截至本財政年度止九月30, 2024
委員會文件號: 001-4802
世界盃投注 雙色
新澤西  22-0760120
(註冊成立或組織的國家或其他司法管轄區)  (國際稅務局僱主身分證號碼)
1 Becton Drive,富蘭克林湖, 新澤西07417-1880
註冊人的電話號碼,包括區號 (201) 847-6800
1.900% 2026年12月15日到期票據BDX26紐約證券交易所
3.020% 2025年5月24日到期票據BDX25紐約證券交易所
1.208% 2026年6月4日到期票據RDX/26 A紐約證券交易所
1.213% 2036年2月12日到期票據RDX/36紐約證券交易所
0.034% 2025年8月13日到期票據BDX25 A紐約證券交易所
3.519% 2031年2月8日到期票據BDX31紐約證券交易所
3.828% 2032年6月7日到期票據BDX32A紐約證券交易所
根據該法第12(G)節登記的證券: 沒有一
用複選標記表示註冊人是否爲證券法第405條規定的知名經驗豐富的發行人。是的 ☑ 沒有預設
如果註冊人無需根據該法案第13條或第15(d)條提交報告,則通過勾選標記進行驗證。 是的 沒有
用複選標記表示註冊人(1)是否在過去12個月內(或在要求註冊人提交此類報告的較短期限內)提交了1934年《證券交易法》第13條或15(D)節要求提交的所有報告,以及(2)在過去90天內一直遵守此類提交要求。是的 ☑ 沒有預設
用複選標記表示註冊人是否在過去12個月內(或在註冊人被要求提交此類文件的較短時間內)以電子方式提交了根據S-T規則405規定必須提交的每一份交互數據文件。是的 ☑ 沒有預設
通過勾選標記檢查註冊人是否已提交報告並證明其管理層根據《薩班斯-奧克斯利法案》(15 U.S.C.)第404(b)條對其財務報告內部控制有效性的評估7262(b))由編制或發佈審計報告的註冊會計師事務所執行。
通過勾選標記來驗證這些錯誤更正是否是需要根據§240.10D-1(b)對註冊人的任何高管在相關恢復期內收到的激勵性補償進行恢復分析的重述。 ☐
用複選標記表示註冊人是否是空殼公司(如該法第12b-2條所定義)。 沒有預設
截至2024年10月31日, 289,122,120 註冊人的普通股已發行。
通過引用合併的文件。 登記人爲將於2025年1月28日舉行的年度股東大會提交的部分委託聲明已通過引用納入本協議第三部分。


項目1. 公事。
Becton,Dickinson and Company(本文也稱爲「BD」)於1906年11月根據新澤西州法律註冊成立,是1897年成立的紐約企業的繼承者。BD的執行辦公室位於新澤西州富蘭克林湖Becton Drive 1,Franklin Lakes,New Jersey 07417-1880,電話號碼爲(201)847-6800。本表格10-k中所有提及「BD」、「公司」、「我們」、「我們的」或「我們」均指Becton,Dickinson and Company及其國內外子公司,除非上下文另有說明。
BD是一家全球醫療技術公司,從事醫療保健機構、醫生、生命科學研究人員、臨床實驗室、製藥行業和公衆使用的廣泛醫療用品、設備、實驗室設備和診斷產品的開發、製造和銷售。 我們提供的客戶解決方案專注於改善藥物管理和患者安全;支持感染預防實踐;裝備手術和介入手術;改善藥物輸送;協助麻醉護理;加強傳染病和癌症的診斷;以及推進細胞研究和應用。
BD的業務由三個全球業務部門組成:BD醫療、BD生命科學和BD介入。 如下文進一步描述的那樣,2024年9月3日,BD完成了對Edwards Lifesciences重症監護產品集團(「重症監護」)的收購,該產品集團更名爲BD高級患者監護(「高級患者監護」),並作爲公司醫療部門的一個獨立組織單位運營。有關BD業務分部的信息分別包含在第8項包含的合併財務報表附註8、11和16中。財務報表和補充數據,並通過引用併入本文。
BD Medical生產各種醫療技術和設備,用於幫助改善各種環境中的醫療保健服務。BD Medical服務的主要客戶是醫院和診所;醫生辦公室診所;消費者和零售藥店;政府和非營利公共衛生機構;製藥公司;和醫護人員。BD Medical由以下組織單位組成:


BD Life Sciences
BD Life Sciences提供用於安全收集和運輸診斷樣本以及儀器和試劑系統的產品,以檢測廣泛的傳染病、醫療保健相關感染和癌症。 此外,BD生命科學公司還生產研究和臨床工具,促進細胞和細胞成分的研究,以更好地了解正常和疾病過程。 這些信息用於幫助發現和開發新藥和疫苗,並改善疾病的診斷和管理。 BD Life Sciences服務的主要客戶是醫院、實驗室和診所;血庫;醫護人員;醫生辦公室診所;學術和政府機構;以及製藥和生物技術公司。BD生命科學由以下組織單位組成:


BD Interventional提供血管、泌尿科、腫瘤科和外科專業產品,旨在使用一次然後丟棄,或者暫時或永久植入。 BD Interventional服務的主要客戶是醫院,流動手術中心,個人通過我們的家庭護理業務,日常醫療保健專業人員、擴展護理機構、備用站點設施和患者。 BD Interventional由以下組織單位組成:

手術疝氣和軟組織修復、生物移植物、生物可吸收移植物、生物外科手術和其他手術產品、BD Surgiphor™抗菌沖洗系統和BD ChloraPrep™手術感染預防產品。

Edwards Lifesciences重症監護產品集團
2024年9月3日,BD完成了對Critical Care的收購,並更名爲BD Advanced Patient Monitoring。與收購相關的轉讓對價的公允價值爲39.11億美元。自收購之日起,高級患者監護產品的財務業績將作爲醫療部門的一個單獨組織單位進行報告。BD利用手頭現金爲交易提供資金,使用2024財年第三季度通過債務發行籌集的淨收益(如注16所進一步討論)以及我們商業票據計劃下的借款。有關此次收購的其他信息載於第8項所載綜合財務報表附註11。財務報表和補充數據,通過引用併入本文。
2022年7月18日,BD完成對創新型藥房自動化解決方案提供商Parata Systems(「Parata」)的收購。與收購相關的轉讓對價的公允價值爲15.48億美元。自收購之日起,Parata產品的財務業績將在醫療部門藥物管理解決方案部門的業績中報告。有關此次收購的其他信息載於第8項所載綜合財務報表附註11。財務報表和補充數據,通過引用併入本文。


2023年8月,BD根據2023年6月簽署的最終協議完成了介入部門手術器械平台的出售。BD確認了約2.68億美元的銷售稅前收益,該收益被記錄爲 其他營業費用(收入),淨額 2023財年。手術器械平台的歷史財務業績尚未被歸類爲已終止業務。有關此次剝離的其他信息載於第8項所載的綜合財務報表附註2。財務報表和補充數據,通過引用併入本文。
2022年4月1日,BD完成了Embecta Corp.(「Embecta」)(前身爲BD的糖尿病護理業務)的分拆和分配,成爲一家獨立的上市公司。 糖尿病護理業務(之前包含在BD醫療部門)的歷史業績,以及與Embecta在分拆日期之前產生的債務相關的利息費用,已在我們的合併財務報表中反映爲已終止業務2022年4月1日分拆日期之前所有期間的業務。有關我們分拆糖尿病護理業務的額外披露見第8項所載綜合財務報表附註2。財務報表和補充數據,通過引用併入本文。



BD在其運營單位和位於美國、印度、中國、新加坡和愛爾蘭的全球企業卓越中心開展研發(「R & D」)活動。BD的大部分研發活動都在北美進行。在北美以外,BD在大亞洲和歐洲擁有重要的研發力量。BD還與某些大學、醫療中心和其他實體合作開展研發項目,並聘請個人顧問和合作夥伴來支持其在專業領域的工作。

成本製造商造成了更大的定價壓力。 BD在這個不斷變化的市場中競爭基於許多因素,包括價格、質量、創新、服務、聲譽、分銷和促銷。這些因素對BD競爭地位的影響因BD的各種產品而異。爲了在其運營行業中保持競爭力並提高供應可靠性和生產力,BD繼續在研發、質量管理、質量改進、產品創新、製造和供應鏈方面進行投資。 請參閱第1A項中有關醫療技術行業競爭相關風險的進一步討論。危險因素

我們的美國輸液泵組織部門正在根據最初由Cardinal Health 303,Inc.簽訂的修訂後的同意令運營。2007年,FDA就其Alaris™ SE輸液泵進行了審查。2009年,該法令進行了修訂(「同意法令」),納入CareFusion 303,Inc.製造或爲其製造的所有輸液泵,該公司於2015年被BD收購。CareFusion 303公司仍然是BD Alaris™輸液泵的合法製造商。《同意令》不適用於靜脈注射套件和配件。
繼2020年3月開始對我們位於加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥的藥物管理系統工廠(CareFusion 303,Inc.)進行檢查後,FDA發佈了483表格通知(「2020年483表格通知」),其中包含有關該工廠遵守FDA質量體系、更正和刪除報告以及醫療器械報告(MDR)法規的許多觀察結果。2021年12月,FDA向CareFusion 303,Inc.發佈一封關於同意令的不合規信(「不合規信」),其中指出,除其他外,已確定針對2020年表格483通知的某些糾正措施似乎是充分的,有些仍在進行中,因此尚無法確定是否充分,而某些其他措施不充分(例如,投訴處理和

糾正和預防措施、設計驗證和醫療器械報告)。根據不合規信的條款,CareFusion 303,Inc.向FDA提供了擬議的全面糾正行動計劃(「CAP」),並聘請了一名獨立專家對CareFusion 303,Inc.進行定期審計到2025年的輸液泵設施。CareFusion 303公司已經並將繼續更新其CAP,以解決這些審計過程中可能出現的任何觀察結果。
此外,CareFusion 303,Inc.在FDA檢查後,於2024年5月收到了額外的483表格通知(「2024年483表格通知」),其中包含與該中心遵守FDA質量體系法規和與其輸液質量管理體系(受同意令涵蓋)相關的MDR法規相關的觀察結果和單獨的配藥質量管理體系(不受同意令的約束)。2024年11月22日,BD收到FDA的警告信,該信僅限於CareFusion 303,Inc.' s配藥質量管理體系和BD PyxisTM 產品(「分發警告信」)。有關更多信息,請參閱下面的「- FDA警告信」。
FDA正在審查我們對2024年表格483通知和CAP中輸液質量管理體系特定觀察結果的回應,無法保證FDA因觀察結果採取進一步行動,包括但不限於根據同意令採取的行動,或CareFusion 303,Inc.提出的糾正行動。將足以解決這些觀察結果。此外,我們目前無法預測解決此事將產生的額外貨幣投資金額或此事對我們業務的最終影響。
如前所述,2023年7月21日,BD更新後的BD Alaris™輸液系統獲得了FDA的510(k)許可,這使得BD Alaris™輸液系統能夠進行補救並重返市場。此次許可涵蓋了護理點病房(PCO)、大容量泵、注射泵、患者控制鎮痛(PCA)泵、呼吸監測和自動識別模塊的更新硬件功能。它還涵蓋了新的BD Alaris™輸液系統軟件版本,具有增強的網絡安全性,以及通過電子病歷系統實現智能、互聯護理的互操作性功能。爲了解決所有公開召回問題並確保客戶地點的所有設備都運行最新版本的BD Alaris™輸液系統軟件,美國市場上所有當前的BD Alaris™輸液系統設備都將在未來幾年內用更新的510(k)許可版本進行修復或替換。
2018年1月11日,BD收到FDA關於我們前BD預分析系統(「PAS」)部門的警告信,稱其涉嫌違反質量體系法規和法律。警告信指出,在BD解決警告信中涵蓋的未決問題之前,FDA不會批准與不合格品合理相關的第三類器械的任何上市前提交材料,也不會向外國政府批准證書請求。BD已與FDA密切合作並實施糾正措施以解決警告信中確定的質量管理體系問題。 2020年3月,FDA對PAS進行了隨後的檢查,將其歸類爲

指示的自願行動,這意味着FDA不會因該部門對與檢查中質量管理問題相關的觀察結果的回應而採取或建議任何行政或監管行動。BD繼續與FDA合作,生成額外的臨床證據並提交510(k)作爲與警告信相關的剩餘承諾。截至2024年9月30日,BD已獲得七項FDA批准。 FDA正在對這些剩餘承諾進行審查,無法保證FDA會因這些承諾而採取進一步行動,包括但不限於根據警告信採取的行動。
如上所述,2024年11月22日,BD在檢查其位於加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥的設施後收到配藥警告信,理由是某些涉嫌違反質量體系法規、MDR法規、更正和移除報告法規和法律的行爲。 配藥警告信規定,在屋宇署解決配藥警告信所涵蓋的未決問題之前,FDA將不會批准任何III類設備的上市前提交,也不可能批准向外國政府申請與不符合項合理相關的設備的證書。根據配藥警告信的要求,BD正在準備一份全面的回應,以解決FDA在配藥警告信中的反饋,其中可能包括實施額外的糾正措施;但是,對於FDA因注意到的不符合項而採取的進一步行動,或CareFusion 303,Inc.提出並採取的糾正措施是否足以解決不符合項,無法保證。任何未能充分解決配藥警告信的問題都可能導致FDA在沒有進一步通知的情況下發起監管行動,其中可能包括但不限於扣押、禁令和民事罰款。因此,配藥警告信的最終解決方案及其對公司運營的影響目前尚不清楚。由於收到配藥警告信,該公司在2024財年第四季度記錄了應計項目。見合併財務報表附註6「項目8.財務報表和補充數據」。本公司的負債金額可能會超過其目前應計的金額。

在BD,我們的員工以我們的目標爲指導 推進健康世界TM 以及BD WAY,我們的文化基礎,包含我們的核心價值觀、僕人領導期望以及我們爲工作帶來的心態。我們的員工有能力貢獻他們獨特的想法和經驗,以推動創新並改善患者結果。截至2024年9月30日,BD擁有約74,000名員工,分佈在61個國家。吸引、發展和留住各個不同職能的人才對於執行我們的戰略以及在競爭激烈的醫療技術行業中有效競爭的能力至關重要。我們招募和留住此類人才的能力取決於幾個因素,包括薪酬和福利、人才發展和職業機會以及我們獨特的文化。爲此,我們不斷投資於我們的員工,使其成爲首選僱主。
對於BD來說,多元化是指將組成我們公司和我們所服務的世界的許多社區和背景納入其中的實踐。多樣性反映了我們的包容性文化,歡迎各種不同種族、能力、文化、性別、宗教、年齡、性取向、身份、經歷和任期的人們,以及具有不同觀點、觀點、生活方式和想法的人們。 我們的員工擁有廣泛的信念和經驗,幫助BD在醫療技術行業和全球市場中取得了領導地位。我們不斷建設更好的BD之旅的一個關鍵組成部分是我們對全球包容性、多樣性和公平(「ID & E」)的承諾。我們相信,這一承諾,加上我們的目標和文化,使我們能夠更好地了解患者和客戶的需求,並開發創新技術來滿足這些需求。
每年,我們都會制定年度企業ID & E目標,重點是培養包容性的工作場所-公平待遇、平等的准入和機會以及每個人的接受。此外,我們的行政領導人還擔任我們九個全球助理資源小組(「ARG」)的贊助商,使所有助理能夠貢獻自己的才華和技能,幫助每個人創造機會。我們的ARG有權制定與其使命一致的戰略目標,並以努力推進我們的公司、當地社區和每位BD員工的職業生涯爲中心,同時培養歸屬感、盟友感和專業發展機會。

BD 2024勞動力代表多元化


此外,審計委員會、薪酬和人力資本委員會、公司治理和提名委員會、執行委員會以及董事會質量和監管委員會的書面章程、BD的公司治理原則及其行爲準則均可在BD網站https://investors.bd.com/corporate-governance上免費打印。這些材料、10-k表格的2024年年度報告以及向SEC提交或提供的BD報告和報表的印刷副本,也可以通過聯繫公司秘書BD(1 Becton Drive,Franklin Lakes,New Jersey 07417-1880,電話201-847-6800)免費獲得。此外,SEC還維護一個網站,其中包含報告、代理和信息聲明以及有關以電子方式向SEC提交的發行人的其他信息,網址爲www.sec.gov。
項目1A. 危險因素
對BD的投資涉及多種風險和不確定性。以下描述了可能對BD業務、財務狀況、經營業績或現金流產生不利影響的一些重大風險。 我們還可能受到我們目前未知或我們目前認爲不重要的其他風險的不利影響。
全球經濟普遍下滑和宏觀經濟趨勢,包括通脹加劇、資本市場波動、利率和貨幣匯率波動、經濟放緩或衰退,已經並可能繼續影響對我們產品和服務的需求或我們可以對產品收取的價格,擾亂了我們供應鏈的各個方面,削弱了我們生產產品的能力,增加了借貸成本,並加劇了影響我們的業務、財務狀況和運營結果的其他風險。 此外,總體經濟狀況可能會影響醫療保健行業,包括資本支出的減少、醫療服務提供的變化以及勞資糾紛或短缺的增加,這反過來可能會影響對我們產品和服務的需求。國內和國際市場在2024財年都經歷了通脹壓力,我們預計未來通脹將持續存在,但水平低於最近幾年。此外,貨幣匯率在最近一段時間特別波動,這些貨幣波動已經並可能繼續影響我們的

我們還經歷過並可能繼續經歷全球供應鏈的挑戰,包括我們產品中使用的某些材料或零部件的供應短缺或生產和交通中斷,以及相關價格上漲。 雖然迄今爲止,我們已經能夠應對與這些延誤和短缺相關的挑戰,而不會對我們的業務造成重大幹擾,但無法保證這些努力將繼續取得成功。
我們在美國境外業務的成功還在一定程度上取決於我們對生產設施、銷售和分銷網絡等進行必要的基礎設施改進以及管理廣泛的國際業務和配備人員的能力。 這些和其他因素可能會對我們在這些市場推行增長戰略的能力產生不利影響。

我們是一家全球性公司,面臨着來自廣泛現有競爭對手和新市場進入者的激烈競爭。 其中包括擁有多個產品線的大型醫療器械公司,其中一些公司可能擁有比我們更多的財務和其他資源,以及在特定市場或產品線方面比我們更專業的公司。科技公司等非傳統進入者也正在進入醫療保健行業,其中一些可能擁有更大的財務和其他



我們依賴大量的信息和技術(「IT」)系統和相關的基礎設施,包括第三方供應商向我們提供的服務來運營我們的業務。我們在日常運營中收集、使用、存儲、傳輸和以其他方式處理電子信息,包括BD及其客戶、供應商和其他業務夥伴以及患者的個人、機密或專有信息。我們的一些產品和系統代表我們的客戶收集有關患者和患者治療的個人、機密或專有信息,我們的一些產品支持Internet Plus-related或出於維護和其他目的連接到我們的IT系統。我們還擁有連接到Internet Plus-related、醫院網絡、電子病歷系統或電子健康記錄系統的產品和系統。此外,我們依賴網絡和服務,包括Internet Plus-related站、雲和軟體即服務(「Saas」)解決方案、平台即服務(「PaaS」)解決方案、數據託管和處理設施、人工智能、工具和其他硬件、軟體(包括開源軟體)和技術應用程序和平台,包括

網絡攻擊的頻率、複雜性和強度繼續增加,而且在一段時間內越來越難以發現,特別是當它們與對第三方供應商的攻擊有關時。這類襲擊往往是由有動機和高技能的行爲者實施的,他們的資源越來越充足。我們的IT系統和基礎設施以及我們所依賴的各種第三方的系統和基礎設施已經並可能繼續經歷各種網絡攻擊,包括但不限於未經授權的訪問、惡意代碼執行和/或網絡釣魚攻擊,這些攻擊已經並可能在未來導致我們和我們客戶的個人、機密或專有信息被訪問、銷燬、丟失、被盜或以其他方式受損,並增加了網絡安全措施或補救的成本。例如,通過我們的網絡安全監控工具和流程,我們最近在我們的部分IT系統上發現了未經授權的活動,其中與BD的IT基礎設施和某些BD診斷解決方案(BD PYXIS)的服務憑據相關的某些信息TM,以及實驗室、醫院和藥房使用的Parata產品(「產品服務證書」)被訪問和/或滲出。在意識到這些事件後,BD終止了未經授權的訪問,應用了額外的安全措施,並正在與客戶合作更新這些產品服務憑據。雖然未經授權方必須侵入客戶的本地網絡,在某些情況下,可能還需要親自到場才能使用這些產品服務憑證,但在這些憑證更新之前,存在未經授權訪問的風險,這可能會影響相關產品和相關係統或數據的機密性、完整性和/或可用性。到目前爲止,我們還沒有發現任何未經授權使用這些產品服務憑據的情況。截至提交本文件之日,該等事件並未對屋宇署的整體業務運作、財務狀況或經營結果造成重大影響,我們預計亦不會。

我們的運營結果可能會受到原材料、零部件、勞動力、運費、能源和其他生產成本波動的負面影響,這反過來又會增加我們產品的生產和分銷成本。爲應對氣候變化而通過的新法律或法規也可能增加能源、轉換和交通成本,以及某些原材料和部件的成本。特別是,我們購買樹脂供應,這是用於製造某些產品的油基組件,以及由於通脹壓力、供應限制、法規變化或其他原因而導致的樹脂成本的顯著增加。, 可能對未來的經營業績產生不利影響。油價上漲也會增加我們的包裝和交通成本。我們產品的生產和分銷所需的原材料、交通、建築、服務和能源的成本繼續增加,而且波動很大。這些價格可能會繼續基於許多我們無法控制的因素而波動。雖然我們已經實施了成本控制措施,進行了選擇性的價格上漲,並採取了其他行動來緩解我們供應鏈中的這些通脹壓力,但我們可能無法完全抵消我們運營成本的所有增長。




