EX-99.2 3 tm2431462d1_ex99-2.htm EXHIBIT 99.2


隨附的委託書提供了重要信息 關於特別股東大會和合並協議、合併及其他建議的詳細說明 以及有關Amber DWM的詳細業務和財務信息。我們強烈建議您仔細閱讀 隨附的委託書、委託書附帶的附件以及通過引用併入 代理語句。


請特別注意並仔細閱讀第頁開始的“風險因素”一節。 26隨附的委託書聲明


。您還可以從iClick之前提交的文件中獲取有關iClick的信息 美國證券交易委員會。



不管你擁有多少ICLK股票,你的投票是 非常重要。即使你打算親自出席股東特別大會,我們也要求你提交你的委託書、 按照委託書上的指示,其表格作爲附件E附在所附的委託書中 請儘快辦卡。您只需在代理卡上註明您希望如何投票、在代理卡上簽名和註明日期,然後郵寄即可 儘快將代理卡放在所附的返還信封中,以確保Listco不遲於1月1日上午9點收到它, 2025年(香港時間),或2024年12月31日晚上8點(紐約時間),這是提交您的代理卡的最後期限。委託書 CARD是上市公司公司章程中所稱的“委派代理人的文書”。在非常之處投票 股東大會將以投票表決的方式舉行,作爲董事會主席(他還將擔任非常將軍的主席 會議)承諾要求在會議上進行投票表決。ICLK A類股的每位持有人對每個ICLK A類股有一票投票權 每持有一股ICLK A類A股,每持有一股ICLK A類A股,每位持有人有二十(20)票。 2024年12月18日,在開曼群島。

我們將指示摩根大通銀行N.A.(“美國存托股份存託憑證”) 在2024年12月18日紐約市交易結束時向美國存托股份持有者交付美國存托股份記錄日期、美國存托股份代理卡、 其表格作爲附件F附在隨附的委託書中,截至美國存托股份記錄日期的美國存托股份持有者將擁有 在特別股東大會上指示美國存托股份託管銀行如何投票其美國存託憑證相關股份的權利,以 根據Listco於2022年10月31日簽署的存款協議第1號修正案的條款, 美國存托股份存託憑證以及根據該存託憑證發行的美國存託憑證的持有人和實益擁有人(“存款協議”)。美國存托股份持有者 強烈要求您簽署、填寫美國存托股份代理卡,並按照打印的說明將其退還給美國存托股份託管機構 儘快,無論如何,不遲於2024年12月31日上午9點(紐約時間)(或如果非常 股東大會延期,本公司或美國存托股份託管銀行可能會通知的較後日期)。以註冊持有人的身份 以美國存託憑證爲代表的ICLK類A股,美國存托股份託管人將努力投票(或將努力促使)ICLK投票 根據及時收到的持有人的表決指示,其在特別股東大會上存放的股份 在美國存托股份創紀錄的日期。

美國存託憑證的持有者將不能出席這位非常將軍 會議,除非他們取消他們的美國存託憑證,並在收盤前成爲ICLK A類A股的登記持有人 開曼群島,2024年12月18日,ICLK股票創紀錄的日期。美國存托股份持有者如欲取消其美國存託憑證,需作出安排 在2024年12月18日紐約市收盤前將美國存託憑證送交美國存托股份存託憑證註銷 以及(A)相應ICLK A類股票的交付說明(將成爲註冊人的姓名和地址 ICLK類別(A股)的持有者,以及(B)支付美國存托股份註銷費用(每個美國存托股份0.05美元)和任何 適用稅額。如果您在經紀、銀行或代名人帳戶中持有您的美國存託憑證,請聯繫您的經紀人、銀行或代名人查找 指出您需要採取哪些行動來指示經紀商、銀行或代理人代表您取消美國存託憑證。在取消 根據美國存託憑證,美國存托股份託管機構將把ICLK A類A股的登記轉讓給前美國存托股份持有人(或指定的人 由前美國存托股份持有者)。

如果在您名下的ICLK股票註冊後,您希望 收到證明在您名下登記的ICLK股票的證書時,您需要請求ICLK股票登記機構 簽發並郵寄一份證書,請您注意。ICLK的股票沒有上市,不能在任何證券交易所交易, 納斯達克,在這種情況下只能以美國存託憑證的形式存在。因此,如果你取消了你的美國存託憑證去參加非常將軍 會議和合並尚未完成,並且您希望能夠在證券交易所出售您的ICLK股票,您需要存入 此類ICLK股票納入Listco的美國存托股票計劃,用於發行相應數量的美國存託憑證,以 適用法律和存款協議的條款和條件,除其他事項外,包括支付 美國存託憑證(美國存託憑證,每份美國存托股份存託憑證最高可達0.05美元)和任何適用的股票轉讓稅(如果有)和相關費用 根據按金協議。


按照規定的說明填寫代理卡 並不會剝奪您出席股東特別大會及親自投票所持ICLK股份的權利。 然而,請注意,如果您的ICLK股票是以經紀商、銀行或其他被提名人的名義登記的,並且您希望在 如你親自出席特別股東大會,你必須向登記持有人取得以你的名義發出的委託書。


如果您有任何問題或需要幫助投票您的ICLK股票, 請聯繫公司投資者關係部,電話:+852-3700-9100,電子郵件:ir@i-click.com,亞洲,或+1 516。 222 2560或發送電子郵件至tomc@coreir.com。








美國證券交易委員會和任何國家證券公司 證監會已批准或不批准根據隨附的委託書發行的證券,或確定隨附的 委託書是否準確或完整。任何相反的陳述都是刑事犯罪。


隨附的委託書日期爲2024年12月19日和 於2024年12月19日左右首次郵寄給iClick股東。











中華人民共和國香港特別行政區 中國


電話:+8523700 9000


的特別股東大會通知 股東





將於2025年1月3日舉行特此通知,愛點擊(“iClick, Listco、ICLK或公司)將於1月3日召開股東特別大會, 2025年1月2日上午9時(香港時間),或2025年1月2日晚上8時(紐約時間),在盛世千禧廣場15樓, 香港魚湧英皇道663號人民代表Republic of China及其任何休會或押後。僅普通股登記持有人,面值爲每股0.001美元 本公司的股份(“ICLK股份”),不論是否由本公司的美國存托股份( “美國存托股份”),於2024年12月18日(紐約時間)(“備案日”)收盤時或其委託書 持股人有權在本次特別股東大會或其任何續會上投票。歡迎美國存託憑證的實益擁有人 出席這次特別股東大會。在會議上,你將被要求審議和表決以下決議:





截至11月29日的合併協議和計劃, 2024(“合併協議”),由本公司、霸王合併附屬有限公司(“合併附屬公司”)及Amber DWM 須向處長註冊的合併計劃(“合併計劃”) 開曼群島的公司(這種合併計劃實質上是以附件A所附委託書的形式 聲明,並須出示並在特別股東大會上供查閱),以使合併生效 將Sub與Amber DWM合併並併入Amber DWM,Amber DWM作爲公司的全資子公司繼續存在 (“尚存實體”),以及合併協議和合並計劃所考慮的任何和所有交易,均須獲授權 並獲得批准;






第九次修訂和重述的備忘錄和章程細則 進一步修改和重述公司章程,將其全部刪除,並代之以 附件C所附的第十份經修訂及重述的公司組織章程大綱及章程細則 於緊接合並生效時間(“生效時間”)前生效的委託書 (《併購修正案》);



將公司名稱從“iClick Interactive”改爲 於緊接生效時間前生效的“亞洲集團有限公司”至“琥珀國際控股有限公司” “更改名稱”);


在緊接生效時間之前,法定股本 所有ICLK A類股票和所有ICLK B類股票的持有人已交付書面形式的 通知iClick將其ICLK B類股票轉換爲ICLK A類股票,並於緊接前一天的收盤日立即生效 有效時間(該等ICLK B類股份,“轉換ICLK B類股份”),在該公司的法定股本中 公司(包括所有已發行和已發行的ICLK A類股票和轉換ICLK B類股票,以及所有授權但未發行的股票 ICLK A類股和ICLK B類股)應重新指定爲新的A類股,除轉換外的所有ICLK B類股 ICLK b類股份應重新指定爲新的b類股份(除非該等新的b類股份被要求自動 按照《併購修正案》轉換爲新的A類股(假設《併購修正案》獲得批准), 本公司的法定股本爲1,300,000美元,分爲1,300,000,000股新普通股,包括(X) 1,191,000,000股新A類股,及(Y)109,000,000股新B類股(“股本變動”);








永豐董事旗下謝霆鋒獲授權 爲實施合併協議、合併計劃和合並所擬進行的交易而採取一切必要的措施 協議和合並計劃,包括合併,以及在緊接生效時間之前生效的併購修正案, 名稱的變更和股本的變更。



特別股東大會主席受指示 將特別股東大會延期,以便公司在股東人數不足的情況下徵集更多代表 在特別大會期間收到的委託書,以通過將在特別大會上提出的特別決議 股東大會。

經過深思熟慮,公司董事會 (“董事會”)授權並批准了合併協議和合並計劃,並建議您投票(A)贊成 關於批准合併協議、合併計劃和合並協議擬進行的交易的建議 和合並計劃,包括合併,(B)贊成通過第十個經修訂和重述的備忘錄和細則的提議 以隨附的委託書附件C的形式提交的公司組織章程,立即生效 在生效時間之前;(C)支持批准將公司名稱從iClick Interactive更改爲 在緊接生效日期前生效的“亞洲集團有限公司”改爲“琥珀國際控股有限公司”; 批准在生效日期前生效的公司法定股本變更的建議; (E)支持授權公司旗下董事永康謝霆鋒採取一切必要措施的建議,以實施 合併協議、合併計劃以及合併協議和合並計劃所考慮的交易,包括 合併以及在緊接生效時間前生效的合併、合併、名稱變更和股份變更 資本;及(F)如有需要,批准特別大會休會的建議,以便進一步 如在特別股東大會舉行時所收到的委託書不足以通過特別大會,則徵求委託書 將在特別股東大會上提出的決議。


爲了完成合並,合併協議、 合併計劃以及根據合併協議和合並計劃進行的交易,包括合併,必須獲得批准 並由股東以不少於三分之二的多數票通過本公司的特別決議, 有權在特別股東大會上親自或委託代表或由公司代表投票。

截至本委託書日期,承擔責任的股東 實益擁有的ICLK A類股份總計11,626,898股,ICLK B類股份4,385,078股,相當於約 公司總投票權的71%。根據日期爲2024年11月29日的投票協議的條款, 承諾股東、本公司和Amber DWM(“投票協議”),這些ICLK股份將投贊成票 對合並協議、合併計劃和合並協議擬進行的交易的授權和批准以及 合併計劃,包括合併。


不管你擁有多少ICLK股票,你的投票是 非常重要。即使您計劃親自出席股東特別大會,我們也要求您在以下地址提交您的委託書 儘快按照代理卡上的說明辦理。你只需在你的委託書上註明 您要投票,在代理卡上簽名並註明日期,然後儘快將代理卡放在所附的回執信封中郵寄,以確保 本公司將不遲於2025年1月1日上午9點(香港時間)或12月31日晚8點前收到, 2024年(紐約時間),這是提交代理卡的最後期限。代理卡是“委託書” 如本公司的公司章程所述。在特別股東大會上的投票將以投票方式進行, 由於本公司董事會主席已承諾要求在會議上以投票方式表決。ICLK類股票的每位持有者爲A股 每一股ICLK A類股有一票投票權,每一股ICLK B類股持有人有二十(20)票 截至2024年12月18日開曼群島交易結束時持有的股份。


如果您擁有美國存託憑證,每個存託憑證代表五股ICLK A股, 你將不能出席特別股東大會,也不能直接在特別股東大會上投票,但 閣下可指示摩根大通銀行(“美國存托股份託管銀行”)(作爲洲際交易所A類股份的登記持有人) 美國存託憑證)如何投票支持你的美國存託憑證的ICLK類A股。我們將指示美國存托股份託管機構向 2024年12月18日紐約市收盤時的美國存托股份持有者,美國存托股份記錄日期,美國存托股份代理卡,表格 其中的權利作爲附件F附在隨附的委託書中,截至美國存托股份備案日的美國存托股份持有者將有權 指示美國存托股份託管銀行如何在特別股東大會上投票表決其美國存託憑證相關的ICLK A類A股,主題 根據存款協議(定義見下文)的條款。強烈敦促美國存托股份持有者簽名、填寫並返回 請儘快按照美國存托股份代理卡上印製的說明向美國存托股份託管人轉賬,無論如何, 遲於2024年12月31日上午9點(紐約時間)(或如股東特別大會休會,則遲於 本公司或美國存托股份託管銀行可能通知的日期)。根據《存款協議第1號修正案》( 《存款協議》),日期爲2022年10月31日,由上市公司、美國存托股份託管銀行和持有人之間簽署,並受益 如果持有根據上述條款發行的美國存託憑證,美國存托股份託管機構將不會投票或試圖行使投票權,但ICLK股票除外 按照該等指示或視爲指示。此外,你亦可在股東特別大會上直接投票。 如果您將您的美國存託憑證交回美國存托股份託管機構,請向美國存托股份託管機構支付註銷美國存託憑證所需的費用,並提供 註冊相應的ICLK股票的說明,並證明您沒有也不會給出投票指示 至於美國存託憑證(或者,你也不會在12月18日紐約市收盤前投票表決ICLK股票), 2024年,並在開曼群島2024年12月18日收盤前成爲ICLK股票的登記持有人。此外, 如果您通過經紀等金融中介持有您的美國存託憑證,您必須依賴金融中介的程序。 如果你希望在股東特別大會上投票,你可以通過它持有你的美國存託憑證。


按照規定的說明填寫代理卡 並不會剝奪您出席股東特別大會及親自投票所持ICLK股份的權利。 然而,請注意,如果您的ICLK股票是以經紀商、銀行或其他被提名人的名義登記的,並且您希望在 如你親自出席特別股東大會,你必須向登記持有人取得以你的名義發出的委託書。


如果你投棄權票,不親自投票,那就失敗了 按照代理卡上的說明填寫並退還代理卡,或沒有給出投票指示 對於您的經紀人、交易商、商業銀行、信託公司或其他被提名者,您的投票將不會被計算在內。如果您因爲擁有ICLK股票而收到多張代理卡 以不同的名稱註冊,請按照說明投票您在每個代理卡上顯示的所有ICLK股票 在每一張這樣的代理卡上闡明。


請不要在此時發送您的ICLK股票證書。如果 合併完成後,我們將向您發送有關交出股票的指示。合併協議、合併計劃和擬進行的交易 根據合併協議及合併計劃,包括合併於隨附的委託書中描述。複印件 合併協議和合並計劃分別作爲附件A和附件B包含在隨附的委託書中。我們 敦促您仔細閱讀隨附的整個委託書聲明。


備註:1.如有任何ICLK股份的聯名持有人, 聯名持有人可親自或委託代表就該ICLK股份投票,猶如他或她是唯一有權投票的人,但 如果出席任何會議的聯名持有人超過一人,則由提交表決的優先持有人投票,不論是親自投票 或委託代表,將被接受,但不包括聯名持有人的投票權。爲此,資歷將由 就聯名控股而言,該等名稱在本公司成員登記冊內的排列次序。


2.委任代表的文書必須以書面簽署 委任人或其以書面妥爲授權的受權人,或如委任人是法團,則蓋上印章或蓋上印章 官員、律師或其他正式授權的人的手。3.受委代表不必是公司的成員(登記股東)。


4.特別大會主席可在其會議上 她的自由裁量權指示,代理卡在收到電子郵件或電傳後,將被視爲已被正式存入 或電傳確認已簽署的原件已發送。未按允許方式存入的代理卡將 是無效的。


5.按照委託卡的條款進行的投票將是 即使委託人先前死亡或精神錯亂,或委託書或委託書所依據的授權被撤銷,該委託書仍然有效 已籤立,或轉讓獲委託書所涉及的一股或多於一股ICLK股份,除非以書面通知 死亡、精神錯亂、吊銷或轉移由iClick在iClick的辦公室收到,地址爲繁榮千禧廣場663號15樓 香港特別行政區魚湧道人民代表Republic of China在非常活動開始前至少兩個小時 使用該委託書的股東大會或休會。根據董事會的命令,







愛點擊,董事香港人大代表Republic of China























有關Amber DWM的信息










附件A 合併協議和計劃







附件C ICLK第十次修訂和重述的備忘錄和章程





附件G Amber Dwm的經審計合併財務信息







頻繁 使用的術語中


除非另有說明或除文意另有所指外, (I)“iClick”、“Listco”、“The Company”、“We”、“Us”和“Our” 根據上下文,是指愛點擊單獨或與其合併的子公司 合併前和合並完成後與iClick一起合併的可變權益實體(如定義 );及(Ii)“琥珀DWM”是指琥珀DWM Holding Limited,該公司在完成合並後, IClick的全資子公司。


此外,在整個過程中通常使用以下術語 委託書,其含義如下:




“是指要形成的實體 或指定由吳明揚先生控制的公司。廣告


“是指美國存托股份,每一股代表 五股Listco普通股,每股票面價值0.001美元,在納斯達克上市,代碼爲“ICLK”。琥珀集團


“指琥珀環球有限公司 DWM的股東和戰略合作伙伴。




“指琥珀DWM控股有限公司, 一家開曼群島控股公司及其子公司。







“指審計委員會 IClick的董事會。 3
比特幣 6
“指的是第一個點對點電子產品 全球、分散、稀缺的數字貨幣現金系統,最初在一份名爲《比特幣:點對點電子貨幣》的白皮書中介紹 中本聰的現金系統。 17
區塊鏈 18
“是指加密安全的數字 一種分類帳,用於維護網絡上發生的所有交易的記錄,並遵循用於確認新數據塊的共識協議 添加到區塊鏈中。 24
衝浪板 25
“指iClick的董事會。 26
關閉 67
“意味着合併的結束。 71





截止日 74
“指關閉的日期。 95
代碼 96
“指1986年的美國國稅法, 經修訂的。 97
密碼學 98
“指任何基於密碼學的市場、系統、 應用程序或分散的網絡。 99
加密資產 100
“指使用以下方式構建的任何數字資產 區塊鏈技術,包括加密貨幣、穩定幣和安全令牌。 101
加密貨幣 125
“指的是比特幣和替代貨幣, 或“Altcoins”,在比特幣成功後推出。這類加密資產被設計爲用作交換媒介, 存儲價值,或爲應用程序供電,不包括安全令牌。 127
加密經濟 131
意味着一個新的開放的金融體系 建立在密碼的基礎上。 135
定義 A-1
意思是“去中心化的金融” 參考可用於促進諸如借款的傳統金融服務的基於對等軟件的協議網絡, 通過智能合約進行貸款、交易衍生品、保險等業務。 B-1
DWM需要監管審批 C-1
“ 統稱爲:(I)在完成後立即獲得新加坡金融管理局對iClick的事先批准 在合併後,20%的控權人(根據新加坡《2019年支付服務法案》(以下簡稱《PS法案》)的定義)爲 Sparrow Tech Private Limited(爲Amber DWM的附屬公司),根據並按照PS法案第28(1)條的規定( “SG MAS批准”);(2)向迪拜虛擬資產和監管局預先通知交易 關於FZE的初步批准和合並完成後所需的任何後續通知,如 由虛擬資產監管局提供意見;及。(Iii)提交證券及期貨事務監察委員會審批;及。 根據《證券及期貨條例》批准多個實體成爲WhaleFin HK的大股東 (第571)與交易有關的第1類和第7類許可證,包括DWM資產重組和 合併。 D-1
《交易所法案》 E-1
“指《證券交易法》 經修訂的1934年條例,以及據此頒佈的規則和條例。 G-1
公認會計原則 H-1





“指的是美國公認的會計 原則。








ICLK A類股“是指每個A類普通人 IClick的股票,每股票面價值0.001美元,擁有第九份修訂和重新簽署的備忘錄中規定的權利和特權 和iClick公司章程,根據2018年12月19日通過的特別決議通過。


ICLK B類股“是指每一個普通的b類。 IClick的股票,每股票面價值0.001美元,擁有第九份修訂和重新簽署的備忘錄中規定的權利和特權 和iClick公司章程,根據2018年12月19日通過的特別決議通過。


ICLK需要監管批准“ 指針對iClick的SG MAS批准。


ICLK股份“應指在領養之前 在併購修正案中,統稱爲ICLK A股和ICLK B股,或在通過 併購重組修正案,新普通股。


採礦“是指將新數據塊 因此,新的交易被添加到區塊鏈中。


新的A類股“是指每個A級 IClick的普通股,每股票面價值0.001美元,具有併購修正案中規定的權利和特權。


新的B類股“指每一B級 IClick的普通股,每股票面價值0.001美元,具有併購修正案中規定的權利和特權。


新普通股“將意味着,總而言之, 新A類股和新B類股。


ICLK股票計劃“是指Listco在2018年的份額 激勵計劃和首次公開募股後股票激勵計劃。




PCAOB“指上市公司會計監督” 衝浪板。


美國證券交易委員會“指美國證券交易所 佣金。


證券法“指美國證券 1933年法案。“


殼公司報告指可能需要向美國證券交易委員會提交的與以下內容有關的殼公司報告 根據《交易法》規則13a-19或規則15d-19進行合併。


智能合同“指的是以數字方式促進 或在交易方之間強制執行基於規則的協議或條款。


穩定的成本“指旨在最大限度地減少 價格波動。穩定收益旨在跟蹤標的資產的價格,如法定貨幣或交易所交易的商品。 (例如貴金屬或工業金屬),而其他穩定金屬使用旨在維持相對穩定的算法 資產的價格。穩定貨幣可以得到法定貨幣、實物商品或其他加密資產的支持。





下注“指的是能效相當於 採礦。Stakers使用他們的令牌來驗證交易並創建區塊。作爲對這項服務的交換,製片人可以獲得獎勵。




合併的目的和效果(見第73頁)合併的目的是使Listco能夠獲得100%的控制權 在一項交易中,Amber DWM的證券持有人將獲得新的普通股。


這些美國存託憑證目前在納斯達克上以“ICLK”的代碼上市。 預計合併完成後,Listco將繼續在納斯達克上市,新代碼爲“AMBR”。董事會的建議(見第67頁)


Listco董事會審查並考慮了條款和條件 合併協議及合併協議擬進行的交易,包括合併。2024年11月29日, 董事會一致(A)已決定合併協議及合併協議擬訂立的交易協議 對Listco及其股東公平並符合其最佳利益,(B)已宣佈訂立合併協議及 合併協議預期的交易協議,(C)授權並批准執行、交付和履行 合併協議、合併計劃以及合併協議和合並計劃所考慮的交易,包括 以及(D)已決定指示授權和批准合併協議、合併計劃和交易 合併協議項下之預期事項,包括合併事項,須提交股東特別大會表決 是Listco的。經仔細考慮後,董事會批准並批准了 合併協議和合並計劃,並建議您投票(A)贊成授權和批准合併協議的提案, 合併計劃以及合併協議和合並計劃所考慮的交易,包括合併,(B) 建議以所附表格通過第十份經修訂和重述的上市公司組織章程大綱和章程 作爲所附委託書的附件C,在生效時間之前生效(“併購修正案”); (三)覈准將上市公司名稱由“愛點擊”改爲“上市公司”的建議 於緊接生效日期前生效的“琥珀國際控股有限公司”(“更改名稱”); (D)批准更改上市公司法定股本的建議,在緊接生效日期前生效 時間(“股本變動”);(E)建議授權永康,本公司的董事謝肅斌, 爲實施合併協議、合併計劃和合並所擬進行的交易而採取一切必要的措施 合併協議和計劃,包括合併,並在緊接生效時間之前生效,合併修正案, 更改名稱和更改股本;及(F)批准非常將軍休會的建議 必要時召開會議,允許在非常情況發生時收到的委託書不足的情況下進一步徵集委託書 通過將在特別股東大會上提出的特別決議。


合併後Listco普通股的所有權(見第頁 72)交易完成後,Amber DWM的現有股東 現有的iClick股東(包括美國存託憑證的持有者)將分別擁有約90%和10%的流通股 在完全攤薄和折算的基礎上持有合併後公司的股權,或分別擁有合併後公司97%和3%的投票權。看見 “某些受益所有人的安全所有權和管理”,從第127頁開始,了解更多信息。


上市公司董事及行政人員在合併中的利益 (見第73頁)在考慮董事會投票贊成合併的建議時 ,你應該知道,Listco的某些現任董事和高管在合併中擁有利益, 可能與非關聯的Listco股東的利益不同或不同,並可能造成潛在的衝突 感興趣的人。例如,根據合併協議的條款,Listco的董事和高管可能有權 到繼續賠償和保險覆蓋面。審計委員會在審查、審議和談判中都意識到了這些利益。 建議合併的條款,並建議Listco股東批准採納合併協議。


合併條件(見第90頁)每一締約方義務的條件 義務




義務 IClick、Merge Sub和Amber DWM各自完成合並以及合併協議項下預期的其他交易 截至結束時,應滿足下列各項條件:在特別大會(包括其任何續會)上, ICLK股東事項應已獲得批准,並應保持全面效力和效力。


DWM所需的監管批准和ICLK所需的監管批准應已完成 或取得(視情況而定),並將繼續有效(該條件,即“監管審批條件


“)、 除非iClick和Amber DWM就以下監管審批條件方面的替代安排達成一致 與DWM資產重組有關的替代安排(見“合併協議-DWM資產” 重組“,第76頁)。沒有任何適用的法律規定禁止、禁止、限制或使之非法 合併協議項下擬完成的交易應爲有效交易,不存在臨時、初步或永久交易 禁止令禁止、限制或非法完成合並協議項下擬進行的交易 均屬有效。


IClick提交的上市申請應已獲得納斯達克批准。美國存託憑證並無實施或威脅全面暫停或實質限制 美國證券交易委員會或納斯達克。


在生效時間之後,董事會應立即由最多七名成員組成 (7)董事,由Amber DWM在交易結束前至少十(10)個工作日以書面指定。對琥珀的義務的附加條件 DWM


此外,琥珀DWM的義務需要完善 合併及達成合並及合併協議項下擬進行的其他交易須令雙方均滿意 截至收盤時的以下情況,其中任何一項均可由琥珀DWM以書面方式獨家放棄:(I)iClick和Merge Sub各自的基本陳述 在截止日期當日及截至截止日期在各方面均屬真實和正確,猶如在截止日期當日及截至截止日期一樣(但在以下範圍內除外 任何此類陳述和保證在較早日期明確聲明,在這種情況下,該陳述和保證應 截至較早日期在各方面均真實無誤);及(Ii)第(5)條所載的所有其他陳述及保證 合併協議的內容應真實、正確(不對“重要性”或“ICLK”有任何限制 重大不利影響“或本文中包含的任何類似限制)在適用的截止日期並截至該日期,如同在 並截至適用的截止日期(除非任何此類陳述和保證明確說明爲 日期,在這種情況下,該陳述和保證應在該較早的日期是真實和正確的),但以下情況除外 第(Ii)款,如該等陳述及保證未能在個別或整體上如此真實和正確,則 沒有也不太可能對ICLK產生實質性的不利影響。


IClick和Merge Sub均應履行或遵守所需的所有協議和契諾 由合併協議及在適用的成交當日或之前須由其簽署或遵守的其他交易文件 日期,在每一種情況下,在所有重要方面。自合併協議之日起,ICLK將不會產生任何重大不利影響。


截至2024年12月31日,iClick的現金水平等於或超過1,000美元萬。IClick應已向Amber DWM交付一份由iClick的正式授權人員簽署的證書 並註明截止日期,證明上述四個項目符號所列事項。IClick的組織章程大綱和章程細則應已修改 並以併購修正案的形式全部重申,iClick的某些股東應已將其ICLK B類股到ICLK A類股。IClick義務的附加條件 和合並子


此外,iClick和Merge Sub的義務 完成並完成合並,合併協議項下擬進行的其他交易應得到滿足 截至收盤時的以下每一種情況,其中任何一種情況都可以通過iClick獨家以書面形式放棄:(I)琥珀DWM的基本陳述應在所有方面真實和正確 截至截止日期,如同在截止日期當日並截至截止日期一樣(除非任何此類陳述和保證 明示爲較早的日期,在這種情況下,該陳述和保證在所有方面都是真實和正確的 該較早日期);及(Ii)合併協議第四條所載的所有其他陳述及保證應 真實、正確(不對“重要性”或“重大不利影響”作出任何限制) 或本文所載的任何類似限制)在截止日期及截至截止日期作出,猶如在截止日期並截至截止日期(除 截至較早日期任何此類陳述和保證明確聲明的範圍,在這種情況下,該陳述和保證 應如此真實和正確),除非在第(Ii)款的情況下,該等陳述的任何失敗 和保證是如此真實和正確的,無論是單獨的還是總體的,沒有也不可能有DWM材料 不利的影響。


DWM應履行或遵守合併協議要求的所有協議和契諾 以及在截止日期或之前應由其簽署或遵守的其他交易文件,每種情況下均爲所有材料 敬重。自合併協議之日起,本公司不會產生任何重大不利影響。







合理替代方案 其結構可由DWM和iClick根據,” “合併 協議,” “$更詳細地描述了投票協議的條款 在第95頁開始的題爲“表決協議”的一節下。預期會計處理(見第73頁)業務合併將作爲反向收購入賬 (反向合併)根據美國公認會計原則(“美國公認會計原則”)。


合併的實質性稅收後果(參見第131頁)關於合併的某些重大稅收後果的描述, 請參閱第131頁開始的“合併的重大稅務後果”。


風險因素(見第26頁)您應該仔細閱讀本委託書,包括 其附件、證物、附件和以引用方式引用或併入本文的其他文件,並仔細考慮 在“風險因素”中討論的與您在決定是否投票支持之前考慮合併有關的因素 批准本文件所載建議。下面是可能相關的主要風險的摘要,包括相關的 對美國存託憑證的所有權琥珀溢價的合併、業務和行業,在相關標題下組織。對這些風險進行了討論 更充分地體現在“風險因素”中。





與Amber Premium業務相關的風險


Amber Premium的業務線是新興的、未經證實的,並受到重大法律、監管、運營、聲譽和稅收的影響 以及Amber Premium運營的司法管轄區的其他風險。


由於多種因素,琥珀溢價的經營業績一直在波動,並將大幅波動,包括 加密貨幣的高度波動性。


由於Amber Premium的經營歷史有限,可能很難評估其業務和未來前景,而Amber 溢價可能不能在每個給定的時期實現或保持盈利。


Amber Premium的經營業績取決於數字資產的價格和交易數量 指揮。如果這樣的價格或數量下降,琥珀溢價的業務、經營業績和財務狀況將不利 受影響。


特定數字資產在任何相關司法管轄區作爲“安全”的地位在很大程度上受到 不確定性,如果Amber Premium無法正確描述數字資產,它可能會受到監管機構的審查、調查、 可能對其業務、經營業績和財務狀況產生不利影響的罰款和其他處罰。


如果Amber Premium未能發展、維持和提升其品牌和聲譽、其業務經營業績和財務狀況 可能會受到不利影響。


Amber Premium可能無法有效競爭,這可能會對其業務、財務狀況、 經營業績和前景,以及其聲譽和品牌。


琥珀溢價可能會受到全球監管機構和政府當局的調查、調查和執法行動, 包括與制裁、出口管制和反洗錢有關的問題。


Amber Premium及其第三方服務提供商未能保護和管理其及其客戶的資金和數字 資產可能對其業務、經營業績和財務狀況產生不利影響。


如果Amber Premium不能跟上快速的行業變化以提供新的和創新的產品和服務,則其 產品和服務,因此其收入可能會下降,這可能會對其業務、運營業績和 財務狀況。


如果Amber Premium未能留住現有客戶或吸引新客戶,或者如果其客戶降低了與 其服務和平台、琥珀溢價的業務、經營業績和財務狀況,以及合併完成後, 可能會對Listco造成嚴重損害。


Amber DWM正在進行一系列的公司重組,並面臨與此類轉型相關的重大風險, 包括根據WFTL分配的合同失去客戶的風險。


Amber Premium的業務容易受到與國際業務相關的風險的影響,包括與困難相關的風險。 在獲得和/或維護監管批准、許可、授權、許可證或同意方面出現延誤或失敗,可能 被要求在一個或多個國際市場提供某些產品或服務。







數字資產和分佈式分類賬技術的持續開發和接受面臨各種風險。數字資產代表着一個快速發展的新行業,Amber Premium的業務運營和財務業績 比特幣和其他數字資產在過去一直受到影響,未來也可能受到影響。.




由於對數字資產相關公司、現有和潛在客戶的不熟悉和一些負面宣傳, 交易對手和監管機構可能會對數字資產管理公司失去信心。


許多數字資產交易是不可撤銷的,被盜或錯誤轉移的數字資產可能是不可追回的。結果, 任何錯誤執行的數字資產交易都可能對Amber Premium的業務運營和財務業績造成不利影響。




未能及時或根本不滿足關閉的條件可能會導致延誤和額外費用,或阻止 合併完全不會發生。


雙方可以就DWM資產重組和監管審批條件進行替代安排, 這可能導致Listco和Amber DWM無法實現雙方預期的合併或DWM資產的部分或全部好處 重組以實現並可能對Listco和Amber DWM產生其他不利影響。





Listco的某些董事、高管和大股東在合併中擁有不同於、 並可能潛在地與Listco的利益及其非關聯股東的利益衝突。琥珀DWM不是一家上市公司,經營歷史也不長,因此很難確定公平的市場 琥珀DWM的價值或合併對價。


有關Amber DWM和Listco的預期財務信息,包括用作基礎的信息 對於確定合併對價的公正性,可能被證明不準確。


合併對價基於ICLK股權價值和DWM股權價值,不會在成交前或成交時進行調整 以說明Listco或琥珀DWM的性能。






擁有不同投票權的Listco的多級股權結構將顯著限制你影響公司的能力 可能會阻止其他人尋求ICLK類別持有者持有ICLK股票的任何控制權變更交易 美國存託憑證可能會認爲這是有益的。









預計,在某些假設的情況下, 完成合並後,吳德綱先生將擁有新普通股92.9%的投票權。因此,Listco 將成爲納斯達克股票市場規則所定義的“受控公司”,因爲吳彥祖先生將擁有更多 超過Listco總投票權的50%。只要Listco仍是一家受控公司,它就將被允許選擇依賴, 並可能依賴於公司治理規則的某些豁免,包括對規則的豁免,即其大部分 董事會必須是獨立董事,或者必須設立提名委員會和薪酬委員會組成 完全由獨立董事組成。因此,你將不會得到向受約束公司的股東提供的相同保護 這些公司治理要求。


金融 信息




IClick經審計的綜合財務報表載於 其截至2023年12月31日止年度的Form 20-F年報及iClick未經審計的綜合財務報表 包含在截至2024年6月30日的6個月的6-k表格的當前報告中,通過引用將其併入本委託書 陳述。




關於合併,Amber DWM正在進行一系列 公司重組,稱爲DWM資產重組。見「合併協議--DWM資產重組」。 琥珀DWM截至2023年、2023年和2024年6月30日止年度的歷史經審計綜合財務資料,已 在沒有考慮DWM資產重組的情況下編制的,包括在本委託書的附件G中,也進行了討論 在題爲「管理層對財務狀況和經營成果的討論和分析」一節中作了進一步的詳細說明 從本委託書第117頁開始。


選定的未經審計的DWM預計財務數據 截至2024年6月30日止年度,呈列琥珀DWM於實施DWM後的合併財務資料 資產重組,包含在本委託書中題爲《補充管理層的討論》一節 及本委託書第121頁開始的Amber DWM預計財務狀況及經營業績分析 陳述。





問題 和關於特別股東大會的回答


以下問題和解答簡要地回答了一些問題 您可能對特別股東大會有所了解。這些問題和答案可能無法解決所有可能重要的問題 作爲iClik股票的持有者或美國存托股份的持有者。也請參考本文中其他地方包含的更詳細的信息 委託書、本委託書的附件以及本委託書中引用或併入的文件。




您收到此委託書和代理卡是因爲您擁有 ICLK股票在開曼群島2024年12月18日收盤前的股票,也就是ICLK股票創紀錄日期,或美國存託憑證 代表五股ICLK A類股,於2024年12月18日紐約收盤前創下美國存托股份紀錄 約會。本委託書及委託書與本公司特別股東大會(及其任何休會)有關,並描述有關事宜。 我們希望您作爲美國存託憑證的股東或持有人對此進行投票。


我們正在尋求我們股東對該提議的批准,以 非常一般地批准和批准合併協議、合併計劃和包括合併在內的交易 在該等特別股東大會或其任何續會上。此代理聲明彙總了您需要了解的某些信息 在特別股東大會上投票。誠邀全體股東親臨本公司出席股東特別大會。 然而,您不需要出席特別股東大會來投票您的ICLK股票。取而代之的是,你可以簡單地完成、簽署 註明日期並寄回隨附的委託書。




股東特別大會將於2025年1月3日舉行。 2025年1月2日上午9點(香港時間),或2025年1月2日晚上8點(紐約時間),在盛世千禧廣場663號15樓 香港魚湧英皇道人民代表Republic of China及其任何休會或押後。我將被要求在特別股東大會上就什麼進行表決?在特別股東大會上,你將被要求投票表決 以下內容:


·作爲一項特別決議,授權和批准合併協議、合併計劃和包括合併在內的交易 (「合併建議」);


·作爲特別決議,授權和批准對上市公司章程大綱和章程細則的修改和重述 在緊接生效時間之前生效(「修訂建議」);作爲特別決議,授權並批准將公司名稱從“愛點擊集團 於緊接生效時間前生效的「Amber International Holding Limited」(“該名稱 更改建議“);作爲一項特別決議,授權並批准上市公司法定股本的變更立即生效 在生效時間之前(「變更股本方案」);

·作爲一項特別決議,授權董事旗下永康謝霆鋒採取一切必要措施,以使 關於合併協議、合併計劃和包括合併在內的交易,以及與修訂建議有關的, 更改名稱建議及更改股本建議(「一般授權建議」);及

·如有必要,作爲一項普通決議,將特別股東大會休會,以便讓Listco徵求更多 在特別股東大會召開時收到的委託書不足以通過特別大會的委託書 將在特別股東大會上提出的決議(「休會建議」)。


·批准合併協議、合併計劃和 這些交易,包括合併。根據合併協議,Amber DWM的股東將交換所有已發行的 和Amber DWM的流通股股本,購買iClick的新發行股份,交易中的條款和條件 豁免1933年證券法的登記要求。合併完成後,Amber DWM將成爲全資 IClick的子公司。





如果合併提議得到Listco的批准,會發生什麼? 股東?


在合併提議獲得上市公司股東批准後 以及滿足或放棄完成合並協議中所列的所有先決條件,合併將完成,並且 Amber DWM將成爲Listco的全資子公司,Amber DWM的前股東將擁有Listco的多數股權 股份。



·關於通過經修訂和重述的第十份備忘錄的提議和 上市公司章程作爲本委託書附件C的形式,在緊接之前生效 到了有效時間。


·授權批准企業名稱變更的提案 上市公司由「愛點擊」改爲「琥珀國際控股有限公司」即時生效 在生效時間之前。


·在緊接生效時間之前,法定股本 本公司的法定股本變動如下:所有ICLK A類股和轉換ICLK B類股的法定股本 公司(包括所有已發行和已發行的ICLK A類股票和轉換ICLK B類股票,以及所有授權但未發行的股票 ICLK A類股和ICLK B類股)應重新指定爲新的A類股,除轉換外的所有ICLK B類股 ICLK b類股份應重新指定爲新的b類股份(除非該等新的b類股份被要求自動 按照《併購修正案》轉換爲新的A類股(假設《併購修正案》獲得批准), 本公司的法定股本爲1,300,000美元,分爲1,300,000,000股新普通股,包括(X) 1,191,000,000股新A類股,以及(Y)109,000,000股新B類股。




建議授權永康董事的謝霆鋒 執行合併協議、合併計劃和交易,包括合併, 以及與更名建議、修訂建議和變更股本建議有關的建議。



·允許LISCO讓這位特等將軍休會的提議 會議,以便允許Listco在以下情況下徵集額外的代理: 特別大會通過將在特別股東大會上提出的特別決議。

·如果休會提議得到Listco的批准,會發生什麼? 股東?





·如果在非常情況發生時沒有收到足夠的委託書 股東大會批准合併建議、修訂建議、更名建議、更改股本建議、 一般授權提案和休會提案在臨時股東大會上獲得批准,我們將能夠 將特別大會延期,以便徵集更多代表,以通過將於 特別股東大會。如果您之前已就本委託書中討論的建議提交了委託書,並希望 在臨時股東大會休會時撤銷,你可以這樣做。

·IClick的董事會如何建議我投票 在提案上嗎?經過仔細考慮,iClick董事會建議您 投票:對於合併提案;名稱更改建議的批准需要獲得多數 不少於iClick股東投票的三分之二,因爲有權親自或由代表或由 出席特別股東大會的公司代表。更改股本建議須獲批准 IClick股東有權親自或通過投票方式投下不少於三分之二的多數票 代表或由公司代表出席特別股東大會。

·一般授權提案的批准需要一個 由iClick股東投出的不少於三分之二的多數票,因爲有權親自或通過 代表或由公司代表出席特別股東大會。

·休會提議的批准需要簡單多數。 在iClick股東有權親自或由代表或由公司代表在 特別股東大會。我如何投票或更改我的投票?




如果你持有ICLK的股票,你可以委託代表或親自在特別會議上投票。 股東大會。




-如果您在您的 登記在案的股東姓名及擬出席股東特別大會並擬親身表決,請出示下列證明 與您一同出席特別股東大會。即使您計劃參加特別股東大會,我們也強烈要求 鼓勵您提前提交您的ICLK股票的委託書,如下所述,這樣,如果您稍後決定不投票,您的投票將被計算在內 來參加。如果您的股票是以「街道名稱」持有的,這意味着您的ICLK股票由經紀商、銀行或 其他被提名人,而你欲在特別大會上投票,你必須帶一名代表出席特別大會 由ICLK股票的記錄持有人(您的經紀人、銀行或代名人)授權您在特別股東大會上投票。 要做到這一點,您應該聯繫您的經紀人、銀行或被指定人。




·-如果您在您的 如果你是登記在冊的股東,你將收到股東特別大會的通知和我們的委託書。你 可在不參加特別股東大會的情況下通過郵寄提交您的ICLK股票的委託書,填寫、簽署、日期和 將委託卡交回香港?魚湧英皇道663號富邦千禧廣場15樓Listco。 Republic of China,投資者關係,注意:不遲於2025年1月1日上午9點(香港時間),或12月31日, 2024年晚上8點(紐約時間)。如果您通過經紀商、銀行或其他被提名者以「街道名稱」持有ICLK股票, 然後,你將收到經紀、銀行或代名人連同經紀、銀行或 被提名人的投票指示。您應該指示您的經紀人、銀行或其他被指定人如何使用 提供了投票說明。由正確執行的委託書代表的所有ICLK股份及時收到,供非常將軍使用 股東大會將按照委託書股東指定的方式進行表決。正確執行的代理不包含 具體的投票指示將投票贊成合併建議,支持修改建議,修改 名稱、「變更股本方案」、「一般授權方案」和“ 休會提案。






·-在所附表格上提交委託書並不排除股東 在特別股東大會上親自投票。如果你以登記股東的名義持有你的ICLK股票,你可以 在特別大會開始前最少兩小時的任何時間,藉書面撤銷通知撤銷委託書 或隨後向Listco的投資者關係部提交一份正式籤立的委託書,日期較晚,地址爲繁榮大廈15樓 人民Republic of China,香港魚湧英皇道663號千禧廣場2025年1月3日或以前,於 上午7:00(香港時間),或2025年1月2日下午6時(紐約時間),或出席特別股東大會並投票 當面說。登記在冊的股東可以通過這些方法中的任何一種來撤銷委託書,而不管用什麼方法來交付股東的 以前的代理。未經表決出席特別股東大會本身不會撤銷委託書。如果你的ICLK共享 通過經紀人、銀行或其他代理人以街頭名義持有,您必須聯繫您的經紀人、銀行或代理人以撤銷您的委託書。



·-如果你擁有美國存託憑證,你就不能 直接在會議上投票,但您可以指示美國存托股份託管機構(作爲您的美國存託憑證相關的ICLK A類A股的持有人) 如何投票支持你的美國存託憑證的ICLK A股。我們將指示美國存托股份託管機構在以下地址向美國存托股份持有人交付 紐約市於2024年12月18日,也就是美國存托股份備案之日收盤,美國存托股份代理卡,其格式如下 隨附的委託書附件F,以及截至美國存托股份記錄日期的美國存托股份持有者將有權指示美國存托股份託管 如何在特別股東大會上投票支持其美國存託憑證的ICLK A類A股,但須受和按照 存款協議的條款。我們強烈要求美國存托股份持卡人簽署、填寫美國存托股份代理卡並將其退還給美國存托股份託管機構 按照寄存通知上和寄存通知中印製的指示,儘快,無論如何不遲於 2024年12月31日上午9:00(紐約時間)(或如股東特別大會延期,則以5月1日爲準 須由本公司或美國存托股份託管銀行通知)。美國存托股份託管應在可行的情況下努力投票或促使投票 根據您的投票指示投票了您的美國存託憑證所代表的ICLK A類A股的數量。







-已註冊 美國存托股份存託憑證上的美國存託憑證持有人可以修改他們的投票指示,填寫、註明日期並提交 新的美國存托股份代理卡發送給美國存托股份託管機構,其日期晚於尋求吊銷美國存托股份託管機構的美國存托股份代理卡的日期 在2024年12月31日(紐約時間)上午9點之前的任何時間收到。


如果你通過經紀等金融中介持有你的美國存託憑證, 如果你想投票,你必須依賴持有你的美國存託憑證的金融中介機構的程序。如果你的美國存託憑證 由您的經紀人、銀行或其他被指定人提供,見下文。


如果我的ICLK股票或我的美國存託憑證在經紀帳戶中,將 我的經紀人把我的ICLK股票投給我了?


您的經紀人、銀行或其他被提名人將只被允許投票給您的 代表您的ICLK股票,或就您的美國存託憑證相關的ICLK A類A股給出投票指示(如果您指示 關鍵是如何投票。因此,您必須立即遵循您的經紀人、銀行或被指定人提供的有關 如何指示它投票您的股票或由您的美國存託憑證代表的ICLK A類A股。




這次委託書徵集是由Listco在 我代表董事會發言。Listco將承擔召開特別股東大會的費用和徵集委託書的費用, 包括打印和郵寄代理卡的費用。Listco的董事、高級管理人員和員工可以通過以下方式徵集代理人 郵件、電子郵件、電話、傳真或其他通信手段。這些董事、高級管理人員和員工將不會獲得報酬 爲他們的努力支付額外報酬,但可以報銷與此相關的自付費用。我們 將補償美國存托股份託管機構JP摩根大通銀行,N.A.在向美國存托股份持有人郵寄代理材料時發生的費用 按照按金協議。




您可能會收到一套以上的投票材料,包括 委託書或投票指導卡。例如,如果您在多個經紀帳戶中持有ICLK股票或美國存託憑證,您將收到 爲您持有ICLK股票或美國存託憑證的每個經紀帳戶提供單獨的投票指導卡。如果你是記錄的持有者,並且 您的ICLK股票或ADS以多個名稱註冊,您將收到多張代理卡。請提交每張代理卡 就是你收到的。




我們敦促您仔細閱讀本委託書,包括其附件, 在此引用或合併的證物、附件和其他文件,並考慮合併對您的影響 作爲股東。在你這樣做之後,請儘快投票。




·如果您對合並提案有更多問題,修正案 提案、更名提案、變更股本提案、一般授權提案、休會提案, 在提交委託書或投票您的ICLK股票或美國存託憑證時需要幫助,或者需要代理卡或美國存托股份代理的額外副本 您可以通過+852-3700-9100聯繫Listco的投資者關係部,或者通過電子郵件ir@i-click.com聯繫亞洲,或通過以下方式聯繫Listco的投資者關係部 +1 516 222 2560或發送電子郵件至tomc@coreir.com。

·比較 每股ICLK股票市場價格和股息信息


·IClick在納斯達克上以“ICLK”的符號列出了其美國存託憑證 2017年12月21日。2022年11月14日,iClick將美國存托股份代表其ICLK A類股的比例從代表美國存托股份的比例改爲 一個ICLK A類股的一半到一個美國存托股份,相當於五股ICLK A類股。2024年11月27日,前一個交易日 截至公告簽署合併協議之日,美國存托股份每股收盤價爲7.1美元。12月18日, 2024年,也就是委託書發佈日期前的最後一個可行日期,美國存托股份的收盤價爲8.58美元。的市場價格 美國存託憑證受到波動的影響。我們鼓勵您在投票過程中獲取美國存托股份的當前市場報價。

·Amber DWM現在是,也將在交易結束前是一傢俬人持股公司 而且它的證券不在任何交易所交易。






·IClick沒有向其股東支付任何股息或分配。 IClick目前沒有在可預見的未來向ICLK股票支付任何現金股息的計劃。

·Amber DWM打算保留未來的任何收入,爲運營提供資金 並擴大其業務,預計在可預見的未來不會宣佈或支付任何股息。

·警示 關於前瞻性陳述的聲明

·此代理聲明包括某些可能構成 證券法第27A條和交易所第21E條所指的“前瞻性陳述” ACT,與iClick、Amber DWM和合並相關。除歷史事實以外的所有陳述均爲前瞻性陳述 適用於聯邦和州證券法。這些陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素 可能會導致iClick或Amber DWM的實際結果、表現或成就與任何未來結果大不相同, 前瞻性陳述中明示或暗示的業績或成就。這些風險和不確定性包括,但不是 僅限於下文“風險因素”一節所述的因素。在某些情況下,您可以確定前瞻性 使用諸如“預期”、“相信”、“可能”、“估計”、“期望”等術語進行陳述。 “打算”、“可能”、“計劃”、“潛在”、“預測”、“項目” “應該”、“將會”以及旨在識別前瞻性陳述的類似表達。

·本委託書中包含的前瞻性陳述基於 對未來發展和事件的當前預期和信念,可能會受到風險和不確定性的影響。這些前瞻性的 陳述涉及許多風險、不確定性或其他假設,可能會導致實際結果或業績出現實質性變化 與這些前瞻性陳述明示或暗示的不同之處包括:

·Amber DWM持續開發新技術、服務和產品並跟上變化的能力存在不確定性 在其經營的行業中;

·此外,它的收入和成本可能會波動 由於與新業務或產品和服務相關的啓動成本,而收入可能需要時間來發展,這可能會對 影響其經營成果。如果Amber Premium無法在降低開支的同時成功管理其業務,它的能力 繼續經營可能取決於籌集足夠的額外資本、獲得足夠的融資和貨幣化的能力 資產。任何上述風險的發生都將對其財務業績、業務和前景產生重大不利影響。


Amber Premium的經營業績 由於各種因素,包括高度不穩定的性質,已經並將顯著波動 加密貨幣。


·Amber Premium的主要來源 收入取決於數字資產和更廣泛的加密經濟。它的經營業績一直在波動,並將顯著 由於各種因素而波動,包括加密貨幣的高度波動性質。重大正面或負面 加密貨幣資產價格的變化不一定會對其運營業績產生類似的收益或減值,以及 財務狀況。由於各種原因,其經營業績出現了波動,並將繼續大幅波動。 因素,其中許多是不可預測的,在某些情況下是不受其控制的,包括:

·它對依賴於數字資產交易活動的產品供應的依賴,包括交易 數字資產的交易量和現行交易價,其交易價和交易量可能波動很大;

·吸引、維護和發展客戶基礎並吸引客戶的能力,特別是其能力 維護與某些大客戶客戶的關係;

·立法或監管環境的變化,或政府或監管機構的行動,包括 罰款、命令或同意法令;






·Amber Premium在產品和服務以及提供的技術開發方面的投資 對其生態系統合作伙伴、國際擴張以及銷售和營銷;

·對集中式數字資產交易平台和場外交易平台的使用和依賴 主要基於其盡職審查而獲得批准的市場;

·與客戶或監管機構的糾紛、不利的法律程序或監管執法行動, 判決、和解或其他法律程序和與執行有關的費用;


·Amber Premium預計將產生的運營費用增加,以實現業務增長和擴大 並保持競爭力;



分散的系統故障或停機,包括與第三方加密貨幣網絡有關的故障或停機 金融協議、違反安全或隱私或任何無法訪問第三方加密貨幣網絡或分散的 因其或第三方行動而產生的財務協議;



















數字資產底層區塊鏈網絡的維護、故障排除和開發, 包括世界各地的礦工、驗證者和開發商;


加密貨幣網絡吸引和留住礦工或驗證者的能力,以確保和確認 準確高效地進行交易;


數字資產及其相關智能合同、應用程序的持續技術可行性和安全性 和網絡,包括針對黑客的漏洞和可擴展性;


與處理數字資產交易相關的費用和速度,包括在底層區塊鏈上 網絡和數字資產交易平台;











來自或的產品或服務的中斷、暫停或其他強制性限制 主要數字資產平台倒閉;












·不能保證任何數字資產都會 保持其價值,否則將有有意義的交易活動水平。如果數字資產的價格或 交易數字資產的需求下降,琥珀溢價的業務、運營業績和財務狀況將不利 受影響。


·特定數字資產的狀態 因爲在任何相關司法管轄區的「證券」都存在高度的不確定性,如果琥珀溢價不能 如果數字資產的特徵正確,它可能會受到監管審查、調查、罰款和其他處罰,這可能 對其業務、經營業績和財務狀況產生不利影響。


·幾個司法管轄區採取了基礎廣泛的 將數字資產歸類爲「證券」的方法,而其他外國司法管轄區,如瑞士、馬耳他和 新加坡則採取了更狹隘的做法。因此,某些數字資產可能被視爲 一些司法管轄區的法律,但不是其他司法管轄區的法律。各個司法管轄區將來可能會通過額外的法律、法規或指令。 這會影響將數字資產描述爲「證券」。將數字資產歸類爲 適用法律對此類產品的提供、銷售、交易和清算所產生的監管義務具有廣泛的影響。 資產。


·Amber Premium有程序來分析是否 根據適用的法律,它尋求交易的每一項數字資產都可以被視爲「證券」。琥珀高級餐廳 程序不構成法律標準,而是代表其公司制定的指標,這允許它制定基於風險的 評估特定數字資產根據適用法律可被視爲「安全」的可能性。不管怎樣 在其結論中,Amber Premium可能會受到法律或監管行動的影響,如果監管當局或法院 確定當前在Amber Premium的平台上提供、出售或交易的受支持數字資產是一種「證券」 根據適用的法律。目前,琥珀溢價只允許對其認爲合理的數字資產進行交易 有充分的理由得出結論,即進行涉及這些數字資產的交易不會違反任何適用法律。琥珀色高級版 相信其過程反映了全面和深思熟慮的分析,並被合理地設計以促進一致的應用 提供對數字資產的現有法律指導,以促進基於風險的知情商業判斷。但是,它認識到該應用程序 證券法對數字資產的具體事實和情況可能是複雜的,可能會發生變化,並認爲上市 根據相關證券法,確定不能保證得出任何結論。Amber Premium預計其風險評估政策 和程序不斷演變,以考慮到判例法、事實和技術發展。


·不能保證琥珀高級 將任何給定的數字資產恰當地定性爲安全或非安全,或者監管當局或法院,如果 向它提出了問題,並同意它的評估。如果監管當局或法院裁定支持 目前在Amber Premium的平台上提供、出售或交易的數字資產是一種證券,Amber Premium將無法提供 將這種數字資產作爲其產品或服務的一部分,直到它能夠以合規的方式這樣做。此外,琥珀高級版可能會 因未按照法律要求提供或出售數字資產而受到司法或行政處罰, 或未經適當登記擅自擔任經紀商、交易商或全國性證券交易所。這樣的行動可能會導致禁令, 停止和停止令,以及民事罰款、罰款和交還、刑事責任和名譽損害。客戶 通過Amber Premium交易此類支持的數字資產並遭受交易損失的公司也可以尋求撤銷此類交易 因爲它的實施違反了適用的法律,這可能會使琥珀保費承擔重大責任。此外, 如果Amber Premium從其產品或服務中移除任何資產,其決定可能不受用戶歡迎,並可能降低其能力 吸引和留住客戶。


·琥珀保費可不定期存入、轉賬 並與第三方託管人、客戶資金和數字資產一起託管。其政策、程序、操作控制和控制 超額財務報告旨在保護其免受圍繞資產混合、利益衝突和 保護存放、轉移或託管於跨司法管轄區的第三方託管人的數字資產和客戶資金。 此外,其安全技術旨在防止、檢測和減少對其系統的不當訪問,方法是通過內部或 外部威脅。









“) 入職流程旨在驗證其客戶的身份、管理相關風險並防止某些產品的報價和銷售 向某些人提供數字資產和其他產品和服務。Amber Premium相信,它已經開發和維護了 旨在符合適用的法律要求和行業標準的技術和實物保護措施。


隨着Amber Premium的業務繼續 發展,它必須繼續加強其相關的內部控制,並確保其第三方託管人和其他服務提供商 做同樣的事情。它的成功及其產品提供的成功需要對ITS及其第三方服務提供商的極大信心 有能力妥善保管和管理數字資產餘額,並處理大量和不斷增長的交易量和客戶資金。 此外,Amber Premium取決於其第三方服務提供商的運營、流動性和財務狀況 妥善保管、維護、使用和保管這些客戶資產。它或此類第三方服務提供商的任何重大故障 維護必要的控制、政策、保護程序,無論感知與否,或管理數字資產琥珀溢價 或者他們爲客戶或代表客戶或爲自己的投資和經營目的而持有,也可能對其業務產生不利影響, 經營業績和財務狀況。此外,它或其第三方服務提供商的任何重大故障都無法維護必要的 適當地控制或管理客戶數字資產和資金並遵守適用的監管要求可能會導致 聲譽受損,造成重大財務損失,導致客戶停止或減少使用ITS及其第三方服務 提供商的產品和服務,並導致重大處罰和罰款以及額外的限制,這可能對 影響其業務、經營業績和財務狀況。


此外,黑客、員工有可能 或服務提供商違反其或其第三方託管人的政策,或其他人可能規避這些保障措施 不正當訪問其系統或文件,或其第三方服務提供商或代理商的系統或文件,以及不正當地 獲取、獲取和濫用客戶的數字資產和資金。用於獲取未經授權的訪問、禁用或降級服務的方法 或破壞系統也在不斷變化和發展,可能很難在很長一段時間內預測或發現。它的 而其第三方託管人對此類不當行爲的保險範圍有限,可能不包括損失的程度或 此類損失的性質,在這種情況下,琥珀保費可能對所遭受的全部損失負責,損失金額可能大於 它的資產。ITS及其第三方託管人維護保險的能力也取決於保險承運人的 持續承保標準。客戶資金或數字資產的任何損失都可能導致隨後的保險覆蓋範圍失誤,這 可能導致嚴重的業務中斷、負面聲譽影響、無法與競爭對手競爭以及監管 調查、詢問或行動。此外,通過電子渠道進行的交易可能會產生欺詐、黑客攻擊、 未經授權的訪問或獲取以及其他欺騙性做法。任何導致客戶資產受損的安全事件都可能 導致它付出巨大的成本,並要求它通知受影響的客戶,在某些情況下,通知監管機構可能發生的或實際發生的事件, 使其面臨監管執法行動,包括巨額罰款,限制其提供服務的能力,使其受到訴訟, 造成重大財務損失,並對其品牌、聲譽、業務、經營業績、財務狀況和前景產生不利影響。


如果Amber Premium無法跟上RAPH的步伐 行業變化,以提供新的和創新的產品和服務,其產品和服務的使用,從而其收入, 可能會下降,這可能會對其業務、經營業績和財務狀況產生不利影響。


