华盛顿,D.C. 20549

表格 40-F



截至的财年 9月30日, 2024
委员会档案编号 001-38885

OrganiGram 持有公司

(I.R.S. 雇主

1400-145 国王街西
多伦多, 安大略省
加拿大 M5H 1J8
电话: 1-855-961-9420

251 小瀑布大道
威尔明顿, 特拉华州 19808
电话: 1-800-927-9800


普通股OGI纳斯达克 全球精选市场




年度信息表 经审计的年度基本报表

请指出截至年报所涵盖期间结束时,注册人的资本或普通股类别的未发行股份数量: 108,585,492


    ☐ 不


    ☐ 不


如果一家新兴成长公司按照美国通用会计准则编制基本报表,请勾选以指明登记方是否选择不使用根据《交易所法》第13(a)条款规定的遵守任何新的或修订的财务会计标准的延长过渡期。     ☐

请用勾选标记表示注册人是否已根据《萨班斯-奥克斯利法》第404(b)节(15 U.S.C. 7262(b))提交了报告,并对其内部控制在财务报告中的有效性进行管理评估的证明,该报告由准备或发布其审计报告的注册公共会计师事务所提交。


请通过勾选标志表明这些错误更正中是否有需要根据第§240.10D-1(b)条款进行激励性薪酬恢复分析的重述,涉及在相关恢复期间任何注册公司高管所收到的报酬。    ☐



OrganiGram控股公司(即"公司" 或 "OrganiGram)根据1934年《证券交易法》的修订版的第30亿4条,被定义为“外国私人发行人”(证券交易所法案),并且是一个符合条件的加拿大发行人,可以提交其年度报告(年度报告") 根据交易法第13条的规定,通过多司法管辖区披露系统提交的40-F表格("MJDS") 由美国证券交易委员会("证券交易委员会")。公司的普通股在多伦多证券交易所和纳斯达克全球精选市场("纳斯达克") 下交易标的为 "OGI"。

在此年度报告中,提到的"我们"、"我们的"、"我们"、"公司"或"OrganiGram",指的是OrganiGram Holdings Inc.及其全资子公司,除非上下文另有说明。






本年度报告(包括本报告中引用的文件)包含或引用了某些构成美国《1995年私人证券诉讼改革法案》意义上的“前瞻性陈述”的声明。 《1995年私人证券诉讼改革法案》这些声明出现在


关于生产能力、设施规模、 THC(在AIF中定义)、成本和产量的期望;
关于公司与英国烟草公司(在AIF和MD&A中称为"BAT")全资子公司Bt DE Investments Inc.的合作前景和持续投资的预期;
对公司主要运营子公司OrganiGram Inc.(前身为OrganiGram、EIC和LAU(如AIF中定义))的前景期望;


期望OrganiGram与Phylos Bioscience Inc.之间的技术安排将允许OrganiGram逐步将部分花园转换为基于种子的栽培,以及基于种子生产的预期好处;
关于公司对Green Tank Technologies Corp.的投资预期;
关于公司对Steady State LLC(亦称Open Book Extracts)投资的预期;
关于公司对Sanity Group GmbH投资的期望;
关于公司收购Motif Labs Ltd.及其整合的预期;
公司业务在政府监管制度和税法下的处理,包括 《2001年消费税法》 (加拿大)以及公司在其下的许可证续期及公司不时获得出口许可证的能力;










本公司被允许根据加拿大的披露要求编制本年度报告,而这些要求与美国的要求不同。本公司根据国际财务报告准则("国际财务报告准则)制定合并基本报表,这些标准在某些方面与美国普遍接受的会计原则("US GAAP)和SEC规定的某些做法不同。因此,本年度报告中引用的公司的基本报表可能无法与根据US GAAP编制的基本报表进行比较。


除非另有说明,本年报中所有金额均以加元表示。根据加拿大银行报价的每日汇率,在2024年10月1日,加元与美元的汇率为:美金$1.00 = 加元$1.3504。






截至本报告所涵盖期末,我们的管理层进行了评估,参与者包括我们的首席执行官("首席执行官 ")和致富金融(临时代码)("首席财务官 "),评估我们的披露控制和程序的有效性。根据该评估,我们的首席执行官和首席财务官得出结论,截至本报告所涵盖期末,根据第13a-15(e)条的定义,我们的披露控制和程序无效,因为我们在财务报告的内部控制中存在的重大缺陷如下所述,并在MD&A中进行了说明。



