華盛頓特區 20549 
Form 10-Q 
過渡期從                     到                   
委員會文件號 001-12107
6301 Fitch Path,新阿爾巴尼,俄亥俄州43054
Not Applicable


請在複選框中標記,表明公司已經在過去的12個月內(或公司要求提交這些報告的較短期間內)依照1934年證券交易所法第13或15(d)條的要求提交了所有必須提交的報告,並且公司在過去的90天內一直受到這些申報要求的約束。   x      ¨
請勾選註冊人是否已在過去12個月內(或註冊人被要求提交此類文件的較短時間內)電子提交了根據規則405的要求提交的每個互動數據文件(規則S-t(§232.405))。   x      ¨
如果發展中的成長企業,如果註冊人選擇不使用根據《證券交易法》第13(a)條款提供的任何新的或修訂的財務會計準則的延長過渡期,請在勾選標記中指示。   ¨
請選擇下列選項:公司是否爲外殼公司(按《交易所法》第12b-2條的定義)。     是的   x  No



Abercrombie & Fitch Co.


項目 1.     基本報表(未經審計)


淨銷售額$1,208,966 $1,056,431 $3,363,670 $2,827,770 
銷售成本,不包括折舊和攤銷422,034 370,762 1,163,019 1,047,927 
毛利潤786,932 685,669 2,200,651 1,779,843 
商店和分銷費用419,235 383,883 1,181,154 1,072,662 
市場營銷、一般及行政費用190,001 162,510 538,352 449,643 
其他營業(收入)損失,淨(1,586)1,256 (3,611)(4,332)
營業收入179,282 138,020 484,756 261,870 
利息支出569 8,568 11,538 23,661 
息稅前利潤淨額(8,733)671 (18,959)5,211 
稅前收入188,015 137,349 503,715 256,659 
所得稅費用54,151 39,617 119,394 82,349 
淨利潤133,864 97,732 384,321 174,310 
淨利潤歸屬於非控制權益1,885 1,521 5,324 4,634 
歸屬於A&F的淨利潤$131,979 $96,211 $378,997 $169,676 
基本$2.59 $1.91 $7.43 $3.38 
攤薄$2.50 $1.83 $7.13 $3.25 
基本50,951 50,504 51,030 50,138 
攤薄52,869 52,624 53,141 52,154 
貨幣翻譯調整,稅後淨額$84 $(5,042)$1,688 $(8,567)
衍生金融工具,扣除稅款1,461 7,259 834 9,906 
其他綜合收益1,545 2,217 2,522 1,339 
綜合收益135,409 99,949 386,843 175,649 
扣除歸屬於非控股權益的綜合收益1,885 1,521 5,324 4,634 
歸屬於A&F的綜合收益$133,524 $98,428 $381,519 $171,015 

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.

現金及等價物$683,089 $900,884 
應收賬款111,583 78,346 
存貨692,596 469,466 
其他流動資產112,709 88,569 
總流動資產1,655,767 1,537,265 
物業和設備,淨值570,440 538,033 
經營租賃使用權資產798,290 678,256 
其他資產245,375 220,679 
總資產$3,269,872 $2,974,233 
應付賬款$466,303 $296,976 
應計費用469,148 436,655 
經營租賃負債的短期部分210,335 179,625 
應付所得稅36,303 53,564 
總流動負債1,182,089 966,820 
經營租賃長期負債部分734,918 646,624 
長期借款淨額 222,119 
其他負債92,405 88,683 
長期負債總額827,323 957,426 
A類普通股:$0.01 面值: 150,000授權股數爲103,300 股份已發行,涵蓋所有報告期
1,033 1,033 
實收資本416,640 421,609 
留存收益3,009,664 2,643,629 
平均成本法下的庫藏股: 52,92952,800 shares as of November 2, 2024 and February 3, 2024, respectively
安大略與菲奇公司股東總權益1,247,133 1,035,160 
非控制權益13,327 14,827 
股東權益總額1,260,460 1,049,987 
總負債和股東權益$3,269,872 $2,974,233 

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.

2024年8月3日餘額51,069 $1,033 $408,293 $14,624 $2,877,969 $(134,991)52,231 $(1,945,778)$1,221,150 
凈利潤— — — 1,885 131,979 — — — 133,864 
(720)— — — — — 720 (100,056)(100,056)
基於股份的補償發放和行權22 — (1,180)— (284)— (22)(924)(2,388)
股份基於薪酬的支出— — 9,527 — — — — — 9,527 
金融衍生工具,稅後淨額— — — — — 1,461 — — 1,461 
外幣兌換差異金額,淨額稅後— — — — — 84 — — 84 
— — — (3,182)— — — — (3,182)
2024年11月2日期末餘額50,371 $1,033 $416,640 $13,327 $3,009,664 $(133,446)52,929 $(2,046,758)$1,260,460 
股份At average
截至2023年7月29日的餘額50,141 $1,033 $410,398 $10,478 $2,400,032 $(138,405)53,159 $(1,904,752)$778,784 
凈利潤— — — 1,521 96,211 — — — 97,732 
基於股份的薪酬發放和行使260 — (6,567)— (10,022)— (260)6,279 (10,310)
股份基於薪酬的支出— — 9,684 — — — — — 9,684 
淨金融衍生工具稅後— — — — — 7,259 — — 7,259 
外幣兌換差異金額,淨額稅後— — — — — (5,042)— — (5,042)
— — — (1,994)— — — — (1,994)
截至2023年10月28日的期末餘額50,401 $1,033 $413,515 $10,005 $2,486,221 $(136,188)52,899 $(1,898,473)$876,113 
Abercrombie & Fitch Co.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.

2024年2月3日結餘50,500 $1,033 $421,609 $14,827 $2,643,629 $(135,968)52,800 $(1,895,143)$1,049,987 
凈利潤— — — 5,324 378,997 — — — 384,321 
(923)— — — — — 923 (130,056)(130,056)
基於股份的補償發放和行使794 — (35,092)— (12,962)— (794)(21,559)(69,613)
股份基於薪酬的支出— — 30,123 — — — — — 30,123 
衍生金融工具,扣除稅費— — — — — 834 — — 834 
外幣兌換差異金額,淨額稅後— — — — — 1,688 — — 1,688 
— — — (6,824)— — — — (6,824)
截至2024年11月2日的期末餘額50,371 $1,033 $416,640 $13,327 $3,009,664 $(133,446)52,929 $(2,046,758)$1,260,460 
2023年1月28日資產負債表49,002 $1,033 $416,255 $11,728 $2,368,815 $(137,527)54,298 $(1,953,735)$706,569 
凈利潤— — — 4,634 169,676 — — — 174,310 
基於股份的補償發行和行使1,399 — (32,071)— (52,270)— (1,399)55,262 (29,079)
股份基於薪酬的支出— — 29,331 — — — — — 29,331 
衍生金融工具,稅後淨額— — — — — 9,906 — — 9,906 
外幣兌換差異金額,淨額稅後— — — — — (8,567)— — (8,567)
— — — (6,357)— — — — (6,357)
截至2023年10月28日的期末餘額50,401 $1,033 $413,515 $10,005 $2,486,221 $(136,188)52,899 $(1,898,473)$876,113 

2024 年第三季度表格 10-Q

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
凈利潤$384,321 $174,310 
折舊及攤銷116,610 105,547 
資產減損7,066 4,436 
虧損出售2,585 5,164 
基於股份的報酬30,123 29,331 
債務清償損失1,114 1,276 
應付帳款及應計費用184,604 126,842 
其他負債1,189 (6,747)
經營活動產生的淨現金流量402,756 350,142 
資產和設備出售所得 615 
現金及現金等價物、受限現金及現金等價物期初餘額909,685 527,569 
現金及現金等價物、受限現金及現金等價物期末餘額$690,997 $658,128 
$57,005 $38,787 
運營租賃權使用資產的新增,減除、減值和其他減少291,289 117,959 
支付利息的現金 9,527 14,165 
支付所得稅現金147,733 60,215 
來自所得稅退款的現金448 916 
支付用於計量經營租賃負債金額的現金,扣除減讓206,413 210,971 




註釋 3
註釋 4
註釋 5.
註釋 6.
註釋 7.
註釋 8.
註釋 13.
註釋 14.




1. 業務性質



公司的品牌包括愛芬奇品牌,涵蓋愛芬奇和abercrombie kids,以及Hollister品牌,包含Hollister和Gilly Hicks。這些品牌致力於提供獨特的高品質和卓越舒適度的產品,讓全球客戶能夠表達自己的個性和風格。

2. 重要會計政策摘要



該公司在Majid al Futtaim Lifestyle L.C.(「MAF」)的阿聯酋和科威特商業企業中擁有權益,與Dixar L.L.C.(「Dixar」)持有美利堅合衆國(「美國」)商業合資企業的權益,每家企業都符合可變利益實體(「VIE」)的定義。與MAF合作的目的是在阿拉伯聯合酋長國和科威特經營門店,與Dixar合作的目的是持有與Social Tourist品牌相關的知識產權。公司被視爲這些VIE的主要受益人;因此,公司已合併了這些VIE的經營業績、資產和負債,在簡明合併運營和綜合收益報表中,非控股權益(「NCI」)淨收益部分作爲歸屬於NCI的淨收益列報 以及在簡明合併資產負債表中以NCI形式列報的股東權益中的NCI部分。





Abercrombie & Fitch Co.





ASU 2023-07,分部報告(主題280):可報告分部披露的改進
ASU 2023-09,所得稅(主題740):所得稅披露改進

ASU 2024-03 - 收益表—報告綜合收益—費用分解披露(子主題 220-40):收益表費用的分解

合併現金流量表的 reconciliation

現金及等價物現金及等價物$683,089 $900,884 $649,489 $517,602 
其他資產7,908 8,801 8,639 9,967 
現金及現金等價物和受限制的現金及現金等價物$690,997 $909,685 $658,128 $527,569 
Abercrombie & Fitch Co.