Amber Premium的行業和加密經濟 總體而言,近年來以許多快速、重要和顛覆性的產品和服務爲特徵。其中包括分散化 應用程序,這些應用程序允許進行收益耕種、打樁、令牌包裝、治理令牌、吸引客戶的創新程序,如交易 收費挖掘計劃,吸引交易員的舉措,如交易競賽、空投和贈品、押注獎勵計劃,以及 新的加密貨幣籌款和分發方案。Amber Premium預計新服務和技術將繼續湧現,並 發展,這可能比琥珀高級目前提供的產品和服務更好或更過時。琥珀高級版不能 預測新服務和技術對其業務的影響。然而,它擴大客戶基礎和收入的能力將取決於 這在一定程度上取決於其獨立或與第三方合作創新和創造成功的新產品和服務的能力。 特別是,開發新產品和服務並將其納入其業務可能需要大量支出,需要大量資金 時間,最終可能不會成功。任何新產品或服務都可能無法吸引客戶、產生收入、或 與第三方應用程序和平台完美集成。此外,其適應新產品和服務並與之競爭的能力 可能受到監管要求和法律中普遍的不確定性、其銀行合作伙伴和支付處理商的限制、 第三方知識產權,或其他因素。此外,Amber Premium必須繼續加強其技術基礎設施 和其他技術產品,以保持競爭力並維護具有所需功能、性能、容量、 安全性,以及吸引和留住客戶的速度。因此,Amber Premium預計將花費大量成本和費用來開發 並升級其技術基礎設施,以滿足行業不斷髮展的需求。它的成功將取決於它的發展能力 並整合新產品並適應技術變化和不斷髮展的行業實踐。如果Amber Premium無法做到這一點 以及時或具有成本效益的方式,其業務及其成功競爭、留住現有客戶和吸引新客戶的能力 可能會受到不利影響。


如果琥珀高級版未能保留現有 客戶或吸引新客戶,或者如果其客戶降低了他們對其服務和平台、業務運營的參與度 琥珀溢價的業績和財務狀況,以及合併完成後,Listco的業績和財務狀況可能會受到重大損害。


Amber Premium的成功取決於它的能力 留住現有客戶,吸引新客戶,並通過其服務和平台增加客戶參與度。爲了實現這一點, Amber Premium必須繼續提供領先的技術,並確保其產品和服務是安全、可靠和有吸引力的。 它還必須擴大其產品和服務,並提供有吸引力的費用。不能保證Amber Premium將能夠繼續 這樣做是爲了留住現有客戶,吸引新客戶或保持客戶的參與度。許多因素可能會對 客戶保留、增長和參與度,包括:


客戶越來越多地接觸競爭對手的產品和服務,包括 由於監管原因,琥珀溢價無法提供;


Amber Premium未能推出新的和改進的產品和服務,或者如果它推出了新產品 或不受歡迎的服務;


Amber Premium無法支持新的和按需的數字資產,或者如果它選擇支持數字資產 有負面名聲的;


人們對Amber Premium的產品和服務的質量或有用性的看法發生了變化 或與隱私、安全、法定貨幣掛鉤或其他因素有關的擔憂;


Amber Premium的產品和服務在立法規定的情況下存在不利變化, 監管部門,或訴訟;


客戶認爲Amber Premium平台上的投資產品是糟糕的投資選擇, 或在其平台上進行的投資遭受重大損失;


技術或其他問題阻礙了Amber Premium以其速度、功能、 客戶期望的安全性和可靠性;





網絡安全事件、員工或服務提供商不當行爲或其他不可預見的活動導致 Amber Premium或其客戶的損失,包括Amber Premium代表其客戶持有的資產的損失;


Amber Premium定價模型的修改或其競爭對手對其定價的修改 模型;




琥珀溢價擴張目標表示負面的國家的監管和政府機構 對數字财富管理平台以及更廣泛的加密經濟的看法;以及


Amber Premium或其他公司或其行業的知名人物是負面媒體的主題 報道或其他負面宣傳。


有時,這些因素中的某些因素具有 在不同程度上對客戶的留存、增長和參與度產生了負面影響。如果琥珀高級版無法保持或增加其 客戶基礎和客戶參與度、Amber Premium的收入、業務、經營業績和財務狀況,以及完善後的情況 如果合併,Listco的可能會受到不利影響。如果Amber Premium的客戶增長率放緩或下降,它將變得越來越 取決於其維持或提高用戶參與度和貨幣化水平以推動收入增長的能力。


Amber DWM正在進行一系列企業 重組,並面臨與這種過渡有關的重大風險,包括根據《世界自由貿易法》失去客戶的風險 已分配的合同。


關於合併,Amber DWM正在進行 一系列公司重組,稱爲DWM資產重組。在完成DWM資產重組後, 預計Amber DWM將(I)收購在香港註冊成立的公司WhaleFin Markets Limited的100%股權。 其股東Amber Group和(Ii)促使其全資子公司Amber Premium FZE承擔以下所有權利和義務 WhaleFin Technologies Limited參與的所有有效客戶合同。塞舌爾註冊公司WhaleFin Technologies Limited Amber Group的全資子公司,合併後將保留在Amber DWM之外。見“合併協議-DWM資產” 結構調整。“


作爲DWM資產重組的結果,Amber DWM一直並正在調整其業務運營和公司結構。不能保證 這樣的調整將是成功的,或者將導致增長、收入或利潤。琥珀DWM可能會進一步經歷連續性的喪失, 在過渡期內喪失積累的知識或喪失效率。此外,很難預測整個 目前尚不確定DWM資產重組最終是否會對Amber DWM有利。 不能保證Amber DWM在完成後能夠維護WFTL分配的合同下的所有客戶 DWM資產重組。如果Amber DWM未能遵守Amber DWM的演變,則這些客戶端可能會流失 或者,他們出於與合規相關的考慮,決定終止與Amber DWM的業務關係。 琥珀DWM還面臨着以下方面的風險和挑戰:


在實施期間和完成後管理其業務運營中的更改 DWM資產重組;












預見並適應不斷變化的市場條件和需求,包括技術發展和 競爭格局的變化。


如果Amber DWM的假設 關於這些風險和不確定性,如果它用來計劃和運營業務,是不正確的或過時的,或者如果它不是 如果成功應對這些風險,Amber DWM的運營結果與Listco完成合並後的運營結果可能會有所不同 與預期以及Amber DWM的業務、財務狀況和運營結果存在重大差異,並在完善 Listco的合併,可能會受到不利影響。


Amber Premium的業務很容易受到影響 與國際業務有關的風險,包括與獲得和/或獲得和/或失敗有關的困難、延誤或失敗的風險 維護提供某些產品可能需要的監管批准、許可、授權、許可或同意 或在一個或多個國際市場提供服務。





Amber Premium目前在司法管轄區設有子公司, 例如新加坡、香港和迪拜。Amber Premium計劃進入或擴大其在世界各地更多市場的存在, 以及任何不能或未能充分利用國際擴張機會的情況,都可能損害其業務,並對 它的收入。Amber Premium管理其業務並在國際上開展業務的能力需要相當多的管理 關注和資源,並面臨着在多樣化的環境中支持快速增長的業務的特殊挑戰 文化、語言、海關、稅法、法律制度、替代爭議制度和監管制度。隨着琥珀溢價繼續 擴大其國際業務和客戶基礎,Amber Premium將越來越容易受到與國際金融危機相關的風險的影響 行動。這些風險和挑戰包括:


在獲得和/或維護監管批准、許可、 在一個或多個國際市場提供某些產品或服務可能需要的授權、許可證或同意。 例如,Amber Premium在迪拜和香港的牌照申請可能無法獲得監管部門的最終批准 及時地,或者根本不;


難以建立和管理國際業務以及增加的業務、差旅、基礎設施 以及與不同國家或地區的地點相關的法律和合規成本;


需要了解和遵守多個司法管轄區的當地法律、法規和習俗, 包括管理經紀交易商實踐的法律和法規,其中一些可能與其他法律和法規不同或衝突 司法管轄區,並且可能不允許其以與Amber Premium相同的方式經營業務或收取收入 其他司法管轄區;




導致嚴格的監管審查、調查、罰款、處罰和其他法律、監管、 和財務風險敞口;




導致Amber Premium或其客戶的法定貨幣被盜或無法挽回的損失 數字資產;






導致Amber Premium向其客戶或第三方支付巨額賠償或合同罰款 當事人因損失或索賠而遭受的損失;以及




此外,任何實際或感知的違規或網絡安全 針對其他金融機構或數字資產公司的攻擊,無論琥珀溢價是否受到直接影響,都可能導致 客戶對加密經濟或使用技術進行金融交易普遍失去信心,這可能 對琥珀溢價產生負面影響,包括市場對其安全措施和技術基礎設施的有效性的看法。越來越多的組織,包括 大型商家、企業、科技公司、金融機構以及政府機構都披露了違規行爲 他們的信息安全系統,其中一些涉及複雜的和高度針對性的攻擊,包括對其網站的攻擊, 移動應用程序和基礎設施。


針對多個行業的系統的攻擊, 包括數字資產行業,它們的頻率、持久性和複雜性都在增加,在許多情況下, 由成熟、資金充足、有組織的團體和個人進行,包括國家行爲者。用於獲得未經授權的、 不正當或非法訪問系統和信息(包括客戶的個人數據和數字資產)、禁用或降級 服務或破壞系統在不斷髮展,可能很難快速檢測到,而且通常直到 在他們向目標發射之後。這些攻擊可能發生在Amber Premium的系統或其第三方服務的系統上 提供商或合作伙伴。某些類型的網絡攻擊可能會損害Amber Premium,即使其系統不受干擾。例如,攻擊 可能旨在欺騙員工和服務提供商,讓他們將Amber Premium系統的控制權交給黑客,而 其他公司可能旨在將計算機病毒或惡意軟件引入其系統,以竊取機密或專有數據。另外, 某些威脅被設計爲在對目標發起攻擊之前保持休眠或不可檢測,並且琥珀高級版可能無法實施 有足夠的預防措施。儘管Amber Premium已經開發了系統和 旨在保護其管理的數據、防止數據丟失和其他安全漏洞的流程,可有效響應已知和 潛在的風險,並預計將繼續花費大量資源加強這些保護,但不能保證 這些安全措施將提供絕對安全或防止違規或攻擊。琥珀高級版時不時地經歷, 並可能在未來經歷由於人爲錯誤、瀆職、內部威脅、系統錯誤或 漏洞或其他違規行爲。未經授權的各方已經嘗試過,琥珀高級版預計他們將繼續嘗試, 要訪問其系統和設施,以及客戶、合作伙伴和第三方服務提供商的系統和設施,請通過各種 手段,包括黑客、社會工程、網絡釣魚和試圖欺詐性地誘使個人(包括員工、服務 提供商及其客戶)披露用戶名、密碼、支付卡信息或其他敏感信息,這可能 進而被用來訪問其信息技術系統和客戶的數字資產。威脅可能來自各種來源, 包括犯罪黑客、黑客活動家、國家支持的入侵、工業間諜活動和內部人士。某些威脅因素可能是 得到大量財政和技術資源的支持,使它們變得更加複雜和難以察覺。此外, 由於新型冠狀病毒或新冠肺炎大流行,此類活動有所增加。因此,琥珀高級餐廳 用於防範這些高級威脅及其後果的成本和資源可能會繼續增加 時間到了。





琥珀溢價的交易活動可能 將其暴露在交易對手信用風險之下。信用風險是交易對手將 不能或不願意履行到期的付款或交付義務。琥珀溢價面臨着第三方、 包括交易對手、結算代理、交易平台、分散融資協議、託管人、管理人和 其他可能欠它錢、證券或其他資產的金融中介機構將不履行其義務。這些政黨中的任何一個 可能因爲破產、缺乏流動資金、經營失敗或其他原因而對其違約,在這種情況下 琥珀溢價可能會損失任何此類投資或交易的全部或幾乎所有價值。當琥珀溢價交易時 在專門從事數字資產期貨和衍生品的數字資產交易平台上,琥珀溢價面臨信用風險 那個數字資產交易平台。


在衍生品方面,Amber Premium可能投資於期權 在數字資產上。購買和賣出看跌期權和看漲期權是高度專業化的活動,需要比普通投資更大的投資 風險。從理論上講,一位未投保的電話撰稿人的損失是無限的。與交易所交易期權不同,交易所交易期權是通過 關於標的工具、到期日、合同規模和執行價格、場外期權(期權)的條款 未在交易所交易的)通常通過與期權合同的另一方談判而建立。而這種類型的 安排允許更大的靈活性來定製期權,場外期權通常比交易所交易的期權涉及更大的信用風險 期權,由其交易所在交易所的結算組織擔保。截至本文件發佈之日, 數字資產的交易所交易和場外交易期權的可獲得性極其有限,因此條款可能比較不利 到那些可用於更穩固的選項類型的選項。


它的任何一個集中的失敗或破產 清算代理(或期貨佣金商人)可能導致其資產的重大損失。如果中央結算代理是 無法填補客戶帳戶的巨額赤字,其其他客戶可能會面臨資金損失的風險 那個中央清算代理的破產。在這種情況下,中央結算代理的客戶,例如它, 有權追回的財產,即使是具體可追查到他們的財產,也只能在所有可用財產中按比例收回 分發給該中央結算代理的所有客戶。Amber Premium的運營是可靠的 不受其直接控制的第三方提供的技術。


Amber Premium運營的某些方面 依賴於技術,包括硬件、軟件和電信系統。技術中使用的重要部分 每個客戶的管理可能由第三方提供,因此不受其直接控制。預測、交易執行、 數據收集、風險管理、投資組合管理、信息技術基礎設施和支助、合規和會計系統 所有的設計都依賴於高度的自動化和計算機化。儘管Amber Premium不斷尋求 儘可能確保對軟件和硬件進行充分的備份,並將嘗試進行充分的盡職調查和監控 如果此類努力不成功或不充分,則軟件或硬件錯誤或故障可能會導致錯誤、數據丟失和/或 交易執行、風險管理、投資組合管理、合規或會計方面的失誤。錯誤或失敗也可能導致 數據和報告不準確,或數據不可用,或數據易受丟失或被盜風險的影響。可能會出現錯誤 一旦進入代碼,就可能很難檢測到,並且可能會在很長一段時間內潛在地影響結果。如果一個不可預見的 軟件或硬件故障或問題是由缺陷、病毒或其他外部力量引起的,客戶端可能會受到實質性的不利影響 受影響。特別是,琥珀高級版可能依賴雲(包括 基於私有云和公共雲的)技術,用於某些操作,包括數據存儲。基於雲的技術,就像任何電子產品一樣 數據存儲或處理技術,並不是故障安全的。它可能會受到某些缺陷、故障或服務中斷的影響 它的直接控制力。這種技術也有可能被第三方攻破,包括通過使用惡意 軟件或程序,如病毒,可能使公司和客戶面臨(數據或其他資產)被盜和/或重大損失 業務中斷。此外,軟件提供商可能會停止運營或資本相對稀缺,其和客戶的 因此,在任何損失後恢復完整的能力可能會受到損害。


Amber Premium的業務依賴於第三方 並使其面臨Amber Premium可能無法控制或補救的風險。


Amber Premium的運營可能會中斷 如果其第三方服務提供商遇到運營或其他系統困難,則終止其服務或未能遵守 有規章制度。Amber Premium將其一些運營活動外包,並因此依賴於與許多第三方的關係 服務提供商。具體地說,Amber Premium依賴第三方提供某些服務,包括但不限於法律、會計、 託管和其他金融業務、與貿易有關的活動、IT基礎設施和系統、貿易對賬和按金 以及附帶的運動。Amber Premium的業務有賴於其信息技術的成功和不間斷運行 以及電信系統和第三方服務提供商。這些系統的故障,涉及任何網絡安全漏洞 的第三方服務提供商或終止或變更第三方軟件許可或服務協議 這些系統中的任何一個都可能中斷其運行。因爲它的信息技術和電信系統 與第三方系統對接並依賴於第三方系統,如果對此類服務的需求超過要求,則Amber Premium可能會遇到服務拒絕 能力或這類第三方系統出現故障或遭遇中斷。更換供應商或與其第三方解決其他問題 服務提供商可能會導致嚴重的延誤、費用和服務中斷。因此,如果這些第三方服務提供商 遇到困難、受到網絡安全漏洞的影響或終止服務,而Amber Premium無法取代他們 與其他服務提供商合作,特別是在及時的基礎上,其業務可能會中斷。如果中斷持續下去 在相當長的一段時間內,其業務、財務狀況和經營結果可能會受到不利影響。琥珀應該溢價嗎? 如果需要更換第三方服務提供商,它可能會付出更高的成本,這可能會對其業務、財務 手術的條件和結果。


任何無法維持適當關係的行爲 與第三方銀行和交易場所有關的,以及任何無法結算與Amber Premium相關的客戶交易 加密貨幣產品,可能會對琥珀溢價的業務、財務狀況和運營業績產生不利影響。


加密貨幣市場一天24小時運營, 一週七天。加密貨幣市場沒有中央清算所,加密貨幣的交易依賴於 交易執行後第三方之間的直接結算。相應地,琥珀溢價依賴第三方銀行提供便利 客戶與琥珀溢價之間的現金結算,並依賴其交易場所完成加密貨幣結算的能力。 此外,Amber Premium必須在其銀行帳戶中保持足夠的現金資產,以滿足其業務的營運資金需求, 這包括部署可用的營運資金,以促進琥珀溢價與其客戶之間的現金結算和某些交易 場館。如果第三方銀行或交易場所發生經營故障,無法履行和促進琥珀溢價的日常工作 現金和加密貨幣結算交易,琥珀溢價將無法支持正常的加密貨幣交易和 這些中斷可能會對其業務、財務狀況和運營結果產生不利影響。同樣,如果琥珀高級 未能在其銀行帳戶中保持足夠的現金資產,以滿足其業務的營運資金需求並完成 與其交易活動相關的例行現金結算,這種失敗可能會削弱其支持正常交易操作的能力 而這些中斷可能會對Amber Premium的業務、財務狀況和運營業績產生不利影響。


琥珀保費也可能因損失 它的任何銀行合作伙伴和交易場所。由於適用於加密貨幣的許多法規或數字風險 一般來說,許多金融機構已經決定不提供銀行帳戶,其他金融機構未來也可能決定不提供銀行帳戶 (或進入銀行帳戶)、支付服務或向提供加密貨幣產品的公司提供其他金融服務,包括 琥珀精品。同樣,許多這類公司的銀行也關閉了它們現有的銀行帳戶。銀行可能會拒絕 爲包括Amber Premium在內的數字資產相關公司提供銀行帳戶和其他銀行服務,原因如下: 例如感知到的合規風險或成本。任何無法獲得或保留銀行服務的行爲都將產生實質性的不利影響。 安珀高級版。





同樣,持續的普遍銀行困難 可能會降低數字資產的效用或價值,或損害公衆對這些資產的看法。除了銀行,其他第三方 服務提供者,包括會計師、律師和保險提供者,也可能拒絕向從事 與數字資產相關的業務,因爲與這類業務相關的感知風險狀況或缺乏監管確定性。 因此,如果琥珀溢價或其交易場所不能與提供這些服務的銀行保持足夠的關係, 銀行業監管機構限制或禁止加密貨幣業務的銀行業務,或者如果這些銀行施加了重大的運營限制, Amber Premium可能很難找到替代業務合作伙伴,這可能會導致Amber Premium的中斷 並可能對Amber Premium的聲譽、財務狀況和經營業績產生不利影響。


Amber Premium可能會進行收購和投資, 這可能需要管理層的大量關注,擾亂其業務,導致其股東的股權被稀釋,並對 它的財務業績。


作爲Amber Premium業務戰略的一部分, 它尋找潛在的收購機會,以增加專業員工、補充公司、產品、服務、 許可證或技術。Amber Premium定期進行討論並評估可能的收購機會,戰略 投資、進入新企業、合資企業和其他交易。例如,在2022年,Amber Premium擴展了其功能 通過收購Sparrow Holdings Pte。新加坡的一家财富管理公司。在未來,琥珀溢價可能不會 能夠找到任何合適的收購和投資候選者,而Amber Premium可能無法完成收購或進行 以優惠的條件進行投資,如果有的話。在某些情況下,這種收購的成本可能很高,而且沒有保證 琥珀溢價將從其收購中獲得良好的投資回報。未來可能會要求琥珀高級版 註銷其收購的資產。


此外,如果Amber Premium未能成功 完成或整合任何收購,或將與此類收購相關的產品或技術整合到琥珀高級版中, 其總收入和經營業績可能會受到不利影響。Amber Premium收購和整合公司的能力, 成功的產品、服務、許可證或技術未經驗證。任何整合過程都可能需要大量時間 和資源,而Amber Premium可能無法成功管理流程,包括成功獲得監管批准 這可能是完成交易和/或以某種方式繼續經營目標公司的業務或產品所需要的 這對它是有用的。Amber Premium可能無法成功評估或利用所收購的產品、服務、技術或人員, 或準確預測收購的財務影響,包括會計費用。Amber Premium可能不得不支付現金,產生 或發行股權證券以支付任何此類收購,其中任何一項都可能對其財務業績產生不利影響。新的 發行股票爲任何此類收購提供資金,可能會導致其股東的股權被稀釋。巨額債務的產生 也可能導致固定債務的增加,並可能包括阻礙琥珀保費的契約或其他限制 管理其運營的能力。


貨幣匯率的波動可能 損害安珀溢價的經營業績和財務狀況。


琥珀產生的收入和支出 Premium的國際業務通常以當地貨幣計價。相應地, 外幣相對於美元的價值會影響其以美元計價的收入和經營業績 財務報表。其財務業績也會受到影響交易結算的匯率變動的影響。 以非本地貨幣計算。因此,可能更難發現其業務和運營業績的潛在趨勢。連 如果Amber Premium使用衍生品工具對沖外幣匯率波動的風險敞口,則此類對沖的使用 活動不得抵消外匯匯率不利變動所產生的任何或超過一部分不利的金融影響。 在有限的時間內,對沖措施已經到位,如果Amber Premium無法構建有效的對沖措施,可能會帶來額外的風險 有了這樣的工具。





如果Amber Premium的員工, 承包商或其任何附屬公司從事不當行爲或犯下錯誤,可能會對琥珀溢價造成實質性不利影響 業務、經營業績和聲譽。


Amber Premium員工的不當行爲或錯誤 或其業務合作伙伴可能使其承擔法律責任、財務損失和監管制裁,並可能嚴重損害其 並對其業務產生負面影響。此類不當行爲可能包括從事不正當或未經授權的交易或活動, 挪用客戶資金、內幕交易和挪用信息、不監督其他員工或服務 供應商,不正當使用機密信息,以及不正當的交易活動,如欺騙,分層,洗錢交易, 操控和領先。


Amber Premium的聲譽對 與現有和潛在投資者以及Amber與其合作的衆多第三方保持和發展關係 高級或客戶做生意。近年來,發生了多起廣爲人知的欺詐案件,涉及 個人在金融服務業,特別是數字資產部門的利益或其他不當行爲,以及 Amber Premium或其任何附屬公司的員工或承包商可能從事不當行爲,從而對 由Amber Premium實施的投資策略,或服務提供商的員工或承包商可以參與的投資策略 行爲不端。並不是總有可能阻止這種不當行爲,琥珀保費(或任何服務提供商)採取的預防措施 發現和防止這種不當行爲並不是在所有情況下都有效的。此類個人的不當行爲,甚至是未經證實的指控 此類不當行爲可能會對安珀溢價和客戶造成直接的財務損害,並損害安珀的聲譽 溢價和客戶,或者在某些情況下,導致人們對數字資產市場的懷疑增加,這將 對客戶有實質性的不利影響。


琥珀高級版獲得並處理敏感 客戶端數據。任何真實或被認爲不當使用、披露或訪問此類數據的行爲都可能損害其聲譽,以及 對其業務的不利影響。


Amber Premium獲取並處理敏感數據, 包括與客戶及其交易有關的個人數據,如客戶的姓名、地址、交易數據、稅務標識、 和銀行帳戶信息。Amber Premium在處理和保護這些數據時面臨風險,包括聲譽風險,以及 隨着其業務的不斷擴大,這些風險將會增加。管理隱私、數據保護、 而電子商務交易要求它保護客戶、員工和服務提供商的個人數據。 特別是,Amber Premium在交易和其他活動的數據方面面臨着一些挑戰 其業務運營,包括:


保護 其系統中和託管的數據,包括針對外部對其系統的攻擊 當事人或其員工的不當行爲;


尋址 與隱私、安全和其他因素有關的關切;以及





遵守 與收集、儲存、使用、 個人信息的轉移、披露和安全,包括監管機構的任何請求 以及與這類數據有關的政府當局。


特別是,如果琥珀溢價未能確保 其客戶的身份並保護其特定於身份的數據,例如其地址和聯繫信息,其客戶可以 容易受到騷擾,他們的資產也可能因數據泄露而面臨風險。因此,琥珀保費可能會被追究責任 對於這些事件,其客戶可能會感到不安全,並停止使用其服務。此外,任何系統或技術故障 或損害其技術系統,導致未經授權訪問或發佈其客戶或專有技術的任何個人數據 其業務運營信息可能會嚴重損害其聲譽和/或導致訴訟、監管調查 以及對它的懲罰。


雖然琥珀溢價採用了嚴格和全面的 關於收集、處理、存儲和其他方面的數據使用和隱私的政策,並採取必要措施遵守 所有適用的數據隱私和保護法律法規,Amber Premium不能保證這些政策和 它採取的措施,或其平台上的商業合作伙伴。儘管沒有任何實質性的網絡安全漏洞,但其持續 努力遵守其內部政策以及適用的法律和法規,任何未能或被認爲未能遵守 所有適用的數據隱私和保護法律法規,其業務合作伙伴未能或被認爲未能做到這一點, 或其員工未能或被認爲未能遵守其內部控制措施,可能導致負面宣傳和 對其提起法律訴訟或採取監管行動,並可能導致罰款、吊銷執照、暫停營業 或其他處罰或責任,這可能反過來損害其聲譽,阻止現有和潛在的託運人和卡車司機 使用其服務,並對其處以罰款和損害賠償,這可能對其業務和運營結果產生實質性不利影響。


·琥珀溢價受政府監管 以及與數據隱私、數據保護和信息安全有關的其他法律義務。如果Amber Premium無法遵守 這些法律法規,可能會受到政府的強制執行行爲、訴訟、罰款和處罰或負面宣傳。


·琥珀色溢價可能會受到以下不利影響 自然災害、流行病和其他災難性事件,以及可能擾亂其業務的恐怖主義等人爲問題 其業務連續性和災難恢復計劃可能無法充分保護其免受嚴重災難的影響。


·自然災害或其他災難性事件可能 還會對Amber Premium的運營、國際商業和全球經濟造成損害或中斷,並可能對 對其業務、經營業績和財務狀況產生不利影響。Amber Premium的業務運營受到 因自然災害、火災、電力短缺和其他無法控制的事件而中斷。此外,Amber Premium的全球 運營使其面臨與公共衛生危機有關的風險,如流行病和流行病,這可能損害其業務和 使其經營業績受損。例如,新冠肺炎大流行和琥珀尊享採取的相關預防措施 在過去和將來可能導致其客戶支持出現困難或更改,或創建運營或 其他挑戰,其中任何一項都可能對其業務和經營業績產生不利影響。此外,恐怖主義行爲、勞工激進主義 或者,動亂和其他地緣政治動盪,包括世界各地持續的地區衝突,可能會導致其業務中斷 或其合作伙伴的企業或整個經濟。一旦發生自然災害,包括大地震,暴風雪, 或颶風,或發生火災、斷電或電信故障等災難性事件時,可能無法繼續運營 並可能遭受系統中斷、聲譽損害、其產品和服務開發延遲、 服務、違反數據安全和丟失關鍵數據,所有這些都可能對其未來的運營業績產生不利影響。 此外,如果Amber Premium不實施災難恢復計劃或其 事實證明,合作伙伴的災難恢復計劃並不充分。在自然災害或其他災難性事件併發的程度上 影響琥珀高級版在私鑰恢復方面所依賴的數據中心,客戶端將在 撤出資金,或在極端的琥珀溢價可能遭受客戶資金的損失。


·Amber Premium的業務性質 需要應用複雜的財務會計和稅務規則,而會計準則制定的指導作用有限 身體和稅務機關。如果財務會計準則發生重大變化或稅務機關公佈新的稅務規則, Amber Premium的經營業績可能會受到不利影響。


·會計規則和規定,琥珀 溢價必須遵守,是複雜的,並受到國際會計準則委員會和各種機構的解釋 爲頒佈和解釋適當的會計原則而成立。這些原則或解釋的改變可能會產生重大的影響 影響琥珀溢價的報告財務業績,甚至可能影響公佈前已完成交易的報告 或者改變的有效性。此外,數字資產和相關資產的財務會計先例有限。 估值和收入確認標準。因此,對於公司應該如何對數字進行會計處理,仍然存在很大的不確定性 資產交易、數字資產和相關收入。此外,稅務當局在治療方面的指導有限。 數字資產和由此產生的收入。監管或財務會計準則的不確定性或變更可能會導致 需要改變琥珀溢價的會計方法和重述其財務報表,並削弱其及時提供 和準確的財務信息,這可能對其財務報表產生不利影響,導致投資者失去信心,以及 更普遍地影響其業務、經營業績和財務狀況。


·公開披露信息的義務 可能會使Amber DWM在與私營公司的競爭對手相比處於劣勢。


·合併完成後,Amber DWM將 成爲Listco的全資子公司,Listco是一家美國上市公司。作爲一家上市公司,Listco 將被要求在發生對自身及其股東具有重大意義的事項時,向美國證券交易委員會提交定期報告。 在某些情況下,作爲Listco的子公司之一,Amber DWM可能需要披露重大協議或財務運營結果 如果Listco是一傢俬人公司,它將不被要求披露。Amber DWM的競爭對手可能會獲得這些信息, 否則就是保密的。這可能會使這些競爭對手在與Amber DWM競爭時具有優勢。同樣,作爲子公司 作爲一家在美國上市的上市公司,Amber DWM將受美國法律的管轄,而其非上市競爭對手沒有被要求遵守這些法律 跟着。在一定程度上,遵守美國法律會增加Amber DWM的費用或降低其相對於此類公司的競爭力, 合併的完成可能會影響Amber DWM的運營結果。


·Amber Premium的管理團隊已經 管理上市公司的經驗有限。


·合併完成後,Listco將 由Amber Premium‘s的管理團隊管理。Amber Premium的管理團隊中的大多數成員以前從未 作爲上市公司的管理層,可能沒有遵守與公共部門相關的日益複雜的法律的經驗 公司。Amber Premium的管理團隊可能無法成功或有效地管理Listco,因爲Listco是上市公司和主題 聯邦證券法規定的重大監管監督和報告義務,以及對 證券分析師和投資者。這些新的義務和組成將需要Amber Premium的高度關注 並可能轉移他們對其業務日常管理的注意力,這可能會對業務產生不利影響 和Amber Premium的財務業績,以及合併完成後Listco的財務業績。


·與加密貨幣和數字相關的風險 資產


·不斷髮展和接受 數字資產和分佈式分類賬技術面臨各種風險。


·加密貨幣,如比特幣和其他 Amber Premium投資和交易的數字資產類型涉及一個快速發展的新行業,其中包括區塊鏈技術 是一個突出但不是獨一無二的部分。數字資產行業的總體增長,以及支持以下內容的分佈式分類帳技術 數字資產,具有高度的不確定性。影響數字資產行業進一步發展的因素, 除分佈式分類帳技術外,還包括:


·續 世界範圍內採用和使用數字資產的增長;


這個 許多加密貨幣網絡的運營歷史有限,這些網絡尚未經過驗證 正在生產中,仍在制定和做出重大決定的過程中 這將影響其各自的設計、供應、發行、功能和治理 數字資產和底層區塊鏈網絡;





政府 以及準政府對數字資產及其使用的監管,或對數字資產的限制或監管 訪問和操作適用的分佈式分類帳技術或系統,以促進 其發行和二級市場交易;


這個 美國對涉及數字資產的交易的徵稅和與稅務有關的報告 國家和其他司法管轄區;


這個 維護和開發某些區塊鏈網絡的開源軟件協議 用於支持數字資產;


技術進步 在技術上,包括計算能力,可能對各自的加密貨幣產生不利影響 網絡,使現有的分佈式分類帳技術過時、低效或失敗 補救或引入新的漏洞和安全風險;


這個 使用支持數字資產的網絡來開發智能合同和分佈式 申請;


發展 採礦和打樁的新技術以及礦工的獎勵和交易費 或數字資產網絡上的驗證者;


變化 在消費者人口統計、公衆品味和偏好方面;


這個 購買和銷售商品和服務的其他形式或方法的可用性和受歡迎程度, 包括使用法定貨幣的新方法;以及





一般信息 與數字資產有關的經濟條件和監管環境。


許多數字資產網絡,包括比特幣和 Etherum運行在由核心開發人員團隊維護的開源協議上。這些網絡協議的開源結構 意味着某些核心開發人員和其他貢獻者可能不會因他們的貢獻而直接或間接獲得補償 維護和開發網絡協議。未能正確監控和升級網絡協議可能會損壞數字資產 網絡。由於這些網絡協議不出售,並且它們的使用不會爲開發團隊帶來收入,核心開發人員可能會 不會因維護和更新網絡協議而直接獲得補償。因此,開發商可能缺乏財務激勵。 維護或開發網絡,而核心開發人員可能缺乏資源來充分解決網絡新出現的問題。 不能保證開發人員的支持在未來會繼續或足夠。在重大問題出現的程度上 使用某些數字資產網絡協議和核心開發者和開源貢獻者無法或不願意解決 充分或及時地發行這種數字資產網絡,以及持有的任何相應的數字資產可能是不利的 受影響。


·數字資產代表着一種新的 快速發展的行業,琥珀溢價的業務運營和財務業績過去一直是,可能是 未來將受到比特幣和其他數字資產接受程度的影響。


·基於區塊鏈技術構建的數字資產 2008年才推出,目前仍處於開發的早期階段。比特幣網絡於2009年首次推出,比特幣 首批爲獲得全球採用率和臨界質量而創建的加密數字資產。加密和算法協議管理 數字資產的發行代表着一個新的、快速發展的行業,它受到各種因素的影響,這些因素很難 去評估。因爲Amber Premium的運營結果可能與比特幣的接受度和認知度密切相關 和/或其他數字資產,實現以下一個或多個風險可能會對琥珀溢價產生重大不利影響 業務運營和財務業績:


·比特幣 直到最近才被一些零售和商業機構選擇性地接受爲一種支付手段 以及消費者使用比特幣支付這些零售和商業網點的情況仍然存在 有限的。銀行和其他老牌金融機構可以拒絕爲 比特幣交易;處理進出數字資產交易平台的電匯, 與比特幣相關的公司或服務提供商;或爲個人或實體維護帳戶 使用比特幣進行交易。因此,比特幣的價格在某種程度上仍然顯著 受到投機者和礦商的影響,從而導致價格波動,使零售商 不太可能在未來接受它作爲一種支付形式。


·銀行 不得向提供銀行服務的企業提供銀行服務,或可能切斷銀行服務 與數字資產相關的服務或接受數字資產作爲支付的服務,這可能會抑制 市場的流動性,並損害公衆對數字資產的普遍看法或任何 特別是一種數字資產,如比特幣,以及它們或其作爲支付系統的效用, 這可能會普遍或個別地降低數字資產的價格。


·一定的 隱私保護功能已經或預計將被引入一些數字資產 促進交易的網絡和數字資產交易平台或企業 包括比特幣在內的數字資產可能面臨更大的銀行服務風險 如果擔心這些功能會干擾反洗錢的性能,則將其切斷 洗錢稅和經濟制裁檢查。


·用戶, 開發商和礦商可能會以其他方式改用或採用某些數字資產,但費用是 他們與其他數字資產網絡的接觸,這可能會對 網絡,包括比特幣網絡。


·在……裏面 2017年8月,比特幣網絡經歷了一個硬叉,導致了 一個名爲比特幣現金的新數字資產網絡。這個硬叉是有爭議的,而且作爲 因此,比特幣現金網絡的一些用戶可能對比特幣網絡懷有敵意。 未來的任何硬叉都可能引發類似的爭議,一些用戶可能會嘗試負面地 影響比特幣網絡或其他數字資產網絡的使用或採用 那些涉及有爭議的硬分叉其他數字資產的公司。


·數字資產是一種新的資產類別,代表着 這是一項技術創新,它們受到高度不確定性的影響。數字資產的採用將需要 並在區塊鏈技術中普遍用於各種應用。採用數字資產還需要更嚴格的監管 清晰度。在數字資產和區塊鏈技術的使用方面缺乏擴展將對Amber Premium的財務造成不利影響 性能。此外,不能保證數字資產通常會長期保持其價值。它的價值 數字資產的使用受到與琥珀溢價使用相關的風險。如果數字資產使用的增長普遍發生在 在短期或中期內,不能保證這種用途將在長期內繼續增長。數字使用的收縮 資產可能導致波動性增加或數字資產價格下降,這將對琥珀溢價產生重大不利影響 業務、經營業績和財務狀況。


·數字資產的價格出人意料地 揮發性的。


·數字資產的價值在歷史上一直是 非常不穩定。加密貨幣的價值在一定程度上是基於市場採用和未來預期,這可能會實現,也可能不會實現。 各種加密貨幣的價格波動可能會給市場帶來不確定性,並可能對交易量產生負面影響。 加密貨幣,這將對其業務的成功、財務狀況和運營結果產生不利影響。一個重要的 對數字資產的部分需求是由尋求從短期或長揸中獲利的投機者和投資者產生的 這些資產中。對數字資產未來升值的猜測可能會膨脹,使價格更加不穩定 該數字資產的。


·有幾個因素可能會影響數字產品的價格 資產,特別是加密貨幣,包括但不限於:


·全球 加密貨幣供求,可受零售業興衰影響 商家和商業企業接受加密貨幣作爲支付 對於商品和服務,安全的線上數字資產交易平台和數字 持有加密貨幣的錢包,人們認爲使用和持有數字貨幣 是安全的和安全的,並對其使用進行監管限制。


·這個 新數字資產網絡的開發和發佈時間表,以及即將進行的升級,如 旨在提高網絡可伸縮性的原始分片。


·變化 在區塊鏈網絡底層的軟件、軟件要求或硬件要求中, 比如叉子。未來可能會發生分叉,而且不能保證這種情況會發生 分叉不會導致加密貨幣的市場價格持續下跌。


·變化 區塊鏈中不同參與者的權利、義務、激勵或獎勵 網絡。對於依賴於挖掘者或驗證者的數字資產,複雜的挖掘者團體 如果系統或帶寬要求變得太高,隨着時間的推移,可能會產生不適當的影響。 如果一個人或實體施加了過大的影響,不良事件影響 該個人或實體,如破產程序,可能會導致減少 在一個數字資產的價格。


·濃度 某些數字資產的所有權由個人或一小部分持有者或 在一個或少數幾個司法管轄區內。這類持有者的大量銷售或分銷 可能會對此類數字資產的市場價格產生不利影響。


·這個 維護和開發加密貨幣的軟件協議。


解除Listco未償債務的鎖定或其他轉讓限制 股權證券或出售額外的股權證券;以及潛在的訴訟或監管調查。在過去,上市公司的股東通常會帶來證券 在這些公司的證券市場價格經歷了一段時間的不穩定之後,對它們提起了集體訴訟。如果Listco參與其中 在集體訴訟中,它可能會將大量Listco管理層的注意力和其他資源從其業務上轉移開 並要求其產生巨額費用來爲訴訟辯護,這可能會損害其業務結果。任何這樣的 集體訴訟,無論勝訴與否,都可能損害Listco的聲譽,並限制其未來籌集資金的能力。 此外,如果成功地對Listco提出索賠,它可能需要支付重大損害賠償,這可能有材料 對其財務狀況和經營業績產生不利影響。





Listco將成爲 納斯達克證券市場規則的含義取決於合併完成,因此可能依賴於某些公司的豁免 爲其他公司的股東提供保護的治理要求。


預計,在某些假設的情況下,邁克爾先生 完成合並後,吳將擁有新普通股92.9%的投票權。因此,Listco將成爲一個“受控” 上市規則第5605(B)條所規定的,由納斯達克股票市場規則所界定的“公司”,因爲邁克爾先生 吳小暉將擁有Listco總投票權的50%以上。只要Listco仍然是一家受控公司,它就會被允許 選擇依賴,並可能依賴於公司治理規則的某些豁免,包括對規則的豁免 其董事會的大多數成員必須是獨立董事,或者必須建立提名委員會和薪酬 完全由獨立董事組成的委員會。因此,您將不會獲得向股東提供的相同保護 受這些公司治理要求約束的公司。即使Listco不再是一家受控公司,它可能仍然 依賴外國私人發行人可以獲得的豁免,包括能夠採用與公司有關的母國做法 治理很重要。見“-Listco是根據《交易法》規定的規則所指的外國私人發行人, 因此,它將不受適用於美國國內上市公司的某些條款的約束。


Listco在可預見的未來不會分紅,你 必須依靠美國存託憑證的價格升值來獲得投資回報。


它的目的是讓Listco保留任何未來的收益作爲融資 其業務的經營和擴張,預計在可預見的未來不會宣佈或支付任何股息。結果, 只有當美國存託憑證的市場價格上升時,您在美國存託憑證的投資才能獲得回報。


Listco對美聯航可能是一家被動的外國投資公司 各州聯邦所得稅目的,這可能會給美國投資者帶來不利的美國聯邦所得稅後果 在美國存託憑證或普通股中。


·非美國公司將是“被動的外國投資” 如果在任何課稅年度,(A)該年度總收入的75%或以上由下列各項組成: “被動”收入類型或(B)其資產季度平均價值的50%或以上(根據公允原則確定) 市場價值)在該年度內生產或持有用於生產被動收入(“資產測試”)。商譽被處理 在可歸因於爲這些目的產生主動收入的活動的範圍內,作爲《財務會計準則》規定的主動資產。Listco 將被視爲擁有其比例的資產份額,並在任何其他公司的收入中賺取其比例份額 它直接或間接擁有25%或更多(按價值計算)的股票。雖然這方面的法律並不完全明確, 出於美國聯邦所得稅的目的,Listco將其合併的可變利益實體視爲由其擁有,因爲它控制着 他們的管理決策,並將有權獲得與這些實體相關的幾乎所有經濟利益。


·根據其財務報表,它的行爲方式 Listco認爲,其業務、美國存託憑證的交易價格、其資產的價值和性質以及收入的來源和性質 這是其上一個納稅年度的PFIC,而且它在本納稅年度將成爲PFIC的風險很大。跟隨 合併後,上市公司的年度PFIC收入和資產測試將根據合併後的資產和活動進行 公事。根據Listco收入和資產的預測構成,Listco認爲存在重大風險,即 將是包括合併日期在內的納稅年度的PFIC。


·Listco是否爲PFIC的決定是在每年之後進行的 每一課稅年度結束時。這一決定是基於當時的事實和情況,其中一些可能超出了Listco的範圍 控制,如其收入的數額和構成以及其資產的估值和構成,包括商譽和其他 無形資產,如其美國存託憑證和普通股的市場價格所暗示的。特別是,因爲Listco的價值 資產測試的資產可參考其美國存託憑證的市場價格、市場價格的波動來確定。 其美國存託憑證和/或普通股的轉讓可能導致Listco在本課稅年度或隨後的納稅年度成爲PFIC。此外,構圖 Listco的收入和資產的價值也將受到其使用流動資產的方式和速度的影響。因爲PFIC測試必須是 在每年年底適用,Listco的收入和資產的構成及其資產價值可能會隨着時間的推移而變化, 不能保證Listco在美國持有者持有股票的任何一年都不會成爲PFIC。


·如果Listco在任何納稅年度是PFIC,則美國持有者(定義見 《美國聯邦所得稅對ICLK持有者的重大影響》)可能會導致美國收入大幅增加 出售或以其他方式處置美國存託憑證或普通股以及收到美國存託憑證分配所確認的收益的稅項 或普通股,只要這種收益或分配被視爲美國聯邦收入項下的“超額分配” 稅務規則,並可能受到繁重的報告要求。此外,如果Listco是任何一年的PFIC,在此期間美國持有者 持有其美國存託憑證或普通股,美國持有者一般將被要求繼續將Listco視爲所有成功的PFIC 美國持有者持有Listco的美國存託憑證或普通股的年份,即使Listco不再符合所述的測試 上圖,除非美國持有者在美國國稅局(IRS)表格上進行了特殊的“清除”選擇 8621。有關更多信息,請參閱“美國聯邦所得稅對ICLK持有者的重大影響”。美國持有者 被敦促就持有普通股或美國存託憑證的美國聯邦所得稅後果諮詢自己的稅務顧問 PFIC。


·ICLK股票未來的大量銷售或預期銷售 或者,公開市場上的美國存託憑證可能會導致美國存託憑證價格下跌。


·在公開市場上或通過以下方式出售ICLK股票或ADS 私募,或認爲這些出售可能發生的看法,可能會導致美國存託憑證的市場價格下跌。在連接中 透過該等交易,Amber DWM的每名現有股東均已與本公司訂立鎖定協議 他們已同意在合併後12個月內不轉讓作爲合併代價而收到的股份 打烊了。任何或所有這些證券可以在禁售期結束前由多數人酌情決定解除 當時在任的Listco董事。在禁售期屆滿前,股票被釋放並出售給 在市場上,美國存託憑證的市場價格可能會下降。無法預測持有的證券的市場銷售會產生什麼影響,如果有影響的話 Listco的重要股東或任何其他股東或這些證券的未來可供出售將對 美國存託憑證的市場價格。


·您在保護您的利益方面可能會遇到困難,並且 你通過美國法院保護自己權利的能力可能有限,因爲Listco是根據開曼群島法律註冊的。


·Listco是根據開曼群島法律註冊成立的豁免公司。 有限責任的島嶼。Listco的公司事務受其修訂和重述的備忘錄和章程細則管轄 (或合併完成後第二份經修訂及重述的上市公司組織章程大綱及章程細則), 開曼群島公司法(修訂本)和開曼群島普通法。股東提起訴訟的權利 針對Listco及其董事、少數股東的行動以及Listco董事在開曼群島下的受託責任 法律在很大程度上由開曼群島的普通法管轄。開曼群島的普通法部分源於 開曼群島和英國普通法的司法判例相對有限,這些判例通常具有說服力。 在開曼群島的一家法院,這是一種權威,但不具有約束力。上市公司股東的權利和上市公司的受託責任 根據開曼群島法律,董事並不像一些司法管轄區的成文法或司法先例那樣得到明確的確立 在美國。特別是,開曼群島擁有與美國不同的證券法體系,並提供了顯著的 對投資者的保護力度較小。此外,開曼群島公司可能沒有資格提起股東派生訴訟。 在美國的一家聯邦法院。開曼群島不承認在美國獲得的判決。 各國,儘管開曼群島法院在某些情況下會承認和執行外國人的非刑事判決 有管轄權的法院不對案情進行重審。


·開曼群島豁免公司的股東,如Listco 根據開曼群島法律,沒有檢查公司記錄的一般權利(修訂和重述的備忘錄和條款除外 公司章程、按揭及押記登記冊,以及本公司股東通過的任何特別決議案副本)或取得 這些公司的股東名單複印件。上市公司董事根據其經修訂及重述的章程大綱及章程細則有酌情權 (或第二次修訂和重述的上市公司組織章程大綱和章程細則),以確定是否 在什麼情況下,Listco的公司記錄可以由其股東檢查,但沒有義務提供這些記錄 致Listco股東。這可能會使您更難獲得所需的信息,以確定以下所需的任何事實 股東決議或向其他股東征集與委託書競賽有關的委託書。


·開曼群島的某些公司治理做法有所不同 與在美國等其他司法管轄區註冊的公司的要求有很大差異。如果Listco選擇效仿其總部 在未來的國家實踐中,Listco股東得到的保護可能會比規則和法規下的保護要少 適用於美國國內發行人。


·由於以上所有原因,公衆股東可能擁有更大的 面對Listco管理層、董事會成員採取的行動,難以保護自己的利益 或控股股東,而不是作爲在美國註冊的公司的公衆股東。


·如果證券或行業分析師沒有發表研究或 如果發佈對Listco業務不準確或不利的研究報告,美國存托股份的市場價格和交易量可能會下降。





·美國存託憑證的交易市場將部分取決於這項研究 以及證券或行業分析師發佈的關於Listco或其業務的報告。如果研究分析師沒有建立和維護 足夠的研究覆蓋範圍,或者如果一個或多個跟蹤Listco的分析師下調了美國存託憑證的評級,或者發表了不準確或不利的報告 如果對其業務進行研究,美國存託憑證的市場價格可能會下降。如果其中一位或多位分析師停止對Listco的報道 或者不定期發佈Listco的報告,Listco可能會失去在金融市場的可見度,這反過來可能導致 我們普通股的市場價格或成交量下降。


·Listco是一家符合 規則是根據交易法制定的,因此它將不受適用於美國國內上市公司的某些條款的約束。


·Listco目前是一家符合 《交易所法案》,並預計在完成合並後繼續符合資格,並豁免遵守 適用於美國國內發行人的美國證券規則和法規,包括:


·這些規則是根據交易法制定的,要求向美國證券交易委員會提交季度報告 Form 10-Q報告或Form 8-K當前報告;


·《交易法》中規範委託書徵求、同意、 或對根據《交易法》登記的證券的授權;


·《交易法》中要求內部人士提交其公開報告的條款 股權和交易活動以及從短期交易中獲利的內部人的責任;以及


·重大非公開信息發佈者的選擇性披露規則 根據美國證券交易委員會頒佈的《FD條例》。


·Listco正在並將繼續被要求提交年度報告 在每個財政年度結束後四個月內填寫20-F表格。然而,Listco將被要求向或提交信息 與美國國內發行人向美國證券交易委員會提交的貸款相比,向美國證券交易委員會提供的貸款將不那麼廣泛和及時。 例如,美國國內發行人被要求在每個財年結束後60至90天內提交年度報告。結果, 您可能不會獲得與您在美國國內投資時相同的保護或信息 發行商。


·如果Listco未能實施或維護有效的系統 對於未來的內部控制,Listco可能無法準確報告其財務狀況或運營結果,這 可能會對投資者對Listco的信心產生不利影響,從而影響美國存託憑證的市場價格。


·琥珀DWM自成立以來一直是一傢俬人公司,因此, 它沒有上市公司所要求的內部控制和財務報告要求。在完成後 在合併後,Amber DWM將作爲Listco的全資子公司運營,Listco是美國的一家上市公司 2002年的薩班斯-奧克斯利法案。2002年薩班斯-奧克斯利法案的第404條,或第404條,將要求Listco包括 管理層對截至本財政年度末的財務報告的內部控制的報告,或上市公司的獨立報告 註冊會計師事務所對其財務報告內部控制的有效性進行證明和報告。管理層 或者,Listco的獨立註冊會計師事務所可能會得出結論,認爲其財務報告內部控制不是 有效。


·Listco管理層可能會得出結論,其內部控制 財務報告並不有效。此外,即使其管理層得出結論,其財務報告的內部控制是 有效的,Listco的獨立註冊會計師事務所在進行自己的獨立測試後,可以出具報告 如果它對Listco的內部控制或其控制被記錄、設計、 操作或審查,或者如果它對相關要求的解釋與Listco不同。它可能無法及時完成其 評估測試和任何所需的補救措施。此外,保持有效的披露控制和程序等要求 對財務報告的內部控制可能會給Listco的系統和資源帶來壓力。


·合併完成後,Listco可能會發現某些不足之處 在編制合併財務報表的過程中對財務報告進行內部控制。不能保證 關於何時補救這些缺陷,或補充可能是重大的缺陷,或將 不會在未來出現。任何未能糾正缺陷,或發展出新的缺陷或Listco的重大弱點 對財務報告的內部控制,可能會導致Listco財務報表中的重大錯報,進而 可能會對Listco的財務狀況產生實質性的不利影響。


·財務報告內部控制不力可能暴露 Listco注意到欺詐或濫用公司資產的風險增加,或財務狀況和運營結果報告不準確 並使Listco可能從Listco上市的證券交易所退市、監管調查和民事或刑事 制裁。Listco還可能被要求重新申報其前幾個時期的財務報表。如果Listco未能實現並維護 一個有效的內部控制環境,它可能會遭受財務報表中的重大錯報,並無法滿足其報告要求 債務,這可能會導致投資者對Listco報告的財務信息失去信心。這可能會反過來 限制Listco進入資本市場,導致其財務狀況和經營業績惡化,並導致 導致美國存託憑證市場價格下降。


·這個 特別股東大會




本委託書作爲部分內容提供給我們的股東。 董事會徵集委託書以供在本公司辦公室舉行的特別股東大會上使用,地址: 1月3日,在香港魚湧英皇道663號富邦千禧廣場15樓,人民Republic of China 2025年1月2日上午9時(香港時間)或2025年1月2日晚上8時(紐約時間),以及任何休會或延期 其中之一。


特別股東大會的目的是爲了我們的股東。 考慮並表決:











股本建議的變更(“建議” IV“);


一般授權提案(“提案V”); 和




委員會的建議Listco董事會審查並考慮了條款和條件 合併協議及合併協議擬進行的交易,包括合併。2024年11月29日, 董事會一致(A)已決定合併協議及合併協議擬訂立的交易協議 對Listco及其股東公平並符合其最佳利益,(B)已宣佈訂立合併協議及 合併協議預期的交易協議,(C)授權並批准執行、交付和履行 合併協議、合併計劃以及合併協議和合並計劃所考慮的交易,包括 以及(D)已決定指示授權和批准合併協議、合併計劃和 根據合併協議擬進行的交易,包括合併,須交由特別股東大會表決 Listco的股東。經過仔細考慮,Listco董事會授權和 批准合併協議和合並計劃,並建議你投票贊成授權和批准合併的提案 協議、合併計劃以及合併協議和合並計劃所考慮的交易,包括合併, (B)建議通過經修訂和重述的第十份上市公司組織章程大綱和章程細則,其形式如下 所附委託書附件C,在生效時間之前生效(“併購修正案”); (B)批准將上市公司名稱由“愛點擊”改爲 在緊接生效時間前生效的“琥珀國際控股有限公司”(“更改名稱”); (C)批准更改上市公司法定股本的建議在緊接生效日期前生效 時間(“股本變動”);(D)建議授權永康,本公司的董事謝肅斌, 爲實施合併協議、合併計劃和合並所擬進行的交易而採取一切必要的措施 合併協議和計劃,包括合併和在緊接生效時間之前生效的併購修正案, 更改名稱和更改股本;及(F)批准非常將軍休會的建議 必要時召開會議,允許在非常情況發生時收到的委託書不足的情況下進一步徵集委託書 通過將在特別股東大會上提出的特別決議。





記錄日期和法定人數你有權出席特別股東大會並在會上表決。 如果您在開曼群島的開曼群島收盤時,在Listco的會員名冊上以您的名義註冊了ICLK股票 2024年12月18日,ICLK股票在特別股東大會上投票的創紀錄日期。如果你在12月18日擁有美國存託憑證, 2024年,美國存托股份記錄日期(並且不要轉換該等美國存託憑證併成爲以該等美國存託憑證爲基礎的ICLK類別A股的登記持有人 美國存託憑證如下),閣下不能直接出席股東特別大會或於會上表決,但可指示美國存托股份託管機構 (作爲美國存託憑證相關的ICLK類A股的登記持有人)關於如何投票ICLK類A股相關的 你的美國存託憑證。我們將指示美國存托股份託管機構在12月18日紐約市交易結束時向美國存托股份持有人交付, 2024年,美國存托股份記錄日期,美國存托股份代理卡,其形式作爲所附代理聲明的附件F,以及持有者 美國存托股份自美國存托股份備案之日起,將有權指示美國存托股份託管機構如何表決美國存托股份A股標的 他們在特別股東大會上的美國存託憑證,但須受存款協議條款的規限。美國存托股份持有者 強烈要求您按照美國存托股份代理卡上的說明簽署、填寫並退還給美國存托股份託管人 儘快,無論如何不遲於2024年12月31日上午9點(紐約時間)(或如果非常 股東大會延期,本公司或美國存托股份託管銀行可能會通知的較後日期)。或者,如果您擁有美國存託憑證 在美國存托股份備案日,您可以通過將您的美國存託憑證轉換爲ICLK A股來出席股東特別大會並投票 (並證明您沒有也不會指示美國存托股份託管機構投票由以下人士代表的ICLK類別A股 您的美國存託憑證),並在2024年12月18日紐約市收盤前成爲ICLK股票的登記持有人 至不遲於2024年12月18日開曼群島的交易結束,這是ICLK股票創紀錄的日期。每個傑出的ICLK ICLK股票記錄日期的股票使持有人有權就提交給股東授權的每個事項投一票 在特別股東大會及其任何休會上的批准。我們預計,截至ICLK股票記錄日期,將有 39,344,526股ICLK A類股和5,034,427股ICLK B類股已發行和發行,並有權在特別會議上投票 分別爲股東大會。如果您在ICLK股票記錄日期以您的名義註冊了ICLK股票,則您必須 遞交委託卡,投票時間爲2025年1月1日(香港時間)上午9:00或2024年12月31日(新)晚上8:00 紐約時間)。見下文“-投票程序”。批准和批准合併協議所需的股東投票 和合並計劃


爲了完成合並,合併協議、 合併計劃以及《合併協議》和合並計劃,包括合併,必須獲得批准 並經上市公司以不少於股東三分之二的多數票通過的特別決議通過,爲 有權在特別股東大會上親自或委託代表或由公司代表投票。


根據我們預計將發行和發行的ICLK股票數量 並有權在ICLK股票登記日期投票,並假設所有股東都將親自或委託代表出席投票 在特別股東大會上,大約93,355,378票的ICLK股東將需要投票贊成該提議 批准合併協議、合併計劃以及合併協議和計劃擬進行的交易 合併,包括合併,以便以一項特別決議授權和核準該提案。


截至本委託書日期,承擔責任的股東 實益擁有的ICLK A類股份總計11,626,898股,ICLK B類股份4,385,078股,相當於約 公司總投票權的71%。見“某些受益所有人的擔保所有權和管理”開頭 有關更多信息,請參見第127頁。根據投票協議的條款,這些ICLK股票將投贊成票 對合並協議、合併計劃和合並協議擬進行的交易的授權和批准, 包括合併在內,在Listco的特別股東大會上。


如果您的ICLK股票是以經紀商、銀行或其他機構的名義持有的 在沒有您明確指示的情況下,被指定人、您的經紀人、銀行或其他被指定人不會投票給您的ICLK股票。







ICLK股份我們股票的記錄持有人可以通過參加投票來投票他們的ICLK股票 股東特別大會,並親自投票表決其ICLK股份,或按 代理卡上列出的說明。遞交委託書的截止時間爲2025年1月1日上午9:00(香港 時間),或2024年12月31日晚8點(紐約時間)。以“街頭名義”持有ICLK股票的股東, 這意味着以銀行、經紀人或其他記錄持有人的名義,必須指示其ICLK股票的記錄持有人 如何在特別股東大會上投票他們的ICLK股票或從記錄保持者那裏獲得代表投票他們的ICLK股票。


有疑問或請求協助完成的股東 並提交代理卡,請致電+852-3700-9100或通過電子郵件ir@i-click.com聯繫Listco的投資者關係部, 亞洲請致電+1 516 222 2560,或發送電子郵件至tomc@coreir.com。




如果您在12月12日紐約市收盤時擁有美國存託憑證 2024年18日,美國存託憑證記錄日期(且不轉換該等美國存託憑證併成爲相關ICLK A類股票的登記持有人 美國存託憑證如下),閣下不能直接出席股東特別大會或於會上表決,但可指示美國存托股份託管機構 (作爲美國存託憑證相關的ICLK A類股票的登記持有人)如何投票您的美國存託憑證相關的ICLK A類股票。我們 將指示美國存托股份託管機構在2024年12月18日紐約市交易結束時向美國存托股份持有人交付美國存托股份 記錄日期、美國存托股份代理卡(其格式作爲隨附的委託書的附件F)以及截至 美國存托股份登記日期將有權指示美國存托股份託管機構如何投票支持其美國存託憑證的ICLK A類股 特別股東大會,受制於並符合存款協議的條款。強烈敦促美國存托股份持有者 儘快按照美國存托股份代理卡上的說明簽字、填寫並返還給美國存托股份託管人 而且,無論如何,不遲於上午9點。(紐約時間)2024年12月31日(或如果特別股東大會休會, 本公司或美國存托股份託管銀行可能通知的較後日期)。或者,您也可以出席特別會議並投票。 如果您轉換您的美國存託憑證,並在開曼群島交易結束前成爲ICLK A類股票的註冊持有人,則舉行股東大會 不遲於2024年12月18日的島嶼。如果您希望轉換您的美國存託憑證用於投票ICLK A類股票,您需要 在12月12日紐約市交易結束前,安排將您的美國存託憑證交付給美國存托股份託管機構進行轉換 18,2024以及(A)相應ICLK A類股票的交付說明(將成爲 (B)支付美國存托股份註銷費用(每美國存托股份0.05美元)及任何適用的 稅金。如果您在經紀、銀行或代名人帳戶中持有您的美國存託憑證,請與您的經紀人、銀行或代名人聯繫,以了解您將採取什麼行動。 您需要採取行動指示經紀人、銀行或代名人代表您轉換美國存託憑證。美國存託憑證轉換後,美國存托股份託管銀行 將安排持有ICLK A類股份的託管人摩根大通銀行香港有限公司將 前美國存托股份持有人(或由前美國存托股份持有人指定的人)持有的ICLK A類股。如果在ICLK股票註冊後 如果您希望收到以您的名義註冊的ICLK股票的證書,您需要請求註冊商 請您注意ICLK股票的發行和郵寄證書。




由有效代理代表的所有ICLK股票將在 以持有人指定的方式召開特別股東大會。如果股東退還了簽名正確的代理卡,但沒有 表明股東希望如何投票,由該代理卡代表的ICLK股票將投票通過合併 批准修訂建議、批准名稱更改建議、更改股本建議 提案、批准一般授權提案和批准休會提案。持有我們ICLK股票的經紀人或其他被提名者 作爲ICLK股份實益所有人的客戶不得委託代理投票該客戶股份 在沒有來自這些客戶的具體指示的情況下。ICLK股票出席特別股東大會,但未 表決,包括棄權和經紀人“反對票”,將視爲出席特別大會#年。 決定出席或缺席特別大會法定人數的目的。


ICLK以美國存託憑證爲代表的A類A股,其中(I) 美國存托股份存託憑證及時收到美國存托股份持有人的投票指示,但未具體說明美國存托股份存託憑證的方式 是對該等美國存託憑證所代表的ICLK A類A股投票,或(Ii)美國存托股份存託憑證尚未收到投票指示 到2024年12月31日上午9點(紐約時間),在每種情況下,都不會被計入確定存在的目的 或特別大會法定人數不足或在特別股東大會上表決。







我們ICLK股票的持有者可以在以下三種情況之一中撤銷他們的委託書 方式:


首先,股東可以將書面撤銷通知遞交給我們的 投資者關係部,地址爲香港魚湧英皇道663號富麗千禧廣場15樓 在特別股東大會開始前至少兩個小時的任何時間通知中國;





其次,股東可以填寫、註明日期並提交新的代理卡 帶有晚於代理卡的日期的委託卡尋求在2025年1月1日上午9點前撤銷給Listco(香港 時間),或2024年12月31日晚上8點(紐約時間);或


第三,股東可以親自出席會議並投票。出席者, 本身不會撤銷代理。只有在股東真的在特別股東大會上投票的情況下,它才會被撤銷。


·如果股東已指示經紀人投票該股東的 對於ICLK股票,股東必須遵循從經紀人那裏收到的指示來更改這些指示。


·美國存托股份存託憑證賬簿上的美國存託憑證註冊持有人 可以修改他們的投票指示,填寫、約會並向美國存托股份託管機構提交一張新的美國存托股份代理卡,上面印有稍後的 尋求吊銷美國存托股份代理卡至美國存托股份託管中心的日期晚於紐約時間上午9點之前的任何時間 2024年12月31日。


·如果您通過經紀商、銀行或代理人持有您的美國存託憑證,並且您有 指示您的經紀人、銀行或代名人向美國存托股份託管機構發出美國存托股份投票指示,您必須遵循您的 經紀人、銀行或被指定人更改這些指示。




·此代理權徵集由iClick代表進行並支付費用 董事會的成員。IClick將承擔召開特別股東大會的費用和徵集委託書的費用,包括費用 打印和郵寄代理卡。我們的董事、管理人員和員工可以通過郵件、電子郵件、電話、傳真等方式徵集委託書 或其他溝通方式。這些董事、高級管理人員和員工將不會因他們的努力而獲得額外的報酬, 但可報銷與此相關的自付費用。我們將償還美國存托股份存託憑證摩根大通 根據存款協議,向美國存托股份持有人郵寄代理材料所產生的費用。




·臨時股東大會通知及委託書 將於2024年12月19日左右(紐約時間)首次郵寄給有權在非常大會上投票的所有股東 開會。我們提供此通知是爲了通知您,代理材料可在 IClick公司網站:https://ir.i-click.com/.




