非法定股票期權授予 N通知和 AGREEMENT
(2024 誘導股票 I激勵 PLAN)
本非法定股票期權證明書確認,Enanta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(「公司」),一家特拉華州的公司,已向下文所述的個人(「參與者」)授予非法定股票期權(本「期權」),以購買下文所述的公司普通股股份數量,按照公司2024年激勵股票激勵計劃(「計劃」)的規定,受下文所述的調整及下文所述或其他參考的定義和條款及條件的約束。
通過接受此期權,參與者必須在公司的電子股票計劃系統中確認,參與者同意本條款和條件的所有內容,包括但不限於計劃及附帶文件中所列的條款。 非法定股票期權的條款和條件.
1. 計劃如果計劃的條款與本獎勵存在任何衝突,以計劃的條款爲準。委員會負責管理該計劃,關於該計劃的操作的決定是最終的。在計劃中規定的限制的前提下,委員會可以修訂該計劃或本獎勵。未在此定義的資本化術語應具有計劃中規定的含義。可以通過書面請求向公司秘書免費獲得該計劃的副本。
2. Option Price在行使本期權的全部或任何部分時,每股普通股的價格爲附帶非法定股票期權授予通知中規定的期權價格。
3. 行權時間表本期權可以在任何時間及不時行使,行使的股份數量應按照附帶非法定股票期權授予通知中描述的行使或歸屬時間表行使,但僅限於購買完整的股份。在到期日之後,本期權不得行使任何股份。
4. 行權方式爲行使本期權,期權持有人應通過公司的電子股票計劃系統向公司發送指令,以行使本期權的全部或部分,指定所行使的股份數量,並以現金、電子轉賬、認證支票或委員會批准的其他形式(如有)支付該股份的期權價格,包括在交付日按照公允市場價值評估的普通股。收到通知後,公司將指示公司的轉讓代理將期權持有人所行使的股份數量發放給期權持有人的帳戶,扣除期權持人選擇所謂的「無現金行使」所售出的股份。然後,釋放的股份將可供期權持有人自主交易,受期權持人支付公司預扣稅款的義務的限制(見下文第10條)。
5. 作爲股東或員工的權利持有人在未行使本期權和未按上述規定付款的情況下,沒有對相關股份的任何權利。持有人不因本期權的授予而擁有公司或其附屬公司的繼續僱傭權利。
6. 重組、合併等根據計劃,如果涉及公司已發行普通股的企業交易,委員會應公平調整本期權所對應的股份數量和種類及行使價格,或提供現金支付。如果該交易涉及公司與另一實體的合併或重組,或公司的所有或幾乎所有資產的出售或交換,或公司的重組或清算,則委員會可以在書面通知持有人後,規定本期權將在通知日期後不低於20天的日期終止,除非此前已行使。在這樣的通知中,委員會可以自行決定加速或放棄任何延遲行使期限。
7. 期權不可轉讓本期權不得由持有人轉讓,除了遺囑或繼承和分配法律的情況下,並且在持有人生存期間僅能由持有人行使。指定受益人的名稱不構成轉讓。
8. 僱傭終止後的期權行使如果持有人作爲公司或任何發行或承擔根據《法典》第424(a)節的期權的公司(或該公司的母公司或子公司)的僱員、董事或顧問的身份因任何原因終止,但不包括殘疾(根據《法典》第22(e)(3)節的定義)或死亡,則持有人可以在終止之日起的三個月內行使當時可用的權利。如果這種身份是因殘疾而終止,則可以在終止之日起的十二個月內行使此類權利。在持有人去世後,其指定受益人有權在去世日期後的十二個月內,在任何時間內部分或全部行使在其去世時可用的任何權利。儘管有上述規定,在到期日之後,不能再行使本期權下的任何權利。
9. 證券法規合規. It shall be a condition to the Optionholder’s right to purchase shares of Common Stock hereunder that the Company may, in its discretion, require (a) that the shares of Common Stock reserved for issue upon the exercise of this Option shall have been duly listed, upon official notice of issuance, upon any national securities exchange or automated quotation system on which the Company’s Common Stock may then be listed or quoted, (b) that either (i) a registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933 with respect to the shares shall be in effect, or (ii) in the opinion of counsel for the Company, the proposed purchase shall be exempt from registration under that Act and the Optionholder shall have made such undertakings and agreements with the Company as the Company may reasonably require, and (c) that such other steps, if any, as counsel for the Company shall consider necessary to comply with any law applicable to the issue of such shares by the Company shall have been taken by the Company or the Optionholder, or both. The shares purchased under this Option may may be subject to such stop transfer restrictions as counsel for the Company shall consider necessary to comply with any applicable law.
10. 支付稅費. The Optionholder shall pay to the Company, or make provision satisfactory to the Company for payment of, any taxes required by law to be withheld with respect to the exercise of this Option. The Committee may, in its discretion, require any other Federal or state taxes imposed on the sale of the shares to be paid by the Optionholder. In the Committee’s discretion, such tax obligations may be paid in whole or in part in shares of Common Stock, including shares retained from the exercise of this Option,
valued at their Fair Market Value on the date of delivery. The Company may, to the extent permitted by law, deduct any such tax obligations from any payment of any kind otherwise due to the Optionholder.
11. 通知. Any written notices provided for in this Option that are sent by mail shall be deemed received three business days after mailing, but not later than the date of actual receipt. Notices shall be directed, if to Optionholder, at the Optionholder’s address indicated by the Company’s records and, if to the Company, at the Company’s principal executive office.
12. 適用法律. 本期權應受特拉華州法律和適用聯邦法律的管轄和解釋,而不考慮法律選擇原則。