根據由第三方管理的供應鏈融資(「SCF」)計劃,公司的供應商可以自行決定以折扣價向參與的金融機構出售公司的應收賬款,以充分利用公司的信用狀況。無論供應商是否參與SCF計劃,公司與其供應商談判的商業條款都是一致的。參與的供應商可以選擇在原始發票到期日之前由金融機構付款。公司的責任僅限於按照公司最初與每家供應商商定的條款付款,無論供應商是否將其應收賬款出售給金融機構。如果供應商選擇參與SCF計劃,公司將在規定的到期日(通常是)向金融機構支付已確認商品發票的規定金額 75 自發票之日起的天數。與金融機構的協議不要求公司爲SCF計劃提供作爲擔保或其他形式的擔保的抵押資產。

截至2024年11月2日和2024年2月3日,$109.3 百萬美元和美元72.4 百萬的SCF項目負債記錄在 應付賬款 的簡化合並資產負債表中,並在結算時反映爲簡化合並現金流量表中的經營活動現金流。


3. 收入確認。




禮品卡負債 (1)
$39,096 $41,144 $36,506 $39,235 
忠誠計劃負債30,648 27,937 24,521 25,640 
(1)其中包括價值爲 17.7 百萬美元和美元15.5 在截至2024年11月2日和2023年10月28日的三十九週期間確認的營業收入分別爲百萬,這些收入包含在2024年2月3日和2023年1月28日的禮品卡負債中。

與禮品卡兌換和禮品卡失效相關的營業收入$32,680 $24,741 $96,172 $73,391 
與獎勵兌換及與公司忠誠度計劃相關的失效營業收入16,697 13,710 45,367 37,628 

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.


4. 每股淨收益

淨利潤每普通股和稀釋股按A&F的普通股加權平均流通股數計算,A&F的A類普通股面值爲0.01美元(「普通股」)。以下表格提供了 關於A&F在截至2024年11月2日和2023年10月28日的十三週和三十九周內每股淨利潤的附加信息:
已發行的普通股股份103,300 103,300 103,300 103,300 
加權平均 — 基本股份50,951 50,504 51,030 50,138 
基於股份的補償獎勵的稀釋效應1,918 2,120 2,111 2,016 
加權平均 — 稀釋股份52,869 52,624 53,141 52,154 
抗稀釋股份 (1)
250 445 329 609 

5. 我們按照市場交易和確定公允價值所需的假設的可靠程度分爲三個級別對我們的金融資產和負債進行重複衡量。這些級別是:


顯著輸入的最低水平確定了整個公允價值計量在層次結構中的位置。 以下表格提供了公司資產在2024年11月2日和2024年2月3日作爲重複基礎按公允價值衡量的三個層次,及其分佈情況:
現金等價物 (1)
$149,605 $42,209 $ $191,814 
有價證券 (2)
 55,790  55,790 
衍生工具 (3)
 2,143  2,143 
拉比trust 資產 (4)
1,164 53,553  54,717 
受限制的現金等價物 (1)
3,317 1,480  4,797 
總資產$154,086 $155,175 $ $309,261 
衍生工具 (3)
$ $419 $ $419 
總負債$ $419 $ $419 
現金等價物 (1)
$349,174 $26,975 $ $376,149 
衍生工具 (3)
 1,092  1,092 
拉比信託 資產 (4)
1,164 52,521  53,685 
受限現金等價物 (1)
4,282 1,420  5,702 
總資產$354,620 $82,008 $ $436,628 
衍生工具 (3)
$ $539 $ $539 
總負債$ $539 $ $539 

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.

(1)    Level 1資產包括投資於貨幣市場基金和美國國庫券。Level 2資產包括原始到期日少於三個月的定期存款.
(2)    第二級資產包括原始到期超過三個月但不超過一年的定期存款。
(3)    2級資產和負債主要由外幣兌換遠期合約組成。
(4)    一級資產包括貨幣市場基金的投資。二級資產包括信託持有的壽險政策。



截至2024年2月3日,公司的借款在隨附的簡明合併資產負債表中以歷史成本列示。 8.75在2024年7月15日(「贖回日期」),Abercrombie & Fitch管理公司(「A&F管理」)按面值贖回了所有未償還的高級擔保票據,這些票據的利率爲固定的 2025年7月15日 ,並計劃於(「高級擔保票據」)到期。截至贖回日期,高級擔保票據不再被視爲未償還。

6. 固定資產淨額
下表提供了 截至2024年11月2日和2024年2月3日的資產和設備淨值:
成本覈算的房地產設備$2,602,101 $2,509,184 
物業和設備,淨值$570,440 $538,033 
R請參閱Note 8,“資產減值有關於2024年11月2日和2023年10月28日結束的十三和三十九期間發生的財產和設備減值費用的詳細信息,請參閱。

7. 租賃


單個租賃成本 (1)
$69,167 $63,177 $193,310 $184,172 
可變租金成本 (2)
45,715 32,332 137,081 119,809 
經營租賃權益使用資產減值 (3)
233  1,043 1,414 
總運營租賃成本$114,112 $94,530 $328,461 $302,436 


Abercrombie & Fitch Co.

8. 資產減值

下表提供了 截至2024年11月2日和2023年10月28日的十三週和三十九周的資產減值費用:
經營租賃使用權資產減值$233 $ $1,043 $1,414 
物業和設備資產減值5,266  6,023 3,022 
總資產減值$5,499 $ $7,066 $4,436 


9. 所得稅



截至2024年11月2日的十三和三十九周內,公司未對瑞士的稅前虧損中的$7.7 百萬美元和美元22.3 百萬美元確認所得稅利益,造成了$的負面稅務影響。1.2 百萬美元和美元3.4 百萬,分別爲。

截至2024年11月2日,公司在中國、日本和英國分別擁有約$的外國淨遞延稅資產。39.5 {$X百萬,包括作爲可能對價記錄的$X百萬。}10.0 百萬,$6.1公司對該計劃中所支付的所有款項均列入簡明合併現金流量表中「應付賬款」的減少。13.1 雖然公司認爲這些淨遞延稅資產實現的可能性較大,但這並不是確定的,因爲公司仍在評估並應對新出現的情況。如果情況發生變化,淨遞延稅資產可能會在未來受到額外的估值準備金的影響。額外的估值準備金將導致額外的稅費。

在截至2023年10月28日的第十三和三十九週期間,公司未對$的稅前損失確認所得稅收益,主要是在瑞士,導致不利的稅務影響$20.0 百萬美元和美元63.0 百萬3.0 百萬美元和美元9.6 百萬,分別爲。

截至2024年2月3日,中國、日本和英國分別有大約$7.6 百萬,$7.5公司對該計劃中所支付的所有款項均列入簡明合併現金流量表中「應付賬款」的減少。12.6 百萬的淨遞延稅資產。



Abercrombie & Fitch Co.


10. 借款


2024年7月15日(「贖回日」), A&F贖回了其所有未償還的 8.75%到期的優先擔保票據 2025年7月15日總本金金額爲$214 百分之百的本金金額,加上贖回日前的應計未付利息,並在綜合損益表的利息費用中承擔了$0.9 百萬美元的債務清償損失。截至贖回日的當年累計期間,A&F管理層在公開市場上回購了$9.3 百萬美元的債券,承擔了$214 百萬美元的債務清償損失。1.1 百萬美元。到期日時,保險型優先擔保票據已 沒有 不再被視爲未償債務,保險型優先擔保票據上的利息停止累積。

ABL 設施


將其總承諾增加到 $500百萬美元的高級無抵押循環信貸
爲了Abfico Netherlands Distribution b.V.(以下簡稱「Abfico」)和AFH Stores Uk Limited(以下簡稱「AFH UK」)的利益,設立一個價值10000萬美元的子設施,該設施(i)由Abfico和AFH UK的所有資產(受指定的例外情況限制)的首要安全利益擔保,(ii)由A&F和其某些國內直接和間接完全擁有的子公司擔保,並受所述的借款基準的約束;
將到期日期延長至 2026年4月29日2029年8月2日;
增加信用證子限額至 $507百萬62.5 百萬;
將擺動線可用性從$降低507百萬30 百萬;
將未使用線路費用從 變量 費率減少到 25 減息修改案將期限貸款的適用利率差邊際,從50個點子降至1.75%(對於按基準利率計息的期限貸款)和1.85%(對於按SOFR計息的期限貸款)。 37.5 點子的固定費率 25 點子;並且
來自 1.25% 到 1.50% 當平均可用性大於或等於貸款上限的50%(按照第二修正案的定義);及
來自 1.50% 到 1.75% 當平均可用性低於貸款上限的50%時。

ABL融資設施受擔保基礎的約束,主要包括美國、英國和荷蘭的庫存,信用證子限額爲$62.5 百萬美元,瑞士盧森堡銀行子限額爲$30 百萬美元,還有手續費功能使A&F可以根據特定條件將循環承諾額度增加高達$150 百萬美元。ABL融資設施可用於營運資金、資本支出及其他一般公司用途。

截至2024年11月2日,ABL融資額度的可用性爲$499.6百萬, 淨額爲$0.4 待償還備用信用證的總額爲百萬美元。由於公司必須在ABL融資額度下保持超過10%貸款上限或3600萬美元的可用性,因此截至2024年11月2日,公司在ABL融資額度下的借貸能力爲$449.6 百萬美元。






11. 基於股份的薪酬


股份-based薪酬費用$9,527 $9,684 $30,123 $29,331 
1,287 1,080 3,805 3,163 

$581 $861 $17,913 $2,303 
因取消股票增值權而實現的所得稅一次性費用   (101)
$581 $861 $17,913 $2,202 

員工在發行股份時扣繳的稅款 (1)
$2,388 $10,310 $69,613 $29,079 


截至2024年2月3日尚未歸屬1,886,085 $27.12 521,212 $30.03 260,619 $43.90 
授予236,530 123.01 53,775 120.56 26,895 180.71 
  150,446 32.10 75,227 50.34 
Vested(866,119)25.03 (300,892)32.10 (150,454)50.34 
截至2024年11月2日尚未歸屬 (1)
1,180,503 $47.41 424,541 $40.76 212,287 $58.95 
(1)    與績效基礎和市場基礎的歸屬條件相關的未歸屬股票在上表中以其目標歸屬金額的100%反映。與績效基礎和市場基礎的歸屬條件相關的未歸屬股票可以從零達到其目標歸屬金額的200%。

未確認的補償成本 (以千爲單位)
$41,966 $16,647 $6,163 


下表提供了 截止至2024年11月2日和2023年10月28日的39周內,關於限制性股票單位的額外信息:
授予的獎勵的授予日公允價值總額$29,096 $26,237 
授予的總授予日公允價值的獎勵歸屬21,679 23,051 
授予的總授予日公允價值的獎勵6,483 6,300 
授予的總授予日公允價值的獎勵4,860 4,576 
授予的總授予日公允價值的獎勵歸屬7,574 16,040 

授予日期市場價格$120.56 $28.36 
公平價值180.71 41.20 
價格波動性59 %63 %
無風險利率4.3 %4.6 %
同行公司平均波動率51.8 66.0 


2024年2月3日應付未到數額25,600 $29.29 
 $ $ 0.0
股票增值權可在2024年11月2日行使 $ $ 0.0


已行使獎勵的總授予日期公允價值$267 $1,292 
Abercrombie & Fitch Co.

