團結起來 各州
(成立州或其他管轄區) 成立地 |
(美國國稅局僱主號碼) (主要 執行人員之地址) | |
不適用 | ||
(主要 執行人員之地址) | (郵編) |
A類無面值普通投票股 | 交易標誌 | 交易所 | ||
股 股票市場 有限責任公司 | ||||
股 股票市場 有限責任公司 | ||||
股 股票市場 有限責任公司 | ||||
股 股票市場 有限責任公司 |
請勾選標記以指示註冊者是否(1)在過去12個月內(或註冊者需要提交這些報告的更短時間內)已提交證券交易所法案第13或15(d)節要求提交的所有報告,及 (2)是否已被提交要求過去90天的提交要求所制約。
大型加速文件審核人 | ☐ | 加速文件審核人 | ☐ |
☒ | 較小的報告公司 | ||
新興成長公司 |
請打勾表示申報人是空殼公司(如證券交易法12b-2條例所定義)。 是
截至2024年11月19日,發行人的普通股數量爲 截至2024年7月30日,已發行並流通紀實8,963,000普通股,每股面值爲$4。 已發行並流通。
頁面 | ||
第一部分。 | 財務信息 | F-1 |
項目 1. | 簡化的 基本報表 | F-1 |
截至2024年9月30日的未經審計的資產負債表和2023年12月31日的未經審計的資產負債表 | F-1 | |
2024年和2023年9月30日三個月和九個月未經審計的經營利潤簡表 | F-2 | |
未經審計的股東權益/(赤字)變動簡要報表,截止到2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月 | F-3 | |
2024年和2023年9月30日九個月未經審計的現金流量簡表 | F-4 | |
未經審計的簡明財務報表註釋 | F-5 | |
項目 2. | 分銷計劃 | 1 |
項目 3. | 有關市場風險的定量和定性披露 | 8 |
項目 4. | 控制和程序 | 8 |
第二部分。 | 其他信息 | 9 |
項目 1. | 法律訴訟 | 9 |
Interest expense, net | 風險因素 | 9 |
項目 2. | 未註冊的權益證券銷售 | 9 |
項目5。 | 其他信息 | 9 |
項目 6. | 展示資料 | 10 |
簽名 | 11 |
i |
第I部分 - 財務信息
2024年9月30日 (未經審計) | 2023年12月31日 | |||||||
資產: | ||||||||
流動資產: | ||||||||
現金 | $ | $ | ||||||
預付費用 | ||||||||
總流動資產 | ||||||||
信託帳戶中持有的投資 | ||||||||
總資產 | $ | |||||||
負債和股東權益: | ||||||||
流動負債: | ||||||||
預提配售費用和支出 | $ | $ | ||||||
應付票據 - 關聯方 | ||||||||
應付關聯方 | ||||||||
總流動負債 | ||||||||
推遲承銷佣金 | ||||||||
總負債 | ||||||||
承諾和事後約定 | ||||||||
臨時權益: | ||||||||
普通股可能面臨贖回, | 和 每股贖回價值$10.07 and $ 每股截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日分別爲||||||||
股東權益: | ||||||||
優先股,$ | 面值; 授權股份數; 已發行並流通||||||||
普通股,$ | 面值; 授權股份數; 於2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日已發行並流通的股份||||||||
追加實收資本 | ||||||||
累積赤字 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
股東權益合計虧損 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
總負債、臨時權益和股東虧損 | $ | $ |
附 說明資料是這些未經審計的簡表財務報表的一部分。
F-1 |
濃縮 運營報表
三個月 已結束 2024 年 9 月 30 日 | 三個月 已結束 2023 年 9 月 30 日 | 九個月 2024 年 9 月 30 日 | 九個月 2023 年 9 月 30 日 | |||||||||||||
組建和運營成本 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
總開支 | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||||
其他收入 | ||||||||||||||||
信託帳戶賺取的收入 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
淨收入 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
可贖回普通股的加權平均已發行股數 | ||||||||||||||||
基本和攤薄後的每股淨收益,可贖回普通股 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
不可贖回普通股的加權平均已發行股數 | ||||||||||||||||
基本和攤薄後的每股淨虧損,不可贖回的普通股 | $ | ) | $ | ) | $ | ) | $ | ) |
附 說明資料是這些未經審計的簡表財務報表的一部分。
F-2 |
普通 股份 | 金額 | 額外的 實繳 資本 | 累計 赤字 | 總計 股東的 股權/(赤字) | ||||||||||||||||
截至2022年12月31日的餘額 | $ | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ | ||||||||||||||
通過公開發行發行普通股 | ||||||||||||||||||||
普通股超額配售 | ||||||||||||||||||||
爲私人單位發行普通股 | ||||||||||||||||||||
私人單位超額配售 | ||||||||||||||||||||
單位購買選擇權的銷售 | - | |||||||||||||||||||
承銷折扣 | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||
推遲承銷佣金 | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||
其他發行費用的扣除 | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||
根據ASC 480-10-S99 對可贖回普通股的初始計量,與額外實收資本衝抵 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||
發售費用的分配適用於有贖回條款的普通股 | - | |||||||||||||||||||
可贖回股票的賬面價值增加 | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||
負的額外實收資本轉入留存虧損 | - | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||||
普通股可能贖回的後續計量(信託帳戶所獲得的收益) | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||
淨利潤 | ||||||||||||||||||||
截至2023年3月31日的餘額 | $ | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||||||||||||
普通股可能贖回的後續計量(信託帳戶所獲得的收益) | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||
淨利潤 | - | |||||||||||||||||||
截至2023年6月30日的餘額 | $ | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||||||||||||
普通股可能贖回的後續計量(信託帳戶所獲得的收益) | - | $ | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||
淨利潤 | - | |||||||||||||||||||
截至2023年9月30日的餘額 | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) |
普通股 股份 | 金額 | 額外的 實繳 資本 | 累計 赤字 | 總計 股東的 赤字 | ||||||||||||||||
截至2023年12月31日的餘額 | $ | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||||||||||||
9,471,730 | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||
淨利潤 | - | |||||||||||||||||||
截至2024年3月31日的餘額 | $ | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||||||||||||