Internal control over financial reporting, as defined by Rule 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) of the Exchange Act, is a process designed by, or under the supervision of, the Company's principal executive and principal financial officers or persons performing similar functions and effected by the Board of Directors, management and other personnel, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB. Internal control over financial reporting includes policies and procedures that:

pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the Company;

provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS, and that receipts and expenditures of the Company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the Company; and

provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of the Company's assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

In connection with the Company's reporting obligations in Canada and its obligations under Rule 13a-15(c) under the Exchange Act, management, under the supervision and with the participation of its CEO and CFO, conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Company's internal control over

financial reporting as of September 30, 2024, using the criteria set forth by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Internal Control - Integrated Framework (2013). Based on this evaluation management concluded that certain material weaknesses existed as of September 30, 2024, as described at page 40 of the MD&A under the heading "Management's Evaluation of Internal Control over Financial Reporting", filed as Exhibit 99.5 to this Annual Report.

Attestation Report of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

PKF O’Connor Davies, LLP, an Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, has audited the Company's consolidated annual financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2024, and has issued an adverse report on the effectiveness of Internal Control over Financial Reporting which is addressed to the Board of Directors of the Company and is included in the Company's audited consolidated annual financial statements filed as Exhibit 99.4 to this Annual Report.

KPMG LLP, an Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, has audited the Company's consolidated annual financial statements as at and for the thirteen months ended September 30, 2023.

Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting

There has been a change to the Company’s ICFR during the three months ended September 30, 2024 that has materially affected, or is likely to materially affect, the Company’s ICFR.

Control Environment

With respect to the material weakness related to the control environment during Fiscal 2024, the Company took the following actions:

Bolstered the financial reporting, IT and accounting department’s internal controls and accounting knowledge by hiring new full-time employees including those in more senior roles; and
Implemented additional ongoing oversight, training and communication programs for management and personnel to reinforce the Company’s control standards and expectations and clarified individual responsibility for control activities at various levels within the Company. Roles and responsibilities are continually assessed with a view to meeting the needs of the Company’s internal control environment.

During Q4 Fiscal 2024, the Company completed its evaluation of the impact of these actions and concluded that this material weakness related to control environment was successfully remediated.

Information Process

With respect to the material weakness related to the information process during Fiscal 2024:

The Company substantially progressed its ERP system implementation and successfully completed the second phase of ERP that included the implementation of finance and supply chain modules at our Winnipeg and Lac-Superieur facilities;
During Q4 Fiscal 2024, the Company launched the planning and design phase for a further enhancement to the ERP system, which will allow for improved costing management and reduction of complex spreadsheets related to inventory costing;
During Q4 Fiscal 2024, the Company launched the planning and design phase for a financial planning and management reporting tool, which is expected to further enhance the Company’s analytical and review procedures;
As of September 30, 2024 the Company completed the implementation of a new human resources information system, or HRIS, that is intended to further streamline internal processes, support employee retention efforts and facilitate remediation activities;
The Company hired a Director of IT to oversee and enhance the IT department, support the remediation of deficiencies in general IT controls and facilitate the development and implementation of the new ERP system. Under the direction of the Director of IT, the Company continued to make progress during the period in remediating certain IT general controls;
The Company hired and trained a dedicated resource to review the third-party service organization control reports and assess their impact in relation to the Company’s control environment. The Company streamlined its complex spreadsheet models, with the exception of biological asset models and inventory costing, to reduce the risk of errors in mathematical formulas and to improve the ability to verify the logic of complex spreadsheets.

Control Activities

With respect to the material weakness related to control activities during Fiscal 2024:
The Company amalgamated Organigram Inc. with EIC and Laurentian. Post amalgamation, the Company’s three facilities continued to operate as a single corporation under the name "Organigram Inc." which significantly simplified and streamlined the financial statement close process;
The Company added a new dedicated resource with assigned responsibilities to support management in their ongoing remediation efforts.



