Chrapaty 自2022年以來,Chrapaty擔任Toast的首席技術官,該公司是一家餐飲科技和端到端雲平台公司。在Toast,Chrapaty負責技術規劃和運營、架構、基礎設施、數據、人工智能和產品工程。在加入Toast之前,Chrapaty於2020年至2022年擔任亞馬遜Alexa的副總裁和首席運營官,在該職位上,她負責產品增長和貨幣化、第三方技能和設備以及國際產品擴展。在亞馬遜之前,Chrapaty於2018年至2020年在富國銀行擔任多個領導職務,包括首席技術官,負責推動美國第三大銀行的技術轉型。2014年至2018年,Chrapaty擔任Declara的首席運營官,該公司是一家利用人工智能和機器學習加速技能發展的變革學習公司。在她的職業生涯早期,Chrapaty還曾在思科、微軟和Zynga擔任過領導職務。Chrapaty目前擔任Forge Global Holdings, Inc.的董事會成員。她獲得了坦普爾大學經濟學學士學位,紐約大學斯特恩商學院信息系統MBA學位,並參加了斯坦福大學的董事會成員研修項目,這是一個爲在上市公司董事會服務的董事提供的研究生教育項目。
Maco has served as Chief Revenue and Customer Experience Officer at Avaya, a global leader in enterprise CX, since 2023. At Avaya, Maco is responsible for driving go-to-market strategy, sales channels, customer success, and field operations. Prior to this role, Maco served as the Executive Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Field Operations at Genesys from 2020 to 2023. Before Genesys, Maco served in several sales executive leadership positions, including at CognitiveScale, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and Oracle. Notably, Maco spent more than two decades at Cisco, and while serving as the company’s Vice President of Worldwide Enterprise Software Sales and Global Business Transformation, she spearheaded a multi-year, global transformation that aligned assets and cloud-consumption across a $60億 portfolio. Maco currently serves on the board of Avaya
Holdings Corp. Maco attended Penn State University, where she studied management and related support services.
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