EX-10.16 5 a1016-separationandrelease.htm EX-10.16 文件










(a) 马克西姆斯服务将在终止日期向员工支付所有到期的最终工资,工资将按照正常工资发放周期发放。

(b) 员工在所有马克西姆斯服务福利计划中的参与(如有)将于终止日期终止,特别认可员工将保留在这些计划下的所有已归属权利(如有),根据这些计划的各自条款,任何支付给员工的金额将依照此支付。

(i) 所有健康保险福利(如有)将在员工被终止的月份的最后一天停止。如果员工在终止时已加入公司的团体健康计划,员工承认(i)在终止日期,员工将作为因终止而导致的“合格事件”,根据1985年综合预算法案及其修正案(“COBRA”)失去马克西姆斯服务的团体健康计划的覆盖;(ii)在终止日期后,


(ii) 所有的人寿和残疾保险福利(如有)将在终止日期停止。




2.    Consideration. 这取决于(i)员工在下面第5(e)段提到的考虑期到期之前签署本第二协议;(ii)下面第5(f)段提到的撤销期到期;(iii)员工根据上面第1(d)段要求归还所有豪利财产和信息;以及(iv)遵守本文中所作的承诺以及保密和限制性契约(“CRC”)协议。 员工于2021年3月26日签署(统称为“付款条款”),豪利应向员工支付一次性遣散费,扣除适用的税款、扣款和扣除额,金额由以下元件组成:



(c)    一次性支付25,000美元,以抵消因终止而影响的任何福利;

(d)    价值50,000美元的一年职业转型服务;和

(e)    一次性现金支付,以替代本应在2024年9月30日发生的基于时间的RSU确认。



3.    没有进一步的补偿或福利员工将不再有权获得本协议所述以外的任何其他款项或福利,任何未归属的股权奖励自终止日期起将被没收。员工承认,上述第2段所描述的支付和安排构成了员工因与Maximus的雇佣关系及其终止而应获得的所有补偿和福利金额的充分和完整的满意,并且在没有本第二协议的情况下,第2段所描述的金额代表了员工在终止雇佣关系时应有权获得的更高的对价。

    4.    一般释放和豁免.

    (a)    In consideration of the payments and arrangements set forth above, Employee (on behalf of herself, Employee’s heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns) knowingly and voluntarily releases Maximus and its affiliated entities and their officers, directors, partners, owners, employees, contractors, clients, agents, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns (the “Releasees”) from any and all individual or class action claims, actions, rights, demands, debts, damages, grievances or accountings of whatever nature, whether known or unknown, currently existing or arising in the future, relating in any way to Employee’s employment with Maximus or the termination thereof, including, without limitation, claims under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Older Workers Benefit Protection Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, Family and Medical Leave Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Immigration Reform and Control Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, National Labor Relations Act, Sections 1981 through 1988 of Title 42 of the United States Code; The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974; and all other federal, state or local laws or any other statute, rule, regulation or executive order precluding discrimination or retaliation in employment, claims for breach of contract (whether oral or written, express or implied from any source), wrongful discharge, personal injuries or torts (whether intentional, negligent or otherwise), defamation, or common law and all claims whether known or unknown, or any claim for costs, fees, or other expenses including attorneys’ fees incurred in these matters, arising through the date of execution of this Second Agreement by Employee, excepting only those matters explicitly set forth in this Second Agreement.

(b)    Excluded from this release and covenant not to sue are: (i) any claim or right which cannot be waived by law, including without limitation, all claims arising after the date of this Second Agreement, claims for unemployment compensation, claims for vested retirement benefits and claims for worker compensation benefits; (ii) claims under the Fair Labor Standards Act; and (iii) the right to file a charge with or participate in an investigation conducted by an administrative agency, provided Employee is waiving, however, any right to any monetary recovery or other equitable or injunctive relief if any administrative agency or other party pursues any claim or claims



    5.    老年工人福利保护法根据老年工人福利保护法(“OWBPA”)的规定,为了释放根据《年龄歧视就业法》(“ADEA”)提出的所有索赔,员工同意并确认如下:



(d) 员工不放弃在本第二协议执行后根据《年龄歧视就业法》(ADEA)提出的权利或索赔。

        (e) 员工应在通知日期(“考虑期限”)起有二十一(21)个日历天考虑条款并签署本第二协议。(员工可以在终止日期后考虑、签署并提供本第二协议给马克西姆斯服务,但如果员工选择,员工可以在希望时使用所有21天。)

