0001856961 0001856961 2024-11-22 2024-11-22 0001856961 BOCN:每单位由一类普通股和一半可赎回认股权组成的成员 2024-11-22 2024-11-22 0001856961 BOCN:每股普通股面值为0.0001美元的成员 2024-11-22 2024-11-22 0001856961 BOCN:每整个认股权可行使以11.50美元的行使价购买一股普通股的可赎回认股权成员 2024-11-22 2024-11-22 iso4217:美元指数 xbrli:股份 iso4217:美元指数 xbrli:股份





华盛顿特区 20549


表格 8-K






报告日期(报告的最早事件日期): 2024年11月22日


蓝海收购 corp



开曼群岛   001-41112   98-1593951
  (报告书文件号码)   (国税局员工身份证明号码)



2 Wisconsin Circle, 七楼   20815
Chevy Chase, MD   (邮递区号)


(240) 235-5049








依据证券法第425条规定,书面通信(17 CFR 230.425)


根据《交易所法》(17 CFR 240.14a-12)第14a-12条规定,招股文件。




根据交易所法案(17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))第13e-4(c)条规定,提前开始进行通信。




每个类别的标题   交易标的(s)   每个交易所的名称
每个单位由一股A类普通股和半个可赎回权证组成   BOCNU   The 纳斯达克 股票市场有限责任公司
A利股份,每股面值$0.0001   BOCN   The 纳斯达克 股票市场有限责任公司
可赎回warrants,每个完整的warrant行使价格为$11.50,可换股成一股A类普通股   BOCNW   The 纳斯达克 股票市场有限责任公司






如果是新兴成长公司,请打勾表示该登记申请人已选择不使用延长过渡期以符合根据证券交易所法第 13(a) 条所提供的任何新的或修改后的财务会计准则。









2024年11月7日,Cayman Islands豁免公司(“Blue Ocean Acquisition Corp Ocean Acquisition Corp”)公司提出了一份明确的代理声明/招股书。Blue Ocean),为了在Blue Ocean股东之间征求代理投票,就一项非凡股东大会(")进行投票,核准并采纳2023年6月6日签署的合并协议和计划。决定性代理声明书”)为了在Blue Ocean的股东之间征求代理投票以便在一项特别股东大会(“进行投票。特别股东大会)协议及计划的核准和采纳,该协议及计划于2023年6月6日与Cayman Islands豁免公司(“TNL Mediagene”)TNL Mediagene公司之间签订。),以及TNLMG,一家开曼群岛豁免公司,是TNLMediagene的全资子公司(合并子公司),经由2024年5月29日第一修正协议和并购计划及2024年10月23日第二修正协议和并购计划(经修订,「合并协议」),根据协议条款和其中所载条件,Merger Sub将与SPAC进行合并,并使SPAC成为TNL Mediagene的全资子公司(该合并和Merger Agreement所规划的其他交易,「业务合并」)。本报告书的目的是描述根据明确董事会授权之各种PIPE投资,该项投资事宜已在明确董事会文件中预先公布,总计约1500万美元将于业务组合完成之日或之前提供资金。


项目8.01 其他活动。




2024年11月22日,与业务合并相关,TNL Mediagene透过对某些第三方投资者进行某些次级无担保可转换本票(以下称“可转换本票”)的私下销售,筹集了4,355,000美元。可转换票据。(每一位均称为“投资者”)投资者根据2024年11月18日或之前签订的某些可转换本票购买协议(以下称“可转换本票购买协议”)。可转换本票将以每年10.0%的利率计息,并在全额支付或根据其条款转换之前累计利息。可转换本票将于2024年12月7日到期(除非提前转换)。在业务合并的结束前立即生效并具附带条件,可转换本票将自动转换为若干TNL Mediagene普通股(以下称“合并转换股份”)。”) 等于 (i) 每份可转换票据的未偿本金金额和累计利息之商 (A) 与 (B) $3.50 的总和,以及 (ii) (A) 240,397 与 (B) 每份可转换票据未偿本金金额之商 (x) 与 (y) $5,000,000 的乘积。 除以(ii)21(即动量测量期的动量测量天数)。以实际/360天计算的分摊的每年0.65%是从但不包括即将到来的指数业务日开始计算的。 与 (B) $3.50 和 (ii) (A) 240,397 与 (B) 每份可转换票据未偿本金金额之商 (x) 与 (y) $5,000,000 的乘积。 除以(ii)21(即动量测量期的动量测量天数)。以实际/360天计算的分摊的每年0.65%是从但不包括即将到来的指数业务日开始计算的。 与 (y) $5,000,000。