12. 衍生工具




名義金額 (1)

$2,143 $1,090 
$419 $539 
$2,143 $1,092 $419 $539 

下表提供了 與截至2024年11月2日和2023年10月28日的十三週和三十九周外匯兌換遠期合同作爲現金流對沖工具的衍生收益或損失相關的信息:
在AOCL中確認收益 (1)
$1,162 $7,151 $1,604 $7,202 
(損失) 從其他綜合收益重新分類到銷售成本,不包括折舊和攤銷 (2)
(351)(326)659 (2,940)

幾乎所有未實現的收益將在未來的簡明合併經營和綜合收益表的銷售成本中,排除折舊和攤銷的影響 十二個月.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.

$11 $2,193 $454 $(239)

13. 累積其他綜合損失

重新分類前的綜合收益(虧損)84 1,162 1,246 
從其他綜合收益重新分類的損失 (1)
 351 351 
稅項影響 (52)(52)
其他綜合收益重分類後的金額84 1,461 1,545 
截至2024年11月2日的期末餘額$(134,844)$1,398 $(133,446)
截至2024年2月3日的期初餘額$(136,532)$564 $(135,968)
重新分類前的綜合收益(虧損)1,688 1,604 3,292 
重新分類的來自其他綜合收益的收益 (1)
稅項影響 (111)(111)
重新分類後的其他綜合收益1,688 834 2,522 
截至2024年11月2日的期末餘額$(134,844)$1,398 $(133,446)

(1)    金額表示從其他綜合收益重新分類到銷售成本的損失,不包括在綜合業務及綜合收入的簡明合併損益表中的折舊和攤銷。

重新分類前綜合(損失)收益(5,042)7,151 2,109 
從其他綜合收益重新分類的損失 (1)
 326 326 
稅項影響 (218)(218)
重新分類後的其他全面(虧損)收益(5,042)7,259 2,217 
截至2023年10月28日的期末餘額$(141,220)$5,032 $(136,188)
重新分類前綜合(損失)收益(8,567)7,202 (1,365)
從其他綜合收益重新分類的損失 (1)
 2,940 2,940 
稅項影響 (236)(236)
重分類後的其他綜合(損失)收益(8,567)9,906 1,339 
2023年10月28日的期末餘額$(141,220)$5,032 $(136,188)

(1)    金額表示從其他綜合收益重新分類到銷售成本的損失,不包括在綜合業務及綜合收入的簡明合併損益表中的折舊和攤銷。
Abercrombie & Fitch Co.


14. 部門報告



截至2024年11月2日,公司的管理團隊由公司(i) 首席執行官和(ii) 首席財務官及首席運營官組成,擔任公司的首席決策管理者。公司的首席決策管理者負責管理業務運營,並根據各個業務細分的淨銷售額和營業收入(虧損)評估其績效。




美洲$986,449 $867,566 $2,707,794 $2,264,415 
歐洲、中東、非洲181,592 157,976 546,052 468,045 
亞太40,925 30,889 109,824 95,310 
分段總計$1,208,966 $1,056,431 $3,363,670 $2,827,770 

美洲$304,542 $257,440 $832,009 $590,948 
歐洲、中東、非洲21,708 20,795 84,249 49,170 
部門總計$322,069 $274,974 $908,510 $633,846 
其他營業收入(損失),淨額1,575 (1,256)3,600 4,328 
總營業收入$179,282 $138,020 $484,756 $261,870 

美洲$569,713 $372,371 
歐洲、中東、非洲98,842 77,125 
亞太24,041 19,970 
總庫存$692,596 $469,466 
2,577,276 2,504,767 
總資產$3,269,872 $2,974,233 


阿伯克龍比 (1)
$629,835 $547,728 $1,783,764 $1,446,483 
霍利斯特 (2)
579,131 508,703 1,579,906 1,381,287 
總計$1,208,966 $1,056,431 $3,363,670 $2,827,770 
(1)包括 愛芬奇和愛芬奇兒童品牌。
(2)包括Hollister和Gilly Hicks


項目2. 管理層的討論與分析財務控件和運營結果



本公司謹此提醒,任何前瞻性的陳述(該術語在1995年私營證券訴訟改革法案中有所定義)在本季度報告(表格10-Q)中或由本公司或其管理層和發言人做出的內容涉及風險和不確定性,並且可能會根據多種重要因素髮生變化,其中許多因素可能超出本公司的控制。諸如「估計」、「預測」、「計劃」、「相信」、「期望」、「 anticipates」、「打算」、「應當」、「有信心」、「將會」、「可能」、「展望」或這些詞的否定形式或其他類似詞彙,以及類似表達可能標識前瞻性陳述。未來的經濟和行業趨勢可能對營業收入和盈利能力產生影響,這些趨勢是難以預測的。因此,我們不能保證本季度報告(表格10-Q)中包含的前瞻性陳述將被證明是準確的。可能導致結果與本公司前瞻性陳述中表達的結果不同的因素包括但不限於,在本公司2023財年的表格10-K的第一部分,項目1A「風險因素」中所述或提及的風險,以及我們與SEC後續報告和文件中的因素,另包括以下內容:

In light of the significant uncertainties in the forward-looking statements included herein, the inclusion of such information should not be regarded as a representation by the Company, or any other person, that the objectives of the Company will be achieved. The forward-looking statements included herein are based on information presently available to the management of the Company. Except as may be required by applicable law, the Company assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements, including any financial targets and estimates, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. As used herein, “Abercrombie & Fitch Co.,” “A&F,” “the Company,” “we,” “us,” “our,” and similar terms include Abercrombie & Fitch Co. and its subsidiaries, unless the context indicates otherwise.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q

Table of Contents

MD&A is provided as a supplement to the accompanying Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and notes thereto to help provide an understanding of the Company’s results of operations, financial condition, and liquidity. MD&A is organized as follows:

Overview. A general description of the Company’s business and certain segment information.
Current Trends and Outlook. A discussion related to certain of the Company’s focus areas for the current fiscal year and a discussion of certain risks and challenges, as well as a summary of the Company’s performance for the thirteen and thirty-nine weeks ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023.
Results of Operations. An analysis of certain components of the Company’s Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income for the thirteen and thirty-nine weeks ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023.
Liquidity and Capital Resources. A discussion of the Company’s financial condition, changes in financial condition and liquidity as of November 2, 2024, which includes (i) an analysis of financial condition as compared to February 3, 2024; (ii) an analysis of changes in cash flows for the thirty-nine weeks ended November 2, 2024, as compared to the thirty-nine weeks ended October 28, 2023; and (iii) an analysis of liquidity, including availability under the Company’s ABL Facility (as defined below), the Company’s share repurchase program, and outstanding debt and covenant compliance.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements. A discussion, as applicable, of the recent accounting pronouncements that the Company has adopted or is currently evaluating, including the dates of adoption and/or expected dates of adoption, and anticipated effects on the Company’s Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
Critical Accounting Estimates. A discussion of the accounting estimates considered to be important to the Company’s results of operations and financial condition, which typically require significant judgment and estimation on the part of management in their application.
Non-GAAP Financial Measures. MD&A provides a discussion of certain financial measures that have been determined to not be presented in accordance with GAAP. This section includes certain reconciliations between GAAP and non-GAAP financial measures and additional details on non-GAAP financial measures, including information as to why the Company believes that the non-GAAP financial measures provided within MD&A are useful to investors.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q

Table of Contents

Business summary

The Company is a global, digitally-led omnichannel retailer. The Company offers a broad assortment of apparel, personal care products and accessories for men, women and kids, which are sold primarily through its Company-owned stores and digital channels, as well as through various third-party arrangements.

The Company manages its business on a geographic basis, consisting of three reportable segments: Americas; Europe, the Middle East and Africa (“EMEA”); and Asia-Pacific (“APAC”). Corporate functions and other income and expenses are evaluated on a consolidated basis and are not allocated to the Company’s segments, and therefore are included as a reconciling item between segment and total operating income.

The Company’s brands include Abercrombie brands, which includes Abercrombie & Fitch and abercrombie kids, and Hollister brands, which includes Hollister and Gilly Hicks. These brands share a commitment to offering unique products of enduring quality and exceptional comfort that allow customers around the world to express their own individuality and style.

The Company’s fiscal year ends on the Saturday closest to January 31. All references herein to the Company’s fiscal years are as follows:
Fiscal yearYear ended/endingNumber of weeks
Fiscal 2023February 3, 202453
Fiscal 2024February 1, 202552
Fiscal 2025January 31, 202652


Historically, the Company’s operations have been seasonal in nature and consist of two principal selling seasons: the spring season, which includes the first and second fiscal quarters (“Spring”), and the fall season, which includes the third and fourth fiscal quarters (“Fall”). Due to the seasonal nature of the retail apparel industry, the results of operations for any current period are not necessarily indicative of the results expected for the full fiscal year and the Company could have significant fluctuations in certain asset and liability accounts. The Company historically experiences its greatest sales activity during the Fall season due to back-to-school and holiday sales periods, respectively.


Focus areas for fiscal 2024

In June of Fiscal 2022, we announced our 2025 Always Forward Plan, which outlines our long-term strategy and goals, including growing shareholder value. The 2025 Always Forward Plan is anchored on our strategic growth principles, which are to:
Execute focused growth plans;
Accelerate an enterprise-wide digital revolution; and
Operate with financial discipline.

The 2025 Always Forward Plan growth principles serve as a framework for the Company achieving sustainable and profitable growth and profitability in Fiscal 2024. Below are some additional details specific to Fiscal 2024 objectives within the 2025 Always Forward Plan:

Execute focused growth plans by:
driving sales growth across regions and brands primarily through marketing and store investment;
using our playbooks globally to align the brands’ products, voices, and experiences with customers, both digitally and in-store; and
using testing and chase strategies to deliver compelling assortments and product collections across genders.