在這些國家銷售我們的產品。此外,我們已經或未來可能對我們的產品進行的更改已經或可能在未來受到美國或外國監管機構的審查,包括額外的510(K)審批、PMA批准和其他營銷授權(例如但不限於,關於BD AlarisTM泵及相關機組和BD真空容器TM)。我們過去曾對我們的某些產品進行過修改,並根據我們對內部文件和數據以及適用的FDA或外國法規和指南的審查確定,在某些情況下,不需要新的510(K)許可或其他上市前提交。我們可能會在未來進行類似的修改或添加我們認爲不需要新的批准或批准的額外功能。如果FDA或外國監管機構不同意我們的決定,我們可能會被要求停止營銷和/或召回修改後的產品,直到我們獲得新的營銷授權,這可能會導致收入損失、額外成本和我們的聲譽受損。這種不遵守也可能使公司受到民事和刑事、金錢和非金錢處罰,或正在對該領域的產品採取的其他行動。營銷授權和獲得授權所需的時間是不確定的,我們可能無法在我們預期的時間表或條件下獲得此類授權,甚至根本無法獲得。我們從FDA或外國監管機構獲得並保持監管批准的能力可能很困難,可能會增加合規成本,並影響我們銷售產品的能力。
我們的CareFusion 303,Inc.該子公司是根據影響我們在美國的BD Alaris™輸液泵業務的同意令運營的。我們目前還在FDA爲我們的分配和樣本管理業務發佈的兩封警告信的情況下運營的。有關同意令和警告信的更多信息,請參閱第1項下的「法規」。業務
如前所述,2023年7月21日,BD更新後的BD Alaris™輸液系統獲得了FDA的510(k)許可,這使得BD Alaris™輸液系統能夠進行補救並重返市場。根據我們對FDA的承諾,美國市場上所有當前的BD Alaris™輸液系統設備將在未來幾年內進行修復或更換爲更新的510(k)批准版本。 BD Alaris™輸液系統的更換或修復以及重返美國市場的總體時間和成本可能會受到客戶準備就緒、供應連續性以及我們與FDA的持續合作等因素的影響。



與Embecta CORP.分拆相關的風險
2022年4月1日,我們完成了Embecta CORP.(Embecta)(納斯達克股票代碼:EMBC)的分拆,該公司持有我們以前的糖尿病護理業務,現在是全球最大的純粹糖尿病管理公司之一。該分拆旨在成爲美國聯邦所得稅目的的免稅交易。 如果BD和Embecta關於各自業務過去和未來行爲以及其他事項的任何事實、假設、陳述和承諾不正確或不符合其他方式,則分拆可能沒有資格享受免稅待遇,這可能會導致BD及其股東承擔重大美國聯邦所得稅責任。


沙娜·尼爾59自2022年4月起擔任執行副總裁兼首席人事官;自2018年4月至2022年3月擔任Owens & Minor首席人力資源官。
米歇爾·奎因56執行副總裁兼總法律顧問自2023年4月起; 2022年2月至2023年4月擔任高級副總裁、副總法律顧問兼首席道德與合規官; 2019年5月至2023年1月擔任高級副總裁、首席道德與合規官、首席監管顧問; 2019年2月至2019年5月擔任高級副總裁、首席合規官。


項目10億。 未解決的員工評論。
項目1C. 網絡安全。
我們努力使BD信息安全政策和程序符合行業最佳實踐,包括NIST網絡安全框架、國際標準化組織/國際電工委員會(IEC)27001:2022年信息安全標準、保險商實驗室(UL)2900-1醫療器械網絡安全標準,以及美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)關於醫療器械網絡安全的上市前和上市後指導。2022年,BD在企業層面通過了國際標準化組織/國際電工委員會27001:2022認證,證明BD的信息安全管理體系(ISMS)符合國際公認的網絡安全標準。2024年7月,BD聘請了第三方核數師完成了其第二次企業級ISO 27001年度監督審計,確定BD繼續滿足這些嚴格的標準。這些政策和程序建立了處理數據、資產、系統和其他技術資源的流程,以幫助保護BD產品、製造和分銷OT、企業IT和BD數據。


項目2. 特性.
- 拉丁美洲和加勒比地區,其中包括阿根廷、巴巴多斯、巴西、智利、哥倫比亞、多米尼加共和國、墨西哥、秘魯和烏拉圭的工廠。
- 加拿大.


項目3. 法律訴訟。
項目4. 礦山安全披露。

項目5. 註冊人普通股市場、相關股東事項和發行人購買股票證券。
BD的普通股在紐約證券交易所上市,代碼爲「RDX」。 截至2024年11月1日,有記錄的股東約爲10,012名。
2024年7月1日至31日1,164 $240.58 — 6,681,777 
2024年8月1日至31日249 232.02 — 6,681,777 
2024年9月1日至30日— — — 6,681,777 
1,413 $239.07 — 6,681,777 
項目6. (保留)


項目7. 管理層對財務狀況和經營成果的討論和分析
Becton,Dickinson and Company(「BD」)是一家全球醫療技術公司,從事醫療保健機構、醫生、生命科學研究人員、臨牀實驗室、製藥行業和公衆使用的廣泛醫療用品、設備、實驗室設備和診斷產品的開發、製造和銷售。該公司的組織結構基於三個主要業務部門:BD醫療(「醫療」)、BD生命科學(「生命科學」)和BD介入(「介入」)。
BD仍然專注於實現持久增長、創造股東價值併爲未來進行適當的投資。BD 2025是我們創造價值的工具,它植根於三個關鍵支柱:增長、簡化和賦權。BD的管理團隊通過持續關注以下基本目標,將我們的運營模式和投資與這些關鍵戰略支柱保持一致:


收購Edwards Lifesciences重症監護產品集團
2024年9月3日,我們完成了對Edwards Lifesciences重症監護產品集團(「重症監護」)的收購,我們將其更名爲BD高級患者監護(「高級患者監護」),總對價爲39.11億美元。高級患者監護是高級監護解決方案的全球領導者,通過其不斷增長的領先監護技術、先進的人工智能臨牀決策工具和強大的創新管道,擴展了BD的智能互聯護理解決方案組合,這些創新管道補充了我們爲手術室和重症監護室提供服務的現有技術。


卷/其他(a)4.2 %
定價0.7 %
收購高級患者監護0.4 %
4.2 %
(a) 數量/其他包括歸因於產品、服務和許可的收入。
(b) 代表與意大利政府醫療器械償還立法相關的最新事態發展以及另一項法律事項產生的應計收益的確認,該事項與本財年之前的幾年實質上相關。有關該等立法和法律事宜的額外披露載於第8項所載的綜合財務報表附註6和8。財務報表和補充數據。

警告信。爲確認我們目前估計的解決分發警告信中確定的不合規情況而預計產生的未來成本的責任,記錄了2800萬美元的費用 銷售產品成本 截至2024年9月30日的三個月期間和財年。該費用包含在下面的「指定項目」部分中,影響了我們截至2024年9月30日財年的財務業績(包含在本10-k表格年度報告中),具體如下:
產品銷售成本 (from收益發佈中報告的110.25億美元至110.53億美元);
營業收入 (from收益發佈中報告的24.25億美元至23.97億美元);
持續經營凈利潤 (from收益發佈中報告的17.26億美元至17.05億美元);和
持續經營業務的稀釋每股收益 (from收益發佈中報告的5.93美元至5.86美元)。
藥物交付解決方案$4,429 $4,293 $4,308 3.2 %(0.1)%3.3 %(0.3)%(1.9)%1.6 %
藥物管理解決方案3,297 2,980 2,533 10.7 %0.2 %10.5 %17.6 %(1.0)%18.6 %
Pharmaceutical Systems2,273 2,229 2,001 2.0 %0.2 %1.8 %11.4 %(1.7)%13.1 %
高級患者監護74 — — NMNMNMNMNMNM
醫療總收入$10,074 $9,502 $8,841 6.0 %— %6.0 %7.5 %(1.6)%9.1 %

藥物管理解決方案部門藥房自動化產品組合的強勁表現,包括我們在2022財年收購的Parata Systems和我們的BD Rowa™技術,以及配藥系統銷售的強勁增長。2023年,該部門最近收購的收入增長約爲9.3%。

醫療板塊營業收入$2,742 $1,967 $2,215 
分部營業收入佔醫療收入的百分比27.2 %20.7 %25.1 %

與2023年毛利率相比有利,毛利率受到與藥物管理解決方案部門與Alaris相關的補救工作相關的估計未來成本相關的65300萬美元費用的影響TM 輸液泵以及持續改進項目和其他生產力舉措提高了我們運營效率的生產成本降低;部分抵消了
上述65300萬美元的費用與產品補救工作有關,而2022年的費用與同樣的工作有關,爲7200萬美元。 2023財年的費用對毛利率影響約6.9%。


集成診斷解決方案$3,679 $3,624 $4,185 1.5 %(0.1)%1.6 %(13.4)%(2.0)%(11.4)%
Biosciences1,512 1,509 1,379 0.2 %— %0.2 %9.4 %(2.2)%11.6 %
生命科學總收入$5,191 $5,133 $5,564 1.1 %— %1.1 %(7.8)%(2.1)%(5.7)%

與BD Veritor上僅COVID-19診斷測試相關的收入TM Plus和BD MaxTM 集成診斷解決方案部門的系統收入爲7300萬美元,而2022年收入爲51100萬美元,與集成診斷解決方案部門流感/COVID-19組合檢測試劑盒2022年的強勁銷售額相比不利,以及2023年美國分銷商對樣本管理產品的去庫存化;部分抵消了這一影響
集成診斷解決方案部門微生物學平台的增長以及分子診斷平台的增長,該平台利用了我們更大的BD MAX安裝基礎TM樂器。
生命科學分部營業收入$1,595 $1,585 $1,710 
分部營業收入佔生命科學收入的百分比30.7 %30.9 %30.7 %


手術$1,492 $1,497 $1,400 (0.3)%(0.1)%(0.2)%6.9 %(1.3)%8.2 %
外周介入1,933 1,865 1,759 3.7 %(0.4)%4.1 %6.0 %(2.9)%8.9 %
泌尿科和重症監護1,554 1,374 1,305 13.1 %(0.5)%13.6 %5.3 %(1.8)%7.1 %
干預總收入$4,980 $4,736 $4,464 5.1 %(0.4)%5.5 %6.1 %(2.0)%8.1 %

泌尿科和重症監護部門的PureWick銷售額實現兩位數增長TM 產品和當年的許可收入。
對泌尿科和重症監護室PureWick的需求持續強勁TM 急症和替代護理環境中的服務。

介入板塊營業收入$1,420 $1,217 $1,081 
分部營業收入佔干預收入的百分比28.5 %25.7 %24.2 %

美國$11,663 $11,113 $10,722 4.9 %— 4.9 %3.7 %— 3.7 %
國際8,515 8,258 8,148 3.1 %(0.2)%3.3 %1.4 %(4.2)%5.6 %
總收入$20,178 $19,372 $18,870 4.2 %(0.1)%4.2 %2.7 %(1.8)%4.5 %


新興市場$3,054 $2,966 $2,904 3.0 %(0.6)%3.6 %2.1 %(3.6)%5.7 %

整合成本 (a)
$23 $67 $68 
重組成本 (a)
387 239 123 
交易成本 (b)
48 — — 
融資成本 (b)
(8)— — 
與分居相關的物品 (c)
13 14 20 
採購會計調整 (d)
1,503 1,434 1,431 
產品、訴訟和其他項目 (e)
346 554 268 
歐洲監管舉措相關成本 (f)
104 139 146 
債務貧困的影響— — 24 
指定項目總數2,416 2,448 2,082 
減:指定項目的稅收影響297 399 366 
指定項目的稅後影響$2,119 $2,050 $1,716 
(a)代表與重組和整合活動相關的金額,記錄在 整合、重組和交易費用 並在下面進一步討論。
(b)代表交易成本,記錄在 整合、重組和交易費用、以及融資影響,記錄在 利息收入利息開支,與高級患者監護採集相關。
(c)代表記錄到的成本 其他營業費用(收入),淨額 並與BD前糖尿病護理業務的分離有關。
(d)包括與收購的採購會計相關的攤銷和其他調整。BD的攤銷費用記錄在 銷售產品成本.
(e)包括某些不屬於日常運營並影響所列期間可比性的(收入)支出項目。此類項目可能包括某些產品補救成本、某些產品責任和法律辯護成本、某些投資損益、某些資產減損費用以及某些養老金結算成本。2024年的金額主要記錄到 收入

其他營業費用(收入),淨額,主要與立法和法律事務相關,正如上面在地理收入討論中以及下面在討論中進一步討論的那樣 其他營業費用(收入),淨額.有關該等立法和法律事宜的額外披露載於第8項所載的綜合財務報表附註6和8。財務報表和補充數據。2024年、2023年和2022年的金額包括 銷售產品成本 分別爲3800萬美元、65300萬美元和7200萬美元,以記錄或調整產品補救工作的未來估計成本。2023年和2022年的金額還包括分別5700萬美元和7300萬美元的養老金結算費用,這些費用記錄到 其他費用,淨額。 2022年的金額還包括與非現金資產減損相關的5400萬美元費用,該費用記錄爲 銷售產品的成本。 2023年和2022年的金額還包括記錄到的某些金額 其他營業費用(收入),淨額,下文將進一步詳細說明。
(f)代表開發流程和系統以初步符合歐盟醫療器械法規和歐盟體外診斷醫療器械法規而產生的成本,這代表了對現有監管框架的重大、不尋常的變化。我們認爲這些成本與之前發生的成本和/或一次性成本重複,這些成本僅限於特定時間段。這些費用記錄在 銷售產品成本研發費用,包括勞動力、其他服務和諮詢(特別是研發和臨牀試驗)以及用品、差旅和其他雜項成本。

上年同期毛利率%42.2 %44.9 %
採購會計調整和其他指定項目的影響3.2 %(2.5)%
經營業績0.7 %0.1 %
當年毛利率%45.2 %42.2 %


銷售和管理費用$4,857 $4,719 $4,709 
佔收入的百分比24.1 %24.4 %25.0 %(30)(60)
研發費用$1,190 $1,237 $1,256 
佔收入的百分比5.9 %6.4 %6.7 %(50)(30)
整合、重組和交易費用$458 $313 $192 
其他營業費用(收入),淨額$222 $(210)$37 

與2022年相比,2023年銷售和管理費用佔收入的比例下降,主要反映了2023年收入的增加和有利的外幣兌換,但部分被2023年銷售成本的增加以及由於市場表現導致的遞延薪酬計劃負債的增加所抵消。遞延補償計劃資產的投資收益記錄至 其他費用,淨額.
2024年、2023年和2022年的集成費用主要包括與系統集成和我們2022年收購Parata Systems相關的成本。2024年、2023年和2022年的重組費用主要包括與簡化和其他成本節約舉措相關的重組費用。2024年的交易成本包括與我們收購高級患者監護協議相關的法律、諮詢和其他成本。有關重組相關成本的進一步披露,請參閱第8項合併財務報表附註12。財務報表和補充數據。

SEC調查產生估計責任的費用(見注6)$175 $— $— 
其他因法律事項記錄的金額(見注6)79 — — 
產品負債記錄的金額,包括相關防禦成本(見注6)(36)26 21 
與分居相關的物品13 14 20 
出售業務確認的收益(見注2)— (268)— 
其他(9)18 (4)
其他營業費用(收入),淨額$222 $(210)$37 

利息收入163 49 16 
2024年利息費用高於2023年,主要反映了未償債務的總體利率高於2024年9月30日未償債務總額高於2023年9月30日,這反映了我們在2024財年第三季度發行的債務,以支付我們收購高級患者監護時的現金對價。與2022年相比,2023年利息支出較高,主要歸因於2023年全年未償商業票據借款水平較高以及未償債務整體利率較高。 有關我們的融資安排和債務工具的額外披露載於第8項所載的綜合財務報表附註16。財務報表和補充數據。
持續經營的有效所得稅率15.0 %7.9 %8.3 %
指定項目的影響(以點子爲單位)150 (500)(500)



持續經營凈利潤(百萬美元)$1,705 $1,530 $1,635 
持續經營業務稀釋每股收益$5.86 $5.10 $5.38 
不利影響指定物品$7.28 $7.11 $5.97 
我們有選擇地使用金融工具來管理市場風險,主要是與我們持續業務運營相關的外幣匯率風險和利率風險。這些合同的交易對手是評級很高的金融機構。我們不會出於交易或投機目的而購買金融工具。 有關我們衍生工具的額外披露載於第8項所載的綜合財務報表附註14。財務報表和補充數據。
美元貶值10%$147 $100 


利率下降10%$12 $$(5)$(2)

我們強大的財務狀況和現金流表現使我們有能力通過研發投資以及戰略收購加速創新管道。我們相信,我們的可用現金和現金等值物、我們產生經營現金流的能力,以及(如果需要)我們從融資機制中獲得借款的機會,爲我們提供了足夠的流動性來滿足我們可預見的經營需求。 下表概述了我們2024年、2023年和2022年的合併現金流量表:
經營活動$3,844 $2,990 $2,471 
融資活動$2,087 $(1,956)$(736)


我們對資本支出的投資集中在能夠增強我們的成本結構和製造能力的項目,以及支持我們的BD 2025增長和簡化戰略。2024年、2023年和2022年資本支出分別爲72500萬美元、87400萬美元和97300萬美元,主要與製造產能擴張有關。按分部劃分的支出詳情載於第8項所載的綜合財務報表附註8。財務報表和補充數據。
2024年收購的現金流出歸因於2024年第四季度收購的高級患者監護。2022年收購的現金流出反映了與2022年第四季度收購Parata Systems相關的15.48億美元對價,以及與我們作爲增長戰略一部分而執行的各種戰略收購相關的現金支付,包括我們收購MedKeeper、Scanwell Health,Inc、Tissuemed,Ltd.和Vacend,Inc.

短期債務變化$400 $(230)$230 
長期債務收益$4,517 $1,662 $497 
股票回購$(500)$— $(500)
來自Embecta CORP.的分發(見註釋2)$— $— $1,266 
分拆後向Embecta淨轉移現金$— $— $(265)


債務總額(數百萬美元)$20,110 $15,879 $16,065 
總債務加權平均成本3.4 %3.0 %2.8 %
總債務佔總資本的百分比(a)42.9 %37.2 %37.3 %
(a) 代表股東權益、非流動遞延所得稅負債淨額和債務。

我們有一項高級無擔保循環信貸安排,將於2027年9月到期。該信貸安排提供最高27.5美元的億借款,信用證和Swingline貸款的單獨子限額分別爲10000美元萬和19400美元萬。2024年7月延長的信貸安排的到期日可延長最多一年,但須受某些限制(包括貸款人的同意)。信貸安排規定,在貸款人做出額外承諾的情況下,我們可以請求額外50000美元的萬融資,根據信貸安排,我們的總承諾最高可達32.5億美元億。該項融資所得款項可用於一般企業用途,而BD的間接全資財務附屬公司Becton Dickinson Euro Finance S.àR.L.獲授權根據信貸融資作爲額外借款人。截至2024年9月30日,循環信貸安排下沒有未償還的借款。
我們可能會在業務活動的正常過程中訪問商業票據計劃。我們的美國和多貨幣歐元商業票據計劃在這兩個計劃下提供的最高無擔保借款金額總計爲27.5億美元。這些計劃的收益可用於運營資本目的和一般企業目的,其中可能包括收購、股票回購和償還債務。截至2024年9月30日,我們有40000萬美元的未償商業票據借款。 我們在美國境外還有其他非正式信貸額度。此外,在我們的正常業務活動過程中,我們根據代理協議將某些貿易應收資產轉讓給第三方。有關銷售貿易應收賬款資產的額外披露載於第8項所載的綜合財務報表附註15。財務報表和補充數據。


   S律師事務所  穆迪惠譽
高級無擔保債務  BBB  Baa2BBB
商業票據  A-2  P-2F2
展望  穩定  穩定穩定


我們與某些組織單位(包括藥物管理解決方案、綜合診斷解決方案和生物科學)的客戶簽訂的協議包含多項績效義務,包括上述產品和某些服務。確定產品和服務是否被視爲應單獨覈算的獨特績效義務可能需要判斷。 該等協議的交易價格根據其相對獨立售價分配給每項履行義務。獨立售價是我們將向客戶單獨銷售承諾的商品或服務的金額。我們通常使用標價並考慮向客戶提供的典型折扣來估計獨立售價。 使用替代估計可能會導致不同金額的收入推遲。

我們已經審查了在美國可能將外國子公司未分配收益匯回的需求,並繼續將外國子公司收益投資於美國境外,以資助外國投資或滿足外國運營資金以及不動產、廠房和設備支出需求。 因此,截至2024年9月30日,我們的所有歷史外匯收入都將被永久再投資。 有關我們所得稅會計處理的額外披露見第8項所載的合併財務報表附註17。財務報表和補充數據。


在適當的情況下,在與外部法律顧問就每一事項的性質、時間和程度進行諮詢後製定應計項目。隨着個別事項的新信息的可用或由於我們的訴訟策略的變化,應計收益未來可能會發生變化。 當被認爲有可能實現追回時,我們記錄從產品責任保險公司或其他各方獲得的預期追回,最高可達已確認的損失金額。


貼現率-在其他假設保持不變的情況下,正(負)25個點子的變化將對美國淨養老金總額以及其他退休後和就業後福利計劃成本產生估計100萬美元的有利(不利)影響。 該估計假設用於繪製個體現貨利率的公司特定收益率曲線的形狀或陡度沒有變化,該利率將應用於未來現金流出以用於未來福利支付,以計算利息和服務成本。
The impact of inflation and disruptions in our global supply chain on BD and our suppliers (particularly sole-source suppliers and providers of sterilization services), including fluctuations in the cost and availability of oil-based resins and other raw materials, as well as certain components, used in the production or sterilization of our products, transportation constraints, disruptions and delays, product shortages, energy shortages or increased energy costs, labor shortages or disputes, and increased operating and labor costs.

