本雇佣协议(以下简称“协议”)由Bowman Consulting Group Ltd.(以下简称“公司”)和Daniel Swayze(以下简称“执行人员”).
节 1. 定义未在本协议中另有定义的大写词语应按照所载明的意思解释。附录A,随附于此。
节2. 接受及雇佣期。公司同意雇佣高管,高管同意按照以下规定为公司服务。就业期始于2024年7月1日(“生效日期”),并持续至2027年12月31日(“初始期限”)。雇佣期将自动续约至 一年 每个2027年12月31日开始的期间(每个称为“续租期限”), 除非执行人员或公司在续订期前至少九十(90)天书面通知对方不续订(初始期限与各续订期一起,称为“雇佣期限”).
第3节 职位、职责和责任;绩效;履行地点。
(a) 职位、职责和责任。执行人员应该受聘并担任公司首席运营官(连同董事会不时指定的与执行人员头衔一致的其他职位或职责一起) ,并应拥有与该头衔相适应的职责和责任,董事会可以不时指定。
(b) Performance执行人应将其商业时间、注意力、技能和最大努力投入到履行本协议项下的职责,并且在任聘期间不得从事任何与公司利益冲突、干扰执行人在公司内职责的正常高效履行或者干扰执行人行使公司最佳利益判断的其它商业或职业。然而,本条款不应妨碍执行人 (A) 在慈善团体或公益组织的董事会或类似治理机构任职, (B) 在获得董事会事先书面同意的情况下,担任董事会、董事或类似治理机构的董事,以及 (C) 管理个人投资、企业和事务。 营利性 企业和 (C) 管理个人投资、企业和事务,但需公司事先书面同意,从事此类活动的执行人应当限制,以免从事这些活动在个别或总体上对其在此协议项下的职责和责任履行造成重大干扰。 provided,然而 ,但需公司事先书面同意,从事此类活动的执行人应当限制,以免从事这些活动在个别或总体上对其在此协议项下的职责和责任履行造成重大干扰。
(c) 履行地点执行董事将驻扎在维吉尼亚州雷斯顿市的公司总部,但会被允许不时远程办公。您承认并同意,您在公司的职位至少需要每月在维吉尼亚州雷斯顿市的公司总部工作两个星期。 两个- 和 一半 每月至少两周
节4. 薪酬在聘用期间,执行董事将有权获得以下薪酬:
(a) 基本工资公司应支付高管年薪不低于每年$475,000,按照公司的正常工资支付惯例支付(“基本工资”)。在初始期限和从2026年1月1日起生效的第一次增加之后,高管的基本工资将按照以下两者中较大的标准每年增加:(i)高管当时基本工资的3%,或(ii)由薪酬委员会决定的金额。初始期限结束后,高管的基本工资将由薪酬委员会审核,薪酬委员会可以(但不一定)自行酌情调整基本工资;提供基本工资不得在未取得高管事先书面同意的情况下降低。基本工资的任何增加将成为高管在本协议下的“基本工资”用途。
(b) 年度奖金.
(i) 自2025财年开始,高管有资格根据经修改的2021年执行官短期激励计划获得年度奖金奖励(“年度奖金基于补偿委员会制定的绩效目标(阈值、目标或最高水平),执行务必预期表现与其他高级管理人员的绩效目标相对应。在每个财政年度,如果实现了目标性能水平,执行务的年度奖金将为执行务基本薪水的25%,如果实现了目标性能水平,执行务的年度奖金将达到执行务基本薪水的50%(该数字为“目标年度奖金”),如果实现了最高水平的目标,执行务的年度奖金将为基本薪水的100%。如果表现水平介于不同绩效水平之间(即阈值、目标或最高水平),将使用线性插值法确定该年度的执行务年度奖金金额。根据2021年执行官短期激励计划的条款,根据补偿委员会的决定,可以用现金、股票或现金和股票的组合支付相应年度奖金。
(c) —.
(d)执行官承认年度股权奖励和所有符合公司执行官追回政策下“Incentive-Based Compensation”资格的其他补偿受该政策条款约束。
节5. 员工福利。 在任职期间,执行官有权享有以下福利:
(b) Executive shall be entitled to (i) a vehicle allowance of $1,500 monthly together with such other benefits related to vehicles as are made available to the Company’s senior level executives generally, and (ii) the maximum permitted Company contribution to Executive’s health savings account, if Executive is eligible for such contribution.
节 6. Reimbursement of Expenses. Executive is authorized to incur reasonable business expenses in carrying out his duties and responsibilities under this Agreement, and the Company shall promptly reimburse Executive for all such reasonable business expenses, subject to documentation in accordance with the Company’s policies, as in effect from time to time. Reasonable expenses shall include those expenses associated with required travel, lodging and living expenses while working at the Reston, Virginia headquarters.
The Company agrees to reimburse you up to a maximum of $10,000 for fees and expenses of outside legal counsel incurred in connection with the review, negotiation, and documentation of this Agreement.
Section 7. Termination of Employment.
(a) 一般. The Term of Employment shall terminate earlier than as provided in Section 2 upon the earliest to occur of (i) Executive’s death, (ii) a termination by reason of a Disability, (iii) a termination by the Company with or without Cause, and (iv) a termination by Executive with or without Good Reason. Upon any termination of Executive’s employment for any reason, except as may otherwise be requested by the Company in writing and agreed upon in writing by Executive, Executive shall resign from any and all directorships, committee memberships, fiduciary and any other positions Executive holds with the Company or any Subsidiary or with respect to any of its benefit plans.