9,471,730 | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||
淨利潤 | - | |||||||||||||||||||
截至2024年6月30日的餘額 | $ | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||||||||||||
9,471,730 | - | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||
淨利潤 | - | |||||||||||||||||||
截至2024年9月30日的餘額 | ( | ) | ( | ) |
附 說明資料是這些未經審計的簡表財務報表的一部分。
F-3 |
關於這九個 結束了的月份 2024年9月30日 | 關於這九個 結束了的月份 2023年9月30日 | |||||||
經營活動產生的現金流量: | ||||||||
淨利潤 | $ | $ | ||||||
調整淨利潤以獲得運營活動使用的淨現金流量: | ||||||||
信託帳戶上賺取的收益 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
流動資產和負債的變化: | ||||||||
預付費用 | ( | ) | ||||||
預提配售費用和支出 | ||||||||
應付關聯方 | ||||||||
用於經營活動的淨現金 | $ | ( | ) | ( | ) | |||
投資活動現金流量: | ||||||||
存入Trust帳戶中的本金 | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||
從trust帳戶取現以進行贖回 | ||||||||
投資活動產生的淨現金流量 | $ | $ | ( | ) | ||||
籌資活動產生的現金流量: | ||||||||
普通股銷售收入 | $ | $ | ||||||
私募單位發行所得 | ||||||||
向關聯方發行的期票收益 | ||||||||
承銷折扣支付 | ( | ) | ||||||
單位購買選擇權收入 | ||||||||
普通股份的贖回 | ( | ) | ||||||
支付給關聯方 | ( | ) | ||||||
支付發行費用 | ( | ) | ||||||
籌資活動的淨現金流量(使用)/提供的淨現金流量 | $ | ( | ) | $ | ||||
現金淨變動 | ( | ) | ||||||
現金—期初 | ||||||||
現金—期末 | $ | $ | ||||||
非現金融資活動的補充披露: | ||||||||
計入應計費用內的發行費用 | $ | $ | ||||||
由關聯方支付的發行費用的遞延 | $ | $ | ||||||
遞延發行費用已從預付款中調整 | $ | $ | ||||||
APIV承擔的推遲發售成本 | $ | $ | ||||||
遞延發行費用與單位購買選擇權的公允價值相關,扣除收益 | $ | $ | ||||||
發售費用的分配適用於有贖回條款的普通股 | $ | $ | ||||||
普通股,適用於贖回的重新分類 | $ | $ | ||||||
可能贖回的A類普通股的重測調整 | $ | $ | ||||||
9,471,730 | $ | $ | ||||||
推遲的承銷佣金計入資本公積 | $ | $ |
F-4 |
阿爾法時間 收購CORP
註釋 至未審核的簡化基本報表
注意 1 - 組織、業務運營和流動性描述
公司的贊助商是Alphamade Holding LP,一家特拉華州的有限合夥企業(「贊助商」)。公司的IPO註冊聲明於2022年12月30日宣佈生效(「生效日期」)。2023年1月4日,公司完成了IPO,
F-5 |
公司將爲未償還的公衆股份的持有者(「公衆股東」)提供機會以贖回他們的全部或部分公衆股份,即(i)與召開股東大會以批准業務合併相關,或(ii)通過與業務合併相關的要約收購。公司將決定是否尋求股東對業務合併的批准或進行要約收購。公衆股東將有權以與信託賬戶中當時金額按比例分配的部分贖回他們的公衆股份(最初預計爲每股$,加上信託賬戶中應納稅前的按比例分配的利息)。贖回的公衆股份將在IPO完成時以贖回價值記錄,並根據會計標準編纂(「ASC」)主題480「區分負債與股本」分類爲臨時股權。 每股,加上信託賬戶中應納稅前的按比例分配的利息,淨額扣除應支付的稅款)。贖回的公衆股份將在IPO完成時以贖回價值記錄,並根據會計標準編纂(「ASC」)主題480「區分負債與股本」分類爲臨時股權。
F-6 |
日期”) 最多十 (10) 次,第一次延期包括三個月,隨後的九 (9) 次延期包括
每個月(均爲 「延期」),直至2025年1月4日(即,期限在完成後24個月內結束)
自終止之日起總共十二 (12) 個月的首次公開募股(假設業務合併尚未完成)
與Equiniti Trust Company, LLC簽訂的日期爲2022年12月30日的協議(經修訂的 「信託協議」)。依照
最多保留十 (10) 次,第一次延期包括三個月,隨後的九 (9) 次延期包括一個
在適用的終止日期或延期日期之前給受託人,並存入信託賬戶 $
如果公司未在合併期內完成業務合併,則公司將 (i) 停止所有業務,除非
爲了清盤,(ii) 儘快兌換 100% 的股份,但不得超過十個工作日
F-7 |
爲了保護在Trust賬戶中持有的金額,贊助商已同意,若由於第三方(除公司的獨立註冊公共會計師事務所以外)對公司提供的服務或出售的產品,或者與公司討論簽署交易協議的潛在目標業務提出的任何索賠,導致Trust賬戶中的資金減少至以下兩者之中的較小者:(1) $ 每股公開股票和(2)在Trust賬戶清算日期時,實際每股公開股票的金額,如果由於Trust資產的價值減少而低於$ 每股公開股票,且每種情況均扣除可能爲支付稅款而提取的利息。此責任不適用於已簽署放棄任何及所有權利以追索Trust賬戶的第三方索賠,以及根據公司對IPO承銷商的賠償條款,針對某些責任的索賠,包括根據《1933年證券法》(經修訂)(以下簡稱「證券法」)產生的責任。若已簽署的放棄協議被認爲對第三方不可強制執行,贊助商對此類第三方索賠的任何責任不承擔。公司將努力減少贊助商因債權人的索賠而必須對Trust賬戶進行賠償的可能性,努力促使所有供應商、服務提供商(除公司的獨立註冊公共會計師事務所外)、潛在目標企業或公司開展業務的其他實體與公司簽署協議,放棄對Trust賬戶中持有的資金的任何權利、所有權、利益或索賠。
F-8 |
2024年1月5日,公司與HCYC控股公司(「PubCo」)、ATMC合併子公司1有限公司(「合併子公司1」)、ATMC合併子公司2有限公司(「合併子公司2」)及HCYC合併子公司有限公司(「合併子公司3」,與PubCo、合併子公司1和合並子公司2合稱「收購實體」)以及開曼群島的HCYC集團有限公司(「HCYC」)簽署了合併協議(「合併協議」)。根據合併協議,各方將進行業務合併交易,其中(i) 公司將與合併子公司1合併,公司存續於該合併;(ii) 公司將與合併子公司2合併,合併子公司2存續於該合併;以及(iii) HCYC將與合併子公司3合併,HCYC存續於該合併(統稱爲「合併」)。合併協議及合併已獲得公司和HCYC董事會的全體一致通過。業務合併預計在獲得公司和HCYC股東所需的批准及滿足其他某些慣例交割條件後完成。
管理層 目前正在評估銀行破產風險的影響,並得出結論,儘管銀行破產可能對公司的財務狀況、運營結果和/或尋找目標公司產生負面影響,但截至本未經審計的簡明基本報表之日,具體影響尚不明確。未經審計的 簡明基本報表不包括可能由這種不確定性結果導致的任何調整。此外,公司沒有任何與破產風險相關的銀行賬戶,但將繼續監控可能影響公司財務狀況的此類影響。
注意 2 - 重要會計政策
附帶的未經審計的簡明基本報表符合美國通用會計原則("U.S. GAAP")以及證券交易委員會(SEC)的規則和條例。
新興 成長公司狀態
F-9 |
此外, 《就業法案》第102(b)(1)條款免除了新興成長公司在私營公司(即尚未使證券法註冊聲明生效或沒有根據交易法註冊的證券類別的公司)需要遵守新的或修訂的財務會計標準之前,必須遵守新的或修訂的財務會計標準的要求。《就業法案》規定,公司可以選擇退出延長過渡期,並遵守適用於非新興成長公司的要求,但任何此類選擇退出的決定都是不可撤銷的。我們已決定不退出此延長過渡期,這意味着當某一標準發佈或修訂,並且對公共公司或私營公司有不同的適用日期時,作爲新興成長公司的我們可以在私營公司採用新的或修訂後的標準時採納該標準。這可能使得我們與其他既不是新興成長公司也不是選擇退出使用延長過渡期的公共公司的財務報表比較變得困難或不可能,因爲可能存在使用的會計標準的差異。
提供 成本
投資 持有在信託賬戶中
F-10 |
公司遵循FASB ASC 260《每股收益》的會計和披露要求。爲了判斷可贖回股份和不可贖回股份的凈利潤 (損失),公司首先考慮可分配給可贖回股份和不可贖回股份的未分配收益(損失),並且未分配收益(損失)是通過總凈利潤 (損失)減去任何支付的分紅派息來計算的。然後,公司按照可贖回股份和不可贖回股份的加權平均 流通股數按比例分配未分配收益(損失)。任何對普通股贖回價值的重新計量被視爲支付給公衆股東的分紅派息。截至2024年9月30日,公司沒有任何可稀釋證券和其他合同,這些證券和合同可能會被行使或轉換爲普通股並參與公司的盈利。因此,稀釋後的每股收益/(損失)與報告期的基本每股收益/(損失)相同。
