处和风险,以及实施这些替代方案的时机和可能性)合理地有可能为Gatos创造更好的机会 为Gatos股东带来更大的价值,考虑到执行风险以及商业、金融、行业和竞争因素。合并是Gatos董事会评估战略选择的广泛过程的结果 和加托斯特别委员会。Gatos没有收到除First Majestic之外的任何一方的最终最终报价。加托斯特别委员会得出的结论是,合并泛美银业公司弗雷斯尼罗公司

赫克拉矿业公司Coeur矿业公司,” 第一雄伟白银公司


除其他外,美国银行证券根据2024年9月4日的收盘价对选定的 上市公司为每股资产净值的倍数,通常被称为“资产净值”,计算为无杠杆的净现值,税后预计自由现金流来自 业务减去债务及类似债务项目及优先股(视情况而定),加上现金及现金等价物(视情况而定)除以已发行股份总数。美国银行证券还审查了每股股价,基于 在2024年9月4日收盘价时,所选上市公司中的一家,以2025年日历年估计自由现金流的倍数计算,通常称为“FCF”,计算方法为营运现金流减去资本 支出。


- 33 -




MAG Silver Corp.



弗雷斯尼罗公司·阿拉莫斯黄金公司  ])

·Argonaut Gold Inc.  










·纽蒙特矿业公司  F-4·新冠矿业有限公司  F-4·1.26x  





- 34 -





·泛美白银公司/ Agnico Eagle Mines Limited  

·Yamana Gold Inc.  






·6.9x  ·2021年11月8日  ·新冠矿业有限公司  



·Pretium Resources Inc.  












·Agnico Eagle Mines Limited  







·7.9x  ·2020年12月16日  ·Equinox Gold Corp.  



·Premier Gold Mines Limited  


- 35 -











·Equinox Gold Corp.  













·1.04x  ·9.5x  ·2019年5月14日  ·圣芭芭拉有限公司  








- 36 -



·2019年1月14日  ·纽蒙特矿业公司  ·黄金公司  ·1.17x  ·5.9x  ·2018年11月14日  



·泛美白银公司  ·太浩资源公司  ·0.86x  






价格/资产净值价格/2025 FCF1.1712x-3.5869x


。利用隐含的每股收益 为上文标题为“”的一节所述的GATO得出的权益价值参考范围








- 37 -


“和上述章节中描述的第一个Majestic 题为“-First Majestic财务分析-独立贴现现金流分析“和标题为”形式贴现现金流分析“对于每个Gatos和First Majestic,AS 通过将为GATOS得出的每股股本参考范围的低端点和高端点除以为First Majestic(没有和)得出的每股股本参考范围的高端点和低端点来适用 包括协同效应的潜在形式财务效应的影响),美银证券分别计算了一个近似的隐含汇率参考区间。这一分析表明,隐含汇率大致如下 参考范围,与汇率相比:



隐含汇率 参考范围兑换率每股权益价值(独立)









1.9285x-2.3166x1.8265x-2.2006x NV计算为Gatos在Cerro Los Gatos矿的权益价值,使用 贴现现金流分析,加上公司截至最近报告的季度末的手头净现金以及其他适用的调整。 加托斯股票估值分析



Gencap进行了隐含股权估值分析,以比较交易相对于未受影响市场的估值水平 加托斯股票的估值。 加托斯股权估值FDITm已发行股份:











- 38 -

预先通告 股价:”, “($/sh)交易股价($/sh)溢价


股价:+16.1%交易股价为13.49美元,较Gatos股价溢价约16.1% 在交易宣布前为11.62美元。


Gencap分析了支付给Gatos股东的股份兑换率的隐含价值,相对于基于以下的隐含价值 Gatos和First Majestic在选定的各个时期的历史股价。

截至2024年9月4日股价First Majestic($/sh)








- 39 -






























- 40 -


Gatos普通股每股2.55股First Majestic普通股的要约交换比率代表 在上述时间段内较市场历史股价溢价约15%-17%。 贴现现金 流量分析与市场倍数分析

为了了解Gatos资产的潜在基本价值,Gencap 使用题为“某些未经审计的Gatos财务预测摘要”一节中提出的Gatos管理层预测进行贴现现金流(“DCF”)分析。Gencap对 估值模型的投入,包括分析师共识商品价格和贴现率的应用。10-K为达到以下目的 在这项分析中,Gencap在下表中确定了一组企业价值低于20亿美元、拥有足够的公开可用运营和/或财务指标的初级白银公司,包括目前在 Gatos的业务特点与Gatos相似,并基于其专业判断,被称为“选定的同行公司”。Gencap认识到,没有一家选定的同行公司与GATOS直接可比,而每一家选定的同行公司都是 在其规模、资产位置、资产质量、商品组合和其他特征方面都是独一无二的。Gencap的分析基于选定同行公司截至2024年9月4日的公开数据和信息,并确实 除First Majestic和Gatos外,不将符合选择标准的公司排除在外。精选白银生产商公司基本40-F市场







- 41 -








- 42 -

First Majestic







- 43 -



奋进银墨西哥平均值(不包括第一宏伟' 加托斯):Gencap根据Gatos研究分析师使用的折扣率选择了5.0%的折扣率”, 并广泛用于贵金属行业。Gencap确定的估值为0.9x资产净值,其中排除了First Majestic和Gatos的估值,因为这两方都是 根据Gencap估计此类指标的知识和经验,该交易适合用于Gatos的市场估值。 使用这些选定的输入,Gencap通过DCF计算出Gatos的模型资产净值为每股8.07美元。 每股资产净值模型@5.0%($/sh)






- 44 -





+69%在应用从同业分析得出的0.90x市盈率/资产净值估值后,这意味着市值为7.26美元 按Gatos普通股计算。根据Gatos股权估值分析部分的计算,交易股价为13.49美元,较这一隐含股价水平溢价86%。Gencap也执行了此分析,结果为+10%/(10%) 对市场市盈率/资产净值倍数的敏感性决定了Gatos普通股隐含股价区间为6.54-7.99美元。如果 若以GATOS的加权平均资本成本(“WACC”)15.5%来厘定模型资产净值,则相对于隐含股价水平的交易溢价幅度会比所示水平更高。

先例交易分析按顺序 为了了解GATOS股东收到的溢价与贵金属部门的其他交易相比如何,Gencap根据以下选定的标准审查了适当的先例交易:(I)#年万超过15000美元 交易价值(有例外情况)、(Ii)生产阶段目标(有例外情况)及(Iii)在Gencap提出意见日期前三年公布的交易。Gencap注意到的有关选定先例交易的信息如下 摘要如下:贵金属交易先例优惠溢价:





- 45 -

















- 46 -



+2510-K,4月23日10-QNewcrest8-K纽蒙特全球+40% +28


Yamana Gold


- 47 -

泛美航空和Agnico Eagle









- 48 -






金星资源赤峰吉隆黄金加纳 +24%.


9月21日柯克兰湖Agnico Eagle美洲+2


- 49 -






+17%+20 选定中位数:+16%+27在此表中,Gencap强调了目标价值最适用的交易 约占收购方市值的40%或更高,称为“选定交易”。截至2011年,交易价值约占First Majestic市值的61% 2024年9月4日。





- 50 -



脚注:2.55股Majestic第一股普通股现货价值最低市值为7亿美元2024年以AgEq为基础报告的银生产指导(没有报告纯银生产) 大多数(4人中的3人)跟踪Gatos Silver的分析师使用了5.0%的贴现率

其他因素在发表意见时, Gencap还审查和审议了其他因素,包括(在适用的情况下,以下信息在提交意见时是最新的):Gatos普通股股票的历史收盘价 52周截至2024年9月4日的期间为每股4.50美元至14.11美元;

Gatos普通股股票在2022年1月至25日(储备和 资源高估)至2024年9月4日,每股2.23美元至14.11美元;

基于Gatos普通股历史收盘价的Gatos股东进入成本分析 2024年4月16日至2024年9月4日期间的股票每股9.41美元至14.11美元,指的是Gatos上一次公开流通股4690万股的成交额(加权平均为11.56美元 每股);

某些公开可用的股票研究分析师对Gatos普通股股票的目标价(折价 通过


5.0%)每股10.48美元至17.14美元;40-FGatos股东合并后收到的首批Majestic普通股的估值分析 对价,其中包括对GATOS管理层确定的股票对价所固有的关键风险进行评估;以及Gatos普通股和First Majestic普通股的交易流动性分析。 一般信息



在……里面 在Gatos特别委员会对该交易进行审查的同时,Gencap进行了各种财务和比较分析,以便提出其意见。财务意见的准备是一个复杂的过程,而且 不一定容易受到部分分析或概要描述的影响。选择上述分析或摘要的一部分,而不将分析作为一个整体来考虑,可能会造成对潜在过程的不完整视图 Gencap的观点。在得出其意见时,Gencap考虑了其所有分析的结果,没有对其所考虑的任何因素或分析给予任何特别的重视。相反,Gencap对公平做出了决定 在考虑了所有分析的结果之后,它的经验和专业判断的基础。上述分析中用作比较的任何公司或交易都不能直接与Gatos、First Majestic或交易进行比较。

根据合并协议的条款,Gatos的董事和高管将有权获得某些持续的赔偿 以及根据尚存的公司的董事和高级人员责任保险单的生效时间起计的六年期间的保险。



每股已发行股份 Gatos董事和高管持有的Gatos普通股将根据交换比例转换为获得若干First Majestic普通股的权利。截至2024年9月27日,Gatos的所有董事和 高管作为一个集团,拥有Gatos普通股466,576股。关于Gatos的每一位现任董事、指定的执行人员以及所有董事和执行人员对Gatos普通股的实益所有权的信息 将高级船员作为一个整体,请参阅标题为“证券的实益所有权--某些实益所有人的担保所有权与GATO的管理Gatos选项

每一位杰出的和 由Gatos董事和高管持有的未行使的Gatos期权(无论是既得的或非既得的)将自动交换为收购若干第一Majestic普通股的期权

根据交换比率厘定的股份,其条款及条件与紧接合并生效前根据该Gatos期权适用的相同条款及条件。自.起 2024年9月27日,所有Gatos董事和高管作为一个集团拥有2,704,257个Gatos期权。加托斯数字用户单元由Gatos持有的每一个优秀的Gatos DSU


- 52 -


董事将在有效时间内完全授予 并将在合并完成之日起30个月内,根据交换比例确定若干第一股Majestic普通股。截至2024年9月27日,Gatos的所有董事都拥有304,560 加托斯DSPU。Gatos PSU每个 由Gatos高管(仅包括安德烈斯和韦尔塔)持有的未偿还Gatos PSU,均于2021年12月17日授予,计划在基于TSR的三年业绩期限后授予 Gatos相对于同行集团的三年业绩期间,从2021年12月17日开始至2024年12月17日结束,并将接受Gatos普通股的股票,这些普通股将获得与其他公司相同的合并对价 Gatos股东在合并生效时持有的每股Gatos普通股。截至2024年9月27日,Gatos的所有高管作为一个集团,将拥有45,255个Gatos PSU(假设目标业绩为 2024年12月17日支付相对于GDXJ成分的第55个百分位数的TSR的150%)。Gatos RSU由Gatos高管持有的每个Gatos RSU将在合并生效时完全授予,并将在 合并完成之日起30个月内,根据兑换率确定的第一股Majestic普通股数量。截至2024年9月27日,Gatos的所有董事和高管作为一个集团拥有778,605个Gatos RSU。



根据其目前的董事董事薪酬政策,预计将在合并生效前根据Gatos LTIP授予董事薪酬,公平市场价值为90 000美元,包括50%的Gatos期权和50%的Gatos DSU 该等权益将于授出时全数归属,并将按照上文所述尚未偿还的股权奖励予以处理。此外,上述金额不包括GATOS可能向其员工提供的任何股权奖励, 包括高管在内,根据Gatos LTIP,不迟于2025年1月至31日,这与Gatos过去的做法一致。









持有人“是Gatos Common的任何实益所有人 既不是美国股东,也不是美国联邦所得税合伙企业的实体的股票。


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持有者受特殊美国 联邦所得税规则未得到解决



本摘要不涉及合并或合并对美国联邦所得税的影响 根据合并获得的第一股Majestic普通股的所有权和对Gatos普通股持有人的处置









组织,合格的退休计划, 个人退休账户,或其他






账户;(B)是金融机构、承销商、保险公司、房地产投资信托基金或受监管的投资公司; (C)证券或货币的经纪交易商、交易商或交易商选择应用






会计方法;(D)有“职能” (E)拥有Gatos普通股(或合并后的第一股Majestic普通股),作为跨境、套期保值交易、转换交易、推定出售或其他综合交易的一部分; (F)因行使员工股票期权或以其他方式作为服务补偿而收购Gatos普通股;(G)持有Gatos普通股(或合并后的第一Majestic普通股),但作为 “守则”第1221节所指的“资本资产”(一般指为投资目的而持有的财产);(H)直接、间接或通过归属,以投票权或价值的方式拥有5%或以上的未偿还的Gatos普通股 股票(或合并后的第一股Majestic普通股),但以下有关5%的美国持股人的讨论除外



以Gatos普通股换取第一股宏伟普通股“;(I)须受 关于Gatos普通股(或合并后的第一股Majestic普通股)的特别税务会计规则;(J)受控制的外国公司和被动外国投资公司及其股东; (K)有为逃避美国联邦所得税而积累收益的公司;(L)有




持有者是在美国、美国任何州或美国特区以外成立的公司 出于美国联邦所得税的目的,仍被视为美国公司的哥伦比亚;(M)指与贸易或业务有关的持有Gatos普通股(或合并后的第一股Majestic普通股)的美国持有人, 在美国境外的永久机构或固定基地;(N)是美国的前公民或长期居民;(O)是合伙企业和其他被视为美国联邦所得税合伙企业的直通实体 这些实体的目的和所有者;(P)是“S”公司(及其股东);以及(Q)以赠与或继承的方式获得的Gatos普通股。受《守则》特别规定约束的持有人,包括 如上所述,持有者应就所有美国联邦、美国州和地方税务顾问咨询他们自己的税务顾问,以及


与交易和所有权有关的税收后果,以及 根据交易收到的第一股Majestic普通股的处置。 非公司美国持有者通常将有资格获得 适用于股息长期资本收益的优惠美国联邦所得税税率,前提是满足某些持有期和其他条件,包括First Majestic不被归类为PFIC(定义如下) 分配的纳税年度或上一纳税年度。股息规则很复杂,每个美国持有者都应该就此类规则的应用咨询自己的税务顾问。第一股Majestic普通股的出售或其他应税处置

在出售或其他应税处置First Majestic普通股后,美国持有者通常将在 金额等于(A)现金金额加上收到的任何财产的公平市场价值与(B)出售或以其他方式处置的此类第一股Majestic普通股的美国持有者调整后的税基之间的差额。利得 如果在出售或其他应税处置时,第一股Majestic普通股已持有一年以上,则在出售或其他应税处置中确认的亏损或亏损一般将是长期资本收益或亏损。

优惠的美国联邦所得税税率可能适用于个人、遗产或信托的美国持有者的长期资本收益。那里 对于作为公司的美国持有者的长期资本收益,没有优惠税率。资本损失的扣除受该守则的重大限制。



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如果First Majestic根据《守则》第1297节(“PFIC”)成立“被动外国投资公司” 对于美国持股人持有期间的任何纳税年度,某些潜在的不利规定将影响因拥有和处置First Majestic普通股而对美国持有者产生的美国联邦所得税后果, 如下所述。如果First Majestic在美国持有人拥有First Majestic普通股的任何纳税年度是PFIC,First Majestic通常会就该美国持有人的所有后续税收继续被视为PFIC 在此期间,这些美国持有人持有First Majestic普通股,即使First Majestic不再满足获得PFIC资格的门槛要求。

First Majestic如果在一个纳税年度,(A)First Majestic在该纳税年度的总收入的75%或更多是被动收入,则为PFIC (“收入测试”)或(B)First Majestic资产价值的50%或以上要么产生被动收入,要么为产生被动收入而持有(“资产测试”),其依据是公允的季度平均值 此类资产的市场价值。“总收入”一般包括所有销售收入减去销售商品的成本,加上来自投资和附带或外部经营或来源的收入,以及一般的“被动收入”。 例如,包括股息、利息、某些租金和特许权使用费、出售股票和证券的某些收益以及商品交易的某些收益。此外,为了所述的PFIC收入测试和资产测试的目的 如上所述,如果First Majestic直接或间接拥有另一家公司流通股总价值的25%或更多,First Majestic将被视为(A)持有该另一家公司资产的比例份额 (B)直接从该另一公司的收入中获得按比例分摊的份额。

First Majestic认为它 根据目前的业务计划和财务预期,First Majestic预计其本纳税年度不应成为PFIC。没有法律顾问的意见或美国国税局的裁决 关于First Majestic作为PFIC的地位,已经获得或目前计划申请。PFIC分类基本上是事实性质的,通常在所涉纳税年度结束之前无法确定,并且是 每年确定一次。此外,分析在一定程度上取决于复杂的美国联邦所得税规则的应用,这些规则受到不同的解释。因此,不能保证First Majestic从未 在美国持有者持有First Majestic普通股的任何纳税年度,一直、现在和将来都不会成为PFIC。

根据某些归属规则,如果First Majestic是PFIC,美国持有者将被视为 拥有First Majestic的任何子公司(也是PFIC的子公司)的比例份额,并将因以下原因缴纳美国联邦所得税:(I)对子公司PFIC的股份进行分配或(Ii) 处置子公司PFIC的股份,就好像持有人直接持有该子公司PFIC的股份一样。如果First Majestic 如果PFIC在任何纳税年度,且美国持有人持有First Majestic普通股,则该美国持有人一般将受守则第(1291)节关于First Majestic所作“超额分派”的特别规则的约束 关于第一股Majestic普通股以及出售第一股Majestic普通股的收益。“超额分配”通常被定义为相对于第一大公约数的超额分配。 美国持有人在任何纳税年度收到的股份超过该美国持有人在之前三个纳税年度中较短的一个年度从First Majestic获得的平均年分派的125%,或该美国持有人在 第一股Majestic普通股(如适用)。通常,美国持有者将被要求在其持有第一股Majestic普通股的期间按比例分配任何多余的分配或从处置第一股Majestic普通股中获得的收益 普通股。分配给处分或超额分配当年的这类金额将作为普通收入征税,分配给前几个纳税年度的金额将作为普通收入按每个年度的最高税率征税。 并按适用于少缴税款的利率收取利息。如果First Majestic被视为一家 在课税年度,某些选举可能会导致第一Majestic普通股的替代待遇(如下文讨论的按市值计价)。美国持有者应该咨询他们自己的税务顾问,以确定是否 如果First Majestic被认为是一个纳税年度的PFIC,那么这些替代疗法中的任何一个都是可用的,如果是这样的话,在他们的特定情况下,关于 《外国投资委员会规则》的适用。然而,美国持有者应该知道,对于每个纳税年度,如果有,First Majestic是PFIC,First Majestic不能保证它将满足PFIC的记录保存要求,或者它 将向美国持有人提供有关First Majestic或任何附属公司PFIC的美国持有人根据《守则》第21295节进行合格选举基金选举(“QEF选举”)所需的信息。或者,美国持有者可以选择将PFIC中的可上市股票按年度市值计价。PFIC的股票通常是 如果:(I)它们在在证券交易委员会注册的国家证券交易所或在根据《证券和金融服务条例》第11A条建立的全国市场系统上“定期交易”,则它们是可以销售的,并且 1934年《交易法》;或(Ii)它们在美国财政部认定具有足以确保市场价格准确代表公平市场价值的规则的任何交易所或市场上定期交易 这只股票。预计预计将在纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所上市的第一批Majestic普通股将符合PFIC规则的流通股票资格,但不能保证第一批Majestic普通股 将为本规则的目的而“定期交易”。根据这样的选举,美国持有者将在每年将此类股票的公平市场价值超过其调整后的纳税基础的部分(如果有)列为普通收入。 纳税年度结束。这些普通收入不符合适用于合格股息收入或长期资本利得的美国联邦所得税优惠税率,如上所述 “-第一股Majestic普通股的分配“和”-第一股Majestic普通股的出售或其他应税处置,分别是。美国持有者可以将调整后的任何超出部分视为普通损失 股票在年终时的税基高于其公平市价,但仅限于先前因前几年的选举而计入收入的净额。美国持有者在PFIC股票中的调整后税基 将增加以反映收入中包括的任何金额,并减少以反映由于按市值计价选举。确认的任何收益 在处置First Majestic普通股时,将被视为普通收入,任何亏损将被视为普通亏损(但仅限于之前因 按市值计价非美国已缴纳所得税。在受到某些限制的情况下,抵免通常会减少美国持有者在美国联邦所得税中对美元对美元而扣除将减少美国持有者缴纳美国联邦所得税的收入。这次选举是在一个逐年递增



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美国持有者在一个纳税年度内缴纳的税款(无论是直接缴纳还是通过预扣)。外国税 信用规则很复杂,涉及到根据美国持有者的特定情况适用规则。因此,每个美国持有者都应该就外国税收抵免规则咨询自己的美国税务顾问。


这笔钱 与First Majestic普通股的所有权有关的、或因出售First Majestic普通股或其他应税处置而以加元支付给美国持有者的任何分配或收益,或收到的任何加元 与合并有关的,将计入美国持有者的总收入,按实际或推定收到分配或推定收到分配之日有效的即期汇率计算,换算为美元 收益,无论加元是否

在当时兑换成美元。如果收到的加拿大元在收到之日兑换成美元,美国持有者不应被要求承认外国 与分配或收益有关的货币收益或损失。如果收到的加拿大元在收到之日没有兑换成美元,美国持有者将拥有与其美元价值相等的加元计税基础 在收到之日。不同的规则适用于使用应计税制会计的美国持有者。任何接受加元付款并从事随后的加元兑换或其他处置的美国持有者 可能有外币汇兑收益或损失,将被视为普通收入或损失,通常将是来自美国的收入或损失,用于外国税收抵免目的。每个美国持有者都应该咨询自己的美国税务顾问 美国联邦所得税因接收、拥有和处置加元而产生的后果。信息报告和备份扣缴 美国持有者可能需要为美国联邦所得税的目的对收到的现金进行信息报告和备用预扣 与合并有关,以及第一Majestic普通股的股息和出售第一Majestic普通股的收益或其他应税处置。目前的备份扣押率为24%。后备扣缴将 但是,不适用于以下美国持有者:(I)提供正确的纳税人识别码并证明美国持有者不受IRS表格上的备用扣缴的约束

或者实质上是 类似的表格或(Ii)证明美国持有者在其他方面免于备用扣缴。美国持有者应咨询他们自己的税务顾问,了解他们是否有资格免除备用预扣,以及以下程序 获得这样的豁免。如果美国纳税人没有在美国国税局表格上提供正确的纳税人识别码


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或其他适当的证明,美国持有者可能会受到 美国国税局。根据备用预扣规则扣缴的任何金额,只要及时向美国国税局提供所需信息,都可以退还或允许抵扣美国持有人的美国联邦所得税义务(如果有)。在 如果发生备用预扣,美国持有者应咨询他们自己的税务顾问,以确定他们是否有权因这种备用预扣而获得任何税收抵免、退税或其他税收优惠。

将需要一名在合并中获得第一股Majestic普通股的美国持有者,该持有者被认为是“重要股东” (1)向其美国联邦所得税申报单提交一份声明,提供与交易相关的某些事实,包括该美国持有人交出的Gatos普通股的纳税基础和公平市值,以及 (2)保留与合并有关的这些事实的永久记录。“重大持有人”是指在紧接交易前,(A)以投票或价值方式拥有至少5.0%的Gatos已发行股票的持有人,或 (B)自己拥有的税基为100万美元或以上的Gatos证券。

某些美国联邦政府 合并的所得税后果为非美国持有者


上述第一个项目符号中描述的收益通常将受美国 按正常的美国联邦所得税税率计算的联邦所得税净额,其方式与这些非美国持有人是美国持有人的方式相同。一个


作为公司的持有人也可能是 须按30%税率(或较低的适用条约税率)就其在该课税年度的有效关连收入及利润征收额外的“分行利得税”,但须作出若干调整。


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上述第二个要点中描述的非美国持有者通常将缴纳统一的30%(或更低)的美国联邦所得税 适用的条约税率)。非美国

持有者应咨询他们自己的税务顾问,了解根据所得税条约可能获得福利的资格,以及美国来源的资本损失是否可用于 抵消收益在第二个项目符号中描述。关于上面的第三个要点,加托斯认为它不是,或者在 该项目符号中所指的时间段一直是USRPHC,并将向First Majestic提交一份与合并有关的证书,说明Gatos普通股不是USRPI。即使Gatos现在或将来成为USRPHC,Gain 如果Gatos普通股按照适用的美国财政部法规的定义,在合并中由非美国持有者交出Gatos普通股而产生的,将不需要缴纳美国联邦所得税 已建立的证券市场等非美国在截至以下日期的五年中的较短时间内,持有者实际和建设性地拥有Gatos普通股的5%或更少 合并。信息报告和备份扣缴

根据合并,非美国持有者以第一股Majestic普通股交换Gatos普通股通常将 如果在美国境内或通过某些与美国相关的金融中介机构进行信息报告,则必须进行信息报告。资料申报表须向美国国税局提交,而资料申报表的副本可供 根据特定条约或协议的规定,非美国持有人居住或注册成立的国家的税务机关。


持有者可能需要为美国联邦所得税的目的对以下任何项目进行备用预扣 在与合并有关的情况下收到现金


持有者未能提供豁免身份证明或正确的美国纳税人识别码,并在其他方面遵守适用的 后备扣缴要求。目前的备份扣押率为24%。一般而言,a


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如果持有者提供了正确填写和执行的适当的 美国国税局


第一权利人的处分 股票(交易后)

处置或被视为处置第一股Majestic普通股的加拿大居民持有者 交易(不包括对First Majestic的处置,除非First Majestic以任何公众通常在公开市场购买股票的方式在公开市场购买)一般将承认 资本收益(或资本损失),相当于处置收益扣除任何合理处置成本后超过(或低于)加拿大居民持有者的调整成本基数的数额(如果有) 普通股,在紧接处置前确定。关于资本利得和资本损失的税务处理的说明,见题为“



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任何已实现的资本利得 在某一课税年度将构成一项应课税资本利得,该资本利得必须计入加拿大居民持有人在该年度的收入中,并且


任何资本损失 在特定课税年度发生的资本损失将构成允许的资本损失,必须从加拿大居民持有人在该年度实现的应纳税资本收益中扣除,但每一种情况都受2024年资本收益提案的限制 下面将进行讨论。


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根据法案中提出的税收建议,在2024年6月25日或之后实现的资本利得和资本损失 由(加拿大)财政部长于2024年9月24日提出(“2024年资本利得提案”),在下文讨论的某些过渡性规则的约束下,加拿大居民持有人通常被要求在计算其 某课税年度的所得




在一个课税年度内,该加拿大居民持有人从该年度变现的应纳税资本利得中实现的任何此类资本损失(“允许资本损失”)的金额。然而, 根据2024年资本收益提案,加拿大居民个人(不包括大多数类型的信托)实际上只需在收入中包括


净资本利得 在不超过250,000加元的课税年度内变现(包括通过信托或合伙间接变现的净资本收益),


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适用于净额部分的包含率 在2024年6月25日或之后实现的资本收益超过250,000加元。允许的资本损失超过在一个纳税年度实现的应税资本利得的,可以在前三个纳税年度中的一个中结转并扣除。 年度或结转并在其后任何课税年度扣除应课税资本利得净额



加托斯特别会议主席有权根据《加托斯公约》休会。 附例。此外,Gatos要求其股东授权Gatos董事会要求的任何委托书的持有人不时投票赞成Gatos特别会议休会,以征求更多赞成的委托书 如果在休会时没有足够的票数批准Gatos合并建议,或者如果会议主席另有决定是必要的或适当的,则不批准Gatos合并建议。


假设出席加托斯特别会议的法定人数达到法定人数,批准加托斯的休会提议至少需要投赞成票 对加托斯休会提案投出的多数选票。如果出席人数不足法定人数,Gatos休会建议需要出席Gatos会议或由其代表出席会议的股东的多数表决权益批准。 特别会议;但加托斯特别会议主席也可根据《加托斯章程》宣布休会。因此,未能退回或提交您的委托书或出席Gatos特别会议将不具有 对加托斯休会提议的影响。假设法定人数存在,出席Gatos特别会议或由其代表出席的任何股份未能投票支持或反对Gatos休会建议将没有 对该建议的影响。然而,假设没有法定人数,在Gatos特别会议上出席或由代理人代表的任何股份未能投票支持Gatos休会提案将被视为投票。 “

反对加托斯的休会提议。如果你是GATOS的股东,GATOS董事会一致建议 你投票赞成GATOS休会提案(提案2)。


本节介绍合并协议的主要条款。本节对合并协议的描述 及本委托书/招股说明书的其他部分均参考合并协议的完整文本予以保留,合并协议的副本作为附件A附于本委托书中,并通过引用并入本委托书 声明/招股说明书。此摘要并不声称是完整的,并且可能不包含对您重要的有关合并协议的所有信息。我们鼓励您仔细阅读整个合并协议,因为权利和 双方的义务受合并协议明示条款的约束,而不受本摘要或本委托书/招股说明书中包含的任何其他信息的约束。


- 62 -


在本委托书/招股说明书中包括合并协议及其条款摘要,以向您提供 有关合并协议的条款和条件的信息。本节中包含的合并协议及其实质性条款摘要均无意提供有关First Majestic或Gatos或以下任何公司的任何事实信息 其各自的子公司或附属公司。合并协议所载的陈述、保证及契诺仅为合并协议的目的而作出,并于合并协议的特定日期作出,仅为 合并协议各方的利益,可能受到缔约双方商定的限制,包括受到First Majestic和Gatos向各自交付的机密披露中所包含的某些事项的限制 其他与合并协议有关的事项,以及在向美国证券交易委员会和SEDAR+公开提交的某些报告中包含的某些事项(所有这些披露均未包括在本委托书/招股说明书所附的合并协议中 作为附件A作出,目的是为了在合并协议各方之间分担合同风险,而不是将这些事项确定为事实,并可能受到适用于缔约各方的重大标准的约束 这与适用于投资者的规则不同)。投资者不是合并协议下的第三方受益人,除非协议中明确规定的有限目的,投资者不应依赖任何陈述和担保或任何 其描述为当事人或其各自子公司或关联公司的事实或状况的实际状态的表征。此外,关于陈述和保证的标的的信息, 在本委托书/招股说明书的日期看来并不准确,可能自合并协议之日起发生了变化,随后的信息可能会也可能不会完全反映在First Majestic或Gatos的 公开披露。因此,合并协议中的陈述和保证以及其他条款不应被任何人依赖为对First Majestic或Gatos当时的实际情况的描述 不管是不是制造的。

因此,合并协议的陈述、保证和其他条款应 不应单独阅读,而应与本委托书/招股说明书中其他地方提供的信息、通过引用并入本委托书/招股说明书的文件以及 加托斯文件与美国证券交易委员会和First Majestic文件在SEDAR+上不时出现。如需了解更多信息,请参阅标题为“




合并协议规定,根据条款并在满足或放弃其中规定的条件的前提下,在 生效后,合并子公司将与Gatos合并并并入Gatos,合并子公司的独立存在将停止,Gatos将作为First Majestic的全资子公司在合并后生存。

生效时,(i)Gatos的公司注册证书将被修改并完整重述为 合并协议随附的公司注册证书(作为附件b),其副本随附在本委托声明/招股说明书(作为附件A),以及(ii) 附例 加托斯的《加托斯》将被修改,


- 63 -

重列以符合 Exor NV董事和现任指定执行官







丹尼尔·穆尼兹 Quintanilla



- 64 -
















- 65 -











- 66 -










- 67 -



























- 68 -


































- 69 -





- 70 -












































- 71 -






































































- 72 -




















提供的信息 第4.13节税务事宜第4.14节劳工事务第4.15节10-K知识产权10-Q第4.16节不动产;有形财产第4.17节



- 73 -






       ($)        ($)        ($)  


       5.29          11.62          13.49  


       第4.26节          股权          第4.27节  



First Majestic在结束前开展业务
       第5.03节        加托斯的征集        第5.04节  

First Majestic的征集

       7.14          15.75          18.21  


       表格的准备          委托书/招股说明书和第一次Majestic通函;加托斯特别会议和第一次Majestic特别会议          第5.06节  



- 74 -






















- 75 -





- 76 -





     税务事宜     第七条合并结束的条件
First Majestic和合并子公司的义务条件
    第7.03节      加托斯义务的条件




     154,730       116,732       (24,103     4(d)        247,359  


     18,080       292       —           18,372  


     41,044       647       —           41,691  


     —        —        —            


     68,268       —        —           68,268  


     63,994       10       —           64,004  


     9,478       558       —           10,036  














     355,594       118,239       (24,103        449,730  




       285,454       771,829       4(a)        1,057,283  


     1,028,578       —        —           1,028,578  


     383,591       —        —           383,591  


     22,480       348       —           22,828  


     6,511       —        —           6,511  


     103,866       —        —           103,866  


     11,098       —        —           11,098  


     65,777       222       —           65,999  














     1,977,495       404,263       747,726          3,129,484  
















     92,266       11,546       —           103,812  


     782       —        —           782  


     607       —        —           607  


     15,840       132       —           15,972  


     7,875       548       —           8,423  














     117,370       12,226       —           129,596  




     206,190       —        —           206,190  


     10,884       187       —           11,071  


     158,239       —        —           158,239  


     6,025       —        —           6,025  


     20,323       —        —           20,323  


     81,154       —        —           81,154  














     600,185       12,413       —           612,598  



“是指任何旨在或旨在禁止、限制的反垄断、竞争或贸易监管法律 或监管具有垄断或限制贸易或通过并购减少竞争的目的或效果的行为,包括《高铁法案》和墨西哥《反垄断法》。

     1,976,695       556,167       583,409       4(b)        3,116,271  


     102,745       —        —           102,745  


     (702,130     (164,317     164,317       4(b)        (702,130














     1,377,310       391,850       747,726          2,516,886  














     1,977,495       404,263       747,726          3,129,484  















- 77 -




     反腐倡廉     刑事和相关规定
    和/或      反金钱
First Majestic或Gatos运营的任何司法管辖区的洗钱法。


     388,267       —        —           388,267  

“是指(i)周六或周日或(ii)银行业务和储蓄的一天以外的任何一天 法律授权或要求贷款机构在纽约州或不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华关闭。

       —        —           —   


     255,279       —        —           255,279  

“统称为加拿大人 公司法和加拿大证券法。

           —        —           —   


     89,325       —        —           89,325  












     344,604       —        —           344,604  













“指《商业公司法》(英国 哥伦比亚)及其下发布的规则和法规。

     43,663       —        —           43,663  


     28,186       25,500       —           53,686  

“意味着英国人 哥伦比亚证券委员会以及加拿大省或地区的任何其他适用证券委员会或证券监管机构。

     10,895       —        3,853       4(e)        14,748  


     18,173       —        —           18,173  

“指不列颠哥伦比亚省证券法和任何其他适用的加拿大省和地区 证券法律、规则和法规以及据此发布的工具和政策。

     15,824       —        —           15,824  














     (29,415     (25,500     (3,853        (58,768

“意味着腐败 《外国公职人员法》(加拿大)。

     4,086       7,788       —           11,874  


       39,985       (53,458     4(c)        (13,473

“指墨西哥联邦经济竞争委员会 (

     (21,277     —        —           (21,277














     (46,606     22,273       (57,311        (81,644



Federal de

     16,707       701       —           17,408  


     25,094       —        —           25,094  












     41,801       701       —           42,502  














     (88,407     21,572       (57,311        (124,146
















     (0.30            (0.26








     (0.30            (0.26









“指所有矿产和采矿利益、契约、主张、租赁和特许权、勘探、勘察, 开采或开采权、地下权利或任何其他权利或利益,目的是根据适用法律(无论是合同法、法定法或其他法)的条款勘探、开采或开采矿产 其中的兴趣。

     293,440,674              473,559,748  








     293,440,674              473,559,748  







“BC证券赋予它的含义 法


- 78 -




    纽交所      “指纽约证券 交易所

“指任何人的任何判决、命令、禁令、法令、规定、决定、裁决或令状 政府实体,或与任何行动相关签订的任何和解协议或合规协议。

     573,801       —        —           573,801  


       —        —        

“对于任何人来说,是指公司章程或组织章程、证书 成立、章程、章程通知、

     410,057       —        —           410,057  

“指负责管理、决定、 评估、征收和/或征收税款或执行任何与税收相关的法律。

     13,438       —        —           13,438  


     124,664       —        —           124,664  












     548,159       —        —           548,159  













” 指本准则规定的法规(包括任何临时法规以及有关此类法规的任何修订或后续条款)。

     25,642       —        —           25,642  


     38,709       27,293       —           66,002  


     13,177       —        5,137       4(e)        18,314  


     22,088       —        —           22,088  

“是指一方与 实际知道采取或不采取此类行动将构成对本协议的重大违反。“故意违约“有一个相关的含义。

     7,229       —        —           7,229  


     6,883       —        —           6,883  


     125,200       —        —           125,200  


     3,024       —        —           3,024  


     (11,884     —        —           (11,884














     (178,784     (27,293     (5,137        (211,214


     9,149       7,324       —           16,473  


     —        33,622       (76,652     4(c)        (43,030


     (26,280     (679     —           (26,959














     (195,915     12,974       (81,789        (264,730




     14,005       114       —           14,119  


     (74,808     —        —           (74,808












     (60,803     114       —           (60,689














     (135,112     12,860       (81,789        (204,041
















     (0.48            (0.44








     (0.48            (0.44










     282,331,106              462,450,180  








     282,331,106              462,450,180  









- 79 -




















First Majestic





- 80 -





























   $ 6.21  





   $ 1,118,539  





   $ 24,103  





   $ 21,037  





   $ 1,163,679  







- 81 -















180,119,074    $6.83    第2.01(A)节
180,119,074    $5.59    $(111,854)







   $ 116,732  


   $ 292  


   $ 647  


   $ 10  


   $ 558  


   $ 1,057,283  


   $ 348  


   $ 222  





   $ 1,151,989  


   $ 12,226  


   $ 187  





   $ 12,413  





   $ 1,163,679  






- 82 -




    加托斯不动产权     第3.16(a)(i)节



独奏会 30, 2024         


   $ —      $ —      $ —      第2.02(B)节


     219       (219     —      第6.12(e)节


     25,270       230       25,500     第8.02(b)(i)节


     11       (11     —      第6.04(a)节


     39,985       —        39,985     独奏会


     3,206       —        3,206     第3.15(B)节


     4,582       —        4,582     独奏会


     701       —        701     第2.01(A)节


   $ 21,572     $ —      $ 21,572    

前导码 31, 2023



   $ —      $ —      $ —      第8.01(C)节


     26       (26     —      前导码


     25,688       1,605       27,293     第3.12节


     79       (79     —     


     33,622       —        33,622     坐着


     1,500       (1,500     —      幸存的公司


     (679     —        (679   税务事宜


     1,332       —        1,332     交易诉讼


     5,992       —        5,992     交易记录


     114       —        114     转让税


   $ 12,860     $ —      $ 12,860    
部分 30, 2024         



(A)按照本协议规定的条款,在满足或在法律允许的范围内放弃本协议所列条件的前提下, 根据DGCL的规定,在生效时,合并子公司应与GATOS合并并并入GATOS,合并子公司的独立法人地位将终止,而GATOS继续作为尚存的法人存在 (Gatos作为合并中幸存的公司,有时在本文中被称为

   $ 116,732     $ —      $ 116,732     幸存的公司

“),紧接合并后,尚存公司将成为First的全资附属公司 气势恢宏。

     292       —        292     (B)就该项合并而言,First Majestic须采取所需行动,以在合并前保留, 根据本协议的条款,足够数量的第一股Majestic股票允许代表合并子公司向Gatos普通股持有人发行和交付第一股Majestic股票。


















。合并的完成( “

     285,454       —        285,454     结业

“)将在(A)于2025年1月15日或在法律允许的范围内获得豁免后三个工作日内,以电子邮件交换签名页的方式进行 中所述的条件

     222       —        222     “)允许First Majestic在本协议签订之日拥有和经营业务所需的合理费用,这是真实的 在各重要方面均正确无误;及。(Ii)

第二部分:第4.16(A)(Ii)条第一份Majestic公开信中列出了截至本协议之日,由First Majestic和First Majestic持有的采矿权清单 雄伟的子公司(The“The

     348       —        348     第一大矿业权“)经营First Majestic截至本协议日期所拥有和经营的业务所需的合理费用,在所有材料中均属真实和正确 敬重。
     404,263       —        404,263    

(B)除非尚未拥有,亦不会合理地期望个别或合共拥有第一王权 重大不利影响,(I)First Majestic或任何First Majestic子公司均未收到根据任何First Majestic Real Property Rights或First Majestic 采矿权构成,(Ii)(A)First Majestic和First Majestic子公司在所有情况下都是良好的,并且根据任何First Majestic矿业权没有违约,以及(B)不存在现有条件, 构成或在时间流逝或发出通知或两者兼而有之时构成违约的任何情况或事项,或根据任何协议或文书构成违约的情况或事项 权利是构成的,据First Majestic所知,所有此类协议和文书都具有良好的效力和效力,此类协议和文书的任何对手方均不存在违约情况。

(C)除非没有,亦不会合理地预期会个别地或合计地拥有第一种马杰斯蒂材料不利的 除允许留置权外,First Majestic和First Majestic子公司拥有或有权使用First Majestic的所有不动产权利和First Majestic采矿权,且不受任何留置权的影响。      12,226      













     187       —        187     *4.16(D)
     12,413       —        12,413    

第一封Majestic公开信:(A)没有书面形式 向First Majestic或First Majestic子公司提出的索赔,或据First Majestic或First Majestic子公司所知,第三方向First Majestic或First Majestic提出的任何索赔的合理依据 子公司无权按照第一马杰斯蒂克或第一马杰斯蒂克子公司目前使用或开采的方式或目前建议使用的方式开采或使用第一马杰斯蒂克采矿权 截至本协议之日,除任何琐碎的索赔外,:(B)任何材料优先采矿权的持有人均无义务向任何人支付任何佣金、特许权使用费或类似的付款,但任何 政府实体,关于这种材料的第一大采矿权。


(E)第一个Majestic矿业权和第一个 宏伟房地产产权不在采矿活动被限制或禁止的区域内

     117       —        117     安特罗波利西亚国家历史研究所

(墨西哥国家人类学和历史研究所) 没有任何政府实体以书面形式通知First Majestic或任何First Majestic子公司任何影响First Majestic采矿权和First Majestic不动产权利的考古或历史发现 将对First Majestic目前进行的采矿业务造成重大损害。据First Majestic和First Majestic子公司所知,在First Majestic的位置附近没有土著社区,也没有感兴趣的土著社区 第一马杰斯蒂克矿业权和第一马杰斯蒂克不动产权利的所有权或权利主张;及(Ii)第一马杰斯蒂克矿业权和第一马杰斯蒂克不动产权利不在任何“自然保护区”内或 环境法所界定的“自然保护区”,First Majestic或First Majestic子公司均未收到任何政府实体通知First Majestic或First Majestic子公司 在第一个Majestic采矿权和第一个Majestic不动产权利所在的地区或保护区的建立。部分

     556,050       —        556,050     财产

除非还没有,也不会合理地期望单独或整体拥有第一种卓越的材料 不利影响,First Majestic或First Majestic子公司是唯一的所有者,并对目前使用的所有重大有形个人财产拥有良好和有效的所有权,或就租赁的个人财产资产而言,拥有有效的租赁权益 在First Majestic和First Majestic子公司的业务运营中,除允许的留置权外,在每个情况下都没有任何留置权。

     (164,317     —        (164,317   目前用于First Majestic和First Majestic子公司业务运营的物质有形个人财产处于良好工作状态(合理损耗 并保持与行业标准一致,除非没有,也不会合理地预期对个别或总体产生第一重大的不利影响。
   $ 404,263     $ —      $ 404,263    


- 83 -




(加拿大)或任何 类似适用的反抵制法律或法规。


库存 所有权。First Majestic或任何First Majestic子公司均未直接或间接拥有,且在过去三年的任何时间,First Majestic或任何First Majestic子公司均未实益或以其他方式拥有 超过Gatos普通股的1%。部分

无合并子 活动





第一份Majestic公开信中规定,截至本协议日期,First Majestic或First Majestic或 First Majestic子公司,以及(I)First Majestic或First Majestic子公司的任何高管或董事,(Ii)任何持有First Majestic已发行第一股票5%或以上的登记持有人或任何符合以下条件的人 另一方面,实益拥有已发行第一Majestic股份5%或以上,或(Iii)任何该等高级职员、董事或第一Majestic股份持有人的任何联营公司或联营公司。


- 84 -




。除了申述之外 以及在本协议中明确规定的保证


(根据第一份Majestic公开信和第一份Majestic SEDAR+文件的限定),First Majestic、其任何附属公司或任何其他人均未做出任何明示或 关于First Majestic、First Majestic任何子公司或其子公司的默示陈述或保证(Gatos或其任何代表或附属公司现在和过去不依赖任何此类陈述或保证) 关于各自业务或向GATOS或其代表或关联公司提供或提供的与交易相关的任何其他信息,包括其准确性或完整性。在不限制 如上所述,First Majestic或任何其他人都不对Gatos或其代表或附属公司或任何其他人因Gatos或其代表的或 关联公司使用向GATOS或其代表或关联公司提供的任何信息、文件、预测、预测或其他材料,包括在管理层或其他演示文稿或在 由First Majestic或其代表维护的与交易相关的电子数据室或其他数据室,除非此类信息明确包含在 这


(由第一份Majestic公开信和第一份Majestic SEDAR+文件限定)。除下列明文规定的陈述和保证外


(根据Gatos披露的资格 Gatos或其关联公司或其代表向First Majestic或其任何关联公司或其代表提供的与交易有关的信息。










- 85 -



法律或任何政府实体的要求,(Y)旨在保护生命、财产或环境或遵守公共卫生要求的行动,或(Z)在 由First Majestic撰写(同意不得被无理拒绝、拖延或附加条件),Gatos应并应促使各Gatos子公司使用商业上合理的努力:(I)在正常过程中开展业务 在所有实质性方面以及(Ii)保持ITS及其业务组织的完好无损,保持ITS及其执行人员的服务,并与与其有实质性业务关系的人保持令人满意的关系 加托斯;




     (0.44      (0.26


     (0.44      (0.26




     462,450        473,560  

(B)在本协定日期与生效时间和终止本协定的时间(如有的话)两者中较早者之间 根据

     462,450        473,560  


     对下列任何行为作出反应(只要该行动或该不采取行动的方式与类似情况实质上一致 可以合理地期望同行业中的公司在类似情况下采取行动或不采取行动,并根据GATOS和GATOS子公司过去的做法(如果有的话)合理地告知该公司  
     灾难、天灾或天灾 其他不可抗力事件或事件,(二)流行病、大流行或疾病暴发(包括
或其恶化或于年通过的适用法律(或其解释) (A)敌对行动、战争行为(不论是否宣布)、军事行动、网络攻击、数据泄露、叛乱行为、政治动乱、骚乱或任何破坏行为的任何爆发、升级或恶化 或恐怖主义(外国或国内)或(B)俄罗斯联邦与乌克兰之间的地缘政治争端及其任何演变或恶化,包括在所有情况下任何政府实体对此作出的反应;



在采取任何此类行动之前,GATOS应尽其商业上合理的努力,在可行的范围内,真诚地通知First Majestic并与First Majestic讨论其打算采取的行动。

     282,331        293,441  


     180,119        180,119  

First Majestic在结束前开展业务

     462,450        473,560  


- 86 -





在第一封Majestic公开信中,(W)是本协议明确预期或允许的,(X)如下 适用法律要求或任何政府实体的要求,(Y)采取旨在保护生命、财产或环境或遵守公共卫生要求的行动,或(Z)经Gatos书面同意(同意 不得被无理扣留、延迟或附加条件),First Majestic应并应促使每一家First Majestic子公司使用商业上合理的努力:(I)以所有材料在正常过程中开展业务 尊重和(Ii)保持ITS及其业务组织的完整,保持ITS及其高管的服务,并与与First Majestic有实质性业务关系的人保持令人满意的关系;







*5.02(B):对First Majestic和First Majestic子公司的补救措施或实质性限制(惯例发布、保密和非贬低



义务);:(Xiv)作出或更改任何重要税务选择、更改任何税务会计期间以处理任何重要税务 税务或材料税务核算的方法,将任何材料归档修订报税表、和解或妥协任何与重要税项有关的审计或程序,或同意延长或豁免 与实质性税额有关的诉讼时效,签订《法典》第7121节(或美国各州或地方的任何类似规定,或


关于任何物质税,订立任何税收分享、税收分配、税收赔偿或类似协议(除(1)或任何在正常情况下订立的协议外) 实体或放弃任何要求实质性退税的权利,但在每一种情况下,除非是在正常业务过程中采取的任何此类行动,或者合理地预计不会大幅增加FIRST的纳税义务 MARESTIC和FIRST MARESTIC子公司;



(Xv)作出任何新的非经常开支或超过 与First Majestic在执行本协议之前提供给Gatos的预算计划或First Majestic的2025年预算计划不一致的单独6,000,000美元或合计1,000万美元; “(Xvi)除在正常业务过程中外,(A)订立任何合约,而该合约如在该日期前订立则会 本合同为第一份重大材料合同,或(B)对任何第一份重大材料合同进行实质性修改、实质性修改、终止或未能续签;(Xvii)授权、建议、提出或宣布打算通过一项完全或部分清算、解散、 整合、重组、资本重组、



重新户籍 “或其他重组,但仅涉及非实质性全资拥有的第一大股东附属公司(合并附属公司除外)或 申请破产;(十八)大幅降低承保金额或不能商业化使用 合理努力续期任何重要的现有保险单;或


(C)即使本协议有任何相反规定,First Majestic或任何First Majestic 子公司应被视为在正常业务过程之外运营,因为First Majestic或任何一家First Majestic子公司是出于善意对下列任何一项做出回应,且该等行为不应被视为 违反规定部分*5.02(A)


- 87 -



不披露在任何时候达成协议 在紧接本协议日期之前的十二(12)个月内,与任何在本协议日期仍然有效的GATOS竞争提案有关的退还或销毁 按照上述规定管有该人或其代表

不披露协议和(Ii)终止任何其他人的访问 在每一种情况下,向任何实体或电子数据室提供与《关贸总协定》竞标提案有关或与之相关的信息。

(B)尽管本协议有任何限制部分,如果Gatos收到,则在本合同日期之后和 在收到Gatos股东批准之前,a博纳真实感,来自任何人的未经请求的书面Gatos竞争建议书,该建议书不是由实质性违反部分(它是 同意Gatos或其任何代表在任何情况下(I)可寻求澄清和理解任何Gatos竞争提案(或修订提案)的条款和条件,以确定该Gatos竞争提案(或修订提案)是否 提案)构成或将合理地预期导致或导致Gatos高级提案,以及(Ii)向提出Gatos竞争提案的人告知本部分,这是 Gatos董事会(根据Gatos特别委员会的建议行事)或Gatos特别委员会在与Gatos的外部法律和财务顾问协商后,真诚地决定组成或将 合理地预期会导致或导致那么,Gatos的高级提案,取决于遵守部分*5.03(D)

,Gatos可采取以下行动:(X)提供关于以下方面的非公开信息, 和/或向提出此类GATOS竞标建议书的人和此人的代表(包括潜在的融资来源)提供访问GATOS和GATOS子公司的业务、财产、资产、账簿或记录,如果,




首先,Majestic应向Gatos提供以前未在以下时间内提供给Gatos或其代表的任何此类信息 向该人提供此类信息的时间为四十八(48)小时,以及(Y)与该人(及其代表)就第一份Majestic竞标提案进行讨论或谈判。


(C)自本协定日期起及之后,直至生效时间及本协定生效时间(如有的话)的较早者为止 按照以下规定终止






(I)批准、推荐或宣布任何第一个Majestic竞争性提案是可取的,或公开提议批准、推荐或宣布为可取的,(Ii)不会将第一个Majestic董事会建议包括在第一个Majestic 通知,(三)撤回或扣留(或以任何对Gatos不利的方式修改、资格或修改),或公开提议撤回或扣留(或以任何对Gatos不利的方式修改、资格或修改),第一届Majestic董事会 保留在第一次Majestic特别会议前三(3)个工作日(第(I)款至第(Iv)款中的任何行动、


- 88 -



“),或(V)审批或录入 任何意向书或与任何第一个Majestic竞标相关的其他合同,但可接受的保密协议除外。


(D)First Majestic应在收到任何First Majestic后立即通知Gatos(但在任何情况下不得晚于二十四(24)小时) 竞争性提案或任何合理预期会导致第一个Majestic竞争性提案的询价、提案或要约。该通知应以书面形式作出,并应注明作出第一次重大事故的人的身份 竞标,以及任何此类第一个Majestic竞标的实质性条款(包括价格)和条件。First Majestic应合理地向Gatos通报状态和实质性条款和条件(包括任何修订 或对该等实质性条款或条件的拟议修订)任何此类第一个Majestic竞争性提案。


(E)尽管有任何规定 在这件事上部分


相反,在收到第一个Majestic股东批准之前的任何时候,第一个Majestic董事会可以(I)做出第一个 在收到第一个Majestic竞标提案后,建议的重大变更,该提案不是由于实质性违反本




,以及第一届Majestic董事会 在与First Majestic的外部法律和财务顾问协商后,真诚地确定是否或合理地可能导致第一个Majestic Superior提案(或继续成为第一个Majestic Superior提案 第一重大变更通知期间),或(Ii)在上述第(I)款和第(Ii)款中的每一条的情况下,响应第一重大介入事件的发生而作出第一重大建议变更,当且仅当: First Majestic董事会在咨询了First Majestic的外部法律顾问后,真诚地决定,不采取此类行动将合理地与受托责任相抵触 根据适用法律,第一届Majestic董事会成员。First Majestic不得对建议进行第一次Majestic更改,除非(I)First Majestic在四(4)个工作日之前向Gatos提供了建议 书面通知(“




“)(理解并同意,对适用的First Majestic Superior提案的任何实质性修改都需要新的通知和额外的两(2)个工作日 期间)通知Gatos第一个Majestic董事会打算采取这种行动(商定,这种通知的交付不应构成建议的第一个Majestic更改),并同时向Gatos提供 (A)就第一份Majestic Superior建议书而言,提交第一份Majestic Superior建议书的人的身份,以及该第一份Majestic Superior建议书的重要条款(包括价格)和条件,以及(如有) 关于该第一重大介入事件的任何拟议协议的副本,或(B)在第一重大介入事件的情况下,作为提议的基础的该第一重大介入事件的合理详细描述 由第一个Majestic董事会采取行动,以及(Ii)在第一个Majestic通知发出后的最初四(4)个营业日期间内(或如果适用,任何随后的两(2)个营业日期间),结束于 (纽约市时间)在这样的第四(4)个营业日(或,如果适用,第二(2)个营业日)(


第一个重大变更通知期“),(A)第一个Majestic应进行谈判, 部分

向另一方或该另一方的代表提供接触或披露信息的机会(A),以证明该缔约方或其代表 违反本协议(




提供然而,R,扣留方应尽其合理的最大努力作出适当的替代安排,允许在不违反任何此种法律的情况下进行合理的披露 或责任),(C)导致任何一方或该方各自子公司的竞争敏感信息的披露,或(D)受任何律师兼委托人,R 律师工作产品或其他法律特权(

提供然而,扣留方应尽其合理的最大努力,在不造成任何此类损失的最大程度上允许这种接触或披露 律师兼委托人,律师工作产品或其他法律特权)。Gatos和First Majestic的每一方都将尽其商业上合理的努力,尽量减少对另一方业务的任何干扰 这可能是由于以下对访问、数据和信息的请求造成的。


- 89 -

(B)Gatos和First Majestic将各自持有,并将





(C)Gatos应立即通知First Majestic,First Majestic应立即通知Gatos发生下列任何情况 在本协议日期之后,(I)该缔约方或其任何子公司分别从任何Gatos材料合同或第一Majestic材料合同的任何一方收到的任何书面通知,或(Ii)收到的任何书面通知 该缔约方或其来自任何政府实体的任何附属公司,在与本协议、合并或其他交易有关的任何一种情况下,声称与合并有关的或可能需要该人的同意 或任何其他交易,以及(Iii)在意识到发生可能导致或导致第七条所列任何条件的合并的任何事实、情况或效果不符合或不符合时 一方在任何实质性方面遵守该缔约方根据本协定须遵守的任何契诺或协议。(D) 在每种情况下,在适用法律允许的范围内的董事。






,(I)尽其合理的最大努力根据墨西哥的反垄断法提交适当的申请 关于任何提交或提交,以及关于任何调查或其他调查,包括由私人当事人根据任何反垄断法提起的任何诉讼,包括允许另一方有合理的 有机会审查任何材料备案和提交材料的草案并提出意见;(3)迅速将该方从反垄断司收到的或由该方提供给另一方的任何材料通知另一方 墨西哥联邦经济竞争委员会(“



科菲斯“)或任何其他政府实体根据任何反垄断法,迅速向另一方提供任何此类书面通信和任何 私人一方根据任何反垄断法收到或提供的与任何交易有关的材料通信;(Iv)允许另一方有合理机会事先审查任何 在与中科委或任何其他政府实体就本文件的主题举行任何会议、实质性电话会议或会议之前,与对方进行实质性沟通并相互协商

部分*6.02(B)),或与私人当事人根据任何反垄断法进行的任何诉讼有关,以及(V)在COOFESS或任何其他适用的政府实体或 与本文件的主题有关的其他人




面对面与美国政府官员会面 COOFESS或任何其他政府实体或其他个人就本部分*6.02(C)



- 90 -











就以下事项向First Majestic提供任何此类审查或意见 与GATOS更改建议和与之相关的事项或与当事人之间的任何诉讼有关的任何新闻稿或其他公告,以及(Ii)在不限制其根据以下条款承担的任何义务的情况下






,First Majestic不是本协议的要求


向GATOS提供任何此类审查或评论,内容涉及 与建议的第一次重大变更有关的事项以及与此有关或与当事人之间的任何诉讼有关的事项;



,每一缔约方及其各自的关联方均可发表声明 大体上重申(并不与此不一致)First Majestic和Gatos根据本协议发布的新闻稿、公开披露内容或公开声明




应限制或禁止Gatos或First Majestic自本合同生效之日起通过生效时间向其各自的员工、客户和其他业务关系发布任何公告 Gatos或First Majestic视情况而定,真诚地确定这样的声明是必要的或可取的,并且与之前的任何新闻稿或公开披露没有抵触。


- 91 -



和 干事


(A)自开始及之后不少于六(6)年 生效时间,First Majestic应并应促使尚存的公司对GATOS和GATOS的所有过去和现在(包括此后直至生效时间的董事、高级管理人员和员工)进行赔偿和保持无害 GATOS的子公司,以及另一人的每一位董事、高级职员、成员、受托人或受托人(但仅限于该董事、高级职员、成员、受托人或受托人目前或过去是应GATOS的要求以上述身份服务的情况) (总而言之,“交易诉讼“)。First Majestic和Gatos中的每一个应给予 另一方有机会参与(但不是控制)(费用由另一方承担)任何此类异议、索赔、诉讼或诉讼的辩护、起诉或和解,并应给予对方审查和 对该缔约方将就任何此类异议、主张、诉讼或程序提出的所有文件或答复发表意见,并将真诚地考虑此类意见。任何一方均不得提出或同意解决任何此类诉讼 未经另一方事先书面同意(同意不得被无理拒绝、拖延或附加条件);


在不限制前述规定的情况下,每一缔约方应尽合理的最大努力,使任何此类 各自的附属公司。在本协议的条款之间发生冲突或重叠的情况下



- 92 -



vt.的. 本条例的规定





。在截止日期之前,GATOS应 合理地与First Majestic合作,并尽其合理的最大努力采取或安排采取一切行动,并根据适用的法律和规则作出或安排作出其方面合理必要、适当或适宜的一切事情,以及 交易所的政策,使幸存的Gatos普通股公司能够在Gatos普通股的生效时间和根据以下条款注销Gatos普通股的注册生效后,尽快从交易所退市 在生效时间过后,交易所应尽快采取行动.


- 93 -



。在此日期之间 协议的生效时间和本协议终止的生效时间和时间(如有)中较早者


,First Majestic应采取一切必要行动,使First Majestic股票 在合并发行前拟批准在交易所上市的生效时间,以正式发行通知为准。GATOS应与First Majestic合理合作,准备提交给 交易所及从交易所收到的任何意见的解决办法。

在形式和实质上令有关律师合理满意,并使有关律师能够提出下述意见的合理必需或适当的契诺 部分


或有关美国联邦收入的委托书/招股说明书 合并的税务处理(“



或委托书/招股说明书)。First Majestic和Gatos应提供White P&Case LLP(或其他适用的法律顾问)出于以下目的合理要求的其他信息 提供中所述的意见






- 94 -


以及与该表格有关的任何其他意见须予提交为免生疑问, 这里面什么都没有部分*6.12(E)应要求White&Case LLP(或其他适用的法律顾问)根据第367条或 《法典》7874条。



(F)First Majestic应在合理可行的情况下,尽快将其收到的任何重要通信通知Gatos First Majestic或其任何一家First Majestic子公司或其各自的法律顾问、会计师或其他代表在交易结束前向Sat提交与任何税务事项有关的信息,在每种情况下,应迅速提供副本(或,在 实质性口头通信、书面摘要)向Gatos通报任何此类通信。首先,Majestic应在税务事项结束前及时向Gatos通报任何实质性的事态发展。第七条完善合并的条件部分对每一方的条件



S 达成合并的义务。每一方实施合并的各自义务应在下列每个条件生效时或之前得到满足,这些条件中的任何和全部可在 在适用法律允许的范围内,由First Majestic和Gatos(视情况而定)全部或部分撰写:股东批准。每一次Gatos股东批准和第一次Majestic股东批准均已获得;注册声明



。表格应已按照 证券法的规定和没有停止令暂停表格的效力 或受到美国证券交易委员会的书面威胁,除非随后撤回;不利的法律或命令。不得有任何不利的法律或秩序 效果;

要求的反垄断审查S-8。根据墨西哥反垄断法要求的所有批准或许可应具有 已收到;以及

罗列S-8。在合并中发行的首批Majestic股票应已获准在 纽约证券交易所,受正式发行通知的约束;以及有条件地批准或授权在多伦多证券交易所上市(仅受惯例上市条件的约束)。





- 95 -




(不存在某些变更或事件)自日期起在各方面均真实正确 本协议以及截至交易结束时,就好像在交易结束时签订一样,(ii)中规定的加托斯的陈述和保证 分段


- 96 -


(资本化)和 部分*3.02(B) (大写)在各方面均真实正确,但任何 De

极小 截至本协议之日和截止之日,不准确之处就好像是在 并于交易结束时(除非根据其条款在本协议之日或另一日期明确做出的陈述和保证在各方面都是真实和正确的,但任何 De




*3.01(A) (资质、组织机构、子公司),第一句话 部分


- 97 -



(发现人和经纪人)(不履行关于重要性或GATO的任何资格 具体条款以本协议日期或另一日期为准),以及(Iv)本协议中规定的GATOS的任何其他陈述和保证 (不影响其中所载的关于重要性或Gatos实质性不利影响的任何限制)在本协议之日和截止之日应真实和正确,如同在截止之日和截止之时所作的一样(但 根据其条款,在本协议日期或另一日期明确表示的陈述和保证应在该日期是真实和正确的),除非在本条款第(Iv)款的情况下,任何此类 真实和正确的陈述和保证没有,也不会合理地期望对Gatos产生实质性的不利影响;First Majestic应收到代表其签署的证书 由加托斯的一名正式授权的执行干事对加托斯作出上述声明;履行关贸总协定的义务。加托斯 由GATOS正式授权的执行干事代表GATOS签署的证书;以及没有MAE。自.以来


履行以下义务的条件加托斯。这个 GATOS实施合并的义务还须在下列每个附加条件生效时或之前得到满足(或GATOS以书面形式放弃):

陈述和保证。(I)First Majestic的陈述和保证 部分


- 98 -


(没有某些变更或事件)在本协议之日和截止之日在各方面都是真实和正确的,就好像在截止之日和截止之时一样,(Ii)在陈述中 和第一家合并子公司的担保,载于



4.02(b) (大写)在各方面均真实正确,但任何 De


截至本协议之日和截至交易结束之日的不准确性,就好像在交易结束之日和截至交易结束之日做出的陈述和保证除外(根据其条款专门在本协议之日或 另一个日期在各方面均应真实正确,但任何

De极小 截至该日期的不准确性),(iii)First Majestic的陈述和保证



- 99 -







4.03(a) (与本协议相关的企业权力),以及 部分(发现者及经纪人)(在不影响其中所载有关重要性或第一重大不利影响的任何资格的情况下)截至日期在所有重要方面均属真实和正确 本协议及截至成交时所作的陈述和保证(但根据其条款在本协议日期或另一日期作出的陈述和保证应完全真实和正确 截至该日期的实质性方面)和(Iv)本协议中规定的第一重大和合并分部的其他陈述和保证(不影响关于重要性或第一重大材料的任何限制 其中包含的不利影响)应在本协议之日和截止之日真实和正确,如同在截止之日和截止之日一样 Gatos应已收到由First Majestic正式授权的执行官员代表First Majestic签署的上述证书;。第一母公司和合并子公司应全部履行或遵守 实质上尊重本协定要求他们在生效时间或之前履行或遵守的义务、契诺和协议,Gatos应收到代表First Majestic签署的证书 由First Majestic的一名正式授权的高级管理人员这样做;


- 100 -


。加托斯应该已经收到一份意见 或在该意见中提及的,该合并符合守则第368(A)节所指的“重组”。在提出本意见中所述的意见时

部分*7.03(C) Case LLP(或其他适用的法律顾问)应已收到并可依赖Gatos税单和First Majestic税单以及Gatos或First Majestic合理要求和提供的其他信息 没有MAE。自本协议生效之日起至生效时间止, 已发生任何已经产生或合理地相当可能具有第一重大不利影响的影响。

部分对成交条件的失望。任何一方不得以本协议规定的任何条件的失败作为不完成合并的依据第七条成为 如果此类不履行是由于该方实质上未能遵守本协议的任何规定而造成的,则该缔约方满意。第八条终止


- 101 -


(c)如果下午5:00之前未发生关闭,则由First Majestic或G. os进行,东部时间,2025年4月30日(可能是 由此延伸




- 102 -





已满足或放弃(在收盘时满足的条件除外) 除中规定的条件外 部分*7.01(C)


- 103 -

(to与任何反垄断法相关的程度)或 部分*7.01(D),只要该条件仍然能够得到满足,终止 日期应自动延长至东部时间2025年5月31日下午5:00(就本协议而言,该日期应成为境外日期); 提供

,根据本协议终止本协议的权利 部分*8.01(C)

任何一方如违反本协议中规定的任何陈述、保证、契诺或协议,是导致或导致在此之前没有发生的关闭的,则不应提供给任何一方 外出日期;

(D)如果在收到Gatos股东批准之前的任何时间,Gatos董事会 董事或其任何委员会应对GATOS的推荐做出变更;(E)如果在收到之前的任何时间,由Gatos提供 第一次Majestic股东批准的,第一次Majestic董事会或其任何委员会应当对推荐作出第一次Majestic更改;

部分*7.01(C)未得到满足,且违反法律或 引致上述情况的命令


- 104 -











- 105 -








- 106 -




发生的; (G)由Gatos或First 如果Gatos股东在Gatos特别会议或其任何休会或延期上没有获得批准,则在就此类批准进行表决的每一种情况下,均为庄严;提供

终止合同的权利 部分 8.01(g)不得提供给任何一方,如果未能获得Gatos股东批准的原因是该方实质性违反了本协议; 会议或其任何休会或延期,每次就此种批准进行表决时;




- 107 -



不能提供给 任何一方因实质性违反本协议而未能获得首批大股东批准的;

(I)如果在收到Gatos股东批准之前的任何时间,Gatos董事会或Gatos特别 委员会应已(I)根据以下规定对GATOS建议进行更改



为了接受Gatos Superior提案(


- 108 -

提供,加托斯应在所有材料中遵守 方面与 部分


就该Gatos Superior提案而言),(ii)就该Gatos Superior提案与 根据此终止本协议


,以及(iii)根据《金融时报》向First Majestic支付了Gatos终止费


8.02(b)(;和 (j)如果在收到第一份之前的任何时候,由第一份Majestic Majestic股东批准,第一届Majestic董事会应(i)根据



部分 5.04(e) 为了接受第一至尊至尊 提案(提供



,First Majestic应在所有重大方面遵守 部分


- 109 -


5.04(e) 关于该第一Majestic Superior提案),(ii)达成第一Majestic Superior 根据本节终止本协议的同时,针对该第一个Majestic Superior提案的提案收购协议



8.01(j)和(iii)支付了第一次Majestic终止合同 根据 部分 8.02(b)(



部分的影响 终止



(a)如果本协议按规定有效终止, 部分



, 除非根据 部分






指定 终止所依据的本协议条款, 本协议立即无效,First Majestic、Merger Sub或Gatos或其各自的任何子公司或First Majestic、Merger Sub或Gatos的任何股东或代表不承担任何责任。 Gatos或其各自的任何子公司,但






6.01(b); r,保密协议,这 部分


- 110 -
















,那个, 本协议中的任何内容均不免除任何一方因故意违反本协议终止前本协议中规定的陈述、保证、契约或协议或欺诈(包括Gatos股东的损失)而承担的责任 本协议设想的交易的好处,包括向Gatos股东提供的溢价损失)。 加托斯终止费


- 111 -


(i)如果Gatos根据 部分



加托斯苏必利尔 提案



),在终止的同时,作为终止有效的条件,Gatos应向First Majestic付款或安排付款,以换取First Majestic处置其在本项下的权利(除 这些权利






















)和 (2)《关贸总协定》竞争提案应在引起此种终止权的事件发生前由《关贸总协定》董事会或《关贸总协定》特别委员会公开宣布或以其他方式收到,(B)(1)由First Majestic或Gatos依据



部分*8.01(C)外部日期)、(2)和a Gatos竞标提案应在外部日期之前由Gatos董事会或Gatos特别委员会公开宣布或以其他方式收到,以及(3)(X)第一次Majestic股东批准应为 获得(但未被撤销),(Y)未获得Gatos股东批准,以及(Z)中列出的所有其他条件


- 112 -








感到满意或 (C)(1)由First Majestic或Gatos依据



部分 8.01(g)

未获得Gatos股东批准就前述条款(A)至(C)、(X)中的每一项而言,任何与GATOS竞争的提案应在十二个月内完成 (12)终止后几个月或(Y)Gatos签订最终协议,规定在终止后十二(12)个月内提出Gatos竞争建议,且该Gatos竞争建议(按其可能被修订)是 随后,在完成任何此类Gatos竞标的同时,Gatos应向First Majestic支付或促使支付Gatos终止费。



(iii)如果本协议(i)由First Majestic或Gatos根据












)First Majestic有权根据以下条件终止本协议的任何时候











- 113 -


)或(ii)通过第一 根据第8.01(d)条的雄伟(






),在终止后两(2)个工作日内,Gatos应向First Majestic支付或安排向First Majestic支付Gatos终止费。



(iv)如果根据上述条款(i)、(ii)或条款支付任何金额 (iii),该金额应通过将立即可用的资金电汇到First Majestic书面指定的账户来支付。

















“应该有 赋予该术语的含义



- 114 -


向Gatos支付了第一笔Majestic终止费。(Iv)如依据前述第(I)款须支付任何款额, (Ii)或(Iii),这笔款项应通过电汇立即可用的资金到Gatos以书面指定的帐户。 一次以上的马杰斯提成解约费。






*8.02(C)(Ii)vt.的. 术语“第一个Majestic竞争方案“应具有该术语的含义



部分,但在术语First Majestic竞标中所有提及“20%”的内容应为 被认为是“50%”。



(D)双方均承认本协议所载协议 部分



是交易的组成部分,对其具有约束力并可强制执行,不经其股东批准,并且(1)Gatos终止费不是一种惩罚,而是 在谈判本协议和依赖本协议期间所付出的努力和所花费的资源以及失去的机会应支付此类付款的情况下,补偿第一大股东和合并子公司的合理金额 (2)第一笔Majestic终止费不是一种罚款,而是一笔合理的金额,将在这种付款的情况下补偿Gatos。 为谈判本协定期间所付出的努力和所花费的资源以及所放弃的机会而支付的,并依赖于本协定以及对交易完成的预期,否则每一笔金额都将是 不可能精确计算。此外,如果任何一方未能及时支付根据下列规定到期的任何款项部分



*8.02(B)部分 8.02(c)



如果适用,另一方 提起诉讼,导致对不付钱


- 115 -











部分 8.02(c)从日期开始并包括日期 这笔款项应于但不包括按“华尔街日报”规定的“最优惠利率”实际付款的日期,该“最优惠利率”在要求付款之日生效。尽管有任何相反的情况 本协议,除故意违约或欺诈的情况外,(A)如果GATOS终止费由GATOS支付,则在根据本协议支付GATOS终止费后部分,则该费用为 First Majestic、First Majestic子公司及其各自以前、现在或将来的股东、关联公司和代表(第一大关联方“)要求损害赔偿 针对Gatos、Gatos子公司及其各自的前任、现任或未来的股东、附属公司和代表(“$18.00-关贸总协定关联方



“)因违反任何申述而蒙受的任何损失, 本协议中规定的保证、契诺或协议或交易未能完成,关贸总协定或任何其他关贸总协定关联方均不承担任何与此有关或由此产生的进一步责任或义务, (B)如果第一个Majestic需要支付第一个Majestic终止费,则在依照以下规定支付第一个Majestic终止费时部分



温哥华亿. C V6 C 3L2 收件人:Keith Neumeyer,总裁兼首席执行官



电子邮件:             Burrard Street


- 116 -


温哥华亿.C.V6C 2X8注意:詹姆斯·比比,丽莎·斯图尔特






彭德西街1095号。855号套房温哥华亿.C.V6E 2M6






如果在加托斯之前 有效时间,至:






不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华V6C 3L2注意:首席执行官戴尔·安德烈斯电子邮件:连同一份副本(该副本不构成通知):

,每一方均有权获得一项或多项强制令 防止或补救任何其他缔约方违反或威胁违反本协议、具体履行法令或命令以具体执行本协议的条款和规定的行为(包括双方的义务 完成合并)和任何进一步的衡平法救济。每一方在此承认并同意,可能难以合理确定地证明损害,可能难以获得适当的替代履行, 并且禁令救济和/或具体履行不会给当事人造成不必要的困难。双方在此进一步承认,本协议所考虑的任何其他补救措施的存在并不减损 具体履行本协议项下义务或任何其他禁令救济的可用性。



(C)双方在此案中的权利 部分 是交易不可分割的一部分,各方特此放弃对本协议中提到的任何补救措施的任何异议 部分


- 117 -


法律上的适当补救,或这种补救的裁决不是法律或衡平法上的任何理由的适当补救)。为免生疑问,双方同意,对于任何违反本协议的行为,在法律上没有适当的补救办法 一方并在此进一步放弃在任何针对具体履行行为的诉讼中的任何抗辩,即在法律上进行补救就足够了。如果任何一方寻求本协议中提及的任何补救措施部分



,则该缔约方不应 要求获得、提供、邮寄或提供与获得任何此类补救有关的或作为获得任何此类补救的条件的任何保证书或其他担保。部分



终止、修改、修改或 弃权。根据下列条件终止本协议






部分为使其有效,应要求 在First Majestic或Gatos的情况下,由第一Majestic董事会或Gatos董事会(根据Gatos特别委员会的建议行事)或Gatos特别委员会(视情况而定)采取行动。


兹证明,First Majestic、Merge Sub和Gatos已促成本协议 自上文第一次写明的日期起,由其各自正式授权的官员签署。




- 118 -

/发稿S/Keith Neumeyer 

姓名: 基思·纽梅耶职务:总裁兼首席执行官 OCELOT交易公司
















- 119 -


头衔: 首席执行官


















Ocelot 交易公司






GATOS SILVER,Inc. 标题:[●]









- 120 -

标题:[●] 附件B

尚存公司的公司章程 修订及重列




- 121 -

名称 .该公司的名称为Gatos Silver,Inc.


.公司在特拉华州的注册办事处地址是由注册代理人转交 Solutions,Inc. 838 Walker Road,Suite 21-2,Dover,County of Kent,Delaware 19904,该地址的注册代理人名称为Registered Agent Solutions,Inc. 目的

.公司的目的是从事公司可能组织的任何合法行为或活动 特拉华州一般公司法。






.公司持有的股票总数 获准发行5,000股,每股面值0.001美元,所有这些股份均指定为普通股。







应免除任何一方在终止前对其陈述、保证、契诺或协议的任何故意违反的责任;及(B) 本条例的规定













关于某些事件的通知。在到期前,证券持有人应立即通知First Majestic 提供




   部分      不得限制或以其他方式影响任何 聚会。  




     1.22x        18.6x  

。不时应First Majestic的要求,不作进一步考虑, 证券持有人应采取合理地被认为是必要或适宜的进一步行动,以实现本协议所设想的交易。

     1.52x        15.0x  


     1.37x        16.8x  

。本协议中包含的任何内容均不得被视为授予First Majestic任何 直接或间接拥有标的证券或与标的证券有关的所有权。标的证券的所有权利、所有权和经济利益以及与标的证券有关的所有权利、所有权和经济利益仍应归属和属于证券持有人,以及 除非本协议另有规定,否则First Majestic无权指示证券持有人对任何标的证券进行表决或处置。这里面什么都没有


     1.06x        11.6x  


     0.99x        8.9x  


     1.14x        14.8x  

.本协议项下的所有通知和其他通讯均应采用书面形式,并应视为已发出 (a)如果亲自亲自交付并提供交付证明,则在交付时,(b)在通过电子邮件发送的日期(

     1.00x        8.1x  


     1.75x        16.9x  


     0.72x        12.1x  


     1.03x        11.8x  


- 122 -

是 收到),或(c)如果是通过国家认可的隔夜快递服务发送(附有送达确认),如果是在工作日下午5:00(纽约市时间)之前收到,则在交付时,否则此类通知或 在每种情况下,应视为在下一个营业日之前未收到发送给双方的以下地址(或类似通知中指定的另一方的其他地址):





西乔治亚街1800 - 925号


温哥华亿. C V6 C 3L2


$7.33 - $12.83

   $11.10 - $20.08    $11.62










Burrard Street


温哥华亿.C.V6C 2X8





BeebyJ@bennettjones.com; StewartL@bennettjones.com





温哥华亿.C.V6E 2M6




Daniel M.米利尔、乔什·普莱茨




miller. dorsey.com; pleitz. dorsey.com


如果到了 证券持有人的地址,地址为




管辖法律; 管辖权


(A)  本协定应受所在国法律管辖,并按其解释

(B)在此,每一方都不可撤销地无条件地为自己及其财产向   特拉华州衡平法院的管辖权,或者,如果(且仅当)该法院认定其缺乏标的物管辖权,则由特拉华州高级法院(复杂商务部)管辖,或者,如果标的物管辖权,则由特拉华州高级法院管辖 关于作为诉讼标的的事项,或


诉讼程序完全属于美利坚合众国联邦法院、位于特拉华州地区的美利坚合众国联邦法院和任何上诉法院。 在任何因本协议而引起或与本协议有关的诉讼或程序中,或为承认或执行与本协议有关的任何判决,双方均在此不可撤销地无条件地(I)同意不 启动任何此类诉讼或程序,但在特拉华州衡平法院或特拉华州高级法院(复杂商事分部)发现其缺乏标的物管辖权的情况下(且仅在此情况下)除外 在这类法院维持这类诉讼或诉讼程序的不便场所。本协议双方同意,任何此类诉讼或程序的最终判决应为终局性判决,并可在其他司法管辖区通过诉讼强制执行 判决或法律规定的任何其他方式。本协定各当事方不可撤销地同意在本协定所指法院的领土管辖范围内或以外送达法律程序文件






在……里面 中规定的通知方式







姓名:基思·纽梅耶(Keith Neumeyer)







姓名:基思·纽梅耶(Keith Neumeyer)




[投票和支持协议签署页] 1
































“),由和制定和签订 在第一雄伟白银公司中,不列颠哥伦比亚省公司(连同其继任者和允许的转让人,”


First Majestic





”)、特拉华州的一家公司以及 所列各方







- 123 -









因此, 在签署和交付本协议的同时,First Majestic正在签订某些协议和合并计划(“以下简称“

“),由特拉华州一家公司Gatos Silver,Inc.(共同 及其继承人和允许的受让人,“




“),First Majestic及First Majestic的全资附属公司First Majestic and Merge Sub,据此,除其他事项外,于据此及于 根据其中规定的条款和条件,合并子公司将与Gatos合并,并并入Gatos,结果Gatos将作为First Majestic(The)的全资子公司继续存在




鉴于,每个证券持有人是该等证券的实益持有人或记录持有人,并对该等证券持有人拥有单独或共同的投票权及处置权。 Gatos普通股的股数(“2









鉴于,First Majestic和Merge Sub希望证券持有人同意,并且每个证券持有人愿意同意,但须符合 不以本协议禁止的方式转让(定义如下)其标的证券,并对证券持有人有表决权的所有标的证券进行表决 有利于完成合并的方式;以及


鉴于,作为第一个Majestic‘s and的条件和诱因 合并附属公司订立合并协议的意愿,各证券持有人已同意就该证券持有人于本协议日期实益拥有或登记在案的所有标的证券订立本协议,以及 证券持有人在此后可能获得实益所有权或备案所有权的任何额外标的证券。


现在, 本合同各方受法律约束,特此达成如下协议:




。大写术语 此处使用但未另行定义的术语应具有合并协议中该等术语所赋予的各自含义。下列术语在本协议中使用时,应具有本协议中赋予它们的含义 3





有益的 物主


由美国证券交易委员会根据《交易法》采纳,以及一个人对 证券应当按照该规则的规定计算(在每种情况下,无论该规则是否在这种情况下实际适用);




。 截至本协议日期,没有任何诉讼或命令悬而未决,或据该证券持有人所知,没有针对或影响该证券持有人的合理预期会损害或不利影响以下能力的行动或命令 该证券持有人有责任履行该证券持有人在本协议项下的义务或完成本协议所拟进行的交易。



。First Majestic and Merge Sub特此声明 并向每名证券持有人发出以下认股权证:


$7.33 - $10.99

   $9.00 - $15.44    $11.62


。First Majestic和Merge Sub各有 签署和交付本协议以及履行本协议项下义务所需的所有公司或类似权力和授权。First Majestic and Merge Sub签署、交付和履行本协议 经有效授权,First Majestic或Merge Sub无需进行任何其他公司程序即可批准本协议。本协议已由First Majestic and Merge Sub正式有效地签署和交付, 假定本协议得到证券持有人的适当授权、签署和交付,构成第一控股和合并子公司的合法、有效和具有约束力的义务,可根据其条款对各自强制执行 (但可执行性可能受到破产、破产、审查权、重组、暂缓执行或现在或今后生效的其他与债权人权利有关的其他类似法律限制的范围除外)。无冲突;同意(A)  第一大和合并子公司不签署和交付本协议,且履行情况 第一大股东和合并子公司在本协议项下各自承担的义务不会:(I)与适用于第一大股东或合并子公司的任何法律冲突或违反适用于第一大股东或合并子公司的任何资产的法律 (Ii)会导致任何违反或违反,或构成失责(或在发出通知或经过一段时间后,或两者皆会成为失责),或导致失去下列权利下的利益,或终止或产生任何权利 终止、归属、取消、修改、通知、购买或出售(包括任何购买选择权、出售选择权、优先购买权、第一要约权、第一谈判权或类似选择权或权利) 合并子公司(视情况而定)。(B)  ,但First Majestic和 如果First Majestic和Merge Sub与美国证券交易委员会或加拿大证券管理机构签署和交付本协议,且First Majestic和Merge Sub履行本协议项下各自的义务 协议将不需要任何人的同意、批准、授权或许可、任何人的行动、向任何人提交或通知任何人。


。自本协议之日起,没有任何诉讼或命令待决,或 对First Majestic、威胁或影响First Majestic、合并子公司或其任何关联公司的知识,而有理由预计会损害或不利影响First Majestic或合并子公司履行其 履行本协议项下的义务或完成本协议所设想的交易。



$5.98 - $6.50


。 每一证券持有人特此在适用法律允许的范围内放弃,并同意不根据DGCL第262条或以其他方式主张或完善与合并有关的任何评估权 该证券持有人实益拥有或记录在案的标的证券。

不采取法律行动。这个 强制执行)或(B)声称任何人(包括Gatos董事会或其任何委员会的任何成员)违反了与谈判和签订本协议、合并 协议或据此拟进行的交易。此外,在集体诉讼的情况下,每个证券持有人同意不提起、启动、提起、维持、自愿援助、资助、鼓励、起诉或参与 采取一切必要的行动以选择退出上述(A)或(B)项的任何集体诉讼中的任何类别。


- 124 -


。本协议自下列日期起立即终止,不再具有任何效力或效力 在过期时间之后。本协议终止后,任何一方均不再承担本协议项下的任何义务或责任;:



















。在该事件中 由于任何重新分类、资本重组、拆分(包括反向拆分)、拆分、合并、交换或重新调整,或由于任何股票或单位股息或股票或单位,Gatos普通股的股票数量发生变化 在分派或其他类似交易中,术语“Gatos普通股”和“主题证券”应被视为指并包括该等股份或单位以及所有该等股票或单位的股息和分派以及任何






。只要有可能,本协议的每一条款或任何条款的任何部分应 以根据适用法律有效的方式解释,但如果本协议的任何条款或部分根据任何适用法律或规则在任何方面被认为在任何方面无效、非法或不可执行 管辖权,(A)当事各方应真诚地谈判一项适当和公平的规定,以取代该适当和公平的规定,以便在可能有效和可执行的情况下,实现该无效或可执行的意图和目的。 不可执行的规定和(B)这种无效、非法或不可执行的规定不应影响该司法管辖区的任何其他规定或任何规定的一部分。

约束效果和分配。本协议不打算、也不会授予任何其他人 部分

在此,谁是本协议的第三方受益人 条文。 派对。任何违反前述规定而转让本协议的行为均为无效



   。在符合前一句话的前提下,本协议将对以下各方具有约束力、符合其利益并可由其强制执行 缔约方及其各自的继承人和受让人。      修订和修改、豁免等
。不是 本协议的规定可在生效时间前修改、修正、更改、补充或放弃,但在签署和交付书面协议、修正或放弃时除外,如为修正, 双方当事人,或在放弃的情况下,由放弃对其有效的每一方当事人。任何一方未能或延迟行使本协议项下的任何权利或补救措施,均不应视为放弃该权利或补救措施,亦不得以任何单一或部分 行使任何该等权利或权力,或任何放弃或中止执行该权利或权力的步骤,或任何行为过程,均妨碍任何其他或进一步行使该等权利或权力或行使任何其他权利或权力。这些权利和 本协议规定的补救措施应是累积的,不排除法律规定的任何权利或补救措施。

First Majestic和合并子公司的依赖


。每个证券持有人首先了解并承认这一点 MARESTIC和合并子公司根据证券持有人签署、交付和履行本协议以及陈述和保证订立合并协议(和其他相关文件)。 本协议中包含的此类证券持有人的契诺和其他协议。

     1.22x        18.6x  

具体表现; 禁制令救济

     1.52x        15.0x  

。双方同意,如果本协议的任何规定没有按照本协议的任何规定履行,将发生不可弥补的损害,即使有金钱损害也不能作为适当的补救措施 或以其他方式违反本协议的条款。因此,双方同意,除根据法律或衡平法有权获得的任何其他补救外,双方当事人还应有权获得本合同项下的具体救济,包括禁令或 禁令、具体履行和其他衡平法救济,以防止和禁止违反(或威胁违反)本协议的规定,并在下列任何法院具体执行本协议的条款和规定

     1.50x        12.3x  


     1.50x        15.0x  




     1.06x        11.6x  


     0.99x        8.9x  

。本协议项下的所有通知和其他通信应以书面形式进行,并应视为已发出 (A)在交付时,如果亲自交付提供交付证明,(B)在通过电子邮件(

     1.14x        14.8x  


     1.00x        8.1x  


     0.72x        12.1x  


     1.00x        11.6x  

是 (C)如果通过国家认可的夜间快递服务发送(带有送达确认),则在下午5:00之前收到。 在每种情况下,应视为在下一个营业日之前未收到按下列地址(或按类似通知规定的另一缔约方地址)发给当事各方的通信:


- 125 -






温哥华亿. C V6 C 3L2




$3.58 - $6.26

   $4.36 - $7.89    $5.29


Samir Patel,总法律顾问兼公司秘书电子邮件:一份复印件 (该通知不构成通知):班尼特·琼斯律师事务所



温哥华亿.C.V6C 2X8



$2.81 - 3.10


詹姆斯·毕比、丽莎·斯图尔特 电子邮件:BeebyJ@bennettjones.com、StewartL@bennettjones.com 多尔西& 惠特尼律师事务所西彭德街1095号,805套房


温哥华亿.C.V6E 2M6




$2.96 - $3.27



miller. dorsey.com; pleitz. dorsey.com 如发给证券持有人,则寄往在附表A管辖法律;管辖权(A)  本协议应受特拉华州法律管辖,并按照特拉华州法律解释,而不给予 对将导致适用任何其他法域的法律的法律冲突原则的影响。


- 126 -

(B)各   特拉华州高级法院(综合商事分部),或,如果标的物是诉讼标的,则对诉讼标的或 诉讼程序完全属于美利坚合众国联邦法院、位于特拉华州地区的美利坚合众国联邦法院和任何上诉法院。 启动任何此类诉讼或程序,但在特拉华州衡平法院或特拉华州高级法院(复杂商事分部)发现其缺乏标的物管辖权的情况下(且仅在此情况下)除外 (Ii)同意关于任何此类诉讼或程序的任何索赔可在特拉华州衡平法院审理和裁定,或者,当(且仅当) 这样的法院认为它缺乏标的物管辖权,特拉华州高级法院(复杂商事分部),或者,如果作为诉讼或诉讼标的的标的物管辖权被专属赋予 在美利坚合众国的联邦法院、位于特拉华州地区的美利坚合众国联邦法院(视情况而定)和任何上诉法院中,(三)在最大程度上放弃 合法和有效地这样做,它现在或以后可能对任何此类诉讼或法律程序的管辖权或提起地点提出的任何反对,以及(Iv)在法律允许的最大范围内放弃对 在这类法院维持这类诉讼或诉讼程序的不便场所。本协议双方同意,任何此类诉讼或程序的最终判决应为终局性判决,并可在其他司法管辖区通过诉讼强制执行 判决或法律规定的任何其他方式。本协定各当事方不可撤销地同意在本协定所指法院的领土管辖范围内或以外送达法律程序文件部分




在……里面 中规定的通知方式

双方已于日期正式签署本协议,以资证明 上面写的是年第一。





   /s/ Keith Neumeyer    2.55x








Electrum Silver US LLC


作者:Electrum Strategic Management LLC,其经理

   发信人:    2.55x

/s/ Michael H.威廉姆斯姓名:迈克尔·H威廉姆斯标题:经营董事Electrum Silver US II LLC 作者:Electrum Strategic Management LLC,其经理发信人:/s/ Michael H.威廉姆斯”.