作为额外的报酬 对于每位投资者履行其购买可转换债券的义务,蓝海赞助商有限责任公司,一家开曼群岛的有限责任公司(以下称“赞助商”),与每位投资者签订了某些赞助商认股权证转让协议(以下称“赞助商认股权证转让协议”),根据该协议,赞助商同意转让给每位投资者,并且投资者同意获取赞助商持有的某些定向增发认股权证,以用于收购蓝海的A类普通股,每股的行使价格为11.50美元(每个此类认股权证,称为“PIPE认股权证和该协议的买方,合称为“)PIPE Warrants”).


每位投资者在可转换票据购买协议下,对合并转换股份拥有惯常的登记权,根据该协议,TNL Mediagene同意在业务结合完成后45天内,向证券交易委员会(“美国证券交易委员会”)提交一份登记声明,以登记投资者转售合并转换股份的权利,并使用其商业上合理的努力,在登记声明提交后120个日历天内使该登记声明获得有效(或在TNL Mediagene被通知登记声明不会被SEC审查的日期的第五个交易日后)。







签署某些定向增发融资 协议


于2024年11月25日,TNL Mediagene签署了一份证券购买协议,以发行由TNL Mediagene发出的可转换票据(“票据购买协议”)以及一份普通股购买协议,以获取信贷权限(“股权信贷购买协议”)。票据购买协议和股权信贷购买协议的主要条款和条件如下所述。


备注 SPA


2024年11月25日,TNL Mediagene与特定第三方投资者(“Note Buyers”)签订了笔记SPA,以发行并卖出TNL Mediagene的一个或多个新系列优先无抵押可换股票,原始总本金可高达$11,944,444(即“$10,750,000的原始发行折扣为10%的金额”)。笔记买家”)注释(“”)(10,750,000美元,原始发行折扣为10%)。


TNL 媒体商品预计将发行 并出售初始债券,总金额为 4,722,222 元(4,250,000 元,原发行折扣为 10%)(」初始 注意事项」) 在完成业务合并后不久结算(」初始收市」)。在 根据《Note SPA》规定,TNL Mediagene 有权要求每位票据买方购买,而该等票据买家须具有 要求 TNL Mediagene 出售和发行附加票据的权利(」附加注意事项」)在一个或多个额外 关闭(每个一个」后续关闭」并与初始收市一起,」关闭」) 或 在每次后续交易时,额外的认购金额高达 3,000,000 美元(或按每位票据买家同意的金额更高)和 在所有后续交易中,总计高达 6,500,000 美元(以原始发行折扣为 10%),每个情况下均为同一笔 作为初始收市的条款和条件。如果在业务合并 12 个月之前没有进行后续结算, TNL Mediagene 或每位票据买家根据本条款之后续结算的权利将自动终止。