(b) 因死亡或伤残而终止。一旦执行董事死亡,其雇佣关系将自动终止。公司可在确定存在残疾的情况下立即终止执行董事的雇佣关系,此类终止将生效于执行董事收到有关终止的书面通知之日。一旦执行董事死亡或其因残疾而被解除雇佣关系,执行董事、其遗产或适格受益人将有权:
(i) 应计权利;
(ii) 相当于(A)执行董事当时的基本工资一年之和及(B)执行董事的目标年度奖金的金额;
(iii) 对于在本协议签订日期之前授予的任何股权激励奖励相关股份,即加速全部归属权,取消与之相关限制,并对于根据适用计划奖励协议规定条款的后续奖励,加速归属权,取消相关限制;
(c) 公司因故终止雇员的雇用关系。.
(i) 公司可随时因成立理由依赖于关于成立的定义中的第三和第四款在执行董事收到终止通知后生效地终止执行董事的雇佣关系。根据本第(c)部分(i)条款以成立理由终止雇佣关系将需要得到不少于 三分之二 董事会(不包括执行董事)在为此目的召集和举行的董事会上讨论。董事会应确定构成解职理由的执行性行为,并在书面中合理详细地列明相关事项。执行董事应该事先收到会议通知,并在任何此类会议上,有机会与律师一起向董事会发表讲话。
(ii)关于基于解雇理由的解聘执行董事,依赖解聘理由条款(i)(ii)或(v)的,公司董事会将向执行董事提供有意解雇执行董事的书面通知。该通知应详细说明构成拟因解聘的行为或未行动的行为,均应给予执行董事至少30天的时间来纠正此类行为或未行动。根据本条款(c)(ii)的解聘理由,在解除期限届满之日起生效 30天 公司董事会有意解聘执行董事,基于定义为解聘理由的(i)、(ii)或(v)款,并有义务向执行董事提供书面通知。该通知应详尽说明构成拟因解聘的行为或行动失误的详细情况,执行董事至少有三十(30)天的时间来纠正此类行为或未行动。根据本条款(c)(ii)的解聘理由,在到期后解除此类行为或未行动,如果执行董事未能在董事会本着合理和善意的裁量权确定的期限内纠正此类行为,董事会在为此目的召集和举行的会议上进行表决。执行董事应收到会议的合理通知并有机会,与律师一同向董事会发表讲话。 三分之二 董事会(不包括执行董事)人之多数通过。
(d) 公司无因终止公司可以随时解除高管的雇佣关系,无须陈述理由,在高管收到书面通知后立即生效。如果公司无故解雇高管,并且高管遵守第7(h)条的规定,则高管应有权:
(iv)在执行COBRA继续覆盖公司的集体健康计划的选择下,公司将覆盖每月的保费费用,直至终止日期的十八个月,或直至高管不再符合COBRA继续覆盖资格为止。公司覆盖保费的义务将在高管有资格得到后续雇主福利计划福利时终止,除非该计划不覆盖控件。 预先存在的关系 状况和
(v) 在公司的费用下,继续第5(b)条款中的福利,直至以下两者的后者或(A) 终止日期后一年或(B) 雇佣期终止。
上述(ii)、(iii)、(iv)和(v)款所描述的付款和福利立即终止,公司对执行董事在此方面没有进一步义务,如果执行董事实质性违反了此处约束协议中的任何条款。 附录B 随着根据本第7(d)条款终止执行董事的终止日期,除第7(d)条款和第14条款中规定的外,执行董事对本协议下的任何报酬或其他福利均没有进一步权利。
(e) 有正当理由的执行董事终止执行董事可以通过提供书面通知来以正当理由终止与公司的就业关系,其中书面通知详细说明构成正当理由的事件,以及在附录A第(p)(i)小节中定义的正当理由的情况下,此类通知必须在执行董事发现此类事件后的三十(30)天内收到。收到此类通知后,公司有三十(30)天的时间来纠正。如果在此期限内未予纠正,执行董事的终止将在此纠正期满后的三十(30)天内生效,且执行董事有权获得与本第7(d)条款中所提供的对公司无正当理由终止的相同付款和福利,受本第7(d)和第7(h)条款对付款和福利的相同条件的限制。随着根据本第7(e)条款终止执行董事的终止日期,除本第7(e)条款和第14条款规定的外,执行董事对本协议下的任何报酬或其他福利均没有进一步权利。
(f) 与变更控制有关的终止如果在变更控制的90天前至变更控制后一年结束的期间内,公司无正当理由终止执行董事的雇佣关系,或者执行董事以正当理由解雇,并且执行董事遵守本第7(h)条款,那么执行董事将有权利于变更控制时期内收到与不按理由终止公司相同的支付和福利,受本第7(d)和第7(h)条款对付款和福利的相同条件的限制。
(i) The Accrued Rights;
(ii) An amount equal to the greater of (x) the sum of the Executive’s Base Salary for the years remaining in his Term of Employment, or (y) the sum of (A) one year of Executive’s then current Base Salary and (B) one year of Executive’s Target Annual Bonus;
(iii) Fully accelerated vesting and immediate lapse of restrictions on shares associated with any equity awards granted prior to the date hereof, and accelerated vesting and immediate lapse of restrictions on shares underlying subsequent awards consistent with the terms set forth in the applicable plan award agreements;
(iv) Subject to Executive’s election of COBRA continuation coverage under the Company’s group health plan, the Company shall cover the premium cost of such coverage on a monthly basis for the lesser of eighteen months following the Date of Termination or until the Executive no longer qualifies for COBRA continuance coverage. The Company’s obligation to cover the premium cost will terminate if the Executive becomes eligible to obtain benefits under a subsequent employer’s benefit plan unless the plan does not cover a 预先存在的关系 condition; and
(v) At the Company’s expense, continuation of the benefits in Section 5(b) until the later or (A) one year from the Date of Termination or (B) the end of the Term of Employment.