Table of Contents
Conditions in international markets, including social and political conditions, geopolitical developments such as the continuation and/or escalation of the evolving situations in Ukraine, the Middle East and Asia, civil unrest, political conflict, terrorist activity, governmental changes, restrictions on the ability to transfer capital across borders, economic sanctions, export controls, tariffs and other protectionist measures, barriers to market participation (such as local company and products preferences), difficulties in protecting and enforcing our intellectual property rights, and governmental expropriation of assets. Our international operations also increase our compliance risks, including risks under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and other anti-corruption and bribery laws, as well as regulatory and privacy laws.
Cost-containment efforts in the U.S. or in other countries in which we do business, such as alternative payment reform, government-imposed pay back provisions, increased use of competitive bidding and tenders, including, without limitation, any expansion of the volume-based procurement process in China or the implementation of similar cost-containment efforts.
Competitive factors that could adversely affect our operations, including new product introductions and technologies, including the use of artificial intelligence, by our current or future competitors, consolidation or strategic alliances among healthcare companies, distributors and/or payers of healthcare to improve their competitive position or develop new models for the delivery of healthcare, increased pricing pressure due to the impact of low-cost manufacturers, patents attained by competitors (particularly as patents on our products expire), new entrants into our markets and changes in the practice of medicine.
Changes in the way healthcare services are delivered, including transition of more care from acute to non-acute settings and increased focus on chronic disease management, which may affect the demand for our products and services. Additionally, budget constraints and staffing shortages, particularly shortages of nursing staff, may affect the prioritization of healthcare services, which could also impact the demand for certain of our products and services.
Our ability to achieve our projected level or mix of product sales, as our earnings forecasts are based on projected sales volumes and pricing of many product types, some of which are more profitable than others.
Changes in coverage policies or reimbursement levels, or adverse decisions relating to our products and services by governments or third-party payers, which could reduce demand for our products or the price we can charge for such products.
Product efficacy or safety concerns or non-compliance with applicable regulatory requirements regarding our products (such as non-compliance of our products with registration requirements resulting from modifications to such products, or other factors, including, but not limited to, with respect to BD Alaris™ pumps and related sets and BD VacutainerTM) resulting in product recalls, lost revenue or other actions being taken with respect to products in the field or the ability to continue selling new products to customers (including restrictions on future product clearances and civil penalties), product liability or other claims and damage to our reputation. As a result of the CareFusion acquisition, our U.S. infusion pump business is operating under a Consent Decree with the FDA. The Consent Decree authorizes the FDA, in the event of any violations in the future, to order our U.S. infusion pump business to cease manufacturing and distributing products, recall products or take other actions, and order the payment of significant monetary damages if the business subject to the decree fails to comply with any provision of the Consent Decree. In accordance with our commitments to the FDA, the overall timing of replacement or remediation of the BD Alaris™ Infusion Systems and return to market in the U.S. may be impacted by, among other things, customer readiness, supply continuity and our continued engagement with the FDA.
Changes in the domestic and foreign healthcare industry, in medical practices or in patient preferences that result in a reduction in procedures using our products or increased pricing pressures, including cost-reduction measures instituted by and the continued consolidation among healthcare providers.

Table of Contents
The effects of regulatory or other events (such as public health crises) that adversely impact our supply chain, including our ability to manufacture (including sterilize) our products (particularly where production of a product line or sterilization operations are concentrated in one or a few plants), source materials or components or services from suppliers (including sole-source suppliers) that are needed for such manufacturing (including sterilization), or provide products to our customers, including events that impact key distributors. In particular, there has been increased regulatory focus on the use and emission of ethylene oxide in sterilization processes, and additional regulatory requirements may be imposed in the future that could adversely impact BD or our third-party sterilization providers.
IT system disruptions, breaches or breakdowns, including through cyberattacks, ransom attacks or cyber-intrusion, which could impair our ability or that of our customers, suppliers and other business partners to conduct business, result in the loss of BD trade secrets or otherwise compromise sensitive information of BD or its customers, suppliers and other business partners, or of patients, including sensitive personal data, or result in efficacy or safety concerns for certain of our products, and result in investigations, legal proceedings, liability, expense or reputational damage or actions by regulatory bodies or civil litigation.
Difficulties inherent in product development, including the potential inability to successfully continue technological innovation, successfully complete clinical trials, obtain and maintain regulatory approvals and registrations in the U.S. and abroad, obtain intellectual property protection for our products, obtain coverage and adequate reimbursement for new products, or gain and maintain market approval of products, as well as the possibility of infringement claims by competitors with respect to patents or other intellectual property rights, all of which could preclude or delay commercialization of a product. Delays in obtaining necessary approvals or clearances from the FDA or other regulatory agencies or changes in the regulatory process may also delay product launches and increase development costs.
The impact of changes in U.S. federal or foreign laws and policies that could affect fiscal and tax policies, taxation (including tax reforms, such as the implementation of a global minimum tax, that could adversely impact multinational corporations), and international trade, including import and export regulation and international trade agreements. In particular, tariffs, sanctions or other trade barriers imposed by the U.S. or other countries could adversely impact our supply chain costs or otherwise adversely impact our results of operations.
Deficit reduction efforts or other actions that reduce the availability of government funding for healthcare and research, which could weaken demand for our products and result in additional pricing pressures, as well as create potential collection risks associated with such sales.
Fluctuations in university or U.S. and international governmental funding and policies for life sciences research.
The impact of business combinations or divestitures, including any volatility in earnings relating to acquisition-related costs, and our ability to successfully integrate any business we may acquire.
Risks relating to our overall level of indebtedness, including our ability to service our debt and refinance our indebtedness, which is dependent upon the capital markets and the overall macroeconomic environment and our financial condition at such time.
Any impact that public health crises, such as pandemics and epidemics may have on our business, the global economy and the global healthcare system. This may include decreases in the demand for our products, disruptions to our operations or the operations of our suppliers and customers, disruptions to our supply chain, or increases in transportation costs.
The risks associated with the qualification of the spin-off of our former Diabetes Care business as a tax-free transaction for U.S. federal income tax purposes.
Our ability to penetrate or expand our operations in emerging markets, which depends on local economic and political conditions, and how well we are able to make necessary infrastructure enhancements to production facilities and distribution networks.

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Our ability to recruit and retain key employees and the impact of labor conditions which could increase employee turnover or increase our labor and operating costs and negatively affect our ability to efficiently operate our business.
Fluctuations in the demand for products we sell to pharmaceutical companies that are used to manufacture, or are sold with, the products of such companies, as a result of funding constraints, consolidation or otherwise.
The impact of climate change, or legal, regulatory or market measures to address climate change, such as regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, zero-carbon energy and sustainability mandates and related disclosure requirements, and additional taxes on fuel and energy, and changing customer and other stakeholder preferences and requirements, such as those regarding the use of materials of concern, increased demand for products with lower environmental footprints, and for companies to set and demonstrate progress against sustainability goals and greenhouse gas reduction targets.
Natural disasters, including the impacts of hurricanes, tornadoes, windstorms, fires, earthquakes and floods and other extreme weather events, global health pandemics, war, terrorism, labor disruptions and international conflicts that could cause significant economic disruption and political and social instability, resulting in decreased demand for our products, adversely affect our manufacturing and distribution capabilities or cause interruptions in our supply chain.
Pending and potential future litigation or other proceedings asserting, and/or investigations concerning and/or subpoenas and requests seeking information with respect to, alleged violations of law (including in connection with federal and/or state healthcare programs (such as Medicare or Medicaid) and/or sales and marketing practices (such as investigative subpoenas and the civil investigative demands received by BD)), potential anti-corruption and related internal control violations under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, antitrust claims, securities law claims, environmental and product liability matters (including pending claims relating to ethlyene oxide, our hernia repair implant products, surgical continence and pelvic organ prolapse products for women, vena cava filter products and implantable ports, which involve, or could involve in the future, lawsuits seeking class action status or seeking to establish multi-district or other consolidated proceedings), data privacy breaches and patent infringement, and the availability or collectability of insurance relating to any such claims.
New or changing laws and regulations affecting our domestic and foreign operations, or changes in enforcement practices, including, without limitation, laws relating to sales practices, environmental protection and reporting, price controls, privacy, data protection, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, employment, labor, and licensing and regulatory requirements for new products and products in the post-marketing phase. In particular, the U.S. and other countries may impose new requirements regarding registration, labeling or prohibited materials that may require us to re-register products already on the market or otherwise impact our ability to market our products. Environmental laws, particularly with respect to the emission of greenhouse gases, are also becoming more stringent throughout the world, which may increase our costs of operations or necessitate changes in our manufacturing plants or processes or those of our suppliers, or result in liability to BD.
The effect of adverse media exposure or other publicity regarding BD’s business or operations, including the effect on BD’s reputation or demand for its products.
The effect of market fluctuations on the value of assets in BD’s pension plans and on actuarial interest rate and asset return assumptions, which could require BD to make additional contributions to the plans or increase our pension plan expense.
Our ability to obtain the anticipated benefits of restructuring programs, if any, that we may undertake.
The foregoing list sets forth many, but not all, of the factors that could impact our ability to achieve results described in any forward-looking statements. Investors should understand that it is not possible to predict or identify all such factors and should not consider this list to be a complete statement of all potential risks and uncertainties.

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Item 7A.    Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk.
The information required by this item is included in Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, and in Notes 1, 14 and 15 to the consolidated financial statements contained in Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data, and is incorporated herein by reference.


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Item 8.    Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.

Reports of Management
Management’s Responsibilities
The following financial statements have been prepared by management in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles and include, where required, amounts based on the best estimates and judgments of management. The integrity and objectivity of data in the financial statements and elsewhere in this Annual Report are the responsibility of management.
In fulfilling its responsibilities for the integrity of the data presented and to safeguard the Company’s assets, management employs a system of internal accounting controls designed to provide reasonable assurance, at appropriate cost, that the Company’s assets are protected and that transactions are appropriately authorized, recorded and summarized. This system of control is supported by the selection of qualified personnel, by organizational assignments that provide appropriate delegation of authority and division of responsibilities, and by the dissemination of written policies and procedures. This control structure is further reinforced by a program of internal audits, including a policy that requires responsive action by management.
The Board of Directors monitors the internal control system, including internal accounting and financial reporting controls, through its Audit Committee, which consists of five independent Directors. The Audit Committee meets periodically with the independent registered public accounting firm, the internal auditors and management to review the work of each and to satisfy itself that they are properly discharging their responsibilities. The independent registered public accounting firm and the internal auditors have full and free access to the Audit Committee and meet with its members, with and without management present, to discuss the scope and results of their audits including internal control, auditing and financial reporting matters.
Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting, as defined in Rule 13a-15(f) under the Securities Act of 1934, as amended. Management conducted an assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting based on the criteria established in Internal Control-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2013 framework).
On September 3, 2024, the Company completed the acquisition of Edwards Lifesciences’ Critical Care product group (“Critical Care”), which was renamed as BD Advanced Patient Monitoring (“Advanced Patient Monitoring”). While the Company has extended its oversight and monitoring processes that support its internal control over financial reporting, as well as its disclosure controls and procedures, the Company continues to integrate the acquired operations of Advanced Patient Monitoring. As such, the Company has excluded Advanced Patient Monitoring from its evaluation of internal control over financial reporting. This exclusion is in accordance with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's general guidance that a recently acquired business may be omitted from the assessment scope for up to one year from the date of acquisition. The Advanced Patient Monitoring business had total assets that represented approximately 2% of the Company's consolidated total assets at September 30, 2024, and total revenues that represented less than 1% of the Company's consolidated revenues for fiscal year 2024.
Based on the Company's assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting and the criteria noted above, management concluded that internal control over financial reporting was effective as of September 30, 2024.


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The financial statements and internal control over financial reporting have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm. Ernst & Young’s reports with respect to fairness of the presentation of the financial statements, and the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, are included herein.
/s/ Thomas E. Polen  /s/ Christopher J. DelOrefice  
Thomas E. Polen  Christopher J. DelOrefice  
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President  Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer   

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Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Shareholders and the Board of Directors of
Becton, Dickinson and Company
Opinion on the Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Becton, Dickinson and Company (the “Company”) as of September 30, 2024 and 2023, the related consolidated statements of income, comprehensive income and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended September 30, 2024, and the related notes (collectively referred to as the “consolidated financial statements”). In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company at September 30, 2024 and 2023, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended September 30, 2024, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.
We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the Company's internal control over financial reporting as of
September 30, 2024, based on criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2013 framework), and our report dated November 27, 2024 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.
Basis for Opinion
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the PCAOB and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Critical Audit Matters
The critical audit matters communicated below are matters arising from the current period audit of the financial statements that were communicated or required to be communicated to the audit committee and that: (1) relate to accounts or disclosures that are material to the financial statements and (2) involved our especially challenging, subjective, or complex judgments. The communication of critical audit matters does not alter in any way our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, taken as a whole, and we are not, by communicating the critical audit matters below, providing separate opinions on the critical audit matters or on the accounts or disclosures to which they relate.

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Business Combination
Description of the Matter
As disclosed in Note 11 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company completed the acquisition of Edwards Lifesciences’ Critical Care product group, which was renamed as BD Advanced Patient Monitoring, for total consideration of $3.911 billion. The transaction was accounted for as a business combination.

Auditing the Company’s accounting for the acquisition was complex due to the significant estimation required by management to determine the preliminary fair value of certain identified intangible assets which consisted of developed technology intangible assets of $714 million and customer relationships intangible assets of $650 million. The Company used an income approach to measure the technology-related intangible assets and certain customer relationship-related assets. The significant assumptions used to estimate the value of the intangible assets included discount rates and revenue growth rates which are forward looking and could be affected by future economic and market conditions.
How We Addressed the Matter in Our Audit
We obtained an understanding, evaluated the design and tested the operating effectiveness of the controls over the Company’s accounting for business combinations. For example, we tested controls over the identification and valuation of intangible assets, including the valuation models, and underlying assumptions used to develop such estimates. We read the purchase agreement, evaluated the significant assumptions and methods used in developing the fair value estimates, and tested the recognition of the identifiable intangible assets acquired at fair value and goodwill.

To test the estimated fair value of the intangible assets, we performed audit procedures that included, among others, evaluating the Company's use of the income approach and testing the significant assumptions used in the models, as described above. We evaluated the completeness and accuracy of the underlying data used in the analyses. For example, we compared the significant assumptions to current industry, market, and economic trends, to the historical results of the acquired business, and to other guideline companies within the same industry. We involved our valuation specialists to assist with our evaluation of the methodology used by the Company and significant assumptions included in the fair value estimates.

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Income taxes — Uncertain tax positions
Description of the Matter
As discussed in Notes 1 and 17 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company conducts business in numerous countries and as a result, files tax returns in those locations. Uncertain tax positions may arise for multiple reasons including, but not limited to, the interpretation of global tax rules and regulations. The Company uses judgment to (1) determine whether, based on the technical merits, a tax position is more likely than not to be sustained and (2) measure the amount of tax benefit that qualifies for recognition. The Company has recorded a liability of $257 million related to uncertain tax positions as of September 30, 2024.

Due to the inherent uncertainty in predicting the resolution of these tax matters, auditing the Company’s uncertain tax positions involved complex analysis and auditor judgment. This also required the use of tax subject matter resources to determine whether the more likely than not criteria was met.
How We Addressed the Matter in Our Audit
We obtained an understanding, evaluated the design and tested the operating effectiveness of controls over management’s accounting for uncertain tax positions, including assessment of the technical merits of tax positions.
To evaluate whether the technical merits of uncertain tax positions are more likely than not sustainable, our audit procedures included, among others, evaluation of applicable tax law, tax regulations and other regulatory guidance by our tax subject matter professionals. We also involved our tax subject matter professionals in verifying our understanding of the relevant facts and analysis, by assessing the Company’s correspondence with the relevant tax authorities and evaluating third-party advice obtained by the Company. We also evaluated the adequacy of the Company’s income tax disclosures included in Note 17 to the consolidated financial statements in relation to these matters.

We have served as the Company's auditor since 1959.
New York, New York
November 27, 2024

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Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
To the Shareholders and the Board of Directors of
Becton, Dickinson and Company
Opinion on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
We have audited Becton, Dickinson and Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of September 30, 2024, based on criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2013 framework), (the COSO criteria). In our opinion, Becton, Dickinson and Company (the Company) maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of September 30, 2024, based on the COSO criteria.
As indicated in the accompanying Management's Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting, management’s assessment of and conclusion on the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting did not include the internal controls of BD Advanced Patient Monitoring, which is included in the 2024 consolidated financial statements of the Company and constituted 2% of total assets as of September 30, 2024 and less than 1% of revenues for the year then ended. Our audit of internal control over financial reporting of the Company also did not include an evaluation of the internal control over financial reporting of BD Advanced Patient Monitoring.
We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the consolidated balance sheets of the Company as of September 30, 2024 and 2023, the related consolidated statements of income, comprehensive income and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended September 30, 2024, and the related notes and our report dated November 27, 2024 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.
Basis for Opinion
The Company’s management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting included in the accompanying Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audit. We are a public accounting firm registered with the PCAOB and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects.
Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk, and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.


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Definition and Limitations of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.
Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

New York, New York
November 27, 2024

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Consolidated Statements of Income
Becton, Dickinson and Company
Years Ended September 30
Millions of dollars, except per share amounts202420232022
Revenues$20,178 $19,372 $18,870 
Cost of products sold11,053 11,202 10,393 
Selling and administrative expense4,857 4,719 4,709 
Research and development expense1,190 1,237 1,256 
Integration, restructuring and transaction expense458 313 192 
Other operating expense (income), net222 (210)37 
Total Operating Costs and Expenses17,780 17,261 16,588 
Operating Income2,397 2,111 2,282 
Interest expense(528)(452)(398)
Interest income163 49 16 
Other expense, net(28)(46)(117)
Income from Continuing Operations Before Income Taxes2,005 1,662 1,783 
Income tax provision300 132 148 
Net Income from Continuing Operations1,705 1,530 1,635 
(Loss) Income from Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax (46)144 
Net Income1,705 1,484 1,779 
Preferred stock dividends (60)(90)
Net income applicable to common shareholders$1,705 $1,424 $1,689 
Basic Earnings per Share
Income from Continuing Operations$5.88 $5.14 $5.42 
(Loss) Income from Discontinued Operations (0.16)0.50 
Basic Earnings per Share$5.88 $4.97 $5.93 
Diluted Earnings per Share
Income from Continuing Operations$5.86 $5.10 $5.38 
(Loss) Income from Discontinued Operations (0.16)0.50 
Diluted Earnings per Share$5.86 $4.94 $5.88 
Amounts may not add due to rounding.
See notes to consolidated financial statements.

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Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
Becton, Dickinson and Company
Years Ended September 30
Millions of dollars202420232022
Net Income$1,705 $1,484 $1,779 
Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income, Net of Tax
Foreign currency translation adjustments(166)(91)305 
Defined benefit pension and postretirement plans14 4 210 
Cash flow hedges(32)27 85 
Unrealized loss on available-for-sale debt securities(1)  
Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income, Net of Tax(184)(60)600 
Comprehensive Income$1,521 $1,424 $2,379 

Amounts may not add due to rounding.
See notes to consolidated financial statements.

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Consolidated Balance Sheets
Becton, Dickinson and Company
September 30
Millions of dollars, except per share amounts and numbers of shares20242023
Current Assets
Cash and equivalents$1,717 $1,416 
Restricted cash139 65 
Short-term investments445 8 
Trade receivables, net3,033 2,534 
Inventories3,843 3,273 
Prepaid expenses and other1,292 1,380 
Total Current Assets10,468 8,676 
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net6,821 6,557 
Goodwill26,465 24,522 
Developed Technology, Net7,733 8,058 
Customer Relationships, Net2,635 2,338 
Other Intangibles, Net549 552 
Other Assets2,615 2,078 
Total Assets$57,286 $52,780 
Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity
Current Liabilities
Current debt obligations$2,170 $1,141 
Accounts payable1,896 1,641 
Accrued expenses3,476 2,604 
Salaries, wages and related items1,246 1,115 
Income taxes168 139 
Total Current Liabilities8,956 6,641 
Long-Term Debt17,940 14,738 
Long-Term Employee Benefit Obligations942 1,023 
Deferred Income Taxes and Other Liabilities3,558 4,582 
Commitments and Contingencies (See Note 6)
Shareholders’ Equity
Common stock — $1 par value: authorized — 640,000,000 shares; issued — 370,594,401 shares in 2024 and 2023.
371 371 
Capital in excess of par value19,893 19,720 
Retained earnings16,139 15,535 
Deferred compensation25 24 
Treasury stock — 81,493,082 shares in 2024 and 80,202,608 shares in 2023.
Accumulated other comprehensive loss(1,732)(1,548)
Total Shareholders’ Equity25,890 25,796 
Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity$57,286 $52,780 
Amounts may not add due to rounding.
See notes to consolidated financial statements.