The Board of Directors is responsible for the Company’s corporate governance and has the following separately designated standing committees: the Governance, Nominating and Sustainability Committee, the Compensation Committee, the Investment Committee, and the Audit Committee. The respective charters of the Governance, Nominating and Sustainability Committee, the Compensation Committee, the Investment Committee, and the Audit Committee can be viewed on the Company’s corporate website at www.organigram.ca. In addition, the Company’s Audit Committee Charter is attached as Appendix “A” to the AIF, which is filed as Exhibit 99.6 to this Annual Report.

Governance, Nominating and Sustainability Committee and Compensation Committee

The Governance, Nominating and Sustainability Committee is responsible for reviewing, overseeing and evaluating the governance, nominating and sustainability policies of the Company, and the Compensation Committee is responsible for reviewing, overseeing and evaluating the compensation policies of the Company.

The mandate of the Governance, Nominating and Sustainability Committee includes: (a) assessing the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, each of its committees and individual directors; (b) overseeing the recruitment and selection of candidates to be nominated for election as directors; (c) organizing an orientation and education program for new directors; (d) considering and approving proposals by the directors to engage outside advisors on behalf of the Board of Directors as a whole or on behalf of the independent directors; (e) reviewing and making recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning the size, composition and structure of the Board of Directors and its committees; and (f) overseeing management succession.

The Compensation Committee is responsible for: (a) administering any securities-based compensation plans of the Company; (b) assessing the performance of the Company's management; (c) reviewing and approving the compensation paid by the Company, if any, to the Company's officers; and (d) reviewing and making recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning the level and nature of the compensation payable to Company's directors and officers. The Compensation Committee is also responsible for administering the Company's Policy for the Recovery of Erroneously Awarded Incentive-Based Compensation (the "Recovery Policy"), which has been adopted by the Board of Directors pursuant to Rule 5608 of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules. A copy of the Recovery Policy is filed as Exhibit 97.1 to this Annual Report, and is also available on the Company's corporate website at www.organigram.ca.


The Compensation Committee also reviews and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors at least annually with respect to the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer and other senior executive officers of the Company, including incentive compensation plans, equity-based plans, the terms of any employment agreements, severance arrangements, and change of control arrangements or provisions, and any special or supplemental benefits. In considering compensation matters, the Compensation Committee is required under its Charter to be guided by the following principles: (a) offering competitive compensation to attract, retain and motivate the very best qualified individuals in order for the Company to meet its goals; and (b) acting in the interests of the Company by being fiscally responsible.

The Company's Governance, Nominating and Sustainability Committee and the Company's Compensation Committee are required under their respective Charters to meet at least semi-annually and more frequently as circumstances require.

The Governance, Nominating and Sustainability Committee is comprised of Geoffrey Machum (Chair), Sherry Porter and Dexter John. The Compensation Committee is comprised of Sherry Porter (Chair), Geoffrey Machum and Karina Gehring. The Board of Directors has determined that all three members of each of the Governance, Nominating and Sustainability Committee and the Compensation Committee are independent, based on the criteria for independence prescribed by Rule 5605(a)(2) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules.

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee's mandate is to assist the Board of Directors in discharging the Board of Directors' oversight responsibilities relating to proposed acquisitions, dispositions, major capital investments and financing arrangements. The Investment Committee is responsible for: (a) reviewing at least quarterly with management the Company's strategic business objectives, including potential acquisitions, dispositions, transaction opportunities and financing arrangements; (b) convening with management as needed to discuss and assess such opportunities, and reviewing and evaluating such opportunities with management on a regular basis; (c) monitoring the performance of the Company's completed transactions and investments by conducting periodic reviews for the purposes of evaluating the degree of success achieved, assessing the accuracy of projections and other assumptions relied upon in approving transactions, identifying the factors that differentiate more successful transactions from less successful ones, and evaluating the strategic contributions resulting from transactions; (d) considering, in conjunction with the Audit Committee as appropriate, the accounting treatment and impact of proposed investments; (e) when appropriate, making recommendations to the Board of Directors in respect of a proposed acquisition, disposition, financing or other arrangement (provided, however, that management may approve, without the requirement for further Committee or Board of Directors action, corporate

development, business development, acquisitions and divestiture transactions in the normal course of business involving consideration up to $5,000,000); and (f) considering conformance with applicable law and compliance elements of proposed investments.

The Investment Committee is comprised of Dexter John (Chair), Stephen Smith, Marni Wieshofer, and Simon Ashton. The Board of Directors has determined that all four members of the Investment Committee are independent, based on the criteria for independence prescribed by Rule 5605(a)(2) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules.