·如果您對合並提案有更多問題,修正案 提案、更名提案、變更資本金提案、一般授權提案或休會提案, 在提交您的委託書或投票您的ICLK股票或美國存托股份時需要幫助,或者需要代理卡或美國存托股份代理的額外副本 如需購買信用卡,請致電+852-3700-9100或發送電子郵件至ir@i-click.com聯繫公司投資者關係部。 或致電+1 516 222 2560,或發送電子郵件至tomc@coreir.com。


·建議書 I:合併提案




·此委託書將提供給Listco股東 董事會徵求委託書,並在特別股東大會和任何延期或延期會議上表決 在大會上。在特別股東大會上,Listco股東將被要求批准合併等事項 協議。合併協議規定合併子公司與Amber DWM合併並併入Amber DWM,Amber DWM繼續作爲尚存的 實體和Listco的全資子公司。


除非Listco股東批准,否則合併不會完成 合併協議。


合併協議副本作爲本委託書附件A附於本委託書。我們強烈建議您閱讀 合併協議的全部內容,因爲它是管理合併的主要法律文件。有關以下內容的更多信息 合併協議,見“













·Listco是一家獲豁免的有限責任公司。 根據開曼群島的法律。Listco的主要行政辦公室位於繁華千禧廣場663號國王酒店15樓 香港?魚湧路?人民Republic of China。Listco在這個地址的電話號碼是+852 3700 9000。 Listco在開曼群島的註冊辦事處是開曼群島KY1-1104大開曼Uland House郵政信箱309號。


·Listco是一家知名的在線營銷和企業解決方案提供商 在亞洲,這爲全球品牌提供了全方位的消費者生命週期解決方案。


·有關Listco的歷史、發展、業務的描述 和組織結構,見Listco提交的截至2023年12月31日的財政年度Form 20-F年度報告 2024年6月20日,其通過引用併入本文。請參閱開頭的“在哪裏可以找到更多信息” 有關如何取得該年報副本的說明,請參閱第135頁。




·霸王合併子有限公司(“合併子”)是獲豁免的 根據開曼群島法律註冊成立的有限責任公司,由Listco直接全資擁有。合併子 純粹爲從事合併協議(定義見下文)所擬進行的交易而組成,包括 合併(定義如下)。註冊地址爲國際公司服務有限公司辦公室,郵政信箱472號,第2號 開曼群島大開曼KY1-1106喬治鎮南教堂街103號海港廣場一樓。


Amber DWM Holding Limited


Amber DWM是一家獲豁免的有限責任公司。 根據開曼群島的法律。Amber DWM的主要執行辦公室位於沃利奇街1號,國科大廈30-02號, 新加坡078881。Amber DWM在這個地址的電話號碼是+65 6022 0228。Amber DWM在開曼群島的註冊辦事處 本公司位於開曼群島KY1-1104大開曼Ugland House郵政信箱309號Maples企業服務有限公司。


Amber DWM,以知名品牌“Amber Premium”運營, 是一個領先的數字财富管理平台,提供爲充滿活力的加密經濟量身定做的私人銀行級解決方案。服務 作爲受人尊敬的機構和合格個人的優質客戶,Amber DWM開發和支持創新的數字财富管理 產品。其機構級接入和運營使其成爲一站式數字财富管理服務的首選,提供 量身定製的安全解決方案,可推動Web3經濟增長。


·有關Amber DWM的歷史、發展、 業務和組織結構,請參見第101頁開始的“關於琥珀DWM的信息”。







·假設出席特別股東大會的人數達到法定人數, 批准合併協議需要股東投下的不少於三分之二的多數票,有權 在特別股東大會上,親自或由代表或由公司代表投票。




·“),及(B)iClick的所有A類普通股 緊接在通過《併購修正案》之前,每股面值爲0.001美元(每股




·“) 以及緊接《併購修正案》通過前ICLK的所有B類普通股,每股票面價值0.001美元(每股 A“


·ICLK B類共享


·“)其持有人已向iClick發出書面通知,要求將其ICLK B級 向ICLK A類股票轉讓,在緊接生效時間之前的收盤日立即生效(該等ICLK B類股票, 《大賽》


·轉換ICLK B類股票


·“),在iClick的法定股本中(包括所有已發行和已發行的 ICLK A類股票和轉換ICLK B類股票,以及所有授權但未發行的ICLK A類股票和ICLK B類股票)應 重新指定爲新的A類股票,除轉換ICLK B類股票外的所有ICLK B類股票應重新指定 作爲新的B類股(除非該等新的B類股另外需要自動轉換爲新的A類股 根據《併購修正案(假設併購提案修正案獲得批准)》(統稱爲《


·變異 股本的比例


·IClick已同意在生效之前採取一切必要行動 時間:(A)在緊接生效時間之前在任的iClick的每個董事應立即停止成爲董事 在生效時間之後(包括導致每個這樣的董事提交不可撤銷的辭呈,作爲董事,有效爲 生效時間)及(B)緊接生效時間後,董事會應由七(7)名董事組成,所有 由DWM在交易結束前至少十(10)個工作日以書面形式指定(每個




·“)、 其中一家上市公司董事擔任董事會主席。


·IClick已同意在生效之前採取一切必要行動 時間:(I)在緊接生效時間之前,iClick的每一名官員應立即停止擔任官員 在生效時間之後,以及(Ii)由海關總署以書面指定的此等人士獲委任爲上市公司高級職員,自 有效期至其去世、辭職或被免職的較早者,或其各自的繼任者被正式選舉或任命爲止;




·,iClick的某些員工,包括其首席財務官Josephine Ngai女士,將獲得 自生效之日起至生效一週年期間,有機會繼續受僱於適用的ICLK集團公司 時間,條件不低於生效時間之前他或她的僱用條件。







此次合併對iClick的估值爲40,000,000美元( “




“),並在完全攤薄的基礎上對Amber DWM的股權價值進行估值爲360,000,000美元 基準(“















根據合併協議,Amber DWM同意(I)收購 在香港註冊成立的公司WhaleFin Markets Limited(“WhaleFin HK”)的100%股權由Amber持有 開曼群島豁免公司Global Limited,代價爲1美元(“WhaleFin HK股權轉讓”),及(B)原因 其子公司Amber Premium FZE(“




“)承擔所有客戶合同項下的所有權利和義務 WFTL爲當事一方(“WFTL轉讓合同”)(“WFTL合同轉讓”,並與 WhaleFin HK股權轉讓、DWM資產重組)。


琥珀DWM應使WhaleFin HK獲得(I)許可 根據《反洗錢和反恐條例》附表30億第1部分第1節經營虛擬資產交易平台 “財務條例”(香港法例第103章)香港法例第615條),及(Ii)經營第一類(證券交易)及 7(提供自動化交易服務)《證券及期貨條例》(第章)下的受規管活動香港法律第571條 香港)(合在一起,即“







“)。WhaleFin HK股權轉讓應在獲得 香港由WhaleFin HK持有牌照,並須獲得香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會的任何必需批准 關於WhaleFin HK股權轉讓(連同香港牌照、




FZE轉讓的完成應以以下條件爲條件 FZE從迪拜虛擬資產和監管局獲得虛擬資產服務提供商許可證(“




“, 連同香港的審批,“




完成DWM資產重組是 IClick和Merge Sub完成和完成合並以及合併協議項下預期的其他交易的義務, 這可以由iClick放棄。Amber DWM和iClick還同意真誠地討論合理的替代結構,以完善 DWM資產重組將在交易完成和其他交易時爲iClick帶來基本上相同的經濟利益 根據合併協議考慮,將在以下情況下實施:(I)DWM資產重組尚未完成 因未能獲得一個或多個必要的重組批准,以及(2)在完成重組之前滿足所有其他條件 已被滿足或被放棄(根據其性質應在結束時滿足的條件除外,前提是每個條件 能夠在結束時滿足這些條件)。如果iClick和Amber DWM同意這樣的替代方案 爲完善DWM資產重組,雙方還可就監管方面的替代安排達成一致 批准條件,包括放棄或修改關於一個或多個許可證或批准的監管批准條件 與重組有關的必要審批。







合併協議包含多項陳述和保證 由Amber DWM作出,在某些情況下須受合併協議或Amber中所載的例外情況和限制所規限 向iClick提交的與簽署合併協議有關的DWM保密披露時間表(“


·DWM 公開信


·“)。陳述和保證(取決於合併中規定的各自的資格 Amber DWM與iClick和Merger Sub達成的協議包括以下內容:


·公司 組織、經商資格、良好信譽、公司權力和合規性 具有琥珀DWM的組織文件;


·感興趣 當事人交易;


·精確度 所提供的某些信息;


·遵守 制定反賄賂和反腐敗法律;


·遵守 符合國際貿易法和制裁法律;


·完工 截至關閉和擁有所需材料時的DWM資產重組情況 之後經營DWM集團公司業務的牌照和批准;以及


·不是 其他陳述和保修。


·這些陳述和保證中的某些內容具有以下限制 “實質性”或“重大不利影響”。就合併協議而言,“


DWM材質 不良反應


“指事實、發展、變化、情況、發生、事件或影響的任何狀態, 或總的來說,已經或將合理地預期對(A)業務、資產、負債、 DWM集團公司的財務狀況或經營結果,作爲一個整體(假設DWM資產重組完成), 或(B)保證DWM在外部日期前完成交易的能力;但是,在任何情況下, 在確定DWM材料是否符合以下條件時,應單獨或結合考慮以下因素(或以下任何因素的影響 根據第(A)款發生的不利影響:戰爭行爲、破壞、網絡攻擊、內亂或恐怖主義,或任何升級 或任何此類戰爭、破壞、網絡攻擊、內亂或恐怖主義行爲的惡化,或全球、國家、地區、國家的變化 或當地的政治或社會狀況;(2)地震、颶風、龍捲風、流行病或其他自然災害或人爲災害; (3)可歸因於交易的公告、業績或懸而未決的變化(包括其影響 關於與客戶、供應商或僱員的關係);(4)適用法律要求、條例的變更或擬議變更 或法院或任何政府實體在合併協議日期後對合並協議的解釋或決定;(V)更改 在合併協議日期之後適用的會計原則(或其任何解釋);(Vi)在一般經濟、 監管或稅收條件,包括信貸、債務、證券或金融市場的變化(包括利息或 匯率);(Vii)一般影響行業和市場的事件或情況 (Viii)未能滿足任何預測、預測、指導、估計或財務 或對收入、收益、現金流或現金狀況的經營預測,但本條第(Viii)款不應阻止 確定導致此類故障的基本事實和情況已造成DWM重大不利影響;或 (Ix)根據合併協議條款須採取或不得采取的任何行動(A)或(B)已採取的行動 經iClick或Merge Sub事先書面同意或事先提出書面要求;但是,如果任何事實狀態, 與上述第(I)、(Ii)、(Iv)、(V)、(Vi)或(Vii)條有關的發展、變化、情況、發生、事件或影響 對DWM集團公司的業務、資產、財務狀況或經營結果造成不成比例的不利影響, 作爲一個整體,相對於DWM集團公司各自從事的行業中類似情況的公司 如果有業務活動,則在確定是否有必要增加這種不成比例的影響時,可將其考慮在內(除非另外排除 發生了DWM材料的不良影響。


合併協議包含多項陳述和保證 由iClick和Merge Sub作出,在某些情況下受合併協議中包含的例外情況和限制的限制,在 IClick在執行合併協議的同時向Amber DWM提交的保密披露時間表(“






ICLK 公開信


“),或在美國證券交易委員會提交或提供的某些備案文件中。陳述和保證(受 由iClick和Merge Sub向Amber DWM制定的合併協議中規定的各自資格包括: 除其他事項外,還有:


公司 組織、經商資格、良好信譽、公司權力和合規性 擁有iClick和Merge Sub的組織文件;


大寫, 公司組織、經商資格、良好信譽、公司權力和 遵守iClick子公司的組織文件;


大寫 IClick的;


到期 授權發行合併對價;


到期 合併協議和其他交易文件的授權、簽署和有效性;





缺席 任何違反、衝突或違反協議,或與或違反 因簽署、交付或履行下列事項而產生的組織文件或法律 合併協議及其他交易文件,並完成交易;


政府 對合並和其他交易的同意和批准;


合規 有法律並擁有批准;


IClick應從合併協議之日起至交易結束期間, 確保iClick繼續作爲納斯達克上市公司,遵守任何適用的納斯達克規則和法規, 以及美國存託憑證仍然在納斯達克上列出,並保持最新和及時的存檔所有需要提交或提供的報告或信息 與美國證券交易委員會合作,並以其他方式在所有實質性方面遵守適用法律要求下的報告義務。




自合併協議之日起及持續期間內 在根據合併協議條款終止合併協議和完成合並協議之前,Amber DWM不得並將導致 其關聯方不得並應指示其及其關聯方各自的員工、代理人、高級管理人員、董事、經理、代表 和顧問(統稱爲,







“)除合併計劃外,不得直接或間接 協議(包括根據合併協議擬對Amber DWM進行的DWM資產重組或若干資本重組 (“




“):(1)徵求、發起、進行或繼續討論、談判或 與任何人進行交易,或鼓勵或回應任何人的任何查詢或建議,或向任何人提供任何信息(但 雙方及其各自的代表)與所有權的任何實質性部分的任何合併、合併、出售 任何DWM集團公司的權益和/或資產、任何DWM集團公司的資本重組或類似交易 涉及任何DWM集團公司(每個、一家




“);。(Ii)就下列事項訂立任何合約: 繼續或以其他方式參與任何討論或談判,或以任何其他方式進行合作,否則將是合理的 預計將導致DWM業務合併;或(Iii)開始、繼續、續簽或回應任何盡職調查 關於DWM業務合併。琥珀DWM應,並應促使其附屬公司,並將導致其及其附屬公司的 各自代表立即停止與以下任何人的任何和所有現有的討論、談判或其他接觸 尊重任何DWM業務合併。


自本協議簽訂之日起至 在根據本協議的條款終止本協議和結束之前,iClick和Merge Sub不應並將導致 他們各自的關聯公司不會,並應指示iClick和Merge Sub及其關聯公司各自的代表 除合併協議預期外,不得直接或間接:(I)招攬、發起、訂立或繼續 討論、談判或交易,或鼓勵或回應任何詢問或提議,或提供任何信息 任何人(合併協議各方及其各自代表除外)涉及任何合併、合併、 出售ICLK集團公司的所有權權益或資產、任何ICLK集團公司的資本重組或類似交易 涉及任何ICLK集團公司(每個、一個或多個







“);。(Ii)就下列事項訂立任何合約: 繼續或以其他方式參與任何討論或談判,或以任何其他方式進行合作,否則將是合理的 預計將導致ICLK業務合併;或(Iii)開始、繼續、續簽或回應任何盡職調查 關於ICLK業務合併。IClick和合並子公司應並將導致其附屬公司,並將導致各自的iClick 和合並子公司及其關聯公司各自的代表,立即停止任何和所有現有的談判, 與任何人就任何ICLK業務合併進行談判或其他接觸。




IClick同意所有要求赦免、賠償和 爲任何DWM集團公司的現任或前任董事或高級管理人員(視屬何情況而定)預支目前存在的費用 (每個人,連同該人的繼承人、遺囑執行人或遺產管理人,


·DWM D&O賠償方


·“)、 根據其各自管理文件的規定,在結束後仍應有效,並應繼續全面有效。有一段時間 在截止日期後的六年內,Listco應使每個DWM集團公司維持有效的免責、賠償 以及在緊接截止日期之前有效的管理文件中費用規定的提前,而iClick應: 並應促使DWM集團公司不以任何不利的方式修改、廢除或以其他方式修改任何此類條款 影響任何DWM D&O受賠償方在此項下的權利;






,所有獲得賠償的權利 就任何待決或申索的法律程序或在該期間內提出的任何申索而預支的開支,均須繼續 直至該法律程序的處理或該索賠的解決爲止。





在關閉之前,琥珀DWM應使用其商業上合理的 努力獲得“尾部”或“決選”董事和高級管理人員責任保險單(


此外,琥珀DWM的完善和生效的義務 合併協議項下擬進行的合併和其他交易應滿足下列各項要求 截至成交時的任何條件,其中任何條件均可由Amber DWM以書面形式獨家放棄:


(I)iClick和Merge Sub各自的基本陳述在 截止日期,如同截止日期一樣(除非任何此類陳述和保證明確說明 截至較早日期,在這種情況下,該陳述和保證在各方面應在該較早日期是真實和正確的); 及(Ii)合併協議第V條所載的所有其他陳述及保證均屬真實及正確(無 實施對“重要性”或“ICLK重大不利影響”的任何限制或任何類似的限制 本文所載)在截止日期當日及截至截止日期爲止(除非任何該等陳述 在此情況下,該陳述和保證應真實和正確, 上述較早日期),除非在本條第(Ii)款的情況下,該等陳述和保證的任何未能如實作出,且 無論是個別的還是總體的,都沒有也不太可能對ICLK產生實質性的不利影響。


IClick和Merge Sub均應履行或遵守合併協議要求的所有協議和契諾 以及在適用的截止日期或之前由其簽署或遵守的其他交易文件,在每種情況下 一切物質上的尊重。









IClick應已向Amber DWM交付一份由iClick的正式授權人員簽署並在交易結束時註明日期的證書 日期,證明上述四個項目符號所列事項。


IClick的組織章程大綱和章程細則應以《修正案》的形式進行修改和重述 併購和iClick的某些股東應已將其ICLK B類股票轉換爲ICLK A類股票。


IClick和Merge義務的附加條件 SUB


此外,iClick和Merge Sub的完善義務 合併及達成合並及合併協議項下擬進行的其他交易須令雙方均滿意 截至收盤時的以下情況,其中任何一項都可以通過iClick獨家以書面形式放棄:


(I)Amber DWM的基本陳述在截止日期並截至截止日期時應在所有方面真實和正確,猶如 在截止日期並截至截止日期作出(除非任何此類陳述和保證明確說明 在此情況下,該陳述和保證在各方面均應在截至該較早日期時是真實和正確的);及 合併協議第四條規定的其他陳述和保證應真實、正確(不生效 對“重要性”或“DWM重大不利影響”的任何限制或本文所載的任何類似限制) 在截止日期當日並截至截止日期(除非任何該等陳述和保證 明示爲較早日期,在此情況下,該陳述和保證應與較早日期一樣真實和正確 日期),除非在第(Ii)款的情況下,任何該等陳述和保證未能如此真實和正確,個別地 總體而言,它沒有也不太可能對DWM產生實質性的不利影響。


DWM應履行或遵守合併協議和其他交易所要求的所有協議和契諾 須在截止日期或之前簽署或遵守的文件,在每一種情況下,在所有重要方面。













其合理的可選結構 由DWM和iClick根據




這將爲iClick提供 基本相同的經濟效益,見第76頁的“-DWM資產重組”




Amber DWM應已向iClick交付由Amber DWM的正式授權人員簽署的證書,並註明適用日期 截止日期,證明上述五個項目中所列事項。









,這句話中提到的轉移 只有在受讓人以形式和實質上令人滿意的書面同意作爲轉讓的前提條件時,才允許轉讓 作爲承諾股東,iClick和Amber DWM將受投票協議的所有條款約束。




投票協議在較早發生時自動終止 (A)於完成及(B)根據合併協議條款以任何理由終止合併協議的日期。 投票協議終止後,任何一方均不再享有投票協議項下的任何權利、義務或責任; 但不免除任何一方在終止前違反投票協議的責任,並且 某些條款在投票協議終止後仍然有效。


建議書 II:修正案建議





《修正案》 提案將修改和重述Listco現有的組織章程大綱和章程細則,將其全部刪除,並 在他們的位置上用


第十條經修訂及重述的上市公司組織章程大綱及章程細則 作爲所附委託書的附件C,在生效時間之前生效。







批准 《修正案》要求


IClick股東投出的不少於三分之二的多數票,有權 如要這樣做,請親自或委託代表或公司代表在特別股東大會上投票。




·我們的董事會建議ICLICk的股東投票 “爲”提案二,修正案提案。


·建議書 三:更名方案


·更名建議將公司的名稱從 “愛點擊”改爲“琥珀國際控股有限公司”在緊接前生效 有效時間。




·更改名稱的提議需要獲得多數而不是更少的批准 超過三分之二的投票由iClick股東投票,因爲有權親自投票或由代表或公司代表投票, 在特別股東大會上。




·我們的董事會建議ICLICk的股東投票 “對於”提案三,更名提案。


·建議書 IV:股本建議的變更


·各種不同的 在合併生效的前提和條件下,股本提案將在緊接生效之前生效 時間,更改公司的法定股本如下:


·所有ICLK A類股票和轉換ICLK B類股票 公司的法定股本(包括所有已發行和已發行的ICLK A類股票和轉換ICLK B類股票, 以及所有授權但未發行的ICLK A類股票和ICLK B類股票)應重新指定爲新的A類股票,所有ICLK類股票 除轉換ICLK B類股票外的其他B類股票應重新指定爲新B類股票(除非該等新B類股票 否則需按照《併購重組修正案》(假設修正案)自動轉換爲新的A類股 併購方案獲批)),公司法定股本爲1,300,000美元,分爲1,300,000,000股 由(X)1,191,000,000股新A類股及(Y)109,000,000股新B類股組成。







批准 股本方案的變更要求


IClick股東投出的不少於三分之二的多數票 作爲有權在特別股東大會上親自或由受委代表或公司代表投票的股東。




·我們的董事會建議ICLICk的股東投票 “爲”方案四、變更股本方案。


·建議書 五、一般性授權提案


·一般授權建議將授權永康Sammy 爲使合併協議、合併計劃和交易生效,公司旗下董事謝長廷將採取一切必要措施 合併協議和合並計劃所設想的,包括合併,並且在生效時間之前生效, 名稱變更、股本變更和併購變更。




批准 一般授權提案需要iClick股東投票的不少於三分之二的多數票,這些股東有權 在特別股東大會上親自或由代表或由公司代表投票表決




我們的董事會建議ICLICk的股東投票 “爲”提案五,一般性授權提案。





建議書 VI:休會提案


·休會提案將授權特別工作組主席 股東大會將特別大會休會,以便在下列情況下徵集額外的委託書 特別股東大會,未收到足夠的委託書贊成合併建議、修訂建議、更名 建議、變更股本建議及在任何時間之前的臨時股東大會上的一般授權建議 投票就此進行。如果休會建議獲得通過,我們將能夠爲此將特別股東大會休會。 徵求額外的委託書批准合併建議、修訂建議、更名建議、股份變更 資本金提案和一般授權提案。如果您之前已就本委託書中討論的建議提交了委託書 聲明,並希望在特別大會休會時將其撤銷,你可以這樣做。




·休會提議的批准需要簡單多數。 有權投票的iClick股東在特別會議上親自投票或由代表或公司代表投票 股東大會。


·ICLL股份出席股東特別大會,但未派代表出席 表決,包括棄權和經紀人“反對票”,將視爲出席特別大會的目的 決定是否出席特別大會的法定人數。美國存託憑證所代表的ICLK A類股票 在特別股東大會上的美國存托股份存託投票將被視爲出席,以確定是否存在 法定人數。




·我們的董事會建議ICLICk的股東投票 “贊成”提案六,休會提案。


·信息 關於琥珀DWM




·琥珀DWM跟蹤其運營 追溯到2021年,琥珀集團開始開展加密私人銀行業務。2023年11月,琥珀DWM控股有限公司成立 在開曼群島作爲Amber DWM的控股公司,標誌着Amber DWM正式獨立運營。自年月日起 在這份文件中,Amber DWM在新加坡、香港和迪拜設有運營子公司。


·琥珀DWM有過往記錄 成功的有機增長和戰略收購,如以下公司里程碑所證明的:


·2021年,Amber Group推出了私人銀行臺,後來演變爲Amber DWM,以滿足 高淨值個人和機構客戶日益增長的需求,他們爲自己的數字產品尋求定製的财富管理解決方案 資產。


·2022年,琥珀集團通過收購麻雀控股有限公司擴大了自己的能力。有限公司, 一家總部位於新加坡的财富管理公司。此次收購增強了其服務產品,併爲Amber DWM提供了 新加坡,主要支付機構許可證,或MPI許可證,用於數字支付令牌服務。


·Amber DWM於2023年下半年作爲一個獨立的業務部門正式開始運營。 憑藉自己的合規和運營團隊,Amber DWM能夠專注於提供創新的财富管理解決方案,同時受益於 來自琥珀集團其他業務部門的支持。


·Amber DWM繼續其全球擴張勢頭,併成功獲得一系列監管批准 在世界各地的主要金融中心。這些批准使Amber DWM能夠提供一系列量身定製的财富管理產品和服務 以滿足其全球客戶的複雜需求。請參閱「營業執照」。


·2024年2月,琥珀DWM完成首輪獨立融資,共融資 一群精通密碼的投資者進行了1,050美元的萬。有了這一戰略支持,Amber DWM將成爲 數字财富管理市場。


·與合併有關的問題, Amber DWM正在進行一系列的公司重組,這被稱爲DWM資產重組。在完成後 在DWM資產重組中,Amber DWM預計將(I)收購WhaleFin Markets Limited 100%的股權 及(Ii)促使其全資附屬公司Amber Premium FZE承擔 WhaleFin Technologies Limited參與簽訂的所有有效客戶合同下的所有權利和義務。鯨鰭技術 有限公司是Amber Group在塞舌爾註冊成立的全資子公司,合併後將保留在Amber DWM之外。請參閱“The 合併協議--DWM資產重組。





下圖說明了 在完成DWM資產重組後,Amber DWM包括其主要子公司的公司結構:




數字資產财富管理行業,一個 在更廣泛的加密經濟和金融服務行業中,快速增長的細分市場正在經歷顯著的擴張,這是由 數字資產越來越多地被主流採用。這種激增在機構投資者和高淨值人群中尤爲明顯。 尋求複雜解決方案來管理其數字資產投資組合的個人。





琥珀高級版確定了推動 數字資產财富管理行業:




自2020年以來, 機構對數字資產的興趣。這種興趣已經從投機性的短期交易擴展到納入數字交易 將資產轉化爲多元化的中長期投資策略。一個關鍵的里程碑是2021年10月推出的ProShares 比特幣策略ETF,一隻交易所交易基金(“




“)掛鉤比特幣期貨,經美國證券交易委員會批准,交易量 其中上線首日超過10美元的億。這標誌着數字資產工具及其影響力的一個轉折點 在市場上。


在這種勢頭的基礎上,主要金融機構, 如Fidelity Investments和BNY Mellon宣佈進入托管業務,爲基礎廣泛的投資奠定了基礎 在數字資產方面。這種格局在2024年1月進一步演變,當時美國證券交易委員會批准了第一批現貨比特幣ETF,允許 ETF持有實際的比特幣,而不是衍生品。這一里程碑式的決定推動了投資者參與度的顯著提高。 特別是在以前對與數字資產打交道猶豫不決的機構參與者中,從而擴大了市場的覆蓋範圍和 加強了比特幣作爲一種資產類別的合法性。在批准後不到一年的時間裏,比特幣ETF的資產 截至2024年11月21日,管理層的億規模約爲1,040美元,淨資產有望超過黃金ETF 來自Cointelegraph的消息。


在全球範圍內,關鍵金融領域的監管框架 香港、新加坡和迪拜等金融中心正變得更具支持性,鼓勵安全、合規的數字資產投資。另外, 數字資產與傳統資產類別的低相關性以及比特幣的有限供應增強了它們的吸引力,因爲 對沖通脹和經濟不穩定,吸引具有風險意識的投資者。









“),確保有效地進入全球市場 流動性。Amber Premium根據總成交量收取佣金。




琥珀高級版提供一系列 針對不同的投資需求量身定做的收益和結構化產品:




-Amber Premium的收益產品支持多種貨幣, 包括比特幣和以太等主要加密貨幣,以及USDC和USDT等穩定貨幣。這些產品既包括 靈活且固定的選項:




-靈活賺取產品允許客戶賺取每日利息 具有靈活的基調和靈活的取款方式。







-固定收益產品支持多達十種貨幣,可自定義 貸款期限爲穩定的利息收入,也可用作主流貨幣場內貸款的抵押品。




-對於有更復雜投資需求的客戶,Amber Premium提供具有結構化期權策略的雙重加密貨幣產品,使投資者能夠利用市場波動 具有可定製的執行價格和靈活的期限。


所有收入和結構化產品 由Amber Premium提供的資產由Amber Group的資產管理部門管理,該部門擔任投資經理,以確保專業 監督和優化回報。對於其盈利產品,Amber Premium目前根據認購金額賺取銷售佣金 經銷安珀集團的這些產品。對於其結構性產品,Amber Premium通常會分擔一部分投資 客戶從這類產品中賺取收益。







安珀·普賴斯的缺陷 收益增強型產品旨在從分散的融資和Web3項目中獲得可觀的早期回報。穿過 Amber Premium的廣泛網絡,客戶可以獲得一系列獎勵和空投,並得到強大的鏈上安全支持 採取措施保護他們的資產。


DEFI產品的產率提高 通過押注獎勵和領先項目的空投獲得回報,而Amber Premium還提供Defi基金產品,允許客戶 從精選的高潛力項目中賺錢。致力於與Defi領域的領先計劃合作,Amber Premium 團隊仔細評估每個項目及其相關的智能合同,以最大限度地提高安全性和潛在回報。通過利用全面 分析,客戶可以在複雜的Defi環境中導航,並根據其財務狀況確定有前景的投資機會 目標。


琥珀高級股票通常爲 客戶從這類產品中獲得的投資收益的一部分。




琥珀高級酒店提供套房 受監管和審計的基金,旨在滿足客戶的不同需求,容納風險承受能力強的和保守的投資者, 同時確保透明度和安全性。以下是每個基金的獨特方法和目標的摘要:




-Amber Premium從事交叉營銷 與其股東和戰略合作伙伴琥珀集團的倡議,使兩個實體都能夠推廣他們的產品和服務 並促進客戶轉介。通過聯合活動,Amber Premium和Amber Group都能接觸到更廣泛的潛在受衆 數字資產和傳統金融行業的客戶。







Amber Premium投資於教育 通過內容營銷爲其客戶提供有關數字資產趨勢、投資策略和Web3技術的見解。這 Amber Premium將Amber Premium定位爲該領域知識淵博的領導者,有助於吸引知情投資者。




在DWM資產重組後, Amber Premium在新加坡、迪拜和香港設有子公司,因此須遵守相關監管要求和 新加坡、迪拜和香港的限制措施。


Amber DWM全資擁有 新加坡子公司Sparrow Tech Private Limited持有大型支付機構牌照(“




“)已發出 新加坡金融管理局(“











“)。 本許可證沒有到期日,除非在發生某些規定的事件時失效,否則將繼續有效。 或被MAS撤銷,或被移交給MAS。關於其MPI牌照,Sparrow Tech Private Limited必須遵守 適用於提供DPT服務的MPI許可證持有人的監管要求。麻雀科技私人有限公司也有義務 建立和實施適當的政策、程序、系統和控制,以符合適用的法規要求。爲 詳情見“-政府法規-新加坡”。


Amber DWM全資擁有 位於迪拜的子公司Amber Premium FZE正在向虛擬資產監管局(VIA)申請許可證。




“) 迪拜政府在迪拜酋長國(不包括迪拜國際金融公司)內或從迪拜酋長國開展下列與“虛擬資產”有關的活動: (I)經紀交易商服務;。(Ii)資產管理及投資服務;及。(Iii)借貸及借款服務。 如經修訂的《2023年虛擬資產及相關活動條例》(“







“)。截至 自本委託書發佈之日起,Amber Premium FZE已獲得VARA的初步批准,可以進行上述活動。然而, 在VARA授予完整許可證之前,Amber Premium FZE不得在迪拜酋長國內進行任何活動。 關於其初步批准,琥珀高級FZE被要求遵守VARA施加的監管要求 一次又一次。詳情見“-政府法規-迪拜”。一旦琥珀高級版FZE獲得許可證 從VARA,Amber Premium FZE將能夠根據其許可證和遵守監管規定進行活動 VARA規定的要求。


Amber DWM開展業務 因此須受香港的相關監管規定及限制所規限。尤其是在完成後, 在DWM資產重組後,WhaleFin Markets Limited將成爲Amber DWM的全資子公司。它的業務屬於 反清洗黑錢及反恐附表30億第1部第1條所界定的“退伍軍人服務”的範圍 “財務條例”(香港法例第103章)香港法律第615條)(“









下面是一份摘要 影響Amber Premium在其所在司法管轄區的業務活動的最重要的規則和法規 運作。




《2019年支付服務法》 (“《PS法案》“)是規管麻雀科技私人有限公司活動的主體法例。《PS法案》 請參閱《2019年支付服務條例》(“




“),即達致上述目標的主要附屬法例 《PS法案》。


《PS法案》和《PSR條例》 Sparrow Tech Private Limited在以下領域的許可和持續進行業務要求:(1)金融 和業務要求,(2)在新加坡有永久營業地點或註冊辦事處,(3)通知 (4)禁止經營某些業務;(5)保障 客戶資產的價值。


麻雀科技私人有限公司 還受以下條件限制:


例如,《PS法》規定的MAS在以下方面的監督權:(1)監督檢查和 調查;(2)賦予緊急權力;(3)向外國監管當局提供協助;以及


根據《PS法》以通知、指導方針和通告的形式發佈的各種管理文書。 這些監管文書圍繞以下關鍵領域提出了要求和金融管理局的期望:(1)報告可疑案件 欺詐活動和事件,(2)定期提交監管報告,(3)行爲,(4)披露和溝通, (5)完善消費者保護保障措施。





爲了完整性, 麻雀科技私人有限公司亦須遵守:






“),這是一項綜合性立法 金融部門及其附屬立法。《密克羅尼西亞聯邦法》已部分生效,其餘階段的目標是實施。 到2024年底。雖然Sparrow Tech Private Limited不受《密克羅尼西亞聯邦法案》下的許可制度的約束,但在以下情況下有多種權力 MAS可以行使的FSM法案,該法案將適用於Sparrow Tech Private Limited。此外,還有各種通知和指南 根據《密克羅尼西亞聯邦法》發佈,例如,圍繞(1)反洗錢和打擊資助恐怖主義,(2)技術 風險管理,以及(3)網絡衛生;


金管局發佈的其他監管工具,適用於不同類別的金融機構, 例如,圍繞(1)風險管理,(2)個人問責和行爲,以及(3)提供公平交易結果 給客戶;以及






與其最初的 獲得VARA批准後,琥珀高級FZE必須符合以下規定:








此外,琥珀高級FZE必須遵守VARA 規則手冊,包括:


這個 公司規則手冊;





這個 合規和風險管理規則手冊;


這個 技術和信息規則手冊;


這個 市場行爲規則手冊;


這個 出借和借閱服務規則手冊;


這個 經紀自營商服務規則手冊;以及


這個 虛擬資產管理和投資服務規則手冊;


  ·   AS 以及VARA不時發佈的任何監管指導。


  ·   這些規則和規則手冊 涵蓋的事項包括但不限於反洗錢合規、業務行爲要求、強制性人員要求、 對VARA的報告要求、財務回報和資本要求、持續通知要求、風險管理合規性、 消費者保護措施,保護客戶資產以及財務和運營要求。


  ·   香港


  ·   與其被視爲 AMLO牌照,WhaleFin Markets Limited必須遵守AMLO附帶的絕大多數監管要求 駕照。該等規定載於《資產管理條例》及證監會的《虛擬資產交易平台營辦商指引》(“


  ·   VATP 指導方針


  ·   “)。這些要求涵蓋五大類,如下所述:


  ·   業務行爲要求


  ·   -VATP指南規定了慣常的財務 服務監管WhaleFin Markets Limited在提供「退伍軍人服務」時必須遵守的商業原則 在香港。這些原則被概括地表述爲包括以下要求:


  ·   誠實、公正,以應有的技巧、謹慎和勤奮的態度行事,並以客戶和市場的最佳利益爲重;


  ·   美元


  ·   美元












































每股虧損可歸因於 基本和稀釋後的公司所有者





加權 普通股平均基本股數和攤薄股數


截至2023年6月30日的年度與截至2023年6月30日的年度比較 二零二四年


  ·   收入


  ·   Amber DWM的總收入 包括轉換費、財務收入和諮詢費。在其菲亞特進出匝道服務方面,Amber DWM獲得了轉換 當客戶從其平台轉移或提取資金和/或數字資產時收取費用,並在法定貨幣和 數字資產。Amber DWM的財務收入主要來自結構性產品的保費收入以及數字產品的利息收入 資產借貸安排。Amber DWM在向客戶提供财富管理服務時也會賺取諮詢費。


  ·   下表列出了 Amber DWM的總收入細目,包括絕對額和所列期間總收入佔總收入的百分比。


  ·   截至2013年6月30日的年度,

















Amber DWM的收入 由截至2023年6月30日止年度的110美元萬增至截至2024年6月30日止年度的350美元萬,增幅爲219.3%。 這一增長主要是由於其轉換費和財務收入增加。


Amber DWM的收入 從截至2023年6月30日的年度的30美元萬增加452.4%至截至2023年6月30日的年度的150美元萬 2024年6月30日,主要由於Amber DWM在2022年11月收購MPI許可證後業務增長 通過收購Sparrow Tech Private Limited以及密碼市場的復甦。琥珀DWM的客戶端數 從2023年6月30日的269人增加到2024年6月30日的594人,增幅爲120.8。Amber DWM處理的交易量增加 由截至2023年6月30日止年度的14040美元萬增加371.9%至截至2024年6月30日止年度的66260美元萬。琥珀 DWM的客戶總資產餘額從截至2023年6月30日的2,170美元萬增加到截至6月30日的4,200美元萬,增幅爲93.5%。 2024年。


Amber DWM的收入 財務收入增長136.6,從截至2023年6月30日的年度的80美元萬增加到截至2023年6月30日的200美元萬 2024年6月30日,主要由於Amber DWM結構化產品業務的增長。


琥珀DWM認可的建議 截至2024年6月30日的年度費用爲6.28美元萬。




(ii)琥珀DWM的成本 收入主要包括支付給客戶的利息和保費成本以及與管理風險相關的保費成本。 當以本金爲基礎行事時,Amber DWM的結構性產品的標的資產。


(iii)琥珀DWM的成本 收入增長143.8,從截至2023年6月30日的年度的80美元萬增至截至2023年6月30日的年度的200美元萬, 2024年,主要是由於Amber DWM的結構化產品業務的增長。




(v) 備考



























.琥珀 DWM的形式轉換費主要包括提供法定進出匝道服務賺取的轉換費,以及 提供場外交易和執行服務以及Amber Visa卡服務賺取的交易費。




.琥珀 DWM的形式佣金主要包括從其標準收益和結構性產品中賺取的佣金、回扣和點差, DeFi帶來增強的產品和戰略資金。







.琥珀 DWM的形式融資收入主要包括抵押貸款賺取的利息和結構性貸款賺取的保費 主要產品。




.琥珀 DWM的預計其他收入主要包括服務費、投資收入和諮詢費。


截至6月30日的一年中, 2024年,按形式計算,Amber DWM的收入爲2830美元。












































截至6月30日的一年中, 2024年,按形式計算,Amber DWM的收入成本爲950美元。Amber DWM的預計收入成本主要 包括支付給客戶的利息和保費成本以及與管理基礎資產風險相關的保費成本 Amber DWM的結構性產品以本金爲基礎行事、支付給業務合作伙伴的佣金和其他交易 費DWm資產重組完成後,Amber DWm預計其收入成本絕對值將繼續增加 隨着Amber DWm繼續投資其業務並擴張,美元金額佔收入的百分比因時期而異 其平台的覆蓋範圍。




Amber DWM的形式 總運營費用包括技術和開發費用、銷售和營銷費用、一般和管理費用 和財務成本。下表列出了Amber DWM的預計運營費用細目:


截至2024年6月30日的年度琥珀DWM 歷史某些








































































截至6月30日的一年中, 2024年,按形式計算,Amber DWM的其他費用總額爲1220美元。





實現公平變革 數字資產價值








由於上述原因, 截至2024年6月30日止年度,Amber DWm的預計淨虧損爲1,370盧比。


董事 和執行幹事


在 根據合併協議第7.12條,生效時間後,上市公司董事會應 由不超過七(7)名董事組成,所有董事將在至少十(10)個工作日之前由Amber DWm指定 收盤的 下表提供了有關預計擔任上市公司董事和執行人員的人士的某些信息 合併完成後。董事及 執行官年齡職務/職稱Michael Wu董事會主席






謝永康董事陸彬莊董事菲利普·坎董事特倫斯·Li有 自2022年1月起擔任ICLK首席戰略顧問。2019年至2022年擔任董事和ICLK首席財務官, 2018年擔任ICLK財務主管。Mr.Li在財務管理、投資和商業方面有大約21年的經驗 行動。在加入我們之前,Mr.Li曾在幾家初創企業擔任管理和諮詢職務,除了金融 管理和籌款角色。Mr.Li是我們的首輪投資者--住友株式會社亞洲股權投資公司的副總裁,曾在 2009至2013年間在我們的董事會任職。Mr.Li還曾在普華永道工作,專門從事併購盡職調查 以及跨境稅收和交易結構項目。Mr.Li獲香港理工學院會計學學士學位 牛津大學賽德商學院以優異的成績獲得工商管理碩士學位和院長名單榮譽。Mr.Li 是ACCA會員、香港會計師公會會員及特許金融分析師。AS 於本委託書日期,現爲謝永康先生、呂炳創先生、簡宜弘先生及葉永偉先生 擔任ICLK的董事,並預計在合併完成後繼續留在Listco的董事會。女士。 約瑟芬·倪玉春目前擔任ICLK首席財務官,預計將繼續擔任Listco首席財務官 在合併完成後。安防 某些實益擁有人及管理的擁有權ICLK的安全所有權以下表格集 第四,關於截至本委託書日期的ICLK股票實益所有權的信息,由以下方式提供:ICLK的每一位董事和行政人員;以及”).





我們所知的每一位實益持有ICLK總流通股5%以上的人。表中的計算結果 以下是基於截至本委託書的日期已發行的44,378,953股ICLK股票,包括(I)39,344,526股ICLK A類股 股票,不包括我們的託管銀行摩根大通銀行持有的3,011,704股ICLK A類A股,作爲未既得性受限股票的基礎 IClick首次公開募股後股票激勵計劃下的A類普通股單位,以及(Ii)5,034,427股ICLK B類股 太棒了。確定受益所有權 按照美國證券交易委員會的規章制度。在計算某人實益擁有的股份數目及 百分比所有權,我們已將該人有權在以下日期後60天內獲得的股份包括在內 本委託書包括通過行使任何期權、認股權證或其他權利或轉換任何其他證券。這些 然而,股份不包括在計算任何其他人的所有權百分比中。








投票NumberNumberNumber功率%董事和執行官:謝永康健堂陸彬莊黃迪倫菲利普·坎葉永偉約瑟芬·裴玉春所有董事和執行官作爲一個整體主要股東:Bubinga Holdings LimitedIgomax Inc.









綜合資產管理(亞洲)有限公司普通 其實益擁有股份A類






股份百分比的 總普通”).


股份百分比的 骨料投票”).




董事 和執行官:*


邁克爾 吳琥珀 Global Limited AB 創始人HoldCo


·韋恩 霍





·iClick 互動亞洲集團有限公司






·琥珀 DWm Holding Limited,






·第一條 定義




·第二條 合併
















·第三條 證券投資者























第四條 DWM的陳述和保證組織與資格DWm子公司















































·第五條 ICLk和合並通知的陳述和保證














·ICLk SEC報告和財務報表











































·第六條 收盤前的行爲








第七條 附加協議







































·第八條 交易條件








·第九條 終止






終止費第十條 沒有生存沒有生存第Xi條 一般規定”).


























ICLk A & R MAA的形式附件DDWm第三次A & R MAA的形式




DWm資產重組計劃附表2ICLk債務附表3, DWm債務合併計劃和計劃





這份合併計劃和計劃的制定和 截至2024年11月29日簽訂(本“協議”),由(a)iClick Interactive Asia Group共同製作 Limited,一家開曼群島獲豁免的有限責任公司(“


ICLK”),(b)Overlord Merger Sub Ltd.,一家開曼 島嶼豁免有限責任公司和ICLk的直接全資子公司(“併購特殊目的子公司”),而且 (c)Amber DWm Holding Limited,一家開曼群島豁免有限責任公司(“, DWM”). ICLk中的每一個, 合併子公司和DWm在本文中將單獨稱爲“








、ICLK 是一家在納斯達克證券市場上市的公司(“









·, 預期合併(定義見下文),ICLk已導致合併子公司成立;鑑於, DWm打算根據DWm資產重組計劃,(a)收購WhaleFin Markets 100%的股權 有限(”


·WhaleFin HK




·WhaleFin香港股權轉讓“) 來自開曼群島豁免公司Amber Global Limited(“, AB“),及(B)承擔或導致其一項或多項 子公司(定義如下)承擔WFTL轉讓合同(定義如下)下的所有權利和義務(“


·WFTL 合同分配




·,ICLK 已於本合同日期或之前完成營銷解決方案的處置;








, 雙方擬根據本協議中規定的條款和條件進行合併,合併子公司將被合併 使用和進入DWM(“




·“),其中DWM爲尚存的附屬公司(定義如下),併成爲直接整體 ICLK的全資子公司;




·, 預計在交易結束後,ICLK將更名爲“Amber International Holding Limited”。 隨着ICLK A&R MAA的採用(定義如下),並將在納斯達克以指定的新股票代碼公開交易 由DWM提供;




·, ICLK董事會(“該委員會”)




“)一致地(A)確定這對和在 ICLK及其股東的最大利益,使ICLK簽訂本協議並完成擬進行的交易 根據本協議,包括合併,(B)已批准本協議的簽署、交付和履行以及完成 根據本協議擬進行的交易,包括合併;及(C)決定建議股東 ICLK投票批准ICLK股東事項(定義如下)(“


,考慮到本文所述的契諾、承諾和陳述,以及其他有益和有價值的 對價,特此確認已收到並充分,雙方同意如下:









·已定義 條款






·“應具有以下含義: 在此的獨奏會中闡述。




“指的是 將成立或指定的實體,應由吳明揚先生控制。




·“意思是, 關於DWM集團公司,根據國際財務報告準則,對於ICLK集團公司,美國公認會計准則,在每一種情況下,在 它所指的財務報表的日期,或如果沒有這樣的引用,則相同的會計原則、做法、 程序、政策和方法(具有一致的分類、判斷、選舉、列入、排除以及估價和估計 有關人員在編制其最新的經審計財務報表時所使用和適用的方法)。 “






·ICLK會計原則“應據此解釋。ICLK美國證券交易委員會補充報道“ 應具有下述含義:第5.7(A)條) 廣告


·“指美國託管人 ICLK的股票,每股相當於五(5)股ICLK A股。




“應指,如 適用於任何人,任何其他直接或間接控制、受直接或間接共同控制或控制的人 和,這樣的人。爲了這個定義的目的,“控制”(包括具有相關含義的術語“控制”, “受控於”和“受共同控制”),適用於任何人,指直接或 間接地,指通過所有權來指導或導致該人的管理和政策的方向的權力 有投票權的證券,通過合同或其他方式。




·“應擁有 本協議序言中所述的含義。





·反洗錢與反腐敗 法律




·批准“應擁有 中所闡述的含義”);


·第4.6節仲裁員“應擁有 中所闡述的含義







“應指任何 除星期六、星期日或其他日期外,紐約、中國、香港、新加坡或開曼群島的商業銀行 被法律要求授權或要求關閉。




“ 對於任何人而言,截至指定時間是指現金、現金等價物、已收到但未結清的支票和運輸中的存款 限制較少的現金和任何現金透支、已簽發但未結清的支票或其他負餘額。




“意思是 《開曼群島公司法》(經修訂)。




”意味着 開曼群島公司註冊處。




” 應具有中規定的含義






“應該有意義 所述









“將擁有 的所述含義







截止付款時間表” 應具有中規定的含義


第3.7節。代碼“應指內部 1986年《稅收法》,經修訂。






知識產權“在 第1.1節合同, “指任何合約, 分包合同、協議、契約、票據、債券、貸款或信貸協議、文書、租賃、抵押、信託契約、許可、再許可、 承諾、擔保或其他具有法律約束力的承諾、安排或諒解,無論是書面的還是口頭的,在每一種情況下,經修改 並不時加以補充,包括其所有附表、附件和展品。新冠肺炎


“將指SARS-CoV-2 或新冠肺炎,以及其任何進化或突變,或其他流行病、流行病或廣泛的疾病爆發。







“指中國證券 監管委員會。


海關與國際貿易 授權應指任何和所有許可證、許可證例外、通知要求、註冊和批准 根據《海關法》和《國際貿易法》要求合法出口、視爲出口、再出口、視爲再出口 轉讓或進口受海關和國際貿易法管轄的物品。


海關與國際貿易 法律


應指任何司法管轄區適用的任何進口、海關和貿易、出口和反抵制法律、規則或條例 任何ICLK集團公司或DWM集團公司在其中註冊或開展業務,包括但不限於:(A)法律, 由美國海關和邊境保護局、美國移民和海關執法局、 美國商務部(包括工業和安全局和國際貿易管理局),美國國際 貿易委員會、美國國務院(包括國防貿易管制局)及其前身機構; (B)經修訂的1930年《關稅法》;。(C)經修訂的1979年《出口管理法》;。(D)《出口管制》。 2018年《改革法》;(E)《出口管理條例》,包括對涉及下列交易的相關限制 美國商務部拒絕人員名單、未經核實名單或實體名單上的人員;(F)根據《武器出口管制法案》, 經修正的;(G)《國際軍火販運條例》,包括對下列交易的相關限制 禁止名單上的人;(H)根據15 C.F.R.第30部分的《對外貿易條例》;(I)反抵制法, 美國商務部管理的規則和條例;以及(J)反抵制法律、規則和條例 由美國財政部管理。指定人士


“將會 具有在中闡述的含義









“將會 具有在中闡述的含義






“將擁有 中所闡述的含義









“應擁有 「」的定義所載的涵義知識產權






“應具有以下含義: 載於本協議的序言部分。


“DWM 資產重組計劃











“將會 具有在這裏的朗誦中所闡述的含義。.