三個月 結束 2024年9月30日 | 三個月 結束 2023年9月30日 | 九個月 結束 2024年9月30日 | 九個月 結束 2023年9月30日 | |||||||||||||
凈利潤 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
在Trust賬戶上賺取的收入 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
從承擔價值到贖回價值的遞增 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||
包括權益加計到贖回價值的淨虧損 | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) |
三 個月結束 2024年9月 30日 | 九 個月結束 2024年9月 30日 | 三 個月結束 2023年9月30日 | 九 個月結束 2023年9月30日 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
可贖回的 | 不可
可贖回 | 可贖回的 | 不可
可贖回 | 可贖回的 | 不可-
可贖回 | 可贖回的 | 不可- 可贖回 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
特別事項 | 股份 | 股份 | 股份 | 股份 | 股份 | 股份 | 股份 | 股份 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
每股基本和攤薄凈利潤(虧損): | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
分子: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
淨虧損的分配,包括臨時股權的增值 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||
信託賬戶上的收入 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
暫時股權增值至贖回價值 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
凈利潤(虧損)的分配 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
分母: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
加權平均流通股數 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
每股基本和攤薄凈利潤(虧損) | ) | ) | ) | ) |
F-11 |
公司的資產和負債的公允價值,符合ASC 820下的金融工具定義,公允價值計量伴隨資產負債表中所反映的資產金額,主要由於其開空性質。
公司根據對Warrants的具體條款和適用的權威指引進行評估,將Warrants分類爲股權類或負債類工具,參考《財務會計準則委員會》("FASB")ASC 480 "區分負債和股權"("ASC 480")和ASC 815,衍生品和對沖("ASC 815")。評估考慮了Warrants是否是根據ASC 480獨立的金融工具,是否符合ASC 480下負債的定義,以及Warrants是否滿足ASC 815下所有的股權分類要求,包括Warrants是否與公司的普通股相關,以及Warrants持有人是否可能在超出公司控制的情況下要求「淨現金結算」,以及其他股權分類的條件。此評估需要使用專業判斷,在Warrants發行時以及Warrants尚未到期的每個後續季度期末進行。
對於符合所有板塊的股權分類標準的已發行或修改的 Warrants,這些 Warrants 在發行時必須作爲股權的一部分進行記錄。對於不符合所有板塊的股權分類標準的已發行或修改的 Warrants,這些 Warrants 必須按其發行日期的初始公允價值記錄爲負債,並在之後的每個資產負債表日期進行記錄。由於公司的 Warrants 符合所有板塊的股權分類標準,因此公共和私人 Warrants 均被歸類爲股東權益/(赤字)。
這個 公司按照《會計準則編纂》中的指導方針,對其普通股進行記賬,但可能需要贖回 (「ASC」)主題480 「區分負債和股權」。需要強制贖回的普通股(如果 任何)被歸類爲負債工具,按公允價值計量。有條件可贖回的普通股(包括普通股) 具有贖回權的股票,這些贖回權要麼在持有人控制範圍內,要麼在發生時需要贖回 不確定事件(不完全在公司控制範圍內)被歸類爲臨時股權。在所有其他時間,普通股 被歸類爲股東權益。公司的普通股具有某些被考慮的贖回權 不在公司的控制範圍內,並受未來不確定事件的發生的影響。因此,從9月30日起, 2024年, 可能需要贖回的普通股以贖回價值爲美元列報 每股(加上任何收入) 在信託賬戶中賺取)作爲臨時權益,不屬於公司資產負債表的股東權益部分。 公司在贖回價值發生變化時立即予以認可,並調整可贖回普通股的賬面價值 等於每個報告期結束時的贖回價值。普通可贖回賬面金額的增加或減少 股票受到額外已付資本和累計赤字的費用影響。公司在兩者之間分配總收益 基於公開股票、公共認股權證和公開認股權證的相對公允價值的公開股票、公共認股權證和公共權利 權利。
F-12 |
總收益 | $ | |||
減去: | ||||
分配給公衆權利的收益 | ) | |||
分配給公共認股權證的收益 | ) | |||
與可贖回股份相關的發行費用分配 | ) | |||
從承擔價值到贖回價值的遞增 | ||||
普通股的後續計量,可能會贖回(在 Trust 賬戶上獲得的收入)和延長存入資金 | ||||
可能贖回的普通股 - 2023年12月31日 | $ | |||
公衆股票的贖回 | ) | |||
可能贖回的普通股的後續計量(信託賬戶產生的收入)和延長存入資金 | ||||
可能贖回的普通股 - 2024年9月30日 | $ |
本公司遵循ASC 740「資產和負債法」對所得稅進行會計處理。所得稅遞延稅款資產和負債是根據財務報表中現有資產和負債的賬面價值與其各自的稅基之間的差異,確認未來稅務影響的預計結果。遞延稅款資產和負債是使用預計將在這些暫時差異預計恢復或解決的年份適用的法定稅率進行計量的。在法定稅率變動的情況下,遞延稅款資產和負債的影響會在法定日期所在期間的收益中確認。必要時,將設立估值準備,以將遞延稅款資產降低到預計實現的金額。
ASC 740規定了財務報表中納稅位置的確認閾值和計量屬性。爲了確認這些利益,納稅位置必須在稅務機關的審查下有較大可能性得以維持。公司將與未確認的稅收利益相關的應計利息和罰款視爲所得稅費用。截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,沒有未確認的稅收利益,也沒有應計的利息和罰款金額。公司目前未意識到任何可能導致重大支付、應計或與其立場存在重大偏差的審查問題。
目前,開曼群島政府對收入沒有徵稅。根據開曼的所得稅法規, 公司不需繳納所得稅。因此,公司未經審計的簡要基本報表中未反映所得稅。
管理層 不認爲任何最近發佈但尚未生效的會計準則,如果當前採用,將對公司的未經審計的簡明基本報表產生重大影響。
注意 3 - 首次公開發行
F-13 |
Note 4 - Private Placement
with the closing of the IPO, the Sponsor purchased an aggregate of
Note 5 - Related Party Transactions
September 28, 2021, the Sponsor received
On January 8, 2022, the board of directors of the Company and the Sponsor, as sole shareholder of the Company, approved, through a special resolution, the following share capital changes (see Note 7):
(a) Each of the authorized but unissued Class A ordinary shares were cancelled and re-designated as the ordinary shares of $ par value each;
(b) Each of the Class B ordinary shares in issue were repurchased in consideration for the issuance of ordinary shares of $ par value each; and
(c) Upon completion of the above steps, the authorized but unissued Class B ordinary shares were cancelled.
January 8, 2022, the Company issued an additional
F-14 |
January 3, 2023, the Founder Shares and Private Units were placed into an escrow account maintained by American Stock Transfer &
Trust Company acting as escrow agent.
