Reference is made to that certain Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of January 25, 2023 (as amended, restated, amended and restated, extended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the “信贷协议”; the terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined), by and among Becton, Dickinson and Company, a New Jersey corporation (the “公司”), Becton Dickinson Euro Finance S.à r.l., a private limited liability company (société à responsabilite limitée) organized and existing under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (“BD Euro Finance”), the Lenders party thereto from time to time and Citibank, N.A., as administrative agent (in such capacity, the “管理代理”).
参考某某公司于2023年1月25日订立的修订与重订信贷协议(不时经过修订、重订、延长、补充或以其他方式修改,简称“该协议”;其中定义的术语在此处依据该协议中的定义),由新泽西州公司Becton, Dickinson and Company(简称“该公司”)等共同订立信贷协议Becton,Dickinson and Company是新泽西州的一家公司公司Becton Dickinson Euro Finance S.à r.l.是卢森堡大公国法律下组织和存在的一家私人有限责任公司BD Euro Finance”), the Lenders party thereto from time to time and Citibank, N.A., as administrative agent (in such capacity, the “管理代理”).
By its signature on the signature page hereto, the undersigned Lender hereby confirms the extension of the Commitment Termination Date with respect to all of such Lender’s Commitments to September 24, 2027 pursuant to Section 2.06(b) of the Credit Agreement. Notwithstanding anything in the Credit Agreement to the contrary, such extension shall become effective on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, provided that (x) the Company shall have delivered to the Administrative Agent a certificate confirming the accuracy of the matters set forth in Section 2.06(b)(iv) of the Credit Agreement and (y) the Administrative Agent, for the account of such Lender, shall have been paid an extension fee equal to [****]% of the Commitments held by such Lender with an extended maturity resulting from this lender confirmation as of such time.
富国银行 作为贷款人
BY: /s/ Andrea Chen 姓名: Andrea Chen 职务: 董事总经理
附件 10(j)(i)
贷款方:barclays bank plc
新承诺终止日期:2027年9月24日 (或者如果该日期不是工作日,则为该日期之前的最近一个工作日)
本次指的是自2023年1月25日起生效的某项经过修订、重订、修订并重订、延长、补充或以其他方式修改的第二次修订授信协议信贷协议”; the terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined), by and among Becton, Dickinson and Company, a New Jersey corporation (the “公司”), Becton Dickinson Euro Finance S.à r.l., a private limited liability company (société à responsabilite limitée) organized and existing under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (“BD Euro Finance”), the Lenders party thereto from time to time and Citibank, N.A., as administrative agent (in such capacity, the “管理代理”).
By its signature on the signature page hereto, the undersigned Lender hereby confirms the extension of the Commitment Termination Date with respect to all of such Lender’s Commitments to September 24, 2027 pursuant to Section 2.06(b) of the Credit Agreement. Notwithstanding anything in the Credit Agreement to the contrary, such extension shall become effective on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, provided 公司应当向行政代理提供一份证书,证实信贷协议第2.06(b)(iv)节所载事项的准确性,并且行政代理应当收到延期费,金额相当于此贷款人持有的承诺额的[****]%,由于此贷款人确认,其获得的延期到期日为该时间点。
barclays bank plc, 作为贷款人
作者: /s/ Evan Moriarty 姓名: Evan Moriarty 标题: 授权签署人
附件 10(j)(i)
确认日期: 2024年7月8日
银行: BNP巴黎银行
承诺: $194,000,000
新承诺终止日期: 2027年9月24日 (或如果该日期不是工作日,则为前一工作日)
参考于2023年1月25日签署的某第二份修订和重新签订的信贷协议(如有任何修改、重新签订、修订和重新签订、展期、补充或其他修改,此处所用的定义条款应与其中定义的相同),由新泽西州公司Becton, Dickinson and Company(“信贷协议“;其中所定义的术语在此处使用时按照其中的定义使用),由新泽西州公司Becton, Dickinson and Company(“公司”),以及根据卢森堡大公国法律组织成立并存在的私人有限责任公司(有限责任公司)BD欧洲融资有限公司(“欧元指数”),与时俱进的贷款人以及作为行政代理的花旗银行(在此职务上,“管理代理”).