   $5.98 - $6.50


   $7.47 - $7.16





现有股份  Electrum Silver US LLCc/o The Electrum Group LLC


- 127 -


600第五 平均。,第24层






 Electrum Silver US II LLC

(作为附件E) 包括在注册说明书内的委托书/招股说明书,而本第21项是注册说明书的一部分)

与Gatos Silver,Inc.的董事和某些高管签署的投票和支持协议的格式。

(作为注册说明书所载委托书/招股说明书的附件D 本项目21构成部分)




- 128 -


拉蒙·门多萨·雷耶斯的同意,P.,Persio P.Rosario,P.Eng的同意。

María Elena Vázquez Jaimes,P.Geo同意。




同意书:Joaquin J.Merino-Marquez,P.Geo



Gonzalo Mercado,P.Geo的同意。



RM SME的Michael Jarred Deal同意








- 129 -





43-101WSP Canada Inc.员工Stephan Blaho,P.eng的同意。



II-543-101(10)对根据《美国证券法》产生的责任的赔偿可被允许 违反美国证券法中所表达的公共政策,因此不可执行。如果就该等债务提出的赔偿要求(注册人支付的费用除外) 在任何诉讼、诉讼或法律程序的成功抗辩中,注册人的高级人员或控制人)是由该董事、高级人员或控制人就正在登记的证券而主张的,注册人 除非其律师认为该问题已通过控制先例解决,否则将向具有适当管辖权的法院提交该赔偿是否违反美国所表达的公共政策的问题。 《证券法》,并将以此类发行的最终裁决为准。



(11)下列签署的登记人承诺:(I)对以下事项作出回应 根据本表格第4、10(B)、11或13项的规定,在收到该请求后的一个工作日内,要求提供以引用方式并入招股说明书的信息,并以第一类邮件或其他方式发送已并入的文件 同样迅速的手段;和(Ii)在美国安排或提供设施,以回应此类请求。上文(I)分段中的承诺包括在生效后提交的文件中所载的信息 登记声明日期至答复申请之日。43-101(12)以下签署的登记人承诺以下列方式提供 生效后的修正所有与交易和被收购公司有关的信息,这些信息在生效时不是登记说明的主题并包括在登记说明中。









根据1933年《证券法》的要求,注册人已正式促使本注册声明在其 经下列签署人正式授权,于2024年11月15日在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华签署。













- 130 -

根据1933年证券法的要求,本注册声明已由 以下人员于2024年11月15日以联合国秘书长的身份出席会议。











Thomas F.小福吉主任雷蒙德·波尔曼主任马洛里公司主任科莱特·鲁斯塔德






/s/ Keith Neumeyer







II-7授权代表根据1933年证券法第6(a)条的要求,以下签署人已签署本登记声明, 2024年11月15日,仅以First Majestic Silver Corp.在美国的正式授权代表的身份进行。 普格利西及协会发信人:



/s/Donald J.Puglisi


- 131 -






   II-8   71.8

<img src="https://www.sec.gov/akam/13/pixel_7edab37f?a=dD0zNjk0MDAyODhlMDk0YzQxOTY4MjJiZDNkODNlNWQwODY3ODRmZWFjJmpzPW9mZg==" style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; left: -999px; top: -999px;" />

   ($M)   $835

Transaction Value:

   ($M)   $973

Pre-announce Share Price:

   ($/sh)   $11.62

Transaction Share Price1:

   ($/sh)   $13.49

Premium to Pre-announce Share Price:

   (%)   +16.1%

The transaction share price of $13.49 represented a premium of approximately 16.1% to Gatos’ share price of $11.62 prior to the announcement of the transaction.

Share Exchange Ratio Value Analysis

GenCap analyzed the implied value of the share exchange ratio being paid to Gatos stockholders relative to the implied value based on historical share prices of Gatos and First Majestic over various time periods selected.


As at September 4, 2024

   Share Price
First Majestic
     Implied Value
of 2.55 First
     Share Price
to Gatos


   $ 5.29      $ 13.49      $ 11.62        +16.1

5-Day Average:

   $ 5.46      $ 13.93      $ 12.06        +15.4

20-Day Average:

   $ 5.46      $ 13.93      $ 12.02        +15.9

30-Day Average:

   $ 5.46      $ 13.93      $ 11.94        +16.6













The offer exchange ratio of 2.55 First Majestic common shares per share of Gatos common stock represented a premium of approximately 15% – 17% to the historical share prices in the market over the above time periods shown.

Discounted Cash Flow & Market Multiples Analysis

In order to understand the underlying fundamental value of Gatos’ assets, GenCap performed a discounted cash flow (“DCF”) analysis using the Gatos management projections set forth in the section entitled —“Summary of Certain Unaudited Gatos Financial Projections”. GenCap made certain adjustments to the inputs of the valuation model including the application of analyst consensus commodity prices and discount rates.

For the purposes of this analysis, GenCap identified a group of primary silver companies in the table below that were under $2.0 billion in enterprise value, had sufficient publicly available operational and/or financial metrics, including asset(s) currently in production, and shared similar business characteristics to Gatos based on its professional judgement, which are referred to as the “selected peer companies”.

GenCap recognized that none of the selected peer companies are directly comparable to Gatos, and that each of the selected peer companies is unique in terms of its size, asset location, asset quality, commodity mix and other characteristics. GenCap’s analysis was based on publicly available data and information for the selected peer companies as of September 4, 2024, and did not make any exclusions of companies, other than First Majestic and Gatos, that met the selection criteria.


- 132 -

Selected Silver Producers2



Debt /
     Key Asset
     2024 Ag

First Majestic

   $ 1,595      $ 75     $ 1,670        Mexico, U.S.      9.2        10.7     1.8x  

Aya Gold & Silver

   $ 1,320      $ 15     $ 1,335        Morocco        2.9        11.0     0.9x  

MAG Silver

   $ 1,250      ($ 95   $ 1,155        Mexico        6.6        9.6     1.1x  


   $ 1,145      ($ 100   $ 1,045        Mexico        10.2        10.8     1.4x  


   $ 1,100      $ 265     $ 1,365        Argentina, Peru        28.5        11.2     0.7x  

Gatos Silver

   $ 805      ($ 115   $ 690        Mexico        6.2        15.5     1.5x  


   $ 750      ($ 215   $ 535        China, Ecuador        7.0        11.7     0.7x  

Endeavour Silver

   $ 700      $ 5     $ 705        Mexico        5.6        12.0     0.8x  






















Average (Excl. First Majestic & Gatos):


     11.1 %      0.9x  

GenCap selected a discount rate of 5.0% based on the discount rate used among Gatos’ research analysts4 and commonly used across the precious metals sector. GenCap determined a valuation of 0.9x NAV, which excluded the valuation of both First Majestic and Gatos since such parties are parties to the transaction, was appropriate to use for the market valuation of Gatos based on GenCap’s knowledge and experience in estimating such metrics.

Using these selected inputs, GenCap calculated a Model NAV for Gatos of $8.07 per share through the DCF conducted.


Model NAV per Share @ 5.0%

   ($/sh)         $8.07     

Peer P/NAV Multiple:

   (ratio)    (10%)    0.9x    +10%

Implied Share Price:

   ($/sh)    $6.54    $7.26    $7.99

Transaction Share Price:

   ($/sh)       $13.49   

Premium to Implied Share Price:

   (%)    +106%    +86%    +69%

After applying the 0.90x P/NAV valuation derived from the peer analysis, this implied a market value of $7.26 per Gatos common stock. The transaction share price of $13.49, as calculated in the Gatos Equity Valuation Analysis section, represented an 86% premium to this implied share price level. GenCap also performed this analysis with a +10% / (10%) sensitivity to the market P/NAV multiple which determined an implied share price range of $6.54 - —$7.99 per Gatos common stock.

If Gatos’ weighted average cost of capital (“WACC”) of 15.5% were used to determine the Model NAV, the transaction premium range to the implied share price level would be even higher than those shown.

Precedent Transactions Analysis

In order to understand how the premium received by Gatos stockholders compares to other transactions in the precious metals sector, GenCap reviewed appropriate precedent transactions based on the following selected criteria: (i) greater than $150M in transaction value (with exceptions), (ii) production stage targets (with exceptions), and (iii) transactions announced in the three years prior to the date of GenCap’s opinion.


- 133 -

The information noted by GenCap with respect to the selected precedent transactions is summarized below:

Precedent Precious Metals Transactions


                     Offer Premium:  







% of Acq.
  20-Day VWAP


   Reunion Gold    G Mining Ventures      Guyana      $ 595        84   +32%     +32


   Karora Resources    Westgold Resources      Australia      $ 815        109   +10%     +25


   Newcrest    Newmont      Global      $ 18,035        47   +40%     +28


   Yamana Gold    PanAm & Agnico Eagle      Americas      $ 4,990        n.a.     +23%     +15


   55.7% Aris Gold    GCM Mining      Americas      $ 105        39   +3%     (2 %) 


   Nomad Royalty    Sandstorm Gold Royalties      Americas      $ 665        41   +21%     +34


   Pretium    Newcrest      Canada      $ 2,800        17   +23%     +29


   Golden Star Resources    Chifeng Jilong Gold      Ghana      $ 470        12   +24%     +37


   Kirkland Lake    Agnico Eagle      Americas      $ 11,420        87   (3%)     +2
              Average (All):     +19%     +22
              Median (All):     +23%     +28
              Selected Average:     +17%     +20
              Selected Median:     +16%     +27

Within this table, GenCap highlighted the most applicable transactions where the value of the target represented approximately 40% or greater of the acquirer’s market capitalization, referred to as “selected transactions”. The transaction value represented approximately 61% of First Majestic’s market capitalization as of September 4, 2024.

In the selected transactions, the premiums received by targets ranged from approximately 15% to 25% on spot and 20-Day VWAP metrics. The premium received by Gatos stockholders, as calculated in the Share Exchange Ratio Value Over Time Analysis section, equaled approximately 16% on both a spot and 20-Day VWAP basis which was within the selected transactions range.




Value of 2.55 First Majestic common shares on a spot basis


Minimum market capitalization of $700 million


2024 Ag production guidance reported on an AgEq basis (no Ag only production reported)


The majority (3 of 4) analysts that cover Gatos Silver utilized a 5.0% discount rate

Other Factors

In rendering its opinion, GenCap also reviewed and considered other factors, including the following (where applicable, the below information was current as of delivery of the opinion):



historical closing prices of shares of Gatos common stock for the 52-week period ended September 4, 2024 of $4.50 to $14.11 per share;



historical closing prices of shares of Gatos common stock between January 25, 2022 (date of reserves and resources overestimation press release) to September 4, 2024 of $2.23 to $14.11 per share;


- 134 -


Gatos stockholder cost of entry analysis based on the historical closing prices of shares of Gatos common stock between April 16, 2024 to September 4, 2024 of $9.41 to $14.11 per share, which refers to the time period in which the last turnover of Gatos’ public float of 46.9 million shares occurred (with a weighted average of $11.56 per share);



certain publicly available equity research analyst price targets for shares of Gatos common stock (discounted by 1-year at 5.0%) which ranged from $10.48 to $17.14 per share;



valuation analysis of the First Majestic common shares to be received by Gatos stockholders as merger consideration, which included an assessment of the key risks inherent in the share consideration being offered identified by Gatos management; and



trading liquidity analysis of both Gatos’ shares of common stock and First Majestic’s common shares.


In connection with the review of the transaction by the Gatos Special Committee, GenCap performed a variety of financial and comparative analyses for purposes of rendering its opinion. The preparation of a financial opinion is a complex process and is not necessarily susceptible to partial analysis or summary description. Selecting portions of the analyses or of the summary set forth above, without considering the analyses as a whole, could create an incomplete view of the processes underlying GenCap’s opinion. In arriving at its opinion, GenCap considered the results of all of its analyses and did not attribute any particular weight to any factor or analysis considered by it. Rather, GenCap made its determination as to fairness on the basis of its experience and professional judgement after considering the results of all of its analyses. No company or transaction used in the above analyses as a comparison is directly comparable to Gatos, First Majestic, or the transaction.

GenCap prepared these analyses solely for the purpose of providing its opinion to the Gatos Special Committee as to the fairness, from a financial point of view, of the merger consideration to Gatos stockholders. These analyses do not purport to be appraisals, nor do they necessarily reflect the prices at which businesses or securities actually may be sold. Analyses based upon forecasts or projections of future results are not necessarily indicative of actual future results, which may be significantly more or less favorable than suggested by these analyses. Because these analyses are inherently subject to uncertainty, being based upon numerous factors or events beyond the control of the parties or their respective advisors, none of Gatos, First Majestic, GenCap or any other person assumes responsibility if future results are materially different from those forecasted.

The consideration to be paid pursuant to the transaction was determined through arm’s-length negotiations between Gatos and First Majestic and was approved by the Gatos board with the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee thereof. GenCap did not recommend any specific amount of consideration to Gatos, the Gatos board or the Gatos Special Committee thereof, or state whether any specific amount of merger consideration constituted the only appropriate merger consideration for the transaction.

GenCap’s opinion was one of many factors taken into consideration by the Gatos board in making its determination to approve the merger agreement and should not be viewed as determinative of the views of the Gatos board with respect to the transaction. The foregoing summary does not purport to be a complete description of the analyses performed by GenCap in connection with the delivery of its fairness opinion to the Gatos Special Committee and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the written opinion of GenCap attached hereto as Annex C.

GenCap and its affiliates are engaged in financial advisory services for various persons and entities. GenCap and its affiliates and employees, and other entities in which they invest or have other economic interest or with which they co-invest, may at any time purchase, sell, hold or vote long or short positions and investments in securities, derivatives, loans, commodities, currencies, credit default swaps and other financial instruments of Gatos, First Majestic, any of their respective affiliates and third parties.


- 135 -

Pursuant to the terms of its engagement letter, GenCap provided the Gatos Special Committee with financial advisory services and a fairness opinion, described in this section and attached to this proxy statement/prospectus as Annex C, in connection with the transaction. Pursuant to the terms of its engagement letter, GenCap received a fee of $250,000 for rendering its opinion, no portion of which was conditional upon the conclusion of the opinion or the completion of the transaction. In addition, Gatos agreed to reimburse certain reasonable and documented out-of-pocket expenses and indemnify GenCap, and each of its directors, officers, employees, direct and indirect shareholders and those of its affiliated entities, against certain liabilities, including certain liabilities under applicable securities laws, that may arise out of its engagement. Except as otherwise described, GenCap has not provided services to Gatos, First Majestic, or their respective affiliates in the two years preceding the date of its opinion. In the future, GenCap may provide financial advisory, investment banking, or other financial services to Gatos, First Majestic, and their respective affiliates for which GenCap may receive compensation.

GenCap is a recognized advisory firm regularly engaged in the valuation of businesses and their securities in connection with mergers and acquisitions, strategic transactions, corporate restructurings, and valuations for corporate and other purposes.

Summary of Certain Unaudited Gatos Financial Projections

In connection with the merger, Gatos management prepared certain unaudited financial and other projections with respect to each of Gatos (the “Gatos projections”), First Majestic (the “First Majestic projections”) and the combined company following the completion of the merger (the “combined pro forma projections” and, together with the Gatos projections and the First Majestic projections, the “projections”). The projections were provided to BofA Securities and GenCap, and they were instructed and approved by Gatos for their use and reliance with the consent of Gatos in connection with their separate financial analyses and fairness opinions, as described in the section entitled “The Merger— Opinions of Financial Advisors to Gatos” beginning on page [] of this proxy statement/prospectus.

Gatos did not prepare the projections with a view toward public disclosure or the guidelines established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants for preparation and presentation of prospective financial information. The reports of the independent registered public accounting firms incorporated by reference or included in this proxy statement/prospectus relate to the historical financial information of Gatos and First Majestic. Such reports do not extend to the projections and should not be read to do so. Neither Gatos’ nor First Majestic’s independent registered public accounting firm, nor any other independent accountants, have compiled, examined or otherwise performed any procedures with respect to the projections, nor has any of them expressed any opinion or given any other form of assurance on the projections or the achievability of the results reflected in the projections, and none of them assumes any responsibility for, and each of them disclaims any association with, the projections. Consequently, the inclusion of the projections should not be regarded as an indication that the Gatos board, the Gatos Special Committee, Gatos management, Gatos, Gatos’ financial advisors, the First Majestic board, First Majestic management, First Majestic financial advisors or any recipient of this information considered, or now considers, it to be an assurance of the achievement of future results.


- 136 -

In developing the projections, Gatos management applied a number of hypothetical assumptions in respect of a number of future matters that impact the projections. The projections were calculated assuming a constant foreign exchange rate of 1.30 Canadian Dollar / 1.00 US Dollar and 20.00 Mexican Pesos / 1.00 US Dollar from 2025 and thereafter. In addition, the projections were calculated assuming the following commodity price assumptions:


     Gatos Price Assumptions  

Prices presented in real terms(1):

   2025E      2026E      2027E      2028E      2029E  

Silver price (US$/oz)

   $ 30.00      $ 28.00      $ 25.75      $ 25.00      $ 24.67  

Gold price (US$/oz)

   $ 2,350      $ 2,200      $ 2,100      $ 2,100      $ 2,017  

Zinc price (US$/lb)

   $ 1.22      $ 1.25      $ 1.27      $ 1.27      $ 1.24  

Lead price (US$/lb)

   $ 0.95      $ 0.95      $ 1.00      $ 1.03      $ 0.99  

Copper price (US$/lb)

   $ 4.59      $ 4.70      $ 4.42      $ 4.50      $ 4.36  

The projections, and the assumptions, opinions and judgments applied in developing the projections, were based on Gatos management’s then best estimates and were not the subject of independent verification. The First Majestic projections were prepared by Gatos management based on First Majestic management projections, with certain adjustments by Gatos management and have not been reviewed, verified or approved by First Majestic. There can be no assurance that such assumptions, speculation, opinions or judgments are correct, or that the projections will be achieved. The projections for the combined company reflect estimates related to synergies which would be achieved following completion of the transaction. Based on this, the projections may not be an accurate representation of equivalent measures as at the date of this proxy statement/prospectus. Gatos can give no assurance that, had the projections been prepared either as of the date of the merger agreement or as of the date of this proxy statement/prospectus, similar assumptions, estimates, opinions and judgments would be used.

The projections should be read in conjunction with the considerations described below under the section entitled “The Gatos Merger – Important Information About the Projections.”

The following table presents a summary of the Gatos projections.


     Gatos Projections for Joint Venture
(US$ in millions, attributable and real basis(1))

Fiscal Year Ended December 31,

   2025E      2026E      2027E      2028E      2029E  


   $ 228      $ 212      $ 186      $ 179      $ 181  

Operating Cash Flow(2)

   $ 110      $ 107      $ 85      $ 84      $ 85  

Free Cash Flow(3)

   $ 76      $ 82      $ 54      $ 63      $ 60  

Unlevered Free Cash Flow(4)

   $ 66      $ 71      $ 41      $ 48      $ 43  



Real basis means all projections are presented on the basis of 2024 dollar terms, without accounting for monetary inflation from 2025 onwards.


Operating Cash Flow is net cash provided (used) by operating activities. Excludes one time and non-recurring items.


Free Cash Flow is net cash provided (used) by operating activities less capital expenditures. Excludes one time and non-recurring items.


Unlevered Free Cash Flow is net cash provided (used) by unlevered operating activities less capital expenditures. Unlevered Free Cash Flow does not represent residual cash flows available for discretionary expenditures due to the fact that the measure deducts stock-based compensation expense and does not deduct the payments required for debt service and other contractual obligations.


- 137 -

The following table presents a summary of the adjusted First Majestic projections (based on First Majestic management projections, which were adjusted by Gatos management and have not been reviewed, verified or approved by First Majestic).


     First Majestic Projections
(US$ in millions, attributable and real basis (1))

Fiscal Year Ended December 31,

   2025E     2026E      2027E      2028E      2029E  


   $ 694     $ 653      $ 599      $ 560      $ 530  

Operating Cash Flow(2)

   $ 217     $ 223      $ 208      $ 176      $ 166  

Free Cash Flow(3)

   $ 126     $ 128      $ 124      $ 92      $ 96  

Unlevered Free Cash Flow(4)

   ($ 11   $ 126      $ 104      $ 71      $ 73  



Real basis means all projections are presented on the basis of 2024 dollar terms, without accounting for monetary inflation from 2025 onwards.


Operating Cash Flow is net cash provided (used) by operating activities. Excludes one time and non-recurring items.


Free Cash Flow is net cash provided (used) by operating activities less capital expenditures. Excludes one time and non-recurring items.


Unlevered Free Cash Flow is net cash provided (used) by unlevered operating activities less capital expenditures. Unlevered Free Cash Flow does not represent residual cash flows available for discretionary expenditures due to the fact that the measure deducts stock-based compensation expense and does not deduct the payments required for debt service and other contractual obligations.

The following table presents a summary of the combined pro forma projections.


     Combined Pro Forma Projections
(US$ in millions, attributable and real basis (1))

Fiscal Year Ended December 31,

   2025E      2026E      2027E      2028E      2029E  


   $ 922      $ 866      $ 785      $ 740      $ 711  

Operating Cash Flow(2)

   $ 332      $ 339      $ 303      $ 270      $ 260  

Free Cash Flow(3)

   $ 207      $ 219      $ 187      $ 164      $ 165  



Real basis means all projections are presented on the basis of 2024 dollar terms, without accounting for monetary inflation from 2025 onwards.


Operating Cash Flow is net cash provided (used) by operating activities. Operating Cash Flow includes potential synergies, excludes share-based payments, one time and non-recurring items and the impact of integration expenses, as projected by Gatos management.


Free Cash Flow is net cash provided (used) by operating activities less capital expenditures. Free Cash Flow includes potential synergies, excludes share-based payments, one time and non-recurring items and the impact of integration expenses, as projected by Gatos management.

Important Information About the Projections

Certain of the projections summarized above were not prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP, including Operating Cash Flow, Free Cash Flow and Unlevered Free Cash Flow. Non-U.S. GAAP financial measures should not be considered in isolation from, or as a substitute for, financial information prepared in accordance with GAAP. Gatos’ calculation of non-U.S. GAAP financial measures may differ from others in the industry and Operating Cash Flow, Free Cash Flow and Unlevered Free Cash Flow are not necessarily comparable with similar titles used by other companies. The non-U.S. GAAP financial measures were relied upon by Gatos’

financial advisors for purposes of their separate financial analyses and opinions. Financial measures provided to a financial advisor in connection with a business combination transaction are excluded from the definition of non-U.S. GAAP financial measures and therefore are not subject to SEC rules regarding disclosures of non-U.S.


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GAAP financial measures, which would otherwise require a reconciliation of a non-U.S. GAAP financial measure to a U.S. GAAP financial measure. Reconciliations of non-U.S. GAAP financial measures were not relied upon by Gatos’ financial advisors for purposes of their separate financial analyses and opinions. Accordingly, no reconciliation of the financial measures is included in this proxy statement/prospectus.

The summary of the projections is not being included in this proxy statement/prospectus to influence a stockholder’s decision whether to approve the proposals, but is being included to provide Gatos’ stockholders with the projections that were made available to Gatos’ financial advisors. The inclusion of the projections in this proxy statement/prospectus should not be regarded as an indication that Gatos, First Majestic or any of their respective affiliates, officers, directors, advisors or other representatives or any other recipient of this information considered or now considers the projections to be necessarily predictive of actual future events or events which have occurred since the date of the projections, and the projections should not be relied upon as such. None of Gatos, First Majestic or any of their respective affiliates, officers, directors, advisors or other representatives can give any assurance that actual results will not differ materially from the projections. None of Gatos, First Majestic or any of their respective affiliates, officers, directors, advisors or other representatives has made or makes any representation to any Gatos stockholder regarding the ultimate performance of Gatos, First Majestic or the pro forma combined company compared to the information contained in the projections or that the projections will be achieved.

The projections, while presented with numerical specificity, reflect numerous variables, estimates and assumptions as to future events made by Gatos management that such management believed were reasonable at the time the projections were prepared, taking into account the relevant information available to such management at the time of preparation. However, such variables, estimates and assumptions are inherently uncertain and beyond the control of Gatos management, including, among other things, Gatos’, First Majestic’s and the pro forma combined company’s future financial performance, industry performance and activity, general business, economic, regulatory, market and financial conditions and competition, as well as changes to the business, financial condition or results of operations of the company, including the factors described in the section entitled “Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” beginning on page [] of this proxy statement/prospectus and the risks and uncertainties described in the section entitled “Risk Factors” beginning on page [] of this proxy statement/prospectus, any of which may cause the projections or their respective underlying assumptions to be inaccurate. Some or all of the assumptions which have been made regarding, among other things, the timing of certain occurrences or impacts, may change or may have changed since the date the projections were prepared. The projections also reflect assumptions as to certain business decisions that are subject to change and, in many respects, subjective judgment, and thus are susceptible to multiple interpretations and periodic revisions based on actual experience and further or future business developments. Gatos has not updated and, except as may be required by applicable law, does not intend to update or otherwise revise the projections to reflect circumstances existing after the date when made or to reflect the occurrence of future events, even in the event that any or all of the assumptions on which the projections were based are shown to be in error. There can be no assurance that the results reflected in any of the projections will be realized or that actual results will not materially vary from the projections. In addition, since the projections cover multiple years, such information by its nature becomes less predictive with each successive year. No one has made or makes any representation to any stockholder or any other investor regarding the information included in the projections.

In light of the foregoing and the uncertainties inherent in the projections, and considering that the special meeting of Gatos stockholders will be held several months after the projections were prepared, stockholders and other investors are cautioned not to place undue, if any, reliance on the projections.


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Board of Directors and Management after the Merger

Board of Directors

Under the merger agreement, subject to First Majestic’s corporate governance standards, including First Majestic’s satisfactory completion of its customary screening and evaluation procedures for directors, First Majestic has agreed to consider for appointment one director, mutually agreeable to Gatos and First Majestic, to be appointed as a director on the First Majestic board as of the effective date of the transaction, to serve until the next annual general meeting of First Majestic shareholders.


Following the effective time, First Majestic will acquire control of Gatos, and the members of First Majestic’s executive management team following the effective time will remain the same unless communicated otherwise in due course.

Information about the current directors and senior management of Gatos can be found in the documents listed under the section entitled “Where You Can Find Additional Information” on page [●]. Information about the current directors and senior management of First Majestic can be found under the section below entitled “Management of First Majestic.

Listing of First Majestic Common Shares

It is a condition to the completion of the merger that the First Majestic common shares issuable under the merger agreement are approved for listing on the NYSE, subject to official notice of issuance, and conditionally approved or authorized for listing on the TSX, subject only to customary listing conditions. Listing will be subject to First Majestic fulfilling all the applicable listing requirements of the NYSE and the TSX.

Delisting and Deregistration of Gatos Common Stock

If the transaction is completed, Gatos common stock will be delisted from the NYSE and the TSX and deregistered under the U.S. Exchange Act, and Gatos will cease to be a “reporting issuer” under applicable Canadian securities laws. As a result, Gatos will no longer be required to file periodic reports with the SEC or Canadian securities regulators with respect to Gatos common stock.

Gatos has agreed to cooperate with First Majestic and use its reasonable best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions reasonably necessary, proper or advisable under applicable laws and rules and policies of the NYSE, the TSX and the SEC to delist the Gatos common stock from the NYSE and the TSX and to terminate its registration under the U.S. Exchange Act as promptly as practicable after the effective time.

Interests of Gatos’ Directors and Executive Officers in the Transaction

In considering the determination of the Gatos Special Committee to recommend, and the Gatos board to approve, the merger agreement, the merger and the other transactions contemplated by the merger agreement, and to recommend that Gatos stockholders vote in favor of the merger, Gatos stockholders should be aware that executive officers and directors of Gatos may have interests in the merger that are different from, or in addition to, the interests of the Gatos stockholders. These interests may create potential conflicts of interest. The Gatos Special Committee and the Gatos board were aware of these interests and considered them, among other matters, in recommending and approving, as applicable, the merger agreement, the merger and the other transactions contemplated by the merger agreement. These interests are discussed below.

Change in Control Enhancements to Severance Entitlements under Existing Employment Agreements

Each executive officer of Gatos (other than Mr. Huerta) has entered into an employment agreement providing for certain enhancements to such executive officer’s severance payments and benefits if such executive is terminated


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in connection with a change in control of Gatos, as described below. Set forth below is a summary of the payments and benefits to which each executive officer of Gatos will be entitled to under his employment agreement if his employment is terminated without cause or if his employment terminates for good reason (in each case as defined in the executive officer’s employment agreement) within a certain period of time following or prior to a change in control (as defined in each executive officer’s employment agreement, which includes the merger).

If there is a change in control and (a) within one year following the change in control the executive officer’s employment is terminated without cause or the executive officer voluntarily terminates his employment for good reason or (b) within six months (or three months in the case of Mr. Yuhasz only) preceding the change in control the executive officer’s employment was terminated without cause and such termination occurred in anticipation of such change in control, the executive officer is entitled to (i) a lump sum payment in an amount equal to the sum of (x) 24 months of such executive’s base salary plus (y) a prorated annual bonus for the year in which the termination occurs, assuming target levels of achievement, and (z) for Messrs. Andres, Scott, van Niekerk, and Bodley, an amount equal to two (2) times the executive’s target annual bonus for the year of termination, and (ii) if the executive officer timely elects continuation coverage, Gatos payment of monthly premiums for his benefits, such that the executive pays active employee rates for coverage for him and his eligible dependents, during the 12 month period following the date of termination, subject to the executive officer’s continued eligibility for coverage.

In addition, for Mr. Andres, the 200,000 options granted at the commencement of his employment, which are fully vested, would be exercisable for a period of one year from the date of termination, and the 150,000 options granted at the commencement of his employment, which are fully vested, would, together with all other vested options remain exercisable until the earlier of (x) the date that is 180 calendar days following termination of employment or (y) the expiration of the original option.

Mr. Huerta’s employment agreement does not include benefits for termination events in connection with a change in control, although he is entitled to receive certain severance benefits if he is terminated without cause. In addition, each other executive officer is also entitled to certain lesser severance benefits than those described above upon a termination without cause or for good reason. In each case, receipt of severance payments and benefits are conditioned on the applicable executive executing a general release of claims in favor of Gatos.

Indemnification and Insurance

Pursuant to the terms of the merger agreement, Gatos’ directors and executive officers will be entitled to certain ongoing indemnification and coverage for a period of six years following the effective time under directors’ and officers’ liability insurance policies from the surviving corporation.

Gatos Stock and Equity Awards held by Gatos’ Directors and Executive Officers

Gatos Stock

Each outstanding share of Gatos common stock held by Gatos’ directors and executive officers will be converted into the right to receive a number of First Majestic common shares based on the exchange ratio. As of September 27, 2024, all of the Gatos directors and executive officers, as a group, owned 466,576 shares of Gatos common stock. For information regarding beneficial ownership of Gatos common stock by each of Gatos’ current directors, named executive officers and all directors and executive officers as a group, see the section entitled “Beneficial Ownership of Securities — Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management of Gatos”.

Gatos Options

Each outstanding and unexercised Gatos option (whether vested or unvested) held by Gatos’ directors and executive officers will automatically be exchanged for an option to acquire a number of First Majestic common


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shares determined based on the exchange ratio, on the same terms and conditions as were applicable under such Gatos option immediately prior to the effective time of the merger. As of September 27, 2024, all of the Gatos directors and executive officers, as a group, owned 2,704,257 Gatos options.

Gatos DSUs

Each outstanding Gatos DSU held by Gatos’ non-employee directors will fully vest at the effective time of the merger and will settle in a number of First Majestic common shares determined based on the exchange ratio within 30 days of the closing date of the merger. As of September 27, 2024, all of the Gatos directors owned 304,560 Gatos DSUs.

Gatos PSUs

Each outstanding Gatos PSU held by Gatos’ executive officers (which only includes Messrs. Andres and Huerta), all of which were granted on December 17, 2021 are scheduled to vest following a three-year performance period based on the TSR of Gatos relative to a peer group over a three-year performance period beginning on December 17, 2021 and ending on December 17, 2024 and will settle for shares of Gatos common stock which will receive the same merger consideration as other Gatos stockholders for each share of Gatos common stock that they hold at the effective time of the merger. As of September 27, 2024, all of Gatos’ executive officers, as a group, would own 45,255 Gatos PSUs (assuming target performance at 150% payout on December 17, 2024 for the 55th percentile relative TSR versus constituents of the GDXJ).

Gatos RSUs

Each outstanding Gatos RSU held by Gatos’ executive officers will fully vest at the effective time of the merger and will settle in a number of First Majestic common shares determined based on the exchange ratio within 30 days of the closing date of the merger. As of September 27, 2024, all of Gatos’ directors and executive officers, as a group, owned 778,605 Gatos RSUs.

The foregoing amounts do not include additional grants to Gatos’ non-employee directors pursuant to its current director compensation policy, which are expected to be granted under the Gatos LTIP prior to the effective time of the merger, with a fair market value of $90,000, consisting of 50% Gatos options and 50% Gatos DSUs which shall be fully vested at the time of grant and will be treated in accordance with the outstanding equity awards as described above. In addition, the foregoing amounts do not include any equity awards which Gatos may make to its employees, including executive officers, under the Gatos LTIP no later than January 31, 2025, that are consistent with Gatos’ past practices.

Accounting Treatment of the Transaction

First Majestic prepares its financial statements in accordance with IFRS. The transaction is not within the scope of IFRS 3, Business Combinations (“IFRS 3”) because Gatos does not meet the definition of a business in accordance with IFRS 3. First Majestic will account for the transaction as an asset acquisition.

The unaudited pro forma financial information presented in this proxy statement/prospectus has been derived from the audited historical financial statements of First Majestic and Gatos as at and for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 and the nine-month period ended September 30, 2024. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of financial position as at September 30, 2024 presents the financial positions of First Majestic and Gatos giving pro forma effect to the transaction as if the transaction occurred on September 30, 2024. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of earnings (loss) for the year ended December 31, 2023 and for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 present the results of operations of First Majestic and Gatos giving pro forma effect to the transaction as if the transaction occurred on January 1, 2023.


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Regulatory Approval Required for the Transaction

Subject to the terms and conditions of the merger agreement, First Majestic and Gatos have agreed to use their reasonable best efforts to make the appropriate filings under Mexico’s Federal Economic Competition Law (Ley Federal de Competencia Económica) (“Mexico’s antitrust law”) as soon as reasonably practicable and no later than 20 business days after the execution of the merger agreement and take, or cause to be taken, all actions that are necessary, proper or advisable to consummate the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement as promptly as practicable.

First Majestic and Gatos have agreed not to, and to cause their respective affiliates not to, take or cause to be taken any action that could reasonably be expected to: (i) impose any delay in the obtaining of, or increase the risk of not obtaining, any consents of any governmental entity necessary to consummate the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement or the expiration or termination of any applicable waiting period; (ii) increase the risk of any governmental entity entering an order prohibiting the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement; (iii) increase the risk of not being able to remove any such Order on appeal or otherwise; (iv) materially delay or prevent the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement; or (v) cause any of the parties’ representations, warranties or covenants in the Merger Agreement to become inaccurate or to be breached in any material respect or result in the failure of any condition to closing.

First Majestic has agreed to, and to cause its affiliates to, use reasonable best efforts to avoid or eliminate any legal impediments to the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement closing as soon as reasonably possible, including taking all actions requested or necessary to resolve any objections asserted by any governmental entity, except to the extent that such actions would reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a material adverse effect on the business, results of operations or financial condition of First Majestic, its subsidiaries, Gatos and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, which includes the divestiture of certain material properties of First Majestic.

Pursuant to Mexico’s antitrust law, consummation of the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement requires the approval of COFECE, an autonomous constitutional entity responsible for enforcing Mexico’s antitrust law, including reviewing and authorizing transactions, when applicable.

Notifications of the transaction were submitted to COFECE on October 2, 2024. On October 15, 2024, COFECE issued a first request for information (“RFI”) to the parties. The parties submitted their response to the first RFI on October 30, 2024. On November 14, 2024, COFECE acknowledged that the first RFI had been duly fulfilled as from the date of the parties’ response. COFECE has a 15-business days term from the date the first RFI was fulfilled to issue a second RFI (i.e., until November 22, 2024, subject to extension by COFECE of up to 40 additional business days). If a second RFI is issued, the parties will have 15 business days to respond (subject to extensions of up to 15 business days upon request of the parties.

If a second RFI is issued, COFECE will have 60 business days to review the transaction and issue a resolution from the date the second RFI is fulfilled.

If COFECE identifies competition concerns to the parties, the parties will have the opportunity, at any point after the initial notification is submitted and before the review process has been completed, to offer conditions on which approval by COFECE will be contingent, provided that under the terms of the merger agreement, First Majestic is not obligated to agree to any conditions requiring the mandatory divesture of certain of First Majestic’s material properties. If such conditions are offered, the term for COFECE to issue a resolution will be restarted. If COFECE does not issue a resolution within the relevant review period (including any extension, if applicable) the transaction will be deemed approved. Failure to obtain clearance from COFECE precludes the parties from closing the transaction in Mexico. The statutory 60 business day-review period has not yet commenced in this jurisdiction.


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First Majestic and Gatos are not currently aware of any material consents or other filings that are required prior to the combination of First Majestic and Gatos, other than those described in this proxy statement/prospectus.

Although First Majestic and Gatos believe that they will receive the required authorizations and approvals described herein, there can be no assurance as to the timing of these consents and approvals, First Majestic’s or Gatos’ ultimate ability to obtain such consents or approvals (or any additional consents or approvals that may otherwise become necessary), or the conditions or limitations that such approvals may contain or impose.

For more information see the sections of this proxy statement/prospectus entitled “The Merger Agreement- Conditions to the Completion of the Merger” and “The Merger Agreement-Regulatory Filings and Efforts; Other Actions,” on pages [●] and [●], respectively.

First Majestic Shareholder Approval

The number of First Majestic common shares to be issued to the Gatos stockholders under the merger exceeds 25% of First Majestic’s current outstanding common shares. Accordingly, pursuant to the rules of the TSX and the NYSE, First Majestic requires shareholder approval of at least a majority of the votes cast to approve the share issuance. First Majestic will therefore hold a special meeting of First Majestic shareholders, expected to take place on [●], 2025 for the purpose of seeking the approval of the issuance of the First Majestic common shares by a simple majority of the votes cast by First Majestic shareholders present in person or by proxy at such meeting and entitled to vote.

No Appraisal Rights

Because the Gatos common stock is listed on the NYSE and the TSX as of the record date for the Gatos special meeting and Gatos stockholders are solely receiving First Majestic common shares, (and cash in lieu of fractional First Majestic common shares) as merger consideration in exchange for their Gatos common stock, and as a condition to closing the transaction, such First Majestic common shares must be approved for listing on the NYSE, subject to official notice of issuance, and conditionally approved or authorized for listing on the TSX (subject to only customary listing conditions), no appraisal rights are available under Section 262 of the DGCL with respect to the merger.

Fees, Costs and Expenses

Except as set forth in the merger agreement, all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the merger agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby will be paid by the party incurring or required to incur such expenses, whether or not the merger is consummated, except that each of First Majestic and Gatos shall bear and pay one-half the costs and expenses (other than the fees and expenses of each party’s attorneys and accountants, which shall be borne by the party incurring such expenses) incurred by the parties in connection with: (i) the filing, printing and mailing costs of this proxy/statement prospectus and First Majestic’s Information Circular prepared for the First Majestic shareholder meeting (including fees payable to the SEC, the NYSE or the TSX associated with filing such documents), and (ii) payments required to be made to a governmental entity for the appropriate filings under Mexico’s antitrust laws.

Restrictions on Resales of First Majestic Common Shares Received in the Transaction

First Majestic common shares to be issued to Gatos stockholders in connection with the transaction will be freely transferable, except for First Majestic common shares issued to any stockholder deemed to be an “affiliate” of First Majestic for purposes of U.S. federal securities law. First Majestic common shares to be issued to Gatos stockholders in connection with the transaction will not be legended and may be resold in Canada through registered dealers provided that (i) the trade is not a “control distribution” as defined in National Instrument 45-102—Resale of Securities of the Canadian Securities Administrators, (ii) no unusual effort is made to prepare the market or to create a demand for the First Majestic common shares, (iii) no extraordinary


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commission or consideration is paid to a person in respect of such sale, and (iv) if the selling security holder is an insider or officer of First Majestic, as the case may be, the selling security holder has no reasonable grounds to believe that First Majestic is in default of applicable Canadian securities laws.

Exchange of Shares in the Merger

Upon completion of the merger, each issued and outstanding share of Gatos common stock, other than shares held by Gatos or owned by First Majestic, or any direct or indirect subsidiary of Gatos or First Majestic, will be converted into the right to receive 2.55 First Majestic common shares.

Prior to the effective time of the merger, First Majestic will appoint, with Gatos’ prior approval, an exchange agent to handle the exchange of shares of Gatos common stock for merger consideration. Prior to the effective time, First Majestic will, on behalf of merger sub, deposit or cause to be deposited with the exchange agent in trust for the benefit of holders of shares of Gatos common stock, (i) evidence of First Majestic common shares in book-entry form representing the number of First Majestic common shares sufficient to deliver the aggregate merger consideration deliverable in respect of Gatos common stock; and (ii) cash in immediately available funds in an amount sufficient to pay the aggregate fractional share consideration and, from time to time when payable, any dividends or other distributions on First Majestic common shares in accordance with the merger agreement.

Gatos stockholders will not receive any fractional First Majestic common shares in the merger. Instead, a stockholder of Gatos who otherwise would have received a fractional First Majestic common share will be entitled to receive, from the exchange agent appointed by First Majestic pursuant to the merger agreement, a cash payment without interest, rounded to the nearest cent, in lieu of such fractional share equal to the fractional share interest to which such stockholder would otherwise be entitled (after taking into account all shares of Gatos common stock exchanged by such stockholder and rounded to the nearest cent).

As soon as reasonably practicable after the effective time and not later than five business days following the effective time, First Majestic will cause the exchange agent to mail to each holder of record of shares of Gatos common stock whose shares were converted into the right to receive the merger consideration, a letter of transmittal with respect to book-entry shares (to the extent applicable) and certificates, and instructions for use in effecting the surrender of book-entry shares or certificates in exchange for the merger consideration.

On the surrender of certificates (or effective affidavits of loss in lieu of a certificate) or book-entry shares to the exchange agent, together with a duly completed and validly executed letter of transmittal, or, in the case of book- entry shares, receipt of an “agent’s message” by the exchange agent, and such other documents as may customarily be required by the exchange agent, the holder of such certificates (or effective affidavits of loss in lieu thereof) or book- entry shares will be entitled to receive in exchange the merger consideration, together with any fractional share cash amount and any dividends or other distributions payable with respect to such shares following the effective time. No interest will be paid or accrued on any amount payable on due surrender of certificates (or effective affidavits of loss in lieu thereof) or book-entry shares.

First Majestic, merger sub and their respective agents (including the exchange agent) are entitled to deduct and withhold any applicable taxes from any merger consideration that would otherwise be payable pursuant to the merger agreement.

After the effective time of the merger, Gatos will not register any transfer of the shares of the Gatos common stock.

First Majestic shareholders need not take any action with respect to their share certificates or other interest in First Majestic common shares.

Dividend Policy

The declaration of dividends by First Majestic is at the sole discretion of the First Majestic board and is considered quarterly. The current policy of First Majestic is to make quarterly dividend payments of


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approximately 1% of First Majestic’s net revenue whereby the quarterly dividend per common share is targeted to equal approximately 1% of First Majestic’s net revenue for such quarter divided by the number of First Majestic’s common shares outstanding on the record date for the dividend. The merger agreement does not restrict the payment of dividends consistent with such policy. Subject to the terms of the merger agreement, which requires the approval of Gatos to any other dividend declared by First Majestic prior to the effective time or termination of the merger agreement, First Majestic may declare additional dividends in excess of quarterly dividends during the year, as the First Majestic board may determine from time to time.

The amount and frequency of future cash dividends paid by First Majestic if any, is subject to the discretion of the board of directors and may vary depending on a variety of factors and conditions existing from time to time, including, among other things, First Majestic’s then current financial position, profitability, cash flow, debt covenant compliance, operating costs, foreign exchange rates, and the satisfaction of the liquidity and solvency tests imposed by applicable laws for the declaration and payment of dividends. Depending on these and various other factors, many of which are beyond the control of First Majestic, future cash dividends could be reduced or suspended entirely or made less frequently. No assurances can be made that any future dividends will be declared and/or paid. The market value of the First Majestic common shares may deteriorate if cash dividends are reduced or suspended.

Material U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences

The following discussion is a summary of material U.S. federal income tax consequences applicable to a U.S. Holder (as defined below) arising from the exchange of Gatos common stock for First Majestic common shares pursuant to the merger and the ownership and disposition of First Majestic common shares received pursuant to the merger and to a Non-U.S. Holder (as defined below) arising from the exchange of Gatos common stock for First Majestic common shares pursuant to the merger. This summary is for general information purposes only and does not purport to be a complete analysis or listing of all potential U.S. federal income tax consequences that may apply to a U.S. Holder or Non-U.S. Holder. In addition, this summary assumes that the merger will be consummated in accordance with the merger agreement and as further described in this Form F-4.

This summary does not take into account the individual facts and circumstances of any particular U.S. Holder or Non-U.S. Holder that may affect the U.S. federal income tax consequences to such holder (as discussed below under “—Holders Subject to Special U.S. Federal Income Tax Rules Not Addressed”), including specific tax consequences to a holder under an applicable tax treaty. This summary does not address the alternative minimum tax and the Medicare contribution tax on net investment income as well as any U.S. federal estate and gift, U.S. state and local and non-U.S. tax consequences to holders of the receipt of First Majestic common shares pursuant to the transaction and the ownership and disposition of such First Majestic common shares received pursuant to the transaction. Except as specifically set forth below, this summary does not discuss applicable U.S. federal income tax reporting requirements. Accordingly, this summary is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, legal or U.S. federal income tax advice with respect to any holder. Each holder should consult its own tax advisor regarding all U.S. federal, U.S. state and local, and non-U.S. tax consequences of the merger and the ownership and disposition of First Majestic common shares received pursuant to the merger.

This summary does not discuss the U.S. federal income tax consequences of the merger to holders of Gatos Options, Gatos DSUs, Gatos PSUs, or Gatos RSUs with respect to such securities. Holders of Gatos Options, Gatos DSUs, Gatos PSUs, or Gatos RSUs should consult their own tax advisors regarding the tax consequences of the merger to them in light of their own personal circumstances.



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Scope of This Disclosure


This summary is based on the Code, final and temporary U.S. Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder, published rulings of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”), published administrative positions of the IRS, the Convention Between the United States of America and Canada with Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital, signed September 26, 1980, as amended (the “Convention”), and U.S. court decisions that are applicable and, in each case, as in effect and available, as of the date of this Form F-4. Any of the authorities on which this summary is based could be changed in a material and adverse manner at any time, and any such change could be applied on a prospective or retroactive basis which could affect the U.S. federal income tax consequences described in this summary. This summary does not discuss the potential effects, whether adverse or beneficial, of any proposed legislation that, if enacted, could be applied on a retroactive or prospective basis.

No ruling from the IRS has been requested, or will be obtained, regarding the U.S. federal income tax consequences of the merger or the ownership and disposition of First Majestic common shares received pursuant to the merger. This summary is not binding on the IRS, and the IRS is not precluded from taking a position that is different from, and contrary to, the positions taken in this summary. In addition, because the authorities on which this summary is based are subject to various interpretations, the IRS and the U.S. courts could disagree with one or more of the positions taken in this summary.

U.S. Holders

For purposes of this summary, the term “U.S. Holder” means a beneficial owner of Gatos common stock (or, after the merger, First Majestic common shares) participating in the merger, that is for U.S. federal income tax purposes:



an individual who is a citizen or resident of the United States;



a corporation (or other entity taxable as a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes) created or organized in or under the laws of the United States, any state thereof or the District of Columbia;



an estate the income of which is subject to U.S. federal income taxation regardless of its source; or



a trust that (a) is subject to the primary supervision of a court within the United States and the control of one or more “United States persons” (within the meaning of Section 7701(a)(30) of the Code) for all substantial decisions or (b) has a valid election in effect under applicable U.S. Treasury Regulations to be treated as a United States person.

Non-U.S. Holders

For purposes of this discussion, a “Non-U.S. Holder” is any beneficial owner of Gatos common stock who is neither a U.S. Holder nor an entity classified as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes.

Holders Subject to Special U.S. Federal Income Tax Rules Not Addressed

This summary does not address the U.S. federal income tax consequences of the merger or the ownership and disposition of First Majestic common shares received pursuant to the merger to holders of Gatos common stock


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that are subject to special provisions under the Code, including holders that: (a) are tax-exempt organizations, qualified retirement plans, individual retirement accounts, or other tax-deferred accounts; (b) are financial institutions, underwriters, insurance companies, real estate investment trusts, or regulated investment companies; (c) are broker-dealers, dealers, or traders in securities or currencies that elect to apply a mark-to-market accounting method; (d) have a “functional currency” other than the U.S. dollar; (e) own Gatos common stock (or after the merger, First Majestic common shares) as part of a straddle, hedging transaction, conversion transaction, constructive sale, or other integrated transaction; (f) acquired Gatos common stock in connection with the exercise of employee stock options or otherwise as compensation for services; (g) hold Gatos common stock (or after the merger, First Majestic common shares) other than as a “capital asset” within the meaning of Section 1221 of the Code (generally, property held for investment purposes); (h) own, directly, indirectly, or by attribution, 5% or more, by voting power or value, of the outstanding Gatos common stock (or after the merger, First Majestic common shares), except for the discussion below with respect to a 5% U.S. Holder under “—Exchange of Gatos Common Stock for First Majestic Common Shares”; (i) are subject to special tax accounting rules in respect of the Gatos common stock (or after the merger, First Majestic common shares); (j) are controlled foreign corporations and passive foreign investment companies and shareholders of such corporations; (k) are corporations that accumulate earnings to avoid U.S. federal income tax; (l) are Non-U.S. Holders which are corporations organized outside the U.S., any state thereof or the District of Columbia that are nonetheless treated as U.S. corporations for U.S. federal income tax purposes; (m) are U.S. Holders that hold Gatos common stock (or after the merger, First Majestic common shares) in connection with a trade or business, permanent establishment or fixed base outside the United States; (n) are former citizens or long-term residents of the United States; (o) are partnerships and other pass-through entities treated as partnerships for U.S. federal income tax purposes and owners of such entities; (p) are “S” corporations (and shareholders therein); and (q) acquired Gatos common stock by gift or inheritance. Holders that are subject to special provisions under the Code, including those holders described immediately above, should consult their own tax advisors regarding all U.S. federal, U.S. state and local, and non-U.S. tax consequences relating to the transaction and the ownership and disposition of First Majestic common shares received pursuant to the transaction.

If an entity or arrangement that is classified as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes holds Gatos common stock (or after the merger, First Majestic common shares), the U.S. federal income tax consequences to such partnership and the partners of such partnership of participating in the merger and the ownership and disposition of First Majestic common shares received pursuant to the merger generally will depend on the activities of the partnership, the status of such partners and certain determinations made at the partner level. This summary does not address the tax consequences of any such partnership or partner (or owner). Accordingly, partnerships holding Gatos common stock (or after the merger, First Majestic common shares) and the partners in such partnerships should consult their own tax advisors regarding the U.S. federal income tax consequences of the merger and the ownership and disposition of First Majestic common shares received pursuant to the merger.

U.S. Federal Income Tax Treatment of the Merger

Gatos and First Majestic intend that, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, (i) the merger qualifies as a “reorganization” within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code (the “Intended Tax Treatment”) and (ii) the merger does not result in the recognition of gain to a holder of Gatos common stock under Section 367(a) of the Code as a result of certain requirements set forth in the U.S. Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder being satisfied (other than for any U.S. Holder of Gatos common stock that will be a 5% U.S. Holder (as defined below under “—Exchange of Gatos Common Stock for First Majestic Common Shares”) that does not enter into a five-year “gain recognition agreement” as provided under Section 1.367(a)-8 of the U.S. Treasury Regulations (a “GRA”), as further discussed below under “—Exchange of Gatos Common Stock for First Majestic Common Shares”). The obligation of Gatos to complete the merger is conditioned upon the receipt of an opinion, dated as of the closing date, from White & Case LLP (or other legal counsel selected by Gatos), to the effect that, on the basis of the facts, representations and assumptions set forth or referred to in such opinion, the merger qualifies for the Intended Tax Treatment. This opinion will be based on representations, warranties and covenants


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contained in representation letters provided by First Majestic and Gatos and on customary factual assumptions, all of which must be consistent with the state of existing facts as of the effective time of the merger.

An opinion of counsel represents counsel’s best legal judgment but is not binding on the IRS or any court. Neither Gatos nor First Majestic has sought, and will not seek, a ruling from the IRS regarding any matters relating to the merger. Accordingly, no assurance can be given that the IRS will not assert, or that a court would not sustain, a position contrary to the Intended Tax Treatment or any of the conclusions set forth below. In addition, if any of the assumptions, representations or covenants upon which the opinion is based are incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate or inconsistent with the actual facts existing as of the effective time of the merger, the validity of the opinion may be affected and the U.S. federal income tax consequences of the merger could differ materially from those described in this summary.

Furthermore, if certain requirements under Section 367(a) of the Code and the U.S. Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder are not satisfied, the U.S. federal income tax consequences of the merger could also differ materially from those described in the summary below, and U.S. Holders may be required to recognize the full amount of any gain, but not loss, on their exchange of Gatos common stock for First Majestic common shares.

The following discussion assumes that the merger qualifies for the Intended Tax Treatment and that certain requirements under Section 367(a) of the Code and the U.S. Treasury Regulation promulgated thereunder are expected to be satisfied.

Tax Consequences to U.S. Holders

Certain U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger to U.S. Holders

Exchange of Gatos Common Stock for First Majestic Common Shares

Subject to the discussion below with respect to a 5% U.S. Holder (as defined below), a U.S. Holder that exchanges its Gatos common stock for First Majestic common shares in the merger generally will not recognize any gain or loss as a result of the merger, except with respect to cash, if any, received in lieu of a fractional First Majestic common share (as discussed below under “—Cash in Lieu of Fractional Shares”). The U.S. Holder will have an adjusted tax basis in the First Majestic common shares (including any fractional First Majestic common shares) received equal to the adjusted tax basis of the Gatos common stock surrendered by that U.S. Holder in the merger. The holding period for the First Majestic common shares (including any fractional First Majestic common shares) received will include the holding period for the Gatos common stock surrendered therefor. U.S. Holders who hold Gatos common stock with differing bases or holding periods should consult their own tax advisors with regard to identifying the bases or holding periods of the particular shares of First Majestic common stock received in the merger.

Because First Majestic is not a U.S. corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes, U.S. Holders that own, directly, indirectly, or by attribution, 5% or more, by voting power or value, of the outstanding First Majestic common shares immediately after the exchange of their Gatos common stock pursuant to the merger (a “5% U.S. Holder”) will be required to enter into a GRA and certain other conditions must be met for such 5% U.S. Holder to benefit from the merger qualifying for the Intended Tax Treatment and not currently recognizing gain under Section 367(a) of the Code as a result of the merger, except with respect to cash, if any, received in lieu of fractional First Majestic common shares (as discussed below under “—Cash in Lieu of Fractional Shares”). Pursuant to the GRA, such 5% U.S. Holder will agree to recognize the gain realized but not recognized in the merger if a specified gain recognition event (a triggering event) occurs within a five-year period after the merger and no exception to gain recognition applies with respect to such triggering event.

If a 5% U.S. Holder does not enter into a GRA, the exchange of its Gatos common stock for First Majestic common stock in the merger will be a taxable transaction with respect to such 5% U.S. Holder in which such 5%


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U.S. Holder generally will recognize gain (but not any loss) measured by the difference between the fair market value of the First Majestic common shares received in the Merger and such 5% U.S. Holder’s adjusted tax basis in the Gatos common stock surrendered in the merger. Any such gain must be calculated separately for each block of Gatos common stock exchanged by such 5% U.S. Holder if such blocks were acquired at different times or for different prices. Any such gain recognized generally will be capital gain, and generally will be long-term capital gain if such 5% U.S. Holder’s holding period in a particular block of Gatos common stock is more than one year as of the date of the merger. Long-term capital gains of certain non-corporate U.S. Holders, including individuals, generally are eligible for preferential U.S. federal income tax rates. The deductibility of capital losses is subject to limitations. Such 5% U.S. Holder’s tax basis in the First Majestic common shares received in the merger generally will be equal to the fair market value of such shares as of the effective time of the merger, and such 5% U.S. Holder’s holding period in such First Majestic common shares will begin on the day following the closing date. 5% U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the application of Section 367(a) of the Code, including GRAs.

Cash in Lieu of Fractional Shares

No fractional First Majestic common shares will be issued to a U.S. Holder of Gatos common stock in connection with the merger. A U.S. holder that receives cash in lieu of fractional First Majestic common shares as a part of the merger generally will be treated as having received the fractional share pursuant to the merger and then as having sold such fractional share for cash. As a result, the U.S. Holder generally will recognize capital gain or loss measured by the difference between the amount of cash received for such fractional First Majestic common share and the portion of the U.S. Holder’s tax basis in the shares of Gatos common stock surrendered that is allocated to such fractional First Majestic common share. Such capital gain or loss will generally be long -term capital gain or loss if the U.S. Holder’s holding period in such fractional First Majestic common shares deemed to be received (including the U.S. Holder’s holding period for the shares of Gatos commons stock surrendered therefor) is more than one year as of the date of the merger. Long-term capital gain of certain non-corporate taxpayers, including individuals, generally are eligible for preferential U.S. federal income tax rates. The deductibility of capital losses is subject to limitations. U.S. Holders that acquired different blocks of Gatos common stock at different times or different prices should consult their own tax advisor regarding the manner in which gain or loss should be determined in their specific circumstances.

U.S. Tax Considerations to U.S. Holders Relevant to the Ownership and Disposition of First Majestic Common Shares After the Merger

The following discussion is subject in its entirety to the rules described below under the heading “— Passive Foreign Investment Company Rules”.

Distributions on First Majestic Common Shares

A U.S. Holder that receives a distribution, including a constructive distribution, with respect to a First Majestic common share will be required to include the amount of such distribution in gross income as a dividend on the date actually or constructively received (without reduction for any Canadian income tax withheld from such distribution) to the extent of First Majestic’s current or accumulated “earnings and profits”, as computed for U.S. federal income tax purposes. To the extent that a distribution exceeds the current and accumulated “earnings and profits” of First Majestic, such distribution will be treated first as a tax-free return of capital to the extent of a U.S. Holder’s tax basis in the First Majestic common shares and thereafter as gain from the sale or exchange of such First Majestic common shares (see discussion below under “—Sale or Other Taxable Disposition of First Majestic Common Shares” below). However, because First Majestic may not maintain the calculations of earnings and profits in accordance with U.S. federal income tax principles, each U.S. Holder may be required to assume that any distribution by First Majestic with respect to the First Majestic common shares will be taxable to U.S. Holders as dividends for U.S. federal income tax purposes. Dividends received on First Majestic common shares generally will not be eligible for the “dividends received deduction” allowed to corporate U.S. Holders in


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respect of dividends received from other U.S. domestic corporations. Subject to applicable limitations and provided First Majestic is eligible for the benefits of the Convention or the First Majestic common shares are readily tradable on an established securities market in the United States, dividends paid by First Majestic to non-corporate U.S. Holders generally will be eligible for the preferential U.S. federal income tax rates applicable to long-term capital gains for dividends, provided certain holding period and other conditions are satisfied, including that First Majestic not be classified as a PFIC (as defined below) in the tax year of the distribution or in the preceding tax year. The dividend rules are complex, and each U.S. Holder should consult its own tax advisor regarding the application of such rules.

Sale or Other Taxable Disposition of First Majestic Common Shares

Upon the sale or other taxable disposition of First Majestic common shares, a U.S. Holder generally will recognize capital gain or loss in an amount equal to the difference between (a) the amount of cash plus the fair market value of any property received and (b) such U.S. Holder’s adjusted tax basis in such First Majestic common shares sold or otherwise disposed of. Gain or loss recognized on such sale or other taxable disposition generally will be long-term capital gain or loss if, at the time of the sale or other taxable disposition, the First Majestic common shares have been held for more than one year.

Preferential U.S. federal income tax rates may apply to long-term capital gain of a U.S. Holder that is an individual, estate, or trust. There are no preferential tax rates for long-term capital gain of a U.S. Holder that is a corporation. Deductions for capital losses are subject to significant limitations under the Code.

Passive Foreign Investment Company Rules

If First Majestic were to constitute a “passive foreign investment company” under Section 1297 of the Code (a “PFIC”) for any tax year during a U.S. Holder’s holding period, then certain potentially adverse rules would affect the U.S. federal income tax consequences to a U.S. Holder resulting from the ownership and disposition of First Majestic common shares, as discussed below. If First Majestic were a PFIC for any tax year during which a U.S. Holder owned First Majestic common shares, First Majestic would generally continue to be treated as a PFIC with respect to such U.S. Holder for all succeeding tax years during which such U.S. Holder held First Majestic common shares, even if First Majestic ceased to meet the threshold requirements for PFIC status.

First Majestic will be a PFIC if, for a tax year, (a) 75% or more of the gross income of First Majestic for such tax year is passive income (the “income test”) or (b) 50% or more of the value of First Majestic’s assets either produce passive income or are held for the production of passive income (the “asset test”), based on the quarterly average of the fair market value of such assets. “Gross income” generally includes all sales revenues less the cost of goods sold, plus income from investments and from incidental or outside operations or sources, and “passive income” generally includes, for example, dividends, interest, certain rents and royalties, certain gains from the sale of stock and securities, and certain gains from commodities transactions. In addition, for purposes of the PFIC income test and asset test described above, if First Majestic owns, directly or indirectly, 25% or more of the total value of the outstanding shares of another corporation, First Majestic will be treated as if it (a) held a proportionate share of the assets of such other corporation and (b) received directly a proportionate share of the income of such other corporation.

First Majestic believes that it was not a PFIC for its most recently completed tax year and, based on current business plans and financial expectations, First Majestic expects that it should not be a PFIC for its current tax year. No opinion of legal counsel or ruling from the IRS concerning the status of First Majestic as a PFIC has been obtained or is currently planned to be requested. PFIC classification is fundamentally factual in nature, generally cannot be determined until the close of the tax year in question, and is determined annually. Additionally, the analysis depends, in part, on the application of complex U.S. federal income tax rules, which are subject to differing interpretations. Consequently, there can be no assurance that First Majestic has never been, is not, and will not become a PFIC for any tax year during which U.S. Holders hold First Majestic common shares.


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Under certain attribution rules, if First Majestic is a PFIC, U.S. Holders will be deemed to own their proportionate share of any subsidiary of First Majestic which is also a PFIC (a “Subsidiary PFIC”), and will be subject to U.S. federal income tax on (i) a distribution on the shares of a Subsidiary PFIC or (ii) a disposition of shares of a Subsidiary PFIC, both as if the holder directly held the shares of such Subsidiary PFIC.

If First Majestic were a PFIC in any tax year and a U.S. Holder held First Majestic common shares, such U.S. Holder generally would be subject to special rules under Section 1291 of the Code with respect to “excess distributions” made by First Majestic on the First Majestic common shares and with respect to gain from the disposition of First Majestic common shares. An “excess distribution” generally is defined as the excess of distributions with respect to the First Majestic common shares received by a U.S. Holder in any tax year over 125% of the average annual distributions such U.S. Holder has received from First Majestic during the shorter of the three preceding tax years, or such U.S. Holder’s holding period for the First Majestic common shares, as applicable. Generally, a U.S. Holder would be required to allocate any excess distribution or gain from the disposition of the First Majestic common shares ratably over its holding period for the First Majestic common shares. Such amounts allocated to the year of the disposition or excess distribution would be taxed as ordinary income, and amounts allocated to prior tax years would be taxed as ordinary income at the highest tax rate in effect for each such year and an interest charge at a rate applicable to underpayments of tax would apply.

If First Majestic is considered a PFIC for a tax year, certain elections may be available that would result in alternative treatments (such as mark-to-market treatment, as discussed below) of First Majestic common shares. U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors to determine whether any of these alternative treatments would be available if First Majestic were to be considered a PFIC for a tax year and, if so, what the consequences of the alternative treatments would be in their particular circumstances and regarding the application of the PFIC rules. However, U.S. Holders should be aware that, for each tax year, if any, that First Majestic is a PFIC, First Majestic can provide no assurances that it will satisfy the record keeping requirements of a PFIC, or that it will make available to U.S. Holders the information such U.S. Holders require to make a qualified electing fund election (a “QEF Election”) under Section 1295 of the Code with respect to First Majestic or any Subsidiary PFIC.

Alternatively, a U.S. Holder may make an election to mark marketable shares in a PFIC to market on an annual basis. PFIC shares generally are marketable if: (i) they are “regularly traded” on a national securities exchange that is registered with the Securities Exchange Commission or on the national market system established under Section 11A of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934; or (ii) they are “regularly traded” on any exchange or market that the U.S. Treasury Department determines to have rules sufficient to ensure that the market price accurately represents the fair market value of the stock. It is expected that the First Majestic common shares, which are expected to be listed on the NYSE and the TSX, will qualify as marketable shares for the PFIC rules purposes, but there can be no assurance that First Majestic common shares will be “regularly traded” for purposes of these rules. Pursuant to such an election, a U.S. Holder would include in each year as ordinary income the excess, if any, of the fair market value of such stock over its adjusted tax basis at the end of the taxable year. These amounts of ordinary income would not be eligible for the preferential U.S. federal income tax rates applicable to qualified dividend income or long-term capital gains, as described above under “—Distributions on First Majestic Common Shares” and “—Sale or Other Taxable Disposition of First Majestic Common Shares,” respectively. A U.S. Holder may treat as ordinary loss any excess of the adjusted tax basis of the stock over its fair market value at the end of the year, but only to the extent of the net amount previously included in income as a result of the election in prior years. A U.S. Holder’s adjusted tax basis in the PFIC shares will be increased to reflect any amounts included in income, and decreased to reflect any amounts deducted, as a result of a mark-to-market election. Any gain recognized on a disposition of First Majestic common shares will be treated as ordinary income and any loss will be treated as ordinary loss (but only to the extent of the net amount of income previously included as a result of a mark-to-market election). A mark-to-market election applies for the taxable year in which the election was made and for each subsequent taxable year unless the PFIC shares ceased to be marketable or the IRS consents to the revocation of the election. U.S. Holders should also be


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aware that the Code and the Treasury Regulations do not allow a mark-to-market election with respect to stock of a Subsidiary PFIC that is non-marketable.

Certain additional adverse rules may apply with respect to a U.S. Holder if First Majestic is a PFIC, regardless of whether the U.S. Holder makes a QEF Election or mark-to-market election. These rules include special rules that apply to the amount of foreign tax credit that a U.S. Holder may claim on a distribution from a PFIC. Subject to these special rules, foreign taxes paid with respect to any distribution in respect of stock in a PFIC are generally eligible for the foreign tax credit.

In any tax year in which First Majestic is classified as a PFIC, U.S. Holders generally may be required to file an annual report (an IRS Form 8621) with the IRS containing such information as U.S. Treasury Regulations and/or other IRS guidance may require. In addition to penalties, a failure to satisfy such reporting requirements may result in an extension of the statute of limitations during which the IRS can assess a tax. U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the requirements of filing such information returns under these rules, including the requirement to file an IRS Form 8621 annually.

U.S. Holders should consult with their own tax advisors regarding the potential application of the PFIC rules to the ownership and disposition of First Majestic common shares, and the availability of certain U.S. tax elections under the PFIC rules.

Additional Tax Considerations for U.S. Holders

Foreign Tax Credits

Dividends paid on the First Majestic common shares will be treated as foreign-source income that generally will be treated as “passive category income” or “general category income” for U.S. foreign tax credit purposes. Any gain or loss recognized on a sale or other taxable disposition of the First Majestic common shares generally will be U.S. source gain or loss. The Code applies various complex limitations on the amount of foreign taxes that may be claimed as a credit by U.S. taxpayers. In addition, U.S. Treasury Regulations that apply to taxes paid or accrued (the “Foreign Tax Credit Regulations”) impose additional requirements for non-U.S. withholding taxes to be eligible for a foreign tax credit, and there can be no assurance that those requirements will be satisfied. The Treasury Department has recently released guidance temporarily pausing the application of certain of the Foreign Tax Credit Regulations.

Subject to the PFIC Rules and the Foreign Tax Credit Regulations, each as discussed above, a U.S. Holder that pays (whether directly or through withholding) non-U.S. income tax in connection with the ownership or disposition of First Majestic common shares may be entitled, at the election of such U.S. Holder, to receive either a deduction or a credit for such non-U.S. income tax paid. Subject to certain limitations, a credit will generally reduce a U.S. Holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability on a dollar-for-dollar basis, whereas a deduction will reduce a U.S. Holder’s income subject to U.S. federal income tax. This election is made on a year-by-year basis and applies to all creditable non-U.S. taxes paid (whether directly or through withholding) by a U.S. Holder during a tax year. The foreign tax credit rules are complex, and involve the application of rules that depend on a U.S. Holder’s particular circumstances. Accordingly, each U.S. Holder should consult its own U.S. tax advisor regarding the foreign tax credit rules.

Receipt of Foreign Currency

The amount of any distribution or proceeds paid in Canadian dollars to a U.S. Holder in connection with the ownership of First Majestic common shares, or on the sale or other taxable disposition of First Majestic common shares, or any Canadian dollars received in connection with the merger, will be included in the gross income of a U.S. Holder as translated into U.S. dollars calculated by reference to the spot rate of exchange in effect on the date of actual or constructive receipt of the distribution or proceeds, regardless of whether the Canadian dollars


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are converted into U.S. dollars at that time. If the Canadian dollars received are converted into U.S. dollars on the date of receipt, a U.S. Holder should not be required to recognize foreign currency gain or loss in respect of the distribution or proceeds. If the Canadian dollars received are not converted into U.S. dollars on the date of receipt, a U.S. Holder will have a tax basis in the Canadian dollars equal to its U.S. dollar value on the date of receipt. Different rules apply to U.S. Holders who use the accrual method of tax accounting. Any U.S. Holder who receives payment in Canadian dollars and engages in a subsequent conversion or other disposition of the Canadian dollars may have a foreign currency exchange gain or loss that would be treated as ordinary income or loss, and generally will be U.S. -source income or loss for foreign tax credit purposes. Each U.S. Holder should consult its own U.S. tax advisor regarding the U.S. federal income tax consequences of receiving, owning, and disposing of Canadian dollars.

Information Reporting and Backup Withholding

A U.S. Holder may be subject to information reporting and backup withholding for U.S. federal income tax purposes on cash received in connection with the merger and with respect to dividends on First Majestic common shares and the proceeds from the sale or other taxable disposition of First Majestic common shares. The current backup withholding rate is 24%. Backup withholding will not apply, however, to a U.S. Holder who (i) furnishes a correct taxpayer identification number and certifies the U.S. Holder is not subject to backup withholding on IRS Form W-9 or a substantially similar form or (ii) certifies the U.S. Holder is otherwise exempt from backup withholding. U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding their qualification for an exemption from backup withholding and the procedures for obtaining such an exemption. If a U.S. Holder does not provide a correct taxpayer identification number on IRS Form W-9 or other proper certification, the U.S. Holder may be subject to penalties imposed by the IRS. Any amounts withheld under the backup withholding rules may be refunded or allowed as a credit against a U.S. Holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability, if any, provided the required information is timely furnished to the IRS. In the event of backup withholding, U.S. Holders should consult with their own tax advisors to determine if they are entitled to any tax credit, tax refund or other tax benefit as a result of such backup withholding.

A U.S. Holder that receives First Majestic common shares in the merger that is considered a “significant holder,” will be required (1) to file a statement with its U.S. federal income tax return providing certain facts pertinent to the transaction, including its tax basis in, and the fair market value of, the Gatos common stock that such U.S. Holder surrendered, and (2) to retain permanent records of these facts relating to the merger. A “significant holder” is a holder that, immediately before the transaction, (a) owned at least 5.0% (by vote or value) of the outstanding stock of Gatos, or (b) owned securities of Gatos with a tax basis of $1.0 million or more.

Certain U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger to Non-U.S. Holders

Tax Consequences of the Merger

In general, a Non-U.S. Holder that exchanges its Gatos common stock for First Majestic common shares in the merger will be subject to the same rules applicable to U.S. Holders as discussed above under “Certain U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger to U.S. Holders” (other than with respect to the discussion regarding Section 367(a) of the Code), except that a Non-U.S. Holder generally will not be subject to U.S. federal income tax on any gain recognized as a result of the merger unless:



such gain is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business by the Non-U.S. Holder within the United States (and, if an applicable tax treaty so requires, is attributable to a permanent establishment or fixed base maintained by the Non-U.S. Holder in the United States);



the Non-U.S. Holder is an individual who is present in the United States for 183 days or more in the taxable year in which such gain is recognized and certain other conditions are met; or



Gatos common stock constitutes a “United States real property interest” (“USRPI”) by reason of Gatos’s status as a “United States real property holding corporation” (“USRPHC”) for U.S.


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federal income tax purposes at any time during the shorter of the five-year period ending on the date of disposition or the period that such Non-U.S. Holder held Gatos common stock.

Gain described in the first bullet point above generally will be subject to U.S. federal income tax on a net income basis at the regular U.S. federal income tax rates in the same manner as if such Non-U.S. Holder were a U.S. Holder. A Non-U.S. Holder that is a corporation may also be subject to an additional “branch profits tax” at a 30% rate (or lower applicable treaty rate) on its effectively connected earning and profits for the taxable year, subject to certain adjustments.

A Non-U.S. Holder described in the second bullet point above generally will be subject to a flat 30% U.S. federal income tax (or lower applicable treaty rate). Non-U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding possible eligibility for benefits under income tax treaties and the availability of U.S. -source capital losses to offset gain described in the second bullet point.

With respect to the third bullet point above, Gatos does not believe it is, or during the period of time referred to in such bullet point has been, a USRPHC, and will deliver to First Majestic in connection with the merger a certificate stating that Gatos common stock is not a USRPI. Even if Gatos is or were to become a USRPHC, gain arising from the surrender of Gatos common stock by a Non-U.S. Holder in the merger will not be subject to U.S. federal income tax if Gatos common stock are “regularly traded,” as defined by applicable U.S. Treasury Regulations, on an established securities market and such Non-U.S. Holder owned, actually and constructively, 5% or less of Gatos’ common stock throughout the shorter of the five-year period ending on the date of the merger.

Information Reporting and Backup Withholding

The exchange of the First Majestic common shares in exchange for Gatos common stock by a Non-U.S. Holder pursuant to the merger generally will be subject to information reporting if made within the United States or through certain U.S.-related financial intermediaries. Information returns are required to be filed with the IRS and copies of information returns may be made available to the tax authorities of the country in which the Non-U.S. Holder resides or is incorporated under the provisions of a specific treaty or agreement.

A Non-U.S. Holder may be subject to backup withholding for U.S. federal income tax purposes on any cash received in connection with the merger if the Non-U.S. Holder fails to provide certification of exempt status or a correct U.S. taxpayer identification number and otherwise comply with the applicable backup withholding requirements. The current backup withholding rate is 24%. Generally, a Non-U.S. Holder will not be subject to backup withholding if it provides a properly completed and executed appropriate IRS Form W-8. Backup withholding is not an additional tax. Amounts withheld under the backup withholding rules may be refunded or credited against the Non-U.S. Holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability, if any, provided certain information is timely filed with the IRS.

Certain Canadian Federal Income Tax Consequences

The following is, as of the date hereof, a summary of the principal Canadian federal income tax considerations generally applicable under the Canadian Tax Act to a beneficial owner of Gatos common stock who disposes, or is deemed to have disposed, of Gatos common stock pursuant to the transaction and who, for the purposes of the Canadian Tax Act and at all relevant times, (i) deals at arm’s length with and is not affiliated with First Majestic, merger sub or Gatos; and (ii) holds all Gatos common stock, and will hold all First Majestic common shares acquired pursuant to the transaction (collectively, the “Securities”) as capital property (a “Holder”). Generally, the Securities will be considered to be capital property to a Holder for purposes of the Canadian Tax Act, provided that the Holder does not use or hold those Securities in the course of carrying on a business and has not acquired such Securities as part of an adventure or concern in the nature of trade.


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This summary is based on the description of the transaction set out in this proxy statement/prospectus, the current provisions of the Canadian Tax Act and the regulations made thereunder, relevant jurisprudence, and counsel’s understanding of the current administrative policies of the Canada Revenue Agency (the “CRA”) published in writing and publicly available prior to the date hereof. This summary takes into account all specific proposals to amend the Canadian Tax Act publicly announced by or on behalf of the Minister of Finance (Canada) prior to the date hereof (the “Tax Proposals”) and assumes that all Tax Proposals will be enacted in the form proposed; however, no assurances can be given that the Tax Proposals will be enacted as proposed, or at all. This summary does not otherwise take into account or anticipate any changes in law or administrative policy whether by legislative, administrative or judicial action, nor does it take into account tax legislation or considerations of any province, territory or foreign jurisdiction, which may differ significantly from those discussed herein.

This summary is of a general nature only and is not exhaustive of all possible Canadian federal income tax considerations applicable to the transaction, or to the holding or disposition of First Majestic common shares. The income and other tax consequences of acquiring, holding or disposing of securities will vary depending on a Holder’s particular status and circumstances, including the country, province or territory in which the Holder resides or carries on business. This summary is not intended to be, nor should it be construed to be, legal or tax advice to any particular Holder. No representations are made with respect to the income tax consequences to any particular Holder. Holders resident or subject to taxation in a jurisdiction other than Canada should be aware that the transaction may have tax consequences both in Canada and in such other jurisdiction. Such consequences are not described herein. Holders should consult their own tax advisors with respect to the income tax consequences of the transaction in their particular circumstances, including the application and effect of the income and other tax laws of any applicable country, province, state or local tax authority.


This summary is not applicable to a Holder: (i) that is a “financial institution” (as defined in the Canadian Tax Act) for the purposes of the “mark-to-market property” rules, (ii) that is a “specified financial institution,” (as defined in the Canadian Tax Act) (iii) an interest in which would be a “tax shelter investment,” (as defined in the Canadian Tax Act) (iv) that has elected to determine its “Canadian tax results” (as defined in the Canadian Tax Act) in a currency other than Canadian currency, (v) that has entered or will enter into, in respect of any Securities, a “derivative forward agreement” or a “synthetic disposition arrangement,” (each as defined in the Canadian Tax Act) (vi) that is a partnership, or (vii) in respect of which Gatos is a “foreign affiliate” (as defined in the Canadian Tax Act), or (viii) that is exempt from tax under Part I of the Canadian Tax Act. Any such Holders should consult their own tax advisors with respect to the particular Canadian federal income tax consequences to them of the transaction and of the holding or disposition of First Majestic common shares.

Additional considerations, not discussed herein, may be applicable to a Holder that is a corporation resident in Canada and is, or becomes, or does not deal at arm’s length for purposes of the Canadian Tax Act with a corporation resident in Canada that is or becomes, as part of a transaction or series of transactions or events that includes the acquisition of First Majestic common shares, controlled by a non-resident person, or if no single non-resident person has or acquires control, by a group of non-resident persons not dealing with each other at arm’s length for purposes of the “foreign affiliate dumping” rules in section 212.3 of the Canadian Tax Act. Such Holders should consult their own tax advisors.

This summary does not address issues relevant to Gatos stockholders who acquired their Gatos common stock on the exercise of an employee stock option or pursuant to another employee incentive award. Such Holders should consult their own tax advisors.

Canadian Currency

For the purposes of the Canadian Tax Act, subject to certain exceptions (including where a taxpayer has made an election to compute its “Canadian tax results” in a currency other than Canadian currency), all amounts relating


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to the acquisition, holding or disposition of Gatos common stock and First Majestic common shares (including dividends, adjusted cost base and proceeds of disposition), as applicable, must be converted into Canadian dollars for the purposes of the Canadian Tax Act. Such amounts denominated in another currency must generally be converted into Canadian dollars using the Bank of Canada spot exchange rate on the date such amounts arise, or such other rate of exchange as is acceptable to the Minister of National Revenue (Canada).

Holders Resident in Canada

The following portion of the summary is generally applicable to a Holder who, at all relevant times and for purposes of the Canadian Tax Act and any applicable income tax treaty or convention, is or is deemed to be resident in Canada and is not exempt from tax under Part I of the Canadian Tax Act (a “Canadian Resident Holder”). A Canadian Resident Holder whose First Majestic common shares would not otherwise be capital property may be entitled to file an irrevocable election under subsection 39(4) of the Canadian Tax Act the effect of which may be to deem the First Majestic common shares (and all other “Canadian securities”, as defined in the Canadian Tax Act) owned by such Canadian Resident Holder in the taxation year in which the election is made and in all subsequent taxation years to be capital property. This election will not apply to any Gatos common stock held by such Canadian Resident Holder. A Canadian Resident Holder should consult their own tax advisors concerning this election.

Disposition of Gatos Common Stock

A Canadian Resident Holder that disposes of Gatos common stock in connection with the transaction will realize a capital gain (or capital loss) equal to the amount, if any, by which the proceeds of disposition, net of any reasonable costs of disposition, exceed (or are less than) the adjusted cost base to the Canadian Resident Holder of its Gatos common stock, determined immediately before the disposition. The proceeds of disposition to the Canadian Resident Holder will be equal to the sum of the aggregate of the fair market value of the First Majestic common shares received on the disposition and any cash consideration received in lieu of a fractional First Majestic common share. For a description of the tax treatment of capital gains and capital losses, see the subsection entitled “Taxation of Capital Gains and Capital Losses,” on page [●].

The cost to a Canadian Resident Holder of First Majestic common shares received by that Canadian Resident Holder as a result of the transaction will be equal to their fair market value at the time they are acquired by such Canadian Resident Holder. For purposes of determining the adjusted cost base of First Majestic common shares, the cost of the First Majestic common shares acquired must be averaged with the adjusted cost base of all other First Majestic common shares held by the Canadian Resident Holder as capital property, subject to the detailed provisions of the Canadian Tax Act.

Dividends on First Majestic Common Shares (Post-Transaction)

A Canadian Resident Holder will be required to include in computing its income for a taxation year any dividends received or deemed to be received on its First Majestic common shares. In the case of a Canadian Resident Holder that is an individual (other than certain trusts), such dividends will be subject to the gross-up and dividend tax credit rules applicable to taxable dividends received or deemed to be received from “taxable Canadian corporations” (as defined in the Canadian Tax Act), including the enhanced gross-up and dividend tax credit rules applicable to any dividends designated by First Majestic as eligible dividends in accordance with the provisions of the Canadian Tax Act. Although there can be no assurance that any dividend paid by First Majestic will be designated as an “eligible dividend,” First Majestic has posted notification on its website that, unless otherwise indicated, dividends on First Majestic common shares are designated as “eligible dividends” for purposes of the Canadian Tax Act. Dividends received or deemed to be received by an individual and certain trusts may give rise to a liability for minimum tax.

Dividends received (or deemed to be received) on a First Majestic common share by a Canadian Resident Holder that is a corporation will be included in computing such Canadian Resident Holder’s income for the taxation year


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and will generally also be deductible in computing its taxable income for that taxation year, subject to certain limitations in the Canadian Tax Act. In certain circumstances, all or a part of a dividend received (or deemed to be received) by a Canadian Resident Holder that is a corporation may be treated as proceeds of disposition or as a capital gain from the disposition of capital property and not as a dividend, pursuant to subsection 55(2) of the Canadian Tax Act. For a description of the tax treatment of capital gains and capital losses, see the subsection entitled “Taxation of Capital Gains and Capital Losses,” on page [●].

A Canadian Resident Holder that is a “private corporation” or a “subject corporation,” each as defined in the Canadian Tax Act, may be liable to pay an additional tax under Part IV of the Canadian Tax Act (which is generally refundable, subject to the detailed rules of the Canadian Tax Act) on dividends received, or deemed to be received, on a First Majestic common share to the extent such dividends are deductible in computing the Canadian Resident Holder’s taxable income. A Canadian Resident Holder of First Majestic common shares that is throughout the year a “Canadian-controlled private corporation”, or is at any time in the year, a “substantive CCPC”, each as defined in the Canadian Tax Act, may be liable to pay an additional tax, refundable in some circumstances, on such Canadian Resident Holder’s “aggregate investment income.” For this purpose, aggregate investment income will include, inter alia, an amount in respect of dividends or deemed dividends that are not deductible in computing taxable income. Canadian Resident Holders that are corporations should consult their own tax advisors regarding their particular circumstances.

Disposition of First Majestic Common Shares (Post-Transaction)

A Canadian Resident Holder who disposes or is deemed to dispose of an First Majestic common share after the transaction (other than a disposition to First Majestic, unless purchased by First Majestic in the open market in the manner in which shares would normally be purchased by any member of the public in the open market) will generally recognize a capital gain (or a capital loss) equal to the amount, if any, by which the proceeds of disposition, net of any reasonable costs of disposition, exceed (or are less than) the adjusted cost base to the Canadian Resident Holder of such First Majestic common share, determined immediately before the disposition. For a description of the tax treatment of capital gains and capital losses, see the subsection entitled “Taxation of Capital Gains and Capital Losses” immediately below.

Taxation of Capital Gains and Capital Losses

Under the provisions in the Canadian Tax Act currently in force, one-half of any capital gain realized in a particular taxation year will constitute a taxable capital gain that must be included in the calculation of the Canadian Resident Holder’s income for such year and one-half of any capital loss incurred in a particular taxation year will constitute an allowable capital loss that must be deducted against taxable capital gains of the Canadian Resident Holder realized in such year, subject in each case to the 2024 Capital Gains Proposals discussed below.

For capital gains and capital losses realized on or after June 25, 2024, under Tax Proposals introduced in a bill by the Minister of Finance (Canada) on September 24, 2024 (the “2024 Capital Gains Proposals”), and subject to certain transitional rules discussed below, generally, a Canadian Resident Holder is required to include in computing its income for a taxation year two-thirds of the amount of any such capital gain (a “taxable capital gain”) realized in the year, and is required to deduct two-thirds of the amount of any such capital loss (an “allowable capital loss”) realized in a taxation year from taxable capital gains realized in the year by such Canadian Resident Holder. However, under the 2024 Capital Gains Proposals, a Canadian Resident Holder that is an individual (excluding most types of trusts) is effectively required to include in income only one-half of net capital gains realized (including net capital gains realized indirectly through a trust or partnership) in a taxation year up to a maximum of C$250,000, with the two-thirds inclusion rate applying to the portion of net capital gains realized on or after June 25, 2024 in the year that exceed C$250,000. Allowable capital losses in excess of taxable capital gains realized in a taxation year may be carried back and deducted in any of the three preceding taxation years or carried forward and deducted in any subsequent taxation year against net taxable capital gains


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realized in such year to the extent and under the circumstances described in the Tax Act (as proposed to be amended by the 2024 Capital Gains Proposals).

Under the 2024 Capital Gains Proposals, different inclusion rates (or a blended inclusion rate) may apply for taxation years that begin before and end on or after June 25, 2024 (the “Transitional Year”). As a result, for its Transitional Year, a Canadian Resident Holder will be required to separately identify capital gains and capital losses realized before June 25, 2024 (“Period 1”) and those realized on or after June 25, 2024 (“Period 2”). Capital gains and capital losses from the same period will first be netted against each other, in each case disregarding capital gains sheltered by certain deductions claimed under the Canadian Tax Act. A net capital gain (or net capital loss) will arise if capital gains (or capital losses) from one period exceed capital losses (or capital gains) from that same period. A Canadian Resident Holder would effectively be subject to the higher inclusion rate of two-thirds in respect of its net capital gains arising in Period 2, to the extent that these net capital gains exceed any net capital losses incurred in Period 1. Conversely, a Canadian Resident Holder would effectively be subject to the lower inclusion rate of one-half in respect of its net capital gains arising in Period 1, to the extent that these net capital gains exceed any net capital losses incurred in Period 2.

The annual C$250,000 threshold for a Canadian Resident Holder that is an individual (excluding most types of trusts) will be fully available in 2024 without proration and will apply only in respect of net capital gains realized in Period 2 less any net capital loss from Period 1. Certain other limitations to the C$250,000 threshold may also apply.

Under the 2024 Capital Gains Proposals, two-thirds of capital losses realized prior to June 25, 2024 will be deductible against capital gains realized on or after June 25, 2024 included in income at the two-thirds inclusion rate, subject to the rules applicable to a Transitional Year.

The foregoing summary is of a general nature only and generally describes the considerations applicable under the 2024 Capital Gains Proposals, and is not an exhaustive summary of the considerations that could arise in respect of the 2024 Capital Gains Proposals. Canadian Resident Holders should consult their own tax advisors with regard to the 2024 Capital Gains Proposals.

The amount of any capital loss realized by a Canadian Resident Holder that is a corporation on the disposition of a First Majestic common share may be reduced by the amount of dividends received or deemed to be received by it on such share (or on a share for which the share has been substituted) to the extent and under the circumstances prescribed by the Canadian Tax Act. Similar rules may apply where a corporation is a member of a partnership or a beneficiary of a trust that owns shares, directly or indirectly through a partnership or a trust. Canadian Resident Holders to whom these rules may apply should consult their own tax advisors.

A Canadian Resident Holder of First Majestic common shares that is, throughout the year, a “Canadian-controlled private corporation”, or is at any time in the year a “substantive CCPC”, each as defined in the Canadian Tax Act, may be liable to pay an additional tax, refundable in some circumstances, on such Canadian Resident Holder’s “aggregate investment income.” For this purpose, aggregate investment income will include, inter alia, taxable capital gains. Canadian Resident Holders who are corporations should consult their own tax advisors in this regard.

Alternative Minimum Tax

Capital gains realized or deemed to be realized and dividends received or deemed to be received by a Canadian Resident Holder that is an individual (including certain trusts) may give rise to an alternative minimum tax under the Canadian Tax Act. Canadian Resident Holders should consult their own advisors with respect to the application of such alternative minimum tax.


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Eligibility for Investment

Based on the current provisions of the Canadian Tax Act and the regulations thereunder in force on the date hereof, provided that the First Majestic common shares are listed on a “designated stock exchange,” within the meaning of the Canadian Tax Act (which currently includes the TSX, the NYSE and Nasdaq), or First Majestic is otherwise a “public corporation” (other than a “mortgage investment corporation”) for purposes of the Canadian Tax Act, the First Majestic common shares will be qualified investments for trusts governed by a registered retirement savings plan, registered retirement income fund, registered education savings plan, registered disability savings plan, tax-free savings account and first home savings account, (collectively referred to as “Registered Plans”) or a deferred profit sharing plan, as each term is defined in the Canadian Tax Act.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the holder or subscriber of, or an annuitant under, a Registered Plan, as the case may be, (the “Controlling Individual”) will be subject to a penalty tax in respect of First Majestic common shares held in the Registered Plan if such securities are a “prohibited investment” (as defined in the Canadian Tax Act) for the particular Registered Plan. A First Majestic common share will generally not be a “prohibited investment” for a Registered Plan if the Controlling Individual deals at arm’s length with First Majestic for the purposes of the Canadian Tax Act and the Controlling Individual does not have a “significant interest” (as defined in the Canadian Tax Act for the purpose of the prohibited investment rules) in First Majestic. In addition, the First Majestic common shares will generally not be a “prohibited investment” if the First Majestic common shares are “excluded property” (as defined in the Canadian Tax Act) for a Registered Plan. Holders who intend to hold their First Majestic common shares through a Registered Plan should consult their own tax advisors as to whether the First Majestic common shares will be a prohibited investment in their particular circumstances.

Holders Not Resident in Canada

The following portion of the summary is generally applicable to a Holder who, at all relevant times and for purposes of the Canadian Tax Act, is not, and is not deemed to be, a resident of Canada and does not use or hold, and is not deemed to use or hold, Gatos common stock and will not use or hold, or be deemed to use or hold, First Majestic common shares in a business carried on in Canada (a “Non-Canadian Resident Holder”). This portion of the summary is not generally applicable to a Non-Canadian Resident Holder that is: (i) an insurer carrying on an insurance business in Canada and elsewhere or (ii) an “authorized foreign bank” (as defined in the Canadian Tax Act).

The following portion of the summary assumes that none of the Gatos common stock or First Majestic common shares will constitute “taxable Canadian property” to any particular Non-Canadian Resident Holder at any time. Generally, Gatos common stock or First Majestic common shares, as the case may be, will not constitute “taxable Canadian property” to a Non-Canadian Resident Holder at a particular time, provided that the applicable shares are listed at that time on a “designated stock exchange” (which currently includes the NYSE, Nasdaq and the TSX), unless at any particular time during the 60-month period that ends at that time:



one or any combination of (a) the Non-Canadian Resident Holder, (b) persons with whom the Non-Canadian Resident Holder does not deal at arm’s length, and (c) partnerships in which the Non-Canadian Resident Holder or a person described in (b) holds a membership interest directly or indirectly through one or more partnerships, owned 25% or more of the issued shares of any class or series of the capital stock of Gatos or First Majestic, as the case may be, and



more than 50% of the fair market value of Gatos common stock or First Majestic common shares, as the case may be, was derived directly or indirectly from one or any combination of: (a) real or immovable properties situated in Canada, (b) “Canadian resource properties” (as defined in the Canadian Tax Act), (c) “timber resource properties” (as defined in the Canadian Tax Act), and (d) options in respect of, or interests in, any of the foregoing property whether or not the property exists.