“ 應具有下述含義:









“ 應具有下述含義:






“ 應指,發行DWM股票(I)的金額約佔DWM自即日起總股本的11% 在DWM資本重組之後(但在生效時間之前),將成立一個或多個員工激勵控股實體 在本合同日期之後,以及(Ii)約佔DWM截至以下日期總股本的9%的金額 DWM資本重組(但在生效時間之前),交給AB創始人HoldCo,在(I)和(Ii)兩種情況下均有待完成 不遲於緊接關閉前的日期。


DWM 現金水平







的量 DWm集團公司的債務,在每種情況下均在指定時間的綜合基礎上確定並衡量 根據DWm會計原則。




“指所有材料 任何DWm集團公司擁有的專有軟件。


·DWM 貢獻者








·DWM 貢獻者協議















DWm D & O賠償方


” 應具有中規定的含義




DWm D & O尾部“應該有 所規定的含義 第7.10(a)(ii)節




“應該有意義 所述






“將會 具有序言中給出的含義,以第四條DWM員工福利計劃“ 指的是任何DWM集團公司贊助、維護或貢獻的或任何DWM集團公司參與的每個員工福利計劃 有義務爲其現任或前任僱員、提供服務的個人提供贊助、維持或捐助 並作爲承包商或董事獲得補償,或任何DWM集團公司可能對其負有任何義務或責任。 爲免生疑問,DWM資本重組及根據DWM資本重組發行的DWM股份不得 被視爲DWM員工福利計劃。DWM權益價值


3.“應指 360,000,000.00美元。







“ 應具有下述含義:




DWM組“應擁有 中所闡述的含義第9.3(D)條




5.“將會 截至相關時間,DWM及其所有直接和間接子公司的平均值,







WhaleFin香港及其所有直接 和間接附屬公司(包括琥珀保管人服務有限公司)就本定義的所有目的而言(除非明確規定) 否則)被視爲DWM集團公司。


DWM Insider


“應擁有 中所闡述的含義






“將會 具有在中闡述的含義






“指的是 DWM集團公司的IT系統。




“將會 具有在中闡述的含義




DWM材料的不利影響1“ 應指事實、發展、變化、情況、發生、事件或影響的任何狀態, 已經或將合理地預期對(A)業務、資產、負債、財務 DWM集團公司的經營狀況或結果作爲一個整體(假設DWM資產重組完成), 或(B)DWM在外部日期前完成交易的能力;N提供









,即在 在確定以下情況時,不會單獨或結合考慮以下任何事件(或以下任何事件的影響 是否發生了(A)款規定的重大不利影響:(1)戰爭行爲、破壞、網絡攻擊、內亂 或恐怖主義,或任何此類戰爭、破壞、網絡攻擊、內亂或恐怖主義的升級或惡化,或 全球、國家、區域、州或地方的政治或社會狀況;(2)地震、颶風、龍捲風、流行病或 其他自然災害或人爲災害;(三)因公衆公告、表演或懸而未決而引起的變化 交易(包括其對與客戶、供應商或員工的關係的影響);(四)變更或擬議變更 適用的法律要求、法規或對其的解釋或法院或任何政府實體在 本協議的日期;(V)在本協議的日期之後,分期付款會計原則(或其任何解釋)的變化; (6)一般經濟、監管或稅收條件,包括信貸、債務、證券或金融市場的變化(包括 利率或匯率的變化);(Vii)一般影響行業的事件或條件 和DWM集團公司經營的市場;(Viii)任何未能滿足任何預測、預測、指導、估計的情況 或對收入、收益、現金流或現金狀況的財務或運營預測,


·但前提是本條第(Viii)款應 不妨礙確定導致此類故障的基本事實和情況已導致DWM重大不利 生效;或(Ix)根據本協議的條款必須採取或不得采取的任何行動(A) 或(B)在任何ICLK締約方事先書面同意或事先書面請求下采取的;




·, 如果與第(I)、(Ii)、(Iv)、(I)、(Ii)、(Iv)、 (五)、(六)或(七)不成比例地對業務、資產、財務狀況或經營結果產生不利影響 相對於DWM集團公司所在行業中類似情況的公司 進行各自的操作,則應考慮這種遞增的不成比例的影響(除非另行排除) 在確定是否已發生DWM材料不良影響時。DWM材料合同


·“將 的定義參見 第4.18(a)節


·DWm材料客戶“將 的定義參見




·“將 的定義參見 第4.18(a)節


·DWm擁有的IP“意味着一切 DWm集團任何公司擁有或聲稱擁有的知識產權。







“將 意思是等於(a)DWm股權價值的金額






DWM 隱私要求




DWm房地產租賃” 應具有中規定的含義 第4.13(b)節DWm安全事件“將 的定義參見 第4.17(b)節DWm第三次A & R MAA


“將 的定義參見




·DWm註冊IP“應該有 所規定的含義




o” 應具有中規定的含義 第4.5(b)節


·DWm股票“意味着 DWm的普通股,每股面值0.000025美元,DWm的A系列優先股,每股面值0.000025美元。




“應該有 所規定的含義









“將 的定義參見






·“意味着 經修訂的1934年美國證券交易法及其頒佈的規則和法規。金融 要求


o“指(a)就ICLk而言,2024年12月31日, ICLk現金水平等於或超過10,000,000美元; 和(b)就DWm而言,2024年12月31日,DWm現金水平等於或超過10,000,000美元。


o基本代表” 意味着:


·(a)對於DWm,表示 和包含的保證 第4.1節






);第二個 句


·第4.2(a)節 (DWm子公司);


·第4.2(e)節 (DWm子公司);











· (與本協議相關的權力); 第4.5(a)(i)節


· (No衝突; 所需的文件和同意); 第4.6(b)節


· (合規性;批准)和 第4.15節


· (經紀人;第三 派對費用);和(b)就ICLk締約方而言, 包含的陳述和保證








); 第二句




· (ICLk子公司); 第5.2(e)節





· (ICLk子公司); 第5.3節 (大寫); 第5.4節 (與本協議相關的權力); 第5.5(a)(i)節


· (No衝突; 所需的文件和同意);和 第5.14節






“將會 指任何人(個人除外)用以確定其合法存在或支配其內部的法律文件 事務,包括(如適用)公司註冊或成立證書、組織章程大綱及章程、有限公司附例 合夥協議和有限責任公司經營協議。




·“將會 指:(A)任何聯邦、省、州、地方、市政、外國、國家或國際法院、政府委員會、政府 或政府當局、部門、監管或行政機構、董事會、局、機構或機構、法庭、仲裁員 或仲裁機構(公共或私人)或類似機構;(B)任何自律組織;(C)任何證券交易所 任何政黨及其附屬公司的證券均已上市;或(D)上述任何政黨的任何政治分支。香港國際機場中心





·“應具有以下含義: 闡述於第11.8(A)節


·香港國際仲裁中心規則“應擁有 中所闡述的含義




“將會 與Houlihan Lokey提供的估值服務有關的Houlihan Lokey的平均服務費和報銷 與合理發生的交易有關。




“應具有以下含義: 載於本協議的序言部分。


·ICLK A&R MAA“將擁有 中所闡述的含義




·“應擁有 在這裏的朗誦中所闡述的意義。ICLK董事會建議


·“ 應具有此處所述的獨奏曲的涵義。ICLK業務合併


“ 應具有下述含義:




ICLK現金水平“指(A)指 ICLK集團公司的現金和現金等價物的金額減去(B)ICLK集團的負債額 在每一種情況下,公司都是在指定時間的綜合基礎上確定的,並按照ICLK會計計量 原則。ICLK憲章“是指第九天 根據12月19日通過的一項特別決議通過的經修訂和重新確定的ICLK組織備忘錄和章程, 2018年。ICLK A類股“ 指ICLK的A類普通股,每股面值0.001美元,具有ICLK憲章規定的權利和特權。ICLK B類股





“ 指ICLK的B類普通股,每股面值0.001美元,具有ICLK憲章規定的權利和特權。ICLK B股換股“ 應具有下述含義:第2.1(A)條ICLK結案證書


“ 應具有下述含義:第3.6節ICLk貢獻者“應該有 所規定的含義 第5.15(f)節ICLk貢獻者協議” 應具有中規定的含義 第5.15(f)節。ICLk D & O賠償方” 應具有中規定的含義 第7.10(b)(i)節ICLk D & O Tail“應該有 所規定的含義 第7.10(b)(ii)節ICLK 數據






“應該有 所規定的含義






“將 具有序言中規定的含義









“ 指任何ICLK集團公司贊助、維護或貢獻的或任何ICLK集團參與的每個員工福利計劃 公司有義務爲其現任或前任員工、提供 作爲承包商或董事,或任何ICLK集團公司可能對其負有任何義務或 責任,包括ICLK股票計劃。




·“意思是 以現金或其他形式的期權、限制性股票、限制性股份單位或其他類型的獎勵,包括任何ICLK期權 和ICLK RSU。








“ 應具有下述含義:


   第5.7(C)條   % 
ICLK集團   17    24.6 
“應擁有 中所闡述的含義   13    18.8 
第9.3(D)條   13    18.8 
ICLK集團公司   26    37.7 
“將會 指截至相關時間的ICLK及其所有直接和間接子公司(包括合併子公司)。   69    100.0 


ICLK Insider


“應擁有 中所闡述的含義






“將會 具有在中闡述的含義











ICLK租賃物業“將會 具有在中闡述的含義第5.12(B)節ICLK材料不良影響“ 應指事實、發展、變化、情況、發生、事件或影響的任何狀態, 已經或將合理地預期對(A)業務、資產、負債、財務 ICLK集團公司的經營狀況或結果,作爲一個整體;或(B)ICLK或合併子公司的完善能力 截至外部日期的交易;






·,在任何情況下,以下任何事項(或任何 在確定ICLK實質性不利影響是否符合下列條件時,應單獨或結合考慮 第(A)款:(I)發生戰爭、破壞、網絡攻擊、內亂或恐怖主義行爲,或任何升級或惡化 任何此類戰爭、破壞、網絡攻擊、內亂或恐怖主義行爲,或全球、國家、區域、州或地方的變化 政治或社會條件;(2)地震、颶風、龍捲風、流行病或其他自然或人爲災害;(3)變化 可歸因於交易的公開公告、業績或懸而未決(包括其對與 客戶、供應商或僱員);(四)對適用的法律要求、條例或解釋作出更改或建議作出更改 或法院或任何政府實體在本協定日期後作出的決定;(V)ICLK會計準則的變化 (或其任何解釋);(Vi)一般經濟、監管或稅收條件,包括 信貸、債務、證券或金融市場的變化(包括利率或匯率的變化) 協議;(7)一般影響ICLK集團公司經營的行業和市場的事件或條件; (Viii)任何未能達到任何預測、預測、指引、估計或對收入、盈利、 現金流或現金頭寸,




本條款第(Viii)款不應阻止對相關事實的確定 以及導致此類失敗的情況已造成ICLK重大不利影響;或(Ix)需要採取的任何行動(A) 根據本協議的條款被拍攝或被要求不拍攝,或(B)在事先獲得 或應DWM事先的書面要求;


·提供然而,如果事實、發展、變化、情況的任何狀態, 與上述第(I)、(Ii)、(Iv)、(V)、(Vi)或(Vii)條有關的不成比例和不利的事件、事件或影響 影響ICLK集團公司的業務、資產、財務狀況或經營結果,作爲一個整體,相對於 在ICLK集團公司進行各自運營的行業中類似情況的公司,那麼這樣的增量 在確定ICLK的實質性不利影響時,應考慮不成比例的影響(除非另有排除) 已經發生了。




·“將會 具有在中闡述的含義






·“將 的定義參見







“將 的定義參見






·“意味着一種選擇 根據ICLk股份計劃條款購買ICLk A類股份,無論是否有此類選擇權 已在截止日期或之前歸屬。




·“意味着 ICLk集團任何公司擁有或聲稱擁有的所有知識產權。




·“意味着ICLK 和合並子公司,每個都是“ICLk






“將 意思是等於(a)ICLk股權價值的金額,


除以 (b)未發行ICLk股票證券的數量。ICLK 隱私要求




a.” 應具有中規定的含義






d.“將 的定義參見


·第5.15(a)節ICLk所需的監管批准” 應具有中規定的含義 第5.5(b)節


·ICLk RSU“意味着受限制的 根據ICLk股份計劃的條款授予的股份單位,無論該限制性股份單位是否已成爲 在截止日期或之前歸屬。





·ICLk SEC報告“應該有 所規定的含義




“將 的定義參見







ICLk股票計劃“總體上意味着, (a)ICLk的2018年股票激勵計劃,該計劃完全取代了ICLK的2010年股票激勵計劃,以及(b) ICLk的IPO後股份激勵計劃,此前被命名爲2017年股份激勵計劃(每項均不時修訂), 還有一個“






   2023   2024 
   “ 應指通過特別決議或適用於特定標準的其他標準批准ICLK股東事項 ICLK股東事宜,根據委託書和ICLK的管理文件。   %   ICLK股東事宜   % 
“ 應具有下述含義:   1,111,361    100.0    3,548,213    100.0 
第7.1(A)(I)條   (814,161)   (73.3)   (1,984,984)   (55.9)
ICLK股份   297,200    26.7    1,563,229    44.1 
“應該是指,優先 根據本條款通過ICLK A&R MAA,統稱爲ICLK A類A股和ICLK B類股 新普通股,或根據本協議條款通過ICLK A&R MAA後的新普通股。   71,708    6.5    169,714    4.8 
ICLK子公司   (331,631)   (29.8)   (353,319)   (10.0)
“將擁有 中所闡述的含義   (8,391)   (0.8)   (7,294)   (0.2)
第5.2(A)節   (2,292,834)   (206.3)   (5,234,748)   (147.5)
ICLK 終止費   (86,084)   (7.7)   (81,623)   (2.3)
應具有下述含義:   (2,718,940)   (244.6)   (5,676,984)   (160.0)
第9.3(A)節   (2,350,032)   (211.5)   (3,944,041)   (111.2)
ICLK交易成本   58,421    5.3    508,491    14.3 
“將會 指(A)任何ICLK集團公司或代表ICLK集團公司之前發生的所有費用、成本和開支(包括外部顧問的費用) 在與本協議的談判、準備和執行有關的截止日期之前,另一筆交易 協議和交易的完成,包括因下列原因而觸發或應付的任何此類金額 成交;(B)任何ICLK集團或代表ICLK集團支付的所有交易、交易、經紀、財務諮詢或任何類似費用 (C)支付與ICLK D&O有關的所有費用、費用和開支 在(A)至(C)項的每一種情況下,實際和合理地發生的尾部;   226,552    20.4    (339,897)   (9.6)
但前提是   (5,430,850)   (488.7)   (12,181,220)   (343.3)
,雙方的交易成本,無論如何 在支付時,無論截至成交時是否到期和應付,都不應爲以下目的的“ICLK交易成本” 本協議。   (304,947)   (27.4)   (192,881)   (5.4)
ICLK投票協議   (5,450,824)   (490.5)   (12,205,507)   (344.0)
“將會 具有在這裏的朗誦中所闡述的含義。   (7,800,856)   (701.9)   (16,149,548)   (455.1)
國際財務報告準則   -    -    -    - 
“應指國際 財務報告準則。   (7,800,856)   (701.9)   (16,149,548)   (455.1)

“應指 對下列具體事實或事件的實際了解或了解:(A)就《海上交通管理》而言,下列個人

   195.0         395.7      

進度表 1.1(B)

   40,000         40,808      









的 ICLK的公開信。




   “應指 任何訴訟、訴訟、聽證、索賠、指控、審計、訴訟、訴訟、查詢、仲裁或法律程序(在每個案件中,無論是民事、 刑事、行政、法律或衡平法)由政府實體或在政府實體面前。 
   2023   2024 
   法律要求   %   “將會 指任何聯邦、州、地方、市政、外國或其他法律、法規、憲法、條約、普通法原則、決議、 法令、法典、法令、法令、規則、規章、裁定、禁令、判決、命令、評估、令狀或其他法律要求,行政 由主管當局或在主管當局下發出、制定、通過、頒佈、實施或以其他方式實施的政策或指引或規定 任何政府實體。   % 
負債   271,025    24.4    1,497,054    42.2 
“指任何及 所有負債、債務、法律訴訟或任何性質的債務(無論是絕對的、應計的、或有的, 無論是已知的還是未知的,無論是直接的還是間接的,無論是到期的還是未到期的,以及是否到期的),包括納稅義務 到期的,即將到期的   840,336    75.6    1,988,365    56.0 
留置權   -    -    62,794    1.8 
“指任何按揭, 質押、擔保權益、產權負擔、留置權、限制、不利債權或任何種類的押記(包括任何有條件出售或其他 所有權保留協議或性質的租約、給予任何擔保權益的任何協議以及與以下事項有關的任何限制 使用、安靜享受、投票、轉讓、收入收入或行使所有權的任何其他屬性)。   1,111,361    100.0    3,548,213    100.0 




“將會 具有在中闡述的含義








鎖定 協議









” 應具有中規定的含義






” 應具有中規定的含義




營銷解決方案處置” 指ICLk集團公司根據股份購買出售中國需求側營銷解決方案業務 數字營銷集團有限公司、Optimix Media Asia Limited和SiAct Inc.於2024年9月11日簽署的協議, 如ICLk於2024年9月11日向SEC提交的6-k表格所述。


合併“應該有意義 在本文的背誦中闡述。


合併對價“將 的定義參見




“將擁有 含義見本文序言。




” 應指(a)監管備案費、(b)HL估值成本和(c)WWC AUP審計成本,實際上每種情況 並且合理發生的。







“應該有意義 在本文的敘述中闡述。






“意味着任何 退回、聲明、報告、表格、退款索賠或與提交或要求的稅款相關的信息退回或聲明 向政府實體提交,包括任何附表或附件及其任何修訂。







“意味着任何數字代幣, 硬幣、加密貨幣或任何其他類似數字資產,無論是否根據證券法歸類爲“證券” 美國或任何或任何適用的其他司法管轄區。




“將擁有 定義中所闡述的含義













   “應該有 “”的定義中所載的含義 
“將 指本協議、ICLk投票協議、鎖定協議、ICLk A & R MAA以及所有協議文件、文書 以及與此相關的證書以及任何和所有證據和附表。
“意味着 DWm交易成本
   交易   “意味着 本協議設想的交易,包括合併和其他交易協議設想的交易。   轉讓稅   “應該有 所規定的含義  
美國公認會計原則   1,497,054    10,091,808    (58,690)   11,530,172 
“意味着 美國普遍接受的會計原則。       12,022,202    477,756    12,499,958 
美元   1,988,365    2,315,552    (554,833)   3,749,084 
“或”   62,794    446,404        509,198 
USD   3,548,213    24,875,966    (135,767)   28,288,412 


” 指美元,即美國的法定貨幣。警告法案


“應該有意義 所述 第4.12(f)節


WFTL”指的是WhaleFin Technology Limited是一家在塞舌爾註冊的公司,也是Ab的全資子公司。


WFTL收件箱合同“將 其含義如本文所述。




” 應具有本文敘述中規定的含義。


    WhaleFin HK 
    “將擁有 含義在本文的敘述中闡述。
WhaleFin Hk股權轉讓
   ” 應具有本文敘述中規定的含義。
“將 是指WWC與WWC就交易提供的AUP審計服務相關的服務費和報銷 這些是合理發生的。
   預關閉 行動
.在截止日期,即生效時間之前,應採取或實施以下行動(在 本規定的順序
    除了 對於列在    附表2.1(a)   在ICLk披露函中,ICLk b類股份的每位持有人應 向ICLk發出書面通知,將其ICLk b類股份轉換爲ICLk A類股份,立即生效(“   ICLK b類股份轉換 
(b) The 第十次修訂和重述ICLk的章程大綱和章程,格式如下     (1,984,984)   (7,651,115)   135,767    (9,500,332)









, 以及被排除的DWM股票將根據


   ),憑藉合併,並根據條款和主題 在本協議規定的條件下,應轉換爲並在所有目的下僅代表接收的權利 (X)在AB創始人HoldCo持有的任何DWM股份的情況下,一些有效發行、全額支付和不可評估的新B類股票 在所有其他情況下,(Y)在所有其他情況下,在每一種情況下,發行若干有效發行、繳足股款和不可評估的新A類股票 (X)和(Y),等於(I)每股DWM值,
   (Ii)ICLK每股價值(該新類別B 股份及新A類股,視乎情況而定“
“,以及總金額 將根據本協議發行的新普通股
“)。全 據此轉換爲獲得合併對價的權利的DWM股份
應 不再發行,並將不復存在,而該等DWM股票的每位持有人於緊接之前已發行及已發行 至生效時間後,即不再對該等證券擁有任何權利,但收取本息的權利除外。 無息股份合併對價。
   治療 合併後的子股   。合併子公司每股普通股   在緊接生效時間之前發行和未償還的應 轉換爲尚存附屬公司的一股有效發行、繳足股款及不可評稅的普通股,構成唯一 於生效時間後尚存附屬公司的已發行及已發行股本。   治療 ICLK股權獎 
。每個ICLK期權、ICLK RSU和任何其他未完成且未立即行使的ICLK股權獎勵 在生效時間之前,無論是否已授予或可行使,均應保持未清償狀態,並應繼續遵守條款和 ICLK股票計劃的條件,以及適用於該等股權計劃的任何相關獎勵協議。在生效時間或之前,ICLK 董事會(包括任何委員會)應酌情通過任何決議並採取任何和所有行動 這可能是必要的,以實現本                    
第3.2節   (353,319)   (5,121,881)       (5,475,200)
DWM未經審計財務報表   (7,294)   (89,532)       (96,826)
並且,連同經審計的DWM財務報表,   (5,234,748)   (9,639,577)       (14,874,325)
DWM 財務報表   (81,623)           (81,623)
“)。DWM財務報表:(I)按照適用的DWM會計準則編制 在所涉期間一致的基礎上,就未經審計的分期付款財務報表而言,須遵守正常的經常性年終 調整(對DWM集團公司整體而言,調整的影響無論是單獨的還是總體的,都不會是實質性的) 以及沒有腳註;(2)從DWM集團公司的賬簿和記錄中編寫;以及(3)編寫得很好 基於DWM做出的合理假設的信念,其基礎與該等簿冊和記錄中所採用的有關 句號。   (5,676,984)   (14,850,990)       (20,527,974)




這個 DWM集團公司建立並維護了一套內部控制制度。這種內部控制足以提供合理的 關於財務報告的可靠性和爲外部目的編制財務報表的保證 根據DWM會計原則,(2)DWM集團公司的交易、收入和支出是 僅根據DWM管理層或董事的適當授權籤立和進行,(Iii)該交易 在必要時進行記錄,以便能夠按照DWM會計原則編制財務報表,並保持 對資產進行問責,(4)關於防止或及時發現未經授權獲得、使用或處置 可能對財務報表產生重大影響的DWM集團公司的資產,以及(五)賬目、附註和 其他應收賬款均準確入賬。據DWM所知,(X)並無重大不足或“物質上的弱點” 在DWM集團公司財務報告的內部控制系統中,(Y)不存在舞弊行爲,無論是否存在重大舞弊, 這涉及到DWM的管理層或在編制財務報表方面發揮重要作用的其他員工或附屬公司 或DWM使用的內部會計控制,以及(Z)沒有關於上述任何或任何 舉報人對前述事項或其他事項的投訴或舉報。(C)            在那裏 DWM集團公司沒有向任何高管提供任何未償還貸款或其他信貸擴展(定義見規則30億7 根據交易法)或董事集團的DWM公司。


這個 將滿足與DWM有關的財務要求。不是 未披露的負債


。在每一種情況下,DWM集團公司都沒有需要反映或保留的負債類型 在按照《分期付款會計原則》編制的資產負債表上,除負債外:(A)列明或保留 違反或以其他方式反映在DWM財務報表或其附註中;(B)在正常業務過程中產生 自最近一次資產負債表包含在DWM財務報表中以來的DWM集團公司數量,並不重要 在金額上;(C)與該等交易有關的招致;或(D)不會或不會合理地預期會發生的情況, 單獨或合計,對作爲整體的DWM集團公司來說是重要的。不同於在附表4.8


的 在DWM披露函中,沒有任何DWM集團公司有任何擔保債權人持有擔保權益。缺勤 某些變化或事件


。本協議或任何其他交易協議(包括DWM資產)預期的除外 重組及DWM資本重組)或於




   自6月30日以來,DWM公開信中, 2024年至本協議之日,DWM集團公司的業務(假設DWM資產重組完成) 是在正常業務過程中在所有實質性方面進行的,沒有:(A)沒有任何DWM實質性不利影響; 或(B)任何DWM集團公司採取或商定的任何行動將被禁止 
進度表 4.13(B)
DWM公開信的內容包含一份真實、正確的DWM Real Property租賃材料清單。沒有其他人 則DWM集團公司有權使用DWM租賃物業,除非由各自的DWM集團公司轉租 賣給轉租人。
每個 DWM集團公司對其所有有形資產擁有良好和可銷售的所有權,或有效的租賃權益或使用權,免費 以及除以下情況外的所有留置權:(I)允許留置權;(Ii)出租人在任何DWM房地產租約下的權利;以及(Iii) 特別確定的留置權
DWM公開信的內容。DWM集團的有形資產 公司:(A)構成目前用於DWM業務運作的所有有形資產 集團公司現時的運作及合併,足以應付集團業務的運作 目前進行的DWM集團公司;以及(B)已按照普遍適用的公認行業進行維護 實踐中,處於良好的運行狀況和維修狀態,正常磨損除外,並充分和適合使用 在每一種情況下,他們都是在所有實質性的方面。
(A)            All 每名人士或其代表須提交的所得稅及其他重要稅項報稅表
   DWM集團公司及時、及時地 向適當的政府實體提交(考慮到任何適用的延長提交有效納稅申報單的時間 已批出或取得的報稅表),而所有該等報稅表在所有重要方面均屬真實、正確及完整。所有實質性稅額 各DWM集團公司應繳款項(不論是否顯示在任何報稅表上)均已全額及及時繳交。   (B)               每個 DWM集團公司已(I)在所有重大方面遵守與扣繳有關的所有適用法律要求, 匯出全部實質性稅款,及時代扣代繳所需代扣代繳的全部實質性稅款 支付給適當的政府實體;和(2)在所有重大方面遵守所有重大報告要求 (包括維護與此有關的必要記錄)。   (C)            號 任何政府聲稱或評估對任何實質性稅額的索賠、評估、不足或建議的調整 實體對任何 
不是 任何政府實體目前正在對任何DWM集團公司進行材料稅審計或其他審查,也沒有 對這種審計或其他檢查的任何要求或威脅。                
(E)            在那裏 除准予留置權外,對該公司的任何資產均無稅務留置權                
DWM集團公司。       (4,431)       (4,431)
(F)               168,594            168,594 
不是 DWM集團公司對未經審計的DWM未計提或預留的重大未繳稅款負有任何責任 財務報表,不包括自#年最近一個財政年度結束以來發生的任何未繳稅款的負債 與DWM集團公司在正常業務過程中的業務運作有關。   (12,374,101)   56,448        (12,317,653)
(G)               (12,205,507)   52,017        (12,153,490)





不是 DWM集團公司:(I)對他人(任何DWM集團公司或其前身除外)的任何稅收負有任何責任 由於是向美國聯邦、州、地方或非美國提交申請的合併、合併、統一或附屬團體的成員, 爲所得稅目的或作爲受讓人或繼承人或通過合同(不包括根據在 正常業務過程,其主要目的與稅收無關);(Ii)是任何稅收的當事人或受任何稅收的約束 賠償、分稅或分稅協議(在正常業務過程中達成的商業協議除外 且其主要目的與稅務無關);或(Iii)曾是綜合、合併、統一的 或爲美國聯邦、州、地方或非美國所得稅目的而申報的附屬團體,但其成員均爲 DWM集團公司(或其前身)。


(H)            不是 DWM集團公司:(I)已同意延長任何實質性稅額可由任何人評估或徵收的時間 政府實體(延長報稅時間的正常程序除外),其延期仍然有效;或(Ii)已 訂立或參與守則第6707A(C)(2)節所指的任何“上市交易” (或州、當地或非美國法律要求的任何類似規定)。


不是 DWM集團公司已經或曾經在其組織所在國家/地區以外的任何國家/地區設有常設機構,或 曾經在其組織所在國家以外的司法管轄區繳納所得稅,在每一種情況下都需要 提交實質性所得稅申報單,但不提交此類納稅申報單。(J)            


不是 DWM集團公司將被要求將任何重大收入項目包括在應稅項目中,或排除任何重大項目或扣除 截止日期之後開始的任何應納稅期間的收入,或在截止日期或之前開始並結束的任何應納稅期間的收入 在截止日期之後,由於下列原因,在截止日期之後開始的該期間的部分:(I)分期付款銷售或 在結算日或之前發生的未平倉交易處置,但不是在正常業務過程中; 在結算日或之前變更會計方法;或(3)收到或確認的任何預付金額或遞延收入 在結算日或之前,但反映在DWM財務所列資產負債表中的該等金額除外 自DWM財務所列最近一份資產負債表之日起在正常業務過程中收到的報表 聲明。


   (K)            號 在任何DWM集團公司沒有提交納稅申報單的司法管轄區內的任何政府實體提出的索賠 可由該司法管轄區繳稅或須在該司法管轄區提交報稅表。 
   (L)            to 關於…的知識
DWM、DWM資產重組和DWM資本重組不會造成任何實質性的稅收不利影響 給ICLK或任何DWM集團公司。
   經紀人; 第三方費用
在DWM公開信中,沒有一家DWM集團公司 與本協議有關的任何經紀責任、發現人費用、代理佣金或任何類似費用 或與任何DWM集團公司簽訂的合同有關的交易。
知識分子 屬性
   進度表 4.16(A)(A)
在本協議簽訂之日,《DWM公開信》包含一份真實、完整的所有專利清單, 註冊或申請-包含在DWM擁有的知識產權中的知識產權(統稱爲
   DWM註冊IP   “)。 對於每一項DWM註冊知識產權,已支付所有必要的註冊、維護和續費,以及所有必要的 文件和證書已提交給美國專利商標局或同等機構或任何地方的註冊處 以維護或更新該DWM註冊知識產權,並記錄和完善任何DWM集團公司的 其中的所有權。   (B)            (I) DWM集團公司獨家擁有所有材料的所有權利、所有權和權益   DWM擁有的知識產權,包括 列明或須列明的知識產權項目 
適用的DWM組 公司當事人,據DWM所知,代表其對手方的法律、有效和有約束力的義務,但 在可執行性可能受到適用的破產、破產、重組、暫停執行或影響債權人的類似法律限制的範圍內 一般性權利或適用於提供公平補救辦法的原則。適用的DWM集團公司或 知悉本協議的任何其他一方對本協議的實質性違反或違約,且未發生任何事件,且未經通知 或時間流逝或兩者均可合理預期成爲任何DWM材料合同項下的實質性違約或違約,以及 任何DWM材料合同的任何一方都沒有就任何此類違約、違約或事件的索賠或任何關於 終止。ICLK已獲得所有DWM材料合同的真實、正確和完整的副本。   (16,149,548)   2,425,878        (13,723,670)
WFTL作爲一方的合同,根據DWM資產重組計劃,應分配給DWM或一個或 更多的DWM子公司(“   (16,149,548)   2,425,878        (13,723,670)







“)是完全有效的,並代表合法、有效的 和具有約束力的義務,據DWM所知,該義務代表合法、有效和 合同對手方具有約束力的義務,但可執行性可能受適用的破產、資不抵債、 重組、暫緩執行或類似的法律一般影響債權人的權利或通過關於是否可用的原則 公平的補救措施,除非合理地預期對整個DWM集團公司有重大影響。都不是 WFTL、適用的DWM集團公司,據DWM所知,也不存在實質性違約或違約 未發生在通知或時間流逝或兩者兼而有之的情況下會被合理地預期爲實質性違約的事件 任何WFTL轉讓合同的任何違約或違約,且任何WFTL轉讓合同的任何一方均未就任何索賠發出任何書面通知 任何此類違約、違約或事件,或任何終止通知。




。 DWM集團公司爲其資產、業務、設備、物業、 運營、員工、高級管理人員和董事(統稱爲




“)涵蓋某些材料 與其業務和資產有關的可保風險,以及DWM保單完全有效。提供的承保範圍 通過這樣的DWM保單,對於DWM集團公司的業務和運營來說,保單的金額和範圍都是常見的和慣例的 與目前進行的一樣,並足以遵守DWM材料合同要求維護的任何保險。無書面通知 任何DWM集團公司已收到關於任何有效的DWM保險單的取消或終止的通知。 根據任何現有的DWM保險單,任何DWM集團公司都不會向任何保險公司提出任何未決的重大索賠 適用的保險承運人已拒絕承保或提出爭議的承保範圍(習慣保留權利通知除外)。


感興趣 交易方交易

。(A)據了解,DWM的任何高級人員或董事或他們各自的任何直系親屬,或據了解, 是指DWM集團公司的任何僱員、高級職員、董事或經理或他們各自的直系親屬 欠DWM集團公司借款,亦無任何DWM集團公司借款(或承諾 向上述任何人提供貸款、延伸或擔保信用),以及(B)據DWM所知,沒有任何官員、董事、員工、 DWM集團公司的股權或衍生證券的管理人或持有者(每個,a   35   DWM Insider
“)或任何成員 直接或間接地是任何DWM材料的對手方(或控制對手方 與DWM集團公司簽訂合同,但下列情況除外:(1)支付薪金、獎金和其他服務報酬 (Ii)與DWM集團公司有關的合理開支的補償;(Iii)其他僱員的補償 向處境相似的人普遍提供的利益;(Iv)與任何此等人士擁有DWM股份有關的利益 或DWM集團公司的其他證券,或該人與DWM集團公司的僱傭或諮詢安排; 或(V)在保持距離的基礎上進行。   35   信息 已提供
。由DWM或代表DWM提供的與DWM集團公司有關的資料,以供納入或成立爲法團 通過委託書中的引用,在委託書提交之日或首次郵寄給ICLK股東之日, 如適用,或在特別會議時或在其任何修訂或補充時,包含任何不真實的陳述 任何具關鍵性的事實,或遺漏述明任何須在其內述明或爲在其內作出陳述而必需的具關鍵性事實, 根據當時並無虛假或誤導性的情況,以及根據 這樣的聲明是在什麼地方發表的。儘管如上所述,DWM不會就以下信息作出任何陳述 已經或將由ICLK或其任何代表提供,以包括在委託書或包括的任何預測或預測中 在那裏。   51   反賄賂; 反腐倡廉
(A)               57   都不是 DWM集團公司或任何DWM集團公司的董事、高級管理人員或員工直接或間接地 在(A)至(E)項的每一種情況下,違反任何法律規定:(A)作出、要約或承諾作出或作出任何 向任何人或爲任何人的利益支付、借出或轉讓任何有價值的東西,包括任何報酬、利益或利益 政府官員、公職、政黨或政治競選活動候選人,或該等政黨或競選活動的任何官員 目的是:(I)影響該政府官員、候選人、政黨或競選活動或以下任何官員的任何作爲或決定 該政黨或競選活動;。(Ii)誘使該政府官員、候選人、政黨或競選活動或該政黨或競選活動的任何官員。 作出或不作出違反合法職責的行爲;(三)爲任何人取得或保留業務;(四)加快 或確保執行例行性質的公務行爲;或(五)以其他方式獲得任何不正當利益;(二)獲得報酬, 提供或同意或承諾進行或提供任何賄賂、賄賂、影響付款、回扣、非法回扣或其他類似的非法行爲 任何性質的付款;(C)作出、提出或同意或承諾作出或提供任何非法捐款、禮物、招待 或其他非法支出;(D)設立或維持任何非法的公司資金或其他財產基金;(E)設立 或導致創建與上述任何事項有關的任何虛假或不準確的賬簿和記錄;或(F)違反、串謀 違反、或協助和教唆違反任何適用的反洗錢法律要求或任何適用的反腐敗規定 或反賄賂法律要求,包括經修訂的1977年《反海外腐敗法》,《美國法典》第15編第78dd-1節等 序列號。和英國2010年《反賄賂法》(統稱爲
反洗錢和反腐敗法   69   (B)            
都不是 DWM集團公司或任何DWM集團公司的董事、高級管理人員或,據DWM所知, DWM集團公司各自的員工(I)是或曾經是與以下事項有關的未披露索賠或指控的對象 (A)任何可能違反任何反洗錢和反腐敗法律的行爲,或(B)任何可能非法支付的行爲, 捐款、禮物、賄賂、回扣、支付、影響付款、回扣或其他付款或提供任何有價值的東西,直接 或間接向官員、其任何政黨或官員或任何政治職位候選人,或(Ii)已 從任何政府實體收到任何通知或其他通信,或自願向任何政府實體披露任何實際、聲稱的 或可能違反或不遵守任何反洗錢和反腐敗法。DWM集團公司擁有 建立、實施和維護政策、程序和合理設計的一個或多個內部控制系統,以確保 遵守反洗錢和反腐敗法。   46   國際 貿易;制裁
(A)               48   每個 在DWM集團公司中,DWM集團公司各自的董事、高級管理人員和員工,據DWM了解, 代表他們與DWM集團公司的業務運營有關的任何其他人,在每一種情況下, 在所有實質性方面:(A)已遵守所有適用的海關法和國際貿易法;(B)已 獲得所有必要的海關和國際貿易授權;(C)沒有受到任何民事或刑事指控 罰款、處罰、扣押、沒收、撤銷海關和國際貿易授權、取消或拒絕未來 與任何實際或涉嫌違反任何適用海關和國際貿易的行爲有關的海關和國際貿易授權 國際貿易法;以及(D)沒有收到任何實際的或據DWM所知的威脅索賠或要求提供信息的請求 由政府實體就其遵守情況向任何政府實體披露,但沒有向任何政府實體披露 任何適用的海關法和國際貿易法。DWM集團公司擁有合理設計的控制和系統 促進遵守適用的海關法和國際貿易法。
(B)               47   都不是 DWM集團公司或任何DWM集團公司的董事、高級管理人員或,據DWM所知, DWM集團公司各自的員工或代表他們行事的任何其他人現在或曾經是受制裁的人。 在過去的五年中,DWM集團公司和DWM集團公司各自的董事、高級管理人員、員工 和附屬公司,以及據DWM所知,代表他們行事的任何其他人與業務運營有關 在DWM集團公司中,這些公司實質上遵守了所有適用的制裁。在過去的五年裏,DWM集團公司 和DWM集團公司各自的董事、高級管理人員,或者,據DWM所知,DWM集團公司的任何 各自的僱員沒有,也不會,與DWM集團公司的業務運營有關,從事任何 直接或間接地與任何被制裁的人或被制裁的人或爲其利益而進行的商業活動、交易或其他交易 違反制裁的國家。在過去的五年中,(I)沒有任何政府實體發起任何調查、調查、 訴訟或執行程序或已施加任何民事或刑事罰款、處罰、扣押、沒收、撤銷授權, 禁止或拒絕未來針對任何DWM集團公司或其各自的任何董事、高級管理人員或 據DWM所知,DWM集團公司的任何員工、受控附屬公司或任何其他代理人員 與任何實際或據稱違反任何適用制裁的行爲有關,(Ii)沒有實際或, 據DWM所知,由DWM集團公司收到的政府實體的威脅索賠或信息請求 關於遵守適用的制裁和(3),沒有向任何政府實體披露 任何實際或潛在的不遵守適用制裁的行爲。DWM集團公司合理地實施了控制和系統 旨在確保遵守適用的制裁。


DWM 資產重組。截至結束時,(A)將按照《DWM》實施《DWM資產重組》 所有重大方面的資產重組計劃,並符合所有重大方面的所有適用法律要求, 和(B)將獲得實施DWM資產重組所需的所有批准。截至收盤時,DWM集團 公司將持有DWM集團公司業務所需的所有實質性批准、資產和權利(考慮到 完成DWM資產重組)。DWM資產重組所考慮的交易不會(I)衝突 在任何重大方面違反或違反任何DWM集團公司、WhaleFin HK或WFTL的管理文件;(Ii)假設 中所指的同意、批准、命令、授權、登記、備案、通知或許可


DWM資產重組 平面圖適時獲得或作出,與適用於任何DWM集團公司、WhaleFin的任何法律要求衝突或違反 香港或WFTL在任何重要方面;或(Iii)會導致任何違反或構成失責(不論是否發出通知或失效) 時間,或兩者),或損害DWM或任何DWM集團公司的權利,或以與任何DWM集團相反的方式 公司,改變任何第三方的權利或義務,或給予任何第三方任何同意、終止、修改、 加速(包括任何強制回購或糾正)或取消留置權,或導致留置權的設立(任何 允許留置權)根據任何DWM材料合同,對任何DWM集團公司的任何財產、權利或資產 或WFTL指定的任何合同,在每種情況下,在任何實質性方面。


免責 其他保修的。DWM特此確認,除本協議和其他交易協議中明確規定外, ICLK、合併子公司、ICLK集團公司及其各自的子公司、附屬公司或代表均未 在法律上或在衡平法上,向DWM或其 與ICLK、合併子公司、ICLK集團公司或其各自的任何公司有關的關聯公司或代表或任何其他人 前述的業務、資產或財產,或其他,包括關於適銷性的任何陳述或保證, 適合某一特定的目的、未來的結果、擬議的業務或未來的計劃。在不限制上述規定的情況下:(A)無 ICLK、合併子公司、ICLK集團公司及其各自的任何附屬公司或代表應被視爲作出任何陳述 或擔保,但ICLK或合併子公司在本協議和其他交易協議中明確作出的除外;以及(B)無 ICLK、合併附屬公司或其各自的任何關聯公司或代表已作出、正在作出或應被視爲作出 DWM或其關聯公司或代表或任何其他人就以下事項作出任何明示或默示的陳述或保證: 由ICLK或其代表分發或提供給DWM或其附屬公司或代表或上述其他人的信息 與本協議及交易有關的合併分項;(Ii)任何管理層陳述、保密資料備忘錄 或類似文件;或(Iii)與ICLK、合併分支、ICLK有關的任何財務預測、預測、估計、預算或類似項目 集團公司或業務、資產、負債、財產、財務狀況、經營業績和預計經營情況 除交易協議中明確規定的以外,前述事項。DWM特此承認,它沒有依賴於任何 本協議和其他交易協議中未明確規定的承諾、陳述或保證。DWM確認 它滿意地對ICLK、合併子公司和ICLK集團公司進行了獨立調查和核查 以及前項業務、資產、負債、財產、財務狀況、經營成果和預計經營情況, 在決定繼續進行這些交易時,DWM依賴於自己的獨立調查結果 除ICLK或合併子公司的陳述和擔保外, 本協議及其他交易協議。儘管本文件中包含了任何相反的內容


第4.25節, 如果發生欺詐,對ICLK、合併子公司和ICLK集團公司或任何其他人的索賠將不受任何方面的限制 由該人在本協議中作出陳述和保證。







但下列情況除外:(A)在#年#日信中所列 自本協議簽署之日起,由ICLK向DWM交付與本協議的簽署和交付有關的文件(“ICLK 公開信


“);或(B)ICLK美國證券交易委員會向美國證券交易委員會提交或提供的報告中披露的信息(並可公開獲得) 在本協議日期之前(只要此類披露的限定性質從本協議的內容中顯而易見 美國證券交易委員會報告),不包括“前瞻性聲明”、“風險因素”和任何 具有預測性或警告性或與前瞻性陳述有關的其他披露( 承認ICLK美國證券交易委員會報告中披露的任何內容都不會被視爲修改或限定陳述和保修集 第四,在關於ICLK政黨的基本陳述中),每個ICLK政黨都代表並保證其他各方 截至本合同日期和截止日期(或如果在任何該等聲明中指明瞭具體日期,則爲 日期): 組織 和資格


關於ICLK的公開信, ICLK集團公司沒有任何有擔保債權人持有擔保權益。 (F)             


這個 關於ICLK的財務要求將得到滿足。缺勤 某些變化或事件





。除在本協議日期前提交的ICLK美國證券交易委員會報告中所述以及預期的情況外 通過本協議和其他交易協議或在




ICLK公開信,自2011年12月31日以來, 2023截至本協定之日,(A)未發生任何ICLK實質性不利影響;(B)未發生任何 ICLK集團公司採取或商定的行動將被禁止




, 和




   第6.2(R)節   ),如果採取了這樣的行動 (C)ICLK集團公司的每一家公司是否在 在所有實質性方面的正常業務過程。                
   訴訟   。 除非在            附表5.9   
   ICLK公開信或其他內容,無論是單獨的還是總體的,都不合理 預計對ICLK集團公司來說是實質性的,作爲一個整體,有:(A)沒有懸而未決的法律程序或據了解 ICLK,以書面形式威脅對ICLK集團公司或任何 其財產或資產,或任何ICLK集團公司的任何董事、經理或高級管理人員的行爲 (B)政府在日常業務過程中進行的審計、審查或調查除外 實體,沒有懸而未決的或據ICLK所知,任何政府實體威脅對任何 ICLK集團公司或其任何財產或資產,或任何ICLK集團公司的任何董事、經理或高級管理人員 對他們的行爲,以及,據ICLK所知,不存在任何可以合理預期成爲任何此類行爲基礎的事實 審計、審查或調查;(C)沒有未決的法律程序,或據ICLK所知,在#年威脅要進行法律程序 任何ICLK集團公司針對任何第三方的書面或據ICLK所知的調查;(D)沒有和解或類似 對任何ICLK集團公司施加任何實質性持續義務或限制的協議;和(E)不施加或 對ICLK的了解,以書面威脅將強加於ICLK集團公司或其任何相應的財產或資產, 或任何ICLK集團公司的任何董事、經理或高級管理人員的行爲。   員工 福利計劃   (A)                (C)            to 據ICLK所知,任何ICLK集團公司的高級管理人員均未向ICLK集團公司發出任何終止意向的書面通知 他或她受僱於該ICLK集團公司完成交易。ICLK集團公司 遵守,據ICLK所知,他們的每一名員工和顧問都遵守任何僱用條款, 任何ICLK集團公司與此類個人之間的保密、限制性契約和諮詢協議,在每種情況下,除非 這對ICLK集團公司作爲一個整體來說並不重要。   
   (D)             本協議計劃進行的交易不需要得到任何工會或工會的同意或事先通知 關於ICLK集團公司員工的類似勞工組織,但未能獲得此類同意的情況除外 作出任何這類提前通知並沒有,也不會合理地預期會有個別或總體上的 ICLK材料不良反應。   (E)            to 了解ICLK,沒有任何來自或代表任何現任或前任僱員或其他個人的書面通知或書面投訴 向任何ICLK集團公司提供服務的人,自參考日期以來任何ICLK集團公司都收到過斷言或聲稱 對任何ICLK集團公司現任或前任高管或董事的性騷擾或性行爲不端。   (F)             ,但不包括 如上披露的   %    附表5.11(F)   
在ICLK公開信中,自參考日期以來,沒有實質性投訴, 對ICLK集團公司提出或待決的指控、調查、索賠或其他法律程序 ICLK,威脅將被提交或提交給任何基於、引起或與任何勞工有關的政府實體 和僱傭法律要求,或任何ICLK集團公司的僱傭慣例。自參考日期以來,沒有ICLK集團公司 收到任何負責執行勞動法和就業法的政府實體的意向通知,以實施或發起 與任何ICLK集團的任何僱傭或勞動法或僱傭慣例有關的重大調查、審計或法律程序 結伴。自參考日期以來,ICLK集團公司的每一家公司都實質上符合所有適用的法律要求 尊重就業和就業慣例,在適用的範圍內,包括關於就業條款和條件的所有法律, 工資和工時、《警告法案》、集體談判、移民和工作資格、福利、勞動關係、騷擾、歧視、 公民權利、工資公平、童工、平等就業機會、安全和健康以及工人補償。                            
(G)            號 ICLK集團公司對任何拖欠工資或與之相關的罰款負有責任,除非在每一種情況下都不是實質性的 ICLK集團公司作爲一個整體。ICLK集團公司被法律要求對其員工扣留的所有金額 被扣留並支付給適用法律要求的任何政府實體的工資和工資,以及ICLK集團 公司沒有任何未履行的義務來支付任何此類扣繳或付款,但下列情況除外: 工資期或(Ii)期間不會對整個ICLK集團公司造成重大責任。(1)   241,295    2,282,815    2,524,110    5.7%    32.8%  
(H)            ,但不包括 不會導致對任何ICLK集團公司的實質性責任,已經或正在向任何ICLK提供服務的每個人 集團公司,已被歸類爲免責員工、獨立承包人、臨時員工、租賃員工或季節性員工 員工(如適用)已根據所有適用的法律要求和 ICLK員工福利計劃。根據任何適用的法律要求,ICLK集團公司均無任何重大責任或義務 或ICLK員工福利計劃,因爲不正確地將此人歸類爲豁免員工、獨立承包商、臨時員工 僱員、租賃僱員或季節性僱員(視情況而定),且不欠此等人士任何工資、福利或其他補償 過去的服務(不包括在本支付期內應計的工資、福利和補償以及應計工資或福利 根據其條款或根據適用的法律要求,未來應支付的服務)。(2)   424,200    2,102,263    2,526,463    5.7%    30.3%  
真實 財產;有形財產   (i)        (i)    (i)%    (i)%  
(A)            號 ICLK集團公司目前擁有任何不動產,或在過去三年中擁有任何不動產。   (i)        (i)    (i)%    (i)%  
(B)各             ICLK集團公司根據其所屬的每份不動產租約擁有有效的、有約束力的和可強制執行的租賃權益 自本合同簽訂之日起,作爲承租人(“   (i)        (i)    (i)%    (i)%  
“),沒有任何留置權(允許的除外 留置權),以及與其所屬的ICLK租賃物業有關的每份租約、租賃擔保、協議和文件 自本協議之日起,包括所有修正案、函件協議、終止和修改(統稱爲   (i)        (i)    (i)%    (i)%  
ICLK 房地產租賃   755,180    4,385,078    5,140,258    11.6%    63.2%  
“),自本合同生效之日起完全有效,但可執行性可能受到限制的除外 適用的破產、破產、重組、暫緩執行或類似法律一般或原則上影響債權人權利 管理公平補救辦法的可獲得性。ICLK已提供給                            
所有材料的真實、正確和完整的副本 ICLK房地產租賃(定義如下)。ICLK集團公司沒有違反或違約任何重大ICLK房地產 租賃,據ICLK所知,沒有發生任何事件,也不存在這樣的情況,如果不補救,無論有沒有 通知或時間流逝,或兩者兼而有之,將導致此類違約,但不單獨發生的違約或違約除外 或合乎情理地預期對ICLK集團公司作爲一個整體是重要的。ICLK租賃物業包括 適合於允許ICLK集團公司的業務在所有實質性方面按照目前進行的方式運營。據了解, 關於ICLK,(I)沒有關於ICLK租賃物業的任何懸而未決的譴責程序,以及(Ii) ICLK租賃物業的當前用途不違反任何政府的任何地方規劃、分區或類似的土地用途限制 在任何物質方面的實體。沒有ICLK集團公司收到或發出關於任何違約或事件的書面通知 或時間流逝,或兩者兼而有之,將構成任何ICLK集團公司根據任何ICLK房地產租約的違約或違約 而且,據ICLK所知,沒有其他任何一方違反或違約,除非這些違約或違約不是單獨的 或者,作爲一個整體,合理地預計對ICLK集團公司來說是重要的。自本協議之日起, 據ICLK所知,ICLK不動產租賃的任何一方均未行使任何終止權利。(1)       2,282,815    2,282,815    5.1%    32.6%  
進度表 5.12(B)(3)   396,295    2,102,263    2,498,558    5.6%    30.3%  
ICLK公開信的內容包含一份真實、正確的ICLK房地產租賃材料清單。除AS外 披露於(4)   1,235,730    649,349    1,885,079    4.2%    10.2%  
附表5.12(B)(5)   2,549,415        2,549,415    5.7%    1.8%  
在ICLK公開信中,除了ICLK集團公司之外,沒有其他人有權 使用ICLK租賃物業,除非由各自的ICLK集團公司轉租給分租人。(6)   4,876,050        4,876,050    11.0%    3.5%  
(L)             to 關於…的知識(7)   2,564,103        2,564,103    5.8%    1.8%  
ICLK、企業解決方案處置和營銷解決方案處置沒有也不會導致任何 對DWM或任何ICLK集團公司的實質性不利稅收影響。(8)   3,716,555        3,716,555    8.4%    2.7%  






經紀人; 第三方費用





在ICLK公開信中,ICLK集團公司沒有 對與本協議有關的經紀費用、發現人費用、代理佣金或任何類似費用負有任何責任 或因ICLK集團公司訂立的合同而進行的交易。


(1)知識分子 屬性






(4)進度表 5.15(A)


(5)ICLK公開信中包含了截至本協議之日所有專利的真實和完整清單, 註冊或申請-申請知識產權






(8)“)。 對於ICLK註冊的每一項知識產權,已支付所有必要的註冊、維護和續費,以及所有必要的 文件和證書已提交給美國專利商標局或同等機構或任何地方的註冊處 以維護或更新該ICLK註冊知識產權,並記錄和完善任何ICLK集團公司的 其中的所有權。


(B)            (I) ICLK集團公司獨家和獨家擁有ICLK擁有的所有材料知識產權的所有權利、所有權和權益,包括 中規定或要求規定的知識產權的




根據ICLK公開信的規定 這句話的第一句話







,無任何留置權(准許留置權除外);及。(Ii) ICLK集團公司擁有或擁有使用ICLK集團擁有或使用的所有其他物質知識產權的有效權利 按照目前進行的方式經營ICLK集團公司的業務。


   (C)            (I)。
   。沒有懸而未決的訴訟或訴訟,據ICLK所知,納斯達克或 美國證券交易委員會不得出售任何ICLK股份或終止ICLK在納斯達克的上市。ICLK或其任何附屬公司都沒有采取任何 試圖根據《交易法》終止ICLK股票登記的行動。除非在
在ICLK披露函中,ICLK尚未收到來自納斯達克的任何書面或口頭關於繼續 ICLK股份的上市要求。          
處置 某項業務的(1)   40,000    95.0%
。企業解決方案配置和營銷解決方案配置已按照以下要求完善 所有適用的法律要求(包括但不限於向中國證監會備案的任何要求 根據適用的法律要求)。實施企業解決方案處置和營銷所需的所有審批 在其完成之前,已獲得解決方案處置。        
免責 其他保修的        
。ICLK雙方在此承認,除非本協議和其他交易中明確規定 協議,DWM、DWM集團公司或其各自的任何子公司、附屬公司或代表均未達成任何協議 作出或應被視爲在法律上或在衡平法上向ICLK任何一方作出任何明示或默示的陳述或保證, 其任何關聯公司或代表或任何其他人,關於任何DWM或DWM集團公司,或其任何 上述各項的業務、資產或財產,或其他,包括關於適銷性的任何陳述或保證, 適合某一特定的目的、未來的結果、擬議的業務或未來的計劃。在不限制上述規定的情況下:(A)無 對於DWM,DWM集團公司或其各自的任何關聯公司或代表應被視爲作出任何陳述 或除DWM在本協議和其他交易協議中明確作出的保證外;和(B)不是DWM,也不是 其任何關聯方或代表,已經、正在或應被視爲向ICLK黨或其各自的關聯方作出 或代表或任何其他人就以下事項作出任何明示或默示的陳述或保證: 由或代表DWM分發或提供給ICLK黨或其附屬公司或代表或上述其他人 與本協議和交易有關;(Ii)任何管理演示文稿、機密信息備忘錄或類似文件; 或(Iii)與DWM、任何DWM集團公司有關的任何財務預測、預測、估計、預算或類似項目和/或 前項業務、資產、負債、財產、財務狀況、經營成果及預計經營情況 比交易協議中明確規定的要多。每一ICLK締約方在此承認其不依賴於任何承諾、代表 或未在本協議和其他交易協議中明確規定的保證。ICLK每一方都承認 它滿意地對DWM集團公司及其業務、資產、 前款的負債、財產、財務狀況、經營結果和預計經營情況及其確定 爲了繼續進行交易,ICLK各方都依賴於自己的獨立調查和核實結果,如IN 除本協議和其他交易中明確和具體規定的DWM的陳述和保證外 協議。儘管本協議中有任何相反規定   40,000    95.0%
、針對DWM、任何DWM集團公司或任何 如果在本協議中作出的陳述和保證中存在欺詐行爲,其他人將不受任何方面的限制 被這樣的人。(1)   40,000    95.0%


(1)行爲 DWM集團公司的業務


。除非(A)本協議或任何其他交易協議明確規定 (包括DWM資產重組和DWM資本重組的預期,各自按照 本協議條款),(B)適用法律要求,(C)經書面要求或同意 由ICLK(同意不得無理拒絕、延遲或附加條件),或(D)




的 自本協議之日起至(I)生效時間和(Ii)生效時間中較早者的期間內的《DWM披露函》 根據以下條件終止本協議


第9.1節,DWM(X)應並將導致各DWM集團公司 在正常業務過程中按照以往慣例並按照適用的法律要求開展業務, (Y)不得並將促使各DWM集團公司:(A)            (一)增加 截至本協議日期或以其他方式修訂,根據任何DWM股票計劃可發行的DWM股票的最大總數 任何DWM股票計劃,(Ii)在沒有事先書面通知ICLK的情況下僱用或解僱任何員工,或(Iii)除非另有規定 任何人都需要《DWM員工福利計劃》自生效之日起生效或適用的法律要求:(I)增加 以任何方式支付給或將支付給董事或獨立公司的任何現任或前任員工的補償或福利 承包商,但下列情況除外:(A)任何現有僱員的基本工資或工資率的個人加薪不超過20% 在正常業務過程中年度基本薪酬低於100,000美元,(B)支付年度獎金和其他 正常業務過程中的短期獎勵薪酬(包括與業績確定有關的薪酬 任何適用的業績目標,無論是定性的還是定量的)與過去的做法一致;(C)增加薪酬 對於跳槽的僱員,(D)增加薪酬,以反映根據客觀數據進行的市場調整;(E)增加薪酬 根據需要調整性別平等的補償;(Ii)向以下人員發放或支付任何遣散費或控制權薪酬或福利的變化, 或以其他方式增加任何現任或前任員工的遣散費或控制權薪酬或福利的變更,董事或獨立 承包商,但在正常業務過程中支付遣散費除外;。(Iii)設立、採用、訂立、修訂或 終止任何集體談判協議、DWM員工福利計劃或任何員工福利計劃、政策、計劃、協議、信託 或本應構成DWM員工福利計劃的安排,如果它在本協議之日生效;(Iv)採取 爲加速歸屬或支付,或以其他方式爲任何補償或利益提供資金或保證支付而採取的任何行動 DWM員工福利計劃或其他;或(V)授予任何股權或基於股權的薪酬獎勵;






,DWM應立即將任何和解或任何法律程序的和解協議通知ICLK 涉及任何DWM集團公司);

(J)             ,但不包括 在正常業務過程中,或合理地預期對DWM集團公司來說不是重大的,個別或 總而言之:(A)以不利於適用的方式修改、修改

DWM集團公司或終止任何DWM 材料合同;(B)訂立任何本應是DWM材料合同的合同,如果該合同是在 或(C)放棄、推遲行使、釋放或轉讓任何DWM材料項下的任何實質性權利或要求 合同(DWM集團公司之間的轉讓除外);


(K)            除外 符合《DWM會計準則》(或其任何解釋)或適用法律要求(包括爲獲得合規性 根據PCAOB審計準則),對會計方法、原則或做法進行重大改變;

(L)             Make, 爲稅務目的更改或撤銷任何重大稅務選擇、更改(或請求更改)任何重大會計方法、提交任何 修改材料納稅申報單,結清或妥協任何材料納稅義務,簽訂任何材料結算協議 對任何稅款或放棄任何要求實質性退稅的權利,同意任何延長或豁免適用的時效期限 任何重大稅務申索或評稅,或訂立任何稅務賠償、稅務分擔或稅務分配協議(商業性除外 在正常業務過程中訂立且其主要目的與稅收無關的協議);

(M)           授權, 建議、提議或宣佈打算採用完全或部分清算、重組、資本重組、解散的計劃 或清盤任何



(N)            主題 至


訂立或修訂任何協議,或向下列任何人支付、分配或墊付任何資產或財產 其高級管理人員、董事、股東或其他關聯公司(除


DWM集團公司),但不包括(I)付款或分配 關於與公平商業交易有關的義務,(2)補償所發生的合理費用 與DWM集團公司的任何一家公司有關,以及(Iii)在正常過程中達成的僱傭安排;

(O)            Engage 從事任何實質性的新業務;

(P)            修訂 其隱私政策的任何條款在任何實質性方面或以任何方式與

DWM集團公司(其他 超過爲符合適用的隱私法所需的更改);或

(Q)            同意 以書面形式或以其他方式同意、承諾或決心採取任何上述行動。                                
儘管如此 這裏面的任何東西     310,562,426       36,318,335       76.4 %     92.9 %
第6.1節(1)     310,562,426             68.4 %     20.6 %
或本協議相反,(I)本協議中規定的任何內容均不應給予任何 另一方有權直接或間接控制或指導任何(2)           36,318,335       8.0 %     72.3 %
DWM集團公司和(Ii)什麼都沒有 本協議規定禁止或以其他方式限制任何DWM集團公司支付任何DWM交易 在每一種情況下,在結案前的費用。                        
提出請求的主要締約方根據下列條件交付有效請求的五(5)個工作日     (i)             (i) %     (i) %
第6.3(A)條     (i)             (i) %     (i) %
, 接受委託人沒有答覆和反對的,則提出請求的委託人應被視爲已獲得有效的 就本協議項下的所有目的徵得接收主要締約方的同意     (i)             (i) %     (i) %
第七條     (i)             (i) %     (i) %
代理 聲明;特別會議;股東批准     313,170,221       36,318,335       77.0 %     93.1 %
代理 陳述式(1)     310,562,426             68.4 %     20.6 %
(I)            AS 在本協議簽署和交付後,在可行的情況下立即(無論如何不遲於2024年12月31日, 取決於DWM及其附屬公司及時提供必要的信息、材料和評論,包括必要的財務 與DWM集團公司有關的報表(包括相關的形式財務信息),ICLK應在 與此相一致(2)           36,318,335       8.0 %     72.3 %



(i),準備並向美國證券交易委員會提供ICLK的委託書(該備案經修訂 或補充的,“

* 委託書
“),目的是向ICLK A股類別持有人徵集委託書 和ICLK B類股票在特別會議(定義如下)上投票贊成:(1)批准和通過本 協議及本協議項下擬進行的交易(包括合併);(2)通過ICLK A&R MAA (及擬增加及重新指定股本及更改名稱
(1) 第2.1(C)條
(2) (上圖); (三)當事人提出的其他建議





根據需要或需要達成協議,以完成 交易,包括與 關於將由ICLK B類股票 的持有者(統稱, 《大賽》




“)。未經DWM事先書面同意(此類同意不得無理拒絕, 有條件的或延遲的),ICLK股東事項應是ICLK應提出的唯一事項(程序事項除外) 將由ICLK的股東在特別會議上採取行動。ICLK應確保委託書符合格式和實質內容 符合適用的法律要求。ICLK應向美國證券交易委員會提供委託書,並促使委託書郵寄 對其登記在冊的股東,截至ICLK董事會將根據