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Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Becton, Dickinson and Company
Years Ended September 30
Millions of dollars202420232022
Operating Activities
Net income$1,705 $1,484 $1,779 
Less: (Loss) income from discontinued operations, net of tax (46)144 
Income from continuing operations, net of tax1,705 1,530 1,635 
Adjustments to net income from continuing operations to derive net cash provided by continuing operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization2,286 2,288 2,229 
Share-based compensation247 259 233 
Deferred income taxes(211)(622)(120)
Change in operating assets and liabilities:
Trade receivables, net(453)(290)32 
Inventories98 (15)(631)
Prepaid expenses and other23 192 (436)
Accounts payable, income taxes and other liabilities625 (517)(473)
Pension obligation(70)112 (55)
Gain on sale of business (268) 
Product remediation-related charges38 653 72 
Other, net(445)(332)(16)
Net Cash Provided by Continuing Operating Activities3,844 2,990 2,471 
Investing Activities
Capital expenditures(725)(874)(973)
Purchases of investments, net(421)  
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired(3,924) (2,070)
Proceeds from divestitures, net 540  
Other, net(444)(382)(178)
Net Cash Used for Continuing Investing Activities(5,514)(716)(3,220)
Financing Activities
Change in short-term debt400 (230)230 
Proceeds from long-term debt4,517 1,662 497 
Distribution from Embecta Corp. (see Note 2)  1,266 
Net transfer of cash to Embecta upon spin-off  (265)
Payments of debt(1,142)(2,155)(805)
Repurchase of common stock(500) (500)
Dividends paid(1,100)(1,114)(1,082)
Other, net(89)(120)(77)
Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Continuing Financing Activities2,087 (1,956)(736)
Discontinued Operations:
Net cash (used for) provided by operating activities(46)(1)163 
Net cash used for investing activities  (11)
Net cash provided by financing activities  145 
Net Cash (Used for) Provided by Discontinued Operations(46)(1)298 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and equivalents and restricted cash4 5 (45)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Equivalents and Restricted Cash375 322 (1,233)
Opening Cash and Equivalents and Restricted Cash1,481 1,159 2,392 
Closing Cash and Equivalents and Restricted Cash$1,856 $1,481 $1,159 
Amounts may not add due to rounding.
See notes to consolidated financial statements.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Becton, Dickinson and Company
Millions of dollars, except per share amounts or as otherwise specified

Note 1 — Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Basis of Presentation
The accompanying Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements of Becton, Dickinson and Company (the "Company" or "BD") have been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles ("U.S. GAAP"). Within the financial statements and tables presented, certain columns and rows may not add due to the use of rounded numbers for disclosure purposes. Percentages and earnings per share amounts presented are calculated from the underlying amounts. Our fiscal year ends on September 30.
On April 1, 2022, the Company completed the spin-off of its Diabetes Care business as a separate publicly traded company. The historical results of the Diabetes Care business (previously included in BD’s Medical segment) that was contributed to Embecta Corp ("Embecta") in the spin-off were reflected as discontinued operations in the Company’s consolidated financial statements. Additional disclosures regarding the spin-off are provided in Note 2.
Principles of Consolidation
The consolidated financial statements include the Company’s accounts and those of its majority-owned subsidiaries after the elimination of intercompany transactions. The Company has no material interests in variable interest entities.
Cash Equivalents
Cash equivalents consist of all highly liquid investments with a maturity of three months or less at time of purchase.
Restricted Cash
Restricted cash consists of cash restricted from withdrawal and usage and largely represents funds that are restricted for certain product liability matters, which are further discussed in Note 6.
Trade Receivables
The Company grants credit to customers in the normal course of business and the resulting trade receivables are stated at their net realizable value. The allowance for doubtful accounts represents the Company’s estimate of expected credit losses relating to trade receivables and is determined based on historical experience, current conditions, reasonable and supportable forecasts and other specific account data. Amounts are written off against the allowances for doubtful accounts when the Company determines that a customer account is not collectable.
Inventories are stated at the lower of approximate cost or net realizable value determined on the first-in, first-out basis.
Property, Plant and Equipment
Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost, less accumulated depreciation and amortization. Depreciation and amortization are principally provided on the straight-line basis over estimated useful lives, which range from 20 to 45 years for buildings, four to 20 years for machinery and equipment and one to 20

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

years for leasehold improvements. Depreciation and amortization expense was $676 million, $696 million and $672 million in fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022, respectively.
一般而言,外國子公司的功能貨幣是運營的當地貨幣,外國業務的淨資產使用現行匯率兌換爲美元。此類兌換產生的美元結果,以及長期投資性質的公司間餘額的匯率損益,均計入中的外幣兌換調整 累計其他綜合收益(損失)。


世界盃投注 雙色

公司認爲其運輸和裝卸成本是合同履行成本,並將其記錄在 銷售和管理費用。 運費爲美元702 百萬美元733百萬美元和美元751 2024年、2023年和2022年分別爲百萬。
公司爲可能發生且可以合理估計的未來損失建立應計費用。 有關公司或有事項會計處理的額外披露見附註6。
所有衍生品均按公允價值記錄在資產負債表中,公允價值變化目前在收益中確認,除非滿足特定的對沖會計標準。與衍生工具相關的任何遞延損益均在確認基礎對沖交易期間的收入中確認。與公司指定爲淨投資對沖的衍生工具相關的現金流量在合併現金流量表中作爲投資活動報告。所有其他衍生品(包括未指定對沖)的現金流量與相關對沖項目的現金流量分類在同一項目中,該項目通常屬於經營或融資活動。 有關公司衍生工具會計處理的額外披露見附註14。
《減稅和就業法案》於2017年12月22日頒佈,要求美國股東對某些外國子公司賺取的全球無形低稅收入(「GILTI」)徵稅。 該公司已選擇將其到期的GILTI稅款作爲稅款發生當年的期間費用。


世界盃投注 雙色

該公司於2023年8月完成了介入部門手術器械平台的出售。該公司確認了約美元的銷售稅前收益268 百萬,這被記錄爲 其他營業費用(收入),淨額 2023財年。手術器械平台的歷史財務業績尚未被歸類爲已終止業務。
Embecta Corp.的分拆
2022年4月1日,該公司完成了其前糖尿病護理業務的分拆,作爲一家名爲Embecta的獨立上市公司,通過將Embecta的上市普通股(在納斯達克上市,股票代碼「EMBC」)分配給BD截至2022年3月22日(「記錄日期」)營業結束時的記錄股東。截至記錄日期,公司每五股已發行的BD普通股就分配了一股Embecta普通股,股東收到現金來代替Embecta普通股的零碎股份。分拆後,BD沒有保留Embecta的所有權權益。就美國聯邦所得稅而言,該分配預計符合資格,並對公司及其股東視爲免稅。2022年3月31日,Embecta使用部分融資交易收益進行了約美元的現金分配1.266 十億美元給公司。


世界盃投注 雙色

2023財年,公司記錄的費用爲美元46 百萬以內 (損失)終止經營收入,淨 稅收 與與分拆相關的外國稅有關。對於2022財年,上表中, 其他運營費用,淨, 包括$30 公司執行分拆產生的成本和相關剩餘活動的其他成本,以及美元78 公司在分拆日期前發生的數百萬美元離職費用,包括與分拆相關的諮詢、法律、稅務和其他諮詢服務的費用。
的量 收入產品銷售成本 上述已終止業務包括BD和Embecta之間先前消除的公司間交易,該交易導致同期第三方銷售。
2022年7月1日,公司提前採用了FASB發佈的會計準則更新,要求實體在確認和計量企業合併中獲得的合同資產和合同負債時應用會計準則編碼主題606「客戶合同收入」(「ASC 606」)的規定。公司採用本會計準則更新


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2021年9月30日的餘額$365 $19,272 $13,826 $23 (80,164)$(7,723)
淨收入— — 1,779 — — — 
常見($3.48 每股)
— — (992)— — — 
擇優— — (90)— — — 
員工和其他計劃下的股票發行,淨值— (108)(1)— 1,271 44 
股份酬金— 239 — — — — 
信託持有的普通股,淨值(a)— — — — 25 — 
普通股回購— 150 — — (2,415)(650)
— — 634 — — — 
2022年9月30日的餘額$365 $19,553 $15,157 $23 (81,283)$(8,330)
淨收入— — 1,484 — — — 
常見($3.64 每股)
— — (1,046)— — — 
擇優— — (60)— — — 
發行優先股轉換爲普通股的股份(b)6 (4)— — — — 
員工和其他計劃下的股票發行,淨值— (88)— 1 1,056 24 
股份酬金— 259 — — — — 
信託持有的普通股,淨值(a)— — — — 24 — 
2023年9月30日的餘額$371 $19,720 $15,535 $24 (80,203)$(8,305)
淨收入— — 1,705 — — — 
常見($3.80 每股)
— — (1,100)— — — 
員工和其他計劃下的股票發行,淨值— (73)— 1 801 2 
股份酬金— 247 — — — — 
信託持有的普通股,淨值(a)— — — — 27 — 
普通股回購— — — — (2,118)(503)
2024年9月30日的餘額$371 $19,893 $16,139 $25 (81,493)$(8,807)
(b)根據其條款,代表的轉換 1.500 2020年5月發行的百萬股強制可轉換優先股轉換爲 5.955 於2023年6月1日強制轉換日持有100萬股BD普通股。


世界盃投注 雙色

2024財年,公司執行並結算了加速股份回購(「ASB」)協議,以回購 2.118 百萬股普通股,總代價爲美元500 百萬,不包括a 1股票回購美元的消費稅%3 百萬,這是增加到 國庫股票。
2022財年,該公司簽署了一項ASC協議,其中 1.953 2022財年以美元的價格回購並交付了100萬股普通股500 百萬,並記錄爲增加 國庫股票。 同樣在2022財年,美元150 記錄爲百萬, 庫存股,抵消性增加, 超過面值的資本 用於遞送 462 在最終結算2021財年執行的單獨ASB協議後,千股。
上述股份回購是根據董事會於2013年9月24日授權的回購計劃進行的, 10 百萬股,截至2022年9月30日已全部使用,並進行了回購董事會於2021年11月3日授權的e計劃,最多可增加 10 百萬股BD普通股,無到期日。
的組成和變化 累計其他綜合收益 (虧損)如下:
重新分類前的其他全面收益,扣除稅款306 54 169 83  
43  41 2  
251 251    
2022年9月30日的餘額$(1,488)$(987)$(574)$75 $ 
46  41 6  
2023年9月30日的餘額$(1,548)$(1,078)$(571)$103 $ 
42  46 (4) 
2024年9月30日的餘額$(1,732)$(1,244)$(557)$70 $(1)
2024年、2023年和2022年重新分類前在其他全面收益中確認的福利計劃和現金流對沖的稅務影響對公司的合併財務業績並不重大。重新分類的稅收影響 累計其他綜合收益(虧損) 與2024年、2023年和2022年福利計劃和現金流對沖相關的信息對公司的合併財務業績也不重要。


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Note 5 — Earnings per Share
The weighted average common shares used in the computations of basic and diluted earnings per share (shares in thousands) for the years ended September 30 were as follows:
Average common shares outstanding289,763 286,282 285,005 
Dilutive share equivalents from share-based plans (a) (b)1,246 2,110 2,333 
Dilutive share equivalents from Series C preferred shares (c)  26 
Average common and common equivalent shares outstanding — assuming dilution291,009 288,392 287,364 
(a)In 2023 and 2022, dilutive share equivalents associated with mandatory convertible preferred stock of 4 million and 6 million, respectively, were excluded from the diluted shares outstanding calculation because the result would have been antidilutive. All of the mandatory convertible preferred shares outstanding were converted during fiscal year 2023, as further discussed in Note 4.
(b)In 2024, 1 million of certain share-based compensation awards were excluded from the diluted earnings per share calculation as the exercise prices of these awards were greater than the average market price of the Company’s common shares. In 2023 and 2022, no such awards were excluded from the diluted earnings per share calculation. Additional disclosures regarding the Company’s share-based compensation are provided in Note 9.
(c)Represents dilutive share equivalents from Series C preferred shares that temporarily replaced shares of common stock held in trusts to adhere to trust requirements until the Company’s spin-off of its Diabetes Care business on April 1, 2022 was completed.
Note 6 — Commitments and Contingencies
The Company has certain future purchase commitments entered in the normal course of business to meet operational and capital requirements. As of September 30, 2024, these commitments aggregated to approximately $1.831 billion and will be expended over the next several years.
The Company is involved, both as a plaintiff and a defendant, in various legal proceedings that arise in the ordinary course of business, including, without limitation, product liability and environmental matters in certain U.S. and international locations. Given the uncertain nature of litigation generally, the Company is not able, in all cases, to reasonably estimate the amount or range of loss that could result from an unfavorable outcome of litigation in which the Company is a party. Even if the Company believes it has meritorious defenses, from time to time the Company engages in settlement discussions and mediation and considers settlements taking into account various factors including, among other things, developments in such legal proceedings and the resulting risks and uncertainties. These activities have resulted in settlements for certain matters and going forward could result in further settlements, which may be confidential and could be significant and result in charges in excess of accruals.
In accordance with U.S. GAAP, the Company establishes accruals to the extent future losses are probable and reasonably estimable. With respect to putative class action lawsuits and certain tort actions in the United States and certain of the Canadian lawsuits described below or in our other SEC filings, the Company may not be able to determine if a probable loss exists for the following reasons: (i) all or certain of the proceedings are in early stages; (ii) the Company has not received and reviewed complete information regarding all or certain of the plaintiffs and their medical conditions; and/or (iii) there are significant factual issues to be resolved. In

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

addition, there is uncertainty as to the likelihood of a class being certified or the ultimate size of any class. With respect to certain of the civil investigative demands (“CIDs”) served by the Department of Justice which are discussed below, the Company may not be able to determine if a probable loss exists, unless otherwise noted, for the following reasons: (i) all or certain of the proceedings are in early stages; and/or (ii) there are significant factual and legal issues to be resolved.
Product Liability Matters
As of September 30, 2024, the Company is defending approximately 6,610 product liability claims involving the Company’s line of hernia repair devices (collectively, the “Hernia Product Claims”).The Company’s outstanding Hernia Product Claims as of September 30, 2023 were approximately 34,845. The reduction in the number of outstanding claims primarily reflects a settlement agreement that was consummated in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024 to resolve the vast majority of the Company’s existing hernia litigation. The aggregate amount payable pursuant to this settlement is within the Company's current product liability accrual for this matter and will be paid out over a multi-year period. The majority of the outstanding claims are currently pending in a coordinated proceeding in Rhode Island State Court (“RI”) and in a federal multi-district litigation (“MDL”) established in the Southern District of Ohio, but claims are also pending in other state and/or federal court jurisdictions. In addition, outstanding claims include multiple putative class actions in Canada. Generally, the Hernia Product Claims seek damages for personal injury allegedly resulting from use of the products. The Company believes that it has meritorious defenses and is vigorously defending itself in these matters. There are no trials currently scheduled.
The Company also continues to be a defendant in certain other mass tort litigation. As of September 30, 2024, the Company is defending product liability claims involving the Company’s line of pelvic mesh products, the majority of which are pending in a coordinated proceeding in New Jersey Superior Court and in various federal court jurisdictions, the Company’s line of inferior vena cava (“IVC”) filter products, which are pending in various jurisdictions, and the Company’s line of implantable ports, the majority of which are pending in an MDL in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona. The Company believes that it has meritorious defenses and is vigorously defending itself in these matters.
In most product liability litigations like those described above, plaintiffs allege a wide variety of claims, ranging from allegations of serious injury caused by the products to efforts to obtain compensation notwithstanding the absence of any injury. In many of these cases, the Company has not yet received and reviewed complete information regarding the plaintiffs and their medical conditions and, consequently, is unable to fully evaluate the claims. The Company expects that it will receive and review additional information regarding any remaining unsettled product liability matters.
Other Matters
On November 2, 2020, a putative shareholder derivative action captioned Jankowski v. Forlenza, et al., Civ. No. 2:20-cv-15474, was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey by a shareholder, derivatively on behalf of the Company, against certain of the Company’s directors and officers. The complaint asserts claims for breach of fiduciary duty; violations of sections 10(b), 14(a) and 21D of the Exchange Act, and insider trading. The complaint principally alleges, that the Company made misleading statements regarding AlarisTM infusion pumps in a proxy statement and other SEC filings. A second federal derivative action was filed on January 24, 2021, and the two actions were consolidated and stayed. In March 2021, the Company received letters from two additional shareholders which, in general, mirrored the allegations in the derivative actions, and demanded, among other things, that the Board of Directors pursue claims against members of management for claimed breaches of fiduciary duties. Consistent with New Jersey law, the Board appointed a special committee to review the allegations and demands in the derivative actions and demand letters. Following an investigation, the special committee determined that no action was warranted, and rejected the shareholders’ demands, communicating its determination to counsel for the shareholders. On January 10, 2023, one of the two shareholders referenced above filed a separate derivative action that: (i) is generally consistent with the shareholder letter and the two prior actions; and (ii) purports to challenge the reasonableness of the special

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

committee’s process and determination. That action was also stayed. Following entry of a stipulated scheduling order for an amended complaint and motion to dismiss the consolidated federal action, the case schedule was adjourned without date pending mediation. Mediation proceedings have taken place, with negotiations continuing. On September 10, 2024, the Company received an additional substantially identical shareholder demand letter and on September 26, 2024, that shareholder filed a second substantially identical state court derivative action. The Company believes that the defendants have meritorious defenses and intends to vigorously defend these matters, if ongoing negotiations are unproductive.
Beginning in February 2021, the Company received subpoenas from the Enforcement Division of the SEC requesting information from the Company relating to, among other things, certain reporting issues involving BD AlarisTM infusion pumps included in SEC disclosures prior to 2021. The Company is cooperating with the SEC and is engaged in discussions with the SEC with respect to a potential resolution of this matter. Although the Company cannot predict the outcome of the discussions with the SEC, the Company expects that any resolution will likely require the Company to pay monetary penalties and/or undertake other remedial actions, any of which could potentially be material. As a result, although no agreement has been reached, the Company recorded charges of $50 million and $125 million in the third and fourth quarters of 2024, respectively, to Other operating expense (income), net to accrue an estimated $175 million liability as of September 30, 2024 based on these discussions. However, the Company cannot anticipate the timing, scope, outcome or ultimate impact of the investigation, financial or otherwise, including but not limited to what actions the SEC might pursue against the Company and/or individuals. As a result, the ultimate resolution of this matter is unknown at this time, and it is possible that the amount of the Company’s liability could significantly exceed its currently accrued amount.
In July 2017, C.R. Bard, which was acquired by the Company in December 2017, received a CID from the Department of Justice seeking documents and information relating to an investigation into possible violations of the False Claims Act in connection with the sales and marketing of FloChec® and QuantaFloTM devices. The Company has responded to these requests and met with the Department of Justice in February and July 2024; discussions are ongoing.
In April 2019, the Department of Justice served the Company and CareFusion with CIDs seeking information regarding certain of CareFusion’s contracts with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, some dating back more than 10 years, for certain products, including AlarisTM and PyxisTM devices, in connection with a civil investigation of possible violations of the False Claims Act, and the government later expanded the investigation to include several additional contracts. The government has made several requests for documents and interviews or depositions of Company personnel. The Company is cooperating with the government and responding to these requests.
In September 2021, the Company received a CID related to an inquiry initiated by the Department of Justice in the Northern District of Georgia in 2018 concerning sales and marketing practices with respect to certain aspects of the Company’s urology business. After multiple document productions and interviews, the Company and the government mediated the case in an effort to resolve this dispute; an agreement was reached to resolve this matter for an adequately accrued amount that is not material to the Company’s consolidated financial results.
In April 2023, the Department of Justice served the Company with a CID seeking information regarding the Company’s GenesisTM container products in connection with an investigation of possible violations of the False Claims Act. The government has requested documents and the Company is cooperating with the government and responding to its requests.
The Company was sued in state and federal courts in Georgia by plaintiffs who work or reside near Company facilities in Covington, GA, where ethylene oxide (“EtO”) sterilization activities take place. The federal cases have been dismissed and refiled in state court. The plaintiffs in the cases seek compensatory and punitive damages. Pursuant to Georgia statute, punitive damages in these cases are generally capped at $250,000 per claimant, unless the plaintiff can prove by clear and convincing evidence that the Company acted, or failed to act, with a specific intent to cause harm. The cases allege a variety of injuries, including but not

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Becton, Dickinson and Company

limited to multiple types of cancer, allegedly attributable to exposure to EtO. As of September 30, 2024, the Company has approximately 350 of such suits involving approximately 360 plaintiffs asserting individual personal injury claims; approximately 50 of the cases also allege injury caused by exposure to a chemical of another defendant entirely unrelated to the Company. No cases have yet been tried although a trial date has been set for one such case scheduled for April 2025. The Company believes that it has meritorious defenses and is vigorously defending itself in these matters.
In 2015, legislation was enacted in Italy which requires medical technology companies to make payments to the Italian government if Italy’s medical device expenditures exceed annual regional expenditure ceilings. The amount of these payments is based on the amount by which the regional ceilings for the given year were exceeded. Considerable uncertainty has existed regarding the enforceability and implementation of this payback legislation since it was enacted and the Company, as well as other medical device companies, have filed appeals which challenge the enforceability of this legislation. In July 2024, the Italian Constitutional Court issued two judgments which concluded that the medical device payback legislation is constitutional; however, litigation proceedings before Italian Courts are still pending. While the Company has recorded a preliminary estimate of the liability related to this matter, ultimate resolution is unknown at this time, and it is possible that the amount of the Company’s liability could differ from the currently accrued amount. This estimated amount, which substantially relates to years prior to the current fiscal year, was recorded for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2024 as a $62 million reduction of Revenues.
In May 2024, CareFusion 303, Inc., the Company’s subsidiary that manufactures its BD PyxisTM dispensing equipment, received a Form 483 Notice from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) that contained observations of non-conformance with the FDA’s quality system and Medical Device Reporting (“MDR”) regulations. In November 2024, the Company received a Warning Letter that contained alleged violations of the quality system regulations, MDR regulation, the corrections and removals reporting regulation and law. During the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024, the Company recorded a $28 million liability for estimated future costs associated with certain actions required to respond to the Warning Letter and to address the non-conformities. The Company is currently working to respond to this Warning Letter; however, no assurances can be given regarding further action by the FDA as a result of the noted non-conformities, or that corrective actions proposed and taken by CareFusion 303, Inc. will be adequate to address the non-conformities. Any failure to adequately address this Warning Letter may result in regulatory actions initiated by the FDA without further notice, which may include, but are not limited to, seizure, injunction and civil monetary penalties. As a result, the ultimate resolution of this Warning Letter and its impact on the Company’s operations is unknown at this time, and it is possible that the amount of the Company’s liability could exceed its currently accrued amount.
The Company is also involved both as a plaintiff and a defendant in other legal proceedings and claims that arise in the ordinary course of business. The Company believes that it has meritorious defenses and is vigorously defending itself in each of these matters.
Except as otherwise noted, the Company cannot predict the outcome of the other legal matters discussed above, nor can it predict whether any outcome will have a material adverse effect on the Company’s consolidated results of operations and/or consolidated cash flows. Further, the Company may not be able to determine if a probable loss exists for certain of the other legal matters discussed above, and accordingly, the Company has recorded no provisions for such matters in its consolidated results of operations.
The Company is a potentially responsible party to a number of federal administrative proceedings in the United States brought under the Comprehensive Environment Response, Compensation and Liability Act, also known as “Superfund,” and similar state laws. The Company also is subject to administrative proceedings under environmental laws in jurisdictions outside the U.S. The affected sites are in varying stages of development. In some instances, the remedy has been completed, while in others, environmental studies are underway or commencing. For several sites, there are other potentially responsible parties that may be jointly or severally liable to pay all or part of cleanup costs. While it is not feasible to predict the outcome of these proceedings, based upon the Company’s experience, current information and applicable law, the Company does not expect