Accelerate an enterprise-wide digital revolution to improve the customer and associate experience by:
continuing to progress on our multi-year enterprise resource planning (“ERP”) transformation and cloud migration journey; and
investing in digital and technology to improve experiences across key parts of the customer journey while delivering a consistent omnichannel experience.

Operate with financial discipline by:
actively managing inventory levels and positioning Abercrombie brands and Hollister brands to chase inventory as appropriate throughout the year; and
funding our growth strategies while properly balancing investments, impacts of inflation and efficiency efforts.
Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q

Table of Contents

Current macroeconomic conditions and impact of inflation

Macroeconomic conditions, that include inflation, a volatile interest rate environment, the geopolitical landscape, global political uncertainty, including as a result of the 2024 U.S. presidential and congressional elections, uncertainty regarding significant changes in legislation, regulations, and tariffs, foreign exchange rate fluctuations, and evolving habits in consumer discretionary spending continue to impact the global economy. In periods of perceived or actual unfavorable economic conditions, consumers may reallocate available discretionary spending or determine that they have fewer funds available for discretionary spending, which may adversely impact demand for our products. In addition, while cotton and raw material costs stabilized since the second quarter of Fiscal 2024, freight costs have been increasing since the start of the second quarter of Fiscal 2024. Continued inflationary pressures and pricing volatility could further impact expenses and have a long-term impact on the Company because increasing costs may impact its ability to maintain satisfactory margins.

Global events and supply chain disruptions

As a global multi-brand omnichannel specialty retailer, with operations in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, among other regions, management is mindful of macroeconomic risks, global challenges and the changing global geopolitical environment. The global supply chain also continues to be negatively impacted by various factors, including disruptions in major maritime routes, port congestion, higher operational costs, and increased competition for supply chain availability due to uncertainty regarding potential tariffs. The Company has taken certain mitigating actions in response to these disruptions, including increasing air freight usage where appropriate and prioritizing critical orders earlier to allow for longer lead times. Further mitigating actions may be needed, particularly if there is prolonged port congestion or transportation delays, and could result in higher freight costs in the near-term and beyond.

Management continues to monitor global events and assess the potential impacts that these and similar events may have on the business in future periods. Although management also develops and updates contingency plans to assist in mitigating potential impacts, it is possible that the Company’s preparations for such events are not adequate to mitigate their impact, and that these events could further adversely affect its business and results of operations.

Global store network optimization

The Company has a goal of finding the right size, right location and right economics for omni-enabled stores that cater to local customers. The Company continues to use data to inform its focus on aligning store square footage with digital penetration, and has delivered new store experiences across brands during Fiscal 2024. Through the end of the third fiscal quarter, the Company opened 39 new stores, remodeled 30 stores and right-sized eight stores while closing 31 stores. As part of this focus, the Company’s store investment plan includes delivering approximately 20 net store openings during Fiscal 2024 consisting of opening approximately 60 new stores, while closing approximately 40 stores, pending negotiations with our landlord partners. Additionally, the Company expects approximately 60 remodels and rightsizes, during Fiscal 2024, pending negotiations with our landlord partners.

Future closures could be completed through natural lease expirations, while certain other leases include early termination options that can be exercised under specific conditions. The Company may also elect to exit or modify other leases, and could incur charges related to these actions.

Pillar Two Model Rules

In 2021, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) released Pillar Two Global Anti-Base Erosion model rules (“Pillar Two Rules”), designed to ensure large corporations are taxed at a minimum rate of 15% in all countries of operation. Although the U.S. has not yet enacted legislation implementing Pillar Two Rules, other countries where the Company does business, including the U.K. and Germany, have enacted legislation implementing Pillar Two Rules, which are effective from January 1, 2024. The implementation of the Pillar Two Rules in each jurisdiction in which it operates did not have a material impact on the Company’s effective tax rate. The Company will continue to evaluate the impact as additional jurisdictions implement legislation and provide further guidance.

For a discussion of material risks that have the potential to cause our actual results to differ materially from our expectations, refer to Part I, “Item 1A. Risk Factors” on the Fiscal 2023 Form 10-K.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q

Table of Contents
Summary of results
The following provides a summary of results for the thirteen and thirty-nine weeks ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023:
Non-GAAP (1)
Thirteen Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024
October 28, 2023
November 2, 2024
October 28, 2023
Net sales (in thousands)
$1,208,966 $1,056,431 
Change in net sales14.4 %20.0 %
Comparable sales (2)
16 %16 %
Gross profit rate65.1 %64.9 %
Operating income (in thousands)
$179,282 $138,020 
Operating income margin
14.8 %13.1 %
Net income attributable to A&F (in thousands)
$131,979 $96,211 
Net income per share attributable to A&F2.50 1.83 
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
Net sales$3,363,670 $2,827,770 
Change in net sales19.0 %13.2 %
Comparable sales (2)
18 %11 %
Gross profit rate65.4 %62.9 %
Operating income$484,756 $261,870 $266,306 
Operating income margin
14.4 %9.3 %9.4 %
Net income attributable to A&F$378,997 $169,676 $172,905 
Net income per share attributable to A&F7.13 3.25 3.32 

(1)Discussion as to why the Company believes that these non-GAAP financial measures are useful to investors and a reconciliation of the non-GAAP measures to the most directly comparable financial measure calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP are provided below under “NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES.”
(2)Comparable sales are calculated on a constant currency basis and exclude revenue other than store and digital sales. Refer to the discussion below in “NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES,” for further details on the comparable sales calculation.

Certain components of the Company’s Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of November 2, 2024 and February 3, 2024 were as follows:
(in thousands)November 2, 2024February 3, 2024
Cash and equivalents$683,089 $900,884 
Inventories692,596 469,466 
Gross long-term borrowings outstanding, carrying amount— 223,214 

Certain components of the Company’s Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the thirty-nine week periods ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023 were as follows:
(in thousands)November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
Net cash provided by operating activities$402,756 $350,142 
Net cash used for investing activities(187,040)(127,986)
Net cash used for financing activities(432,570)(87,106)

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q

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The estimated basis point (“BPS”) change disclosed throughout this Results of Operations section has been rounded based on the change in the percentage of net sales.

Net sales

Net sales by segment are presented by attributing revenues on the basis of the segment that fulfills the order. The Company’s net sales by reportable segment for the thirteen and thirty-nine weeks ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023 were as follows:
Thirteen Weeks Ended
(in thousands, except ratios)November 2, 2024October 28, 2023$ Change% Change
Sales (1)
By segment:
Americas$986,449 $867,566 $118,883 14 %16 %
EMEA181,592 157,976 23,616 15 13 
APAC40,925 30,889 10,036 32 16 
Total $1,208,966 $1,056,431 $152,535 14 16 
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
(in thousands, except ratios)November 2, 2024October 28, 2023$ Change% Change
Sales (1)
Americas$2,707,794 $2,264,415 $443,379 20 %18 %
EMEA546,052 468,045 78,007 17 17 
APAC109,824 95,310 14,514 15 20 
Total$3,363,670 $2,827,770 $535,900 19 18 
(1)Comparable sales are calculated on a constant currency basis. Refer to NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES, for further details on the comparable sales calculation.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q

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For the third quarter of Fiscal 2024, net sales increased 14% as compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023. The increase was primarily attributable to a high-single digit growth in unit volume from traffic growth in comparable company owned and operated stores and digital channels. Mid-single digit increase in average unit retail (“AUR”) from lower promotional activity and category mix into higher ticket items also contributed to the increase in net sales. The increase was partially offset by approximately $10 million due to the timing of sales volume based on the impact of the calendar shift in fiscal 2024 due to the 53rd selling week in fiscal 2023. The year-over-year increase in net sales reflects positive comparable sales of 16%, as compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023.
Net sales growth in the Americas region of 14%. The increase was attributable to both higher AUR from lower promotional activity and category mix into higher ticket items and direct channel unit volume growth from increased traffic and transactions in company owned and operated stores and digital channels.
Net sales growth in the EMEA region of 15%. The increase was attributable to both higher AUR from lower promotional activity and category mix into higher ticket items and unit volume growth from increased traffic and transactions in company owned and operated stores and digital channels.
In the APAC region net sales grew 32% and 16% on a comparable sales basis. In the third quarter, APAC net sales growth had an outsized benefit relative to total company from the calendar shift of the 53rd selling week. This third quarter benefit will be offset in the fourth quarter. Comparable sales growth led by high unit sales across company owned and operated stores and digital channels.

For the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2024, net sales increased 19%, as compared to the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2023. The increase was primarily attributable to a double-digit increase in AUR from lower promotional activity and category mix into higher ticket items. Mid-single digit growth in unit volume also contributed to the increase in net sales, following increases in traffic and transactions in company owned and operated channels. Additionally, there was a benefit of approximately $30 million due to the timing of sales volume based on the impact of the calendar shift in Fiscal 2024 due to the 53rd selling week in Fiscal 2023. The year-over-year increase in net sales reflects positive comparable sales of 18%, as compared to the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2023.
Net sales growth in the Americas region of 20% and 18% on a comparable basis. The increase was attributable to a higher AUR from lower promotional activity and category mix into higher ticket items. Growth in unit volume as a result of increased traffic and transactions in company owned and operated stores and digital channels also contributed to the increase in net sales.
Net sales growth in the EMEA region of 17% on both a reported and comparable sales basis. The increase was attributable to a higher AUR from lower promotional activity and category mix into higher ticket items. Growth in unit volume as a result of increased traffic and transactions in company owned and operated stores and digital channels contributed to the increase in net sales.
In the APAC region net sales grew 15% and 20% on a comparable sales basis. Comparable sales growth percentage is higher than net sales growth percentage, as comparable sales excludes the impact of store closures during the period and the effects of foreign currency, both of which had negative impacts on net sales growth.