Promissory Note - Related Party
September 30, 2021, the Sponsor issued an unsecured promissory note to the Company (the “Promissory Note”), pursuant to which
the Company may borrow up to an aggregate principal amount of $
On September 27, 2023, the Company notified Equiniti Trust Company, the trustee of the Company’s trust account (the “Trust Account”), that it was extending the time available to the Company to consummate its initial business combination from October 4, 2023, to January 4, 2024 (the “Extension”). The Extension is the first of up to three (3) three-month extensions permitted under the Company’s governing documents.
September 27, 2023, the Company extended the time to complete its initial business combination from October 4, 2023 to January 4, 2024
by depositing an aggregate of $
F-15 |
Due to Related Party
Sponsor paid certain formation, operating or deferred offering costs on behalf of the Company. These amounts are due on demand and non-interest
bearing. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, due to related party amounted to $
Advisory Services Agreement
The Company engaged TenX Global Capital LP (“TenX”), a related party to the Company, as an advisor in connection with the Initial Public Offering and business combination, to assist in hiring consultants and other services providers in connection with our Initial Public Offering and the business combination, assist in the preparation of unaudited condensed financial statements and other relevant services to commence trading including filing the necessary documents as part of the transaction. Further, TenX will assist in preparing the Company for investor presentations, conferences for due diligence, deal structuring and term negotiations.
the period from September 15, 2021 (inception) through September 30, 2024, a cash fee of $
Administration fee
on the effective date of the registration statement, an affiliate of the Sponsor shall be allowed to charge the Company an allocable
share of its overhead, up to $
Note 6 - Commitments and Contingencies
Registration Rights
The holders of the Founder Shares, Private Units, securities underlying the Unit Purchase Option (“UPO”), and units that may be issued upon conversion of Working Capital Loans (and any ordinary shares issuable upon the exercise of the Private Units) will be entitled to registration rights pursuant to a registration rights agreement to be signed prior to or on the effective date of IPO requiring the Company to register such securities for resale. The holders of these securities will be entitled to make up to three demands, excluding short form registration demands, that the Company register such securities. In addition, the holders have certain “piggy-back” registration rights with respect to registration statements filed subsequent to completion of a business combination and rights to require the Company to register for resale such securities pursuant to Rule 415 under the Securities Act. However, the registration rights agreement provides that the Company will not be required to effect or permit any registration or cause any registration statement to become effective until the securities covered thereby are released from their lock-up restrictions. The Company will bear the expenses incurred in connection with the filing of any such registration statements.
Underwriting Agreement
The underwriters had a 45-day option beginning January 4, 2023, to purchase up to an additional units to cover over-allotments, if any, at the IPO price less the underwriting discounts and commissions. On January 6, 2023, and effective January 9, 2023, the underwriters exercised their over-allotment option in full and purchased an additional units at $ per unit.
January 4, 2023, the Company paid a fixed underwriting discount of $
F-16 |
Unit Purchase Option
December 30, 2022, we sold to the underwriters, for $
Note 7 - Shareholders’ Equity
Preferred Shares - The Company is authorized to issue shares of preferred shares with a par value of $ per share with such designations, voting and other rights and preferences as may be determined from time to time by the Company’s board of directors. As of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, there were preferred shares issued or outstanding.
Ordinary Shares
The Company was authorized to issue Class A ordinary shares with a par value of $ per share and Class B ordinary shares with a par value of $ per share. Holders of Class A and Class B ordinary shares were entitled to one vote for each share.
September 28, 2021, the Sponsor received
On January 8, 2022, the board of directors of the Company and the Sponsor, as sole shareholder of the Company, approved, through a special resolution, the following share capital changes:
(a) Each of the authorized but unissued Class A ordinary shares were cancelled and re-designated as the ordinary shares of $ par value each;
(b) Each of the Class B ordinary shares in issue were repurchased in consideration for the issuance of ordinary shares of $ par value each; and
(c) Upon completion of the above steps, the authorized but unissued Class B ordinary shares were cancelled.
an effect of the above, the Company is authorized to issue
F-17 |
On January 8, 2022, the Company issued an additional ordinary shares to the Sponsor as fully paid bonus shares for no additional consideration. The issuance was considered as a bonus share issuance, in substance a recapitalization transaction, which was recorded and presented retroactively.
January 4, 2023, the Company consummated the IPO of
January 6, 2023, the underwriters notified the Company that it is exercising the over-allotment option with respect to the
an amount of $
Note 8 - Fair Value Measurements
The fair value of the Company’s financial assets and liabilities reflects management’s estimate of amounts that the Company would have received in connection with the sale of the assets or paid in connection with the transfer of the liabilities in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. In connection with measuring the fair value of its assets and liabilities, the Company seeks to maximize the use of observable inputs (market data obtained from independent sources) and to minimize the use of unobservable inputs (internal assumptions about how market participants would price assets and liabilities). The following fair value hierarchy is used to classify assets and liabilities based on the observable inputs and unobservable inputs used in order to value the assets and liabilities:
Level 1: Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. An active market for an asset or liability is a market in which transactions for the asset or liability occur with sufficient frequency and volume to provide pricing information on an ongoing basis.
Level 2: Observable inputs other than Level 1 inputs. Examples of Level 2 inputs include quoted prices in active markets for similar assets or liabilities and quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in markets that are not active.
Level 3: Unobservable inputs based on our assessment of the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. The following table presents information about the Company’s assets that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 and indicate the fair value hierarchy of the valuation inputs the Company utilized to determine such fair value.
Quoted | Significant | Significant | ||||||||||||||
Prices in | Other | Other | ||||||||||||||
As of | Active | Observable | Unobservable | |||||||||||||
September 30, | Markets | Inputs | Inputs | |||||||||||||
2024 | (Level 1) | (Level 2) | (Level 3) | |||||||||||||
Assets: | ||||||||||||||||
Investment held in Trust Account | $ | $ | $ | $ |
Quoted | Significant | Significant | ||||||||||||||
Prices in | Other | Other | ||||||||||||||
As of | Active | Observable | Unobservable | |||||||||||||
December 31, | Markets | Inputs | Inputs | |||||||||||||
2023 | (Level 1) | (Level 2) | (Level 3) | |||||||||||||
Assets: | ||||||||||||||||
Investment held in Trust Account | $ | $ | $ | $ |
The investment held in the Trust Account was previously invested in a U.S. Treasury Bill, classified as Level 2 security and matured on July 13, 2023. The proceeds from the matured U.S. Treasury Bill were then invested in a U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund, classified as Level 1 security.
Note 9 - Subsequent Events
The Company has evaluated subsequent events through these condensed financial statements were available for issuance and determined that there were no significant unrecognized events through that date other than those noted below.
2, 2024, the Company entered into an extension letter with the sponsors to extend the timeline of the business combination from
October 4, 2024 to November 4, 2024. On November 4, 2024, the Company entered into the extension letters with the sponsors to extend
the timeline of the business combination from November 4, 2024 to December 4, 2024. The sponsors had initiated an aggregate of
F-18 |
Item 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
References to the “Company,” “our,” “us” or “we” refer to AlphaTime Acquisition Corp. The following discussion and analysis of the Company’s financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with the unaudited condensed financial statements and the notes related thereto. Certain information contained in the discussion and analysis set forth below includes forward-looking statements. Our actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of many factors.