该笔记将可转换, 部分或全部,随著每位笔记买方的选择,自每个笔记的发行日期起转换为TNL Mediagene的 普通股,每股面值$0.0001(以下称“Ordinary Shares”)的初始转换价格为每股等于(i)以下两者中较低者的乘积: (A) 业务合并结束后第五(5)个交易日的纳斯达克普通股官方收盘价,和 (B) 业务合并结束后五(5)个交易日的纳斯达克普通股官方收盘价的平均值,乘以(ii) 125%(以下称“转换价格”) (根据笔记条款可发行的普通股,以下称“转换股份,”以及笔记,以下称“证券TNL Mediagene将有权以每月分期的方式赎回部分未偿还的票据余额,以金额等于(i)原始本金金额的10%和(y)截至该分期日票据下的本金余额的较小者,以及(ii)根据票据条款累计的任何未支付利息或其他金额(“分期转换金额”)通过以每股转换价格将分期转换金额转换为股票,该转换价格为(i)转换价格和(ii)每股最低VWAP(如票据中所定义)的92%中的较低者,该VWAP是在每个分期日或转换日之前的十(10)个交易日内(“分期转换价格”). 根据票据SPA的某些例外情况,票据的转换不得超过票据购买者及其关联方所拥有的普通股数量,否则将超过TNL Mediagene于该转换立即生效后所发行和未偿还的普通股的4.99%。





根据原始发行折扣,票据买方预计支付$4,250,000购买初始票据,扣除TNL Mediagene应支付的某些费用和开支。 初始票据预计将在发行日期的12个月周年到期;但是,逾期日期可以根据票据买方的选择在发生票据SPA中列出的某些条件时延长。初始票据按年利率六个百分点(6%)累积简单利息。


《备忘录》将优先于TNL Mediagene的所有现有和未来债务,但须受到一定允许的优先债务限制,并且将成为TNL Mediagene的无抵押债务。《备忘录》、《备忘录SPA》及其他交易文件项下的TNL Mediagene义务将由子公司担保,每个TNL Mediagene子公司将共同及连带无条件及不可撤销地对《备忘录》、《备忘录SPA》及其他交易文件项下的TNL Mediagene义务进行担保(“子公司担保”).


根据说明SPA,认购人将有惯常的优先购买权,参与TNL Mediagene未来融资的25%份额,条件和价格与该融资中其他投资者获得的条件和价格相同。TNL Mediagene同意对其资本结构变化施加一定限制,包括在认购人拥有任何Notes或Notes下属的普通股,或者在Notes未清偿的情况下进行任何Dilutive发行(Notes中所定义)时,对发行其他股权证券施加一定限制。


根据票据出售协议, TNL Mediagene 将与票据买方签署一份注册权利协议(“票据注册权利协议”),以向票据买方提供某些 惯例的注册权利。TNL Mediagene 预计将在 票据注册权利协议签署之日起三十(30)个日历日内,向 SEC 提交一份涵盖尽可能多的可注册证券(如票据注册权利协议中所定义)的初始注册声明,以允许票据买方转售可注册证券。


The foregoing description of the Note SPA, the Notes, the Note RRA and the Subsidiary Guarantees is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of these documents, forms of which are filed as exhibits to this Current Report on Form 8-K and incorporated herein by reference.


Equity Line of Credit


Concurrent with the execution of the Note SPA, TNL Mediagene entered into the ELOC SPA with another third-party investor (the “ELOC Buyer”) pursuant to which TNL Mediagene may issue and sell to the ELOC Buyer, and the ELOC Buyer may purchase from TNL Mediagene, up to $30,000,000 of the Ordinary Shares. Under the ELOC SPA, TNL Mediagene has the right, but not the obligation, to direct the ELOC Buyer, by its delivery of a purchase notice from time to time to purchase Ordinary Shares in a maximum amount equal to the lowest of (i) 100% of the average daily trading volume in the Ordinary Shares on the market where they are traded (the “Trading Market”) for the five consecutive trading day period ending on (and including) the trading day immediately preceding the applicable purchase exercise date; (ii) the product (rounded up or down to the nearest whole number) obtained by multiplying (A) the daily trading volume in the Ordinary Shares on the Trading Market on the applicable purchase exercise date by (B) 0.40; and (iii) $2,000,000, at a purchase price per share equal to the product obtained by multiplying (i) the lowest daily VWAP (as defined in the ELOC SPA) during the applicable purchase valuation period for such purchase by (ii) 0.97; provided however, that the ELOC Buyer may waive the purchase amount limit, and the ELOC Buyer and TNL Mediagene may mutually agree to use a different price if Form F-3 is being used to register the Ordinary Shares purchased by the ELOC Buyer.