In certain circumstances set out in the Canadian Tax Act, shares which are not otherwise “taxable Canadian property” may be deemed to be “taxable Canadian property.”


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Disposition of Gatos Common Stock in Connection with the Transaction

A Non-Canadian Resident Holder will not be subject to tax under the Canadian Tax Act on any capital gain realized on a disposition of Gatos common stock in connection with the transaction unless the shares are “taxable Canadian property” to the Non-Canadian Resident Holder and the shares are not “treaty-protected property” of the Non-Canadian Resident Holder, each within the meaning of the Canadian Tax Act.

In the event that the Gatos common stock constitutes “taxable Canadian property” but not “treaty-protected property” to a particular Non-Canadian Resident Holder, the tax consequences as described above under the section entitled “Holders Resident in Canada—Disposition of Gatos Common Stock” and “Holders Resident in Canada -Taxation of Capital Gains and Capital Losses” will generally apply. A Non-Canadian Resident Holder who disposes of “taxable Canadian property” that is not “treaty-protected property” may have to file a Canadian income tax return for the year in which the disposition occurs.

Non-Canadian Resident Holders whose Gatos common stock are “taxable Canadian property” should consult their own tax advisors for advice having regard to their particular circumstances, including whether their Gatos common stock constitute “treaty-protected property.”

Dividends on First Majestic Common Shares (Post-Transaction)

Dividends paid or credited, or deemed to be paid or credited, on First Majestic common shares to a Non-Canadian Resident Holder generally will be subject to Canadian withholding tax at a rate of 25% of the gross amount of the dividend, unless the rate is reduced under the provisions of an applicable income tax convention. For example, the rate of withholding tax under the U.S.-Canada income tax treaty applicable to a Non-Canadian Resident Holder who is a resident of the United States for the purposes of such treaty, is the beneficial owner of the dividend and who is entitled to all of the benefits under such treaty, generally will be 15%. First Majestic will be required to withhold the required amount of withholding tax from the dividend, and remit it to the CRA for the account of the Non-Canadian Resident Holder. Non-Canadian Resident Holders who may be eligible for a reduced rate of withholding tax on dividends pursuant to an applicable income tax convention should consult their own tax advisors with respect to taking all appropriate steps in this regard.

Disposition of First Majestic Common Shares (Post-Transaction)

A Non-Canadian Resident Holder will not be subject to tax under the Canadian Tax Act on any capital gain realized on a disposition of First Majestic common shares, unless the shares are “taxable Canadian property” to the Non-Canadian Resident Holder and the shares are not “treaty-protected property” of the Non-Canadian Resident Holder, each within the meaning of the Canadian Tax Act. In the event that the First Majestic common shares constitute “taxable Canadian property” but not “treaty-protected property” to a particular Non-Canadian Resident Holder, the tax consequences as described above under the section entitled “Holders Resident in Canada—Disposition of First Majestic Common Shares (Post-Transaction)” and “Holders Resident in Canada -Taxation of Capital Gains and Capital Losses” will generally apply. A Non-Canadian Resident Holder who disposes of “taxable Canadian property” that is not “treaty- protected property” may have to file a Canadian income tax return for the year in which the disposition occurs.

Non-Canadian Resident Holders whose First Majestic common shares are “taxable Canadian property” should consult their own tax advisors for advice regarding their particular circumstances, including whether their First Majestic common shares constitute “treaty-protected property.”


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First Majestic Silver Corp.

Suite 1800 – 925 West Georgia Street

Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3L2


First Majestic is a company existing under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia). It is in the business of the production, development and exploration and acquisition of mineral properties, with a focus on silver and gold production in Mexico and the United States. Specifically, First Majestic owns and operates the San Dimas Silver/Gold Mine, the Santa Elena Silver/Gold Mine, and the La Encantada Silver Mine, all located in Mexico, as well as a portfolio of development and exploration assets, including the Jerritt Canyon Gold project located in northeastern Nevada, U.S.A. Mining operations at First Majestic’s Jerritt Canyon Gold project have been temporarily suspended since March 20, 2023. First Majestic is a primary silver producer with approximately 42% of its revenue in 2023 from the sale of silver and approximately 58% of its revenue in 2023 from the sale of gold.

Headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, First Majestic has approximately 3,750 employees worldwide. It is a reporting issuer in each of the provinces of Canada.

First Majestic’s corporate head office is located at Suite 1800 - 925 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3L2, Canada with its registered office located at Suite 2500 - 666 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 2X8, Canada. First Majestic’s common shares are publicly listed for trading on the NYSE and on the TSX under the symbol “AG”, and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol “FMV.”

Additional information about First Majestic can be found on its website at https://www.firstmajestic.com and under First Majestic’s SEDAR+ profile at www.sedarplus.ca and/or the EDGAR website. The information contained in, or that can be accessed through, First Majestic’s website is not intended to be incorporated in this proxy statement/prospectus. For additional information about First Majestic, see the section entitled “Where You Can Find Additional Information” on page [●].

Ocelot Transaction Corporation

c/o Register Agent Solutions, Inc.

838 Walker Road Suite 21-2,

Dover, County of Kent, Delaware 19904


Merger sub is a Delaware corporation and a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of First Majestic which was formed solely for the purpose of facilitating the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement. Merger sub has not carried on any activities or operations to date, except for those activities incidental to its formation and undertaken in connection with the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement. By operation of the merger, merger sub will merge with and into Gatos. As a result, immediately following the merger, Gatos will survive as a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of First Majestic.

Merger sub’s principal executive offices are located at 838 Walker Road Suite 21-2, Dover, County of Kent, Delaware, 19904, U.S.A.


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Gatos Silver, Inc.

Suite 910 - 925 West Georgia Street

Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3L2


Gatos is a Canadian-headquartered, Delaware-incorporated silver exploration, development and production company that discovered a new silver and zinc-rich mineral district in southern Chihuahua State, Mexico. As a 70% owner of the Los Gatos Joint Venture (the “LGJV”), Gatos is primarily focused on operating the Cerro Los Gatos mine and on growth and development of the Los Gatos district, located in Chihuahua, Mexico (the “LGD”). The LGD is comprised of approximately 103,000 hectares of land, consisting of multiple mineralized zones. Two of the identified mineralized zones, Cerro Los Gatos and Esther, have reported mineral resources. The deposits in the LGD are characterized by predominantly silver-lead-zinc epithermal mineralization.

Gatos common stock is traded on the NYSE and on the TSX under the symbol “GATO.” Gatos’ principal executive offices are located at Suite 910, 925 W Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3L2, Canada and its telephone number is (604) 424-0984.

Additional information about Gatos can be found on its website at www.gatossilver.com and under Gatos’ electronic profile at www.sedarplus.ca and/or the EDGAR website. The information contained in, or that can be accessed through, Gatos’ website is not intended to be incorporated in this proxy statement/prospectus. For additional information about Gatos, see the section entitled “Where You Can Find Additional Information”, on page [●].

Information Concerning the Combined Entity

Upon completion of the transaction, Gatos will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of First Majestic, Gatos will cease to be a reporting issuer and the Gatos common stock will be delisted from the TSX and the NYSE.


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The Gatos board unanimously recommends that Gatos stockholders vote “FOR” the Gatos merger proposal.

Gatos is asking its stockholders to adopt the merger agreement. Approval of the Gatos merger proposal by Gatos stockholders is required for completion of the merger. Gatos stockholders should read this proxy statement/prospectus carefully and in its entirety, including the annexes, for more detailed information concerning the merger agreement, the merger and the other transactions contemplated thereby. A copy of the merger agreement is attached to this proxy statement/prospectus as Annex A.

Assuming a quorum is present at the Gatos special meeting, approval of the Gatos merger proposal requires the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the shares of Gatos common stock outstanding as of the record date and entitled to vote on the Gatos merger proposal. Shares of Gatos common stock not present at the Gatos special meeting, shares that are present and not voted on the Gatos merger proposal, including due to the failure of any Gatos stockholder who holds their shares in “street name” through a bank, broker or other nominee to give voting instructions to such bank, broker or other nominee with respect to the Gatos merger proposal, and abstentions will have the same effect as a vote “AGAINST” the Gatos merger proposal.



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The chair of the Gatos special meeting in his or her capacity as such has the authority to adjourn such meeting in accordance with Gatos’ bylaws. In addition, Gatos is asking its stockholders to authorize the holder of any proxy solicited by the Gatos board to vote in favor of an adjournment of the Gatos special meeting from time to time in order to solicit additional proxies in favor of the Gatos merger proposal if there are insufficient votes at the time of such adjournment to approve the Gatos merger proposal or if otherwise determined by the chair of the meeting to be necessary or appropriate.

The Gatos board unanimously recommends that Gatos stockholders vote “FOR” the Gatos adjournment proposal.

Assuming a quorum is present at the Gatos special meeting, approval of the Gatos adjournment proposal requires the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the votes cast on the Gatos adjournment proposal. If a quorum is not present, the Gatos adjournment proposal requires the approval of a majority in voting interest of the stockholders present or represented by proxy at the Gatos special meeting; provided that the chair of the Gatos special meeting may also adjourn such meeting in accordance with Gatos’ bylaws. Accordingly, the failure to return or submit your proxy or to attend the Gatos special meeting will have no effect on the Gatos adjournment proposal. Assuming a quorum is present, the failure of any shares present or represented by proxy at the Gatos special meeting to vote “FOR” or “AGAINST” the Gatos adjournment proposal will have no effect on such proposal. However, assuming a quorum is not present, the failure of any shares present or represented by proxy at the Gatos special meeting to vote “FOR” the Gatos adjournment proposal will be treated as a vote “AGAINST” the Gatos adjournment proposal.



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This section describes the material terms of the merger agreement. The descriptions of the merger agreement in this section and elsewhere in this proxy statement/prospectus are qualified in their entirety by reference to the complete text of the merger agreement, a copy of which merger agreement is attached as Annex A and is incorporated by reference into this proxy statement/prospectus. This summary does not purport to be complete and may not contain all the information about the merger agreement that is important to you. You are encouraged to carefully read the entire merger agreement, as the rights and obligations of the parties thereto are governed by the express terms of the merger agreement and not by this summary or any other information contained in this proxy statement/prospectus.

Explanatory Note Regarding the Merger Agreement

The merger agreement and the summary of its terms in this proxy statement/prospectus are included to provide you with information about the terms and conditions of the merger agreement. Neither the merger agreement nor the summary of its material terms included in this section is intended to provide any factual information about First Majestic or Gatos or any of their respective subsidiaries or affiliates. The representations, warranties and covenants contained in the merger agreement were made only for purposes of the merger agreement, were made as of the specific dates therein, were made solely for the benefit of the parties to the merger agreement, may be subject to limitations agreed upon by the contracting parties, including being qualified by certain matters contained in confidential disclosures that First Majestic and Gatos delivered to each other in connection with the merger agreement and certain matters contained in certain reports publicly filed with the SEC and on SEDAR+ (all of which disclosures were not included in the merger agreement attached to this proxy statement/prospectus as Annex A, and were made for the purposes of allocating contractual risk between the parties to the merger agreement instead of establishing these matters as facts and may be subject to standards of materiality applicable to the contracting parties that differ from those applicable to investors). Investors are not third-party beneficiaries under the merger agreement except for the limited purposes expressly set forth therein and should not rely on the representations and warranties or any descriptions thereof as characterizations of the actual state of facts or condition of the parties thereto or any of their respective subsidiaries or affiliates. Moreover, information concerning the subject matter of representations and warranties, which do not purport to be accurate as of the date of this proxy statement/prospectus, may have changed since the date of the merger agreement, which subsequent information may or may not be fully reflected in First Majestic’s or Gatos’ public disclosures. Accordingly, the representations and warranties and other provisions in the merger agreement should not be relied on by any persons as characterizations of the actual state of facts about First Majestic or Gatos at the time they were made or otherwise.

Accordingly, the representations, warranties and other provisions of the merger agreement should not be read alone, but instead should be read together with the information provided elsewhere in this proxy statement/prospectus, the documents incorporated by reference into this proxy statement/prospectus and reports, statements and filings that Gatos files with the SEC and First Majestic files on SEDAR+ from time to time. For more information, see the section entitled “Where You Can Find Additional Information” on page [ ].

Structure and Effects of the Merger; Governance

The merger agreement provides that, upon the terms and subject to the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions set forth therein, at the effective time, merger sub will be merged with and into Gatos, the separate corporate existence of merger sub will cease, and Gatos will survive the merger as a wholly-owned subsidiary of First Majestic.

At the effective time, (i) the certificate of incorporation of Gatos will be amended and restated in its entirety to be in the form of the certificate of incorporation attached to the merger agreement as Exhibit B, a copy of which is attached to this proxy statement/prospectus as Annex A, and (ii) the by-laws of Gatos will be amended and


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restated to conform to the by-laws of merger sub as in effect immediately prior to the effective time, and as such will be the by-laws of the surviving corporation until thereafter changed or amended.

The directors and officers of merger sub immediately prior to the effective time will become the directors and officers of the surviving corporation.

Prior to the effective time, subject to First Majestic’s corporate governance standards, including First Majestic’s satisfactory completion of its customary screening and evaluation procedures for directors, First Majestic shall consider for appointment to the First Majestic board, in accordance with First Majestic’s governing documents, one individual mutually agreeable to Gatos and First Majestic, effective immediately following the effective time, to serve until the next annual meeting of First Majestic shareholders.

Closing and Effectiveness of the Merger

Unless another date is agreed to in writing by First Majestic and Gatos, the closing of the merger will take place by exchange of signature pages by email on the date which is the later of (i) January 15, 2025; and (ii) the third business day after the satisfaction or, to the extent permitted by law, waiver of all of the closing conditions set forth in the merger agreement (other than those conditions that by their nature are to be satisfied at the closing, but subject to the satisfaction or, to the extent permitted by law, waiver of those conditions).

The merger will become effective when the certificate of merger has been duly filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, or such other time as agreed by the parties to be specified in such certificate of merger. The date and time at which the merger becomes effective is referred to as the “effective time”. At the effective time, all of the rights, privileges, immunities, powers, purposes, property and assets of each of merger sub and Gatos will vest in the surviving corporation, and all liabilities, obligations and penalties of each of merger sub and Gatos shall be assumed by the surviving corporation.

Effect of the Merger on Gatos Common Stock; Merger Consideration

At the effective time, by virtue of the merger and without any action on the part of Gatos, First Majestic or holders of any securities of Gatos or of merger sub, upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the merger agreement, each share of Gatos common stock which is issued and outstanding immediately prior to the effective time, will be automatically converted into the right to receive 2.55 validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable First Majestic common shares, subject to the description below regarding fractional shares and dividends or distributions (other than shares of Gatos common stock owned by Gatos (including treasury stock), First Majestic, merger sub or by any of their respective wholly-owned subsidiaries (the “excluded shares”), which excluded shares shall be cancelled and shall cease to exist and for which no consideration shall be delivered in exchange therefor).

The exchange ratio will be adjusted appropriately, without duplication, to reflect the effect of any stock split, reverse stock split, stock dividend, reorganization, recapitalization, reclassification, combination, exchange of shares or other like change with respect to the Gatos common stock or First Majestic common shares outstanding at any time between the date of the merger agreement and immediately prior to the effective time to give First Majestic and the Gatos stockholders the same economic effect as contemplated by the merger agreement.

Treatment of Gatos’ Equity Awards

The merger agreement specifies the treatment of outstanding Gatos equity awards in connection with the merger, which will be treated as follows, as of the effective time:



Each outstanding and unexercised Gatos option (whether vested or unvested) will automatically be exchanged for an option to acquire First Majestic common shares on the same terms and


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conditions as were applicable under such Gatos option immediately prior to the effective time of the merger with respect to the number of First Majestic common shares underlying each such new First Majestic option (rounded down to the nearest whole number) determined by multiplying (i) the number of shares of Gatos common stock subject to such Gatos option immediately prior to the effective time of the merger by (ii) the exchange ratio. The exercise price applicable to any such Gatos option at and after the effective time of the merger will be an amount (rounded up to the nearest whole cent) equal to (i) the exercise price applicable to such Gatos option immediately prior to the effective time of the merger divided by (ii) the exchange ratio.



Each outstanding Gatos DSU will vest in full immediately prior to the effective time of the merger, and will settle for a number of First Majestic common shares (rounded down to the nearest whole number) determined by multiplying (i) the number of shares of Gatos common stock subject to such Gatos DSUs immediately prior to the effective time of the merger by (ii) the exchange ratio.



Each outstanding Gatos PSU, which were all granted on December 17, 2021, are scheduled to vest following a three-year performance period based on the total shareholder return (“TSR”) of Gatos relative to a peer group over a three-year performance period beginning on December 17, 2021 and ending on December 17, 2024 and will settle for shares of Gatos common stock which will receive the same merger consideration as other Gatos stockholders for each share of Gatos common stock that they hold at the effective time of the merger.



Each outstanding Gatos RSU which will vest in full immediately prior to the effective time of the merger, and will settle for a number of First Majestic common shares (rounded down to the nearest whole number) determined by multiplying (i) the number of shares of Gatos common stock subject to such Gatos RSUs immediately prior to the effective time of the merger by (ii) the exchange ratio.

As soon as practicable after the effective time, First Majestic will file with the SEC a registration statement on Form S-8 (or other applicable form) with respect to the First Majestic common shares subjected to the Gatos options that were exchanged for options to acquire First Majestic common shares, and use reasonable best efforts to maintain the effectiveness of such registration statement for so long as such options remain outstanding.

In addition, First Majestic will assume all rights and obligations in respect of the Gatos LTIP and will be able to grant stock awards thereunder if First Majestic elects to assume the share reserves of the Gatos LTIP as of the effective time, with such shares converted to First Majestic common shares based on the exchange ratio. If First Majestic elects to issue awards under the Gatos LTIP, First Majestic will file with the SEC a registration statement on Form S-8 (or other applicable form) with respect to the First Majestic common shares underlying such awards, and use reasonable best efforts to maintain the effectiveness of such registration statement for so long as such awards remain outstanding.

Fractional Shares

No fractional First Majestic common shares will be issued in connection with the merger and no certificate or scrip representing fractional First Majestic common shares will be issued upon the surrender for exchange of shares of Gatos common stock. Each holder of shares of Gatos common stock who would otherwise have been entitled to receive a fraction of a First Majestic common share will receive, in lieu of any such fractional First Majestic common shares, cash (without interest) in an amount equal to the product of (1) such fractional part of a First Majestic common share (rounded to the nearest one thousandth when expressed in decimal form) and (2) the VWAP of First Majestic common shares for a five trading day period, starting with the opening of trading on the sixth trading day prior to the closing date and ending with the closing of trading on the second to last trading day prior to the closing date, as reported by Bloomberg L.P., or if not reported therein, in another authoritative source mutually selected by First Majestic and Gatos.


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Payment for Gatos Common Stock

Prior to the effective time, First Majestic or merger sub will designate a bank or trust company reasonably acceptable to Gatos to act as the exchange agent in connection with the merger for the payment of the merger consideration in accordance with the merger agreement. At or prior to the effective time, First Majestic, on behalf of merger sub, will deposit or cause to be deposited with the exchange agent in trust for the sole benefit of the holders of Gatos common stock an exchange fund consisting of (i) evidence of First Majestic common shares issuable in book entry form equal to the aggregate merger consideration (excluding any fractional share consideration) and (ii) cash in immediately available funds in an amount sufficient to pay the aggregate fractional share consideration and, from time to time when payable, any dividends or distributions that might be payable in accordance with the merger agreement. If the exchange fund is insufficient to pay the aggregate fractional share consideration and any applicable dividends or distributions, First Majestic, on behalf of merger sub, will promptly deposit or cause to be deposited additional funds with the exchange agent in the amount required to make such payment.

As soon as reasonably practicable following the effective time, and in no event later than the fifth business day after such time, First Majestic will cause the exchange agent to mail to each holder of record of a valid certificate that immediately prior to the effective time represented outstanding Gatos common stock or of non-certificated shares of Gatos common stock represented by book entry, in each case, whose shares were converted into the right to receive the merger consideration (i) a letter of transmittal; and (ii) instructions for surrendering book entry shares or certificates in exchange for payment of the merger consideration. Upon surrender of a certificate or book entry share for cancellation to the exchange agent and an executed letter of transmittal, the holder of such a certificate or book entry share is entitled to receive in exchange of such certificate or book entry share (i) the applicable merger consideration, (ii) any fractional share consideration and (iii) any cash amounts the holder has the right to receive in respect of dividends or distributions on First Majestic common shares for each share of Gatos common stock formerly represented by the certificate or book entry share. Each holder of record of Gatos common stock shall, upon surrender to the exchange agent of such certificated or book entry shares, together with such duly executed letter of transmittal and such other documents as may reasonably be required by the exchange agent pursuant to such instructions, be entitled to receive in exchange therefor the merger consideration as described above, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the merger agreement.

In the case of any certificate that has been lost, stolen or destroyed, upon the making of an affidavit of that fact by the person claiming such certificate has been lost, stolen or destroyed and, if required by First Majestic or the exchange agent, the posting by such holder of an indemnity or a bond in an amount determined by First Majestic or the exchange agent to be reasonably necessary to indemnify the exchange agent and the surviving corporation against any claim that may be made with respect to such certificate, the exchange agent will issue in exchange therefor the merger consideration as described above (together with any cash in lieu of fractional shares of First Majestic common shares which would otherwise be issuable in respect of such shares of Gatos common stock and any dividends, if applicable, without interest) payable with respect to the shares of Gatos common stock represented by such lost, stolen or destroyed certificate.

At the effective time, the stock transfer books of Gatos will be closed and thereafter no further transfers of shares of Gatos common stock outstanding may be registered and all shares of Gatos common stock will no longer be outstanding and will automatically be cancelled and cease to exist. From and after the effective time, each holder of Gatos common stock will cease to have any rights with respect thereto, except the right to receive the merger consideration as described above, including the right to receive cash in lieu of fractional First Majestic common shares which would otherwise be issuable in respect of such shares of Gatos common stock, together with any dividends, if applicable, without interest.

At any time following the date 12 months after the effective time, the surviving corporation will be entitled to require the exchange agent to deliver to First Majestic any merger consideration (including any interest received with respect thereto) remaining in the exchange fund that has not been disbursed and thereafter holders of


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certificated or book entry shares shall be entitled to look only to the surviving corporation and First Majestic (subject to abandoned property, escheat or other similar laws) with respect to the applicable merger consideration, payable upon surrender of their certificated or book entry shares, without any interest thereon.

Withholding Rights

Each of First Majestic and the surviving corporation will be entitled to deduct and withhold, or cause the exchange agent to deduct and withhold, from any amounts otherwise payable pursuant to the merger agreement to any person such amounts as are required to be deducted and withheld with respect to the making of such payment under the Code or any provision of applicable tax law. In the event that any such deduction or withholding is required, (i) the applicable withholding agent will provide notice to such person as soon as reasonably practicable, (ii) the parties agree to cooperate in good faith to minimize the amount of any deduction or withholding, (iii) the applicable withholding agent may deduct the required amount of deduction or withholding from any cash consideration payable to such person and use such amount to satisfy the required deduction or withholding, and (iv) the person and the applicable withholding agent may make any other arrangement to fund the deduction or withholding obligation as are mutually satisfactory. Any amounts so withheld will be treated for all purposes of the merger agreement as having been paid to the person in respect of which such deduction and withholding was made.

Representations and Warranties

The merger agreement contains representations and warranties made by Gatos to First Majestic, solely for the benefit of First Majestic, and by First Majestic and merger sub to Gatos, solely for the benefit of Gatos. Certain of the representations and warranties in the merger agreement are subject to important exceptions and qualifications, including (i) materiality or “material adverse effect” qualifications (that is, they will not be deemed to be inaccurate or incorrect unless their failure to be true or correct is material or would result in a “material adverse effect” (as defined below) on the party making such representation or warranty) and (ii) knowledge qualifications, which means that those representations and warranties would not be deemed untrue, inaccurate or incorrect as a result of matters of which certain officers of the party making the representation or warranty did not have actual knowledge. Furthermore, each of the representations and warranties is subject to the qualifications set forth in the disclosure letter delivered to First Majestic by Gatos, in the case of representations and warranties made by Gatos, or the disclosure letter delivered to Gatos by First Majestic, in the case of representations and warranties made by First Majestic and merger sub (with each letter referred to as the delivering party’s disclosure letter), as well as certain of their respective public filings.

The representations and warranties made by Gatos to First Majestic, and by First Majestic and merger sub to Gatos, under the merger agreement relate to, among other things:



company organization, valid existence, good standing, qualification to do business and the effectiveness of organizational documents;



capitalization and ownership of subsidiaries;



requisite corporate power and authority to enter into the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement, due execution, the valid and binding nature of the merger agreement and board resolutions;



required consents and approvals from governmental entities;



absence of violations of material contracts, organizational documents and applicable law;



accuracy and completeness of SEC or SEDAR+ filings, as applicable;



accuracy of historic financial statements;



internal controls and disclosure controls and procedures relating to financial reporting;


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the absence of undisclosed liabilities;



compliance with laws;



possession of, and compliance with, permits and authorizations necessary for the conduct of such party’s business;



compliance with applicable environmental laws or regulations relating to hazardous materials (meaning those substances defined as hazardous, toxic, waste, pollutant or contaminant) and the absence of outstanding orders relating to compliance with environmental laws;



employee benefit plans;



conduct of business in the ordinary course and the absence of a material adverse effect, in each case since December 31, 2023, through the date of the merger agreement;



the absence of investigations or reviews pending by a governmental entity or claims, complaints, litigations, actions, petitions, suits, arbitrations, mediations or similar legal proceedings pending that would reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect or challenge or seek to delay the merger;



tax matters;



labor and employment matters;



intellectual property;



real property, tangible property and leased property;



mineral reserves;



receipt of opinion from the party’s financial advisor;



material contracts;






brokers and transaction-related fees and expenses;



compliance with U.S. foreign corrupt practices act and certain similar laws and anti-corruption policies and regulations;



that Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable, or their respective subsidiaries are not sanctioned persons and compliance with applicable sanctions laws;



affiliate transactions;



thresholds under the Hart-Scott Rodino Act (in the case of Gatos);



the absence of ownership by First Majestic and its subsidiaries of Gatos common stock;



the activities of merger sub (in the case of First Majestic); and



an acknowledgment that the only representations and warranties are those set forth in the merger agreement.

For purposes of the merger agreement, “material adverse effect,” when used in reference to First Majestic or Gatos, means any change, effect, development, circumstance, condition, state of facts, event or occurrence that (i) has a material adverse effect on the business, results of operations or financial condition of Gatos or First Majestic, as the case may be, and their respective subsidiaries, taken as a whole, or (ii) that prevents or materially delays the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement from occurring on or before the outside date; provided, however, that in the case of clause (i), no change, effect, development, circumstance, condition, state of facts, event or occurrence to the extent resulting or arising from the following, either alone or


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in combination, shall be deemed to constitute a “material adverse effect” or shall be taken into account when determining whether a “material adverse effect” exists or has occurred or is reasonably likely to exist or occur (except, in the case of the first six items below, to the extent Gatos and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, or First Majestic and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, as applicable, are disproportionately impacted thereby relative to other entities operating in the same industry or industries and the same jurisdiction (in which case the incremental disproportionate impact may be taken into account in determining whether there has been a “material adverse effect,” and only to the extent otherwise permitted by the merger agreement):



changes in general United States, Mexico, Canada or global economic conditions;



conditions (or changes therein) in any industry or industries in which Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable, operates (including any change (on a current or forward basis) in the price of silver or changes in commodity prices or general market prices affecting the mining industry generally);



general legal, tax, economic, political or regulatory conditions (or changes therein), including any changes affecting financial, credit or capital market conditions or changes in interest or exchange rates and any such conditions related to a government shutdown, federal debt ceiling or banking or credit crisis;



any change or prospective changes occurring after the date of the merger agreement in laws or U.S. GAAP or IFRS, as applicable, or the interpretation or enforcement thereof;



any adoption, implementation, promulgation, repeal, modification, amendment, reinterpretation, change or proposal of any applicable law of and by any governmental entity occurring after the date of the merger agreement (including with respect to taxes);



(A) any hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, fire, explosion, weather-related event, natural or man-made disaster, act of God or other force majeure events or occurrences, (B) epidemics, pandemics or disease outbreaks (including COVID-19) or the worsening thereof or applicable laws (or the interpretation thereof) adopted in response thereto, or (C) (1) any outbreak or escalation or worsening of hostilities, acts of war (whether or not declared), military actions, cyber-attacks, data breaches, acts of insurrection, political unrest, riots or any act of sabotage or terrorism (foreign or domestic) or (2) the geopolitical dispute between the Russian Federation and Ukraine and any evolution or worsening thereof, including, the response of any governmental entities thereto;



compliance with the express terms of the merger agreement or any other agreement entered into in connection therewith and any action taken or omitted to be taken by Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable, and its subsidiaries at the express written direction or request of or with the express prior written consent of the other party;



changes in the price of Gatos common stock or First Majestic common shares, as applicable, in each case in and of itself (it being understood that the changes, effects, developments, circumstances, conditions, state of facts, events or occurrences giving rise or contributing to such changes that are not otherwise excluded from the definition of “material adverse effect” may be taken into account);



any failure by Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable, to meet any internal or published projections, estimates or expectations of the revenue, earnings or other financial performance or results of operations for any period, in and of itself, of Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable, or any failure by Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable, to meet its internal budgets, plans or forecasts of its revenues, earnings or other financial performance or results of operations, in and of itself (it being understood that the changes, effects, developments, circumstances, conditions, state of facts, events or occurrences giving rise or contributing to such failure that are not otherwise excluded from the definition of “material adverse effect” may be taken into account);



the negotiation, public announcement or pendency of the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement, including the impact of any of the foregoing on the relationships, contractual or otherwise, of Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable, with customers, suppliers, service providers, employees,


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governmental entities, stockholders, joint venture partners or any other persons having a relationship with Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable, and including any resulting litigation (including any claims of breach of fiduciary duty or disclosure claims); or



any reduction in the credit rating of Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable, or their respective subsidiaries, as applicable, in and of itself (it being understood that the changes, effects, developments, circumstances, conditions, state of facts, events or occurrences giving rise or contributing to such reduction that are not otherwise excluded from the definition of “material adverse effect” may be taken into account).

Conduct of Business Pending the Merger

Each of First Majestic and Gatos has agreed to certain covenants in the merger agreement regarding the conduct of their respective businesses during the interim period. During the interim period, except (v) as set forth in the applicable party’s disclosure letter, (w) as expressly contemplated or permitted by the merger agreement, (x) as required by applicable law or any governmental entity, (y) actions intended to protect the life, property or the environment or comply with public health requirements or (z) as consented to in writing by the other party (which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned), each of First Majestic and Gatos will, and will cause their respective subsidiaries to, use commercially reasonable efforts to (i) conduct its business in the ordinary course of business in all material respects and (ii) preserve intact its and their present business organizations, keep available the services of its and their executive officers and maintain satisfactory relationships with persons having material business relations with First Majestic or Gatos, as applicable.

During the interim period, except (v) as set forth in the applicable party’s disclosure letter, (w) as expressly contemplated or permitted by the merger agreement, (x) as required by applicable law or any governmental entity, (y) actions intended to protect the life, property or the environment or comply with public health requirements or (z) as consented to in writing by the other party (which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed), each of Gatos and First Majestic will not, and will not permit any of their respective subsidiaries to:



declare, set aside, authorize or pay any dividends on or make any distribution with respect to its outstanding shares of capital stock (whether in cash, assets, shares or other securities of Gatos or any of its subsidiaries or First Majestic or any of its subsidiaries, as applicable), except dividends and distributions paid or made by a Gatos subsidiary to Gatos or another wholly-owned Gatos subsidiary or by a First Majestic subsidiary to First Majestic or to another wholly-owned subsidiary of First Majestic, as applicable, and except, in the case of First Majestic, First Majestic’s regular quarterly dividends paid consistent with past practice and in accordance with First Majestic’s publicly announced dividend policy as of the date of the merger agreement;



split, combine, reduce or reclassify any of its issued or unissued capital stock or amend the terms of any of its or its subsidiaries’ securities, except for any such transaction by a wholly-owned subsidiary which remains a wholly-owned subsidiary after consummation of such transaction;



in the case of Gatos, except (A) pursuant to any Gatos benefit plan, collective bargaining agreement, or contract by and between any employee, individual independent contractor, or other individual non-employee service provider of Gatos or any Gatos subsidiary in effect as of the date of the merger agreement or (B) in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice, (1) materially increase the level of, or accelerate the timing of payment, vesting, or funding of, compensation or benefits to any officer-level employee, (2) materially modify or amend or terminate any material Gatos benefit plan, or establish or adopt any material plan, program, policy or practice that would be a Gatos benefit plan if in effect on the date of the merger agreement, (3) hire or engage, or terminate (other than for cause) any officer-level employee (provided, that Gatos or any Gatos subsidiary may hire an employee as a replacement for a previously terminated employee), or (4) enter into, negotiate,


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materially amend, or terminate any collective bargaining agreement (or any agreement or arrangement that would be a collective bargaining agreement if in effect on the date of the merger agreement);



make any material change in financial accounting policies, principles, practices or procedures or any of its methods of reporting income, deductions or other material items for financial accounting purposes, except as required by U.S. GAAP (in the case of Gatos) or IFRS (in the case of First Majestic), applicable law, or policies of the SEC, NYSE or TSX;



acquire (by merger, consolidation, acquisition of stock or assets or otherwise) directly or indirectly, in one transaction or in a series of related transactions, any person, or, other than investments required by existing contracts to which it or its subsidiaries are bound, make any investment or agree to make any investment, directly or indirectly, in one transaction or in a series of related transactions, either by purchase of shares or securities, contributions of capital (other than to wholly-owned subsidiaries), property, transfer or purchase of any property or assets of any other person, other than such investments in securities in the ordinary course of business;



enter into any new material line of business;



amend the governing documents of Gatos or First Majestic or permit any subsidiary to adopt any amendments to its governing documents;



issue, deliver, grant, sell, pledge, dispose of or encumber, or authorize the issuance, delivery, grant, sale, pledge, disposition or encumbrance of, any shares in its capital stock, voting securities or other equity interest in it or any of its subsidiaries or any securities convertible into or exchangeable for any such shares, voting securities or equity interest, or any rights, warrants or options to acquire any such shares in its capital stock, voting securities or equity interest or any “phantom” stock, “phantom” stock rights, stock appreciation rights or stock based performance units or take any action to cause to be exercisable or settled any otherwise unexercisable or unsettled equity award (except as otherwise required by the express terms of any equity award outstanding on the date of the merger agreement), other than (A) issuances of shares of Gatos common stock or First Majestic common shares, as applicable, in respect of the vesting or settlement of equity awards outstanding on the date of the merger agreement and in accordance with their respective present terms or (B) transactions between Gatos and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gatos, or between wholly-owned subsidiaries of Gatos, or between First Majestic and a wholly-owned subsidiary of First Majestic or between wholly-owned subsidiaries of First Majestic, as applicable;



directly or indirectly, purchase, redeem or otherwise acquire, including pursuant to existing share repurchase programs, any shares in its capital or any rights, warrants or options to acquire any such shares in its capital, or establish any new repurchase programs with respect to any such shares, except for (A) acquisitions of shares of Gatos common stock or First Majestic common shares, as applicable, tendered by holders of equity awards in order to satisfy obligations to pay the exercise price and/or tax withholding obligations with respect thereto, (B) the acquisition of its equity awards, respectively, in connection with the forfeiture of such awards and (C) transactions between Gatos and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gatos, or between wholly-owned subsidiaries of Gatos, or between First Majestic and a wholly-owned subsidiary of First Majestic or between wholly-owned subsidiaries of First Majestic, as applicable;



incur or assume any indebtedness for borrowed money except for (A) any indebtedness for borrowed money among it and its wholly-owned subsidiaries or among wholly-owned subsidiaries, (B) indebtedness for borrowed money incurred to replace, renew, extend, refinance or refund any existing indebtedness for borrowed money of it or its subsidiaries, in each case in an amount not to exceed the amount of the indebtedness replaced, renewed, extended, refinanced or refunded, and (C) guarantees by Gatos or First Majestic of indebtedness for borrowed money of its respective wholly-owned subsidiaries or guarantees by wholly-owned subsidiaries of indebtedness for borrowed money of Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable, or any wholly-owned subsidiary of Gatos or First


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Majestic, as applicable, (D) indebtedness incurred under the Gatos Credit Agreement (in the case of Gatos and its subsidiaries) and (E) indebtedness incurred in the ordinary course of business in an aggregate amount not to exceed $5,000,000, in the case of Gatos and its subsidiaries, and $10,000,000, in the case of First Majestic and its subsidiaries;



make any loans to any other person, except for (A) loans among Gatos and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gatos, or between wholly-owned subsidiaries of Gatos, or among First Majestic and a wholly-owned subsidiary of First Majestic or between wholly-owned subsidiaries of First Majestic, as applicable and (B) extensions of credit to customers in the ordinary course of business;



sell, lease (as lessor), license, transfer or otherwise dispose of, or subject to any lien (other than permitted liens), any properties or assets of its and its subsidiaries that are material to Gatos or First Majestic and their respective subsidiaries, as applicable, taken as a whole (including, without limitation, any mining rights of Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable), other than Gatos or First Majestic intellectual property, as applicable, except (A) sale and dispositions of raw materials, obsolete or surplus equipment, mine output and other inventories in the ordinary course of business, (B) encumbrances and liens that are incurred in connection with Indebtedness permitted to be incurred, (C) for transactions among Gatos and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gatos, or among wholly-owned subsidiaries of Gatos, or between First Majestic and a wholly-owned subsidiary of First Majestic or between wholly-owned subsidiaries of First Majestic, as applicable, (D) for sales of assets that do not exceed, in the aggregate, a fair market value of $5,000,000, in the case of Gatos and its subsidiaries, and $10,000,000, in the case of First Majestic and its subsidiaries;



(A) sell, license, sublicense, covenant not to assert, allow to lapse, fail to maintain, transfer, or otherwise abandon or dispose of, or subject to any lien (other than permitted liens), any Gatos or First Majestic intellectual property, as applicable, that is material to it and its subsidiaries’ respective business, taken as a whole, except for non-exclusive licenses granted in the ordinary course of business (1) to customers or (2) to vendors or service providers for use for the benefit of it or its subsidiaries; or (B) disclose to any third parties any trade secrets or material confidential information of it or its subsidiaries, except pursuant to reasonable protective confidentiality agreements;



compromise or settle any action against it or its subsidiaries other than with respect to transaction litigation, or any action related to tax, other than the compromise or settlement of actions made (A) in the case of Gatos and its subsidiaries, in the ordinary course of business or (B) in the case of Gatos and First Majestic and their respective subsidiaries, that: (1) would not result in liability in excess of $10,000,000 in the aggregate, in the case of Gatos, and $20,000,000 in the aggregate, in the case of First Majestic, or such greater amount reserved therefor or reflected in the Gatos SEC documents or First Majestic SEDAR+ documents (excluding any amounts that insurance companies have agreed to pay under existing insurance policies), as applicable, (2) contains a full release of it or its applicable subsidiaries and (3) does not involve an admission of criminal wrongdoing or impose any material injunctive or other non-monetary remedy or a material restriction on it and its subsidiaries (other than customary release, confidentiality and non-disparagement obligations);



make or change any material tax election, change any tax accounting period for purposes of a material tax or material method of tax accounting, file any material amended tax return, settle or compromise any audit or proceeding relating to material taxes or agree to an extension or waiver of the statute of limitations with respect to a material amount of taxes, enter into any “closing agreement” within the meaning of Section 7121 of the Code (or any similar provision of U.S. state or local, or non-U.S. Law) with respect to any material tax, enter into any tax sharing, tax allocation, tax indemnification or similar agreement (other than (1) any agreements entered into in the ordinary course of business that are not primarily related to taxes or (2) any such agreement to which it or any of its subsidiaries are the only counterparties), make a written request for a material tax ruling to any governmental entity or surrender any right to claim a material tax refund, except in each case with respect to any such actions taken in the ordinary course of business, or that are not reasonably expected to materially increase its and its subsidiaries’ tax liabilities;


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make any new capital expenditure or expenditures in excess of $3,000,000 individually or $5,000,000 in the aggregate, in the case of Gatos, and $6,000,000 individually or $10,000,000 in the aggregate, in the case of First Majestic, that are not consistent with Gatos’ or First Majestic’s respective budget plan provided to the other party prior to the execution of the merger agreement or Gatos’ or First Majestic’s 2025 budget plan, as applicable;



except in the ordinary course of business, (A) enter into any contract that would, if entered into prior to the date of the merger agreement, be a “material contract” as defined in the merger agreement with respect to Gatos and its subsidiaries or First Majestic and its subsidiaries, as appliable, or (B) materially modify, materially amend or terminate or fail to renew any “material contract” as defined in the merger agreement with respect to Gatos and its subsidiaries or First Majestic and its subsidiaries, as appliable;



authorize, recommend, propose or announce an intention to adopt or effect a plan of complete or partial liquidation, dissolution, consolidation, restructuring, recapitalization, re-domiciliation or other reorganization other than transactions involving only immaterial wholly-owned subsidiaries or file a petition in bankruptcy;



materially reduce the amount of insurance coverage or fail to use commercially reasonable efforts to renew any material existing insurance policies;



in the case of Gatos, amend or otherwise modify in any material respect any engagement letter between Gatos and any financial advisor described in the Gatos disclosure letter or enter into a new engagement letter with any such financial advisor; or



agree, in writing or otherwise, to take any of the foregoing actions.

Agreement Not to Solicit Other Offers

During the interim period, each of Gatos and First Majestic have agreed not to, and to cause its subsidiaries and its and their respective officers and not to, and will instruct and use its reasonable best efforts to cause its and its subsidiaries’ other representatives not to, directly or indirectly:



solicit, initiate, knowingly encourage or knowingly facilitate any competing proposal (as defined below) or any inquiry, proposal or offer which would reasonably be expected to lead to a competing proposal;



participate in or engage in any negotiations or discussions (other than to state that they are not permitted to have discussions) regarding, or furnish to any person (other than First Majestic, merger sub and their representatives, in the case of Gatos, and Gatos and its representatives, in the case of First Majestic) any non-public information relating to it or its subsidiaries in connection with any competing proposal or any inquiry, proposal or offer which would reasonably be expected to lead to a competing proposal; or



waive, terminate, modify or release any person from any provision of any “standstill” or similar agreement or obligation, except in the event, in the case of Gatos, the Gatos board (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) or the Gatos Special Committee, and in the case of First Majestic, the First Majestic board, determines in good faith after consultation with its outside legal counsel that the failure to take such action would reasonably be expected to be inconsistent with the fiduciary duties of the members of its board of directors or, in the case of Gatos, the Gatos Special Committee under applicable law.

Notwithstanding these limitations, the merger agreement provides that if, at any time prior to obtaining the approval of its stockholders, Gatos or First Majestic receives a bona fide, unsolicited competing proposal from any person that did not result from a material breach of such party’s non-solicitation obligations, which such party’s board of directors or, in the case of Gatos, the Gatos Special Committee determines in good faith after


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consultation with outside legal and financial advisors, constitutes or would reasonably be expected to lead to or result in a superior proposal (as defined below), then Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable, may:



furnish non-public information regarding, and/or provide access to the business, properties, assets, books or records of, it and its subsidiaries to the person making such competing proposal and such person’s representatives if, and only if, prior to so furnishing such information, it receives from such person an acceptable confidentiality agreement as contemplated by the merger agreement (provided that it also provides the other party any such information that is provided to such person that was not previously provided to the other party within forty-eight (48) hours of providing to such person); and



engage in discussions or negotiations with such person regarding the competing proposal.

A “competing proposal” means with respect to a party, other than a party to the merger agreement or its affiliates, whether or not in writing, any inquiry, proposal or offer from, or public expression of intention by, any person or “group” (as defined in the Section 13(d) of the U.S. Exchange Act and the rules promulgated thereunder) of persons relating to (i) any acquisition or purchase (or any lease, royalty, agreement, joint venture, long-term supply agreement or other arrangement having the same economic effect as an acquisition or purchase), direct or indirect, through one or more transactions of (A) twenty percent (20%) or more of the consolidated assets of such party and its subsidiaries taken as a whole (based on the most recent consolidated financial statements of such party filed with the SEC or SEDAR+, as the case may be), or (B) twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of such party or twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of one or more subsidiaries of such party whose assets, individually or in the aggregate, constitute twenty percent (20%) or more of the consolidated assets of such party and its subsidiaries taken as a whole (based on the most recent consolidated financial statements of such party filed with the SEC or SEDAR+, as the case may be), (ii) any take-over bid, tender offer or exchange offer that, if consummated, would result in such person or group owning twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of such party or twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of one or more subsidiaries of such party whose assets, individually or in the aggregate, constitute twenty percent (20%) or more of the consolidated assets of such party and its subsidiaries taken as a whole (based on the most recent consolidated financial statements of such party filed with the SEC or SEDAR+, as the case may be), or (iii) a plan of arrangement, merger, amalgamation, consolidation, share exchange, business combination, reorganization, recapitalization, liquidation, dissolution or other similar transaction involving the issuance, acquisition or conversion of, or the disposition of, twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of such party or twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of one or more subsidiaries of such party whose assets, individually or in the aggregate, constitute twenty percent (20%) or more of the consolidated assets of such party and its subsidiaries taken as a whole (based on the most recent consolidated financial statements of such party filed with the SEC or SEDAR+, as the case may be).

A “superior proposal” means any bona fide, written competing proposal (with references to 20% being deemed to be replaced with references to 50%) not solicited in breach of the non-solicitation obligations set forth in the merger agreement, which such party’s board of directors or, in the case of Gatos, the Gatos Special Committee determines in good faith after consultation with outside legal and financial advisors to be (i) more favorable from a financial point of view to their respective shareholders than the merger, taking into account all relevant factors (including any adjustment to the terms and conditions proposed by the other party in response to such proposal) and (ii) reasonably capable of being completed as proposed on a timely basis, in the case of each of clauses (i) and (ii), taking into account the certainty and timing of closing, financing arrangements, the identity of the party


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making the proposal and such other legal, financial, regulatory and other aspects of such proposal as such party’s board of directors or, in the case of Gatos, the Gatos Special Committee deems in good faith relevant.

The merger agreement also requires each party to (i) notify the other party in writing promptly, and in no event later than twenty-four (24) hours, after receipt of any competing proposal or any inquiry, proposal or offer that would reasonably be expected to lead to a competing proposal and indicate the identity of the person making the competing proposal and the material terms (including price) and conditions of any such competing proposal, and (ii) keep the other party reasonably informed of the status and material terms and conditions (including any amendments or proposed amendments to such material terms or conditions) of any such competing proposal.

Each of Gatos and First Majestic is promptly required to cease, and cause its subsidiaries and its and their respective directors and officers to cease, and instruct and use its reasonable best efforts to cause its and its subsidiaries’ other representatives to cease, any and all existing discussions or negotiations with any third parties (including provision of or access to any non-public information to any third parties) conducted before entering into the merger agreement with respect to any competing proposal. Each of Gatos and First Majestic are required to promptly terminate access by any other person and its representatives to any physical or electronic data room, in each case, relating to or in connection with, any competing proposal, and request any person that has executed a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement at any time within the twelve (12) month period immediately prior to the date of the merger agreement to return or destroy all confidential information in the possession of such person and its representatives.

Change of Recommendation

During the interim period, except as otherwise specifically provided for in the non-solicitation provisions set forth in the merger agreement, neither party’s board of directors nor any committee thereof may:



approve, recommend or declare advisable any competing proposal or propose publicly to do so;



fail to include (i) in the case of the Gatos board, its recommendation to the Gatos stockholders to adopt the merger agreement (which we refer to as the “Gatos board recommendation”) in this proxy statement/prospectus or (ii) in the case of the First Majestic board, its recommendation to the First Majestic shareholders to approve the First Majestic share issuance in connection with the merger (which we refer to as the “First Majestic board recommendation”) in the First Majestic management information circular;



withdraw or withhold (or modify, qualify or amend in any manner adverse to the other party), or propose publicly to withdraw or withhold (or modify, qualify or amend in any manner adverse to the other party) the Gatos board recommendation or First Majestic board recommendations, as applicable;



in the case of a Gatos competing proposal that is structured as a tender offer or exchange offer pursuant to Rule 14d-2 under the U.S. Exchange Act for outstanding shares of Gatos common stock (other than by First Majestic or an affiliate of First Majestic), fail to recommend, in a Solicitation/Recommendation Statement on Schedule 14D-9, against acceptance of such tender offer or exchange offer by the Gatos stockholders on or prior to the earlier of (i) three business days prior to the date of the Gatos special meeting and (ii) 10 business days after commencement of such tender offer or exchange offer;



fail to reaffirm the Gatos board recommendation or First Majestic board recommendation, as applicable, within five business days after the other party so requests in writing (or such fewer number of days as remains prior to the date that is three business days prior to the Gatos special meeting) (other than, in the case of Gatos, a competing proposal pursuant to the immediately preceding bullet); or



approve or enter into any letter of intent or other contract relating to any competing proposal, other than an acceptable confidentiality agreement.


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The taking of any of the actions set forth in the first five bullets above will constitute a “change of recommendation.”

Prior to the receipt of the Gatos stockholder approval, in the case of Gatos, or the First Majestic shareholder approval, in the case of First Majestic, the Gatos board (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) or Gatos Special Committee or First Majestic board, as applicable may:



make a change of recommendation following receipt of a competing proposal that did not result from a material breach of the non-solicitation obligations set forth in the merger agreement, and which the Gatos board (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) or Gatos Special Committee or First Majestic board determines in good faith after consultation with outside legal and financial advisors is or is reasonably likely to lead to a superior proposal (or continues to be a superior proposal following the notice of change period); or



make a change of recommendation in response to the occurrence of an intervening event;

provided, in the case of each of the foregoing bullets, if and only if, the Gatos board (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) or Gatos Special Committee or First Majestic board has determined in good faith, after consultation with outside legal counsel, that the failure to take such action would reasonably be expected to be inconsistent with the fiduciary duties of the members of the Gatos board or Gatos Special Committee or First Majestic board, as applicable, under applicable law.

No party is permitted to make a change of recommendation pursuant to the foregoing unless:



such party has provided the other party with four business days’ prior written notice (or, in the case of such notice in respect of a material amendment to superior proposal for which it previously provided such a notice, two business days’ prior written notice) advising the other party that its board of directors or, in the case of Gatos, the Gatos Special Committee intends to take such action and contemporaneously provided to the other party (A) in the case of a superior proposal, the identity of the person making the superior proposal and the material terms and conditions of such superior proposal and, if available, a copy of any proposed agreements for such superior proposal, or (B) in the case of an intervening event, a description in reasonable detail of such intervening event; and



during such initial four business day period (or, if applicable, any subsequent two business day period) and ending at 11:59 p.m. (New York City time) on such fourth (4th) business day following delivery of the relevant notice (or, if applicable, second (2nd) business day), (A) such party negotiates with the other party and its representatives in good faith to enable the other party to determine whether to propose revisions to the terms of the merger agreement or any other agreement related to the transactions such that, in the case of a superior proposal, such competing proposal would no longer constitute a superior proposal or, in the case of an intervening event, the failure to make such change of recommendation in response to such intervening event would no longer be expected to be inconsistent with the fiduciary duties of the members of its board of directors or, in the case of, the Gatos Special Committee under applicable law, and (B) such party considers in good faith any proposal by the other party to amend the terms and conditions of the merger agreement or any other agreement related to the transactions such that, in the case of a superior proposal, such competing proposal would no longer constitute a superior proposal or, in the case of an intervening event, the failure to make such change of recommendation in response to such intervening event would no longer be expected to be inconsistent with the fiduciary duties of the members of its board of directors or, in the case of Gatos, the Gatos Special Committee under applicable law.

None of the foregoing will prohibit Gatos or First Majestic from disclosing to its stockholders a position contemplated by Rule 14d-9 or Rule 14e-2(a) promulgated under the U.S. Exchange Act (or directors’ circular required by Canadian Securities Laws), or from issuing a “stop, look and listen” communication or similar communication of the type contemplated by Rule 14d-9(f) under the U.S. Exchange Act; provided, that the


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foregoing does not permit either party’s board of directors or, in the case of Gatos, the Gatos Special Committee to recommend to its stockholders to tender any securities in connection with any tender offer or exchange offer that is a competing proposal or otherwise make a change of recommendation except in compliance with the terms of the merger agreement.

As further described in the section below entitled “The Merger Agreement – Expenses and Termination Fee” if (i) First Majestic terminates the merger agreement due to the Gatos board or Gatos Special Committee making a change of recommendation, or if Gatos terminates the merger agreement to enter into a definitive agreement providing for a superior proposal, Gatos will be required to pay First Majestic a termination payment of $28.0 million in cash and (ii) if Gatos terminates the merger agreement due to the First Majestic board making a change of recommendation or if First Majestic terminates the merger agreement to enter into a definitive agreement providing for a superior proposal, First Majestic will be required to pay Gatos a termination payment of $46.0 million in cash.

For purposes of the merger agreement, an “intervening event” means, with respect to either party, any material event, fact, circumstance, effect, development or occurrence that was not known to, or reasonably foreseeable by, such party’s board of directors or, in the case of Gatos, the Gatos Special Committee as of the date of the merger agreement or, if known, the material consequences of which were not known or reasonably foreseeable as of the date of the merger agreement; provided that none of the following events, changes or developments will constitute an intervening event:



the receipt, existence or terms of any competing proposal;



changes in the market price or trading volume of such party’s stock or the fact that such party meets or exceeds (or fails to meet or exceed) internal or published estimates, projections, forecasts or predictions for any period; provided, further that the exceptions contained in the foregoing proviso shall not apply to the underlying causes giving rise to, or contributing to, such event, change or development or prevent any of such underlying causes from being taken into account in determining whether an intervening event has occurred;



changes after the date hereof in general United States, Mexico, Canada or global economic conditions or conditions (or changes therein) in any industry or industries in which either party operates (including any change (on a current or forward basis) in the price of silver or changes in commodity prices or general market prices affecting the mining industry generally); or



changes after the date hereof affecting financial, credit or capital market conditions or changes in interest or exchange rates.

Preparation of the Form F-4, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and First Majestic Circular; Gatos Stockholder Meeting and First Majestic Shareholder Meeting

Gatos will, in accordance with applicable law and its governing documents, establish a record date for, duly call, and give notice of the Gatos special meeting as promptly as practicable and mail this proxy statement/prospectus to its stockholders entitled to vote at the Gatos special meeting as soon as practicable after the Form F-4 is declared effective by the SEC (or such later date as the parties shall agree). Unless the Gatos board or the Gatos Special Committee has made a change of recommendation in compliance with the provisions of the merger agreement, Gatos shall, through the Gatos board (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee), make the Gatos board recommendation, include such recommendation in the proxy statement/prospectus and solicit and use its reasonable best efforts to obtain the Gatos stockholder approval. Gatos has the right, following consultation with First Majestic, to make (and, if so requested by First Majestic, shall be required to make) one or more successive postponements or adjournments of the Gatos special meeting of not more than 15 days individually if (i) on a date for which the Gatos special meeting is scheduled, (A) there are insufficient shares of Gatos common stock represented to constitute a quorum necessary to conduct the business of such meeting or (B) Gatos has not received proxies representing a sufficient number of shares of Gatos common stock


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to obtain the Gatos stockholder approval, whether or not a quorum is present, or (ii) such adjournment or postponement is required by applicable law, including to the extent the Gatos board has determined in good faith after consultation with outside counsel that such adjournment or postponement is required under applicable law to ensure that any required supplement or amendment to the proxy statement/prospectus or the Form F-4 is provided or made available to Gatos stockholders or to permit dissemination of information which is material to stockholders voting at the Gatos special meeting and to give Gatos stockholders sufficient time to evaluate any such supplement or amendment or other information. The Gatos special meeting will not be postponed or adjourned pursuant to clause (i) of the foregoing sentence to a date that is in the aggregate more than 30 days after the date on which the Gatos special meeting was originally scheduled. Without the prior written consent of First Majestic, the adoption of the merger agreement shall be the only matter (other than matters of procedure and matters required by applicable law to be voted on by Gatos’ stockholders in connection with the authorization of the merger agreement) that Gatos shall propose to be acted on by the Gatos stockholders at the Gatos special meeting.

First Majestic will, in accordance with applicable law and its governing documents, establish a record date for, duly call, and give notice of the First Majestic special meeting as promptly as practicable and send the First Majestic management information circular to the First Majestic shareholders entitled to vote at the First Majestic special meeting and hold the First Majestic special meeting as soon as practicable after the Form F-4 is declared effective by the SEC (or such later date as the Parties shall agree). Unless the First Majestic board has made a change of recommendation in compliance with the provisions of the merger agreement, First Majestic shall, through the First Majestic board make the First Majestic board recommendation, include such recommendation in the management information circular and solicit and use its reasonable best efforts to obtain the First Majestic shareholder approval. First Majestic has the right, following consultation with Gatos, to make (and, if so requested by Gatos, shall be required to make) one or more successive postponements or adjournments of the First Majestic special meeting of not more than 15 days individually if (i) on a date for which the First Majestic special meeting is scheduled, (A) there are insufficient First Majestic common shares represented to constitute a quorum necessary to conduct the business of such meeting or (B) First Majestic has not received proxies representing a sufficient number of First Majestic common shares to obtain the First Majestic shareholder approval, whether or not a quorum is present, or (ii) such adjournment or postponement is required by applicable law, including to the extent the First Majestic board has determined in good faith after consultation with outside counsel that such adjournment or postponement is required under applicable law to ensure that any required supplement or amendment to the First Majestic management information circular is provided or made available to First Majestic shareholders or to permit dissemination of information which is material to shareholders voting at the First Majestic special meeting and to give First Majestic shareholders sufficient time to evaluate any such supplement or amendment or other information. The First Majestic special meeting will not be postponed or adjourned pursuant to clause (i) of the foregoing sentence to a date that is in the aggregate more than 30 days after the date on which the First Majestic special meeting was originally scheduled. Without the prior written consent of Gatos, the issuance of the First Majestic common shares shall be the only matter (other than matters of procedure and matters required by applicable law to be voted on by First Majestic’s stockholders in connection with the authorization of the merger agreement) that First Majestic shall propose to be acted on by the First Majestic shareholders at the First Majestic special meeting.

Unless the merger agreement has been terminated in accordance with its terms, (i) the Gatos special meeting shall be convened and the merger agreement shall be submitted for authorization by the stockholders of Gatos at the Gatos special meeting (notwithstanding any change of recommendation permitted by the merger agreement) and (ii) the First Majestic special meeting shall be convened and the issuance of the First Majestic common shares shall be submitted for approval by the shareholders of First Majestic at the First Majestic special meeting.

Gatos and First Majestic will use their respective reasonable best efforts to hold the Gatos special meeting and the First Majestic special meeting as closely together in time as practicable and on the same date and as soon as reasonably practicable after the date of the merger agreement.


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Reasonable Best Efforts

Subject to certain exceptions and qualifications described in the merger agreement, each party will use its reasonable best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions and do, or cause to be done, and assist and cooperate with the other party in doing, all things necessary, proper or advisable to consummate the merger and the other transactions contemplated by the merger agreement as promptly as practicable after the date of the merger agreement, including taking all actions necessary to cause the applicable conditions to closing to be satisfied and executing and delivering any additional instruments necessary to consummate the merger and the other transactions contemplated by the merger agreement.

Each party will (i) use its reasonable best efforts to make the appropriate filings under Mexico’s antitrust law as soon as reasonably practicable but in no event later than 20 business days after the date of the merger agreement, (ii) cooperate and consult with each other in connection with any filing or submission and in connection with any investigation or other inquiry, (iii) promptly inform the other party of any material communication given by the Antitrust Division of COFECE or other governmental entity, and any material communication received or given in connection with any proceeding by a private party, under any antitrust law; (iv) permit the other party a reasonable opportunity to review in advance of any material communication that it gives to, and consult with each other in advance of any meeting with, COFECE or other governmental entity, or in the case of any proceeding by a private party under antitrust law, such private party and (v) to the extent permitted by any applicable governmental entity or other person, give the other party a reasonable opportunity to attend and participate in any in-person meetings with COFECE or other governmental entity or other person with respect to the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement.

Each of First Majestic and Gatos will not, and will cause their respective affiliates not to, except as permitted by or provided for in the merger agreement, without the prior written consent of the other party, take or cause to be taken any action that could reasonably be expected to: (i) impose any delay in the obtaining of, or increase the risk of not obtaining, any required governmental consents contemplated by the merger or the expiration or termination of any applicable waiting period; (ii) increase the risk of any governmental entity entering an order prohibiting the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement; (iii) increase the risk of not being able to remove any such order on appeal or otherwise; (iv) materially delay or prevent the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement; or (v) cause any of the representations or warranties of First Majestic and merger sub or Gatos, respectively, to become inaccurate in any material respect or any of the covenants of First Majestic and merger sub or Gatos, respectively, to be breached in any material respect or result in the failure to be satisfied of any of the conditions to closing.

First Majestic will, and will cause its affiliates to, use their reasonable best efforts to avoid or eliminate each and every impediment under applicable law so as to enable the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement to occur as soon as reasonably possible (and in any event no later than the outside date), including taking all actions requested by any governmental entity or necessary to resolve any objections that may be asserted by any governmental entity with respect to the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement, except to the extent that such action or actions would reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a material adverse effect on the business, results of operations or financial condition of First Majestic, the First Majestic subsidiaries, Gatos and the Gatos subsidiaries, taken as a whole. Neither First Majestic nor the First Majestic subsidiaries shall be obligated or required to take any action to directly or indirectly dispose of any interest in the San Dimas Silver/Gold Mine, Santa Elena Silver/Gold Mine or La Encantada Silver Mine.

Indemnification; Exculpation and Insurance

For not less than six years from and after the effective time, First Majestic will cause the surviving corporation to indemnify and hold harmless all past and present directors, officers and employees of Gatos and its subsidiaries, and each director, officer, member, trustee or fiduciary of another person (but only to the extent that such director, officer, member, trustee or fiduciary is or was serving in such capacity at the request of Gatos) (which


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we refer to as the “Indemnified Parties”) against any costs or expenses, judgments, fines, losses, claims, damages, liabilities and amounts paid in settlement in connection with, arising out of or otherwise related to any actual or threatened action or investigation in connection with, arising out of or otherwise related to any acts or omissions occurring or alleged to have occurred at or prior to the effective time in connection with such Indemnified Party’s service as an officer, director or employee of Gatos or any of its subsidiaries or of any persons serving at the request thereof, to the fullest extent permitted by law and provided pursuant to Gatos’ or its subsidiaries’ governing documents or any indemnification or similar agreements in existence on the date of the merger agreement.

All rights to indemnification, exculpation and advancement in existence on the date of the merger agreement will survive the merger and remain in effect for six years following the completion of the merger and no such rights may be amended, modified or repealed in any manner that would adversely affect the rights or protections thereunder of any such Indemnified Party.

First Majestic will cause the surviving corporation to maintain, for an aggregate period of not less than six years from the effective time, the current directors’ and officers’ liability insurance policy maintained by Gatos or a tail policy with respect to claims arising from facts or events occurring at or prior to the effective time; however, the surviving corporation shall not be required to expend more than 400% of the last annual premium for such policy.

Certain United States Tax Matters

First Majestic and Gatos intend that, for U.S. federal, and applicable state and local, income tax purposes, (i) the merger qualifies as a “reorganization” under Section 368(a) of the Code to which each of First Majestic, merger sub, and Gatos are parties under Section 368(b) of the Code and (ii) the merger will not result in the recognition of gain under Section 367(a)(1) of the Code (other than for any stockholder that would be a “five-percent transferee shareholder” (within the meaning of Treasury Regulations Section 1.367(a)-3(c)(5)(ii)) of First Majestic following the merger that does not enter into a five-year gain recognition agreement as provided under Treasury Regulations Section 1.367(a)-8 (a “GRA”)) (clauses (i) and (ii) are referred to in the merger agreement as the “Intended Tax Treatment”). The merger agreement is intended to be, and is adopted as, a plan of reorganization for purposes of Sections 354, 361 and 368 of the Code and within the meaning of U.S. Treasury Regulations Section 1.368-2(g). The merger will be reported by the parties for all applicable tax purposes in accordance with the Intended Tax Treatment, unless otherwise required by applicable law or a governmental entity as a result of a “determination” within the meaning of Section 1313(a) of the Code.

The obligation of Gatos to complete the merger is conditioned upon the receipt of an opinion, dated as of the closing date, from White & Case LLP (or other legal counsel selected by Gatos), to the effect that, on the basis of the facts, representations and assumptions set forth or referred to in such opinion, the merger qualifies as a “reorganization” within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code. This opinion will be based on representations, warranties and covenants contained in representation letters provided by First Majestic and Gatos and on customary factual assumptions, all of which must be consistent with the state of existing facts as of the effective time of the merger.

First Majestic and the surviving corporation have agreed to provide any information in the possession of First Majestic or the surviving corporation or otherwise reasonably ascertainable or obtainable which is reasonably requested by a Gatos stockholder that has entered into a GRA with respect to the merger and notified First Majestic in writing that it has entered into the GRA in order to comply with the filing requirements applicable to such GRA. First Majestic and the surviving corporation have agreed to use commercially reasonable efforts to inform any such Gatos stockholder of the occurrence of any material events that would reasonably be expected to affect any such Gatos stockholder’s GRA.

Employee Benefits Matters

For at least one year following the closing date, First Majestic has agreed to provide each individual who is employed by Gatos or its subsidiaries as of immediately prior to the effective time of the merger (for so long as


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such individual is employed by Gatos or its subsidiaries during such one year period) (which we refer to as the “Continuing Employees”) with the following: (i) a base salary or wage rate level and cash incentive opportunities at least equal to the base salary or hourly wage level and cash incentive opportunities to which they were entitled immediately prior to the completion of the merger and (ii) other benefits, perquisites and terms and conditions of employment that are substantially similar and no less favorable than such employees were entitled to receive immediately prior to the completion of the merger, but in no cases, any less generous than required pursuant to applicable law.

First Majestic, or one of its affiliates, shall (i) cause any pre-existing conditions or limitations and eligibility waiting periods under any group health plans in which Continuing Employees are eligible to participate immediately following the closing date (including any Gatos benefit plans or group health plans of First Majestic or any of its affiliates (which we refer to as the “First Majestic Benefit Plans”)) to be waived with respect to Continuing Employees and their eligible dependents, (ii) give each Continuing Employee credit for the plan year in which the closing occurs towards applicable deductibles and annual out-of-pocket limits for medical expenses incurred prior to the closing for which payment has been made under any group health plans in which Continuing Employees are eligible to participate immediately following the closing date and (iii) to the extent that it would not result in a duplication of benefits and to the extent that such service was recognized under a similar employee benefit plan, give each Continuing Employee service credit for such Continuing Employee’s employment with Gatos and its subsidiaries for purposes of vesting, benefit accrual and eligibility to participate under each applicable First Majestic Benefit Plan, as if such service had been performed with First Majestic or one of its affiliates or predecessors.

First Majestic will permit, or cause its affiliates to permit, the Continuing Employees to use all vacation, sick leave and other paid personal time that such Continuing Employees have accrued, but have not used, as of immediately prior to the closing in accordance with the terms of vacation, sick leave and paid personal time programs that are not less favorable to the Continuing Employees than those in effect immediately prior to the closing date. First Majestic will recognize and assume, or shall cause to be recognized and assumed, all liabilities with respect to accrued but unused vacation, sick leave and paid personal time for all Continuing Employees.

The merger agreement provides that nothing contained therein shall (i) confer upon any Continuing Employee any rights or remedies, including any right to employment or continued employment for any period or terms of employment, (ii) be interpreted to prevent or restrict First Majestic or any of its affiliates from modifying or terminating the employment or terms of employment of any Continuing Employee, including the amendment or termination of any employee benefit or compensation plan, program or arrangement, after the closing date or (iii) be treated as an amendment or other modification of any Gatos benefit plan or other employee benefit plan or arrangement.

Other Covenants and Agreements

The merger agreement contains certain other covenants and agreements, including covenants and agreements requiring, among other things and subject to certain exceptions and qualifications described in the merger agreement:



each party providing reasonable access to such party’s properties, offices, books, contracts and records, furnishing reasonably promptly to the other party information concerning its business, properties and personnel as such other party may reasonably request in connection with the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement and cooperating in connection with such access and disclosure obligations;



each party agreeing to hold any non-public information in confidence in accordance with the terms of the confidentiality agreement between the parties;



each party to provide one another with prompt notice (i) of any written notice from any party to a material contract of such party, (ii) of any written notice from any governmental entity in connection


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with the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement and (iii) upon becoming aware of the occurrence of any fact, change, effect, development, circumstance, condition, state of facts, event or occurrence that would cause or result in any of the conditions to the merger not being satisfied or the failure by such party to comply with, in any material respect, any covenant or agreement to be complied with by such party under the merger agreement;



Gatos to reasonably consult with First Majestic regarding the 2025 budget for Gatos and its subsidiaries, including by providing a substantially final draft of such 2025 budget, in each case to the extent permitted by applicable law;



mutual consent and review rights over any press release or other public announcement with respect to the merger, subject to certain exceptions;



First Majestic to, as promptly as reasonably practicable, inform Gatos of any material communication received by First Majestic, its subsidiaries or their respective legal counsel, accountants or other representatives in connection with certain tax matters from the Servicio de Administracion Tributaria and promptly inform Gatos of any material developments with respect to such tax matters.



each party to (i) provide prompt written notice of any legal proceeding related to the merger, (ii) allow the other party to participate (but not control) in the defense of such legal proceeding and (iii) not offer or agree to settle any legal proceeding without the other party’s prior written consent;



Gatos to reasonably cooperate with First Majestic and to use its reasonable best efforts to take all actions reasonably necessary, proper or advisable under applicable laws and rules and policies of the NYSE and TSX to enable the delisting by the surviving corporation of the Gatos common stock from the NYSE and TSX as promptly as practicable after the effective time and the deregistration of the Gatos common stock under the U.S. Exchange Act as promptly as practicable after the effective time; and



First Majestic to take all action necessary to cause the First Majestic common shares to be issued in the merger to be approved for listing on the NYSE and TSX prior to the effective time and Gatos to reasonably cooperate with First Majestic in the preparation of the materials to be submitted to the NYSE and TSX and the resolution of any comments received.

Nothing contained in the merger agreement shall give either Gatos or First Majestic, directly or indirectly, the right to control or direct the business or operations of the other party prior to the effective time and, prior to the effective time, each party shall exercise, consistent with the terms and conditions of the merger agreement, complete control and supervision over it and its subsidiaries’ respective business and operations.

Conditions to the Completion of the Merger

The respective obligations of each party to effect the merger will be subject to the satisfaction at or prior to the effective time of each of the following conditions, any and all of which may be waived in writing in whole or in part by the relevant party to the extent permitted by law:

Conditions to the Obligations of Both Parties



the affirmative vote of the holders of at least a majority of the outstanding shares of Gatos common stock entitled to vote on the authorization of the merger agreement at the Gatos special meeting in favor of such authorization;



the approval of the issuance of the First Majestic common shares as merger consideration by simple majority of the votes cast by holders of First Majestic common shares present in person or by proxy at the First Majestic special meeting and entitled to vote at the First Majestic special meeting;



the effectiveness of the Form F-4 in accordance with the provisions of the U.S. Securities Act and the absence of any stop order suspending the effectiveness of the Form F-4 or proceeding to that effect shall have been commenced or threatened in writing by the SEC unless subsequently withdrawn;


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the absence of any rule, regulation or other law or order entered, enacted, promulgated, enforced or issued by any governmental entity of competent jurisdiction which prevents, prohibits or makes illegal the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement;



all required approvals or clearances pursuant to Mexico’s antitrust law having been received; and



the First Majestic common shares to be issued as merger consideration having been approved for listing on the NYSE, subject to official notice of issuance, and conditionally approved or authorized for listing on the TSX (subject only to customary listing conditions).

Conditions to the Obligations of First Majestic and Merger Sub



certain representations and warranties of Gatos relating to the absence of a Gatos material adverse effect from December 31, 2023, through the date of the merger agreement being true and correct in all respects as of the date of the merger agreement and as of the closing date;



certain representations and warranties of Gatos relating to its capitalization being true and correct in all respects, except for any de minimis inaccuracies, as of the date of the merger agreement and as of the closing date (except to the extent expressly made as of an earlier date, in which case, as of such date);



certain representations and warranties of Gatos relating to qualification, organization, subsidiaries, certain rights with respect to the shares of capital stock, corporate authority relative to the merger agreement, and finders and brokers (without giving effect to any qualification as to materiality or Gatos material adverse effect contained therein) being true and correct in all material respects as of the date of the merger agreement and the closing date (except to the extent expressly made as of an earlier date, in which case, as of such date);



each of the other representations and warranties of Gatos set forth in the merger agreement (without giving effect to any qualification as to materiality or Gatos material adverse effect contained therein) being true and correct as of the date of the merger agreement and as of the closing date (except to the extent expressly made as of an earlier date, in which case, as of such date), except where any failures of any such representations and warranties to be true and correct has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos material adverse effect;



Gatos having performed or complied in all material respects with the obligations, covenants and agreements required to be performed or complied with by it under the merger agreement at or prior to the effective time;



First Majestic having received a certificate signed on behalf of Gatos by a duly authorized executive officer of Gatos certifying that the conditions set forth in the bullets directly above have been satisfied; and



since the date of the merger agreement until the effective time, there having not occurred any change, effect, development, circumstance, condition, state of facts, event or occurrence that has had, or is reasonably likely to have, a Gatos material adverse effect.

Conditions to the Obligations of Gatos



certain representations and warranties of First Majestic relating to the absence of a First Majestic material adverse effect from December 31, 2023, through the date of the merger agreement being true and correct in all respects as of the date of the merger agreement and the closing date;



certain representations and warranties of First Majestic and merger sub relating to its capitalization being true and correct in all respects, except for any de minimis inaccuracies, as of the date of the merger agreement and as of the closing date (except to the extent expressly made as of an earlier date, in which case, as of such date);


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certain representations and warranties of First Majestic relating to qualification, organization, subsidiaries, certain rights with respect to the shares of capital stock, corporate authority relative to the merger agreement, and finders and brokers (without giving effect to any qualification as to materiality or First Majestic material adverse effect contained therein) being true and correct in all material respects as of the date of the merger agreement and the closing date (except to the extent expressly made as of an earlier date, in which case, as of such date);



each of the other representations and warranties of First Majestic and merger sub set forth in the merger agreement (without giving effect to any qualification as to materiality or First Majestic material adverse effect contained therein) being true and correct as of the date of the merger agreement and as of the closing date (except to the extent expressly made as of an earlier date, in which case, as of such date), except where any failures of any such representations and warranties to be true and correct has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic material adverse effect;



First Majestic and merger sub having performed or complied in all material respects with the obligations, covenants and agreements required to be performed or complied with by them under the merger agreement at or prior to the effective time;



Gatos having received a certificate signed on behalf of First Majestic by a duly authorized executive officer of First Majestic certifying that the conditions set forth in the bullets directly above have been satisfied;



Gatos having received an opinion from White & Case (or other legal counsel selected by Gatos), in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Gatos, dated as of the closing date, to the effect that, on the basis of the facts, representations and assumptions set forth or referred to in such opinion, the merger qualifies as a “reorganization” within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code; and



since the date of the merger agreement until the effective time, there having not occurred any change, effect, development, circumstance, condition, state of facts, event or occurrence that has had, or is reasonably likely to have a First Majestic material adverse effect.

Frustration of Closing Conditions

None of the parties may rely, as a basis for not consummating the merger, on the failure of any condition set forth above to be satisfied if such failure was caused by such party’s material failure to comply with any provision of the merger agreement.

Termination of the Merger Agreement

The merger agreement may be terminated and the merger and the other transactions may be abandoned at any time prior to the effective time, whether (except as expressly set forth below) before or after the Gatos stockholder approval or First Majestic shareholder approval, under the following circumstances:



by mutual written consent of First Majestic and Gatos;



by either First Majestic or Gatos, if there has been a breach by Gatos, in the case of a termination by First Majestic, or if there has been a breach by First Majestic or merger sub, in the case of a termination by Gatos, of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement set forth in the merger agreement, which breach would result in certain conditions to consummation of the merger not being satisfied (and such breach is not curable prior to the outside date or, if curable prior to the outside date, has not been cured within the earlier of (i) 45 days after the receipt of written notice from the non-breaching party or (ii) one business day before the outside date); provided that the merger agreement may not be


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terminated pursuant to this provision by any party if such party is then in material breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement in the merger agreement;



by either First Majestic or Gatos, if the closing has not occurred by 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on April 30, 2025 (such date, as may be extended pursuant to the following proviso, the “outside date”); provided, that in the event that on such date all of the conditions to closing have been satisfied or waived other than the conditions set forth in the provisions related to the absence of adverse laws or orders to the extent related to antitrust clearances, so long as such condition remains capable of being satisfied, the termination date will automatically be extended to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on May 31, 2025; provided that the right to terminate the merger agreement pursuant to this provision shall not be available to any party whose breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement in the merger agreement has been the cause of, or resulted in, the closing not occurring prior to the outside date;



by First Majestic, if, at any time prior to the receipt of the Gatos stockholder approval, the Gatos board or any committee thereof has made a Gatos change of recommendation;



by Gatos, if, at any time prior to the receipt of the First Majestic shareholder approval, the First Majestic board or any committee thereof has made a First Majestic change of recommendation;



by either Gatos or First Majestic if there is any rule, regulation or other law or order entered, enacted, promulgated, enforced or issued by any governmental entity of competent jurisdiction which prevents, prohibits or makes illegal the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement and the adverse law or order has become final and non-appealable; provided that the right to terminate the merger agreement pursuant to this provision shall not be available to a party whose action or failure to act has been the primary cause of, or primarily resulted in, the action or event described in this provision occurring;



by either Gatos or First Majestic, if the Gatos stockholder approval has not been obtained at the Gatos special meeting or at any adjournment or postponement thereof, in each case at which a vote on such approval was taken; provided that the right to terminate the merger agreement pursuant to this provision shall not be available to any party where the failure to obtain such Gatos stockholder approval shall have been caused by a material breach by such party of the merger agreement;



by either First Majestic or Gatos, if the First Majestic shareholder approval has not been obtained at the First Majestic special meeting or at any adjournment or postponement thereof, in each case at which a vote on such approval was taken; provided that the right to terminate the merger agreement pursuant to this provision shall not be available to any party where the failure to obtain such First Majestic shareholder approval shall have been caused by a material breach by such party of the merger agreement;



by Gatos, if, at any time prior to the receipt of the Gatos stockholder approval, the Gatos board or the Gatos Special Committee has (i) effected a Gatos change of recommendation in accordance with the obligations set forth in the merger agreement in order to accept a Gatos superior proposal, (ii) entered into an acquisition agreement with respect to such Gatos superior proposal concurrently with the termination of the merger agreement, and (iii) paid the Gatos termination fee of $28.0 million to First Majestic in accordance with the terms of the merger agreement; and



by First Majestic, if, at any time prior to the receipt of the First Majestic shareholder approval, the First Majestic board has (i) effected a First Majestic change of recommendation in accordance with the obligations set forth in the merger agreement in order to accept a First Majestic superior proposal, (ii) entered into an acquisition agreement with respect to such First Majestic superior proposal concurrently with the termination of the agreement and (iii) paid the First Majestic termination fee of $46.0 million to Gatos in accordance with the terms of the merger agreement.


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Effect of Termination

If the merger agreement is terminated in accordance with its terms the merger agreement will become null and void and there will be no liability on the part of First Majestic, Gatos or merger sub, or any of their respective subsidiaries, except under certain provisions of the merger agreement that will survive such termination, including, among others, certain provisions relating to the merger, confidentiality, the confidentiality agreement, effect of termination, expenses, remedies and governing law; provided that no party shall be relieved from liability for its willful breach of its representations, warranties, covenants or agreements set forth in the merger agreement prior to such termination or for fraud (including the loss to the Gatos stockholders of the benefits of the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement, including the loss of the premium offered to the Gatos stockholders).

Expenses and Termination Fee

All fees and expenses incurred in connection with the merger, the merger agreement and the other transactions will be paid by the party incurring such expenses, whether or not the merger is consummated, except that (i) transfer taxes are borne by the surviving company and (ii) each of First Majestic and Gatos will bear and pay one-half the costs and expenses (other than the fees and expenses of each party’s attorneys and accountants, which will be borne by the party incurring such expenses) incurred by the parties in connection with (a) the filing, printing and mailing of the Form F-4, the First Majestic management information circular and this proxy statement/prospectus (including fees payable to the SEC or NYSE or TSX associated with filing such documents) and (b) payments required to be made to a governmental entity for the appropriate filings under Mexico’s antitrust law.

Gatos Termination Fee

Gatos will be obligated to pay a termination fee of $28.0 million in cash to First Majestic if:



the merger agreement is terminated by Gatos in order to enter into a superior proposal;



(i) the merger agreement is terminated in a manner set forth in any of the below provisions and (ii) concurrently or within twelve (12) months after such termination Gatos consummates a competing proposal or enters into a definitive agreement providing for a competing proposal and later consummates such transaction (provided that, for purposes of this bullet, references to 20% in the definition of First Majestic competing proposal (as set forth in the section titled “Frequently Used Terms”) shall be deemed to be 50%):



(A) the merger agreement is terminated by First Majestic as a result of a terminable breach by Gatos and (B) a Gatos competing proposal has been publicly announced or otherwise received by the Gatos board or the Gatos Special Committee prior to the time of the event giving rise to such termination right;



(A) the merger agreement is terminated by First Majestic or Gatos because the merger is not completed by the outside date, (B) a Gatos competing proposal has been publicly announced or otherwise received by the Gatos board or the Gatos Special Committee prior to the outside date and (C) (x) the First Majestic shareholder approval has been obtained (but not yet revoked), (y) the Gatos stockholder approval has not been obtained and (z) all other conditions set forth in the conditions to obligations of Gatos were satisfied or capable of being satisfied prior to such termination; or



(A) the merger agreement is terminated by First Majestic or Gatos because the Gatos stockholder approval is not obtained and (B) a Gatos competing proposal has been publicly announced at least two business days prior to the date of the Gatos special meeting; or



the merger agreement is terminated (i) by First Majestic or Gatos because the Gatos stockholder approval is not obtained following any time when First Majestic is entitled to terminate the merger


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agreement due to a Gatos change of recommendation or (ii) by First Majestic due to a Gatos change of recommendation.

First Majestic Termination Fee

First Majestic will be obligated to pay a termination fee of $46.0 million in cash to Gatos if:



the merger agreement is terminated by First Majestic in order to enter into a superior proposal;



(i) the merger agreement is terminated in a manner set forth in any of the below provisions and (ii) concurrently or within twelve (12) months after such termination First Majestic consummates a competing proposal or enters into a definitive agreement providing for a competing proposal and later consummates such transaction (provided that, for purposes of this bullet, references to 20% in the definition of First Majestic competing proposal (as set forth in the section titled “Frequently Used Terms”) shall be deemed to be 50%):



(A) the merger agreement is terminated by Gatos as a result of a terminable breach by First Majestic and (B) a First Majestic competing proposal has been publicly announced or otherwise received by the First Majestic board prior to the time of the event giving rise to such termination right;



(A) the merger agreement is terminated by First Majestic or Gatos because the merger is not completed by the outside date, (B) a First Majestic competing proposal has been publicly announced or otherwise received by the First Majestic board prior to the outside date and (C) (x) the Gatos stockholder approval has been obtained (but not yet revoked), (y) the First Majestic shareholder approval has not been obtained and (z) all other conditions set forth in the conditions to obligations of First Majestic were satisfied or capable of being satisfied prior to such termination; or



(A) the merger agreement is terminated by First Majestic or Gatos because the First Majestic shareholder approval is not obtained and (B) a First Majestic competing proposal has been publicly announced at least two business days prior to the date of the First Majestic special meeting; or



the merger agreement is terminated (i) by First Majestic or Gatos because the First Majestic shareholder approval is not obtained following any time when Gatos is entitled to terminate the merger agreement due to a First Majestic change of recommendation or (ii) by Gatos due to a First Majestic change of recommendation.

In no event shall either party be obligated to pay the termination fee on more than one occasion.

Amendment, Modification and Waiver

Amendment or Modification

Subject to compliance with applicable law, the merger agreement may be amended, modified and supplemented by mutual agreement of the parties thereto in writing at any time before or after receipt of the requisite stockholder approvals; provided that after receipt of requisite stockholder approval, any amendment, modification, supplement or waiver of the merger agreement that requires the approval by Gatos stockholders or First Majestic shareholders, as applicable, under applicable law, will be subject to such approval.


At any time prior to the completion of the merger, a party may, in writing, (i) extend the time for performance of any obligation or act of the other party, (ii) waive any inaccuracy in a representation or warranty of the other


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party or (iii) waive compliance by the other party with any of the agreements or conditions for the benefit of such party contained in the merger agreement. Any agreement on the part of First Majestic or Gatos to any such extension or waiver will be valid only if set forth in an instrument in writing signed on behalf of First Majestic or Gatos, as applicable. Any delay in exercising any right under the merger agreement will not constitute a waiver of such right.

Enforcement; Remedies

The parties to the merger agreement agreed that irreparable injury will occur in the event that any of the provision of the merger agreement is not performed in accordance with its specific terms or is otherwise breached and that prior to the termination of the merger agreement pursuant to the terms thereof, each party is entitled to an injunction or injunctions to prevent or remedy any breaches or threatened breaches of the merger agreement by any other party, to a decree or order of specific performance to specifically enforce the terms and provisions of the merger agreement (including the parties’ obligation to consummate the merger) and to any further equitable relief, without any obligation to obtain, furnish, post or provide any bond or other security in respect thereof. Each party further waives any objection to any such remedy on the basis that there is an adequate remedy at law or that an award of such remedy is not an appropriate remedy for any reason at law or equity.

Governing Law

The merger agreement is governed, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware (without giving effect to conflicts of law principles that would result in the application of law of any other state).


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On September 5, 2024, in connection with the execution of the merger agreement, First Majestic entered into the support agreements with the supporting stockholders. This section describes the material terms of the support agreements. The descriptions of the support agreements in this section and elsewhere in this proxy statement/prospectus are qualified in their entirety by reference to the complete text of the support agreements. A copy of the support agreement entered into by the Electrum stockholders (as defined below) is attached as Annex E and a copy of the form of support agreement entered into by the D&O stockholders (as defined below) is attached as Annex D and are incorporated by reference into this proxy statement/prospectus. This summary does not purport to be complete and may not contain all the information about the support agreements that is important to you. You are encouraged to carefully read the support agreements in their entirety, as the rights and obligations of the parties thereto are governed by the express terms of the support agreements and not by this summary or any other information contained in this proxy statement/prospectus.


In order to induce First Majestic to enter into the merger agreement, concurrently with the execution and delivery of the merger agreement, First Majestic entered into the support agreements with the supporting stockholders and all of the directors and certain senior executive officers of Gatos. The support agreements cover a total of 22,440,952 shares of Gatos common stock owned by the stockholders that are parties to the support agreements, representing approximately 32% of the outstanding shares of Gatos common stock.

Electrum Voting and Support Agreement

On September 5, 2024, First Majestic and merger sub entered into the Electrum support agreement. Pursuant to the Electrum support agreement, the Electrum stockholders agreed to vote all of their shares of Gatos common stock at any Gatos meeting called with respect to any of the following matters during the effective time of the Electrum support agreement (a) in favor of the adoption of the merger agreement and the approval of the transactions contemplated thereby, including the merger, (b) in favor of any other proposal in respect of which the vote or written consent of such Electrum stockholders is requested that could reasonably be expected to facilitate the approval of the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement, including any proposal to adjourn or postpone such meeting of the stockholders of Gatos to a later date if there are not sufficient votes to adopt the merger agreement or not sufficient shares present in person or by proxy at such meeting to constitute a quorum and (c) against: (i) any action, proposal, transaction or agreement that would reasonably be expected to result in a breach by Gatos under the merger agreement or Electrum stockholders under the Electrum support agreement, (ii) any amendment to Gatos’ governing documents that would reasonably be expected to prohibit or impede the timely consummation of the merger and/or the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement and (iii) any change in a majority of the Gatos board. The Electrum stockholders have also agreed to appear in person or by proxy at each meeting or otherwise cause all of the subject securities to be counted as present thereat for purposes of establishing a quorum. As of September 5, 2024, the Electrum support agreement covered a total of 22,004,376 shares of Gatos common stock, representing approximately 32% of the issued and outstanding shares of Gatos common stock.

The Electrum support agreement will terminate as of the earliest to occur of (1) the effective time, (2) the termination of the merger agreement, (3) the occurrence of a Gatos change of recommendation in accordance with the merger agreement and (4) the termination of the Electrum support agreement by mutual written consent of the parties thereto (each of clauses (1) to (4), an “Electrum Support Agreement Termination Event”).

The Electrum stockholders have also agreed to certain restrictions on the transfer of their respective covered shares during the term of the Electrum support agreement. Until the occurrence of an Electrum Support Agreement Termination Event, the Electrum stockholders agreed not to (1) transfer any subject securities, except for transfers (A) that are initiated by the lender under the Electrum credit arrangements or (B) that occur


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following January 1, 2025, to the extent that such transfer is reasonably necessary to provide liquidity to the Electrum stockholders to timely repay the Electrum credit agreement, or (2) deposit any subject securities into a voting trust or enter into any agreement, arrangement or understanding with any person or give instructions inconsistent with the Electrum support agreement.

Until the occurrence of an Electrum Support Agreement Termination Event, the Electrum stockholders agreed not to and to use their reasonable best efforts not to permit any of its representatives to act on Electrum’s behalf, to directly or indirectly engage in any conduct in which Gatos is not permitted to engage by the non-solicitation obligations set forth in the merger agreement.

The Electrum Support Agreement is governed by Delaware law.

D&O Voting and Support Agreements

On September 5, 2024, First Majestic and merger sub entered into the D&O support agreements with each director and certain senior executive officers of Gatos (solely in their capacities as stockholders of Gatos) (collectively referred to as the “D&O stockholders”). Pursuant to the D&O support agreements, the D&O stockholders agreed to vote all of their shares of Gatos common stock at any Gatos meeting called with respect to any of the following matters during the effective time of the D&O support agreements (a) in favor of the adoption of the merger agreement and the approval of the transactions contemplated thereby, including the merger, (b) in favor of any other proposal in respect of which the vote or written consent of such D&O stockholders is requested that could reasonably be expected to facilitate the approval of the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement, including any proposal to adjourn or postpone such meeting of the stockholders of Gatos to a later date if there are not sufficient votes to adopt the merger agreement or not sufficient shares present in person or by proxy at such meeting to constitute a quorum and (c) against: (i) any action, proposal, transaction or agreement that would reasonably be expected to result in a breach by Gatos under the merger agreement or D&O stockholders under the D&O support agreements, (ii) any amendment to Gatos’ governing documents that would reasonably be expected to prohibit or impede the timely consummation of the merger and/or the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement and (iii) any change in a majority of the Gatos board. The D&O stockholders have also agreed to appear in person or by proxy at each meeting or otherwise cause all of the subject securities to be counted as present thereat for purposes of establishing a quorum. As of September 5, 2024, the D&O support agreements covered a total of 436,576 shares of Gatos common stock, representing approximately 0.6% of the issued and outstanding shares of Gatos common stock.

The D&O support agreements will terminate as of the earliest to occur of (1) the effective time, (2) the termination of the merger agreement and (3) the termination of the D&O support agreements, as applicable, by mutual written consent of the parties thereto (each of clauses (1) to (3), a “D&O Support Agreement Termination Event”).

The D&O stockholders have also agreed to certain restrictions on the transfer of their respective covered shares during the term of the D&O support agreements, as applicable. Until the occurrence of a D&O Support Agreement Termination Event, the D&O stockholders agreed not to (1) transfer any subject securities except for a permitted transfer, or (2) deposit any subject securities into a voting trust or enter into any agreement, arrangement or understanding with any person or give instructions inconsistent with the D&O support agreements, as applicable.