The payments and benefits described in clauses (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above shall immediately terminate, and the Company shall have no further obligations to Executive with respect thereto, if Executive breaches any provision of the Restrictive Covenants contained in 附录B终止后。在终止后,除本第7(f)和第14条规定外,执行人将不再有任何根据本协议享有任何补偿或其他福利的权利。
(g) 高管无正当理由终止.
(i) 如执行人在提前九十(90)天事前书面通知公司终止雇佣,即使在本第7(g)条下由执行人终止雇佣,在执行人终止雇佣之日将仅有权获得截至终止日的应计权益。 如在本第7(g)条下执行人的雇佣终止,公司可以自主决定,发出书面通知加速终止日期,并向执行人提供代表剩余通知期的工资的一次性支付,或将其免除任何职位而不改变其作为由执行人无正当理由终止而定性的终止。 在根据本第7(g)条和第14条执行人的终止日期之后,执行人将不再有任何根据本协议享有任何补偿或其他福利的权利。
(h) 释放不管本协议中的任何规定,根据本第7条的任何款项的支付或任何福利的规定(仅包括残疾),(d),(e)或(f)(总称为“ 离职福利)将取决于执行人签署,交付给公司,并 非撤销 在执行日期后的六十(60)天内解除索赔(以及包含在该解除索赔中的任何撤销期的到期日)。在满足前述条件的15个(15)个工作日后,应支付作为离职福利基金所欠款项的一次性总额给高管。如果高管未能及时签署解除索赔,以使任何撤销期在此六十(60)天(或更短)期限结束前过期,或在签署后及时撤销对该解除的接受,高管将不享有任何离职福利。公司应在执行日期终结日后的十(10)个工作日内将解除索赔转交给高管。
(i) 终止程序。
(i)解聘通知终止。 根据本协议第7条发出的任何书面解聘通知应按照第18条提供给另一方。此外,公司因原因或执行人因正当理由而解聘的任何书面通知应符合解聘通知的要求。“Notice of Termination”是指书面通知,指出了具体终止
provision in this Agreement relied upon, to the extent applicable, (B) sets forth in reasonable detail the facts and circumstances claimed to provide a basis for termination of Executive’s employment under the provision so indicated, and (C) the Date of Termination.
(ii) 解雇日期. “Date of Termination” means (A) if Executive’s employment is terminated by the Company for Cause, the date of expiration of the cure period set forth in Section 7(c), (B) if Executive’s employment is terminated by Executive for Good Reason, thirty (30) days following the date of expiration of the cure period specified in Section 7(e), (C) if Executive’s employment is terminated by the Company other than for Cause, death or Disability, the date on which the Company notifies Executive of such termination, (D) if Executive voluntarily resigns without Good Reason or terminates his employment for Good Reason related to a Change in Control, the date at least thirty (30) days after Executive notifies the Company, subject to the Company’s right to accelerate such date of termination without changing the characterization of such termination, and (E) if Executive’s employment is terminated by reason of death, the date of death of Executive, or if Executive’s employment is terminated by the Company due to Disability, the date that written notice of determination of Executive’s Disability is made by the Determining Physician.
Section 8. Certain Payments.
(a) In the event that any payment or benefit received or to be received by Executive pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise (“支付”) would (i) constitute a “parachute payment” within the meaning of Section 280G of the Code and (ii) but for this section, be subject to the excise tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code, any successor provisions, or any comparable federal, state, local or foreign excise tax (“消费税”), then, subject to the provisions of this Section 8, such Payments shall be either (A) provided in full pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or any other applicable agreement, or (B) provided as to such lesser extent which would result in no portion of such Payments being subject to the Excise Tax (“降低的金额”), whichever of the foregoing amounts, taking into account the applicable federal, state, local and foreign income, employment and other taxes and the Excise Tax (including, without limitation, any interest or penalties on such taxes), results in the receipt by Executive, on an 税后 basis, of the greatest amount of payments and benefits provided for hereunder or otherwise, notwithstanding that all or some portion of such Payments may be subject to the Excise Tax.
(b) Unless the Company and Executive otherwise agree in writing, any determination required under this Section 8 shall be made by an independent advisor designated by the Company and reasonably acceptable to Executive (“独立顾问”), whose determination shall be conclusive and binding upon Executive and the Company for all purposes. For purposes of making the calculations required under this Section, the Independent Advisor may make reasonable assumptions and approximations concerning applicable taxes and may rely on reasonable, good faith interpretations concerning the application of Sections 280G and 4999 of the Code; provided that the Independent Advisor shall assume that Executive pays all taxes at the highest marginal rate. The Company and Executive shall furnish to the Independent Advisor such information and documents as the Independent Advisor may reasonably request in order to
make a determination under this Section. The Company shall bear all costs that Independent Advisor may incur in connection with any calculations contemplated by this Section. Any reduction of the Payments payable hereunder, if applicable, shall be made by first reducing the cash payments under Section 7, second by reducing COBRA reimbursement and lastly by reducing any other Payments in a manner determined by the Company, in consultation with Executive in accordance with Code Section 409A.