参考于2023年1月25日签订的某第二修正和重订信贷协议(如有修订、重订、修订和重订、延长、补充或以其他方式不时修改,即“信贷协议”; 其中定义的条款在此处使用,如同定义)由新泽西州公司贝克顿迪金公司(“公司”)、贝克顿迪金欧洲财务有限公司,一家根据卢森堡大公国法律组织成立和存在的有限责任公司(société à responsabilité limitée)(“BD Euro Finance”),有时作为贷款人参加,花旗银行有限公司作为行政代理(在此职责下,即“管理代理”).
/s/ Nicholas Merino 姓名: Nicholas Merino 职务: 授权签字人
附件 10(j)(i)
确认日期: 2024年6月30日
贷款人: 摩根大通银行
新的承诺终止日期:2027年9月24日 (或者如果该日期不是工作日,则为上一个工作日)
参考《特定第二次修订和重订信贷协议》,日期为2023年1月25日(根据需要进行修改、重订、修改并重订、延长、补充或以其他方式修改,以下简称“信贷协议”; 其中定义的术语在此处按照该协议所定义的方式使用),由新泽西州股份有限公司Becton, Dickinson and Company(以下简称“公司”)与Becton Dickinson Euro Finance S.à r.l.之间签订,后者为卢森堡大公国法律下组织和存在的私人有限责任公司(société à responsabilite limitée)BD欧元金融),作为贷款人,不时有关方并由花旗银行(Citibank,N.A.)担任行政代理银行(在此身份下称“管理代理”).
/s/ Gregory t. Martin Name: Gregory t. Martin Title: Executive Director
[Signature Page To Lender Confirmation to maturity extension of revolving credit facility provided to becton, dickinson and company]
贷款银行:摩根士丹利银行(Morgan Stanley Bank,N.A.)
新承诺终止日期:2027年9月24日 (或如果该日期不是工作日,则为最接近的前一个工作日)
参照特定于2023年1月25日日期的某项二次修订和重订信贷协议(“修订协议”或“协议”;本文中使用的定义在其中定义),由新泽西州公司贝克顿,迪金森(Becton, Dickinson and Company)之间进行信贷协议企业(“公司巴顿-迪金森欧元融资有限公司是一家根据卢森堡大公国法律组织成立并存在的私人有限责任公司(有限责任公司),BD欧元融资参与方信贷人,时有时无,并行政代理人花旗银行有限公司(在此职能上,称“管理代理”).
BY: /s/ Steve Aronowitz 姓名:Steve Aronowitz 职位:授权签署人
银行:The Bank of Nova Scotia
新承诺终止日期:2027年9月24日 (or if such date is not a Business Day, the next preceding Business Day)
Reference is made to that certain Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of January 25, 2023 (as amended, restated, amended and restated, extended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the “信贷协议”; the terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined), by and among Becton, Dickinson and Company, a New Jersey corporation (the “公司”), Becton Dickinson Euro Finance S.à r.l., a private limited liability company (société à responsabilite limitée) organized and existing under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (“BD Euro Finance”), the Lenders party thereto from time to time and Citibank, N.A., as administrative agent (in such capacity, the “管理代理”).
New Commitment Termination Date: September 24, 2027 (or if such date is not a Business Day, the next preceding Business Day)
Reference is made to that certain Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of January 25, 2023 (as amended, restated, amended and restated, extended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the “信贷协议”; the terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined), by and among Becton, Dickinson and Company, a New Jersey corporation (the “公司”), Becton Dickinson Euro Finance S.à r.l., a private limited liability company (société à responsabilite limitée) organized and existing under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (“BD欧元金融在此,特此签署的贷款方和第一过去和花旗银行,作为行政代理人(在此职务上,称为“管理代理”).
参照某定于2023年1月25日订立的第二份修订和重订信贷协议(按照需要随时经修正、重订、修正和重订、延期、补充或以其他方式修改;定义在其中的术语在此处使用如其所定义),该协议由新泽西州公司贝克顿、迪金森(Becton, Dickinson and Company)等共同订立信贷协议公司”), Becton Dickinson Euro Finance S.à r.l., a private limited liability company (société à responsabilite limitée) organized and existing under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (“BD Euro Finance”), the Lenders party thereto from time to time and Citibank, N.A., as administrative agent (in such capacity, the “管理代理”).