Until the occurrence of a D&O Support Agreement Termination Event, each D&O stockholder agreed not to, in the D&O stockholder’s capacity as a stockholder and not in his or her capacity as an officer and/or director of Gatos, directly or indirectly, engage in any conduct in which Gatos is not permitted to engage by the non-solicitation obligations set forth in the merger agreement.

The D&O support agreements are governed by Delaware law.


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Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management of Gatos

The following table shows information regarding the beneficial ownership of shares of Gatos common stock based on information available as of September 27, 2024, by:



each person or group who is known by Gatos to own beneficially more than 5% of the shares of Gatos common stock;



each member of the Gatos board;



each of the named executive officers of Gatos; and



all members of the Gatos board and Gatos executive officers as a group.

Beneficial ownership of shares is determined under the rules of the SEC and generally includes any shares over which a person exercises sole or shared voting or investment power. Shares of common stock of which a person has the right to acquire beneficial ownership at any time within 60 days of September 27, 2024, are deemed outstanding and beneficially owned by the person for the purpose of computing the number of shares and percentage beneficially owned by such person, but are not deemed outstanding for purposes of computing the percentage beneficially owned by any other person. To Gatos’ knowledge, except as indicated in the footnotes to this table and pursuant to applicable community property laws, the persons named in the table have sole voting and investment power with respect to all shares of Gatos common stock shown as beneficially owned by them.

The percentage of common stock beneficially owned in the table is based on 69,352,645 shares of Gatos common stock outstanding as of September 27, 2024, plus, with respect to the current directors and executive officers as a group, 2,170,996 shares that may be acquired upon exercise of options, RSUs or DSUs by the current directors and executive officers within 60 days of that date.

Unless otherwise indicated, the address for each holder listed below is c/o Gatos Silver, Inc., Suite 910 – 925 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 3L2.



   Shares of
Common Stock
Beneficially Owned
     Percentage of
Shares of
Common Stock Beneficially

Greater than 5% stockholders




Electrum Silver US LLC

     17,894,672        25.8

Electrum Silver US II LLC

     4,109,704        5.9


     22,004,376        31.7

Municipal Employees’ Retirement System of Michigan(2)

     6,216,192        9.0

Condire Management, LP(3)

     5,750,000        8.3

Sprott, Inc.(4)

     3,496,292        5.0

Exor N.V.(5)

     3,460,852        5.0

Directors and current Named Executive Officers


Janice Stairs(7)(8)(9)

     120,553        *  

Ali Erfan(6)(7)(8)

     175,887        *  

Igor Gonzales(7)(8)

     103,116        *  

Karl Hanneman(7)(8)(10)

     129,700        *  

Charles Hansard(7)(8)

     66,778        *  

David Peat(7)(8)(11)

     219,378        *  

Daniel Muñiz Quintanilla(7)(8)

     60,418        *  

Dale Andres(7)(12)

     1,067,422        1.5


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   Shares of
Common Stock
Beneficially Owned
     Percentage of
Shares of
Common Stock Beneficially

André van Niekerk(7)

     107,535        *  

Anthony Scott(7)(13)

     185,604        *  

Current directors and executive officers as a group (15 persons)

     2,637,572        3.7



Represents beneficial ownership of less than 1%.


The securities reported are based on a Schedule 13G/A filed on February 11, 2022 by Electrum Silver US LLC (“ESUS”), Electrum Strategic Management LLC (“ESM”), Electrum Global Holdings L.P. (“Global Holdco”), TEG Global GP Ltd. (“TEG Global”), The Electrum Group LLC (“TEG”), Electrum Silver US II LLC (“ESUS II”), Electrum Strategic Opportunities Fund II L.P. (“ESOF II”), Electrum Strategic Opportunities Fund II GP L.P. (“ESOF II GP L.P.”) and ESOF II GP Ltd. (“ESOF II GP”) (for the purposes of this section, collectively, “Electrum”). Mr. Erfan is Vice Chairman of TEG.ESUS directly owns 17,894,672 shares of Gatos common stock. ESM is the manager of ESUS. ESM is wholly-owned by Global Holdco, and TEG Global is the general partner of Global Holdco. TEG acts as an investment advisor to Global Holdco. As a result, ESM, Global Holdco, TEG Global and TEG may be deemed to beneficially own shares of Gatos common stock held by ESUS.ESUS II directly owns 4,109,704 shares of Gatos common stock. ESOF II owns 99% of ESUS II, and ESM is the manager of ESUS II. ESM is wholly-owned by Global Holdco, and TEG Global is the general partner of Global Holdco. The general partner of ESOF II is ESOF II GP L.P., and the general partner of ESOF II GP L.P. is ESOF II GP. ESOF II GP is wholly-owned by Global Holdco. TEG acts as an investment advisor to ESOF II. As a result, ESOF II, ESM, Global Holdco, TEG Global, ESOF II GP L.P., TEG and ESOF II GP may be deemed to beneficially own shares of Gatos common stock held by ESUS II.The address of the Electrum entities is 600 Fifth Avenue, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10020.


The securities reported are based on a Schedule 13F filed on February 5, 2024, by the Municipal Employees’ Retirement System of Michigan. The address of MERS is 1134 Municipal Way, Lansing, Michigan 48917.


The securities reported are based on a Schedule 13G/A filed on February 14, 2024, by Condire Management, LP (“Condire Management”), Condire Management GP Holdings, LLC (“Condire Management GP”), Ryan E. Schedler and Bradley J. Shisler (for the purposes of this section, collectively, “Condire”). 5,479,673 shares of Gatos common stock are held for the account of Condire Resource Master Partnership, LP (“Condire Resource”) and 270,327 shares of Gatos common stock are held for the account of Condire Alpha, LP (“Condire Alpha”). Condire Management acts as investment manager to, and manages investment and trading accounts of, Condire Resource and Condire Alpha. Condire Management GP serves as the general partner of Condire Management, and Mr. Schedler and Mr. Shisler are the managing members of Condire Management GP. Each of Condire Management, Condire Management GP, Mr. Schedler and Mr. Shisler may be deemed the indirect beneficial owner of securities held by Condire Resource and Condire Alpha. The address of Condire is 1717 McKinney Avenue, Suite 850, Dallas, Texas 75202.


The securities reported are based on a Schedule 13G filed on February 14, 2024, by Sprott Inc. The address of Sprott Inc. is 200 Bay Street, Suite 2600, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5J 2J1.


The securities reported are based on a Schedule 13G filed on June 4, 2024, by Exor N.V., Giovanni Agnelli B.V., Lingotto Investment Management (UK) Limited and Lingotto Investment Management LLP (collectively, the “Exor Entities”). Lingotto Investment Management LLP directly owns 3,460,852 shares of Gatos common stock and is 99.7% owned by Lingotto Investment Management (UK) Limited. Lingotto Investment Management (UK) Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Exor N.V., which in turn is controlled by Giovanni Agnelli B.V. The address of the Exor entities is 925 W Georgia Street, Suite 910, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6C 3L2.


Holdings include 82,262 shares of Gatos common stock held by Ajami Associates Limited, which is owned and controlled by Mr. Erfan. The address of Ajami Associates Limited is c/o Sphere Management


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(Mauritius) Limited, 6th Floor, Suite 619, Port Louis, Mauritius. Mr. Erfan disclaims beneficial ownership of shares of Gatos common stock held by Electrum. See footnote (1).


Holdings include the following shares of Gatos common stock which may be acquired upon the exercise of Gatos Options outstanding under the Gatos LTIP and exercisable within 60 days as of September 27, 2024 and RSUs that have vested or will vest within 60 days of September 27, 2024: Janice Stairs — 58,983 shares; Ali Erfan — 58,983 shares; Igor Gonzales — 56,400 shares; Karl Hanneman — 74,483 shares; Charles Hansard — 41,858 shares; David Peat — 136,601 shares; Daniel Muñiz Quintanilla — 37,225 shares; Dale Andres — 767,583 shares; André van Niekerk — 107,535 shares; Anthony Scott — 155,604; and all current directors and executive officers as a group — 1,866,436 shares.


Holdings include the following shares of Gatos common stock which may be issued upon departure from Gatos by settlement of the Gatos DSUs outstanding under the Gatos LTIP: Janice Stairs — 51,570 shares; Ali Erfan — 34,642 shares; Igor Gonzales — 46,716 shares; Karl Hanneman — 45,217 shares; Charles Hansard — 24,920 shares; David Peat — 78,302 shares; Daniel Muñiz Quintanilla — 23,193 shares; Dale Andres — nil; André van Niekerk—nil; Anthony Scott — nil; and all current directors and executive officers as a group — 304,560 shares.


Holdings include 10,000 shares of Gatos common stock held directly by Ms. Stairs.


Holdings include 10,000 shares of Gatos common stock held by KNH Trust, which is controlled by Mr. Hanneman.


Holdings include 4,475 shares of Gatos common stock held directly by Mr. Peat.


Holdings include 299,839 shares of Gatos common stock held directly by Mr. Andres.


Holdings include 30,000 shares of Gatos common stock held directly by Mr. Scott.


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First Majestic is authorized to issue an unlimited amount of common shares, without par value, of which [286,928,342] are issued and outstanding as of [ ] 2024. There are also options outstanding to purchase up to 8,041,180 First Majestic common shares at prices ranging from C$6.21 to C$21.90, as well as 1,485,828 restricted share units, 957,709 performance share units and 30,161 deferred share units outstanding as of September 30, 2024 which may be settled for First Majestic common shares. In addition, First Majestic has an aggregate of $230,000,000 principal amount outstanding of 0.375% unsecured convertible senior notes due 2027 (the “2027 Notes”). Upon conversion, holders of the 2027 Notes will receive First Majestic common shares based on an initial conversion rate, subject to adjustment, of 60.3865 First Majestic common shares per $1,000 principal amount of 2027 Notes (which represents an initial conversion price of approximately $16.56 per share). The 2027 Notes are governed by an indenture (the “Note Indenture”) entered into between the Company and Computershare Trust Company, N.A. on December 2, 2021.

Holders of First Majestic common shares are entitled to one vote per First Majestic common share at all meetings of First Majestic’s shareholders, to receive dividends as and when declared by the directors of First Majestic and to receive a pro rata share of the assets of First Majestic available for distribution to the shareholders in the event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of First Majestic. There are no pre-emptive, conversion or redemption rights attached to the First Majestic common shares.


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First Majestic exists under the laws of British Columbia and, accordingly, the rights of First Majestic shareholders are governed by the BCBCA and First Majestic’s articles (referred to herein as First Majestic’s “articles”). Gatos is incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware and, accordingly, the rights of Gatos stockholders are currently governed by the DGCL, the Gatos certificate of incorporation, as amended and restated (referred to herein as Gatos’ “certificate of incorporation”), and the Gatos amended and restated bylaws (referred to herein as Gatos’ “bylaws”). Upon completion of the merger, the former Gatos stockholders will be entitled to receive shares of First Majestic and their rights as such will be governed by the BCBCA and by First Majestic’s articles.

Material Differences Between the Rights of Shareholders of First Majestic and Stockholders of Gatos

The table below summarizes the material differences between the rights of Gatos stockholders and those of First Majestic shareholders pursuant to the BCBCA, the DGCL and their respective constating documents as they are currently in effect. While Gatos and First Majestic believe that the summary table includes the material differences between the rights of Gatos stockholders and First Majestic shareholders prior to the merger, this summary does not include a complete description of all the differences between the rights of the Gatos stockholders and those of First Majestic’s shareholders, nor does it include a complete description of the specific rights of Gatos stockholders and First Majestic shareholders discussed. The inclusion of differences in the rights of Gatos stockholders and First Majestic shareholders in the table is not intended to indicate that all of such differences should necessarily be considered material by you or that other differences that you may consider equally important do not exist.

The following summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the BCBCA, First Majestic’s articles, the DGCL, Gatos’ certificate of incorporation and bylaws and the various other documents referred to in this summary. You are urged to carefully read this entire proxy statement/prospectus, the relevant provisions of the BCBCA and the DGCL, First Majestic’s articles, Gatos’ certificate of incorporation and bylaws, and each other document referred to in this proxy statement/prospectus for a more complete understanding of the differences between the rights of a Gatos stockholder and the rights of a First Majestic shareholder. Gatos has filed with the SEC its certificate of incorporation and bylaws referenced in this summary of shareholder rights, and First Majestic has filed with SEDAR+ First Majestic’s articles referenced in this summary comparison of shareholder rights. For more information, see the section entitled “Where You Can Find Additional Information,” on page [●]. References to a “holder” in the following summary are to the registered holder of the applicable shares.




First Majestic



Authorized Share Capital   

First Majestic is authorized to issue an unlimited number of common shares.


The total number of shares of capital stock that Gatos has the authority to issue is 750 million shares, consisting of 700 million shares of common stock with a par value of $0.001 per share, and 50 million shares of preferred stock with a par value of $0.001 per share.

Preferred Shares   

First Majestic’s authorized share structure does not include preferred shares. To add preferred shares to its authorized share structure, a special resolution of First Majestic’s shareholders would be required.


The Gatos board is empowered, without any action or vote by the corporation’s stockholders (except as may otherwise be provided by the terms of any class or series of preferred stock then outstanding), to authorize by resolution or resolutions from time to time the


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First Majestic




issuance of one or more classes or series of preferred stock and to fix the designations, powers, preferences and relative, participating, optional or other rights, if any, and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof, if any, with respect to each such class or series of preferred stock and the number of shares constituting each such class or series, and to increase or decrease the number of shares of any such class or series to the extent permitted by Delaware law.

Variation of Rights Attaching to a Class or Series of Shares   

Under the BCBCA, the rights attaching to First Majestic’s common shares may be varied only through an amendment to First Majestic’s articles by special resolution of First Majestic’s shareholders.


First Majestic’s articles provide that the company may, by special resolution of First Majestic’s shareholders (i) create special rights or restrictions for, and attach those special rights or restrictions to, the shares of any class or series of shares, whether or not any or all of those shares have been issued, or (ii) vary or delete any special rights or restrictions attached to the shares of any class or series of shares, whether or not any or all of those shares have been issued.


For purposes of the BCBCA and First Majestic’s articles, a “special resolution” is a resolution passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the votes cast by shareholders on that resolution.


Under the DGCL, the rights attaching to Gatos common stock may be varied only through an approved amendment of Gatos’ certificate of incorporation. The process for amending Gatos’ certificate of incorporation is summarized below. See section “Comparison of Rights of First Majestic Shareholders and Gatos Stockholders – Amendments to Articles or Certificate of Incorporation.”

Consolidation and Division; Subdivision   

Under the BCBCA and First Majestic’s articles, First Majestic may, by special resolution of First Majestic’s shareholders, subdivide or consolidate all or any of its unissued, or fully paid issued, shares.


Under the DGCL, the issued shares of Gatos common stock may be reclassified, including by being combined into a greater number of shares through an amendment to Gatos’ certificate of incorporation.

Reduction of Share Capital   

Under the BCBCA, First Majestic may, by a special resolution of First Majestic’s shareholders, reduce its stated capital for a class or series of shares for any reason, provided there are no reasonable grounds for believing that the realizable value of


Under the DGCL, Gatos, by resolution of Gatos’ board, may reduce its share capital by (i) reducing or eliminating the capital represented by shares of capital stock which have been retired, (ii) applying to an otherwise authorized


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First Majestic’s assets would, after the reduction, be less than the aggregate of its liabilities.


purchase or redemption of outstanding shares of its capital stock some or all of the capital represented by the shares being purchased or redeemed, or any capital that has not been allocated to any particular class of its capital stock, (iii) applying to an otherwise authorized conversion or exchange of outstanding shares of its capital stock some or all of the capital represented by the shares being converted or exchanged, or some or all of any capital that has not been allocated to any particular class of its capital stock, or both, to the extent that such capital in the aggregate exceeds the total aggregate par value or the stated capital of any previously unissued shares issuable upon such conversion or exchange, or (iv) by transferring to surplus some or all of the capital not represented by any particular class of its capital stock or some or all of the capital represented by certain shares of its capital stock. No reduction of capital may be made unless the assets of Gatos remaining after the reduction are sufficient to pay any debts for which payment has not otherwise been provided.

Distributions and Dividends   

Under the BCBCA, First Majestic shareholders are entitled to receive dividends if, as and when declared by the directors of First Majestic, subject to the rights, if any, of shareholders holding shares with special rights as to dividends.


Under the BCBCA and First Majestic’s articles, the First Majestic board may declare and pay dividends to the shareholders unless there are reasonable grounds for believing that: (i) First Majestic is insolvent, or (ii) the payment of the dividend would render First Majestic insolvent. For these purposes, “insolvent” in relation to First Majestic, means unable to pay its debts as they become due in the ordinary course of business.


Under the DGCL, Gatos stockholders are entitled to receive dividends if, as and when declared by the Gatos board. The Gatos board may declare and pay dividends to Gatos stockholders (i) out of its surplus, or (ii) if there is no surplus, out of its net profits for the fiscal year in which the dividend is declared and/or the immediately preceding fiscal year except when the capital is diminished to an amount less than the aggregate amount of capital represented by the issued and outstanding stock having a preference on the distribution of assets. A dividend may be paid in cash, in shares of stock or in other property.


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First Majestic



Repurchases and Redemptions   

Under First Majestic’s articles, First Majestic may, if it is authorized by a resolution of its directors, purchase or otherwise acquire any of its shares at the price and upon the terms specified in such resolution. Under the BCBCA and First Majestic’s articles, First Majestic must not make a payment or provide any other consideration to purchase or otherwise acquire any of its shares if there are reasonable grounds for believing that (i) First Majestic is insolvent, or (ii) making the payment or providing the consideration would render First Majestic insolvent.


Under the BCBCA, a subsidiary may purchase or otherwise acquire shares of a company of which it is a subsidiary but may not purchase such shares if there are reasonable grounds for believing that: (i) the subsidiary is insolvent; or (ii) the purchase would render the subsidiary insolvent.


Under the DGCL, Gatos may redeem or repurchase shares of its own common stock, except that it generally may not redeem or repurchase those shares if the capital of Gatos is impaired at the time or would become impaired as a result of the redemption or repurchase of such shares. If Gatos were to designate and issue shares of a series of preferred stock that is redeemable in accordance with its terms, such terms would govern the redemption of such shares. Repurchased or redeemed shares may be retired or held as treasury shares. Shares that have been repurchased but have not been retired may be resold by Gatos for such consideration as the Gatos board may determine in its discretion.


Under the DGCL, Gatos common stock may be acquired by subsidiaries of Gatos without stockholder approval. Shares of such common stock owned by a majority-owned or otherwise controlled subsidiary are neither entitled to vote nor be counted as outstanding for quorum purposes.

Lien on Shares   

Under the BCBCA, shares must not be issued until they are fully paid. First Majestic shares shall not be issued until consideration for the share is fully paid in money, property or past services performed for First Majestic that is equal to or exceeds the deemed issuance price of the shares.


The determination of whether the aggregate value of past services, property and money equals or exceeds the deemed issuance price will be made by the First Majestic board.


Under the DGCL, Gatos may issue the whole or any part of its shares as partly paid and subject to call for the remainder of the consideration to be paid therefor. When the whole of the consideration payable for shares of Gatos has not been paid in full, and the assets of Gatos are insufficient to satisfy the claims of creditors, each holder of shares not paid in full will be bound to pay the unpaid balance of the consideration for which such shares were issued.

Voting Rights   

All First Majestic shareholders are entitled to receive notice of and to attend all annual and special meetings of the shareholders of First Majestic and to one vote on a vote by show of hands, and one vote in respect of each share entitled to be voted on the matter on a poll, subject to any rights or restrictions attached to


Each holder of Gatos common stock is entitled to one vote for each share of common stock held of record by such holder on all matters on which stockholders are generally entitled to vote, except for in relation to any amendment to Gatos’ certificate of incorporation that relates solely to the terms of one or more outstanding classes


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First Majestic




any shares and to restrictions imposed on joint shareholders.


or series of preferred stock if the holders of such affected class or series are entitled, either separately or together with the holders of one or more other such classes or series, to vote thereon by law or pursuant to Gatos’ certificate of incorporation.

Number of Directors   

Under the BCBCA, a board of directors of a BCBCA company that is a public company must have no fewer than three directors.


First Majestic’s articles do not provide for a maximum number of directors. The number of directors is determined annually by the shareholders, with the directors being permitted to appoint one or more additional directors between annual general meetings provided that such number does not exceed one-third of the number of the current directors who were elected or appointed as directors other than under the Section 14.8 of First Majestic’s articles, which section allows for the appointment of additional directors by the board.


There are currently five directors on the First Majestic board.


Gatos’ certificate of incorporation states that, subject to the terms of any series of preferred stock entitled to separately elect directors, the board of directors shall not consist of less than three nor more than 12 directors, with the exact number of directors to be determined from time to time solely by resolutions adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of the board of directors.


There are currently eight (8) directors on the Gatos board.

Qualification of Directors   

Under the BCBCA, a director must (i) be 18 years of age or older; (ii) be capable of managing the individual’s own affairs; (iii) have no undischarged bankruptcy; and (iv) subject to certain limited exceptions, not be convicted of an offence in connection with the promotion, formation or management of a company or unincorporated business or of an offence involving fraud.


Under the DGCL, directors need not be stockholders and the certificate of incorporation or bylaws may prescribe other qualifications for directors. Under Gatos’ bylaws, to be eligible as a nominee for election as director, the proposed nominee must provide to the Secretary of Gatos (i) a completed directors & officers questionnaire containing information regarding the nominee’s background and qualifications and such other information as may reasonably be required by Gatos to determine the eligibility of such proposed nominee to serve as a director of Gatos or to serve as an independent director of Gatos, (ii) a written representation that, unless previously disclosed to Gatos, the nominee is not and will not become a party to any voting agreement, arrangement or


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understanding with any person or entity as to how such nominee, if elected as director, will vote on any issue or that could interfere with such person’s ability to comply, if elected as a director, with their fiduciary duties as director, (iii) a written representation and agreement that, unless previously disclosed to Gatos, the nominee is not and will not become a party to any third-party compensation agreement, and (iv) a written representation that, if elected as a director, such nominee would be in compliance and will continue to comply with Gatos’ corporate governance guidelines.

Election of Directors   

Under First Majestic’s articles, a director ceases to hold office when the term of office of the director expires, immediately before the election or appointment of directors at an annual general meeting or when the director ceases to be qualified as a director under the BCBCA or First Majestic’s articles.


First Majestic’s articles provide that nominations of persons for election to the First Majestic board may be made at any annual meeting of shareholders, or at any special meeting of shareholders (if one of the purposes for which the special meeting was called is the election of directors): (i) by or at the direction of the board; (ii) by or at the direction or request of one or more shareholders pursuant to a “proposal” made in accordance with Division 7 of the BCBCA, or a requisition of the shareholders made in accordance with section 167 of the BCBCA; or (iii) by any person who is a shareholder of First Majestic and complies with the advance notice procedures set out in First Majestic’s Advance Notice Policy (as defined below, see section “Notice of Shareholder Nominations and Proposals”).


First Majestic’s articles and the BCBCA provide that the First Majestic board has


Directors are elected at the annual general meeting of stockholders or at a special meeting called for such purpose and hold office until his or her successor is elected and qualified or until his or her earlier death, resignation or removal. Directors shall be elected by a plurality of the votes of the shares of capital stock of the corporation present in person or represented by proxy at such a stockholder meeting and entitled to vote on the election of directors.


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First Majestic




the ability to appoint additional directors between shareholder meetings without shareholder approval, provided that such additional number does not exceed one-third of the number of the current directors who were elected or appointed as directors other than under Section 14.8 of First Majestic’s articles, which section allows for the appointment of additional directors by the board.


The First Majestic board has adopted a majority voting policy (the “Majority Voting Policy”) which requires that any nominee for director for which there are a greater number of votes “withheld” than votes “for” his or her election will be required to tender his or her resignation as a director of First Majestic. The Majority Voting Policy applies only to uncontested elections, which are elections in which the number of nominees for election as director is equal to the number of positions available on the board of directors.

Cumulative Voting   

Neither the BCBCA nor First Majestic’s articles provide for cumulative voting.


Under the DGCL, cumulative voting is only permitted if the certificate of incorporation specifically provides for it. Gatos’ certificate of incorporation does not allow for cumulative voting.


First Majestic’s articles state that any casual vacancy occurring in the board of directors may be filled by the remaining directors. Between annual general meetings, the directors may appoint one or more additional directors, but the number of additional directors so appointed must not at any time exceed one-third of the number of the current directors who were elected or appointed as directors other than being so appointed. Any director so appointed ceases to hold office immediately before the next election but is eligible for re-election or re-appointment.


Gatos’ certificate of incorporation allows for vacancies and newly created directorship to be filled solely by a majority of the directors then in office or by the sole remaining director, and each director so elected shall hold office until his or her successor is elected and qualified.

Votes to Govern   

Questions arising at any meeting of directors are to be decided by a majority of votes and, in the case of an equality of votes, the chair of the meeting does not


Under Gatos’ bylaws, a majority of the Gatos board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the board of directors and,


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have a second or casting vote. The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the directors may be set by resolution of the directors and, if not so set, is deemed to be a majority of the directors or, if the number of directors is set at one, is deemed to be set at one director, and that director may constitute a meeting.


except as otherwise expressly required by law or by the certificate of incorporation, the act of a majority of the directors present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the board of directors.

Duties of Directors   

Under the BCBCA, the directors of a company must manage or supervise the management of the business and affairs of the company subject to the board transferring such powers in whole or in part.


A director, when exercising the powers and performing the functions of a director of the company, must (i) act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interest of the company; (ii) exercise the degree of care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent individual would exercise in comparable circumstances; (iii) act in accordance with the BCBCA and the related regulations; and (iv) subject to paragraphs (i) to (iii) act in accordance with First Majestic’s articles.


Under Delaware law, the directors of Gatos owe a duty of care and a duty of loyalty. The duty of care requires that directors act on an informed basis after appropriate deliberation and that they inform themselves, prior to making a business decision, of all material information reasonably available to them. The duty of care also requires that directors exercise care in overseeing the business of the corporation. The duty of loyalty requires directors to act in good faith and in what they reasonably believe to be the best interests of Gatos and its stockholders and not in their own interests. A party challenging the propriety of a decision of a board of directors typically bears the burden of rebutting the applicability of the “business judgment rule” presumption, which presumes that directors acted in accordance with the duties of care and loyalty. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Delaware courts may subject directors’ conduct to enhanced scrutiny of, among other matters, defensive actions taken in response to a thread to corporate control and approval of a transaction resulting in a “sale of control” of the corporation, as the term “sale of control” is used in Delaware case law.


Under Delaware law, a member of the board of directors, or a member of any committee designated by the board of directors, shall, in the performance of such member’s duties, be fully protected in relying in good faith upon the records of the corporation and upon such information, opinions, reports or statements presented to the corporation


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by any of the corporation’s officers or employees, or committees of the board of directors, or by any other person as to matters the member reasonably believes are within such other person’s professional or expert competence and who has been selected with reasonable care by or on behalf of the corporation.

Conflicts of Interest of Directors and Officers   

The BCBCA provides that, subject to certain limited exceptions, a director or senior officer of a company holds a disclosable interest in a conflict or transaction if (i) the contract or transaction is material to the company; (ii) the company has entered, or proposes to enter, into the contract or transaction; (iii) either the following applies to the directors or senior officers: (1) the director or senior officer has a material interest in the contract or transaction; (2) the director or senior officer is a director or senior officer of, or has a material interest in, a person who has a material interest in the contract or transaction; and (iv) the interest is known by the director or senior officer or reasonably ought to have been known. A director or senior officer of a company is liable to account to the company for any profit that accrues to the director or senior officer under or as a result of a contract or transaction in which the director or senior officer holds a disclosable interest unless, among other things, the disclosable interest was disclosed and the contract or transaction was approved by the directors and the director who holds a disclosable interest was not entitled to vote on such resolution.


Under Delaware law, a contract or transaction between a corporation and one or more of its directors or officers, or between a corporation and any other corporation, partnership, association or other organization in which one or more of its directors or officers are directors or officers or have a financial interest will not be void or voidable solely for this reason, or solely because the director or officer is present at or participates in the meeting of the board or committee which authorizes the contract or transaction, or solely because any such director’s or officer’s votes are counted for such purpose if (i) the material facts about such interested director’s or officer’s relationship or interest and as to the contract or transaction are disclosed or are known to the board of directors or the committee, and the board or committee in good faith authorizes the transaction by the affirmative vote of a majority of the disinterested directors (even if the disinterested directors are less than a quorum), (ii) the material facts about such interested director’s or officer’s relationship or interest and as to the contract or transaction are disclosed or are known to the stockholders entitled to vote thereon, and the contract or transaction is specifically approved in good faith by vote of the stockholders, or (iii) the transaction is fair to the corporation as of the time it is authorized, approved or ratified by the board of directors, a committee or the stockholders. Common or interested directors may be counted in determining the presence of a quorum at a meeting of the board of directors or of a committee


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that authorizes the contract or transaction.

Shareholders’ or Stockholders’ Disclosure of Interests in Shares   

Neither the BCBCA nor First Majestic’s articles impose an obligation with respect to disclosure by shareholders of their interests in First Majestic’s common shares, except in the case of the BCBCA, as part of a shareholders’ proposal of business to be made at a shareholder meeting.


In accordance with applicable Canadian securities laws, a First Majestic shareholder is required to report their interest in First Majestic’s shares where such shareholder’s holdings equal or exceed 10% of the voting rights attached to the voting securities.


Neither the DGCL nor Gatos’ certificate of incorporation or bylaws impose an obligation with respect to disclosure by stockholders of their interests in Gatos common stock, except, in the case of Gatos’ bylaws, as part of a stockholders’ nomination of a director or proposal of business to be made at a stockholder meeting.


Under the U.S. Exchange Act, all beneficial owners of holders of 5% or greater of the outstanding shares of Gatos’ capital stock must report their holdings to the SEC on “Schedule 13G” if the holdings are passive and held not with an intent to acquire control and on “Schedule 13D” if the holdings are non-passive and held with an intent to acquire control.

Record Dates   

First Majestic’s articles state that directors may set a date as the record date for the purpose of determining shareholders entitled to notice of any meeting of shareholders, which date must not precede the date on which the meeting is to be held by more than two months or, in the case of a general meeting requisitioned by shareholders under the BCBCA, by more than four months. The record date must not precede the date on which the meeting is held by fewer than 21 days.


Under the BCBCA, directors may also set the record date for determining shareholders entitled to payment of a dividend or to receive a liquidation distribution.


Under Gatos’ bylaws and the DGCL, directors may fix a record date to determine which stockholders are entitled to receive notice of any meeting of stockholders or any adjournment thereof, which record date shall not be more than 60 nor less than 10 days before the date of such meeting. If the board of directors so fixes a date, such date will also be the record date for determining which stockholders are entitled to vote at such meeting unless the board of directors determines, at the time it fixes such record date, that a later date on or before the date of the meeting will be the date for making such determination. If no record date is fixed by the board of directors, the record date for determining which stockholders are entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of stockholders shall be at the close of business on the day next preceding the day on which notice is given, or, if notice is waived, at the close of business on the day preceding the day on which the meeting is held. A determination of stockholders of record entitled to notice of or to vote at a


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meeting of stockholders will apply to any adjournment of the meeting; provided that the board of directors may in its discretion or as required by law fix a new record date for determination of which stockholders are entitled to vote at the adjourned meeting, and in such case shall fix the same date or an earlier date as the record date for stockholders entitled to notice of such adjourned meeting.


Under Gatos’ bylaws and the DGCL, directors may fix a record date to determine which stockholders are entitled to receive payment of any dividend or other distribution or allotment of any rights or which stockholders are entitled to exercise any rights in respect of any change, conversion or exchange of stock, or for the purpose of any other lawful action, which record date must not precede the date upon which the resolution fixing the record date is adopted by the board of directors, and which record date must be not more than 60 days prior to such action. If no record date is fixed, the record date for determining stockholders for any such purpose will be at the close of business on the day on which the board of directors adopts the resolution relating thereto.

Annual Meetings of Shareholders or Stockholders   

Under BCBCA, a company must, subject to limited exceptions, hold an annual meeting at least once in each calendar year and not more than 15 months after the annual reference date for the preceding calendar year. At each annual meeting, the company must place before the meeting the annual financial statements in relation to the most recently completed financial year.


First Majestic’s articles provide that the annual general meeting of shareholders will be held at such time and place as may be determined by the directors, and that meetings of shareholders shall be held in the City of Vancouver, British


Under the DGCL, an annual meeting of stockholders is required for the election of directors and for such other proper business as may be conducted thereat. If there is a failure to hold the annual meeting for a period of 30 days after the date designated for the annual meeting, or if no date has been designated, for a period of 13 months after its last annual meeting, the Delaware Court of Chancery may order a meeting to be held upon the application of any stockholder or director.


Gatos’ bylaws provide that the annual meeting of stockholders will be held at the time and place determined by the


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Columbia or such other place or places as the directors in their absolute discretion may determine from time to time.


Gatos board, and that meetings of the stockholders may be within or without the State of Delaware.

Meeting Notice Provisions   

Under First Majestic’s articles, notice of any meeting of shareholders must be provided at least 21 days prior to the meeting if and for so long as First Majestic is a public company and, otherwise, ten days before the meeting. Business transacted at any special meeting of shareholders shall be limited to the purposes stated in the notice or otherwise properly brought before the meeting.


Under the DGCL and Gatos’ bylaws, notice of annual and special meetings of Gatos stockholders must be given not less than 10 nor more than 60 days before the date of the meeting to each stockholder entitled to vote at such meeting as of the record date for determining the stockholders entitled to notice of the meeting. Business transacted at any special meeting of stockholders shall be limited to the purposes stated in the notice.

Notice of Shareholder or Stockholder Nominations and Proposals   

Under the BCBCA, a qualified shareholder (being a person who is a registered owner or beneficial owner of one or more shares of the company that carry the right to vote at general meetings and has been a registered owner or beneficial owner for an uninterrupted period of at least two years before the date of signing the proposal) may submit a proposal to the company setting out a matter that the shareholder wishes to have considered at the next meeting. In addition, the proposal must be signed by the shareholder who, together with the submitter, are registered or beneficial owners of (i) at least 1% of the company’s voting shares, or (ii) shares with a fair market value exceeding an amount prescribed by regulation (at present, C$2,000). A proposal under the BCBCA must include the name and address of the person submitting the proposal, the names and addresses of the person’s supporters and the number and class or series of shares of the company, carrying the right to vote at annual general meetings that are owned by such person(s).


Subject to certain limited exceptions, the company must send the text of a valid proposal to all persons entitled to notice of the meeting in relation to which the proposal was made and allow the


Under Gatos’ bylaws, a Gatos stockholder wishing to nominate a director for election to the Gatos board, or make a proposal for business other than the nomination of directors, must provide written notice, in proper form, within the following time periods:


(i) annual meetings: not less than 120 days nor more than 150 days prior to the first anniversary of the preceding year’s annual meeting of stockholders, provided that in the event that the date of the annual meeting is advanced more than 30 days prior to such anniversary date or delayed more than 70 days after such anniversary date then to be timely such notice must be received no earlier than 120 days prior to such annual meeting and no later than 70 days prior to the date of the meeting or the 10th day following the day on which public announcement of the date of the meeting was first made by Gatos; and


(ii) special meetings: not earlier than 150 days prior to the date of the special meeting nor later than the later of 120 days prior to the date of the special meeting or the 10th day following the day on which public announcement of the date of the special meeting was first made.


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submitter to present the proposal at the meeting. If two or more proposals received by the company in relation to the same annual general meeting are substantially the same, the company only needs to comply with such requirements in relation to the first proposal received and not any others.


The First Majestic board has adopted an advance notice policy (the “Advance Notice Policy”). The Advance Notice Policy provides shareholders, directors and management of First Majestic with a clear framework for nominating individuals for election as directors. Under the Advance Notice Policy, shareholders may nominate a person for election to the board of directors at any annual meeting of shareholders, or at any special meeting of shareholders, provided that such nominating shareholder (i) at the close of business on the date on which the nominating shareholder gives the notice provided for in the Advance Notice Policy and at the close of business on the record date for notice of such meeting, is entered in the securities register of First Majestic as a holder of one or more shares carrying the right to vote at such meeting or who beneficially owns shares that are entitled to be voted at such meeting; and (ii) who otherwise complies with the notice procedures set out in the Advance Notice Policy.


In addition to any other requirements under applicable laws, for a nomination to be made by a nominating shareholder, the nominating shareholder must deliver notice thereof that is both timely and in proper written form to the Secretary of First Majestic at the principal executive offices of First Majestic.


To be timely, the notice must be delivered to the Secretary (i) in the case of an annual meeting of shareholders, not less than 35 days prior to the date of the annual meeting of shareholders;



In the case of special meetings, the time periods are applicable only with respect to nominations of persons for election at a special meeting at which directors are to be elected pursuant to Gatos’ notice of meeting. Only such business shall be conducted at a special meeting as shall have been brought before the meeting pursuant to Gatos’ notice of meeting.


The public announcement of an adjournment or postponement of an annual meeting of stockholders will not commence a new time period for the giving of a stockholder’s notice as described above.


To be in proper form, the notice must include certain information about the stockholders making such nomination or proposal (including any beneficial owner on whose behalf the nomination or proposal is made or their affiliates, associates or others acting in concert therewith) and, in the case of a nomination, the nominee, and in the case of a proposal other than the nomination of directors, a description of the business, the reasons for conducting such business and any material interest in such business of such stockholder and the beneficial owner, if any, on whose behalf the proposal is made. The notice must also state whether either the stockholder, or beneficial owner on whose behalf a nomination or proposal is made, intends to deliver a proxy statement and form of proxy to holders of, in the case of a proposal, at least the percentage of Gatos’ common stock required by law to carry the proposal or, in the case of a nomination, a sufficient number of holders of Gatos’ common stock to elect such nominee, and such stockholder or beneficial owner must have acted consistent with such statement in order to make such proposal or nomination. Information included in the notice must be supplemented not later than 10 days after the record date for the meeting to disclose such


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provided, however, that in the event that the annual meeting of shareholders is to be held on a date that is less than 50 days after the date on which the first public announcement of the date of the annual meeting was made, the notice may be delivered not later than the close of business on the tenth day following the notice date; and (ii) in the case of a special meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of electing directors, not later than the close of business on the 15th day following the day on which the first public announcement of the date of the special meeting of shareholders was made.


In the event of an adjournment or postponement of a meeting of shareholders or the announcement thereof, any reference to the date of the annual general meeting of shareholders or a special meeting shall be deemed to refer to the date of the adjourned or postponed meeting.


To be in proper form, a notice must set forth:


(a) as to each person whom the nominating shareholder proposes to nominate for election as a director: (A) the name, age, business address and residential address of the person; (B) the principal occupation or employment of the person; (C) the citizenship of such person; (D) the class or series and number of shares of First Majestic which are controlled or which are owned beneficially or of record by the person as of the record date for the meeting of shareholders (if such date shall then have been made publicly available and shall have occurred) and as of the date of such notice; and (E) any other information relating to the person that would be required to be disclosed in a dissident’s proxy circular in connection with solicitations of proxies for election of director pursuant to the BCBCA and applicable securities laws; and


information as of the record date, if necessary, so that the information provided or required to be provided is true and correct.


With respect to any proposed nominee for director, Gatos may require such proposed nominee to furnish such other information as it may reasonably require to determine the eligibility of such proposed nominee to serve as a director.


A stockholder must also comply with all applicable requirements of the U.S. Exchange Act.


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(b) as to the nominating shareholder giving the notice, full particulars regarding any proxy, contract, agreement, arrangement or understanding pursuant to which such nominating shareholder has a right to vote or direct the voting of any shares of First Majestic and any other information relating to such nominating shareholder that would be required to be disclosed in a dissident’s proxy circular in connection with solicitations of proxies for election of director pursuant to the BCBCA and applicable securities laws.


First Majestic may require any proposed nominee to furnish such other information as may be required by law or regulation applicable to First Majestic (including, without limitation any requirements of applicable securities regulatory agencies or stock exchanges) in order for First Majestic to determine the eligibility of such proposed nominee to serve as an independent director of First Majestic.


No person shall be eligible for election as a director of First Majestic unless nominated in accordance with the provisions of the Advance Notice Policy.

Proxy Access   

Neither the BCBCA nor First Majestic’s articles provide for proxy access. See “Notice of Shareholder Nominations and Proposals” and “Election of Directors” for information regarding director nominations for First Majestic.


Delaware law authorizes the bylaws of any corporation to require that, if the corporation solicits proxies with respect to an election of directors, it includes in its proxy solicitation materials (including any form of proxy it distributes), in addition to individuals nominated by the board of directors, one or more individuals nominated by a stockholder.


Gatos’ bylaws do not provide for such proxy access.

Calling Special Meetings of Shareholders or Stockholders   

Pursuant to First Majestic’s articles, the directors may, whenever they think fit, call a meeting of shareholders.


The BCBCA provides that one or more shareholders of a company holding in the aggregate at least 5% of the issued voting shares of the company may give


Under Delaware law, a special meeting of stockholders may be called only by a corporation’s board of directors or other persons authorized in the corporation’s certificate of incorporation bylaws.


Gatos’ certificate of incorporation provides that special meetings of


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notice to the directors requiring them to call and hold a general meeting which meeting must be held within 4 months after the date on which the requisition was received by the company. Subject to certain exceptions, if the directors fail to provide notice of a meeting within 21 days of receiving the requisition, the requisitioning shareholders, or any one or more of them holding more than 2.5% of the issued shares of the company that carry the right to vote at general meetings may send notice of a general meeting to be held to transact the business stated in the requisition.


stockholders may be called only by the Secretary of the Corporation at the direction of the board of directors acting pursuant to a resolution adopted by a majority of the board of directors.

Shareholder or Stockholder Action by Written Consent   

Under the BCBCA, a consent resolution by shareholders is deemed to be valid and effective as if it had been passed at a meeting of shareholders as long as it satisfies all of the requirements of the BCBCA and the articles of the company.


First Majestic’s articles provide that if all the shareholders who are entitled to vote at an annual general meeting consent by a unanimous resolution under the BCBCA to all of the business that is required to be transacted at that annual general meeting, the annual general meeting is deemed to have been held on the date of the unanimous resolution.


Under Delaware law, unless otherwise provided in a corporation’s certificate of incorporation, any action that may be taken at a meeting of stockholders may be taken without a meeting and without prior notice if a consent in writing is signed by the holders of outstanding stock having not less than the minimum number of votes that would be necessary to authorize or take such action at a meeting at which all shares entitled to vote thereon were present and voted.


Gatos’ certificate of incorporation states that, subject to the rights of the holders of any class or series of preferred stock then outstanding, any action required or permitted to be taken at any annual or special meeting of stockholders may be taken only upon a vote of stockholders at an annual or special meeting of stockholders, and may not be taken by written consent of stockholders without a meeting.

Quorum of Shareholders or Stockholders   

First Majestic’s articles provide that, subject to the special rights and restrictions attached to the shares of any class or series of shares, the quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting of shareholders is two persons present or represented by proxy representing not less than 25% of the company’s issued shares.


Gatos’ bylaws provide that the holders of a majority of the total voting power of all outstanding securities of Gatos generally entitled to vote at a meeting of stockholders shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, unless otherwise provided under the certificate of incorporation or Delaware law.


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No business, other than the election of a chair of the meeting and the adjournment of the meeting, may be transacted at any meeting of shareholders unless a quorum of shareholders entitled to vote is present at the commencement of the meeting.

Adjournment of Shareholder or Stockholder Meetings   

First Majestic’s articles provide that the chair of a meeting of shareholders may, and if so directed by the meeting must, adjourn the meeting from time to time and from place to place, but no business may be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place.


It is not necessary to give any notice of an adjourned meeting or of the business to be transacted at an adjourned meeting of shareholders except that, when a meeting is adjourned for 30 days or more, notice of the adjourned meeting must be given as in the case of the original meeting.


Gatos’ bylaws provide that if a quorum is not present or represented at any meeting of the stockholders, the chair of the meeting or a majority in voting interest of the stockholders present in person or represented by proxy may adjourn the meeting, without notice other than announcement at the meeting, until a quorum shall be present or represented. At such adjourned meeting at which quorum shall be present or represented any business may be transacted that might have been transacted at the meeting as originally notified.


Unless the bylaws otherwise require, when a meeting is adjourned to another time or place (including an adjournment taken to address a technical failure to convene or continue a meeting using remote communication), notice need not be given of the adjourned meeting if the time, place, if any, thereof, and the means of remote communications, if any, by which stockholders and proxy holders may be deemed to be present in person and vote at such adjourned meetings, are announced at the meeting at which the adjournment is taken, displayed on the same electronic network used to participate in the meeting by means of remote communication, or set forth in the notice of meeting. If the adjournment is more than 30 days, a notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given to each stockholder of record entitled to vote at the meeting.

Amendments to Articles or Certificate of Incorporation   

Changes to the articles of a company under the BCBCA will be affected by the type of resolution specified in the articles of the company, which could provide for approval solely by a resolution of the directors. Generally, under the BCBCA,


Generally, a proposal to amend, alter, change or repeal any provision of Gatos’ certificate of incorporation, requires approval by the Gatos board and the holders of a majority of the voting power of all of the shares of Gatos’ capital


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amendments to the articles will require a special resolution of the company’s shareholders to be approved by not less than two-thirds of the votes cast by the shareholders voting on the resolution. Alteration of the special rights and restrictions attached to issued shares requires, subject to the requirements set forth in the company’s articles, consent by a special resolution of the company’s shareholders. A proposed amalgamation or continuation of a company out of the jurisdiction requires shareholder approval of such transaction by way of a special resolution to be approved by no less than two-thirds of the votes cast by the shareholders voting on the resolution.


First Majestic’s articles provide that the company may, by directors’ resolution or ordinary resolution, authorize an amendment to its articles to adopt or change its name. Other alterations to the articles will require a special resolution of First Majestic’s shareholders to be approved by no less than two-thirds of the votes cast by the shareholders voting on the resolution.


stock entitled to vote thereon and, if applicable, the holders of a majority of the voting power of each class entitled to vote thereon as a separate class, subject to limited exceptions.


Gatos’ certificate of incorporation provides that it may be amended only by the approval of the board of directors and the vote of at least 66 2/3% of the shares then entitled to vote generally in the election of directors, voting together as a single class.

Amendments to By-laws   

Not applicable.


Delaware law provides that the stockholders entitled to vote have the power to adopt, amend or repeal bylaws. A corporation may also confer, in its certificate of incorporation, that power upon the board of directors.


Gatos’ bylaws provide that they may be amended by the approval of either a majority of the board of directors or holders of at least 66 2/3% of the shares generally entitled to vote in the election of directors, voting together as a single class.

Shareholder Suits   

Under the BCBCA, a shareholder, defined as including a beneficial shareholder and any other person whom the court considers to be an appropriate person to make an application under the BCBCA, or a director of a company may, with leave of the court, bring a legal proceeding in the name and on


Under Delaware law, a stockholder may bring a derivative action on behalf of, and for the benefit of, a corporation. Generally, a person may institute and maintain such a suit only if such person was a stockholder at the time of the transaction that is the subject of the suit or his or her shares thereafter devolved


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behalf of the company to enforce an obligation owed to the company that could be enforced by the company itself, or to obtain damages for any breach of such an obligation. An applicant may also, with leave of the court, defend a legal proceeding brought against a company.


Under the BCBCA, shareholders can only complain of oppressive conduct of the company. The applicant must bring the application in a timely manner and the court may make an order in respect of the complaint if it is satisfied that the application was brought by the shareholder in a timely manner. The court may make such order as it sees fit, including an order to prohibit any act proposed by the company. If there are reasonable grounds for believing that the company is, or after a payment to a successful applicant in an oppression claim would be, unable to pay its debts as they become due in the ordinary course of business, the company must make as much of the payment as possible and pay the balance when the company is able to do so.


upon him or her by operation of law. Delaware law also requires that the derivative plaintiff make a demand on the directors of the corporation to assert the corporate claim before the suit may be prosecuted by the derivative plaintiff unless such demand would be futile. In certain circumstances, class action lawsuits are available to stockholders.


The DGCL does not provide for a remedy similar to the oppression remedy under the BCBCA; however, stockholders may be entitled to remedies for violation of a director’s fiduciary duties under Delaware common law.

Enforcement of Civil Liabilities Against Foreign Persons   

A judgment for the payment of money rendered by a federal or provincial court in Canada based on civil liability would generally be enforceable elsewhere in Canada.


A judgment for the payment of money rendered by a court in the United States based on civil liability would not be automatically enforceable in federal or provincial courts of Canada. The party seeking enforcement would first have to commence proceedings at the appropriate level of court in the Canadian jurisdiction in which enforcement is sought and obtain an order from that court for the recognition and enforcement of the judgment.


The following requirements must generally be met before the foreign


A judgment for the payment of money rendered by a U.S. federal court or any state court based on civil liability generally would be enforceable elsewhere in the U.S.


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monetary judgment will be recognized and enforceable in a Canadian court:


(i) the foreign court must have properly asserted jurisdiction;


(ii) the judgment must not have been obtained by fraud or in a manner contrary to natural justice;


(iii) the judgment must be final and conclusive; and


(iv) the judgment is not for a penalty, taxes or enforcement of a foreign public law, or otherwise contrary to Canadian public policy.

Limited Liability of Directors and Officers   

Under the BCBCA, if in a legal proceeding the court finds that a director or officer may be liable in respect of negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust, the court may relieve the officer or director, either wholly or partly, from liability on terms the court considers necessary if it appears to the court that, despite the finding of liability, the director or officer acted honestly and reasonably and ought fairly to be excused.


Under the BCBCA, directors of a company who vote for or consent to a resolution authorizing the company to: (i) carry on a business or exercise a power contrary to its articles; (ii) pay an unreasonable commission or allow an unreasonable discount to a person agreeing to procure or purchasing shares of the company; (iii) pay a dividend or purchase, redeem or otherwise acquire shares where the company is insolvent, or (iv) make or give an indemnity to a party contrary to the BCBCA, are jointly and severally liable to restore to the company any amount paid as a result and not otherwise recovered by the company.

Under the BCBCA, a director is not liable for any such amount if the director has relied, in good faith, on (i) financial statements represented by an officer of


Gatos’ certificate of incorporation provides that a director of Gatos shall not be liable to the corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director to the fullest extent permitted by Delaware law.


The DGCL provides that such liability cannot be limited for: (i) a director or officer for any breach of the director’s or officer’s duty of loyalty to the corporation or its stockholders; (ii) a director or officer for acts or omissions not in good faith or which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law; (iii) directors for unlawful payment of dividend or unlawful stock purchase or redemption; (iv) a director or officer for any transaction from which the director or officer derived an improper personal benefit; or (v) an officer in any action by or in the right of the corporation.


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the company or in the written report of the auditor of the company to fairly reflect the financial position of the company; (ii) the written report of a lawyer, accountant, engineer, appraiser or other person whose profession lends credibility to a statement made by that person; (iii) a statement of fact represented to the director by an officer of the company to be correct; or (iv) any record, information or representation that the court considers provides reasonable grounds for the actions of the director, whether or not that record was forged, fraudulently made or inaccurate. Further, a director of a company is not liable if the director did not know and could not reasonably have known that the act done by the director or authorized by the resolution voted for or consented to by the director was contrary to the BCBCA.

Indemnification of Directors and Officers   

First Majestic’s articles provide that the company must indemnify a director, former director or alternate director of the company and his or her heirs and legal personal representatives against all eligible penalties to which such person is or may be liable, and the company must, after the final disposition of an eligible proceeding, pay the expenses actually and reasonably incurred by such person in respect of that proceeding.


Under the BCBCA, a director or officer, a former director or officer or a person a who acts or has acted at the company’s request as a director or officer of another company is entitled to be indemnified by the company in respect of all costs, charges, and expenses reasonably incurred by the person in connection with any legal proceeding or investigative action if (i) the person acted honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the company; and (ii) in the case of an eligible proceeding other than a civil proceeding, the person had reasonable grounds for believing that this conduct was lawful.


Section 145 of the DGCL provides that a corporation may indemnify any person against expenses (including attorneys’ fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement in connection with any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, in which such person is made a party or threatened to be made a party by reason of the fact that the person is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another entity (other than an action by or in the right of Gatos), if such person acted in good faith and in a manner such person reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the corporation and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe such person’s conduct was unlawful. A similar standard is applicable in the case of actions by or in the right of Gatos, except that indemnification only extends to expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred in connection with the defense


- 218 -



First Majestic




or settlement of such action, and the statute requires court approval before there can be any indemnification where the person seeking indemnification has been found liable to the corporation. The statute provides that it is not exclusive of other indemnification that may be granted by Gatos’ bylaws, disinterested director vote, stockholder vote, agreement or otherwise.


In addition, Gatos may purchase and maintain insurance against liability asserted against or incurred by any of the persons referred to above whether or not it would have the power to indemnify them against such liability under Delaware law.


A corporation must indemnify directors and officers (as defined in the statute) to the extent they are successful on the merits or otherwise in defense of the action or matter at issue.


In addition, Delaware law allows for the advance payment of expenses prior to final disposition of an action, so long as, in the case of a current director or officer, the person undertakes to repay any amount advanced if it is later determined that the person is not entitled to indemnification.


Gatos’ certificate of incorporation provides that each person who was or is or is threatened to be made a party to, or is involved in any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, by reason of the fact that such person is or was a director or officer of Gatos, or is or was serving at the request of Gatos as a director or officer of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, shall be indemnified and held harmless by Gatos to the fullest extent permitted by Delaware law. Such right to indemnification also includes the right to be paid by the corporation the expenses


- 219 -



First Majestic




incurred with any such proceeding in advance of its final disposition to the fullest extent authorized by Delaware law.

Appraisal/Dissent Rights   

The BCBCA provides that shareholders, including beneficial holders, who dissent from certain actions being taken by a company, may exercise a right of dissent and require the company to purchase the shares held by such shareholder at the fair value of such shares. The dissent right is applicable where the company proposes to: (i) alter the articles to alter restrictions on the powers of the company or on the business it is permitted to carry on; (ii) adopt an amalgamation agreement; (iii) approve an amalgamation under Division 4 of Part 9 of the BCBCA; (iv) approve an arrangement, the terms of which arrangement permit dissent; (v) authorize or ratify the sale, lease or other disposition of all or substantially all of the company’s undertaking; or (vi) authorize the continuation of the company into a jurisdiction other than British Columbia.


In certain circumstances, shareholders may also be entitled to dissent in respect of a resolution if dissent is authorized by such resolution, or if permitted by court order.


Delaware law provides that a holder of shares of any class or series has the right, in specified circumstances, to dissent from a merger or consolidation by demanding payment in cash for the stockholder’s shares equal to the fair value of those shares, as determined by the Delaware Court of Chancery in an action timely brought by the corporation or a dissenting stockholder. Delaware law grants these appraisal rights only in the case of mergers or consolidations and not in the case of a sale or transfer of assets or a purchase of assets for stock.


Further, no appraisal rights are available for shares of any class or series that is listed on a national securities exchange or held of record by more than 2,000 stockholders, unless the agreement of merger or consolidation requires the holders to accept for their shares anything other than:


•  Shares of stock of the surviving corporation;


•  Shares of stock of another corporation that are either listed on a national securities exchange or held of record by more than 2,000 stockholders;


•  Cash in lieu of fractional shares of the stock described in the two precedent clauses; or


•  Any combination of the above.


In addition, appraisal rights are not available to holders of shares of the surviving corporation in specified mergers that do not require the vote of the stockholders of the surviving corporation.


Gatos’ certificate of incorporation does not provide for appraisal rights in any additional circumstance.


- 220 -



First Majestic



Approval of Extraordinary Transactions; Anti-Takeover Provisions   

Under the BCBCA, certain company alterations, such as certain amalgamations, sales, leases or other dispositions of all or substantially all of the undertaking of a company and certain arrangements are required to be approved by a special resolution of the company’s shareholders.


Under the BCBCA, arrangements are permitted and a company may make any proposal it considers appropriate. Plans of arrangement involving shareholders must be approved by a special resolution of the company’s shareholders (on which holders of shares not normally entitled to vote are entitled to vote) and by a court of competent jurisdiction. Plans of arrangement involving persons other than shareholders and creditors may require approval of the arrangement from those persons in the manner and to the extent required by the court.


A sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all of a corporation’s assets, a merger or consolidation of a corporation with another corporation or a dissolution of a corporation generally requires the approval of the corporation’s board of directors and, with limited exceptions, the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the shares of Gatos common stock outstanding as of the record date and entitled to vote.


Gatos is subject to the provisions of Section 203 of the DGCL. In general, Section 203 prohibits a publicly held Delaware corporation from engaging in a business combination with any interested stockholder for a three-year period following the time that such stockholder becomes an interested stockholder, unless (i) the board of directors approves the business combination or the transaction by which such stockholder becomes an interested stockholder, in either case, before the stockholder becomes an interested stockholder, (ii) the interested stockholder acquires 85% of the corporation’s outstanding voting stock in the transaction by which such stockholder becomes an interested stockholder, or (iii) the business combination is subsequently approved by the board of directors and authorized at a meeting of stockholders by the affirmative vote of the holders of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the corporation’s outstanding voting stock not owned by the interested stockholder.

Compulsory Acquisitions   

The BCBCA provides that if, within four months after the making of an offer to acquire shares, or any class of shares, of a company, the offer is accepted by the holders of not less than 90% of the shares (other than the shares held by the offeror or an affiliate of the offeror) of any class of shares to which the offer relates, the offeror is entitled, upon giving proper notice within five months after the date of the offer, to acquire (on the same terms on which the offeror


Not applicable.


- 221 -



First Majestic




acquired shares from those holders of shares who accepted the offer) the shares held by those holders of shares of that class who did not accept the offer. Offerees may apply to the court, within two months of receiving notice, and the court may set a different price or terms of payment and may make any consequential orders or directions as it considers appropriate.

Rights Upon Liquidation   

In case of dissolution, subject to the rights of holders of preferred shares, the remaining assets and funds of First Majestic available for distribution following payment or making provision for all of the company’s liabilities, will be paid to the holders of common shares either in money or in kind.


In case of liquidation or dissolution of Gatos, subject to the rights of the holders of Gatos preferred stock, if any, the remaining assets and funds of Gatos available for distribution will be paid to the holders of common stock.


- 222 -


Bennett Jones, Vancouver, Canada, Canadian counsel to First Majestic, has opined upon the validity of the First Majestic common shares offered by this proxy statement/prospectus. The material U.S. federal income tax consequences relating to the transaction for Gatos stockholders will be passed upon for Gatos by White & Case.


First Majestic

The financial statements of First Majestic as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, and for each of the two years in the period ended December 31, 2023, incorporated by reference in this proxy statement/prospectus, and the effectiveness of First Majestic’s internal control over financial reporting have been audited by Deloitte LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, as stated in their reports. Such financial statements are incorporated by reference in reliance upon the reports of such firm given their authority as experts in accounting and auditing.


The consolidated financial statements of Gatos appearing in Gatos’ Annual Report on Form 10-K, as amended by Amendment No. 1, for the year ended December 31, 2023, have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, as set forth in their reports thereon, included therein, and incorporated herein by reference. Such consolidated financial statements are incorporated herein by reference in reliance upon such reports given on the authority of such firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

The combined financial statements of the Los Gatos Joint Venture appearing in Gatos’ Annual Report on Form 10-K, as amended by Amendment No. 1, for the year ended December 31, 2023, have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, as set forth in their reports thereon, included therein, and incorporated herein by reference. Such consolidated financial statements are incorporated herein by reference in reliance upon such reports given on the authority of such firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

The scientific and technical information incorporated by reference in this prospectus/proxy statement concerning Gatos’ Cerro Los Gatos Mine and the other deposits of the Los Gatos district is based upon information prepared by or under the supervision of: (i) Ronald Turner, P. Geo., MAusIMM(CP), an employee of Golder Associates S.A., (ii) Stephan Blaho, P.Eng., an employee of WSP Canada Inc., (iii) Tierra Group International, Ltd., (iv) Dawn Garcia, an employee of Stantec USA, CPG AIPG 08313, (v) Adam Johnston, FAusIMM CP (Met), an employee of Transmin Metallurgical Consultants, (vi) Ibrahim Karajeh, P.Eng., an employee of WSP Canada Inc., (vi) William Richard McBride, P.Eng., an employee of WSP Canada Inc., (vii) Mathew Oommen, Registered SME Member, an employee of WSP USA Inc., and (viii) Anthony (Tony) Scott, P.Geo., Senior Vice President of Corporate Development and Technical Services of Gatos, each of which is a “Qualified Person,” as defined in S-K 1300. Each of the qualified persons (other than Tony Scott) is independent of Gatos Silver and the LGJV.

For a description of the key assumptions, parameters and methods used to estimate such mineral reserves and mineral resources included or incorporated by reference in this proxy statement/prospectus, as well as data verification procedures and a general discussion of the extent to which such estimates may be affected by any known environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, sociopolitical, marketing or other relevant factors, please review the Los Gatos Joint Venture S-K 1300 Technical Report Summary dated October 22, 2024, which is included as Exhibit 96.1 to Gatos’ Current Report on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on October 22, 2024, and is incorporated by reference herein.


First Majestic is governed by the laws of British Columbia and its principal place of business is outside the United States. The majority of the directors and officers of First Majestic and the experts named under “Experts


- 223 -

and other experts and “qualified persons” named in the documents incorporated by reference in this proxy statement/prospectus are resident outside of the United States and a substantial portion of First Majestic’s assets and the assets of such persons are located outside of the United States. Consequently, it may be difficult for United States investors to effect service of process within the United States on First Majestic, its directors or officers or such experts, or to realize in the United States on judgments of courts of the United States predicated on civil liabilities under the U.S. Securities Act. Investors should not assume that Canadian courts would enforce judgments of United States courts obtained in actions against First Majestic or such persons predicated on the civil liability provisions of the United States federal securities laws or the securities or “blue sky” laws of any state within the United States or would enforce, in original actions, liabilities against First Majestic or such persons predicated on the United States federal securities or any such state securities or “blue sky” laws. A final judgment for a liquidated sum in favor of a private litigant granted by a United States court and predicated solely upon civil liability under United States federal securities laws would, subject to certain exceptions identified in the law of individual provinces of Canada, likely be enforceable in Canada if the United States court in which the judgment was obtained had a basis for jurisdiction in the matter that would be recognized by the domestic Canadian court for the same purposes. There is a significant risk that a given Canadian court may not have jurisdiction or may decline jurisdiction over a claim based solely upon United States federal securities law on application of the conflict of laws principles of the province in Canada in which the claim is brought.


As of the date of this proxy statement/prospectus, the Gatos board knows of no matters that will be presented for consideration at the Gatos special meeting other than as described in this proxy statement/prospectus. If any other matters properly come before Gatos stockholders at the Gatos special meeting, or any adjournment or postponement thereof, and are voted upon, the enclosed proxy will be deemed to confer discretionary authority on the individuals that it names as proxies to vote the shares represented by the proxy as to any of these matters. The individuals named as proxies intend to vote in accordance with the recommendation of the Gatos board.


The transaction is expected to be completed in early 2025. Until the transaction is completed, Gatos’ stockholders will continue to be entitled to attend and participate in Gatos stockholder meetings, including the annual meeting, if any. If the transaction is completed, Gatos will have no public stockholders and there will be no public participation in any future meetings of the stockholders of Gatos. However, if the transaction is not completed, Gatos stockholders will continue to be entitled to attend and participate in Gatos stockholder meetings.

Proposals that stockholders wish to submit for inclusion in Gatos’ proxy statement for its 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under the U.S. Exchange Act must be received by Gatos’ Corporate Secretary at Gatos Silver, Inc., Suite 910 - 925 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 3L2 no later than December 26, 2024. Any stockholder proposal submitted for inclusion must be eligible for inclusion in Gatos’ proxy statement in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the SEC.

Gatos’ bylaws further provide that a stockholder proposal relating to the nomination of a person for election as a director at its 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders or a stockholder proposal that is not submitted for inclusion in the proxy statement, but that a stockholder instead wishes to present directly at such annual meeting, must be submitted in writing and received by Gatos’ Corporate Secretary at the address above no earlier than January 7, 2025, and no later than February 6, 2025. Such written notice must contain the information required by Gatos’ bylaws. In addition to complying with the advance notice provisions of Gatos’ bylaws, to solicit proxies in support of director nominees other than Gatos’ nominees, a stockholder must give timely notice that complies


- 224 -

with the additional requirements of Rule 14a-19 under the U.S. Exchange Act and which must be received no later than April 7, 2025, in order to comply with the SEC’s universal proxy rules.

Please refer to Gatos’ bylaws for additional information and requirements regarding stockholder proposals and director nominations. Gatos will not consider any proposal or nomination that is not timely or otherwise does not meet Gatos’ bylaws and the SEC’s requirements for submitting a proposal or nomination, as applicable. Gatos reserves the right to reject, rule out of order or take other appropriate action with respect to any proposal or nomination that does not comply with these and any other applicable requirements.


Gatos files annual, quarterly and current reports, proxy statements and other information with the SEC. First Majestic files or furnishes annual reports, reports on Form 6-K and other information with the SEC. As First Majestic is a “foreign private issuer,” under the rules adopted under the U.S. Exchange Act it is exempt from certain of the requirements of the U.S. Exchange Act, including the proxy and information provisions of Section 14 of the U.S. Exchange Act and the reporting and liability provisions applicable to officers, directors and significant stockholders under Section 16 of the U.S. Exchange Act.

You may access this information at the website maintained by the SEC at www.sec.gov. The information contained on the SEC’s website is not incorporated by reference into this proxy statement/prospectus, except as described below.

You may also access the SEC filings and obtain other information about Gatos through the website maintained by Gatos at https://investor.gatossilver.com/financials/sec-filings/ and First Majestic at https://firstmajestic.com/investors. The information contained in those websites is not incorporated by reference into, or in any way part of, this proxy statement/prospectus. You should not rely on such information in deciding whether to approve the Gatos merger proposal unless such information is in this proxy statement/prospectus or has been incorporated by reference into this proxy statement/prospectus.

Gatos and First Majestic file reports, statements and other information with the applicable Canadian Securities Administrators. Their filings are electronically available to the public from SEDAR+ website at www.sedarplus.ca. The information contained on the SEDAR+ website is not incorporated by reference into this proxy statement/prospectus.

Incorporation of Certain Documents by Reference

The SEC allows Gatos and First Majestic to “incorporate by reference” information into this proxy statement/prospectus. This means that Gatos and First Majestic can disclose important information to you by referring you to another document filed separately with the SEC. The information incorporated by reference is considered to be a part of this proxy statement/prospectus, except for any information that is superseded by information that is included directly in this proxy statement/prospectus or incorporated by reference subsequent to the date of this proxy statement/prospectus.


- 225 -

This proxy statement/prospectus incorporates by reference the documents listed below that Gatos and First Majestic have previously filed with the SEC. They contain important information about the companies and their financial condition. The following documents, which were filed by the companies with the SEC, are incorporated by reference into this proxy statement/prospectus (other than, in each case, documents or information deemed to have been furnished and not filed in accordance with SEC rules):


Gatos Filings with the SEC

(File No. 001-39649)


Period and/or Filing Date

Annual Report on Form 10-K, as amended by Annual Report on Form 10-K/A


Year ended December 31, 2023

Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q


Quarter ended March 31, 2024

Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q


Quarter ended June 30, 2024

Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q


Quarter ended September 30, 2024

Current Reports on Form 8-K


Filed May 6, 2024, June 10, 2024, September 5, 2024, September 6, 2024, September 10, 2024, October 11, 2024 and October 22, 2024

Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A


Filed on April 25, 2024


First Majestic Filings with the SEC

(File No. 001-34984)

  Period and/or Filing Date

Annual Report on Form 40-F


Year ended December 31, 2023

Reports on Form 6-K


Filed April 15, 2024 (Exhibit 99.3 only), May 8, 2024 (Exhibits 99.1 and 99.2 only), August 1, 2024 (Exhibits 99.1 and 99.2 only), September 9, 2024 (Exhibit 99.1 only) and November 7, 2024 (Exhibits 99.1 and 99.2 only)



Other than the portions of those documents not deemed to be filed.

All documents filed by Gatos and First Majestic under Section 13(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the U.S. Exchange Act, as required, from the date of this proxy statement/prospectus to the completion of the offering will also be deemed to be incorporated in this proxy statement/prospectus by reference other than the portions of those documents not deemed to be filed. In the case of Gatos, these documents include periodic reports, such as Annual Reports on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K (excluding any information furnished pursuant to Item 2.02 or Item 7.01 of any current report on Form 8-K under the U.S. Exchange Act), and proxy statements, as required. In the case of First Majestic, these documents include Annual Reports on Form 40-F and Reports on Form 6-K (to the extent indicated by First Majestic therein). Gatos and First Majestic also incorporate by reference the merger agreement attached to this proxy statement/prospectus as Annex A.

First Majestic has supplied all information contained into this proxy statement/prospectus relating to First Majestic, and Gatos has supplied all information contained in or incorporated by reference into this proxy statement/prospectus relating to Gatos.

Any statement contained in a document incorporated or deemed to be incorporated by reference herein will be deemed to be modified or superseded for purposes of this proxy statement/prospectus to the extent that a statement contained herein or in any other subsequently filed document which also is or is deemed to be incorporated by reference herein modifies or supersedes such statement. Any such statement so modified or superseded will not be deemed, except as so modified or superseded, to constitute a part of this proxy statement/prospectus.


- 226 -

You may also obtain copies of any document incorporated in this proxy statement/prospectus, without charge, by requesting them in writing or by telephone from the appropriate company at the addresses below, or from the SEC through the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. Gatos stockholders and First Majestic shareholders may request a copy of such documents by contacting:


Gatos Silver, Inc.

Suite 910- 925 West Georgia Street

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6C 3L2

Attention: Corporate Secretary

Telephone: (604) 841-7937


First Majestic Silver Corp.

Suite 2500 - 666 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British
Columbia V6C 2X8, Canada

Attention: General Counsel

Telephone: (604) 688-3033

In addition, you may obtain copies of any document incorporated in this proxy statement/prospectus, without charge, by visiting the websites maintained by Gatos and First Majestic at www.gatossilver.com and www.firstmajestic.com, respectively.

If you would like to request documents, please do so by [ ], 2024, to receive them before the Gatos special meeting. If you request any incorporated documents from us, we will mail them to you by first class mail, or another equally prompt means, within one business day after we receive your request.

Gatos and First Majestic have not authorized anyone to give any information or make any representation about the transaction, the Gatos special meeting or Gatos and First Majestic that is different from, or in addition to, that contained in this proxy statement/prospectus or in any of the materials that Gatos and First Majestic have incorporated in this proxy statement/prospectus by reference. Therefore, if anyone does give you information of this sort, you should not rely on it. The information contained in this proxy statement/prospectus is accurate only as of the date of this proxy statement/prospectus unless the information specifically indicates that another date applies, and neither the mailing of this proxy statement/prospectus to stockholders nor the issuance of First Majestic common shares in the transaction should create any implication to the contrary.


- 227 -


Dated September 5, 2024

Agreement and Plan of Merger

by and among

First Majestic Silver Corp.

Ocelot Transaction Corporation


Gatos Silver, Inc.



Table of Contents





Section 1.01

   Certain Definitions      A-6  

Section 1.02

   The Merger      A-20  

Section 1.03

   Closing      A-20  

Section 1.04

   Effective Time      A-20  

Section 1.05

   Governing Documents of the Surviving Corporation      A-21  

Section 1.06

   Directors and Officers of the Surviving Corporation      A-21  

Section 1.07

   Effects of the Merger      A-21  

Section 1.08

   First Majestic Board      A-21  



Section 2.01

   Treatment of Capital Stock      A-21  

Section 2.02

   Payment for Securities; Surrender of Certificates      A-22  

Section 2.03

   Treatment of Gatos Equity Awards      A-24  

Section 2.04

   Withholding      A-26  

Section 2.05

   Fractional Shares      A-26  

Section 2.06

   Further Assurances      A-26  



Section 3.01

   Qualification, Organization, Subsidiaries, etc.      A-27  

Section 3.02

   Capitalization      A-27  

Section 3.03

   Corporate Authority Relative to this Agreement; No Violation      A-29  

Section 3.04

   Reports and Financial Statements      A-30  

Section 3.05

   Internal Controls and Procedures      A-30  

Section 3.06

   No Undisclosed Liabilities      A-30  

Section 3.07

   Compliance with Laws; Permits      A-31  

Section 3.08

   Environmental Laws and Regulations      A-31  

Section 3.09

   Employee Benefit Plans      A-32  

Section 3.10

   Absence of Certain Changes or Events      A-33  

Section 3.11

   Investigation; Litigation      A-33  

Section 3.12

   Information Supplied      A-33  

Section 3.13

   Tax Matters      A-34  

Section 3.14

   Labor Matters      A-35  

Section 3.15

   Intellectual Property      A-36  

Section 3.16

   Real Property; Tangible Property      A-37  

Section 3.17

   Property      A-38  

Section 3.18

   Mineral Reserves      A-38  

Section 3.19

   Opinion of Financial Advisor      A-38  

Section 3.20

   Takeover Statutes      A-38  

Section 3.21

   Material Contracts      A-38  

Section 3.22

   Insurance      A-40  

Section 3.23

   Finders and Brokers      A-40  

Section 3.24

   FCPA and Anti-Corruption      A-40  

Section 3.25

   Sanctions      A-41  

Section 3.26

   Affiliate Transactions      A-41  

Section 3.27

   HSR Act      A-41  

Section 3.28

   No Other Representations      A-41  






Section 4.01

   Qualification, Organization, Subsidiaries, etc      A-42  

Section 4.02

   Capitalization      A-42  

Section 4.03

   Corporate Authority Relative to this Agreement; No Violation      A-44  

Section 4.04

   Reports and Financial Statements      A-45  

Section 4.05

   Internal Controls and Procedures      A-45  

Section 4.06

   No Undisclosed Liabilities      A-46  

Section 4.07

   Compliance with Law; Permits      A-46  

Section 4.08

   Environmental Laws and Regulations      A-47  

Section 4.09

   Employee Benefit Plans      A-47  

Section 4.10

   Absence of Certain Changes or Events      A-48  

Section 4.11

   Investigation; Litigation      A-49  

Section 4.12

   Information Supplied      A-49  

Section 4.13

   Tax Matters      A-49  

Section 4.14

   Labor Matters      A-51  

Section 4.15

   Intellectual Property      A-52  

Section 4.16

   Real Property; Tangible Property      A-52  

Section 4.17

   Property      A-53  

Section 4.18

   Mineral Reserves      A-54  

Section 4.19

   Opinion of Financial Advisor      A-54  

Section 4.20

   Takeover Statutes      A-54  

Section 4.21

   Material Contracts      A-54  

Section 4.22

   Insurance      A-55  

Section 4.23

   Finders and Brokers      A-56  

Section 4.24

   FCPA and Anti-Corruption      A-56  

Section 4.25

   Sanctions      A-56  

Section 4.26

   Stock Ownership      A-57  

Section 4.27

   No Merger Sub Activity      A-57  

Section 4.28

   Affiliate Transactions      A-57  

Section 4.29

   No Other Representations      A-57  



Section 5.01

   Conduct of Business by Gatos Pending the Closing      A-57  

Section 5.02

   Conduct of Business by First Majestic Pending the Closing      A-61  

Section 5.03

   Solicitation by Gatos      A-64  

Section 5.04

   Solicitation by First Majestic      A-67  

Section 5.05

   Preparation of the Form F-4, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and First Majestic Circular; Gatos Special Meeting and First Majestic Special Meeting      A-69  

Section 5.06

   No Control of Other Party’s Business      A-72  



Section 6.01

   Access; Confidentiality      A-72  

Section 6.02

   Reasonable Best Efforts      A-74  

Section 6.03

   Publicity      A-75  

Section 6.04

   Directors’ and Officers’ Indemnification and Insurance      A-76  

Section 6.05

   Takeover Statutes      A-78  

Section 6.06

   Obligations of Merger Sub and the Surviving Corporation      A-78  

Section 6.07

   Employee Benefits Matters      A-78  

Section 6.08

   Rule 16b-3      A-79  




Section 6.09

   Transaction Litigation; Notices      A-79  

Section 6.10

   Delisting      A-79  

Section 6.11

   Stock Exchange Listings      A-79  

Section 6.12

   Tax Matters      A-79  



Section 7.01

   Conditions to Each Party’s Obligations to Effect the Merger      A-81  

Section 7.02

   Conditions to Obligations of First Majestic and Merger Sub      A-81  

Section 7.03

   Conditions to Obligations of Gatos      A-82  

Section 7.04

   Frustration of Closing Conditions      A-83  



Section 8.01

   Termination      A-83  

Section 8.02

   Effect of Termination      A-85  



Section 9.01

   Amendment and Modification; Waiver      A-87  

Section 9.02

   Non-Survival of Representations and Warranties      A-88  

Section 9.03

   Expenses      A-88  

Section 9.04

   Notices      A-88  

Section 9.05

   Interpretation      A-89  

Section 9.06

   Counterparts      A-90  

Section 9.07

   Entire Agreement; Third-Party Beneficiaries      A-90  

Section 9.08

   Severability      A-91  

Section 9.09

   Governing Law; Jurisdiction      A-91  

Section 9.10

   Waiver of Jury Trial      A-91  

Section 9.11

   Assignment      A-92  

Section 9.12

   Enforcement; Remedies      A-92  

Section 9.13

   Procedure for Termination, Amendment, Modification or Waiver.      A-92  


Exhibit A   

Form of Certificate of Merger

Exhibit B   

Articles of Incorporation of the Surviving Corporation




Agreement and Plan of Merger

This AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER (this “Agreement”), dated September 5, 2024, is by and among First Majestic Silver Corp., a British Columbia company (“First Majestic”), Ocelot Transaction Corporation, a Delaware corporation and wholly owned Subsidiary of First Majestic (“Merger Sub”), and Gatos Silver, Inc., a Delaware corporation (“Gatos”). First Majestic, Merger Sub and Gatos are each sometimes referred to as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.”


WHEREAS, the Parties wish to effect a business combination through the merger of Merger Sub with and into Gatos (the “Merger”), with Gatos surviving the Merger as a wholly owned subsidiary of First Majestic in accordance with the Delaware General Corporation Law (the “DGCL”);

WHEREAS, the board of directors of Gatos (the “Gatos Board of Directors”) established a special committee of the Gatos Board of Directors consisting of independent and disinterested directors (the “Gatos Special Committee”) to, among other things, review, evaluate and negotiate this Agreement and the Transactions and, if, the Gatos Special Committee deems appropriate, recommend that the Gatos Board of Directors approve the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Gatos;

WHEREAS, the Gatos Board of Directors (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) has unanimously adopted resolutions (a) declaring that this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, including the Merger (the “Transactions”), are advisable, (b) approving this Agreement and the Transactions, (c) resolving, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement, to submit this Agreement to the Gatos stockholders for consideration at a meeting of Gatos stockholders and (d) resolving, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement, to recommend the adoption of this Agreement by the Gatos stockholders (the resolution in this clause (d) being the “Gatos Board Recommendation”);

WHEREAS, the board of directors of First Majestic (the “First Majestic Board of Directors”) has unanimously adopted resolutions, including in its capacity as the sole stockholder of Merger Sub, (a) declaring that this Agreement and the consummation of the Transactions, are advisable, (b) approving this Agreement and the Transactions, (c) resolving, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement, that the issuance of the First Majestic Shares as Merger Consideration (the “First Majestic Share Issuance”) be submitted for consideration at the First Majestic Special Meeting and (d) resolving, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement, to recommend that First Majestic’s stockholders vote to approve the First Majestic Share Issuance (the “First Majestic Board Recommendation”);

WHEREAS, the board of directors of Merger Sub has unanimously approved this Agreement and the Transactions, including the Merger, and determined that this Agreement and the consummation of the Transactions, including the Merger, are advisable;

WHEREAS, for U.S. federal, and applicable state and local, income Tax purposes, it is the intent of the Parties that (i) the Merger qualifies as a “reorganization” under Section 368(a) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), to which each of First Majestic, Merger Sub, and Gatos are parties under Section 368(b) of the Code and (ii) the Merger not result in the recognition of gain under Section 367(a)(1) of the Code (other than for any stockholder that would be a “five-percent transferee shareholder” (within the meaning of Treasury Regulations Section 1.367(a)-3(c)(5)(ii)) of First Majestic following the Merger that does not enter into a five-year gain recognition agreement as provided under Treasury Regulations Section 1.367(a)-8 (a “GRA”)) (clauses (i) and (ii), collectively, the “Intended Tax Treatment”), and that this Agreement constitutes, and is adopted as, a “plan of reorganization” for purposes of Sections 354, 361 and 368 of the Code and within the meaning of Treasury Regulation Section 1.368-2(g);



WHEREAS concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, and as a condition of, and inducement to, the willingness of First Majestic to enter into this Agreement, each member of the Gatos Board of Directors, each executive officer of Gatos listed on Section A of the Gatos Disclosure Letter, Electrum Silver US LLC and Electrum Silver US II LLC have entered into agreements to vote in favor of the Transactions with First Majestic; and

WHEREAS, the Parties desire to make certain representations, warranties, covenants and agreements in connection with the Merger and also prescribe various conditions to the Merger.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:

W I T N E S S E T H :



Section 1.01Certain Definitions. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term:

Acceptable Confidentiality Agreement” means a confidentiality agreement that contains terms that are no less favorable in the aggregate to Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable, than those contained in the Confidentiality Agreement in favor of Gatos; provided that such agreement need not include standstill provisions in favor of Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable and which confidentiality agreement does not contain any provision that prohibits Gatos’ or First Majestic’s, as the case may be, compliance with the terms of this Agreement.

Action” means any claim, complaint, litigation, action, petition, suit, arbitration, mediation or similar legal proceeding, whether civil or criminal, at law or in equity, by or before any Governmental Entity.

Adverse Law or Order” means any rule, regulation or other Law or Order entered, enacted, promulgated, enforced or issued by any Governmental Entity of competent jurisdiction which prevents, prohibits or makes illegal the consummation of the Transactions.

Antitrust Laws” mean any antitrust, competition or trade regulation Laws that are designed or intended to prohibit, restrict or regulate actions having the purpose or effect of monopolization or restraint of trade or lessening competition through merger or acquisition, including the HSR Act and Mexico’s Antitrust Law.

BC Securities Act” means the Securities Act (British Columbia), as amended.

Bribery Legislation” means any applicable Law or regulation implementing the Organization For Economic Co-operation and Development Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions; the FCPA; the CFPOA; the Criminal Code (Canada); and any anti-bribery or anti-corruption related provisions in criminal and anti-competition laws and/or anti-bribery, anti-corruption and/or anti-money laundering laws of any jurisdiction in which First Majestic or Gatos operates.

Business Day” means any day other than (i) a Saturday or a Sunday or (ii) a day on which banking and savings and loan institutions are authorized or required by Law to be closed in New York, New York, or Vancouver, British Columbia.



Canadian Corporate and Securities Law” means collectively, Canadian Corporate Law and Canadian Securities Laws.

Canadian Corporate Law” means the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) and the rules and regulations published thereunder.

Canadian Securities Authorities” means the British Columbia Securities Commission and any other applicable securities commission or securities regulatory authority of a province or territory of Canada.

Canadian Securities Laws” means the BC Securities Act and any other applicable Canadian provincial and territorial securities Laws, rules and regulations and published instruments and policies thereunder.

CFPOA” means the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (Canada).

COFECE” means the Mexican Federal Economic Competition Commission (Comisión Federal de Competencia Económica) or any Governmental Entity which substitutes it or assumes its functions.

Collective Bargaining Agreement” means any collective bargaining or similar collective labor agreement or arrangement (whether or not mandated by Law or any Governmental Entity) with any trade union, labor union, works council, or similar employee representative body, covering any employee of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary, or First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary, as the case may be, or by which any such employee is bound.

Confidentiality Agreement” means the Amended and Restated Confidentiality Agreement, dated as of June 7, 2024 by and between Gatos and First Majestic.

Contract” means any written or oral agreement, contract, subcontract, settlement agreement, lease, sublease, binding understanding, note, option, bond, mortgage, indenture, trust document, loan or credit agreement, license, sublicense, insurance policy, arrangement or other legally binding commitment or undertaking of any nature, as in effect as of the date hereof or as may hereinafter be in effect, and any amendments or supplements thereto.

COVID-19” means SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19, and any evolutions or mutations thereof or any epidemics, pandemic or disease outbreak resulting therefrom.

DGCL” shall have the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

Effect” means any change, effect, development, circumstance, condition, state of facts, event or occurrence.

Environmental Law” means any Law relating to pollution or protection, investigation or restoration of the environment or natural resources, wildlife or, as such matters relate to injury or threat of injury to persons or property relating to the use, handling, presence, transportation, treatment, storage, disposal, Release, threatened Release or discharge of, or exposure to, Hazardous Materials.

Environmental Permits” means any permit, license, consent, certificate, registration, variance, exemption, order, authorization or approval required under applicable Environmental Laws.

Exchange Act” means the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

Exchanges” means the NYSE and TSX.

FCPA” means the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended.



First Majestic Benefit Plan” means each material employee benefit plan, plan, program, policy, practice, contract, agreement or other arrangement, including each bonus, commission, equity, stock purchase, phantom stock, stock option, incentive, deferred compensation, defined contribution, defined benefit, retirement, pension, employment (including offer letter), consulting, severance, separation, retention, change in control, sick leave, health and welfare (including vision, dental and disability plans), vacation, paid time off, and other compensation or benefit plan, program, policy, practice, contract, agreement or other arrangement, whether or not in writing and whether or not funded, that is maintained, sponsored, contributed to or required to be contributed to by First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries, or with respect to which First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries could reasonably be expected to have material liability, in each case, with respect to, or for the benefit of, any current or former employees, individual independent contractors, or other non-employee service providers of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries (and any dependents or beneficiaries thereof), but excluding any plan, program, agreement, or arrangement sponsored or maintained, or mandated to be sponsored or maintained, by any Governmental Entity.

First Majestic Circular” means the management information circular prepared by First Majestic in connection with the First Majestic Special Meeting.

First Majestic Competing Proposal” means, other than the Transactions contemplated by this Agreement, whether or not in writing, any inquiry, proposal or offer from, or public expression of intention by, any Person or “group” (as defined in the Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act and the rules promulgated thereunder) of Persons (other than First Majestic and its affiliates) relating to (i) any acquisition or purchase (or any lease, royalty, agreement, joint venture, long-term supply agreement or other arrangement having the same economic effect as an acquisition or purchase), direct or indirect, through one or more transactions of (A) twenty percent (20%) or more of the consolidated assets of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries taken as a whole (based on the most recent consolidated financial statements of First Majestic filed on SEDAR+), or (B) twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of First Majestic or twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of one or more First Majestic Subsidiaries whose assets, individually or in the aggregate, constitute twenty percent (20%) or more of the consolidated assets of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries taken as a whole (based on the most recent consolidated financial statements of First Majestic filed on SEDAR+), (ii) any take-over bid, tender offer or exchange offer that, if consummated, would result in such Person or group owning twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of First Majestic or twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of one or more First Majestic Subsidiaries whose assets, individually or in the aggregate, constitute twenty percent (20%) or more of the consolidated assets of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries taken as a whole (based on the most recent consolidated financial statements of First Majestic filed on SEDAR+), or (iii) a plan of arrangement, merger, amalgamation, consolidation, share exchange, business combination, reorganization, recapitalization, liquidation, dissolution or other similar transaction involving the issuance, acquisition or conversion of, or the disposition of, twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of First Majestic or twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of one or more First Majestic Subsidiaries whose assets, individually or in the aggregate, constitute twenty percent (20%) or more of the consolidated assets of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries taken as a whole (based on the most recent consolidated financial statements of First Majestic filed on SEDAR+).

First Majestic Credit Agreement” means that certain second amended and restated Credit Agreement dated March 31, 2022 among, inter alios, First Majestic, the Bank of Montreal as administrative agent and lender and several other lenders who are party thereto, as amended from time to time.



First Majestic Equity Award” means any form of compensation (including deferred compensation) granted under a First Majestic Equity Plan that is or may be paid or settled in First Majestic Shares.

First Majestic Equity Plan” means the 2022 First Majestic Long Term Incentive Plan, as may be amended from time to time.

First Majestic Governing Documents” means First Majestic’s (i) Notice of Articles, as amended, and (ii) Articles, as amended.

First Majestic Intellectual Property” means the Intellectual Property owned or purported to be owned, in whole or in part, by First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries.

First Majestic Intervening Event” means any material event, fact, circumstance, effect, development or occurrence that (i) was not known to, or reasonably foreseeable by, the First Majestic Board of Directors as of the date hereof or, if known, the material consequences of which were not known or reasonably foreseeable as of the date hereof provided, however, that in no event shall the following events, changes or developments constitute a First Majestic Intervening Event: (i) the receipt, existence or terms of any First Majestic Competing Proposal; (ii) changes in the market price or trading volume of the First Majestic Shares or Gatos Common Stock or the fact that Gatos or First Majestic meets or exceeds (or fails to meet or exceed) internal or published estimates, projections, forecasts or predictions for any period; provided, further, that the exceptions contained in the foregoing proviso shall not apply to the underlying causes giving rise to, or contributing to, such event, change or development or prevent any of such underlying causes from being taken into account in determining whether First Majestic Intervening Event has occurred; (iii) changes after the date hereof in general United States, Mexico, Canada or global economic conditions or conditions (or changes therein) in any industry or industries in which First Majestic operates (including any change (on a current or forward basis) in the price of silver or changes in commodity prices or general market prices affecting the mining industry generally); or (iv) changes after the date hereof affecting financial, credit or capital market conditions or changes in interest or exchange rates.

First Majestic Material Adverse Effect” means any Effect that, individually or in the aggregate, (i) has a material adverse effect on the business, results of operations or financial condition of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, or (ii) prevents or materially delays the consummation of the Transactions from occurring on or before the Outside Date; provided, however, that in the case of clause (i), no Effects to the extent resulting or arising from the following, either alone or in combination, shall be deemed to constitute a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect or shall be taken into account when determining whether a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect exists or has occurred or is reasonably likely to exist or occur: (a) any changes in general United States, Mexico, Canada or global economic conditions, (b) conditions (or changes therein) in any industry or industries in which First Majestic operates (including any change (on a current or forward basis) in the price of silver or changes in commodity prices or general market prices affecting the mining industry generally), (c) general legal, tax, economic, political or regulatory conditions (or changes therein), including any changes affecting financial, credit or capital market conditions or changes in interest or exchange rates and any such conditions related to a government shutdown, federal debt ceiling or banking or credit crisis, (d) any change or prospective changes occurring after the date hereof in Laws or IFRS or the interpretation or enforcement thereof, (e) any adoption, implementation, promulgation, repeal, modification, amendment, reinterpretation, change or proposal of any applicable Law of and by any Governmental Entity occurring after the date hereof (including with respect to Taxes), (f) compliance with the express terms of this Agreement or any other agreement entered into in connection herewith and any action taken or omitted to be taken by First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary at the express written direction or request of or with the express prior written consent of Gatos, (g) changes in the price of First Majestic Shares, in and of itself (it being understood that the Effects giving rise or contributing to such changes that are not otherwise excluded from the definition of a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect may be taken into account), (h) any failure by First Majestic to meet any internal or published projections, estimates or expectations of First Majestic’s revenue, earnings or other



financial performance or results of operations for any period, in and of itself, or any failure by First Majestic to meet its internal budgets, plans or forecasts of its revenues, earnings or other financial performance or results of operations, in and of itself (it being understood that the Effects giving rise or contributing to such failure that are not otherwise excluded from the definition of a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect may be taken into account), (i) (A) any hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, fire, explosion, weather-related event, natural or man-made disaster, act of God or other force majeure events or occurrences, (B) epidemics, pandemics or disease outbreaks (including COVID-19) or the worsening thereof or applicable Laws (or the interpretation thereof) adopted in response thereto, or (C) (1) any outbreak or escalation or worsening of hostilities, acts of war (whether or not declared), military actions, cyber-attacks, data breaches, acts of insurrection, political unrest, riots or any act of sabotage or terrorism (foreign or domestic) or (2) the geopolitical dispute between the Russian Federation and Ukraine and any evolution or worsening thereof, including, in all cases of this clause (i), the response of any Governmental Entities thereto (j) the negotiation, public announcement or pendency of the Transactions, including the impact of any of the foregoing on the relationships, contractual or otherwise, of First Majestic with customers, suppliers, service providers, employees, Governmental Entities, stockholders, joint venture partners or any other Persons having a relationship with First Majestic and including any resulting litigation (including any claims of breach of fiduciary duty or disclosure claims) or (k) any reduction in any credit rating of First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries, in and of itself (it being understood that the Effects giving rise or contributing to such reduction that are not otherwise excluded from the definition of a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect may be taken into account), except, in the case of clauses (a) – (e) or (i) to the extent First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, are disproportionately impacted thereby relative to other entities operating in the same industry or industries and the same jurisdiction in which First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries operate (in which case the incremental disproportionate impact may be taken into account in determining whether there has been a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect, and only to the extent otherwise permitted by this definition).