(c) If Executive is determined to be entitled to a Reduced Amount pursuant to Section 8(a) and, notwithstanding any reduction described in this Section 8 (or in the absence of any such reduction), the Internal Revenue Service (“美国国家税务局(“IRS”)”) determines that Executive is liable for the Excise Tax as a result of the receipt of one or more Payments, then Executive shall be obligated to surrender or pay back to the Company, within one hundred twenty (120) days after a final IRS determination, an amount of such payments or benefits equal to the “偿还金额.” The Repayment Amount with respect to such Payments shall be the smallest such amount, if any, as shall be required to be surrendered or paid to the Company so that Executive’s net proceeds with respect to such Payments (after taking into account the payment of the excise tax imposed on such Payments) shall be maximized. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Repayment Amount with respect to such Payments shall be zero if a Repayment Amount of more than zero would not eliminate the Excise Tax imposed on such Payments or if a Repayment Amount of more than zero would not maximize the net amount received by Executive from the Payments. If the Excise Tax is not eliminated pursuant to this Section 8, Executive shall pay the Excise Tax.
节9. 限制性契约执行人员承认并意识到公司业务的高度竞争性质,并因此同意,作为继续在该公司就业的条件,受限制性契约的约束并遵守 附录B 随附并通过引用纳入本文件。执行人员承认并同意,就第1项规定的任何违约或受威胁的违约,公司在法律上的补救措施附录B或第2项规定的任何重大违约或重大受威胁的违约 附录B根据本协议,如果存在违约或可能导致违约的情况,公司将遭受无法弥补的损害。基于这一事实,高管同意,在出现此类违约或可能违约情况时,除了采取法律措施外,公司无需提供任何保证金即有权获得特定履行、临时限制令、临时或永久禁令或其他可能适用的衡平救济。
节 10. 执行管理层的陈述和保证高管声明并向公司保证,高管在就本协议的谈判和起草进行咨询时有机会与自己的税务和法律顾问进行协商。
节11. 税务公司可以按照法律要求扣除本协议项下的所有适用税款,包括但不限于所需的所得税、就业税和社会保险税。高管承认并表示,公司没有就本协议向他提供任何税务建议,并已被公司建议应就本协议以及根据本协议可能向他支付的款项寻求自己的税务顾问的税务建议,包括特别是将《税收法典》第409A条的规定应用于此类款项。
第12节. 附加第409A条款
Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary:
(a) Any payment otherwise required to be made hereunder to Executive at any date as a result of the termination of Executive’s employment shall be delayed for such period of time as may be necessary to meet the requirements of Section 409A(a)(2)(B)(i) of the Code (the “Specified Employee 延迟期限”). On the first business day following the expiration of the Specified Employee Delay Period, Executive shall be paid, in a single cash lump sum, an amount equal to the aggregate amount of all payments delayed pursuant to the preceding sentence, and any remaining payments not so delayed shall continue to be paid pursuant to the payment schedule set forth herein.
(b) Each payment in a series of payments hereunder shall be deemed to be a separate payment for purposes of Section 409A of the Code.
(c) To the extent that any right to reimbursement of expenses or payment of any benefit 实物 under this Agreement constitutes nonqualified deferred compensation (within the meaning of Section 409A of the Code), (i) any such expense reimbursement shall be made by the Company no later than the last day of the taxable year following the taxable year in which such expense was incurred by Executive, (ii) the right to reimbursement or 实物 福利不得清算或者交换为其他福利,且(iii)可报销的费用金额不受影响, 实物 在任何应纳税年度提供的福利不应影响可报销的费用金额, 实物 在任何其他应纳税年度提供的福利不应受到影响;提供即使根据《法典》第105(b)条款涵盖的任何安排下报销的费用受到与安排有效期有关的限制,也不得违反前述条款。
(d) 本协议规定的支付和福利旨在以避免《法典》第 409A 条下的任何惩罚性税收为目的,并应一贯解释此意图。尽管如上所述,但无论如何,公司均不对任何可能因《法典》第 409A 条导致的额外税收、利息或罚款,或由于未履行《法典》第 409A 条而对高管造成的任何损害承担责任(但不包括根据《法典》第 409A 条适用于雇主的预扣义务或其他义务)。如果本协议的任何规定(或任何薪酬奖励,包括股权薪酬或福利),可能导致高管根据《法典》第 409A 条发生额外税收或利息,公司应在征求并获得高管批准后,以旨在(但不被公司担保)避免高管发生此类额外税收或利息的方式对此类规定进行改革。
第 13 节:继承人和受让人;无第三方受益人。
(c) 没有第三方受益人。除非本协议第7(b)条或第13(b)条另有规定,本协议中表达或引用的任何内容都不应被解释为给予除公司和行政人员之外的任何人根据本协议或本协议的任何条款赋予法律或公正的权利、补救措施或索赔。