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Becton, Dickinson and Company

these proceedings to have a material adverse effect on its consolidated results of operations and/or consolidated cash flows.
Litigation Accruals
The Company regularly monitors and evaluates the status of product liability and other litigated matters, and may, from time-to-time, engage in settlement discussions and mediation taking into consideration, among other things, developments in the litigation and the risks and uncertainties associated therewith. These activities have resulted in confidential settlements and going forward could result in further settlements, the terms of which may be confidential and could be significant and result in charges in excess of accruals. A determination of the accrual amounts for these contingencies is made after analysis of each litigation matter. When appropriate, the accrual is developed with the consultation of outside counsel and, in the case of certain mass tort litigation, actuarial specialists regarding the nature, timing, and extent of each matter.
During fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022, the Company recorded a pre-tax (benefit) charge to Other operating expense (income), net, of approximately $(36) million, $26 million and $21 million, respectively, related to certain of the product liability matters discussed above under the heading “Product Liability Matters,” including the related legal defense costs. The benefit recorded in fiscal year 2024 primarily reflected the favorable resolution of claims during the fiscal year.
The Company considers relevant information when estimating its product liability accruals, including, but not limited to: the nature, number, and quality of unfiled and filed claims; the rate of claims being filed; the status of settlement discussions with plaintiffs’ counsel; the allegations and documentation supporting or refuting such allegations; publicly available information regarding similar medical device mass tort settlements; historical information regarding other product liability settlements involving the Company; and the stage of litigation. Because currently available information regarding product liability matters is often limited, there is inherent uncertainty and volatility relating to the Company’s estimate of product liability. As additional information becomes available, the Company records adjustments to its product liability accruals as required.
Accruals for the Company's product liability claims which are discussed above, as well as the related legal defense costs, amounted to approximately $1.7 billion and $1.9 billion at September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. These accruals are recorded within Accrued expenses and Deferred Income Taxes and Other Liabilities on the Company's consolidated balance sheets. The decrease in the Company’s product liability accrual as of September 30, 2024, as compared with September 30, 2023, largely reflected reductions to the accrual due to the payment of settlements and legal fees, as well as the adjustment of $36 million noted above. The decrease in the number of outstanding hernia repair device claims discussed above did not materially impact the Company’s product liability accrual because the aggregate amount payable pursuant to this settlement agreement will be paid out over a multi-year period. The accrual also reflects a determination that the remaining outstanding hernia repair device claims are generally of lower quality. Claim activity during the fiscal year 2024 relating to the pelvic mesh device and IVC filter matters did not materially impact the Company’s product liability accrual as of September 30, 2024.
The particular outcome in any one product liability trial is typically not representative of potential outcomes of all cases or claims. Because the accrual already contemplates a wide range of possible outcomes, including those with a de minimis value, individual outcomes generally do not impact the value of other cases in the total case inventory or the overall product liability accrual.
In view of the uncertainties discussed above, the Company could incur charges in excess of any currently established accruals and, to the extent available, liability insurance. In the opinion of management, any such future charges, individually or in the aggregate, could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s consolidated results of operations, financial condition, and/or consolidated cash flows.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

Note 7 — Revenues
The Company sells a broad range of medical supplies, devices, laboratory equipment and diagnostic products which are distributed through independent distribution channels and directly by BD through sales representatives. End-users of the Company's products include healthcare institutions, physicians, life science researchers, clinical laboratories, the pharmaceutical industry and the general public.
Timing of Revenue Recognition
The Company's revenues are primarily recognized when the customer obtains control of the product sold, which is generally upon shipment or delivery, depending on the delivery terms specified in the sales agreement. Revenues associated with certain instruments and equipment for which installation is complex, and therefore significantly affects the customer’s ability to use and benefit from the product, are recognized when customer acceptance of these installed products has been confirmed. For certain service arrangements, including extended warranty and software maintenance contracts, revenue is recognized ratably over the contract term. The majority of revenues relating to extended warranty contracts associated with certain instruments and equipment is generally recognized within a few years whereas deferred revenue relating to software maintenance contracts is generally recognized over a longer period.
Measurement of Revenues
The Company acts as the principal in substantially all of its customer arrangements and as such, generally records revenues on a gross basis. Revenues exclude any taxes that the Company collects from customers and remits to tax authorities. The Company considers its shipping and handling costs to be costs of contract fulfillment and has made the accounting policy election to record these costs within Selling and administrative expense.
Payment terms extended to the Company's customers are based upon commercially reasonable terms for the markets in which the Company's products are sold. Because the Company generally expects to receive payment within one year or less from when control of a product is transferred to the customer, the Company does not generally adjust its revenues for the effects of a financing component. The Company’s allowance for doubtful accounts reflects the current estimate of credit losses expected to be incurred over the life of its trade receivables. Such estimated credit losses are determined based on historical loss experiences, customer-specific credit risk, and reasonable and supportable forward-looking information, such as country or regional risks that are not captured in the historical loss information. Amounts are written off against the allowances for doubtful accounts when the Company determines that a customer account is uncollectable. The allowance for doubtful accounts for trade receivables is not material to the Company's consolidated financial results.
The Company's gross revenues are subject to a variety of deductions which are recorded in the same period that the underlying revenues are recognized. Such variable consideration includes rebates, sales discounts and sales returns. Because these deductions represent estimates of the related obligations, judgment is required when determining the impact of these revenue deductions on gross revenues for a reporting period. Rebates provided by the Company are based upon prices determined under the Company's agreements with its end-user customers. Additional factors considered in the estimate of the Company's rebate liability include the quantification of inventory that is either in stock at or in transit to the Company's distributors, as well as the estimated lag time between the sale of product and the payment of corresponding rebates. The Company’s rebate liabilities are classified as an offset to Trade receivables, net, or as Accounts payable or Accrued expenses, depending on the form of settlement and were $749 million and $669 million at September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The impact of other forms of variable consideration, including sales discounts and sales returns, is not material to the Company's revenues. Additional disclosures relating to sales discounts and sales returns are provided in Note 19.
The Company's agreements with customers within certain organizational units including Medication Management Solutions, Integrated Diagnostic Solutions and Biosciences, contain multiple performance obligations including both products and certain services noted above. The transaction price for these agreements

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
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is allocated to each performance obligation based upon its relative standalone selling price. Standalone selling price is the amount at which the Company would sell a promised good or service separately to a customer. The Company generally estimates standalone selling prices using its list prices and a consideration of typical discounts offered to customers.
Effects of Revenue Arrangements on Consolidated Balance Sheets
Due to the nature of the majority of the Company's products and services, the Company typically does not incur costs to fulfill a contract in advance of providing the customer with goods or services. Capitalized contract costs associated with the costs to fulfill contracts for certain products in the Medication Management Solutions organizational unit are immaterial to the Company's consolidated balance sheets. The Company's costs to obtain contracts are comprised of sales commissions which are paid to the Company's employees or third party agents. The majority of the sales commissions incurred by the Company relate to revenue that is recognized over a period that is less than one year and as such, the Company has elected a practical expedient provided under ASC 606 to record the majority of its expense associated with sales commissions as it is incurred. Commissions relating to revenues recognized over a period longer than one year are recorded as assets which are amortized over the period over which the revenues underlying the commissions are recognized. Capitalized contract costs related to such commissions are immaterial to the Company's consolidated balance sheets.
The Company records contract liabilities for unearned revenue that is allocated to performance obligations such as extended warranty and software maintenance contracts, which are performed over time as discussed further above. Accrued expenses on the Company’s consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2024 and 2023, included approximately $482 million and $412 million, respectively, of contract liabilities. The Company's liability for product warranties provided under its agreements with customers is not material to its consolidated balance sheets.
Remaining Performance Obligations
The Company's obligations relative to service contracts, which are further discussed above, and pending installations of equipment, primarily in the Company's Medication Management Solutions unit, represent unsatisfied performance obligations of the Company. The revenues under existing contracts with original expected durations of more than one year, which are attributable to products and/or services that have not yet been installed or provided, are estimated to be approximately $2.3 billion at September 30, 2024. The Company expects to recognize the majority of this revenue over the next three years.
Within the Company's Medication Management Solutions, Medication Delivery Solutions, Integrated Diagnostic Solutions, and Biosciences units, some contracts also contain minimum purchase commitments of reagents or other consumables and the future sales of these consumables represent additional unsatisfied performance obligations of the Company. The revenue attributable to the unsatisfied minimum purchase commitment-related performance obligations, for contracts with original expected durations of more than one year, is estimated to be approximately $2.1 billion at September 30, 2024. This revenue will be recognized over the customer relationship periods.
Disaggregation of Revenues
A disaggregation of the Company's revenues by segment, organizational unit and geographic region is provided in Note 8.
Note 8 — Segment Data
The Company's organizational structure is based upon three worldwide business segments: BD Medical (“Medical”), BD Life Sciences (“Life Sciences”) and BD Interventional ("Interventional"). The Company’s segments are strategic businesses that are managed separately because each one develops, manufactures and markets distinct products and services.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

Medical produces a broad array of medical technologies and devices that are used to help improve healthcare delivery in a wide range of settings. The primary customers served by Medical are hospitals and clinics; physicians’ office practices; consumers and retail pharmacies; governmental and nonprofit public health agencies; pharmaceutical companies; and healthcare workers. Medical consists of the following organizational units: Medication Delivery Solutions; Medication Management Solutions; Pharmaceutical Systems; Advanced Patient Monitoring.
Life Sciences
Life Sciences provides products for the safe collection and transport of diagnostics specimens, and instruments and reagent systems to detect a broad range of infectious diseases, healthcare-associated infections and cancers. In addition, Life Sciences produces research and clinical tools that facilitate the study of cells, and the components of cells, to gain a better understanding of normal and disease processes. That information is used to aid the discovery and development of new drugs and vaccines, and to improve the diagnosis and management of diseases. The primary customers served by Life Sciences are hospitals, laboratories and clinics; blood banks; healthcare workers; physicians’ office practices; academic and government institutions; and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Life Sciences consists of the following organizational units: Integrated Diagnostic Solutions and Biosciences.
Interventional provides vascular, urology, oncology and surgical specialty products that are intended to be used once and then discarded or are either temporarily or permanently implanted. The primary customers served by Interventional are hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, individual healthcare professionals, extended care facilities, alternate site facilities, and patients via the segment's Homecare business. Interventional consists of the following organizational units: Surgery; Peripheral Intervention; Urology and Critical Care.
Additional Segment Information
Distribution of products is primarily through independent distribution channels, and directly to end-users by BD and independent sales representatives. No customer accounted for 10% or more of revenues in any of the three years presented.
Segment disclosures are on a performance basis consistent with internal management reporting. The Company evaluates performance of its business segments and allocates resources to them primarily based upon operating income, which represents revenues reduced by product costs and operating expenses. The Company’s chief operating decision maker does not receive any asset information by business segment and, as such, the Company does not report asset information by business segment.
The tables below reflect the Company’s revenues and operating income from continuing operations. Revenues and operating income from the former Diabetes Care business prior to its spin-off on April 1, 2022 are included in (Loss) Income from Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax. See Note 2 for further information.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

Financial information for the Company’s segments is detailed below. The Company has no material intersegment revenues.
(Millions of dollars)202420232022
United StatesInternationalTotalUnited StatesInternationalTotalUnited StatesInternationalTotal
Medication Delivery Solutions$2,661 $1,768 $4,429 $2,519 $1,774 $4,293 $2,483 $1,825 $4,308 
Medication Management Solutions2,627 670 3,297 2,303 677 2,980 1,935 598 2,533 
Pharmaceutical Systems629 1,644 2,273 666 1,563 2,229 533 1,468 2,001 
Advanced Patient Monitoring47 27 74       
Total segment revenues$5,964 $4,110 $10,074 $5,488 $4,014 $9,502 $4,950 $3,891 $8,841 
Life Sciences
Integrated Diagnostic Solutions$1,733 $1,946 $3,679 $1,774 $1,850 $3,624 $2,190 $1,995 $4,185 
Biosciences577 935 1,512 603 906 1,509 542 838 1,379 
Total segment revenues$2,310 $2,881 $5,191 $2,377 $2,756 $5,133 $2,732 $2,833 $5,564 
Surgery $1,130 $363 $1,492 $1,159 $338 $1,497 $1,094 $306 $1,400 
Peripheral Intervention1,029 904 1,933 1,016 849 1,865 960 799 1,759 
Urology and Critical Care1,236 319 1,554 1,073 301 1,374 986 319 1,305 
Total segment revenues$3,394 $1,586 $4,980 $3,247 $1,489 $4,736 $3,040 $1,424 $4,464 
Other (a)$(6)$(62)$(67)$ $ $ $ $ $ 
Total Company revenues from continuing operations$11,663 $8,515 $20,178 $11,113 $8,258 $19,372 $10,722 $8,148 $18,870 
(a)    Represents the recognition of accruals resulting from recent developments relating to the Italian government medical device pay back legislation, as well as another legal matter, and which substantially relate to years prior to the current fiscal year. Such amounts were not allocated to the Company’s reportable segments and these matters are further discussed in Note 6.
The following tables provide a reconciliation of segment operating income to Income from Continuing Operations before Income Taxes and segment information for both capital expenditures and depreciation and amortization.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

(Millions of dollars)202420232022
Income from Continuing Operations Before Income Taxes
Medical (a) (b) $2,742 $1,967 $2,215 
Life Sciences1,595 1,585 1,710 
Interventional 1,420 1,217 1,081 
Total Segment Operating Income
5,758 4,769 5,006 
Integration, restructuring and transaction expense(458)(313)(173)
Net interest expense(364)(403)(382)
Other unallocated items (c)(2,931)(2,391)(2,668)
Total Income from Continuing Operations Before Income Taxes$2,005 $1,662 $1,783 
Capital Expenditures
Medical$438 $563 $602 
Life Sciences114 139 213 
Interventional127 138 130 
Corporate and All Other46 35 28 
Total Capital Expenditures$725 $874 $973 
Depreciation and Amortization
Medical$1,216 $1,199 $1,144 
Life Sciences272 277 283 
Interventional786 799 789 
Corporate and All Other13 13 13 
Total Depreciation and Amortization$2,286 $2,288 $2,229 
(a)The amounts in 2024, 2023 and 2022 include charges of $38 million, $653 million and $72 million, respectively, recorded to Cost of products sold, to record or adjust future costs estimated for product remediation efforts.
(b)The amount in 2022 includes a charge of $54 million, recorded to Cost of products sold, to write down the carrying value of certain fixed assets in the Pharmaceutical Systems unit.
(c)Primarily comprised of foreign exchange, certain general and administrative expenses and share-based compensation expense. The amount in 2024 includes a charge of $175 million to accrue an estimated liability for the SEC investigation, which is further discussed in Note 6. The amount in 2023 includes a pre-tax gain recognized on the Company's sale of its Surgical Instrumentation platform of approximately $268 million, which is further discussed in Note 2.
Geographic Information
The countries in which the Company has local revenue-generating operations have been combined into the following geographic areas: the United States (including Puerto Rico); EMEA (which includes Europe, the Middle East and Africa); Greater Asia (which includes countries in Greater China, Japan, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Korea, and Australia and New Zealand); and Other, which is comprised of Latin America (which includes Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and South America) and Canada.
Revenues to unaffiliated customers are generally based upon the source of the product shipment. Long-lived assets, which include net property, plant and equipment, are based upon physical location.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

The table below shows revenues from continuing operations and long-lived assets of continuing operations by geographic area:
(Millions of dollars)202420232022
United States$11,663 $11,113 $10,722 
EMEA4,402 4,244 4,043 
Greater Asia2,906 2,913 3,047 
Other1,207 1,102 1,058 
$20,178 $19,372 $18,870 
Long-Lived Assets
United States$35,526 $35,732 $36,617 
EMEA6,706 5,317 5,126 
Greater Asia1,580 1,521 1,528 
Other2,548 1,116 1,079 
Corporate459 418 442 
$46,818 $44,104 $44,792 
Note 9 — Share-Based Compensation
The Company grants share-based awards under the 2004 Employee and Director Equity-Based Compensation Plan ("2004 Plan"), which provides long-term incentive compensation to employees and directors consisting of: stock appreciation rights ("SARs"), performance-based restricted stock units, time-vested restricted stock units and other stock awards.
The fair value of share-based payments is recognized as compensation expense in net income. BD estimates forfeitures based on experience at the time of grant and adjusts expense to reflect actual forfeitures. The amounts and location of compensation cost relating to share-based payments included in the consolidated statements of income is as follows:
(Millions of dollars)202420232022
Cost of products sold$51 $50 $46 
Selling and administrative expense156 170 156 
Research and development expense42 41 37 
Integration, restructuring and transaction expense  1 
Total share-based compensation cost$249 $261 $240 
Tax benefit associated with share-based compensation costs recognized$58 $58 $55 
Total share-based compensation expense includes pre-tax compensation expense included in Income from Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax that was not material in 2022.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

Stock Appreciation Rights
SARs represent the right to receive, upon exercise, shares of common stock having a value equal to the difference between the market price of common stock on the date of exercise and the exercise price on the date of grant. SARs generally vest over a period of four years and have a term of ten years. The fair value of awards was estimated on the date of grant using a lattice-based binomial option valuation model and these valuations were largely based upon the following weighted-average assumptions:
Risk-free interest rate4.51%3.78%1.41%
Expected volatility22.0%21.0%22.0%
Expected dividend yield1.59%1.53%1.42%
Expected life7.0 years7.0 years7.3 years
Fair value derived$63.05$57.80$49.45
 Expected volatility is based upon historical volatility for the Company’s common stock and other factors. The expected life of SARs granted is derived from the output of the lattice-based model, using assumed exercise rates based on historical exercise and termination patterns, and represents the period of time that SARs granted are expected to be outstanding. The risk-free interest rate used is based upon the published U.S. Treasury yield curve in effect at the time of grant for instruments with a similar life. The dividend yield is based upon the most recently declared quarterly dividend as of the grant date. The Company issued 0.1 million shares during 2024 to satisfy the SARs exercised.
A summary of SARs outstanding as of September 30, 2024 and changes during the year then ended is as follows:
SARs (in
Exercise Price
Contractual Term
of dollars)
Balance at October 14,905 $211.47 
Granted597 238.89 
Forfeited, canceled or expired(210)237.09 
Balance at September 304,995 $217.07 5.25$125 
Vested and expected to vest at September 304,863 216.50 5.17$125 
Exercisable at September 303,669 $209.57 4.18$121 
A summary of SARs exercised during 2024, 2023 and 2022 is as follows:
(Millions of dollars)202420232022
Total intrinsic value of SARs exercised$25 $126 $184 
Total fair value of SARs vested$31 $34 $36 
Performance-Based and Time-Vested Restricted Stock Units
Performance-based restricted stock units cliff vest three years after the date of grant. These units are tied to the Company’s performance against pre-established targets over a performance period of three years. The performance measures for fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022 were average annual currency-neutral revenue growth and average annual return on invested capital, with the combined factor subject to adjustment based on the Company's relative total shareholder return (measures the Company’s stock performance during the performance period against that of peer companies). Under the Company’s long-term incentive program, the

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

actual payout under these awards may vary from zero to 200% of an employee’s target payout, based on the Company’s actual performance over the performance period of three years. In fiscal year 2021, the Company also issued additional performance-based time-vested units to certain key executives, a portion of which cliff vested in fiscal year 2024 based on the Company’s performance against average annual growth in the Company’s Adjusted EPS over a performance period of three years. The fair value was based on the market price of the Company’s stock on the date of grant, and compensation cost was adjusted for subsequent changes in the expected outcome of performance-related conditions.
Time-vested restricted stock unit awards vest on a graded basis over a period of three years, except for certain key executives of the Company, including the executive officers, for which such units generally vest one year following the employee’s retirement. The related share-based compensation expense is recorded over the requisite service period, which is the vesting period or is based on retirement eligibility. The fair value of all time-vested restricted stock units is based on the market value of the Company’s stock on the date of grant.
A summary of restricted stock units outstanding as of September 30, 2024 and changes during the year then ended is as follows:
Stock Units (in
Average Grant
Date Fair Value
Stock Units (in
Average Grant
Date Fair Value
Balance at October 1963 $226.51 1,716 $225.33 
Granted387 223.60 922 231.32 
Distributed(145)212.46 (556)225.13 
Forfeited or canceled(213)219.15 (390)231.68 
Balance at September 30991 (a)$229.02 1,693 $227.20 
Expected to vest at September 30465 (b)$229.96 1,549 $226.80 
(a)Based on 200% of target payout for performance based restricted units and 100% of the performance based time-vested units.
(b)Net of expected forfeited units and units in excess of the expected performance payout of 71 thousand and 454 thousand shares, respectively.
The weighted average grant date fair value of restricted stock units granted during the years 2024, 2023 and 2022 are as follows:
Weighted average grant date fair value of units granted$223.60 $227.11 $242.39 $231.32 $231.58 $239.39 
The total fair value of stock units vested during 2024, 2023 and 2022 was as follows:
(Millions of dollars)202420232022202420232022
Total fair value of units vested$45 $28 $14 $179 $169 $169 
At September 30, 2024, the weighted average remaining vesting term of performance-based and time vested restricted stock units is 1.24 and 0.87 years, respectively.
Unrecognized Compensation Expense and Other Stock Plans
The amount of unrecognized compensation expense for all non-vested share-based awards as of September 30, 2024, is approximately $253 million, which is expected to be recognized over a weighted-