First Majestic Option” means an outstanding and unexercised option (whether vested or unvested) to purchase First Majestic Shares.

First Majestic Shareholder Approval” means the approval of the First Majestic Share Issuance by simple majority of the votes cast by holders of First Majestic Shares present in person or by proxy at the First Majestic Special Meeting and entitled to vote at the First Majestic Special Meeting.

First Majestic Special Meeting” means the special meeting of the holders of First Majestic Shares for the purpose of seeking the First Majestic Shareholder Approval, including any postponement or adjournment thereof.

First Majestic Subsidiaries” means the Subsidiaries of First Majestic.

First Majestic Superior Proposal” means a bona fide, written First Majestic Competing Proposal (with references to 20% being deemed to be replaced with references to 50%) not solicited in breach of Section 5.04, which the First Majestic Board of Directors determines in good faith after consultation with First Majestic’s outside legal and financial advisors to be (i) more favorable from a financial point of view to the shareholders of First Majestic than the Merger, taking into account all relevant factors (including any adjustment to the terms and conditions proposed by Gatos in response to such proposal) and (ii) reasonably capable of being completed as proposed on a timely basis, in the case of each of clauses (i) and (ii), taking into account the certainty and timing of closing, financing arrangements, the identity of the party making the proposal and such other legal, financial, regulatory and other aspects of such proposal as the First Majestic Board of Directors deems in good faith relevant.

First Majestic Superior Proposal Acquisition Agreement” shall mean a written definitive acquisition agreement providing for a First Majestic Superior Proposal entered into by and between First Majestic and the Person making a First Majestic Superior Proposal.



First Majestic VWAP” means the volume weighted average price of First Majestic Shares for a five (5) trading day period, starting with the opening of trading on the sixth (6th) trading day prior to the Closing Date and ending with the closing of trading on the second to last trading day prior to the Closing Date, as reported by Bloomberg L.P., or if not reported therein, in another authoritative source mutually selected by First Majestic and Gatos.

Form 51-102F5” means Form 51-102F5 as prescribed in National Instrument 51-102Continuous Disclosure Obligations of the Canadian Securities Administrators.

Gatos Benefit Plan” means each material employee benefit plan, program, policy, practice, contract, agreement or arrangement, including, each bonus, commission, equity, stock purchase, phantom stock, stock option, incentive, deferred compensation, defined contribution, defined benefit, retirement, pension, employment (including offer letter), consulting, severance, separation, retention, change in control, sick leave, health and welfare benefit (including vision, dental, and disability plans), fringe-benefit, vacation, paid time off, and other compensation or benefit plan, program, policy, practice, contract, agreement or other arrangement, whether or not in writing and whether or not funded, that is maintained, sponsored, contributed to or required to be contributed to by Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries, or with respect to which Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries could reasonably be expected to have material liability, in each case, with respect to, or for the benefit of, any current or former employees, individual independent contractors, or other non-employee service providers of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries (and any dependents or beneficiaries thereof), but excluding any plan, program, agreement, or arrangement sponsored or maintained, or mandated to be sponsored or maintained, by any Governmental Entity.

Gatos Bylaws” means the bylaws of Gatos, as amended and restated as of the date of this Agreement.

Gatos Certificate” means the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Gatos, as amended and restated and supplemented and in effect on the date hereof.

Gatos Common Stock” means the outstanding shares of common stock, par value $0.001 per share, of Gatos.

Gatos Competing Proposal” means, other than the Transactions contemplated by this Agreement, whether or not in writing, any inquiry, proposal or offer from, or public expression of intention by, any Person or “group” (as defined in the Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act and the rules promulgated thereunder) of Persons (other than First Majestic and its affiliates) relating to (i) any acquisition or purchase (or any lease, royalty, agreement, joint venture, long-term supply agreement or other arrangement having the same economic effect as an acquisition or purchase), direct or indirect, through one or more transactions of (A) twenty percent (20%) or more of the consolidated assets of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries taken as a whole (based on the most recent consolidated financial statements of Gatos filed with the SEC), or (B) twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of Gatos or twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of one or more Gatos Subsidiaries whose assets, individually or in the aggregate, constitute twenty percent (20%) or more of the consolidated assets of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries taken as a whole (based on the most recent consolidated financial statements of Gatos filed with the SEC), (ii) any take-over bid, tender offer or exchange offer that, if consummated, would result in such Person or group owning twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of Gatos or twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of one or more Gatos Subsidiaries whose assets, individually or in the aggregate, constitute twenty percent (20%) or more of the consolidated assets of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries taken as a whole (based on the most recent consolidated financial statements of Gatos filed with the SEC), or (iii) a plan of arrangement, merger, amalgamation,



consolidation, share exchange, business combination, reorganization, recapitalization, liquidation, dissolution or other similar transaction involving the issuance, acquisition or conversion of, or the disposition of, twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of Gatos or twenty percent (20%) or more of any class of equity or voting securities (and/or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for such voting or equity securities) of one or more Gatos Subsidiaries whose assets, individually or in the aggregate, constitute twenty percent (20%) or more of the consolidated assets of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries taken as a whole (based on the most recent consolidated financial statements of Gatos filed with the SEC).

Gatos Credit Agreement” means that certain second amended and restated Revolving Credit Agreement, dated as of December 13, 2023, by and among Gatos, certain subsidiaries of Gatos from time to time thereto, Bank of Montreal and BMO Capital Markets.

Gatos DSU” means a notional instrument entitling the holder to receive a certain number of shares of Gatos Common Stock, granted under the Gatos LTIP.

Gatos Equity Awards” means, collectively, all outstanding Gatos Options, Gatos RSUs, Gatos PSUs, and Gatos DSUs.

Gatos Governing Documents” means the Gatos Bylaws and the Gatos Certificate.

Gatos Intellectual Property” means the Intellectual Property owned or purported to be owned, in whole or in part, by Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries.

Gatos Intervening Event” means any material event, fact, circumstance, effect, development or occurrence that was not known to, or reasonably foreseeable by, the Gatos Board of Directors or the Gatos Special Committee as of the date hereof or, if known, the material consequences of which were not known or reasonably foreseeable as of the date hereof provided, however, that in no event shall the following events, changes or developments constitute a Gatos Intervening Event: (i) the receipt, existence or terms of any Gatos Competing Proposal; (ii) changes in the market price or trading volume of the First Majestic Shares or Gatos Common Stock or the fact that Gatos or First Majestic meets or exceeds (or fails to meet or exceed) internal or published estimates, projections, forecasts or predictions for any period; provided, further, that the exceptions contained in the foregoing proviso shall not apply to the underlying causes giving rise to, or contributing to, such event, change or development or prevent any of such underlying causes from being taken into account in determining whether Gatos Intervening Event has occurred; (iii) changes after the date hereof in general United States, Mexico, Canada or global economic conditions or conditions (or changes therein) in any industry or industries in which Gatos operates (including any change (on a current or forward basis) in the price of silver or changes in commodity prices or general market prices affecting the mining industry generally); or (iv) changes after the date hereof affecting financial, credit or capital market conditions or changes in interest or exchange rates.

Gatos LTIP” means the 2023 Gatos Amended and Restated Long Term Incentive Plan, as may be amended from time to time.

Gatos Material Adverse Effect” means any Effect that, individually or in the aggregate, has (i) a material adverse effect on the business, results of operations or financial condition of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, or (ii) prevents or materially delays the consummation of the Transactions from occurring on or before the Outside Date; provided, however, that in the case of clause (i) no Effects to the extent resulting or arising from the following, either alone or in combination, shall be deemed to constitute a Gatos Material Adverse Effect or shall be taken into account when determining whether a Gatos Material Adverse Effect exists or has occurred or is reasonably likely to exist or occur: (a) any changes in general United States, Mexico, Canada or global economic conditions, (b) conditions (or changes therein) in any industry or industries in which Gatos operates (including any change (on a current or forward basis) in the price of silver or changes in



commodity prices or general market prices affecting the mining industry generally), (c) general legal, tax, economic, political or regulatory conditions (or changes therein), including any changes affecting financial, credit or capital market conditions or changes in interest or exchange rates and any such conditions related to a government shutdown, federal debt ceiling or banking or credit crisis, (d) any change or prospective changes occurring after the date hereof in Laws or GAAP or the interpretation or enforcement thereof, (e) any adoption, implementation, promulgation, repeal, modification, amendment, reinterpretation, change or proposal of any applicable Law of and by any Governmental Entity occurring after the date hereof (including with respect to Taxes), (f) compliance with the express terms of this Agreement or any other agreement entered into in connection herewith and any action taken or omitted to be taken by Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary at the express written direction or request of or with the express prior written consent of First Majestic, (g) changes in the price of Gatos Common Stock, in and of itself (it being understood that the Effects giving rise or contributing to such changes that are not otherwise excluded from the definition of a Gatos Material Adverse Effect may be taken into account), (h) any failure by Gatos to meet any internal or published projections, estimates or expectations of Gatos’ revenue, earnings or other financial performance or results of operations for any period, in and of itself, or any failure by Gatos to meet its internal budgets, plans or forecasts of its revenues, earnings or other financial performance or results of operations, in and of itself (it being understood that the Effects giving rise or contributing to such failure that are not otherwise excluded from the definition of a Gatos Material Adverse Effect may be taken into account), (i) (A) any hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, fire, explosion, weather-related event, natural or man-made disaster, act of God or other force majeure events or occurrences, (B) epidemics, pandemics or disease outbreaks (including COVID-19) or the worsening thereof or applicable Laws (or the interpretation thereof) adopted in response thereto, or (C) (1) any outbreak or escalation or worsening of hostilities, acts of war (whether or not declared), military actions, cyber-attacks, data breaches, acts of insurrection, political unrest, riots or any act of sabotage or terrorism (foreign or domestic) or (2) the geopolitical dispute between the Russian Federation and Ukraine and any evolution or worsening thereof, including, in all cases of this clause (i), the response of any Governmental Entities thereto, (j) the negotiation, public announcement or pendency of the Transactions, including the impact of any of the foregoing on the relationships, contractual or otherwise, of Gatos with customers, suppliers, service providers, employees, Governmental Entities, stockholders, joint venture partners or any other Persons having a relationship with Gatos and including any resulting litigation (including any claims of breach of fiduciary duty or disclosure claims) or (k) any reduction in any credit rating of Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries, in and of itself (it being understood that the Effects giving rise or contributing to such reduction that are not otherwise excluded from the definition of a Gatos Material Adverse Effect may be taken into account), except, in the case of clauses (a) – (e) or (i) to the extent Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, are disproportionately impacted thereby relative to other entities operating in the same industry or industries and the same jurisdiction in which Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries operate (in which case the incremental disproportionate impact may be taken into account in determining whether there has been a Gatos Material Adverse Effect, and only to the extent otherwise permitted by this definition).

Gatos Option” means an outstanding and unexercised option (whether vested or unvested) to purchase shares of Gatos Common Stock, granted under the Gatos LTIP.

Gatos PSU” means a performance-vesting restricted stock unit covering shares of Gatos Common Stock, granted under the Gatos LTIP.

Gatos RSU” means a time-vesting restricted stock unit covering shares of Gatos Common Stock, granted under the Gatos LTIP.

Gatos Special Meeting” means the meeting of the holders of Gatos Common Stock for the purpose of seeking the Gatos Stockholder Approval, including any postponement or adjournment thereof.

Gatos Stockholder Approval” means the affirmative vote of the holders of at least a majority of the outstanding shares of Gatos Common Stock entitled to vote on the authorization of this Agreement at the Gatos Special Meeting in favor of such authorization.



Gatos Subsidiaries” means the Subsidiaries of Gatos.

Gatos Superior Proposal” means a bona fide, written Gatos Competing Proposal (with references to 20% being deemed to be replaced with references to 50%), not solicited in breach of Section 5.03, which the Gatos Board of Directors (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) or the Gatos Special Committee determines in good faith after consultation with Gatos’ outside legal and financial advisors to be (i) more favorable from a financial point of view to the stockholders of Gatos than the Merger, taking into account all relevant factors (including any adjustment to the terms and conditions proposed by First Majestic in response to such proposal) and (ii) reasonably capable of being completed as proposed on a timely basis, in the case of each of clauses (i) and (ii), taking into account the certainty and timing of closing, financing arrangements, the identity of the party making the proposal and such other legal, financial, regulatory and other aspects of such proposal as the Gatos Board of Directors or the Gatos Special Committee, as applicable, deems in good faith relevant.

Gatos Superior Proposal Acquisition Agreement” shall mean a written definitive acquisition agreement providing for a Gatos Superior Proposal entered into by and between Gatos and the Person making such Gatos Superior Proposal.

Government Official” means (i) any official, officer, employee, or representative of, or any Person acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of, any Governmental Entity, (ii) any candidate for political office, or (iii) any political party or party official.

Governmental Entity” means (i) any transnational, national, federal, state, provincial, county, municipal, local or foreign government or any entity exercising executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory, taxing or administrative functions of, or pertaining to, government, including any arbitral body, (ii) any public international governmental organization, or (iii) any agency, division, bureau, department, or other political subdivision of any government, entity or organization described in the foregoing clauses (i) or (ii) of this definition.

Hazardous Materials” means any substance defined, listed, classified, characterized or regulated as “hazardous”, “toxic”, a “waste”, a “pollutant” or a “contaminant”, or words of similar import under any Environmental Law, including petroleum, petroleum products or byproducts (including crude oil and any fractions thereof), explosive material, radioactive material, lead paint, polychlorinated biphenyls (or PCBs), dioxins, dibenzofurans, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, heavy metals, asbestos and asbestos-containing materials, and radon gas.

HSR Act” means the United States Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

Indebtedness” means with respect to any Person,

(a)  all obligations of such Person for borrowed money and all obligations of such Person evidenced by bonds, debentures, notes, loan agreements or other similar instruments;

(b)  all direct or contingent obligations of such Person arising under letters of credit (including standby and commercial), bankers’ acceptances, bank guarantees, surety bonds and similar instruments;

(c)  net obligations of such Person under any interest rate, swap, currency swap, forward currency or interest rate contracts or other interest rate or currency hedging arrangements;

(d)  all obligations of such Person for capitalized leases or to pay the deferred purchase price of property or services (other than trade accounts payable in the ordinary course of business);

(e)  all obligations of such Person to purchase, redeem, retire, defease or otherwise acquire for value any capital stock of such Person or any warrants, rights or options to acquire such capital stock;



(f)  indebtedness (excluding prepaid interest thereon) secured by a Lien on property owned or being purchased by such Person (including indebtedness arising under conditional sales or other title retention agreements), whether or not such indebtedness will have been assumed by such Person or is limited in recourse;

(g)  obligations outstanding under securitization facilities; and

(h)  any guarantee of any of the foregoing, whether or not evidenced by a note, mortgage, bond, indenture or similar instrument, provided that Indebtedness shall not include any performance guarantee or any other guarantee that is not a guarantee of other Indebtedness.

IFRS” means accounting principles generally accepted in Canada applicable to public companies at the relevant time and which incorporates International Accounting Standards as adopted by the Canadian Accounting Standards Board.

In-the-Money-Amount” means the amount by which (i) the aggregate fair market value, at the applicable time, of the shares to which an option relates, exceeds (ii) the aggregate exercise price of the option to acquire such shares.

Intellectual Property” means all intellectual property and similar proprietary rights protected, created or arising under the Laws of any jurisdiction or any international convention, whether registered or unregistered, including with respect to: (i) patents and patent applications, (ii) trademarks, service marks, trade names, business names, logos, trade dress, Internet domain names, and all other similar rights or identifiers of source or origin in any part of the world, together with all goodwill symbolized thereby, (iii) copyrights and works of authorship, including such rights in Software, (iv) trade secrets and rights in all other confidential information, including know-how, inventions (whether or not patentable), algorithms, logic, operating conditions and procedures, proprietary formulae, concepts, methods, techniques, compositions, processes, apparatuses, schematics, drawings, models and methodologies, specifications, research and development information, technology, business plans, technical, engineering and manufacturing information (collectively, “Trade Secrets”) (v) Software, (vi) rights in databases and data collections and (vii) all registrations of, applications for registration of, and renewals and extensions of any of the foregoing, as applicable.

IRS” means the United States Internal Revenue Service.

knowledge” will be deemed to be, as the case may be, the actual knowledge of (i) the Persons listed in Section 1.01(a) of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter with respect to First Majestic or Merger Sub, or (ii) the Persons listed in Section 1.01(a) of the Gatos Disclosure Letter with respect to Gatos.

Law” means any law (including common law), constitution, statute, code, rule, regulation, Order, ordinance, judgment or decree or other pronouncement of any Governmental Entity having the effect of law.

Lien” means any lien, pledge, hypothecation, mortgage, deed of trust, security interest, encumbrance, easement, right of way, encroachment, title defect, claim, license, lease, option, right of first refusal, right of first offer, preemptive right, community property interest or restriction of any nature (including any restriction on the voting of any security, any restriction on the transfer of any security or other asset, or any restriction on the possession, exercise or transfer of any other attribute of ownership of any asset).

Mexico’s Antitrust Law” means Ley Federal de Competencia Económica.

Mining Rights” means all mineral and mining interests, deeds, claims, leases and concessions, exploration, reconnaissance, exploitation or extraction rights, subsurface rights, or any other rights or interests, for the purpose of exploring, exploiting or beneficiating minerals under the terms of applicable Laws, whether contractual, statutory or otherwise, or any interest therein.



Misrepresentation” has the meaning ascribed to it under the BC Securities Act.

NI 43-101” means National Instrument 43-101Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

NI 52-109” means National Instrument 52-109 – Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings.

NI 54-101” means National Instrument 54-101Communications with Beneficial Owners of Securities of a Reporting Issuer.

NYSE” means the New York Stock Exchange.

Order” means any judgment, order, injunction, decree, stipulation, decision, ruling or writ of any Governmental Entity, or any settlement agreement or compliance agreement entered into in connection with any Action.

Organizational Documents” means, with respect to any Person, the articles of incorporation or association, certificate of incorporation, charter, notice of articles, by-laws, articles of formation, certificate of formation, regulations, operating agreement, partnership agreement, stockholders agreement, joint venture agreement, certificate of limited partnership and all other similar documents and foreign equivalent documents, instruments or certificates executed, adopted or filed in connection with the creation, formation or organization of such Person, including any amendments thereto or restatements thereof.

Permitted Liens” means any Lien (i) for Taxes or governmental assessments, charges or claims of payment not yet delinquent or that are being contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings, in each case only to the extent accruals or reserves have been established in accordance with GAAP or IFRS, as applicable, (ii) which is a carriers’, warehousemen’s, mechanics’, materialmen’s, repairmen’s or other similar Lien arising in the ordinary course of business or by operation of Law, in each case that are not yet overdue or are being contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings, (iii) which is disclosed on the most recent (as of the date hereof) consolidated balance sheet of Gatos or First Majestic, as the case may be, or notes thereto or securing liabilities reflected on such balance sheet or Liens arising under original purchase price conditional sales Contracts and equipment leases with third parties entered into in the ordinary course of business that are not, individually or in the aggregate, material to the business of the relevant Party and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, (iv) securing the obligations under the Gatos Credit Agreement or the First Majestic Credit Agreement, as the case may be, (v) non-exclusive licenses of Intellectual Property (1) to customers or (2) to vendors or service providers for use for the benefit of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries or First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries, as applicable, in each case, in the ordinary course of business, (vi) under any Gatos Real Property Rights, Gatos Mining Rights, First Majestic Real Property Rights or First Majestic Mining Rights, as applicable, or with respect to the real property interests of the landlords or fee owners (or equivalent) thereunder, (vii) zoning, entitlement, building and other land use regulations imposed by any Governmental Entity having jurisdiction over the Gatos Real Property Rights, Gatos Mining Rights, First Majestic Real Property Rights or First Majestic Mining Rights, as applicable, which are not violated by the current use and operation of such real property in any material respects, (viii) covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, and other similar matters of record affecting title to the Gatos Real Property Rights, Gatos Mining Rights, First Majestic Real Property Rights or First Majestic Mining Rights, as applicable, which do not materially impair the occupancy or use of such real property for the purposes for which it is currently used, (ix) public roads and highways, and (x) matters which would be disclosed by accurate survey or title report with respect to each parcel of real property of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary, or First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary, as the case may be.

Person” means a natural person, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, business trust, joint stock company, trust, unincorporated association, joint venture, Governmental Entity or other entity or organization, including analogous foreign entities.



Qualified Person” has the meaning set out in Item 1300 of Regulation S-K and in NI 43-101, as the context requires.

Real Property Rights” means any real property interests including fee simple (or equivalent) interests in real property, leases, easements, rights of way or licenses from landowners or authorities permitting the access to and use of land, and other surface or access rights.

Release” means any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, placing, discarding, abandonment or disposing into the environment.

Representatives” means, when used with respect to First Majestic, Merger Sub or Gatos, the directors, officers, employees, consultants, financial advisors, accountants, legal counsel, investment bankers and other agents, advisors and representatives of First Majestic or Gatos, as applicable, and its respective Subsidiaries.

Sanctioned Country” means a country, region, or territory which is itself the subject or target of any Sanctions (at the time of this Agreement, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, the Crimea, so-called Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic regions of Ukraine, and the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia oblasts of Ukraine).

Sanctioned Person” means (i) any Person identified in any list of designated Persons maintained by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”), the U.S. Department of State, the government of Canada (including Global Affairs Canada and Public Safety Canada), the United Nations Security Council, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, the European Union, or any European Union member state; (ii) any Person located, organized, resident in, or a Governmental Entity or government instrumentality of, any Sanctioned Country, (iii) any person 50% or more owned or controlled by, or acting on behalf of any Person described in (i) or (ii); (iv) any person deemed under Canadian Sanctions to be controlled by, or whose property is deemed under Canadian Sanctions to be owned by, any Person described in clause (i); or (v) any Person otherwise a target of Sanctions.

Sanctions” means all economic or financial sanctions, including trade embargoes and restrictions imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by OFAC, the United States Department of State, the government of Canada (including Global Affairs Canada and Public Safety Canada), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any other relevant sanctions authority.

SEC” means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

Securities Act” means the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

SEDAR+” means the System for Electronic Document Analysis Retrieval + of the Canadian Securities Administrators.

Software” means any software, firmware and computer programs and applications, including all (a) data files, computer programs, application programming interfaces, computerized databases, algorithms, data files, plugins, libraries, subroutines, tools and APIs, in each case of the foregoing whether in source code, executable or object code form and (b) software-related documentation, including user manuals, specifications and other documentation related thereto.

Subsidiary” or “Subsidiaries” means with respect to any Person, any other Person of which (a) at least a majority of the outstanding shares of capital stock of, or other equity interests, having by their terms ordinary voting power to elect a majority of the board of directors or others performing similar functions with respect to such corporation or other organization is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by such Person or by any one or more of its Subsidiaries, or by such Person and one or more of its Subsidiaries or (b) with respect to a



partnership, such Person or any other Subsidiary of such Person is a general partner of such partnership. For the avoidance of doubt, for purposes of this Agreement, Gatos Silver Canada Corp., Minera Luz del Sol S. de R.L. de C.V., Minera Plata Real S. de R.L. de C.V. and Operaciones San Jose de Plata S. de R.L. de C.V. shall be deemed to be Subsidiaries of Gatos.

Takeover Statutes” mean any “business combination,” “control share acquisition,” “fair price,” “moratorium” or other takeover or anti-takeover statute or similar Law.

Tax” or “Taxes” means any and all taxes, levies, duties, tariffs, imposts and other similar charges and fees imposed by any Governmental Entity, including, income, franchise, windfall or other profits, gross receipts, premiums, property, sales, use, net worth, capital stock, payroll, employment, social security, workers’ compensation, unemployment compensation, excise, withholding, ad valorem, stamp, transfer, value-added, gains tax and license, registration and documentation fees, severance, occupation, environmental, customs duties, disability, real property, personal property, registration, alternative or add-on minimum or estimated tax, including any interest, penalty, additions to tax or additional amounts imposed with respect thereto, whether disputed or not.

Tax Return” means any report, return, certificate, claim for refund, election, estimated tax filing or declaration filed or required to be filed with any Governmental Entity with respect to Taxes, including any schedule or attachment thereto, and including any amendments thereof.

Taxing Authority” means any Governmental Entity or other authority responsible for the administration, determination, assessment, imposition and/or collection of Taxes or enforcement of any Law in relation to Taxes.

Treasury Regulations” shall mean the regulations prescribed under the Code (including any temporary regulations and any amended or successor provisions with respect to such regulations).

TSX” means the Toronto Stock Exchange.

Willful Breach” means a material breach of this Agreement that is the consequence of an act or omission by a Party with the actual knowledge that the taking of such act or failure to take such action would be a material breach of this Agreement. “Willfully Breached” has a correlative meaning.

The following terms are defined elsewhere in this Agreement, as indicated below:


Agreement   Preamble
Book Entry Shares   Section 2.02(b)
Closing   Section 1.03
Closing Date   Section 1.03
Code   Recitals
COFECE   Section 6.02(c)
Continuing Employees   Section 6.07(a)
Converted Options   Section 2.03(a)(i)
D&O Insurance   Section 6.04(c)
DGCL   Recitals
Effective Time   Section 1.04
Enforceability Exceptions   Section 3.03(a)
Exchange Agent   Section 2.02(a)
Exchange Fund   Section 2.02(a)



Exchange Ratio   Section 2.01(a)
First Majestic   Preamble
First Majestic Board of Directors   Recitals
First Majestic Board Recommendation   Recitals
First Majestic Capitalization Date   Section 4.02(a)
First Majestic Change of Recommendation   Section 5.04(c)
First Majestic Disclosure Letter   Article IV
First Majestic Equity Schedule   Section 4.02(c)
First Majestic Material Contracts   Section 4.21(a)
First Majestic Mining Rights   Section 4.16(a)(i)
First Majestic Permits   Section 4.07(b)
First Majestic Real Property Rights   Section 4.16(a)(i)
First Majestic Registered Intellectual Property   Section 4.15(a)
First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents   Article IV
First Majestic Share Issuance   Recitals
First Majestic Shares   Section 4.02(a)
First Majestic Tax Certificate   Section 6.12(e)
First Majestic Termination Fee   Section 8.02(c)(i)
Form F-4   Section 3.12
Fractional Share Consideration   Section 2.01(a)
GAAP   Section 3.02(c)
Gatos   Preamble
Gatos Board of Directors   Recitals
Gatos Board Recommendation   Recitals
Gatos Capitalization Date   Section 3.02(a)
Gatos Change of Recommendation   Section 5.03(c)
Gatos Disclosure Letter   Article III
Gatos Equity Schedule   Section 3.02(c)
Gatos Material Contracts   Section 3.21(a)
Gatos Mining Rights   Section 3.16(a)(ii)
Gatos Permits   Section 3.07(b)
Gatos Preferred Stock   Section 3.02(a)
Gatos Real Property Rights   Section 3.16(a)(i)
Gatos Registered Intellectual Property   Section 3.15(a)(i)
Gatos SEC Documents   Article III
Gatos Special Committee   Recitals
Gatos Stock Certificate   Section 2.02(b)
Gatos Tax Certificate   Section 6.12(e)



Gatos Termination Fee   Section 8.02(b)(i)
Indemnified Parties   Section 6.04(a)
Intended Tax Treatment   Recitals
IT Systems   Section 3.15(b)
Merger   Recitals
Merger Consideration   Section 2.01(a)
Merger Sub   Preamble
Outside Date   Section 8.01(c)
Party   Preamble
Proxy Statement/Prospectus   Section 3.12
Sarbanes-Oxley Act   Section 3.05
SAT   Section 4.13(b)
Surviving Corporation   Section 1.02(a)
Tax Matters   Section 4.13(b)
Transaction Litigation   Section 6.09
Transactions   Recitals
Transfer Taxes   Section 6.12(b)

Section 1.02 The Merger.

(a) On the terms and subject to the satisfaction or, to the extent permitted by Law, waiver of the conditions set forth in this Agreement, and in accordance with the DGCL, at the Effective Time, Merger Sub shall be merged with and into Gatos, whereupon the separate corporate existence of Merger Sub will cease, with Gatos continuing its corporate existence as the surviving corporation (Gatos, as the surviving corporation in the Merger, sometimes being referred to herein as the “Surviving Corporation”), such that immediately following the Merger, the Surviving Corporation will be a wholly owned Subsidiary of First Majestic.

(b) In connection with the Merger, First Majestic shall take such actions as may be necessary to reserve, prior to the Merger, a sufficient number of First Majestic Shares to permit the issuance and delivery, on behalf of Merger Sub, of First Majestic Shares to the holders of Gatos Common Stock as of the Effective Time in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

Section 1.03 Closing. The closing of the Merger (the “Closing”) will take place by exchange of signature pages by email on the date which is the later of (a) January 15, 2025; and (b) three Business Days after the satisfaction or, to the extent permitted by Law, waiver of the conditions set forth in Article VII (other than any such conditions that by their nature are to be satisfied at the Closing, but subject to the satisfaction or (to the extent permitted by Law) waiver of those conditions), or at such other date as may be agreed to in writing by Gatos and First Majestic. The date on which the Closing actually takes place is referred to as the “Closing Date”.

Section 1.04 Effective Time. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, as promptly as practicable on the Closing Date, the Parties shall cause the Merger to be consummated by causing a certificate of merger with respect to the Merger in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A (the “Certificate of Merger”) to be duly executed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the DGCL and filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware and make any other filings, recordings or publications required to be made by Gatos or Merger Sub



under the DGCL in connection with the Merger. The Merger shall become effective at such time as the Certificate of Merger is duly filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware or on such later date and time as shall be agreed to by Gatos and First Majestic and specified in the Certificate of Merger in accordance with the DGCL (the date and time at which the Merger becomes effective being hereinafter referred to as the “Effective Time”).

Section 1.05 Governing Documents of the Surviving Corporation. At the Effective Time, (a) the Gatos Certificate shall, by virtue of the Merger, be amended and restated so as to read in its entirety in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B and, as so amended and restated, shall be the certificate of incorporation of the Surviving Corporation until thereafter changed or amended as provided therein or by applicable Law (subject to Section 6.04) and (b) the Gatos Bylaws shall be amended and restated to conform to the bylaws of Merger Sub, as in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time (except that all references therein to Merger Sub’s name shall be replaced by references to “Gatos Silver, Inc.”), and as such shall be the bylaws of the Surviving Corporation until thereafter changed or amended as provided therein or by applicable Law (subject to Section 6.04).

Section 1.06 Directors and Officers of the Surviving Corporation. The directors of Merger Sub immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be the directors of the Surviving Corporation to hold office in accordance with the bylaws of the Surviving Corporation until the earlier of their resignation or removal or until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified. The officers of Merger Sub immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be the officers of the Surviving Corporation to hold office in accordance with the bylaws of the Surviving Corporation until the earlier of their resignation or removal or until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified.

Section 1.07 Effects of the Merger. The Merger shall have the effects set forth in this Agreement, the Certificate of Merger and in the relevant provisions of the DGCL. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and subject thereto, at the Effective Time, all the rights, privileges, immunities, powers, purposes, property and assets of each of Merger Sub and Gatos shall vest in the Surviving Corporation, and all liabilities, obligations and penalties of each of Merger Sub and Gatos shall be assumed by the Surviving Corporation.

Section 1.08 First Majestic Board. Prior to the Effective Time, subject to First Majestic’s corporate governance standards, including First Majestic’s satisfactory completion of its customary screening and evaluation procedures for directors, First Majestic shall consider for appointment to the First Majestic Board of Directors, in accordance with the First Majestic Governing Documents, one individual mutually agreeable to Gatos and First Majestic, effective immediately following the Effective Time, to serve until the next annual meeting of First Majestic shareholders.



Section 2.01 Treatment of Capital Stock.

(a) Treatment of Gatos Common Stock. At the Effective Time, by virtue of the Merger and without any action on the part of the Parties or holders of any securities of Gatos or of Merger Sub, subject to Section 2.01(d) and Section 2.05, each share of Gatos Common Stock issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time (but excluding Gatos Common Stock to be cancelled in accordance with Section 2.01(b)) shall be automatically converted into the right to receive 2.55 validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable First Majestic Shares (such ratio, the “Exchange Ratio”). From and after the Effective Time, all such Gatos Common Stock shall no longer be outstanding and shall automatically be cancelled and shall cease to exist, and each applicable holder of such Gatos Common Stock shall cease to have any rights with respect thereto, except the right to receive upon the surrender of such Gatos Common Stock in accordance with Section 2.02, the First Majestic



Shares into which such Gatos Common Stock are converted as well as the right to receive, pursuant to Section 2.05, cash in lieu of fractional First Majestic Shares, if any, which would otherwise be issuable in respect of such Gatos Common Stock pursuant to this Section 2.01(a) (the “Fractional Share Consideration”), together with the amounts, if any, payable pursuant to Section 2.02(f). The consideration payable in accordance with this Section 2.01(a) is referred to as the “Merger Consideration”.

(b) Cancellation of Gatos Common Stock owned by Gatos. At the Effective Time, all Gatos Common Stock owned by Gatos (including treasury stock), First Majestic, Merger Sub or by any of their respective direct or indirect wholly owned Subsidiaries shall be cancelled and shall cease to exist, and no consideration shall be delivered in exchange therefor.

(c) Treatment of Merger Sub Common Shares. At the Effective Time, each issued and outstanding share of common stock, $0.001 par value, of Merger Sub shall be automatically converted into, and become, one validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable share of common stock, $0.001 par value, of the Surviving Corporation and such shares, collectively, shall constitute the only outstanding shares of capital stock of the Surviving Corporation.

(d) Adjustment to Merger Consideration. The Exchange Ratio shall be adjusted appropriately, without duplication, to reflect the effect of any stock split, reverse stock split, stock dividend (including any dividend or distribution of securities convertible into Gatos Common Stock or First Majestic Shares, as applicable), reorganization, recapitalization, reclassification, combination, exchange of shares or other like change with respect to the Gatos Common Stock or First Majestic Shares outstanding at any time between the date hereof and immediately prior to the Effective Time to give First Majestic and the Gatos stockholders the same economic effect as contemplated by this Agreement prior to any of the foregoing events; provided, however, that nothing in this Section 2.01(d) shall be construed to permit First Majestic, Gatos or any of their respective Subsidiaries to take any action with respect to its securities that is prohibited by the terms of this Agreement.

Section 2.02 Payment for Securities; Surrender of Certificates.

(a) Exchange Fund. Prior to the Effective Time, First Majestic or Merger Sub shall designate a bank or trust company reasonably acceptable to Gatos to act as the exchange agent in connection with the Merger (the “Exchange Agent”) for the payment of the Merger Consideration in accordance with this Agreement, and First Majestic and Merger Sub shall enter into an agreement with the Exchange Agent prior to the Effective Time, which agreement shall set forth the duties, responsibilities and obligations of the Exchange Agent consistent with the terms of this Agreement. The Exchange Agent shall also act as the agent for Gatos’ stockholders for the purpose of receiving and holding their Gatos Stock Certificates and Book Entry Shares and shall obtain no rights or interests in the shares represented thereby. At or prior to the Effective Time, First Majestic shall, on behalf of Merger Sub, deposit, or cause to be deposited, with the Exchange Agent in trust for the benefit of the holders of shares of Gatos Common Stock (i) evidence of First Majestic Shares issuable pursuant to Section 2.01(a) (after giving effect to Section 2.05) in book entry form equal to the aggregate Merger Consideration (excluding any Fractional Share Consideration) in trust for the sole benefit of the holders of Gatos Common Stock; and (ii) cash in immediately available funds in an amount sufficient to pay the aggregate Fractional Share Consideration and, from time to time when payable, any dividends or other distributions on First Majestic Shares in accordance with Section 2.02(f) (such evidence of book entry shares of First Majestic Shares and cash amounts, the “Exchange Fund”), in each case, in trust for the sole benefit of the holders of Gatos Common Stock. In the event the Exchange Fund shall be insufficient to pay the aggregate Fractional Share Consideration and any dividends or other distributions on First Majestic Shares in accordance with Section 2.02(f), First Majestic shall, or shall cause the Surviving Corporation to, promptly deposit additional funds with the Exchange Agent in the amount required to make such payment. First Majestic shall cause the Exchange Agent to make, and the Exchange Agent shall make, delivery of the Merger Consideration, including payment of the Fractional Share Consideration and any amounts payable in respect of dividends or other distributions on First Majestic Shares in accordance with Section 2.02(f) out of the Exchange Fund in accordance with this Agreement. The Exchange Fund shall not be



used for any purpose that is not expressly provided for in this Agreement. The cash portion of the Exchange Fund shall be invested by the Exchange Agent as directed by First Majestic; provided, however, that any investment of such cash shall be made in a manner to be mutually agreed between First Majestic and Gatos and that no such investment or loss thereon shall affect the amounts payable to holders of Gatos Common Stock pursuant to this Article II. Any interest and other income in excess of the amounts payable pursuant to this Agreement resulting from such investments, if any, shall, upon request by First Majestic, be paid to First Majestic on the earlier of (A) twelve (12) months after the Effective Time or (B) the full payment of the Exchange Fund in full satisfaction of all amounts payable pursuant to this Agreement.

(b) Procedures for Surrender. As soon as reasonably practicable after the Effective Time (and in any case within five (5) Business Days after the Effective Time), First Majestic shall cause the Exchange Agent to mail to each holder of record of a valid certificate previously representing any shares of Gatos Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time (a “Gatos Stock Certificate”) or shares of Gatos Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time represented by book entry (“Book Entry Shares”) whose shares of Gatos Common Stock were converted into the right to receive the applicable Merger Consideration: (i) a letter of transmittal (which shall specify that delivery shall be effected, and risk of loss and title to the Gatos Stock Certificates shall pass, only upon proper delivery of the Gatos Stock Certificates to the Exchange Agent and which shall otherwise be in customary form (including customary provisions with respect to delivery of an “agent’s message” with respect to Book Entry Shares)); and (ii) instructions for use in effecting the surrender of the Gatos Stock Certificates, or in the case of Book Entry Shares, the surrender of such shares, in exchange for payment of the applicable Merger Consideration. Each holder of record of a Gatos Stock Certificate or Book Entry Share shall, upon surrender to the Exchange Agent of such Gatos Stock Certificate or Book Entry Share, together with such letter of transmittal, duly executed, and such other documents as may reasonably be required by the Exchange Agent pursuant to such instructions, be entitled to receive in exchange therefor the Merger Consideration which the number of shares of Gatos Common Stock previously represented by such Gatos Stock Certificate or Book Entry Share shall have been converted into the right to receive pursuant to Section 2.01, and the Gatos Stock Certificate or Book Entry Share so surrendered shall be canceled. In the event of a transfer of ownership of Gatos Common Stock which is not registered in the transfer records of Gatos, payment of the applicable Merger Consideration may be made to a Person other than the Person in whose name the Gatos Stock Certificate so surrendered is registered if such Gatos Stock Certificate shall be properly endorsed or otherwise be in proper form for transfer and the Person requesting such payment shall pay any transfer or other similar Taxes required by reason of the payment of the applicable Merger Consideration to a Person other than the registered holder of such Gatos Stock Certificate or establish to the reasonable satisfaction of First Majestic that such Tax has been paid or is not applicable. Until surrendered as contemplated by this Section 2.02(b), each Gatos Stock Certificate and each Book Entry Share shall be deemed at any time after the Effective Time to represent only the right to receive upon such surrender the applicable Merger Consideration. No interest shall be paid or will accrue on any cash payable to holders of Gatos Stock Certificates or Book Entry Shares pursuant to the provisions of this Article II or otherwise.

(c) Transfer Books; No Further Ownership Rights in Gatos Common Stock. At the Effective Time, the stock transfer books of Gatos shall be closed and thereafter there shall be no further registration of transfers of Gatos Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time on the records of Gatos. From and after the Effective Time, the holders of Gatos Stock Certificates and any Book Entry Shares outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall cease to have any rights with respect to such Gatos Common Stock except as otherwise provided for herein or by applicable Law. If, after the Effective Time, Gatos Stock Certificates or Book Entry Shares are presented to the Surviving Corporation or the Exchange Agent for any reason, they shall be cancelled and exchanged as provided in this Agreement.

(d) Return of Merger Consideration; No Liability. At any time following twelve (12) months after the Effective Time, the Surviving Corporation shall be entitled to require the Exchange Agent to deliver to First Majestic any Merger Consideration (including any interest received with respect thereto) remaining in the Exchange Fund that have not been disbursed, or for which disbursement is pending subject only to the Exchange



Agent’s routine administrative procedures, to holders of Gatos Stock Certificates or Book Entry Shares, and thereafter such holders shall be entitled to look only to the Surviving Corporation and First Majestic (subject to abandoned property, escheat or other similar Laws) with respect to the applicable Merger Consideration, payable upon due surrender of their Gatos Stock Certificates or Book Entry Shares and compliance with the procedures in Section 2.02(b), without any interest thereon. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) none of the Surviving Corporation, First Majestic or the Exchange Agent shall be liable to any holder of a Gatos Stock Certificate or Book Entry Share for any Merger Consideration payable pursuant to this Agreement delivered in good faith to a public official pursuant to any applicable abandoned property, escheat or similar Law and (ii) any portion of the Merger Consideration that remains undistributed to the holders of Gatos Stock Certificates and Book Entry Shares as of immediately prior to the date on which the Merger Consideration would otherwise escheat to, or become the property of, any Governmental Entity shall, to the extent permitted by applicable Law, become the property of First Majestic, free and clear of all claims or interests of any Person previously entitled thereto.

(e) Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Certificates. In the event that any Gatos Stock Certificates shall have been lost, stolen or destroyed, the Exchange Agent shall issue in exchange for such lost, stolen or destroyed Gatos Stock Certificates, upon the making of an affidavit of that fact by the holder thereof and, if required by First Majestic or the Exchange Agent, the posting by such holder of an indemnity or a bond in such amount as First Majestic or the Exchange Agent may determine is reasonably necessary as indemnity against any claim that may be made against it or the Surviving Corporation with respect to any such Gatos Stock Certificates, and the applicable Merger Consideration payable in respect thereof pursuant to Section 2.01.

(f) Dividends or Distributions with Respect to First Majestic Shares. All First Majestic Shares to be issued pursuant to the Merger shall be deemed issued and outstanding as of the Effective Time and, whenever a dividend or other distribution is declared by First Majestic in respect of First Majestic Shares, the record date for which is at or after the Effective Time, that declaration shall include dividends or other distributions in respect of all First Majestic Shares issued as Merger Consideration pursuant to this Agreement. No dividends or other distributions with respect to First Majestic Shares with a record date at or after the Effective Time shall be paid to the holder of any unsurrendered Gatos Stock Certificate or untransferred Book Entry Share until such Gatos Stock Certificate (or an affidavit of loss in lieu thereof) or Book Entry Share is transferred for exchange in accordance with this Article II. Subject to applicable Laws, following surrender of any such Gatos Stock Certificate (or affidavit of loss in lieu thereof) or transfer of such Book Entry Share that has been converted into the right to receive the Merger Consideration, there shall be paid to the former holder of the Gatos Stock Certificates representing whole First Majestic Shares (or as applicable, Book Entry Shares), without interest, (i) at the time of such surrender or transfer, the amount of dividends or other distributions with a record date at or after the Effective Time theretofore payable with respect to such whole First Majestic Shares to which such holder is entitled pursuant to this Agreement and (ii) at the appropriate payment date, the amount of dividends or other distributions payable with respect to such whole First Majestic Shares with a record date at or after the Effective Time, but with a payment date subsequent to such surrender, as applicable.

Section 2.03 Treatment of Gatos Equity Awards.

(a) Treatment of Outstanding Equity Awards. As soon as practicable following the date of this Agreement, but in all events prior to the Effective Time, Gatos and First Majestic, as applicable, shall take all such actions (including, as necessary, adopting any resolutions by the applicable Board of Directors or committee thereof) necessary to effectuate the following:

(i) Gatos Options. Each Gatos Option that is outstanding as of immediately prior to the Effective Time, whether vested or unvested, shall, automatically and without any required action on the part of the holder thereof, be exchanged for an option to acquire a number of First Majestic Shares equal to the product (rounded down to the nearest whole number) of (x) the number of shares of Gatos Common Stock subject to such Gatos Option immediately prior to the Effective Time, multiplied by (y) the Exchange Ratio, at an exercise price per First Majestic Share (rounded up to the nearest whole cent)



equal to the quotient of (A) the exercise price per share of the applicable Gatos Option immediately prior to the Effective Time, divided by (B) the Exchange Ratio (the “Converted Options”) and the Gatos Options shall thereupon be cancelled; provided, that the exchange of the Gatos Options for the Converted Options shall be completed in a manner that would not cause the Converted Options to be treated as the grant of a new stock right for purposes of Section 409A of the Code; provided, further, that in the case of any Gatos Option to which Section 422 of the Code applies, the exercise price and number of First Majestic Shares purchasable pursuant to such Converted Options shall be determined in accordance with the foregoing, subject to any adjustments necessary to satisfy the requirements of Section 424 of the Code. The term to expiry, conditions to and manner of exercise and other terms and conditions of each Converted Option shall be the same as the terms and conditions of the Gatos Option for which it is exchanged. The Parties intend and agree that, for each holder of a Gatos Option, the aggregate In-the-Money-Amount of the Converted Options held by such holder, immediately after the exchange, shall not exceed the aggregate In-the-Money-Amount of the Gatos Options held by such holder, immediately prior to the exchange. Further, to the extent applicable, the Parties agree that the exchange of the Gatos Options for Converted Options is intended to be a tax deferred exchange of options complying with subsection 7(1.4) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) and any provincial equivalent and to the extent any adjustments are required to accomplish this intention, such adjustments shall be deemed to have been made.

(ii) Gatos DSUs, PSUs, and RSUs. Each outstanding Gatos DSU, Gatos PSU, and Gatos RSU that is unvested as of immediately prior to the Effective Time, shall become vested (if at all) as of the Effective Time in accordance with the terms of the Gatos LTIP and any applicable award agreement thereunder governing the terms of such Gatos DSU, Gatos PSU, or Gatos RSU. Each outstanding Gatos DSU, Gatos PSU, and Gatos RSU that (i) is vested as of immediately prior to the Effective Time, or (ii) becomes vested in connection with the Effective Time in accordance with the terms of the Gatos LTIP and any applicable award agreement thereunder pursuant to the foregoing sentence, shall, within 30 days following the earlier of (x) the applicable vesting date and (y) Effective Time, settle in a number of First Majestic Shares (rounded down to the nearest whole number) equal to (A) the number of shares of Gatos Common Stock subject to the applicable Gatos DSU, Gatos PSU, or Gatos RSU, respectively, multiplied by, (B) the Exchange Ratio.

(b) Treatment of Gatos LTIP.

(i) At the Effective Time, First Majestic shall assume all rights and obligations in respect of the Gatos LTIP and will be able to grant stock awards, to the extent permissible by applicable Law under the terms of the Gatos LTIP if First Majestic elects to assume the share reserves of the Gatos LTIP as of the Effective Time, except that: (i) stock covered by such awards shall be First Majestic Shares, (ii) all references in Gatos LTIP to a number of shares of Gatos Common Stock shall be amended or deemed amended to refer instead to a number of First Majestic Shares determined by multiplying the number of referenced shares of Gatos Common Stock by the Exchange Ratio, and rounding the resulting number down to the nearest whole number of First Majestic Shares, and (iii) the First Majestic Board of Directors or a committee thereof shall succeed to the authority and responsibility of the Gatos Board of Directors or any committee thereof with respect to the administration of the Gatos LTIP. To the extent First Majestic elects to issue awards under the Gatos LTIP in accordance with this Section 2.03(b)(ii), First Majestic shall file with the SEC a registration statement on Form S-8 (or other applicable form) with respect to the First Majestic Shares underlying such awards, and First Majestic shall use reasonable best efforts to maintain the effectiveness of such registration statement(s) (and maintain the current status(es) of the prospectus(es) contained therein) for so long as such awards remain outstanding.

(ii) First Majestic shall take all corporate action necessary to reserve for the future issuance of a number of First Majestic Shares sufficient for delivery upon exercise of the Converted Options. As soon as practicable after the Effective Time, First Majestic shall file with the SEC an effective



registration statement on Form S-8 (or other applicable form) with respect to the First Majestic Shares subjected to the Converted Options, and First Majestic shall use reasonable best efforts to maintain the effectiveness of such registration statement(s) (and maintain the current status(es) of the prospectus(es) contained therein) for so long as the Converted Options remain outstanding.

(c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Article II, any payment to which a current or former employee of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary becomes entitled pursuant to this Section 2.03 shall be made through the Surviving Corporation’s payroll. The Surviving Corporation shall cause the Exchange Agent to make the payments under this Section 2.03 payable to holders who are not current or former employees of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary in accordance with Section 2.02.

Section 2.04 Withholding. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, each of First Majestic and the Surviving Corporation shall be entitled to (i) deduct and withhold, or cause the Exchange Agent (each of First Majestic, the Surviving Corporation or the Exchange Agent, a “Withholding Agent”) to deduct and withhold, from the consideration otherwise payable pursuant to this Agreement any amounts as are required to be withheld or deducted with respect to such consideration under the Code, or any applicable provisions of U.S. state or local or non-U.S. Tax Law and (ii) in order to effectuate such withholding, to request, or cause the Exchange Agent to request, any necessary Tax forms, including IRS Form W-9 or the appropriate series of IRS Form W-8, as applicable from Gatos or its stockholders, or any other Person to whom a payment is required to be made pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any such deduction or withholding is required with respect to any Person, (a) the applicable Withholding Agent shall provide notice to such Person as soon as reasonably practicable and (b) the Parties shall cooperate in good faith to minimize to the extent permissible under applicable Law the amount of any such deduction or withholding, (c) the applicable Withholding Agent shall be entitled to deduct the required amount of deduction or withholding from any other cash consideration payable to such Person and use such cash amount to satisfy the required deduction or withholding, and (d) the Person and the applicable Withholding Agent are entitled to make any other such arrangements to fund the deduction or withholding obligation as are mutually satisfactory. To the extent that amounts are so withheld and timely remitted to the appropriate Governmental Entity, such withheld amounts shall be treated for all purposes of this Agreement as having been paid to the Person in respect of which such deduction and withholding was made.

Section 2.05 Fractional Shares. No fractional First Majestic Shares shall be issued in connection with the Merger, no certificate or scrip representing fractional First Majestic Shares shall be issued upon the surrender for exchange of Gatos Stock Certificates or Book Entry Shares and such fractional share interests shall not entitle the owner thereof to vote or to any other rights of a shareholder of First Majestic. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, each holder of Gatos Common Stock converted pursuant to the Merger who would otherwise have been entitled to receive a fraction of a First Majestic Share (after aggregating all Gatos Common Stock represented by Book Entry Shares held, and Gatos Stock Certificates delivered, by such holder) shall receive, in lieu thereof and, in the case of Gatos Stock Certificates, upon surrender thereof, cash, without interest, in an amount equal to the product of such fractional part of a First Majestic Share (rounded to the nearest one thousandth when expressed in decimal form) and the First Majestic VWAP. No holder of Gatos Common Stock shall, by virtue of such holder’s entitlement to receive cash in lieu of fractional First Majestic Shares pursuant to this Section 2.05, be entitled to any dividends, voting rights or other rights in respect of a fractional share interest in any First Majestic Shares to which such holder of Gatos Common Stock would otherwise be entitled pursuant to this Agreement but for the provisions of this Section 2.05. As soon as practicable after the determination of the amount of cash, if any, to be paid to holders of Gatos Stock Certificates or Book Entry Shares respect to any fractional share interests, the Exchange Agent shall promptly pay such amounts to such holders subject to and in accordance with this Section 2.05.

Section 2.06 Further Assurances. At and after the Effective Time, the officers and directors of First Majestic shall be authorized to execute and deliver, in the name and on behalf of First Majestic and Gatos, any deeds, bills of sale, assignments or assurances and to take and do, in the name and on behalf thereof, any other



actions and things necessary to vest, perfect or confirm or otherwise in First Majestic, any and all right, title and interest in, to and under any of the rights, properties or assets acquired or to be acquired by First Majestic as a result of, or in connection with, the Merger.



Except as disclosed in the forms, documents and reports filed by Gatos with the SEC since December 31, 2022 (including all exhibits, supplements and schedules thereto and information incorporated by reference, the “Gatos SEC Documents”), and publicly available prior to the date hereof (but excluding any disclosures set forth in any “risk factors” section, any disclosures in any “forward looking statements” section, any similarly titled section and any other disclosures included therein in each case to the extent they are predictive or forward-looking in nature) or in the corresponding section of the disclosure letter delivered by Gatos to First Majestic immediately prior to the execution of this Agreement (the “Gatos Disclosure Letter”) (it being agreed that disclosure of any item in any section of the Gatos Disclosure Letter shall be deemed disclosure with respect to any other section of this Article III to which the relevance of such item is reasonably apparent on its face), Gatos represents and warrants to First Majestic as set forth below.

Section 3.01 Qualification, Organization, Subsidiaries, etc.

(a) Each of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries is a legal entity duly organized, validly existing and, where relevant, in good standing under the Laws of its respective jurisdiction of organization, and has all requisite corporate or similar power and authority to own, lease and operate its properties and assets and to carry on its business as presently conducted, in each case, except as has not had, or would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect. Each of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries are qualified to do business and is in good standing as a foreign corporation or other entity in each jurisdiction where the ownership, leasing or operation of its assets or properties, or conduct of its business, requires such qualification, except in jurisdictions where the failure to be so organized and validly existing, qualified or, where relevant, in good standing, or to have such power or authority, has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect. The Gatos Governing Documents are in full force and effect and Gatos is not in violation of any provision of the Gatos Governing Documents, except as would not reasonably be expected to be material to Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries, taken as a whole. Gatos has provided First Majestic with true, correct and complete copies of the Gatos Governing Documents.

(b) The Organizational Documents of the Gatos Subsidiaries are in full force and effect and the relevant Gatos Subsidiary is not in violation of any provision of such Organizational Documents, except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect. Gatos has provided First Majestic with true, correct and complete copies of the Organizational Documents of each Gatos Subsidiary.

Section 3.02 Capitalization.

(a) The authorized capital stock of Gatos consists of 700,000,000 shares of Gatos Common Stock and 50,000,000 shares of preferred stock, each with a par value of $0.001 per share (“Gatos Preferred Stock”). As of September 3, 2024 (the “Gatos Capitalization Date”), (i)(A) 69,344,753 shares of Gatos Common Stock were issued and outstanding, (B) no shares of Gatos Common Stock were held in treasury and (C) no shares of Gatos Common Stock were held by Subsidiaries of Gatos, (ii) 14,055,285 shares of Gatos Common Stock were reserved and available for issuance pursuant to the Gatos LTIP and (iii) no shares of Gatos Preferred Stock were issued or outstanding or held in treasury. All of the outstanding shares of Gatos Common Stock are, and all



shares of Gatos Common Stock reserved for issuance as noted above shall be, when issued in accordance with the respective terms thereof, duly authorized, validly issued in accordance with applicable Law, fully paid and non-assessable and free of pre-emptive rights.

(b) Gatos does not have any shares of capital stock issued or outstanding other than shares of Gatos Common Stock that were outstanding on the Gatos Capitalization Date or that have become outstanding after the Gatos Capitalization Date, but were reserved for issuance as set forth in Section 3.02(a) as of the Gatos Capitalization Date and (ii) except as set forth on the Gatos Equity Schedule, there are no outstanding subscriptions, options, warrants, puts, calls, exchangeable or convertible securities or other similar rights, agreements or commitments relating to the issuance of shares of capital stock or other equity interests to which Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries is a party, or otherwise obligating Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries to (A) issue, transfer, exchange, sell or register for sale any shares of capital stock or other equity interests of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary or securities convertible into, or exchangeable for, such shares or equity interests (in each case other than to Gatos or a wholly owned Subsidiary of Gatos); (B) grant, extend or enter into any such subscription, option, warrant, put, call, exchangeable or convertible securities or other similar right, agreement, commitment or arrangement relating to the shares of capital stock or other equity interest of Gatos or a Gatos Subsidiary; (C) redeem or otherwise acquire any such shares of capital stock or other equity interests; (D) provide a material amount of funds to, or make any material investment (in the form of a loan, capital contribution or otherwise) in, any Gatos Subsidiary that is not wholly owned or any other Person; (E) make any payment to any Person the value of which is derived from, or calculated based on, the value of Gatos Common Stock or Gatos Preferred Stock; or (F) grant any preemptive or antidilutive or similar rights with respect to any security issued by Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary. Since the Gatos Capitalization Date until the date of this Agreement, Gatos has not granted any equity or equity-based award to any of the directors, employees or independent contractors of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiaries. As of the date hereof, there are no declared but unpaid dividends of Gatos.

(c) Section 3.02(c) of the Gatos Disclosure Letter (the “Gatos Equity Schedule”) sets forth, as of the Gatos Capitalization Date, each outstanding Gatos Equity Award, including, as applicable, (i) the name of the holder of such Gatos Equity Award, (ii) the number of shares of Gatos Common Stock subject to such outstanding Gatos Equity Award (assuming both maximum and target level performance for the Gatos PSUs), (iii) the exercise price, (iv) the date on which such Gatos Equity Award was granted or issued, and (v) the applicable vesting schedule, and the extent to which such Gatos Equity Award (A) is vested and exercisable as of the Gatos Capitalization Date and (B) would vest as a result of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (whether alone or upon the occurrence of any additional or subsequent events). With respect to each grant of Gatos Equity Awards, in all material respects, (1) each such grant was made in accordance with the terms of the Gatos LTIP and any award agreement thereunder, the Exchange Act and all other applicable Laws, including the rules of the NYSE, (2) each such grant was properly accounted for in accordance with United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”) in the Gatos SEC Documents (including financial statements) and all other applicable Laws, (3) each Gatos Equity Award qualifies for the Tax treatment afforded to such award in Gatos’ Tax Returns and all Gatos SEC Documents, respectively, and (4) no Gatos Equity Award is reasonably expected to trigger any liability for the holder thereof under Section 409A of the Code or any similar provision in any other Tax jurisdiction. From the Gatos Capitalization Date through the date of this Agreement, Gatos has not granted, entered into an agreement to grant, or otherwise committed to grant any Gatos Equity Awards or other equity or equity-based awards that may be settled in shares of Gatos Common Stock.

(d) Neither Gatos nor any Gatos Subsidiary has outstanding bonds, debentures, notes or other similar obligations, the holders of which have the right to vote (or which are convertible into or exercisable for securities having the right to vote) with the stockholders of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary on any matter.

(e) There are no voting trusts or other agreements or understandings to which Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary is a party with respect to the voting or registration of the capital stock or other equity interest of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary.



(f) All the issued and outstanding shares of capital stock of, or other equity interests in, each Gatos Subsidiary are duly authorized, have been validly issued in compliance with applicable Law and are fully paid and non-assessable and are wholly owned, directly or indirectly, by Gatos free and clear of all Liens, including preemptive rights, other than Permitted Liens. Gatos has provided First Majestic with a true, correct and complete list of all Gatos Subsidiaries as of the date of this Agreement. The name, jurisdiction and capitalization of each Gatos Subsidiary and the Person that owns the equity interests in such Subsidiary is duly reflected in the Gatos Disclosure Letter. Except for equity interests in the Gatos Subsidiaries, neither Gatos nor any Gatos Subsidiary owns, directly or indirectly, any equity interest in any Person (or any security or other right, agreement or commitment convertible or exercisable into, or exchangeable for, any equity interest in any Person). Neither Gatos nor any Gatos Subsidiary has any obligation to acquire any equity interest, security, right, agreement or commitment or to provide funds to or make any investment (in the form of a loan, capital contribution or otherwise) in, any Person.

Section 3.03 Corporate Authority Relative to this Agreement; No Violation.

(a) Gatos has all requisite corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and, assuming the Gatos Stockholder Approval is obtained, to perform its obligations hereunder and to consummate the Transactions, including the Merger. The execution, delivery and performance by Gatos of this Agreement and the consummation of the Transactions have been duly and validly authorized by the Gatos Board of Directors and, except for the filing of the Certificate of Merger in accordance with the DGCL, no other corporate proceedings on the part of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary are necessary to authorize the consummation of the Transactions, other than, with respect to the Merger, obtaining the Gatos Stockholder Approval. Prior to the execution of this Agreement, the Gatos Board of Directors (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) has unanimously adopted resolutions (A) declaring that this Agreement and consummation of the Transactions, including the Merger, are in the best interests of Gatos and its stockholders, (B) approving this Agreement and the Transactions, including the Merger, (C) authorizing the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, (D) directing that this Agreement be submitted for consideration at the Gatos Special Meeting, (E) making the Gatos Board Recommendation and (F) approving the inclusion of the Gatos Board Recommendation in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus, in each case subject to Section 5.03. This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by Gatos and, assuming this Agreement constitutes the valid and binding agreement of First Majestic and Merger Sub, constitutes the valid and binding agreement of Gatos, enforceable against Gatos in accordance with its terms, except that (1) such enforcement may be subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, examinership, reorganization, moratorium or other similar Laws, now or hereafter in effect, relating to creditors’ rights generally and (2) equitable remedies of specific performance and injunctive and other forms of equitable relief may be subject to equitable defenses and to the discretion of the court before which any proceeding therefor may be brought (such exceptions in clauses (1) and (2), the “Enforceability Exceptions”).

(b) Other than in connection with or in compliance with (i) the provisions of the DGCL, (ii) the Securities Act, (iii) the Exchange Act, (iv) Canadian Securities Laws, (v) Mexico’s Antitrust Law (vii) any applicable requirements of the Exchanges (viii) the filing of the Certificate of Merger with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, (ix) such filings and approvals as are required to be made or obtained under the securities or “blue sky” Laws and the rules and regulations thereunder in connection with the issuance of the First Majestic Shares in the Merger and (x) the consents set forth in Section 3.03(b) of the Gatos Disclosure Letter, no authorization, consent or approval of, or filing with, any Governmental Entity is necessary, under applicable Law, for the consummation by Gatos of the Transactions, except for (A) such authorizations, consents, approvals or filings that, if not obtained or made, has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect and (B) as may arise as a result of facts or circumstances relating to First Majestic or its affiliates or Laws or Contracts binding First Majestic or its affiliates.

(c) The execution and delivery by Gatos of this Agreement do not, and, except as described in Section 3.03(b), the consummation of the Transactions and compliance with the provisions of this Agreement



will not (i) result in any violation or breach of, or default or change of control (with or without notice or lapse of time, or both) under, or give rise to a right of, or result in, termination, modification, cancellation or acceleration of any obligation or to the loss of a benefit under any Gatos Material Contract or result in the creation of any Lien upon any of the properties, rights or assets of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiaries, other than Permitted Liens, (ii) subject to obtaining the Gatos Stockholder Approval, conflict with or result in any violation of any provision of the Gatos Governing Documents or any of the Organizational Documents of any Gatos Subsidiary or (iii) conflict with or violate any Laws applicable to Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries or any of their respective properties or assets, other than in the case of clauses (i) and (iii), any such violation, breach, conflict, default, termination, modification, cancellation, acceleration, right, loss or Lien that has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect.

Section 3.04 Reports and Financial Statements.

(a) From December 31, 2022, through the date of this Agreement, Gatos has filed or furnished all Gatos SEC Documents required to be filed or furnished prior to the date hereof by it. As of their respective dates, or, if amended, as of the date of (and giving effect to) the last such amendment (and, in the case of registration statements and proxy statements, on the date of effectiveness and the dates of the relevant meetings, respectively), each of the Gatos SEC Documents complied in all material respects with the requirements of the Securities Act, the Exchange Act and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, as the case may be, and the applicable rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and none of the Gatos SEC Documents contained any untrue statement of any material fact or omitted to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

(b) The consolidated financial statements (including all related notes and schedules) of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries included in the Gatos SEC Documents when filed fairly present in all material respects the consolidated financial position of Gatos and its consolidated Subsidiaries, as at the respective dates thereof, and the consolidated results of their operations, and their consolidated cash flows for the respective periods then ended (subject, in the case of the unaudited statements, to normal year-end audit adjustments and to any other adjustments described therein, including the notes thereto) in conformity with GAAP applied on a consistent basis during the periods involved (except as may be indicated therein or in the notes thereto).

Section 3.05 Internal Controls and Procedures. Gatos has established and maintains disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over financial reporting (as such terms are defined in paragraphs (e) and (f), respectively, of Rule 13a-15 under the Exchange Act) as required by Rule 13a-15 under the Exchange Act and under applicable Canadian Securities Laws. Gatos’ disclosure controls and procedures are reasonably designed to ensure that all material information required to be disclosed by Gatos in the reports that it files or furnishes under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the SEC and under applicable Canadian Securities Laws, and that all such material information is accumulated and communicated to Gatos’ management as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure and to enable Gatos’ management to make the certifications required pursuant to Sections 302 and 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (the “Sarbanes-Oxley Act”) and under applicable Canadian Securities Laws. Based on its most recent evaluation of internal controls over financial reporting prior to the date hereof, Gatos’ management has disclosed to Gatos’ auditors and the audit committee of the Gatos Board of Directors (i) any significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal controls over financial reporting that are reasonably likely to adversely affect in any material respect Gatos’ ability to report financial information and (ii) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in Gatos’ internal control over financial reporting.

Section 3.06 No Undisclosed Liabilities. Except (a) as disclosed, reflected or reserved against in Gatos’ most recent consolidated balance sheet (or the notes thereto) included in the Gatos SEC Documents filed or furnished and publicly available prior to the date hereof, (b) for liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of business since the date of such consolidated balance sheet, (c) as permitted or contemplated in connection with



the preparation and/or negotiation of this Agreement or the Merger, (d) liabilities for performance of obligations of Gatos and/or the Gatos Subsidiaries pursuant to the terms of Contracts binding on Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries or pursuant to which their respective properties and assets are bound and (e) liabilities which have been discharged or paid in full in the ordinary course of business, neither Gatos nor any Gatos Subsidiary has any liabilities of any nature, whether or not accrued, contingent or otherwise, that would be required by GAAP to be reflected in a consolidated balance sheet of Gatos and its consolidated Subsidiaries (or in the notes thereto).

Section 3.07 Compliance with Laws; Permits.

(a) Gatos and each Gatos Subsidiary is, and since December 31, 2022, has been, in compliance with Laws applicable to Gatos, the Gatos Subsidiaries or any of their respective properties or assets, except where such non-compliance has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect.

(b) Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries are, and since December 31, 2022, have been, in possession of all franchises, grants, authorizations, licenses, permits, easements, variances, exceptions, exemptions, consents, certificates, approvals and orders of any Governmental Entity necessary for Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries to own, lease and operate their properties and assets or to carry on their businesses as they are now being conducted (the “Gatos Permits”), except where the failure to have any of the Gatos Permits has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect. All Gatos Permits are in full force and effect, except where the failure to be in full force and effect has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect. Gatos and each Gatos Subsidiary is in compliance with all Gatos Permits, except where the failure to be in compliance has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect. The Gatos Disclosure Letter contains a true and complete list of all material Gatos Permits necessary to conduct the business of Gatos and each Gatos Subsidiary as presently conducted.

Section 3.08 Environmental Laws and Regulations. Except for those matters that have not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect, since December 31, 2022:

(a) Gatos and each Gatos Subsidiary have been and are in compliance with applicable Environmental Laws and have obtained and have been and are in compliance with all Environmental Permits necessary to conduct their respective businesses as presently conducted. All Environmental Permits necessary to conduct the respective businesses of Gatos and each Gatos Subsidiary as presently conducted are in full force and effect, and Gatos has received no written notice, and has no knowledge that any such Environmental Permits will not be renewed in the ordinary course after the Effective Time. No Governmental Entity has begun, or to the knowledge of Gatos, threatened in writing to begin, any action to terminate, cancel or amend any Environmental Permits necessary to conduct the respective businesses of Gatos and each Gatos Subsidiary as presently conducted.

(b) Neither Gatos nor any Gatos Subsidiary has received any notice, demand, request for information, citation, summons, complaint, letter or claim alleging that Gatos or any such Gatos Subsidiary is in violation of, or liable under, any Environmental Law, no penalty has been assessed and there is no outstanding order, consent decree, writ, injunction or judgment issued by a court, Governmental Entity, authority or tribunal against Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary, in each case, with respect to matters arising out of any Environmental Law. There is no claim, action, suit, proceeding, demand, lien, investigation or request for information pending, or, to the knowledge of Gatos, threatened against Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary with respect to any matters arising out of any applicable Environmental Law.

(c) Neither Gatos nor any Gatos Subsidiary has entered into or agreed to any order, consent, decree, writ, injunction or judgment or is subject to any order, consent, decree, writ, injunction or judgment relating to compliance with Environmental Laws, Environmental Permits or the investigation, Release, sampling, monitoring, treatment, remediation, removal or cleanup of Hazardous Materials;



(d) Neither Gatos nor any Gatos Subsidiary has assumed, by Contract, or to the knowledge of Gatos, by operation of Law, any liability under any Environmental Law or relating to any Hazardous Materials, and neither Gatos nor any Gatos Subsidiary is an indemnitor in connection with any threatened or asserted claim, action, suit, proceeding, demand, lien, investigation by any third-party indemnitee for any liability under any Environmental Law or relating to any Hazardous Materials; and

(e) Neither Gatos nor any Gatos Subsidiary has caused, and to the knowledge of Gatos, no third party has caused, any Release of a Hazardous Material that could reasonably be expected to require investigation or remedial action by Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary under any Environmental Law.

(f) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the representations and warranties set forth in this Section 3.08 are the sole representations and warranties of Gatos with respect to environmental matters, including with respect to Hazardous Materials, Environmental Permits, and any other matter relating to compliance with, or liabilities under, Environmental Laws.

Section 3.09 Employee Benefit Plans.

(a) Section 3.09(a) of the Gatos Disclosure Letter sets forth, as of the date hereof, a correct and complete list of each material Gatos Benefit Plan. With respect to each such material Gatos Benefit Plan, Gatos has made available to First Majestic, to the extent applicable, correct and complete copies of (i) all material documents embodying such Gatos Benefit Plan (or, if such Gatos Benefit Plan is unwritten, a written summary of its material terms), and (ii) the most recent summary plan description together with the summary or summaries of material modifications thereto.

(b) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect, (i) each Gatos Benefit Plan is, and has at all times been, maintained, operated, and administered in accordance with its terms and applicable Law, (ii) there are no pending, or, to the knowledge of Gatos threatened, claims by, on behalf of, or against, any Gatos Benefit Plan (other than claims for benefits in the ordinary course), (iii) there are no audits or other proceedings by any Governmental Entity pending, or, to the knowledge of Gatos, threatened, with respect to any Gatos Benefit Plan, (iv) all benefits, contributions and premiums relating to each Gatos Benefit Plan have been timely paid or accrued for, as applicable, in accordance with the terms of such Gatos Benefit Plan and all applicable Laws and accounting principles, and (v) no Gatos Benefit Plan provides for post-termination or retiree medical or other health or welfare benefits (except as required by applicable Law).

(c) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect, each Gatos Benefit Plan that is registered or required to be registered with or approved by any Governmental Entity has, in all material respects, been so registered or approved and been maintained in good standing (to the extent such concept is recognized under applicable Laws) with all applicable Governmental Entities, and no event has occurred since the date of the most recent registration, approval or application therefor relating to any such Gatos Benefit Plan that could reasonably be expected to result in the revocation of any such registration, approval, or good standing status.

(d) None of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries maintains, contributes to, sponsors, or otherwise have or had any liability with respect to any (i) pension plan that is subject to provincial or federal pension standards legislation, (ii) “retirement compensation arrangement” as such term is defined in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada), (iii) “employee life and health trust” as such term is defined in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada), or (iv) “salary deferral arrangement” as such term is defined in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada).

(e) Neither the execution of this Agreement, shareholder or other approval of this Agreement nor the consummation of any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement could (either alone or upon the



occurrence of any additional or subsequent events, including the passage of time): (i) result in any material compensation or benefit becoming due to any current or former employee, independent contractor, or other individual service provider of Gatos or any of their Subsidiaries, (ii) materially increase the compensation or benefits (including any severance payments or benefits) otherwise payable to any such individual, or entitle any such individual to new or additional compensation or benefits (including severance payments or benefits), (iii) result in the acceleration of the time of payment, funding, or vesting of any compensation or benefit under any Gatos Benefit Plan or otherwise, or (iv) limit or materially restrict, or create or cause the imposition of any material limitation or restriction on, the ability of the Gatos or any Subsidiaries thereof to amend or modify any Gatos Benefit Plan in accordance with its terms.

Section 3.10 Absence of Certain Changes or Events.

(a) Since December 31, 2023, through the date of this Agreement, there has not occurred any Effect that has had, or would reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect.

(b) Since December 31, 2023, through the date of this Agreement, except for actions taken in connection with the negotiation, execution and delivery of this Agreement and the Transactions contemplated hereby, the business of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, has been conducted, in all material respects, in the ordinary course of business.

Section 3.11 Investigation; Litigation. (a) To the knowledge of Gatos, there is no investigation or review pending or threatened by any Governmental Entity with respect to Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary and (b) there are no Actions pending (or, to the knowledge of Gatos, threatened) against Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary or any of their respective properties or assets which, in the case of clause (a) or (b), has had or would reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect. Neither Gatos nor any Gatos Subsidiary is subject to any Order which has had or would reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect. As of the date hereof, there are no Actions pending (or, to the knowledge of Gatos, threatened) that challenge or seek to prevent, enjoin, or materially delay, this Agreement or the Transactions.

Section 3.12 Information Supplied. The information relating to Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries that is provided by Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries specifically for inclusion in (or incorporation by reference in), the proxy statement relating to the Gatos Special Meeting, which will be used as a prospectus of First Majestic with respect to the First Majestic Shares issuable in the Merger (together with any amendments or supplements thereto, the “Proxy Statement/Prospectus”), the registration statement on Form F-4 pursuant to which the offer and sale of First Majestic Shares in the Merger will be registered pursuant to the Securities Act and in which the Proxy Statement/Prospectus will be included as a prospectus of First Majestic (together with any amendments or supplements thereto, the “Form F-4”) and the First Majestic Circular will not, on the date the Proxy Statement/Prospectus (and any amendment or supplement thereto) is first sent to the stockholders of Gatos, or at the time the Form F-4 (and any amendment or supplement thereto) is filed and the date it is declared effective or any post-effective amendment thereto is filed or is declared effective, or at the time of the Gatos Special Meeting (as it may be adjourned or postponed in accordance with the terms hereof), and, in the case of the First Majestic Circular, on the date the First Majestic Circular is first sent to the shareholders of First Majestic or at the time of the First Majestic Special Meeting (as it may be adjourned or postponed in accordance with the terms hereof), contain any untrue statement of any material fact or omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements therein, at the time and in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. The Proxy Statement/Prospectus will comply in all material respects as to form with the requirements of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder and applicable Canadian Securities Laws. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 3.12, no representation or warranty is made by Gatos with respect to information or statements made in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus or the Form F-4, which were not supplied by or on behalf of Gatos.



Section 3.13 Tax Matters.

(a) Except as has not had or would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect:

(i) all Tax Returns that are required to be filed by or with respect to Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries have been timely filed (taking into account any extension of time within which to file), and all such Tax Returns are true, complete and accurate;

(ii) Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries have timely paid all Taxes required to be paid by any of them, including any Taxes required to be withheld from amounts owing to any Person, in each case whether or not shown on any Tax Return, other than Taxes that are being contested in good faith through appropriate proceedings and for which appropriate reserves have been established in accordance with GAAP on the financial statements of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries, and have complied with all reporting requirements (including maintenance of required records with respect thereto) with respect to such payments;

(iii) there is no deficiency or assessment for Taxes of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries that is outstanding or proposed in writing by a Taxing Authority. No audit, examination, investigation or other proceeding with respect to any Taxes of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries is pending or threatened in writing by any Taxing Authority;

(iv) neither Gatos nor any of the Gatos Subsidiaries has waived any statute of limitations with respect to any Taxes of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries, or agreed to any extension of time with respect to an assessment or deficiency of any Taxes of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries, in each case that remains outstanding;

(v) no private letter rulings, technical advice memoranda or similar agreement or rulings have been entered into or issued by any Governmental Entity with respect to any Taxes of Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries that will have a material effect on Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries following the Effective Time;

(vi) neither Gatos nor any of the Gatos Subsidiaries has constituted a “distributing corporation” or a “controlled corporation” (within the meaning of Section 355(a)(1)(A) of the Code) in a distribution of stock intended to qualify for tax-free treatment under Section 355 of the Code (or any similar provision of U.S. state or local or non-U.S. Law) in the two (2) years prior to the date of this Agreement;

(vii) no claim has been made in writing by a Taxing Authority in a jurisdiction where Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries does not file Tax Returns that such Person is or may be subject to taxation by that jurisdiction that has not been resolved;

(viii) neither Gatos nor any of the Gatos Subsidiaries will be required to include any item of income in taxable income, or exclude any item of deduction from, taxable income, or make any adjustment under Section 481 of the Code (or any corresponding provision of U.S. state or local or non-U.S. income Tax Law) for any taxable period (or portion thereof) beginning after the Closing Date as a result of (A) any installment sale, intercompany transaction described in the Treasury Regulations under Section 1502 of the Code (or any corresponding provision of U.S. state or local or non-U.S. income Tax Law), or open transaction disposition made by Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries on or prior to the Closing, (B) any prepaid amount received by Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries outside of the ordinary course of business on or prior to the Closing, (C) any “closing agreement,” as described in Section 7121 of the Code (or any corresponding provision of U.S. state or local or non-U.S. income Tax Law) entered into on or prior to the Closing, or (D) a change in the method of accounting by Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries made prior to the Closing;



(ix) none of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries (A) is a party to any Tax allocation, sharing, indemnity, or reimbursement agreement (other than (1) any agreements entered into in the ordinary course of business that are not primarily related to Taxes or (2) any such agreement to which Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries are the only counterparties), (B) is liable for Taxes of any other Person (other than Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries) under Treasury Regulations Section 1.1502-6 (or any corresponding provision of U.S. state or local or non-U.S. income Tax Law) or as a transferee or successor, or (C) has ever been a member of an affiliated, consolidated, combined or unitary group for purposes of filing Tax Returns or paying Taxes, other than a group the common parent of which was or is Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries;

(x) there are no Liens for Taxes upon any property or assets of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries, except for the Permitted Liens; and

(xi) neither Gatos nor any of the Gatos Subsidiaries has entered into any “listed transaction” within the meaning of U.S. Treasury Regulations Section 1.6011-4(b)(2) (or any similar provision of U.S. state or local or non-U.S. Law).

(b) Neither Gatos nor any of the Gatos Subsidiaries has knowingly taken any action or knows of any fact or circumstance that could reasonably be expected to prevent or impede the Merger from qualifying for the Intended Tax Treatment.

(c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the representations and warranties set forth in this Section 3.13 and Section 3.09 are the sole representations and warranties with respect to Tax matters of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries.

Section 3.14 Labor Matters.

(a) No employee, individual independent contractor, or other individual non-employee service provider, of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries is located in the United States.

(b) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect, (i) Gatos and each of the Gatos Subsidiaries are, and, in the last three (3) years, have been, in compliance with all applicable Laws respecting labor, employment, and the engagement of labor, including applicable Laws related to fair employment practices (including equal employment opportunity and discrimination laws), terms and conditions of employment, classification of employees, workers’ compensation, occupational safety and health, immigration, affirmative action, employee and data privacy, plant closings, wages and hours/working time, redundancy, payment of wages, withholding of Taxes, and transfer of undertakings, and (ii) there is no, and within the past three (3) years, have been no, pending or, to the knowledge of Gatos, threatened, charge, complaint, arbitration, audit or investigation brought by or on behalf of, or otherwise involving, any current or former employee, any person alleged to be a current or former employee, any applicant for employment, or any class of the foregoing, or any Governmental Entity, that involve the labor or employment relations and practices of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries.

(c) Neither Gatos nor any of the Gatos Subsidiaries is a party to, bound by, negotiating or required to negotiate any Collective Bargaining Agreement, and no employees of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries are represented by any labor union or other labor organization. Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect, (i) there are no activities or proceedings of any labor union or other labor organization to organize any employees of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries and no demand for recognition or certification as the exclusive bargaining representative of any employees has been made by or on behalf of any labor union or other labor organization, (ii) there are no pending or, to the knowledge of Gatos, threatened, and, in the last three (3) years, there have been no, strikes, lockouts, union organization activities (including, but not limited to, union organization campaigns or requests



for representation), pickets, slowdowns, stoppages, grievances or labor disputes or similar activity in respect of the business of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries, and (iii) neither Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries are engaged in and, in the last three (3) years, have not engaged in, any unfair labor practice.

(d) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect, there are no claims, actions, or other proceedings against Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries pending or, to the knowledge of Gatos, so threatened that could be brought or filed with any Governmental Entity, or based on, arising out of, in connection with or otherwise relating to the employment or engagement or termination of employment or engagement by Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries, of any individual or group of individuals, or the failure by Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries to employ or engage any individual or group of individuals.

(e) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect, during the past five (5) years, (i) no allegations of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct have been made, or threatened to be made, or investigated by or on behalf of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries, against or involving any current or former officer, director or other senior executive or key employee of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries by any current or former officer, employee or independent contractor of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries in such individual’s capacity as a service provider to Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries, and (ii) neither Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries have entered into any settlement agreement resolving, in whole or in part, allegations of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct by any current or former officer, director or other senior executive or key employee in such individual’s capacity as a service provider to Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries.

Section 3.15 Intellectual Property.

(a) Section 3.15(a) of the Gatos Disclosure Letter sets forth a true and complete list of the following Gatos Intellectual Property: (i) all patents, copyrights, trademarks or domain names that have been registered, issued or filed with or by any Governmental Entity or quasi-public legal authority or by a domain name registrar, or any pending applications for any of the foregoing (“Gatos Registered Intellectual Property”); and (ii) material unregistered trademarks or material unregistered proprietary Software, in each case, that constitute Gatos Intellectual Property. Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect, with respect to each item of the Gatos Registered Intellectual Property, all necessary registration, maintenance and renewal fees have been paid, and all necessary documents and certificates have been filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office or equivalent authority or registrar anywhere in the world, as the case may be, for the purposes of maintaining, and perfecting Gatos’ or the applicable Gatos Subsidiary’s ownership of, such Gatos Registered Intellectual Property.

(b) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect, (i) Gatos or a Gatos Subsidiary owns or otherwise possesses valid rights to use, and immediately after Closing will own or otherwise possess valid rights to use, all Intellectual Property and information technology systems (including hardware, computers, software, networks, systems, servers and network, telecommunications and peripheral devices, equipment, assets, systems and services (collectively, “IT Systems”)) used in the operation of their respective businesses as currently conducted free and clear of all Liens other than Permitted Liens; (ii) to the knowledge of Gatos, each item of registered or issued Gatos Registered Intellectual Property is subsisting, valid and enforceable; (iii) Gatos or a Gatos Subsidiary exclusively owns the Gatos Intellectual Property, in each case, free and clear of all Liens other than Permitted Liens; (iv) there are no pending or, to the knowledge of Gatos, threatened claims (including invitations or offers to license), actions or proceedings against Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries by any Person (A) alleging infringement, misappropriation or other violations by Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries of any third party’s Intellectual Property or (B) challenging the ownership, validity or enforceability of any Gatos Intellectual Property; and (v) to the knowledge of Gatos, (x) the conduct of the businesses of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries, in the past six (6) years has not infringed, misappropriated or otherwise violated, and as of the



Closing does not infringe, misappropriate or otherwise violate, any third party’s Intellectual Property and (y) no third party is infringing, misappropriating or violating any Gatos Intellectual Property.

(c) Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries have taken commercially reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality of Gatos’ and the Gatos Subsidiaries’ material Trade Secrets and any Trade Secrets provided to Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries under conditions of confidentiality.

Section 3.16 Real Property; Tangible Property.

(a) (i) Section 3.16(a)(i) of the Gatos Disclosure Letter sets forth, as of the date of this Agreement, a list of the Real Property Rights held by Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries (the “Gatos Real Property Rights”) reasonably required to permit the operation of Gatos’ business as owned and conducted as of the date of this Agreement that is true and correct in all material respects; and (ii) Section 3.16(a)(ii) of the Gatos Disclosure Letter sets forth, as of the date of this Agreement, a list of the Mining Rights held by Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries (the “Gatos Mining Rights”) reasonably required for the operation of Gatos’ business as owned and conducted as of the date of this Agreement that is true and correct in all material respects.

(b) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect, (i) none of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries has received notice of any default under any agreement or instrument under which any of the Gatos Real Property Rights or the Gatos Mining Rights are constituted and (ii) (A) Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries are in good standing under all, and are not in default under any Gatos Mining Right, and (B) there is no existing condition, circumstance or matter which constitutes or which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice or both, would constitute a default under any, agreements or instruments under which the Gatos Real Property Rights or Gatos Mining Rights are constituted and, to the knowledge of Gatos, all such agreements and instruments are in good standing and in full force and effect and none of the counterparties to such agreements and instruments is in default thereunder.

(c) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect, Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries own or have the right to use all of the Gatos Real Property Rights and Gatos Mining Rights, free and clear of all Liens, other than Permitted Liens.

(d) Except as disclosed in Section 3.16(d) of the Gatos Disclosure Letter: (A) there is no written claim that has been made to Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries, or, to the knowledge of Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries, a reasonable basis for any claim, by a third party that Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries do not have the right to exploit or use the Gatos Mining Rights as currently used or exploited and as currently proposed to be used or as currently proposed to be exploited by Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries as of the date of this Agreement, except in each case for any frivolous claim; and (B) no holder of any material Gatos Mining Rights has any obligation to pay any commission, royalty or similar payment to any Person, other than any Governmental Entity, with respect to such material Gatos Mining Rights.

(e) The Gatos Mining Rights and the Gatos Real Property Rights are not located within an area in which mining activities have been restricted or prohibited by the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (National Institute of Anthropology and History of Mexico) and no Governmental Entity has notified Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary in writing of any archeological or historical findings affecting the Gatos Mining Rights and the Gatos Real Property Rights in a manner that would materially impair Gatos’ mining operations as currently conducted. To the knowledge of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries (i) there are no indigenous communities near to the location of, or with an interest in or claim to the Gatos Mining Rights and the Gatos Real Property Rights; and (ii) the Gatos Mining Rights and the Gatos Real Property Rights are not located within any “Nature Protected Area” or “Natural Reserve”, as defined in the Environmental Laws, and neither Gatos nor the Gatos Subsidiaries have received written notice from any Governmental Entity informing Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary of the creation of such areas or reserves where the Gatos Mining Rights and the Gatos Real Property Rights are located.



Section 3.17 Property. Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect, Gatos or a Gatos Subsidiary is the sole owner and has good and valid title to, or in the case of leased personal property assets, valid leasehold interests in, all material tangible personal property currently used in the operation of the businesses of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries, in each case free and clear of any Liens, except Permitted Liens. The material tangible personal property currently used in the operation of the businesses of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries is in good working order (reasonable wear and tear excepted) and is maintained consistently with industry standards, except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect.

Section 3.18 Mineral Reserves. The estimated proven and probable mineral reserves and estimated indicated, measured and inferred mineral resources publicly disclosed by Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries have been prepared and disclosed in all material respects in accordance with accepted mining, engineering, geoscience and other applicable industry practices, and all applicable Laws. To the knowledge of Gatos, there has been no material reduction in the aggregate amount of estimated mineral reserves or estimated mineral resources of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries from the amounts so disclosed, taken as a whole, other than as a result of production activities in the ordinary course.

Section 3.19 Opinion of Financial Advisor. The Gatos Board of Directors has received the opinion of BofA Securities, Inc., as financial advisor to Gatos, to the effect that, as of the date of such opinion, and based upon and subject to the various assumptions and limitations set forth therein, the Exchange Ratio provided for in this Agreement is fair, from a financial point of view to the stockholders (other than First Majestic and its affiliates) of Gatos. Gatos shall, following the execution of this Agreement by the Parties, furnish an accurate and complete copy of such opinion to First Majestic solely for informational purposes (it being understood and agreed that such written opinion is for the benefit of the Gatos Board of Directors and may not be relied upon by First Majestic or Merger Sub).

Section 3.20 Takeover Statutes. The Gatos Board of Directors or the Gatos Special Committee has taken all actions necessary to reasonably ensure that the restrictions applicable to business combinations contained in Section 203 of the DGCL are not, and will not be, applicable to the execution, delivery or performance of this Agreement or the consummation of the Transactions. Except for Section 203 of the DGCL, no “fair price,” “moratorium,” “control share acquisition,” “business combination” or other similar anti-takeover statutes or regulations enacted under the DGCL or other Law applies or purports to apply to this Agreement or any of the Transactions.

Section 3.21 Material Contracts.

(a) Except for this Agreement, Section 3.21 of the Gatos Disclosure Letter contains a complete and correct list, as of the date of this Agreement, of each Contract described below in this Section 3.21(a) to which Gatos or a Gatos Subsidiary is a party or by which their respective properties or assets are bound (all Contracts of the type described in this Section 3.21(a) being referred to herein as the “Gatos Material Contracts”):

(i) (A) any material joint venture, partnership or other similar Contract relating to the formation, creation, operation, management or control of any joint venture, partnership or limited liability company or any research and development project Contract, and (B) any stockholders, investors rights, registration rights or similar agreement;

(ii) any Contract expressly limiting or restricting the ability of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries to make distributions or declare or pay dividends to its stockholders;

(iii) any Contract that (A) provides for the acquisition or divestiture of any material asset (other than Contracts covered by clause (x) below and other than acquisitions or dispositions of inventory in



the ordinary course of business) or business (whether by merger, sale of stock, sale of assets or otherwise), in each case, in excess of $500,000 and (B) contains outstanding obligations that are material to Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries, taken as a whole;

(iv) any Contract (excluding non-exclusive licenses for uncustomized, commercially available “off the shelf” Software or IT Systems licensed pursuant to standard terms and conditions) under which Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary is granted any license or other rights with respect to any Intellectual Property or IT Systems of a third party (including by means of covenants not to sue or software-as-a-service agreements), which Contract or Intellectual Property is material to the business of Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries, taken as a whole;

(v) any Contract with any Governmental Entity involving annual aggregate payments in excess of $500,000 in fiscal year 2023;

(vi) each Contract that limits in any material respect the freedom of Gatos to compete in any line of business or geographic region;

(vii) any Contract with (A) any Person that, by itself or together with its affiliates or those acting in concert with it, beneficially owns, or has the right to acquire beneficial ownership of, at least five percent (5%) of the shares of Gatos Common Stock or (B) any affiliates of Gatos (other than Gatos Subsidiaries);

(viii) any Contract entered into since December 31, 2022, involving the settlement of any Action or threatened Action (or series of related Actions) (A) which (1) will involve payments after the Effective Time in excess of $500,000 or (2) will impose monitoring or reporting obligations after the Effective Time to any other Person outside the ordinary course of business or material restrictions after the Effective Time on Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary or (B) with respect to which material conditions precedent to the settlement have not been satisfied;

(ix) (A) any loan Contracts, notes, letters of credit and other evidences of Indebtedness in excess of $2,000,000, (B) any mortgages, pledges and other evidences of liens securing such obligations or any material real or other property and (C) any guarantees supporting such obligations and financing Contracts including change of control provisions, in each case, other than (1) Contracts solely among Gatos and any wholly owned Gatos Subsidiary, and (2) any Contracts relating to Indebtedness explicitly included in the consolidated financial statements in the Gatos SEC Documents and which are publicly available prior to the date hereof in unredacted form;

(x) any Contract that is a contractual royalty, production payment, net profits, earn-out, streaming agreement, metal prepayment or similar Contract that has a value or potential value in excess of $5,000,000;

(xi) any Contract that is a collective bargaining or union agreement or any other material Contract with any labor union; and

(xii) any Contract pursuant to which Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary spent or received, in the aggregate, more than $5,000,000 during the twelve (12) months prior to the date hereof or could reasonably be expected to spend or receive, in the aggregate, more than $5,000,000 during the twelve (12) months immediately after the date hereof (including any Contract relating to any future capital expenditures by Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries).