节15. 弃权和修正。 任何对本协议条款的弃权、修改、修正或变更只有在书面形式,并由各方签署后才有效;提供,然而,任何这种弃权、修改、修正或变更必须经薪酬委员会和董事会代表公司同意。 未经任何一方的明文弃权,均不得视为对下文的任何后续事件或交易构成弃权,除非该弃权明确声明其要被解释为持续弃权。
节16. 可分割性。 如果本协议的任何契约或其他条款被具有管辖权的法院的最终裁定认定为无效或不可执行,(a) 本协议的其余条款和规定将不受影响,(b) 无效或不可执行的条款或规定应被视为被有效且可执行的条款或规定所取代,并且该有效条款或规定最接近表达无效或不可执行的条款或规定的意图。
节19. 章节标题。 本协议的各节和子节标题仅为方便起见而插入,并不被视为协议的一部分,也不影响本协议的释义或解释,或本协议中的任何条款或规定。
节20. 全部协议。 本协议连同任何附在此处的附件和补充以及任何公司向高管授予的股权奖励,构成双方关于本协议生效日期起高管雇佣的全部理解和协议。本协议取代了双方关于本协议主题的所有先前谈判、讨论、函电、沟通、理解和协议(不包括在本协议生效日期之前根据股权计划作出的任何先前股权授予)。
节21. 运行部分存续。 在高管雇佣终止时,本协议第7部分至第21部分的规定(连同附件A中规定的任何相关定义)和附件b应存续,以确保其规定生效。
节22. 对方当事人。 本协议可以分别由两个或更多部分签署执行,每部分均被视为原件,但所有部分一起构成同一文件。本协议的签署可以通过实际或传真签名。
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鲍曼咨询集团有限公司。 |
/s/ Gary P Bowman |
Gary P. Bowman |
首席执行官 |
和 |
执行 |
/s/ 丹尼尔·斯威兹 |
丹尼尔·斯威兹 |
(f) “”在特定奖励的情况下,除非适用的奖励协议另有规定,(i)公司或附属公司有权“for cause”解雇参与者的 雇佣或服务,如在参与者与公司或附属公司之间的任何雇佣或咨询协议、类似文件或政策中定义的,以及在解雇时有效的 (ii)在没有此类雇佣或咨询协议、文件或政策(或其中不包含“原因” 定义),(A)参与者对参与者与公司之间的任何协议的持续重大违反或重大违约(包括但不限于任何重大渎职行为) ,由于参与者的身体残疾引起的任何此类违反或违约除外,或者参与者持续不遵守公司授权代表的指示;(B)参与者的重大 疏忽、故意渎职或违反受托责任行为;(C)参与者在履行职责时犯有欺诈、侵占公司或其附属公司的 资产或在其职责范围内犯有重罪或其他不诚实行为;(D)参与者被判有罪的重罪或会严重负面影响:(i)公司的商业声誉或(ii)参与者的 职责绩效;(E)参与者不遵守上级官员或董事会的合法指示。有关是否存在“原因”的决定由委员会自行作出。原因“将意味着执行人员(i)持续而故意的失败,或执行人员拒绝在本协议项下基本履行其职责或责任给本公司(除了因伤残),(ii)参与严重疏忽或故意不当行为,对公司声誉或业务有重大不利影响,(iii)执行人员(或按其指示)欺诈或侵占公司资金,或执行人员盗用(或企图盗用)任何公司资金,(iv)被判有罪,或承认“有罪”或“不争”的,(1) 重罪或(2)对执行人员对公司职责的履行造成不利影响,或对公司声誉或业务有不利影响的任何其他刑事指控, 或 (v) 对本协议的重大违约或对本协议中包含的限制性契约的重大违约附录b.
对于本节(f)的目的,除非执行人员的行为或不作出行为是出于恶意并且没有合理相信该行为或不作为符合公司的最佳利益,否则不应认为执行人员的任何行为或不作为是“故意”的。 如执行人员依赖公司首席法务官、公司的外部律师或董事会或其任何委员会的指示采取的任何行动或不作为应被认为是出于善意采取或不采取的行动,并非恶意。
(g) “所有板块”指按照公司财务报表编制所使用的会计准则确定和呈现的措施,以及完全或部分源自这些措施的所有其他措施。股票价格和总股东回报率(以及完全或部分源自股票价格或总股东回报率的任何措施)在本政策中应被视为基本报表措施。值得注意的是,基本报表措施无需出现在公司的财务报表中或包含在向SEC提交的文件中。控制权变更“所指的含义应当是指股权计划中规定的含义,随时修改 (或任何后继计划)。
(h)“”表示,在未另有奖励协议规定的情况下,以下任何一种情况的发生:法规“所指的含义应当是指1986年修订的《内部收入法典》,以及根据 其颁布的规章。
(j) “薪酬委员会“网站"指定为董事会委员会,该委员会负责做出与公司高级执行官的薪酬决定相关的决定。
“k”表示公司的普通股,每股面值为0.001美元,或适用的其他类别或种类的股票或其他证券延迟期限“部分"应按第 12 节的规定而定。
(l) “确定医生“医生"指公司和高管都满意的医生,由公司指定用于确定高管的残疾;但是,如果员工和公司无法就一名医生达成一致意见,员工和公司各自选择一名医生,这两名医生一起选择第三名医生,后者将担任确诊医生,并对本协议的所有目的作出关于残疾的最终和决定性裁定。
(m) “残疾“残疾”指执行人因身体或智力残疾或虚弱,经合理的适应措施无法履行执行人职责达(一)连续一百八十(180)天或(二)连续两百七十天(270)非连续 在任何十二(12)个月期间内,对执行人的残疾的存在、程度或潜力有争议的问题,由确定性医生决定。任何确定性医生的决定对本协议的所有目的均为最终且具有约束力。
(o) “消费税” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.
(i) without Executive’s written consent, (1) a material diminution in Executive’s title, duties, or responsibilities as set forth in Section 3, (2) a reduction in Base Salary set forth in Section 4(a), (3) a material diminution in Executive’s total overall compensation opportunity, which includes the sum of Executive’s Base Salary, Annual Bonus opportunity, or (4) the relocation of Executive’s principal place of performance by more than twenty-five (25) miles from the Company’s headquarters or (5) in the event of a sale of all or substantially all the assets of the Company, a failure of the Company under Section 13 to have this Agreement assigned to, or assumed by, the acquiror within 15 business days of such sale; or
(ii) written notice by the Company to the Executive of nonrenewal of the Agreement under Section 2 without an offer to the Executive of 随意雇佣 与接到终止通知之前的职称、职责和责任、总体薪酬机会以及主要工作地点基本相同的雇佣。
“s”在这里表示一个带有以下含义的选项:““公司是否以《码》第422条的规定为标准制定了这个选项。”Notice of Termination“”应按照第7(i)部分规定的含义解释。
(t)“隔夜快递“”表示快递或优先邮件,并附送送达确认或隔夜服务。 在线 跟踪系统。
(u) “支付“”应按 第 8 节规定的含义解释。
(v)“人员“”指的是任何个人、 法人、 合伙企业、 有限责 任公司、 合资企业、 协会、 股份有限公司、 信托(慈善或 非慈善)、 非公司组织或其他形式的营利实体。
(w) 按比例分配的奖金“”应指行使价格相当于董事会确定的当前财政年度的目标年度奖金(或更大金额)乘以一个分数,其中分子为执行日期结束时截止的财政年度天数,分母为365。
(z) “免责声明“”应指执行人员的索赔放弃,基本上采用附表1所附的形式。
(bb)“限制性契约“”应指的是包含在中的限制性契约附录B附上 此处。
1. 非竞争协议; 非招揽; 确保性条款.