We are a blank check company incorporated on September 15, 2021 (“inception”) as a Cayman Islands exempted company and formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses. We have generated no revenues to date, and we do not expect that we will generate operating revenues at the earliest until we consummate our initial business combination. We have not selected any specific business combination target and we have not, nor has anyone on our behalf, engaged in any substantive discussions, directly or indirectly, with any business combination target with respect to an initial business combination with us.
While we may pursue an acquisition or a business combination target in any business or industry, we intend to focus our search on a rapidly-growing and large-scaled target, including but not limited to, targets in the following space: fintech, alternative and clean energy, biotech, logistics, industrial software, artificial intelligence (“AI”) and cloud industry, that can benefit from the expertise and capabilities of our management team. Our efforts in identifying prospective target businesses will not be limited to a particular geographic region, although we intend to focus on businesses in Asia.
Results of Operations
We have neither engaged in any operations nor generated any revenues to date. Our only activities since inception to September 30, 2024, have been organizational activities and those necessary to consummate the Initial Public Offering (“IPO”), described below. Following our IPO, we will not generate any operating revenues until the completion of our initial business combination. We will generate non-operating income in the form of interest income after the IPO. We expect to incur increased expenses as a result of being a public company (for legal, financial reporting, accounting and auditing compliance), as well as for due diligence expenses.
For the three months ended September 30, 2024, we had a net income of $404,367, which consists of loss of $280,163 derived from formation and operating costs offset by income earned on investment held in Trust Account of $684,530.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we had a net income of $1,232,002, which consists of loss of $915,533 derived from formation and operating costs offset by income earned on investment held in Trust Account of $2,147,535.
For the three months ended September 30, 2023, we had a net income of $486,555, which consists of loss of $118,226 derived from formation and operating costs offset by income earned on Trust Account of $604,781.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2023, we had a net income of $1,712,827 which consists of loss of $466,016 derived from formation and operating costs offset by income earned on Trust Account of $2,178,843.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
On January 4, 2023, we consummated our IPO of 6,000,000 units (the “Units”), at $10.00 per Unit, generating gross proceeds of $60,000,000. Simultaneously with the closing of our IPO, we consummated the sale of 370,500 Private Placement Units at a price of $10.00 per Private Placement Unit in a private placement to the Sponsor, generating total gross proceeds of $3,705,000.
On January 6, 2023, and effective January 9, 2023, the underwriters in our IPO purchased an additional 900,000 Units to exercise its over-allotment option in full at a purchase price of $10.00 per Unit, generating gross proceeds of $9,000,000. Simultaneously with the closing of the full exercise of the over-allotment option, we completed the private sale of an aggregate of 38,700 Private Placement Units, at a purchase price of $10.00 per Private Placement Unit, generating gross proceeds of $387,000. Transaction costs amounted to $4,892,699 consisting of $1,612,500 of underwriting discount, $2,415,000 of deferred underwriting commission and $865,199 of other offering costs.
1 |
Following the closing of our IPO and the sale of over-allotment units, an aggregate of $70,242,000 ($10.18 per Unit) from the net proceeds and the sale of the Private Placement Units was held in a Trust Account (“Trust Account”). As of September 30, 2024, we had marketable securities held in the Trust Account of $53,347,588 consisting of securities held in a treasury money market fund that invests in United States government treasury bills, bonds or notes with a maturity of 180 days or less. We intend to use substantially all of the funds held in the Trust Account, including any amounts representing income earned on the Trust Account (less amounts released to us for taxes payable and deferred underwriting commissions) to complete our initial business combination. We may withdraw interest and dividend income to pay taxes, if any. Our annual income tax obligations will depend on the amount of interest and other income earned on the amounts held in the Trust Account. We expect the interest and dividend income earned on the amount in the Trust Account (if any) will be sufficient to pay our taxes. Through September 30, 2024, we did not withdraw any income earned on the Trust Account to pay our taxes. To the extent that our equity or debt is used, in whole or in part, as consideration to complete our initial business combination, the remaining proceeds held in the Trust Account will be used as working capital to finance the operations of the target business or businesses, make other acquisitions and pursue our growth strategies.
As of September 30, 2024, we had a cash balance of $1,473 and a working capital deficit of $2,836,334. Until the consummation of our IPO, our liquidity needs were satisfied through a capital contribution from our Sponsor of $25,000 to purchase the founder shares. As on September 30, 2024, there was an amount of $1,152,500 outstanding as loans against a promissory note issued to the Sponsor for extension of the period of business combination from October 4, 2023 to September 4, 2024 which was deposited into the Trust Account. On September 3, 2024 and October 2, 2024, respectively, the Company entered into the extension letters with the sponsors to extend the timeline of the business combination from September 4, 2024 to November 4, 2024. On November 4, 2024, the Company entered into the extension letters with the sponsors to extend the timeline of the business combination from November 4, 2024 to December 4, 2024. The sponsors had initiated an aggregate of $165,000 extension fund, including the September extension, into the trust account. Company expects that it will need additional capital to satisfy its liquidity needs beyond the net proceeds from the consummation of the IPO and the proceeds held outside of the Trust Account for paying existing accounts payable, identifying and evaluating prospective business combination candidates, performing due diligence on prospective target businesses, paying for travel expenditures, selecting the target business to merge with or acquire, and structuring, negotiating and consummating the Initial Business Combination. Although certain of the Company’s initial shareholders, officers and directors or their affiliates have committed to loan the Company funds from time to time or at any time, in whatever amount they deem reasonable in their sole discretion, there is no guarantee that the Company will receive such funds.
The Company will use funds held outside the Trust Account primarily to identify and evaluate target businesses, perform business due diligence on prospective target businesses, travel to and from the offices, plants or similar locations of prospective target businesses or their representatives or owners, review corporate documents and material agreements of prospective target businesses, and structure, negotiate and complete a business combination. In addition, we could use a portion of the funds not being placed in trust to pay commitment fees for financing, fees to consultants to assist us with our search for a target business or as a down payment or to fund a “no-shop” provision (a provision designed to keep target businesses from “shopping” around for transactions with other companies or investors on terms more favorable to such target businesses) with respect to a particular proposed business combination, although we do not have any current intention to do so. If we entered into an agreement where we paid for the right to receive exclusivity from a target business, the amount that would be used as a down payment or to fund a “no-shop” provision would be determined based on the terms of the specific business combination and the amount of our available funds at the time. Our forfeiture of such funds (whether as a result of our breach or otherwise) could result in our not having sufficient funds to continue searching for, or conducting due diligence with respect to, prospective target businesses.
In order to fund working capital deficiencies or finance transaction costs in connection with an intended initial business combination, our founders or an affiliate of our founders may, but are not obligated to, loan us funds as may be required. If we complete our initial business combination, we will repay such loaned amounts. In the event that our initial business combination does not close, we may use a portion of the working capital held outside the trust account to repay such loaned amounts but no proceeds from our trust account would be used for such repayment. Up to $1,152,500 of such loans may be convertible into working capital units, at a price of $10.00 per unit at the option of the lender. The working capital units would be identical to the private units, each consisting of one ordinary share, one private warrant and one right with the same exercise price, exercisability and exercise period, subject to similar limited restrictions as compared to the units sold in our IPO. The terms of such loans by our founders or their affiliates, if any, have not been determined and no written agreements exist with respect to such loans. We do not expect to seek loans from parties other than our founders or an affiliate of our founders as we do not believe third parties will be willing to loan such funds and provide a waiver against any and all rights to seek access to funds in our trust account, but in the event that we seek loans from any third parties, we will obtain a waiver against any and all rights to seek access to funds in our trust account.