(b) Gatos has provided to First Majestic prior to the date of this Agreement a true, correct and complete copy of each written Gatos Material Contract as in effect on the date of this Agreement. Neither Gatos nor any



Gatos Subsidiary is in breach of or default under the terms of any Gatos Material Contract where such breach or default has had or would reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect. To the knowledge of Gatos no other party to any Gatos Material Contract is in, or is alleged to be in, breach of or default under the terms of any Gatos Material Contract where such breach or default has had or would reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect. Except (i) to the extent that any Gatos Material Contract expires in accordance with its terms or (ii) as such expiration or termination has not been, and would not reasonably be expected to be, individually or in the aggregate, material to Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, each Gatos Material Contract has not been terminated and is a valid and binding obligation of Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiary which is party thereto and, to the knowledge of Gatos, of each other party thereto, subject to the Enforceability Exceptions.

Section 3.22 Insurance. As of the date hereof, except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect, each current, material insurance policy (or replacements thereof) of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries is a valid and binding obligation of Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiary which is party thereto and, to the knowledge of Gatos, of each insurer party thereto, subject to the Enforceability Exceptions. Since December 31, 2022, neither Gatos nor any of the Gatos Subsidiaries has received written notice of cancellation or termination with respect to any material third party insurance policies or Contracts (other than in connection with normal renewals of any such insurance policies or Contracts) where such cancellation or termination has had or would reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect.

Section 3.23 Finders and Brokers. Neither Gatos nor any Gatos Subsidiary has employed, nor has any Person employed on behalf of Gatos or a Gatos Subsidiary, any investment banker, broker, finder or similar Person in connection with the Transactions, who might be entitled to any fee, commission or other payment in connection with or upon consummation of the Merger based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of Gatos.

Section 3.24 FCPA and Anti-Corruption.

(a) In the last five (5) years, neither Gatos nor any Gatos Subsidiary, nor any director or officer (when acting in their role as director or officer) of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary, nor, to Gatos’ knowledge, any manager, employee, agent, representative, contractor, sales intermediary or other third party, in each case, acting on behalf of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary, has violated, conspired to violate, or aided or abetted a violation of the FCPA, the CFPOA, Part IV of the Criminal Code (Canada), or made a material violation of any other applicable Bribery Legislation (in each case to the extent applicable).

(b) Neither Gatos nor any Gatos Subsidiary, nor any director or officer of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary, nor, to Gatos’ knowledge, any manager or employee of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary are, or in the past five (5) years have been, subject to any actual, pending, or, to Gatos’ knowledge, threatened civil, criminal or administrative actions, suits, demands, claims, hearings, notices of violation, investigations, proceedings, demand letters, settlements or enforcement actions, or made any voluntary disclosures to any Governmental Entity, involving Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary in any way relating to applicable Bribery Legislation or to the FCPA or CFPOA.

(c) In the last five (5) years, Gatos and each Gatos Subsidiary has made and kept books and records, accounts and other records, which, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of Gatos and each Gatos Subsidiary as required by applicable Bribery Legislation in all material respects and by the FCPA and the CFPOA.

(d) Gatos and each Gatos Subsidiary has instituted policies and procedures reasonably designed to promote and achieve compliance with the FCPA, the CFPOA and other applicable Bribery Legislation and maintain such policies and procedures in force.

(e) No officer or director of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary is a Government Official.



Section 3.25 Sanctions. Gatos and each Gatos Subsidiary, their respective directors, officers or employees, and, to the knowledge of Gatos their respective agents and other third parties that act for or on behalf of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary, are not Sanctioned Persons. None of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary is or has within the applicable statute of limitations period engaged in direct or indirect dealings or transactions with any Sanctioned Person or in any Sanctioned Country in violation of applicable Sanctions Law, has within the applicable statute of limitations period violated, or knowingly engaged in any conduct that would reasonably be expected to result in Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary being designated as a Sanctioned Person, or has been the subject of an investigation or allegation of such a violation. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement, the representations, warranties and covenants in this Agreement shall not apply to Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary, or to any director, trustee, officer, agent or employee of any of the foregoing, to the extent that they would result in a violation of or conflict with the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures (United States) Order, 1992 (Canada), or any similar applicable anti-boycott law or regulation.

Section 3.26 Affiliate Transactions. Section 3.26 of the Gatos Disclosure Letter sets forth, as of the date of this Agreement, a complete and correct list of any transaction, Contract, agreement, arrangement or understanding between Gatos or Gatos Subsidiaries, on the one hand, and (i) any officer or director of Gatos or Gatos Subsidiaries, (ii) any holder of record of 5% or more of the outstanding shares of Gatos Common Stock or any Person that beneficially owns 5% or more of the outstanding shares of Gatos Common Stock, or (iii) any affiliate or associate of any such officer, director or holder of Gatos Shares, on the other hand.

Section 3.27 HSR Act. As determined in accordance with the HSR Act, Gatos and all entities controlled by Gatos:

(a) do not hold assets located in the United States (other than investment assets, voting or non-voting securities of another Person, and assets included pursuant to Section 801.4(d)(2) of the HSR Act) having a total fair market value of greater than $119,500,000; and

(b) have not made aggregate sales into the United States of greater than $119,500,000 in the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, all within the meaning of the HSR Act.

Section 3.28 No Other Representations. Except for the representations and warranties expressly set forth in this Article III (as qualified by the Gatos Disclosure Letter and the Gatos SEC Documents), none of Gatos, any of its affiliates or any other Person makes any express or implied representation or warranty (and there is and has been no reliance by First Majestic or Merger Sub or any of their respective Representatives or affiliates on any such representation or warranty) with respect to Gatos, any of the Gatos Subsidiaries or their respective businesses or with respect to any other information provided, or made available, to First Majestic or Merger Sub or their respective Representatives or affiliates in connection with the Transactions, including the accuracy or completeness thereof. Without limiting the foregoing, neither Gatos nor any other Person will have or be subject to any liability or other obligation to First Majestic, Merger Sub or their respective Representatives or affiliates or any other Person resulting from First Majestic’s, Merger Sub’s or their respective Representatives’ or affiliates’ use of any information, documents, projections, forecasts or other material made available to First Majestic, Merger Sub or their respective Representatives or affiliates, including any information made available in management or other presentations or in the electronic or other data rooms maintained by or on behalf of Gatos or its Representatives in connection with the Transactions, unless and to the extent any such information is expressly included in a representation or warranty contained in this Article III (as qualified by the Gatos Disclosure Letter and the Gatos SEC Documents). Except for the representations and warranties expressly set forth in Article IV (as qualified by the First Majestic Disclosure Letter and First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents), Gatos acknowledges and agrees that none of First Majestic, Merger Sub or any other person makes any express or implied representation or warranty with respect to First Majestic, Merger Sub or their respective affiliates or with respect to any other information provided to Gatos or any of its affiliates or its representatives by or on behalf of First Majestic, Merger Sub or their respective affiliates in connection with the Transactions.






Except as disclosed in the forms, documents and reports filed or furnished by First Majestic on SEDAR+ since December 31, 2022 (including all exhibits, supplements and schedules thereto and information incorporated by reference, the “First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents”) and publicly available prior to the date hereof (but excluding any disclosures set forth in any “risk factors” section, any disclosures in any “forward looking statements” section, any similarly titled section and any other disclosures included therein in each case to the extent they are predictive or forward-looking in nature) or in the corresponding section of the disclosure letter delivered by First Majestic to Gatos immediately prior to the execution of this Agreement (the “First Majestic Disclosure Letter”) (it being agreed that disclosure of any item in any section of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter shall be deemed disclosure with respect to any other section of this Article IV to which the relevance of such item is reasonably apparent on its face), First Majestic and Merger Sub jointly and severally represent and warrant to Gatos as set forth below.

Section 4.01 Qualification, Organization, Subsidiaries, etc.

(a) Each of First Majestic, Merger Sub and the First Majestic Subsidiaries is a legal entity duly organized, validly existing and, where relevant, in good standing under the Laws of its respective jurisdiction of organization, draft and has all requisite corporate or similar power and authority to own, lease and operate its properties and assets and to carry on its business as presently conducted, in each case, except as has not had, or would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect. Each of First Majestic, Merger Sub and the First Majestic Subsidiaries are qualified to do business and is in good standing as a foreign corporation or other entity in each jurisdiction where the ownership, leasing or operation of its assets or properties or conduct of its business requires such qualification, except in jurisdictions where the failure to be so organized and validly existing, qualified or, where relevant, in good standing, or to have such power or authority, has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect. The First Majestic Governing Documents are in full force and effect and First Majestic is not in violation of any provision of the First Majestic Governing Documents, except as would not reasonably be expected to be material to First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries, taken as a whole. First Majestic has provided Gatos with true, correct and complete copies of the First Majestic Governing Documents.

(b) The Organizational Documents of the First Majestic Subsidiaries are in full force and effect and the relevant First Majestic Subsidiary is not in violation of any provision of such Organizational Documents, except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect.

Section 4.02 Capitalization.

(a) The authorized capital of First Majestic consists of an unlimited number of common shares without par value (“First Majestic Shares”). As of September 3, 2024 (the “First Majestic Capitalization Date”), (i) 301,616,350 First Majestic Shares were issued and outstanding and (ii) an aggregate of up to 10,613,814 First Majestic Shares were reserved and available for issuance pursuant to the First Majestic Equity Plans. All of the outstanding First Majestic Shares are, and all First Majestic Shares reserved for issuance as noted above shall be, when issued in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable First Majestic Shares.

(b) Except for the Transactions: (i) First Majestic does not have any shares issued or outstanding other than First Majestic Shares that were outstanding on the First Majestic Capitalization Date or that have become



outstanding after the First Majestic Capitalization Date, but were reserved for issuance as set forth in Section 4.02(a) as of the First Majestic Capitalization Date, and (ii) except as set forth on the First Majestic Equity Schedule, there are no outstanding subscriptions, options, warrants, puts, calls, exchangeable or convertible securities or other similar rights, agreements or commitments relating to the issuance of shares or other equity interests to which First Majestic or any of First Majestic’s Subsidiaries is a party, or otherwise obligating First Majestic or any of First Majestic’s Subsidiaries to (A) issue, transfer, exchange, sell or register for sale any shares or other equity interest of First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary or securities convertible into, or exchangeable for such shares or equity interests (in each case other than to First Majestic or a wholly owned Subsidiary of First Majestic); (B) grant, extend or enter into any such subscription, option, warrant, put, call, exchangeable or convertible securities or other similar right, agreement, commitment or arrangement relating to the shares or other equity interest of First Majestic or a First Majestic Subsidiary; (C) redeem or otherwise acquire any such shares or other equity interests; (D) provide a material amount of funds to, or make any material investment (in the form of a loan, capital contribution or otherwise) in, any First Majestic Subsidiary that is not wholly owned or any other Person; (E) make any payment to any Person the value of which is derived from, or calculated based on, the value of First Majestic Shares; or (F) grant any preemptive or antidilutive or similar rights with respect to any security issued by First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary. Since the First Majestic Capitalization Date until the date of this Agreement, First Majestic has not granted any equity or equity-based award to any of the directors, employees or independent contractors of First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiaries. As of the date hereof, there are no declared but unpaid dividends of First Majestic.

(c) Section 4.02(c) of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter (the “First Majestic Equity Schedule”) sets forth as of the First Majestic Capitalization Date a list of each outstanding First Majestic Equity Award granted under the First Majestic Equity Plans and (i) the name of the holder of such First Majestic Equity Award, (ii) the number of First Majestic Shares subject to such outstanding First Majestic Equity Award, (iii) the exercise price, purchase price or similar pricing of such First Majestic Equity Award, (iv) the date on which such First Majestic Equity Award was granted or issued, (v) the applicable vesting schedule, and the extent to which such First Majestic Equity Award (A) is vested and exercisable as of the First Majestic Capitalization Date and (B) would vest as a result of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (whether alone or upon the occurrence of any additional or subsequent events), and (vi) with respect to First Majestic Options, the date on which such First Majestic Option expires. With respect to each grant of First Majestic Equity Awards, in all material respects, (1) each such grant was made in accordance with the terms of the applicable First Majestic Equity Plan and all other applicable Laws, including the rules of the TSX, (2) each such grant was properly accounted for in accordance with IFRS in the First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents (including financial statements) and all other applicable Laws, (3) each First Majestic Option has an exercise price per First Majestic Share equal to or greater than the fair market value of a First Majestic Share on the date of such grant, (4) each First Majestic Option has a grant date which was approved by the First Majestic Board of Directors, the Compensation Committee of the First Majestic Board of Directors, or First Majestic’s Chief Executive Officer under authority from the Compensation Committee no later than the grant date, (5) each First Majestic Equity Award qualifies for the Tax treatment afforded to such award in First Majestic’s Tax Returns and all First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents, respectively, and (6) each First Majestic Equity Award does not trigger any liability for the holder thereof under Section 409A of the Code or any similar provision in any other Tax jurisdiction. From the First Majestic Capitalization Date through the date of this Agreement, First Majestic has not granted, entered into an agreement to grant, or otherwise committed to grant any First Majestic Equity Awards or other equity or equity-based awards that may be settled in First Majestic Shares.

(d) Neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiary has outstanding bonds, debentures, notes or other similar obligations, the holders of which have the right to vote (or which are convertible into or exercisable for securities having the right to vote) with the shareholders of First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary on any matter.



(e) There are no voting trusts or other agreements or understandings to which First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary is a party with respect to the voting of the shares or other equity interests of First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary.

(f) All the issued and outstanding shares of, or other equity interests in, each First Majestic Subsidiary are duly authorized, have been validly issued in compliance with applicable Law and are fully paid and non-assessable and are wholly owned, directly or indirectly, by First Majestic free and clear of all Liens, including preemptive rights, other than Permitted Liens. First Majestic has provided Gatos with a true, correct and complete list of all First Majestic Subsidiaries as of the date of this Agreement. The name and jurisdiction of each First Majestic Subsidiary and the Person that owns the equity interests in such Subsidiary is duly reflected in the First Majestic Disclosure Letter. Except for equity interests in the First Majestic Subsidiaries, neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiary owns, directly or indirectly, any equity interest in any Person (or any security or other right, agreement or commitment convertible or exercisable into, or exchangeable for, any equity interest in any Person). Neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiary has any obligation to acquire any equity interest, security, right, agreement or commitment or to provide funds to or make any investment (in the form of a loan, capital contribution or otherwise) in, any Person.

Section 4.03 Corporate Authority Relative to this Agreement; No Violation.

(a) First Majestic and Merger Sub have all requisite corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and, assuming the First Majestic Shareholder Approval is obtained, to perform its obligations hereunder and to consummate the Transactions, including the Merger. The execution, delivery and performance by First Majestic and Merger Sub of this Agreement and the consummation of the Transactions have been duly and validly authorized by the First Majestic Board of Directors and, except for the filing of the Certificate of Merger with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, no other corporate proceedings on the part of First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary are necessary to authorize the consummation of the Transactions, other than, with respect to the First Majestic Share Issuance, obtaining the First Majestic Shareholder Approval. Prior to the execution of this Agreement, the First Majestic Board of Directors has unanimously adopted resolutions (A) declaring that this Agreement and consummation of the Transactions, including the Merger, are in the best interests of First Majestic and its stockholders, (B) approving this Agreement and the Transactions, including the Merger, (C) authorizing the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, (D) directing that the First Majestic Share Issuance be submitted for consideration at the First Majestic Special Meeting (E) making the First Majestic Board Recommendation and (F) approving the inclusion of the First Majestic Board Recommendation in the First Majestic Circular, in each case, subject to Section 5.04. First Majestic, as sole shareholder of Merger Sub, has duly executed and delivered a written consent adopting this Agreement, such written consent by its terms to become effective immediately following the execution of this Agreement and the board of directors of Merger Sub has unanimously approved this Agreement and the Transactions, including the Merger, and authorizing the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement. This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by First Majestic and Merger Sub and, assuming this Agreement constitutes the valid and binding agreement of Gatos, constitutes the valid and binding agreement of First Majestic and Merger Sub, enforceable against First Majestic and Merger Sub in accordance with its terms, subject to the Enforceability Exceptions.

(b) Other than in connection with or in compliance with (i) the provisions of the DGCL, (ii) the Securities Act, (iii) the Exchange Act, (iv) Canadian Securities Laws, (v) Mexico’s Antitrust Law (vi) any applicable requirements of the Exchanges, (vii) the filing of the Certificate of Merger with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, (viii) such filings and approvals as are required to be made or obtained under the securities or “blue sky” Laws and the rules and regulations thereunder in connection with the issuance of the First Majestic Shares in the Merger and (x) the consents set forth in Section 4.03(b) of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter, no authorization, consent or approval of, or filing with, any Governmental Entity is necessary, under applicable Law, for the consummation by First Majestic and Merger Sub of the Transactions, except for (A) such authorizations, consents, approvals or filings that, if not obtained or made, has not had, and would not reasonably



be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect and (B) as may arise as a results of facts or circumstances relating to Gatos or its affiliates or Laws or Contracts binding Gatos or its affiliates.

(c) The execution and delivery by First Majestic and Merger Sub of this Agreement do not, and, except as described in Section 4.03(b), the consummation of the Transactions and compliance with the provisions of this Agreement will not (i) result in any violation or breach of, or default or change of control (with or without notice or lapse of time, or both) under, or give rise to a right of, or result in, termination, modification, cancellation or acceleration of any obligation or to the loss of a benefit under any First Majestic Material Contract or result in the creation of any Lien upon any of the properties, rights or assets of First Majestic or any of First Majestic’s Subsidiaries, other than Permitted Liens, (ii) subject to obtaining the First Majestic Shareholder Approval, conflict with or result in any violation of any provision of the First Majestic Governing Documents or the Organizational Documents of any First Majestic Subsidiary or Merger Sub or (iii) conflict with or violate any Laws applicable to First Majestic or any of First Majestic’s Subsidiaries or any of their respective properties or assets, other than in the case of clauses (i) and (iii), any such violation, breach, conflict, default, termination, modification, cancellation, acceleration, right, loss or Lien that has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect.

Section 4.04 Reports and Financial Statements.

(a) From December 31, 2022, through the date of this Agreement, First Majestic has filed or furnished all the First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents required to be filed or furnished prior to the date hereof by it. As of their respective dates, or, if amended, as of the date of (and giving effect to) the last such amendment (and, in the case of registration statements and proxy statements, on the date of effectiveness and the dates of the relevant meetings, respectively), each of the First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents complied in all material respects with the requirements of the Canadian Securities Laws and none of the First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents contained any Misrepresentation.

(b) There has been no change in a material fact or a material change in any of the information contained in the First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents, except for changes in material facts or material changes that are reflected in a subsequently filed document included in the First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents. First Majestic has not filed any confidential material change report with any Governmental Entity which at the date of this Agreement remains confidential or any other confidential filings filed under applicable Canadian Securities Laws.

(c) The consolidated financial statements (including all related notes and schedules) of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries included in the First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents when filed fairly present in all material respects the consolidated financial position of First Majestic and its consolidated Subsidiaries, as at the respective dates thereof, and the consolidated results of their operations and their consolidated cash flows for the respective periods then ended (subject, in the case of the unaudited statements, to normal year-end audit adjustments and to any other adjustments described therein, including the notes thereto) in conformity with IFRS applied on a consistent basis during the periods involved (except as may be indicated therein or in the notes thereto).

Section 4.05 Internal Controls and Procedures.

(a) First Majestic has established and maintains a system of disclosure controls and procedures (as such term is defined in NI 52-109) that are designed to provide reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed by First Majestic in its annual filings, interim filings or other reports filed or submitted by it under Canadian Securities Laws is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified by such Canadian Securities Laws. Such disclosure controls and procedures include controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by First Majestic in its annual filings, interim filings or other reports filed or submitted under Canadian Securities Laws are accumulated and communicated to First



Majestic’s management, including its chief executive officer and chief financial officer, as appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.

(b) First Majestic has established and maintains a system of internal control over financial reporting (as such term is defined in NI 52-109) that is designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of First Majestic’s financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with IFRS.

(c) To the knowledge of First Majestic, there is no material weakness (as such term is defined in NI 52-109) relating to the design, implementation or maintenance of its internal control over financial reporting that are reasonably likely to adversely affect the ability of First Majestic to record, process, summarize and report financial information, or fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the internal control over financial reporting of First Majestic. To the knowledge of First Majestic, none of First Majestic, any of its Subsidiaries, or any of their respective directors, officers, auditors, accountants or representatives has received or otherwise obtained knowledge of any material complaint, allegation, assertion, or claim, whether written or oral, regarding accounting or auditing matters of First Majestic or any of its Subsidiaries or their respective internal accounting controls, including any material complaint, allegation, assertion, or claim that First Majestic or any of its Subsidiaries has engaged in questionable accounting or auditing practices, or any expression of concern from its employees regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters which has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the audit committee of the First Majestic Board of Directors.

(d) Based on its most recent evaluation of internal controls over financial reporting prior to the date hereof, First Majestic’s management has disclosed to First Majestic’s auditors and the audit committee of the First Majestic Board of Directors (i) any significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal controls over financial reporting that are reasonably likely to adversely affect in any material respect First Majestic’s ability to report financial information and (ii) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in First Majestic’s internal control over financial reporting.

Section 4.06 No Undisclosed Liabilities. Except (a) as disclosed, reflected or reserved against in First Majestic’s most recent consolidated balance sheet (or the notes thereto) included in the First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents filed or furnished and publicly available prior to the date hereof, (b) for liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of business since the date of such consolidated balance sheet, (c) as permitted or contemplated in connection with the preparation and/or negotiation of this Agreement or the Merger, (d) liabilities for performance of obligations of First Majestic and/or the First Majestic Subsidiaries pursuant to the terms of Contracts binding First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries or pursuant to which their respective properties and assets are bound and (e) liabilities which have been discharged or paid in full in the ordinary course of business, neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiary has any liabilities of any nature, whether or not accrued, contingent or otherwise, that would be required by IFRS to be reflected in a consolidated balance sheet of First Majestic and its consolidated Subsidiaries (or in the notes thereto).

Section 4.07 Compliance with Law; Permits.

(a) First Majestic and each of the First Majestic Subsidiaries is, and since December 31, 2022, has been, in compliance with Laws applicable to First Majestic, the First Majestic Subsidiaries or any of their respective properties or assets, except where such non-compliance has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect.

(b) First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries are, and since December 31, 2022, have been, in possession of all franchises, grants, authorizations, licenses, permits, easements, variances, exceptions, exemptions, consents, certificates, approvals and orders of any Governmental Entity necessary for First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries to own, lease and operate their properties and assets or to carry on their businesses as they are now being conducted (the “First Majestic Permits”), except where the failure to have any



of the First Majestic Permits has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect. All First Majestic Permits are in full force and effect, except where the failure to be in full force and effect has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect. First Majestic and each First Majestic Subsidiary is in compliance with all First Majestic Permits, except where the failure to be in compliance has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect.

Section 4.08 Environmental Laws and Regulations. Except for those matters that have not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect, since December 31, 2022:

(a) First Majestic and each First Majestic Subsidiary have been and are in compliance with applicable Environmental Laws and have obtained and have been and are in compliance with all Environmental Permits necessary to conduct their respective businesses as presently conducted. All Environmental Permits necessary to conduct the respective businesses of First Majestic and each First Majestic Subsidiary as presently conducted are in full force and effect, and First Majestic has received no written notice and has no knowledge that any such Environmental Permits will not be renewed in the ordinary course after the Effective Time. No Governmental Entity has begun, or to the knowledge of First Majestic, threatened in writing to begin, any action to terminate, cancel or amend any Environmental Permits necessary to conduct the respective businesses of First Majestic and each First Majestic Subsidiary as presently conducted;

(b) Neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiary has received any notice, demand, request for information, citation, summons, complaint, letter or claim alleging that First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary is in violation of, or liable under, any Environmental Law, no penalty has been assessed and there is no outstanding order, consent decree, writ, injunction or judgment issued by a court, Governmental Entity, authority or tribunal against First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary, in each case, with respect to matters arising out of any Environmental Law. There is no claim, action, suit, proceeding, demand, lien, investigation or request for information pending, or, to the knowledge of First Majestic, threatened against First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary with respect to any matters arising out of any applicable Environmental Law;

(c) Neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiary has entered into or agreed to any order, consent decree, writ, injunction or judgment or is subject to any order, consent decree, writ, injunction or judgment relating to compliance with Environmental Laws, Environmental Permits or the investigation, Release, sampling, monitoring, treatment, remediation, removal or cleanup of Hazardous Materials;

(d) Neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiary has assumed, by Contract, or to the knowledge of First Majestic, by operation of Law, any liability under any Environmental Law or relating to any Hazardous Materials, and neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiary is an indemnitor in connection with any threatened or asserted claim, action, suit, proceeding, demand, lien, investigation by any third-party indemnitee for any liability under any Environmental Law or relating to any Hazardous Materials; and

(e) Neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiary has caused, and to the knowledge of First Majestic, no third party has caused, any Release of a Hazardous Material that could reasonably be expected to require investigation or remedial action by First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary under any Environmental Law.

(f) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the representations and warranties set forth in this Section 4.08 are the sole representations and warranties of First Majestic with respect to environmental matters, including with respect to Hazardous Materials, Environmental Permits, and any other matter relating to compliance with, or liabilities under, Environmental Laws.

Section 4.09 Employee Benefit Plans.



(a) Section 4.09(a) of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter sets forth, as of the date hereof, a correct and complete list of each material First Majestic Benefit Plan. With respect to each such material First Majestic Benefit Plan, First Majestic has made available to Gatos, to the extent applicable, correct and complete copies of (i) all material documents embodying such First Majestic Benefit Plan (or, if such First Majestic Benefit Plan is unwritten, a written summary of its material terms) and (ii) the most recent summary plan description together with the summary or summaries of material modifications thereto.

(b) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect, (i) each First Majestic Benefit Plan is, and has at all times been, maintained, operated, and administered in accordance with its terms and applicable Law, (ii) there are no pending, or, to the knowledge of First Majestic threatened, claims by, on behalf of, or against, any First Majestic Benefit Plan (other than claims for benefits in the ordinary course), (iii) there are no audits or other proceedings by any Governmental Entity pending, or, to the knowledge of First Majestic, threatened, with respect to any First Majestic Benefit Plan, (iv) all benefits, contributions and premiums relating to each First Majestic Benefit Plan have been timely paid or accrued for, as applicable, in accordance with the terms of such First Majestic Benefit Plan and all applicable Laws and accounting principles, and (v) no First Majestic Benefit Plan provides for post-termination or retiree medical or other health or welfare benefits (except as required by applicable Law).

(c) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect, each First Majestic Benefit Plan that is registered or required to be registered with or approved by any Governmental Entity has, in all material respects, been so registered or approved and been maintained in good standing (to the extent such concept is recognized under applicable Laws) with all applicable Governmental Entities, and no event has occurred since the date of the most recent registration, approval or application therefor relating to any such First Majestic Benefit Plan that could reasonably be expected to result in the revocation of any such registration, approval, or good standing status.

(d) None of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries maintains, contributes to, sponsors, or otherwise have or had any liability with respect to any (i) pension plan that is subject to provincial or federal pension standards legislation, (ii) “retirement compensation arrangement” as such term is defined in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada), (iii) “employee life and health trust” as such term is defined in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada), or (iv) “salary deferral arrangement” as such term is defined in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada).

(e) Neither the execution of this Agreement, shareholder or other approval of this Agreement nor the consummation of any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement could (either alone or upon the occurrence of any additional or subsequent events, including the passage of time): (i) result in any material compensation or benefit becoming due to any current or former employee, independent contractor, or other individual service provider of First Majestic or any of their Subsidiaries, (ii) materially increase the compensation or benefits (including any severance payments or benefits) otherwise payable to any such individual, or entitle any such individual to new or additional compensation or benefits (including severance payments or benefits), (iii) result in the acceleration of the time of payment, funding, or vesting of any compensation or benefit under any First Majestic Benefit Plan or otherwise, or (iv) limit or materially restrict, or create or cause the imposition of any material limitation or restriction on, the ability of the First Majestic or any Subsidiaries thereof to amend or modify any First Majestic Benefit Plan in accordance with its terms.

Section 4.10 Absence of Certain Changes or Events.

(a) Since December 31, 2023, through the date of this Agreement, there has not occurred any Effect that is continuing and has had, or would reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect.

(b) Since December 31, 2023, through the date of this Agreement, except for actions taken in connection with the negotiation, execution and delivery of this Agreement and the Transactions contemplated



hereby, the business of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, has been conducted, in all material respects, in the ordinary course of business.

Section 4.11 Investigation; Litigation. (a) To the knowledge of First Majestic, there is no investigation or review pending or threatened by any Governmental Entity with respect to First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary and (b) there are no Actions pending (or, to the knowledge of First Majestic, threatened) against First Majestic or any of First Majestic’s Subsidiaries or any of their respective properties or assets which, in the case of clause (a) or (b), has had or would reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect. Neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiary is subject to any Order which has had or would reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect. As of the date hereof, there are no Actions pending (or, to the knowledge of First Majestic, threatened) that challenge or seek to prevent, enjoin or materially delay, this Agreement or the Transactions.

Section 4.12 Information Supplied. The information relating to First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries that is provided by First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries specifically for inclusion in (or incorporation by reference in) the Proxy Statement/Prospectus will not, on the date the Proxy Statement/Prospectus (and any amendment or supplement thereto) is first mailed to the stockholders of Gatos or at the time the Form F-4 (and any amendment or supplement thereto) is filed and the date it is declared effective or any post-effective amendment thereto is filed or is declared effective, or at the time of the Gatos Special Meeting (as it may be adjourned or postponed in accordance with the terms hereof) or the First Majestic Special Meeting (as it may be adjourned or postponed in accordance with the terms hereof), contain any untrue statement of any material fact or omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements therein, at the time and in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. The Form F-4 and the Proxy Statement/Prospectus will comply in all material respects as to form with the requirements of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. In addition, the First Majestic Circular will comply in all material respects with all applicable Canadian Securities Laws and shall contain sufficient detail to permit First Majestic shareholders to form a reasoned judgment concerning the matters to be placed before them at the First Majestic Special Meeting and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the First Majestic Circular will not contain any Misrepresentation. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 4.12, no representation or warranty is made by First Majestic or Merger Sub with respect to information or statements made in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus or the Form F-4, which were not supplied by or on behalf of First Majestic

Section 4.13 Tax Matters.

(a) Except as has not had or would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect:

(i) all Tax Returns that are required to be filed by or with respect to First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries have been timely filed (taking into account any extension of time within which to file), and all such Tax Returns are true, complete and accurate;

(ii) First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries have timely paid all Taxes required to be paid by any of them, including any Taxes required to be withheld from amounts owing to any Person, in each case whether or not shown on any Tax Return, other than Taxes that are being contested in good faith through appropriate proceedings and for which appropriate reserves have been established in accordance with IFRS on the financial statements of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries, and have complied with all reporting requirements (including maintenance of required records with respect thereto) with respect to such payments;

(iii) there is no deficiency or assessment for Taxes of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries that is outstanding or proposed in writing by a Taxing Authority. No audit, examination, investigation or other proceeding with respect to any Taxes of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries is pending or threatened in writing by any Taxing Authority;



(iv) neither First Majestic nor any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries has waived any statute of limitations with respect to any Taxes of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries, or agreed to any extension of time with respect to an assessment or deficiency of any Taxes of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries, in each case that remains outstanding;

(v) no private letter rulings, technical advice memoranda or similar agreement or rulings have been entered into or issued by any Governmental Entity with respect to any Taxes of First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries that will have a material effect on the First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries following the Effective Time;

(vi) neither First Majestic nor any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries has constituted a “distributing corporation” or a “controlled corporation” (within the meaning of Section 355(a)(1)(A) of the Code) in a distribution of stock intended to qualify for tax-free treatment under Section 355 of the Code (or any similar provision of U.S. state or local, or non-U.S. Law) in the two (2) years prior to the date of this Agreement;

(vii) no claim has been made in writing by a Taxing Authority in a jurisdiction where First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries does not file Tax Returns that such Person is or may be subject to taxation by that jurisdiction that has not been resolved;

(viii) neither First Majestic nor any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries will be required to include any item of income in taxable income, or exclude any item of deduction from taxable income, or make any adjustment under Section 481 of the Code (or any corresponding provision of U.S. state or local or non-U.S. income Tax Law) for any taxable period (or portion thereof) beginning after the Closing Date as a result of (A) any installment sale, intercompany transaction described in the Treasury Regulations under Section 1502 of the Code (or any corresponding provision of U.S. state or local or non-U.S. income Tax Law), or open transaction disposition made by First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries on or prior to the Closing, (B) any prepaid amount received by First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries outside of the ordinary course of business on or prior to the Closing, (C) any “closing agreement,” as described in Section 7121 of the Code (or any corresponding provision of U.S. state or local or non-U.S. income Tax Law) entered into on or prior to the Closing, or (D) a change in the method of accounting by First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries made prior to the Closing;

(ix) none of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries (i) is a party to any Tax allocation, sharing, indemnity, or reimbursement agreement (other than (A) any agreements entered into in the ordinary course of business that are not primarily related to Taxes or (B) any such agreement to which First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries are the only counterparties), (ii) is liable for Taxes of any other Person (other than First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries) under Treasury Regulations Section 1.1502-6 (or any corresponding provision of U.S. state or local or non-U.S. income Tax Law) or as a transferee or successor, or (iii) has ever been a member of an affiliated, consolidated, combined or unitary group for purposes of filing Tax Returns or paying Taxes, other than a group the common parent of which was or is First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries;

(x) there are no Liens for Taxes upon any property or assets of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries, except for the Permitted Liens; and

(xi) neither First Majestic nor any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries has entered into any “listed transaction” within the meaning of U.S. Treasury Regulations Section 1.6011-4(b)(2) (or any similar provision of U.S. state or local or non-U.S. Law).

(b) The information contained in the memos and legal letters provided by First Majestic to Gatos and listed on Section 4.13(b) of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter constitutes all material information, as of the date hereof, relating to the matters referred to in Section 4.11(a) of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter (the “Tax



Matters”) including, for greater certainty, all material information relating to any discussions between First Majestic, its legal counsel, accountants or other representatives and the Servicio de Administracion Tributaria (“SAT”) regarding the Tax Matters. Such information does not contain any untrue statement of any material fact or omit to state any material fact necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

(c) Neither First Majestic nor any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries has knowingly taken any action or knows of any fact or circumstance that could reasonably be expected to prevent or impede the Merger from qualifying for the Intended Tax Treatment.

(d) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the representations and warranties set forth in this Section 4.13 and Section 4.09 are the sole representations and warranties with respect to Tax matters of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries.

Section 4.14 Labor Matters.

(a) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect, (i) First Majestic and each of the First Majestic Subsidiaries are, and, in the last three (3) years, have been, in compliance with all applicable Laws respecting labor, employment, and the engagement of labor, including applicable Laws related to fair employment practices (including equal employment opportunity and discrimination laws), terms and conditions of employment, classification of employees, workers’ compensation, occupational safety and health, immigration, affirmative action, employee and data privacy, plant closings, wages and hours/working time, redundancy, payment of wages, withholding of Taxes, and transfer of undertakings, and (ii) there is no, and within the past three (3) years, have been no, pending or, to the knowledge of First Majestic, threatened, charge, complaint, arbitration, audit or investigation brought by or on behalf of, or otherwise involving, any current or former employee, any person alleged to be a current or former employee, any applicant for employment, or any class of the foregoing, or any Governmental Entity, that involve the labor or employment relations and practices of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries.

(b) Neither First Majestic nor any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries is a party to, bound by, negotiating or required to negotiate any Collective Bargaining Agreement, and no employees of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries are represented by any labor union or other labor organization. Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect, (i) there are no activities or proceedings of any labor union or other labor organization to organize any employees of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries and no demand for recognition or certification as the exclusive bargaining representative of any employees has been made by or on behalf of any labor union or other labor organization, (ii) there are no pending or, to the knowledge of First Majestic, threatened, and, in the last three (3) years, there have been no, strikes, lockouts, union organization activities (including, but not limited to, union organization campaigns or requests for representation), pickets, slowdowns, stoppages, grievances or labor disputes or similar activity in respect of the business of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries, and (iii) neither First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries are engaged in and, in the last three (3) years, have not engaged in, any unfair labor practice.

(c) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect, there are no claims, actions, or other proceedings against First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries pending or, to the knowledge of First Majestic, so threatened that could be brought or filed with any Governmental Entity, or based on, arising out of, in connection with or otherwise relating to the employment or engagement or termination of employment or engagement by First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries, of any individual or group of individuals, or the failure by First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries to employ or engage any individual or group of individuals.



(d) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect, during the past five (5) years, (i) no allegations of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct have been made, or threatened to be made, or investigated by or on behalf of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries, against or involving any current or former officer, director or other senior executive or key employee of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries by any current or former officer, employee or independent contractor of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries in such individual’s capacity as a service provider to First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries, and (ii) neither First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries have entered into any settlement agreement resolving, in whole or in part, allegations of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct by any current or former officer, director or other senior executive or key employee in such individual’s capacity as a service provider to First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries.

Section 4.15 Intellectual Property.

(a) Section 4.15(a) of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter sets forth a true and complete list of the following First Majestic Intellectual Property: (i) all patents, copyrights, trademarks or domain names that have been registered, issued or filed with or by any Governmental Entity or quasi-public legal authority or by a domain name registrar, or any pending applications for any of the foregoing (“First Majestic Registered Intellectual Property”); and (ii) material unregistered trademarks or material unregistered proprietary Software, in each case, that constitute First Majestic Intellectual Property. Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect, with respect to each item of the First Majestic Registered Intellectual Property, all necessary registration, maintenance and renewal fees have been paid, and all necessary documents and certificates have been filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office or equivalent authority or registrar anywhere in the world, as the case may be, for the purposes of maintaining, and perfecting First Majestic’s or the applicable First Majestic Subsidiary’s ownership of, such First Majestic Registered Intellectual Property;

(b) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect, (i) First Majestic or a First Majestic Subsidiary owns or otherwise possesses valid rights to use, and immediately after Closing will own or otherwise possess valid rights to use, all Intellectual Property and IT Systems used in the operation of their respective businesses as currently conducted free and clear of all Liens other than Permitted Liens; (ii) to the knowledge of First Majestic, each item of registered or issued First Majestic Registered Intellectual Property is subsisting, valid and enforceable; (iii)First Majestic or a First Majestic Subsidiary exclusively owns the First Majestic Intellectual Property, in each case, free and clear of all Liens other than Permitted Liens; (iv) there are no pending or, to the knowledge of First Majestic, threatened claims (including invitations or offers to license), actions or proceedings against First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries by any Person (A) alleging infringement, misappropriation or other violations by First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries of any third party’s Intellectual Property or (B) challenging the ownership, validity or enforceability of any First Majestic Intellectual Property; and (v) to the knowledge of First Majestic, (x) the conduct of the businesses of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries, in the past six (6) years has not infringed, misappropriated or otherwise violated, and as of the Closing does not infringe, misappropriate or otherwise violate, any third party’s Intellectual Property and (y) no third party is infringing, misappropriating or violating any First Majestic Intellectual Property; and

(c) First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries have taken commercially reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality of First Majestic’s and the First Majestic Subsidiaries’ material Trade Secrets and any Trade Secrets provided to First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries under conditions of confidentiality.

Section 4.16 Real Property; Tangible Property.

(a) (i) Section 4.16(a)(i) of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter sets forth, as of the date of this Agreement, a list of the Real Property Rights held by First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries (the “First



Majestic Real Property Rights”) reasonably required to permit the operation of First Majestic’s business as owned and conducted as of the date of this Agreement that is true and correct in all material respects; and (ii) Section 4.16(a)(ii) of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter sets forth, as of the date of this Agreement, a list of the Mining Rights held by First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries (the “First Majestic Mining Rights”) reasonably required for the operation of First Majestic’s business as owned and conducted as of the date of this Agreement that is true and correct in all material respects.

(b) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect, (i) none of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries has received notice of any default under any agreement or instrument under which any of the First Majestic Real Property Rights or the First Majestic Mining Rights are constituted, and (ii) (A) First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries are in good standing under all, and are not in default under any First Majestic Mining Right, and (B) there is no existing condition, circumstance or matter which constitutes or which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice or both, would constitute a default under any, agreements or instruments under which the First Majestic Real Property Rights or First Majestic Mining Rights are constituted and, to the knowledge of First Majestic, all such agreements and instruments are in good standing and in full force and effect and none of the counterparties to such agreements and instruments is in default thereunder.

(c) Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect, First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries own or have the right to use all of the First Majestic Real Property Rights and First Majestic Mining Rights, free and clear of all Liens, other than Permitted Liens.

(d) Except as disclosed in Section 4.16(d) of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter: (A) there is no written claim that has been made to First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries, or, to the knowledge of First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries, a reasonable basis for any claim, by a third party that First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries do not have the right to exploit or use the First Majestic Mining Rights as currently used or exploited and as currently proposed to be used or as currently proposed to be exploited by First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries as of the date of this Agreement, except in each case for any frivolous claim; and (B) no holder of any material First Majestic Mining Rights has any obligation to pay any commission, royalty or similar payment to any Person, other than any Governmental Entity, with respect to such material First Majestic Mining Rights.

(e) The First Majestic Mining Rights and the First Majestic Real Property Rights are not located within an area in which mining activities have been restricted or prohibited by the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (National Institute of Anthropology and History of Mexico) and no Governmental Entity has notified First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary in writing of any archeological or historical findings affecting the First Majestic Mining Rights and the First Majestic Real Property Rights in a manner that would materially impair First Majestic’s mining operations as currently conducted. To the knowledge of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries (i) there are no indigenous communities near to the location of, or with an interest in or claim to the First Majestic Mining Rights and the First Majestic Real Property Rights; and (ii) the First Majestic Mining Rights and the First Majestic Real Property Rights are not located within any “Nature Protected Area” or “Natural Reserve”, as defined in the Environmental Laws, and neither First Majestic nor the First Majestic Subsidiaries have received written notice from any Governmental Entity informing First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary of the creation of such areas or reserves where the First Majestic Mining Rights and the First Majestic Real Property Rights are located.

Section 4.17 Property. Except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect, First Majestic or a First Majestic Subsidiary is the sole owner and has good and valid title to, or in the case of leased personal property assets, valid leasehold interests in, all material tangible personal property currently used in the operation of the businesses of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries, in each case free and clear of any Liens, except Permitted Liens.



The material tangible personal property currently used in the operation of the businesses of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries is in good working order (reasonable wear and tear excepted) and is maintained consistently with industry standards, except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect.

Section 4.18 Mineral Reserves. The estimated proven and probable mineral reserves and estimated indicated, measured and inferred mineral resources publicly disclosed by First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries have been prepared and disclosed in all material respects in accordance with accepted mining, engineering, geoscience and other applicable industry practices, and all applicable Laws. To the knowledge of First Majestic, there has been no material reduction in the aggregate amount of estimated mineral reserves or estimated mineral resources of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries from the amounts so disclosed, taken as a whole, other than as a result of production activities in the ordinary course.

Section 4.19 Opinion of Financial Advisor. The First Majestic Board of Directors has received the opinion of National Bank Financial Inc., dated as of the date of this Agreement, and subject to the assumptions made, matters considered and limits and qualifications on the review undertaken set forth therein, as to the fairness, from a financial point of view of the Exchange Ratio to First Majestic pursuant to this Agreement. First Majestic shall, following the execution of this Agreement by the Parties, furnish an accurate and complete copy of such opinion to Gatos solely for informational purposes (it being understood and agreed that such written opinion is for the sole benefit of the First Majestic Board of Directors and may not be relied upon by Gatos).

Section 4.20 Takeover Statutes. No “fair price,” “moratorium,” “control share acquisition,” “business combination” or other similar anti-takeover statutes or regulations enacted under Law applies or purports to apply to this Agreement or any of the Transactions.

Section 4.21 Material Contracts.

(a) Except for this Agreement, Section 4.21 of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter contains a complete and correct list, as of the date of this Agreement, of each Contract described below in this Section 4.21(a) to which First Majestic or a First Majestic Subsidiary is a party or by which their respective properties or assets are bound (all Contracts of the type described in this Section 4.21(a) being referred to herein as the “First Majestic Material Contracts”):

(i) (A) any material joint venture, partnership or other similar Contract relating to the formation, creation, operation, management or control of any joint venture, partnership or limited liability company or any research and development project Contract, and (B) any stockholders, investors rights, registration rights or similar agreement;

(ii) any Contract expressly limiting or restricting the ability of First Majestic, Merger Sub or the First Majestic Subsidiaries to make distributions or declare or pay dividends to its stockholders;

(iii) any Contract that (A) provides for the acquisition or divestiture of any material asset (other than Contracts covered by clause (x) below and other than acquisitions or dispositions of inventory in the ordinary course of business) or business (whether by merger, sale of stock, sale of assets or otherwise), in each case, in excess of $1,000,000 and (B) contains outstanding obligations that are material to First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries, taken as a whole;

(iv) any Contract (excluding non-exclusive licenses for uncustomized, commercially available “off the shelf” Software or IT Systems licensed pursuant to standard terms and conditions) under which First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary is granted any license or other rights with respect to any Intellectual Property or IT Systems of a third party (including by means of covenants not to sue or software-as-a-service agreements), which Contract or Intellectual Property is material to the business of First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries, taken as a whole;



(v) any Contract with any Governmental Entity involving annual aggregate payments in excess of $1,000,000 in fiscal year 2023;

(vi) each Contract that limits in any material respect the freedom of Gatos to compete in any line of business or geographic region;

(vii) any Contract with (A) any Person that, by itself or together with its affiliates or those acting in concert with it, beneficially owns, or has the right to acquire beneficial ownership of, at least five percent (5%) of the First Majestic Shares or (B) any affiliates of First Majestic (other than First Majestic Subsidiaries);

(viii) any Contract entered into since December 31, 2022, involving the settlement of any Action or threatened Action (or series of related Actions) (A) which (x) will involve payments after the Effective Time in excess of $1,000,000 or (y) will impose, or imposed, monitoring or reporting obligations after the Effective Time to any other Person outside the ordinary course of business or material restrictions after the Effective Time on First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary or (B) with respect to which material conditions precedent to the settlement have not been satisfied;

(ix) (A) any loan Contracts, notes, letters of credit and other evidences of Indebtedness in excess of $4,000,000, (B) any mortgages, pledges and other evidences of liens securing such obligations or any material real or other property and (C) any guarantees supporting such obligations and financing Contracts including change of control provisions, in each case, other than (X) Contracts solely among First Majestic and any wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiary, and (Y) any Contracts relating to Indebtedness explicitly included in the consolidated financial statements in the First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents and which are publicly available prior to the date hereof in unredacted form;

(x) any Contract that is a contractual royalty, production payment, net profits, earn-out, streaming agreement, metal prepayment or similar Contract that has a value or potential value in excess of $10,000,000;

(xi) any Contract that is a collective bargaining or union agreement or any other material Contract with any labor union; and

(xii) any Contract pursuant to which First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary spent or received, in the aggregate, more than $10,000,000 during the twelve (12) months prior to the date hereof or could reasonably be expected to spend or receive, in the aggregate, more than $10,000,000 during the twelve (12) months immediately after the date hereof (including any Contract relating to any future capital expenditures by First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries).

(b) First Majestic has provided to Gatos prior to the date of this Agreement a true, correct and complete copy of each written First Majestic Material Contract as in effect on the date of this Agreement. Neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiary is in breach of or default under the terms of any First Majestic Material Contract where such breach or default has had or would reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect. To the knowledge of First Majestic no other party to any First Majestic Material Contract is in, or is alleged to be in, breach of or default under the terms of any First Majestic Material Contract where such breach or default has had or would reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect. Except (i) to the extent that any First Majestic Material Contract expires in accordance with its terms or (ii) as such expiration or termination has not been, and would not reasonably be expected to be, individually or in the aggregate, material to First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries, take as a whole, each First Majestic Material Contract has not been terminated and is a valid and binding obligation of First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiary which is party thereto and, to the knowledge of First Majestic, of each other party thereto, subject to the Enforceability Exceptions.

Section 4.22 Insurance. As of the date hereof, except as has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect, each current, material



insurance policy (or replacements thereof) of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries is a valid and binding obligation of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiary which is a party thereto and, to the knowledge of First Majestic, of each insurer party thereto, subject to the Enforceability Exceptions. Since December 31, 2022, neither First Majestic nor any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries has received written notice of cancellation or termination with respect to any material third party insurance policies or Contracts (other than in connection with normal renewals of any such insurance policies or Contracts) where such cancellation or termination has had or would reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect.

Section 4.23 Finders and Brokers. Neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiary has employed, nor has any Person employed on behalf of First Majestic or a First Majestic Subsidiary, any investment banker, broker, finder or similar Person in connection with the Transactions, who might be entitled to any fee, commission or other payment in connection with or upon consummation of the Merger based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of Gatos.

Section 4.24 FCPA and Anti-Corruption.

(a) In the last five (5) years, neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiary, nor any director or officer (when acting in their role as director or officer) of First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary, nor, to First Majestic’s knowledge, any manager, employee, agent, representative, contractor, sales intermediary or other third party, in each case, acting on behalf of First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary, has violated, conspired to violate, or aided or abetted a violation of the FCPA, the CFPOA, Part IV of the Criminal Code (Canada), or made a material violation of any other applicable Bribery Legislation (in each case to the extent applicable).

(b) Neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiary, nor any director or officer of First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary, nor, to First Majestic’s knowledge, any manager or employee of First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary are, or in the past five (5) years have been, subject to any actual, pending, or, to First Majestic’s knowledge, threatened civil, criminal or administrative actions, suits, demands, claims, hearings, notices of violation, investigations, proceedings, demand letters, settlements or enforcement actions, or made any voluntary disclosures to any Governmental Entity, involving First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary in any way relating to applicable Bribery Legislation or to the FCPA or CFPOA.

(c) In the last five (5) years, First Majestic and each First Majestic Subsidiary has made and kept books and records, accounts and other records, which, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of First Majestic and each First Majestic Subsidiary as required by applicable Bribery Legislation in all material respects and by the FCPA and the CFPOA.

(d) First Majestic and each First Majestic Subsidiary has instituted policies and procedures reasonably designed to promote and achieve compliance with the FCPA, the CFPOA and other applicable Bribery Legislation and maintain such policies and procedures in force.

(e) No officer or director of First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary is a Government Official.

Section 4.25 Sanctions. First Majestic and each First Majestic Subsidiary, their respective directors, officers or employees, and, to the knowledge of First Majestic, any of their respective agents and other third parties that act for or on behalf of First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary, are not Sanctioned Persons. None of First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary is or has within the applicable statute of limitations period engaged in direct or indirect dealings or transactions with any Sanctioned Person or in any Sanctioned Country in violation of applicable Sanctions Law, has within the applicable statute of limitations period violated, or knowingly engaged in any conduct that would reasonably be expected to result in Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary being designated as a Sanctioned Person, or has been the subject of an investigation or allegation of



such a violation. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement, the representations, warranties and covenants in this Agreement shall not apply to First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary, or to any director, trustee, officer, agent or employee of any of the foregoing, to the extent that they would result in a violation of or conflict with the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures (United States) Order, 1992 (Canada), or any similar applicable anti-boycott law or regulation.

Section 4.26 Stock Ownership. Neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiaries directly or indirectly owns, and at all times for the past three years, neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Subsidiaries has owned, beneficially or otherwise, in excess of 1% of the Gatos Common Stock.

Section 4.27 No Merger Sub Activity. Since the date of its formation, Merger Sub has not engaged in any activities other than in connection with this Agreement.

Section 4.28 Affiliate Transactions. Section 4.28 of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter sets forth, as of the date of this Agreement, a complete and correct list of any transaction, Contract, agreement, arrangement or understanding between First Majestic or First Majestic Subsidiaries, on the one hand, and (i) any officer or director of First Majestic or First Majestic Subsidiaries, (ii) any holder of record of 5% or more of the outstanding First Majestic Shares or any Person that beneficially owns 5% or more of the outstanding First Majestic Shares, or (iii) any affiliate or associate of any such officer, director or holder of First Majestic Shares, on the other hand.

Section 4.29 No Other Representations. Except for the representations and warranties expressly set forth in this Article IV (as qualified by the First Majestic Disclosure Letter and the First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents), none of First Majestic, any of its affiliates or any other Person makes any express or implied representation or warranty (and there is and has been no reliance by Gatos or any of its Representatives or affiliates on any such representation or warranty) with respect to First Majestic, any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries or their respective businesses or with respect to any other information provided, or made available, to Gatos or its Representatives or affiliates in connection with the Transactions, including the accuracy or completeness thereof. Without limiting the foregoing, neither First Majestic nor any other Person will have or be subject to any liability or other obligation to Gatos or its Representatives or affiliates or any other Person resulting from Gatos or its Representatives’ or affiliates’ use of any information, documents, projections, forecasts or other material made available to Gatos or its Representatives or affiliates, including any information made available in management or other presentations or in the electronic or other data rooms maintained by or on behalf of First Majestic or its Representatives in connection with the Transactions, unless and to the extent any such information is expressly included in a representation or warranty contained in this Article IV (as qualified by the First Majestic Disclosure Letter and the First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents). Except for the representations and warranties expressly set forth in Article III (as qualified by the Gatos Disclosure Letter and Gatos SEC Documents), First Majestic acknowledges and agrees that none of Gatos or any other Person makes any express or implied representation or warranty with respect to Gatos or their respective affiliates or with respect to any other information provided to First Majestic or any of its affiliates or its representatives by or on behalf of Gatos or its affiliates in connection with the Transactions.



Section 5.01 Conduct of Business by Gatos Pending the Closing.

(a) Between the date of this Agreement and the earlier of the Effective Time and the time, if any, at which this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 8.01, except (v) as set forth in Section 5.01 of the Gatos Disclosure Letter, (w) as expressly contemplated or permitted by this Agreement, (x) as required by applicable



Law or as required by any Governmental Entity, (y) actions intended to protect life, property or the environment or comply with public health requirements, or (z) as consented to in writing by First Majestic (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned), Gatos shall, and shall cause each Gatos Subsidiary to, use commercially reasonable efforts to (i) conduct its business in the ordinary course in all material respects and (ii) preserve intact its and their business organizations, keep available the services of its and their executive officers and maintain satisfactory relationships with Persons having material business relations with Gatos; provided, however, that no action that is specifically permitted by any clause of Section 5.01(b) shall be deemed a breach of this Section 5.01(a).

(b) Between the date of this Agreement and the earlier of the Effective Time and the time, if any, at which this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 8.01, except (v) as set forth in Section 5.01 of the Gatos Disclosure Letter, (w) as expressly contemplated or permitted by this Agreement, (x) as required by applicable Law or as required by any Governmental Entity, (y) actions intended to protect life, property or the environment or comply with public health requirements or (z) as consented to in writing by First Majestic (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned), Gatos shall not, and shall not permit any Gatos Subsidiary to:

(i) declare, set aside, authorize or pay any dividends on or make any distribution with respect to its outstanding shares of capital stock (whether in cash, assets, shares or other securities of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary), except dividends and distributions paid or made by a Gatos Subsidiary to Gatos or another wholly owned Gatos Subsidiary;

(ii) split, combine, reduce or reclassify any of its issued or unissued capital stock or amend the terms of any securities of Gatos or a Gatos Subsidiary, except for any such transaction by a wholly owned Gatos Subsidiary which remains a wholly owned Gatos Subsidiary after consummation of such transaction;

(iii) except (A) pursuant to any Gatos Benefit Plan, Collective Bargaining Agreement, or Contract by and between any employee, individual independent contractor, or other individual non-employee service provider of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary in effect as of the date hereof or (B) in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice, (1) materially increase the level of, or accelerate the timing of payment, vesting, or funding of, compensation or benefits to any officer-level employee, (2) materially modify or amend or terminate any material Gatos Benefit Plan, or establish or adopt any material plan, program, policy or practice that would be a Gatos Benefit Plan if in effect on the date hereof, (3) hire or engage, or terminate (other than for cause) any officer-level employee (provided, that Gatos or one of the Gatos Subsidiaries may hire an employee as a replacement for a previously terminated employee), or (4) enter into, negotiate, materially amend, or terminate any Collective Bargaining Agreement (or any agreement or arrangement that would be a Collective Bargaining Agreement if in effect on the date hereof);

(iv) make any material change in financial accounting policies, principles, practices or procedures or any of its methods of reporting income, deductions or other material items for financial accounting purposes, except as required by GAAP, applicable Law, or policies of the SEC or Exchanges;

(v) acquire (by merger, consolidation, acquisition of stock or assets or otherwise) directly or indirectly, in one transaction or in a series of related transactions, any Person, or, other than investments required by existing Contracts to which Gatos or a Gatos Subsidiary is bound, make any investment or agree to make any investment, directly or indirectly, in one transaction or in a series of related transactions, either by purchase of shares or securities, contributions of capital (other than to wholly owned Gatos Subsidiaries), property, transfer or purchase of any property or assets of any other Person, other than such investments in securities in the ordinary course of business;

(vi) enter into any new material line of business;

(vii) (A) amend the Gatos Governing Documents or (B) permit any Gatos Subsidiary to adopt any amendments to its governing documents;



(viii) issue, deliver, grant, sell, pledge, dispose of or encumber, or authorize the issuance, delivery, grant, sale, pledge, disposition or encumbrance of, any shares in its capital stock, voting securities or other equity interest in Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary or any securities convertible into or exchangeable for any such shares, voting securities or equity interest, or any rights, warrants or options to acquire any such shares in its capital stock, voting securities or equity interest or any “phantom” stock, “phantom” stock rights, stock appreciation rights or stock based performance units or take any action to cause to be exercisable or settled any otherwise unexercisable or unsettled Gatos Equity Award (except as otherwise required by the express terms of any Gatos Equity Award outstanding on the date hereof), other than (A) issuances of shares of Gatos Common Stock in respect of the vesting or settlement of Gatos Equity Awards outstanding on the date hereof and in accordance with their respective present terms or (B) transactions between Gatos and a wholly owned Gatos Subsidiary or between wholly owned Gatos Subsidiaries;

(ix) directly or indirectly, purchase, redeem or otherwise acquire, including pursuant to existing share repurchase programs, any shares in its capital or any rights, warrants or options to acquire any such shares in its capital, or establish any new repurchase programs with respect to any such shares, except for (A) acquisitions of shares of Gatos Common Stock tendered by holders of Gatos Equity Awards in order to satisfy obligations to pay the exercise price and/or Tax withholding obligations with respect thereto, (B) the acquisition by Gatos of Gatos Equity Awards in connection with the forfeiture of such awards and (C) transactions between Gatos and a wholly owned Gatos Subsidiary or between wholly owned Gatos Subsidiaries;

(x) incur or assume any Indebtedness for borrowed money except for (A) any Indebtedness for borrowed money among Gatos and wholly owned Gatos Subsidiaries or among wholly owned Gatos Subsidiaries, (B) Indebtedness for borrowed money incurred to replace, renew, extend, refinance or refund any existing Indebtedness for borrowed money of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries, in each case in an amount not to exceed the amount of the Indebtedness replaced, renewed, extended, refinanced or refunded, and (C) guarantees by Gatos of Indebtedness for borrowed money of wholly owned Gatos Subsidiaries or guarantees by wholly owned Gatos Subsidiaries of Indebtedness for borrowed money of Gatos or any wholly owned Gatos Subsidiary, which Indebtedness is incurred in compliance with this Section 5.01(b)(x), (D) indebtedness incurred under the Gatos Credit Agreement and (E) Indebtedness incurred in the ordinary course of business not to exceed $5,000,000 in the aggregate;

(xi) make any loans to any other Person, except for (A) loans among Gatos and its wholly owned Gatos Subsidiaries or among wholly owned Gatos Subsidiaries and (B) extensions of credit to customers in the ordinary course of business;

(xii) sell, lease (as lessor), license, transfer or otherwise dispose of, or subject to any Lien (other than Permitted Liens), any properties or assets of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries that are material to Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries taken as a whole (including, without limitation, any Gatos Mining Rights), other than Gatos Intellectual Property which, for the avoidance of doubt, is governed by Section 5.01(b)(xiii), except (A) sale and dispositions of raw materials, obsolete or surplus equipment, mine output and other inventories in the ordinary course of business, (B) encumbrances and Liens that are incurred in connection with Indebtedness permitted to be incurred pursuant to Section 5.01(b)(x), (C) for transactions among Gatos and its wholly owned Gatos Subsidiaries or among wholly owned Gatos Subsidiaries, (D) for sales of assets that do not exceed a fair market value of $5,000,000 in the aggregate;

(xiii) (A) sell, license, sublicense, covenant not to assert, allow to lapse, fail to maintain, transfer, or otherwise abandon or dispose of, or subject to any Lien (other than Permitted Liens), any Gatos Intellectual Property that is material to the business of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, except for non-exclusive licenses granted in the ordinary course of business (1) to customers or (2) to vendors or service providers for use for the benefit of Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries; or



(B) disclose to any third parties any trade secrets or material confidential information of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary, except pursuant to reasonable protective confidentiality agreements;

(xiv) compromise or settle any Action against Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries other than with respect to Transaction Litigation, which shall be governed by Section 6.09, or any Action related to Tax, which shall be governed by Section 5.01(b)(xv), other than the compromise or settlement of Actions made (A) in the ordinary course of business or (B) that: (1) would not result in liability in excess of $10,000,000 in the aggregate or such greater amount reserved therefor or reflected in the Gatos SEC Documents (excluding any amounts that insurance companies have agreed to pay under existing insurance policies), (2) contains a full release of Gatos or the applicable Gatos Subsidiary and (3) does not involve an admission of criminal wrongdoing or impose any material injunctive or other non-monetary remedy or a material restriction on Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries (other than customary release, confidentiality and non-disparagement obligations);

(xv) make or change any material Tax election, change any Tax accounting period for purposes of a material Tax or material method of Tax accounting, file any material amended Tax Return, settle or compromise any audit or proceeding relating to material Taxes or agree to an extension or waiver of the statute of limitations with respect to a material amount of Taxes, enter into any “closing agreement” within the meaning of Section 7121 of the Code (or any similar provision of U.S. state or local, or non-U.S. Law) with respect to any material Tax, enter into any Tax sharing, Tax allocation, Tax indemnification or similar agreement (other than (1) any agreements entered into in the ordinary course of business that are not primarily related to Taxes or (2) any such agreement to which Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries are the only counterparties), make a written request for a material Tax ruling to any Governmental Entity or surrender any right to claim a material Tax refund, except in each case with respect to any such actions taken in the ordinary course of business, or that are not reasonably expected to materially increase the Tax liabilities of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries;

(xvi) make any new capital expenditure or expenditures in excess of $3,000,000 individually or $5,000,000 in the aggregate that are not consistent with Gatos’ budget plan provided to First Majestic prior the execution of this Agreement or Gatos’ 2025 budget plan;

(xvii) except in the ordinary course of business, (A) enter into any Contract that would, if entered into prior to the date hereof, be a Gatos Material Contract, or (B) materially modify, materially amend or terminate or fail to renew any Gatos Material Contract;

(xviii) authorize, recommend, propose or announce an intention to adopt or effect a plan of complete or partial liquidation, dissolution, consolidation, restructuring, recapitalization, re-domiciliation or other reorganization other than transactions involving only immaterial wholly owned Gatos Subsidiaries or file a petition in bankruptcy;

(xix) materially reduce the amount of insurance coverage or fail to use commercially reasonable efforts to renew any material existing insurance policies;

(xx) amend or otherwise modify in any material respect any engagement letter between Gatos and any financial advisor described in Section 3.23 of the Gatos Disclosure Letter or enter into a new engagement letter with any such financial advisor; or

(xxi) agree, in writing or otherwise, to take any of the foregoing actions.

(c) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, neither Gatos nor any of the Gatos Subsidiaries shall be deemed to have operated outside the ordinary course of business because Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries were responding to any of the following in good faith and such actions shall not be deemed to be a breach of Section 5.01(a) or Section 5.01(b) in response to any of the following (so long as such action or such refraining from action is done in a manner materially consistent with how a similarly situated company in the same industry acting reasonably could reasonably be expected to act or refrain from acting under similar circumstances and reasonably informed by the past practice, if any, of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries



(taken as a whole)): (i) any hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, fire, explosion, weather-related event, natural or man-made disaster, act of God or other force majeure events or occurrences, (ii) epidemics, pandemics or disease outbreaks (including COVID-19) or the worsening thereof or applicable Laws (or the interpretation thereof) adopted in response thereto, or (iii) (A) any outbreak or escalation or worsening of hostilities, acts of war (whether or not declared), military actions, cyber-attacks, data breaches, acts of insurrection, political unrest, riots or any act of sabotage or terrorism (foreign or domestic) or (B) the geopolitical dispute between the Russian Federation and Ukraine and any evolution or worsening thereof, including, in all cases, the response of any Governmental Entities thereto; provided that prior to taking any such action Gatos shall use its commercially reasonable efforts, to the extent practicable, to notify and discuss in good faith with First Majestic their intended actions.

Section 5.02 Conduct of Business by First Majestic Pending the Closing.

(a) Between the date of this Agreement and the earlier of the Effective Time and the time, if any, at which this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 8.01, except (v) as set forth in Section 5.02 of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter, (w) as expressly contemplated or permitted by this Agreement, (x) as required by applicable Law or as required by any Governmental Entity, (y) actions intended to protect life, property or the environment or comply with public health requirements or (z) as consented to in writing by Gatos (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned), First Majestic shall, and shall cause each First Majestic Subsidiary to, use commercially reasonable efforts to (i) conduct its business in the ordinary course in all material respects and (ii) preserve intact its and their business organizations, keep available the services of its and their executive officers and maintain satisfactory relationships with Persons having material business relations with First Majestic; provided, however, that no action that is specifically permitted by any clause of Section 5.02(b) shall be deemed a breach of this clause Section 5.02(a).

(b) Between the date of this Agreement and the earlier of the Effective Time and the time, if any, at which this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 8.01, except (v) as set forth in Section 5.02 of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter, (w) as expressly contemplated or permitted by this Agreement, (x) as required by applicable Law or as required by any Governmental Entity, (y) actions intended to protect life, property or the environment or comply with public health requirements or (z) as consented to in writing by Gatos (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned), First Majestic shall not, and shall not permit any First Majestic Subsidiary to:

(i) declare, set aside, authorize or pay any dividends on or make any distribution with respect to its outstanding shares of capital stock (whether in cash, assets, shares or other securities of First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary), except dividends and distributions paid or made by a First Majestic Subsidiary to First Majestic or another wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiary or First Majestic’s regular quarterly dividends paid consistent with past practice and in accordance with First Majestic’s publicly announced dividend policy as of the date of this Agreement;

(ii) split, combine, reduce or reclassify any of its issued or unissued capital stock or amend the terms of any securities of First Majestic or a First Majestic Subsidiary, except for any such transaction by a wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiary which remains a wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiary after consummation of such transaction;

(iii) make any material change in financial accounting policies, principles, practices or procedures or any of its methods of reporting income, deductions or other material items for financial accounting purposes, except as required by IFRS, applicable Law, or policies of the SEC or Exchanges;

(iv) acquire (by merger, consolidation, acquisition of stock or assets or otherwise) directly or indirectly, in one transaction or in a series of related transactions, any Person, or, other than investments required by existing Contracts to which First Majestic or a First Majestic Subsidiary is bound, make any investment or agree to make any investment, directly or indirectly, in one transaction or in a series of related transactions, either by purchase of shares or securities, contributions of capital



(other than to wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiaries), property, transfer or purchase of any property or assets of any other Person, other than such investments in securities in the ordinary course of business;

(v) enter into any new material line of business;

(vi) (A) amend the First Majestic Governing Documents or (B) permit Merger Sub or any First Majestic Subsidiary to adopt any amendments to its governing documents;

(vii) issue, deliver, grant, sell, pledge, dispose of or encumber, or authorize the issuance, delivery, grant, sale, pledge, disposition or encumbrance of, any shares in its capital stock, voting securities or other equity interest in First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary or any securities convertible into or exchangeable for any such shares, voting securities or equity interest, or any rights, warrants or options to acquire any such shares in its capital stock, voting securities or equity interest or any “phantom” stock, “phantom” stock rights, stock appreciation rights or stock based performance units or take any action to cause to be exercisable any otherwise unexercisable First Majestic Equity Award under any existing First Majestic Equity Plan (except as otherwise required by the express terms of any First Majestic Equity Award outstanding on the date hereof), other than (A) issuances of First Majestic Shares in respect of the vesting or settlement of First Majestic Equity Awards outstanding on the date hereof and in accordance with their respective present terms and (B) transactions between First Majestic and a wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiary or between wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiaries;

(viii) directly or indirectly, purchase, redeem or otherwise acquire, including pursuant to existing share repurchase programs, any shares in its capital or any rights, warrants or options to acquire any such shares in its capital, or establish any new repurchase programs with respect to any such shares, except for (A) acquisitions of First Majestic Shares tendered by holders of First Majestic Equity Awards in order to satisfy obligations to pay the exercise price and/or Tax withholding obligations with respect thereto, (B) the acquisition by the First Majestic of First Majestic Equity Awards in connection with the forfeiture of such awards and (C) transactions between the First Majestic and a wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiary or between wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiaries;

(ix) incur or assume any Indebtedness for borrowed money, except for (A) any Indebtedness for borrowed money among First Majestic and wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiaries or among wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiaries, (B) Indebtedness for borrowed money incurred to replace, renew, extend, refinance or refund any existing Indebtedness for borrowed money of First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries, in each case in an amount not to exceed the amount of the Indebtedness replaced, renewed, extended, refinanced or refunded, and (C) guarantees by First Majestic of Indebtedness for borrowed money of wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiaries or guarantees by wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiaries of Indebtedness for borrowed money of First Majestic or any wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiary, which Indebtedness is incurred in compliance with this Section 5.02(b)(x), (D) indebtedness incurred under the Gatos Credit Agreement and (E) Indebtedness incurred in the ordinary course of business not to exceed $10,000,000 in the aggregate;

(x) make any loans to any other Person, except for (A) loans among First Majestic and its wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiaries or among wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiaries and (B) extensions of credit to customers in the ordinary course of business;

(xi) sell, lease (as lessor), license, transfer or otherwise dispose of, or subject to any Lien (other than Permitted Liens), any of its properties or assets of First Majestic and First Majestic Subsidiaries that are material to First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries taken as a whole (including, without limitation, any First Majestic Mining Rights (other than First Majestic Intellectual Property which, for the avoidance of doubt, is governed by Section 5.02(b)(xii))) except (A) sale and dispositions of raw materials, obsolete or surplus equipment, mine output and other inventories in the ordinary course of business, (B) encumbrances and Liens that are incurred in connection with



Indebtedness permitted to be incurred pursuant to Section 5.02(b)(ix), (C) for transactions among First Majestic and its wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiaries or among wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiaries, and (D) for sales of assets that do not exceed a fair market value of $10,000,000 in the aggregate;

(xii) (A) sell, license, sublicense, covenant not to assert, allow to lapse, fail to maintain, transfer, or otherwise abandon or dispose of, or subject to any Lien (other than Permitted Liens), any First Majestic Intellectual Property that is material to the business of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, except for non-exclusive licenses granted in the ordinary course of business (1) to customers or (2) to vendors or service providers for use for the benefit of First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries; or (B) disclose to any third parties any trade secrets or material confidential information of First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary, except pursuant to reasonable protective confidentiality agreements;

(xiii) compromise or settle any Action against First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries other than with respect to Transaction Litigation, which shall be governed by Section 6.09, or Action related to Tax, which shall be governed by Section 5.02(b)(xiv), other than the compromise or settlement of Actions made that would not result in liability in excess of $20,000,000 in the aggregate or such greater amount reserved therefor or reflected in the First Majestic SEDAR+ Documents (excluding any amounts that insurance companies have agreed to pay under existing insurance policies), (2) contains a full release of First Majestic or the applicable First Majestic Subsidiary and (3) does not involve an admission of criminal wrongdoing or impose any material injunctive or other non-monetary remedy or a material restriction on First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries (other than customary release, confidentiality and non-disparagement obligations);

(xiv) make or change any material Tax election, change any Tax accounting period for purposes of a material Tax or material method of Tax accounting, file any material amended Tax Return, settle or compromise any audit or proceeding relating to material Taxes or agree to an extension or waiver of the statute of limitations with respect to a material amount of Taxes, enter into any “closing agreement” within the meaning of Section 7121 of the Code (or any similar provision of U.S. state or local, or non-U.S. Law) with respect to any material Tax, enter into any Tax sharing, Tax allocation, Tax indemnification or similar agreement (other than (1) any agreements entered into in the ordinary course of business that are not primarily related to Taxes or (2) any such agreement to which First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries are the only counterparties), make a written request for a material Tax ruling to any Governmental Entity or surrender any right to claim a material Tax refund, except in each case with respect to any such actions taken in the ordinary course of business, or that are not reasonably expected to materially increase the Tax liabilities of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries;

(xv) make any new capital expenditure or expenditures in excess of $6,000,000 individually or $10,000,000 in the aggregate that are not consistent with First Majestic’s budget plan provided to Gatos prior to the execution of this Agreement or First Majestic’s 2025 budget plan;

(xvi) except in the ordinary course of business, (A) enter into any Contract that would, if entered into prior to the date hereof, be a First Majestic Material Contract, or (B) materially modify, materially amend or terminate or fail to renew any First Majestic Material Contract;

(xvii) authorize, recommend, propose or announce an intention to adopt a plan of complete or partial liquidation, dissolution, consolidation, restructuring, recapitalization, re-domiciliation or other reorganization other than transactions involving only immaterial wholly owned First Majestic Subsidiaries (other than Merger Sub) or file a petition in bankruptcy;

(xviii) materially reduce the amount of insurance coverage or fail to use commercially reasonable efforts to renew any material existing insurance policies; or



(xix) agree, in writing or otherwise, to take any of the foregoing actions.

(c) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, neither First Majestic nor any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries shall be deemed to have operated outside the ordinary course of business because First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries were responding to any of the following in good faith and such actions shall not be deemed to be a breach of Section 5.02(a) or Section 5.02(b) in response to any of the following (so long as such action or such refraining from action is done in a manner materially consistent with how a similarly situated company in the same industry acting reasonably could reasonably be expected to act or refrain from acting under similar circumstances and reasonably informed by the past practice, if any, of First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries (taken as a whole)): (i) any hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, fire, explosion, weather-related event, natural or man-made disaster, act of God or other force majeure events or occurrences, (ii) epidemics, pandemics or disease outbreaks (including COVID-19) or the worsening thereof or applicable Laws (or the interpretation thereof) adopted in response thereto, or (iii) (A) any outbreak or escalation or worsening of hostilities, acts of war (whether or not declared), military actions, cyber-attacks, data breaches, acts of insurrection, political unrest, riots or any act of sabotage or terrorism (foreign or domestic) or (B) the geopolitical dispute between the Russian Federation and Ukraine and any evolution or worsening thereof, including the response of any Governmental Entities thereto; provided that prior to taking any such action First Majestic shall use its commercially reasonable efforts, to the extent practicable, to notify and discuss in good faith with Gatos their intended actions.

Section 5.03 Solicitation by Gatos.

(a) From and after the date of this Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Time and the time, if any, at which this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Section 8.01, and except as otherwise specifically provided for in this Section 5.03, Gatos agrees that it shall not, and that it shall cause the Gatos Subsidiaries and its and their respective directors and officers not to, and shall instruct and use its reasonable best efforts to cause its and the Gatos Subsidiaries’ other Representatives not to, directly or indirectly: (i) solicit, initiate, knowingly encourage or knowingly facilitate any Gatos Competing Proposal or any inquiry, proposal or offer which would reasonably be expected to lead to a Gatos Competing Proposal, (ii) participate in or engage in any negotiations or discussions (other than to state that they are not permitted to have discussions) regarding, or furnish to any Person (other than First Majestic, Merger Sub and their Representatives) any nonpublic information relating to Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary in connection with, any Gatos Competing Proposal or any inquiry, proposal or offer which would reasonably be expected to lead to a Gatos Competing Proposal, or (iii) except in the event the Gatos Board of Directors (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) or the Gatos Special Committee determines in good faith after consultation with Gatos’ outside legal counsel that the failure to take such action would reasonably be expected to be inconsistent with the fiduciary duties of the members of the Gatos Board of Directors or the Gatos Special Committee under applicable Law, waive, terminate, modify or release any Person from any provision of any “standstill” or similar agreement or obligation; provided, that, for the avoidance of doubt, the receipt of an unsolicited proposal, inquiry or offer received pursuant to any standstill or other similar agreement that permits the submission of private or confidential proposals to the Gatos Board of Directors or the Gatos Special Committee shall not, by itself, violate or be deemed to be in violation of this Section 5.03(a). Promptly after the date of this Agreement, Gatos shall cease, and cause the Gatos Subsidiaries and its and their respective directors and officers to cease, and shall instruct and use its reasonable best efforts to cause its and the Gatos Subsidiaries’ other Representatives to cease, any and all existing discussions or negotiations with any third parties (including provision of or access to any nonpublic information to any third parties) conducted heretofore with respect to any Gatos Competing Proposal. Gatos shall promptly (i) request (to the extent it has not already done so prior to the date of this Agreement) any Person that has executed a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement at any time within the twelve (12) month period immediately prior to the date of this Agreement in connection with any Gatos Competing Proposal that remains in effect as of the date of this Agreement to return or destroy all confidential information in the possession of such Person or its Representatives in accordance with such non-disclosure agreement and (ii) terminate access by any other Person



and its Representatives to any physical or electronic data room, in each case, relating to or in connection with, any Gatos Competing Proposal.

(b) Notwithstanding any limitations set forth in this Section 5.03, if Gatos receives, after the date hereof and prior to the receipt of the Gatos Stockholder Approval, a bona fide, unsolicited, written Gatos Competing Proposal from any Person that did not result from a material breach of this Section 5.03 (it being agreed that Gatos or any of its Representatives may in any event (i) seek to clarify and understand the terms and conditions of any Gatos Competing Proposal (or amended proposal) to determine whether such Gatos Competing Proposal (or amended proposal) constitutes or would reasonably be expected to lead to or result in a Gatos Superior Proposal and (ii) inform a Person that has made a Gatos Competing Proposal of the provisions of this Section 5.03), which the Gatos Board of Directors (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) or the Gatos Special Committee determines in good faith after consultation with Gatos’ outside legal and financial advisors, constitutes or would reasonably be expected to lead to or result in a Gatos Superior Proposal, then, subject to compliance with Section 5.03(d), Gatos may take the following actions: (x) furnish nonpublic information regarding, and/or provide access to the business, properties, assets, books or records of, Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries to the Person making such Gatos Competing Proposal and such Person’s Representatives (including potential financing sources), if, and only if, prior to so furnishing such information, Gatos receives from such Person an Acceptable Confidentiality Agreement; provided, that Gatos shall provide to First Majestic any such information that is provided to such Person or its Representatives that was not previously provided to First Majestic or its Representatives within forty-eight (48) hours of such time as such information was provided to such Person, and (y) engage in discussions or negotiations with such Person (and its Representatives) with respect to the Gatos Competing Proposal.

(c) From and after the date of this Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Time and the time, if any, at which this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Section 8.01, and except as otherwise specifically provided for in this Section 5.03, neither the Gatos Board of Directors nor any committee thereof shall: (i) approve, recommend or declare advisable, or propose publicly to approve, recommend or declare advisable, any Gatos Competing Proposal, (ii) fail to include the Gatos Board Recommendation in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus, (iii) withdraw or withhold (or modify, qualify or amend in any manner adverse to First Majestic), or propose publicly to withdraw or withhold (or modify, qualify or amend in any manner adverse to First Majestic) the Gatos Board Recommendation, (iv) in the case of a Gatos Competing Proposal that is structured as a tender offer or exchange offer pursuant to Rule 14d-2 under the Exchange Act for outstanding shares of Gatos Common Stock (other than by First Majestic or an affiliate of First Majestic), fail to recommend, in a Solicitation/Recommendation Statement on Schedule 14D-9, against acceptance of such tender offer or exchange offer by the Gatos stockholders on or prior to the earlier of (A) three (3) Business Days prior to the date the Gatos Special Meeting is held (or promptly after commencement of such tender offer or exchange offer if commenced on or after the third (3rd) Business Day prior to the date the Gatos Special Meeting is held) and (B) ten (10) business days (as such term is used in Rule 14d-9 of the Exchange Act) after commencement of such tender offer or exchange offer, (v) if a Gatos Competing Proposal shall have been publicly announced or disclosed (other than pursuant to the foregoing clause (iv)), fail to reaffirm the Gatos Board Recommendation (or refer to the prior Gatos Board Recommendation) within five (5) Business Days after First Majestic so requests in writing (or such fewer number of days as remains prior to the date that is three (3) Business Days prior to the Gatos Special Meeting) (any action in clauses (i) through (v), a “Gatos Change of Recommendation”), or (vi) approve or enter into any letter of intent or other Contract relating to any Gatos Competing Proposal, other than an Acceptable Confidentiality Agreement.

(d) Gatos shall notify First Majestic promptly (but in no event later than twenty-four (24) hours) after receipt of any Gatos Competing Proposal or any inquiry, proposal or offer that would reasonably be expected to lead to a Gatos Competing Proposal. Such notice shall be made in writing, and shall indicate the identity of the Person making the Gatos Competing Proposal, and the material terms (including price) and conditions of any such Gatos Competing Proposal. Gatos shall keep First Majestic reasonably informed of the status and material



terms and conditions (including any amendments or proposed amendments to such material terms or conditions) of any such Gatos Competing Proposal.

(e) Notwithstanding anything in this Section 5.03 or Section 5.05 to the contrary, at any time prior to the receipt of the Gatos Stockholder Approval, the Gatos Board of Directors (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) or the Gatos Special Committee may (i) make a Gatos Change of Recommendation following receipt of a Gatos Competing Proposal that did not result from a material breach of the provisions of this Section 5.03, and which the Gatos Board of Directors (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) or the Gatos Special Committee determines in good faith after consultation with Gatos’ outside legal and financial advisors is or is reasonably likely to lead to a Gatos Superior Proposal (or continues to be a Gatos Superior Proposal following the Gatos Notice of Change Period), or (ii) make a Gatos Change of Recommendation in response to the occurrence of a Gatos Intervening Event, in the case of each of the foregoing clauses (i) and (ii), if and only if, the Gatos Board of Directors (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) or the Gatos Special Committee has determined in good faith, after consultation with Gatos’ outside legal counsel, that the failure to take such action would reasonably be expected to be inconsistent with the fiduciary duties of the members of the Gatos Board of Directors or the Gatos Special Committee under applicable Law. Gatos may not make a Gatos Change of Recommendation, unless (i) Gatos has provided First Majestic with four (4) Business Days’ prior written notice (the “Gatos Notice”) (it being understood and agreed that any material amendment to the applicable Gatos Superior Proposal shall require a new Gatos Notice and an additional two (2) Business Day period) advising First Majestic that the Gatos Board of Directors (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) or the Gatos Special Committee intends to take such action (it being agreed that the delivery of such notice shall not constitute a Gatos Change of Recommendation) and contemporaneously providing to First Majestic (A) in the case of a Gatos Superior Proposal, the identity of the Person making the Gatos Superior Proposal and the material terms (including price) and conditions of such Gatos Superior Proposal and, if available, a copy of any proposed agreements for such Gatos Superior Proposal, or (B) in the case of a Gatos Intervening Event, a description in reasonable detail of such Gatos Intervening Event that is the basis of the proposed action by the Gatos Board of Directors (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) or the Gatos Special Committee, and (ii) during such initial four (4) Business Day period (or, if applicable, any subsequent two (2) Business Day period) and ending at 11:59 p.m. (New York City time) on such fourth (4th) Business Day following delivery of the Gatos Notice (or, if applicable, second (2nd) Business Day) (the “Gatos Notice of Change Period”), (A) Gatos shall negotiate, and cause its Representatives to negotiate, with First Majestic and its Representatives in good faith (to the extent First Majestic wishes to negotiate) to enable First Majestic to determine whether to propose revisions to the terms of this Agreement or any other agreement related to the Transactions such that, in the case of a Gatos Superior Proposal, such Gatos Competing Proposal would no longer constitute a Gatos Superior Proposal or, in the case of a Gatos Intervening Event, the failure to make such Gatos Change of Recommendation in response to such Gatos Intervening Event would no longer be expected to be inconsistent with the fiduciary duties of the members of the Gatos Board of Directors or the Gatos Special Committee under applicable Law, and (B) Gatos shall consider in good faith any proposal by First Majestic to amend the terms and conditions of this Agreement or any other agreement related to the Transactions such that, in the case of a Gatos Superior Proposal, such Gatos Competing Proposal would no longer constitute a Gatos Superior Proposal or, in the case of a Gatos Intervening Event, the failure to make such Gatos Change of Recommendation in response to such Gatos Intervening Event would no longer be expected to be inconsistent with the fiduciary duties of the members of the Gatos Board of Directors or the Gatos Special Committee under applicable Law.

(f) Subject to First Majestic’s rights pursuant to Section 8.01 and Section 8.02(b), nothing contained in this Agreement shall prohibit Gatos or the Gatos Board of Directors (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) or the Gatos Special Committee from (i) disclosing to Gatos’ stockholders a position contemplated by Rules 14d-9 or 14e-2(a) promulgated under the Exchange Act (or directors’ circular required by Canadian Securities Laws) or (ii) making any “stop, look and listen” communication or similar communication to the Gatos stockholders pursuant to Rule 14d-9(f) promulgated under the Exchange Act; provided, that this Section 5.03(f) shall not permit the Gatos Board of Directors (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos



Special Committee) or the Gatos Special Committee to recommend that the Gatos stockholders tender any securities in connection with any tender offer or exchange offer that is a Gatos Competing Proposal or otherwise make a Gatos Change of Recommendation except in compliance with Section  5.03(e).

Section 5.04 Solicitation by First Majestic.

(a) From and after the date of this Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Time and the time, if any, at which this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Section 8.01, and except as otherwise specifically provided for in this Section 5.04, First Majestic agrees that it shall not, and that it shall cause its and the First Majestic Subsidiaries and its and their respective directors and officers not to, and shall instruct and use its reasonable best efforts to cause its and the First Majestic Subsidiaries’ other Representatives not to, directly or indirectly: (i) solicit, initiate, knowingly encourage or knowingly facilitate any First Majestic Competing Proposal or any inquiry, proposal or offer which would reasonably be expected to lead to a First Majestic Competing Proposal, (ii) participate in or engage in any negotiations or discussions (other than to state that they are not permitted to have discussions) regarding, or furnish to any Person (other than Gatos and its Representatives) any nonpublic information relating to First Majestic or any First Majestic Subsidiary in connection with, any First Majestic Competing Proposal or any inquiry, proposal or offer which would reasonably be expected to lead to a First Majestic Competing Proposal, or (iii) except in the event the First Majestic Board of Directors determines in good faith after consultation with First Majestic’s outside legal counsel that the failure to take such action would reasonably be expected to be inconsistent with the fiduciary duties of the members of the First Majestic Board of Directors under applicable Law, waive, terminate, modify or release any Person from any provision of any “standstill” or similar agreement or obligation; provided, that, for the avoidance of doubt, the receipt of an unsolicited proposal, inquiry or offer received pursuant to any standstill or other similar agreement that permits the submission of private or confidential proposals to the First Majestic Board of Directors shall not, by itself, violate or be deemed to be in violation of this Section 5.04(a). Promptly after the date of this Agreement, First Majestic shall cease, and cause the First Majestic Subsidiaries and its and their respective directors and officers to cease, and shall instruct and use its reasonable best efforts to cause its and the First Majestic Subsidiaries’ other Representatives to cease, any and all existing discussions or negotiations with any parties (including provision of or access to any nonpublic information to any third parties) conducted heretofore with respect to any First Majestic Competing Proposal. First Majestic shall promptly (i) request (to the extent it has not already done so prior to the date of this Agreement) any Person that has executed a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement at any time within the twelve (12) month period immediately prior to the date of this Agreement in connection with any First Majestic Competing Proposal that remains in effect as of the date of this Agreement to return or destroy all confidential information in the possession of such Person or its Representatives in accordance with such non-disclosure agreement and (ii) terminate access by any other Person and its Representatives to any physical or electronic data room, in each case, relating to or in connection with, any First Majestic Competing Proposal.

(b) Notwithstanding any limitations set forth in this Section 5.04, if First Majestic receives, after the date hereof and prior to the receipt of the First Majestic Shareholder Approval, a bona fide, unsolicited, written First Majestic Competing Proposal from any Person that did not result from a material breach of this Section 5.04 (it being agreed that First Majestic or any of its Representatives may in any event (i) seek to clarify and understand the terms and conditions of any First Majestic Competing Proposal (or amended proposal) to determine whether such First Majestic Competing Proposal (or amended proposal) constitutes or would reasonably be expected to lead to or result in a First Majestic Superior Proposal and (ii) inform a Person that has made a First Majestic Competing Proposal of the provisions of this Section 5.04) which the First Majestic Board of Directors determines in good faith after consultation with First Majestic’s outside legal and financial advisors constitutes or would reasonably be expected to lead to or result in a First Majestic Superior Proposal, then, subject to compliance with Section 5.04(d), First Majestic may take the following actions: (x) furnish nonpublic information regarding, and/or provide access to the business, properties, assets, books or records of, First Majestic and the First Majestic Subsidiaries to the Person making such First Majestic Competing Proposal and such Person’s Representatives (including potential financing sources), if, and only if, prior to so furnishing such information, First Majestic receives from such Person an Acceptable Confidentiality Agreement; provided, that



First Majestic shall provide to Gatos any such information that is provided to such Person or its Representatives that was not previously provided to Gatos or its Representatives within forty-eight (48) hours of such time as such information was provided to such Person, and (y) engage in discussions or negotiations with such Person (and its Representatives) with respect to the First Majestic Competing Proposal.

(c) From and after the date of this Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Time and the time, if any, at which this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Section 8.01, and except as otherwise specifically provided for in this Section 5.04, neither the First Majestic Board of Directors nor any committee thereof shall: (i) approve, recommend or declare advisable, or propose publicly to approve, recommend or declare advisable, any First Majestic Competing Proposal, (ii) fail to include the First Majestic Board Recommendation in the First Majestic Circular, (iii) withdraw or withhold (or modify, qualify or amend in any manner adverse to Gatos), or propose publicly to withdraw or withhold (or modify, qualify or amend in any manner adverse to Gatos), the First Majestic Board Recommendation, (iv) fail to reaffirm the First Majestic Board Recommendation (or refer to the prior First Majestic Board Recommendation) within five (5) Business Days after Gatos so requests in writing (or such fewer number of days as remains prior to the date that is three (3) Business Days prior to the First Majestic Special Meeting) (any action in clauses (i) through (iv), an “First Majestic Change of Recommendation”), or (v) approve or enter into any letter of intent or other Contract relating to any First Majestic Competing Proposal, other than an Acceptable Confidentiality Agreement.

(d) First Majestic shall notify Gatos promptly (but in no event later than twenty-four (24) hours) after receipt of any First Majestic Competing Proposal or any inquiry, proposal or offer that would reasonably be expected to lead to a First Majestic Competing Proposal. Such notice shall be made in writing, and shall indicate the identity of the Person making the First Majestic Competing Proposal, and the material terms (including price) and conditions of any such First Majestic Competing Proposal. First Majestic shall keep Gatos reasonably informed of the status and material terms and conditions (including any amendments or proposed amendments to such material terms or conditions) of any such First Majestic Competing Proposal.