        (f) 员工承认并理解,员工可以在签署此文件之日起七(7)个日历天内撤回本第二协议(“撤回期限”)。如果撤回期限的最后一天是员工在终止日期被雇佣的州的星期六、星期天或法定假日,则撤回期限应在下一个非星期六、星期天或法定假日到期。此第二协议在撤回期限届满之前不生效或不可执行,

已到期。若员工希望行使撤回本第二协议的权利,撤回必须以书面形式进行,并通过电子邮件发送至 米歇尔·林克 michellelink@maximus.com 在撤回期限内。如果员工希望通过邮寄方式送达撤回,撤回必须在撤回期限内邮戳;必须通过挂号信寄送,要求回执;并且必须正确地址如下:

马克西姆斯 - 人力资源
1600 Tysons Blvd., Suite 1400
泰森斯,VA 22102


        (h)    第2段提到的对价将在撤销期届满且员工未行使撤销权且所有其他付款条款履行完毕后支付。如果员工未能在对价期结束前签署并返回本第二协议,或者如果员工及时行使根据第5条(f)款撤销权,则本第二协议中所做的要约和承诺将失效,员工应将收到的任何对价退还给公司。

    6.    不承认员工确认并同意,根据本第二协议所做的付款和安排不得被视为对马克西姆斯任何责任的承认或解释。

7.    传票员工同意,如果员工因与马克西姆斯相关的任何诉讼事务被传唤,员工将在四十八(48)小时内通知马克西姆斯的总法律顾问或其指定人员。本协议的任何内容均不妨碍任何一方与任何执法或行政机构合作,参与行政机构的调查或法律程序,或在适用法律要求下,诚实作证。
8.    非诽谤及中立参考.
(a) 员工同意,尊重各方在适用法律下可能承担的任何义务,员工将不会发表或导致发表任何贬损或以任何方式损害马克西姆斯或其任何附属机构、子公司、代理人、官员、董事或员工声誉的声明或采取任何行动。本段的任何内容均不妨碍员工根据法律或法规的可能违规向政府机构或当局披露任何类型的声明。
(b) 员工应将任何请求书面参考的请求发送到 HRSC@maximus.com. 马克西姆斯将仅以书面形式确认最终职位、雇佣日期和最终工资。

(c) 马克西姆斯同意,尊重各方在适用法律下可能承担的任何义务,马克西姆斯的首席执行官及其直接报告不应做出任何贬损员工或以任何方式损害员工声誉的外部声明或采取任何行动。本段的任何内容均不妨碍马克西姆斯根据法律或法规的可能违规向政府机构或当局披露任何类型的声明。
    9.    保密在适用法律允许的范围内,员工同意对本第二个协议的条款、金额和事实保密,除非员工可以在员工的纳税申报和与律师、税务顾问及直系家庭成员的关系中披露本第二个协议,前提是员工明确告知他们保密本第二个协议的义务。本段落不阻止或适用于员工采取任何行动来挑战员工在《年龄歧视就业法》下的索赔释放的有效性。


13.    This Second Agreement sets forth the parties’ entire agreement and supersedes any and all prior written or oral agreements or understandings between them pertaining to the subject matter of this Second Agreement other than the First Separation

Agreement, CRC Agreement and any agreement(s) or covenant(s) previously executed by Employee to preserve the confidentiality of Releasees’ data, documents, transactions or other information or to prohibit unfair competition by Employee.

    14.    Should any provision of this Second Agreement be determined by any court to be illegal or invalid and cannot be modified to be enforceable, the validity of the remaining terms shall not be affected thereby, and the illegal or invalid term shall be deemed not to be part of this Second Agreement. If any portion of the general release language is ruled to be unenforceable for any reason, Employee will, upon demand, execute additional or supplemental general release agreements waiving any and all claims that Employee may have, and Employee agrees that Employee may not obtain any personal recovery against Releasees.

    15.    This Second Agreement shall be construed in accordance with Virginia law, without regard to any jurisdiction’s principles of conflict of laws. In any action brought to enforce this Second Agreement, the substantially prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable legal fees and costs, and the action shall be tried to a court without a jury.

    16.    This Second Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on the successors, heirs and assigns of the parties.

    17.    This Second Agreement may only be amended by a written document signed by both of parties hereto, wherein specific reference is made to this Second Agreement.

    18.    A photocopy, facsimile or emailed copy of this Second Agreement shall be as effective as an original. An electronic signature shall be as effective as an original.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Second Agreement as of the dates set forth below.

特蕾莎·魏佩特                    马克西姆斯服务公司.

/s/ 特蕾莎·魏佩特            作者: /s/ 米歇尔·林克            
日期:     2024年6月30日            日期:     2024年6月29日