, 在提交委託書後在切實可行的範圍內儘快(該日期、“




(Ii)           in 在準備委託書時,ICLK將向DWM提供委託書草稿和任何其他文件,以 向美國證券交易委員會提交或提供與初步和最終交易以及對 委託書或此類其他文件,並將爲DWM提供對此類草案發表評論的合理機會,並應考慮 這樣的評論是有誠意的。對於這項交易,ICLK不應提交或提供任何此類文件,或做出回應 未經DWM事先書面同意,美國證券交易委員會的任何評論或請求(此類同意不得被無理拒絕、附加條件 或延遲)。ICLK將立即向DWM提供建議(無論如何在


在收到通知後一(1)個工作日), (A)在委託書與美國證券交易委員會一起提供之時;(B)在提供任何補充或修正之時 對委託書;以及(C)美國證券交易委員會要求提供與委託書有關的額外信息的請求,在每種情況下 (A)、(B)和(C),連同委託書、對其的補充或修訂或該請求的副本(視何者適用而定)。





(Iii)如屬           , 在特別會議之前的任何時間,


ICLK發現任何信息(或根據下一句話,被告知 由DWM確認其已發現任何信息),該信息應在委託書的修正案或附錄中列出,以便 它不會包括對重大事實的任何不真實陳述,也不會遺漏陳述其中所述陳述所需的任何重要事實, 根據作出決定的情況,而不是誤導性的,ICLK應立即提交修正案或補充文件 描述或更正此類信息的代理語句,以使該代理語句不再包含 重要事實或遺漏陳述爲作出陳述所必需的重要事實,視乎下列情況 它們是在適用法律要求的範圍內傳播此類修訂或補充的,不具誤導性。 給ICLK的股東。如果在關閉之前的任何時間,DWM發現與其自身有關的任何信息、事件或情況, 其業務或其任何關聯公司、高級管理人員、董事或僱員應在修正案或補編中列明 委託書,使其不會包括對重要事實的任何不真實陳述或遺漏陳述任何必要的重要事實 根據作出陳述的情況作出不具誤導性的陳述,則委員會應立即通知 此類信息、事件或情況的ICLK。


(Iv)           ICLK 應根據《證券法》、《交易法》和適用的《BLUE》提交所有必要的交易備案 天空“法律,以及在其下的任何規則和條例。DWM同意盡合理最大努力


及時提供ICLK 擁有關於(A)自身的業務、管理、運營和財務狀況的所有信息,以及 其子公司和(B)高級管理人員、董事、員工、股東和其他股權持有人以及此類其他事項,在每一種情況下, ICLK合理要求將其包括在委託書中。各委託人應促使董事、高級管理人員和員工 向ICLK及其法律顧問、核數師和其他與 起草委託書。


(B)            ICLK 應在委託書提交日期後,在切實可行的情況下儘快爲以下項目建立一個記錄日期(該日期應與DWM商定), 適時召開ICLK股東特別大會併發出通知,其中將包括股東的集體投票 ICLK B類股票(“




“)。ICLK將爲此召開和舉行特別會議 獲得ICLK股東事項的批准,會議應在不超過35天后舉行 ICLK向其股東郵寄委託書的日期。ICLK應盡合理最大努力獲得 ICLK股東在特別會議上的事項,包括根據適用情況在切實可行範圍內儘快徵求委託書 法律要求的目的是尋求ICLK股東事項的批准。儘管有任何相反的情況 在本協議中,ICLK有權(在下列第(Ii)或(Iii)款的情況下,應DWM的要求, ICLK應)推遲或休會特別會議:(I)確保對委託書的任何補充或修正 ICLK的董事已確定善意地向ICLK的股東披露適用的法律要求 並在特別會議前以足夠的時間迅速向ICLK的股東分發該補充或修訂 讓ICLK的股東開會審議該補充或修訂中所載的披露;。(Ii)如果自 特別會議最初安排的時間(如委託書中所述),ICLK股份不足 代表(親自或委託代表)構成在特別會議上處理事務所需的法定人數; 或(Iii)爲了獲得ICLK股東事項的批准,向股東征集額外的委託書;






·在根據第(I)、(Ii)或(Iii)條延期或延期的情況下,特別 會議應在這些條款所述事項得到解決後,在切實可行範圍內儘快重新召開;






,未經DWm同意(不得無理拒絕、限制或推遲此類同意), 在任何情況下,ICLk都不得將特別會議推遲或休會超過最近推遲的會議十五(15)天 或休會;









,在任何情況下都不得允許ICLk推遲或休會特別會議 超過三次或在場外日期前十五(15)個工作日之後重新召開特別會議。






,就任何待決或聲稱的法律程序而要求彌償或墊付開支的所有權利 或在該期限內提出的任何索賠應繼續進行,直至該法律程序處理完畢或該索賠得到解決爲止。


(Ii)            之前 在結束之前,DWM應盡其商業上合理的努力,以獲得「尾部」或「決選」董事 及高級船員責任保險單(“







“)或者是年度現任董事‘ 和高級船員的責任保險,在每一種情況下,關於在生效時間之前發生的作爲或不作爲,包括 目前由董事及其附屬公司的董事覆蓋的董事或DWM集團公司的高管 及高級人員的責任保險單,按市場上在商業上切實可行的承保範圍及金額條款訂立 在這個時候的條件。在適用的情況下,ICLK應並應使尚存的子公司完全維護DWM D&O尾部 效力和效力的全部條款,並使根據這些條款承擔的所有義務由


DWM集團公司,如適用, 其他任何一方均無義務根據本協議購買或支付此類保險。







(Iii)             每個人的權利


本合同項下的DWM D&O受補償方應是對任何其他權利的補充,但不限於 任何人可以根據任何DWM集團公司的治理文件、任何其他賠償安排、任何法律要求 或者是其他原因。ICLK和DWM集團公司在本協議下的義務




它不應被終止 或未經任何受彌償保障的DWM D&O同意而以對該受彌償一方造成不利影響的方式修改 聚會。本條例的規定




應在關閉後繼續存在,並明確旨在受益,並 可由每一受DWM D&O補償方強制執行,每一方都是本協議的預期第三方受益人







(Iv)            if ICLK或,在結束後,任何




DWM集團公司或其各自的任何繼承人或受讓人:(X)與 或合併爲任何其他人,且不是該等合併或合併的持續或尚存實體;或(Y)轉讓 或將其全部或實質上所有財產及資產轉易給任何人,則在每種情況下,均須作出適當的規定 以便ICLK或該DWM集團公司的繼承人和受讓人在適用的情況下承擔本








(G)            DWM 應已履行其在以下方面的義務













。 本協議可在交易結束前的任何時間終止:


(A)            by 雙方在任何時候達成的書面協議; 3
1.1 (B)            by 任何主要締約方,如果截止日期爲2025年6月30日(“ 3
另訂日期 23
2.1 提供 23
2.2 然而, 23
2.3 ,根據本協議終止本協議的權利 23
2.4 第29.1(B)條 24
2.5 不得向任何委託人提供 如果該主要締約方(或在ICLK的情況下,任何ICLK締約方)的行動或沒有采取行動是造成 或導致關閉未能在外部日期或之前發生,而該行爲或沒有采取行動構成違約 本協議的執行; 24
2.6 提供 24
2.7 進一步 24
,如果在外部日期,下列所有條件 25
3.1 分段 8.1 25
3.2 25
3.3 已被滿足或被放棄(根據其性質將在結束時滿足的條件除外, 只要這些條件中的每一個都能夠在結束時得到滿足),但 26
3.4 外部日期前十五(15)個工作日; 26
3.5 提供 26
3.6 進一步 27
3.7 ,它是被理解的 DWM不得根據本協議終止本協議 27
3.8 第29.1(D)條 28
3.9 如果它實質上違反了這一點 協議,並且此類違約行爲尚未得到糾正; 28
(E)            by ICLK在DWM方面違反本協議中規定的任何約定或協議時,或如果任何陳述或保證 在任何一種情況下,都不符合 28
4.1 第8.1條 28
4.2 29
4.3 不會是 自違約之時或自該陳述或保證變爲不真實之時起已獲信納; 30
4.4 提供 31
4.5 31
4.6 如果此類違規行爲在外部日期之前可由DWM糾正,則ICLK必須首先向 且僅可根據本協議終止本協議 32
4.7 第29.1(E)條 33
4.8 ,如果此類違約在以下日期之前仍未得到糾正:(I) (30)ICLK向DWM遞送關於此類違規的書面通知後的30天,以及(Ii) 34
4.9 前十五(15)個工作日 外出日期; 34
4.10 提供 34





4.11 進一步 35
4.12 ,不言而喻,ICLK不得根據本協議終止本協議 36
4.13 第29.1(E)條 38
4.14 *如果它實質上違反了本協議,並且這種違反行爲尚未得到糾正;以及 39
4.15 (F)            by 任何主要方,如果在特別會議(包括其任何休會)上沒有獲得ICLK股東的批准; 40
4.16 但前提是 41
4.17 ,ICLK不得根據本協議終止本協議 對此 42
4.18 第29.1(F)條 43
4.19 *如果這種未能獲得 45
4.20 ICLK 46
4.21 股東 批准是ICLK一方的任何股東違反任何ICLK投票協議或任何ICLK違反協議的結果 本協議項下的一方 46
4.22 告示 終止;終止的效果 46
4.23 (A)            any 根據本協議終止本協議 47
4.24 第9.1節 48
4.25 上述條款將於下列日期送達書面通知後立即生效 終止方向其他各方發出通知。 49
(B)            in 中規定的本協議終止事件 50
5.1 第9.1節 50
5.2 ,本協議不再具有任何效力或 除下列情況外,本協議項下擬進行的交易均應予以放棄:(I) 50
5.3 第7.5(A)條 51
5.4 *(保密; 通信計劃;信息訪問),此 53
5.5 第9.2節 53
5.6 (終止通知;終止的效力), 54
5.7 第9.3節 55
5.8 第9.3(C)節 57
5.9 ,在任何情況下,不得(I)向任何ICLK集團公司、(Ii) 任何股權、普通合夥或有限責任合夥或責任公司權益的前任、現任及未來直接或間接持有人,控制 個人,管理公司,投資組合公司,發起人,代表,附屬公司,成員,經理,普通或有限 任何ICLK集團公司的合夥人、股東、繼任者或受讓人,或(C)任何前任、現任或未來的直接或間接 任何股權、普通或有限責任合夥或有限責任公司權益的持有人、控制人、管理公司、 投資組合公司,公司註冊人,董事,高級職員,僱員,代理人,顧問,律師,代表,附屬公司,成員, 上述任何一項的經理、普通合夥人或有限責任合夥人、股東、繼承人或受讓人(條款‎(I)至‎(Iii)、 總而言之,“ 57
5.10 ICLK集團 57
5.11 “),尋求或允許代表ICLK集團的任何成員尋求任何金錢 DWM集團任何成員因本協議(或因本協議而交付的任何證書或其他文件)造成的損害 在此)或任何交易,但(A)不在‎規定的範圍內(無複製) 59
5.12 第9.3(B)節 60
5.13 和 ‎ 62
5.14 第9.3(C)節 63
5.15 。這一條款是專門爲……討價還價的,而且是爲了…… 可由DWM組的每個成員強制執行。 63
5.16 (E)            科目 到‎ 65





5.17 第11.6節 66
5.18 ,DWM有權終止本協議並根據‎獲得ICLK終止費 68
5.19 第9.3(A)節 68
5.20 和 項下的還款及利息 68
5.21 第9.3(C)節 69
5.22 這是唯一和排他性的補救辦法(無論是在法律上、在衡平法上、在 DWM集團任何成員對ICLK集團任何成員因下列原因而遭受的任何損失或損害 違反本協議項下的任何陳述、保證、契諾或協議或任何證書或其他文件的結果 與本協議相關的交付,或未能履行本協議規定的義務,或其他未能完成合並的情況。無論是ICLK還是ANY ICLK集團的成員應對任何種類或性質的金錢損害或在任何情況下發生的與 除ICLK根據‎支付ICLK終止費外,與本協議或任何交易 70
5.23 第9.3(A)節 70
5.24 和 項下的報銷及利息 71
5.25 第9.3(C)節 71
,在任何情況下,DWM或DWM集團的任何其他成員都不得尋求、 或允許代表DWM集團的任何成員向ICLK集團的任何成員尋求與以下方面有關的任何金錢損害 與本協議(或與本協議相關交付的任何證書或其他文件)或任何交易,但(不包括 複製)從ICLK複製到‎提供的範圍 72
6.1 第9.3(A)節 72
6.2 和‎ 75
6.3 第9.3(C)節 78
。這項規定 是專門爲ICLK集團的每個成員討價還價的,而且是爲了每個成員的利益,並且應該可以由每個成員執行。 79
7.1 (F)             Each 雙方承認:(I)遵守本‎中包含的協議 79
7.2 第9.3節 81
7.3 是交易不可分割的一部分, (Ii)在ICLK終止費或DWM終止的情況下終止本協議所造成的損害 應支付的費用是不確定的,無法準確計算,因此,根據‎應支付的金額 82
7.4 第9.3(A)節 83
7.5 或 ‎ 83
7.6 第9.3(B)節 85
7.7 這不是一種處罰,而是構成類似於合理金額的違約金。 這將補償DWM或ICLK(視具體情況而定)在談判過程中付出的努力和花費的資源以及失去的機會 本協議,並依賴於本協議和對交易完成的預期,以及(Iii)沒有 本‎中包含的協議 85
7.8 第9.3節 85
7.9 ,本協議雙方就不會簽訂本協議。 86
7.10 第X條 87
7.11 沒有生存 89
7.12 不是 生死存亡 89
7.13 。本協議或根據本協議交付的任何文書中的陳述、保證、契諾或協議 本協議的所有權利、要求和訴訟因由(無論是合同、侵權或其他, 無論是在法律上還是在衡平法上),應在交易結束時終止。儘管如上所述,這也不是 90
7.14 第10.1節 90
也不得與本協議中的任何其他內容相反(包括 91
8.1 第11.14節 91
8.2 )應限制:(A)任何人的生存 當事人的契諾或協議,根據其條款,必須在結束後全部或部分履行或遵守, 哪些契諾和協議按照其各自的條款在關閉後仍然有效;或(B)任何 與欺詐有關的人。 92
8.3 北京市朝陽區100020 92





人民Republic of China 93
9.1 注意:蕭丹妮絲 93
9.2 電子郵件:dshiu@cgsh.com 94
9.3 如果 到DWm到 95
DWm Holding Limited 97
10.1 沃利奇街1號 97
國高大廈 98
11.1 新加坡078881 98
11.2 注意:韋恩·霍 99
11.3 電子郵件:wayne. ambergroup.io 100
11.4 與 一份給 100
11.5 (這不會構成通知): 101
11.6 Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 101
11.7 工商銀行大廈35樓 101
11.8 花園道3 102
11.9 香港中環 103
11.10 收件人:高毅 103
11.11 電子郵件:YGao@stblaw.com 103
11.12 103
11.13 Simpson Thacher&Bartlett 有限責任公司 104
11.14 3919年中國世界中心 104
11.15 建國門外大街1號 104






注意:王洋 電子郵件:
郵箱:yang.wang@stblaw.com 或寄往上述其他地址,或引起上述其他人注意 或接受方事先書面通知發送方所指定的人員(或如爲律師,則爲 該律師此後可維持的容易確定的業務地址)
第11.1節 。如果 使用上述多種方式發送通知的,以上述確定的最早通知日期爲準。
釋義 。 “本”、“本”、“下文”、“本”和“本”以及 類似含義的詞語指的是本協定的整體,而不是本協定的任何一節或小節。 對本協議某一特定條款的提及將包括其所有條款,除非在每種情況下,上下文 另有要求。本協議中術語的定義應同樣適用於所定義術語的單數和複數形式。什麼時候都行 根據上下文要求,任何代詞都應包括相應的陽性、陰性和中性形式。當進行引用時 在本協議中,除非另有說明,否則指的是本協議的附件。當引用 在本協議中提及第6款或第3款時,此類提及應指本協議的第7款或第3款。 除另有說明外,此處使用的“包括”、“包括”和“包括”等詞語應 在每一種情況下,均應被視爲後跟“不受限制”字樣。“可用”一詞的意思是 當事人的文件或其他材料是(A)通過電子郵件或硬拷貝送交當事人或其法律顧問的 表格或(B)包含在由Sharepoint託管的“Project OverLord LDD(Shared)”在線數據站點中並在其上提供(在 ICLK各方的案例)和Google Drive託管的在線數據站點(在DWM的案例中)和(2024-10-22)Ik LDD Request,地址爲 在本協議簽訂之日之前至少一(1)個工作日;
但前提是 文件和其他材料包括 應以CD的形式存檔並在該在線數據站點上提供,並在下列情況下迅速交付給主要締約方 本協議的執行。本協議中包含的章節標題僅供參考,不影響 以任何方式理解本協議的含義或解釋。當這裏提到實體的業務時, 這種提法應被視爲包括該實體的所有直接和間接子公司的業務。對附屬公司的引用 一個實體的所有直接和間接子公司應視爲包括該實體的所有直接和間接子公司。“or”一詞應該是斷言的。 但不是排他性的。計算在此之前、之內或之後採取任何行動或步驟的時間段 根據本協定,作爲計算該期限的參考日期的日期應不包括在內,如果該日期是該期限的最後一天 期間爲非營業日,則有關期間將於下一個營業日結束。對某一特定法規的提及 或法規,包括所有規則及其下的法規,以及每個法規、規則或法規的任何前身或後繼者 不時修訂或以其他方式修改的案件。除非本協議另有規定,否則所有提及的貨幣金額 本協議中的美元應指美元;如果美元和人民幣之間的轉換對於本協議而言是必要的, 除非本合同另有特別規定,否則此類兌換應按下列日期的參考匯率進行 轉換。凡提及“正常業務過程”(或類似的參考)時,應指正常業務過程 符合過去的慣例(包括適用的數額和條款),但考慮到情況,包括 與新冠肺炎相關的法律要求和健康安全考慮施加的限制。
對口單位; 電子交付 。本協議、其他交易協議以及與交易有關的每份其他文件 可在一份或多份副本中籤署,所有副本應被視爲同一份文件,並在下列情況下生效 一份或多份副本已由各方簽署並交付給其他各方,但有一項諒解,即所有各方 不需要簽署相同的副本。以電子方式將籤立的對手人交付給其他當事人的律師 一方應被視爲符合上一句的要求。便攜文件中籤名的傳真和電子郵件副本 就本協議的效力而言,格式(PDF)應被視爲原件。
整個 協議;第三方受益人

。本協議、其他交易協議和任何其他文件和文書以及 本協議所設想或提及的各方之間的協議,包括本協議的附件和附表:(A)構成 當事人之間關於本合同標的的整個協議,並取代所有先前的協議和諒解, 雙方當事人之間就本合同標的的書面和口頭;和(B)除(I)在本合同標的之時及之後 有效時間,







和第I部分。第9.3(D)條、(三)這一點 第11.4節及(Iv)。第11.14節(這將是爲了其中所列的人的利益和 在此),不打算授予當事人以外的任何其他人任何權利或補救。除非另有明示 本協議中的任何內容均不會在任何個人或實體中產生或被視爲產生任何第三方受益人權利 不是本協議的一方。合約(第三者權利)條例(香港法例第623章)不適用於 本協議或其他交易協議。本協議中的任何內容均不得被視爲雙方之間的夥伴關係 派對。分割性。 如果本協議的任何條款、條款、契諾或限制或其適用被認定爲非法, 根據目前或未來的任何法律要求,以下規定無效或不可執行:(A)此類規定將完全可分割;(B) 協議將被解釋和執行,如同該非法、無效或不可執行的規定從未構成本協議的一部分; 本協議的其餘條款將保持完全效力和效力,不受非法、無效或不可執行的 (D)爲代替該等非法、無效或不能執行的條文,將加入 作爲本協議的一部分,法律、有效和可執行的條款自動作爲此類非法、無效或不可執行的條款的一部分 儘可能最能反映雙方締結本協定意圖的條款。其他 補救措施;具體履行。除本協議另有規定外,在本協議結束前,本協議中的任何和所有補救措施均明示 授予一方當事人將被視爲累積,並不排除本協議授予的任何其他補救,或通過法律或衡平法授予 一締約方行使任何一種補救措施,並不排除行使任何其他補救措施。雙方同意 如果本協議的任何條款未按照其規定履行,將發生不可挽回的損失 具體條款或以其他方式被違反。據此,各方均有權具體執行本條款 以及本協議的條款在任何有管轄權和立即獲得禁令救濟以防止違反本協議的法院, 無需證明作爲補救措施的金錢損害賠償不足,也無需擔保或其他擔保, 是他們在法律或衡平法上有權獲得的任何其他補救措施之外的。雙方在此確認並同意 可能難以合理確定地證明損害賠償,可能難以獲得適當的替代履行, 並且禁令救濟和/或具體履行不會給當事人造成不必要的困難。雙方在此進一步 承認本協議所考慮的任何其他補救措施的存在不會減少具體履行的可能性 本協議項下的義務或任何其他禁令救濟。每一方在此進一步同意,如果任何一方採取任何行動 對於另一方的具體履行或禁令救濟,它不會斷言法律補救或其他補救措施是足夠的。 或不應因下列理由而就該等違反或違規行爲提供特定履行或禁制令救濟 金錢損害賠償是充分的或任何其他理由。”.


治理 法律


。本協議和本協議項下預期的交易的完成,以及任何訴訟、訴訟、爭議、爭議 或因本協議和本協議項下預期交易的完成而產生的索賠,或本協議的有效性、解釋、 違反或終止本協議以及完成本協議項下的交易應受 由香港法律解釋並按照香港法律解釋,而不考慮根據適用原則可能適用的法律 除下列因本協議引起或與本協議有關的事項應作獨家解釋外,不得對本協議的法律衝突作出解釋。 由開曼群島法律解釋和管轄,本協議雙方就開曼群島法律不可撤銷地 接受開曼群島法院的專屬管轄權:(A)合併,以及合併是否已經生效; (B)合併的法律效力,包括但不限於合併的業務、財產和法律責任的歸屬 在尚存子公司中的子公司;(C)註銷DWM股份的有效性以及任何一方有義務這樣做; (D)ICLK董事會和合並附屬公司的唯一董事的受託或其他職責,以及在多大程度上 違反上述規定;(E)ICLK、DWM和Merge Sub各自股東的一般權利、義務和權力,包括 《開曼公司法》第238節規定的關於任何異議股份的權利;及(F)內部 ICLK、DWM和Merge Sub的公司事務及其權利、職責和權力,包括是否有任何違約 都是一樣的。同意書 司法管轄權;放棄陪審團審判(A)            科目 受開曼群島法律管轄並受開曼群島法院管轄的例外情況 中所述的島嶼”);


第11.7節,任何因本協議引起的或以任何方式與本協議有關的法律程序應 提交香港國際仲裁中心(“


香港國際機場中心“),並按照香港國際仲裁中心的規定予以解決 《管理仲裁規則》在有關時間生效,並可能由本第11.8節。《DWM公開信》和《ICLK公開信》應分成不同的部分,分別對應 對於本協議中包含的編號和字母的章節和小節,以及在任何編號中披露的信息 或字母部分應被視爲僅與相應的 編號或字母的本協議第2節或第3款,除非:(A)此類信息是相互參照的 在DWM披露函件或ICLK披露函件(視何者適用而定)的另一部分中;或(B)在 公開的表面(不參考其中所指的任何文件或讀者方面的任何獨立知識 關於所披露的事項),這些信息符合(I)對DWM的另一種陳述和保證,或(Ii)對 本協議中適用的ICLK締約方。DWM公開信和ICLK公開信中規定的某些信息 僅爲提供信息的目的而列入,不等於承認對 信息,可能不需要根據本協議進行披露。表示法中任何美元金額的詳細說明 和本協議中包含的保證,或在DWM披露函或ICLK披露中包含任何特定項目 信函並不意味着這些金額(或更高或更低的金額)是或不是實質性的,任何一方都不應利用這一事實 該等金額的設定或將任何此類項目包括在DWM披露函件或ICLK披露函件中的事實 當事人之間關於本合同中未描述或包括的任何義務、項目或事項的任何爭議或爭議 就本協議而言,DWM公開信或ICLK公開信是重要的或不重要的。簽名頁如下在……裏面 見證其中的,雙方已促使本協議自上文第一次寫明的日期起生效。ICLK 愛點擊作者:/發稿S/永宏謝霆鋒”);




[協議的簽名頁 及合併計劃]在……裏面 見證其中的,雙方已促使本協議自上文第一次寫明的日期起生效。合併附屬公司




/發稿S/永宏謝霆鋒姓名:永洪謝霆鋒愛點擊的授權簽署人和代表標題:獨家董事[協議簽名頁 和合並計劃]”);





在 資證明,雙方已促使本協議於上文第一條所寫的日期生效。


DWM 安珀德維控股有限公司






[協議簽名頁 和合並計劃]附件A鎖定協議形式附件B


合併計劃形式附件CICLk A & R MAA的形式附件DDWm第三次A & R MAA的形式附表1









1.1            DWM負債附件B






(“平面圖 合併的可能性“)是在[在兩者之間霸王合併子公司。,獲豁免的 根據開曼群島法律成立的有限責任公司,其 註冊辦事處位於國際公司服務有限公司郵政信箱辦事處 大開曼群島喬治鎮南教堂街103號海港廣場2樓472號,郵編:KY1-1106, 開曼群島(“開曼群島”


合併公司Amber DWM Holding Limited,獲豁免的 根據開曼群島法律成立的有限責任公司,其 註冊辦事處位於楓葉企業服務有限公司,郵政信箱309號, 開曼群島大開曼群島KY1-1104,Uland House(The“The”).


倖存的公司“, 與合併公司一起,“




愛點擊, 根據開曼群島法律註冊成立的獲豁免有限責任公司 島嶼,其註冊辦事處位於楓葉企業服務公司的辦公室 限於開曼群島KY1-1104大開曼Uland House郵政信箱309號(“


ICLK鑑於制憲公司和ICLK已經進入 成爲日期爲[.


] 2024年(“合併協議“),據此,除其他事項外, 合併公司將與存續公司合併,並與存續公司合併 作爲倖存的公司(The“.


合併“)按照條款 以及合併協議中規定的條件。各組成公司的董事會 已批准合併以及合併協議的條款和條件。立馬 合併生效時,合併的承諾人、財產和責任 公司將自動歸屬於尚存公司,合併公司將停止 生存的公司將作爲生存的公司繼續存在。一份 合併協議作爲附件A附在本合併計劃之後。.





本合併計劃是根據 第十六部分,特別是《公司法(修訂本)》第233條(《公司 行動


本合併計劃中使用的術語,而不是其他術語 定義應具有合併協議中賦予它們的含義。ICLK希望加入這一合併計劃 只爲第9(G)條的施行。


W I t N E S E S E t H成份制公司


組成公司(如公司定義) 合併的公司是合併公司和存續公司。尚存公司的名稱


倖存的公司將是倖存的公司 (根據《公司法》的定義)。合併後,倖存的公司將 繼續命名爲Amber DWM Holding Limited。註冊辦事處.


合併公司的註冊辦事處爲 地址:香港郵政信箱472號2樓國際公司辦公室 海港廣場,開曼群島喬治鎮南教堂街103號,開曼群島KY1-1106。尚存公司的註冊辦事處 現正並將繼續在楓葉企業服務有限公司的辦事處,郵政信箱309號, 開曼群島大開曼群島KY1-1104,Uland House。組成公司的股份.


緊接在生效時間之前(AS 定義如下),下列公司的法定股本:合併公司被分成50,000美元 5,000,000股,每股面值0.01美元,其中1股已足額髮行 已支付;以及倖存的公司被5萬美元分成了 分爲(1)1,999,990,000股普通股,每股面值0.000025美元;(2)10,000股 A系列優先股,每股面值0.000025美元,其中[202,100]普通股 股票和[8,400]系列A優先股已作爲全額繳款發行。.


緊隨合併後,在有效 時間(定義如下):合併公司發行的每股股份 而在緊接生效時間之前未清償的,應有效地轉換爲 尚存公司的已發行、繳足股款及不應評稅普通股, 構成以下尚存公司的唯一已發行及已發行股本 有效時間;及尚存人的法定股本 公司將以50,000美元分爲2,000,000,000股普通股,面值爲0.000025美元 每個人。


有效時間合併自下列日期起生效 本合併計劃由開曼群島註冊處處長按照第233(13)條註冊。 或組成公司董事可能較晚的日期 同意並根據本合併計劃和《公司法》(《公司法》)具體規定


有效 時間條款及細則 合併後的公司合併的條款和條件已經確定 在合併協議中被取消。在生效時間,並根據條款和 合併協議和本合併計劃的條件、現有的組成股份 公司將得到如下對待:所有已發行及已發行的股份 由ICLK、倖存公司、合併公司或任何 DWM集團公司在緊接生效時間之前(“排除的DWM共享.


並代iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited




謹代表Amber DWm Holding Limited




iClick互動亞洲集團有限公司 主任







三 修訂及重列備忘錄 和文章的 協會.


的 存續公司附件C第十次修訂和重述的組織章程大綱和章程 ICLK.


預定表格第十次修訂和恢復章程通過 通過[ ]並生效[ ]的特別決議).









































賠款公司大綱、章程和名稱的修改 公司信息合併與整合


控制權變動事件財政年度美元,法定貨幣 屬於美利堅合衆國的。.


“總部”本公司的上述辦事處 董事可不時決定爲本公司的主要辦事處。“會員”.


正式登記的持有者 不時持有本公司股本中的股份。“月”


一個日曆月。“通知”書面通知,除非另有規定 在這些條款中明確規定和進一步定義的。.





“辦公室”的註冊辦事處 該公司目前還在。“普通” 決議“指的是決議:(A)以所投選票的簡單多數通過 由有權在公司股東大會上親自投票的成員,或在允許委託代表的情況下,由其代表在公司股東大會上投票 而在以投票方式計算多數票時,須顧及每名成員有權獲得的票數;或 (B)由所有有權在公司股東大會上表決的成員以一份或多份文書以書面批准 均由一名或多名成員簽署,如此通過的決議的生效日期應爲該文書的生效日期, 或籤立該等文書中的最後一份(如多於一份);“普通股”指A級 普通股與B類普通股“已付清”付清或記入貸方 全額付清了。“登記冊”


主登記冊 及(如適用)須在開曼群島以內或以外的地點備存的任何本公司成員登記分冊 由董事局不時厘定。“註冊處”就任何類別而言 董事會可不時決定就該股本備存成員登記支冊的地點 股本類別,以及(除非董事會另有指示)以下轉讓或其他所有權文件 該類別股本須交存登記,並須予登記。.


“美國證券交易委員會”美國證券 和交易委員會。“證券交易所” 行動“.


美國證券 經修訂的1934年《交易法》及其頒佈的規則和條例。“印章”普通印章或任何印章 在開曼群島或開曼群島以外的任何地方使用的本公司印章複本(包括證券印章) 島嶼。.


“秘書”任何人士、商號或法團 由董事會委任,以履行公司秘書的任何職責,包括任何助理、副手、臨時或 代理秘書。


“特別決議”意味着一項特別決議 根據該法案通過的決議,即:(A)以過半數通過 有權親自投票的成員不少於三分之二的票數,或在允許委託代表的情況下, 由受委代表在本公司股東大會上發出通知,指明擬提出該決議作爲特別決議 已妥爲給予,而在計算以投票方式進行的多數票時,須顧及各人所得的票數 會員有權;或(B)以書面批准 有權在公司股東大會上以一份或多份由一份或多份簽署的文書投票的所有成員 如此通過的特別決議的生效日期應爲該文書或最後一份文書的生效日期 如該等文書多於一份,則須籤立該等文書;


“法規”《法案》和其他所有法案 適用於本公司或影響本公司的現行開曼群島立法機關法律,其備忘錄 協會和/或這些文章。.


“年”歷年。在這些文章中, 除非在主題或上下文中有與這種解釋不一致的東西:.


單詞導入 單數包括複數,反之亦然;在此之前 B類普通股轉換爲A類普通股的時間:時時刻刻 可供發行,不受任何留置權、抵押、期權、抵押、質押、債權、股權、產權負擔和其他第三方的影響 任何性質的權利,且不受其認可但未發行股本中的任何優先購買權的限制, 授權但未發行的A類普通股,使所有B類普通股能夠轉換,.


重新指定 或重新分類爲A類普通股以及轉換、認購或交換爲A類普通股的任何其他權利 應足額償付普通股;保持這樣的狀態 記入其股份溢價及股本賬貸方的款項,以允許B類普通股轉換 根據該法案第37節以回購的方式將A類普通股轉換爲A類普通股;以及不會製造任何東西 發行、授予或分發或採取任何其他行動,如果這會對轉換產生影響的,.


重新指定或重新分類 在B類普通股到A類普通股中,它將被要求以 低於票面價值的價格。調整 轉換率的主題爲 本辦法規定的折算率,應當按照下列有關規定不定期調整。.


如果和任何時候 A類普通股因任何合併或拆分而變得不同的面值,即轉換 緊接在此之前生效的稅率應通過將其乘以修訂後的名義金額併除以結果的方式進行調整 在任何此類調整後的兩(2)個工作日內,公司將發送給以下持有人 B類普通股由公司董事簽署的證書,列出事件的簡要細節 調整前有效的換算率,生效日期調整後的換算率 每次調整應自美利堅合衆國當天營業結束時起生效。 在合併或分立生效之日之前。至於 投票權時時刻刻 自本章程生效之日起,每股A類普通股享有一(1)票投票權 就所有須在公司股東大會上表決的事宜,只有在以投票方式進行表決時方可表決,而每一類別均爲普通 股份僅在投票時才有權在公司股東大會上就所有須投票的事項投三十(30)票 在一項民意調查中。.





除非另有規定 開曼群島適用法律要求,A類普通股持有人 和B類普通股應始終作爲一個類別對所有決議進行投票 提交各成員投票表決。關於轉賬問題 B類普通股


任何售賣、轉讓、轉讓或處置實益 任何B類普通股的持有人或實益擁有人對該B類普通股的擁有權 並非(I)爲B類普通股的登記持有人或實益擁有人,或(Ii)爲登記人士的聯屬公司 轉讓、轉讓或處置上述第B類普通股的持有人或實益擁有人 轉讓、轉讓或處置完成後,股份應自動轉換爲一股A類普通股, 受第9(B)條規定的換算率調整的限制。爲免生疑問,(I)轉讓應爲有效 在該轉讓登記於登記冊時;。(Ii)轉讓或產權處置在完成以下事項時生效。 適用於相關會員或實益所有人的合同安排;及(Iii)設立任何質押、押記、 任何B類普通股上的產權負擔或其他任何形式的第三方權利,以確保成員的合同 或法律義務不得被視爲轉讓、轉讓或處置,除非及直至任何此類質押、押記或產權負擔 或其他第三方權利被強制執行,並且這種強制執行導致第三方成爲有關 B類普通股,在這種情況下,所有該等B類普通股應自動轉換爲相同的號碼 A類普通股,但須按細則第9(B)條所載的換算率調整。至於發行方面 B類普通股董事會不得發行B類普通股及 授予持有人認購權的期權、認股權證或可轉換證券或類似性質的證券 在股東大會上沒有特別決議批准的情況下,購買或接受B類普通股 這樣的發行。.


權利的更改在符合該法案的情況下,且不存在偏見 根據第8條,當其時附屬於股份或任何類別股份的所有或任何特別權利可,除非 不時(不論公司是否清盤)該類別股份的發行條款另有規定 上)經持有人另一次股東大會通過的特別決議批准,予以更改、修改或廢止 在每一次這樣的單獨股東大會上,本章程細則中與股東大會有關的所有規定 公司會議應在必要的情況下適用,但:必要的法定人數(無論是在單獨的股東大會上還是 在其續會上)應爲兩名成員(或如果成員是公司,則爲其正式授權的代表);.


該類別股份的每位持有人均有權投票表決 他持有的該類別的每一份股份都有一票;以及 就它而言 於有關期間完結時知悉,本公司在有關期間內任何時間均未收到任何有關 持有該等股份的成員或因死亡、破產或經營而有權享有該等股份的人的存在 關於法律的;以及本公司, 如《指定證券交易所股份上市規則》有此要求,已發出通知,並促使 須按照指定證券交易所的規定在報章刊登廣告,表明其有意 按指定證券交易所要求的方式出售該等股份,期限爲三個月或以下較短的期間 可由指定證券交易所准許,但自刊登該廣告之日起已屆滿。就前述而言,“有關期間”是指 自本款(C)項所指廣告刊登之日起十二(12)年內開始 第二條至該款所指期間屆滿之日止。使…生效 董事會可授權某些人轉讓上述股份及文書 由該人或其代表簽署或以其他方式籤立的轉讓書, 猶如是由登記持有人或有權轉傳的人籤立的一樣 該等股份,而購買者並無義務監督該項購買的申請 金錢,他對股份的所有權也不會受到任何不正常或無效的 與出售有關的法律程序。出售的淨收益將屬於 並在公司收到該等淨收益後,即成爲債項 與該淨收益相同的數額的前成員。不得建立任何信託 就該等債項而無須就該債項及公司支付利息 不應被要求對從淨收益中賺取的任何款項進行覈算, 受僱於本公司的業務或按其認爲合適的方式受僱。根據本條進行的任何出售應 即使持有出售股份的成員已死亡、破產,仍屬有效 或在任何法律上無行爲能力或無行爲能力。股東大會


公司可能(但不應) 有義務)在每個日曆年舉行股東大會爲其週年大會,並須指明該會議爲週年大會。 在召喚它的通知中。股東周年大會須於董事會決定的時間及地點舉行。每次大會,但不包括 年度股東大會稱爲特別股東大會。股東大會可以在該時間舉行。 以及在世界上由管理局決定的任何地點。.


董事會或主席的過半數 董事會成員可召開特別股東大會,特別股東大會應在下列時間和地點舉行 (現准許)由一人或多於一人決定。這個 董事應股東要求,立即召開本公司特別股東大會。A成員的 請購單是指一個或多個成員在請購單交存之日持有的不少於[10%]的請購單。 (10%)]在該日有權投票的已發行股份,按每股一票計算的投票權 本公司的股東大會。成員申請書必須說明要添加到議程中的目標和決議 必須由申購人(S)簽署,並存放在公司的主要辦事處,如果是這樣的話 公司不再有這樣一個主要辦公室,即辦公室,並可能由幾份類似形式的文件組成,每份文件都由 一名或多名請求人(S)。任何此類會議應在交存申請書後兩(2)個月內舉行。如果 在交存後十(10)天內,董事會未能自行召開申購人(S)本人的會議 可以以同樣的方式這樣做,而申購人(S)因未能履行 董事會由公司報銷給申購人(S)。股東大會的通知.


年度股東大會及任何 特別股東大會可在不少於十(10)整天前通知召開,但股東大會可 在符合該法案的情況下,以較短的時間發出通知,如果同意的話:在這種情況下 由所有有權出席並在會上表決的成員舉行稱爲週年大會的會議;及


在這種情況下 在任何其他會議上,有權出席會議並在會上表決的成員的過半數,即過半數 合共持有給予該項權利的已發行股份面值不少於50%。通知 應當指明會議的時間和地點,如有特殊事務,應指明該事務的一般性質。 召開年度股東大會應規定召開年會。每一次股東大會的通知應通知全體 除根據本章程細則或其所持股份的發行條款所規定的成員外, 由於死亡或破產而有權享有股份的所有人無權從公司收到該等通知 或清盤一名成員及每名董事及核數師。意外地遺漏了給予 會議通知或(如委託書連同通知一併送交)將委託書送交或 任何有權接收該通知的人如未收到該通知或該委託文書,並不使任何 通過的決議或該次會議的議事程序。


股東大會的議事程序所有業務均應視爲特殊業務 這是在特別股東大會上處理的,也是在年度股東大會上處理的所有事務, 除批准派發股息、審議賬目、資產負債表、董事或 公司核數師、董事的任免及公司核數師薪酬的厘定。 在任何股東大會上不得處理任何事務,除非 在公司的任何股東大會上,有兩(2)名成員有資格 親自或由受委代表或(如成員爲法團)由其獲正式授權的代表投票及出席 就所有目的而言,整個會議應構成法定人數。.


如果董事希望使電子設施可用於 本公司的一次或多次股東大會,參加本公司的任何股東大會的方式如下 電話、電子或類似通信設備的手段,所有參加這種會議的人都可以通過這種手段 相互交流,這種參與應被視爲親自出席會議。即使董事會出現任何空缺,繼續留任的董事或唯一繼續留任的董事仍可行事,但倘若及只要董事人數減至低於根據或依照本細則厘定的最少人數,即使董事人數少於根據或依照本細則厘定的法定人數或只有一名董事繼續留任,繼續留任的董事或唯一繼續留任的董事仍可就填補董事會空缺或召開本公司股東大會的目的行事,但不得就任何其他目的行事。













機密ICLK 投票協議


本投票協議(可能會被修改、補充、 本“根據本文的條款不時修改和變化協議


”)於11月29日發佈, 2024年由iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited(一家開曼群島獲豁免公司)共同舉辦ICLK”),Amber DWm Holding Limited,一家開曼群島豁免公司(“.




” 每個人都有一個“ICLk股東


鑑於,與執行同時 並交付本協議,ICLk,Overlord Merger Sub Ltd.,一家開曼群島豁免公司和一家直接全資子公司 ICLk(“


併購特殊目的子公司“)和DWm正在簽訂一份協議和合並計劃(可以修改、補充, 根據其中的條款不時修改和變化,“合併協議.


”),據此, 交易結束時,合併子公司應與DWm合併,DWm作爲ICLk的直接全資子公司(““合併


“); 和現在,因此


,考慮到 以及其他良好和有價值的代價,在此確認其已收到、充分和充分,雙方 茲同意如下:第一節.           定義.





。 如本文中所使用的術語“有表決權的股份


應指ICLK實益擁有的所有證券(按該術語的定義 根據《交易法》規則13d-3,不包括任何與未行使的期權或認股權證相關的股份,但包括獲得的任何股份 在行使該等期權或認股權證時)(“實益擁有




“)由任何 ICLK股東,包括在本協議日期後以該身份收購和持有的ICLK的任何和所有證券(“其他內容 證券


“)。本文中使用和未定義的大寫術語應具有合併中賦予它們的各自含義 協議。第二節.           申述 和投票方的保證.


。ICLK的每個股東代表自己在此聲明並向其他各方保證 在此,就該ICLK股東和該ICLK股東對其 有表決權的股份於附件A詳情如下:.


信賴。 該ICLK股東有機會與該ICLK股東的律師一起審查交易協議和本協議 自己的選擇。這些ICLK股東理解並承認DWM正在簽訂交易協議,而DWM是該協議的一部分 一方依賴該ICLK股東簽署、交付和履行本協議。第三節.           .


協議 投票表決股份;進一步保證(A)各             ICLK股東同意在本協議有效期內,在任何年度或特別股東大會上 ICLK和ICLK的任何其他股東大會,包括其任何休會、休會或延期, 與ICLK股東的任何書面同意有關,以及在投票、同意或其他批准的任何其他情況下 在ICLK的全部或部分股東中,它將並將導致任何登記在冊的投票權股份持有人 在每種情況下,在該等有表決權股份有權表決或同意的範圍內,實益擁有:出席每一次此類會議或以其他方式使其所有有表決權的股份被視爲出席會議 按照適用於該會議的程序,以確保該ICLK股東在計算時被適當計算 爲了記錄任何適用的投票或同意的結果,並回應ICLK的每一項書面同意請求, 如有的話;及


投票,投票他、她或它實益擁有、交付或導致投票的股份 提交一份涵蓋所有該等有表決權股份的書面同意(I),支持ICLK股東事宜(如合併所界定 協議),以及在沒有足夠票數的情況下將ICLK股東大會推遲或推遲的任何提議 批准交易(包括合併)及(Ii)反對(A)任何人(DWM或 (B)與ICLK業務合併(定義見合併協議)有關的任何行動、建議、交易 或可合理預期會導致違反任何契諾、陳述或保證或任何其他義務的協議 或ICLK根據合併協議訂立的協議;及(C)除本協議及其他交易協議另有規定外, 任何可以合理預期會阻礙、干擾、拖延、勸阻、不利的行動、建議、交易或協議 影響或抑制交易(包括合併)的及時完成或ICLK條件的履行 合併協議或以任何方式改變ICLK任何類別股份的投票權(包括對其管轄的任何修正案 文件),包括但不限於根據合併協議需要得到DWM同意的任何行動,除非 由DWM書面批准。本第3款規定的ICLK各股東的義務應適用於董事會 ICLK董事應已對建議(如合併協議中的定義)進行更改。(B)            期間 自本協定之日起至本協定根據其條款終止爲止的期間,每個ICLK 股東進一步不可撤銷且無條件地同意,其不應、不應致使其關聯方不得並應當促使代表 其及其關聯公司的代表(以該ICLK股東或其關聯公司的名義爲限)(主題 如果代表是董事或其任何子公司,則僅以該代表的身份 作爲董事,他或她的受信義務)不直接或間接單獨或與任何授權代表一起或通過任何授權代表, (I)提出競爭性建議或徵求、鼓勵、推薦、促進或加入、邀請或知情地採取任何其他行動 意圖誘使任何其他人蔘與作出競爭性建議,(Ii)提供任何資料以 任何第三方,以期讓該第三方或任何其他正在尋求或考慮尋求競爭性提案的人,(Iii)財務 或提出爲任何競爭方案提供資金,包括通過提供任何股權或債務融資,或提供任何有投票權的股份的實益貢獻 由其擁有或提供投票協議以支持任何相競爭的提案,(4)訂立任何書面或口頭協議, 安排或理解(無論是否具有法律約束力)關於或做任何與本條款直接不一致的事情 在本協議或本協議擬進行的交易中,(V)將採取任何可合理預期的行動。 阻止、禁止或拖延ICLK股東履行本協議項下的義務,或(Vi)徵集、 鼓勵或促成,或誘導或達成任何談判、討論、協議、安排或諒解(不論是否 以書面形式(不論是否具有法律約束力)與任何人(除DWM及其附屬公司以外)就競爭提案或 中描述的任何事項第3(A)條.


還是這一次。第3(B)條(C)各             ICLK股東應並應促使其關聯公司及其及其關聯公司的代表(在該等代表的範圍內 代表ICLK股東或其關聯公司行事)(如果代表是董事的代表 ICLK或其任何子公司,並僅以董事代表的身份,立即 停止和終止並導致停止和終止任何現有的討論、對話、談判或其他通信 或與任何人在此之前可能就競標進行的活動。自即日起及以後, 每名ICLK股東應立即(無論如何應在二十四(24)小時內)通知DWM除以下人員以外的任何人的任何接洽 DWM或其附屬公司向該ICLK股東提供與競爭提案有關的信息,並向DWM提供 溝通。.


(D)            From 應ICLK或DWM的要求,ICLK的每一股東應不時採取一切合理必要的進一步行動 以最迅速、合理可行的方式實現本協定的目的。第4節.           格蘭特 不可撤銷的委託書5.15(g).


。每名ICLK股東在此不可撤銷和無條件地授予一名委託書,並任命DWM和/或任何 DWM的指定人,以及他們各自作爲其代理人和事實上的代理人,具有充分的替代和再替代的權力, 以ICLK股東的名義、地點和替代,投票,以書面同意行事,或簽署和交付委託書,僅 關於下列事項,並根據《公約》第3(A)條,並投票或授予書面同意 關於其按下列規定實益擁有的表決權股份.


第3(A)條。這個不可撤銷的代理人和權力 授權委託書是與執行合併協議有關並作爲對價而發出的,且該不可撤銷的委託書 確保該ICLK股東履行本協議項下的職責。ICLK的每一位股東在此聲明 這種不可撤銷的委託書是(I)加上利息和(Ii)受本協議最後一句的限制。注意:約瑟芬·魏.


電子郵件:josephine. i-click.com並抄送


Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton軒尼詩500號希慎廣場37樓 路




電子郵件:szhao@cgsh.comCleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton.




人民Republic of China注意:蕭丹妮絲





電子郵件:dshiu@cgsh.com如果是DWm,則是:DWm Holding Limited.


沃利奇街1號 國高大廈 新加坡078881.


注意:韋恩·霍電子郵件:wayne. ambergroup.io.


並抄送 (這不會構成通知):Simpson Thacher & Bartlett.


工商銀行大廈35樓花園道3香港中環, 收件人:高毅電子郵件:YGao@stblaw.comSimpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP3919中國世界中心, 建國門外大街1中國北京100004


收件人:王楊電子郵件:yang.wang @ stblaw.com如果致ICLk股東,請發送至規定的地址 在簽名頁ICLk股東姓名下方,.


或該其他地址或該人員的注意 如收款方通過事先書面通知發送方(或在律師的情況下,向其他易於確定的人)所規定的那樣 該律師此後可能保留的業務地址)。如果使用上述不止一種發送通知的方法,最早的 以上述規定確定的通知日期爲準。第17節.         雜類.





(A)            治理 法律;同意司法管轄權;放棄陪審團審判。合併協議第11.7節和第11.8節併入 在此作爲參考,.




分割性。 本合同任何部分的無效,不影響本合同其餘部分的效力、效力或效果。如果它曾經舉行過 本協議項下的任何限制過於寬泛,不允許最大限度地執行該限制,則該限制應 在法律允許的最大範圍內強制執行。


同行。 爲了雙方的方便,本協議可以一式兩份或兩份以上的形式簽署,每一份都應被視爲 原始的,所有這些加在一起將構成一個相同的工具。將簽名頁的已執行副本交付至 本協議採用電子、傳真或便攜文件格式,與相互簽署的副本交付一樣有效 加入本協議。標題 和標題”.


。本協議中的標題、標題和目錄僅供參考,不得以任何方式 定義、限制、擴展或描述本協議的範圍或以其他方式影響本協議的含義或解釋。(E)            作業; 繼承人和受讓人;沒有第三方權利。除本協議另有規定外,未經事先書面同意,本協議不得 經本協議其他各方同意,可依法律規定或其他方式轉讓,任何轉讓的企圖均屬無效。 在符合前述規定的前提下,本協議對本協議雙方及其各自繼承人的利益具有約束力, 繼承人、經允許的受讓人和法定代表人,以及本協議中的任何明示或默示,其意圖或將授予任何 其他人在本協議下或因本協議而享有的任何性質的任何法律或衡平法權利、利益或補救。


(F)            文檔 和信息.


。每個ICLK股東應允許並在此授權ICLK、DWM和/或其各自的任何附屬公司發佈 並在提交給美國證券交易委員會的所有文件和時間表以及任何新聞稿或其他披露文件中披露ICLK和/或DWM 確定與合併協議或交易有關的必要或可取的,該ICLK股東的身份 和投票權股份的所有權,以及該ICLK股東在本協議下的承諾和義務的性質。(G)            公衆 披露.


。ICLK的股東不得就交易發佈任何新聞稿或發表任何其他公開聲明 未經DWM事先書面同意(或僅就本款(G)而言,僅在 完成合並(ICLK),除非法律要求或政府實體可能要求發佈或聲明, 然後,只有在(A)此類披露的形式和條款已提供給DWM以供其審查和評論之後,以及(B)通知 已提供給DWM,並且DWM有合理的機會就此發表評論,在法律允許的範圍內。儘管如此 以上,每個ICLK股東同意允許ICLK和其他ICLK股東在提交的所有文件中發佈和披露 由ICLK或任何其他ICLK股東就與交易相關的交易向美國證券交易委員會提交的,其及其各自的附屬公司 ICLK的表決權證券或其他股權證券的身份和實益所有權以及該ICLK股東的性質 本協議項下的承諾、安排和諒解,或其(或其任何附屬公司)加入的任何其他協議或安排 在適用法律要求或美國證券交易委員會要求的範圍內,是與交易有關的一方(包括其副本) (或其工作人員)或經ICLK和DWM雙方同意。(H)            進一步 保證.


。本合同的每一方均應簽署並交付爲使其生效所需或所需的附加文件 對本協議所考慮的交易。頁面的其餘部分是故意留下來的 空白以昭.


,本合同雙方均有 自上文第一次寫明之日起簽署並交付本協議。已執行










姓名:李玉清[簽名頁至 ICLk投票協議]以昭.


,雙方已 本協議已於上文第一次寫下的日期作爲契約簽署並交付。執行


交付作爲 .











姓名:胡東妮[簽名頁至 ICLk投票協議]


以昭,雙方已 本協議已於上文第一次寫下的日期作爲契約簽署並交付。執行








ICLk股東:Igomax Inc.























[簽名頁至 ICLk投票協議]




,雙方已 本協議已於上文第一次寫下的日期作爲契約簽署並交付。










作爲 契據並代ICLk股東:Bubinga Holdings Limited/s/謝永康在場的人:姓名:永康謝薩米標題:/s/周海英證人姓名:周海英通知請求:


ICLk股東[簽名頁至 ICLk投票協議]以昭


,雙方已 本協議已於上文第一次寫下的日期作爲契約簽署並交付。執行交付作爲 契據















[簽名頁至 ICLk投票協議]以昭,雙方已 本協議已於上文第一次寫下的日期作爲契約簽署並交付。執行


交付作爲 .








/s/ Z.Z.黃證人姓名:黃ZZ.




[簽名頁至 ICLk投票協議]以昭


,雙方已 本協議已於上文第一次寫下的日期作爲契約簽署並交付。執行




作爲 契據


並代ICLk股東:Creative Big Limited


/s/ Kenny Sin Nang Chiu在場的人:





姓名: 肯尼·辛南超職務:總監/s/ Carmen Chiu證人姓名:卡門·邱




[簽名頁至 ICLk投票協議]以昭,雙方已 本協議已於上文第一次寫下的日期作爲契約簽署並交付。.




交付作爲 契據






姓名: 鄧雅芝職務:總監/s/鄧耀林證人姓名:鄧耀林.




[簽名頁至 ICLk投票協議]以昭,雙方已 本協議已於上文第一次寫下的日期作爲契約簽署並交付。.









契據並代ICLk股東:Capable Excel Limited


/s/黃兆華在場的人:姓名: 黃兆華.


職務:總監/s/ J Ma


證人姓名: J馬通知請求:”.





ICLk股東[簽名頁至 ICLk投票協議]以昭


,雙方已 本協議已於上文第一次寫下的日期作爲契約簽署並交付。執行




作爲 契據並代.




姓名: 任德張職務:總監/s/ YELNG ANIE NGA KEI.


證人姓名: 楊安吉雅姬



[簽名頁至 ICLk投票協議]









於開曼群島註冊成立 有限責任代理卡的形式代表委任表格 供ICLICK Interactive Asia Group Limited(“公司”)股東在股東特別大會上使用 公司(“會議”)將於香港Quarry Bay King ' s Road 663號Prosperity Millennium Plaza 15/F舉行 中華人民共和國,2025年1月3日上午9:00(香港時間),或2025年1月2日晚上8:00(新 紐約時間).




爲註冊持有人(S)。 (注(2))首都每股0.001美元的股份的 本公司(“股份(S)”),特此委任注(3)會議主席或


充當我的/我們的 大會委託書將於香港魚湧英皇道663號富邦千禧廣場15樓舉行 中國,2025年1月3日上午9時(香港時間),或2025年1月2日晚上8時(紐約時間),以及 在任何休會上,並按以下指示代表本人/我們投票。


請註明 如果您希望代理人代表您投票,請在空白處加上“X”。決議:


作爲一項特別決議,這份協議 以及截至2024年11月29日的合併計劃(“合併協議”),由公司和公司之間合併,霸王合併 附屬有限公司(“合併附屬公司”)及安博數碼控股有限公司(“安博數碼”),合併計劃(“計劃”) 合併“)須向開曼群島公司註冊處處長登記(該合併計劃實質上是 以所附委託書附件A的形式提交,並在特別會議上提供以供查閱 股東大會),以落實合併Sub與Amber DWM及與Amber的合併(“合併”) 作爲本公司全資附屬公司(“尚存實體”)而繼續存在的DWM,以及任何及所有擬進行的交易 根據合併協議和合並計劃,授權並批准。













作爲一項常規解決方案,謝永洪,導演 授權採取一切必要措施以實施合併協議、合併計劃和交易 合併協議和合並計劃(包括合併)所設想的,在生效前立即生效 時間、併購修改、名稱變更和股本變更。







、非凡的主席 指示股東大會將臨時股東大會延期,以便公司徵求額外的委託書 如果臨時股東大會時收到的委託書不足以通過特別決議 將在臨時股東大會上提出。.






證據4 18-12月24日 董事會一致建議 對決議投贊成票。 特別決議普通決議 反對棄權反對棄權 決議1決議5 決議2決議6 解決方案3 研究結果4 愛點擊 致美國存託憑證登記持有人 代表公司的普通股 愛點擊 在日期下方簽名: 請按您的姓名(S)(S)在本投票指導卡上簽名 在這張卡片的表面和託管人的賬簿上。共同所有人 每個人都應該親自簽名。受託人和其他受託人應表明 他們簽署的身份,如果出現一個以上的名字,則爲 多數人必須簽字。如果是公司,則此簽名應爲 應說明其頭銜的獲授權官員。 在這裏摺疊和分離 請參閱這張卡片的背面,了解將在會議上表決的決議。 地址更改標記框,在下面簽名並註明更改/備註: 如果您想要給一個 委託書中指定的人的全權委託 結伴。請注意:標記此框將使任何 以上規定的其他說明。 摩根大通銀行,N.A.,存託銀行 郵政信箱64873聖保羅明尼蘇達州55164-0873證據4 18-12月24日 愛點擊 議程 特別決議 1.截至2024年11月29日,本公司與霸王合併附屬有限公司之間的合併協議及計劃(“合併協議”)(“合併協議” 合併計劃(下稱“合併計劃”),則須於 開曼群島(該合併計劃實質上以隨附的委託書附件A的形式提供,並須提交和提供 於股東特別大會上供查閱),以落實合併附屬公司與及併入Amber DWM、與Amber DWM的合併(“合併”) 作爲本公司的全資附屬公司(“尚存實體”)而存續,以及合併協議及 合併,經授權和批准。 2.將第九份經修訂及重述的公司組織章程大綱及章程細則作進一步修訂及重述,將其全部刪除,並 以附件C的形式取代經修訂和重述的第十份公司組織章程大綱和章程細則 隨附的委託書在緊接合並生效時間(“生效時間”)(“併購修訂”)之前生效。 3.將公司的名稱由“愛點擊”更改爲“琥珀國際控股有限公司”,並在緊接 生效時間(“更名”)。 4. 普通決議 5.授權本公司旗下董事的永康謝霆鋒作出一切必要的事情,以實施合併協議、合併計劃及 合併協議和合並計劃預期的交易,包括合併和在緊接生效時間之前生效的修正案 併購、名稱變更和股本變更。 6.指示特別大會主席將特別大會休會,以便公司可要求 在特別股東大會期間收到的委託書不足以通過將在特別股東大會上提出的特別決議 特別股東大會。 愛點擊 摩根大通銀行,N.A.,存託銀行 郵政信箱64873聖保羅明尼蘇達州55164-0873投票指導卡 請在信封背面註明日期和簽名,並立即寄回。 JPMorgan Chase Bank,N.A.(“託管銀行”)已接獲通知, 愛點擊(“本公司”)股東大會將於2025年1月3日上午9:00舉行。、(香港時間) 或2025年1月2日晚上8:00(紐約時間),香港魚湧英皇道663號富邦千禧廣場15樓 Republic of China,用於本卡所載的目的。 如你希望受託保管人透過其代名人投票或籤立委託書投票表決普通股 由你的美國存託憑證(S)(美國存託憑證)代表贊成、反對或放棄就建議的決議案投票 爲參加會議,請簽署並將隨附的投票指導卡發送給保管人。隨函附上的已付郵資信封 是爲此目的而提供的。本投票指導卡的執行方式應清楚顯示您是否希望 或對公司的決議投反對票或棄權票。或者,您也可以包括指示,以提供可自由選擇的代理 致公司指定的一名人士。投票指導卡必須在足夠的時間內送達寄存人 紐約市時間2024年12月31日上午9點前。只有登記在冊的美國存託憑證持有人(S) 截至2024年12月18日紐約市營業時間結束時,將有權執行所附的投票指導卡。 簽字人,代表公司截至收盤時登記在冊的普通股的美國存託憑證的登記持有人 於2024年12月18日在紐約市營業,特此請求並授權託管銀行通過其一名或多名被指定人, 投票或籤立委託書以投票以美國存託憑證爲代表的公司相關普通股,在 按照股東特別大會的指示。 注:爲使上述股份有投票權,此投票指導卡必須於上午9:00前交回。 請注意:臨時股東大會通知可在公司網站https://ir.i-click.com/上查看。 摩根大通銀行,不適用,保存人


附件G經審計的綜合 Amber DWM的財務信息




截至2023年、2023年和2024年6月30日止年度的綜合損益表及其他全面收益表截至2023年、2023年和2024年6月30日止年度的綜合權益變動表截至2023年、2023年和2024年6月30日止年度的合併現金流量表綜合財務報表附註獨立註冊公共會計報告 公司.