2 |
Pursuant to the extension amendment approved by the shareholders by special resolution at the meeting on December 28, 2023, the Company has adopted the Company’s Third Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association, reflecting the extension of the date by which the Company must consummate a business combination from January 4, 2024, (the “Termination Date”) up to ten (10) times, with the first extension comprised of three months, and the subsequent nine (9) extensions comprised of one month each up to January 4, 2025, by providing five days’ advance notice to the trustee prior to the applicable Termination Date, or extended date, and depositing into the trust account (the “Trust Account”) $55,000 for each monthly extension (the “Extension Payment”) up to January 4, 2025 (i.e., for a period of time ending up to 24 months after the consummation of its initial public offering) in exchange for a non-interest bearing, unsecured promissory note payable upon the consummation of a business combination.
In connection with the shareholders’ vote at the meeting on December 28, 2023, 2,160,774 ordinary shares of the Company exercised their right to redeem such shares (the “Redemption”) for a pro rata portion of the funds held in the Trust Account. As a result, approximately $23,302,146 (approximately $10.78 per share) has been removed from the Trust Account to pay such holders and approximately $51,712,221 remained in the Trust Account. Following the redemptions, the Company has 6,873,426 ordinary shares outstanding.
On January 5, 2024, the Company entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the “Merger Agreement”) by and among the Company, HCYC Holding Company (“PubCo”), ATMC Merger Sub 1 Limited (“Merger Sub 1”), ATMC Merger Sub 2 Limited (“Merger Sub 2”), and HCYC Merger Sub Limited (“Merger Sub 3”, and together with PubCo, Merger Sub 1 and Merger Sub 2, the “Acquisition Entities”), and HCYC Group Company Limited, Cayman Islands exempted company (“HCYC”). Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, the parties thereto will enter into a business combination transaction by which (i) the Company will merge with and into Merger Sub 1, with the Company surviving such merger; (ii) the Company will merge with and into Merger Sub 2, with Merger Sub 2 surviving such merger; and (iii) HCYC will merge with and into Merger Sub 3, with HCYC surviving such merger (collectively, the “Mergers”). The Merger Agreement and the Mergers were unanimously approved by the boards of directors of each of the Company and HCYC. The Business Combination is expected to be consummated after obtaining the required approval by the shareholders of the Company and HCYC and the satisfaction of certain other customary closing conditions.
Accordingly, the accompanying unaudited condensed financial statements have been prepared in conformity with U.S. GAAP, which contemplates continuation of the Company as a going concern and the realization of assets and the satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business. The unaudited condensed financial statement does not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty. Further, we have incurred and expect to continue to incur significant costs in pursuit of our financing and acquisition plans. Management plans to address this uncertainty during the period leading up to the Initial Business Combination. The Company cannot provide any assurance that its plans to raise capital or to consummate an Initial Business Combination will be successful. Based on the foregoing, management believes that the Company lacks the financial resources it needs to sustain operations for a reasonable period of time. Moreover, management’s plans to consummate the initial business combination may not be successful. These factors, among others, raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
The net proceeds of the IPO and the sale of the Private Placement Units held in the Trust Account are invested in U.S. government treasury securities with a maturity of 180 days or less or in money market funds investing solely in U.S. Treasuries and meeting certain conditions under Rule 2a-7 under the Investment Company Act. Due to the short-term nature of these investments, we believe there will be no associated material exposure to interest rate risk.
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Related Party Transactions
On September 28, 2021, our Sponsor received 1,437,500 of the Company’s Class B ordinary shares in exchange for $25,000 paid for deferred offering costs borne by our Sponsor.
On January 8, 2022, the board of directors of the Company and our Sponsor, as sole shareholder of the Company, approved, through a special resolution, the following share capital changes:
(a) | Each of the authorized but unissued 200,000,000 Class A ordinary shares were cancelled and re-designated as ordinary shares of $0.0001 par value each; | |
(b) | Each of the 1,437,500 Class B ordinary shares in issue were repurchased in consideration for the issuance of 1,437,500 ordinary shares of $0.0001 par value each; and | |
(c) | Upon completion of the above steps, the authorized but unissued 20,000,000 Class B ordinary shares were cancelled. |
On January 8, 2022, the Company issued an additional 287,500 ordinary shares to our Sponsor for no additional consideration, resulting in our Sponsor holding an aggregate of 1,725,000 ordinary shares (the founder shares). The issuance was considered as a bonus share issuance, in substance a recapitalization transaction, which was recorded and presented retroactively. The founder shares include an aggregate of up to 225,000 ordinary shares subject to forfeiture to the extent that the underwriters’ over-allotment is not exercised in full or in part.
Prior to the initial investment in the Company of $25,000 by our Sponsor, the Company had no assets, tangible or intangible. The number of founder shares issued was determined based on the expectation that such founder shares would represent 20% of the outstanding shares upon completion of the IPO (excluding the private shares and shares underlying the UPO). The per share purchase price of the founder shares was determined by dividing the amount of cash contributed to the Company by the aggregate number of founder shares issued.
Our founders and advisors, or any of their respective affiliates, will be reimbursed for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with activities on our behalf such as identifying potential target businesses and performing due diligence on suitable business combinations. Our audit committee will review on a quarterly basis all payments that were made to our founders, advisors or our or their affiliates and will determine which expenses and the amount of expenses that will be reimbursed. There is no cap or ceiling on the reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred by such persons in connection with activities on our behalf.
On September 30, 2021, our sponsor agreed to loan us up to $300,000 to be used for a portion of the expenses of the IPO. This loan is non-interest bearing, unsecure and is due at the earlier of (1) December 31, 2022, and (2) the consummation of the IPO. On December 31, 2022, there were no amounts outstanding, and the Promissory Notes had then expired.
In addition, in order to finance transaction costs in connection with an intended initial business combination, our founders or an affiliate of our founders may, but are not obligated to, loan us funds as may be required. If we complete our initial business combination, we will repay such loaned amounts. In the event that our initial business combination does not close, we may use a portion of the working capital held outside the trust account to repay such loaned amounts but no proceeds from our Trust Account would be used for such repayment. Up to $300,000 of such loans may be convertible into working capital units, at a price of $10.00 per unit at the option of the lender. Such working capital units would be identical to the private units sold in the private placement. The terms of such loans by our founders or their affiliates, if any, have not been determined and no written agreements exist with respect to such loans. We do not expect to seek loans from parties other than our founders or an affiliate of our founders as we do not believe third parties will be willing to loan such funds and provide a waiver against any and all rights to seek access to funds in our trust account, but in the event that we seek loans from any third parties, we will obtain a waiver against any and all rights to seek access to funds in our trust account.
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Private Placement Units
On January 4, 2023, simultaneously with the closing of our IPO, we consummated the sale of 370,500 Private Placement Units at a price of $10.00 per Private Placement Unit in a private placement to the Sponsor, generating total gross proceeds of $3,705,000.
On January 6, 2023, and effective January 9, 2023, the underwriters in our IPO purchased an additional 900,000 Units to exercise its over-allotment option in full at a purchase price of $10.00 per Unit, generating gross proceeds of $9,000,000. Simultaneously with the closing of the full exercise of the over-allotment option, we completed the private sale of an aggregate of 38,700 Private Placement Units, at a purchase price of $10.00 per Private Placement Unit, generating gross proceeds of $387,000.