Our Board of Directors has established the Audit Committee in accordance with section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Exchange Act and Rule 5605(c) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules for the purpose of overseeing our accounting and financial reporting processes and the audits of our annual financial statements and effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting.

The Audit Committee is comprised of Stephen Smith (Chair), Marni Wieshofer, Dexter John and Simon Ashton. Our Board of Directors has determined that the Audit Committee meets the composition requirements set forth by Section 5605(c)(2) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules, and that each of the members of the Audit Committee is independent as determined under Rule 10A-3 of the Exchange Act and Rule 5605(a)(2) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules. All four members of the Audit Committee are financially literate, meaning they are able to read and understand the Company's financial statements and to understand the breadth and level of complexity of the issues that can reasonably be expected to be raised by the Company's financial statements.

Our Board of Directors has determined that Stephen Smith:

qualifies as an "audit committee financial expert" (as defined in paragraph (8)(b) of General Instruction B to Form 40-F),

has past employment experience in finance or accounting, requisite professional certification in accounting, or any other comparable experience or background which results in his financial sophistication (pursuant to Rule 5605(c)(2)(A) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules), and

is independent (as determined under Exchange Act Rule 10A-3 and Rule 5605(a)(2) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules).



The Audit Committee Charter sets out responsibilities regarding the provision of non-audit services by the Company's external auditors and requires the Audit Committee to pre-approve all permitted non-audit services to be provided by the Company's external auditors, in accordance with applicable law.


As of June 28, 2024, our independent registered public accounting firm is PKF O’Connor Davies, LLP, New York, NY, Auditor Firm ID: 127. Prior to June 28, 2024, our independent registered public accounting firm was KPMG LLP, Vaughan, ON, Canada, Auditor Firm ID: 85. Tabular disclosure of the amounts billed to us by our independent auditors for each of our last fiscal years ended September 30, 2023 and September 30, 2024 as Audit Fees, Audit-Related Fees, Tax Fees and All Other Fees, is made on page 78 of the AIF, filed as Exhibit 99.6 to this Annual Report.

Audit Fees

Audit Fees include fees necessary to perform the annual audit including the audit of internal controls over financial reporting and quarterly reviews of the Company’s financial statements. Audit Fees include fees for review of tax provisions and for accounting consultations on matters reflected in the financial statements. Audit Fees also include audit or other attest services required by legislation or regulation, such as comfort letters, consents, reviews of securities filings and statutory audits. For the thirteen months ended September 30, 2023 (“FY’2023”) audit fees were comprised of quarterly reviews, the annual audit (including the audit of internal controls over financial reporting). For the year ended September 30, 2024 (“FY’2024”) audit fees were comprised of quarterly reviews, the annual audit (including the audit of internal controls over financial reporting) and securities engagements.

Tax Fees

Tax Fees include fees for all tax services other than those included in "Audit Fees" and "Audit-Related Fees". This category includes fees for tax compliance and advisory in FY’2024 and FY’2023. Tax advice includes advice related to mergers and acquisitions and a captive insurance structure.


Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies

From time to time, management of the Company recommends to and requests approval from the Audit Committee for audit and non-audit services to be provided by the Company's external auditor.

The Audit Committee may delegate to one or more of its members the authority to pre-approve non-audit services to be provided to the Company or its subsidiaries by the Company's external auditor. The pre-approval of non-audit services must be presented to the Audit Committee at its first scheduled meeting following such pre-approval.

The Audit Committee may satisfy its duty to pre-approve non-audit services by adopting specific policies and procedures for the engagement of the non-audit services, provided the policies and procedures are detailed as to the particular service, the Audit Committee is informed of each non-audit service and the procedures do not include delegation of the Audit Committee's responsibilities to management.


We have adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the "Code") that applies to our officers (including without limitation, the CEO and CFO), employees and directors of the Company and its subsidiaries and promotes, among other things, honest and ethical conduct. The Code meets the requirements for a "code of ethics" within the meaning of that term in Form 40-F.

The Code was reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors on September 30, 2024. The Code is available on the Company's corporate website at www.organigram.ca and under the Company's SEDAR+ profile on www.sedarplus.ca and is filed as Exhibit 99.7 to this Annual Report.

