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圣荷西,加州 – 12月 10, 2024 – Nutanix, Inc.(“Nutanix”)(纳斯达克:NTNX),一家混合多云计算的领军企业,今天宣布其拟根据市场条件和其他因素,提供总额为7.5亿美元的2029年到期的可转换高级债券(“债券”),以进行定向增发(“发行”),向根据1933年证券法修订版第144A条款合理相信是合格机构买家的人士进行。Nutanix还预计将向债券的初始购买者授予选择权,以便在债券初始发行日期起的指定期限内,额外购买最多1.125亿美元的债券。 为期13天 从债券的初始发行日期起,包括在内的期间。

这些债券将是Nutanix的无担保高级义务。利息将按半年支付。债券将于2029年12月15日到期,除非提前转换、赎回或回购。债券将可由持有人选择转换,需满足特定条件,并在某些期限内进行。 upon conversion,债券可以以现金、Nutanix的A类普通股或现金与Nutanix的A类普通股的组合方式进行结算,具体由Nutanix决定。利率、初始转换率和债券的其他条款将在发行定价时确定。

Nutanix intends to use the net proceeds from the offering to (i) repurchase a portion of its outstanding 0.25% Convertible Senior Notes due 2027 (the “2027 notes”) concurrently with the pricing of the offering in separate and privately negotiated transactions with certain holders of its 2027 notes (the “concurrent note repurchases”) effected through one of the initial purchasers of the notes or its affiliate, acting as Nutanix’s agent, and (ii) repurchase up to $200.0 million of shares of Nutanix’s Class A common stock in privately negotiated transactions with institutional investors effected through one of the initial purchasers of the notes or its affiliate, acting as Nutanix’s agent, at a price per share equal to the last reported sale price of Nutanix’s Class A common stock on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on the date of the pricing of the notes (the “Share Repurchase”). Any such Share Repurchase would not reduce the amount available for future repurchases under Nutanix’s existing share repurchase program. Nutanix intends to use the remaining net proceeds from the offering for general corporate purposes, including working capital, capital expenditures and potential acquisitions. From time to time, Nutanix evaluates potential acquisitions of businesses, technologies or products. Currently, however, Nutanix does not have any understandings or agreements with respect to any acquisitions.

The terms of the concurrent note repurchases are anticipated to be individually negotiated with each holder of the 2027 notes participating in the concurrent note repurchases, and will depend on several factors, including the market price of Nutanix’s Class A common stock and the trading price of the 2027 notes at the time of each such concurrent note repurchase. Certain holders of any 2027 notes that Nutanix agrees to repurchase may have hedged their equity price risk with respect to such 2027 notes and may, concurrently with the pricing of the notes, unwind all or part of their hedge positions by buying Nutanix’s Class A common stock and/or entering into or unwinding various derivative transactions with respect to Nutanix’s Class A common stock. Any repurchase of the 2027 notes, and the potential related market activities by

持有2027年票据的投资者参与同时进行的票据回购,与Nutnix同步定价的任何其A类普通股的回购,可能会增加(或减少任何下降幅度)Nutnix A类普通股的市场价格,这可能会影响当时票据的交易价格及其初始转换价格。Nutanix无法预测此类市场活动的规模或其对票据或其A类普通股价格的整体影响。无法保证会回购多少2027年票据或A类普通股,或者回购的条款。

这些票据及可能因转换票据而发行的Nutanix A类普通股股份,未曾并且也不会根据证券法或任何其他管辖区的证券法进行注册,除非已注册,否则不得在美国提供或出售,除非根据相关豁免或交易不受此类注册要求的限制。





本新闻稿包括根据《证券法》第27A条和《证券交易法》1934年修正案第21E条的定义的前瞻性声明,包括有关Nutanix融资计划、Nutanix完成发行的能力、发行的时间和规模、同步进行的票据回购及定向增发、Nutanix计划使用发行净收益的声明。这些声明涉及的风险和不确定性可能导致实际结果与预期结果存在重大差异,包括但不限于Nutanix能否成功完成发行、发行的最终条款、满足发行票据的惯例成交条件、市场条件、发行票据净收益的预期用途,这可能因市场条件或其他原因而发生变化,以及美国或国际上经济、行业或政治条件的影响。前瞻性声明可以通过“可能”、“将”、“期待”、“打算”以及其他类似表达来识别。这些前瞻性声明基于Nutanix管理层认为合理的预测和假设,但本质上不确定并受到多种风险的影响。实际结果可能与Nutanix所预期或预测的结果有重大差异。所有前瞻性声明均受到Nutanix年度报告中详细列出的其他风险的影响。 10-K

截至2024年7月31日的财年,以及在Nutanix其他向证券交易委员会提交的文件中讨论的风险。请注意,您不应过度依赖这些 前瞻性声明,这些声明仅在本日期时有效。所有前瞻性声明都受到本警示声明的全部限制,Nutanix没有义务修订或更新本新闻稿以反映 本日期之后的事件或情况,除非适用法律要求。

© 2024 Nutanix, Inc. 版权所有。Nutanix、Nutanix标志及所有提到的Nutanix产品和服务名称均为Nutanix, Inc.(“Nutanix”)在美国及其他国家的注册商标或未注册商标。其他品牌名称或标记仅用于标识目的,可能是其各自持有者的商标。本新闻稿仅供参考,其中任何内容均不构成Nutanix的担保或其他具有约束力的承诺。





Lia Bigano