Our Sponsor will be permitted to transfer the private units held by them to certain permitted transferees, including our officers and directors and other persons or entities affiliated with or related to it or them, but the transferees receiving such securities will be subject to the same agreements with respect to such securities as the founders. Otherwise, these private units (and underlying securities) will be subject to certain transfer restrictions, subject to certain limited exceptions, as described under “Principal Shareholders — Restrictions on Transfers of Founder Shares and Private Units.”
Promissory Note — Related Party
On September 30, 2021, the Sponsor issued an unsecured promissory note to the Company (the “Promissory Note”), pursuant to which the Company may borrow up to an aggregate principal amount of $300,000. The Promissory Note was amended and restated on November 23, 2021, to change the December 31, 2021 due date to March 31, 2022, amended and restated on January 26, 2022 to change the March 31, 2022 due date to May 31, 2022 and amended and restated again on October 20, 2022 to change the May 31, 2022 due date to December 31, 2022. The Promissory Note was non-interest bearing and payable on the earlier of (i) December 31, 2022, or (ii) the consummation of the IPO.
On September 27, 2023, the Company notified Equiniti Trust Company, the trustee of the Company’s trust account (the “Trust Account”), that it was extending the time available to the Company to consummate its initial business combination from October 4, 2023, to January 4, 2024 (the “Extension”). The Extension is the first of up to three (3) three-month extensions permitted under the Company’s governing documents.
On September 27, 2023, the Company extended the time to complete its initial business combination from October 4, 2023 to January 4, 2024 by depositing an aggregate of $690,000 into the Trust Account. In connection with this extension, on September 26, 2023, the Company also entered into a non-interest bearing promissory note with the Sponsor for $690,000, that is payable on the earlier of January 4, 2024 or promptly after the completion of an initial business combination. On January 4, 2024, the Company deposited $165,000 into the Trust Account to extend the deadline to complete the business combination from January 4, 2024 to April 4, 2024. On February 20, 2024, the Company further raised $20,000 from the sponsor against a promissory note. In connection with this extension, on December 28, 2023, the Company entered into a non-interest bearing promissory note with the Sponsor for $660,000, that is payable on the earlier of January 4, 2025 or promptly after the completion of an initial business combination. As on September 30, 2024, there was an amount of $1,152,500 outstanding as loan against a promissory note issued to the Sponsor for extension of the period of business combination from October 4, 2023 to September 4, 2024. On September 3, 2024 and October 2, 2024, the Company entered into the extension letters with the sponsors to extend the timeline of the business combination from September 4, 2024 to October 4, 2024, and from October 4, 2024 to November 4, 2024, respectively. On November 4, 2024, the Company entered into the extension letters with the sponsors to extend the timeline of the business combination from November 4, 2024 to December 4, 2024. The sponsors had initiated an aggregate of $165,000 extension fund, including the September extension, into the trust account.
Due to Related Party
The Sponsor paid certain formation, operating or deferred offering costs on behalf of the Company. These amounts are due on demand and non-interest bearing. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31 2023, due to related party amounted to $504,708 and $199,318, respectively.
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Administration fee
Commencing on the effective date of the registration statement, an affiliate of the Sponsor shall be allowed to charge the Company an allocable share of its overhead, up to $10,000 per month up to the close of the business combination, to compensate it for the Company’s use of its offices, utilities and personnel. An administration fee of $30,000 and $90,000 was recorded for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 respectively.
Other Contractual Obligations
Underwriting Agreement
We granted the underwriters a 45-day option from the date of IPO to purchase up to 900,000 additional Units to cover over-allotments, if any, at the IPO price less the underwriting discounts and commissions. The underwriters exercised the over-allotment option in full effective January 9, 2023. Simultaneously, on January 4, 2023, an amount of $352,350 due to related party was converted into over-allotment of Private Placement, and the underwriter deposited additional $34,650 on behalf of Sponsor for 17,325 Founder Shares for $2.00 per share which was sold by the Sponsor to underwriters. The Company paid a cash underwriting commission of $0.125 per Unit for 900,000 additional Units and the underwriters will be entitled to a deferred commission of $0.35 per Unit, an aggregate of $2,415,000, which will be paid from the funds held in the Trust Account upon completion of the initial business combination.
Concurrent with the closing of the IPO, our Sponsor, at the option of the Company, sold to the underwriter or its designees 115,500 Founder Shares for a purchase price of $2.00 per share and an aggregate purchase price of $231,000.
We have agreed to sell to the underwriters, for $100.00, an option to purchase up to a total of 58,000 Units exercisable, in whole or in part, at $11.50 per unit (or 115% of the Market Value), commencing on the consummation of our initial business combination, and expires five years from the effective date of the IPO. The option and the 58,000 Units, as well as the 58,000 ordinary shares, the warrants to purchase 58,000 ordinary shares that may be issued upon exercise of the option and the rights to purchase 5,800 ordinary shares upon the completion of an initial business combination, have been deemed compensation by FINRA and are therefore subject to a lock-up for a period of 180 days immediately following the effective date of the registration statement or the commencement of sales in the IPO pursuant to Rule 5110(e)(1) of FINRA’s Rules, during which time the option may not be sold, transferred, assigned, pledged or hypothecated, or be subject of any hedging, short sale, derivative or put or call transaction that would result in the economic disposition of the securities, except as permitted under FINRA Rule 5110(e)(2).
Advisory Services Agreement
The Company engaged TenX Global Capital LP (“TenX”), a related party to the Company, as an advisor in connection with the Initial Public Offering and business combination, to assist in hiring consultants and other services providers in connection with our Initial Public Offering and the business combination, assist in the preparation of unaudited condensed financial statements and other relevant services to commence trading including filing the necessary documents as part of the transaction. Further, TenX will assist in preparing the Company for investor presentations, conferences for due diligence, deal structuring and term negotiations.
During the period from September 15, 2021 (inception) through December 31, 2023, a cash fee of $200,000 has been incurred as deferred offering costs for these services of which $160,000 has been paid by the Sponsor through December 31, 2022 and additional $40,000 was paid subsequently through December 31, 2023.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements; Commitments and Contractual Obligations
As of September 30, 2024, we did not have any off-balance sheet arrangements as defined in Item 303(a)(4)(ii) of Regulation S-K and did not have any commitments or contractual obligations.
Critical Accounting Policies
The preparation of unaudited condensed financial statements and related disclosures in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the unaudited condensed financial statements, and income and expenses during the periods reported. Actual results could materially differ from those estimates. We have identified below critical accounting policies.
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Ordinary Shares Subject to Possible Redemption
We account for our ordinary shares subject to possible redemption in accordance with the guidance in Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 480 “Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity.” Ordinary shares subject to mandatory redemption is classified as a liability instrument and is measured at fair value. Conditionally redeemable ordinary shares (including ordinary shares that feature redemption rights that is either within the control of the holder or subject to redemption upon the occurrence of uncertain events not solely within the Company’s control) is classified as temporary equity. At all other times, ordinary shares are classified as shareholders’ equity. The Company’s ordinary shares features certain redemption rights that are considered to be outside of the Company’s control and subject to occurrence of uncertain future events. Accordingly, ordinary shares subject to possible redemption is presented at redemption of $11.09 per share (plus any income earned from Trust Account) as temporary equity, outside of the shareholders’ equity section of the Company’s balance sheets. The Company recognizes changes in redemption value immediately as they occur and adjusts the carrying value of redeemable ordinary shares to equal the redemption value at the end of each reporting period. Increases or decreases in the carrying amount of redeemable ordinary shares are affected by charges against additional paid in capital or accumulated deficit if additional paid in capital equals to zero.