During the financial year ended September 30, 2024, no material amendment was made to the Code which would be required to be disclosed pursuant to Paragraph 9 of General Instruction B, and no waivers of the Code were granted to any principal officer of the Company or any person performing similar functions.



There were no notices required by Rule 104 of Regulation BTR that the Company sent during the year ended September 30, 2024, concerning any equity security subject to a blackout period under Rule 101 of Regulation BTR.


The Company complies with corporate governance requirements the TSX . As a foreign private issuer, the Company is required to comply with some, but not all, of the corporate governance requirements of NASDAQ. Notwithstanding certain accommodations available to foreign private issuers under NASDAQ's corporate governance standards, the Company adopts best practices consistent with domestic NASDAQ listed companies when appropriate to its circumstances.

The Company has reviewed the NASDAQ corporate governance requirements and confirms that the Company is in compliance with the NASDAQ corporate governance standards that apply to the Company (taking into account the accommodations available for foreign private issuers) in all significant respects:

Executive Sessions: Under Rule 5605(b)(2) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules, a listed company must have regularly scheduled meetings at which only independent directors are present ("executive sessions"). The rule contemplates that executive sessions will occur at least twice a year, and perhaps more frequently, in conjunction with regularly scheduled board meetings. Under applicable Canadian rules, customs and practice, the Company's independent directors are not required to hold executive sessions. However, the Company is subject to certain disclosure requirements prescribed in Canadian Form 58-101F1 - Corporate Governance Disclosure ("Form 58-101F1"). In particular, the Company must disclose whether the independent directors hold executive sessions and, if such executive sessions are held, how many of these meetings have been held since the beginning of the Company's most recently completed financial year. If the Company does not hold executive sessions, the Company must describe what the Board of Directors does to facilitate open and candid discussion among its independent directors.

Contents of Audit Committee Charter: Under Rule 5605(c)(1) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules, a listed company must adopt a formal written charter that specifies the scope of its responsibilities and the means by which it carries out those responsibilities; the external auditor's accountability to the audit committee; and the audit committee's responsibility to ensure the independence of the outside auditor. In accordance with section 2.3(1) of Canadian National Instrument 52-110 - Audit Committees, the

Company has adopted an Audit Committee Charter that sets out its mandate and responsibilities, and substantially complies with Rule 5605(c)(1) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules. However, the Audit Committee Charter does not strictly comply with the requirement under Rule 5605(c)(1)(B) that an audit committee charter must specify the committee's responsibility for ensuring its receipt from the outside auditors of a formal written statement delineating all relationships between the auditor and the company, with the view to confirming the objectivity and independence of the external auditor. Instead, consistent with the laws, customs and practices in Canada, the Company's Audit Committee Charter provides that: (a) the Committee shall satisfy itself, on behalf of the Board of Directors, that the external auditor is independent of management; and (b) in assessing such independence, the Committee shall discuss with the external auditor, and may require a letter from the external auditor outlining, any relationships between the external auditor and the Company or its affiliates.

Composition of Compensation Committee: Under Rule 5605(d)(1) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules, a listed company must adopt a formal written compensation committee charter that specifies the scope of its responsibilities and the means by which it carries out those responsibilities, including structure, processes and membership requirements. Rule 5605(d)(2)(A) requires that, subject to a limited exception, the compensation committee must be composed of at least two members, each of whom must be an independent director as defined in Rule 5605(a)(2). Under applicable Canadian rules, the Company's compensation committee is not required to include a prescribed number of independent directors. However, pursuant to Form 58-101F1, the Company must disclose what steps its board of directors takes to ensure an objective process for determining the compensation of the directors and officers of the Company, if its compensation committee is not comprised entirely of independent directors.

Independent Director Oversight of Director Nominations: Rule 5605(e)(1) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules prescribes that, subject to a limited exception, director nominees must either be selected, or recommended for the Board of Directors' selection, either by: (a) independent directors (as defined in Rule 5605(a)(2)) constituting a majority of the Board of Directors' independent directors in a vote in which only independent directors participate, or (b) a nominations committee comprised solely of independent directors. Rule 5605(e)(2) requires a listed company to adopt a formal written charter or board resolution, as applicable, addressing the nominations process and such related matters as may be required under United States federal securities laws. Under applicable Canadian rules, the Company's nominating committee is not required to include a prescribed number of independent directors. However, pursuant to Form 58-101F1, the Company must disclose what steps its board of directors takes to ensure an objective process for encouraging an objective nomination process for new directors of the Company, if its nominating committee is not comprised entirely of independent directors.