(i)执行人员在与公司或其关联公司的雇佣期间以及在执行人员停止为公司或其关联公司工作后的12个月内(“限制期”),执行人员在执行本协议约定的禁止群体的业务中,不管是以自己的名义还是与任何个人、公司、合伙企业、联营企业、协会、公司或其他任何商业组织、实体或企业(“人员”)一起,直接或间接地在执行人员停止服务于公司或其关联公司期间在公司或其关联公司代表个人与之接触或交往的所有当时的或潜在的客户业务中进行招揽或协助招揽,与受限制群体竞争。两年 自执行人员离职前已经过期的期间内,在执行人员与公司或其关联公司的雇佣终止前,12个月内。
(A) 受雇于竞争对手,除非该雇佣与业务无关;
(B) 在董事会事先书面授权的情况下,该授权可由董事会自行酌情决定拒绝,向竞争对手提供任何服务,除非此类服务与业务无关;或者
(C) 作为合伙人、股东、董事、负责人、成员、经理、代理、受托人或借款人,获得对企业的财务利益并且积极参与企业;
(iii) 在自行终止与公司或其关联公司根据本协议第7(c)或7(g)条款解雇执行董事的日期起12个月内(或以下文(iii) (D)描述的更短期限),并且作为与公司在有至少20名员工的州或哥伦比亚特区的任何办事处有业务联系的替代,执行董事将不直接或间接地:
(A) 受雇于竞争对手,除非这种雇佣与业务无关;
(B) 在董事会事先书面授权的情况下,该授权可能由董事会自行酌情决定拒绝,在竞争对手处提供任何服务;除非此类服务与业务无关;或者
(C) 作为合伙人、股东、董事、负责人、成员、经理、代理、受托人或借款人,获得企业的财务利益,并在企业中积极参与;
(D) 上文(iii)提及的12个月限制期在此期间内应当提前终止,公司在此期间停止支付基本工资。
(iv) In the event a Change of Control occurs within the time period of six (6) to twelve (12) months after Executive’s termination for any reason, any restrictions contained within this Section 1 shall cease to be in effect as of the date of the Change of Control. In the event a Change of Control occurs within the time period of zero to six (6) months after Executive’s termination for any reason, any restrictions contained within this Section 1 shall be in effect for shorter of six (6) months or until the date which is twelve months from Executive’s termination date.
(v) Executive may, directly or indirectly own, solely as an investment, securities of any Person engaged in a Business (including, without limitation, a Competitor) if Executive (A) is not a Controlling Person of, or a member of a group which Controls, such Person and (B) does not, directly or indirectly, own 2% or more of any class of securities of such Person.
(vi) During Executive’s employment with the Company and during the Restricted Period, Executive will not, whether on Executive’s own behalf or on behalf of or in conjunction with any Person, directly or indirectly:
(A) solicit or encourage any employee of the Restricted Group to leave the employment of the Restricted Group;
(B) hire any executive-level employee who was employed by the Restricted Group as of Executive’s Date of Termination or who left the employment of the Restricted Group coincident with, or within one year prior to or after, the Executive’s Date of Termination; or
(C) encourage any material consultant of the Restricted Group to cease working with the Restricted Group.
(D) intentionally and adversely interfere with, or attempt to adversely interfere with, business relationships between the members of the Restricted Group and any of their clients, customers, suppliers, partners, members or investors.
(vii) For purposes of this Appendix B:
(A) “附属公司“个人”指任何人,直接或间接通过一个或多个中介机构控制、由之控制、或与之共同控制的任何其他人
(B) “业务“提供业务”的业务 专业土木工程 通行权 获取、结构工程、土地测量、土地规划、矿业工程、环保工程和咨询、景观建筑、交通和运输规划与工程、施工工程和检查、施工管理、机械、电气和给排水工程、可再生能源咨询,以及与前述任何服务相关的其他服务。
(C) “竞争者“”表示任何与受限集团直接竞争的个人,但不包括满足以下条件的个人:(i)业务至少已经开展了一年,(ii)最近一个财政年度并未从与业务相同或类似的活动中单独或合计获得其总收入的10%。
(D) “控制“”(包括“控制”、“被控制”或“受共同控制”)表示直接或间接拥有指导或导致指导个人的管理和政策的权力,无论是通过持有投票权证券还是通过合同。
(F) “受限集团“”指公司及其关联公司的集体。
(G) “Timely“”表示及时地并且不超过10个工作日。
(b) 确保性条款. Executive will not at any time (whether during or after Executive’s employment with the Company) make public statements or public comments of a defamatory or disparaging nature that are likely to be harmful to the business, business reputation or personal reputation of the Company or its Affiliates or any of their respective businesses, shareholders, members, partners, employees, officers, or directors (it being understood that comments made in Executive’s good faith performance of his duties hereunder shall not be deemed disparaging or defamatory for purposes of this paragraph).