(e) Notwithstanding anything in this Section 5.04 or Section 5.05 to the contrary, at any time prior to the receipt of the First Majestic Shareholder Approval, the First Majestic Board of Directors may (i) make a First Majestic Change of Recommendation following receipt of a First Majestic Competing Proposal that did not result from a material breach of the provisions of this Section 5.04, and which the First Majestic Board of Directors determines in good faith after consultation with First Majestic’s outside legal and financial advisors is or is reasonably likely to lead to a First Majestic Superior Proposal (or continues to be a First Majestic Superior Proposal following the First Majestic Notice of Change Period), or (ii) make a First Majestic Change of Recommendation in response to the occurrence of a First Majestic Intervening Event, in the case of each of the foregoing clauses (i) and (ii), if and only if, the First Majestic Board of Directors has determined in good faith, after consultation with First Majestic’s outside legal counsel, that the failure to take such action would reasonably be expected to be inconsistent with the fiduciary duties of the members of the First Majestic Board of Directors under applicable Law. First Majestic may not make a First Majestic Change of Recommendation, unless (i) First Majestic has provided Gatos with four (4) Business Days’ prior written notice (the “First Majestic Notice”) (it being understood and agreed that any material amendment to the applicable First Majestic Superior Proposal shall require a new notice and an additional two (2) Business Day period) advising Gatos that the First Majestic Board of Directors intends to take such action (it being agreed that the delivery of such notice shall not constitute a First Majestic Change of Recommendation) and contemporaneously providing to Gatos (A) in the case of a First Majestic Superior Proposal, the identity of the Person making the First Majestic Superior Proposal and the material terms (including price) and conditions of such First Majestic Superior Proposal and, if available, a copy of any proposed agreements for such First Majestic Superior Proposal, or (B) in the case of a First Majestic Intervening Event, a description in reasonable detail of such First Majestic Intervening Event that is the basis of the proposed action by the First Majestic Board of Directors, and (ii) during such initial four (4) Business Day period following delivery of the First Majestic Notice (or, if applicable, any subsequent two (2) Business Day period) and ending at 11:59 p.m. (New York City time) on such fourth (4th) Business Day (or, if applicable, second (2nd) Business Day) (the “First Majestic Notice of Change Period”), (A) First Majestic shall negotiate,



and cause its Representatives to negotiate, with Gatos and its Representatives in good faith (to the extent Gatos wishes to negotiate) to enable Gatos to determine whether to propose revisions to the terms of this Agreement or any other agreement related to the Transactions such that, in the case of a First Majestic Superior Proposal, such First Majestic Competing Proposal would no longer constitute a First Majestic Superior Proposal or, in the case of a First Majestic Intervening Event, the failure to make such First Majestic Change of Recommendation in response to such First Majestic Intervening Event would no longer be expected to be inconsistent with the fiduciary duties of the members of the First Majestic Board of Directors under applicable Law, and (B) First Majestic shall consider in good faith any proposal by Gatos to amend the terms and conditions of this Agreement or any other agreement related to the Transactions such that, in the case of a First Majestic Superior Proposal, such First Majestic Competing Proposal would no longer constitute a First Majestic Superior Proposal or, in the case of a First Majestic Intervening Event, the failure to make such First Majestic Change of Recommendation in response to such First Majestic Intervening Event would no longer be expected to be inconsistent with the fiduciary duties of the members of the First Majestic Board of Directors under applicable Law.

(f) Subject to Gatos’ rights pursuant to Section 8.01 and Section 8.02(c), nothing contained in this Agreement shall prohibit First Majestic or the First Majestic Board of Directors from (i) disclosing to First Majestic’s stockholders a position contemplated by Rules 14d-9 and 14e-2(a) promulgated under the Exchange Act (or a directors’ circular required by Canadian Securities Laws) or (ii) making any “stop, look and listen” communication or similar communication to the First Majestic shareholders pursuant to Rule 14d-9(f) promulgated under the Exchange Act; provided that this Section 5.04(f) shall not permit the First Majestic Board of Directors to recommend that the First Majestic shareholders tender any securities in connection with any tender offer or exchange offer that is a First Majestic Competing Proposal or otherwise make a First Majestic Change of Recommendation except in compliance with Section 5.04(e).

Section 5.05 Preparation of the Form F-4, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and First Majestic Circular; Gatos Special Meeting and First Majestic Special Meeting.

(a) As promptly as reasonably practicable following the date of this Agreement, (i) Gatos and First Majestic shall jointly prepare and cause to be filed with the SEC the Proxy Statement/Prospectus in preliminary form, (ii) First Majestic shall prepare the Form F-4 with respect to the First Majestic Shares issuable in the Merger, which will include the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and First Majestic shall cause the Form F-4 to be filed with the SEC and (iii) First Majestic shall prepare the First Majestic Circular and First Majestic shall cause the First Majestic Circular to be filed with the TSX. Each of Gatos and First Majestic shall use its reasonable best efforts to (1) to make such filings no later than thirty (30) days after the date of this Agreement, (2) have the Form F-4 declared effective under the Securities Act as promptly as practicable after such filings, (3) ensure that the Form F-4, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and the First Majestic Circular complies in all material respects with the applicable provisions of the Exchange Act or Securities Act, and applicable Canadian Corporate and Securities Law and (4) keep the Form F-4 effective for so long as necessary to complete the Transactions. Each of Gatos and First Majestic shall furnish all information concerning itself, its directors, officers, affiliates, the holders of its shares and such other matters as may be reasonably necessary or advisable to the other and provide such other assistance as may be reasonably requested in connection with the preparation, filing, distribution, submission or publication, as applicable, of each of the Form F-4, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and the First Majestic Circular. Each of Gatos and First Majestic shall promptly notify the other upon the receipt of any comments or other communications from the SEC, any Canadian Securities Authority, the TSX, or their respective staffs or any request from the SEC, a Canadian Securities Authority, the TSX, or their respective staffs for amendments or supplements to the Form F-4, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus or the First Majestic Circular, and shall, as promptly as practicable after receipt thereof, provide the other with copies of all correspondence between it and its Representatives, on the one hand, and the SEC, any Canadian Securities Authority, the TSX, or their respective staffs, on the other hand, and all written comments with respect to the Proxy Statement/Prospectus, the First Majestic Circular or the Form F-4 received from the SEC, any Canadian Securities Authority, the TSX, or their respective staffs and advise the other party of any oral comments with respect to the Proxy Statement/Prospectus, the First Majestic Circular or the Form F-4 received from the SEC, any Canadian



Securities Authority, the TSX, or their respective staffs. Each of Gatos and First Majestic shall use its reasonable best efforts to respond as promptly as practicable to any comments or other communications from the SEC, the TSX, or their respective staffs with respect to the Proxy Statement/Prospectus, and First Majestic shall use its reasonable best efforts to respond as promptly as practicable to any comment from the SEC, any Canadian Securities Authority, the TSX, or their respective staffs with respect to the Form F-4 (including any prospectus forming a part thereof) or the First Majestic Circular. Notwithstanding the foregoing, prior to (x) filing with the SEC the Form F-4 (or any amendment or supplement thereto), (y) filing with the SEC or mailing the Proxy Statement/Prospectus (or any amendment or supplement thereto) or the First Majestic Circular (or any amendment or supplement thereto), or (z) responding to any comments of the SEC, the TSX, any Canadian Securities Authority or their respective staffs with respect to the Form F-4, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus or the First Majestic Circular, each of Gatos and First Majestic shall cooperate and provide the other a reasonable opportunity to review and comment on such document or response in advance (including the proposed final version of such document or response) and consider in good faith any comments provided by Gatos or First Majestic or any of their respective Representatives with respect thereto. No filing of, or amendment or supplement to, the Form F-4, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus or the First Majestic Circular will be made by Gatos or First Majestic, as applicable, without the other’s prior written consent (not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed) and without providing the other Party a reasonable opportunity to review and comment thereon. First Majestic shall advise Gatos, promptly after it receives notice thereof, of the time of effectiveness of the Form F-4 or upon filing any supplement or amendment thereto, the issuance of any stop order relating thereto or the suspension of the qualification of the First Majestic Shares issuable in connection with the Merger for offering or sale in any jurisdiction, and First Majestic shall use its reasonable best efforts to have any such stop order or suspension lifted, reversed or otherwise terminated. First Majestic shall also use its reasonable best efforts to take any other action required to be taken under the Securities Act, the Exchange Act, Canadian Corporate and Securities Laws, TSX rules, and any applicable foreign or state securities or “blue sky” Laws and the rules and regulations thereunder in connection with the issuance of the First Majestic Shares in the Merger, and Gatos shall use its reasonable best efforts to furnish all information concerning Gatos, the Gatos Subsidiaries and the holders of Gatos Common Stock as may be reasonably requested in connection with any such actions, including, if applicable, obtaining necessary consents from Qualified Persons. Each of Gatos and First Majestic will use its reasonable best efforts to ensure that the information relating to Gatos and its affiliates, officers and directors, in the case of Gatos, and relating to First Majestic and its affiliates, officers and directors, in the case of First Majestic, supplied by it for inclusion in the Form F-4, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and the First Majestic Circular will not, (x) in the case of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and First Majestic Circular, on the date the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and First Majestic Circular (and in each case any amendment or supplement thereto) is first mailed to the stockholders of Gatos or First Majestic or at the time of the Gatos Special Meeting or First Majestic Special Meeting (as the same may be adjourned or postponed in accordance with the terms hereof) and (y) in the case of the Form F-4, at the time the Form F-4 (and any amendment or supplement thereto) is filed and the date it is declared effective or any post-effective amendment thereto is filed or is declared effective contain: (i) any untrue statement of any material fact or omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements therein, at the time and in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; or (ii) a Misrepresentation.

(b) If, prior to the Effective Time, any information relating to Gatos or First Majestic, respectively, or any of their respective affiliates, officers or directors, is discovered by Gatos or First Majestic which, in the reasonable judgment of Gatos or First Majestic, respectively, should be set forth in an amendment of, or a supplement to, any of the Form F-4, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus or the First Majestic Circular so that any of such documents would not include any: (i) misstatement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; or (ii) a Misrepresentation, the Party which discovers such information shall promptly notify the other Parties, and Gatos and First Majestic shall cooperate in the prompt filing with the SEC and on SEDAR+ of any necessary amendment of, or supplement to, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus, the First Majestic Circular or the Form F-4 and, to the extent required by Law, in disseminating the information contained in such amendment or supplement to stockholders of Gatos and the shareholders of First Majestic. Nothing in this Section 5.05(b)



shall limit the obligations of any Party under Section 5.05(a). For purposes of this Section 5.05, any information concerning or related to Gatos, its affiliates or the Gatos Special Meeting will be deemed to have been provided by Gatos, and any information concerning or related to First Majestic, its affiliates or the First Majestic Special Meeting will be deemed to have been provided by First Majestic.

(c) Gatos shall, in accordance with applicable Law and the Gatos Governing Documents, establish a record date for, duly call, and give notice of the Gatos Special Meeting as promptly as practicable and mail the Proxy Statement/Prospectus to the stockholders of Gatos entitled to vote at the Gatos Special Meeting and hold the Gatos Special Meeting as soon as practicable after the Form F-4 is declared effective under the Securities Act (or such later date as the Parties shall agree). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Gatos shall comply with the accelerated timing contemplated by NI 54-101. Subject to Section 5.03(e), Gatos shall, through the Gatos Board of Directors (acting upon the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee), make the Gatos Board Recommendation, include such Gatos Board Recommendation in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and solicit and use its reasonable best efforts to obtain the Gatos Stockholder Approval, except in each case to the extent that the Gatos Board of Directors or the Gatos Special Committee shall have made a Gatos Change of Recommendation as permitted by Section 5.03. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 5.05(c), Gatos shall have the right, following consultation with First Majestic, to make (and, if so requested by First Majestic, shall be required to make) one or more successive postponements or adjournments of the Gatos Special Meeting of not more than fifteen (15) days individually (i) if, on a date for which the Gatos Special Meeting is scheduled, (A) there are insufficient shares of Gatos Common Stock represented (either in person or by proxy) to constitute a quorum necessary to conduct the business of such meeting or (B) Gatos has not received proxies representing a sufficient number of shares of Gatos Common Stock to obtain the Gatos Stockholder Approval, whether or not a quorum is present, or (ii) if such adjournment or postponement is required by applicable Law, including to the extent the Gatos Board of Directors has determined in good faith after consultation with outside counsel that such adjournment or postponement is required under applicable Law to ensure that any required supplement or amendment to the Proxy Statement/Prospectus or the Form F-4 is provided or made available to Gatos stockholders or to permit dissemination of information which is material to stockholders voting at the Gatos Special Meeting and to give Gatos stockholders sufficient time to evaluate any such supplement or amendment or other information; provided that the Gatos Special Meeting shall not be postponed or adjourned under clause (i) above to a date that is in the aggregate more than thirty (30) days after the date for which the Gatos Special Meeting was originally scheduled (without giving effect to any postponement). Without the prior written consent of First Majestic, the adoption of this Agreement shall be the only matter (other than matters of procedure and matters required by applicable Law to be voted on by Gatos’ stockholders in connection with the authorization of this Agreement) that Gatos shall propose to be acted on by the stockholders of Gatos at the Gatos Special Meeting. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, unless this Agreement has been terminated in accordance with its terms, the Gatos Special Meeting shall be convened and this Agreement shall be submitted for authorization by the stockholders of Gatos at the Gatos Special Meeting (notwithstanding any Gatos Change of Recommendation permitted by Section 5.03), and nothing contained herein shall be deemed to relieve Gatos of such obligation.

(d) First Majestic shall, in accordance with applicable Law and the First Majestic Governing Documents, establish a record date for, duly call, and give notice of the First Majestic Special Meeting at which the First Majestic Share Issuance will be proposed for the purpose of obtaining the First Majestic Shareholder Approval as promptly as practicable and send the First Majestic Circular to the shareholders of First Majestic entitled to vote at the First Majestic Special Meeting and hold the First Majestic Special Meeting as soon as practicable after the Form F-4 is declared effective under the Securities Act (or such later date as the Parties shall agree). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, First Majestic shall comply with the accelerated timing contemplated by NI 54-101. Subject to Section 5.04(e), First Majestic shall, through the First Majestic Board of Directors, make the First Majestic Board Recommendation, include the First Majestic Board Recommendation in the First Majestic Circular, and solicit and use its reasonable best efforts to obtain the First Majestic Shareholder Approval, except in each case to the extent that the First Majestic Board of Directors shall have made a First Majestic Change of Recommendation as permitted by Section 5.04. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of



this Section 5.05(d), First Majestic shall have the right, following consultation with Gatos, to make (and, if so requested by Gatos, shall be required to make) one or more successive postponements or adjournments of the First Majestic Special Meeting of not more than fifteen (15) days individually (i) if, on a date for which the First Majestic Special Meeting is scheduled, (A) there are insufficient First Majestic Shares represented (either in person or by proxy) to constitute a quorum necessary to conduct the business of such meeting or (B) First Majestic has not received proxies representing a sufficient number of First Majestic Shares to obtain the First Majestic Shareholder Approval, whether or not a quorum is present, or (ii) if such adjournment or postponement is required by applicable Law, including to the extent the First Majestic Board of Directors has determined in good faith after consultation with outside counsel that such adjournment or postponement is required under applicable Law to ensure that any required supplement or amendment to the First Majestic Circular is provided or made available to First Majestic shareholders or to permit dissemination of information which is material to shareholders voting at the First Majestic Special Meeting and to give First Majestic shareholders sufficient time to evaluate any such supplement or amendment or other information; provided that the First Majestic Special Meeting shall not be postponed or adjourned under clause (i) above to a date that is in the aggregate more than thirty (30) days after the date for which the First Majestic Special Meeting was originally scheduled (without giving effect to any postponement). Without the prior written consent of Gatos, the First Majestic Share Issuance shall be the only matter (other than matters of procedure and matters required by applicable Law to be voted on by First Majestic’s shareholders in connection with the approval of this Agreement and the Transactions) that First Majestic shall propose to be acted on by the shareholders of First Majestic at the First Majestic Special Meeting. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, unless this Agreement has been terminated in accordance with its terms, the First Majestic Special Meeting shall be convened and the First Majestic Shares Issuance shall be submitted for approval by the shareholders of First Majestic at the First Majestic Special Meeting, and nothing contained herein shall be deemed to relieve First Majestic of such obligation.

(e) Gatos and First Majestic will use their respective reasonable best efforts to hold the Gatos Special Meeting and the First Majestic Special Meeting as closely together in time as practicable and on the same date and as soon as reasonably practicable after the date of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing, if the Gatos Special Meeting or the First Majestic Special Meeting is adjourned or postponed, First Majestic or Gatos, respectively, shall be permitted to cause the First Majestic Special Meeting or the Gatos Special Meeting, respectively, to also be adjourned such that the meetings occur on the same date.

Section 5.06 No Control of Other Partys Business. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall give either Gatos or First Majestic, directly or indirectly, the right to control or direct the business or operations of the other Party prior to the Effective Time. Prior to the Effective Time, each of Gatos and First Majestic shall exercise, consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, complete control and supervision over its and its Subsidiaries’ respective business and operations.



Section 6.01 Access; Confidentiality; Notice of Certain Events.

(a) From the date of this Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Time and the date, if any, on which this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 8.01, to the extent permitted by applicable Law, (i) each of Gatos and First Majestic shall, and shall cause each of the Gatos Subsidiaries and the First Majestic Subsidiaries, respectively, to afford to the other Party and to the Representatives of such other Party who have a need to know such information reasonable access during normal business hours and upon reasonable advance notice in a manner that does not interfere unreasonably with the disclosing Party’s business to all of their respective properties, offices, books, Contracts and records (provided that no invasive or intrusive testing or sampling of any environmental media or building materials at any facility or property of the other Party or its



Subsidiaries may be conducted without the prior written consent of the other Party), (ii) each of Gatos and First Majestic shall, and shall cause each of the Gatos Subsidiaries and the First Majestic Subsidiaries, respectively, to, furnish reasonably promptly to the other Party all information (financial or otherwise) concerning its business, properties and personnel as such other Party may reasonably request in connection with the consummation of the Transactions and (iii) each of Gatos and First Majestic shall instruct their respective Representatives to cooperate in connection with such access and disclosure obligations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither Gatos nor First Majestic shall be required by this Section 6.01 to provide the other Party or the Representatives of such other Party with access to or to disclose information (A) that such Party or its Representatives is prohibited from providing under the terms of a confidentiality agreement with a third party entered into prior to the date of this Agreement or entered into after the date of this Agreement in the ordinary course of business and not otherwise in breach of this Agreement (provided, however, that the withholding Party shall use its reasonable best efforts to obtain the required consent of such third party to such access or disclosure), (B) the disclosure of which would violate any applicable Law or legal duty (provided, however, that the withholding Party shall use its reasonable best efforts to make appropriate substitute arrangements to permit reasonable disclosure not in violation of any such Law or duty), (C) that results in the disclosure of competitively sensitive information of either Party or such Party’s respective Subsidiaries, or (D) that is subject to any attorney-client, attorney work product or other legal privilege (provided, however, that the withholding Party shall use its reasonable best efforts to allow for such access or disclosure to the maximum extent that does not result in a loss of any such attorney-client, attorney work product or other legal privilege). Each of Gatos and First Majestic will use its commercially reasonable efforts to minimize any disruption to the businesses of the other Party that may result from the requests for access, data and information hereunder.

(b) Each of Gatos and First Majestic will hold, and will cause its Representatives and affiliates to hold, any nonpublic information, including any information exchanged pursuant to this Section 6.01, in confidence to the extent required by and in accordance with the terms of the Confidentiality Agreement (which shall survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement and apply to all information furnished thereunder or hereunder).

(c) Gatos shall give prompt notice to First Majestic, and First Majestic shall give prompt notice to Gatos of any of the following to occur after the date of this Agreement, (i) any written notice received by such Party or any of its Subsidiaries from any party to any Gatos Material Contract or First Majestic Material Contract, respectively, or (ii) any written notice received by such Party or any of its Subsidiaries from any Governmental Entity, in either case in connection with this Agreement, the Merger or other Transactions, alleging that the consent of such Person is or may be required in connection with the Merger or any other Transaction and (iii) upon becoming aware of the occurrence of any fact, circumstance or Effect that would cause or result in any of the conditions to the Merger set forth in Article VII not being satisfied or the failure by such Party to comply with, in any material respect, any covenant or agreement to be complied with by such Party under this Agreement.

(d) Gatos shall reasonably consult with First Majestic regarding the 2025 budget for Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries, including by providing a substantially final draft of such 2025 budget prior to its submission for approval by the Gatos Board of Directors, in each case to the extent permitted by applicable Law.

(e) No access, rights to inspection, information or notice delivered by either Party or any of their respective Representatives shall affect or be deemed to modify or waive any of the representations or warranties of the other Party set forth in this Agreement or be deemed to amend or update the Gatos Disclosure Letter or First Majestic Disclosure Letter or cure any breach of any representation or warranty requiring disclosure of such matter prior to the date of this Agreement or otherwise limit or affect the remedies available hereunder to any Party.



(f)   To the extent that any personal information about an identifiable individual (“Transferred Information”) is used or disclosed under this Agreement without the otherwise required knowledge or consent, or both, of the individual subjects of such Transferred Information:

(i) the Parties agree that the Transferred Information is necessary to determine whether to proceed with the Transactions contemplated under this Agreement, and if the determination is made to complete the Transactions;

(ii) the receiving Party of the Transferred Information shall (A) use and disclose the Transferred Information solely for the purposes related to this Agreement or as otherwise permitted or required by Law; (B) protect the Transferred Information by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the Transferred Information; and (C) if the transactions contemplated under this Agreement do not proceed, return that information to the Party that disclosed it, or destroy it, within a reasonable time; and

(iii) if the transactions contemplated under this Agreement are completed (A) the Parties shall (1) use and disclose the Transferred Information solely for the purposes for which the Transferred Information were collected, permitted to be used or disclosed before the transactions were completed, or as otherwise permitted or required by Law, (2) protect the Transferred Information by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information, and (3) give effect to any withdrawal of consent made under applicable Law; and (B) First Majestic shall notify, or cause to be notified, each individual data subject of the Transferred Information, within a reasonable time after the transactions contemplated under this Agreement are completed, that the transactions have been completed and that their personal information has been disclosed in the course of determining whether to proceed with, and completing, such transactions.

Section 6.02 Reasonable Best Efforts.

(a) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, each Party will use its reasonable best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions and to do, or cause to be done, and assist and cooperate with the other Parties in doing, all things necessary, proper or advisable to consummate the Merger and the other Transactions as promptly as practicable after the date hereof. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each of the Parties agrees to use its reasonable best efforts to: (i) take all actions necessary to cause (A) in the case of Gatos, the conditions to the Closing set forth in Section 7.01 and Section 7.02 to be satisfied, or (B) in the case of First Majestic and Merger Sub, the conditions to the Closing set forth in Section 7.01 and Section 7.03 to be satisfied, in each case, as promptly as reasonably practicable; and (ii) execute and deliver any additional instruments necessary to consummate the Merger and the other Transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

(b) First Majestic acknowledges that certain consents to the Transactions contemplated by this Agreement may be required from parties to Contracts to which Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries is a party or bound and that such consents have not been obtained and may not be obtained prior to the Closing. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, First Majestic agrees that none of Gatos or the Gatos Subsidiaries shall have any liability whatsoever to First Majestic or any of its affiliates (and First Majestic and its affiliates shall not be entitled to assert any claims or Actions) arising out of or relating to the failure to obtain any such consents that may have been or may be required in connection with the Transactions contemplated by this Agreement or because of the default, acceleration or termination of or loss of right under any such Contract as a result thereof. First Majestic further agrees that no representation, warranty or covenant of Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary contained herein shall be breached or deemed breached and no condition of First Majestic shall be deemed not to be satisfied as a result of the failure to obtain any such consent or as a result of any such default, acceleration or termination or loss of right or any action commenced or threatened by or on behalf of any Person arising out of or relating to the failure to obtain any consent or any such default, acceleration or termination or loss of right.

(c) Each of First Majestic and Gatos shall, in furtherance and not in limitation of the efforts referenced in Section 6.02(a), (i) use its reasonable best efforts to make the appropriate filings under Mexico’s Antitrust



Law as soon as reasonably practicable but in no event later than twenty (20) Business Days after the date of this Agreement, (ii) cooperate in all respects and consult with each other in connection with any filing or submission and in connection with any investigation or other inquiry, including any proceeding initiated by a private party under any Antitrust Law, including by allowing the other Party to have a reasonable opportunity to review and comment on drafts of any material filings and submissions; (iii) promptly inform the other Party of any material communication received by such Party from, or given by such Party to, the Antitrust Division of the Mexican Federal Economic Competition Commission (the “COFECE”) or any other Governmental Entity with respect to any Antitrust Law, by promptly providing copies to the other Party of any such written communications, and of any material communication received or given in connection with any proceeding by a private party under any Antitrust Law, in each case regarding any of the Transactions; (iv) permit the other Party a reasonable opportunity to review in advance any material communication that it gives to, and consult with each other in advance of any meeting, substantive telephone call or conference with, the COFECE or any other Governmental Entity with respect to the subject matter of this Section 6.02(b), or, in connection with any proceeding by a private party under any Antitrust Law, with any other Person and (v) to the extent permitted by the COFECE or any other applicable Governmental Entity or other Person with respect to the subject matter of this Section 6.02(c), give the other Party a reasonable opportunity to attend and participate in any in-person meetings with the COFECE or any other Governmental Entity or other Person with respect to the subject matter of this Section 6.02(c); provided that any such written communications provided under this Section 6.02(c) may be redacted as necessary to address legal privilege or confidentiality concerns or to comply with applicable Law; provided, further, that portions of such copies that are competitively sensitive may be designated so as to be provided to outside antitrust counsel only.

(d) Each of First Majestic and Gatos shall not, and shall cause their respective affiliates not to, except as permitted by or provided for in this Agreement, without the prior written consent of Gatos or First Majestic, respectively, take or cause to be taken any action that could reasonably be expected to: (i) impose any delay in the obtaining of, or increase the risk of not obtaining, any consents of any Governmental Entity necessary to consummate the Transactions or the expiration or termination of any applicable waiting period; (ii) increase the risk of any Governmental Entity entering an Order prohibiting the consummation of the Transactions; (iii) increase the risk of not being able to remove any such Order on appeal or otherwise; (iv) materially delay or prevent the consummation of the Transactions; or (v) cause any of the representations or warranties of First Majestic and Merger Sub or Gatos, respectively, contained herein to become inaccurate in any material respect or any of the covenants of First Majestic and Merger Sub or Gatos, respectively, contained herein to be breached in any material respect or result in the failure to be satisfied of any of the conditions set forth in Section 7.03 or Section 7.02, respectively.

(e) Notwithstanding anything else herein to the contrary, First Majestic shall, and shall cause its affiliates to, use their reasonable best efforts to avoid or eliminate each and every impediment under any applicable Law so as to enable the consummation of the Transactions to occur as soon as reasonably possible (and in any event no later than the Outside Date), including taking all actions requested by any Governmental Entity or necessary to resolve any objections that may be asserted by any Governmental Entity with respect to the Transactions under any applicable Law, except to the extent that such action or actions would reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a material adverse effect on the business, results of operations or financial condition of First Majestic, the First Majestic Subsidiaries, Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries, taken as a whole. For greater certainty, nothing in this Section 6.02(e) shall obligate or require First Majestic or the First Majestic Subsidiaries to take any action to directly or indirectly dispose of any interest in any of the properties listed in Section 6.02(e) of the First Majestic Disclosure Letter, it being acknowledged and agreed that any such action would have a material adverse effect for purposes of this Section 6.02(e). 

Section 6.03 Publicity. First Majestic and Gatos agree that the press release announcing the execution and delivery of this Agreement shall be a joint press release of First Majestic and Gatos to be mutually agreed upon by the Parties. Thereafter, so long as this Agreement is in effect, neither Gatos nor First Majestic shall issue or cause the publication of any press release or other public announcement with respect to the Merger, this



Agreement or the other Transactions without the prior consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, unless such Party determines, after consultation with outside counsel, that it is required by applicable Law or by any listing agreement with or the listing rules of an Exchange, a national securities exchange or a trading market to issue or cause the publication of any press release or other public announcement with respect to the Merger, this Agreement or the other Transactions, in which event such Party shall endeavor, on a basis reasonable under the circumstances, to provide a meaningful opportunity to the other Party to review and comment upon such press release or other announcement as far in advance as is reasonably practicable and shall give due consideration to all reasonable additions, deletions or changes suggested thereto; provided, however, that (i) without limiting any of its obligations under Section 5.03, Gatos shall not be required by this Section 6.03 to provide any such review or comment to First Majestic with respect to any press release or other public announcement made in connection with a Gatos Change of Recommendation and matters related thereto or in connection with any litigation between the Parties and (ii) without limiting any of its obligations under Section 5.04, First Majestic shall not be required by this Section 6.03 to provide any such review or comment to Gatos with respect to any press release or other public announcement made in connection with a First Majestic Change of Recommendation and matters related thereto or in connection with any litigation between the Parties; provided, further, each Party and their respective affiliates may make statements that substantially reiterate (and are not inconsistent with) previous press releases, public disclosures or public statements made by First Majestic and Gatos in compliance with this Section 6.03. Nothing in this Section 6.03 shall restrict or prohibit Gatos or First Majestic from making any announcement from the date hereof through the Effective Time to its respective employees, customers and other business relations to the extent Gatos or First Majestic, as the case may be, determines in good faith that such announcement is necessary or advisable and is not inconsistent with any previous press releases or public disclosures.

Section 6.04 Directors and Officers Indemnification and Insurance.

(a) For not less than six (6) years from and after the Effective Time, First Majestic shall, and shall cause the Surviving Corporation to, indemnify and hold harmless all past and present (including those after the date hereof up to the Effective Time) directors, officers and employees of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries, and each director, officer, member, trustee or fiduciary of another Person (but only to the extent that such director, officer, member, trustee or fiduciary is or was serving in such capacity at the request of Gatos) (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”) against any costs or expenses (including advancing reasonable fees and expenses in advance of the final disposition of any actual or threatened Action or investigation to each Indemnified Party to the fullest extent permitted by Law and pursuant to the Gatos Governing Documents or the Organizational Documents of any Gatos Subsidiary or any indemnification or similar agreements, if any, in existence on the date of this Agreement; provided such Indemnified Party agrees in advance to return any such funds to which a court of competent jurisdiction has determined in a final, nonappealable judgment such Indemnified Party is not ultimately entitled), judgments, fines, losses, claims, damages, liabilities and amounts paid in settlement in connection with, arising out of or otherwise related to any actual or threatened Action or investigation in connection with, arising out of or otherwise related to any acts or omissions occurring or alleged to have occurred at or prior to the Effective Time (including acts or omissions occurring in connection with the approval of this Agreement and the consummation of the Merger or any of the other Transactions), whether asserted or claimed prior to, at or after the Effective Time, in connection with such Persons serving as an officer, director or employee of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries or of any Person serving at the request of Gatos or any of the Gatos Subsidiaries as a director, officer, employee or agent of another Person, to the fullest extent permitted by Law and provided pursuant to the Gatos Governing Documents or the Organizational Documents of any Gatos Subsidiary or any indemnification or similar agreements, if any, in existence on the date of this Agreement. In the event of any such actual or threatened Action or investigation, First Majestic and the Surviving Corporation shall reasonably cooperate with the Indemnified Party in the defense of any such claim, action, investigation, suit or proceeding.

(b) The Parties agree that for six (6) years after the Effective Time all rights to elimination or limitation of liability, exculpation, indemnification and advancement of expenses for acts or omissions occurring or alleged



to have occurred at or prior to the Effective Time, whether asserted or claimed prior to, at or after the Effective Time (including acts or omissions occurring in connection with the approval of this Agreement and the consummation of the Merger or any of the other Transactions), now existing in favor of the Indemnified Parties as provided in the Gatos Governing Documents or the Organizational Documents of any Gatos Subsidiary or any indemnification or similar agreements, if any, in existence on the date of this Agreement, shall survive the Merger and shall continue in full force and effect. For a period of no less than six (6) years after the Effective Time, the Surviving Corporation shall cause to be maintained in effect the provisions in (i) the Gatos Governing Documents and the Organizational Documents of any Gatos Subsidiary and (ii) any other agreements of Gatos and the Gatos Subsidiaries with any Indemnified Party, in each case, regarding elimination or limitation of liability, exculpation, indemnification of officers, directors, employees and agents or other fiduciaries and advancement of expenses that are in existence on the date of this Agreement, and no such provision shall be amended, modified or repealed in any manner that would adversely affect the rights or protections thereunder of any such Indemnified Party in respect of acts or omissions occurring or alleged to have occurred at or prior to the Effective Time (including acts or omissions occurring in connection with the approval of this Agreement and the consummation of the Merger or any of the other Transactions) without the consent of such Indemnified Party. Notwithstanding anything in this Section 6.04 to the contrary, if any Indemnified Party notifies First Majestic or the Surviving Corporation on or prior to the sixth anniversary of the Effective Time of a matter in respect of which such Person may seek indemnification pursuant to this Section 6.04, the provisions of this Section 6.04 that require the Surviving Corporation to indemnify and advance expenses shall continue in effect with respect to such matter until the final disposition of all claims, actions, investigations, suits and proceedings relating thereto.

(c) First Majestic shall cause the Surviving Corporation to maintain, for an aggregate period of not less than six (6) years from the Effective Time, the current directors’ and officers’ liability insurance policy maintained by Gatos with respect to claims arising from facts or events occurring at or prior to the Effective Time (including acts or omissions occurring in connection with the approval of this Agreement and the consummation of the Merger or any of the other Transactions) (the “D&O Insurance”); provided, however, that the Surviving Corporation shall not be required to pay an annual premium for the D&O Insurance in excess of four hundred percent (400%) of the last annual premium paid prior to the date of this Agreement by Gatos for such policy and if such premium for such insurance would at any time exceed such cap, then the Surviving Corporation shall cause to be maintained an insurance policy which, in the Surviving Corporation’s good faith determination, provides the maximum coverage available at an annual premium equal to such cap; provided, further, that First Majestic may, prior to the Effective Time, substitute therefor a tail policy to Gatos’ current directors’ and officer’s liability insurance policy providing equivalent coverage with an annual cost not in excess of four hundred percent (400%) of the last annual premium paid prior to the date of this Agreement by Gatos for such policy (or, if such premium would exceed such cap, then the Surviving Corporation shall cause to be maintained an insurance policy which, in the Surviving Corporation’s good faith determination, provides the maximum coverage available at an annual premium equal to such cap). Gatos shall reasonably cooperate with First Majestic prior to the Effective Time to enable First Majestic, at the election of First Majestic, to purchase such a tail policy.

(d) In the event First Majestic or the Surviving Corporation or any of their respective successors or assigns (i) consolidates with or merges into any other Person and shall not be the continuing or surviving corporation or entity of such consolidation or merger or (ii) transfers all or substantially all of its properties and assets to any Person, then, and in each such case, proper provision shall be made so that the successors and assigns of First Majestic or the Surviving Corporation, as the case may be, shall assume the obligations set forth in this Section 6.04. The obligations of First Majestic and the Surviving Corporation under this Section 6.04 shall not be terminated or modified in such a manner as to affect adversely any Indemnified Party to whom this Section 6.04 applies without the written consent of such affected Indemnified Party. The provisions of this Section 6.04 shall survive the Effective Time and are intended to be for the benefit of, and shall be enforceable by, each Indemnified Party and his or her heirs and Representatives, and are in addition to, and not in substitution for, any other rights to indemnification or contribution that any such Person may have by Law, Contract or otherwise.



(e) Nothing in this Agreement is intended to, shall be construed to or shall release, waive or impair any rights to directors’ and officers’ insurance claims under any policy that is or has been in existence with respect to Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary or any of their respective directors or officers, it being understood and agreed that the indemnification provided for in this Section 6.04 is not prior to or in substitution for any such claims under such policies.

Section 6.05 Takeover Statutes. The Parties shall (a) take all action necessary so that no Takeover Statute is or becomes applicable to the Merger or any of the other Transactions and (b) if any such Takeover Statute is or becomes applicable to the Merger or any of the other Transactions, to take all action necessary so that the Merger and the other Transactions may be consummated as promptly as practicable on the terms contemplated hereby and thereby and otherwise to eliminate or minimize the effect of such Takeover Statute on the Merger and the other Transactions.

Section 6.06 Obligations of Merger Sub and the Surviving Corporation. First Majestic shall take all action necessary to cause each of Merger Sub and the Surviving Corporation to perform their respective obligations under this Agreement and to cause Merger Sub to consummate the Transactions, including the Merger, upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement.

Section 6.07 Employee Benefits Matters.

(a) For at least one year following the Closing Date, First Majestic shall provide to each individual who is employed by Gatos or any the Gatos Subsidiaries as of immediately prior to the Closing (for so long as such individual is employed by Gatos or any Gatos Subsidiary during such one year period) (collectively, “Continuing Employees”) (i) a base salary or wage rate level and cash incentive opportunities at least equal to the base salary or hourly wage level and cash incentive opportunities to which they were entitled immediately prior to the Closing and (ii) other benefits, perquisites and terms and conditions of employment (including severance benefits) that are substantially similar and no less favorable than the benefits, perquisites and other terms and conditions that they were entitled to receive immediately prior to the Closing, but in no cases, any less generous than required pursuant to applicable Law.

(b) First Majestic or one of its affiliates shall (i) cause any pre-existing conditions or limitations and eligibility waiting periods under any group health plans in which Continuing Employees are eligible to participate immediately following the Closing Date (including any Gatos Benefit Plans or group health plans of First Majestic or any of its affiliates (any such plans, “First Majestic Benefit Plans”)) to be waived with respect to Continuing Employees and their eligible dependents, (ii) give each Continuing Employee credit for the plan year in which the Closing occurs towards applicable deductibles and annual out-of-pocket limits for medical expenses incurred prior to the Closing for which payment has been made under any group health plans in which Continuing Employees are eligible to participate immediately following the Closing Date (including any First Majestic Benefit Plan) and (iii) to the extent that it would not result in a duplication of benefits and to the extent that such service was recognized under a similar employee benefit plan, give each Continuing Employee service credit for such Continuing Employee’s employment with Gatos and their Subsidiaries (and any of their predecessors) for purposes of vesting, benefit accrual and eligibility to participate under each applicable First Majestic Benefit Plan, as if such service had been performed with First Majestic or one of its affiliates or predecessors.

(c) First Majestic shall permit, or cause its affiliates, to permit, the Continuing Employees to use all vacation, sick leave and other paid personal time that such Continuing Employees have accrued, but have not used, as of immediately prior to the Closing in accordance with the terms of vacation, sick leave and paid personal time programs that are not less favorable to the Continuing Employees than those in effect immediately prior to the Closing Date (in addition to, and not in lieu of, any vacation, personal leave and sick time accrued under the applicable plans or policies of First Majestic or its affiliates following the Closing). For the sake of clarity, First Majestic shall recognize and assume, or shall cause to be recognized and assumed, all liabilities with respect to accrued but unused vacation, sick leave and paid personal time for all Continuing Employees.



(d) Nothing in this Agreement, whether express or implied, shall: (i) confer upon any Continuing Employee any rights or remedies, including any right to employment or continued employment for any period or terms of employment; (ii) be interpreted to prevent or restrict First Majestic or any of its affiliates from modifying or terminating the employment or terms of employment of any Continuing Employee, including the amendment or termination of any employee benefit or compensation plan, program or arrangement, after the Closing Date; or (iii) be treated as an amendment or other modification of any Gatos Benefit Plan or other employee benefit plan or arrangement.

Section 6.08 Rule 16b-3. Prior to the Effective Time, Gatos and First Majestic shall, as applicable, take all such steps as may be reasonably necessary or advisable hereto to cause any dispositions of Gatos equity securities (including derivative securities) and acquisitions of First Majestic equity securities pursuant to the Transactions by each individual who is a director or officer of Gatos subject to the reporting requirements of Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act with respect to Gatos, or each individual who otherwise may become or is reasonably expected to become subject to such reporting requirements with respect to First Majestic, to be exempt under Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act.

Section 6.09 Transaction Litigation; Notices. Each of First Majestic and Gatos shall provide prompt written notice to the other Party of any Action brought or threatened by any shareholder of such Party (on their own behalf or on behalf of such Party) or any third-party claim against such Party, any of its Subsidiaries and/or any of its or their directors or officers (in their capacity as such) relating to the Merger, this Agreement or any of the Transactions (“Transaction Litigation”). Each of First Majestic and Gatos shall give the other Party the opportunity to participate (but not control) (at the other Party’s expense) in the defense, prosecution or settlement of any such objection, claim, litigation or proceeding and shall give each other the right to review and comment on all filings or responses to be made by such Party in connection with any such objection, claim, litigation or proceeding, and will in good faith take such comments into account. Neither Party shall offer or agree to settle any such Action without the other Party’s prior written consent (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned); provided, that, without limiting the foregoing, each Party shall use reasonable best efforts so that any such settlement includes a full release of the other Party and its affiliates and does not impose any material injunction or other material equitable relief after the Effective Time upon First Majestic, the Surviving Corporation or any of their respective affiliates. In the event, and to the extent of, any conflict or overlap between the provisions of this Section 6.09 and Section 5.01 or Section 5.02, the provisions of this Section 6.09 shall control.

Section 6.10 Delisting. Prior to the Closing Date, Gatos shall reasonably cooperate with First Majestic and use its reasonable best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions, and do or cause to be done all things, reasonably necessary, proper or advisable on its part under applicable Laws and rules and policies of the Exchanges, as applicable, to enable the delisting by the Surviving Corporation of the Gatos Common Stock from the Exchanges as promptly as practicable after the Effective Time and the deregistration of the Gatos Common Stock under the Exchange Act as promptly as practicable after the Effective Time.

Section 6.11 Stock Exchange Listings. Between the date of this Agreement and the earlier of the Effective Time and the time, if any, at which this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 8.01, First Majestic shall take all action necessary to cause the First Majestic Shares to be issued in the Merger to be approved for listing on the Exchanges prior to the Effective Time, subject to official notice of issuance. Gatos shall reasonably cooperate with First Majestic in the preparation of the materials to be submitted to the Exchanges and the resolution of any comments thereto received from the Exchanges.

Section 6.12 Tax Matters.

(a) The Parties intend that, for U.S. federal, and applicable state and local, income Tax purposes, the Merger qualifies for the Intended Tax Treatment and this Agreement is intended to be, and is adopted as, a plan of reorganization for purposes of Sections 354, 361 and 368 of the Code and within the meaning of Treasury



Regulations Section 1.368-2(g). None of the Parties knows of any fact or circumstance (without conducting independent inquiry or diligence of the other relevant Party), or has knowingly taken or will (and will cause its Subsidiaries not to) knowingly take any action (or knowingly fail to take any reasonable action) other than as contemplated pursuant to this Agreement, if such fact, circumstance or action could be reasonably expected to prevent or impede the Merger from qualifying for the Intended Tax Treatment. The Merger shall be reported by the Parties for all applicable Tax purposes in accordance with, and no Party shall take any position inconsistent with, the Intended Tax Treatment, including by completing an IRS Form 8937 and complying with the reporting requirements contained in Treasury Regulations Section 1.367(a)-3(c)(6), unless otherwise required by applicable Law or a Governmental Entity as a result of a “determination” within the meaning of Section 1313(a) of the Code (or any similar provision of applicable U.S. state or local or non-U.S. Tax Law). Each Party agrees to use reasonable best efforts to promptly notify the other Party of any challenge to the Intended Tax Treatment by any Governmental Entity. In the event that the Parties determine that the Intended Tax Treatment is not reasonably attainable, the Parties shall (a) discuss in good faith possible amendments and modifications to the Transactions that would reasonably be expected to permit the Transactions to be treated consistent with the Intended Tax Treatment or otherwise qualify as a tax-deferred transaction under another provision of the Code and (b) use commercially reasonable efforts to effect such amendments and modifications.

(b) Other than as set forth in Section 2.02(b), all transfer, documentary, sales, use, real property, stamp, registration and other similar Taxes, fees and costs incurred in connection with this Agreement (“Transfer Taxes”) shall be borne by the Surviving Corporation and/or its Subsidiaries. The Parties shall reasonably cooperate to minimize the amount of any such Transfer Taxes.

(c) First Majestic and the Surviving Corporation covenant and agree to provide any information reasonably requested by a Gatos stockholder and in the possession of First Majestic or the Surviving Corporation or otherwise reasonably ascertainable or obtainable, as applicable, that has entered into a GRA with the IRS pursuant to Treasury Regulations Section 1.367(a)-3(b)(1)(ii) with respect to the Merger (a “Gatos GRA Shareholder”) and has notified First Majestic in writing that it has entered into such agreement, in order to comply with such Gatos GRA Shareholder’s GRA filing requirements under Treasury Regulations Section 1.367(a)-8. First Majestic and the Surviving Corporation agree to use commercially reasonable efforts to inform any Gatos GRA Shareholder of the occurrence of any material events prior to the end of the fifth complete tax year following the tax year in which the Effective Time occurs that are known to First Majestic that would reasonably be expected to affect any such Gatos GRA Shareholder’s GRA, including triggering events or other gain recognition events, as provided in Treasury Regulations Section 1.367(a)-8(c)(2)(iv).

(d) At or prior to the Closing Date, Gatos shall deliver or cause to be delivered to First Majestic a FIRPTA certificate dated as of the Closing Date, prepared in a manner consistent and in accordance with the requirements of Treasury Regulations Section 1.1445-2(c)(3) and 1.897-2(h), certifying that no interest in Gatos is, or has been during the relevant period specified in Section 897(c)(1)(A)(ii) of the Code, a “United States real property interest” within the meaning of Sections 897 and 1445 of the Code and, simultaneously with delivery of such FIRPTA certificate, Gatos shall file a form of notice to the Internal Revenue Service in accordance with the requirements of Treasury Regulations Section 1.897-2(h)(2).

(e) First Majestic and Gatos will cooperate in good faith to facilitate the issuance of the opinion described in Section 7.03(c) and any other opinions to be filed in connection with the Form F-4 or the Proxy Statement/Prospectus regarding the U.S. federal income tax treatment of the Merger. In connection therewith, (i) First Majestic shall deliver to White & Case LLP (or other applicable legal counsel) a duly executed certificate containing customary representations, warranties and covenants in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to such relevant counsel and reasonably necessary or appropriate to enable the relevant counsel to render the opinion described in Section 7.03(c) and any opinions to be filed in connection with the declaration of effectiveness of the Form F-4 or the Proxy Statement/Prospectus regarding the U.S. federal income tax treatment of the Merger (the “First Majestic Tax Certificate”), and (ii) Gatos shall deliver to White & Case LLP (or other applicable legal counsel) a duly executed certificate containing customary representations, warranties and



covenants in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to such relevant counsel and reasonably necessary or appropriate to enable the relevant counsel to render the opinion described in Section 7.03(c) and any opinions to be filed in connection with the declaration of effectiveness of the Form F-4 or the Proxy Statement/Prospectus regarding the U.S. federal income tax treatment of the Merger (the “Gatos Tax Certificate”), in each case, dated as of the Closing Date (and such additional dates as may be necessary in connection with the preparation, filing and delivery of the Form F-4 or the Proxy Statement/Prospectus). First Majestic and Gatos shall provide such other information as is reasonably requested by White & Case LLP (or other applicable legal counsel) for purposes of rendering the opinion described in Section 7.03(c) and any other opinions to be filed in connection with the Form F-4 or the Proxy Statement/Prospectus. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Section 6.12(e) shall require White & Case LLP (or other applicable legal counsel) to provide an opinion on the U.S. federal income tax consequences of the Merger pursuant to Section 367 or 7874 of the Code.

(f) First Majestic shall, as promptly as reasonably practicable, inform Gatos of any material communication received by First Majestic or any of the First Majestic Subsidiaries or their respective legal counsel, accountants or other Representatives in connection with any Tax Matters from the SAT prior to the Closing, in each case by promptly providing copies (or, in the case of material verbal communications, a written summary) to Gatos of any such communications. First Majestic shall promptly inform Gatos of any material developments prior to the Closing with respect to the Tax Matters.



Section 7.01 Conditions to Each Partys Obligations to Effect the Merger. The respective obligations of each Party to effect the Merger shall be subject to the satisfaction at or prior to the Effective Time of each of the following conditions, any and all of which may be waived in writing in whole or in part by First Majestic and Gatos, as the case may be, to the extent permitted by applicable Law:

(a) Shareholder Approvals. Each of the Gatos Stockholder Approval and the First Majestic Shareholder Approval shall have been obtained;

(b) Registration Statement. The Form F-4 shall have become effective in accordance with the provisions of the Securities Act and no stop order suspending the effectiveness of the Form F-4 shall have been issued by the SEC and remain in effect and no proceeding to that effect shall have been commenced or threatened in writing by the SEC unless subsequently withdrawn;

(c) Adverse Laws or Orders. No Adverse Law or Order shall be in effect;

(d) Required Antitrust Clearances. All required approvals or clearances pursuant to Mexico’s Antitrust Law shall have been received; and

(e) Listings. The First Majestic Shares to be issued in the Merger shall have been approved for listing on the NYSE, subject to official notice of issuance; and conditionally approved or authorized for listing on the TSX (subject only to customary listing conditions).

Section 7.02 Conditions to Obligations of First Majestic and Merger Sub. The obligations of First Majestic and Merger Sub to effect the Merger are also subject to the satisfaction (or waiver (in writing) by First Majestic) at or prior to the Effective Time of each of the following additional conditions:

(a) Representations and Warranties. (i) The representations and warranties of Gatos set forth in Section 3.10(a) (Absence of Certain Changes or Events) shall be true and correct in all respects as of the date of



this Agreement and as of the Closing as though made on and as of the Closing, (ii) the representations and warranties of Gatos set forth in Sections 3.02(a) (Capitalization) and Section 3.02(b) (Capitalization) shall be true and correct in all respects, except for any de minimis inaccuracies, as of the date of this Agreement and as of the Closing as though made on and as of the Closing (except that representations and warranties that by their terms are made specifically as of the date of this Agreement or another date shall be true and correct in all respects, except for any de minimis inaccuracies as of such date), (iii) the representations and warranties of Gatos set forth in Section 3.01(a) (Qualification, Organization, Subsidiaries), the first sentence of Section 3.02(f) (Capitalization), Section 3.03(a) (Corporate Authority Relative to this Agreement) and Section 3.23 (Finders and Brokers) (without giving effect to any qualification as to materiality or Gatos Material Adverse Effect contained therein) shall be true and correct in all material respects as of the date of this Agreement and as of the Closing as though made on and as of the Closing (except that representations and warranties that by their terms are made specifically as of the date of this Agreement or another date shall be true and correct in all material respects as of such date), and (iv) each of the other representations and warranties of Gatos set forth in this Agreement (without giving effect to any qualification as to materiality or Gatos Material Adverse Effect contained therein) shall be true and correct as of the date of this Agreement and as of the Closing as though made on and as of the Closing (except that representations and warranties that by their terms speak specifically as of the date of this Agreement or another date shall be true and correct as of such date), except, in the case of this clause (iv), where any failures of any such representations and warranties to be true and correct has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Gatos Material Adverse Effect; and First Majestic shall have received a certificate signed on behalf of Gatos by a duly authorized executive officer of Gatos to the foregoing effect;

(b) Performance of Obligations of Gatos. Gatos shall have performed or complied in all material respects with the obligations, covenants and agreements required to be performed or complied with by it under this Agreement at or prior to the Effective Time; and First Majestic shall have received a certificate signed on behalf of Gatos by a duly authorized executive officer of Gatos to such effect; and

(c) No MAE. Since the date of this Agreement until the Effective Time, there shall not have occurred any Effect that has had, or is reasonably likely to have a Gatos Material Adverse Effect.

Section 7.03 Conditions to Obligations of Gatos. The obligations of Gatos to effect the Merger are also subject to the satisfaction (or waiver (in writing) by Gatos) at or prior to the Effective Time of each of the following additional conditions:

(a) Representations and Warranties. (i) The representations and warranties of First Majestic set forth in Section 4.10(a) (Absence of Certain Changes or Events) shall be true and correct in all respects as of the date of this Agreement and as of the Closing as though made on and as of the Closing, (ii) the representations and warranties of First Majestic and Merger Sub set forth in Sections 4.02(a) (Capitalization) and Section 4.02(b) (Capitalization) shall be true and correct in all respects, except for any de minimis inaccuracies, as of the date of this Agreement and as of the Closing as though made on and as of the Closing (except that representations and warranties that by their terms are made specifically as of the date of this Agreement or another date shall be true and correct in all respects, except for any de minimis inaccuracies as of such date), (iii) the representations and warranties of First Majestic set forth in Section 4.01(a) (Qualification, Organization, Subsidiaries), the first sentence of Section 4.02(f) (Capitalization), Section 4.03(a) (Corporate Authority Relative to this Agreement), and Section 4.23 (Finders and Brokers) (without giving effect to any qualification as to materiality or First Majestic Material Adverse Effect contained therein) shall be true and correct in all material respects as of the date of this Agreement and as of the Closing as though made on and as of the Closing (except that representations and warranties that by their terms are made specifically as of the date of this Agreement or another date shall be true and correct in all material respects as of such date) and (iv) each of the other representations and warranties of First Majestic and Merger Sub set forth in this Agreement (without giving effect to any qualification as to materiality or First Majestic Material Adverse Effect contained therein) shall be true and correct as of the date of this Agreement and as of the Closing as though made on and as of the Closing



(except that representations and warranties that by their terms speak specifically as of the date of this Agreement or another date shall be true and correct as of such date), except, in the case of this clause (iv), where any failures of any such representations and warranties to be true and correct has not had, and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect; and Gatos shall have received a certificate signed on behalf of First Majestic by a duly authorized executive officer of First Majestic to the foregoing effect;

(b) Performance of Obligations of First Majestic and Merger Sub. First Majestic and Merger Sub shall have performed or complied in all material respects with the obligations, covenants and agreements required to be performed or complied with by them under this Agreement at or prior to the Effective Time, and Gatos shall have received a certificate signed on behalf of First Majestic by a duly authorized executive officer of First Majestic to such effect;

(c) Tax Opinion. Gatos shall have received an opinion from White & Case LLP (or other legal counsel selected by Gatos), in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Gatos, dated as of the Closing Date, to the effect that, on the basis of the facts, representations and assumptions set forth or referred to in such opinion, the Merger qualifies as a “reorganization” within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code. In rendering the opinion described in this Section 7.03(c), White & Case LLP (or other applicable legal counsel) shall have received and may rely upon the Gatos Tax Certificate and the First Majestic Tax Certificate and such other information reasonably requested by and provided to it by Gatos or First Majestic for purposes of rendering such opinion; and

(d) No MAE. Since the date of this Agreement until the Effective Time, there shall not have occurred any Effect that has had, or is reasonably likely to have, a First Majestic Material Adverse Effect.

Section 7.04 Frustration of Closing Conditions. None of the Parties may rely, as a basis for not consummating the Merger, on the failure of any condition set forth in this Article VII to be satisfied if such failure was caused by such Party’s material failure to comply with any provision of this Agreement.



Section 8.01 Termination. This Agreement may be terminated and the Merger and the other Transactions may be abandoned at any time prior to the Effective Time, whether (except as expressly set forth below) before or after the Gatos Stockholder Approval or First Majestic Shareholder Approval has been obtained, as follows:

(a) by mutual written consent of First Majestic and Gatos;

(b) by either First Majestic or Gatos, if there has been a breach by Gatos, in the case of a termination by First Majestic, or if there has been a breach by First Majestic or Merger Sub, in the case of a termination by Gatos, of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement set forth in this Agreement, which breach would result in the conditions in Section 7.02(a) or (b), in the case of a termination by First Majestic, or Section 7.03(a) or (b), in the case of a termination by Gatos, not being satisfied (and such breach is not curable prior to the Outside Date, or if curable prior to the Outside Date, has not been cured within the earlier of (i) forty-five (45) calendar days after the receipt of written notice thereof by the breaching Party from the non-breaching Party or (ii) one (1) Business Day before the Outside Date); provided, however, this Agreement may not be terminated pursuant to this Section 8.01(b) by any Party if such Party is then in material breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement set forth in this Agreement;

(c) by either First Majestic or Gatos, if the Closing shall not have occurred by 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on April 30, 2025 (as may be extended by this Section 8.01(c), the “Outside Date”); provided, that in the event



that on such date all of the conditions to Closing set forth in Article VII have been satisfied or waived (other than such conditions that by their nature are satisfied at the Closing) other than the conditions set forth in Section 7.01(c) (to the extent related to any Antitrust Law) or Section 7.01(d), so long as such condition remains capable of being satisfied, the termination date shall automatically be extended to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on May 31, 2025 (and such date shall become the Outside Date for purposes of this Agreement); provided, that the right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 8.01(c) shall not be available to any Party whose breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement set forth in this Agreement has been the cause of, or resulted in, the Closing not occurring prior to the Outside Date;

(d) by First Majestic, if, at any time prior to the receipt of the Gatos Stockholder Approval, the Gatos Board of Directors or any committee thereof shall have made a Gatos Change of Recommendation;

(e) by Gatos, if, at any time prior to the receipt of the First Majestic Shareholder Approval, the First Majestic Board of Directors or any committee thereof shall have made a First Majestic Change of Recommendation;

(f) by either Gatos or First Majestic if the condition in Section 7.01(c) is not satisfied and the Adverse Law or Order giving rise to such non-satisfaction has become final and non-appealable (or no longer appealable); provided, that the Party seeking to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 8.01(f) shall have used reasonable best efforts to prevent the entry of, and to remove, such Adverse Law or Order in accordance with Section 6.02; provided, further, that the right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 8.01(f) shall not be available to a Party whose action or failure to act has been the primary cause of, or primarily resulted in, the action or event described in this Section 8.01(f) occurring;

(g) by either Gatos or First Majestic, if the Gatos Stockholder Approval shall not have been obtained at the Gatos Special Meeting or at any adjournment or postponement thereof, in each case at which a vote on such approval was taken; provided that the right to terminate this Agreement under this Section 8.01(g) shall not be available to any Party where the failure to obtain such Gatos Stockholder Approval shall have been caused by a material breach by such Party of this Agreement;

(h) by either First Majestic or Gatos, if the First Majestic Shareholder Approval shall not have been obtained at the First Majestic Special Meeting or at any adjournment or postponement thereof, in each case at which a vote on such approval was taken; provided that the right to terminate this Agreement under this Section 8.01(h) shall not be available to any Party where the failure to obtain such First Majestic Shareholder Approval shall have been caused by a material breach by such Party of this Agreement;

(i) by Gatos, if, at any time prior to the receipt of the Gatos Stockholder Approval, the Gatos Board of Directors or the Gatos Special Committee shall have (i) effected a Gatos Change of Recommendation in accordance with Section 5.03(e) in order to accept a Gatos Superior Proposal (provided, that Gatos shall have complied in all material respects with Section 5.03(e) with respect to such Gatos Superior Proposal), (ii) entered into a Gatos Superior Proposal Acquisition Agreement with respect to such Gatos Superior Proposal concurrently with the termination of this Agreement in accordance with this Section 8.01(i), and (iii) paid the Gatos Termination Fee to First Majestic in accordance with Section 8.02(b)(i); and

(j) by First Majestic, if, at any time prior to the receipt of the First Majestic Shareholder Approval, the First Majestic Board of Directors shall have (i) effected a First Majestic Change of Recommendation in accordance with Section 5.04(e) in order to accept a First Majestic Superior Proposal (provided, that First Majestic shall have complied in all material respects with Section 5.04(e) with respect to such First Majestic Superior Proposal), (ii) entered into a First Majestic Superior Proposal Acquisition Agreement with respect to such First Majestic Superior Proposal concurrently with the termination of this Agreement in accordance with this Section 8.01(j) and (iii) paid the First Majestic Termination Fee to Gatos in accordance with Section 8.02(b)(i).



Section 8.02 Effect of Termination.

(a) In the event of the valid termination of this Agreement as provided in Section 8.01, except in the case of termination pursuant to Section 8.01(a), written notice thereof shall forthwith be given to the other Party or Parties specifying the provision hereof pursuant to which such termination is made, and this Agreement shall forthwith become null and void and there shall be no liability on the part of First Majestic, Merger Sub or Gatos or any of their respective Subsidiaries or any stockholder or Representative of First Majestic, Merger Sub or Gatos or any of their respective Subsidiaries, except that Article I, Section 6.01(b), the Confidentiality Agreement, this Section 8.02 and Section 9.03 through Section 9.12 (including the portions of the Agreement that substantively define any defined terms referred to in Section 1.01) shall survive such termination; provided, however, that, nothing herein shall relieve any Party from liability for a Willful Breach of its representations, warranties, covenants or agreements set forth in this Agreement prior to such termination or for fraud (including the loss to the Gatos stockholders of the benefits of the Transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including the loss of the premium offered to the Gatos stockholders).

(b) Gatos Termination Fee.

(i) In the event this Agreement is terminated by Gatos pursuant to Section 8.01(i) (Gatos Superior Proposal), concurrently with such termination and as a condition to the effectiveness of such termination, Gatos shall pay or cause to be paid to First Majestic, in consideration of First Majestic disposing of its rights hereunder (other than those rights set out in Section 8.02(a)), a fee of $28,000,000 in cash (the “Gatos Termination Fee”).

(ii) In the event this Agreement is terminated:

(A) (1) by First Majestic pursuant to Section 8.01(b) (Gatos Terminable Breach) and (2) a Gatos Competing Proposal shall have been publicly announced or otherwise received by the Gatos Board of Directors or the Gatos Special Committee prior to the time of the event giving rise to such right of termination,

(B) (1) by First Majestic or Gatos pursuant to Section 8.01(c) (Outside Date), (2) a Gatos Competing Proposal shall have been publicly announced or otherwise received by the Gatos Board of Directors or the Gatos Special Committee prior to the Outside Date and (3) (x) the First Majestic Shareholder Approval shall have been obtained (but not revoked), (y) the Gatos Stockholder Approval shall not have been obtained and (z) all other conditions set forth in Section 7.01 and Section 7.03 were satisfied or capable of being satisfied prior to such termination; or

(C) (1) by First Majestic or Gatos pursuant to Section 8.01(g) (Gatos Stockholder Approval Not Obtained) and (2) a Gatos Competing Proposal shall have been publicly announced at least two (2) Business Days prior to the date of the Gatos Special Meeting; and

in the case of each of the foregoing clauses (A) through (C), (x) any Gatos Competing Proposal is consummated within twelve (12) months of such termination or (y) Gatos enters into a definitive agreement providing for a Gatos Competing Proposal within twelve (12) months of such termination and such Gatos Competing Proposal (as it may be amended) is subsequently consummated, then, concurrently with the consummation of any such Gatos Competing Proposal, Gatos shall pay or cause to be paid to First Majestic the Gatos Termination Fee.

(iii) In the event this Agreement is terminated (i) by First Majestic or Gatos pursuant to Section 8.01(g) (Gatos Stockholder Approval Not Obtained) following any time when First Majestic is entitled to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 8.01(d) (Gatos Change of Recommendation) or (ii) by First Majestic pursuant to Section 8.01(d) (Gatos Change of Recommendation), within two (2) Business Days after such termination, Gatos shall pay or cause to be paid to First Majestic the Gatos Termination Fee.



(iv) In the event any amount is payable pursuant to the preceding clauses (i), (ii) or (iii), such amount shall be paid by wire transfer of immediately available funds to an account designated in writing by First Majestic.

(v) For the avoidance of doubt, in no event shall Gatos be obligated to pay the Gatos Termination Fee on more than one occasion.

(vi) Solely for purposes of Section 8.02(b)(ii), the term “Gatos Competing Proposal” shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 1.01, except that all references to “20%” in the term Gatos Competing Proposal shall be deemed to be “50%”.

(c) First Majestic Termination Fee.

(i) In the event this Agreement is terminated by First Majestic pursuant to Section 8.01(j) (First Majestic Superior Proposal), concurrently with such termination and as a condition to the effectiveness of such termination, First Majestic shall pay or cause to be paid to Gatos a fee of $46,000,000 in cash (the “First Majestic Termination Fee”).

(ii) In the event this Agreement is terminated:

(A) (1) by Gatos pursuant to Section 8.01(b) (First Majestic Terminable Breach) and (2) a First Majestic Competing Proposal shall have been publicly announced or otherwise received by the First Majestic Board of Directors prior to the time of the event giving rise to such right of termination;

(B) (1) by First Majestic or Gatos pursuant to Section 8.01(c) (Outside Date), (2) a First Majestic Competing Proposal shall have been publicly announced or otherwise received by the First Majestic Board of Directors prior to the Outside Date and (3) (x) the Gatos Stockholder Approval shall have been obtained (but not revoked), (y) the First Majestic Shareholder Approval shall not have been obtained and (z) all other conditions set forth in Section 7.01 and Section 7.02 were satisfied or capable of being satisfied prior to such termination; or

(C) (1) by First Majestic or Gatos pursuant to Section 8.01(h) (First Majestic Shareholder Approval Not Obtained) and (2) a First Majestic Competing Proposal shall have been publicly announced at least two (2) Business Days prior to the date of the First Majestic Special Meeting; and

in the case of each of the clauses foregoing (A) through (C), (x) any First Majestic Competing Proposal is consummated within twelve (12) months of such termination or (y) First Majestic enters into a definitive agreement providing for a First Majestic Competing Proposal within twelve (12) months of such termination, and such First Majestic Competing Proposal (as it may be amended) is subsequently consummated, then concurrently with the consummation of any such First Majestic Competing Proposal, First Majestic shall pay or cause to be paid to Gatos the First Majestic Termination Fee.

(iii) In the event this Agreement is terminated by (i) First Majestic or Gatos pursuant to Section 8.01(h) (First Majestic Shareholder Approval Not Obtained) following any time when Gatos is entitled to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 8.01(e) (First Majestic Change of Recommendation) or (ii) by Gatos pursuant to Section 8.01(e) (First Majestic Change of Recommendation), within two (2) Business Days after such termination, First Majestic shall pay or cause to be paid to Gatos the First Majestic Termination Fee.

(iv) In the event any amount is payable pursuant to the preceding clauses (i), (ii) or (iii), such amount shall be paid by wire transfer of immediately available funds to an account designated in writing by Gatos.



(v) For the avoidance of doubt, in no event shall First Majestic be obligated to pay the First Majestic Termination Fee on more than one occasion.

(vi) Solely for purposes of Section 8.02(c)(ii), the term “First Majestic Competing Proposal” shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 1.01, except that all references to “20%” in the term First Majestic Competing Proposal shall be deemed to be “50%”.

(d) Each of the Parties acknowledges that the agreements contained in this Section 8.02 are an integral part of the Transactions, and are binding and enforceable against it, and not subject to approval of its stockholders, and that (i) the Gatos Termination Fee is not a penalty, but rather a reasonable amount that will compensate First Majestic and Merger Sub in the circumstances in which such payments are payable for the efforts and resources expended and opportunities foregone while negotiating this Agreement and in reliance on this Agreement and on the expectation of the consummation of the Transactions and (ii) the First Majestic Termination Fee is not a penalty, but rather a reasonable amount that will compensate Gatos in the circumstances in which such payments are payable for the efforts and resources expended and opportunities foregone while negotiating this Agreement and in reliance on this Agreement and on the expectation of the consummation of the Transactions, each of which amounts would otherwise be impossible to calculate with precision. In addition, if any Party fails to pay in a timely manner any amount due pursuant to Section 8.02(b) or Section 8.02(c) as applicable, and the other Party commences a suit which result in a judgment against the non-paying Party for the Gatos Termination Fee or First Majestic Termination Fee (or any portion thereof), as applicable, then (x) such non-paying Party shall reimburse the other Party for all costs and expenses (including disbursements and reasonable and documented fees of counsel) incurred in connection with such suit and (y) such non-paying Party shall pay to the other Party interest on any overdue amounts payable pursuant to Section 8.02(b) or Section 8.02(c) from and including the date payment of such amount was due to but excluding the date of actual payment at the “prime rate” set forth in The Wall Street Journal in effect on the date such payment was required to be made. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, except in the case of Willful Breach or fraud, (A) if the Gatos Termination Fee becomes payable by Gatos, then upon payment of the Gatos Termination Fee pursuant to this Section 8.02, such fee shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of First Majestic, the First Majestic Subsidiaries and its and their respective former, current or future equityholders, affiliates and Representatives (the “First Majestic Related Parties”) for damages against Gatos, the Gatos Subsidiaries and their respective former, current or future equityholders, affiliates and Representatives (the “Gatos Related Parties”) for any loss suffered as a result of any breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement set forth in this Agreement or the failure of the Transactions to be consummated and neither Gatos nor any other Gatos Related Party shall have any further liability or obligation relating to or arising therefrom and (B) if the First Majestic Termination Fee becomes payable by First Majestic, then upon payment of the First Majestic Termination Fee pursuant to this Section 8.02, such fee shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of the Gatos Related Parties for damages against the First Majestic Related Parties for any loss suffered as a result of any breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement set forth in this Agreement or the failure of the Transactions to be consummated and neither First Majestic nor any First Majestic Related Party shall have any further liability or obligation relating to or arising therefrom.



Section 9.01 Amendment and Modification; Waiver.

(a) Subject to applicable Law and except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, this Agreement may be amended, modified and supplemented, whether before or after receipt of the Gatos Stockholder Approval or the First Majestic Shareholder Approval, as applicable, by written agreement of Gatos and First Majestic (by action taken by their respective boards of directors); provided, however, that after the adoption of this Agreement



by the stockholders of Gatos or the approval of the First Majestic Share Issuance by the shareholders of First Majestic, as applicable, no amendment, modification, supplement or waiver shall be made which by Law requires further approval by such stockholders without obtaining such further approval. This Agreement may not be amended except by an instrument in writing signed on behalf of each of Gatos and First Majestic.

(b) At any time and from time to time prior to the Effective Time, either Gatos, on the one hand, or First Majestic or Merger Sub, on the other hand, may, to the extent permitted by applicable Law and except as otherwise set forth herein, (i) extend the time for the performance of any of the obligations or other acts of First Majestic or Merger Sub or Gatos, as applicable, (ii) waive any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties made to First Majestic or Gatos, as applicable, contained herein or in any document delivered pursuant hereto and (iii) waive compliance with any of the agreements or conditions for the benefit of First Majestic, Merger Sub or Gatos, as applicable, contained herein. No extension or waiver by Gatos or First Majestic shall require the approval of the stockholders of Gatos or First Majestic, respectively, unless such approval is required by applicable Law. Any agreement on the part of First Majestic or Gatos to any such extension or waiver shall be valid only if set forth in an instrument in writing signed on behalf of First Majestic or Gatos, as applicable. Any delay in exercising any right under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right.

Section 9.02 Non-Survival of Representations and Warranties None of the representations, warranties, covenants or other agreements in this Agreement or in any schedule or certificate delivered pursuant to this Agreement shall survive the Effective Time. This Section 9.02 shall not limit any covenant or agreement of the Parties which by its terms contemplates performance after the Effective Time (including the terms of this Article IX).

Section 9.03 Expenses. Except as set forth in Section 6.12(b) or this Section 9.03, all fees and expenses incurred in connection with the Merger, this Agreement and the other Transactions shall be paid by the Party incurring such expenses, whether or not the Merger is consummated, except that each of First Majestic and Gatos shall bear and pay one-half the costs and expenses (other than the fees and expenses of each party’s attorneys and accountants, which shall be borne by the Party incurring such expenses) incurred by the Parties hereto in connection with: (i) the filing, printing and mailing of the Form F-4, the First Majestic Circular and the Proxy Statement/Prospectus (including fees payable to the SEC or Exchanges associated with filing such documents), and (ii) payments required to be made to a Governmental Entity for the appropriate filings under Mexico’s Antitrust Law.

Section 9.04 Notices. All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given (a) upon delivery if personally delivered by hand providing proof of delivery, (b) on the date sent by email (provided that no “bounce back” or similar message of non-delivery is received with respect thereto), or (c) when delivered if sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier service (with confirmation of delivery) if received prior to 5:00 p.m. (New York City time) on a Business Day, otherwise such notice or communication shall be deemed not to have been received until the next succeeding Business Day, in each case, to the Parties at the following addresses (or at such other address for a Party as shall be specified by like notice):

if to First Majestic or Merger Sub or the Surviving Corporation, to:

First Majestic Silver Corp.

1800 – 925 West Georgia Street

Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3L2

Attention: Keith Neumeyer, President & Chief Executive Officer




2500-666 Burrard Street

Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2X8

Attention: James Beeby, Lisa Stewart

Email: BeebyJ@bennettjones.com; StewartL@bennettjones.com

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

1095 West Pender Street. Suite 855

Vancouver, B.C. V6E 2M6

Attention: Daniel M. Millier, Josh Pleitz

Email: miller.dan@dorsey.com; pleitz.josh@dorsey.com


if to Gatos prior to the Effective Time, to:

Gatos Silver, Inc.

925 W Georgia Street, Suite 910

Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3L2

Attention: Dale Andres, Chief Executive Officer


with a copy to (which shall not constitute notice):

White & Case LLP

1221 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10020

Attention: Gregory Pryor, Kristen Rohr

Email: gpryor@whitecase.com; kristen.rohr@whitecase.com

Section 9.05 Interpretation. When a reference is made in this Agreement to Sections, Articles, or Exhibits, such reference shall be to a Section, Article or Exhibit of this Agreement unless otherwise indicated. Whenever the words “include”, “includes” or “including” are used in this Agreement they shall be deemed to be followed by the words “without limitation.” As used in this Agreement, the term “affiliates” shall have the meaning set forth in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. The table of contents and headings set forth in this Agreement or in the First Majestic Disclosure Letter or the Gatos Disclosure Letter are for convenience of reference purposes only and shall not affect or be deemed to affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement or any term or provision hereof. All references herein to the Subsidiaries of a Person shall be deemed to include all direct and indirect Subsidiaries of such Person unless otherwise indicated or the context otherwise requires. The Parties agree that they have been represented by counsel during the negotiation and execution of this Agreement and, therefore, waive the application of any Law, holding or rule of construction providing that ambiguities in an agreement or other document will be construed against the party drafting such agreement or document. The words “hereof”, “herein” and “hereunder” and word of similar import when used in this Agreement shall refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision of this Agreement, unless the context requires otherwise. The words “include,” “includes” or “including” shall be deemed to be followed by the words “without limitation.” The definitions contained in this Agreement are applicable to the singular as well as the plural forms of such terms and to the masculine as well as to the feminine and neuter genders of such terms. References in this Agreement to specific laws or to specific provisions of laws shall include all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and any statute defined or referred to herein or in any agreement or instrument referred to herein shall mean such statute as from time to time amended, modified or supplemented, including by succession of



comparable successor statutes. All references to “dollars” and “$” will be deemed references to the lawful money of the United States of America. The term “or” is not exclusive. The word “will” shall be construed to have the same meaning and effect as the word “shall.” All references to dates and times herein, except as otherwise specifically noted, shall refer to New York City time. References to days mean calendar days unless otherwise specified. When calculating the period of time before which, within which or following which any act is to be done or step taken pursuant to this Agreement, the date that is the reference date in calculating such period shall be excluded and if the last day of such period is a non-Business Day, the period in question shall end on the next succeeding Business Day. The term “furnished” or “made available” to another Party means that, no later than 5:00 p.m. New York City time on the day prior to the date hereof, such information, document or material was (i) publicly filed on the SEC EDGAR database as part of a Gatos SEC Document (or expressly incorporated by reference therein), or publicly filed on SEDAR+ as part of a First Majestic SEDAR+ Document, as the case may be or (ii) made available for review by such other Party or its Representatives in the data room maintained for the Transactions or otherwise provided to such other Party or its Representatives, in each case, at least one (1) day prior to the date of this Agreement. The word “extent” in the phrase “to the extent” shall mean the degree to which a subject or other thing extends, and such phrase shall not mean simply “if”.

Section 9.06 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be considered one and the same agreement and shall become effective when a counterpart hereof shall have been signed by each of the Parties and delivered to the other Parties. Delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page to this Agreement by e-mail of a.pdf attachment shall be effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart of this Agreement and shall constitute an original for all purposes.

Section 9.07 Entire Agreement; Third-Party Beneficiaries.

(a) This Agreement (including the Gatos Disclosure Letter, the First Majestic Disclosure Letter and all Exhibits hereto) and the Confidentiality Agreement constitute the entire agreement among the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and thereof and supersede all other prior agreements (except that the Confidentiality Agreement shall be deemed amended hereby so that until the termination of this Agreement in accordance with Section 8.01 hereof, First Majestic and Merger Sub shall be permitted to take the actions contemplated by this Agreement) and understandings, both written and oral, among the Parties or any of them with respect to the subject matter hereof and thereof.

(b) Neither this Agreement (including the Gatos Disclosure Letter and the First Majestic Disclosure Letter) nor the Confidentiality Agreement are intended to confer upon any Person other than the Parties any rights or remedies hereunder, including the right to rely upon the representations and warranties set forth herein, except (i) as provided in Section 6.04 and Section 6.12 (but only following the Effective Time) and (ii) the rights of Gatos, on behalf of the Gatos stockholders (each of which are third party beneficiaries of this Agreement to the extent required for this proviso to be enforceable), and First Majestic, on behalf of the First Majestic shareholders (each of which are third party beneficiaries of this Agreement to the extent required for this proviso to be enforceable), to pursue specific performance as set forth in Section 9.12 or, if specific performance is not sought or granted as a remedy, damages (including damages based on the loss of the benefits of the Transactions to such stockholders, including, in the case of Gatos, the loss of the premium offered to the Gatos stockholders) in accordance with Section 8.02 in the event of a Willful Breach of any provision of this Agreement, it being agreed that in no event shall any Gatos stockholder or First Majestic shareholder be entitled to enforce any of their rights, or First Majestic’s, Merger Sub’s or Gatos’ obligations, under this Agreement in the event of any such breach, but rather that (x) First Majestic shall have the sole and exclusive right to do so in its sole and absolute discretion, as agent for the First Majestic shareholders and (y) Gatos shall have the sole and exclusive right to do so in its sole and absolute discretion, as agent for the Gatos stockholders, and First Majestic or Gatos may retain any amounts obtained in connection therewith. The representations and warranties in this Agreement are the product of negotiations among the Parties and are for the sole benefit of the Parties. Any inaccuracies in such representations and warranties are subject to waiver by the Parties in accordance herewith without notice or liability to any other Person. In some instances, the representations and warranties in this Agreement may



represent an allocation among the Parties of risks associated with particular matters regardless of the knowledge of any of the Parties. Consequently, Persons other than the Parties may not rely upon the representations and warranties in this Agreement as characterizations of actual facts or circumstances as of the date of this Agreement or as of any other date.

Section 9.08 Severability. If any term or other provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced by rule of Law or public policy, all other conditions and provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect so long as the economic or legal substance of the Merger is not affected in any manner adverse to any Party. Upon such determination that any term or other provision is invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the Parties as closely as possible in an acceptable manner to the end that the Merger are fulfilled to the extent possible.

Section 9.09 Governing Law; Jurisdiction.

(a) This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to conflicts of laws principles that would result in the application of the Law of any other jurisdiction.

(b) Each of the Parties hereby irrevocably and unconditionally submits, for itself and its property, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware or, if (and only if) such court finds it lacks subject matter jurisdiction, the Superior Court of the State of Delaware (Complex Commercial Division) or, if subject matter jurisdiction over the matter that is the subject of the action or proceeding is vested exclusively in the federal courts of the United States of America, the federal court of the United States of America sitting in the District of Delaware, and any appellate court from any thereof, in any action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the agreements delivered in connection herewith or the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby or for recognition or enforcement of any judgment relating thereto, and each of the Parties hereby irrevocably and unconditionally (i) agrees not to commence any such action or proceeding except in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware, or, if (and only if) such court finds it lacks subject matter jurisdiction, the Superior Court of the State of Delaware (Complex Commercial Division) or, if subject matter jurisdiction over the matter that is the subject of the action or proceeding is vested exclusively in the federal courts of the United States of America, the federal court of the United States of America sitting in the District of Delaware, as applicable, and any appellate court from any thereof, (ii) agrees that any claim in respect of any such action or proceeding may be heard and determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware, or, if (and only if) such court finds it lacks subject matter jurisdiction, the Superior Court of the State of Delaware (Complex Commercial Division) or, if subject matter jurisdiction over the matter that is the subject of the action or proceeding is vested exclusively in the federal courts of the United States of America, the federal court of the United States of America sitting in the District of Delaware, as applicable, and any appellate court from any thereof, (iii) waives, to the fullest extent it may legally and effectively do so, any objection that it may now or hereafter have to the jurisdiction or laying of venue of any such action or proceeding in such courts and (iv) waives, to the fullest extent permitted by Law, the defense of an inconvenient forum to the maintenance of such action or proceeding in such courts. Each of the Parties hereto agrees that a final judgment in any such action or proceeding shall be conclusive and may be enforced in other jurisdictions by suit on the judgment or in any other manner provided by Law. Each Party to this Agreement irrevocably consents to service of process inside or outside the territorial jurisdiction of the courts referred to in this Section 9.09(b) in the manner provided for notices in Section 9.04. Nothing in this Agreement will affect the right of any Party to this Agreement to serve process in any other manner permitted by Law.





Section 9.11 Assignment. This Agreement shall not be assigned by any of the Parties (whether by operation of Law or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the other Parties. Any purported assignment in contravention hereof shall be null and void. Subject to the preceding sentence, but without relieving any Party of any obligation hereunder, this Agreement will be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Parties and their respective successors and assigns and this Agreement is not intended to, and shall not, confer upon any other Person other than the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns any rights or remedies hereunder.

Section 9.12 Enforcement; Remedies.

(a) Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, any and all remedies herein expressly conferred upon a Party will be deemed cumulative with and not exclusive of any other remedy conferred hereby, or by Law or equity upon such Party, and the exercise by a Party of any one remedy will not preclude the exercise of any other remedy.

(b) The Parties agree that irreparable injury will occur in the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement is not performed in accordance with its specific terms or is otherwise breached. It is agreed that prior to the termination of this Agreement pursuant to Article VIII, each Party shall be entitled to an injunction or injunctions to prevent or remedy any breaches or threatened breaches of this Agreement by any other Party, to a decree or order of specific performance to specifically enforce the terms and provisions of this Agreement (including the Parties’ obligation to consummate the Merger) and to any further equitable relief. Each of the Parties hereby acknowledges and agrees that it may be difficult to prove damages with reasonable certainty, that it may be difficult to procure suitable substitute performance, and that injunctive relief and/or specific performance will not cause an undue hardship to the Parties. Each of the Parties hereby further acknowledges that the existence of any other remedy contemplated by this Agreement does not diminish the availability of specific performance of the obligations hereunder or any other injunctive relief.

(c) The Parties’ rights in this Section 9.12 are an integral part of the Transactions and each Party hereby waives any objections to any remedy referred to in this Section 9.12 (including any objection on the basis that there is an adequate remedy at Law or that an award of such remedy is not an appropriate remedy for any reason at Law or equity). For the avoidance of doubt, each Party agrees that there is not an adequate remedy at Law for a breach of this Agreement by any Party and hereby further waives any defense in any action for specific performance that a remedy at law would be adequate. In the event any Party seeks any remedy referred to in this Section 9.12, such Party shall not be required to obtain, furnish, post or provide any bond or other security in connection with or as a condition to obtaining any such remedy.

Section 9.13 Procedure for Termination, Amendment, Modification or Waiver. A termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 8.01 or an amendment, modification or waiver of this Agreement pursuant to Section 9.01 shall, in order to be effective, require, in the case of First Majestic or Gatos, action by the First Majestic Board of Directors or the Gatos Board of Directors (acting on the recommendation of the Gatos Special Committee) or the Gatos Special Committee, as applicable.

[Signature Page Follows]



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First Majestic, Merger Sub and Gatos have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized as of the date first written above.


By:    /s/ Keith Neumeyer  
  Name: Keith Neumeyer
  Title: President & Chief Executive Officer


By:    /s/ Samir Patel  
  Name: Samir Patel
  Title: Secretary


By:    /s/ Dale Andres  
  Name: Dale Andres
  Title: Chief Executive Officer

[Signature Page to Agreement and Plan of Merger]

Exhibit A

Form of Certificate of Merger






Pursuant to Section 251 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the “DGCL”), Ocelot Transaction Corporation, a Delaware corporation, and Gatos Silver, Inc., a Delaware corporation, hereby certify as follows:



The names of the constituent corporations are Ocelot Transaction Corporation, a Delaware corporation, and Gatos Silver, Inc., a Delaware corporation.



An agreement and plan of merger has been adopted, approved, executed, certified and acknowledged by each of the constituent corporations in accordance with Section 251 of the DGCL (the “Agreement and Plan of Merger”).



Gatos Silver, Inc. shall be the surviving corporation in the merger (the “Surviving Corporation”).



The certificate of incorporation of the Surviving Corporation is amended and restated as of the Effective Time (as defined below) to read in its entirety as set forth on Annex A to this certificate of merger.



The Agreement and Plan of Merger is on file at the principal place of business of the Surviving Corporation, located at 1800 – 925 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 3L2, Canada.



A copy of the Agreement and Plan of Merger will be furnished by the Surviving Corporation on request, and without cost, to any stockholder of the constituent corporations.



[The merger is to be effective immediately upon the filing of this Certificate of Merger with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware in accordance with Sections 103 and 251(c) of the DGCL] [The merger is to be effective at [●] Eastern Time on [●]] (the “Effective Time”).

[no further text on this page]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the constituent corporations has caused this certificate of merger to be signed by an authorized officer as of [●].


  Name: [●]
  Title: [●]
  Name: [●]
  Title: [●]

Exhibit B

Articles of Incorporation of the Surviving Corporation





1. Name. The name of the corporation is Gatos Silver, Inc.

2. Registered Office and Registered Agent. The address of the registered office of the corporation in Delaware is c/o Registered Agent Solutions, Inc., 838 Walker Road, Suite 21-2, Dover, County of Kent, Delaware 19904, and the name of its registered agent at that address is Registered Agent Solutions, Inc.

3. Purposes. The purpose of the corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

4. Capital Stock. The total number of shares of stock that the corporation is authorized to issue is 5,000 shares, par value $0.001 per share, all of which shares are designated as common stock.

5. Bylaws. The board of directors of the corporation is expressly authorized to adopt, amend or repeal bylaws of the corporation.

6. Limitation of Director and Officer Liability; Indemnification.



A director or officer of the corporation shall not be liable to the corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director to the fullest extent permitted by Delaware law.



Each person (and the heirs, executors or administrators of such person) who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to, or is involved in any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, by reason of the fact that such person is or was a director or officer of the corporation or is or was serving at the request of the corporation as a director or officer of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, shall be indemnified and held harmless by the corporation to the fullest extent permitted by Delaware law. The right to indemnification conferred in this Section 6 shall also include the right to be paid by the corporation the expenses incurred in connection with any such proceeding in advance of its final disposition to the fullest extent authorized by Delaware law. The right to indemnification conferred in this Section 6 shall be a contract right.



The corporation may, by action of its board of directors, provide rights to indemnification and to advancement of expenses to such of the employees and agents of the corporation to such extent and to such effect as the board of directors shall determine to be appropriate and authorized by Delaware law.



The corporation shall have power to purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise against any expense, liability or loss incurred by such person in any such capacity or arising out of such person’s status as such, whether or not the corporation would have the power to indemnify such person against such liability under Delaware law.



The rights and authority conferred in this Section 6 shall not be exclusive of any other right that any person may otherwise have or hereafter acquire.


Neither the amendment nor repeal of this Section 6, nor the adoption of any provision of this Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation or the bylaws of the corporation, nor, to the fullest extent permitted by Delaware law, any modification of law, shall adversely affect any right or protection of any person granted pursuant hereto existing at, or arising out of or related to any event, act or omission that occurred prior to, the time of such amendment, repeal, adoption or modification (regardless of when any proceeding (or part thereof) relating to such event, act or omission arises or is first threatened, commenced or completed).

7. Elections of Directors. Elections of directors need not be by written ballot unless the bylaws of the corporation shall so provide.




Global Corporate & Investment Banking

BofA Securities, Inc.

One Bryant Park, New York, NY 10036

September 4, 2024

The Board of Directors

Gatos Silver, Inc.

925 W Georgia Street

Suite 910

Vancouver, BC V6C 3L2

Members of the Board of Directors:

We understand that Gatos Silver, Inc. (“Gatos”) proposes to enter into an Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of September 4, 2024 (the “Agreement”), among Gatos, First Majestic Silver Corp. (“Silver”) and Ocelot Transaction Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Silver (“Merger Sub”), pursuant to which, among other things, Merger Sub will merge with and into Gatos (the “Merger”), with Gatos surviving the Merger as a wholly owned subsidiary of Silver and each outstanding share of the common stock, par value $0.001 per share, of Gatos (“Gatos Common Stock”) (other than Gatos Common Stock owned by Gatos (including treasury stock), Silver, Merger Sub or by any of their respective direct or indirect wholly owned Subsidiaries (as defined in the Agreement), which shall be cancelled and cease to exist without consideration) will be converted into the right to receive 2.550 (the “Exchange Ratio”) common shares of Silver (“Silver Shares”). The terms and conditions of the Merger are more fully set forth in the Agreement.

You have requested our opinion as to the fairness, from a financial point of view, to the holders of Gatos Common Stock (other than Silver and its affiliates) of the Exchange Ratio provided for in the Merger.

In connection with this opinion, we have, among other things:



reviewed certain publicly available business and financial information relating to Gatos and Silver;



reviewed certain internal financial and operating information with respect to the business, operations and prospects of Gatos furnished to or discussed with us by the management of Gatos, including certain financial forecasts relating to Gatos prepared by the management of Gatos (such forecasts, “Gatos Forecasts”);



reviewed certain internal financial and operating information with respect to the business, operations and prospects of Silver furnished to or discussed with us by the management of Silver, including certain financial forecasts relating to Silver prepared by the management of Silver (such forecasts, “Silver Forecasts”);



reviewed an alternative version of the Silver Forecasts incorporating certain adjustments thereto made by the management of Gatos (the “Adjusted Silver Forecasts”);



reviewed certain estimates as to the amount and timing of cost savings (collectively, the “Cost Savings”) anticipated by the managements of Gatos and Silver to result from the Merger;


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The Board of Directors

Gatos Silver, Inc.



discussed the past and current business, operations, financial condition and prospects of Gatos with members of senior management of Gatos, and discussed the past and current business, operations, financial condition and prospects of Silver with members of senior managements of Gatos and Silver;



reviewed the potential pro forma financial impact of the Merger on the future financial performance of Silver, including the potential effect on Silver’s estimated cash flow per share;



reviewed the trading histories for Gatos Common Stock and Silver Shares and a comparison of such trading histories with each other and with the trading histories of other companies we deemed relevant;



compared certain financial and stock market information of Gatos and Silver with similar information of other companies we deemed relevant;



compared certain financial terms of the Merger to financial terms, to the extent publicly available, of other transactions we deemed relevant;



reviewed the relative financial contributions of Gatos and Silver to the future financial performance of the combined company on a pro forma basis;



considered the results of our efforts on behalf of Gatos to solicit, at the direction of Gatos, indications of interest and definitive proposals from third parties with respect to a possible acquisition of Gatos;



reviewed a draft, dated September 3, 2024, of the Agreement (the “Draft Agreement”); and



performed such other analyses and studies and considered such other information and factors as we deemed appropriate.