The Company's Governance, Nominating and Sustainability Committee and Compensation Committee: The Company has adopted a Governance, Nominating and Sustainability Committee Charter and a Compensation Committee Charter (the "Charters") that substantially comply with Rules 5605(d)(1) and Rule 5605(e)(2) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules. However, in contrast to the requirements of Rules 5605(d)(2)(A) and 5605(e)(1), the Charters prescribe that only a majority of the Committee (which should be comprised of a minimum of three directors) must be independent as defined in Canadian National Instrument 58 101 - Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices, and free from any relationship that, in the view of the Board of Directors, could be reasonably expected to interfere with the exercise of his or her independent judgment as a member of the Committee. This is consistent with the laws, customs and practices in Canada. As disclosed elsewhere in this Annual Report, the Company's Governance, Nominating and Sustainability Committee is currently comprised of Geoff Machum (Chair), Sherry Porter and Dexter John and the Compensation Committee is currently comprised of Sherry Porter (Chair), Geoff Machum and Karina Gehring, each of whom has been determined by the Board of Directors to be independent based on the criteria for independence prescribed by Rule 5605(a)(2) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules. In the event that the Governance, Nominating and Sustainability Committee or the Compensation Committee ceases to comprised of only independent directors, the Company will disclose the steps its Board of Directors takes to ensure an objective process for the nomination of new directors of the Company or the determination of the compensation of the Company's directors and officers, as the case may be.

Shareholder Meeting Quorum Requirement: Under Rule 5620(c) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules, a listed company that is not a limited partnership must provide in its by-laws for a quorum of not less than 33 1/3% of the outstanding shares of the company's common voting stock in respect of all meetings of the holders of its common stock. The Company's Bylaws provide that a quorum for a meeting of shareholders of the Company is present if two persons who are, or who represent by proxy, one or more shareholders who, in the aggregate, hold at least five percent of the issued shares. This quorum requirement is consistent with the laws, customs and practices in Canada.

Proxy Delivery Requirement: Under Rule 5620(b) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules, a listed company that is not a limited partnership must solicit proxies and provide proxy statements for all meetings of shareholders, and also provide copies of such proxy solicitation materials to NASDAQ. The Company is a "foreign private issuer" as defined in Rule 3b-4 under the Exchange Act, and the equity securities of the Company are accordingly exempt from the proxy rules set forth in Sections 14(a), 14(b), 14(c) and 14(f) of the Exchange Act. The Company solicits proxies in accordance with applicable rules and regulations in Canada.


Distribution of Annual Reports: NASDAQ Marketplace Rule 5250(d) requires a NASDAQ-listed Company to make available to shareholders an annual report containing audited financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (which, for example, may be on 40-F under the Exchange Act) within a reasonable period of time following the filing of the annual report with the SEC. The Company may comply with this requirement either:

by mailing the report to shareholders (as opposed to electronic or notice-and-access delivery);

by satisfying the requirements for furnishing an annual report contained in Rule 14a-16 under the Exchange Act; or

by posting the annual report to shareholders on or through the Company's website, along with a prominent undertaking in the English language to provide shareholders, upon request, a hard copy of the annual report free of charge. A Company that chooses to satisfy this requirement pursuant in this manner must, simultaneous with this posting, issue a press release stating that its annual report has been filed with the Commission. The press release must also state that: (a) the annual report is available on the Company's website and include the website address, and (b) shareholders may receive a hard copy free of charge upon request.

As indicated above, the Company is exempt from the proxy rules set forth in Sections 14(a), 14(b), 14(c) and 14(f) of the Exchange Act (as well as Rule 14a-16 promulgated under the Exchange Act), and solicits proxies in accordance with applicable rules and regulations in Canada.

Section 437 of the TSX Company Manual requires that: (a) every TSX-listed company must forward annually to each shareholder who has requested them its annual financial statements and its related management's discussion and analysis in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 51-102 - Continuous Disclosure Obligations ("NI 51-102"); and (b) if a listed company produces an annual report, it must be filed publicly through SEDAR+, available at www.sedarplus.ca.

