II.STATEMENt OF POLICIES PROHIBITING INSIDER TRADING 1. Prohibition against Insider Trading and Other Transactions
The Company will not transact in its own securities, except in compliance with applicable securities laws.
No officer, director or employee shall purchase or sell, or otherwise transact in, any type of security of the Company while in possession of material, non-public information relating to the Company. . In addition, no officer, director or employee shall engage in transactions in securities of other publicly traded companies with which the Company has a business relationship while aware of material,
non-public information about those companies learned in connection with such person’s role at, or relationship with, the Company.
Additionally, except for certain transactions under Company plans and transactions not involving a purchase or sale discussed below under Sections II. 2 and 3, no officer, director or employee shall purchase or sell any security of the Company during the period beginning two (2) weeks before the end of any fiscal quarter of the Company (December 31, March 31, June 30 and September 30) and ending two (2) full trading days after the public release of earnings data for such fiscal quarter whether or not the Company or any of its officers, directors or employees is in possession of material, non-public information (the “封閉期”)如果您以任何原因離開公司,此計劃仍將適用於您,直到以下情況的較晚時間:(1)您離開公司所在財政季度的黑暗期結束,或(2)在您已知的任何重大非公開信息公開或不再重大後的第二個交易日。然而,預先清除程序將在任何黑暗期或在服務終止時適用的其他公司施加的交易限制期滿後不再適用於公司證券的交易。
•Margin Accounts and Pledged Securities. Securities held in a margin account as collateral for a margin loan may be sold by the broker without the customer’s consent if the customer fails to meet a margin call. Similarly, securities pledged (or hypothecated) as collateral for a loan may be sold in foreclosure if the borrower defaults on the loan. Because a margin sale or foreclosure sale may occur at a time when the pledgor is aware of material nonpublic information or otherwise is not permitted to trade in Company securities, directors, officers and other employees are prohibited from holding Company securities in a margin account or otherwise pledging Company securities as collateral for a loan.
2. 公司計劃下的交易
This Program does not apply in the case of the following transactions, except as specifically noted:
•Stock Option Exercises. This Program does not apply to the grant and exercise of an employee stock option covering shares of the Company’s common stock (「Stock」), or to the withholding of shares of Stock subject to such option to satisfy tax withholding requirements. This Program does apply, however, to any sale of Stock as part of a same-day broker-assisted cashless exercise of an option, or any other market sale.
•Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Unit Awards. This Program does not apply to the grant and vesting of restricted Stock and restricted stock units covering shares of Stock, or the withholding of shares of Stock to satisfy tax withholding requirements upon the vesting of any restricted stock or restricted stock units. This Program does apply, however, to any broker-assisted sale, or any other market sale.
•Employee Stock Purchase Plan. This Program does not apply to purchases of shares of Stock pursuant to an employee stock purchase plan resulting from your periodic or lump sum contribution of money to the plan pursuant to the election you made at the time of your enrollment in the plan, to the extent the Company offers such a plan. This Program does apply, however, to your sales of Company securities purchased pursuant to such plan.
爲協助防止無意中違反適用的證券法律並避免在購買和出售公司證券時出現不當行爲的外觀,所有公司證券交易(包括但不限於購買和處置公司的股票、在行使股票期權時出售公司股票,以及受限股票單位或績效股份獎勵的結算)(包括當日券商協助的銷售)都需由所有高管、所有董事以及在 附件1 (as amended from time to time by the Insider Trading Program Manager) must be precleared by the Insider Trading Program Manager (or the Chief Executive Officer in the event the preclearance request pertains to a transaction involving Company securities owned by the Insider Trading Program Manager). Additionally, except for the exercise of options for cash (but not the sale of such shares), the granting of stock awards, and the receipt or purchase of shares in settlement of any restricted stock unit agreement, performance share agreement or stock appreciation rights agreement (but not the sale of any such shares, including the payment of any associated taxes through the surrender or sale of shares received from such stock award (or the right to receive such shares)), neither the Company nor any of its officers, directors or employees may transact in any securities of the Company during the Black-Out Period, including gifts as described in Section II.4. above. Also, please consult the 「Insider Trading Reminders」 attached hereto as 附件B.
5.Avoidance of Certain Aggressive or Speculative Trading
Officers, directors and employees and their respective family members (including spouses, minor children or any other family members living in the same household), should ordinarily not directly or indirectly participate in transactions in the Company’s securities involving trading activities which by
their aggressive or speculative nature may give rise to an appearance of impropriety. Such activities would include the purchase of put or call options, or the writing of such options.
A director, officer and employee may enter into a Trading Plan only when he or she is not in possession of material, nonpublic information, and only during a trading window period outside of the Black-Out Period. In addition, a required initial Cooling-off Period (as defined below) must be observed before executing the first trade under such Trading Plan. Except for one later-commencing Trading Plan under which trading is not authorized to begin until after all trades under the earlier commencing Trading Plan are completed or expired without execution (subject to the proviso contained in Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(ii)(D)(2)) or as otherwise permitted under Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(ii)(D), a director, officer or employee who enters into a Trading Plan may not have another outstanding Trading Plan (and may not subsequently enter into any additional Trading Plans) for purchases or sales of any class of securities of the Company on the open market (i.e., Trading Plans cannot 「overlap」). Additionally, a director, officer or employee may not enter into a Trading Plan designed to effect the open-market purchase or sale of the total amount of securities as a single transaction (i.e., a 「single-trade plan」) more than once during any consecutive 12-month period. Although transactions effected under a Trading Plan will not require further pre-clearance at the time of the trade, any transaction (including the quantity and price) made pursuant to a Trading Plan of a Section 16 reporting person must be reported to the Company promptly on the day of each trade to permit the Company’s filing coordinator to assist in the preparation and filing of a required
Form 4. No director, officer or employee who enters into a Trading Plan may purchase or sell the Company’s Stock outside such Trading Plan as long as that Trading Plan is in place. 根據本政策,術語“Cooling-off Period” means either, in the case of directors and officers, the later of (1) ninety (90) days following the establishment of a Trading Plan or (2) two business days following the disclosure of the Company’s financial results in a Form 10-Q or Form 10-k for the fiscal quarter in which the Trading Plan was adopted (subject to a maximum of one hundred twenty (120) days after the establishment of the Trading Plan); or, in the case of all other employees, ninety (90) days following the establishment of a Trading Plan.