In arriving at our opinion, we have assumed and relied upon, without independent verification, the accuracy and completeness of the financial and other information and data publicly available or provided to or otherwise reviewed by or discussed with us and have relied upon the assurances of the management of Gatos that they are not aware of any facts or circumstances that would make such information or data inaccurate or misleading in any material respect. With respect to the Gatos Forecasts, we have been advised by Gatos, and have assumed, that they have been reasonably prepared on bases reflecting the best currently available estimates and good faith judgments of the management of Gatos as to the future financial performance of Gatos. With respect to the Silver Forecasts and Cost Savings, we have been advised by Silver, and have assumed, with the consent of Gatos, that they have been reasonably prepared on bases reflecting the best currently available estimates and good faith judgments of the management of Silver as to the future financial performance of Silver and other matters covered thereby. With respect to the Adjusted Silver Forecasts, we have assumed, at the direction of Gatos, that they have been reasonably prepared on bases reflecting the best currently available estimates and good faith judgments of the management of Gatos as to the future financial performance of Silver and the other matters covered thereby and, based on the assessments of the management of Gatos as to the relative likelihood of achieving the future financial results reflected in the Silver Forecasts and the Adjusted Silver Forecasts, we have relied, at the direction of Gatos, on the Adjusted Silver Forecasts for purposes of our opinion. We have relied, at the direction of Gatos, on the assessments of the managements of Gatos and Silver as to Silver’s ability to achieve the Cost Savings and have been advised by Gatos and Silver, and have assumed, with the consent of Gatos, that the Cost Savings will be realized in the amounts and at the times projected. We have relied, at the direction of Gatos, upon the assessments of the management of Gatos as to the potential impact of market, governmental and regulatory


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The Board of Directors

Gatos Silver, Inc.


trends and developments relating to or affecting Gatos and its business. We have not made or been provided with any independent evaluation or appraisal of the assets or liabilities (contingent or otherwise) of Gatos or Silver, nor have we made any physical inspection of the properties or assets of Gatos or Silver. We have not evaluated the solvency or fair value of Gatos or Silver under any state, federal or other laws relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or similar matters. We have not evaluated nor expressed a view on the outcome of any tax disputes concerning Silver or their impacts on the Merger. We have assumed, at the direction of Gatos, that the Merger will be consummated in accordance with its terms, without waiver, modification or amendment of any material term, condition or agreement and that, in the course of obtaining the necessary governmental, regulatory and other approvals, consents, releases and waivers for the Merger, no delay, limitation, restriction or condition, including any divestiture requirements or amendments or modifications, will be imposed that would have an adverse effect on Gatos, Silver or the contemplated benefits of the Merger. We also have assumed, at the direction of Gatos, that that the final executed Agreement will not differ in any material respect from the Draft Agreement reviewed by us.

We express no view or opinion as to any terms or other aspects or implications of the Merger (other than the Exchange Ratio to the extent expressly specified herein), including, without limitation, the form or structure of the Merger, the outcome of any tax disputes involving Silver, or any terms, aspects or implications of any other arrangement, agreement or understanding entered into in connection with or related to the Merger or otherwise. Our opinion is limited to the fairness, from a financial point of view, of the Exchange Ratio to holders of Gatos Common Stock (other than Silver and its affiliates) and no opinion or view is expressed with respect to any consideration received in connection with the Merger by the holders of any other class of securities, creditors or other constituencies of any party. In addition, no opinion or view is expressed with respect to the fairness (financial or otherwise) of the amount, nature or any other aspect of any compensation to any of the officers, directors or employees of any party to the Merger, or class of such persons, relative to the Exchange Ratio or otherwise. Furthermore, no opinion or view is expressed as to the relative merits of the Merger in comparison to other strategies or transactions that might be available to Gatos or in which Gatos might engage or as to the underlying business decision of Gatos to proceed with or effect the Merger. We are not expressing any view or opinion as to what the value of Silver Shares actually will be when issued or the prices at which Gatos Common Stock or Silver Shares will trade at any time, including following announcement or consummation of the Merger. We are also not expressing any view or opinion with respect to, and we have relied, at the direction of Gatos, upon the assessment of representatives of Gatos regarding legal, regulatory, accounting, tax and similar matters relating to Gatos or the Merger, as to which matters we understand that Gatos obtained such advice as it deemed necessary from qualified professionals. In addition, we express no opinion or recommendation as to how any stockholder should vote or act in connection with the Merger or any other matter.

We have acted as financial advisor to the Board of Directors of Gatos in connection with the Merger and will receive a fee for our services, a portion of which is payable upon the delivery of this opinion and a significant portion of which is contingent upon consummation of the Merger. In addition, Gatos has agreed to reimburse our expenses and indemnify us against certain liabilities arising out of our engagement.

We and our affiliates comprise a full service securities firm and commercial bank engaged in securities, commodities and derivatives trading, foreign exchange and other brokerage activities, and principal investing as well as providing investment, corporate and private banking, asset and investment management, financing and financial advisory services and other commercial services and products to a wide range of companies, governments and individuals. In the ordinary course of our businesses, we and our affiliates may invest on a


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The Board of Directors

Gatos Silver, Inc.


principal basis or on behalf of customers or manage funds that invest, make or hold long or short positions, finance positions or trade or otherwise effect transactions in equity, debt or other securities or financial instruments (including derivatives, bank loans or other obligations) of Gatos, Silver and certain of their respective affiliates.

We and our affiliates currently are providing investment banking service to Gatos, and in the future may provide, investment banking, commercial banking and other financial services to Gatos and certain of its affiliates, and, in addition to the fees to be paid in connection with the Merger, may receive compensation for the rendering of these services.

In addition, we and our affiliates in the future may provide, investment banking, commercial banking and other financial services to Silver and certain of its affiliates and may receive compensation for the rendering of these services.

It is understood that this letter is for the benefit and use of the Board of Directors of Gatos (each in its capacity as such) in connection with and for purposes of its evaluation of the Merger.

Our opinion is necessarily based on financial, economic, monetary, market and other conditions and circumstances as in effect on, and the information made available to us as of, the date hereof. It should be understood that subsequent developments may affect this opinion, and we do not have any obligation to update, revise, or reaffirm this opinion. The issuance of this opinion was approved by a fairness opinion review committee of BofA Securities, Inc.

Based upon and subject to the foregoing, including the various assumptions and limitations set forth herein, we are of the opinion on the date hereof that the Exchange Ratio provided for in the Merger is fair, from a financial point of view, to the holders of Gatos Common Stock (other than Silver and its affiliates).

Very truly yours,

/s/ BofA Securities, Inc.



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GenCap Mining Advisory Ltd.

1020 – 625 Howe Street

Vancouver, BC V6C 2T6



September 4, 2024

Special Committee of the Board of Directors (the “Special Committee”)

Gatos Silver, Inc.

925 W Georgia Street, Suite 310

Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3L2


To the Special Committee of Gatos Silver, Inc.:

GenCap Mining Advisory Ltd. (“GenCap” or “we” or “us”) understands that Gatos Silver, Inc. (“Gatos” or the “Company”) and First Majestic Silver Corp. (“First Majestic”) propose to enter into a definitive agreement to be dated September 5, 2024 (the “Merger Agreement”), pursuant to which a wholly owned subsidiary of First Majestic will merge with and into Gatos, with Gatos surviving the merger as a wholly owned subsidiary of First Majestic (the “Transaction”). Under the terms of the Merger Agreement, Gatos shareholders will receive 2.550 shares of First Majestic common stock for each share of Gatos common stock held.

The terms and conditions of the Transaction will be summarized in the Company’s proxy statement (the “Proxy Statement”) to be mailed to Gatos shareholders (the “Shareholders”) in connection with a special meeting of the Shareholders to be held to consider and, if deemed advisable, approve the Transaction.




By letter agreement dated August 28, 2024 (the “Engagement Agreement”), the Company retained GenCap to act as financial advisor to the Special Committee in connection with the Transaction and any alternative transaction. Pursuant to the Engagement Agreement, the Company has requested that we prepare and deliver a written opinion (the “Opinion”) as to the fairness, from a financial point of view, of the Transaction to the Shareholders.

GenCap will receive a fee for rendering the Opinion, no portion of which is conditional upon the conclusion of the Opinion or the completion of the Transaction. The Company has also agreed to reimburse us for our reasonable out-of-pocket expenses and to indemnify us against certain liabilities which might arise out of our engagement.




GenCap is an independent advisory firm with significant expertise in mergers and acquisitions and capital markets advisory within the global metals and mining industry. The Opinion expressed herein is the opinion of GenCap and the form and content herein have been approved for release by each of its senior executives, each of whom are experienced in merger, acquisition, divestiture, valuation, fairness opinion and capital market matters.




Neither GenCap, nor any of our affiliates, is an insider, associate, or affiliate (as those terms are defined in the Securities Act (Ontario) or the rules made thereunder) of the Company, First Majestic, or any of their respective associates or affiliates (collectively, the “Interested Parties”).



GenCap has not been engaged to provide any financial advisory services nor has it participated in any financings involving the Interested Parties within the past two years, other than acting as financial advisor to the Special Committee pursuant to the Engagement Agreement.

Other than as described above, there are no understandings, agreements, or commitments between GenCap and any of the Interested Parties with respect to any current or future business dealings which would be material to the Opinion. GenCap may, in the ordinary course of business, provide financial advisory, investment banking, or other financial services to one or more of the Interested Parties from time to time.



Scope of Review

In connection with rendering the Opinion, we have reviewed and relied upon, among other things, the following:



latest versions provided of the Merger Agreement by and among Gatos, First Majestic, and Merger Sub;



executed versions of the Exclusivity Agreement between Gatos and First Majestic dated August 27, 2024;



publicly available financial statements, MD&A, Annual Information Forms and other business and financial information for Gatos and First Majestic;



selected internal business and financial information provided by Gatos management that we considered relevant;



publicly available technical reports on the various projects and operations of Gatos and First Majestic, including but not limited to:



”Cerro Los Gatos NI 43-101 Technical Report” with an effective date of July 1, 2023;



“Santa Elena Silver/Gold Mine Sonora, Mexico NI 43-101 Technical Report” with an effective date of June 30, 2021; and,



“San Dimas Silver/Gold Mine Durango and Sinaloa States, Mexico NI 43-101 Technical Report” with an effective date of December 31, 2020;



discussions with representatives of Gatos regarding the business, project, financial position and certain other financial and project data of Gatos;



certain publicly available information relating to the business, operations, financial condition and trading history of Gatos, First Majestic, and other selected public companies we considered relevant;



various reports published by equity research analysts and industry sources considered relevant;



public information and equity research reports with respect to selected precedent transactions considered relevant;



historical commodity prices for gold and silver, and the impact of various commodity pricing assumptions on the business, prospects, and financial forecasts of Gatos and First Majestic; and,



such other information, analyses, investigations, and discussions as we considered necessary or appropriate in the circumstances.

GenCap has also participated in discussions regarding the Transaction and related matters with White & Case LLP (legal counsel to the Special Committee of Gatos in the U.S.).

In our assessment, we reviewed several methodologies, analyses and techniques, ultimately using a combination of those blended approaches to determine our opinion on the Transaction, taking into consideration a number of quantitative and qualitative factors as deemed appropriate based on our experience in rendering such opinions.



GenCap has not, to the best of our knowledge, been denied access by the Company to any information under the Company’s control as requested by GenCap.



Assumptions and Limitations

Our Opinion is subject to the assumptions, qualifications and limitations set forth below.

We have relied upon and have assumed the completeness, accuracy and fair presentation of all financial and other information, data, advice, opinions and representations obtained by us from public sources, or provided to us by the Company or any of its affiliates or advisors or otherwise obtained by us pursuant to our Engagement Agreement, and our Opinion is conditional upon such completeness, accuracy and fair presentation. We have not been requested to or attempted to verify independently the accuracy, completeness, or fairness of the presentation of any such information, data, advice, opinions, and representations. We have not met separately with the independent auditors of the Company in connection with preparing this Opinion and with your permission, we have assumed the accuracy and fair presentation of, and relied upon, the audited financial statements of the Company and the reports of the auditors thereon and the unaudited interim financial statements of the Company.

The Company has represented to us, in a certificate of two senior officers of the Company dated the date hereof, among other things, that (i) the financial and other information, data, advice, opinions, representations and other materials provided to us orally by, or in the presence of, an officer or employee of the Company, or in writing by the Company or any of its subsidiaries or any of their representatives in connection with our Engagement Agreement, including the written information and discussions concerning the Company referred to above under the heading “Scope of Review” (collectively, the “Information”) was, at the date the Information was provided to us, and is as of the date hereof, complete, true and correct in all material respects, and did not and does not contain misrepresentation, (ii) since the dates on which the Information was provided to us, except as otherwise disclosed to us, there has been no material change, financial or otherwise, in the financial condition, assets, liabilities (contingent or otherwise), business, operations or prospects of the Company or any of its affiliates and no change has occurred in the Information or any part thereof, in each case, which would have or which would reasonably be expected to have a material effect on the Opinion, and (iii) with respect to any portions of the Information that constitute forecasts, projections, estimates (including, without limitation, estimates of future resource or reserve additions) or budgets, such forecasts, projections, estimates or budgets were reasonably prepared on bases reflecting the best then available assumptions, estimates and judgements of management of the Company having regard to the Company’s business, plans, financial conditions and prospects and are not, in the reasonable belief of management of the Company, misleading in any material respect.

In preparing the Opinion, we have assumed that the executed Merger Agreement, all representations and warranties contained within and all related voting and support agreements will not differ in any material respect from the drafts of which we reviewed, and that the Merger Agreement will be consummated in accordance with its terms without waiver of, or amendment to, any term of condition that is in any way material to our analyses.

Our Opinion is rendered on the basis of securities markets, economic and general business and financial conditions prevailing as at the date hereof and the conditions and prospects, financial and otherwise, of the Company as they are reflected in the Information and as they were represented to us in our discussions with management of the Company and its affiliates and advisors. In our analyses in connection with the preparation of our Opinion, we made numerous assumptions with respect to industry performance, general business environment, capital markets and economic conditions and other matters, many of which are beyond the control of any party involved in the Transaction. We are not legal, tax, or accounting experts and we express no opinion concerning any legal, tax, or accounting matters concerning the Transaction or the sufficiency of this letter for your purposes.

We have not been asked to prepare, and have not prepared, an independent evaluation, formal valuation or appraisal of the securities or assets of the Company or First Majestic, nor were we provided with any such



evaluations, valuations, or appraisals. We did not conduct any physical inspection of the properties or facilities of the Company or First Majestic. Furthermore, our Opinion does not address the solvency or fair value of the Company or First Majestic under any applicable laws relating to bankruptcy or insolvency. Our Opinion should not be construed as advice as to the price at which the securities of the Company may trade at any time and does not address any legal, tax, or regulatory aspects of the Transaction.

With respect to the historical financial data, operating and financial forecasts and budgets provided to us concerning the Company and relied upon in our financial analyses, we have assumed that they have been reasonably prepared on basis of reflecting the most reasonable and currently available assumptions, estimates and judgements of management of the Company, as applicable, having regard to the Company’s, as applicable, business, plans, financial condition, and prospects.

The Opinion is being provided to the Special Committee for its exclusive use only in considering the Transaction and may not be published, disclosed to any other person, relied upon by any other person, or used for any other purposes, without the prior written consent of GenCap. Except for the inclusion of the Opinion in its entirety and a summary thereof (in a form acceptable to us) in the Proxy Statement, the Opinion is not to be reproduced, disseminated, quoted from or referred to (in whole or in part) without the prior written consent of GenCap. Our Opinion is not intended to be and does not constitute a recommendation to the Special Committee or to any Shareholders with respect to the Transaction.

GenCap believes that its financial analyses must be considered as a whole and that selecting portions of its analyses and the factors considered by it, without considering all factors and analyses together, could create a misleading view of the process underlying the Opinion. The preparation of an opinion is complex and is not necessarily susceptible to partial analysis or summary description and any attempt to carry out such partial analysis or summary description could lead to undue emphasis on any particular factor or analysis.

The Opinion is given as of the date hereof and, although we reserve the right to change or withdraw the Opinion if we learn that any of the Information that we relied upon in preparing the Opinion was inaccurate, incomplete or misleading in any material respect, we disclaim any obligation to change or withdraw the Opinion, to advise any person of any change that may come to our attention or to update the Opinion after the date of this Opinion.




Based upon and subject to the foregoing and such other matters as we considered relevant, it is our opinion, as of the date hereof, that the Transaction is fair, from a financial point of view, to Gatos Shareholders.

Yours sincerely,

/s/ GenCap Mining Advisory Ltd.






This VOTING AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT, dated as of September 5, 2024 (this “Agreement”), is made and entered into by and among First Majestic Silver Corp., a British Columbia company (together with its successors and permitted assigns, “First Majestic”), Ocelot Transaction Corporation, a Delaware corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of First Majestic (“Merger Sub”), and the party listed on Schedule A hereto (the “Securityholder”).


WHEREAS, concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, First Majestic is entering into that certain Agreement and Plan of Merger (the “Merger Agreement”), by and among Gatos Silver, Inc., a Delaware corporation (together with its successors and permitted assigns, “Gatos”), First Majestic and Merger Sub, pursuant to which, among other things, at the closing of the transactions contemplated thereby and on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth therein, Merger Sub will be merged with and into Gatos, with the result that Gatos will survive as a wholly owned subsidiary of First Majestic (the “Merger”);

WHEREAS, the Securityholder is the beneficial or record owner of, and has either sole or shared voting power and dispositive power over, such number of shares of Gatos Common Stock (the “Existing Shares”) as is indicated opposite the Securityholder’s name on Schedule A attached hereto;

WHEREAS, First Majestic and Merger Sub desire that the Securityholder agrees, and the Securityholder is willing to agree, in the Securityholder’s capacity as a securityholder and not in his or her capacity as an officer and/or director of Gatos, subject to the limitations herein, not to Transfer (as defined below) any of its Subject Securities (as defined below) in a manner prohibited by this Agreement, and to vote all of the Subject Securities with respect to which the Securityholder has voting rights in a manner so as to facilitate consummation of the Merger; and

WHEREAS, as a condition and an inducement to First Majestic’s and Merger Sub’s willingness to enter into the Merger Agreement, the Securityholder, has agreed to enter into this Agreement with respect to all Subject Securities that the Securityholder owns beneficially or of record as of the date hereof, and any additional Subject Securities that the Securityholder may acquire beneficial or record ownership of after the date hereof.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the respective representations, warranties, covenants and agreements set forth below and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows:

1.  Definitions. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings ascribed to such terms in the Merger Agreement. When used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings assigned to them in this Section 1 or as otherwise defined elsewhere in this Agreement.

beneficial owner” shall be interpreted in accordance with the term “beneficial owner” as defined in Rule 13d-3 adopted by the SEC under the Exchange Act, and a Person’s beneficial ownership of securities shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of such Rule (in each case, irrespective of whether or not such Rule is actually applicable in such circumstance); provided that, notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, for purposes of determining beneficial ownership, a Person shall be deemed to be the beneficial owner of any securities which such Person has, at any time during the term of this Agreement, the right to acquire pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or understanding or upon the exercise of conversion



rights, exchange rights, redemption rights, warrants or options, or otherwise (irrespective of whether the right to acquire such securities is exercisable immediately or only after the passage of time (including the passage of time in excess of sixty (60) days), the satisfaction of any conditions, the occurrence of any event or any combination of the foregoing). The terms “beneficial ownership,” “beneficially own,” “beneficially owned” and “own beneficially” shall have correlative meanings.

Expiration Time” shall mean the earliest to occur of (a) the Effective Time, (b) such date and time as the Merger Agreement shall be terminated in accordance with its terms, or (c) the termination of this Agreement by mutual written consent of the parties hereto.

Family Member” means, with respect to the Securityholder, (a) the Securityholder and the Securityholder’s spouse, individually, (b) any descendant, niece or nephew of the Securityholder or the Securityholder’s spouse, (c) any charitable organization created and primarily funded by any one or more individuals described in the foregoing (a) or (b), (d) any estate, trust, guardianship, custodianship or other fiduciary arrangement for the primary benefit of any one or more individuals or organizations described in the foregoing (a), (b) or (c), and (e) any corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other business organization controlled by and substantially all of the interests in which are owned, directly or indirectly, by any one or more individuals or organizations named or described in the foregoing (a), (b), (c) or (d).

Permitted Transfer” shall mean, in each case, with respect to the Securityholder, so long as (a) such Transfer is in accordance with applicable Law and (b) the Securityholder is in compliance with this Agreement, any Transfer of Subject Securities by the Securityholder to an Affiliate of such transferring Securityholder, or to (i) any Family Member of the Securityholder or to a trust solely for the benefit of the Securityholder and/or any Family Member of the Securityholder or (ii) upon the death of the Securityholder pursuant to the terms of any trust or will of the Securityholder or by the applicable Laws of intestate succession, in each case so long as such transferee if not already a party to this Agreement, at or prior to the completion of such Transfer, executes a joinder to this Agreement pursuant to which such transferee agrees to become a party to this Agreement and be subject to the restrictions applicable to the Securityholder and otherwise become a party for all purposes of this Agreement, and, in the case of any Affiliate transferee, remains an Affiliate of the Securityholder at all times following such Transfer; provided that no such Transfer shall relieve the transferring Securityholder from its obligations under this Agreement, other than with respect to the Subject Securities transferred in accordance with the foregoing provision; provided further, such transferring Securityholder delivers notice of such Transfer pursuant to Section 11, if applicable.

Subject Securities” shall mean, collectively, with respect to the Securityholder, the Securityholder’s Existing Shares and any New Shares.

Transfer” shall mean (i) any direct or indirect offer, sale, assignment, conveyance, exchange, encumbrance, pledge, hypothecation, disposition, loan or other transfer (whether by tendering into any tender or exchange offer, by testamentary disposition, by operation of law or otherwise), either voluntary or involuntary, (ii) entry into any Contract, option or other understanding with respect to any offer, sale, assignment, conveyance, exchange, encumbrance, pledge, hypothecation, disposition, loan or other transfer (whether by tendering into any tender or exchange offer, by testamentary disposition, by operation of law or otherwise), (iii) to otherwise grant, permit or suffer the creation of any Liens (other than those created by this Agreement or under applicable securities laws) or (iv) to commit or agree, directly or indirectly, to take any of the foregoing actions.

2.  Agreement to Retain Subject Securities.

2.1  Transfer and Encumbrance of Subject Securities. Until the earlier of (x) the Expiration Time and (y) Gatos Stockholder Approval, the Securityholder agrees, with respect to any Subject Securities



owned beneficially or of record by the Securityholder, not to (a) Transfer any such Subject Securities except pursuant to a Permitted Transfer; or (b) deposit any such Subject Securities into a voting trust or enter into any agreement, arrangement or understanding with any Person to vote or give instructions inconsistent with this Section 2, including any rights to acquire, any granting of, options, rights of first offer or refusal, or any voting agreement or arrangement with respect to the Securityholder’s Subject Securities, grant any proxy (except as otherwise provided herein) or power of attorney with respect thereto or enter into any agreement or arrangement with any person to limit, restrict or adversely affect the Securityholder’s legal power to, authority or right to vote any of its Subject Securities or otherwise prevent the Securityholder from performing its obligations under this Agreement or commit or agree, directly or indirectly, to take any of the foregoing actions. The Securityholder further authorizes Gatos to notify Gatos’s transfer agent that there is a stop transfer order with respect to all of the Subject Securities and that this Agreement places limits on the voting of the Subject Securities (subject to the provisions hereof); provided, however, that any such stop transfer order shall terminate upon the Expiration Time.

2.2  Acquisition of Additional Securities. The Securityholder agrees that any shares of Gatos Common Stock that the Securityholder purchases or otherwise acquires beneficial or record ownership of, or with respect to which the Securityholder otherwise acquires sole or shared voting power, following the execution of this Agreement and prior to the Expiration Time (the “New Shares”), shall constitute Subject Securities and be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

2.3  Unpermitted Transfers. Any Transfer or attempted or purported Transfer of any Subject Securities in violation of Section 2.1 shall be null and void ab initio.

3.  Agreement to Vote and Approve. Until the Expiration Time, at every meeting of the stockholders of Gatos (whether annual or special) called with respect to any of the following matters, and at every adjournment, postponement or continuation thereof, and on every action or approval by written consent of the stockholders of Gatos with respect to any of the following matters, the Securityholder shall, or shall cause the holder of record on any applicable record date to (including via proxy), vote the Subject Securities owned beneficially or of record by the Securityholder (or such holder of record on such applicable record date): (a) in favor of the adoption of the Merger Agreement and the approval of the transactions contemplated thereby, including the Merger, (b) in favor of any other proposal in respect of which the vote or written consent of the Securityholder is requested that could reasonably be expected to facilitate the approval of the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement (including the Merger), including any proposal to adjourn or postpone such meeting of the stockholders of Gatos to a later date if there are not sufficient votes to adopt the Merger Agreement and/or if there are not sufficient shares present in person or by proxy at such meeting of the stockholders of Gatos to constitute a quorum and (c) against (i) any action, proposal, transaction or agreement that would reasonably be expected to result in a breach of any covenant, representation or warranty or any other obligation or agreement of Gatos under the Merger Agreement or of the Securityholder under this Agreement and (ii) any amendment to Gatos’s articles of incorporation or by-laws that would reasonably be expected to prohibit or impede the timely consummation of the Merger and/or the other transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement and (iii) any change in a majority of the board of directors of Gatos (clauses (a) through (c), the “Required Votes”). Any such vote shall be cast, or consent shall be given, for purposes of this Section 3, in accordance with such procedures relating thereto as shall ensure that it is duly counted for purposes of determining that a quorum is present and for purposes of recording in accordance herewith the results of such vote or consent. At any meeting of the Securityholders of Gatos (whether annual or special) to which this Section 3 is applicable, the Securityholder shall, or shall direct the holder(s) of record of all of the Subject Securities of the Securityholder on any applicable record date to, appear, in person or by proxy, at each meeting or otherwise cause all of the Subject Securities of the Securityholder to be counted as present thereat for purposes of establishing a quorum.

4.  Agreement Not to Solicit.  Until the Expiration Time, the Securityholder, in the Securityholder’s capacity as a securityholder and not in his or her capacity as an officer and/or director of Gatos, shall not directly



or indirectly, engage in any conduct in which Gatos is not permitted to engage by Section 5.03(a) of the Merger Agreement.

5.  No Representative Capacity.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, this Agreement applies solely to the Securityholder in the Securityholder’s capacity as a shareholder of Gatos, and nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the Securityholder from acting in the Securityholder’s capacity as an employee, officer or director of Gatos or any Subsidiary of Gatos, or taking any action in such capacity (including at the direction of the board of directors of Gatos). Without limiting the foregoing, First Majestic acknowledges and agrees that (a) any action taken by the Securityholder in his or her capacity as an employee, director or officer of Gatos and not in his or her capacity as a securityholder of Gatos shall not be a violation of this Agreement and (b) nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the Securityholder from serving as, or fulfilling his or her fiduciary duties as, a director of Gatos.

6.  Representations and Warranties of the Securityholder.  The Securityholder hereby represents and warrants to First Majestic and Merger Sub as follows:

6.1  Due Authority; Organization.  The Securityholder has all necessary power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform the Securityholder’s obligations hereunder. If the Securityholder is an individual, he or she has the power and capacity to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform his or her obligations hereunder. If the Securityholder is an entity, the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by such Securityholder has been duly and validly authorized by all necessary action on the part of such Securityholder, and no other proceedings on the part of such Securityholder are necessary to approve this Agreement or to consummate the transaction contemplated hereby, and such Securityholder is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of organization. This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by the Securityholder and, assuming the due authorization, execution and delivery of this Agreement by First Majestic and Merger Sub, constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Securityholder, enforceable against the Securityholder in accordance with its terms (except to the extent that enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, examinership, reorganization, moratorium or other similar Laws, now or hereafter in effect, relating to creditors’ rights generally).

6.2  Ownership of the Existing Shares.  As of the date hereof, the Securityholder (a) is the beneficial or record owner of shares of Gatos Common Stock as indicated on Schedule A hereto opposite the Securityholder’s name, free and clear of any proxy, voting restriction, adverse claim or other Lien, other than those created by this Agreement, the Merger Agreement or under applicable securities Laws, and (b) has sole voting power over all of the Existing Shares owned beneficially or of record by the Securityholder and sole power of disposition with respect to all of the Existing Shares, and no person other than the Securityholder has any right to direct or approve the voting or disposition of any of the Existing Shares. As of the date hereof, the Securityholder does not own, beneficially or of record, any capital stock or other securities of Gatos or any Subsidiary of Gatos other than the shares of Gatos Common Stock set forth on Schedule A opposite the Securityholder’s name. As of the date hereof, the Securityholder does not own, beneficially or of record, any rights to purchase or acquire any shares of capital stock or other equity interests of Gatos or any Subsidiary of Gatos except as set forth on Schedule A opposite the Securityholder’s name. None of the Subject Securities are subject to any voting trust agreement or other Contract to which the Securityholder is a party restricting or otherwise relating to the voting or Transfer of any of the Subject Securities. The Securityholder has not appointed or granted any proxy or power of attorney that is still in effect with respect to any Subject Securities. The Securityholder has not entered into and will not enter into any agreement or commitment with any person the effect of which would be inconsistent with or otherwise violate any of the provisions and agreements set forth herein.



6.3  No Conflict; Consents.

(a)  The execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Securityholder does not, and the performance by the Securityholder of its obligations under this Agreement will not, (i) conflict with or violate any Law applicable to the Securityholder or by which any of the Securityholder’s assets is bound, (ii) result in any breach or violation of, or constitute a default (or an event which with notice or lapse of time or both would become a default), or result in the loss of a benefit under, or terminate or give rise to any right of termination, vesting, cancellation, amendment, notification, purchase or sale (including any purchase option, option to sell, right of first refusal, right of first offer, right of first negotiation or similar option or right) under, or acceleration of, or result in the creation of a Lien on any of the Subject Securities owned beneficially by the Securityholder pursuant to, any Contract to which the Securityholder is a party or by which any of the Securityholder’s assets is bound or (iii) conflict with or violate any provision of the organizational documents of the Securityholder, as applicable.

(b)  Except for any required filings by the Securityholder with the SEC, the execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Securityholder does not, and the performance by the Securityholder of its obligations under this Agreement will not, require any consent, approval, authorization or permit of, action by, filing with or notification to, any Person.

6.4  Absence of Litigation. As of the date of this Agreement, there is no Action or Order pending or, to the knowledge of the Securityholder, threatened against or affecting, the Securityholder that would reasonably be expected to impair or adversely affect the ability of the Securityholder to perform the Securityholder’s obligations hereunder or to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

7.  Representations and Warranties of First Majestic and Merger Sub. First Majestic and Merger Sub hereby represent and warrant to the Securityholder as follows:

7.1  Due Authority. Each of First Majestic and Merger Sub has all necessary corporate or similar power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by First Majestic and Merger Sub have been duly and validly authorized, and no other corporate proceedings on the part of First Majestic or Merger Sub are necessary to approve this Agreement. This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by First Majestic and Merger Sub and, assuming the due authorization, execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Securityholder, constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of First Majestic and Merger Sub, enforceable against each of them in accordance with its terms (except to the extent that enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, examinership, reorganization, moratorium or other similar Laws, now or hereafter in effect, relating to creditors’ rights generally).

7.2  No Conflict; Consents.

(a)  The execution and delivery of this Agreement by First Majestic and Merger Sub does not, and the performance by First Majestic and Merger Sub of their respective obligations under this Agreement will not, (i) conflict with or violate any Law applicable to First Majestic or Merger Sub or by which any of First Majestic or Merger Sub’s assets are bound, (ii) result in any breach or violation of, or constitute a default (or an event which with notice or lapse of time or both would become a default), or result in the loss of a benefit under, or terminate or give rise to any right of termination, vesting, cancellation, amendment, notification, purchase or sale (including any purchase option, option to sell, right of first refusal, right of first offer, right of first negotiation or similar option or right) under, or acceleration of, any Contract to which First Majestic or Merger Sub is a party or by which any of First Majestic or Merger Sub’s assets are bound or (iii) conflict with or violate any provision of the organizational documents of First Majestic or Merger Sub, as applicable.



(b)  Except for any required filings by First Majestic and Merger Sub with the SEC or Canadian Securities Authorities, the execution and delivery of this Agreement by First Majestic and Merger Sub does not, and the performance by First Majestic and Merger Sub of their respective obligations under this Agreement will not, require any consent, approval, authorization or permit of, action by, filing with or notification to, any Person.

7.3  Absence of Litigation. As of the date of this Agreement, there is no Action or Order pending or, to the knowledge of First Majestic, threatened against or affecting, First Majestic, Merger Sub or any of their Affiliates that would reasonably be expected to impair or adversely affect the ability of First Majestic or Merger Sub to perform their obligations hereunder or to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

8.  Waiver of Appraisal Rights. The Securityholder hereby waives, to the full extent permitted by applicable Law, and agrees not to assert or perfect any, appraisal rights pursuant to Section 262 of the DGCL or otherwise in connection with the Merger with respect to the Subject Securities owned beneficially or of record by the Securityholder.

9.  No Legal Action. The Securityholder shall not bring, commence, institute, maintain, voluntarily aid, finance, encourage or prosecute, and agree to take all actions necessary to opt out of any class in any class action with respect to, any claim, appeal, litigation, arbitration or proceeding which, and the Securityholder hereby waive any claim, appeal, litigation, arbitration or proceeding that, (a) challenges the validity of or seeks to enjoin the operation of any provision of this Agreement (other than to enforce it) or (b) alleges the breach of any fiduciary duty of any Person (including any member of the board of directors of Gatos or any committee thereof) in connection with the negotiation and entry into the this Agreement, the Merger Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby. In addition, in the case of a class action, the Securityholder agrees not to bring, commence, institute, maintain, voluntarily aid, finance, encourage, prosecute or participate in and to take all actions necessary to opt out of, any class in any class action with respect to (a) or (b) above.

10.  Termination. This Agreement shall terminate and shall have no further force or effect immediately as of and following the Expiration Time. Upon termination of this Agreement, no party shall have any further obligations or liabilities under this Agreement; provided, however, that (a) nothing set forth in this Section 10 shall relieve any party from liability for any Willful Breach in respect of its representations, warranties, covenants or agreements set forth in this Agreement prior to such termination; and (b) the provisions of this Section 10, and Section 12, shall survive any termination of this Agreement.

11.  Notice of Certain Events. Until the Expiration Time, the Securityholder shall notify First Majestic promptly of (a) the receipt by the Securityholder of any notice or other communication from any Person alleging that the consent of such Person is or may be required in connection with this Agreement, (b) any acquisition of shares of Gatos Common Stock by the Securityholder and (c) any Permitted Transfer; provided, however, that the delivery of any notice pursuant to this Section 11 shall not limit or otherwise affect the remedies available to any party.

12.  Miscellaneous

12.1  Further Assurances. From time to time, at the request of First Majestic and without further consideration, the Securityholder shall take such further action as may reasonably be deemed to be necessary or desirable to effect the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

12.2  No Ownership Interest. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to vest in First Majestic any direct or indirect ownership or incidence of ownership of or with respect to the Subject Securities. All rights, ownership and economic benefits of and relating to the Subject Securities shall remain vested in and belong to the Securityholder, and First Majestic shall have no authority to direct the Securityholder in the voting or disposition of any of the Subject Securities, except as otherwise provided herein. Nothing in this



Agreement shall be interpreted as creating or forming a “group” with any other Person, including First Majestic, for purposes of Rule 13d-5(b)(1) of the Exchange Act or any other similar provision of applicable Law.

12.3  Certain Adjustments. In the event of a change in the number of shares of Gatos Common Stock by reason of any reclassification, recapitalization, split (including a reverse split), subdivision, combination, exchange or readjustment, or any stock or unit dividend or stock or unit distribution or other similar transaction, the terms “Gatos Common Stock” and “Subject Securities” shall be deemed to refer to and include such shares or units as well as all such stock or unit dividends and distributions and any securities into which or for which any or all of such shares or units may be changed or exchanged or which are received in such transaction.

12.4  Severability. Whenever possible, each provision or portion of any provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable Law, but if any provision or portion of any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any applicable Law or rule in any jurisdiction, (a) the parties shall negotiate, in good faith, a suitable and equitable provision that shall be substituted therefor in order to carry out, so far as may be valid and enforceable, the intent and purpose of such invalid or unenforceable provision and (b) such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision or portion of any provision in such jurisdiction.

12.5  Binding Effect and Assignment. This Agreement is not intended to, and shall not, confer upon any other Person other than the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns any rights or remedies hereunder, other than the Persons referred to in Section 9 hereof, who are intended third party beneficiaries of such provision. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations under this Agreement may be assigned or delegated, in whole or in part, by operation of law or otherwise, by any party without the prior written consent of the other parties. Any purported assignment of this Agreement in violation of the foregoing shall be null and void ab initio. Subject to the preceding sentence, this Agreement will be binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by, the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

12.6  Amendments and Modifications, Waivers, etc. No provision of this Agreement may be modified, amended, altered, supplemented or waived prior to the Effective Time except upon the execution and delivery of a written agreement, amendment or waiver executed, in the case of an amendment, by the parties hereto or, in the case of a waiver, by each party against whom the waiver is to be effective. No failure or delay of any party in exercising any right or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right or power, or any abandonment or discontinuance of steps to enforce such right or power, or any course of conduct, preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or power. The rights and remedies herein provided shall be cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by Law.

12.7  Reliance by First Majestic and Merger Sub. The Securityholder understands and acknowledges that First Majestic and Merger Sub are entering into the Merger Agreement (and the other documents related thereto) in reliance upon the Securityholder’s execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and upon the representations and warranties, covenants and other agreements of the Securityholder contained in this Agreement.

12.8  Specific Performance; Injunctive Relief. The parties hereto agree that irreparable damage for which monetary damages, even if available, would not be an adequate remedy would occur in the event any provision of this Agreement was not performed in accordance with the terms hereof or was otherwise breached. It is accordingly agreed that the parties shall be entitled, in addition to any other remedy to which they are entitled at law or in equity to specific relief hereunder, including an injunction or injunctions, specific performance and other equitable relief to prevent and enjoin breaches (or threatened breaches) of the provisions of this Agreement and to enforce specifically the terms and provisions hereof in any court identified in Section 12.10 of this Agreement. Each of the parties hereby further waives (a) any defense in any action for



specific performance that a remedy at law would be adequate and (b) any requirement for the posting of any bond or security as a prerequisite to obtaining equitable relief.

12.9  Notices. All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given (a) upon delivery if personally delivered by hand providing proof of delivery, (b) on the date sent by email (provided that no “bounce back” or similar message of non-delivery is received with respect thereto), or (c) when delivered if sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier service (with confirmation of delivery) if received prior to 5:00 p.m. (New York City time) on a Business Day, otherwise such notice or communication shall be deemed not to have been received until the next succeeding Business Day, in each case, to the Parties at the following addresses (or at such other address for a Party as shall be specified by like notice):

If to First Majestic or Merger Sub, to:

First Majestic Silver Corp.

1800 – 925 West Georgia Street

Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3L2



Keith Neumeyer, President and Chief Executive Officer


Samir Patel, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary



with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:

Bennett Jones LLP

2500-666 Burrard Street

Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2X8



James Beeby, Lisa Stewart


BeebyJ@bennettjones.com; StewartL@bennettjones.com

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

1095 West Pender Street. Suite 805

Vancouver, B.C. V6E 2M6



Daniel M. Millier, Josh Pleitz


miller.dan@dorsey.com; pleitz.josh@dorsey.com


If to the Securityholder, to the address set forth for the Securityholder on Schedule A.

12.10 Governing Law; Jurisdiction.

(a)  This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to conflicts of laws principles that would result in the application of the Law of any other jurisdiction.

(b)  Each of the parties hereby irrevocably and unconditionally submits, for itself and its property, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware or, if (and only if) such court finds it lacks subject matter jurisdiction, the Superior Court of the State of Delaware (Complex Commercial Division) or, if subject matter jurisdiction over the matter that is the subject of the action or



proceeding is vested exclusively in the federal courts of the United States of America, the federal court of the United States of America sitting in the District of Delaware, and any appellate court thereof, in any action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement or for recognition or enforcement of any judgment relating thereto, and each of the parties hereby irrevocably and unconditionally (i) agrees not to commence any such action or proceeding except in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware, or, if (and only if) such court finds it lacks subject matter jurisdiction, the Superior Court of the State of Delaware (Complex Commercial Division) or, if subject matter jurisdiction over the matter that is the subject of the action or proceeding is vested exclusively in the federal courts of the United States of America, the federal court of the United States of America sitting in the District of Delaware, as applicable, and any appellate court from any thereof, (ii) agrees that any claim in respect of any such action or proceeding may be heard and determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware, or, if (and only if) such court finds it lacks subject matter jurisdiction, the Superior Court of the State of Delaware (Complex Commercial Division) or, if subject matter jurisdiction over the matter that is the subject of the action or proceeding is vested exclusively in the federal courts of the United States of America, the federal court of the United States of America sitting in the District of Delaware, as applicable, and any appellate court from any thereof, (iii) waives, to the fullest extent it may legally and effectively do so, any objection that it may now or hereafter have to the jurisdiction or laying of venue of any such action or proceeding in such courts and (iv) waives, to the fullest extent permitted by Law, the defense of an inconvenient forum to the maintenance of such action or proceeding in such courts. Each of the parties hereto agrees that a final judgment in any such action or proceeding shall be conclusive and may be enforced in other jurisdictions by suit on the judgment or in any other manner provided by Law. Each party to this Agreement irrevocably consents to service of process inside or outside the territorial jurisdiction of the courts referred to in this Section 12.10(b) in the manner provided for notices in Section 12.9. Nothing in this Agreement will affect the right of any party to this Agreement to serve process in any other manner permitted by Law.


12.12 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement, and supersedes all prior written agreements, arrangements, communications and understandings and all prior and contemporaneous oral agreements, arrangements, communications and understandings among the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.

12.13 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, all of which shall be considered one and the same instrument and shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party. This Agreement may be executed by .pdf signature and a .pdf signature shall constitute an original for all purposes.

12.14 Interpretation. Each of the parties hereto acknowledges that each party to this Agreement has been represented by counsel in connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and has participated jointly in negotiating and drafting this Agreement. Accordingly, any rule of law or any legal decision that would require interpretation of any claimed ambiguities in this Agreement against the drafting party has no application and is expressly waived. The section headings herein are for convenience of reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this



Agreement. When a reference is made in this Agreement to a Section or Schedule such reference shall be to a Section or Schedule of this Agreement unless otherwise indicated. The word “including” and words of similar import when used in this Agreement will mean “including, without limitation,” unless otherwise specified. The words “hereof,” “herein” and “hereunder” and words of similar import when used in this Agreement shall refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision in this Agreement. The term “or” is not exclusive. References to a party or to the parties to this Agreement refer to First Majestic, Merger Sub and the Securityholder, individually or collectively, as the case may be. All words used in this Agreement will be construed to be of such gender or number as the circumstances require. The word “will” shall be construed to have the same meaning and effect as the word “shall.” References to days mean calendar days unless otherwise specified.

12.15 Independent Legal Advice. The Securityholder acknowledges that he or she has been afforded the opportunity to seek independent legal advice concerning the terms and conditions of this Agreement and confirms by the execution and delivery of this Agreement that such Securityholder has either done so or waived his or her right to do so in connection with the entering into of this Agreement.

12.16 Expenses. All fees and expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby shall be paid by the party incurring such fees or expenses, whether or not the Merger is consummated.

12.17 Documentation and Information. The Securityholder consents to and authorizes the publication and disclosure by First Majestic and Gatos and their respective Affiliates of the Securityholders’ identity and holdings of shares of Gatos Common Stock, and the nature of the Securityholder’s commitments, arrangements and understandings under this Agreement, in any press release or any other disclosure document required in connection with the Merger or any other transaction contemplated by the Merger Agreement. As promptly as reasonably practicable, the Securityholder shall notify First Majestic and Gatos, as applicable, of any required corrections with respect to any written information supplied by the Securityholder specifically for use in any such disclosure document, if and to the extent the Securityholder becomes aware that any have become false or misleading in any material respect.

12.18 Obligation to Update Schedule A. The Securityholder agrees that in connection with any acquisitions or Transfers (to the extent permitted) of Subject Securities by the Securityholder, the Securityholder will, as promptly as practicable following the completion thereof, notify each of Gatos and First Majestic in writing of such acquisition or Transfer and the parties will update Schedule A to reflect the effect of such acquisition or Transfer.

[Signature Page Follows]



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed on the date and year first above written.


Name: Keith Neumeyer
Title: President & Chief Executive Officer


Name: Keith Neumeyer
Title: Present & Secretary

[Signature Page to Voting and Support Agreement]


[Signature Page to Voting and Support Agreement]








Existing Shares

[●]    [●]    [●]



This VOTING AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT, dated as of September 5, 2024 (this “Agreement”), is made and entered into by and among First Majestic Silver Corp., a British Columbia company (together with its successors and permitted assigns, “First Majestic”), Ocelot Transaction Corporation (“Merger Sub”), a Delaware corporation and each of the parties listed on Schedule A hereto (each, a “Securityholder” and, collectively, the “Securityholders”).


WHEREAS, concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, First Majestic is entering into that certain Agreement and Plan of Merger (the “Merger Agreement”), by and among Gatos Silver, Inc., a Delaware corporation (together with its successors and permitted assigns, “Gatos”), First Majestic and Merger Sub, a wholly owned subsidiary of First Majestic, pursuant to which, among other things, at the closing of the transactions contemplated thereby and on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth therein, Merger Sub will be merged with and into Gatos, with the result that Gatos will survive as a wholly owned subsidiary of First Majestic (the “Merger”);

WHEREAS, each Securityholder is the beneficial or record owner of, and has either sole or shared voting power and dispositive power over, such number of shares of Gatos Common Stock (the “Existing Shares”) as is indicated opposite such Securityholder’s name on Schedule A attached hereto;

WHEREAS, First Majestic and Merger Sub desire that the Securityholders agree, and each Securityholder is willing to agree, subject to the limitations herein, not to Transfer (as defined below) any of its Subject Securities (as defined below) in a manner prohibited by this Agreement, and to vote all of the Subject Securities with respect to which the Securityholder has voting rights in a manner so as to facilitate consummation of the Merger; and

WHEREAS, as a condition and an inducement to First Majestic’s and Merger Sub’s willingness to enter into the Merger Agreement, each Securityholder has agreed to enter into this Agreement with respect to all Subject Securities that such Securityholder owns beneficially or of record as of the date hereof, and any additional Subject Securities that such Securityholder may acquire beneficial or record ownership of after the date hereof.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the respective representations, warranties, covenants and agreements set forth below and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows:

1.  Definitions. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings ascribed to such terms in the Merger Agreement. When used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings assigned to them in this Section 1 or as otherwise defined elsewhere in this Agreement.

beneficial owner” shall be interpreted in accordance with the term “beneficial owner” as defined in Rule 13d-3 adopted by the SEC under the Exchange Act, and a Person’s beneficial ownership of securities shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of such Rule (in each case, irrespective of whether or not such Rule is actually applicable in such circumstance); provided that, notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, for purposes of determining beneficial ownership, a Person shall be deemed to be the beneficial owner of any securities which such Person has, at any time during the term of this Agreement, the right to acquire pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or understanding or upon the exercise of conversion rights, exchange rights, redemption rights, warrants or options, or



otherwise (irrespective of whether the right to acquire such securities is exercisable immediately or only after the passage of time (including the passage of time in excess of sixty (60) days), the satisfaction of any conditions, the occurrence of any event or any combination of the foregoing). The terms “beneficial ownership,” “beneficially own,” “beneficially owned” and “own beneficially” shall have correlative meanings.

Electrum Credit Arrangements” shall mean the Electrum Credit Agreement and the Electrum Pledge Agreement.

Electrum Credit Agreement” shall mean that certain Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated December 21, 2023, by and among Electrum Global Holdings L.P., Electrum Silver US LLC, Sprott Resource Lending Corp. and Sprott Private Resource Lending III (Collector-1), LP, as may be amended, extended, or replaced from time to time.

Electrum Pledge Agreement” shall mean that certain Share Pledge Agreement, dated as of February 17, 2023, as amended as of December 21, 2023, by and between Electrum Silver US LLC and Sprott Private Resource Lending III (Collector-1), LP, as may be further amended, extended or replaced from time to time.

Expiration Time” shall mean the earliest to occur of (a) the Effective Time, (b) such date and time as the Merger Agreement shall be terminated in accordance with its terms, (c) a Gatos Change of Recommendation in accordance with Section 5.03(e) of the Merger Agreement or (d) the termination of this Agreement by mutual written consent of the parties hereto.

Shareholders Agreement” shall mean that certain Shareholders Agreement, dated as of October 30, 2020, by and among Gatos and the stockholders that are signatories thereto.

Subject Securities” shall mean, collectively, with respect to each Securityholder, such Securityholder’s Existing Shares and any New Shares.

Transfer” shall mean (i) any direct or indirect offer, sale, assignment, conveyance, exchange, encumbrance, pledge, hypothecation, disposition, loan or other transfer (whether by merger of the applicable Securityholder, by tendering into any tender or exchange offer, by testamentary disposition, by operation of law or otherwise), either voluntary or involuntary, (ii) entry into any Contract, option or other understanding with respect to any offer, sale, assignment, conveyance, exchange, encumbrance, pledge, hypothecation, disposition, loan or other transfer (whether by merger of the applicable Securityholder, by tendering into any tender or exchange offer, by testamentary disposition, by operation of law or otherwise), (iii) to otherwise grant, permit or suffer the creation of any Liens (other than those created by this Agreement or under applicable securities laws) or (iv) to commit or agree, directly or indirectly, to take any of the foregoing actions.

2.  Agreement to Retain Subject Securities.

2.1  Transfer and Encumbrance of Subject Securities. Until the earlier of (x) the Expiration Time and (y) Gatos Stockholder Approval, each Securityholder (severally as to itself and not jointly) agrees, with respect to any Subject Securities owned beneficially or of record by such Securityholder, not to (a) Transfer any such Subject Securities except for Transfers (i) that are initiated by the lender under the Electrum Credit Arrangements, including any extension, amendment, refinancing or repledge of security interests relating to the Electrum Credit Arrangements or (ii) that occur following January 1, 2025, to the extent that such Transfer of such Subject Securities is reasonably necessary (as determined by Securityholder in its sole discretion) to provide liquidity to Securityholder to timely repay the Electrum Credit Agreement; provided, that any disposition and Transfer described in this clause (ii) must be permitted under the Electrum Credit Arrangements; or (b) deposit



any such Subject Securities into a voting trust or enter into any agreement, arrangement or understanding with any Person to vote or give instructions inconsistent with this Section 2, including any rights to acquire, any granting of, options, rights of first offer or refusal, or any voting agreement or arrangement with respect to such Securityholder’s Subject Securities, grant any proxy (except as otherwise provided herein) or power of attorney with respect thereto or enter into any agreement or arrangement with any person to limit, restrict or adversely affect the Securityholder’s legal power to, authority or right to vote any of its Subject Securities or otherwise prevent the Securityholder from performing its obligations under this Agreement or commit or agree, directly or indirectly, to take any of the foregoing actions. Such Securityholder further authorizes Gatos to notify Gatos’s transfer agent that there is a stop transfer order with respect to all of the Subject Securities and that this Agreement places limits on the voting of the Subject Securities (subject to the provisions hereof); provided, however, that any such stop transfer order shall terminate upon the Expiration Time.

2.2  Acquisition of Additional Securities. Each Securityholder (severally as to itself and not jointly) agrees that any shares of Gatos Common Stock that such Securityholder purchases or otherwise acquires beneficial or record ownership of, or with respect to which such Securityholder otherwise acquires sole or shared voting power, following the execution of this Agreement and prior to the Expiration Time (the “New Shares”), shall constitute Subject Securities and be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement; provided, that such New Shares may be pledged under the Electrum Credit Arrangements.

2.3  Unpermitted Transfers. Any Transfer or attempted or purported Transfer of any Subject Securities in violation of Section 2.1 shall be null and void ab initio.

3.  Agreement to Vote and Approve. Until the Expiration Time, at every meeting of the stockholders of Gatos (whether annual or special) called with respect to any of the following matters, and at every adjournment, postponement or continuation thereof, and on every action or approval by written consent of the stockholders of Gatos with respect to any of the following matters, each Securityholder shall, or shall cause the holder of record on any applicable record date to (including via proxy), vote the Subject Securities owned beneficially or of record by such Securityholder (or such holder of record on such applicable record date): (a) in favor of the adoption of the Merger Agreement and the approval of the transactions contemplated thereby, including the Merger, (b) in favor of any other proposal in respect of which the vote or written consent of such Securityholders is requested that could reasonably be expected to facilitate the approval of the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement (including the Merger), including any proposal to adjourn or postpone such meeting of the stockholders of Gatos to a later date if there are not sufficient votes to adopt the Merger Agreement and/or if there are not sufficient shares present in person or by proxy at such meeting of the stockholders of Gatos to constitute a quorum and (c) against (i) any action, proposal, transaction or agreement that would reasonably be expected to result in a breach of any covenant, representation or warranty or any other obligation or agreement of Gatos under the Merger Agreement or of such Securityholder under this Agreement and (ii) any amendment to Gatos’s articles of incorporation or by-laws that would reasonably be expected to prohibit or impede the timely consummation of the Merger and/or the other transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement and (iii) any change in a majority of the board of directors of Gatos (clauses (a) through (c), the “Required Votes”). Any such vote shall be cast, or consent shall be given, for purposes of this Section 3, in accordance with such procedures relating thereto as shall ensure that it is duly counted for purposes of determining that a quorum is present and for purposes of recording in accordance herewith the results of such vote or consent. At any meeting of the Securityholders of Gatos (whether annual or special) to which this Section 3 is applicable, each Securityholder shall, or shall direct the holder(s) of record of all of the Subject Securities of such Securityholder on any applicable record date to, appear, in person or by proxy, at each meeting or otherwise cause all of the Subject Securities of such Securityholder to be counted as present thereat for purposes of establishing a quorum. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if there is any amendment to the Merger Agreement which (x) reduces the amount of or changes the form of the Merger Consideration, (y) changes the payment terms of the Merger Consideration in any respect adverse to the holders of Gatos Common Stock or (z) imposes any additional conditions or obligations on the payment of the Merger Consideration or any additional conditions or obligations that would prevent or substantially impede the consummation of the Merger,



the Securityholder shall have no obligation to vote any of the Subject Securities in accordance with this Section 3 in favor of the Merger or with respect to the Merger Agreement as so amended.

4.  Agreement Not to Solicit. Until the Expiration Time, each Securityholder (severally as to itself and not jointly and solely in the Securityholder’s capacity as such) shall not, and shall not authorize and shall use its reasonable best efforts not to permit any of its directors, officers or employees, consultants, financial advisors, accountants, legal counsel, investment bankers, other agents or advisors to act on such Securityholder’s behalf, to, directly or indirectly, engage in any conduct in which Gatos is not permitted to engage by Section 5.03(a) of the Merger Agreement.

5.  No Representative Capacity. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, this Agreement applies solely to the Securityholder in the Securityholder’s capacity as a shareholder of Gatos, and nothing in this Agreement shall prevent such Securityholder from acting in such Securityholder’s capacity as an employee, officer or director of Gatos or any Subsidiary of Gatos, or taking any action in such capacity (including at the direction of the board of directors of Gatos).

6.  Representations and Warranties of the Securityholders. Each Securityholder (severally as to itself and not jointly) hereby represents and warrants to First Majestic and Merger Sub as follows:

6.1  Due Authority; Organization. Such Securityholder has all necessary corporate or similar power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform such Securityholder’s obligations hereunder. If such Securityholder is an entity, the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by such Securityholder has been duly and validly authorized by all necessary action on the part of such Securityholder, and no other corporate proceedings on the part of such Securityholder are necessary to approve this Agreement or to consummate the transaction contemplated hereby, and such Securityholder is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of organization. This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by such Securityholder and, assuming the due authorization, execution and delivery of this Agreement by First Majestic and Merger Sub, constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of such Securityholder, enforceable against such Securityholder in accordance with its terms (except to the extent that enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, examinership, reorganization, moratorium or other similar Laws, now or hereafter in effect, relating to creditors’ rights generally).

6.2  Ownership of the Existing Shares. As of the date hereof, such Securityholder (a) is the beneficial and record owner of shares of Gatos Common Stock as indicated on Schedule A hereto opposite such Securityholder’s name, free and clear of any proxy, voting restriction, adverse claim or other Lien, other than (i) any Liens imposed on such shares of Gatos Common Stock pursuant to the Electrum Credit Arrangements, and (ii) Liens created by this Agreement, the Merger Agreement or under applicable securities Laws, and (b) has sole voting power over all of the Existing Shares owned beneficially or of record by such Securityholder and sole power of disposition with respect to all of the Existing Shares, and no person other than such Securityholder has any right to direct or approve the voting or disposition of any of the Existing Shares. As of the date hereof, such Securityholder does not own, beneficially or of record, any capital stock or other securities of Gatos or any Subsidiary of Gatos other than the shares of Gatos Common Stock set forth on Schedule A opposite such Securityholder’s name. As of the date hereof, such Securityholder does not own, beneficially or of record, any rights to purchase or acquire any shares of capital stock or other equity interests of Gatos or any Subsidiary of Gatos except as set forth on Schedule A opposite such Securityholder’s name. None of the Subject Securities are subject to any voting trust agreement or other Contract to which such Securityholder is a party restricting or otherwise relating to the voting or Transfer of any of the Subject Securities. Such Securityholder has not appointed or granted any proxy or power of attorney that is still in effect with respect to any Subject Securities, except as provided in the Shareholders Agreement. Such Securityholder has not entered into and will not enter into any agreement or commitment with any person the effect of which would be inconsistent with or otherwise violate any of the provisions and agreements set forth herein.



6.3  No Conflict; Consents.

(a)  The execution and delivery of this Agreement by such Securityholder does not, and the performance by such Securityholder of its obligations under this Agreement will not, (i) conflict with or violate any Law applicable to such Securityholder or by which any of such Securityholder’s assets is bound, (ii) result in any breach or violation of, or constitute a default (or an event which with notice or lapse of time or both would become a default), or result in the loss of a benefit under, or terminate or give rise to any right of termination, vesting, cancellation, amendment, notification, purchase or sale (including any purchase option, option to sell, right of first refusal, right of first offer, right of first negotiation or similar option or right) under, or acceleration of, or result in the creation of a Lien on any of the Subject Securities owned beneficially by such Securityholder pursuant to, any Contract to which such Securityholder is a party or by which any of such Securityholder’s assets is bound or (iii) conflict with or violate any provision of the organizational documents of such Securityholder, as applicable.

(b)  Except for any required filings by such Securityholder with the SEC, the execution and delivery of this Agreement by such Securityholder does not, and the performance by such Securityholder of its obligations under this Agreement will not, require any consent, approval, authorization or permit of, action by, filing with or notification to, any Person.

6.4  Absence of Litigation. As of the date of this Agreement, there is no Action or Order pending or, to the knowledge of such Securityholder, threatened against or affecting, such Securityholder that would reasonably be expected to impair or adversely affect the ability of such Securityholder to perform such Securityholder’s obligations hereunder or to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

7.  Representations and Warranties of First Majestic and Merger Sub. First Majestic and Merger Sub hereby represent and warrant to each Securityholder as follows:

7.1  Due Authority. Each of First Majestic and Merger Sub has all necessary corporate or similar power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by First Majestic and Merger Sub have been duly and validly authorized, and no other corporate proceedings on the part of First Majestic or Merger Sub are necessary to approve this Agreement. This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by First Majestic and Merger Sub and, assuming the due authorization, execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Securityholders, constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of First Majestic and Merger Sub, enforceable against each of them in accordance with its terms (except to the extent that enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, examinership, reorganization, moratorium or other similar Laws, now or hereafter in effect, relating to creditors’ rights generally).

7.2  No Conflict; Consents.

(a)  The execution and delivery of this Agreement by First Majestic and Merger Sub does not, and the performance by First Majestic and Merger Sub of their respective obligations under this Agreement will not, (i) conflict with or violate any Law applicable to First Majestic or Merger Sub or by which any of First Majestic or Merger Sub’s assets are bound, (ii) result in any breach or violation of, or constitute a default (or an event which with notice or lapse of time or both would become a default), or result in the loss of a benefit under, or terminate or give rise to any right of termination, vesting, cancellation, amendment, notification, purchase or sale (including any purchase option, option to sell, right of first refusal, right of first offer, right of first negotiation or similar option or right) under, or acceleration of, any Contract to which First Majestic or Merger Sub is a party or by which any of First Majestic or Merger Sub’s assets are bound or (iii) conflict with or violate any provision of the organizational documents of First Majestic or Merger Sub, as applicable.



(b)  Except for any required filings by First Majestic and Merger Sub with the SEC or Canadian Securities Authorities, the execution and delivery of this Agreement by First Majestic and Merger Sub does not, and the performance by First Majestic and Merger Sub of their respective obligations under this Agreement will not, require any consent, approval, authorization or permit of, action by, filing with or notification to, any Person.

7.3  Absence of Litigation. As of the date of this Agreement, there is no Action or Order pending or, to the knowledge of First Majestic, threatened against or affecting, First Majestic, Merger Sub or any of their Affiliates that would reasonably be expected to impair or adversely affect the ability of First Majestic or Merger Sub to perform their obligations hereunder or to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

8.  Waiver of Appraisal Rights. Each Securityholder hereby waives, to the full extent permitted by applicable Law, and agrees not to assert or perfect any, appraisal rights pursuant to Section 262 of the DGCL or otherwise in connection with the Merger with respect to the Subject Securities owned beneficially or of record by such Securityholder.

9.  No Legal Action. The Securityholders shall not bring, commence, institute, maintain, voluntarily aid, finance, encourage or prosecute, and agree to take all actions necessary to opt out of any class in any class action with respect to, any claim, appeal, litigation, arbitration or proceeding which, and the Securityholders hereby waive any claim, appeal, litigation, arbitration or proceeding that, (a) challenges the validity of or seeks to enjoin the operation of any provision of this Agreement (other than to enforce it) or (b) alleges the breach of any fiduciary duty of any Person (including any member of the board of directors of Gatos or any committee thereof) in connection with the negotiation and entry into the this Agreement, the Merger Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby. In addition, in the case of a class action, each Securityholder agrees not to bring, commence, institute, maintain, voluntarily aid, finance, encourage, prosecute or participate in and to take all actions necessary to opt out of, any class in any class action with respect to (a) or (b) above.

10.  Termination. This Agreement shall terminate and shall have no further force or effect immediately as of and following the Expiration Time. Upon termination of this Agreement, no party shall have any further obligations or liabilities under this Agreement; provided, however, that (a) nothing set forth in this Section 10 shall relieve any party from liability for any Willful Breach in respect of its representations, warranties, covenants or agreements set forth in this Agreement prior to such termination; and (b) the provisions of this Section 10, and Section 12, shall survive any termination of this Agreement.

11.  Notice of Certain Events. Until the Expiration Time, each Securityholder shall notify First Majestic promptly of (a) the receipt by such Securityholder of any notice or other communication from any Person alleging that the consent of such Person is or may be required in connection with this Agreement, (b) any acquisition of shares of Gatos Common Stock by such Securityholder and (c) any Transfer pursuant to Section 2.1; provided, however, that the delivery of any notice pursuant to this Section 11 shall not limit or otherwise affect the remedies available to any party.

12.  Miscellaneous

12.1  Further Assurances. From time to time, at the request of First Majestic and without further consideration, each Securityholder shall take such further action as may reasonably be deemed to be necessary or desirable to effect the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

12.2  No Ownership Interest. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to vest in First Majestic any direct or indirect ownership or incidence of ownership of or with respect to the Subject Securities. All rights, ownership and economic benefits of and relating to the Subject Securities shall remain vested in and belong to the Securityholder, and First Majestic shall have no authority to direct the Securityholder in the voting or disposition of any of the Subject Securities, except as otherwise provided herein. Nothing in this



Agreement shall be interpreted as creating or forming a “group” with any other Person, including First Majestic, for purposes of Rule 13d-5(b)(1) of the Exchange Act or any other similar provision of applicable Law.

12.3  Certain Adjustments. In the event of a change in the number of shares of Gatos Common Stock by reason of any reclassification, recapitalization, split (including a reverse split), subdivision, combination, exchange or readjustment, or any stock or unit dividend or stock or unit distribution or other similar transaction, the terms “Gatos Common Stock” and “Subject Securities” shall be deemed to refer to and include such shares or units as well as all such stock or unit dividends and distributions and any securities into which or for which any or all of such shares or units may be changed or exchanged or which are received in such transaction.

12.4  Severability. Whenever possible, each provision or portion of any provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable Law, but if any provision or portion of any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any applicable Law or rule in any jurisdiction, (a) the parties shall negotiate, in good faith, a suitable and equitable provision that shall be substituted therefor in order to carry out, so far as may be valid and enforceable, the intent and purpose of such invalid or unenforceable provision and (b) such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision or portion of any provision in such jurisdiction.

12.5  Binding Effect and Assignment. This Agreement is not intended to, and shall not, confer upon any other Person other than the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns any rights or remedies hereunder, other than the Persons referred to in Section 9 hereof, who are intended third party beneficiaries of such provision. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations under this Agreement may be assigned or delegated, in whole or in part, by operation of law or otherwise, by any party without the prior written consent of the other parties. Any purported assignment of this Agreement in violation of the foregoing shall be null and void ab initio. Subject to the preceding sentence, this Agreement will be binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by, the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

12.6  Amendments and Modifications, Waivers, etc. No provision of this Agreement may be modified, amended, altered, supplemented or waived prior to the Effective Time except upon the execution and delivery of a written agreement, amendment or waiver executed, in the case of an amendment, by the parties hereto or, in the case of a waiver, by each party against whom the waiver is to be effective. No failure or delay of any party in exercising any right or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right or power, or any abandonment or discontinuance of steps to enforce such right or power, or any course of conduct, preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or power. The rights and remedies herein provided shall be cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by Law.

12.7  Reliance by First Majestic and Merger Sub. Each Securityholder understands and acknowledges that First Majestic and Merger Sub are entering into the Merger Agreement (and the other documents related thereto) in reliance upon such Securityholder’s execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and upon the representations and warranties, covenants and other agreements of such Securityholder contained in this Agreement.

12.8  Specific Performance; Injunctive Relief. The parties hereto agree that irreparable damage for which monetary damages, even if available, would not be an adequate remedy would occur in the event any provision of this Agreement was not performed in accordance with the terms hereof or was otherwise breached. It is accordingly agreed that the parties shall be entitled, in addition to any other remedy to which they are entitled at law or in equity to specific relief hereunder, including an injunction or injunctions, specific performance and other equitable relief to prevent and enjoin breaches (or threatened breaches) of the provisions of this Agreement and to enforce specifically the terms and provisions hereof in any court identified in Section 12.10 of this Agreement. Each of the parties hereby further waives (a) any defense in any action for



specific performance that a remedy at law would be adequate and (b) any requirement for the posting of any bond or security as a prerequisite to obtaining equitable relief.

12.9  Notices. All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given (a) upon delivery if personally delivered by hand providing proof of delivery, (b) on the date sent by email (provided that no “bounce back” or similar message of non-delivery is received with respect thereto), or (c) when delivered if sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier service (with confirmation of delivery) if received prior to 5:00 p.m. (New York City time) on a Business Day, otherwise such notice or communication shall be deemed not to have been received until the next succeeding Business Day, in each case, to the Parties at the following addresses (or at such other address for a Party as shall be specified by like notice):

If to First Majestic or Merger Sub, to:

First Majestic Silver Corp.

1800 – 925 West Georgia Street

Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3L2



Keith Neumeyer, President and Chief Executive Officer


Samir Patel, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary




with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:

Bennett Jones LLP

2500 – 666 Burrard Street

Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2X8



James Beeby, Lisa Stewart


BeebyJ@bennettjones.com, StewartL@bennettjones.com


Dorsey & Whitney LLP

1095 West Pender Street, Suite 805

Vancouver, B.C. V6E 2M6



Daniel M. Miller, Josh Pleitz


miller.dan@dorsey.com; pleitz.josh@dorsey.com

If to a Securityholder, to the address set forth for such Securityholder on Schedule A.

12.10  Governing Law; Jurisdiction.

(a)  This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to conflicts of laws principles that would result in the application of the Law of any other jurisdiction.

(b)  Each of the parties hereby irrevocably and unconditionally submits, for itself and its property, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware or, if (and only if) such court finds it lacks subject matter jurisdiction, the Superior Court of the State of Delaware (Complex Commercial Division) or, if subject matter jurisdiction over the matter that is the subject of the action or



proceeding is vested exclusively in the federal courts of the United States of America, the federal court of the United States of America sitting in the District of Delaware, and any appellate court thereof, in any action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement or for recognition or enforcement of any judgment relating thereto, and each of the parties hereby irrevocably and unconditionally (i) agrees not to commence any such action or proceeding except in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware, or, if (and only if) such court finds it lacks subject matter jurisdiction, the Superior Court of the State of Delaware (Complex Commercial Division) or, if subject matter jurisdiction over the matter that is the subject of the action or proceeding is vested exclusively in the federal courts of the United States of America, the federal court of the United States of America sitting in the District of Delaware, as applicable, and any appellate court from any thereof, (ii) agrees that any claim in respect of any such action or proceeding may be heard and determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware, or, if (and only if) such court finds it lacks subject matter jurisdiction, the Superior Court of the State of Delaware (Complex Commercial Division) or, if subject matter jurisdiction over the matter that is the subject of the action or proceeding is vested exclusively in the federal courts of the United States of America, the federal court of the United States of America sitting in the District of Delaware, as applicable, and any appellate court from any thereof, (iii) waives, to the fullest extent it may legally and effectively do so, any objection that it may now or hereafter have to the jurisdiction or laying of venue of any such action or proceeding in such courts and (iv) waives, to the fullest extent permitted by Law, the defense of an inconvenient forum to the maintenance of such action or proceeding in such courts. Each of the parties hereto agrees that a final judgment in any such action or proceeding shall be conclusive and may be enforced in other jurisdictions by suit on the judgment or in any other manner provided by Law. Each party to this Agreement irrevocably consents to service of process inside or outside the territorial jurisdiction of the courts referred to in this Section 12.10(b) in the manner provided for notices in Section 12.9. Nothing in this Agreement will affect the right of any party to this Agreement to serve process in any other manner permitted by Law.


12.12  Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement, and supersedes all prior written agreements, arrangements, communications and understandings and all prior and contemporaneous oral agreements, arrangements, communications and understandings among the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.

12.13  Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, all of which shall be considered one and the same instrument and shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party. This Agreement may be executed by .pdf signature and a .pdf signature shall constitute an original for all purposes.

12.14  Interpretation. Each of the parties hereto acknowledges that each party to this Agreement has been represented by counsel in connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and has participated jointly in negotiating and drafting this Agreement. Accordingly, any rule of law or any legal decision that would require interpretation of any claimed ambiguities in this Agreement against the drafting party has no application and is expressly waived. The section headings herein are for convenience of reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this



Agreement. When a reference is made in this Agreement to a Section or Schedule such reference shall be to a Section or Schedule of this Agreement unless otherwise indicated. The word “including” and words of similar import when used in this Agreement will mean “including, without limitation,” unless otherwise specified. The words “hereof,” “herein” and “hereunder” and words of similar import when used in this Agreement shall refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision in this Agreement. The term “or” is not exclusive. References to a party or to the parties to this Agreement refer to First Majestic, Merger Sub and the Securityholders, individually or collectively, as the case may be. All words used in this Agreement will be construed to be of such gender or number as the circumstances require. The word “will” shall be construed to have the same meaning and effect as the word “shall.” References to days mean calendar days unless otherwise specified.

12.15  Expenses. All fees and expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby shall be paid by the party incurring such fees or expenses, whether or not the Merger is consummated.

12.16  Documentation and Information. Each Securityholder consents to and authorizes the publication and disclosure by First Majestic and Gatos and their respective Affiliates of the Securityholders’ identity and holdings of shares of Gatos Common Stock, and the nature of such Securityholder’s commitments, arrangements and understandings under this Agreement, in any press release or any other disclosure document required in connection with the Merger or any other transaction contemplated by the Merger Agreement; provided, that each Securityholder will be provided with an opportunity to review any such disclosure prior to public release. As promptly as reasonably practicable, each Securityholder shall notify First Majestic and Gatos, as applicable, of any required corrections with respect to any written information supplied by such Securityholder specifically for use in any such disclosure document, if and to the extent such Securityholder becomes aware that any have become false or misleading in any material respect.

12.17  Obligation to Update Schedule A. Each Securityholder agrees that in connection with any acquisitions or Transfers (to the extent permitted) of Subject Securities by such Securityholder, such Securityholder will, as promptly as practicable following the completion thereof, notify each of Gatos and First Majestic in writing of such acquisition or Transfer and the parties will update Schedule A to reflect the effect of such acquisition or Transfer.

[Signature Page Follows]



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed on the date and year first above written.





/s/ Keith Neumeyer


  Keith Neumeyer


  President & Chief Executive Officer



/s/ Samir Patel


  Samir Patel



[Signature Page to Voting and Support Agreement]

By: Electrum Strategic Management LLC, its Manager

/s/ Michael H. Williams

Name: Michael H. Williams
Title: Managing Director
By: Electrum Strategic Management LLC, its Manager

/s/ Michael H. Williams

Name: Michael H. Williams
Title: Managing Director

[Signature Page to Voting and Support Agreement]








Existing Shares 

 Electrum Silver US LLC


c/o The Electrum Group LLC

600 Fifth Ave., 24th Fl.

New York, NY 10020


 Electrum Silver US II LLC


c/o The Electrum Group LLC

600 Fifth Ave., 24th Fl.

New York, NY 10020





Item 20.


First Majestic Silver Corp. (“we”, “us” or “our company”) is subject to the provisions of Part 5, Division 5 of the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) (the “Act”). The summary of the provisions of the Act included below is qualified in its entirety by the full text of the Act in effect as at the date hereof.

Under Section 160 of the Act, we may, subject to Section 163 of the Act:

(1) indemnify an individual who:



is or was a director or officer of our company;



is or was a director or officer of another corporation (i) at a time when such corporation is or was an affiliate of our company; or (ii) at our request, or



at our request, is or was, or holds or held a position equivalent to that of, a director or officer of a partnership, trust, joint venture or other unincorporated entity, and including, subject to certain limited exceptions, the heirs and personal or other legal representatives of that individual (collectively, an “eligible party”), against all eligible penalties to which the eligible party is or may be liable; and

(2) after final disposition of an eligible proceeding, pay the expenses actually and reasonably incurred by an eligible party in respect of that proceeding, where:

“eligible penalty” means a judgment, penalty or fine awarded or imposed in, or an amount paid in settlement of, and eligible proceeding.

“eligible proceeding” means a proceeding in which an eligible party or any of the heirs and personal or other legal representatives of the eligible party, by reason of the eligible party being or having been a director or officer of, or holding or having held a position equivalent to that of a director or officer of, our company or an associated corporation (a) is or may be joined as a party, or (b) is or may be liable for or in respect of a judgment, penalty or fine in, or expenses related to, the proceeding.

“expenses” includes costs, charges and expenses, including legal and other fees, but does not include judgments, penalties, fines or amounts paid in settlement of a proceeding.

“proceeding” includes any legal proceeding or investigative action, whether current, threatened, pending or completed.

Under Section 161 of the Act, and subject to Section 163 of the Act, we must, after the final disposition of an eligible proceeding, pay the expenses actually and reasonably incurred by an eligible party in respect of that proceeding if the eligible party (a) has not been reimbursed for those expenses, and (b) is wholly successful, on the merits or otherwise, in the outcome of the proceeding or is substantially successful on the merits in the outcome of the proceeding.

Under Section 162 of the Act, and subject to Section 163 of the Act, we may pay, as they are incurred in advance of the final disposition of an eligible proceeding, the expenses actually and reasonably incurred by an eligible party in respect of the proceeding, provided that we must not make such payments unless we first receive from the eligible party a written undertaking that, if it is ultimately determined that the payment of expenses is prohibited under Section 163 of the Act, the eligible party will repay the amounts advanced.

Under Section 163 of the Act, we must not indemnify an eligible party against eligible penalties to which the eligible party is or may be liable or pay the expenses of an eligible party in respect of that proceeding under Sections 160(b), 161 or 162 of the Act, as the case may be, if any of the following circumstances apply:



if the indemnity or payment is made under an earlier agreement to indemnify or pay expenses and, at the time that the agreement to indemnify or pay expenses was made, we were prohibited from giving the indemnity or paying the expenses by our memorandum or articles;




if the indemnity or payment is made otherwise than under an earlier agreement to indemnify or pay expenses and, at the time that the indemnity or payment is made, we are prohibited from giving the indemnity or paying the expenses by our memorandum or articles;



if, in relation to the subject matter of the eligible proceeding, the eligible party did not act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of our company or the associated corporation, as the case may be; or



in the case of an eligible proceeding other than a civil proceeding, if the eligible party did not have reasonable grounds for believing that the eligible party’s conduct in respect of which the proceeding was brought was lawful.

If an eligible proceeding is brought against an eligible party by or on behalf of our company or by or on behalf of an associated corporation, we must not either indemnify the eligible party against eligible penalties to which the eligible party is or may be liable, or pay the expenses of the eligible party under Sections 160, 161 or 162 of the Act, as the case may be, in respect of the proceeding.

Under Section 164 of the Act, and despite any other provision of Part 5, Division 5 of the Act and whether or not payment of expenses or indemnification has been sought, authorized or declined under Part 5, Division 5 of the Act, on application of our company or an eligible party, the Supreme Court of British Columbia may do one or more of the following:



order us to indemnify an eligible party against any liability incurred by the eligible party in respect of an eligible proceeding;



order us to pay some or all of the expenses incurred by an eligible party in respect of an eligible proceeding;



order the enforcement of, or payment under, an agreement of indemnification entered into by us;



order us to pay some or all of the expenses actually and reasonably incurred by any person in obtaining an order under Section 164 of the Act; or



make any other order the court considers appropriate.

Section 165 of the Act provides that we may purchase and maintain insurance for the benefit of an eligible party or the heirs and personal or other legal representatives of the eligible party against any liability that may be incurred by reason of the eligible party being or having been a director or officer of, or holding or having held a position equivalent to that of a director or officer of, our company or an associated corporation.

Under our articles, and subject to the Act, we must indemnify an eligible party and his or her heirs and legal personal representatives against all eligible penalties to which such person is or may be liable, and we must, after the final disposition of an eligible proceeding, pay the expenses actually and reasonably incurred by such person in respect of that proceeding. Each eligible party is deemed to have contracted with our company on the terms of the indemnity contained in our articles.

Under our articles, and subject to the Act, we may agree to indemnify and may indemnify any person (including an eligible party). We have entered into indemnity agreements with certain of our directors and officers.

Pursuant to our articles, the failure of an eligible party to comply with the Act or our articles does not, of itself, invalidate any indemnity to which he or she is entitled under our articles.



Under our articles, we may purchase and maintain insurance for the benefit of an eligible person (or his or her heirs or legal personal representatives) against any liability incurred by him or her as a director, officer or person who holds or held such equivalent position.

Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, may be permitted to directors, officers or persons controlling our company pursuant to the foregoing provisions, we have been informed that in the opinion of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the Act and is therefore unenforceable.



Item 21.

Exhibits And Financial Statements Schedules



Exhibit Description

  2.1    Agreement and Plan of Merger (included as Annex A to the proxy statement/prospectus included in the Registration Statement of which this Item 21 forms a part)+
  3.1    Certificate of Continuation and Certificate of Change of Name for First Majestic (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Registration Statement on Form S-8 filed by First Majestic Silver Corp. on July 23, 2021 (File No. 333-258124))
  3.2    Notice of Articles and Articles filed under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) for First Majestic (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the Registration Statement on Form S-8 filed by First Majestic Silver Corp. on July 23, 2021 (File No. 333-258124))
  4.1*    First Majestic Long-Term Incentive Plan
  5.1    Opinion as to the validity of the securities being registered
  8.1    Opinion of White & Case LLP regarding certain U.S. federal income tax matters
 10.1    Voting and Support Agreement, dated September 5, 2024, by and among First Majestic Silver Corp., Ocelot Transaction Corporation, Electrum Silver US LLC and Electrum Silver US II LLC (included as Annex E to the proxy statement/prospectus included in the Registration Statement of which this Item 21 forms a part)
 10.2    Form of the Voting and Support Agreements with the directors and certain executive officers of Gatos Silver, Inc. (included as Annex D to the proxy statement/prospectus included in the Registration Statement of which this Item 21 forms a part)
 21.1    List of Significant Subsidiaries
 23.1    Consent of Deloitte LLP
 23.2    Consent of Ernst & Young LLP
 23.3*    Consent of Ramon Mendoza Reyes, P.Eng.
 23.4*    Consent of Persio P. Rosario, P.Eng.
 23.5*    Consent of María Elena Vázquez Jaimes, P.Geo.
 23.6*    Consent of Phillip Spurgeon, P.Geo.
 23.7*    Consent of Brian Boutilier, P.Eng.
 23.8*    Consent of David Rowe, CPG
 23.9*    Consent of Joaquin J. Merino-Marquez, P.Geo.
 23.10*    Consent of Gonzalo Mercado, P.Geo.
 23.11*    Consent of Michael Jarred Deal, RM SME
 23.12*    Consent of David Wanner, P.E.
 23.13    Consent of BofA Securities, Inc.
 23.14    Consent of GenCap Mining Advisory Ltd.
 23.15*    Consent of Ronald Turner, P. Geo., MAusIMM(CP), employee of Golder Associates S.A
 23.16*    Consent of Stephan Blaho, P.Eng., employee of WSP Canada Inc.
 23.17*    Consent of Anthony (Tony) Scott, P.Geo.
 23.18    Consent of Bennett Jones LLP (included in Exhibit 5.1)
 23.19    Consent of White & Case LLP (included in Exhibit 8.1)
 23.20    Consent of Stephen Blaho (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 23.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by Gatos Silver, Inc. with the SEC on October 22, 2024 (File No. 001-39649))
 23.21    Consent of Tierra Group International Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 23.2 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by Gatos Silver, Inc. with the SEC on October 22, 2024 (File No. 001-39649))
 23.22    Consent of Dawn Garcia (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 23.3 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by Gatos Silver, Inc. with the SEC on October 22, 2024 (File No. 001-39649))
 23.23    Consent of Adam Johnston (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 23.4 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by Gatos Silver, Inc. with the SEC on October 22, 2024 (File No. 001-39649))
 23.24    Consent of Ibrahim Karajeh (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 23.5 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by Gatos Silver, Inc. with the SEC on October 22, 2024 (File No. 001-39649))
 23.25    Consent of William Richard McBride (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 23.6 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by Gatos Silver, Inc. with the SEC on October 22, 2024 (File No. 001-39649))
 23.26    Consent of Matthew Oommen (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 23.7 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by Gatos Silver, Inc. with the SEC on October 22, 2024 (File No. 001-39649))
 23.27    Consent of Ronald Turner (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 23.8 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by Gatos Silver, Inc. with the SEC on October 22, 2024 (File No. 001-39649))
 24.1*    Powers of Attorney
 99.1*    Form of Proxy Card
 99.2    Unanimous Omnibus Partner Agreement effective as of January 1, 2015 among Minera Plata Real, S. de R.L. de C.V., Operaciones San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Servicios San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Los Gatos Luxembourg S.a.r.l., Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining Corporation and Dowa Metals & Mining Co., Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.5.1 to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 on Gatos Silver, Inc. filed on October 1, 2020)
 99.3    Agreement to Make Capital Contribution dated April 10, 2017, among Minera Plata Real, S. de R.L. de C.V., Operaciones San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Servicios San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Los Gatos Luxembourg S.a.r.l., Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining Corporation and Dowa Metals & Mining Co., Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.5.2 to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 on Gatos Silver, Inc. filed on October 1, 2020)
 99.4    Amendment to Partner Agreement dated June 30, 2017, among Minera Plata Real, S. de R.L. de C.V., Operaciones San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Servicios San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Los Gatos Luxembourg S.a.r.l., Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining Corporation and Dowa Metals & Mining Co., Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.5.3 to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 on Gatos Silver, Inc. filed on October 1, 2020)
 99.5    Amendment No. 3 to Partner Agreement dated March 30, 2018 among Minera Plata Real, S. de R.L. de C.V., Operaciones San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Servicios San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Los Gatos Luxembourg S.a.r.l., Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining Corporation and Dowa Metals & Mining Co., Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.5.4 to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 on Gatos Silver, Inc. filed on October 1, 2020)
 99.6    Amendment No. 4 to Partner Agreement dated March 30, 2019 among Minera Plata Real, S. de R.L. de C.V., Operaciones San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Servicios San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining Corporation and Dowa Metals & Mining Co., Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.5.5 to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 on Gatos Silver, Inc. filed on October 1, 2020)
 99.7    Amendment No. 5 to Partner Agreement dated April 29, 2020 among Minera Plata Real, S. de R.L. de C.V., Operaciones San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Servicios San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining Corporation and Dowa Metals & Mining Co., Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.5.6 to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 on Gatos Silver, Inc. filed on October 1, 2020)
 99.8    Amendment No. 6 to Partner Agreement dated May 25, 2020 among Minera Plata Real, S. de R.L. de C.V., Operaciones San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Servicios San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining Corporation and Dowa Metals & Mining Co., Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.5.7 to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 on Gatos Silver, Inc. filed on October 1, 2020)
 99.9    Amendment No. 7 to Partner Agreement dated June 16, 2020 among Minera Plata Real, S. de R.L. de C.V., Operaciones San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Servicios San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining Corporation and Dowa Metals & Mining Co., Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.5.8 to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 on Gatos Silver, Inc. filed on October 1, 2020)
 99.10    Amendment No. 8 to Partner Agreement dated July 12, 2021, among Minera Plata Real, S. de R.L. de C.V., Operaciones San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Servicios San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining Corporation and Dowa Metals & Mining Co., Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1.2 to the Annual Report on Form 10-K of Gatos Silver, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 2023 (File No. 1-39649))
 99.11    Amendment No. 9 to Partner Agreement dated October 24, 2023, among Minera Plata Real, S. de R.L. de C.V., Operaciones San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Servicios San Jose de Plata, S. de R.L. de C.V., Gatos Silver Inc., (formerly, Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining Corporation) and Dowa Metals & Mining Co., Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1.3 to the Annual Report on Form 10-K of Gatos Silver, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 2023 (File No. 1-39649))
107*    Calculation of Filing Fee Table



Previously filed.


Certain schedules are omitted pursuant to item 601(b)(2) of Regulation S-K. The registrant agrees to furnish supplementally any omitted schedules to the SEC upon request.



Item 22.


(1) The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes to file, during any period in which offers or sales are being made, a post-effective amendment to this registration statement: (i) to include any prospectus required by Section 10(a)(3) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”); (ii) to reflect in the prospectus any facts or events arising after the effective date of the registration statement (or the most recent post-effective amendment thereof) which, individually or in the aggregate, represent a fundamental change in the information set forth in the registration statement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any increase or decrease in volume of securities offered (if the total dollar value of securities offered would not exceed that which was registered) and any deviation from the low or high end of the estimated maximum offering range may be reflected in the form of prospectus filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Rule 424(b) if, in the aggregate, the changes in volume and price represent no more than 20 percent change in the maximum aggregate offering price set forth in the “Calculation of Filing Fee” table in the effective registration statement; and (iii) to include any material information with respect to the plan of distribution not previously disclosed in the registration statement or any material change to such information in the registration statement.

(2) The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes that, for the purpose of determining any liability under the Securities Act, each such post-effective amendment shall be deemed to be a new registration statement relating to the securities offered therein, and the offering of such securities at that time shall be deemed to be the initial bona fide offering thereof.

(3) The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes to remove from registration by means of a post-effective amendment any of the securities being registered which remain unsold at the termination of the offering.

(4) The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes to file a post-effective amendment to the registration statement to include any financial statements required by Item 8.A. of Form 20-F at the start of any delayed offering or throughout a continuous offering.

(5) The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes that, for the purpose of determining liability under the U.S. Securities Act to any purchaser, each prospectus filed pursuant to Rule 424(b) as part of a registration statement relating to an offering, other than registration statements relying on Rule 430B or other than prospectuses filed in reliance on Rule 430A, shall be deemed to be part of and included in the registration statement as of the date it is first used after effectiveness; provided, however, that no statement made in a registration statement or prospectus that is part of the registration statement or made in a document incorporated or deemed incorporated by reference into the registration statement or prospectus that is part of the registration statement will, as to a purchaser with a time of contract of sale prior to such first use, supersede or modify any statement that was made in the registration statement or prospectus that was part of the registration statement or made in any such document immediately prior to such date of first use.

(6) The undersigned registrant undertakes that in a primary offering of securities of the registrant pursuant to this registration statement, regardless of the underwriting method used to sell the securities to the purchaser, if the securities are offered or sold to such purchaser by means of any of the following communications, the undersigned registrant will be a seller to the purchaser and will be considered to offer or sell such securities to such purchaser: (i) any preliminary prospectus or prospectus of the undersigned registrant relating to the offering required to be filed pursuant to Rule 424; (ii) any free writing prospectus relating to the offering prepared by or on behalf of the undersigned registrant or used or referred to by the undersigned registrant; (iii) the portion of any other free writing prospectus relating to the offering containing material information about the undersigned registrant or its securities provided by or on behalf of the undersigned registrant; and (iv) any other communication that is an offer in the offering made by the undersigned registrant to the purchaser.

(7) The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes that, for purposes of determining any liability under the U.S. Securities Act, each filing of the registrant’s annual report pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act (and, where applicable, each filing of an employee benefit plan’s annual report pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act) that is incorporated by reference in the registration statement shall be deemed to be a new registration statement relating to the securities offered therein, and the offering of such securities at that time shall be deemed to be the initial bona fide offering thereof.

(8) The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes as follows: that prior to any public reoffering of the securities registered hereunder through use of a prospectus which is a part of this registration statement, by any person or party who is deemed to be an underwriter within the meaning of Rule 145©, the issuer undertakes that such reoffering prospectus will contain the information called for by the applicable registration form with respect to reofferings by persons who may be deemed underwriters, in addition to the information called for by the other items of the applicable form.

(9) The undersigned registrant undertakes that every prospectus: (i) that is filed pursuant to the paragraph immediately preceding; or (ii) that purports to meet the requirements of Section 10(a)(3) of the U.S. Securities Act and is used in connection with an offering of securities subject to Rule 415, will be filed as a part of an amendment to the registration statement and will not be used until such amendment is effective, and that, for purposes of determining any liability under the U.S. Securities Act, each such post-effective amendment shall be deemed to be a new registration statement relating to the securities offered therein, and the offering of such securities at that time shall be deemed to be the initial bona fide offering thereof.



(10) Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the U.S. Securities Act may be permitted to directors, officers and controlling persons of the undersigned registrant pursuant to the foregoing provisions, or otherwise, the registrant has been advised that in the opinion of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the U.S. Securities Act and is, therefore, unenforceable. In the event that a claim for indemnification against such liabilities (other than the payment by the registrant of expenses incurred or paid by a director, officer or controlling person of the registrant in the successful defense of any action, suit or proceeding) is asserted by such director, officer or controlling person in connection with the securities being registered, the registrant will, unless in the opinion of its counsel the matter has been settled by controlling precedent, submit to a court of appropriate jurisdiction the question whether such indemnification by it is against public policy as expressed in the U.S. Securities Act and will be governed by the final adjudication of such issue.

(11) The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes: (i) to respond to requests for information that is incorporated by reference into the prospectus pursuant to Items 4, 10(b), 11 or 13 of this Form, within one business day of receipt of such request, and to send the incorporated documents by first class mail or other equally prompt means; and (ii) to arrange or provide for a facility in the U.S. for the purpose of responding to such requests. The undertaking in subparagraph (i) above includes information contained in documents filed subsequent to the effective date of the registration statement through the date of responding to the request.

(12) The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes to supply by means of a post-effective amendment all information concerning a transaction, and the company being acquired involved therein, that was not the subject of and included in the registration statement when it became effective.




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, the registrant has duly caused this registration statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on November 15, 2024.


By:   /s/ Keith Neumeyer
Name:   Keith Neumeyer
Title:   President & Chief Executive Officer

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, this Registration Statement has been signed by the following persons in the capacities and on November 15, 2024.


Signature         Title

/s/ Keith Neumeyer

      President & Chief Executive Officer and Director (Principal Executive Officer)
Keith Neumeyer

/s/ David Soares

      Chief Financial Officer (Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer)
David Soares


      Director (Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Thomas F. Fudge, Jr.


Raymond Polman


Majorie Co


Colette Rustad


*By:   /s/ Keith Neumeyer
Keith Neumeyer




Pursuant to the requirements of Section 6(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, the undersigned has signed this Registration Statement, solely in its capacity as the duly authorized representative of First Majestic Silver Corp. in the United States, on November 15, 2024.



/s/ Donald J. Puglisi

Name:   Donald J. Puglisi
Title:   Managing Director