Net Income (Loss) per Share
The Company complies with accounting and disclosure requirements of FASB ASC 260, Earnings Per Share. The statements of operations include a presentation of income (loss) per redeemable share and income (loss) per non-redeemable share following the two-class method of income (loss) per share. In order to determine the net income (loss) attributable to both the redeemable shares and non-redeemable shares, the Company first considered the undistributed income (loss) allocable to both the redeemable shares and non-redeemable shares and the undistributed income (loss) is calculated using the total net income (loss) less any dividends paid. The Company then allocated the undistributed income (loss) ratably based on the weighted average number of shares outstanding between the redeemable and non-redeemable shares. Any remeasurement of the accretion to redemption value of the ordinary shares subject to possible redemption was considered to be dividends paid to the public shareholders.
Deferred Offering Costs
Deferred offering costs consist of underwriting, legal, accounting, and other expenses incurred through the balance sheet date that were directly related to our IPO and that were charged to shareholders’ equity upon the completion of our IPO on January 4, 2023. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, there were no deferred offering costs.
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Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
We are a smaller reporting company as defined by Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act and are not required to provide the information otherwise required under this item.
Item 4. Controls and Procedures
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
As required by Rule 13a-15(b) and Rule 15d-15(b) under the Exchange Act, our management, including our President and Chief Financial Officer, evaluated, as of September 30, 2024, the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures as defined in Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(e) and Rule 15d-15(e). Based on that evaluation, our President and Chief Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were not effective as of September 30, 2024, due to the material weakness in our internal control over financial reporting related to the Company’s lack of qualified SEC reporting professional. As a result, we performed additional analysis as deemed necessary to ensure that our financial statements were prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Accordingly, management believes that the financial statements included in this Form 10-Q present fairly in all material respects our financial position, results of operations and cash flows for the period presented. Management intends to continue implement remediation steps to improve our disclosure controls and procedures and our internal control over financial reporting. Specifically, we intend to expand and improve our review process for complex securities and related accounting standards. We have improved this process by enhancing access to accounting literature, identification of third-party professionals with whom to consult regarding complex accounting applications and consideration of additional staff with the requisite experience and training to supplement existing accounting professionals.
We believe, however, that a controls system, no matter how well designed and operated, cannot provide absolute assurance that the objectives of the controls systems are met, and no evaluation of controls can provide absolute assurance that all control issues and instances of fraud or error, if any, within a company have been detected.
Management’s Report on Internal Controls Over Financial Reporting
This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q does not include a report of management’s assessment regarding internal control over financial reporting or an attestation report of our independent registered public accounting firm due to a transition period established by rules of the SEC for newly public companies.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting (as such term is defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) of the Exchange Act) during the most recent fiscal quarter that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.
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Item 1. Legal Proceedings
To the knowledge of our management, there is no material litigation, arbitration, bankruptcy, receivership, governmental proceeding or other proceeding currently pending against us or any members of our management team in their capacity as such.
Item 1A. Risk Factors
As of the date of this Report, there have been no material changes to the risk factors disclosed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on April 15, 2024.
Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds
Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
On September 28, 2021, our Sponsor acquired 1,437,500 founder shares for an aggregate purchase price of $25,000. On January 8, 2022, our Sponsor acquired an additional 287,500 founder shares for no additional consideration, resulting in our Sponsor holding an aggregate of 1,725,000 founder shares. Concurrent with the closing of the Initial Public Offering, our Sponsor sold to Chardan or its designees 132,825 of these founder shares at a purchase price of $2.00 per share and an aggregate purchase price of $265,650.
Simultaneously with the closing of the IPO, pursuant to the Private Placement Unit Purchase Agreement, the Company completed the private sale of 370,500 units (the “Private Placement Units”) to the Sponsor at a purchase price of $10.00 per Private Placement Unit, generating gross proceeds to the Company of $3,705,000. The Private Placement Units are identical to the Units sold in the IPO. No underwriting discounts or commissions were paid with respect to such sale. The issuance of the Private Placement Units was made pursuant to the exemption from registration contained in Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. No underwriting discounts or commissions were paid with respect to such sale. The issuance of the Private Placement Units was made pursuant to the exemption from registration contained in Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. On January 9, 2023, simultaneously with the sale of the over-allotment Units, the Company consummated the private sale of an additional 38,700 Private Placement Units, generating additional gross proceeds of $387,000.
Use of Proceeds
On January 4, 2023, the Company consummated the initial public offering of 6,000,000 Units (the “Units” and, with respect to the Ordinary shares included in the Units sold, the “Public Shares”), including 900,000 Units that were issued pursuant to the underwriters’ exercise of their over-allotment option in full on January 9, 2023, at $10.00 per Unit, generating gross proceeds of $69,000,000.
Simultaneously with the closing of the initial public offering, we consummated the sale of 370,500 Private Placement Units at a price of $10.00 per warrant, generating gross proceeds of $3,705,000. On January 9, 2023, simultaneously with the sale of the over-allotment Units, the Company consummated the private sale of an additional 38,700 Private Units, generating additional gross proceeds of $387,000.
Transaction costs related to the issuances described above amounted to $4,892,699 consisting of $1,612,500 of underwriting fees, $2,415,000 of deferred underwriting fees and $865,199 of other offering costs. After deducting the underwriting discounts and commissions and offering expenses, the total net proceeds from the initial public offering and the sale of the Private Placement Warrants $70,242,000 (or $10.18 per share sold in the initial public offering) was placed in the Trust Account.
On December 28, 2023, a special meeting of the stockholders was held to extend the date by which the Company must consummate a business combination. In connection with this meeting, the stockholders of record were provided the opportunity to exercise their redemption rights. Holders of 2,160,774 ordinary shares of the Company exercised their right to redeem such shares at a per share redemption price of approximately $10.78 per share, for a total of approximately $23,302,146. Following the redemptions, the Company has 6,873,426 ordinary shares outstanding.
Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities
Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures
Not applicable.
Item 5. Other Information
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Item 6. Exhibits
Exhibit Number | Description | |
2.1 | ||
31.1* | Certification of Principal Executive Officer required by Rule 13a-14(a) or Rule 15d-14(a). | |
31.2* | Certification of Principal Financial Officer required by Rule 13a-14(a) or Rule 15d-14(a). | |
32.1** | Certification of Principal Executive Officer required by Rule 13a-14(b) or Rule 15d-14(b) and 18 U.S.C. 1350. | |
32.2** | Certification of Principal Financial Officer required by Rule 13a-14(b) or Rule 15d-14(b) and 18 U.S.C. 1350. | |
101.INS | Inline XBRL Instance Document | |
101.SCH | Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema | |
101.CAL | Inline XBRL Taxonomy Calculation Linkbase | |
101.LAB | Inline XBRL Taxonomy Label Linkbase | |
101.PRE | Inline XBRL Definition Linkbase Document | |
101.DEF | Inline XBRL Definition Linkbase Document | |
104 | Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101) |
*Filed herewith.
**Furnished herewith.
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Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
November 19, 2024
By: | /s/ Dajiang Guo | |
Dajiang Guo | ||
Chief Executive Officer (Principal Executive Officer) |
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