Amber DWM Holding Limited對財務報表的幾點看法我們已經審計了隨附的合併文件 Amber DWM Holding Limited及其附屬公司(“本公司”)截至2023年6月30日的財務狀況報表 及有關的綜合損益表及其他全面虧損、權益變動及現金流量表 截至2023年、2023年和2024年6月30日止的兩年期及相關附註(統稱財務報表)。 我們認爲,財務報表在所有重要方面都公平地反映了公司截至6月30日的財務狀況, 2023年和2024年,以及截至2023年6月30日和2024年6月30日的兩年的經營結果和現金流,符合 與國際會計準則理事會發布的國際財務報告準則保持一致。意見基礎這些財務報表是責任 公司管理層的成員。我們的責任是根據我們的意見對公司的財務報表發表意見 審計。我們是一家在美國上市公司會計監督委員會(PCAOB)註冊的公共會計師事務所 根據美國聯邦證券法和適用的 美國證券交易委員會和PCAOB的規章制度。我們的審計工作符合 PCAOB的標準。這些標準要求我們計劃和執行審計,以獲得合理的保證 財務報表沒有重大錯誤陳述,無論是由於錯誤還是欺詐。公司不需要,我們也不需要 受聘執行,對其財務報告內部控制進行審計。作爲我們審計的一部分,我們需要獲得一項了解 關於財務報告的內部控制,但不是爲了對公司財務報告的有效性發表意見 財務報告的內部控制。因此,我們不表達這樣的意見。


我們的審計包括執行程序以評估 財務報表重大錯報的風險,無論是由於錯誤還是舞弊,以及採取應對措施 面對這些風險。這些程序包括在測試的基礎上審查與財務報表中的數額和披露有關的證據。 我們的審計還包括評估管理層使用的會計原則和作出的重大估計,以及評估 財務報表的整體列報。我們相信,我們的審計爲我們的觀點提供了合理的基礎。/S/WWC,P.C.


WWC,P.C.註冊會計師PCAOB ID號:11171.


我們曾擔任本公司的核數師 自2024年以來加州聖馬特奧























2.1            已抵押存款現金及現金等價物流動資產總額):










(ii)           股權


2.2            股本.




隨附註釋是 這些財務報表。


2.3            Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司綜合損益表及其他全面虧損注意6月30日, 20232024年6月30日美元美元收入收入成本毛利其他收入技術和開發費用”.





2.4            銷售和營銷費用.






2.5            除所得稅前虧損所得稅費用


2.6            年度虧損,代表年度綜合虧損總額公司所有者應占每股虧損基本及攤薄 (“普通股加權平均數基本及攤薄


2.7            隨附註釋是 該等財務報表.


Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司綜合權益變動表分享









3.1             損失總計




2022年7月1日餘額年度虧損,代表年度綜合虧損總額2023年6月30日餘額發行優先股(注14)年度虧損,代表年度綜合虧損總額2024年6月30日餘額隨附註釋是 這些財務報表。Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司綜合現金流量表注意6月30日,6月30日,美元美元經營活動產生的現金流量除所得稅前虧損調整:


(c)            不動產、廠房和設備折舊無形資產攤銷按公允價值計入損益的金融資產公允價值收益


3.2            數字資產未實現公允價值損失-關聯方貸款數字資產未實現公允價值損失利息收入.





3.3            利息開支.


租賃修訂以數字資產收取或結算的淨利潤流動資金變化前的運營現金流流動資金變化:貿易及其他應收款項貿易及其他應付款項經營所得現金已繳納所得稅經營活動產生的現金淨額投資活動產生的現金流量, 存款存入已收利息向關聯方預付款購買無形資產投資活動所用現金淨額融資活動現金流量發行優先股


3.4            從關聯方着手向關聯方還款償還租賃負債融資活動(使用)/產生的淨現金


3.5            現金和現金等價物淨變化.









3.6            融資活動產生的負債對賬, 以下是:租賃 負債應付 關聯方美元


3.7            美元2024年6月30日截至2023年7月1日非現金流動- 利息開支- 註銷





3.8            - 未變現公平值虧損現金流動


3.9            - 還本- 經營現金流-償還關聯方


- 投資現金流-關聯方預付款
- 融資現金流-關聯方預付款


- 融資現金流-償還關聯方貸款截至2024年6月30日2023年6月30日


4.1            截至2022年7月1日.




- 利息開支- 未變現公平值虧損


- 數字資產還款







4.2            - 融資現金流-償還關聯方貸款.


- 融資現金流-關聯方預付款- 融資現金流-償還本金截至2023年6月30日隨附註釋是 這些合併財務報表。Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司合併財務報表附註


概述Amber DWm Holding Limited(“公司”) 於2023年11月28日在開曼群島註冊成立,註冊辦事處位於Maples Corporate Services Limited,PO Box 309,Ugland House,Grand開曼群島,KY 1 -1104,開曼群島。公司的主要營業地點爲1 Wallich Street,#30-02, 新加坡國高大廈078881。


該等綜合財務報表 包括本公司及其附屬公司(“本集團”)。





本公司之主要業務 是投資控股。附屬公司的主要業務披露如下。


的細節 其子公司如下:


4.3            子公司名稱.


有效百分比 擁有的所有權 公司(註冊國家和




6月30日, 斯帕羅控股私人公司













4.4            開發數字資產平台,提供數字資產產品/解決方案斯帕羅數字私人。有限公司(新加坡)


4.5            開發數字資產平台,提供數字資產產品/解決方案.







(新加坡)基金管理活動Amber DWM Limited(香港)成本中心安珀貿易阿爾法有限公司(BVI)


4.6            非活動.


麻雀控股有限公司。Amber Global Limited於 2022年11月29日,然後於7月18日重組爲Amber DWM Holding Limited,Amber Global Limited的全資子公司, 2024年。2022年8月1日,麻雀科技私人有限公司獲得主要支付機構(MPI) 新加坡金融管理局(“金管局”)在新加坡提供數碼支付令牌(“DPT”)服務的牌照 根據《2019年支付服務法》(“PSA”)。前身爲麻雀研究私人有限公司。LTD.前身爲琥珀資本市場(新加坡)私人有限公司。LTD.







4.7            合併財務報表附註.


概述(續)重組爲其業務合併做準備 與在開曼群島註冊並在納斯達克上市的愛點擊公司(簡稱iClick Asia)合作 資本市場,公司經歷了一系列重組安排,並進行了以下交易以進行重組 法律結構。國際會計準則1:財務報表的列報: 負債分類爲流動或非流動2024年1月1日修正案









(d)            修正案


4.8            國際會計準則1:財務報表的列報: 與可卡因的非流動負債2024年1月1日修正案


4.9            國際會計準則第7現金流量表 及國際財務報告準則第7 金融工具:披露:供應商融資安排, 6.1(l)2024年1月1日6.1(o)修正案 IAS 21政府撥款


4.10          如有合理保證將收到政府提供的贈款,且本集團將遵守所有附帶條件,則按其公允價值確認來自政府的贈款爲應收賬款。應收政府補助金在必要期間確認爲收入,以便在系統基礎上將其與旨在補償的相關成本相匹配。與開支有關的政府補助金單獨列爲“其他收入”。安柏數碼控股有限公司及其附屬公司合併財務報表附註





4.11          材料覈算政策信息(續).




共同控制根據內部重組計劃收購實體不會導致經濟實質上的任何變化。因此,本集團的綜合財務報表是被收購實體的延續,會計處理如下:實體的結果被呈現爲好像內部重組是從 財務報表中列報的最早期間;


本集團將於合併前合併被收購實體的資產及負債 賬面金額。於內部會計年度當日,並無作出任何調整以反映公允價值,或確認任何新資產或負債 按照收購方法進行的重組;以及沒有新的商譽被確認爲內部重組的結果。唯一被認可的善意 指與合併實體有關的現有商譽。支付/轉讓的代價與股權之間的任何差額 被收購的資產作爲合併準備金反映在股本中。















4.12          材料覈算政策信息(續).
























4.13          資產的可收回金額是資產或現金產生單位的公允價值減去處置成本及其使用價值後的較高者,並針對單個資產確定,除非該資產不產生基本上獨立於其他資產或資產組的現金流入。當一項資產或現金產生單位的賬面金額超過其可收回金額時,該資產被視爲減值並減記至其可收回金額。.




金融工具金融資產初始識別 和測量當且僅當該實體成爲該工具的合同條款的當事方時,才會確認金融資產。於初步確認時,本集團按其公允價值計量金融資產,如屬非按公允價值計提損益(“FVPL”)的金融資產,則按可直接歸屬於收購該金融資產的交易成本計量。在FVPL列賬的金融資產的交易成本在損益中列支。安柏數碼控股有限公司及其附屬公司租賃當集團爲承租人時


(c)            在合同開始時,專家組評估合同是否包含租賃。如果合同轉讓了在一段時間內控制已確定資產的使用權以換取對價,則合同包含租賃。只有當合同的條款和條件發生變化時,才需要重新評估。使用權資產本集團於相關資產可供使用之日確認使用權資產及租賃負債。使用權資產按成本計量,包括對租賃負債的初始計量,對在生效日期或之前支付的任何租賃付款和收到的租賃獎勵進行了調整。如果沒有獲得租約則不會產生的任何初始直接成本都會計入使用權資產的賬面價值。





4.14          這些使用權資產隨後使用直線折舊,從開始之日起至使用權資產使用年限結束或租賃期結束時較早者。.








(d)            固定付款(包括實質固定付款)減去任何應收租賃獎勵;


基於指數或費率的可變租賃付款,最初使用該指數或費率來衡量 以生效日期爲準;安柏數碼控股有限公司及其附屬公司











(i)            根據協議條款,可轉換優先股分爲負債部分和權益部分。在發行可轉換優先股時,負債部分的公允價值採用同等工具的市場匯率確定。這一金額被歸類爲按攤銷成本(扣除交易成本)計量的金融負債,直至在轉換或贖回時被清償。








4.15          每股收益本集團提供普通股的基本每股收益數據和稀釋後每股收益數據。每股基本收益的計算方法是將公司所有者應占利潤或虧損除以本年度已發行普通股的加權平均數,並根據持有的自有股份(如有)進行調整。攤薄每股收益是通過調整本公司所有者應占利潤或虧損以及已發行普通股的加權平均數量來確定的,該加權平均數已根據所持自有股份(如有)進行調整,以計入所有稀釋性潛在普通股的影響。細分市場信息





4.16          業務部門的報告方式與向執行委員會提交的內部報告一致,執行委員會的成員負責分配資源和評估業務部門的業績。關聯方




如果符合下列條件之一,則實體與集團相關:該實體和本集團是同一集團的成員(這意味着每個母公司、子公司和同系子公司都是相關的 給其他人)。本集團根據是否在數碼資產轉讓予客戶前控制數碼資產(總值)或是否透過促進交易而充當代理人,評估呈報毛數或淨額的基準。評估不確定度的主要來源下文討論了關於未來的主要假設和本報告所述期間結束時估計不確定的其他主要來源。專家組根據編制財務報表時的現有參數作出假設和估計。然而,現有情況和對未來發展的假設可能會因市場變化或本集團無法控制的情況而發生變化。當這些變化發生時,這些變化就會反映在假設中。




(d)            數字資產公允價值與USDC


加密資產使用美國報價以公允價值計量 來自多個不同來源的美元,主要是CoinMarkets(https://coinmarketcap.com)在收盤時協調 世界時。管理層認爲這一公允價值是國際財務報告準則第13號規定的第1級投入。.


公允價值計量公允價值 相同資產的活躍市場中的報價(未調整)上的價格。商譽減值本集團至少每年進行一次商譽減值測試。確定商譽是否減值需要估計已分配商譽的現金產生單位(“CGU”)的使用價值。使用價值計算要求該實體估計預期來自CGU的未來現金流量和適當的貼現率,以便計算現值。截至2024年6月30日及2023年6月30日止財政年度內,並無確認減值虧損。









(i)            傢俱和配件


4.17          辦公室設備









(c)            美元美元.


(d)            美元


4.18          美元.


美元費用:2022年7月1日和2023年6月30日餘額覈銷2024年6月30日餘額積累 折舊












通過租賃獲得的使用權資產 安排與同類自有資產一起列出。該租賃資產的詳情於附註14披露。 在本財政年度, 公司終止了其辦公場所的現有租賃協議。





Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司


合併財務說明 報表






(xi)           總計


(xii)          美元









(xv)         2022年7月1日餘額






4.19          攤銷2024年6月30日餘額賬面值2023年6月30日餘額





4.20          2024年6月30日餘額商譽於業務合併中收購之商譽 分配給預計將從業務合併中受益的現金產生單位(“現金產生單位”)。本集團已 截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日止年度只有一個現金產生單位。在截至6月30日的財年中, 2023年,通過Sparrow Group收購了公允價值爲16,735,211美元的善意(注1)。


4.21          美元收購價


4.22          承擔淨負債.


商譽本集團每年測試現金產生單位是否存在減損, 或者在有損害跡象時更頻繁地進行。本集團已計量可收回資產 現金產生單位的金額基於使用價值計算,使用董事批准的5年現金流量預測。主要假設 管理層根據以下數據對其各個期間的現金流量預測:”).







4.23          收入增長.







Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司 合併財務說明 報表


4.24          無形資產(續)管理層確定收入 增長基於過去的業績及其對市場發展的預期。使用的長期增長率與 行業報告中包含的預測。貼現率爲稅前,反映了與行業相關的特定風險。金融資產,按公允價值計入損益6月30日,





4.25          6月30日,美元美元截至財政年度初







公司投資Signum Capital 投資VVC子基金被指定爲按公允價值計入損益並計量,因爲其表現是按公允價值基準監控和管理的。公允價值計量已 根據所用估值技術的輸入數據,分類爲第三級公允價值。公允價值計量將每季度進行 基礎貿易及其他應收款項


5.1            6月30日,.






(c)            其他應收賬款-第三方


(d)            存款


5.2            提前還款.


應收利息總計貿易應收賬款無息 期限一般爲30天(2023年:無)。Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司 合併財務說明 報表貿易及其他應收賬款(續)集團的貨幣概況 於報告期末的貿易及其他應收賬款如下:













5.3            數字資產.







數字資產:在關聯方平台舉行交易所機構持有的數字資產下表列出了博覽會 截至本財年末,本集團持有的數字資產價值:

















5.4            別人總計


5.5            SP$是加密貨幣 集團發行的基於區塊鏈的數字信息單元代幣,僅在集團平台中使用。每個SP$相等 至1美元。.


在數字資產餘額中, 其中包括集團持有的用於購買代表固定利息的加密貨幣產品的數字資產 與關聯方的加密貨幣存款和欠客戶的相應負債總計約21,100,000美元, 如附註13所披露,截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日的財政年度分別爲11,500,000美元。Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司 合併財務說明 報表衍生金融工具名義







5.6            美元.







5.7            .


衍生物 按公允價值列賬:加密結構性產品2024年6月30日向客戶看漲期權認沽期權關連方看漲期權









(d)            看漲期權認沽期權該集團進入看跌期權 與客戶簽訂了相同的背靠背看跌和看漲BTC和ETH期權,該集團還與客戶簽訂了相同的背靠背看跌和看漲BTC和ETH期權 相關公司。管理層無意持有這些衍生品超過一年,選擇範圍從3天到73天不等 天(2023年:3天- 56天)至成熟。









5.8           銀行現金定期存款利息3.90% 每年降至4.67%(2023年:無),任期爲30天(2023年:無)。於本財政年度,集團 根據關聯公司WhaleFin的香港VATP指引,向香港一家銀行存入3,000,000美元定期存款 市場有限公司。Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司 合併財務說明 報表, 現金及現金等值物(續)爲了呈現合併的 財務年度結束時的現金流量表以及現金及現金等值物包括以下內容:6月30日,6月30日,美元美元


5.9           現金和短期存款減:限制性定期存款集團的貨幣概況 各報告期末的現金及現金等值物如下:6月30日,


5.10         6月30日,.















美元 貿易應付賬款-第三方.









貿易應付款項並不計息 信用期通常爲30天(2023年:30天)。


5.11        集團的貨幣概況 於各報告期末的貿易及其他應付款項如下:.















琥珀DWM控股有限公司及其子公司。綜合財務報表附註 報表與客戶託管數字資產相關的資產和負債(續)






5.12         美元.







應向客戶提供的數字資產銀行欠客戶餘額平衡代表着保障 本集團客戶數碼資產託管人在本集團的負債及相應保障資產 專有平台。本集團允許客戶存入 比特幣(BTC)、以太(ETH)、美元硬幣(USDC)、繫留美元(USDT)等數字資產 在集團的專有平台上免費。客戶還會存入少量的其他數字資產,如 Dot、XLM、XRP和SOL在集團的專有平台上,以方便客戶未來在集團的 專有平台。集團於以下地點開設獨立戶口 BitGo、星展銀行和關聯方平台Whalefin持有客戶的數字資產並維護內部記錄 每個客戶的數字資產。該集團的合同安排規定,其客戶保留合法所有權 託管數字資產;有權提取、用於支付購買平台中的服務;以及也受益於 獎勵和承擔與所有權相關的風險,包括數字資產的任何價格波動。客戶還承擔以下風險: 因欺詐或盜竊造成的損失,除非該損失是由於本集團的嚴重疏忽或故意不當行爲造成的。下表列出了交易會的情況 截至財政年度結束時,應付給客戶的數字資產價值如下:6月30日,6月30日,美元







5.13         USDT.




下表列出了貨幣 截至本財政年度結束時應付客戶的資金概況如下:6月30日,










Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司 合併財務說明 報表







(i)             6月30日,








5.14         到期債務 To Customers主要與從購買加密貨幣表示的產品的客戶那裏獲得的收益有關,這些產品代表 存放於本集團營運的“麻雀”平台的固定/可變利息加密貨幣。按金不是 受任何 保險的保護,並且是無擔保的。當產品成熟時,客戶將收到相同類型的 相同數量的加密貨幣加上 的額外利息回報。按金和利息將存入客戶手中。 當結構性產品到期時, 和客戶可以在同一天提取它。下表列出了交易會的情況 財政年度結束時欠客戶的債務價值:6月30日,6月30日,


5.15         美元美元







總計租賃負債作爲承租人的集團本集團擁有租賃合同 辦公室。本集團在該等租賃下的責任以出租人對租賃資產的所有權作抵押。該組受到限制 轉讓和轉租租賃資產。租賃賬面金額 使用權資產










安柏數碼控股有限公司及其附屬公司合併財務說明 報表租賃負債(續)”).





租賃負債租賃負債的賬面值 以及本財政年度內的變動在合併財務報表和到期日分析的其他地方披露 租賃負債的金額在附註23中披露。


(i)             6月30日,


5.16         6月30日,美元




電流非流動在利潤中確認的金額 或虧損”);









5.17         使用權資產折舊.


租賃負債的利息費用(注18)現金流出總額本集團的現金流出總額爲 截至2023年6月30日和2024年6月30日止年度的租賃額分別爲117,327美元和129,175美元。股本6月30日,



















該公司在開曼群島註冊成立。 於2023年11月23日在島上註冊,法定股本爲50,000美元,分爲50,000股普通股,每股1美元。




綜合財務報表附註 報表股本(續)2024年2月7日,公司的 股東批准修訂後的法定股本由50,000美元,分爲50,000股普通股,面值爲1美元 每股50,000美元,分爲2,000,000,000股普通股,每股面值0.000025美元。已發行的1股 普通股 每股面值1美元,因此細分爲40,000股普通股,面值0.000025美元。”);


 於2024年2月7日,公司 發行2,000股A系列優先股,現金代價爲10,000,000美元作爲營運資金。 於2024年4月15日,公司的 股東獲批准修訂法定股本,重新指定1,000股授權但未發行的 普通股,特此 重新指定爲1,000股A系列優先股,每股面值0.000025美元。重新指定後, 授權的股份 公司資本爲50,000美元,分爲(1)1,999,997,000股普通股,每股面值0.000025美元;(2)3,000股  系列爲A類優先股,每股面值0.000025美元。


(xii)          於2024年5月6日,公司發佈 增發100股A系列優先股,現金對價50萬美元。




(xiv)        資本公積是不可分配的 因免除最終控股公司貸款而產生的準備金。




(xvi)        6月30日,







5.18         美元收入的分解改裝費用財務收入


5.19         顧問費6月30日,6月30日,美元


5.20         美元轉移時間





5.21         時間點.


隨着時間的推移Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司


合併財務說明 報表其他收入





5.22         6月30日,.






5.23         外匯差額,淨值公允價值計入損益的公允價值收益(注6)服務收入(注22)利息收入





5.24         諮詢費別人


5.25         融資成本6月30日,6月30日,美元







6.1          租賃負債(注14)關聯方(注22)稅前虧損稅前虧損 充電後已到達:6月30日,6月30日,

















Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司 合併財務說明 報表





所得稅費用所得稅費用的主要組成部分 截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日止年度在損益中確認的有:


6月30日,6月30日,美元美元本期所得稅-當年, 稅費之間的關係 與會計虧損稅收費用之間的對賬 以及會計損失乘以截至2024年6月30日財年適用企業稅率的積 2023年情況如下:















集團存在未吸收的稅務損失 可用於抵消未來應稅收入,具體如下:








6.2           遞延稅項資產包括 未確認的稅收損失結轉到通過未來應稅實現相關稅收優惠的程度 盈利是可能的。本集團於報告日期的未確認稅項虧損約5,000,000美元(2023:2,300,000美元) 可結轉並用於抵銷未來的應納稅所得額,但須滿足某些法定條件 要求。未確認的稅項虧損沒有到期日。新加坡在目前的稅務局下 本集團於新加坡註冊成立的附屬公司的法定稅率爲17%(2023年:17%)。香港在目前的香港內地 根據《稅務條例》,本集團在香港註冊成立的附屬公司須就其應納稅所得額繳納16.5%的所得稅 2018年4月1日之前在香港運營產生的。自2018年4月1日開始的財政年度起, 香港實行兩級利得稅制,首個港元的應評稅利潤稅率爲8.25%。 200萬及超過港幣200元萬的任何應評稅溢利16.5%。琥珀DWM控股有限公司及其子公司。


綜合財務報表附註 報表所得稅支出(續)





英屬維爾京群島根據英屬維爾京群島設立的實體 ACT免徵英屬維爾京群島所得稅。


開曼群島在開曼群島成立的公司 《島嶼法》免徵開曼群島所得稅。















聯屬安柏科技服務有限公司關聯公司鯨鰭科技有限公司, 關聯公司琥珀科技有限公司




Amber Vault澳大利亞Pty.公司









關聯公司WhaleFin Markets Ltd關聯公司






除了關聯方信息 財務報表其他地方披露,以下與關聯方的交易是按照雙方商定的條款進行的 本財年各方:






6.3            Amber Global Ltd.


利息費用(注19)琥珀技術服務私人有限公司服務收入(注18)安布爾科技全球私人有限公司外包/支持費利息費用(注19)鯨魚科技有限公司收入銷售成本利息費用(注19)其他收入. “安柏科技有限公司收入銷售成本睿信科技有限公司收入-渠道費Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司 合併財務說明 報表重大關聯方交易及餘額(續)應收關聯方款項.









7.1           非貿易.


Amber AI Ltd鯨鰭科技有限公司 .


安布爾科技全球私人有限公司Amber Technology Services Pte LtdWhaleFin Markets Ltd 琥珀託管服務有限公司Amber Global Ltd該等非貿易應收賬款主要涉及代表關聯方支付的費用。應收關聯方款項 爲性質貿易、無擔保、無息,信貸期限爲30天(2023年:30天)。應收關聯方款項 是非貿易性質的、無擔保、無息且按需支付。集團的貨幣概況 於報告期末應收關聯方款項如下:6月30日,6月30日,美元美元”).







港元Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司


合併財務說明 報表重大關聯方交易及餘額(續)





欠關聯方款項6月30日,6月30日,美元, 美元貿易琥珀科技有限公司, 貸款安布爾科技全球私人有限公司 Amber Global Ltd , Amber Global Ltd Amber Global Ltd


安柏環球有限公司鯨鰭科技有限公司”); 非貿易, 琥珀人工智能有限公司安柏科技環球私人有限公司安柏科技服務有限公司鯨鰭科技有限公司


7.2           琥珀拱頂澳大利亞私人有限公司。LTD..


 應付關聯方的金額爲 貿易性質,無擔保,免息,信用期限30天(2023年:零)。應付給Amber Technologies Global Pte Ltd的貸款是法定貨幣,無抵押,有利息 年息7.00厘,於要求時償還。應付給琥珀環球有限公司的貸款爲法定貨幣,無抵押,年息3.00%。 並在要求時償還。應付給琥珀環球有限公司的貸款爲加密貨幣,無抵押,年息3.00% 並在1200萬.n期限內償還。因加密貨幣公允價值波動,本公司產生未實現公允價值虧損 關於數字資產貸款,在2024年和2023年6月分別約未實現公允價值損失12,200,000美元和5,400,000美元。





該集團已償還部分加密貨幣 與關聯方的貸款並於6月30日發生數字資產貸款的已實現公允價值收益約50萬美元和6萬美元, 分別爲2024年和2023年。


應支付給琥珀環球有限公司的貸款爲法定貨幣,用於營運資金目的,無擔保, 免息,按需償還。


7.3           應支付給Amber Global Ltd的貸款是法定貨幣,由Whalefin Markets Ltd續期給 組。這筆貸款是無抵押的,免息,按需償還。.


支付給WhaleFin Technologies Ltd的貸款爲法定貨幣,無抵押,利息爲3% 年息,以1,200萬.n年期償還。琥珀DWM控股有限公司及其子公司。


綜合財務報表附註 報表重大關聯方交易和餘額(續)


(c)            下表列出了交易會的情況 截至財政年度結束時,以數碼資產形式欠Amber Global Ltd的款項價值如下:-







7.4           美元.






7.5            ETH.


USDC總計下表列出了金額 於本財政年度末以法定貨幣計值的應付關聯方款項如下:







關鍵管理人員爲董事 集團以及有權和負責規劃、指導和控制集團活動的人員, 直接或間接。 主要管理人員之薪酬 本集團於財政年度的業績如下, 6月30日,6月30日,美元, 美元董事酬金薪金及相關費用, 固定繳款計劃琥珀DWM控股有限公司及其子公司。





7.6           綜合財務報表附註 報表金融風險管理該集團的活動暴露了 它的運作給企業帶來了各種財務風險。主要金融風險包括信用風險、流動性風險和市場風險(包括 外幣風險、數字資產價格風險、數字資產存儲和保護相關風險以及投資風險 與數字資產交易有關)。董事們審查並同意政策 以及這些風險的管理程序,由管理團隊執行。它是,而且一直貫穿於當前 本集團的政策是,不得以投機爲目的進行衍生工具交易。以下各節提供了詳細信息 關於本集團面臨上述財務風險以及管理層的目標、政策和 流程 這些風險。該集團的業務沒有任何變化 對這些金融風險的風險敞口或其管理和衡量風險的方式。信用風險信用風險是指 對手方將違約其合同義務,導致本集團蒙受損失。本集團的信貸風險敞口 主要來自貿易和其他應收賬款。對於其他金融資產(包括現金),本集團通過交易將信用風險降至最低 與信用評級較高的交易對手進行獨家交易。


7.7           本集團已採取以下政策: 只與信譽良好的交易對手打交道。本集團對其交易對手進行持續的信用評估  的財務狀況,一般不需要抵押品。集團考慮的可能性是 最初確認資產時的違約情況,以及在整個過程中信用風險是否持續大幅增加 每個報告期。集團已確定默認設置 關於金融資產的事件是指當內部和/或外部信息指示該金融資產不太可能被接收時, 這可能包括違約超過60天的合同付款或存在交易對手的重大困難。爲儘量減低信貸風險,本集團已 制定並維持本集團的信用風險評級,以根據違約風險程度對風險敞口進行分類。 信貸評級資料由公開的財務資料及本集團本身的交易紀錄提供,以供評級 它的主要客戶和其他債務人。專家組認爲現有的、合理和支持性的前瞻性信息包括  的以下指標:


7.8            內部信用評級外部信用評級實際或預期的業務、財務或經濟狀況的重大不利變化 預計將導致債務人履行其義務的能力發生重大變化債務人經營業績的實際或預期重大變化





7.9           同一債務人的其他金融工具的信用風險顯著增加.


債務人的預期履約和行爲發生重大變化,包括付款發生變化 債務人在公司中的地位和債務人經營業績的變化不管上面的分析如何,a 如果債務人逾期支付合同付款超過30天,則認爲信用風險顯著增加。琥珀DWM控股有限公司及其子公司。綜合財務報表附註 報表金融風險管理(續)信用風險


(續)專家組決定,其財務狀況 在下列情況下,資產爲信用減值資產:債務人有很大的困難







7.10         債務人有可能進入破產或其他財務重組程序.


由於財政困難,這種金融資產的活躍市場消失了。本集團將應收賬款歸類爲 指債務人逾期超過120天未能按合同規定付款時的潛在覈銷。金融資產在下列情況下予以覈銷 有證據表明,債務人處於嚴重的財政困難之中,債務人沒有現實的恢復前景。.


本集團目前的信貸風險 評分框架包括以下類別類別範疇的定義承認的基礎, 預計 信貸虧損 (ESL)




終身ESL-信用受損有證據表明債務人陷入嚴重財務困難,債務人沒有現實的復甦前景。金額已註銷Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司 合併財務說明 報表財務風險管理(續)信用風險.





(續)下表詳細介紹了信用質量 集團金融資產的比例,以及按信用風險評級類別列出的最大信用風險敞口:12-月或.




損失 津貼, 賬面






我注2 12-月預期信貸虧損應收關聯方款項.





7.11         我注2.


12-月預期信貸虧損USDC我注3 12-月預期信貸虧損




7.12         我注4.








(d)            其他應收款項我注2 12-月預期信貸虧損應收關聯方款項我注2





12-月預期信貸虧損USDC我注3 12-月預期信貸虧損


7.13         現金及現金等價物.


I注4*12個月ECL應收貿易賬款(附註1)在應收貿易賬款方面,本集團已 在IFRS 9中應用了簡化方法,並使用撥備矩陣來衡量終身ECL的損失準備。在確定ECL打開時 在集體基礎上,貿易應收賬款根據類似的信用風險和賬齡進行分組。本集團維持一項信貸津貼 應收賬款餘額的損失,這是其對當前預期信貸損失的最佳估計 應收賬款餘額。在評估每個報告期信貸損失準備的充分性時,專家組分析了應收賬款 在集體基礎上具有相似風險特徵的餘額,考慮應收餘額的賬齡、付款等因素 術語、歷史損失經驗、當前信息和未來預期。在每個報告期,專家組都會重新評估是否 任何應收款不再具有 相似的風險特徵,而應作爲另一個池的一部分或在個人身上進行評估 基礎。根據上述評估,專家組 認爲自初步確認應收賬款以來,信貸風險並無顯著增加,並已確定 除在財政期間確認的外,ECL無關緊要琥珀DWM控股有限公司及其子公司。


綜合財務報表附註 報表




7.14         信用風險


(續)其他應收賬款及應付金額 關聯方(注2)考慮其他應收賬款 信用風險低,容易遭受無形信用損失。自那以來,這些資產的信貸損失並未大幅增加 他們最初的認可。因此,它們是在12個月期ECL上衡量的。USDC(注3)USDC被認爲是低信用 作爲USDC的基礎儲備,風險和受到無形信用損失的影響以現金、短期美國國債和隔夜 獨立帳戶內的美國財政部回購協議,以使USDC持有人受益。這些資產的信用損失沒有 自他們最初被認可以來,這一數字顯著增加。因此,它們是在12個月期ECL上衡量的。現金及現金等價物(附註4)





現金和現金等價物主要是 在國際信用評級較高的信譽良好的銀行的存款。自那以後,資產的信貸損失沒有顯著增加。 他們最初的認可。因此,它們是在12個月期ECL上衡量的。風險過度集中當一個數字出現時,集中度就會出現 %的交易對手從事類似的商業活動,或在同一地理區域從事活動,或具有經濟利益 使其履行合同義務的能力同樣受到經濟、政治、經濟等方面變化的影響的特徵 或其他條件。集中度表明集團業績對影響 特定的行業。信用風險敞口本集團並無任何重大 對任何單一交易對手或具有類似特徵的任何一組交易對手的信用風險敞口,但未清償交易除外 來自1個客戶的應收賬款,佔截至2024年6月30日總應收賬款餘額的100%。由於本公司主要維護某些 在第三方託管平台的帳戶中,公司可能面臨重大損失,如果平台 遇到停機或變得不可用。爲減輕此類風險,本公司僅與平台建立帳戶,且 良好的聲譽。


綜合財務報表附註 報表


8.1           金融風險管理(續)信用風險






流動性風險是指 由於資金短缺,集團在履行短期債務方面將遇到困難。集團對流動資金的風險敞口 風險主要來自金融資產和負債的期限錯配。它是通過匹配付款和 收款週期。集團的營運資金需求來自營運、墊款 必要時,還可向關聯方貸款。


在評估我們的流動性時,我們監測 並分析我們的現金和銀行餘額以及我們的運營支出承諾。截至2024年6月30日,我們的現金和銀行餘額 約4,900,000美元,我們的流動資產約爲6,140萬美元,流動負債約爲 82,748,000美元。


基於上述考慮,管理層 認爲本集團有足夠資金應付營運資金需求及債務,至少 在未來12個月內,考慮到最終控股公司及若干相關公司承諾不會要求還款 約39,791,000美元,直至本集團有足夠資源償還爲止。此外,最終控股公司將放棄 於完成與iClick Asia的業務合併後,應付款項約爲37,738,000美元。此外,終極控股 公司承諾並將繼續提供額外的現金資金,以確保集團將擁有足夠的營運資金並 自批准這些合併財務報表之日起至少在未來12個月內履行其財務義務。.


有幾個因素會導致 可能會出現可能破壞集團計劃的情況,例如對其產品的需求變化,經濟 經營狀況持續惡化,股東及關聯方無法提供 持續的資金支持。集團維持充足的現金 和銀行餘額、內部產生的現金流以及來自最終控股公司的墊款/貸款,爲其活動和管理提供資金 信納有資金可供該公司運作之用。





8.2           金融工具分析 按剩餘合同到期日計算下表詳細說明了剩餘的 非衍生金融負債的合同到期日。這些表是根據金融機構未貼現的現金流量編制的。 以本集團可被要求支付的最早日期爲基礎的負債。該表包括利息和本金 現金流。


按需或 1年內在2小時內












8.3           租賃負債欠關聯方款項


對客戶的負債Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司 合併財務說明 報表財務風險管理(續)



















9.1           欠關聯方款項對客戶的負債




市場風險是變化的風險 利率和匯率等市場價格將影響集團的損益。市場目標 風險管理是在可接受的參數內管理和控制市場風險敞口,同時優化風險回報。外幣風險”); 集團的外匯風險 主要來自以外幣計價的交易的現金流量。目前集團沒有任何正式政策 用於對沖貨幣風險。本集團通過購買或出售外國產品確保淨風險保持在可接受的水平 必要時以現貨匯率計算貨幣,以解決短期失衡問題。, 本集團有交易 以功能貨幣以外的貨幣計價的銷售或購買產生的貨幣風險 實體,主要是新加坡元(「新加坡元」)。在每個報告期末, 本集團面臨的外幣風險如下:6月30日,6月30日,SGD, SGD美元美元金融資產8.2貿易及其他應收款項應收關聯方款項代表客戶持有的資產現金及現金等價物金融負債


貿易及其他應付款項租賃負債對客戶的負債網曝Amber DWm控股有限公司及其子公司 合併財務說明 報表財務風險管理(續);





市場風險(續)外幣風險8.2 (續)新加坡元兌美元走強 截至報告日的美元將增加/(減少)利潤或虧損如下所示的金額。該分析假設 所有其他變量保持不變。, 6月30日,6月30日,美元美元美元升值5%(2023年:5%)新加坡元兌美元走弱 上述貨幣將對上述貨幣產生與上述金額相同但相反的影響,其基礎是 所有其他變量保持不變。, 由於港元與 以美元計算,本公司考慮港元與美元匯率變動的風險。 變得無足輕重。數字資產價格風險該公司交易的數字資產 其交易活動包括可以交易的比特幣(BTC)和以太(ETH)等數字資產 在多個公共交易所。集團對價格的風險敞口 風險來自數字資產和數字資產應付賬款,這兩種資產都是按公允價值計量的。特別是,該集團的 運營結果可能取決於BTC和ETH的市場價格,以及其他數字資產。數字資產價格一直在波動 時不時地發生顯著的變化。不能保證數字資產價格會反映歷史趨勢。


數字資產產生的價格風險 來自數字資產業務的交易部分被重新計量代表以下義務的數字資產應付賬款所抵銷 根據各自的交易安排,將本集團在客戶帳戶中持有的數碼資產交付給客戶 集團。在每個報告期結束時, 本集團應付予關聯方的數碼資產風險如下:6月30日,8.36月30日,6月30日,, 6月30日,BTCETHBTCETH美元, 美元美元美元金融資產




9.2            合併財務報表附註.




數字資產價格風險(續)加強BTC和ETH對抗 截至報告日的美元將增加/(減少)利潤或虧損如下所示的金額。分析假設所有其他 變量保持不變。6月30日,6月30日,美元美元BTC上漲30%(2023年:30%)ETH強化30%(2023年:30%)BTC和ETH對 在所有其他變量的基礎上,美元將對上述貨幣產生與上述金額相同但相反的影響 保持不變。與存儲相關的風險 和數字資產的保護





9.3           該集團主要存儲其數字 與加密貨幣託管人合作的資產,以方便客戶存款和取款。由於沒有爲其提供保險, 數字資產、加密貨幣託管人的任何中斷或關閉,以及潛在的網絡攻擊或盜竊,都可能導致 本集團出現重大虧損。.


與交易相關的投資風險 數字資產的


集團遵循完全對沖的戰略 對於結構化產品。每個面向用戶的結構化產品都由關聯方報價,並在報價到之前添加價差 客戶。因此,不存在對結構性產品的敞口。資產和負債的公允價值;


公允價值計量關於公允價值的會計準則 金融工具的價值和相關的公允價值計量界定了金融工具並要求披露公允價值。 本集團持有的金融工具。會計準則對公平的定義 價值,爲公允價值計量的披露建立三級估值等級,並加強對公允價值的披露要求 價值衡量標準。這三個級別的定義如下:第1級-活躍市場上相同資產或負債的報價(未調整) 公司可以在測量日期訪問8.3第2級-資產可觀察到的第1級中報價以外的其他輸入 或直接或間接的責任,以及級別3-資產或負債的不可觀察的輸入。安柏數碼控股有限公司及其附屬公司綜合財務報表附註 報表資產和負債的公允價值




按公平值計量之資產這個 下表顯示了報告日按公允價值計量的各類資產的分析:報告日的公允價值計量使用






市場 相同 文書(1級)顯著8.2可觀察 的其他輸入 比引用 價格(2級)顯著 不可觀察











衍生金融工具數字資產USDC金融負債:衍生金融工具2023年6月30日金融資產:金融資產,公平值變動損益衍生金融工具數字資產USDC財務負債:衍生金融工具金融資產,FVPL投資的公允價值計量 In Signum Capital Investment VVC-Sub基金(“Signum”)(附註6)是根據該基金提供的Signum資產淨值計算的 管理員,無需調整。於財政年度內,金融工具的估值技術並無改變。 和上一財政年度。沒有級別之間的轉移 2和3在本財政年度和上一財政年度內。安柏數碼控股有限公司及其附屬公司綜合財務報表附註 報表資產和負債的公允價值(續)





公允價值計量(續)衍生金融工具看跌期權的公允價值 按經常性基礎計量,參考基礎數字資產的現貨價格,本集團認爲該價格是一個水平 2公允價值投入。數字資產和USDC數字資產按公允價值計量 更低的銷售成本。只有在確認減值或持有標的資產時,數字資產才會調整爲公允價值 待售的。公允價值是使用數字資產在計量其公允價值時的報價來計量的,公允價值被計量 每天都有。這一估值代表公允價值層次結構中的1級和2級分類。主要市場將是市場 擁有數字資產的公司可以訪問的數字資產的最大數量和活躍度。在其他 換句話說,主要市場是本公司主要用來交易其數字資產的市場。未計量的資產和負債 按公允價值計算現金和現金等價物,其他 應收賬款和其他應付款這些餘額的賬面價值 由於這些餘額的短期性質,估計其公允價值。貿易應收款和貿易應付款這些應收賬款的賬面價值 應付賬款接近其公允價值,因爲它們受正常貿易信貸條款的約束。租賃負債和貸款來源 關聯方這些餘額的賬面價值 它們的公允價值大致相同,因爲它們的利率接近市場利率,適用於與金融機構達成的類似安排 機構。細分市場報告


運營部門在以下位置確定 由行政總裁(“行政總裁”)定期審閱的有關集團各組成部分的內部報告 用於資源分配和業績評估。分部結果、資產和負債包括直接歸屬的項目 以及那些可以在合理的基礎上分配的部分。集團經營單一業務 細分市場,開發數字資產平台,提供數字資產服務和解決方案。沒有運營細分市場有 已彙總形成以下可報告的運營部門。地理信息與專業 客戶集團的非流動資產 都在新加坡。安柏數碼控股有限公司及其附屬公司綜合財務報表附註 報表分部報告(續)下表列出了收入情況 按集團收入的地理位置分類。地理位置基於客戶所在的地理位置 找到了。6月30日,




10.1         美元亞洲北美非洲歐洲別人





集團管理其資本以確保 集團能夠繼續經營下去,並保持最佳資本結構,以最大限度地提高股東的 價值。本集團的資本結構由本公司所有者應占權益組成,包括已發行股本、儲備 以及在合併權益變動表中列報的累計虧損。


11.1         本集團管理其資本結構 並根據經濟狀況的變化進行調整。爲維持或調整資本結構,本集團可作出調整 向股東支付股息、向股東返還資本或發行新股。本集團不受任何外部強加的 資本要求。在截至2023年6月30日的財政年度內,目標、政策或程序沒有任何變化 和2024年。報告期後的事件(該公司評估了所有活動並 2024年6月30日至2024年12月19日之前發生的交易,這是這些合併財務 報表可供發佈,且在這些合併報表中沒有其他重大後續事件需要披露 以下財務報表除外:


2024年7月2日,公司成立 Amber DWM Units Holding Limited,一家在開曼群島註冊成立的公司,以1美元的代價認購1股普通股。:


2024年9月24日,公司 在阿聯酋註冊成立的公司Amber Premium FZE以1美元的代價認購1股普通股。

2024年11月29日,公司 出售其全資附屬公司Amber DWM Units Holding Limited及Amber Trading Alfa Limited予其最終控股公司。


同意未經審計的備考形式 綜合財務信息


未經審計的備考表格已濃縮 綜合財務信息:


以下定義的術語應具有 與本委託書中其他地方定義和包括的術語的含義相同,如果未在委託書中定義,則以20-F的形式定義 於2024年6月20日向美國證券交易委員會提交。


以下是未經審計的專業人員 形式濃縮的組合財務信息呈現愛點擊財務信息的組合 (“iClick”或“公司”)及Amber DWM Holding Limited(“Amber DWM”)作出調整,以實施 企業合併。未經審計的備考簡明綜合財務信息應與隨附的 筆記。

未經審計的備考表格濃縮了 合併財務信息是根據S-X規定的第11條編制的。The Company和Amber DWM擁有 於業務合併前並無任何歷史關係。因此,不需要進行形式上的調整即可消除 兩家公司之間的活動。

未經審計的備考表格濃縮了 合併資產負債表將公司截至2024年6月30日的未經審計的綜合資產負債表與經審計的綜合資產負債表合併 琥珀DWM截至2024年6月30日的財務狀況報表,業務合併已完成 在資產負債表日期。


未經審計的備考表格濃縮了 截至2023年12月31日止年度的合併全面損失表,合併經審計的綜合全面損益表 本公司截至2023年12月31日止年度的虧損及歷史上未經審核的綜合損益表及 琥珀DWM截至2023年12月31日止年度的其他全面虧損,使業務合併生效,猶如 已於2023年1月1日完成。


未經審計的備考表格濃縮了 截至2024年6月30日止六個月的綜合全面損失表,合併未經審計的綜合報表 本公司截至2024年6月30日止六個月之全面虧損及歷史未經審計綜合報表 琥珀DWM截至2024年6月30日止六個月的損益及其他全面虧損,使業務合併生效 就像它是在2024年1月1日完成的一樣。

未經審計的備考表格濃縮了 合併資產負債表是根據下列歷史財務報表編制的,應結合下列歷史財務報表閱讀:

公司未經審計的綜合資產負債表 截至2024年6月30日,作爲2024年11月27日提交給美國證券交易委員會的6-k表格檔案。

Amber DWM經審計的綜合財務報表 截至2024年6月30日的情況,如本報告其他部分所述。

未經審計的備考表格濃縮了 截至2023年12月31日的年度綜合全面虧損報表已使用以下內容編制:

本公司經審計的綜合綜合報表 公司截至2023年12月31日的年度虧損,以2024年6月20日提交給美國證券交易委員會的20-F表格公佈。

Amber DWM未經審計的綜合利潤表 或虧損及截至2023年12月31日止年度的其他全面虧損。


未經審計的備考表格濃縮了 截至2024年6月30日的6個月的綜合全面虧損報表已使用以下內容編制::


本公司未經審計的綜合全面報表 截至2024年6月30日的6個月公司虧損,提交給美國證券交易委員會的6-k表格於2024年11月27日提交

Amber DWM未經審計的綜合利潤表 或虧損及截至2024年6月30日止六個月的其他全面虧損。


未經審計的備考表格濃縮了 綜合財務信息應與公司和Amber DWM的財務報表及相關信息一起閱讀 筆記。


根據協議 以及截至2024年11月29日的合併計劃(“合併協議”),由公司和公司之間合併,霸王合併 子公司,開曼群島豁免公司,iClick和Amber DWM Holding的直接全資子公司 Amber DWM是一家獲得開曼群島豁免的公司,也是Amber Group數字财富管理業務的控股實體, 合併子公司名爲Amber Premium(“Amber Premium”),將與Amber DWM合併,並併入Amber DWM,Amber DWM將繼續作爲倖存的 併成爲本公司的全資附屬公司(“合併”),而Amber DWM的股東將交換 Amber DWM的所有已發行和已發行股本,以換取新發行的A類和B類普通股的混合物 在一項豁免證券註冊要求的交易中,按其中所載的條款及條件 1933年法案。

根據合併 根據協議,Amber DWM同意(I)收購WhaleFin Markets Limited(“WhaleFin”)100%的股權 香港註冊公司)向開曼群島豁免公司Amber Global Limited提出收購要約 1美元(“WhaleFin HK股權轉讓”),及(B)促使其附屬公司Amber Premium FZE(“FZE”) 承擔WhaleFin Technologies Limited簽訂的所有有效客戶合同下的所有權利和義務 (“WFTL”)是一方(“WFTL轉讓合同”)(“WFTL合同轉讓”),以及 合稱爲WhaleFin HK股權轉讓,“DWM資產重組”)。完成DWM資產 重組是完成合並的一個條件。





在圓滿完成之後 作爲合併的結果,Amber DWM的業務將由該公司全資擁有。合併完成後,琥珀DWM 股東和iClick股東(包括美國存託憑證的持有者)在緊接合並前的每一種情況下,將擁有大約 分別佔合併後公司流通股的90%和10%,或分別擁有97%和3%的投票權。有關以下內容的更多信息 此次合併,請參考2024年11月29日提交給美國證券交易委員會的6-k表格報告。



企業合併 將根據美國公認會計原則作爲反向收購(反向合併)入賬 國家(“美國公認會計原則”)。在這種會計方法下,該公司將被視爲“被收購”的公司。 財務報告目的。這一決定主要是基於Amber DWM的現有股東擁有 合併後公司的投票權,以及Amber DWM與公司相比的相對估值。相應地,對於會計來說 目的:在反向收購中採用收購會計方法的企業合併將被視爲等值 琥珀DWM發行股份用於收購本公司,同時進行資本重組。截至資產負債表日的商譽 是指購買對價超過所收購的有形和可確認無形資產淨值的公允價值。這個 分配給公司收購的有形和可識別無形資產淨值以及承擔的負債的公允價值 按取得的有形和可確認的無形資產及負債的淨資產值計算。這些資產的估計公允價值 收購的資產和承擔的負債被認爲是初步的。最終購買對價和購買分配 對價將不同於未經審計的備考簡明合併財務信息中所反映的,金額將爲 在收購完成後敲定。


歷史上的金融 信息已調整,以使與業務合併相關和/或直接歸因於業務合併的事件具有形式上的效果, 與未經審計的備考簡明綜合全面損失表有關 對合並後公司的業績產生持續影響。未經審計的備考表格上列示的調整 已確定並列報合併財務報表,以提供準確理解所需的相關信息 企業合併完成後,對合並後公司的管理。

未經審計的備考表格 簡明綜合財務信息僅供說明之用。如果這兩家公司的財務狀況有所不同 總是結合在一起的。您不應依賴未經審計的備考簡明合併財務信息作爲指示 如果兩家公司總是合併或未來的財務狀況,將會取得的歷史財務狀況和結果 合併後的公司將經歷的地位和結果。Amber DWM與該公司沒有任何歷史關係 在業務合併之前。因此,不需要進行形式上的調整來消除兩家公司之間的活動。

已發行的股份和 形式簡明合併財務報表中列報的加權平均已發行股份包括重新指定所有 ICLK法定股本中的ICLK A類股和ICLK B類股立即重新指定爲新普通股 在生效時間前,發行公司372,265,357股A類普通股和36,318,335股B類普通股 向Amber DWM的股東出售公司股票,這是根據截至11月已發行的ICLK股權證券的數量計算的 2024年2月29日。


作爲業務的結果 合併及緊隨業務合併完成後,Amber DWM的股東擁有約90%的 合併後公司已發行普通股,公司股東持有合併後已發行普通股約10% 公司普通股。





(US$' 000,份額數據和每股數據除外,或另有註明)


Amber DWm Holding Limited支持形式


組合交易 會計


11.2          調整注意支持形式 組合





11.3         流動資產現金及現金等價物


11.4         定期存款受限現金按公允價值計入損益的金融資產應收關聯方數字資產7.12(d), (ii) 獨立客戶帳戶中持有的數字資產獨立客戶帳戶中持有的資金9.3(e)短期投資應收股權投資公司款項截至2024年6月30日,應收賬款,扣除信用損失撥備1,558美元應收回扣預付媒體費用





11.5         持有的數字資產衍生金融工具


11.6         截至2024年6月30日,其他流動資產,扣除信用損失撥備後分別爲零美元終止經營業務


11.7         流動資產總額非流動資產





11.8         對股權投資對象的投資.











11.9         向外部借款衍生金融工具


11.10       應付所得稅(包括綜合VIE及其子公司的應付所得稅,截至2024年6月30日爲433美元)終止經營業務






11.11       股權普通股-A類(截至2024年6月30日已授權1,191,000,000股;截至2024年6月30日已發行和發行股票分別爲417,663,545股)普通股-b類(截至2024年6月30日已授權109,000,000股;截至2024年6月30日已發行和發行股票分別爲36,318,335股)股本


11.12       庫藏股(截至2024年6月30日218,396股)額外實收資本





11.13       資本儲備法定儲備


11.14       累計其他綜合損失累計赤字iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited股東權益總額非控股權益權益總額負債和權益總額源自公司未經審計的資產負債表 2024年6月30日。源自經審計的合併財務報表 Amber DWm Holding Limited於2024年6月30日的頭寸。


11.15       反映截至2011年未經審計的財務狀況報表 2024年6月30日WFTL合同轉讓。反映預期的交易成本 作爲業務的一部分,公司承擔法律、併購諮詢費、會計、諮詢和印刷費 組合。截至預計資產負債表日期,所有這些費用都沒有發生。







通過(A)反映Amber DWM的資本重組 (B)發行408,583,692股公司股份,與以下事項有關 企業合併,以及(C)購買對價超過有形和可識別無形資產淨值的公允價值 收購的資產將被記錄爲商譽。消除琥珀DWM控股有限公司和WFTL合同轉讓之間的公司間餘額。


  形式簡明的綜合報表 損失

  (未經審計) (美元‘000,不包括共享數據和










  會計覈算 調整







淨收入- Amber DWM收入成本



  研發費用 銷售和營銷費用



































































愛點擊普通股股東應占淨虧損持續經營淨虧損其他全面虧損:退休福利淨額計劃變動--先前服務費用·] 2024.


















(d)衍生自本公司經審核的綜合報表 本公司截至2023年12月31日止年度的全面虧損。


(e)衍生自未經審計的綜合利潤表 Amber DWM Holding Limited截至2023年12月31日止年度的虧損及其他全面虧損。




消除Amber DWM之間的公司間交易 控股有限公司和WFTL合同轉讓。







基本每股流通股的加權平均計算 稀釋後每股淨虧損假設業務合併發生在列報的最早期間。此外,由於 企業合併被反映爲發生在這一天,計算加權平均流通股爲 每股基本及攤薄淨虧損假設股份在呈列期間內一直流通無阻。這項計算 進行追溯調整,以消除整個期間在業務合併中贖回的股份數量。


2下面總結了這些數字 截至收盤日的公司已發行普通股比例(美國存托股份):








5在企業合併中向Amber DWM的股東發行股份








(b)表示會計年度內關聯方貸款的公允價值變動。關聯方 貸款爲加密貨幣,無抵押,年利率爲3.00%,在1200萬.n期限內償還。它將被相關的 在合併前的一方。


7形式簡明的綜合報表 損失


(a) 截至2024年6月30日的6個月


(b) (未經審計)




8 共享數據或其他說明)I單擊交互").







9 有限


(a)琥珀色DWM 控股有限公司交易


(b) 會計 調整注意形式上 組合淨收入-公司淨收入- Amber DWM


































13iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited普通股東應占持續經營業務淨虧損




14(a) 已終止業務的運營損失









iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited普通股東應占已終止業務的淨虧損


  iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited普通股東應占淨虧損  
















































源自本公司未經審計的綜合報表 截至2024年6月30日止六個月本公司的全面虧損。

衍生自未經審計的綜合利潤表 Amber DWM Holding Limited截至2024年6月30日止六個月的虧損及其他全面虧損。


反映未經審計的綜合利潤表或 WFTL合同分配截至2024年6月30日的六個月的損失和其他全面損失。




消除Amber DWM之間的公司間交易 控股有限公司和WFTL合同轉讓。



基本每股流通股的加權平均計算 稀釋後每股淨虧損假設業務合併發生在列報的最早期間。此外,由於 企業合併被反映爲發生在這一天,計算加權平均流通股爲 每股基本及攤薄淨虧損假設股份在呈列期間內一直流通無阻。這項計算 進行追溯調整,以消除整個期間在業務合併中贖回的股份數量。



下面總結了這些數字 截至收盤日的公司已發行普通股比例(美國存托股份):














在企業合併中向Amber DWM的股東發行股份











反映公司預計因法律、合併和收購而產生的交易成本 作爲企業合併的一部分產生的諮詢費、會計費、諮詢費和印刷費。


表示會計年度內關聯方貸款的公允價值變動。關聯方 貸款爲加密貨幣,無抵押,年利率爲3.00%,在1200萬.n期限內償還。它將被相關的 在合併前的一方。


比較 歷史的和未經審計的







以下表格集 第四,彙總本公司和Amber DWM的歷史比較股份信息,以及未經審計的備考簡明 企業合併生效後的每股合併信息及企業合併預期的其他事項 在截止日期已發行普通股項下提交的協議:




計算的每股淨虧損 使用歷史加權平均流通股,以及與企業合併相關的增發股份, 假設這些股票自2024年6月30日起發行。


此信息僅限於 摘要,並應與本公司和Amber DWM的歷史財務報表以及以下相關說明一併閱讀 包括在本報告的其他部分。本公司及Amber DWM的未經審核備考綜合每股資料來自, 應與未經審計的備考簡明合併財務報表及其他地方的相關附註一併閱讀。 在這份報告中。


未經審計的備考合併 下面的每股虧損信息並不代表如果這些公司 於呈列期間合併,亦不包括未來任何日期或期間的每股盈利。未經審計的備考合併賬面價值 以下每股信息並不代表公司和Amber DWM在這兩家公司的價值 在本報告所述期間合併。










(“公司”(The Company)


1. 形式上組合在一起


2. 普通股股東應占持續經營淨虧損(美元‘000)


3. 股東權益(美元‘000)


4. 每美國存托股份賬面價值-基本和稀釋後的賬面價值(美元)


5. 美國存托股份已發行基本及攤薄加權平均股份


6. 美國存托股份基本及攤薄每股淨虧損(美元)



(1)《紐約時報》雜誌 每股價值=總股本/美國存托股份已發行普通股


8. 2024年6月30日琥珀DWM 控股有限公司


9. “公司”(The Company)



















(1) 書 每股價值=總股本/ADS中已發行普通股  <img src="https://www.sec.gov/akam/13/pixel_7edab2f5?a=dD0zNjk0MDAyODhlMDk0YzQxOTY4MjJiZDNkODNlNWQwODY3ODRmZWFjJmpzPW9mZg==" style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; left: -999px; top: -999px;" />  
Table A  1  
Interpretation  2  
Share Capital  3  
Alteration of Capital  4-7  
Share Rights  8-9  
Variation of Rights  10-11  
Shares  12-15  
Share Certificates  16-21  
Lien  22-24  
Calls On Shares  25-33  
Forfeiture of Shares  34-42  
Register of Members  43-44  
Record Dates  45  
Transfer of Shares  46-51  
Transmission of Shares  52-54  
Untraceable Members  55  
General Meetings  56-58  
Notice of General Meetings  59-60  
Proceedings at General Meetings  61-65  
Voting  66-77  
Proxies  78-83  
Corporations Acting By Representatives  84  
Board of Directors  85  
Retirement of Directors  88  
Disqualification of Directors  88  
Alternate Directors  89-92  
Directors’ Fees and Expenses  93-96  
Directors’ Interests  97-100  
General Powers of The Directors  101-106  
Borrowing Powers  107-110  
Proceedings of The Directors  111-120  
[DELETED]  121-122  
Officers  124-127  
Register of Directors and Officers 






Authentication of Documents 


Destruction of Documents 


Dividends and Other Payments 






Subscription Rights Reserve 


Accounting Records 




Notices  158-160  
Signatures  161  
Winding Up  162-163  
Indemnity  164  
Amendment to Memorandum and Articles of Association and Name of Company  165  
Information  166  
Merger and Consolidation  167  
Change of Control Event  168  
Financial Year  169  








1. The regulations in Table A in the Schedule to the Act do not apply to the Company.




2. (1) In these Articles, unless the context otherwise requires, the words standing in the first column of the following table shall bear the meaning set opposite them respectively in the second column.