The Company’s net sales by brand for the thirteen and thirty-nine weeks ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023 were as follows:
Thirteen Weeks Ended
(in thousands, except ratios)November 2, 2024October 28, 2023$ Change% Change
Sales (1)
Abercrombie (2)
$629,835 $547,728 $82,107 15 %11 %
Hollister (3)
579,131 508,703 70,428 14 21 
Total $1,208,966 $1,056,431 $152,535 14 16 
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
(in thousands, except ratios)November 2, 2024October 28, 2023$ Change% Change
Sales (1)
Abercrombie (2)
$1,783,764 $1,446,483 $337,281 23 %20 %
Hollister (3)
1,579,906 1,381,287 198,619 1416 
Total$3,363,670 $2,827,770 $535,900 1918 
(1)Comparable sales are calculated on a constant currency basis. Refer to NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES, for further details on the comparable sales calculation.
(2)Includes Abercrombie & Fitch and abercrombie kids.
(3)Includes Hollister and Gilly Hicks.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q

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Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization
Thirteen Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)% of Net sales% of Net salesBPS Change
Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization$422,034 34.9 %$370,762 35.1 %(20)
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)% of Net Sales% of Net SalesBPS Change
Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization$1,163,019 34.6 %$1,047,927 37.1 %(250)

For the third quarter of Fiscal 2024, cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, as a percentage of net sales decreased by approximately 20 basis points, as compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023. The percentage decline was primarily attributable to cost of sales leverage from a higher AUR on reduced promotions, partially offset by higher freight costs compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023.

For the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2024, cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, as a percentage of net sales decreased by approximately 250 basis points as compared to the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2023. The percentage decline was primarily attributable to cost of sales leverage from a higher AUR on reduced promotions, as well as a benefit in product costs, as certain raw material prices have declined. These benefits were partially offset by higher freight costs compared to the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2023.

Gross profit, exclusive of depreciation and amortization
Thirteen Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)% of Net sales% of Net salesBPS Change
Gross profit, exclusive of depreciation and amortization$786,932 65.1 %$685,669 64.9 %20 
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)% of Net Sales% of Net SalesBPS Change
Gross profit, exclusive of depreciation and amortization$2,200,651 65.4 %$1,779,843 62.9 %250 
Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q

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Stores and distribution expense
Thirteen Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)% of Net sales% of Net salesBPS Change
Stores and distribution expense$419,235 34.7 %$383,883 36.3 %(160)
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)% of Net Sales% of Net SalesBPS Change
Stores and distribution expense$1,181,154 35.1 %$1,072,662 37.9 %(280)

For the third quarter of Fiscal 2024, stores and distribution expense increased by $35 million compared to the third quarter of 2023. Stores and distribution expense as a percentage of net sales decreased 160 basis points, as compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023. The decrease in rate was primarily driven by expense leverage from higher net sales, including approximately 110 basis points in stores expense, primarily relating to store occupancy and store payroll, and approximately 60 basis points in distribution center and order fulfillment costs as compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023.

For the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2024, stores and distribution expense increased by $108 million and decreased 280 basis points, as a percentage of net sales, as compared to the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2023. The decrease as a percent of net sales was primarily driven by expense leverage from higher net sales, including approximately 250 basis points in stores expense, primarily relating to store occupancy and store payroll, and 30 basis points in distribution center and order fulfillment costs compared to the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2023.

Marketing, general and administrative expense
Thirteen Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)% of Net sales% of Net salesBPS Change
Marketing, general and administrative expense$190,001 15.7 %$162,510 15.4 %30 
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)% of Net Sales% of Net SalesBPS Change
Marketing, general and administrative expense$538,352 16.0 %$449,643 15.9 %10 

For the third quarter of Fiscal 2024, marketing, general and administrative expense increased by $27 million compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023. Marketing, general and administrative expense as a percentage of net sales increased 30 basis points, as compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023. The increase in expense rate was primarily driven by an 80 basis point increase in marketing expense, primarily due to media campaigns and content, partially offset by 50 basis points of other general and administrative costs primarily relating to payroll expense leverage from higher net sales.

For the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2024, marketing, general and administration expense increased by $89 million and increased 10 basis points as a percentage of net sales, as compared to the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2023, with a 50 basis point increase in marketing expense, primarily due to media campaigns and content, partially offset by a 40 basis point decrease in other general and administrative costs primarily relating to payroll expense leverage from higher net sales.

Other operating (income) loss, net
Thirteen Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)% of Net sales% of Net salesBPS Change
Other operating (income) loss, net$(1,586)(0.1)%$1,256 0.1 %(20)
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)% of Net Sales% of Net SalesBPS Change
Other operating income, net$(3,611)(0.1)%$(4,332)(0.2)%10 
Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q

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Operating income
Thirteen Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)
% of Net sales(1)
% of Net sales(1)
BPS Change
Americas$304,542 30.9 %$257,440 29.7 %120 
EMEA21,708 12.0 20,795 13.2 (120)
Operating loss not attributed to segments(142,787)(136,954)
Operating income$179,282 14.8 $138,020 13.1 170 
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)
% of Net Sales(1)
% of Net Sales(1)
BPS Change
Americas$832,009 30.7 %$590,948 26.1 %460 
EMEA84,249 15.4 49,170 10.5 490 
Operating loss not attributed to segments(423,754)(371,976)
Operating income$484,756 14.4 $261,870 9.3 510 
Excluded items:
Asset impairment charges (2)
— — 4,436 0.2 (20)
Adjusted non-GAAP operating income$484,756 14.4 $266,306 9.4 500 
(1)    Segment operating income as a percentage of net sales is calculated by attributing the segment’s operating income with the respective net sales in the segment.
(2)    Refer to NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES for further details.
For the third quarter of Fiscal 2024, operating income increased by $41 million, or 170 basis points, as a percentage of net sales, as compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023.
Operating income for the Americas region increased $47 million or 120 basis points as a percentage of region net sales, as compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023. The increase as a percent of sales primarily relates to positive comparable sales of 16%, relating to higher unit volume, increased AUR on reduced promotions, and expense leverage relating to payroll and occupancy expenses.
Operating income for the EMEA region increased $1 million and decreased 120 basis points as a percentage of region net sales, as compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023. The decrease as a percent of net sales is primarily attributed to higher freight costs and increased marketing expense, partially offset by expense leverage from comparable sales growth of 13%.
Operating (loss) for the APAC region increased by $(1) million or 40 basis points as a percentage of region net sales, as compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023. The loss was impacted by store impairments taken during the quarter, which more than offset the expense leverage from comparable sales growth of 16%.

For the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2024, operating income increased by $223 million, or 510 basis points, as a percentage of net sales as compared to the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2023.
Operating income for the Americas increased $241 million or 460 basis points as a percentage of region net sales as compared to the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2023. The increase as a percent of sales primarily relates to positive comparable sales of 18%, relating to higher unit volume, increased AUR on reduced promotions, and expense leverage relating to payroll and occupancy expenses.
Operating income for EMEA increased $35 million or 490 basis points as a percentage of region net sales as compared to the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2023. The increase as a percent of sales primarily relates to positive comparable sales of 17%, relating to higher unit volume, increased AUR on reduced promotions, and expense leverage relating to payroll and occupancy expenses.
Operating (loss) for APAC increased $(1) million or 50 basis points as a percentage of region net sales as compared to the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2023. The loss was impacted by store impairments and marketing investments, which more than offset the expense leverage from comparable sales growth of 20%.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q

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Interest (income) expense, net
Thirteen Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)% of Net sales% of Net salesBPS Change
Interest expense$569 — %$8,568 0.8 %(80)
Interest income(9,302)(0.7)(7,897)(0.7)— 
Interest (income) expense, net$(8,733)(0.7)$671 0.1 (80)
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)% of Net Sales% of Net SalesBPS Change
Interest expense$11,538 0.3 %$23,661 0.8 %(50)
Interest income(30,497)(0.9)(18,450)(0.6)(30)
Interest (income) expense, net$(18,959)(0.6)$5,211 0.2 (80)

For the third quarter of Fiscal 2024, interest (income) expense, net increased $9.4 million, as compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023. The increase in interest income was due to the increased balance on time deposits and money market accounts compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023. Additionally, interest expense decreased compared to the third quarter of Fiscal 2023 as result of the repurchases in late Fiscal 2023 and Fiscal 2024 and redemption of the remaining outstanding Senior Secured Notes on July 15, 2024.

For the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2024, interest (income) expense, net increased $24.2 million, as compared to the year-to-date period of Fiscal 2023. The increase was a result of higher interest income due to the increased balance on time deposits and money market accounts. Additionally, interest expense decreased compared to the year-to-date period Fiscal 2023 as result of the repurchases in late Fiscal 2023 and Fiscal 2024 and redemption of the remaining outstanding Senior Secured Notes on July 15, 2024.

Income tax expense
Thirteen Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)Effective Tax RateEffective Tax Rate
Income tax expense$54,151 28.8 %$39,617 28.8 %
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)Effective Tax RateEffective Tax Rate
Income tax expense$119,394 23.7 %$82,349 32.1 %
Excluded items:
Tax effect of pre-tax excluded items (1)
— 1,207 
Adjusted non-GAAP income tax expense$119,394 23.7 $83,556 32.0 
(1)    The tax effect of pre-tax excluded items is the difference between the tax provision calculation on a GAAP basis and on an adjusted non-GAAP basis. Refer to “Operating income” and “NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES” for details of pre-tax excluded items. 

Compared with the year-to-date period of 2023, the change in the effective tax rates during Fiscal 2024 is due to jurisdictional mix and higher levels of pre-tax income offset by a larger tax benefit on share-based compensation.

Refer to Note 9, “INCOME TAXES.”

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q

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Net income attributable to A&F
Thirteen Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands)% of Net sales% of Net salesBPS Change
Net income attributable to A&F$131,979 10.9 %$96,211 9.1 %180 
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands)% of Net Sales% of Net SalesBPS Change
Net income attributable to A&F$378,997 11.3 %$169,676 6.0 %530 
Excluded items, net of tax (1)
— — 3,229 0.1 (10)
Adjusted non-GAAP net income attributable to A&F (2)
$378,997 11.3 $172,905 6.1 520 
(1)    Excluded items presented above under “Operating income,” and “Income tax expense” 
(2)    Refer to “NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES” for further details.