Pursuant to the ELOC SPA, TNL Mediagene will enter into a related registration rights agreement (the “ELOC RRA”) with the ELOC Buyer to provide certain customary registration rights to the ELOC Buyer. TNL Mediagene is expected to agree to file with the SEC an initial registration statement covering the maximum number of Registrable Securities (as defined in the ELOC RRA) within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the ELOC RRA so as to permit the resale the Registrable Securities by the ELOC Buyer.


The foregoing description of the ELOC SPA and the ELOC RRA is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of these documents, forms of which are filed as exhibits to this Current Report on Form 8-K and incorporated herein by reference.





Item 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits.


(d) Exhibits.


Exhibit No.   Description of Exhibits
10.1   Form of Convertible Note Purchase Agreement by and among TNL Mediagene and certain third-party investors
10.2   Form of Agreement To Assign Sponsor Warrants by and among Blue Ocean Sponsor LLC and certain third-party investors
10.3   Form of Subordinated Unsecured Convertible Promissory Note of TNL Mediagene
10.4   Form of Securities Purchase Agreement by and among TNL Mediagene and certain third-party investors
10.5   Form of Ordinary Share Purchase Agreement by and between TNL Mediagene and a certain third-party investor
10.6   Form of Senior Convertible Note of TNL Mediagene (included as Exhibit A to the Form of Securities Purchase Agreement which is included as Exhibit 10.4 to this Current Report on Form 8-K)
10.7   Form of Registration Rights Agreement by and among TNL Mediagene and certain third-party investors (included as Exhibit B to the Form of Securities Purchase Agreement which is included as Exhibit 10. 4 to this Current Report on Form 8-K)
10.8   Form of Subsidiary Guarantee (included as Exhibit C to the Form of Securities Purchase Agreement which is included as Exhibit 10.4 to this Report on Current Report on Form 8-K)
10.9   Form of Registration Rights Agreement by and among TNL Mediagene and a certain third-party investor (included as Exhibit A to the Form of Ordinary Share Purchase Agreement which is included as Exhibit 10. 5 to this Current Report on Form 8-K)
104   Cover Page Interactive Data File (embedded within the Inline XBRL document)


Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This Current Report on Form 8-K contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements regarding the parties or the parties’ respective management team’s expectations, hopes, beliefs, intentions, plans, prospects or strategies regarding the future, including the Business Combination, the parties’ ability to close the Business Combination, the anticipated benefits of the Business Combination, including revenue growth and financial performance, product expansion and services, and the financial condition, results of operations, earnings outlook and prospects of TNL Mediagene and/or Blue Ocean, including, in all cases, statements for the period following the consummation of the Business Combination. Any statements contained herein that are not statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. In addition, any statements that refer to projections, forecasts or other characterizations of future events or circumstances, including any underlying assumptions, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “intend,” “may,” “might,” “outlook,” “plan,” “possible,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “should,” “will,” “would” and other similar words and expressions, but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. The forward-looking statements contained in this current report are based on the current expectations and beliefs of the management of Blue Ocean and TNL Mediagene in light of their respective experience and their perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments and their potential effects on Blue Ocean and TNL Mediagene as well as other factors they believe are appropriate in the circumstances. There can be no assurance that future developments affecting Blue Ocean and TNL Mediagene will be those that we have anticipated. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties (some of which are beyond the control of the parties) or other assumptions that may cause actual results or performance to be materially different from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements, including those discussed and identified in the public filings made or to be made with the SEC by Blue Ocean, including in the final prospectus relating to Blue Ocean’s initial public offering, which was filed with the SEC on December 7, 2021 under the heading “Risk Factors,” or made or to be made by Blue Ocean, including in the Definitive Proxy Statement. These risks and uncertainties include: expectations regarding TNL Mediagene’s strategies and future financial performance, including its future business plans, expansion and acquisition plans or objectives, prospective performance and opportunities and competitors, revenues, products and services, pricing, operating expenses, product and service acceptance, market trends, liquidity, cash flows and uses of cash, capital expenditures, and TNL Mediagene’s ability to invest in growth initiatives; the implementation, market acceptance and success of TNL Mediagene’s business model and growth strategy; TNL Mediagene’s future capital requirements and sources and uses of cash; that TNL Mediagene will have sufficient capital upon the approval of the Business Combination to operate as anticipated; TNL Mediagene’s ability to obtain funding for its operations and future growth; developments and projections relating to TNL Mediagene’s competitors and industry; the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstances that could give rise to the termination of the Merger Agreement; the inability to complete the Business Combination due to, among other things, the failure to obtain Blue Ocean shareholder approval; regulatory approvals; the risk that the consummation of the Business Combination disrupts TNL Mediagene’s current plans; the ability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the Business Combination; unexpected costs related to the Business Combination; the amount of any redemptions by existing holders of Blue Ocean Class A ordinary shares being greater than expected; limited liquidity and trading of Blue Ocean’s securities; geopolitical risk and changes in applicable laws or regulations; the possibility that Blue Ocean and/or TNL Mediagene may be adversely affected by other economic, business, and/or competitive factors; operational risk; and the risk that the consummation of the Business Combination is significantly delayed or does not occur. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should any of our assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary in material respects from those projected in these forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements in this current report are made as of the date hereof, based on information available to Blue Ocean and TNL Mediagene as of the date hereof, and Blue Ocean and TNL Mediagene assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable law.





Additional Information and Where to Find It


In connection with the Business Combination, TNL Mediagene has filed a registration statement with the SEC containing a preliminary proxy statement/prospectus in connection with the Business Combination. The Registration Statement has been declared effective and a definitive proxy statement/prospectus relating to the Business Combination has been mailed to Blue Ocean shareholders. This Current Report on Form 8-K does not contain all the information that should be considered concerning the Business Combination and is not intended to form the basis of any investment decision or any other decision in respect of the Business Combination. Blue Ocean’s shareholders and other interested persons are urged to read the definitive proxy statement/prospectus and any amendments or supplements thereto and any other documents filed in connection with the Business Combination, as these materials contain important information about TNL Mediagene, Blue Ocean, the combined company and the Business Combination. The definitive proxy statement/prospectus and other relevant materials for the Business Combination have been mailed to shareholders of Blue Ocean. Such shareholders may also obtain copies of the definitive proxy statement/prospectus and other documents filed with the SEC, without charge, once available, at the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov, or by directing a request to Blue Ocean Acquisition Corp, 2 Wisconsin Circle, 7th Floor, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815.


Participants in the Solicitations


TNL Mediagene, Blue Ocean and their respective directors, executive officers, other members of management, and employees, under SEC rules, may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies of Blue Ocean’s shareholders in connection with the Business Combination. Information regarding the persons who may, under SEC rules, be deemed participants in the solicitation of Blue Ocean’s shareholders in connection with the Business Combination are set forth in the Registration Statement and are set forth in the Definitive Proxy Statement. Investors and security holders may obtain more detailed information regarding the names and interests in the Business Combination of Blue Ocean’s directors and officers in Blue Ocean’s filings with the SEC and such information is also set forth in the Definitive Proxy Statement.


No Offer or Solicitation


This Current Report on Form 8-K shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, or a solicitation of any vote or approval, nor shall there be any sale of any such securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction. This Current Report on Form 8-K does not constitute either advice or a recommendation regarding any securities. No offering of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of the Securities Act, or an exemption therefrom.







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


  Blue Ocean Acquisition Corp
Date: November 25, 2024 By: /s/ Richard Leggett
  Name:  Richard Leggett
  Title: Chief Executive Officer