   “Act”   the Companies Act (As Revised) of the Cayman Islands.
  “Affiliate”   in respect of a person, any other person that, directly or indirectly, through (1) one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such person, and (i) in the case of a natural person, shall include, without limitation, such person’s spouse, parents, children, siblings, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, a trust for the benefit of any of the foregoing and the trustee or administrator of such trust (in their capacity as such trustee or administrator), and a corporation, partnership or any other entity wholly or jointly owned by any of the foregoing, and (ii) in the case of an entity, shall include a partnership, a corporation or any other entity or any natural person which directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such entity. The term “control” shall mean the ownership, directly or indirectly, of shares possessing more than fifty per cent (50%) of the voting power of the corporation, partnership or other entity (other than, in the case of a corporation, securities having such power only by reason of the happening of a contingency), or having the power to control the management or elect a majority of members to the board of directors or equivalent decision-making body of such corporation, partnership or other entity.
  “Articles”   these Articles in their present form or as supplemented or amended or substituted from time to time.
  “as converted basis”   the number of votes to which the holder of the Class B Ordinary Shares would be entitled if such holder converted the Class B Ordinary Shares at the then effective Conversion Rate on the record date in respect of the meeting at which any poll is taken or, if no record date is established, the date any poll is taken.
  “Auditor”   the independent auditor of the Company which shall be an internationally recognized firm of independent accountants.
  “Automatic Conversion Date”   the Business Day on which the first Automatic Conversion Event occurs.
  “Automatic Conversion Event”   with respect to each Class B Ordinary Share in issue, the first to occur of (i) any sale, transfer, assignment or disposition of such Class B Ordinary Share by its registered holder or Beneficial Owner to any person who is not an Affiliate of such registered holder or Beneficial Owner, or (ii) any event (including but not limited to any issuance of additional Class B Ordinary Shares by the Company) that causes the ultimate Beneficial Owner of such Class B Ordinary Share to cease to beneficially own more than 5% of the Company's total outstanding Class B Ordinary Shares.
  “Beneficial Ownership”   shall have the meaning given to such term as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act, and be calculated on an as converted basis. The terms “Beneficially Own”, “Beneficially Owned” and “Beneficial Owner” shall each have a correlative meaning.
  “Board” or “Directors”   the board of directors of the Company or the directors present at a meeting of directors of the Company at which a quorum is present.
  “Business Day”   shall mean a day on which the Designated Stock Exchange generally is open for the business of dealing in securities in the Unites States of America.
  “Capital”   the share capital from time to time of the Company.





  “Cause”   a conviction for a criminal offence involving dishonesty or engaging in conduct which brings the Director or the Company into disrepute or which results in material financial detriment to the Company.
  “Class A Ordinary Shares”   class A ordinary shares of par value US$0.001 each of the Company having the rights set out in these Articles.
  “Class B Ordinary Shares”   class B ordinary shares of par value US$0.001 each of the Company having the rights set out in these Articles.
  “clear days”   in relation to the period of a notice, that period excluding the day when the notice is given or deemed to be given and the day for which it is given or on which it is to take effect.
  “clearing house”   a clearing house recognised by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the shares of the Company (or depositary receipts therefor) are listed or quoted on a stock exchange or interdealer quotation system in such jurisdiction.
  “Company”   Amber International Holding Limited
  “competent regulatory authority”   a competent regulatory authority in the territory where the shares of the Company (or depositary receipts therefor) are listed or quoted on a stock exchange or interdealer quotation system in such territory.
  “Conversion Date”   in respect of a Conversion Notice means the Business Day on which that Conversion Notice is delivered.
  “Conversion Notice”   a written notice delivered to the Company at its Office (and as otherwise stated therein) stating that a holder of Class B Ordinary Shares elects to convert the number of Class B Ordinary Shares specified therein pursuant to Article 9.
  “Conversion Number”   in relation to any Class B Ordinary Shares, such number of Class A Ordinary Shares as may, upon exercise of the Conversion Right, be issued at the Conversion Rate in force on the relevant Conversion Date.
  “Conversion Rate”   at any time, on a 1 : 1 basis, subject to adjustment in accordance with Article 9(b).
  “Conversion Right”   in respect of a Class B Ordinary Share means the right of its holder, subject to the provisions of the Articles and to any applicable fiscal or other laws or regulations including the Act, to convert all or any of its Class B Ordinary Shares, into the Conversion Number of Class A Ordinary Shares.
  “debenture” and “debenture holder”   include debenture stock and debenture stockholder respectively.
  “Designated Stock Exchange”   the stock exchange in the United States on which any Ordinary Shares or American depositary shares representing the Ordinary Shares are listed for trading.
  “Designated Stock Exchange Rules”   the relevant code, rules and regulations, as amended, from time to time, applicable as a result of the original and continued listing of any Ordinary Shares or American depositary shares representing the Ordinary Shares on the Designated Stock Exchange.
  “dollars” and “$”   dollars, the legal currency of the United States of America.
  “head office”   such office of the Company as the Directors may from time to time determine to be the principal office of the Company.
  “Member”   a duly registered holder from time to time of the shares in the capital of the Company.
  “month”   a calendar month.
  “Notice”   written notice unless otherwise specifically stated and as further defined in these Articles.
  “Office”   the registered office of the Company for the time being.





  “ordinary resolution”   means a resolution:
      (a) passed by a simple majority of the votes cast by such Members as, being entitled to do so, vote in person or, where proxies are allowed, by proxy at a general meeting of the Company and in computing a majority where a poll is taken, regard shall be had to the number of votes to which each Member is entitled; or (b) approved in writing by all of the Members entitled to vote at a general meeting of the Company in one or more instruments each signed by one or more of the Members and the effective date of the resolution so adopted shall be the date on which the instrument, or the last of such instruments, if more than one, is executed;
  “Ordinary Shares”   means the Class A Ordinary Shares and the Class B Ordinary Shares
  “paid up”   paid up or credited as paid up.
  “Register”   the principal register and where applicable, any branch register of Members of the Company to be maintained at such place within or outside the Cayman Islands as the Board shall determine from time to time.
  “Registration Office”   in respect of any class of share capital such place as the Board may from time to time determine to keep a branch register of Members in respect of that class of share capital and where (except in cases where the Board otherwise directs) the transfers or other documents of title for such class of share capital are to be lodged for registration and are to be registered.
  “SEC”   the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
  “Securities Exchange Act”   the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
  “Seal”   common seal or any one or more duplicate seals of the Company (including a securities seal) for use in the Cayman Islands or in any place outside the Cayman Islands.
  “Secretary”   any person, firm or corporation appointed by the Board to perform any of the duties of secretary of the Company and includes any assistant, deputy, temporary or acting secretary.
  “special resolution”   means a special resolution of the Company passed in accordance with the Act, being a resolution:
      (a) passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the votes of such Members as, being entitled to do so, vote in person or, where proxies are allowed, by proxy at a general meeting of the Company of which notice specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution has been duly given, and in computing a majority where a poll is taken, regard shall be had to the number of votes to which each Member is entitled; or
      (b) approved in writing by all of the Members entitled to vote at a general meeting of the Company in one or more instruments each signed by one or more of the Members and the effective date of the special resolution so adopted shall be the date on which the instrument or the last of such instruments, if more than one, is executed;
  “Statutes”   the Act and every other law of the Legislature of the Cayman Islands for the time being in force applying to or affecting the Company, its Memorandum of Association and/or these Articles.
  “year”   a calendar year.


  (2) In these Articles, unless there be something within the subject or context inconsistent with such construction:


  (a) words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa;


  (b) words importing a gender include both gender and the neuter;


  (c) words importing persons include companies, associations and bodies of persons whether corporate or not;


  (d) the words:


    (i) “may” shall be construed as permissive;


    (ii) “shall” or “will” shall be construed as imperative;






expressions referring to writing shall, unless the contrary intention appears, be construed as including printing, lithography, photography and other modes of representing words or figures in a visible form, and including where the representation takes the form of electronic display, provided that both the mode of service of the relevant document or notice and the Member’s election comply with all applicable Statutes, rules and regulations;


  (f) references to any law, ordinance, statute or statutory provision shall be interpreted as relating to any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force;


  (g) save as aforesaid words and expressions defined in the Statutes shall bear the same meanings in these Articles if not inconsistent with the subject in the context;


  (h) references to a document being executed include references to it being executed under hand or under seal or by electronic signature or by any other method and references to a notice or document include a notice or document recorded or stored in any digital, electronic, electrical, magnetic or other retrievable form or medium and information in visible form whether having physical substance or not;


  (i) Section 8 of the Electronic Transactions Act (As Revised) of the Cayman Islands, as amended from time to time, shall not apply to these Articles to the extent it imposes obligations or requirements in addition to those set out in these Articles.




3. (1) The share capital of the Company at the date on which these Articles come    into effect shall be divided into shares of a par value of US$0.001 each.


  (2) Subject to the Act, the Company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association and, where applicable, the rules of the Designated Stock Exchange and/or any competent regulatory authority, any power of the Company to purchase or otherwise acquire its own shares shall be exercisable by the Board in such manner, upon such terms and subject to such conditions as it thinks fit.


  (3) No share shall be issued to bearer.




4.   The Company may from time to time by ordinary resolution in accordance with the Act alter the conditions of its Memorandum of Association to:


  (a) increase its capital by such sum, to be divided into shares of such amounts, as the resolution shall prescribe;


  (b) consolidate and divide all or any of its capital into shares of larger amount than its existing shares;


  (c) without prejudice to the powers of the Board under Article 12, divide its shares into several classes and without prejudice to any special rights previously conferred on the holders of existing shares attach thereto respectively any preferential, deferred, qualified or special rights, privileges, conditions or such restrictions which in the absence of any such determination by the Company in general meeting, as the Directors may determine provided always that, for the avoidance of doubt, subject to Article 9(e), where a class of shares has been authorised by the Company no resolution of the Company in general meeting is required for the issuance of shares of that class and the Directors may issue shares of that class and determine such rights, privileges, conditions or restrictions attaching thereto as aforesaid, and further provided that where the Company issues shares which do not carry voting rights, the words “non-voting” shall appear in the designation of such shares;


  (d) sub-divide its shares, or any of them, into shares of smaller amount than is fixed by the Memorandum of Association (subject, nevertheless, to the Act), and may by such resolution determine that, as between the holders of the shares resulting from such sub-division, one or more of the shares may have any such preferred, deferred or other rights or be subject to any such restrictions as compared with the other or others as the Company has power to attach to unissued or new shares;


  (e) cancel any shares which, at the date of the passing of the resolution, have not been taken, or agreed to be taken, by any person, and diminish the amount of its capital by the amount of the shares so cancelled or, in the case of shares, without par value, diminish the number of shares into which its capital is divided.


5.   The Board may settle as it considers expedient any difficulty which arises in relation to any consolidation and division under the last preceding Article and in particular but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing may issue certificates in respect of fractions of shares or arrange for the sale of the shares representing fractions and the distribution of the net proceeds of sale (after deduction of the expenses of such sale) in due proportion amongst the Members who would have been entitled to the fractions, and for this purpose the Board may authorise some person to transfer the shares representing fractions to their purchaser or resolve that such net proceeds be paid to the Company for the Company’s benefit. Such purchaser will not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money nor will his title to the shares be affected by any irregularity or invalidity in the proceedings relating to the sale.


6.   The Company may from time to time by special resolution, subject to any confirmation or consent required by the Act, reduce its share capital or any capital redemption reserve in any manner permitted by law.





7.   Except so far as otherwise provided by the conditions of issue, or by these Articles, any capital raised by the creation of new shares shall be treated as if it formed part of the original capital of the Company, and such shares shall be subject to the provisions contained in these Articles with reference to the payment of calls and instalments, transfer and transmission, forfeiture, lien, cancellation, surrender, voting and otherwise.




8. (1)

Subject to the provisions of the Act, the rules of the Designated Stock Exchange and the Memorandum and Articles of Association (including Article 9(e)) and to any special rights conferred on the holders of any shares or class of shares, and without prejudice to Article 12 hereof, any share in the Company (whether forming part of the present capital or not) may be issued with or have attached thereto such rights or restrictions whether in regard to dividend, voting, return of capital or otherwise as the Board may determine, including without limitation on terms that they may be, or at the option of the Company or the holder are, liable to be redeemed on such terms and in such manner, including out of capital, as the Board may deem fit.


  (2) Subject to the Act, any preferred shares may be issued or converted into shares that, at a determinable date or at the option of the Company or the holder thereof, are to be redeemed or are liable to be redeemed on such terms and in such manner as the Directors may in their absolute discretion determine.


9.   Subject to Article 8(1), Article 9(e), the Memorandum of Association and any resolution of the Members to the contrary and without prejudice to any special rights conferred thereby on the holders of any other shares or class of shares, the share capital of the Company shall be divided into Class A Ordinary Shares and Class B Ordinary Share provided always that the Directors may, in their absolute discretion and without the approval of the Members, create and designate out of the unissued shares of the Company (including unissued Class A Ordinary Shares but excluding unissued Class B Ordinary Shares) one or more classes or series of preferred shares, comprising such number of preferred shares, and having such designations, powers, preferences, privileges and other rights, including dividend rights, voting rights, conversion rights, terms of redemption and liquidation preferences, as the Directors may determine. The Class A Ordinary Shares and Class B Ordinary Shares shall carry equal rights and rank pari passu with one another other than as set out below.


  (a) As regards conversion from Class B Ordinary Shares to Class A Ordinary Shares


  (i) Subject to the provisions hereof and to compliance with all fiscal and other laws and regulations applicable thereto, including the Act), (A) the Class B Ordinary Shares shall be subject to automatic conversion on the Automatic Conversion Date; and (B) a holder of Class B Ordinary Shares shall have the Conversion Right in respect of each Class B Ordinary Share. Any and all taxes and stamp, issue and registration duties (if any) arising on any conversion (whether automatic or optional) shall be borne by the Company.


  (ii) Subject to the provisions hereof and to compliance with all fiscal and other laws and regulations applicable thereto, including the Act), each Class B Ordinary Share shall be converted at any time after issue and without the payment of any additional sum, into such number of fully paid Class A Ordinary Shares calculated at the Conversion Rate then in effect EITHER :


(A)at the option of the holder. Such conversion shall take effect on the Conversion Date. A Conversion Notice shall not be effective if it is not accompanied by the share certificates in respect of the relevant Class B Ordinary Shares and such other evidence (if any) as the Directors may reasonably require to prove the title of the person exercising such right (or, if such certificates have been lost or destroyed, such evidence of title and such indemnity as the Directors may reasonably require); OR


(B)automatically. Such conversion shall take effect on the Automatic Conversion Date, and a Conversion Notice shall not be required to be delivered to the Company give effect to such automatic conversion.


  (iii) To the extent the Conversion Rate is one Class A Ordinary Share for one Class B Ordinary Share, on the Conversion Date or the Automatic Conversion Date, as the case may be, every Class B Ordinary Share shall automatically be re-designated and re-classified as a Class A Ordinary Share with such rights and restrictions attached to and shall rank pari passu in all respects with the Class A Ordinary Shares then in issue.


  (iv) If the Conversion Rate is not on a one for one basis, the conversion shall take effect in such manner permitted by law (including, without limitation, by way of repurchase set out in Section 37 of the Act).





  (v) Subject to the provisions hereof and to compliance with all fiscal and other laws and regulations applicable thereto, including the Act), on the Conversion Date or the Automatic Conversion Date, as the case may be, the Company shall allot and issue the relevant Class A Ordinary Shares to the converting Member, repurchase and cancel the relevant Class B Ordinary Shares, enter or procure the entry of the name of the relevant holder of Class B Ordinary Shares as the holder of the relevant number of Class A Ordinary Shares resulting from the conversion of the Class B Ordinary Shares in, and make any other necessary and consequential changes to, the Register of Members and shall procure that certificates in respect of the relevant Class A Ordinary Shares, together with a new certificate for any unconverted Class B Ordinary Shares comprised in the certificate(s) surrendered by the holder of the Class B Ordinary Shares, are issued to the holders of the Class A Ordinary Shares and Class B Ordinary Shares, as the case may be.


  (vi) Until such time as the Class B Ordinary Shares have been converted into Class A Ordinary Shares the Company shall:


  (1) at all times keep available for issue and free of all liens, charges, options, mortgages, pledges, claims, equities, encumbrances and other third-party rights of any nature, and not subject to any pre-emptive rights out of its authorised but unissued share capital, such number of authorised but unissued Class A Ordinary Shares as would enable all Class B Ordinary Shares to be converted, re-designated or re-classified into Class A Ordinary Shares and any other rights of conversion into, subscription for or exchange into Class A Ordinary Shares to be satisfied in full;


  (2) maintain such amounts standing to the credit of its share premium and share capital accounts as to permit the conversion of the Class B Ordinary Shares into Class A Ordinary Shares by way of repurchase pursuant to Section 37 of the Act; and


  (3) not make any issue, grant or distribution or take any other action if the effect would be that on the conversion, re-designation or re-classification of the Class B Ordinary Shares to Class A Ordinary Shares it would be required to issue Class A Ordinary Shares at a price lower than the par value thereof.


  (b) Adjustments of Conversion Rate


  (i) Subject as herein provided, the Conversion Rate shall from time to time be adjusted in accordance with the following relevant provisions.


  (ii) If and whenever a Class A Ordinary Share by reason of any consolidation or sub-division becomes of a different nominal amount, the Conversion Rate in force immediately prior thereto shall be adjusted by multiplying it by the revised nominal amount and dividing the result by the former nominal amount. Within two (2) Business Days of any such adjustment the Company will send to the holder of Class B Ordinary Shares a certificate signed by a Director of the Company setting forth brief particulars of the event giving rise to the adjustment, the Conversion Rate in effect prior to such adjustment, the adjusted Conversion Rate on the effective date of the adjustment. Each such adjustment shall be effective from the close of business in United States of America on the day preceding the date on which the consolidation or sub-division becomes effective.


  (c) As regards Voting Rights


  (i) At all times during the period from the coming into effect of these Articles, each Class A Ordinary Share shall be entitled to one (1) vote on all matters subject to vote at general meetings of the Company only when voting on a poll is taken, and each Class B ordinary share shall be entitled to thirty (30) votes on all matters subject to vote at general meetings of the Company only when voting on a poll is taken.


(ii)Unless otherwise required under applicable laws in the Cayman Islands, holders of Class A Ordinary Shares and Class B Ordinary Shares shall at all times vote together as one class on all resolutions submitted to a vote by the Members.


  (d) As regards Transfers of Class B Ordinary Shares

Upon any sale, transfer, assignment or disposition of Beneficial Ownership of any Class B Ordinary Share by a holder or a Beneficial Owner of such Class B Ordinary Share to any person who is not (i) the registered holder or Beneficial Owner of Class B Ordinary Shares or (ii) an Affiliate of the registered holder or Beneficial Owner of such Class B Ordinary Share being transferred, assigned or disposed of, such Class B Ordinary Share shall automatically convert into one (1) Class A Ordinary Share upon the completion of such transfer, assignment or disposition, subject to adjustments of Conversion Rate as set out in Article 9(b). For the avoidance of doubt, (i) a transfer shall be effective upon the registration of such transfer in the Register; (ii) an assignment or disposition shall be effective upon completion of the contractual arrangements applicable to the relevant Member or beneficial owner; and (iii) the creation of any pledge, charge, encumbrance or other third party right of whatever description on any Class B Ordinary Shares to secure a Member’s contractual or legal obligations shall not be deemed to be a transfer, assignment or disposition unless and until any such pledge, charge, encumbrance or other third party right is enforced and such enforcement results in the third party becoming the registered holder of the relevant Class B Ordinary Shares, in which case all such Class B Ordinary Shares shall be automatically converted into the same number of Class A Ordinary Shares, subject to adjustments of Conversion Rate as set out in Article 9(b).






As regards Issuance of Class B Ordinary Shares


The Board shall not issue Class B Ordinary Shares and options, warrants or convertible securities or securities of similar nature conferring the right upon the holders thereof to subscribe for, purchase or receive Class B Ordinary Shares in the absence of a special resolution of the Members in general meeting approving such issuance.



10. Subject to the Act and without prejudice to Article 8, all or any of the special rights for the time being attached to the shares or any class of shares may, unless otherwise provided by the terms of issue of the shares of that class, from time to time (whether or not the Company is being wound up) be varied, modified or abrogated with the sanction of a special resolution passed at a separate general meeting of the holders of the shares of that class. To every such separate general meeting, all the provisions of these Articles relating to general meetings of the Company shall, mutatis mutandis, apply, but so that:



the necessary quorum (whether at a separate general meeting or at its adjourned meeting) shall be two Members (or in the case of a Member being a corporation, its duly authorised representative);



every holder of shares of the class shall be entitled on a poll to one vote for every share of such class held by him; and 


  (c) any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy or authorised representative may demand a poll.


11.   The special rights conferred upon the holders of any shares or class of shares shall not, unless otherwise expressly provided in the rights attaching to or the terms of issue of such shares, be deemed to be varied, modified or abrogated by the creation or issue of further shares ranking pari passu therewith.




12. (1)

Subject to the Act, these Articles and, where applicable, the rules of the Designated Stock Exchange and without prejudice to any special rights or restrictions for the time being attached to any shares or any class of shares, the unissued shares of the Company (whether forming part of the original or any increased capital) shall be at the disposal of the Board, which may offer, allot, grant options over or otherwise dispose of them to such persons, at such times and for such consideration and upon such terms and conditions as the Board may in its absolute discretion determine but so that no shares shall be issued at a discount. In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Board is hereby empowered to authorise by resolution or resolutions from time to time the issuance of one or more classes or series of preferred shares and to fix the designations, powers, preferences and relative, participating, optional and other rights, if any, and the qualifications, limitations and restrictions thereof, if any, including, without limitation, the number of shares constituting each such class or series, dividend rights, conversion rights, redemption privileges, voting powers, full or limited or no voting powers, and liquidation preferences, and to increase or decrease the size of any such class or series (but not below the number of shares of any class or series of preferred shares then outstanding) to the extent permitted by Act. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the resolution or resolutions providing for the establishment of any class or series of preferred shares may, to the extent permitted by law, provide that such class or series shall be superior to, rank equally with or be junior to the preferred shares of any other class or series.


  (2) Neither the Company nor the Board shall be obliged, when making or granting any allotment of, offer of, option over or disposal of shares, to make, or make available, any such allotment, offer, option or shares to Members or others with registered addresses in any particular territory or territories being a territory or territories where, in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities, this would or might, in the opinion of the Board, be unlawful or impracticable. Members affected as a result of the foregoing sentence shall not be, or be deemed to be, a separate class of Members for any purpose whatsoever. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the resolution or resolutions providing for the establishment of any class or series of preferred shares, no vote of the holders of preferred shares of or ordinary shares shall be a prerequisite to the issuance of any shares of any class or series of the preferred shares authorised by and complying with the conditions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association.


  (3) Subject to Article 9(e), the Board may issue options, warrants or convertible securities or securities of similar nature conferring the right upon the holders thereof to subscribe for, purchase or receive any class of shares or securities in the capital of the Company on such terms as it may from time to time determine.



The Company may in connection with the issue of any shares exercise all powers of paying commission and brokerage conferred or permitted by the Act. Subject to the Act, the commission may be satisfied by the payment of cash or by the allotment of fully or partly paid shares or partly in one and partly in the other.





 14.   Except as required by law, no person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the Company shall not be bound by or required in any way to recognise (even when having notice thereof) any equitable, contingent, future or partial interest in any share or any fractional part of a share or (except only as otherwise provided by these Articles or by law) any other rights in respect of any share except an absolute right to the entirety thereof in the registered holder.


15.   Subject to the Act and these Articles, the Board may at any time after the allotment of shares but before any person has been entered in the Register as the holder, recognise a renunciation thereof by the allottee in favour of some other person and may accord to any allottee of a share a right to effect such renunciation upon and subject to such terms and conditions as the Board considers fit to impose.




16.   Every share certificate shall be issued under the Seal or a facsimile thereof and shall specify the number and class and distinguishing numbers (if any) of the shares to which it relates, and the amount paid up thereon and may otherwise be in such form as the Directors may from time to time determine. No certificate shall be issued representing shares of more than one class. The Board may by resolution determine, either generally or in any particular case or cases, that any signatures on any such certificates (or certificates in respect of other securities) need not be autographic but may be affixed to such certificates by some mechanical means or may be printed thereon.


17. (1) In the case of a share held jointly by several persons, the Company shall not be bound to issue more than one certificate therefor and delivery of a certificate to one of several joint holders shall be sufficient delivery to all such holders.



Where a share stands in the names of two or more persons, the person first named in the Register shall as regards service of notices and, subject to the provisions of these Articles, all or any other matters connected with the Company, except the transfer of the shares, be deemed the sole holder thereof.


18.   Every person whose name is entered, upon an allotment of shares, as a Member in the Register shall be entitled, without payment, to receive one certificate for all such shares of any one class or several certificates each for one or more of such shares of such class upon payment for every certificate after the first of such reasonable out-of-pocket expenses as the Board from time to time determines.


19.   Share certificates shall be issued within the relevant time limit as prescribed by the Act or as the Designated Stock Exchange may from time to time determine, whichever is the shorter, after allotment or, except in the case of a transfer which the Company is for the time being entitled to refuse to register and does not register, after lodgment of a transfer with the Company.


20. (1) Upon every transfer of shares the certificate held by the transferor shall be given up to be cancelled, and shall forthwith be cancelled accordingly, and a new certificate shall be issued to the transferee in respect of the shares transferred to him at such fee as is provided in paragraph (2) of this Article. If any of the shares included in the certificate so given up shall be retained by the transferor a new certificate for the balance shall be issued to him at the aforesaid fee payable by the transferor to the Company in respect thereof.


  (2) The fee referred to in paragraph (1) above shall be an amount not exceeding the relevant maximum amount as the Designated Stock Exchange may from time to time determine provided that the Board may at any time determine a lower amount for such fee.


21.   If a share certificate shall be damaged or defaced or alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed a new certificate representing the same shares may be issued to the relevant Member upon request and on payment of such fee as the Company may determine and, subject to compliance with such terms (if any) as to evidence and indemnity and to payment of the costs and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses of the Company in investigating such evidence and preparing such indemnity as the Board may think fit and, in case of damage or defacement, on delivery of the old certificate to the Company provided always that where share warrants have been issued, no new share warrant shall be issued to replace one that has been lost unless the Board has determined that the original has been destroyed.




22.   The Company shall have a first and paramount lien on every share (not being a fully paid share) for all moneys (whether presently payable or not) called or payable at a fixed time in respect of that share. The Company shall also have a first and paramount lien on every share (not being a fully paid share) registered in the name of a Member (whether or not jointly with other Members) for all amounts of money presently payable by such Member or his estate to the Company whether the same shall have been incurred before or after notice to the Company of any equitable or other interest of any person other than such member, and whether the period for the payment or discharge of the same shall have actually arrived or not, and notwithstanding that the same are joint debts or liabilities of such Member or his estate and any other person, whether a Member of the Company or not. The Company’s lien on a share shall extend to all dividends or other moneys payable thereon or in respect thereof. The Board may at any time, generally or in any particular case, waive any lien that has arisen or declare any share exempt in whole or in part, from the provisions of this Article.






Subject to these Articles, the Company may sell in such manner as the Board determines any share on which the Company has a lien, but no sale shall be made unless some sum in respect of which the lien exists is presently payable, or the liability or engagement in respect of which such lien exists is liable to be presently fulfilled or discharged nor until the expiration of fourteen (14) clear days after a notice in writing, stating and demanding payment of the sum presently payable, or specifying the liability or engagement and demanding fulfilment or discharge thereof and giving notice of the intention to sell in default, has been served on the registered holder for the time being of the share or the person entitled thereto by reason of his death or bankruptcy.


24.   The net proceeds of the sale shall be received by the Company and applied in or towards payment or discharge of the debt or liability in respect of which the lien exists, so far as the same is presently payable, and any residue shall (subject to a like lien for debts or liabilities not presently payable as existed upon the share prior to the sale) be paid to the person entitled to the share at the time of the sale. To give effect to any such sale the Board may authorise some person to transfer the shares sold to the purchaser thereof. The purchaser shall be registered as the holder of the shares so transferred and he shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money, nor shall his title to the shares be affected by any irregularity or invalidity in the proceedings relating to the sale.




25.   Subject to these Articles and to the terms of allotment, the Board may from time to time make calls upon the Members in respect of any moneys unpaid on their shares (whether on account of the nominal or par value of the shares or by way of premium), and each Member shall (subject to being given at least fourteen (14) clear days’ Notice specifying the time and place of payment) pay to the Company as required by such notice the amount called on his shares. A call may be extended, postponed or revoked in whole or in part as the Board determines but no member shall be entitled to any such extension, postponement or revocation except as a matter of grace and favour.


26.   A call shall be deemed to have been made at the time when the resolution of the Board authorising the call was passed and may be made payable either in one lump sum or by instalments.


27.   A person upon whom a call is made shall remain liable for calls made upon him notwithstanding the subsequent transfer of the shares in respect of which the call was made. The joint holders of a share shall be jointly and severally liable to pay all calls and instalments due in respect thereof or other moneys due in respect thereof.



If a sum called in respect of a share is not paid before or on the day appointed for payment thereof, the person from whom the sum is due shall pay interest on the amount unpaid from the day appointed for payment thereof to the time of actual payment at such rate (not exceeding twenty per cent. (20%) per annum) as the Board may determine, but the Board may in its absolute discretion waive payment of such interest wholly or in part.



29.   No Member shall be entitled to receive any dividend or bonus or to be present and vote (save as proxy for another Member) at any general meeting either personally or by proxy, or be reckoned in a quorum, or exercise any other privilege as a Member until all calls or instalments due by him to the Company, whether alone or jointly with any other person, together with interest and expenses (if any) shall have been paid.


30.   On the trial or hearing of any action or other proceedings for the recovery of any money due for any call, it shall be sufficient to prove that the name of the Member sued is entered in the Register as the holder, or one of the holders, of the shares in respect of which such debt accrued, that the resolution making the call is duly recorded in the minute book, and that notice of such call was duly given to the Member sued, in pursuance of these Articles; and it shall not be necessary to prove the appointment of the Directors who made such call, nor any other matters whatsoever, but the proof of the matters aforesaid shall be conclusive evidence of the debt.


31.   Any amount payable in respect of a share upon allotment or at any fixed date, whether in respect of nominal value or premium or as an instalment of a call, shall be deemed to be a call duly made and payable on the date fixed for payment and if it is not paid the provisions of these Articles shall apply as if that amount had become due and payable by virtue of a call duly made and notified.


32.   On the issue of shares the Board may differentiate between the allottees or holders as to the amount of calls to be paid and the times of payment.



The Board may, if it thinks fit, receive from any Member willing to advance the same, and either in money or money’s worth, all or any part of the moneys uncalled and unpaid or instalments payable upon any shares held by him and upon all or any of the moneys so advanced (until the same would, but for such advance, become presently payable) pay interest at such rate (if any) as the Board may decide. The Board may at any time repay the amount so advanced upon giving to such Member not less than one month’s Notice of its intention in that behalf, unless before the expiration of such notice the amount so advanced shall have been called up on the shares in respect of which it was advanced. Such payment in advance shall not entitle the holder of such share or shares to participate in respect thereof in a dividend subsequently declared.







34. (1) If a call remains unpaid after it has become due and payable the Board may give to the person from whom it is due not less than fourteen (14) clear days’ Notice:


  (a) requiring payment of the amount unpaid together with any interest which may have accrued and which may still accrue up to the date of actual payment; and


  (b) stating that if the Notice is not complied with the shares on which the call was made will be liable to be forfeited.


  (2) If the requirements of any such Notice are not complied with, any share in respect of which such Notice has been given may at any time thereafter, before payment of all calls and interest due in respect thereof has been made, be forfeited by a resolution of the Board to that effect, and such forfeiture shall include all dividends and bonuses declared in respect of the forfeited share but not actually paid before the forfeiture.


35.   When any share has been forfeited, notice of the forfeiture shall be served upon the person who was before forfeiture the holder of the share. No forfeiture shall be invalidated by any omission or neglect to give such Notice.


36.   The Board may accept the surrender of any share liable to be forfeited hereunder and, in such case, references in these Articles to forfeiture will include surrender.



Any share so forfeited shall be deemed the property of the Company and may be sold, re-allotted or otherwise disposed of to such person, upon such terms and in such manner as the Board determines, and at any time before a sale, re-allotment or disposition the forfeiture may be annulled by the Board on such terms as the Board determines.



38.   A person whose shares have been forfeited shall cease to be a Member in respect of the forfeited shares but nevertheless shall remain liable to pay the Company all moneys which at the date of forfeiture were presently payable by him to the Company in respect of the shares, with (if the Directors shall in their discretion so require) interest thereon from the date of forfeiture until payment at such rate (not exceeding twenty per cent. (20%) per annum) as the Board determines. The Board may enforce payment thereof if it thinks fit, and without any deduction or allowance for the value of the forfeited shares, at the date of forfeiture, but his liability shall cease if and when the Company shall have received payment in full of all such moneys in respect of the shares. For the purposes of this Article any sum which, by the terms of issue of a share, is payable thereon at a fixed time which is subsequent to the date of forfeiture, whether on account of the nominal value of the share or by way of premium, shall notwithstanding that time has not yet arrived be deemed to be payable at the date of forfeiture, and the same shall become due and payable immediately upon the forfeiture, but interest thereon shall only be payable in respect of any period between the said fixed time and the date of actual payment.



A declaration by a Director or the Secretary that a share has been forfeited on a specified date shall be conclusive evidence of the facts therein stated as against all persons claiming to be entitled to the share, and such declaration shall (subject to the execution of an instrument of transfer by the Company if necessary) constitute a good title to the share, and the person to whom the share is disposed of shall be registered as the holder of the share and shall not be bound to see to the application of the consideration (if any), nor shall his title to the share be affected by any irregularity in or invalidity of the proceedings in reference to the forfeiture, sale or disposal of the share. When any share shall have been forfeited, notice of the declaration shall be given to the Member in whose name it stood immediately prior to the forfeiture, and an entry of the forfeiture, with the date thereof, shall forthwith be made in the register, but no forfeiture shall be in any manner invalidated by any omission or neglect to give such notice or make any such entry.



40.   Notwithstanding any such forfeiture as aforesaid, the Board may at any time, before any shares so forfeited shall have been sold, re-allotted or otherwise disposed of, permit the shares forfeited to be bought back upon the terms of payment of all calls and interest due upon and expenses incurred in respect of the share, and upon such further terms (if any) as it thinks fit.


41.   The forfeiture of a share shall not prejudice the right of the Company to any call already made or instalment payable thereon.


42.   The provisions of these Articles as to forfeiture shall apply in the case of non-payment of any sum which, by the terms of issue of a share, becomes payable at a fixed time, whether on account of the nominal value of the share or by way of premium, as if the same had been payable by virtue of a call duly made and notified.




43. (1) The Company shall keep in one or more books a Register of its Members and shall enter therein the following particulars, that is to say:


  (a) the name and address of each Member, the number and class of shares held by him and the amount paid or agreed to be considered as paid on such shares;


  (b) the date on which each person was entered in the Register; and


  (c) the date on which any person ceased to be a Member.



The Company may keep an overseas or local or other branch register of Members resident in any place, and the Board may make and vary such regulations as it determines in respect of the keeping of any such register and maintaining a Registration Office in connection therewith.






The title to shares listed on a Designated Stock Exchange may be evidenced and transferred in accordance with the laws applicable to the Designated Stock Exchange Rules and, for these purposes, the Register of Members may be maintained in accordance with section 40B of the Act.


44.   The Register and branch register of Members, as the case may be, shall be open to inspection for such times and on such days as the Board shall determine by Members without charge or by any other person, at the Office or Registration Office or such other place at which the Register is kept in accordance with the Act. The Register including any overseas or local or other branch register of Members may, after compliance with any notice requirement of the Designated Stock Exchange, be closed at such times or for such periods not exceeding in the whole thirty (30) days in each year as the Board may determine and either generally or in respect of any class of shares.




45.   For the purpose of determining the Members entitled to notice of or to vote at any general meeting, or any adjournment thereof, or entitled to express consent to corporate action in writing without a meeting, or entitled to receive payment of any dividend or other distribution or allotment of any rights, or entitled to exercise any rights in respect of any change, conversion or exchange of shares or for the purpose of any other lawful action, the Board may fix, in advance, a date as the record date for any such determination of Members, which date shall not be more than sixty (60) days nor less than ten (10) days before the date of such meeting, nor more than sixty (60) days prior to any other such action.


    If the Board does not fix a record date for any general meeting, the record date for determining the Members entitled to a notice of or to vote at such meeting shall be at the close of business on the day next preceding the day on which notice is given, or, if in accordance with these Articles notice is waived, at the close of business on the day next preceding the day on which the meeting is held. The record date for determining the Members for any other purpose shall be at the close of business on the day on which the Board adopts the resolution relating thereto.


    A determination of the Members of record entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of the Members shall apply to any adjournment of the meeting; provided, however, that the Board may fix a new record date for the adjourned meeting.




46.   Subject to these Articles including, without limitation, in the case of Class B Ordinary Shares, Article 9(d), any Member may transfer all or any of his shares by an instrument of transfer in the usual or common form or in a form prescribed by the Designated Stock Exchange or in any other form approved by the Board and may be under hand or, if the transferor or transferee is a clearing house or a central depository house or its nominee(s), by hand or by machine imprinted signature or by such other manner of execution as the Board may approve from time to time.


47   The instrument of transfer shall be executed by or on behalf of the transferor and the transferee provided that the Board may dispense with the execution of the instrument of transfer by the transferee in any case which it thinks fit in its discretion to do so. Without prejudice to the last preceding Article, the Board may also resolve, either generally or in any particular case, upon request by either the transferor or transferee, to accept mechanically executed transfers. The transferor shall be deemed to remain the holder of the share until the name of the transferee is entered in the Register in respect thereof. Nothing in these Articles shall preclude the Board from recognising a renunciation of the allotment or provisional allotment of any share by the allottee in favour of some other person.


48. (1) The Board may, in its absolute discretion, and without giving any reason therefor, refuse to register a transfer of any share (not being a fully paid up share) to a person of whom it does not approve, or any share issued under any share incentive scheme for employees upon which a restriction on transfer imposed thereby still subsists, and it may also, without prejudice to the foregoing generality, refuse to register a transfer of any share to more than four joint holders or a transfer of any share (not being a fully paid up share) on which the Company has a lien.


  (2) The Board in so far as permitted by any applicable law may, in its absolute discretion, at any time and from time to time transfer any share upon the Register to any branch register or any share on any branch register to the Register or any other branch register. In the event of any such transfer, the shareholder requesting such transfer shall bear the cost of effecting the transfer unless the Board otherwise determines.





  (3) Unless the Board otherwise agrees (which agreement may be on such terms and subject to such conditions as the Board in its absolute discretion may from time to time determine, and which agreement the Board shall, without giving any reason therefor, be entitled in its absolute discretion to give or withhold), no shares upon the Register shall be transferred to any branch register nor shall shares on any branch register be transferred to the Register or any other branch register and all transfers and other documents of title shall be lodged for registration, and registered, in the case of any shares on a branch register, at the relevant Registration Office, and, in the case of any shares on the Register, at the Office or such other place at which the Register is kept in accordance with the Act.


49.   Without limiting the generality of the last preceding Article, the Board may decline to recognise any instrument of transfer unless:-


  (a) a fee of such maximum sum as the Designated Stock Exchange may determine to be payable or such lesser sum as the Board may from time to time require is paid to the Company in respect thereof;


  (b) the instrument of transfer is in respect of only one class of share;


  (c) the instrument of transfer is lodged at the Office or such other place at which the Register is kept in accordance with the Act or the Registration Office (as the case may be) accompanied by the relevant share certificate(s) and such other evidence as the Board may reasonably require to show the right of the transferor to make the transfer (and, if the instrument of transfer is executed by some other person on his behalf, the authority of that person so to do); and


  (d) if applicable, the instrument of transfer is duly and properly stamped.


50.   If the Board refuses to register a transfer of any share, it shall, within three months after the date on which the transfer was lodged with the Company, send to each of the transferor and transferee notice of the refusal.


51.   The registration of transfers of shares or of any class of shares may, after compliance with any notice requirement of the Designated Stock Exchange, be suspended at such times and for such periods (not exceeding in the whole thirty (30) days in any year) as the Board may determine.




52.   If a Member dies, the survivor or survivors where the deceased was a joint holder, and his legal personal representatives where he was a sole or only surviving holder, will be the only persons recognised by the Company as having any title to his interest in the shares; but nothing in this Article will release the estate of a deceased Member (whether sole or joint) from any liability in respect of any share which had been solely or jointly held by him.


53.   Any person becoming entitled to a share in consequence of the death or bankruptcy or winding-up of a Member may, upon such evidence as to his title being produced as may be required by the Board, elect either to become the holder of the share or to have some person nominated by him registered as the transferee thereof. If he elects to become the holder he shall notify the Company in writing either at the Registration Office or Office, as the case may be, to that effect. If he elects to have another person registered he shall execute a transfer of the share in favour of that person. The provisions of these Articles relating to the transfer and registration of transfers of shares shall apply to such notice or transfer as aforesaid as if the death or bankruptcy of the Member had not occurred and the notice or transfer were a transfer signed by such Member.


54.   A person becoming entitled to a share by reason of the death or bankruptcy or winding-up of a Member shall be entitled to the same dividends and other advantages to which he would be entitled if he were the registered holder of the share. However, the Board may, if it thinks fit, withhold the payment of any dividend payable or other advantages in respect of such share until such person shall become the registered holder of the share or shall have effectually transferred such share, but, subject to the requirements of Article 74(2) being met, such a person may vote at meetings.




55. (1) Without prejudice to the rights of the Company under paragraph (2) of this Article, the Company may cease sending cheques for dividend entitlements or dividend warrants by post if such cheques or warrants have been left uncashed on two consecutive occasions. However, the Company may exercise the power to cease sending cheques for dividend entitlements or dividend warrants after the first occasion on which such a cheque or warrant is returned undelivered.


  (2) The Company shall have the power to sell, in such manner as the Board thinks fit, any shares of a Member who is untraceable, but no such sale shall be made unless:


  (a) all cheques or warrants in respect of dividends of the shares in question, being not less than three in total number, for any sum payable in cash to the holder of such shares in respect of them sent during the relevant period in the manner authorised by the Articles of the Company have remained uncashed;





  (b) so far as it is aware at the end of the relevant period, the Company has not at any time during the relevant period received any indication of the existence of the Member who is the holder of such shares or of a person entitled to such shares by death, bankruptcy or operation of law; and


  (c) the Company, if so required by the rules governing the listing of shares on the Designated Stock Exchange, has given notice to, and caused advertisement in newspapers to be made in accordance with the requirements of, the Designated Stock Exchange of its intention to sell such shares in the manner required by the Designated Stock Exchange, and a period of three months or such shorter period as may be allowed by the Designated Stock Exchange has elapsed since the date of such advertisement.


    For the purpose of the foregoing, the “relevant period” means the period commencing twelve (12) years before the date of publication of the advertisement referred to in paragraph (c) of this Article and ending at the expiry of the period referred to in that paragraph.


(3)To give effect to any such sale the Board may authorise some person to transfer the said shares and an instrument of transfer signed or otherwise executed by or on behalf of such person shall be as effective as if it had been executed by the registered holder or the person entitled by transmission to such shares, and the purchaser shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money nor shall his title to the shares be affected by any irregularity or invalidity in the proceedings relating to the sale. The net proceeds of the sale will belong to the Company and upon receipt by the Company of such net proceeds it shall become indebted to the former Member for an amount equal to such net proceeds. No trust shall be created in respect of such debt and no interest shall be payable in respect of it and the Company shall not be required to account for any money earned from the net proceeds which may be employed in the business of the Company or as it thinks fit. Any sale under this Article shall be valid and effective notwithstanding that the Member holding the shares sold is dead, bankrupt or otherwise under any legal disability or incapacity.




56.   The Company may (but shall not be obliged to) in each calendar year hold a general meeting as its annual general meeting and shall specify the meeting as such in the notices calling it. The annual general meeting shall be held at such time and place as may be determined by the Board.


57.   Each general meeting, other than an annual general meeting, shall be called an extraordinary general meeting. General meetings may be held at such times and in any location in the world as may be determined by the Board.


58. (1) A majority of the Board or the Chairman of the Board may call extraordinary general meetings, which extraordinary general meetings shall be held at such times and locations (as permitted hereby) as such person or persons shall determine.


  (2) The Directors shall on a Members’ requisition forthwith proceed to convene an extraordinary general meeting of the Company. A Members’ requisition is a requisition of one or more Members holding at the date of deposit of the requisition not less than [ten per cent. (10%)] of the voting rights, on a one vote per share basis, of the issued shares which as at that date carry the right to vote at general meetings of the Company. The Members’ requisition must state the objects and the resolutions to be added to the agenda of the meeting and must be signed by the requisitionist(s) and deposited at the principal office of the Company or, in the event the Company ceases to have such a principal office, the Office, and may consist of several documents in like form each signed by one or more requisitionist(s). Any such meeting shall be held within two (2) months after the deposit of such requisition. If within ten (10) days of such deposit the Board fails to proceed to convene such meeting the requisitionist(s) himself (themselves) may do so in the same manner, and all reasonable expenses incurred by the requisitionist(s) as a result of the failure of the Board shall be reimbursed to the requisitionist(s) by the Company.




59. (1) An annual general meeting and any extraordinary general meeting may be called by not less than ten (10) clear days’ Notice but a general meeting may be called by shorter notice, subject to the Act, if it is so agreed:


  (a) in the case of a meeting called as an annual general meeting, by all the Members entitled to attend and vote thereat; and


  (b) in the case of any other meeting, by a majority in number of the Members having the right to attend and vote at the meeting, being a majority together holding not less than 50% in nominal value of the issued shares giving that right.


  (2) The notice shall specify the time and place of the meeting and, in case of special business, the general nature of the business. The notice convening an annual general meeting shall specify the meeting as such. Notice of every general meeting shall be given to all Members other than to such Members as, under the provisions of these Articles or the terms of issue of the shares they hold, are not entitled to receive such notices from the Company, to all persons entitled to a share in consequence of the death or bankruptcy or winding-up of a Member and to each of the Directors and the Auditors.





60.   The accidental omission to give Notice of a meeting or (in cases where instruments of proxy are sent out with the Notice) to send such instrument of proxy to, or the non-receipt of such Notice or such instrument of proxy by, any person entitled to receive such Notice shall not invalidate any resolution passed or the proceedings at that meeting.




61. (1) All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an extraordinary general meeting, and also all business that is transacted at an annual general meeting, with the exception of sanctioning a dividend, the consideration of the accounts, balance sheets, any report of the Directors or of the Company’s auditors, the appointment and removal of Directors and the fixing of the remuneration of the Company’s auditors.



No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum is present at the commencement of the business. At any general meeting of the Company, two (2) Members entitled to vote and present in person or by proxy or (in the case of a Member being a corporation) by its duly authorised representative throughout the meeting shall form a quorum for all purposes.



If the Directors wish to make electronic facility available for a specific general meeting or all general meetings of the Company, participation in any general meeting of the Company may be by means of a telephone, electronic or similar communication equipment by way of which all Persons participating in such meeting can communicate with each other and such participation shall be deemed to constitute presence in person at the meeting.


62.   If within thirty (30) minutes (or such longer time not exceeding one hour as the chairman of the meeting may determine to wait) after the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place or to such time and place as the Board may determine. If at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for holding the meeting, the meeting shall be dissolved. 


63.   The Chairman of the Board shall preside as chairman at every general meeting. If at any meeting the chairman is not present within fifteen (15) minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, or is not willing to act as chairman, the Directors present shall choose one of their number to act, or if one Director only is present he shall preside as chairman if willing to act. If no Director is present, or if each of the Directors present declines to take the chair, or if the chairman chosen shall retire from the chair, the Members present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote shall elect one of their number to be chairman.


64.   The chairman may adjourn the meeting from time to time and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business which might lawfully have been transacted at the meeting had the adjournment not taken place. When a meeting is adjourned for fourteen (14) days or more, at least seven (7) clear days’ notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given specifying the time and place of the adjourned meeting but it shall not be necessary to specify in such notice the nature of the business to be transacted at the adjourned meeting and the general nature of the business to be transacted. Save as aforesaid, it shall be unnecessary to give notice of an adjournment.


65.   If an amendment is proposed to any resolution under consideration but is in good faith ruled out of order by the chairman of the meeting, the proceedings on the substantive resolution shall not be invalidated by any error in such ruling. In the case of a resolution duly proposed as a special resolution, no amendment thereto (other than a mere clerical amendment to correct a patent error) may in any event be considered or voted upon.




66.   Subject to any special rights or restrictions as to voting for the time being attached to any shares by or in accordance with these Articles including, without limitation, Article 9(c), at any general meeting on a poll every Member present in person or by proxy or, in the case of a Member being a corporation, by its duly authorised representative shall have one vote for every fully paid share of which he is the holder but so that no amount paid up or credited as paid up on a share in advance of calls or instalments is treated for the foregoing purposes as paid up on the share.


67.   A resolution put to the vote of a meeting shall be decided by way of a poll save that the chairman of the meeting may in good faith, allow a resolution which relates purely to a procedural or administrative matter to be voted on by a show of hands in which case every Member present in person (or being a corporation, is present by a duly authorised representative), or by proxy(ies) shall have one vote provided that where more than one proxy is appointed by a Member which is a clearing house (or its nominee(s)), each such proxy shall have one vote on a show of hands. For purposes of this Article, procedural and administrative matters are those that (i) are not on the agenda of the general meeting or in any supplementary circular that may be issued by the Company to its Members; and (ii) relate to the chairman’s duties to maintain the orderly conduct of the meeting and/or allow the business of the meeting to be properly and effectively dealt with, whilst allowing all Members a reasonable opportunity to express their views.





68.   Where a show of hands is allowed, before or on the declaration of the result of the show of hands, a poll may be demanded:


  (a) by at least three Members present in person or in the case of a Member being a corporation by its duly authorised representative or by proxy for the time being entitled to vote at the meeting; or


  (b) by a Member or Members present in person or in the case of a Member being a corporation by its duly authorised representative or by proxy and representing not less than one-tenth of the total voting rights of all Members having the right to vote at the meeting; or


  (c) by a Member or Members present in person or in the case of a Member being a corporation by its duly authorised representative or by proxy and holding shares in the Company conferring a right to vote at the meeting being shares on which an aggregate sum has been paid up equal to not less than one-tenth of the total sum paid up on all shares conferring that right.


    A demand by a person as proxy for a Member or in the case of a Member being a corporation by its duly authorised representative shall be deemed to be the same as a demand by the Member.


69.   Where a resolution is voted on by a show of hands, a declaration by the chairman that a resolution has been carried, or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or not carried by a particular majority, or lost, and an entry to that effect made in the minute book of the Company, shall be conclusive evidence of the facts without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded for or against the resolution. The result of the poll shall be deemed to be the resolution of the meeting. The Company shall only be required to disclose the voting figures on a poll if such disclosure is required by the rules of the Designated Stock Exchange.


70.   On a poll votes may be given either personally or by proxy.


71.   A person entitled to more than one vote on a poll need not use all his votes or cast all the votes he uses in the same way.


72.   Subject to any special rights or restrictions as to voting for the time being attached to any shares by or in accordance with these Articles including, without limitation, Article 9(c), all questions submitted to a general meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of votes except where a greater majority is required by these Articles or by the Act. In the case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, the chairman of such general meeting shall not be entitled to a second or casting vote in addition to any other vote he may have.


73.   Where there are joint holders of any share any one of such joint holder may vote, either in person or by proxy, in respect of such share as if he were solely entitled thereto, but if more than one of such joint holders be present at any meeting the vote of the senior who tenders a vote, whether in person or by proxy, shall be accepted to the exclusion of the votes of the other joint holders, and for this purpose seniority shall be determined by the order in which the names stand in the Register in respect of the joint holding. Several executors or administrators of a deceased Member in whose name any share stands shall for the purposes of this Article be deemed joint holders thereof.


74. (1) A Member who is a patient for any purpose relating to mental health or in respect of whom an order has been made by any court having jurisdiction for the protection or management of the affairs of persons incapable of managing their own affairs may vote, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by his receiver, committee, curator bonis or other person in the nature of a receiver, committee or curator bonis appointed by such court, and such receiver, committee, curator bonis or other person may vote on a poll by proxy, and may otherwise act and be treated as if he were the registered holder of such shares for the purposes of general meetings, provided that such evidence as the Board may require of the authority of the person claiming to vote shall have been deposited at the Office, head office or Registration Office, as appropriate, not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting, or adjourned meeting or poll, as the case may be.


  (2) Any person entitled under Article 54 to be registered as the holder of any shares may vote at any general meeting in respect thereof in the same manner as if he were the registered holder of such shares, provided that forty-eight (48) hours at least before the time of the holding of the meeting or adjourned meeting, as the case may be, at which he proposes to vote, he shall satisfy the Board of his entitlement to such shares, or the Board shall have previously admitted his right to vote at such meeting in respect thereof.


75.   No Member shall, unless the Board otherwise determines, be entitled to attend and vote and to be reckoned in a quorum at any general meeting unless he is duly registered and all calls or other sums presently payable by him in respect of shares in the Company have been paid.


76.   If:


  (a) any objection shall be raised to the qualification of any voter; or


  (b) any votes have been counted which ought not to have been counted or which might have been rejected; or


  (c) any votes are not counted which ought to have been counted;


the objection or error shall not vitiate the decision of the meeting or adjourned meeting on any resolution unless the same is raised or pointed out at the meeting or, as the case may be, the adjourned meeting at which the vote objected to is given or tendered or at which the error occurs. Any objection or error shall be referred to the chairman of the meeting and shall only vitiate the decision of the meeting on any resolution if the chairman decides that the same may have affected the decision of the meeting. The decision of the chairman on such matters shall be final and conclusive.





77.   A resolution in writing signed by all the Members for the time being entitled to receive notice of and to attend and vote at general meetings of the Company (or being corporations by their duly authorised representatives) shall be as valid and effective as if the same had been passed at a general meeting of the Company duly convened and held.




78.   Any Member entitled to attend and vote at a meeting of the Company shall be entitled to appoint another person as his proxy to attend and vote instead of him. A Member who is the holder of two or more shares may appoint more than one proxy to represent him and vote on his behalf at a general meeting of the Company or at a class meeting. A proxy need not be a Member. In addition, a proxy or proxies representing either a Member who is an individual or a Member which is a corporation shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of the Member which he or they represent as such Member could exercise.


79.   The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of the appointor or of his attorney duly authorised in writing or, if the appointor is a corporation, either under its seal or under the hand of an officer, attorney or other person authorised to sign the same. In the case of an instrument of proxy purporting to be signed on behalf of a corporation by an officer thereof it shall be assumed, unless the contrary appears, that such officer was duly authorised to sign such instrument of proxy on behalf of the corporation without further evidence of the facts.


80.   The instrument appointing a proxy and (if required by the Board) the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed, or a certified copy of such power or authority, shall be delivered to such place or one of such places (if any) as may be specified for that purpose in or by way of note to or in any document accompanying the notice convening the meeting (or, if no place is so specified at the Registration Office or the Office, as may be appropriate) not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote or, in the case of a poll taken subsequently to the date of a meeting or adjourned meeting, not less than twenty-four (24) hours before the time appointed for the taking of the poll and in default the instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid. No instrument appointing a proxy shall be valid after the expiration of twelve (12) months from the date named in it as the date of its execution, except at an adjourned meeting or on a poll demanded at a meeting or an adjourned meeting in cases where the meeting was originally held within twelve (12) months from such date. Delivery of an instrument appointing a proxy shall not preclude a Member from attending and voting in person at the meeting convened and in such event, the instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed to be revoked.


81.   Instruments of proxy shall be in any common form or in such other form as the Board may approve (provided that this shall not preclude the use of the two-way form) and the Board may, if it thinks fit, send out with the notice of any meeting forms of instrument of proxy for use at the meeting. The instrument of proxy shall be deemed to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a poll and to vote on any amendment of a resolution put to the meeting for which it is given as the proxy thinks fit. The instrument of proxy shall, unless the contrary is stated therein, be valid as well for any adjournment of the meeting as for the meeting to which it relates.


82.   A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal, or revocation of the instrument of proxy or of the authority under which it was executed, provided that no intimation in writing of such death, insanity or revocation shall have been received by the Company at the Office or the Registration Office (or such other place as may be specified for the delivery of instruments of proxy in the notice convening the meeting or other document sent therewith) two hours at least before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting, or the taking of the poll, at which the instrument of proxy is used.


83.   Anything which under these Articles a Member may do by proxy he may likewise do by his duly appointed attorney and the provisions of these Articles relating to proxies and instruments appointing proxies shall apply mutatis mutandis in relation to any such attorney and the instrument under which such attorney is appointed.




84. (1) Any corporation which is a Member may by resolution of its directors or other governing body authorise such person as it thinks fit to act as its representative at any meeting of the Company or at any meeting of any class of Members. The person so authorised shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of such corporation as the corporation could exercise if it were an individual Member and such corporation shall for the purposes of these Articles be deemed to be present in person at any such meeting if a person so authorised is present thereat.





  (2) If a clearing house (or its nominee(s)) or a central depository entity, being a corporation, is a Member, it may authorise such persons as it thinks fit to act as its representatives at any meeting of the Company or at any meeting of any class of Members provided that the authorisation shall specify the number and class of shares in respect of which each such representative is so authorised. Each person so authorised under the provisions of this Article shall be deemed to have been duly authorised without further evidence of the facts and be entitled to exercise the same rights and powers on behalf of the clearing house or central depository entity (or its nominee(s)) as if such person was the registered holder of the shares of the Company held by the clearing house or a central depository entity (or its nominee(s)) including the right to vote individually on a show of hands.


  (3) Any reference in these Articles to a duly authorised representative of a Member being a corporation shall mean a representative authorised under the provisions of this Article.




85. (1) Unless otherwise determined by special resolution of the Members in general meeting, the number of Directors shall be no more than nine (9), with the exact number of Directors to be determined from time to time by the Board. A majority of the Directors then in office shall have the power from time to time to appoint any person as director to fill in a casual vacancy or as an addition to the existing Board (subject to the maximum size of the Board) and any Directors so appointed by the Board shall hold office only until the next following annual general meeting and shall then be eligible for re-election or re-appointment by the Board. The Company may by ordinary resolution appoint any person to be a Director.


  (2) The Board of Directors shall have a Chairman of the Board of Directors (the “Chairman of the Board”) elected and appointed by a majority of the Directors then in office. The removal of the Chairman of the Board will be determined by ordinary resolutions of the Members.


  (3) No Director shall be required to hold any shares of the Company by way of qualification and a Director who is not a Member shall be entitled to receive notice of and to attend and speak at any general meeting of the Company and of all classes of shares of the Company.


  (4) Any Director may be removed by way of (i) an ordinary resolution of the Members at any time before the expiration of his period of office notwithstanding anything in these Articles or in any agreement between the Company and such Director (but without prejudice to any claim for damages under any such agreement); or (ii) resolution of the Board provided that such removal is for Cause.


  (5) A vacancy on the Board created by the removal of a Director under the provisions of subparagraph (4) above may be filled by the election or appointment by resolution of the Board.