The Company (via any official statement) (whether during or after Executive’s employment with the Company) shall not, and shall instruct its executive officers and directors to not, at any time make any public statements or public release of a defamatory or disparaging nature regarding Executive’s personal reputation or reputation in the business community (it being understood that comments made by the Company in the good faith and in ordinary course of business shall not be deemed disparaging or defamatory for purposes of this paragraph).
Notwithstanding anything in this Section 1(b), either Executive or the Company (including its officers and directors) shall be permitted to (x) provide a reasonable and truthful response to or statement to defend itself or him/herself against any public statement made by the Company or Executive, as applicable, that is incorrect or disparages such person, to the extent necessary to
correct or refute such public statement and (y) provide truthful testimony in any legal proceeding or process. For the avoidance of doubt, and notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit Executive from communicating with a government agency, regulator or legal authority concerning any possible violations of federal or state law or regulation prevent or limit Executive from discussing his terms and conditions of employment. Nothing in this Agreement, however, authorizes the disclosure of information Executive obtained through a communication that was subject to the attorney-client privilege, unless disclosure of the information (A) would otherwise be permitted by an applicable law or rule, or (B) is necessary in order to comply with an order from a court or other governmental body of competent jurisdiction and is in connection with compliance with such order.
(c) 双方明确同意,尽管高管和公司认为本节的限制是合理的,但如果经具有管辖权的法院最终作出裁定认定附录b中任何时间、地域或其他限制对高管构成不可执行的限制,附录b的规定将不会被视为无效,而应被视为经修改,以适用于法院可能司法确定或指示为可执行的最长时间和地域以及最大程度。或者,如果任何具有管辖权的法院认定附录b中任何限制是不可执行的,并且无法修改该限制使其可执行,该裁定不会影响此处包含的任何其他限制的可执行性。
(d) 任何具有管辖权的法院对公司申请禁令救济期间,高管违反本条款的时间将延长本节1的适用期限。
(e) 本节1的规定将在高管因任何原因而终止雇佣,包括但不限于非因原因而终止的情况(除非本节1另有规定)后继续有效。
2. 机密性;知识产权.
(i) 高管在任何时候不得(A)为高管或任何其他人的利益、目的或账户保留或使用;或者(B)在未经公司外披露、泄露、揭示、传达、分享、转移或向任何公司之外的人提供访问权(除了受机密义务约束的职业顾问或根据常规行业惯例履行高管雇佣职责的除外)。 所有公司信息应被视为内幕信息,不得以个人利益使用。 关于公司或其业务、系统、操作、客户、程序、手册、软件、设备和其他流程的专有或保密信息,以及公司的业务和技术信息,包括但不限于所有宣传册、传单、促销材料和文学作品、邮寄名单、客户和潜在客户名单、销售和营销技巧、公司客户或客户的姓名和地址、业务计划、营销资料或信息、财务和营销数据、客户图纸和/或计算机辅助设计
(ii)“机密信息”不包括行业或公众普遍了解的信息,而不是由于执行人违反本约定的结果;(B)是通过第三方在执行人知晓的情况下合法提供给执行人的信息,而没有违反任何机密义务;或(C)根据法律或法院或其他有管辖权的政府机构的命令要求披露的信息; provided关于款项(C),高管应及时向公司发出书面通知,仅披露必要信息,并合理配合公司获取保护令或类似待遇。
(i)如果高管已经创建、发明、设计、开发、贡献或改进任何著作、发明、知识产权、材料、文件或其他工作成果(包括但不限于研究、报告、软件、数据库、系统、应用程序、演示文稿、文本作品、内容或音视频材料)(“作品”), either alone or with third parties, prior to Executive’s employment by the Company, that are relevant to or implicated by such employment and in which Executive has exclusive, unfettered ownership (“先前的工作”), Executive hereby grants the Company a perpetual, 非专有 royalty-free, worldwide, assignable, sublicensable license under all rights and intellectual property rights (including rights under patent, industrial property, copyright, trademark, trade secret, unfair competition and related laws) therein for all purposes in connection with the Company’s current and future business.
(ii) If Executive creates, invents, designs, develops, contributes to or improves any Works, either alone or with third parties, at any time during Executive’s employment by the Company and within the scope of such employment and with the use of any Company resources (“公司业务”), Executive shall promptly and fully disclose
same to the Company and hereby irrevocably assigns, transfers and conveys, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, all rights and intellectual property rights therein (including rights under patent, industrial property, copyright, trademark, trade secret, unfair competition and related laws) to the Company to the extent ownership of any such rights does not vest originally in the Company.
(iii) Upon request by the Company, Executive shall Timely take all reasonably requested actions and execute all reasonably requested documents (including any licenses or assignments required by a government contract) at the Company’s expense (but without further remuneration) to assist the Company in validating, maintaining, protecting, enforcing, perfecting, recording, patenting or registering any of the Company’s rights in the Prior Works and Company Works. Executive also waives any moral rights to Prior Works and Company Works.