By its signature on the signature page hereto, the undersigned Lender hereby confirms the extension of the Commitment Termination Date with respect to all of such Lender’s Commitments to September 24, 2027 pursuant to Section 2.06(b) of the Credit Agreement. Notwithstanding anything in the Credit Agreement to the contrary, such extension shall become effective on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, provided that (x) the Company shall have delivered to the Administrative Agent a certificate confirming the accuracy of the matters set forth in Section 2.06(b)(iv) of the Credit Agreement and (y) the Administrative Agent, for the account of such Lender, shall have been paid an extension fee equal to [****]% of the Commitments held by such Lender with an extended maturity resulting from this lender confirmation as of such time.
boc 20usdpref,纽约分行 作为贷款人
作者: Raymond Qiao 姓名:Raymond Qiao 职位:执行副总裁
新承诺终止日期:2027年9月24日 (或若该日期为非业务日,则为之前最近的一个业务日)
参考某一特定于2023年1月25日签订的第二份修订和重订信贷协议(无论何时进行了修订、重订、修改并订、延期、补充或其他变更,均称“信贷协议根据本协议(以下简称“该协议”)所定义的条款,在康迪公司(以下简称“康迪”)战斗中,一个新泽西州公司,康迪数据欧元金融股份有限公司,一个根据卢森堡大公国法律组织和存在的私人有限责任公司(société à responsabilite limitée)(以下简称“BD欧元金融公司”),分别代表BD欧元金融,贷款方,时而及花旗银行有限公司,作为管理代理人(在此职务上,"公司BD欧元金融BD欧元金融在此签署页上签署,下列贷款方确认延长其承诺终止日期,即将其所有承诺延长至2027年9月24日依据《信贷协议》第2.06(b)条款。尽管《信贷协议》中有任何相反规定,但此延期将在2024年7月9日星期二生效。管理代理”).
参照某份第二份修订和重订授信协议,日期为2023年1月25日 (如有修订、重订、修订和重订、延期、补充或者其他时,使用时的定义如在其中所述);由新泽西州公司贝克顿迪金森公司等等之间订立信贷协议公司拜克顿迪金森欧元金融公司是一家设立和存在于卢森堡大公国法律下的私人有限责任公司(société à responsabilité limitée)。BD欧元金融作为贷方,不时作为贷方的贷款方以及花旗银行有限公司作为行政代理(在该职务下,称为“管理代理”).
New Commitment Termination Date: September 24, 2027 (or if such date is not a Business Day, the next preceding Business Day)
Reference is made to that certain Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of January 25, 2023 (as amended, restated, amended and restated, extended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the “信贷协议”; the terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined), by and among Becton, Dickinson and Company, a New Jersey corporation (the “公司”), Becton Dickinson Euro Finance S.à r.l., a private limited liability company (société à responsabilite limitée) organized and existing under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (“BD Euro Finance”—借款人及其共同债权人,但不时为行政代理的N.A.花旗银行(以该身份而言,“管理代理”).
参照于2023年1月25日签署的某第二次修订和重订信贷协议(无论何时修订、重订、修订和重订、延长、补充或以其他方式修改,统称“协议”;其中所定义的术语在此处使用,均应如协议中定义的所载),由新泽西州公司拜耳公司(“公司”)、卢森堡大公国法律组织和设立的私人有限责任公司 BD Euro Finance,任时参与的贷款人和花旗银行有限公司,作为行政代理人(在该等资格下,称为“信贷协议”,其所定义的条款在此亦须如协议定义的那样使用)公司”, 任时参与的贷款人和花旗银行有限公司,作为行政代理人(在该等资格下,称为“BD Euro Finance”管理代理”).