Pursuant to NI 51-102, the Company is required to send annually a request form to the registered holders and beneficial owners of its securities, other than debt instruments, that registered holders and beneficial owners may use to request a copy of the Company's annual financial statements and related management's discussion and analysis, the interim financial statements and related management's discussion and analysis, or both. If a registered holder or beneficial owner of securities, other than debt instruments, of the Company requests the Company's annual or interim financial statements, the Company must send a copy of the requested financial statements to the person or company that made

the request, without charge, by the later of: (a) 10 days after the filing deadline for the financial statements, or (b) 10 calendar days after the Company receives the request. If the Company sends financial statements it must also send, at the same time, the annual or interim management's discussion and analysis relating to the financial statements.

Shareholder Approval Requirements: Section 5635 of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules requires shareholder approval for issuances of common shares, or any securities convertible or exercisable into common shares:

(a)in connection with the acquisition of the stock or assets of another company

(i)where, due to the present or potential issuance of common shares (including shares issued pursuant to an earn-out or similar type of provision, or securities convertible into or exercisable for common shares) other than a public offering for cash:

(A)the common shares constitute or will upon issuance constitute at least 20% of the voting power outstanding before the issuance of the common shares (or, if applicable before the issuance of the securities convertible into or exercisable for common shares); or

(B)the common shares constitute or will upon issuance constitute at least 20% of the number of common shares outstanding before the issuance; or

(ii)if any director, officer or Substantial Shareholder (as defined by Rule 5635(e)(3) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules) of the listed company has a 5% or greater interest (or such persons collectively have a 10% or greater interest), directly or indirectly, in the target company or assets to be acquired, or in the consideration to be paid in the transaction or series of related transactions, and the present or potential issuance of common shares, or securities convertible into or exercisable for common shares, could result in an increase of 5% or more in the outstanding common shares or voting power of the listed company;

(b)where the common shares sold (or the number of common shares into which the securities sold are convertible or exercisable), either alone or together with sales by officers, directors or Substantial Shareholders of the listed company, constitute at least

(i)20% of the outstanding common shares before the issuance, or


(ii)20% of the voting power of the outstanding common shares before the issuance,

in either case except for (A) public offerings of common shares for cash, and (B) transactions involving the sale, issuance or potential issuance of common shares at a price, or securities convertible or exercisable into common shares with a conversion or exercise price, that is greater than or equal to the lesser of (1) the last closing price immediately preceding the signing of a binding agreement, and (2) the average closing price of the common shares on NASDAQ for the five trading days immediately preceding the signing of the binding agreement; and

(c)where the issuance would result in a change of control of the listed company.

The Company intends to follow TSX rules for shareholder approval of new issuances of its common shares. Following TSX rules, shareholder approval is required for certain issuances of shares that: (i) materially affect control of the listed issuer; or (ii) provide consideration to insiders in aggregate of 10% or greater of the market capitalization of the listed issuer, during any six-month period, and has not been negotiated at arm's length. Shareholder approval is also required, pursuant to TSX rules, in the case of private placements: (a) for an aggregate number of listed securities issuable greater than 25% of the number of securities of the listed issuer which are outstanding, on a non-diluted basis, prior to the date of closing of the transaction if the price per security is less than the market price; or (b) that during any six month period are to insiders for listed securities or options, rights or other entitlements to listed securities greater than 10% of the number of securities of the listed issuer which are outstanding, on a non-diluted basis, prior to the date of the closing of the first private placement to an insider during the six month period. The rules of the TSX also require shareholder approval in connection with an acquisition by a listed issuer where the number of securities issued or issuable in payment of the purchase price for the acquisition exceeds 25% of the number of securities of the listed issuer that are outstanding, on a non-diluted basis.