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

average remaining life of approximately 1.8 years. At September 30, 2024, 10.0 million shares were authorized for future grants under the 2004 Plan. The Company has a policy of satisfying share-based payments through either open market purchases or shares held in treasury. At September 30, 2024, the Company has sufficient shares held in treasury to satisfy these payments.
As of September 30, 2024, 81 thousand shares were held in trust relative to a Director's Deferral plan, which provides a means to defer director compensation, from time to time, on a deferred stock or cash basis. Also as of September 30, 2024, 200 thousand shares were issuable under a Deferred Compensation Plan that allows certain highly-compensated employees, including executive officers, to defer salary, annual incentive awards and certain equity-based compensation.
Note 10 — Benefit Plans
The Company has defined benefit pension plans covering certain employees in the United States and in certain international locations. Postretirement healthcare and life insurance benefits provided to qualifying domestic retirees as well as other postretirement benefit plans in international countries are not material. The measurement date used for the Company’s employee benefit plans is September 30.
In August 2023, the Company announced that effective September 30, 2024, it would freeze the U.S. Plan, and plan participants, which include legacy Bard U.S. pension plan participants as further discussed below, no longer will accrue benefits under the plan subsequent to this date. Both the legacy BD U.S. pension and legacy Bard U.S. pension plans had already been frozen to prevent new participants effective January 1, 2018 and January 1, 2011, respectively.
In fiscal year 2022, the transfer of employees to Embecta in connection with the spin-off triggered remeasurements of some of the Company’s benefit plans. The BD U.S. pension plan was also remeasured upon the merging of this plan with the legacy Bard U.S. pension plan effective January 1, 2022. These remeasurements did not materially impact the Company’s benefit obligation and resulted in adjustments to Accumulated other comprehensive loss.
Generally, all components of the Company’s net periodic pension and postretirement benefit costs, aside from service cost, are recorded to Other expense, net on its consolidated statements of income. Certain amounts for termination benefits, curtailments and settlements related to the spin-off of Embecta, were recorded in Income from Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax and were not material.
Net pension cost for the years ended September 30 included the following components:
 Pension Plans
(Millions of dollars)202420232022
Service cost$88 $91 $134 
Interest cost139 129 77 
Expected return on plan assets(150)(141)(187)
Amortization of prior service credit(4)(7)(15)
Amortization of loss57 58 61 
Curtailments/settlement loss1 44 73 
Net pension cost$131 $174 $143 
Net pension cost included in the preceding table that is attributable to international plans$28 $25 $20 
The amounts provided above for amortization of prior service credit and amortization of loss represent the reclassifications of prior service credits and net actuarial losses that were recognized in Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) in prior periods. The Company recognizes pension settlements when payments

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from the plan exceed the sum of service and interest cost components of net periodic pension cost associated with the plan for the fiscal year. The settlement losses recorded in 2023 and 2022 included lump sum benefit payments primarily associated with the Company’s U.S. pension plan. A curtailment gain was recognized in 2023 related the freeze of the U.S. pension plan.
The change in benefit obligation, change in fair value of pension plan assets, funded status and amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets for these plans were as follows:
 Pension Plans
(Millions of dollars)20242023
Change in benefit obligation:
Beginning obligation$2,617 $2,634 
Service cost88 91 
Interest cost139 129 
Benefits paid(201)(67)
Actuarial gain241 (24)
Other, includes translation51 68 
Benefit obligation at September 30$2,913 $2,617 
Change in fair value of plan assets:
Beginning fair value$2,129 $2,242 
Actual return on plan assets395 33 
Employer contribution200 62 
Benefits paid(201)(67)
Other, includes translation54 59 
Plan assets at September 30$2,557 $2,129 
Funded Status at September 30:
Unfunded benefit obligation$(356)$(488)
Amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance
Sheets at September 30:
Other Assets$99 $81 
Salaries, wages and related items(12)(15)
Long-term Employee Benefit Obligations(443)(554)
Net amount recognized$(356)$(488)
Amounts recognized in Accumulated other
comprehensive income (loss) before income taxes at September 30:
Prior service credit$2 $3 
Net actuarial loss(636)(689)
Net amount recognized$(634)$(686)
International pension plan assets at fair value included in the preceding table were $880 million and $748 million at September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The international pension plan projected benefit obligations were $992 million and $833 million at September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. 

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Becton, Dickinson and Company

The benefit obligation associated with postretirement healthcare and life insurance plans provided to qualifying domestic retirees, which was largely recorded to Long-Term Employee Benefit Obligations, was $94 million and $92 million at September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Pension plans with accumulated benefit obligations in excess of plan assets and plans with projected benefit obligations in excess of plan assets consist of the following at September 30:
 Accumulated Benefit
Obligation Exceeds the
Fair Value of Plan Assets
Projected Benefit
Obligation Exceeds the
Fair Value of Plan Assets
(Millions of dollars)2024202320242023
Projected benefit obligation$2,382 $2,140 $2,382 $2,159 
Accumulated benefit obligation$2,318 $2,088 
Fair value of plan assets$1,927 $1,575 $1,927 $1,591 
The weighted average assumptions used in determining pension plan information were as follows:
Net Cost
Discount rate:
U.S. plans (a)6.01 %5.62 %2.89 %
International plans4.52 4.26 1.75 
Expected return on plan assets:
U.S. plans7.29 7.25 6.25 
International plans5.30 5.02 4.84 
Rate of compensation increase:
U.S. plans4.00 4.51 4.31 
International plans2.81 2.86 2.63 
Cash balance plan interest crediting rate:
U.S. plans4.00 4.00 4.00 
International plans 2.16 1.98 2.02 
Benefit Obligation
Discount rate:
U.S. plans4.98 6.01 5.62 
International plans3.88 4.62 4.26 
Rate of compensation increase:
U.S. plans4.00 4.00 4.51 
International plans2.81 2.86 2.86 
Cash balance plan interest crediting rate:
U.S. plans4.00 4.00 4.00 
International plans 2.21 2.21 1.98 
(a)The Company calculated the service and interest components utilizing an approach that discounts the individual expected cash flows using the applicable spot rates derived from the yield curve over the projected cash flow period.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

Expected Rate of Return on Plan Assets
The expected rate of return on plan assets is based upon expectations of long-term average rates of return to be achieved by the underlying investment portfolios. In establishing this assumption, the Company considers many factors, including historical assumptions compared with actual results; benchmark data; expected returns on various plan asset classes, as well as current and expected asset allocations.
Expected Funding
The Company’s funding policy for its defined benefit pension plans is to contribute amounts sufficient to meet legal funding requirements, plus any additional amounts that may be appropriate considering the funded status of the plans, tax consequences, the cash flow generated by the Company and other factors. The Company made a discretionary contribution to its BD U.S. pension plan of $150 million during fiscal year 2024. The Company did not make any required contributions in 2024 and does not anticipate any significant required contributions to its pension plans in fiscal year 2025.
Expected benefit payments are as follows:
(Millions of dollars)Pension
Expected benefit payments associated with postretirement healthcare plans are immaterial to the Company's consolidated financial results.
The Company’s primary objective is to achieve returns sufficient to meet future benefit obligations. It seeks to generate above market returns by investing in more volatile asset classes such as equities while at the same time controlling risk through diversification in non-correlated asset classes and through allocations to more stable asset classes like fixed income.
U.S. Plans
The Company’s U.S. pension plans comprise 66% of total benefit plan investments, based on September 30, 2024 market values, and have a target asset mix of 45% fixed income, 21% diversifying investments and 34% equities. This mix was established based on an analysis of projected benefit payments and estimates of long-term returns, volatilities and correlations for various asset classes. The asset allocations to diversifying investments include high-yield bonds, hedge funds, real estate, infrastructure, leveraged loans and emerging markets bonds.
 The actual portfolio investment mix may, from time to time, deviate from the established target mix due to various factors such as normal market fluctuations, the reliance on estimates in connection with the determination of allocations and normal portfolio activity such as additions and withdrawals. Rebalancing of the asset portfolio on a quarterly basis is required to address any allocations that deviate from the established target allocations in excess of defined allowable ranges. The target allocations are subject to periodic review, including a review of the asset portfolio’s performance, by the named fiduciary of the plans. Any tactical deviations from the established asset mix require the approval of the named fiduciary.
The U.S. plans may enter into both exchange traded and non-exchange traded derivative transactions in order to manage interest rate exposure, volatility, term structure of interest rates, and sector and currency

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

exposures within the fixed income portfolios. The Company has established minimum credit quality standards for counterparties in such transactions.
The following table provides the fair value measurements of U.S. plan assets, as well as the measurement techniques and inputs utilized to measure fair value of these assets, at September 30, 2024 and 2023. The categorization of fund investments is based upon the categorization of these funds’ underlying assets.
Basis of fair value measurement (See Note 1)
(Millions of dollars)Total U.S.
Plan Asset
Investments Measured at Net Asset Value (a)Level 1Level 2Level 3
Fixed Income:
Corporate bonds$518 $443 $ $ $296 $260 $222 $182 $ $ 
Government and agency-U.S.159 53   149 43 10 10   
Government and agency-Foreign31 17     31 17   
Other fixed income53 46   25 24 28 22   
Equity securities582 469 71 59 512 410     
Cash and cash equivalents172 202   172 202     
Other162 151 75 79 87 72     
Fair value of plan assets$1,676 $1,382 $146 $138 $1,240 $1,012 $291 $231 $ $ 
(a)As per applicable disclosure requirements, certain investments that were measured at net asset value per share or its equivalent have not been categorized within the fair value hierarchy. Values of such assets are based on the corroborated net asset value provided by the fund administrator.
Fixed Income Securities
U.S. pension plan assets categorized above as fixed income securities include fund investments comprised of corporate and government and agency investments. Investments in corporate bonds are diversified across industry and sector and consist of investment-grade, as well as high-yield debt instruments. U.S. government investments consist of obligations of the U.S. Treasury, other U.S. government agencies, state governments and local municipalities. Assets categorized as foreign government and agency debt securities included investments in developed and emerging markets.
The values of fixed income investments classified within Level 1 are based on the closing price reported on the major market on which the investments are traded. A portion of the fixed income instruments classified within Level 2 are valued based upon estimated prices from independent vendors’ pricing models and these prices are derived from market observable sources including: benchmark yields, reported trades, broker/dealer quotes, issuer spreads, benchmark securities, bids, offers and other market-related data.
Equity Securities
U.S. pension plan assets categorized as equity securities consist of fund investments in publicly-traded U.S. and non-U.S. equity securities. In order to achieve appropriate diversification, these portfolios are invested across market sectors, investment styles, capitalization weights and geographic regions. The values of equity securities classified within Level 1 are based on the closing price reported on the major market on which the

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Becton, Dickinson and Company

investments are traded or have a readily determinable fair value based on published prices obtained from fund managers which represent the price at which the instruments can be redeemed at period end. The U.S. pension plan has no future funding commitments associated with these investments and has the right to redeem them upon one day’s notice, at any time and without restriction.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
A portion of the U.S. plans’ assets consists of investments in cash and cash equivalents, primarily to accommodate liquidity requirements relating to trade settlement and benefit payment activity, and the values of these assets are based upon quoted market prices.
Other Securities
Other U.S. pension plan assets include fund investments comprised of hedge funds. The values of such instruments classified within Level 1 are based on the closing price reported on the major market on which the investments are traded.
International Plans
International plan assets comprise 34% of the Company’s total benefit plan assets, based on market value at September 30, 2024. Such plans have local independent fiduciary committees, with responsibility for development and oversight of investment policy, including asset allocation decisions. In making such decisions, consideration is given to local regulations, investment practices and funding rules.
The following table provides the fair value measurements of international plan assets, as well as the measurement techniques and inputs utilized to measure fair value of these assets, at September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Basis of fair value measurement (See Note 1)
(Millions of dollars)Total International
Plan Asset
Level 1Level 2Level 3 (a)
Fixed Income:
Corporate bonds$114 $122 $92 $100 $9 $10 $13 $12 
Government and agency-U.S.9 9 7 8 2 2   
Government and agency-Foreign223 197 188 165 28 26 7 6 
Other fixed income52 43 44 34 9 9   
Equity securities196 173 166 147  1 30 25 
Cash and cash equivalents13 10 11 8   2 2 
Real estate44 36 1 1 34 26 9 9 
Insurance contracts113 103     113 103 
Other117 55 92 35 3 1 22 19 
Fair value of plan assets$880 $748 $600 $499 $85 $74 $195 $175 

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(a)Changes in the fair value of international pension assets measured using Level 3 inputs for the years ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 were immaterial.
Fixed Income Securities
Fixed income investments held by international pension plans include corporate, U.S. government and non-U.S. government securities. The values of fixed income securities classified within Level 1 are based on the closing price reported on the major market on which the investments are traded. Values of investments classified within Level 2 are based upon estimated prices from independent vendors’ pricing models and these prices are derived from market observable sources.
Equity Securities
Equity securities included in the international plan assets consist of publicly-traded U.S. and non-U.S. equity securities. The values of equity securities classified within Level 1 are based on the closing price reported on the major market on which the investments are traded or have a readily determinable fair value based on published prices obtained from fund managers which represent the price at which the instruments can be redeemed at period end. The international plans holding these securities have no future funding commitments associated with these investments and have the right to redeem them upon one day’s notice, at any time and without restriction.
Other Securities
The international plans hold a portion of assets in cash and cash equivalents, in order to accommodate liquidity requirements and the values are based upon quoted market prices. Real estate investments consist of investments in funds holding an interest in real properties and the corresponding values represent the estimated fair value based on the fair value of the underlying investment value or cost, adjusted for any accumulated earnings or losses. The values of insurance contracts approximately represent cash surrender value. Other investments include fund investments for which values are based upon either quoted market prices or market observable sources.
Defined Contribution Plans
The cost of voluntary defined contribution plans which provide for a Company match or contribution was $195 million in 2024, $156 million in 2023 and $178 million in 2022.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

Note 11 — Acquisitions
Edwards Lifesciences’ Critical Care Product Group
On September 3, 2024, the Company completed its acquisition of Edwards Lifesciences’ Critical Care product group (“Critical Care”), which was renamed as BD Advanced Patient Monitoring (“Advanced Patient Monitoring”). Since the acquisition date, financial results for Advanced Patient Monitoring’s product offerings are being reported as a separate organizational unit within the Medical segment. Advanced Patient Monitoring is a global leader in advanced monitoring solutions that expands the Company’s portfolio of smart connected care solutions with its growing set of leading monitoring technologies, advanced AI-enabled clinical decision tools and robust innovation pipeline that complement the Company's existing technologies serving operating rooms and intensive care units. The Company funded the transaction with cash on hand, using net proceeds raised through debt issuances in the third quarter of fiscal year 2024, as further discussed in Note 16, and borrowings under its commercial paper program. The acquisition was accounted for under the acquisition method of accounting for business combinations.
The Company is in the process of finalizing the allocation of the purchase price to the individual assets acquired and liabilities assumed, related to assessing certain assumptions underlying the valuation of intangible assets. The preliminary allocations of the purchase price provide a reasonable basis for estimating the fair values of assets acquired and liabilities assumed. These provisional estimates may be adjusted upon the availability of further information regarding events or circumstances that existed at the acquisition date. Such adjustments may be significant. The fair value of consideration transferred in connection with the acquisition was $3.911 billion, and the assets acquired and the liabilities assumed resulted in the recognition of developed technology intangible assets of $714 million, customer relationships intangible assets of $650 million and $714 million of other net assets, which are primarily inventory. The goodwill recorded from the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the acquired net assets was $1.833 billion, which related to synergies expected to be gained from combining operations of the acquiree and acquirer, as well as revenue and cash flow projections associated with future innovative technologies expected to occur. The preliminary estimate of the goodwill that is expected to be deductible for tax purposes is approximately $1.1 billion.
The Company included Advanced Patient Monitoring in its consolidated results of operations beginning on September 3, 2024. The Company’s unaudited pro forma Revenues for fiscal years 2024 and 2023, giving effect as if Advanced Patient Monitoring had been acquired as of October 1, 2022, were $21.069 billion and $20.258 billion, respectively. The calculation of pro forma Net Income for fiscal years 2024 and 2023 is not practicable because of complexities associated with its hypothetical calculation.
On July 18, 2022, the Company completed the acquisition of Parata Systems (“Parata”), an innovative provider of pharmacy automation solutions. The fair value of consideration transferred was $1.548 billion. Since the acquisition date, financial results for Parata's product offerings are being reported within results for the Medical segment’s Medication Management Solutions unit. The acquisition was accounted for under the acquisition method of accounting for business combinations.
The fair value of the assets acquired and the liabilities assumed resulted in the recognition of developed technology intangible assets of $628 million, customer relationships intangible asset of $161 million, and $1 million of other net liabilities. The goodwill recorded from the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the acquired net assets was $759 million, which related to synergies expected to be gained from leveraging the existing presence of the Company’s sales and marketing teams in pharmacies and acute care facilities, the broader coverage of the Company’s legacy sales and marketing teams, and revenue and cash flow projections associated with future technologies. A portion of the goodwill is deductible for tax purposes.
In addition to the Parata acquisition discussed above, the Company completed various other acquisitions during fiscal year 2022 which were not material individually or in the aggregate, including Parata.

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Becton, Dickinson and Company

Note 12 — Business Restructuring Charges
The Company incurred restructuring costs, primarily in connection with the Company's simplification and other cost saving initiatives that are part of its strategic objectives, which were largely recorded within Integration, restructuring and transaction expense on its consolidated statements of income. These simplification and other costs saving initiatives are focused on reducing complexity, enhancing product quality, refining customer experience, and improving cost efficiency across all of the Company’s segments. Restructuring liability activity in 2024, 2023 and 2022 was as follows:
(Millions of dollars)Employee TerminationOther (a)Total
Balance at September 30, 2021$14 $5 $19 
Charged to expense21 103 123 
Cash payments(11)(71)(82)
Non-cash settlements (25)(25)
Other adjustments (1)(1)
Balance at September 30, 2022$24 $11 $35 
Charged to expense117 122 239 
Cash payments(62)(103)(165)
Non-cash settlements (30)(30)
Other adjustments 1 1 
Balance at September 30, 2023$79 $1 $80 
Charged to expense80 307 387 
Cash payments(103)(202)(305)
Non-cash settlements (104)(104)
Other adjustments2  2 
Balance at September 30, 2024$58 $2 $60 
(a)Other non-employee-related expenses primarily relate to other costs associated with the execution of the Company’s cost efficiency and restructuring programs, such as incremental project management costs, facility exit costs, inventory write-offs and long-lived asset impairments and disposals, which are discussed further in Note 15.


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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

Note 13 — Intangible Assets
Intangible assets at September 30 consisted of:
(Millions of dollars)Gross
Net Carrying AmountGross
Net Carrying Amount
Amortized intangible assets
Developed technology$15,827 $(8,094)$7,733 $15,080 $(7,023)$8,058 
Customer relationships5,513 (2,878)2,635 4,859 (2,521)2,338 
Patents, trademarks and other1,185 (682)503 1,130 (624)505 
Amortized intangible assets$22,525 $(11,654)$10,871 $21,069 $(10,168)$10,901 
Unamortized intangible assets
Acquired in-process research and development$44 $44 
Trademarks2 2 
Unamortized intangible assets$46 $46 
Intangible amortization expense was $1.468 billion, $1.465 billion and $1.430 billion in 2024, 2023 and 2022, respectively. The estimated aggregate amortization expense for the fiscal years ending September 30, 2025 to 2029 are as follows: 2025 — $1.551 billion; 2026 — $1.519 billion; 2027 — $1.450 billion; 2028 — $1.357 billion; 2029 — $1.264 billion.
The following is a reconciliation of goodwill by business segment:
(Millions of dollars)MedicalLife SciencesInterventionalTotal
Goodwill as of September 30, 2022$10,909 $888 $12,824 $24,621 
Divestitures and related adjustments (a)  (218)(218)
Purchase price allocation adjustments (b)13   13 
Currency translation33 9 64 105 
Goodwill as of September 30, 2023$10,955 $897 $12,670 $24,522 
Acquisitions (c)1,833   1,833 
Currency translation43 7 59 109 
Goodwill as of September 30, 2024$12,832 $904 $12,729 $26,465 
(a)Represents goodwill derecognized upon the Company’s sale of its Surgical Instrumentation platform, as further discussed in Note 2.
(b)The purchase price allocation adjustments were primarily driven by an adjustment to tax-related balances recorded upon the finalization of the Parata acquisition allocation within one year of the transaction's closing.
(c)Represents goodwill recognized in the Medical segment upon the Company's acquisition of Advanced Patient Monitoring, which is further discussed in Note 11.
Note 14 — Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities
The Company uses derivative instruments to mitigate certain exposures. The Company does not enter into derivative financial instruments for trading or speculative purposes. The effects these derivative instruments and hedged items had on the Company’s balance sheets and the fair values of the derivatives outstanding at

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Becton, Dickinson and Company

September 30, 2024 and 2023 were not material. The effects on the Company’s financial performance and cash flows are provided below.
Foreign Currency Risks and Related Strategies
The Company has foreign currency exposures throughout Europe, Greater Asia, Canada and Latin America. Transactional currency exposures that arise from entering into transactions, generally on an intercompany basis, in non-hyperinflationary countries that are denominated in currencies other than the functional currency are mitigated primarily through the use of forward contracts.
In order to mitigate transactional foreign currency exposures resulting from anticipated intercompany purchases and sales denominated in a currency other than local functional currencies, the Company has hedged a portion of this currency risk with certain instruments such as foreign exchange forward and option contracts, which are designated as cash flow hedges.
In order to mitigate foreign currency exposure relating to its investments in certain foreign subsidiaries, the Company has hedged the currency risk associated with those investments with certain instruments such as foreign currency-denominated debt and cross-currency swaps, which are designated as net investment hedges, as well as currency exchange contracts.
The notional amounts of the Company’s foreign currency-related derivative instruments as of September 30, 2024 and 2023 were as follows:
(Millions of dollars)Hedge Designation20242023
Foreign exchange contracts (a)Undesignated$4,521 $3,146 
Foreign exchange contracts (b)Cash flow hedges543  
Foreign currency-denominated debt (c)Net investment hedges3,065 1,056 
Cross-currency swaps (d)Net investment hedges1,366 2,119 
(a)Represents hedges of transactional foreign exchange exposures resulting primarily from intercompany payables and receivables. Gains and losses on these instruments are recognized immediately in income. These gains and losses are largely offset by gains and losses on the underlying hedged items, as well as the hedging costs associated with the derivative instruments. Net amounts recognized in Other expense, net, during the years ending September 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022 are detailed in Note 19.
(b)Represents foreign exchange contracts that the Company entered into in fiscal year 2024 related to anticipated intercompany purchases and sales, described above, which generally have durations of less than eighteen months.
(c)Represents foreign currency-denominated long-term notes outstanding, which were effective as economic hedges of net investments in certain of the Company's foreign subsidiaries.
(d)Represents cross-currency swaps, which were effective as economic hedges of net investments in certain of the Company's foreign subsidiaries.
Net gains or losses resulting from the change in fair value of the foreign exchange contracts designated as cash flow hedges are initially recorded within Other comprehensive income (loss) and reclassified into earnings upon the occurrence of the related underlying third-party transaction. If foreign exchange contracts designated as cash flow hedges are terminated prematurely as a result of the hedged transaction being probable of not occurring, the balance in Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) attributable to those derivatives is immediately reclassified into Revenues or Cost of products sold (depending on whether the hedged item is an intercompany sale or purchase). Net after tax losses recognized in Other comprehensive income (loss) during 2024 were immaterial and no amounts were reclassified from Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) relating to these cash flow hedges during 2024. The amounts expected to be reclassified from accumulated other

