于2024年11月26日,maxeon solar technologies有限公司(纳斯达克:MAXN)(以下简称「Maxeon」或「本公司」)发出新闻稿,宣布本公司与tcl中环及/或其附属公司,即本公司的控股股东(统称为「TZE」),签订了一份部分具约束力的条款清单(以下简称「条款清单」),以便进行以下潜在交易(以下简称「潜在收购」):
在2024年11月26日,maxeon solar technologies与TZE也签订了一份部分具约束力的条款清单(以下简称「第二条款清单」),有关TZE潜在收购100%在菲律宾太阳能中圣集团制造有限公司之股权的交易,此法律实体于开曼群岛注册,为maxeon solar technologies的全资间接子公司(以下简称「SPML」)。 关于SPML的潜在收购(以下简称「SPML交易」),TZE还将收购与于菲律宾的业务活动相关的任何特定识别的资产和负债,这些资产和负债由maxeon或其子公司所持有(以下简称「特定资产和负债」)。 连同SPML(以下简称「目标资产」),这些特定资产和负债的清单将在双方签署最终购买协议之前识别。目标资产不包括maxeon所拥有的任何知识产权或其他资产,包括在菲律宾以外由maxeon所拥有或控制的资讯,这些都尚未被特别识别。
(以下简称「Colliers评估报告」)。 某些已协议的库存核销未在AUP报告中反映的部分,将从最终对价中调整,前提是maxeon有义务向TZE报销因TZE在库存销售中造成的某些损失。 Unless appropriate reserves for 某些 liabilities have been recorded in the AUP Report, any adverse judicial decision resulting from certain known matters pending as of the Signing Date (“SPML Known Proceedings”) will be either (i) deducted from the Final Consideration if finally judicially determined by a court of competent jurisdiction prior to the closing of the Potential Acquisition (the “SPML Resolved Proceedings”), or (ii) indemnified by Maxeon, subject to liability caps agreed by the parties (the “SPML Known Proceedings Indemnity”). Other than with respect to the SPML 已解决的 Proceedings, there will be no adjustments to the Final Consideration. Payments for certain losses in inventory sales by TZE shall be made when incurred and payments under the SPML Known Proceedings Indemnity shall be made when TZE incurs damages that qualify for indemnification under the SPML Known Proceedings Indemnity.
The Final Consideration shall be paid in several installments from the signing of the Second Term Sheet until the closing of the SPML Transaction. The amounts of each installment and number of installments shall be further discussed and agreed upon between Maxeon and TZE following the signing date of the Second Term Sheet (the “Effective Date”), with the first installment being in the amount of $3000万.
Any installment payments previously paid should be refunded to TZE in the event of failure of the SPML Transaction to be consummated on or before the “long stop date” (to be agreed by the parties in the definitive purchase agreement) solely due to the reasons directly attributable to Maxeon. Under the abovementioned circumstances, in addition to any installment payments previously paid which shall be refunded to TZE, Maxeon shall also pay TZE any interest accrued on any previously paid installments. If any of such payments are required to be refunded, Maxeon shall make such refund payment within sixty (60) days after the occurrence of the event triggering the refund.
Except as otherwise described in the preceding paragraph or in the event TZE fails to negotiate in good faith, prior installments shall not be refunded and shall constitute liquidated damages that shall be retained by Maxeon because (a) the loss or harm from TZE’s failure to negotiate in good faith or for the failure of the SPML Transaction to be consummated on or before the outside date are uncertain or difficult to prove with certainty, and (2) the installment payments previously paid (if any) are a reasonable approximation of damages that Maxeon will incur as a result of the failure of the SPML Transaction to be consummated on or before the outside date including, without limitation, the efforts and resources expended and the business opportunities foregone while negotiating this Second Term Sheet and the definitive purchase agreement and in reliance on this Second Term Sheet and on the expectation of the consummation of the SPML Transaction.
For a period of twelve months following the closing the SPML Transaction, TZE undertakes to not resell the shares in SPML for a value greater than the Final Consideration or any assets owned by SPML and its subsidiary at closing of the SPML Transaction, for a value greater than the one stated in the Collier’s Valuation Report.
Following the closing, the parties will cooperate to allow Maxeon to carry out certain R&D activities related to its next generation IBC technology and as part of these R&D activities, Maxeon will contribute employees with relevant knowledge to form the development team and 50% of the operational expenses incurred, while TZE will contribute right-to-use of the Target Assets 和 the other half of the operational expenses. Any intellectual property developed from such Maxeon R&D activities will be jointly owned by Maxeon and TZE. The parties will work together with any third party interested in utilizing the Target Assets to manufacture IBC products or similar products and achieve reasonable and sustainable arrangements on joint ventures, intellectual property licensing and/or global distributions with such third party. Without the prior written consent of Maxeon, TZE is not permitted to allow access or sell any intellectual property owned by Maxeon and/ or tools and processes based on such intellectual property, as well as access to employees with relevant knowledge.
combination with our results of operations or other factors, and/ or third party reports or publications, whether accurate or not, which may cause such securities or industry analysts to cease publishing research or reports about us, or adversely change their recommendations regarding our ordinary shares, which may negatively impact the market price of our ordinary shares and volume of our stock trading and (16) unpredictable outcomes resulting from our litigation activities or other disputes. A detailed discussion of these factors and other risks that affect our business is included in filings we make with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") from time to time, including our most recent report on Form 20-F, particularly under the heading "Risk Factors". Copies of these filings are available online from the SEC at www.sec.gov, or on the SEC Filings section of our Investor Relations website at https://corp.maxeon.com/investor-relations. All forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information currently available to us, and we assume no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in light of new information or future events.