(iv) 本协议第2条的规定将在执行日期后生效(除非另有规定)。
考虑到2024年7月1日生效的《雇佣协议》第7(h)条所定义的“离职福利” 间:公司和签署双方鲍曼咨询集团有限公司(特拉华州公司)(“公司”)及(“签署人”)签署的《雇佣协议》第7(h)条所定义的“离职福利”,公司和签署双方在该协议下作出的承诺和契约,签署人,代表自己及其相应的继承人、代表人、执行人、家庭成员和受让人,特此完全而永远地解除和豁免公司及其过去、现在和未来的董事、高管、员工、代理人、律师、投资者、管理人员、关联公司、部门、子公司、前身、继承人和受让人(统称“公司各方”)因任何类型的索赔、责任、义务或诉因而产生的任何种类的事项,无论目前已知或未知、怀疑或不怀疑,即使目前已知或未知、怀疑或不怀疑,其雇佣关系终止日期之前发生的任何遗漏、行为或事实,包括但不限于(单独称为“索赔”和统称为“索赔”):
(i) | 与其受雇于公司及其受雇终止有关的任何索赔,包括公司各方违反其人事政策、手册、雇佣合同或善意和公平交易契约的指控; |
(ii) | 除非本解除中另有规定,根据《雇佣协议》或任何其他治理公司与签署人服务关系的协议或谅解,任何及所有来源于《雇佣协议》或任何其他协议或谅解的索赔; |
(iii) | 针对公司方的任何和所有索赔,包括非正当解雇、违反良好政策的终止、歧视、明示或暗示的合同违约、诚实信用或公平交易的契约、有利可图中止、疏忽或故意造成情感伤害、疏忽或故意 虚假陈述、疏忽或故意干扰合同或未来经济利益、不公平商业行为、诽谤、诋毁、诽谤、疏忽、人身伤害、侵犯、电池、侵犯隐私权、非法拘禁或挪用; |
(iv) | 针对公司方的任何和所有索赔,声称公司方在年龄、种族、肤色、性别(包括性骚扰)、国籍、血统、残疾、宗教、性取向、婚姻状况、父母身份、收入来源、享受福利、任何工会活动或其他受保护范畴方面对签署方进行过歧视或以其他方式违反任何联邦, |
州或市政法规,包括但不限于1964年民权法案第七条,1991年民权法案,1967年就业年龄歧视法,1990年美国残疾人法案,公平劳工标准法,1974年雇员退休收入保障法,工人调整和再培训通知法,平等工资法,基因信息非歧视法案,家庭和 医疗保假法,弗吉尼亚州人权法案,老年工人福利保护法案,萨班斯-豪利法案的反报复规定,或任何其他联邦或州有关吹哨人报复的法律,莉莉·莱德贝特公平 薪酬法案,一致服务就业和再就业权法,公平信用报告法案,国家劳工关系法案;以及所述法案的所有修正案以及其下发的法规; |
(v) | 任何基于违反联邦或任何州宪法的索赔; 和 |
(vi) | 任何律师费和成本的索赔。 |
(i) | 可能是在本释放执行后发生的事件引起的权利或索赔; |
(ii) | 根据适用法律的赔偿和/或预付费用,任何董事和高管责任保险,任何赔偿协议,雇主的公司章程或 章程; |
(iii) | 执行雇佣协议;或 |
(iv) | 任何法律无法放弃的索赔,包括但不限于签署人根据适用劳工伤害赔偿法可能享有的任何权利,以及如适用,申请或参与联邦、州或地方政府机构的调查程序的权利。 |
by law, any and all rights he may have to individual relief based on any Claims that he has released and any rights he has waived by signing this Release. If any Claim is not subject to release, to the extent permitted by law, the Undersigned waives any right or ability to be a class or collective action representative or to otherwise participate in any putative or certified class, collective or multi-party action or proceeding based on such a Claim in which any of the Company Parties is a party. This Release does not abrogate the Undersigned existing rights under any Company benefit plan or any plan or agreement related to equity ownership in the Company or any rights to Severance Benefits and other compensation and benefits provided for in this Release; however, it does waive, release and forever discharge Claims existing as of the date the Undersigned executes this Release pursuant to any such plan or agreement.
The Undersigned acknowledges and agrees that (i) the consideration given to the Undersigned in exchange for the waiver and release in this Release is in addition to anything of value to which the Undersigned was already entitled, and (ii) that the Undersigned has been paid for all time worked, has received all the leave, leaves of absence and leave benefits and protections for which the Undersigned is eligible, and has not suffered any on-the-job injury for which the Undersigned has not already filed a Claim. The Undersigned affirms that all of the decisions of the Company Parties regarding his pay and benefits through the date of his execution of this Release were not discriminatory based on age, disability, race, color, sex, religion, national origin or any other classification protected by law. The Undersigned affirms that he has not filed or caused to be filed, and is not presently a party to, a Claim against any of the Company Parties. The Undersigned further affirms that he has no known workplace injuries or occupational diseases. The Undersigned acknowledges and affirms that he/she has not been retaliated against for reporting any allegation of corporate fraud or other wrongdoing by any of the Company Parties, or for exercising any rights protected by law, including any rights protected by the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Family Medical Leave Act or any related statute or local leave or disability accommodation laws, or any applicable state workers’ compensation law. The Undersigned expressly acknowledges and understands that this Release: (i) is not an admission of liability under any statute or otherwise by the Company or any of the Company Parties, and (ii) does not admit any violation of Employee’s legal rights.
(i) | 在签署本放弃书前,公司建议他自行选择律师进行咨询,并已经这样做,或自愿放弃寻求此类咨询; |
(ii) | 他已经阅读并理解本放弃书的条款和条件,以及其具有约束力; |
(iii) | 他至少有 21 (21)天时间来考虑本放弃书的条款,自他的解聘日期起有六十(60)天时间来执行本放弃书; |
(iv) | 他是自愿并没有受到公司的胁迫或不当影响才签署本放弃书; |
(v) | 他有七(7)天时间通过书面通知公司以下地址撤销对本放弃书的执行:12355 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 520, Reston, VA 20191,注意:法务部。 |
(vi) | 他明白,本解除协议的执行在七(7)天的撤回期届满之前不会生效;并 |
(vii) | 他明白,根据雇佣协议第7(h)条款,他有权获得解雇福利,该权利取决于并受制于签署和交付本解除协议给公司并在七(7)天的撤回期届满之前解除协议生效。 |
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