参考那份特定的第二修订和重订授信协议,日期为2023年1月25日(按需修改,重订,修订和重订,延期,增补或以其他方式修改)信贷协议”; the terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined), by and among Becton, Dickinson and Company, a New Jersey corporation (the “公司”), Becton Dickinson Euro Finance S.à r.l., a private limited liability company (société à responsabilite limitée) organized and existing under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (“BD Euro Finance”), the Lenders party thereto from time to time and Citibank, N.A., as administrative agent (in such capacity, the “管理代理”).
By its signature on the signature page hereto, the undersigned Lender hereby confirms the extension of the Commitment Termination Date with respect to all of such Lender’s Commitments to September 24, 2027 pursuant to Section 2.06(b) of the Credit Agreement. Notwithstanding anything in the Credit Agreement to the contrary, such extension shall become effective on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, provided 公司应向行政代理交付证书,确认信贷协议第2.06(b)(iv)节所列事项的准确性,并且行政代理已经代表该贷款人账户支付了等于此次贷款人确认引起的承诺额的[****]%的延期费。
参照自2023年1月25日起订立的某二次修订和重订信贷协议(如有修订、重订、修订后、延期、补充或其他修改,即从时间到时间,该“信贷协议”;在此使用的定义为该处所定义的那些),由新泽西州公司贝克顿·迪金森与公司以及一间私人有限责任公司贝克顿·迪金森欧洲金融有限公司,其依据卢森堡大公国法律组织成立并存在的法人(“公司”)BD Euro Finance”), the Lenders party thereto from time to time and Citibank, N.A., as administrative agent (in such capacity, the “管理代理”).
By its signature on the signature page hereto, the undersigned Lender hereby confirms the extension of the Commitment Termination Date with respect to all of such Lender’s Commitments to September 24, 2027 pursuant to Section 2.06(b) of the Credit Agreement. Notwithstanding anything in the Credit Agreement to the contrary, such extension shall become effective on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, provided that (x) the Company shall have delivered to the Administrative Agent a certificate confirming the accuracy of the matters set forth in Section 2.06(b)(iv) of the Credit Agreement and (y) the Administrative Agent, for the account of such Lender, shall have been paid an extension fee equal to [****]% of the Commitments held by such Lender with an extended maturity resulting from this lender confirmation as of such time.
作者: /s/ 马克·埃米特 马克·埃米特 副总裁
作者: /s/ 南希·达尔伯特 南希·达尔伯特 副总裁
新承诺终止日期:2027年9月24日 (或如果该日期不是工作日,则为该日期之前的一个工作日)
参考自2023年1月25日签署的某第二修正和重订信贷协议(根据需要进行修正、重订、修订和重订、延展、补充或以其他方式修改,以下简称“信贷协议”; 其中所定义的术语在此所提及,应视作已在其中定义),由新泽西州公司贝克顿迪金公司(以下简称“公司”)和贝克顿迪金欧元融资有限公司(以下简称“BD Euro Finance”)和不时作为出借方参与的贷款人和花旗银行有限公司,作为行政代理(以该身份而言,以下简称“管理代理”).
参考某项第二次修订的并重新规定的信贷协议,日期为2023年1月25日(如有修改、重新规定、修改、重新规定、延长、补充或以其他方式修改,从时间到时间,“信贷协议”; 其中定义的术语在此处如定义内使用),由新泽西州公司贝克顿迪金森公司(‘公司’), 贝克顿·迪金森欧元融资有限公司,这是一家根据卢森堡大公国法律组织设立并存在的私人有限责任公司(“BD欧元融资”), the Lenders party thereto from time to time and Citibank, N.A., as administrative agent (in such capacity, the “管理代理”).
By its signature on the signature page hereto, the undersigned Lender hereby confirms the extension of the Commitment Termination Date with respect to all of such Lender’s Commitments to September 24, 2027 pursuant to Section 2.06(b) of the Credit Agreement. Notwithstanding anything in the Credit Agreement to the contrary, such extension shall become effective on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, provided that (x) the Company shall have delivered to the Administrative Agent a certificate confirming the accuracy of the matters set forth in Section 2.06(b)(iv) of the Credit Agreement and (y) the Administrative Agent, for the account of such Lender, shall have been paid an extension fee equal to [****]% of the Commitments held by such Lender with an extended maturity resulting from this lender confirmation as of such time.