Net income per share attributable to A&F
Thirteen Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023$ Change
Net income per diluted share attributable to A&F
$2.50 $1.83 $0.67 
Impact from changes in foreign currency exchange rates— 0.07 (0.07)
Adjusted non-GAAP net income per diluted share attributable to A&F on a constant currency basis (2)
$2.50 $1.90 $0.60 
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023$ Change
Net income per diluted share attributable to A&F
$7.13 $3.25 $3.88 
Excluded items, net of tax (1)
— 0.06 (0.06)
Adjusted non-GAAP net income per diluted share attributable to A&F (2)
$7.13 $3.32 $3.81 
Impact from changes in foreign currency exchange rates— 0.05 (0.05)
Adjusted non-GAAP net income per diluted share attributable to A&F on a constant currency basis (2)
$7.13 $3.37 $3.76 
(1)    Excluded items presented above under “Operating income,” and “Income tax expense.” 
(2)    Refer to “NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES” for further details.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q

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EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA
Thirteen Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)% of Net sales% of Net salesBPS Change
Net income$133,864 11.1 %$97,732 9.3 %180 
Income tax expense54,151 4.5 39,617 3.8 70 
Interest (income) expense, net(8,733)(0.7)671 0.1 (80)
Depreciation and amortization39,566 3.2 33,136 3.0 20 
$218,848 18.1 $171,156 16.2 190 
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands, except ratios)% of Net sales% of Net salesBPS Change
Net income$384,321 11.4 %$174,310 6.2 %520 
Income tax expense119,394 3.5 82,349 2.9 60 
Interest (income) expense, net(18,959)(0.6)5,211 0.2 (80)
Depreciation and amortization116,610 3.6 105,547 3.7 (10)
$601,366 17.9 $367,417 13.0 490 
Excluded items:
Asset impairment charges (1)
— — 4,436 0.2 (20)
Adjusted EBITDA (1)
$601,366 17.9 $371,853 13.2 470 
(1)EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA are supplemental financial measures that are not defined or prepared in accordance with GAAP. EBITDA is defined as net income before interest, income taxes and depreciation and amortization. Adjusted EBITDA is EBITDA adjusted for asset impairment. Refer to “NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES” for further details.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q

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The Company’s capital allocation strategy and priorities are reviewed by the Board of Directors quarterly, considering both liquidity and valuation factors. The Company believes that it will have adequate liquidity to fund operating activities for the next twelve months. The Company monitors market conditions and may in the future determine whether and when to repurchase shares of its Common Stock. For a discussion of the Company’s share repurchase activity, please see below under “Share repurchases and dividends.”

Primary sources and uses of cash

The Company’s business has two principal selling seasons: Spring and Fall, The Company generally experiences its greatest sales activity during the Fall season, due to the back-to-school and holiday sales periods. The Company relies on excess operating cash flows, which are largely generated in Fall, to fund operations throughout the year and to reinvest in the business to support future growth. The Company also has the ABL Facility available as a source of additional funding, which is described further below under “Credit facility”.

Over the next twelve months, the Company expects its primary cash requirements to be directed towards prioritizing investments in the business and continuing to fund operating activities, including the acquisition of inventory, obligations related to compensation, marketing, data and technology, leases and any lease buyouts or modifications it may exercise, taxes and other operating activities. In addition, management continuously evaluates potential opportunities to strategically deploy excess cash and/or deleverage the balance sheet, in consideration of various factors, such as market and business conditions, and the Company’s ability to accelerate investments in the business. Such opportunities may include, but are not limited to, share repurchases.

When evaluating opportunities for investments in the business, management considers alignment with initiatives that position the business for sustainable long-term growth and with the Company’s strategic pillars as described within Part I, “Item 1. Business - STRATEGY AND KEY BUSINESS PRIORITIES” included on the Fiscal 2023 Form 10-K, including being opportunistic regarding growth opportunities. Examples of potential investment opportunities include, but are not limited to, new store experiences, and investments in the Company’s digital and omnichannel initiatives. Historically, the Company has utilized free cash flow generated from operations to fund any discretionary capital expenditures, which have been prioritized towards new store experiences, as well as digital and omnichannel investments, and information technology. For the year-to-date period ended November 2, 2024, the Company invested $132.0 million towards capital expenditures. Total capital expenditures for Fiscal 2024 are expected to be approximately $170 million.

The Company measures liquidity using total cash and cash equivalents and incremental borrowing available under the ABL Facility. As of November 2, 2024, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of $683.1 million and total liquidity of approximately $1.1 billion, compared with cash and cash equivalents of $900.9 million and total liquidity of approximately $1.2 billion at the beginning of Fiscal 2024.

Share repurchases and dividends

In November 2021, the Board of Directors approved a $500 million share repurchase authorization, replacing the prior 2021 share repurchase authorization of 10.0 million shares, which had approximately 3.9 million shares remaining available. During the year-to-date period ended November 2, 2024, the Company repurchased approximately 0.9 million shares of its Common Stock pursuant to this share repurchase authorization for approximately $129.8 million. As of November 2, 2024 the Company had $102 million in share repurchases remaining under the authorization approved in November 2021.

Historically, the Company has repurchased shares of its Common Stock from time to time, which repurchases are dependent on excess liquidity, market conditions and business conditions, with the objectives of returning excess cash to shareholders and offsetting dilution from issuances of Common Stock associated with the exercise of employee stock appreciation rights and the vesting of restricted stock units. Shares may be repurchased in the open market, including pursuant to trading plans established in accordance with Rule 10b5-1 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), through privately negotiated transactions or other transactions or by a combination of such methods.

In May 2020, the Company suspended its dividend program. The Company may in the future review its dividend program to determine, in light of facts and circumstances at that time, whether and when to reinstate. Any dividends are declared at the discretion of the Company’s Board of Directors. The Board of Directors reviews and establishes a dividend amount, if at all, based on the Company’s financial condition, results of operations, capital requirements, current and projected cash flows, business prospects and other factors, including any restrictions under the Company’s agreements related to the ABL Facility. There can be no assurance that the Company will declare and pay dividends in the future or, if dividends are paid, that they will be in amounts similar to past dividends.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q

Table of Contents
Senior Secured Notes

On July 15, 2024 (the “Redemption Date”), Abercrombie & Fitch Management Co (“A&F Management”) redeemed all of its outstanding 8.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2025, which had an aggregate principal amount of $214 million, pursuant to the terms of the indenture governing the Senior Secured Notes, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest to, but excluding, the Redemption Date. As of the Redemption Date, the Senior Secured Notes were no longer deemed outstanding and interest on the Senior Secured Notes ceased to accrue.

Credit facility

On August 2, 2024, A&F, as parent and a guarantor, A&F Management, as lead borrower, and certain of A&F’s direct and indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries, as additional borrowers and guarantors, entered into the Second Amendment, together with the lenders party thereto and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as administrative agent for the lenders. The Second Amendment amends the existing ABL Credit Agreement, which provided for a $400 million senior secured asset-based revolving credit facility. The Company incurred customary fees and expenses in connection with the entry into the Second Amendment.

The Second Amendment amended the ABL Credit Agreement to, among other things:
increase the aggregate commitments thereunder to $500 million;
establish a $100 million sub-facility for the benefit of Abfico Netherlands Distribution B.V. (“Abfico”) and AFH Stores UK Limited (“AFH UK”) that is (i) secured by a first priority security interest in all assets (subject to specified exclusions) of each of Abfico and AFH UK, (ii) guaranteed by A&F and certain of its domestic direct and indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries, and (iii) subject to a borrowing base as described therein;
extend the maturity date from April 29, 2026 to August 2, 2029;
increase the letter of credit sub-limit from $50 million to $62.5 million;
decrease the swing line availability from $50 million to $30 million;
decrease the unused line fee from a variable rate of 25 basis points to 37.5 basis points to a flat rate of 25 basis points; and
increase pricing of the interest rate margin applicable to borrowings as follows:
from 1.25% to 1.50% when average availability is greater than or equal to 50% of the Loan Cap (as defined in the Second Amendment); and
from 1.50% to 1.75% when average availability is less than 50% of the Loan Cap.

As of November 2, 2024, the Company did not have any borrowings outstanding under the ABL Facility.

Details regarding the remaining borrowing capacity under the ABL Facility as of November 2, 2024 are as follows:
(in thousands)November 2, 2024
Loan cap$500,000 
Less: Outstanding stand-by letters of credit(443)
Borrowing capacity499,557 
Less: Minimum excess availability (1)
Borrowing capacity available$449,557 
(1)    Under the ABL Facility, the Company must maintain excess availability equal to the greater of 10% of the loan cap or $36 million.

Refer to Note 10, “BORROWINGS.”

Income taxes

The Company’s earnings and profits from its foreign subsidiaries could be repatriated to the U.S. without incurring additional federal income tax. The Company determined that the balance of the Company’s undistributed earnings and profits from its foreign subsidiaries as of February 2, 2019 are considered indefinitely reinvested outside of the U.S., and if these funds were to be repatriated to the U.S., the Company would expect to incur an insignificant amount of state income taxes and foreign withholding taxes. The Company accrues for both state income taxes and foreign withholding taxes with respect to earnings and profits earned after February 2, 2019, in such a manner that these funds could be repatriated without incurring additional tax expense. As of November 2, 2024, $262.8 million of the Company’s $683.1 million of cash and equivalents were held by foreign affiliates.

Refer to Note 9, “INCOME TAXES.”

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Analysis of cash flows

The table below provides certain components of the Company’s Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the thirty-nine weeks ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023:
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
(in thousands)
Cash and equivalents, and restricted cash and equivalents, beginning of period$909,685 $527,569 
Net cash provided by operating activities402,756 350,142 
Net cash used for investing activities(187,040)(127,986)
Net cash used for financing activities(432,570)(87,106)
Effect of foreign currency exchange rates on cash(1,834)(4,491)
Net (decrease) increase in cash and equivalents, and restricted cash and equivalents(218,688)130,559 
Cash and equivalents, and restricted cash and equivalents, end of period$690,997 $658,128 

Operating activities - During the year-to-date period ended November 2, 2024, net cash provided by operating activities included increased cash receipts as a result of the 19% year-over-year increase in net sales. During the year-to-date period ended October 28, 2023, net cash used for operating activities included increased cash receipts as a result of the 13% year-over-year increase in net sales, as well as increased payments to vendors in the fourth quarter of Fiscal 2022, which resulted in lower cash payments in the first quarter of Fiscal 2023.

Investing activities - During the year-to-date period ended November 2, 2024, net cash used for investing activities was primarily used for capital expenditures of $132 million, as well as the purchase of $55 million of marketable securities. Net cash used for investing activities for the year-to-date period ended October 28, 2023 was primarily used for capital expenditures of $128.6 million.