Equity Compensation Plans: Section 5635(c) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules also requires shareholder approval of all stock option or purchase plans or other arrangements that provide for equity securities as compensation to officers, directors, employees or consultants, and any material amendments to such plans or arrangements, except for certain plans and arrangements, including:

(a)stock purchase plans available on equal terms to all security holders of the listed company (such as a typical dividend reinvestment plan);


(b)tax qualified, non-discriminatory employee benefit plans (e.g., plans that meet the requirements of section 401(a) or 423 of the Internal Revenue Code) or parallel nonqualified plans, provided that such plans are approved by the listed company's independent compensation committee or a majority of the company's independent directors;

(c)those plans or arrangements allowing employees, directors or service providers to buy such securities on the open market or from the listed company for current fair market value;

(d)grants of options or other equity-based compensation as a material inducement to the grantee's entering into employment with the listed company, provided that such grants are approved by the listed company's independent compensation committee or a majority of the company's independent directors; and

(e)conversions, replacements or adjustments of outstanding options or other equity compensation awards to reflect a merger or acquisition.

The Company intends to follow TSX rules in respect of its security-based compensation arrangements. The TSX requires shareholder approval of all security-based compensation arrangements, and any material amendments to such arrangements, except for arrangements used as an inducement to persons or companies not previously employed by and not previously an insider of the listed issuer, provided that: (i) such persons or companies enter into a contract of full time employment as an officer of the listed issuer; and (ii) the number of securities made issuable to such persons or companies during any twelve month period does not exceed in aggregate 2% of the number of securities of the listed issuer which are outstanding, on a non-diluted basis, prior to the date the exemption is first used during such twelve month period. Such shareholder approval is required when the security-based arrangement is instituted and every three years thereafter if the arrangement does not have a fixed maximum aggregate of securities issuable. The TSX considers a security-based compensation arrangement to be any compensation or incentive mechanism involving the issuance from treasury or potential issuance from treasury of securities of a listed issuer.

Insiders of a listed issuer that are entitled to receive a benefit under a security-based compensation arrangement are not eligible to vote their securities in respect of the shareholder approval required by the TSX unless such security based compensation arrangement contains an "insider participation limit". An "insider participation limit" is a provision typically found in security-based compensation arrangements which limits the number of a listed issuer's securities: (i) issued to insiders of the listed issuer, within any one year period; and (ii) issuable to insiders of the listed issuer at any time, to 10% of the listed issuer's

total issued and outstanding securities. For the purposes of security-based compensation arrangements, the definition of "insider" would include the CEO, CFO, all directors of the listed issuer and its major subsidiaries, any person responsible for a principal business unit, division or function, and any shareholder that has beneficial ownership or control or direction over, more than 10% of the issued and outstanding common shares of the listed issuer. The Company obtains shareholder approval of its equity compensation plans in accordance with applicable rules and regulations of the TSX.

The foregoing are consistent with the laws, customs and practices in Canada.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.



The Company undertakes to make available, in person or by telephone, representatives to respond to inquiries made by the Commission staff, and to furnish promptly, when requested to do so by the Commission staff, information relating to: the securities registered pursuant to Form 40-F; the securities in relation to which the obligation to file an annual report on Form 40-F arises; or transactions in said securities.

Consent to Service of Process

The Company has previously filed with the SEC a written consent to service of process on Form F-X. Any change to the name or address of the Company's agent for service shall be communicated promptly to the SEC by amendment to the Form F-X referencing the file number of the Company.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Exchange Act, the Company certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 40-F and has duly caused this annual report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: December 18, 2024    Organigram Holdings Inc.
By:    /s/ Greg Guyatt
    Greg Guyatt
    Chief Financial Officer


Exhibit Index

Exhibit NumberExhibit Description
Policy for the Recovery of Erroneously Awarded Incentive-Based Compensation
Certification of Chief Executive Officer pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) of the Exchange Act, as adopted pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
Certification of Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) of the Exchange Act, as adopted pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
Certification of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Rule 13a-14(b) of the Exchange Act and 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
Audited consolidated financial statements of the Company and notes thereto as of September 30, 2024 and 2023, and for the twelve months ended September 30, 2024, and the thirteen months ended September 30, 2023, together with the reports of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firms thereon
Management's Discussion and Analysis for the twelve months ended September 30, 2024
Annual Information Form of the Company for the twelve months ended September 30, 2024
The Company's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics as approved on September 30, 2024
Consent of PKF O’Connor Davies LLP, Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
Consent of KPMG, LLP, Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
News Release dated December 18, 2024
Glossy Annual Report
101.INSXBRL Instance Document
101.SCHInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema
101.CALInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase
101.DEFInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase
101.LABInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase
101.PREInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted in Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101)