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Becton, Dickinson and Company

comprehensive income into earnings within the next 12 months, are not material to the Company's consolidated financial results.
Net gains or losses relating to the net investment hedges, which are attributable to changes in the foreign currencies to U.S. dollar spot exchange rates, are recorded as accumulated foreign currency translation in Other comprehensive income (loss). Upon the termination of a net investment hedge, any net gain or loss included in Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) relative to the investment hedge remains until the foreign subsidiary investment is disposed of or is substantially liquidated.
Net (losses) gains recorded to Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) relating to the Company's net investment hedges as of September 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022 were as follows:
(Millions of dollars)202420232022
Foreign currency-denominated debt(96)(155)320 
Cross-currency swaps (a)(71)(70)173 
(a)The amounts in 2024, 2023 and 2022 include net of tax gains recognized on terminated cross-currency swaps of $9 million, $13 million and $46 million, respectively.
Interest Rate Risks and Related Strategies
The Company uses a mix of fixed and variable rate debt, which is further discussed in Note 16, to manage its interest rate exposure, and periodically uses interest rate swaps to manage such exposures. Under these interest rate swaps, the Company exchanges, at specified intervals, the difference between fixed and floating interest amounts calculated by reference to an agreed-upon notional principal amount. These swaps are designated as either cash flow or fair value hedges.
Changes in the fair value of the interest rate swaps designated as cash flow hedges (i.e., hedging the exposure to variability in expected future cash flows that is attributable to a particular risk) are recorded in Other comprehensive income (loss). If interest rate derivatives designated as cash flow hedges are terminated, the balance in Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) attributable to those derivatives is reclassified into earnings, within Interest expense, over the remaining life of the hedged debt. The amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income relating to cash flow hedges during 2024, 2023 and 2022, as well as the amounts expected to be reclassified within the next 12 months, are not material to the Company's consolidated financial results.
Net after-tax (losses) gains were recorded in Other comprehensive income (loss) relating to interest rate cash flow hedges of $(10) million, $23 million and $92 million in fiscal years 2024, 2023 and 2022, respectively. The amounts recorded during 2024 and 2022 included net after-tax gains of $67 million and $41 million, respectively, that were realized upon the Company’s termination of forward starting interest rate swaps.
For interest rate swaps designated as fair value hedges (i.e., hedges against the exposure to changes in the fair value of an asset or a liability or an identified portion thereof that is attributable to a particular risk), changes in the fair value of the interest rate swaps offset changes in the fair value of the fixed rate debt due to changes in market interest rates. Amounts recorded during the years ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 were immaterial to the Company's consolidated financial results.


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The notional amounts of the Company’s interest rate-related derivative instruments as of September 30, 2024 and 2023 were as follows:
(Millions of dollars)Hedge Designation20242023
Interest rate swaps (a)Fair value hedges$700 $700 
Forward starting interest rate swaps (b)Cash flow hedges 500 
(a)Represents fixed-to-floating interest rate swap agreements the Company entered into to convert the interest payments on certain long-term notes from the fixed rate to a floating interest rate based on secured overnight financing rates ("SOFR").
(b)Represents interest rate derivatives entered into to mitigate exposure to interest rate risk related to future debt issuances.
Other Risk Exposures
The Company purchases resins, which are oil-based components used in the manufacture of certain products. Significant increases in world oil prices that lead to increases in resin purchase costs could impact future operating results. From time to time, the Company has managed price risks associated with these commodity purchases through commodity derivative forward contracts. The Company’s commodity derivative forward contracts at September 30, 2024 and 2023 were immaterial to the Company's consolidated financial results.

Note 15 — Financial Instruments and Fair Value Measurements
The following reconciles cash and equivalents and restricted cash reported within the Company's consolidated balance sheets at September 30, 2024 and 2023 to the total of these amounts shown on the Company's consolidated statements of cash flows:
(Millions of dollars)20242023
Cash and equivalents$1,717 $1,416 
Restricted cash139 65 
Cash and equivalents and restricted cash$1,856 $1,481 
The fair values of the Company’s financial instruments are as follows:
(Millions of dollars)Basis of fair value measurement (See Note 1)20242023
Institutional money market accounts (a)Level 1$285 $373 
Current portion of long-term debt (b)Level 21,748 1,122 
Long-term debt (b)Level 217,199 12,850 
(a)These financial instruments are recorded within Cash and equivalents on the consolidated balance sheets. The institutional money market accounts permit daily redemption.
(b)Long-term debt is recorded at amortized cost. The fair value of long-term debt is measured based upon quoted prices in active markets for similar instruments.
Short-term investments are held to their maturities and are carried at cost, which approximates fair value. The short-term investments primarily consist of time deposits with maturities greater than three months and less than one year. All other instruments measured by the Company at fair value, including derivatives, contingent consideration liabilities and available-for-sale debt securities, are immaterial to the Company's consolidated balance sheets.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

Nonrecurring Fair Value Measurements
In fiscal year 2024, the Company recorded non-cash asset impairment charges of $83 million to Integration, restructuring and transaction expense to write down the carrying value of certain fixed assets. In fiscal year 2022, the Company recorded non-cash asset impairment charges of $11 million to Cost of products sold in the Life Sciences segment, $19 million to Integration, restructuring and transaction expense in the Medical segment and $54 million to Cost of products sold in the Medical segment to write down the carrying value of certain fixed assets. The amounts recognized were recorded to adjust the carrying amount of assets to the assets' fair values, which were generally estimated, based upon a market participant's perspective, using Level 3 measurements, including values estimated using the income approach.
Concentration of Credit Risk
The Company maintains cash deposits in excess of government-provided insurance limits. Such cash deposits are exposed to loss in the event of nonperformance by financial institutions. Substantially all of the Company’s trade receivables are due from public and private entities involved in the healthcare industry. Due to the large size and diversity of the Company’s customer base, concentrations of credit risk with respect to trade receivables are limited. The Company does not normally require collateral. The Company is exposed to credit loss in the event of nonperformance by financial institutions with which it conducts business. However, this loss is limited to the amounts, if any, by which the obligations of the counterparty to the financial instrument contract exceed the obligations of the Company. The Company also minimizes exposure to credit risk by dealing with a diversified group of major financial institutions.
The Company continually evaluates its accounts receivables for potential collection risks, particularly those resulting from sales to government-owned or government-supported healthcare facilities in certain countries, as payment may be dependent upon the financial stability and creditworthiness of those countries’ national economies. The Company continually evaluates all governmental receivables for potential collection risks associated with the availability of government funding and reimbursement practices. The Company believes the current reserves related to all governmental receivables are adequate and that this concentration of credit risk will not have a material adverse impact on its financial position or liquidity.
Transfers of trade receivables
Over the normal course of its business activities, the Company transfers certain trade receivable assets to third parties under factoring agreements. Per the terms of these agreements, the Company surrenders control over its trade receivables upon transfer. Accordingly, the Company accounts for the transfers as sales of trade receivables by recognizing an increase to Cash and equivalents and a decrease to Trade receivables, net when proceeds from the transactions are received. The costs incurred by the Company in connection with factoring activities were not material to its consolidated financial results. The amounts transferred and yet to be remitted under factoring arrangements are provided below.
(Millions of dollars)202420232022
Trade receivables transferred to third parties under factoring arrangements$1,385 $2,615 $1,215 
(Millions of dollars)20242023
Amounts yet to be collected and remitted to the third parties254 357 
Supplier Finance Programs
The Company has agreements where participating suppliers are provided the ability to receive early payment of the Company’s obligations at a nominal discount through supplier finance programs entered into with third party financial institutions. The Company is not a party to these arrangements, and these programs do not impact the Company’s obligations or affect the Company’s payment terms, which generally range from 90

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Becton, Dickinson and Company

to 150 days. The agreements with the financial institutions do not require the Company to provide assets pledged as security or other forms of guarantees for the supplier finance programs. The Company had $112 million and $94 million of outstanding payables related to supplier finance programs as of September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, which were recorded within Accounts payable on the Company's consolidated balance sheets.
Note 16 — Debt
Current debt obligations
The carrying value of Current debt obligations, net of unamortized debt issuance costs, at September 30 consisted of:
(Millions of dollars)20242023
Commercial paper borrowings$400 $ 
Current portion of long-term debt
3.875% Notes due May 15, 2024
(a) 144 
3.363% Notes due June 6, 2024
(a) 997 
3.734% Notes due December 15, 2024
3.020% Notes due May 24, 2025
0.034% Notes due August 13, 2025
Total current debt obligations$2,170 $1,141 
(a)All of the aggregate principal amount outstanding was retired upon maturity during 2024, as further discussed below.
The weighted average interest rates for current debt obligations were 2.91% and 3.43% at September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
From time to time, the Company may access the commercial paper market as it manages working capital over the normal course of its business activities. The Company’s U.S. and multicurrency euro commercial paper programs provide for a maximum amount of unsecured borrowings under the two programs, in aggregate, of $2.750 billion. Proceeds from these programs may be used for working capital purposes and general corporate purposes, which may include acquisitions, share repurchases and repayments of debt. The Company utilized commercial paper borrowings in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024 to partially fund the Advanced Patient Monitoring acquisition, as further discussed in Note 11. There was $400 million of commercial paper borrowings outstanding as of September 30, 2024 and no such borrowings outstanding as of September 30, 2023.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

Long-term debt
The carrying value of Long-Term Debt, net of unamortized debt issuance costs, at September 30 consisted of:
(Millions of dollars)20242023
3.734% Notes due December 15, 2024
$ $874 
3.020% Notes due May 24, 2025
0.034% Notes due August 13, 2025
1.208% Notes due June 4, 2026
671 634 
6.700% Notes due December 1, 2026
158 161 
1.900% Notes due December 15, 2026
559 528 
3.700% Notes due June 6, 2027
1,721 1,719 
7.000% Debentures due August 1, 2027
118 119 
4.693% Notes due February 13, 2028
797 796 
6.700% Debentures due August 1, 2028
115 115 
0.334% Notes due August 13, 2028
1,004 949 
4.874% Notes due February 8, 2029
5.081% Notes due June 7, 2029
3.553% Notes due September 13, 2029
891 842 
2.823% Notes due May 20, 2030
746 745 
3.519% Notes due February 8, 2031
1.957% Notes due February 11, 2031
994 993 
3.828% Notes due June 7, 2032
4.298% Notes due August 22, 2032
496 496 
5.110% Notes due February 8, 2034
1.213% Notes due February 12, 2036
668 631 
4.029% Notes due June 7, 2036
6.000% Notes due May 15, 2039
121 121 
5.000% Notes due November 12, 2040
90 90 
1.336% Notes due August 13, 2041
999 945 
4.875% Notes due May 15, 2044
244 245 
4.685% Notes due December 15, 2044
934 899 
4.669% Notes due June 6, 2047
1,460 1,445 
3.794% Notes due May 20, 2050
554 554 
Other long-term debt1 2 
Total Long-Term Debt$17,940 $14,738 
(a)Represents notes issued during 2024, as further discussed below.
The aggregate annual maturities of Long-Term Debt including interest during the fiscal years ending September 30, 2025 to 2029 are as follows: 2025 — $2.824 billion; 2026 — $1.297 billion; 2027 — $3.136 billion; 2028 — $2.434 billion; 2029 — $2.581 billion.


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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

Other current credit facilities
In July 2024, the Company extended its five-year senior unsecured revolving credit facility in place by one-year. The credit facility, which will expire in September 2027, provides borrowings of up to $2.750 billion, with separate sub-limits of $100 million and $194 million for letters of credit and swingline loans, respectively. The expiration date of the credit facility may be extended for up to one additional one year period, subject to certain restrictions, including the consent of the lenders. The credit facility provides that the Company may, subject to additional commitments by lenders, request an additional $500 million of financing, for a maximum aggregate commitment under the credit facility of up to $3.250 billion. Proceeds from this facility may be used for general corporate purposes and Becton Dickinson Euro Finance S.à r.l. ("Becton Finance"), an indirect, wholly-owned finance subsidiary of BD, is authorized as an additional borrower under the credit facility. There were no borrowings outstanding under the Company’s revolving credit facility as of September 30, 2024 and 2023. In addition, the Company has informal lines of credit outside of the United States.
Debt issuances
The Company issued the following U.S. dollar-denominated debt during fiscal years 2024 and 2023:
Interest rate and maturityPeriod issuedAmount issued (Millions of dollars)Use of proceeds
5.081% Notes due June 7, 2029
Third quarter 2024$600 Funding of the cash consideration and related fees and expenses for the Advanced Patient Monitoring acquisition and for general corporate purposes
4.874% Notes due February 8, 2029
Second quarter 2024$625 
Retirement of 3.363% notes due June 6, 2024 and retirement, upon maturity, of 3.734% notes due December 15, 2024
5.110% Notes due February 8, 2034
Second quarter 2024$550 
Retirement of 3.363% notes due June 6, 2024 and retirement, upon maturity, of 3.734% notes due December 15, 2024
4.693% notes due February 13, 2028
Second quarter 2023$800 
Retirement of 1.401% notes due May 24, 2023 and 0.000% notes due August 13, 2023
The Company issued the following Euro-denominated debt during fiscal year 2024:
Interest rate and maturityPeriod issuedAmount issued (Millions of Euros)Amount issued (millions of dollars)Use of proceeds
3.828% Notes due June 7, 2032
Third quarter 20241,000 $1,087 Funding of the cash consideration and related fees and expenses for the Advanced Patient Monitoring acquisition and for general corporate purposes
3.519% Notes due February 8, 2031
Second quarter 2024750 $806 
Retirement of 3.875% notes due May 15, 2024 and 3.363% notes due June 6, 2024
Also in fiscal years 2024 and 2023, Becton Finance issued Euro-denominated notes, listed below, which are fully and unconditionally guaranteed on a senior unsecured basis by the Company. No other of the Company's subsidiaries provide any guarantees with respect to these notes. The indenture covenants included a limitation on liens and a restriction on sale and leasebacks, change of control and consolidation, merger and sale of assets covenants. These covenants are subject to a number of exceptions, limitations and qualifications. The indenture does not restrict the Company, Becton Finance, or any other of the Company's subsidiaries from incurring additional debt or other liabilities, including additional senior debt. Additionally, the indenture does

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

not restrict Becton Dickinson Euro Finance S.à r.l. and the Company from granting security interests over its assets. The notes issued by Becton Finance included the following:
Interest rate and maturityPeriod issuedAmount issued (Millions of Euros)Amount issued (Millions of dollars)Use of proceeds
4.029% Notes due June 7, 2036
Third quarter 2024800 $869 Funding of the cash consideration and related fees and expenses for the Advanced Patient Monitoring acquisition and for general corporate purposes
3.553% notes due September 13, 2029
Second quarter 2023800 $868 
Retirement of 0.632% notes due June 4, 2023
Debt retirements
The Company’s retirements of debt upon maturity in fiscal years 2024 and 2023 included the following:
Principal, interest rate and maturityPeriod of retirement
$998 million of 3.363% notes due June 6, 2024
Third quarter 2024
$144 million of 3.875% notes due May 15, 2024
Third quarter 2024
400 million Euros ($439 million) of 0.000% notes due August 13, 2023
Fourth quarter 2023
800 million Euros ($857 million) of 0.632% notes due June 4, 2023
Third quarter 2023
300 million Euros ($325 million) of 1.401% notes due May 24, 2023
Third quarter 2023
500 million Euros ($528 million) of 1.000% notes due December 15, 2022
First quarter 2023
Capitalized interest
The Company capitalizes interest costs as a component of the cost of construction in progress. A summary of interest costs and payments for the years ended September 30 is as follows:
(Millions of dollars)202420232022
Charged to operations$528 $452 $398 
Capitalized57 51 46 
Total interest costs$584 $503 $444 
Interest paid, net of amounts capitalized$473 $452 $390 

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

Note 17 — Income Taxes
Provision for Income Taxes
The provision (benefit) for income taxes for the years ended September 30 consisted of:
(Millions of dollars)202420232022
Federal$132 $364 $17 
State and local, including Puerto Rico17 87 32 
Foreign362 303 228 
$511 $754 $277 
Foreign(42)22 (33)
Income tax provision$300 $132 $148 
The components of Income from Continuing Operations Before Income Taxes for the years ended September 30 consisted of:
(Millions of dollars)202420232022
Domestic, including Puerto Rico$336 $358 $496 
Foreign1,669 1,304 1,287 
Income from Continuing Operations Before Income Taxes$2,005 $1,662 $1,783 
Unrecognized Tax Benefits
The table below summarizes the gross amounts of unrecognized tax benefits without regard to reduction in tax liabilities or additions to deferred tax assets and liabilities if such unrecognized tax benefits were settled. The Company believes it is reasonably possible that the amount of unrecognized benefits will change during the next twelve months due to one or more of the following events: expiring statutes, audit activity, tax payments, other activity, or final decisions in matters that are the subject of controversy in various taxing jurisdictions in which we operate. However, the Company does not expect changes to have a significant effect on its results of operations, financial condition, or cash flows.
(Millions of dollars)202420232022
Balance at October 1$269 $267 $354 
Increase due to acquisitions  2 
Increase due to current year tax positions22 22 40 
Increase due to prior year tax positions 33 60 
Decreases due to prior year tax positions (29) 
Decrease due to settlements with tax authorities (64)(6)(77)
Decrease due to lapse of statute of limitations(6)(18)(112)
Balance at September 30$221 $269 $267 
Unrecognized tax benefits that would affect the effective tax rate if recognized$257 $366 $348 

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

The following were included for the years ended September 30 as a component of Income tax provision on the consolidated statements of income.
(Millions of dollars)202420232022
Interest and penalties associated with unrecognized tax benefits
$42 $20 $(6)
The Company conducts business and files tax returns in numerous countries and currently has tax audits in progress in a number of tax jurisdictions. The IRS has completed its audit for the BD legacy fiscal year 2014 and BD combined company fiscal years 2015 and 2017. With regard to legacy CareFusion, which the Company acquired in 2015, and legacy Bard, all pre-acquisition examinations have been completed. The IRS is reviewing BD’s fiscal years 2018 through 2022. For the other major tax jurisdictions where the Company conducts business, tax years are generally open after 2016.
Deferred Income Taxes
Deferred income taxes at September 30 consisted of:
(Millions of dollars)AssetsLiabilitiesAssetsLiabilities
Compensation and benefits$405 $— $426 $— 
Property and equipment— 391 — 405 
Intangibles— 1,612 — 1,858 
Loss and credit carryforwards2,946 — 2,352 — 
Product recall and liability reserves261 — 362 — 
Capitalized research and development expenses (a)364 — 243 — 
Other512 64 431 88 
4,489 2,067 3,814 2,351 
Valuation allowance(2,990)— (2,272)— 
Net (b)$1,498 $2,067 $1,542 $2,351 
(a)As required by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the Company’s research and development expenditures were capitalized and amortized in fiscal year 2024 for income tax purposes. This resulted in an increase in cash tax paid in fiscal year 2024 with a corresponding deferred tax benefit.
(b)Net deferred tax assets are included in Other Assets and net deferred tax liabilities are included in Deferred Income Taxes and Other Liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are netted on the balance sheet by separate tax jurisdictions. The Company asserts indefinite reinvestment for all historical unremitted foreign earnings as of September 30, 2024. Deferred taxes have not been provided on undistributed earnings of foreign subsidiaries as of September 30, 2024 since the determination of the total amount of unrecognized deferred tax liability is not practicable.
Generally, deferred tax assets have been established as a result of net operating losses and credit carryforwards with expiration dates from 2025 to an unlimited expiration date. Valuation allowances have been established as a result of an evaluation of the uncertainty associated with the realization of certain deferred tax assets on these losses and credit carryforwards. The valuation allowance at September 30, 2024 is primarily the result of foreign losses due to the Company’s global re-organization of its foreign entities and these generally have no expiration date. Valuation allowances are also maintained with respect to deferred tax assets for certain state carryforwards that may not be realized. The net change during the year in the total valuation allowance is attributable to foreign losses and credits.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

Tax Rate Reconciliation
A reconciliation of the federal statutory tax rate to the Company’s effective income tax rate for continuing operations was as follows:
Federal statutory tax rate21.0 %21.0 %21.0 %
State and local income taxes, net of federal tax benefit(0.7)(1.0)(1.1)
Foreign income tax at rates other than 21%(9.1)(8.2)(7.3)
Effect of foreign operations4.3 (3.9)5.6 
Effect of Research Credits, FDII and Other Credits (a)(22.1)(3.2)(2.2)
Effect of share-based compensation(0.3)(0.4)(1.7)
Effect of gain on divestitures 3.2  
Effect of valuation allowance19.3  (5.5)
Effect of nondeductible costs (b)2.2   
Other, net0.4 0.4 (0.5)
Effective income tax rate15.0 %7.9 %8.3 %
(a)    During fiscal year 2024, the Company was granted non-U.S. tax credits, for which a full valuation allowance was established.
(b)    Primarily related to the estimated liability recorded as a result of the SEC investigation, as further discussed in Note 6.
Tax Holidays and Payments
The approximate tax impacts related to tax holidays in various countries in which the Company does business are provided below. The tax holidays expire at various dates through 2039. The Company’s income tax payments, net of refunds are also provided below.
(Millions of dollars, except per share amounts)202420232022
Tax impact related to tax holidays$414 $363 $284 
Impact of tax holiday on diluted earnings per share1.42 1.26 0.99 
Income tax payments, net of refunds653 629 532 
Note 18 — Leases
The Company leases real estate, vehicles and other equipment which are used in the Company’s manufacturing, administrative and research and development activities. The Company identifies a contract that contains a lease as one which conveys a right, either explicitly or implicitly, to control the use of an identified asset in exchange for consideration. The Company’s lease arrangements are generally classified as operating leases. These arrangements have remaining terms ranging from less than one year to approximately 25 years and the weighted-average remaining lease term of the Company’s leases is approximately 8.3 years. An option to renew or terminate the current term of a lease arrangement is included in the lease term if the Company is reasonably certain to exercise that option.
The Company does not recognize a right-of-use asset and lease liability for short-term leases, which have terms of 12 months or less, on its consolidated balance sheet. For the longer-term lease arrangements that are recognized on the Company’s consolidated balance sheet, the right-of-use asset and lease liability is initially measured at the commencement date based upon the present value of the lease payments due under the lease. These payments represent the combination of the fixed lease and fixed non-lease components that are due under the arrangement. The costs associated with the Company’s short-term leases, as well as variable costs relating to the Company’s lease arrangements, are not material to its consolidated financial results.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

The implicit interest rates of the Company’s lease arrangements are generally not readily determinable and as such, the Company applies an incremental borrowing rate, which is established based upon the information available at the lease commencement date, to determine the present value of lease payments due under an arrangement. The weighted-average incremental borrowing rate that has been applied to measure the Company’s lease liabilities is 4.4%.
The Company’s lease costs recorded in its consolidated statements of income for the years ended September 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022 were $190 million, $145 million and $138 million, respectively. Cash payments arising from the Company’s lease arrangements are reflected on its consolidated statement of cash flows as outflows used for operating activities. The right-of-use assets and lease liabilities recognized on the Company’s consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2024 and 2023 were as follows:
(Millions of dollars)20242023
Right-of-use assets recorded in Other Assets
$876 $517 
Current lease liabilities recorded in Accrued expenses
142 117 
Non-current lease liabilities recorded in Deferred Income Taxes and Other Liabilities
667 414 
The Company’s payments due under its operating leases are as follows:
(Millions of dollars)
Total payments due988 
Less: imputed interest178 
Note 19 — Supplemental Financial Information
Other Expense, Net
(Millions of dollars)202420232022
Other investment gains (losses), net (a)$5 $(3)$(35)
Deferred compensation57 32 (46)
Net pension and postretirement benefit cost (b)(65)(98)(17)
Net foreign exchange losses (c)(47)(36)(28)
Impacts of debt extinguishment (d)  (24)
Embecta service agreements income, net (e)26 59 33 
Other (4) 1 
Other expense, net$(28)$(46)$(117)
(a)The amounts include gains (losses) recognized relating to certain equity investments.
(b)Represents all components of the Company’s net periodic pension and postretirement benefit costs, aside from service cost, including pension settlement expenses of $57 million and $73 million in fiscal years 2023 and 2022, respectively.