Financing activities - During the year-to-date period ended November 2, 2024, net cash used for financing activities included the repurchase of $9.3 million in the open market and the complete redemption of $214 million of outstanding Senior Secured Notes, $70 million related to shares of Common Stock withheld (repurchased) to cover tax withholdings upon vesting of share-based compensation awards, and the purchase of approximately 0.9 million shares of Common Stock with a market value of approximately $129.8 million. During the year-to-date period ended October 28, 2023, net cash used for financing activities included amounts related to shares of Common Stock withheld (repurchased) to cover tax withholdings upon vesting of share-based compensation awards, the repurchase of Senior Secured Notes in the open market.

Contractual obligations

The Company’s contractual obligations consist primarily of operating leases, purchase orders for merchandise inventory, unrecognized tax benefits, certain retirement obligations, lease deposits, and other agreements to purchase goods and services that are legally binding and that require minimum quantities to be purchased. These contractual obligations impact the Company’s short-term and long-term liquidity and capital resource needs.

There have been no material changes in the Company’s contractual obligations since February 3, 2024, with the exception of those obligations which occurred in the normal course of business (primarily changes in the Company’s merchandise inventory-related purchases and lease obligations, which fluctuate throughout the year as a result of the seasonal nature of the Company’s operations).


The Company describes its significant accounting policies in Note 2, “SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES,” of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements contained in “Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data” included on the Fiscal 2023 Form 10-K. The Company reviews recent accounting pronouncements on a quarterly basis and has excluded discussion of those not applicable to the Company and those that did not have, or are not expected to have, a material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.


The Company describes its critical accounting estimates in “Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” included on the Fiscal 2023 Form 10-K. There have been no significant changes in critical accounting policies and estimates since the end of Fiscal 2023.

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This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q includes discussion of certain financial measures calculated and presented on both a GAAP and a non-GAAP basis. The Company believes that each of the non-GAAP financial measures presented in this “Item 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” is useful to investors as it provides a meaningful basis to evaluate the Company’s operating performance excluding the effect of certain items that the Company believes may not reflect its future operating outlook, such as certain asset impairment charges, thereby supplementing investors’ understanding of comparability of operations across periods. Management used these non-GAAP financial measures during the periods presented to assess the Company’s performance and to develop expectations for future operating performance. These non-GAAP financial measures should be used as a supplement to, and not as an alternative to, the Company’s GAAP financial results, and may not be calculated in the same manner as similar measures presented by other companies.

Comparable sales

The Company provides comparable sales, defined as the year-over-year percentage change in the aggregate of (1) net sales for stores that have been open as the same brand at least one year and square footage has not been expanded or reduced by more than 20% within the past year, with the prior year’s net sales converted at the current year’s foreign currency exchange rates to remove the impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations, and (2) digital net sales with the prior year’s net sales converted at the current year’s foreign currency exchange rates to remove the impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations. Comparable sales excludes revenue other than store and digital sales. Management uses comparable sales to understand the drivers of year-over-year changes in net sales and believes that comparable sales can be a useful metric as it can assist investors in distinguishing the portion of the Company’s revenue attributable to existing locations from the portion attributable to the opening or closing of stores. The most directly comparable GAAP financial measure is change in net sales.

Excluded items

The following financial measures are disclosed on a GAAP and on an adjusted non-GAAP basis excluding the following items, as applicable:
Financial measures (1)
Excluded items
Operating incomeAsset impairment charges
Income tax expense (2)
Tax effect of pre-tax excluded items
Net income and net income per share attributable to A&F (2)
Pre-tax excluded items and the tax effect of pre-tax excluded items
(1)     Certain of these financial measures are also expressed as a percentage of net sales.
(2)    The tax effect of excluded items is the difference between the tax provision calculation on a GAAP basis and on an adjusted non-GAAP basis.

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2024 3Q Form 10-Q

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Financial information on a constant currency basis

The Company provides certain financial information on a constant currency basis to enhance investors’ understanding of underlying business trends and operating performance by removing the impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations. Management also uses financial information on a constant currency basis to award employee performance-based compensation. The effect from foreign currency exchange rates, calculated on a constant currency basis, is determined by applying the current period’s foreign currency exchange rates to the prior year’s results and is net of the year-over-year impact from hedging. The per diluted share effect from foreign currency exchange rates is calculated using a 26% effective tax rate.

Reconciliations of non-GAAP financial metrics on a constant currency basis to financial measures calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP for the thirteen and thirty-nine weeks ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023 were as follows:
(in thousands, except change in net sales, gross profit rate, operating margin and per share data)Thirteen Weeks EndedThirty-Nine Weeks Ended
Net salesNovember 2, 2024October 28, 2023% ChangeNovember 2, 2024October 28, 2023% Change
GAAP $1,208,966 $1,056,431 14 %$3,363,670 $2,827,770 19 %
Impact from changes in foreign currency exchange rates— 5,289 (1)— 2,378 — 
Non-GAAP on a constant currency basis$1,208,966 $1,061,720 14 %$3,363,670 $2,830,148 19 %
Gross profit, exclusive of depreciation and amortization expenseNovember 2, 2024October 28, 2023
BPS Change (1)
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
BPS Change (1)
GAAP $786,932 $685,669 20 $2,200,651 $1,779,843 250 
Impact from changes in foreign currency exchange rates— 5,319 (20)— 6,129 (20)
Non-GAAP on a constant currency basis$786,932 $690,988 — $2,200,651 $1,785,972 230 
Operating incomeNovember 2, 2024October 28, 2023
BPS Change (1)
November 2, 2024October 28, 2023
BPS Change (1)
GAAP $179,282 $138,020 170 $484,756 $261,870 510 
Excluded items (2)
— — — — (4,436)10 
Adjusted non-GAAP $179,282 $138,020 170 $484,756 $266,306 500 
Impact from changes in foreign currency exchange rates— 4,915 (40)— 3,912 (10)
Adjusted non-GAAP on a constant currency basis$179,282 $142,935 130 $484,756 $270,218 490 
Net income per share attributable to A&FNovember 2, 2024October 28, 2023$ ChangeNovember 2, 2024October 28, 2023$ Change
GAAP$2.50 $1.83 $0.67 $7.13 $3.25 $3.88 
Excluded items, net of tax (2)
— — — — (0.06)0.06 
Adjusted non-GAAP $2.50 $1.83 $0.67 $7.13 $3.32 $3.81 
Impact from changes in foreign currency exchange rates— 0.07 (0.07)— 0.05 (0.05)
Adjusted non-GAAP on a constant currency basis$2.50 $1.90 $0.60 $7.13 $3.37 $3.76 

(1)    The estimated basis point change has been rounded based on the change in the percentage of net sales.
(2)    Excluded items for the thirty-nine weeks ended October 28, 2023 consisted of pre-tax store asset impairment charges and the tax effect of pre-tax excluded items.

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EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA

The Company provides EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA as supplemental measures used by the Company's executive management to assess the Company's performance. We also believe these supplemental performance measures are meaningful information for investors and other interested parties to use in computing the Company's core financial performance over multiple periods and with other companies by excluding the impact of differences in tax jurisdictions, debt service levels and capital investment.

Reconciliations of non-GAAP EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA to financial measures calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP for the thirteen and thirty-nine weeks ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023 were as follows:

Thirteen Weeks Ended
(in thousands, except ratios)November 2, 2024% of
Net Sales
October 28, 2023% of
Net Sales
Net income$133,864 11.1 %$97,732 9.3 %
Income tax expense54,151 4.5 39,617 3.8 
Interest (income) expense, net(8,733)(0.7)671 0.1 
Depreciation and amortization39,566 3.2 33,136 3.0 
$218,848 18.1 $171,156 16.2 
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended
(in thousands, except ratios)November 2, 2024% of
Net Sales
October 28, 2023% of
Net Sales
Net income$384,321 11.4 %$174,310 6.2 %
Income tax expense119,394 3.5 82,349 2.9 
Interest (income) expense, net(18,959)(0.6)5,211 0.2 
Depreciation and amortization116,610 3.6 105,547 3.7 
$601,366 17.9 $367,417 13.0 
Adjustments to EBITDA
Asset impairment (1)
— — 4,436 0.2 
Adjusted EBITDA (1)
$601,366 17.9 $371,853 13.2 
(1)EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA are supplemental financial measures that are not defined or prepared in accordance with GAAP. EBITDA is defined as net income before interest, income taxes and depreciation and amortization. Adjusted EBITDA is EBITDA adjusted for asset impairment.
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Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk


The Company maintains its cash equivalents in financial instruments, primarily time deposits and money market funds, with original maturities of three months or less. Recently the Company invested in short-term marketable securities with maturities less than twelve months. Due to the short-term nature of these instruments, changes in interest rates are not expected to materially affect the fair value of these financial instruments.

The Rabbi Trust includes amounts to meet funding obligations to participants in the Abercrombie & Fitch Co. Nonqualified Savings and Supplemental Retirement Plan I, the Abercrombie & Fitch Co. Nonqualified Savings and Supplemental Retirement Plan II, and the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan. The Rabbi Trust assets primarily consist of trust-owned life insurance policies, which are recorded at cash surrender value. The change in cash surrender value resulted in realized gains of $0.3 million and $0.3 million for the thirteen weeks ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023, respectively and $1.0 million and $1.6 million for the thirty-nine weeks ended November 2, 2024 and October 28, 2023, respectively. The realized gains were recorded in interest (income) expense, net on the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income.

The Rabbi Trust assets were included in other assets on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of November 2, 2024 and February 3, 2024 and are restricted in their use as noted above.


Prior to July 2, 2020, the Company’s exposure to market risk due to changes in interest rates related primarily to the increase or decrease in the amount of interest expense from fluctuations in the LIBO rate, or an alternate base rate associated with the Company’s former term loan facility (the “Term Loan Facility”) and the ABL Facility. On July 2, 2020, the Company issued the Senior Secured Notes and repaid all outstanding borrowings under the Term Loan Facility and the ABL Facility, thereby eliminating any then-existing cash flow market risk due to changes in interest rates. On July 15, 2024, the Company redeemed all of its outstanding Senior Secured Notes, thereby eliminating that interest rate risk. This analysis for Fiscal 2024 may differ from the actual results due to potential changes in gross borrowings outstanding under the ABL Facility and potential changes in interest rate terms and limitations described within the Amended and Restated Credit Agreement.

In July 2017, the Financial Conduct Authority (the authority that regulates LIBO rate) announced it intended to stop compelling banks to submit rates for the calculation of LIBO rate after 2021. Certain publications of the LIBO rate were phased out at the end of 2021 and all LIBO rate publications ceased after June 30, 2023. On March 15, 2023, the Company entered into the First Amendment to the Amended and Restated Credit Agreement (the “First Amendment”) to eliminate LIBO rate based loans and to use the current market definitions with respect to the Secured Overnight Financing Rate, as well as to make other conforming changes.


A&F’s international subsidiaries generally operate with functional currencies other than the U.S. dollar. Since the Company’s Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements are presented in U.S. dollars, the Company must translate all components of these financial statements from functional currencies into U.S. dollars at exchange rates in effect during or at the end of the reporting period. The fluctuation in the value of the U.S. dollar against other currencies affects the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities. The potential impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations increases as international operations relative to domestic operations increase.

A&F and its subsidiaries have exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates associated with foreign currency transactions and forecasted foreign currency transactions, including the purchase of inventory between subsidiaries and foreign-currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Company has established a program that primarily utilizes foreign currency exchange forward contracts to partially offset the risks associated with the effects of certain foreign currency transactions and forecasted transactions. Under this program, increases or decreases in foreign currency exchange rate exposures are partially offset by gains or losses on foreign currency exchange forward contracts, to mitigate the impact of foreign currency exchange gains or losses. The Company does not use forward contracts to engage in currency speculation. Outstanding foreign currency exchange forward contracts are recorded at fair value at the end of each fiscal period.

Foreign currency exchange forward contracts are sensitive to changes in foreign currency exchange rates. As of November 2, 2024, the Company assessed the risk of loss in fair values from the effect of a hypothetical 10% devaluation of the U.S. dollar against the exchange rates for foreign currencies under contract. Such a hypothetical devaluation would decrease derivative contract fair values by approximately $15.7 million. As the Company’s foreign currency exchange forward contracts are primarily designated as cash flow hedges of forecasted transactions, the hypothetical change in fair values would be expected to be largely offset by the net change in fair values of the underlying hedged items. Refer to Note 12, “DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENTS,” for the fair value of any outstanding foreign currency exchange forward contracts included in other current assets and accrued expenses as of November 2, 2024 and February 3, 2024.
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Item 4. Controls and Procedures


A&F maintains disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act) that are designed to provide reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed in the reports that A&F files or submits under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms, and that such information is accumulated and communicated to A&F’s management, including A&F’s Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer, as appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosures. Because of inherent limitations, disclosure controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable, and not absolute, assurance that the objectives of disclosure controls and procedures are met.

A&F’s management, including the Chief Executive Officer of A&F (who serves as Principal Executive Officer of A&F) and the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of A&F (who serves as Principal Financial Officer of A&F), evaluated the effectiveness of A&F’s design and operation of its disclosure controls and procedures as of the end of the fiscal quarter ended November 2, 2024. The Chief Executive Officer of A&F (in such individual’s capacity as the Principal Executive Officer of A&F) and the Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer of A&F (in such individual’s capacity as the Principal Financial Officer of A&F) concluded that A&F’s disclosure controls and procedures were effective at a reasonable level of assurance as of November 2, 2024.


There were no changes in A&F’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Exchange Act) during the fiscal quarter ended November 2, 2024 that materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, A&F’s internal control over financial reporting.
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Item 1. Legal Proceedings

The Company and its affiliates are defendants in lawsuits and other adversary proceedings that may range from individual actions involving a single plaintiff to class action lawsuits. The Company’s legal costs incurred in connection with the resolution of claims and lawsuits are generally expensed as incurred, and the Company establishes estimated liabilities for the outcome of litigation where losses are deemed probable and the amount of loss, or range of loss, is reasonably estimable. The Company also determines estimates of reasonably possible losses or ranges of reasonably possible losses in excess of related accrued liabilities, if any, when it has determined that a loss is reasonably possible, and it is able to determine such estimates. The Company’s accrued charges for certain legal contingencies are classified within accrued expenses on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets included in “Item 1. Financial Statements (Unaudited),” of Part I of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Based on currently available information, the Company cannot estimate a range of reasonably possible losses in excess of the accrued charges for legal contingencies. In addition, the Company has not established accruals for certain claims and legal proceedings pending against the Company where it is not possible to reasonably estimate the outcome or potential liability, and the Company cannot estimate a range of reasonably possible losses for these legal matters. Actual liabilities may differ from the amounts recorded, due to uncertainties regarding final settlement agreement negotiations and the terms of any approval by the courts, and there can be no assurance that the final resolution of legal matters will not have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition, results of operations, or cash flows. The Company’s assessment of the current exposure could change in the event of the discovery of additional facts.

In addition, pursuant to Item 103(c)(3)(iii) of Regulation S-K under the Exchange Act, the Company is required to disclose certain information about environmental proceedings to which a governmental authority is a party if the Company reasonably believes such proceedings may result in monetary sanctions, exclusive of interest and costs, above a stated threshold. The Company has elected to apply a threshold of $1 million for purposes of determining whether disclosure of any such proceedings is required.

Item 1A. Risk Factors

Other than identified below, the Company’s risk factors as of November 2, 2024 have not changed materially from those disclosed in Part I, “Item 1A. Risk Factors” of the Fiscal 2023 Form 10-K.

Misconduct or illegal activities by our current and former associates, directors, advisers, third-party service providers, or others affiliated, or perceived to be affiliated, with the Company could subject to us to reputational harm, regulatory scrutiny or inquiries, or legal liability.

There is a risk that current or former associates, executives, directors, advisers or third party-service providers of the Company, or others who are actually or perceived to be affiliated with the Company, could engage, deliberately or recklessly, in misconduct or fraud that creates legal exposure for the Company and adversely affects our business. If such individuals were to engage, or be accused of engaging in, illegal or suspicious activities, sexual misconduct or harassment, racial or gender discrimination, improper use or disclosure of confidential information, fraud, payment or solicitation of bribes, or any other type of similar misconduct or violation of other laws and regulations, during their employment or service with the Company, we could suffer serious harm to our brand, reputation, be subject to penalties or sanctions, suffer serious harm to our financial position and current and future business relationships, and face potentially significant litigation or investigations.

In particular, Michael Jeffries, who served as chief executive officer of the Company from 1992 to 2014, has been accused of sexual abuse and exploitation, which accusations include claims relating to behavior that is alleged to have occurred during his prior tenure with the Company. Criminal charges have been filed against Mr. Jeffries, and there is a pending civil suit against Mr. Jeffries and the Company that relates to this alleged behavior. Although we believe the claims against the Company are without merit, the allegations against this former executive, as well as the claims brought against the Company, have resulted in negative media attention and may result in additional litigation or may result in other adverse consequences to our reputation, brand, and business. In addition, in early March 2024, the Delaware Court of Chancery ruled that Mr. Jeffries was entitled to advancement by the Company of his defense costs for the civil litigation. Mr. Jeffries is now seeking advancement of defense costs for his criminal prosecution, which the Company intends to oppose.

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Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds

There were no sales of equity securities during the third quarter of Fiscal 2024 that were not registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

The following table provides information regarding the purchase of shares of Common Stock made by or on behalf of A&F or any “affiliated purchaser” as defined in Rule 10b-18(a)(3) under the Exchange Act during each fiscal month of the thirteen weeks ended November 2, 2024:
Period (fiscal month)
Total Number of Shares Purchased (1)
Average Price Paid per Share(4)
Total Number of Shares Purchased as Part of Publicly Announced Plans or Programs (2)
Approximate Dollar Value of Shares that May Yet Be Purchased Under the Plans or Programs (2)(3)(4)
August 4, 2024 through August 31, 20248,307 $165.22 — $202,184,894 
September 1, 2024 through October 5, 2024578,557 136.13 572,391 124,253,992 
October 6, 2024 through November 2, 2024149,367 147.61 148,296 102,378,203 
Total736,231 138.79 720,687 102,378,203 
(1)An aggregate of 15,544 shares of Common Stock purchased during the thirteen weeks ended November 2, 2024 were withheld for tax payments due upon the vesting of employee restricted stock units and the exercise of employee stock appreciation rights.
(2)On November 23, 2021, the Company announced that A&F’s Board of Directors approved a new $500 million share repurchase authorization, replacing the prior 2021 share repurchase authorization of 10.0 million shares, which had approximately 3.9 million shares remaining available for repurchase.
(3)The number shown represents, as of the end of each period, the approximate dollar value of Common Stock that may yet be purchased under A&F’s publicly announced share repurchase authorization described in footnote 2 above. The shares may be purchased, from time to time depending on business and market conditions.
(4)The aggregate cost of share repurchases and average price paid per share excludes excise tax.
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Item 5. Other Information

During the thirteen weeks ended November 2, 2024, no director or officer of the Company adopted a new “Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement ” or “non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement,” and no director or officer of the Company modified or terminated an existing “Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement ” or “non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement,” as each term is defined in Item 408(a) of Regulation S-K under the Exchange Act, other than as follows:

On August 30, 2024, Fran Horowitz, our Chief Executive Officer, adopted a trading plan intended to satisfy the conditions under Rule 10b5-1(c) of the Exchange Act. Ms. Horowitz’s plan is for the sale of up to 250,000 shares of our common stock in amounts and prices determined in accordance with plan terms and terminates on the earlier of: (i) the date that all the shares under the plan are sold or (ii) August 22, 2025.

Item 6. Exhibits
101.INSInline XBRL Instance Document - the instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its Inline XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document.*
101.SCHInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document.*
101.CALInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document.*
101.DEFInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document.*
101.LABInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document.*
101.PREInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document.*
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL with applicable taxonomy extension information contained in Exhibits 101).*
*     Filed herewith.
**    Furnished herewith.
Ɨ     Certain schedules and attachments have been omitted pursuant to Item 601(a)(5) of Regulation S-K. The Company agrees to furnish a copy of such schedules and attachments to the Securities and Exchange Commission upon its request.

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2024 3Q Form 10-Q

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
Date: December 6, 2024
/s/ Robert J. Ball
Robert J. Ball
Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial Officer and Authorized Officer)
/s/ Joseph Frericks
Joseph Frericks
Group Vice President, Corporate Controller
(Principal Accounting Officer)

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
2024 3Q Form 10-Q