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Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued)
Becton, Dickinson and Company

(c)Represents net gains and losses from transactional foreign exchange exposures, offset by net gains and losses on undesignated foreign exchange derivatives.
(d)Represents losses recognized upon the extinguishment of certain senior notes.
(e)Consists of net income from transition and logistics service agreements with Embecta following the spin-off of the former diabetes care business in fiscal year 2022, as further discussed in Note 2.
Trade Receivables, Net
The amounts recognized in 2024, 2023 and 2022 relating to allowances for doubtful accounts and cash discounts, which are netted against trade receivables, are provided in the following table:
(Millions of dollars)Allowance for
 Allowance for
Balance at September 30, 2021$73   $18 $91 
Additions charged to costs and expenses4   73 77 
Deductions and other(12)(a) (75)(87)
Balance at September 30, 2022$65   $16 $81 
Additions charged to costs and expenses9   100 109 
Deductions and other(10)(a) (100)(110)
Balance at September 30, 2023$65   $16 $81 
Additions charged to costs and expenses30   91 121 
Deductions and other(30)(a) (93)(124)
Balance at September 30, 2024$64   $15 $79 
(a)Accounts written off.
Inventories at September 30 consisted of:
(Millions of dollars)20242023
Materials$803 $714 
Work in process443 381 
Finished products2,597 2,178 
$3,843 $3,273 
The Company acquired $666 million of inventories in the Advanced Patient Monditoring transaction, which is further discussed in Note 11.
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net at September 30 consisted of:
(Millions of dollars)20242023
Land$129 $131 
Buildings3,733 3,537 
Machinery, equipment and fixtures10,197 9,609 
Leasehold improvements320 301 
14,378 13,578 
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization7,557 7,021 
$6,821 $6,557 

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Item 9.    Changes in and Disagreements With Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure.
Item 9A.    Controls and Procedures.
An evaluation was conducted by BD’s management, with the participation of BD’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, of the effectiveness of the design and operation of BD’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) as of September 30, 2024. Based upon that evaluation, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that the design and operation of these disclosure controls and procedures were, as of the end of the period covered by this report, effective and designed to ensure that material information relating to BD and its consolidated subsidiaries would be made known to them by others within these entities. There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting during the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2024 identified in connection with the above-referenced evaluation that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, BD’s internal control over financial reporting.
On September 3, 2024, BD completed the acquisition of Edwards Lifesciences’ Critical Care product group (“Critical Care”), which was renamed as BD Advanced Patient Monitoring (“Advanced Patient Monitoring”). While BD has extended its oversight and monitoring processes that support our internal control over financial reporting, as well as its disclosure controls and procedures, we continue to integrate the acquired operations of Advanced Patient Monitoring. As such, we have excluded Advanced Patient Monitoring from our evaluation of internal control over financial reporting. This exclusion is in accordance with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's general guidance that a recently acquired business may be omitted from the assessment scope for up to one year from the date of acquisition. The Advanced Patient Monitoring business had total assets that represented approximately 2% of BD's consolidated total assets at September 30, 2024 and total revenues that represented less than 1% of BD's consolidated revenues for fiscal year 2024.
Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm are contained in Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data, and are incorporated herein by reference.

Item 9B.    Other Information.
Rule 10b5-1 and Non-Rule 10b5-1 Trading Arrangements
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, certain of our officers adopted “Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangements,” as defined in Item 408(a) of Regulation S-K of the Exchange Act, as follows.
On August 2, 2024, Michael Garrison, Executive Vice President and President, Medical Segment of BD, adopted a trading plan intended to satisfy the conditions under Rule 10b5-1(c) of the Exchange Act. Mr. Garrison’s plan is for (i) the exercise of up to 15,467 stock appreciation rights (“SARs”) at various exercise prices, net of shares withheld to satisfy applicable taxes, (ii) the sale of up to 1,383 shares of BD’s common stock, (iii) the sale of up to 3,640 shares of BD’s common stock upon the vesting of time vested units (“TVUs”), net of shares withheld to satisfy applicable taxes, and (iv) the sale of up to 1,660 shares of BD’s common stock upon the vesting of performance units, subject to the final payout factor and net of shares withheld to satisfy applicable taxes. The foregoing exercises or sales will be made in accordance with the prices and formulas set forth in the plan and such plan terminates on the earlier of the date all the shares under the plan are sold and December 2, 2025.

On September 5, 2024, David Shan, Executive Vice President and Chief Integrated Supply Chain Officer of BD, adopted a trading plan intended to satisfy the conditions under Rule 10b5-1(c) of the Exchange Act. Mr. Shan’s plan is for (i) the sale of up to 2,000 shares of BD’s common stock and (ii) the sale of up to 2,369 shares of BD’s common stock upon the vesting of TVUs, net of shares withheld to satisfy applicable

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taxes. The sales will be made in accordance with the prices and formulas set forth in the plan and such plan terminates on the earlier of the date all the shares under the plan are sold and December 5, 2025.

On September 6, 2024, Shana Neal, Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer of BD, adopted a trading plan intended to satisfy the conditions under Rule 10b5-1(c) of the Exchange Act. Ms. Neal’s plan is for the sale of up to 2,575 shares of BD’s common stock. The sales will be made in accordance with the prices and formulas set forth in the plan and such plan terminates on the earlier of the date all the shares under the plan are sold and December 6, 2025.

On September 6, 2024, Roland Goette, Executive Vice President and President, EMEA of BD, adopted a trading plan intended to satisfy the conditions under Rule 10b5-1(c) of the Exchange Act. Mr. Goette’s plan is for (i) the exercise of up to 13,334 SARs at various exercise prices, net of shares withheld to satisfy applicable taxes and (ii) the sale of up to 1,277 shares of BD’s common stock. The foregoing exercises or sales will be made in accordance with the prices and formulas set forth in the plan and such plan terminates on the earlier of the date all the shares under the plan are sold and December 6, 2025.

During the three months ended September 30, 2024, none of our officers or directors adopted, terminated or modified any “non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement,” as defined in Item 408(a) of Regulation S-K of the Exchange Act.
Item 9C.    Disclosure Regarding Foreign Jurisdictions That Prevent Inspections.
Not applicable.


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Item 10.    Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance.
The information relating to BD’s directors and nominees for director required by this item will be contained under the caption “Proposal 1: Election of Directors” in a definitive proxy statement involving the election of directors, which the registrant will file with the SEC not later than 120 days after September 30, 2024 (the “2025 Proxy Statement”), and such information is incorporated herein by reference. Information relating to the Audit Committee of the BD Board of Directors required by this item will be contained under the caption “The Board and committees of the Board - Audit Committee” and information regarding BD’s code of ethics required by this item will be contained under the heading “The Board and committees of the Board - ESG - Code of Conduct” in BD’s 2025 Proxy statement, and such information is incorporated herein by reference.
The information relating to executive officers required by this item is included herein in Part I under the caption “Information about our Executive Officers.”
Certain other information required by this item will be contained under the caption “Ownership of BD Common Stock” in BD’s 2025 Proxy Statement, and such information is incorporated herein by reference.
The Company has adopted an insider trading policy which governs the purchase, sale, and/or any other dispositions of our securities by the Company and its directors, officers and employees and is designed to promote compliance with insider trading laws, rules and regulations, and listing standards applicable to the Company. A copy of our insider trading policy is filed with this Annual Report on Form 10-K as Exhibit 19.
Item 11.    Executive Compensation.
The information required by this item will be contained under the captions “Executive Compensation,” “Report of the Compensation and Human Capital Committee,” “Compensation of Named Executive Officers”, “Non‑management director compensation,” and “CEO Pay Ratio", and information regarding BD’s policies and practices regarding the timing of awards of stock options in relation to the disclosure of material, non-public information required by this item will be contained under the heading “Compensation discussion and analysis - Significant policies and other information regarding executive compensation - Equity award policy and practices” in BD’s 2025 Proxy Statement, and such information is incorporated herein by reference.
Item 12.     Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters.
The information required by this item will be contained under the caption “Ownership of BD Common Stock” in BD’s 2025 Proxy Statement, and such information is incorporated herein by reference.
Item 13.    Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence.
The information required by this item will be contained under the caption “The Board and committees of the Board - Related person transactions” in BD’s 2025 Proxy Statement, and such information is incorporated herein by reference.
Item 14.    Principal Accounting Fees and Services.
The information required by this item will be contained under the caption “Proposal 2. Ratification of Selection of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm” in BD’s 2025 Proxy Statement, and such information is incorporated herein by reference.

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Item 15.    Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules.
(a)(1)    Financial Statements
The following consolidated financial statements of BD are included in Item 8 of this report:
Reports of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm (PCAOB ID: 42)
Consolidated Statements of Income — Years ended September 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income — Years ended September 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022
Consolidated Balance Sheets — September 30, 2024 and 2023
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows — Years ended September 30, 2024, 2023 and 2022
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
(2)Financial Statement Schedules
See Note 19 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.
See the Exhibit Index below for a list of all management contracts, compensatory plans and arrangements required by this item, and all other Exhibits filed or incorporated by reference as a part of this report.
Item 16. Form 10-K Summary
    BD is not providing summary information.

Table of Contents
  Description  Method of Filing
  Restated Certificate of Incorporation, dated as of January 30, 2019.  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3 to the registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended December 31, 2018.
  By-Laws, as amended as of September 19, 2023.  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on September 21, 2023.
  Indenture, dated as of March 1, 1997, between the registrant and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (as successor to JPMorgan Chase Bank).  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(a) to Form 8-K filed by the registrant on July 31, 1997.
Form of 7.000% Debentures due August 1, 2027.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(d) to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on July 31, 1997.
Form of 6.700% Debentures due August 1, 2028.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(d) to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on July 29, 1999.
Form of 6.000% Notes due May 15, 2039.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on May 13, 2009.
Form of 5.000% Notes due November 12, 2040.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on November 12, 2010.
Form of 3.734% Notes due December 15, 2024.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on December 15, 2014.
Form of 4.685% Notes due December 15, 2044.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.5 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on December 15, 2014.
Form of 4.875% Senior Notes due May 15, 2044.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.6 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on April 29, 2015.
Form of 1.900% Notes due December 15, 2026.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on December 9, 2016.
Form of 3.700% Notes due June 6, 2027.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.6 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on June 6, 2017.
Form of 4.669% Notes due June 6, 2047.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.7 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on June 6, 2017.
Form of 6.700% Notes due December 1, 2026.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on December 29, 2017.
Indenture, dated as of December 1, 1996 between C.R. Bard, Inc. and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., a national banking association, as trustee.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to C.R. Bard, Inc.'s Registration Statement on Form S-3 (File No. 333-05997).

Table of Contents
  Description  Method of Filing
First Supplemental Indenture, dated May 18, 2017, between C. R. Bard, Inc. and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as trustee.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the Current Report on Form 8-K of C.R. Bard, Inc. filed on May 23, 2017.
Form of 3.020% Notes due May 24, 2025.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on May 24, 2018.
Indenture, dated as of May 17, 2019, among Becton Dickinson Euro Finance S.à r.l. (“Becton Finance”), as issuer, Becton, Dickinson and Company, as guarantor, and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as trustee.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.7 to the registrant’s Post-Effective Amendment to the Registration Statement on Form S-3 filed on May 17, 2019.
First Supplemental Indenture, dated as of June 4, 2019, among Becton Finance, as issuer, Becton, Dickinson and Company, as guarantor, and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as trustee.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on June 4, 2019.
Form of 1.208% Note due June 4, 2026.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on June 4, 2019.
Form of 2.823% Notes due May 20, 2030.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on May 20, 2020.
Form of 3.794% Notes due May 20, 2050.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on May 20, 2020.
Form of 1.957% Notes due February 11, 2031.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on February 11, 2021.
Second Supplemental Indenture, dated as of February 12, 2021, among Becton Finance, as issuer, Becton, Dickinson and Company, as guarantor, and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as trustee.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on February 12, 2021.
Form of 1.213% Note due February 12, 2036.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on February 12, 2021.
Third Supplemental Indenture, dated as of August 13, 2021, among Becton Finance, as issuer, Becton, Dickinson and Company, as guarantor, and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as trustee.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on August 13, 2021.
Form of 0.334% Notes due August 13, 2028.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on August 13, 2021.

Table of Contents
  Description  Method of Filing
Form of 1.336% Notes due August 13, 2041.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on August 13, 2021.
Form of 0.034% Notes due August 13, 2025.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to the registrant’s registration statement on Form 8-A filed on August 13, 2021.
Form of 4.298% Notes due August 22, 2032.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on August 22, 2022.
Description of the Registrant’s Securities.Filed with this report.
Fourth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of February 13, 2023, among Becton Finance, as issuer, Becton, Dickinson and Company, as guarantor, and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as trustee.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on February 13, 2023.
Form of 3.553% Notes due September 13, 2029.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on February 13, 2023.
Form of 4.693% Notes due February 13, 2028.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on February 13, 2023.
Form of 3.519% Notes due February 8, 2031Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on February 8, 2024.
Form of 4.874% Notes due February 8, 2029Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on February 8, 2024.
Form of 5.110% Notes due February 8, 2034Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on February 8, 2024.
Form of 3.828% Notes due June 7, 2032Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on June 7, 2024.
Fifth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of June 7, 2024, among Becton Finance, as issuer, Becton, Dickinson and Company, as guarantor, and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as trustee.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on June 7, 2024.

Table of Contents
  Description  Method of Filing
Form of 4.029% Notes due June 7, 2036Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on June 7, 2024.
Form of 5.081% Notes due June 7, 2029 Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on June 7, 2024.
  Form of Employment Agreement with executive officers relating to employment following a change of control of the registrant (without tax reimbursement provisions).*  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(a)(ii) to the registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2013.
  Stock Award Plan, as amended and restated as of January 31, 2006.*  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(a) to the registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended December 31, 2005.
  Performance Incentive Plan, as amended and restated July 25, 2023.*  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(c) to the registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023.
  Deferred Compensation and Retirement Benefit Restoration Plan, as amended as of September 30, 2024.*  Filed with this report.
  1996 Directors’ Deferral Plan, as amended and restated as of November 25, 2014.*  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on December 2, 2014.
Aircraft Time Sharing Agreement dated June 5, 2020, between the registrant and Thomas E. Polen.*Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended June 30, 2020.
  2004 Employee and Director Equity-Based Compensation Plan, as amended and restated as of July 25, 2023.*  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(g)(i) to the registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023.
French Addendum to the 2004 Employee and Director Equity-Based Compensation Plan dated January 21, 2019.*Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on January 31, 2020.
  Terms of Awards under 2004 Employee and Director Equity-Based Compensation Plan and Stock Award Plan.*  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(g)(iii) to the registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020.
Tax Matters Agreement, dated August 31, 2009, by and between Cardinal Health, Inc. and CareFusion Corporation.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.3 to Cardinal Health, Inc.’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on September 4, 2009.
Letter Agreement, dated August 4, 2021, between the registrant and Christopher DelOrefice.*Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(n) to the registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2021.

Table of Contents
  Description  Method of Filing
Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of January 25, 2023, by and among Becton, Dickinson and Company, the other entities party thereto and Citibank, N.A., as administrative agent.Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed January 25, 2023.
Lender Confirmation, dated July 9, 2024. * *Filed with this report.
Advisory Board Consulting Agreement, dated October 31, 2022, by and between the registrant and Claire M. Fraser.*Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(p) to the registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2022.
Omnibus Amendment, dated as of March 9, 2023, among Becton, Dickinson and Company and each of the financial institutions party thereto as dealer. * *Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed March 10, 2023.
Dealer Agreement, dated March 9, 2023, among Becton, Dickinson and Company and each of the financial institutions party thereto as dealer. * *Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed March 10, 2023.
Executive Officer Cash Severance Policy, effective as of November 21, 2023. Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on November 27, 2023.
Global Insider Trading and Securities Transactions Policy, effective as of July 31, 2024.Filed with this report.
  Subsidiaries of the registrant.  Filed with this report.
Subsidiary Issuer of Guaranteed Securities.Filed with this report.
  Consent of independent registered public accounting firm.  Filed with this report.
  Power of Attorney.  Included on signature page.
Certifications of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, pursuant to SEC Rule 13(a)-14(a).  Filed with this report.
  Certifications of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, pursuant to Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code.  Filed with this report.
Policy Regarding the Mandatory Recovery of Compensation, dated as of December 1, 2023.Filed with this report.

Table of Contents
  Description  Method of Filing
101  The following materials from this report, formatted in iXBRL (Inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language): (i) the Consolidated Statements of Income, (ii) the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income, (iii) the Consolidated Balance Sheets, (iv) the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, and (v) Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.  Filed with this report.
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101)
*    Denotes a management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement.
**    Portions omitted pursuant to Item 601(b)(10)(iv) of Regulation S-K.
Copies of any Exhibits not accompanying this Form 10-K are available at a charge of 10 cents per page by contacting: Investor Relations, Becton, Dickinson and Company, 1 Becton Drive, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 07417-1880, Phone: 1-800-284-6845.

Table of Contents
Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
 Stephanie M. Kelly
Associate General Counsel, Securities and Governance and Assistant Secretary
Dated: November 27, 2024
KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that each of the undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints Thomas E. Polen, Michelle T. Quinn, Christopher J. DelOrefice and Stephanie M. Kelly, and each of them, acting individually and without the other, as his or her true and lawful attorney-in-fact and agent, with full power of substitution and resubstitution, for him or her and in his or her name, place and stead, in any and all capacities, to sign the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the Company’s fiscal year ended September 30, 2024, and any amendments thereto, each in such form as they or any one of them may approve, and to file the same with all exhibits thereto and other documents in connection therewith with the Securities and Exchange Commission, granting unto said attorneys-in-fact and agents, and each of them, full power and authority to do and perform each and every act and thing requisite and necessary to be done so that such Annual Report shall comply with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the applicable Rules and Regulations adopted or issued pursuant thereto, as fully and to all intents and purposes as he or she might or could do in person, hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorneys-in-fact and agents, or any of them or their substitute or resubstitute, may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.
This Power of Attorney shall not revoke any powers of attorney previously executed by the undersigned. This Power of Attorney shall not be revoked by any subsequent power of attorney that the undersigned may execute, unless such subsequent power of attorney specifically provides that it revokes this Power of Attorney by referring to the date of the undersigned’s execution of this Power of Attorney. For the avoidance of doubt, whenever two or more powers of attorney granting the powers specified herein are valid, the agents appointed on each shall act separately unless otherwise specified.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1934, as amended, this Annual Report and Power of Attorney have been signed as of November 27, 2024 by the following persons in the capacities indicated.
Name  Capacity
/S/    THOMAS E. POLEN  Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President
Thomas E. Polen(Principal Executive Officer)
/S/    CHRISTOPHER J. DELOREFICE  Executive Vice President and Chief Financial
Christopher J. DelOreficeOfficer
(Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer)


Table of Contents
Name  Capacity
William M. Brown  Director
Catherine M. BurzikDirector
Carrie L. ByingtonDirector
R. Andrew Eckert  Director
Claire M. Fraser  Director
Jeffrey W. Henderson  Director
Christopher Jones  Director
Timothy M. Ring  Director
Bertram L. Scott  Director
Joanne WaldstreicherDirector