88.   The office of a Director shall be vacated if the Director:


  (1) resigns his office by notice in writing delivered to the Company at the Office or tendered at a meeting of the Board;


  (2) becomes of unsound mind or dies;


  (3) without special leave of absence from the Board, is absent from meetings of the Board for three consecutive meetings and the Board re-solves that his office be vacated; or


  (4) becomes bankrupt or has a receiving order made against him or suspends payment or compounds with his creditors;


  (5) is prohibited by law from being a Director; or


  (6) ceases to be a Director by virtue of any provision of the Statutes or is removed from office pursuant to these Articles.







89.   Any Director may at any time by Notice delivered to the Office or head office or at a meeting of the Directors appoint any person (including another Director) to be his alternate Director. Any person so appointed shall have all the rights and powers of the Director or Directors for whom such person is appointed in the alternative provided that such person shall not be counted more than once in determining whether or not a quorum is present. An alternate Director may be removed at any time by the body which appointed him and, subject thereto, the office of alternate Director shall continue until the happening of any event which, if he were a Director, would cause him to vacate such office or if his appointer ceases for any reason to be a Director. Any appointment or removal of an alternate Director shall be effected by Notice signed by the appointor and delivered to the Office or head office or tendered at a meeting of the Board. An alternate Director may also be a Director in his own right and may act as alternate to more than one Director. An alternate Director shall, if his appointor so requests, be entitled to receive notices of meetings of the Board or of committees of the Board to the same extent as, but in lieu of, the Director appointing him and shall be entitled to such extent to attend and vote as a Director at any such meeting at which the Director appointing him is not personally present and generally at such meeting to exercise and discharge all the functions, powers and duties of his appointor as a Director and for the purposes of the proceedings at such meeting the provisions of these Articles shall apply as if he were a Director save that as an alternate for more than one Director his voting rights shall be cumulative.


90.   An alternate Director shall only be a Director for the purposes of the Act and shall only be subject to the provisions of the Act insofar as they relate to the duties and obligations of a Director when performing the functions of the Director for whom he is appointed in the alternative and shall alone be responsible to the Company for his acts and defaults and shall not be deemed to be the agent of or for the Director appointing him. An alternate Director shall be entitled to contract and be interested in and benefit from contracts or arrangements or transactions and to be repaid expenses and to be indemnified by the Company to the same extent mutatis mutandis as if he were a Director but he shall not be entitled to receive from the Company any fee in his capacity as an alternate Director except only such part, if any, of the remuneration otherwise payable to his appointor as such appointor may by Notice to the Company from time to time direct.


91.   Every person acting as an alternate Director shall have one vote for each Director for whom he acts as alternate (in addition to his own vote if he is also a Director). If his appointor is for the time being not available or unable to act, the signature of an alternate Director to any resolution in writing of the Board or a committee of the Board of which his appointor is a member shall, unless the notice of his appointment provides to the contrary, be as effective as the signature of his appointor.


92.   An alternate Director shall ipso facto cease to be an alternate Director if his appointor ceases for any reason to be a Director, however, such alternate Director or any other person may be re-appointed by the Directors to serve as an alternate Director PROVIDED always that, if at any meeting any Director retires but is re-elected at the same meeting, any appointment of such alternate Director pursuant to these Articles which was in force immediately before his retirement shall remain in force as though he had not retired.




93.   Subject to the rules of the Designated Exchange, the Directors shall receive such remuneration as the Board may from time to time determine.


94.   Each Director shall be entitled to be repaid or prepaid all travelling, hotel and incidental expenses reasonably incurred or expected to be incurred by him in attending meetings of the Board or committees of the Board or general meetings or separate meetings of any class of shares or of debentures of the Company or otherwise in connection with the discharge of his duties as a Director.


95.   Any Director who, by request, goes or resides abroad for any purpose of the Company or who performs services which in the opinion of the Board go beyond the ordinary duties of a Director may be paid such extra remuneration (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profits or otherwise) as the Board may determine and such extra remuneration shall be in addition to or in substitution for any ordinary remuneration provided for by or pursuant to any other Article.


96.   Subject to the rules of the Designated Exchange, the Board may, without the approval of the Company in general meeting, make payments to any Director or past Director of the Company by way of compensation for loss of office, or as consideration for or in connection with his retirement from office (not being payment to which the Director is contractually entitled).




97.   A Director may:


  (a) hold any other office or place of profit with the Company (except that of Auditor) in conjunction with his office of Director for such period and upon such terms as the Board may determine. Any remuneration (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profits or otherwise) paid to any Director in respect of any such other office or place of profit shall be in addition to any remuneration provided for by or pursuant to any other Article;


  (b) act by himself or his firm in a professional capacity for the Company (otherwise than as Auditor) and he or his firm may be remunerated for professional services as if he were not a Director;






  (c) continue to be or become a director, or other officer or member of any other company promoted by the Company or in which the Company may be interested as a vendor, shareholder or otherwise and (unless otherwise agreed) no such Director shall be accountable for any remuneration, profits or other benefits received by him as a director, or other officer or member of or from his interests in any such other company. Subject as otherwise provided by these Articles the Directors may exercise or cause to be exercised the voting powers conferred by the shares in any other company held or owned by the Company, or exercisable by them as Directors of such other company in such manner in all respects as they think fit (including the exercise thereof in favour of any resolution appointing themselves or any of them directors, or other officers of such company) or voting or providing for the payment of remuneration to the director, or other officers of such other company and any Director may vote in favour of the exercise of such voting rights in manner aforesaid notwithstanding that he may be, or about to be, appointed a director, or other officer of such a company, and that as such he is or may become interested in the exercise of such voting rights in manner aforesaid.


98. Subject to the Act and to these Articles, no Director or proposed or intending Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or in any other manner whatever, nor shall any such contract or any other contract or arrangement in which any Director is in any way interested be liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company or the Members for any remuneration, profit or other benefits realised by any such contract or arrangement by reason of such Director holding that office or of the fiduciary relationship thereby established provided that such Director shall disclose the nature of his interest in any contract or arrangement in which he is interested in accordance with Article 99 herein. 


99. A Director who to his knowledge is in any way, whether directly or indirectly, interested in a contract or arrangement or proposed contract or arrangement with the Company shall declare the nature of his interest at the meeting of the Board at which the question of entering into the contract or arrangement is first considered, if he knows his interest then exists, or in any other case at the first meeting of the Board after he knows that he is or has become so interested. For the purposes of this Article, a general Notice to the Board by a Director to the effect that:


  (a) he is a member or officer of a specified company or firm and is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may after the date of the Notice be made with that company or firm; or


  (b) he is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may after the date of the Notice be made with a specified person who is connected with him; shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest under this Article in relation to any such contract or arrangement, provided that no such Notice shall be effective unless either it is given at a meeting of the Board or the Director takes reasonable steps to secure that it is brought up and read at the next Board meeting after it is given.


100. Following a declaration being made pursuant to the last preceding two Articles, subject to applicable law or the listing rules of the Company’s Designated Stock Exchange, and unless disqualified by the chairman of the relevant Board meeting, a Director may vote in respect of any contract or proposed contract or arrangement in which such Director is interested and may be counted in the quorum at such meeting.




101 (1) Subject to these Articles, the business of the Company shall be managed and conducted by the Board, which may pay all expenses incurred in forming and registering the Company and may exercise all powers of the Company (whether relating to the management of the business of the Company or otherwise) which are not by the Statutes or by these Articles required to be exercised by the Company in general meeting, subject nevertheless to the provisions of the Statutes and of these Articles and to such regulations being not inconsistent with such provisions, as may be prescribed by the Company in general meeting, but no regulations made by the Company in general meeting shall invalidate any prior act of the Board which would have been valid if such regulations had not been made. The general powers given by this Article shall not be limited or restricted by any special authority or power given to the Board by any other Article (other than as set out in Articles 9(c) and 9(e)).


  (2) Any person contracting or dealing with the Company in the ordinary course of business shall be entitled to rely on any written or oral contract or agreement or deed, document or instrument entered into or executed as the case may be by any two of the Directors acting jointly on behalf of the Company and the same shall be deemed to be validly entered into or executed by the Company as the case may be and shall, subject to any rule of law, be binding on the Company.


  (3) Without prejudice to the general powers conferred by these Articles it is hereby expressly declared that the Board shall have the following powers:


  (a) To give to any person the right or option of requiring at a future date that an allotment shall be made to him of any share at par or at such premium as may be agreed.


  (b) To give to any Directors, officers or employees of the Company an interest in any particular business or transaction or participation in the profits thereof or in the general profits of the Company either in addition to or in substitution for a salary or other remuneration.





  (c) To resolve that the Company be deregistered in the Cayman Islands and continued in a named jurisdiction outside the Cayman Islands subject to the provisions of the Act.


102. The Board may establish any regional or local boards or agencies for managing any of the affairs of the Company in any place, and may appoint any persons to be members of such local boards, or any agents, and may fix their remuneration (either by way of salary or by commission or by conferring the right to participation in the profits of the Company or by a combination of two or more of these modes) and pay the working expenses of any staff employed by them upon the business of the Company. The Board may delegate to any regional or local board, manager or agent any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in or exercisable by the Board (other than its powers to make calls and forfeit shares), with power to sub-delegate, and may authorise the members of any of them to fill any vacancies therein and to act notwithstanding vacancies. Any such appointment or delegation may be made upon such terms and subject to such conditions as the Board may think fit, and the Board may remove any person appointed as aforesaid, and may revoke or vary such delegation, but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of any such revocation or variation shall be affected thereby.


103. The Board may by power of attorney appoint any company, firm or person or any fluctuating body of persons, whether nominated directly or indirectly by the Board, to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Board under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Board may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him. Such attorney or attorneys may, if so authorised under the Seal of the Company, execute any deed or instrument under their personal seal with the same effect as the affixation of the Company’s Seal.


104. The Board may entrust to and confer upon any Director any of the powers exercisable by it upon such terms and conditions and with such restrictions as it thinks fit, and either collaterally with, or to the exclusion of, its own powers, and may from time to time revoke or vary all or any of such powers but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of such revocation or variation shall be affected thereby.


105. All cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and other instruments, whether negotiable or transferable or not, and all receipts for moneys paid to the Company shall be signed, drawn, accepted, endorsed or otherwise executed, as the case may be, in such manner as the Board shall from time to time by resolution determine. The Company’s banking accounts shall be kept with such banker or bankers as the Board shall from time to time determine.


106. (1) The Board may establish or concur or join with other companies (being subsidiary companies of the Company or companies with which it is associated in business) in establishing and making contributions out of the Company’s moneys to any schemes or funds for providing pensions, sickness or compassionate allowances, life assurance or other benefits for employees (which expression as used in this and the following paragraph shall include any Director or ex-Director who may hold or have held any executive office or any office of profit under the Company or any of its subsidiary companies) and ex-employees of the Company and their dependants or any class or classes of such person.


  (2) The Board may pay, enter into agreements to pay or make grants of revocable or irrevocable pensions or other benefits to employees and ex-employees and their dependants, or to any of such persons, including pensions or benefits additional to those, if any, to which such employees or ex-employees or their dependants are or may become entitled under any such scheme or fund as mentioned in the last preceding paragraph. Any such pension or benefit may, as the Board considers desirable, be granted to an employee either before and in anticipation of or upon or at any time after his actual retirement, and may be subject or not subject to any terms or conditions as the Board may determine.




107. The Board may exercise all the powers of the Company to raise or borrow money and to mortgage or charge all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company and, subject to the Act, to issue debentures, bonds and other securities, whether outright or as collateral security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party.


108. Debentures, bonds and other securities may be made assignable free from any equities between the Company and the person to whom the same may be issued.


109. Any debentures, bonds or other securities may be issued at a discount (other than shares), premium or otherwise and with any special privileges as to redemption, surrender, drawings, allotment of shares, attending and voting at general meetings of the Company, appointment of Directors and otherwise.


110. (1) Where any uncalled capital of the Company is charged, all persons taking any subsequent charge thereon shall take the same subject to such prior charge, and shall not be entitled, by notice to the Members or otherwise, to obtain priority over such prior charge.





  (2) The Board shall cause a proper register to be kept, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, of all charges specifically affecting the property of the Company and of any series of debentures issued by the Company and shall duly comply with the requirements of the Act in regard to the registration of charges and debentures therein specified and otherwise.




111. The Board may meet for the despatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate its meetings as it considers appropriate. Questions arising at any meeting shall be determined by a majority of votes. In the case of any equality of votes the Chairman of the Board shall have an additional or casting vote.


112. A meeting of the Board may be convened by the Secretary on request of a Director or by any Director. The Secretary shall convene a meeting of the Board of which notice may be given in writing or by telephone or in such other manner as the Board may from time to time determine whenever he shall be required so to do by the president or Chairman of the Board, as the case may be, or any Director.


113. (1) The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the Board may be fixed by the Directors, and unless so fixed, the quorum shall be a majority of Directors then in office. An alternate Director shall be counted in a quorum in the case of the absence of a Director for whom he is the alternate provided that he shall not be counted more than once for the purpose of determining whether or not a quorum is present.


  (2) Directors may participate in any meeting of the Board by means of a conference telephone or other communications equipment through which all persons participating in the meeting can communicate with each other simultaneously and instantaneously and, for the purpose of counting a quorum, such participation shall constitute presence at a meeting as if those participating were present in person.


  (3) Any Director who ceases to be a Director at a Board meeting may continue to be present and to act as a Director and be counted in the quorum until the termination of such Board meeting if no other Director objects and if otherwise a quorum of Directors would not be present.


114. The continuing Directors or a sole continuing Director may act notwithstanding any vacancy in the Board but, if and so long as the number of Directors is reduced below the minimum number fixed by or in accordance with these Articles, the continuing Directors or Director, notwithstanding that the number of Directors is below the number fixed by or in accordance with these Articles as the quorum or that there is only one continuing Director, may act for the purpose of filling vacancies in the Board or of summoning general meetings of the Company but not for any other purpose.


115. The Chairman of the Board shall be the chairman of all meetings of the Board. If the Chairman of the Board is not present at any meeting within fifteen (15) minutes after the time appointed for holding the same, the Directors present may choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting.


116. A meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present shall be competent to exercise all the powers, authorities and discretions for the time being vested in or exercisable by the Board.


117. (1) The Board may delegate any of its powers, authorities and discretions to committees, consisting of such Director or Directors and other persons as it thinks fit, and they may, from time to time, revoke such delegation or revoke the appointment of and discharge any such committees either wholly or in part, and either as to persons or purposes. Any committee so formed shall, in the exercise of the powers, authorities and discretions so delegated, conform to any regulations which may be imposed on it by the Board.


  (2) All acts done by any such committee in conformity with such regulations, and in fulfilment of the purposes for which it was appointed, but not otherwise, shall have like force and effect as if done by the Board, and the Board (or if the Board delegates such power, the committee) shall have power to remunerate the members of any such committee, and charge such remuneration to the current expenses of the Company.


118. The meetings and proceedings of any committee consisting of two or more members shall be governed by the provisions contained in these Articles for regulating the meetings and proceedings of the Board so far as the same are applicable and are not superseded by any regulations imposed by the Board under the last preceding Article, indicating, without limitation, any committee charter adopted by the Board for purposes or in respect of any such committee.


119. A resolution in writing signed by all the Directors except such as are temporarily unable to act through ill-health or disability shall (provided that such number is sufficient to constitute a quorum and further provided that a copy of such resolution has been given or the contents thereof communicated to all the Directors for the time being entitled to receive notices of Board meetings in the same manner as notices of meetings are required to be given by these Articles) be as valid and effectual as if a resolution had been passed at a meeting of the Board duly convened and held. Such resolution may be contained in one document or in several documents in like form each signed by one or more of the Directors and for this purpose a facsimile signature of a Director shall be treated as valid.





120. All acts bona fide done by the Board or by any committee or by any person acting as a Director or members of a committee, shall, notwithstanding that it is afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the appointment of any member of the Board or such committee or person acting as aforesaid or that they or any of them were disqualified or had vacated office, be as valid as if every such person had been duly appointed and was qualified and had continued to be a Director or member of such committee.


121.   [DELETED]


122.   [DELETED]


123. [DELETED]




124. (1) The officers of the Company shall consist of the Chairman of the Board and Secretary and such additional officers (who may or may not be Directors) as the Board may from time to time determine, all of whom shall be deemed to be officers for the purposes of the Act and these Articles.


  (2) The officers shall receive such remuneration as the Directors may from time to time determine.


125. (1) The Secretary and additional officers, if any, shall be appointed by the Board and shall hold office on such terms and for such period as the Board may determine. If thought fit, two or more persons may be appointed as joint Secretaries. The Board may also appoint from time to time on such terms as it thinks fit one or more assistant or deputy Secretaries.


  (2) The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Members and shall keep correct minutes of such meetings and enter the same in the proper books provided for the purpose. He shall perform such other duties as are prescribed by the Act or these Articles or as may be prescribed by the Board.


126. The officers of the Company shall have such powers and perform such duties in the management, business and affairs of the Company as may be delegated to them by the Directors from time to time.


127. A provision of the Act or of these Articles requiring or authorising a thing to be done by or to a Director and the Secretary shall not be satisfied by its being done by or to the same person acting both as Director and as or in place of the Secretary.




128. The Company shall cause to be kept in one or more books at its Office a Register of Directors and Officers in which there shall be entered the full names and addresses of the Directors and Officers and such other particulars as required by the Act or as the Directors may determine. The Company shall send to the Registrar of Companies in the Cayman Islands a copy of such register, and shall from time to time notify to the said Registrar of any change that takes place in relation to such Directors and Officers as required by the Act.




129. (1) The Board shall cause minutes to be duly entered in books provided for the purpose:


  (a) of all elections and appointments of officers;


  (b) of the names of the Directors present at each meeting of the Directors and of any committee of the Directors;


  (c) of all resolutions and proceedings of each general meeting of the Members, or of all meetings of the Board and meetings of committees of the Board.


  (2) Minutes shall be kept by the Secretary at the Office.







130. (1) The Company shall have one or more Seals, as the Board may determine. For the purpose of sealing documents creating or evidencing securities issued by the Company, the Company may have a securities seal which is a facsimile of the Seal of the Company with the addition of the word “Securities” on its face or in such other form as the Board may approve. The Board shall provide for the custody of each Seal and no Seal shall be used without the authority of the Board or of a committee of the Board authorised by the Board in that behalf. Subject as otherwise provided in these Articles, any instrument to which a Seal is affixed shall be signed autographically by one Director and the Secretary or by two Directors or by such other person (including a Director) or persons as the Board may appoint, either generally or in any particular case, save that as regards any certificates for shares or debentures or other securities of the Company the Board may by resolution determine that such signatures or either of them shall be dispensed with or affixed by some method or system of mechanical signature. Every instrument executed in manner provided by this Article shall be deemed to be sealed and executed with the authority of the Board previously given.


  (2) Where the Company has a Seal for use abroad, the Board may by writing under the Seal appoint any agent or committee abroad to be the duly authorised agent of the Company for the purpose of affixing and using such Seal and the Board may impose restrictions on the use thereof as may be thought fit. Wherever in these Articles reference is made to the Seal, the reference shall, when and so far as may be applicable, be deemed to include any such other Seal as aforesaid.




131. Any Director or the Secretary or any person appointed by the Board for the purpose may authenticate any documents affecting the constitution of the Company and any resolution passed by the Company or the Board or any committee, and any books, records, documents and accounts relating to the business of the Company, and to certify copies thereof or extracts therefrom as true copies or extracts, and if any books, records, documents or accounts are elsewhere than at the Office or the head office the local manager or other officer of the Company having the custody thereof shall be deemed to be a person so appointed by the Board. A document purporting to be a copy of a resolution, or an extract from the minutes of a meeting, of the Company or of the Board or any committee which is so certified shall be conclusive evidence in favour of all persons dealing with the Company upon the faith thereof that such resolution has been duly passed or, as the case may be, that such minutes or extract is a true and accurate record of proceedings at a duly constituted meeting.




132. (1) The Company shall be entitled to destroy the following documents at the following times:


  (a) any share certificate which has been cancelled at any time after the expiry of one (1) year from the date of such cancellation;


  (b) any dividend mandate or any variation or cancellation thereof or any notification of change of name or address at any time after the expiry of two (2) years from the date such mandate variation cancellation or notification was recorded by the Company;


  (c) any instrument of transfer of shares which has been registered at any time after the expiry of seven (7) years from the date of registration;


  (d) any allotment letters after the expiry of seven (7) years from the date of issue thereof; and


  (e) copies of powers of attorney, grants of probate and letters of administration at any time after the expiry of seven (7) years after the account to which the relevant power of attorney, grant of probate or letters of administration related has been closed;


    and it shall conclusively be presumed in favour of the Company that every entry in the Register purporting to be made on the basis of any such documents so destroyed was duly and properly made and every share certificate so destroyed was a valid certificate duly and properly cancelled and that every instrument of transfer so destroyed was a valid and effective instrument duly and properly registered and that every other document destroyed hereunder was a valid and effective document in accordance with the recorded particulars thereof in the books or records of the Company. Provided always that: (1) the foregoing provisions of these Article shall apply only to the destruction of a document in good faith and without express notice to the Company that the preservation of such document was relevant to a claim; (2) nothing contained in this Article shall be construed as imposing upon the Company any liability in respect of the destruction of any such document earlier than as aforesaid or in any case where the conditions of provision (1) above are not fulfilled; and (3) references in these Article to the destruction of any document include references to its disposal in any manner.


  (2) Notwithstanding any provision contained in these Articles, the Directors may, if permitted by applicable law, authorise the destruction of documents set out in sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) of paragraph (1) of this Article and any other documents in relation to share registration which have been microfilmed or electronically stored by the Company or by the share registrar on its behalf provided always that these Article shall apply only to the destruction of a document in good faith and without express notice to the Company and its share registrar that the preservation of such document was relevant to a claim.







133. Subject to the Act, the Board may from time to time declare dividends in any currency to be paid to the Members.


134. Dividends may be declared and paid out of the profits of the Company, realised or unrealised, or from any reserve set aside from profits which the Directors determine is no longer needed. The Board may also declare and pay dividends out of share premium account or any other fund or account which can be authorised for this purpose in accordance with the Act.


135. Except in so far as the rights attaching to, or the terms of issue of, any share otherwise provide:


  (a) all dividends shall be declared and paid according to the amounts paid up on the shares in respect of which the dividend is paid, but no amount paid up on a share in advance of calls shall be treated for the purposes of these Article as paid up on the share; and


  (b) all dividends shall be apportioned and paid pro rata according to the amounts paid up on the shares during any portion or portions of the period in respect of which the dividend is paid.


136. The Board may from time to time pay to the Members such interim dividends as appear to the Board to be justified by the profits of the Company and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) if at any time the share capital of the Company is divided into different classes, the Board may pay such interim dividends in respect of those shares in the capital of the Company which confer on the holders thereof deferred or non-preferential rights as well as in respect of those shares which confer on the holders thereof preferential rights with regard to dividend and provided that the Board acts bona fide the Board shall not incur any responsibility to the holders of shares conferring any preference for any damage that they may suffer by reason of the payment of an interim dividend on any shares having deferred or non-preferential rights and may also pay any fixed dividend which is payable on any shares of the Company half-yearly or on any other dates, whenever such profits, in the opinion of the Board, justifies such payment.


137. The Board may deduct from any dividend or other moneys payable to a Member by the Company on or in respect of any shares all sums of money (if any) presently payable by him to the Company on account of calls or otherwise.


138. No dividend or other moneys payable by the Company on or in respect of any share shall bear interest against the Company.


139. Any dividend, interest or other sum payable in cash to the holder of shares may be paid by cheque or warrant sent through the post addressed to the holder at his registered address or, in the case of joint holders, addressed to the holder whose name stands first in the Register in respect of the shares at his address as appearing in the Register or addressed to such person and at such address as the holder or joint holders may in writing direct. Every such cheque or warrant shall, unless the holder or joint holders otherwise direct, be made payable to the order of the holder or, in the case of joint holders, to the order of the holder whose name stands first on the Register in respect of such shares, and shall be sent at his or their risk and payment of the cheque or warrant by the bank on which it is drawn shall constitute a good discharge to the Company notwithstanding that it may subsequently appear that the same has been stolen or that any endorsement thereon has been forged. Any one of two or more joint holders may give effectual receipts for any dividends or other moneys payable or property distributable in respect of the shares held by such joint holders.


140. All dividends or bonuses unclaimed for one (1) year after having been declared may be invested or otherwise made use of by the Board for the benefit of the Company until claimed. Any dividend or bonuses unclaimed after a period of six (6) years from the date of declaration shall be forfeited and shall revert to the Company. The payment by the Board of any unclaimed dividend or other sums payable on or in respect of a share into a separate account shall not constitute the Company a trustee in respect thereof.


141. Whenever the Board has resolved that a dividend be paid or declared, the Board may further resolve that such dividend be satisfied wholly or in part by the distribution of specific assets of any kind and in particular of paid up shares, debentures or warrants to subscribe securities of the Company or any other company, or in any one or more of such ways, and where any difficulty arises in regard to the distribution the Board may settle the same as it thinks expedient, and in particular may issue certificates in respect of fractions of shares, disregard fractional entitlements or round the same up or down, and may fix the value for distribution of such specific assets, or any part thereof, and may determine that cash payments shall be made to any Members upon the footing of the value so fixed in order to adjust the rights of all parties, and may vest any such specific assets in trustees as may seem expedient to the Board and may appoint any person to sign any requisite instruments of transfer and other documents on behalf of the persons entitled to the dividend, and such appointment shall be effective and binding on the Members. The Board may resolve that no such assets shall be made available to Members with registered addresses in any particular territory or territories where, in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities, such distribution of assets would or might, in the opinion of the Board, be unlawful or impracticable and in such event the only entitlement of the Members aforesaid shall be to receive cash payments as aforesaid. Members affected as a result of the foregoing sentence shall not be or be deemed to be a separate class of Members for any purpose whatsoever.





142. (1) Whenever the Board has resolved that a dividend be paid or declared on any class of the share capital of the Company, the Board may further resolve either:


  (a) that such dividend be satisfied wholly or in part in the form of an allotment of shares credited as fully paid up, provided that the Members entitled thereto will be entitled to elect to receive such dividend (or part thereof if the Board so determines) in cash in lieu of such allotment. In such case, the following provisions shall apply:


  (i) the basis of any such allotment shall be determined by the Board;


  (ii) the Board, after determining the basis of allotment, shall give not less than ten (10) days’ Notice to the holders of the relevant shares of the right of election accorded to them and shall send with such notice forms of election and specify the procedure to be followed and the place at which and the latest date and time by which duly completed forms of election must be lodged in order to be effective;


  (iii) the right of election may be exercised in respect of the whole or part of that portion of the dividend in respect of which the right of election has been accorded; and


  (iv) the dividend (or that part of the dividend to be satisfied by the allotment of shares as aforesaid) shall not be payable in cash on shares in respect whereof the cash election has not been duly exercised (“the non-elected shares”) and in satisfaction thereof shares of the relevant class shall be allotted credited as fully paid up to the holders of the non-elected shares on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Board shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserves or other special account, share premium account, capital redemption reserve other than the Subscription Rights Reserve) as the Board may determine, such sum as may be required to pay up in full the appropriate number of shares of the relevant class for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the non-elected shares on such basis; or


  (b) that the Members entitled to such dividend shall be entitled to elect to receive an allotment of shares credited as fully paid up in lieu of the whole or such part of the dividend as the Board may think fit. In such case, the following provisions shall apply:


  (i) the basis of any such allotment shall be determined by the Board;


  (ii) the Board, after determining the basis of allotment, shall give not less than ten (10) days’ Notice to the holders of the relevant shares of the right of election accorded to them and shall send with such notice forms of election and specify the procedure to be followed and the place at which and the latest date and time by which duly completed forms of election must be lodged in order to be effective;


  (iii) the right of election may be exercised in respect of the whole or part of that portion of the dividend in respect of which the right of election has been accorded; and


  (iv) the dividend (or that part of the dividend in respect of which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable in cash on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised (“the elected shares”) and in lieu thereof shares of the relevant class shall be allotted credited as fully paid up to the holders of the elected shares on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Board shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserves or other special account, share premium account, capital redemption reserve other than the Subscription Rights Reserve) as the Board may determine, such sum as may be required to pay up in full the appropriate number of shares of the relevant class for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the elected shares on such basis.


(2)  (a) The shares allotted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article shall rank paripassu in all respects with shares of the same class (if any) then in issue save only as regards participation in the relevant dividend or in any other distributions, bonuses or rights paid, made, declared or announced prior to or contemporaneously with the payment or declaration of the relevant dividend unless, contemporaneously with the announcement by the Board of their proposal to apply the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of paragraph (2) of this Article in relation to the relevant dividend or contemporaneously with their announcement of the distribution, bonus or rights in question, the Board shall specify that the shares to be allotted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article shall rank for participation in such distribution, bonus or rights.


  (b) The Board may do all acts and things considered necessary or expedient to give effect to any capitalisation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article, with full power to the Board to make such provisions as it thinks fit in the case of shares becoming distributable in fractions (including provisions whereby, in whole or in part, fractional entitlements are aggregated and sold and the net proceeds distributed to those entitled, or are disregarded or rounded up or down or whereby the benefit of fractional entitlements accrues to the Company rather than to the Members concerned). The Board may authorise any person to enter into on behalf of all Members interested, an agreement with the Company providing for such capitalisation and matters incidental thereto and any agreement made pursuant to such authority shall be effective and binding on all concerned.


  (3) The Company may upon the recommendation of the Board by ordinary resolution resolve in respect of any particular dividend of the Company that notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article a dividend may be satisfied wholly in the form of an allotment of shares credited as fully paid up without offering any right to shareholders to elect to receive such dividend in cash in lieu of such allotment.





  (4) The Board may on any occasion determine that rights of election and the allotment of shares under paragraph (1) of this Article shall not be made available or made to any shareholders with registered addresses in any territory where, in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities, the circulation of an offer of such rights of election or the allotment of shares would or might, in the opinion of the Board, be unlawful or impracticable, and in such event the provisions aforesaid shall be read and construed subject to such determination. Members affected as a result of the foregoing sentence shall not be or be deemed to be a separate class of Members for any purpose whatsoever.


  (5) Any resolution of the Board declaring a dividend on shares of any class, may specify that the same shall be payable or distributable to the persons registered as the holders of such shares at the close of business on a particular date, notwithstanding that it may be a date prior to that on which the resolution is passed, and thereupon the dividend shall be payable or distributable to them in accordance with their respective holdings so registered, but without prejudice to the rights inter se in respect of such dividend of transferors and transferees of any such shares. The provisions of this Article shall mutatis mutandis apply to bonuses, capitalisation issues, distributions of realised capital profits or offers or grants made by the Company to the Members.




143. (1) The Board shall establish an account to be called the share premium account and shall carry to the credit of such account from time to time a sum equal to the amount or value of the premium paid on the issue of any share in the Company. Unless otherwise provided by the provisions of these Articles, the Board may apply the share premium account in any manner permitted by the Act. The Company shall at all times comply with the provisions of the Act in relation to the share premium account.


  (2) Before recommending any dividend, the Board may set aside out of the profits of the Company such sums as it determines as reserves which shall, at the discretion of the Board, be applicable for any purpose to which the profits of the Company may be properly applied and pending such application may, also at such discretion, either be employed in the business of the Company or be invested in such investments as the Board may from time to time think fit and so that it shall not be necessary to keep any investments constituting the reserve or reserves separate or distinct from any other investments of the Company. The Board may also without placing the same to reserve carry forward any profits which it may think prudent not to distribute.




144. The Board may, at any time and from time to time, pass a resolution to the effect that it is desirable to capitalise all or any part of any amount for the time being standing to the credit of any reserve or fund (including a share premium account and capital redemption reserve and the profit and loss account) whether or not the same is available for distribution and accordingly that such amount be set free for distribution among the Members or any class of Members who would be entitled thereto if it were distributed by way of dividend and in the same proportions, on the footing that the same is not paid in cash but is applied either in or towards paying up the amounts for the time being unpaid on any shares in the Company held by such Members respectively or in paying up in full unissued shares, debentures or other obligations of the Company, to be allotted and distributed credited as fully paid up among such Members, or partly in one way and partly in the other, and the Board shall give effect to such resolution provided that, for the purposes of this Article, a share premium account and any capital redemption reserve or fund representing unrealised profits, may be applied only in paying up in full unissued shares of the Company to be allotted to such Members credited as fully paid.


145. The Board may settle, as it considers appropriate, any difficulty arising in regard to any distribution under the last preceding Article and in particular may issue certificates in respect of fractions of shares or authorise any person to sell and transfer any fractions or may resolve that the distribution should be as nearly as may be practicable in the correct proportion but not exactly so or may ignore fractions altogether, and may determine that cash payments shall be made to any Members in order to adjust the rights of all parties, as may seem expedient to the Board. The Board may appoint any person to sign on behalf of the persons entitled to participate in the distribution any contract necessary or desirable for giving effect thereto and such appointment shall be effective and binding upon the Members.




146. The following provisions shall have effect to the extent that they are not prohibited by and are in compliance with the Act:


  (1) If, so long as any of the rights attached to any warrants issued by the Company to subscribe for shares of the Company shall remain exercisable, the Company does any act or engages in any transaction which, as a result of any adjustments to the subscription price in accordance with the provisions of the conditions of the warrants, would reduce the subscription price to below the par value of a share, then the following provisions shall apply:


  (a) as from the date of such act or transaction the Company shall establish and thereafter (subject as provided in this Article) maintain in accordance with the provisions of this Article a reserve (the “Subscription Rights Reserve”) the amount of which shall at no time be less than the sum which for the time being would be required to be capitalised and applied in paying up in full the nominal or par value amount of the additional shares required to be issued and allotted credited as fully paid pursuant to sub-paragraph (c) below on the exercise in full of all the subscription rights outstanding and shall apply the Subscription Rights Reserve in paying up such additional shares in full as and when the same are allotted;





  (b) the Subscription Rights Reserve shall not be used for any purpose other than that specified above unless all other reserves of the Company (other than share premium account) have been extinguished and will then only be used to make good losses of the Company if and so far as is required by law;


  (c) upon the exercise of all or any of the subscription rights represented by any warrant, the relevant subscription rights shall be exercisable in respect of a nominal amount of shares equal to the amount in cash which the holder of such warrant is required to pay on exercise of the subscription rights represented thereby (or, as the case may be the relevant portion thereof in the event of a partial exercise of the subscription rights) and, in addition, there shall be allotted in respect of such subscription rights to the exercising warrant holder, credited as fully paid, such additional nominal amount of shares as is equal to the difference between:


  (i) the said amount in cash which the holder of such warrant is required to pay on exercise of the subscription rights represented thereby (or, as the case may be, the relevant portion thereof in the event of a partial exercise of the subscription rights); and


  (ii) the nominal or par value amount of shares in respect of which such subscription rights would have been exercisable having regard to the provisions of the conditions of the warrants, had it been possible for such subscription rights to represent the right to subscribe for shares at less than par and immediately upon such exercise so much of the sum standing to the credit of the Subscription Rights Reserve as is required to pay up in full such additional nominal amount of shares shall be capitalised and applied in paying up in full such additional nominal amount of shares which shall forthwith be allotted credited as fully paid to the exercising warrant holders; and


  (d) if, upon the exercise of the subscription rights represented by any warrant, the amount standing to the credit of the Subscription Rights Reserve is not sufficient to pay up in full such additional nominal or par value amount of shares equal to such difference as aforesaid to which the exercising warrant holder is entitled, the Board shall apply any profits or reserves then or thereafter becoming available (including, to the extent permitted by law, share premium account) for such purpose until such additional nominal amount of shares is paid up and allotted as aforesaid and until then no dividend or other distribution shall be paid or made on the fully paid shares of the Company then in issue. Pending such payment and allotment, the exercising warrant holder shall be issued by the Company with a certificate evidencing his right to the allotment of such additional nominal amount of shares. The rights represented by any such certificate shall be in registered form and shall be transferable in whole or in part in units of one share in the like manner as the shares for the time being are transferable, and the Company shall make such arrangements in relation to the maintenance of a register therefor and other matters in relation thereto as the Board may think fit and adequate particulars thereof shall be made known to each relevant exercising warrant holder upon the issue of such certificate.


  (2) Shares allotted pursuant to the provisions of this Article shall rank pari passu in all respects with the other shares allotted on the relevant exercise of the subscription rights represented by the warrant concerned. Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph (1) of this Article, no fraction of any share shall be allotted on exercise of the subscription rights.


  (3) The provision of this Article as to the establishment and maintenance of the Subscription Rights Reserve shall not be altered or added to in any way which would vary or abrogate, or which would have the effect of varying or abrogating the provisions for the benefit of any warrantholder or class of warrantholders under this Article without the sanction of a special resolution of such warrantholders or class of warrantholders.


  (4) A certificate or report by the auditors for the time being of the Company as to whether or not the Subscription Rights Reserve is required to be established and maintained and if so the amount thereof so required to be established and maintained, as to the purposes for which the Subscription Rights Reserve has been used, as to the extent to which it has been used to make good losses of the Company, as to the additional nominal amount of shares required to be allotted to exercising warrant holders credited as fully paid, and as to any other matter concerning the Subscription Rights Reserve shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive and binding upon the Company and all warrant holders and shareholders.




147. The Board shall cause true accounts to be kept of the sums of money received and expended by the Company, and the matters in respect of which such receipt and expenditure take place, and of the property, assets, credits and liabilities of the Company and of all other matters required by the Act or necessary to give a true and fair view of the Company’s affairs and to explain its transactions.


148. The accounting records shall be kept at the Office or, at such other place or places as the Board decides and shall always be open to inspection by the Directors. No Member (other than a Director) shall have any right of inspecting any accounting record or book or document of the Company except as conferred by law or authorised by the Board or the Company in general meeting.


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152. Subject to applicable law and rules of the Designated Stock Exchange:


  (1) The Board shall appoint an auditor to audit the accounts of the Company and such auditor shall hold office until the Board appoints another auditor. Such auditor may be a Member but no Director or officer or employee of the Company shall, during his continuance in office, be eligible to act as an auditor of the Company.


  (2) The Board may remove the Auditor at any time before the expiration of his term of office and may by resolution appoint another Auditor in his stead.


153. Subject to the Act the accounts of the Company shall be audited at least once in every year.


154. The remuneration of the Auditor shall be fixed by the Board.


155. If the office of auditor becomes vacant by the resignation or death of the Auditor, or by his becoming incapable of acting by reason of illness or other disability at a time when his services are required, the Directors shall fill the vacancy and determine the remuneration of such Auditor.


156. The Auditor shall at all reasonable times have access to all books kept by the Company and to all accounts and vouchers relating thereto; and he may call on the Directors or officers of the Company for any information in their possession relating to the books or affairs of the Company.


157. The statement of income and expenditure and the balance sheet provided for by these Articles shall be examined by the Auditor and compared by him with the books, accounts and vouchers relating thereto; and he shall make a written report thereon stating whether such statement and balance sheet are drawn up so as to present fairly the financial position of the Company and the results of its operations for the period under review and, in case information shall have been called for from Directors or officers of the Company, whether the same has been furnished and has been satisfactory. The financial statements of the Company shall be audited by the Auditor in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. The Auditor shall make a written report thereon in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the report of the Auditor shall be submitted to the Members in general meeting. The generally accepted auditing standards referred to herein may be those of a country or jurisdiction other than the Cayman Islands. If so, the financial statements and the report of the Auditor should disclose this act and name such country or jurisdiction.




158. Any Notice or document, whether or not, to be given or issued under these Articles from the Company to a Member shall be in writing or by cable, telex or facsimile transmission message or other form of electronic transmission or communication and any such Notice and document may be served or delivered by the Company on or to any Member either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope addressed to such Member at his registered address as appearing in the Register or at any other address supplied by him to the Company for the purpose or, as the case may be, by transmitting it to any such address or transmitting it to any telex or facsimile transmission number or electronic number or address or website supplied by him to the Company for the giving of Notice to him or which the person transmitting the notice reasonably and bona fide believes at the relevant time will result in the Notice being duly received by the Member or may also be served by advertisement in appropriate newspapers in accordance with the requirements of the Designated Stock Exchange or, to the extent permitted by the applicable laws, by placing it on the Company’s website and giving to the member a notice stating that the notice or other document is available there (a “notice of availability”). The notice of availability may be given to the Member by any of the means set out above. In the case of joint holders of a share all notices shall be given to that one of the joint holders whose name stands first in the Register and notice so given shall be deemed a sufficient service on or delivery to all the joint holders.


159. Any Notice or other document:


  (a) if served or delivered by post, shall where appropriate be sent by airmail and shall be deemed to have been served or delivered on the day following that on which the envelope containing the same, properly prepaid and addressed, is put into the post; in proving such service or delivery it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice or document was properly addressed and put into the post and a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other officer of the Company or other person appointed by the Board that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice or other document was so addressed and put into the post shall be conclusive evidence thereof;


  (b) if sent by electronic communication, shall be deemed to be given on the day on which it is transmitted from the server of the Company or its agent. A notice placed on the Company’s website is deemed given by the Company to a Member on the day following that on which a notice of availability is deemed served on the Member;


  (c) if served or delivered in any other manner contemplated by these Articles, shall be deemed to have been served or delivered at the time of personal service or delivery or, as the case may be, at the time of the relevant despatch or transmission; and in proving such service or delivery a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other officer of the Company or other person appointed by the Board as to the act and time of such service, delivery, despatch or transmission shall be conclusive evidence thereof; and





  (d) may be given to a Member in the English language or such other language as may be approved by the Directors, subject to due compliance with all applicable Statutes, rules and regulations.


160. (1) Any Notice or other document delivered or sent by post to or left at the registered address of any Member in pursuance of these Articles shall, notwithstanding that such Member is then dead or bankrupt or that any other event has occurred, and whether or not the Company has notice of the death or bankruptcy or other event, be deemed to have been duly served or delivered in respect of any share registered in the name of such Member as sole or joint holder unless his name shall, at the time of the service or delivery of the notice or document, have been removed from the Register as the holder of the share, and such service or delivery shall for all purposes be deemed a sufficient service or delivery of such Notice or document on all persons interested (whether jointly with or as claiming through or under him) in the share.


  (2) A notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a Member by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope or wrapper addressed to him by name, or by the title of representative of the deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred.


  (3) Any person who by operation of law, transfer or other means whatsoever shall become entitled to any share shall be bound by every notice in respect of such share which prior to his name and address being entered on the Register shall have been duly given to the person from whom he derives his title to such share.




161. For the purposes of these Articles, a cable or telex or facsimile or electronic transmission message purporting to come from a holder of shares or, as the case may be, a Director, or, in the case of a corporation which is a holder of shares from a director or the secretary thereof or a duly appointed attorney or duly authorised representative thereof for it and on its behalf, shall in the absence of express evidence to the contrary available to the person relying thereon at the relevant time be deemed to be a document or instrument in writing signed by such holder or Director in the terms in which it is received.




162. (1) Subject to Article 162(2), the Board shall have power in the name and on behalf of the Company to present a petition to the court for the Company to be wound up.


  (2) A resolution that the Company be wound up by the court or be wound up voluntarily shall be a special resolution.


163. (1) Subject to any special rights, privileges or restrictions as to the distribution of available surplus assets on liquidation for the time being attached to any class or classes of shares (i) if the Company shall be wound up and the assets available for distribution amongst the Members of the Company shall be more than sufficient to repay the whole of the capital paid up at the commencement of the winding up, the excess shall be distributed pari passu amongst such Members in proportion to the amount paid up on the shares held by them respectively and (ii) if the Company shall be wound up and the assets available for distribution amongst the Members as such shall be insufficient to repay the whole of the paid-up capital such assets shall be distributed so that, a nearly as may be, the losses shall be borne by the Members in proportion to the capital paid up, or which ought to have been paid up, at the commencement of the winding up on the shares held by them respectively.


  (2) If the Company shall be wound up (whether the liquidation is voluntary or by the court) the liquidator may, with the authority of a special resolution and any other sanction required by the Act, divide among the Members in specie or kind the whole or any part of the assets of the Company and whether or not the assets shall consist of properties of one kind or shall consist of properties to be divided as aforesaid of different kinds, and may for such purpose set such value as he deems fair upon any one or more class or classes of property and may determine how such division shall be carried out as between the Members or different classes of Members. The liquidator may, with the like authority, vest any part of the assets in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit of the Members as the liquidator with the like authority shall think fit, and the liquidation of the Company may be closed and the Company dissolved, but so that no contributory shall be compelled to accept any shares or other property in respect of which there is a liability.







164. (1) The Directors, Secretary and other officers and the liquidator or trustees (if any) for the time being acting in relation to any of the affairs of the Company and every one of them, and every one of their heirs, executors and administrators, shall be indemnified and secured harmless out of the assets and profits of the Company from and against all actions, costs, charges, losses, damages and expenses which they or any of them, their or any of their heirs, executors or administrators, shall or may incur or sustain by or by reason of any act done, concurred in or omitted in or about the execution of their duty, or supposed duty, in their respective offices or trusts; and none of them shall be answerable for the acts, receipts, neglects or defaults of the other or others of them or for joining in any receipts for the sake of conformity, or for any bankers or other persons with whom any moneys or effects belonging to the Company shall or may be lodged or deposited for safe custody, or for insufficiency or deficiency of any security upon which any moneys of or belonging to the Company shall be placed out on or invested, or for any other loss, misfortune or damage which may happen in the execution of their respective offices or trusts, or in relation thereto; PROVIDED THAT this indemnity shall not extend to any matter in respect of any fraud or dishonesty which may attach to any of said persons.


  (2) Each Member agrees to waive any claim or right of action he might have, whether individually or by or in the right of the Company, against any Director on account of any action taken by such Director, or the failure of such Director to take any action in the performance of his duties with or for the Company; PROVIDED THAT such waiver shall not extend to any matter in respect of any fraud or dishonesty which may attach to such Director.





165.   Subject to the provisions of Article 9(c), no Article shall be rescinded, altered or amended and no new Article shall be made until the same has been approved by a special resolution of the Members. Subject to the provisions of Article 9(c), a special resolution shall be required to alter the provisions of the Memorandum of Association or to change the name of the Company.




166. No Member shall be entitled to require discovery of or any information respecting any detail of the Company’s trading or any matter which is or may be in the nature of a trade secret or secret process which may relate to the conduct of the business of the Company and which in the opinion of the Directors it will be inexpedient in the interests of the Members of the Company to communicate to the public.




167. The Company shall have the power to merge or consolidate with one or more other constituent companies (as defined in the Statute) upon such terms as the Directors may determine and (to the extent required by the Statute) with the approval of a special resolution.




169.Unless the Directors otherwise prescribe, the financial year of the Company shall end on [December 31st] in each calendar year and shall begin on [January 1st] in each calendar year.







Voting Agreement








This Voting Agreement (as may be amended, supplemented, modified and varied from time to time in accordance with the terms herein, this “Agreement”) is made as of November 29, 2024 by and among iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited, a Cayman Islands exempted company (“ICLK”), Amber DWM Holding Limited, a Cayman Islands exempted company (“DWM”), and the undersigned ICLK shareholders (the “ICLK Shareholders” and each a “ICLK Shareholder”).


WHEREAS, contemporaneously with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, ICLK, Overlord Merger Sub Ltd., a Cayman Islands exempted company and a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of ICLK (“Merger Sub”) and DWM are entering into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (as the same may be amended, supplemented, modified and varied from time to time in accordance with the terms therein, the “Merger Agreement”), pursuant to which, at the Closing, Merger Sub shall be merged with and into DWM, with DWM surviving as a direct wholly owned subsidiary of ICLK (the “Merger”); and


NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, sufficiency and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:


Section 1.           Definitions. As used herein the term “Voting Shares” shall mean all securities of ICLK beneficially owned (as such term is defined in Rule13d-3 under the Exchange Act, excluding any shares underlying unexercised options or warrants, but including any shares acquired upon exercise of such options or warrants) (“Beneficially Owned” or “Beneficial Ownership”) by any ICLK Shareholder, including any and all securities of ICLK acquired and held in such capacity subsequent to the date hereof (“Additional Securities”). Capitalized terms used and not defined herein shall have the respective meanings assigned to them in the Merger Agreement.


Section 2.           Representations and Warranties of the Voting Parties. Each ICLK Shareholder on its own behalf hereby represents and warrants to the other parties hereto, severally and not jointly, with respect to such ICLK Shareholder and such ICLK Shareholder’s Beneficial Ownership of its Voting Shares set forth on Annex A as follows:


(a)            Organization and Standing. If such ICLK Shareholder is a legal entity, such ICLK Shareholder has been duly organized and is validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the place of its incorporation or establishment and has all requisite corporate power and authority to own, lease and operate its properties and to carry on its business as now being conducted. If such ICLK Shareholder is a legal entity, such ICLK Shareholder is duly qualified or licensed and in good standing to do business in each jurisdiction in which the character of the property owned, leased or operated by it or the nature of the business conducted by it makes such qualification or licensing necessary, except as would not reasonably be expected to prevent or delay the consummation of the Transactions (including the Merger) or to impair such ICLK Shareholder’s ability to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement in any material respect.





(b)            Authority. If such ICLK Shareholder is a legal entity, such ICLK Shareholder has all requisite power and authority to enter into this Agreement, to perform fully such ICLK Shareholder’s obligations hereunder and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. If such ICLK Shareholder is a natural person, such ICLK Shareholder has the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement. If such ICLK Shareholder is a legal entity, this Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by such ICLK Shareholder. This Agreement constitutes a valid and binding obligation of such ICLK Shareholder enforceable in accordance with its terms, except as enforcement may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or similar laws affecting creditors’ rights generally and by principles governing the availability of equitable remedies.


(c)            No Consent. No consent, approval or authorization of, or designation, declaration or filing with, any Governmental Entity or other Person on the part of such ICLK Shareholder is required in connection with the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, except as would not reasonably be expected to prevent or delay the consummation of the Transactions (including the Merger) or to impair such ICLK Shareholder’s ability to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement in any material respect. If such ICLK Shareholder is a natural person, no consent of such ICLK Shareholder’s spouse or creditor is necessary under any “community property” or other laws for the execution and delivery of this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby. If such ICLK Shareholder is a trust, no consent of any beneficiary is required for the execution and delivery of this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.


(d)            No Conflicts. Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement, nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, nor compliance with the terms hereof, will (i) violate, conflict with or result in a breach of, or constitute a default (with or without notice or lapse of time or both) under any provision of such ICLK Shareholder’s organizational documents, (ii) violate, conflict with or result in a breach of, or constitute a default (with or without notice or lapse of time or both) (or give rise to any right of termination, cancellation, acceleration or loss of right) under any trust agreement, loan or credit agreement, note, bond, mortgage, indenture, lease or other agreement, instrument, permit, concession, franchise, license, judgment, order, notice, decree, statute, law, ordinance, rule or regulation or any other Legal Requirement applicable to such ICLK Shareholder or to such ICLK Shareholder’s property or assets (including the Voting Shares) or (iii) result in the creation of any Lien upon any of the properties or assets of such ICLK Shareholder, except in each case of (ii) and (iii), as would not reasonably be expected to prevent or delay the consummation of the Transactions (including the Merger) or to impair such ICLK Shareholder’s ability to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement in any material respect.


(e)            Ownership of Shares. Such ICLK Shareholder (i) Beneficially Owns its Voting Shares free and clear of all Liens and (ii) has the sole power to vote or caused to be voted its Voting Shares, other than Liens pursuant to this Agreement, the memorandum and articles of ICLK as in effect on the date hereof (the “M&A”) or applicable federal or state securities laws. Except pursuant hereto and pursuant to (A) the M&A and (B) the ICLK Share Plans, there are no options, warrants or other rights, agreements, arrangements or commitments of any character to which such ICLK Shareholder is a party relating to the pledge, acquisition, disposition, transfer or voting of its Voting Shares and there are no proxies, voting trusts or any other agreements with respect to the voting of such Voting Shares; except in the case of such ICLK Shareholder that is a limited partnership, any organizational documents of such limited partnership and agreements between the limited partnership and its partners, in each case, that does not affect its Beneficial Ownership of its Voting Shares or its ability to vote or caused to be voted its Voting Shares. Such ICLK Shareholder does not Beneficially Own any equity securities of ICLK or any options, warrants or other rights to acquire any additional equity securities of ICLK or any security exchangeable or exercisable for or convertible into equity securities of ICLK, other than as set forth on Annex A.





(f)             No Litigation. There is no Legal Proceeding pending against, or, to the knowledge of such ICLK Shareholder, threatened against, such ICLK Shareholder or any of such ICLK Shareholder’s properties or assets (including the Voting Shares of such ICLK Shareholder), that would reasonably be expected to prevent, delay or impair the ability of such ICLK Shareholder to perform such ICLK Shareholder’s obligations hereunder or to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


(g)            Reliance. Such ICLK Shareholder has had the opportunity to review the Transaction Agreement and this Agreement with counsel of such ICLK Shareholder’s own choosing. Such ICLK Shareholder understands and acknowledges that DWM is entering into the Transaction Agreement to which DWM is a party in reliance upon such ICLK Shareholder’s execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement.


Section 3.           Agreement to Vote Shares; Further Assurances.


(a)            Each ICLK Shareholder agrees during the term of this Agreement that, at any annual or extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of ICLK and at any other meeting of the shareholders of ICLK, however called, including any adjournment, recess or postponement thereof, in connection with any written consent of the shareholders of ICLK and in any other circumstance upon which a vote, consent or other approval of all or some of the shareholders of ICLK is sought, it shall, and shall cause any holder of record of the Voting Shares he, she or it Beneficially Owns to, in each case to the extent that such Voting Shares are entitled to vote thereon or consent:


(i)appear at each such meeting or otherwise cause all of its Voting Shares to be counted as present thereat in accordance with procedures applicable to such meeting so as to ensure such ICLK Shareholder is duly counted for purposes of calculating a quorum and for purposes of recording the result of any applicable vote or consent and respond to each request by ICLK for written consent, if any; and





(ii)to vote or cause to be voted the Voting Shares he, she or it Beneficially Owns, or deliver, or cause to be delivered, a written consent covering all such Voting Shares (i) in favor of the ICLK Shareholder Matters (as defined in the Merger Agreement) and any proposal to adjourn or postpone such meeting of shareholders of ICLK to a later date if there are not sufficient votes to approve Transactions (including the Merger) and (ii) against (A) any proposal or offer from any Person (other than DWM or any of its Affiliates) concerning an ICLK Business Combination (as defined in the Merger Agreement); (B) any action, proposal, transaction or agreement which could reasonably be expected to result in a breach of any covenant, representation or warranty or any other obligation or agreement of ICLK under the Merger Agreement; and (C) except as contemplated by this Agreement and the other Transaction Agreements, any action, proposal, transaction or agreement that could reasonably be expected to impede, interfere with, delay, discourage, adversely affect or inhibit the timely consummation of the Transactions (including the Merger) or the fulfillment of ICLK’s conditions under the Merger Agreement or change in any manner the voting rights of any class of shares of ICLK (including any amendments to its Governing Documents), including, without limitation, any action that would require the consent of DWM pursuant to the Merger Agreement, except if approved in writing by DWM. The obligations of each ICLK Shareholder specified in this Section 3 shall apply whether or not the Board of Directors of ICLK shall have effected a Change in Recommendation (as defined in the Merger Agreement).


(b)            During the period commencing on the date hereof and continuing until the termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms, each ICLK Shareholder further irrevocably and unconditionally agrees that it shall not, shall cause its Affiliates not to and shall cause the Representatives of it and its Affiliates (to the extent such Representatives are acting on such ICLK Shareholder or its Affiliates’ behalf) (subject to, in the case of a Representative who is a director of ICLK or any of its Subsidiaries and solely in such Representative’s capacity as a director, his or her fiduciary duties) not to, directly or indirectly, either alone or with or through any authorized Representatives, (i) make a Competing Proposal or solicit, encourage, recommend, facilitate or join with, invite, or knowingly take any other actions with the intent to induce any other person to be involved in the making of a Competing Proposal, (ii) provide any information to any third party with a view to such third party or any other person pursuing or considering to pursue a Competing Proposal, (iii) finance or offer to finance any Competing Proposal, including by offering any equity or debt financing, or contribution of any Voting Shares Beneficially Owns by it or provision of a voting agreement, in support of any Competing Proposal, (iv) enter into any written or oral agreement, arrangement or understanding (whether legally binding or not) regarding, or do, anything that is directly inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, (v) take any action that would reasonably be expected to have the effect of preventing, disabling or delaying such ICLK Shareholder from performing its obligations under this Agreement, or (vi) solicit, encourage or facilitate, or induce or enter into any negotiation, discussion, agreement, arrangement or understanding (whether or not in writing and whether or not legally binding) with any person (other than DWM and their Affiliates) regarding, a Competing Proposal or any of the matters described in Section 3(a) or this Section 3(b).


(c)            Each ICLK Shareholder shall, and shall cause its Affiliates and the Representatives of it and its Affiliates (to the extent such Representatives are acting on such ICLK Shareholder or its Affiliates’ behalf) (subject to, in the case of a Representative who is a director of ICLK or any of its Subsidiaries and solely in such Representative’s capacity as a director, his or her fiduciary duties) to, immediately cease and terminate and cause to be ceased and terminated any existing discussions, conversations, negotiations or other communications or activities with any person that may have been conducted heretofore with respect to a Competing Proposal. From and after the date hereof, each ICLK Shareholder shall promptly (and in any event within twenty-four (24) hours) advise DWM of any approach by any person other than DWM or its Affiliates to such ICLK Shareholder in connection with a Competing Proposal and provide DWM with copies of any such written communication.





(d)            From time to time, at the request of ICLK or DWM, each ICLK Shareholder shall take all such further actions, as may be reasonably necessary to, in the most expeditious manner reasonably practicable, effect the purposes of this Agreement.


Section 4.           Grant of Irrevocable Proxy. Each ICLK Shareholder hereby irrevocably and unconditionally grants a proxy to, and appoints, DWM and/or any designee of DWM, and each of them individually, as its proxies and attorneys-in-fact, with full power of substitution and resubstitution, for and in such ICLK Shareholder’s name, place and stead, to vote, act by written consent or execute and deliver a proxy, solely in respect of the matters described in, and in accordance with, Section 3(a), and to vote or grant a written consent with respect to the Voting Shares Beneficially Owns by it as provided in Section 3(a). This irrevocable proxy and power of attorney is given in connection with, and in consideration of, the execution of the Merger Agreement, and that such irrevocable proxy is given to secure the performance of the duties of such ICLK Shareholder under this Agreement. Each ICLK Shareholder hereby affirms that such irrevocable proxy is (i) coupled with an interest and (ii) subject to the last sentence of this Section 4, executed and intended to be irrevocable in accordance with the provisions of the Laws of Hong Kong. Each ICLK Shareholder hereby represents that any and all prior proxies granted and voting undertakings delivered by such ICLK Shareholder with respect to the Voting Shares Beneficially Owns by it to the extent such prior proxies or voting undertakings conflict with or are inconsistent with the proxies granted under this Section 4, if any, have been revoked or substituted by DWM and any designee thereof with respect to such ICLK Shareholder’s Voting Shares in connection with the transactions contemplated, and to the extent required, under the Merger Agreement and this Agreement, including the Merger, and no subsequent proxy or voting undertaking shall be given by such ICLK Shareholder (and if given shall be ineffective). Each ICLK Shareholder shall take such further action or execute such other instruments as may be requested by DWM in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Laws of Hong Kong or any other Law to effectuate the intent of this proxy. If for any reason the proxy granted herein is not irrevocable, then such ICLK Shareholder agrees to vote its Voting Shares in accordance with Section 3(a) as instructed in writing by DWM, or any designee of DWM prior to the termination of this Agreement. The parties agree that the foregoing is a voting agreement. The power of attorney granted by each ICLK Shareholder herein is a durable power of attorney and, so long as DWM has the interest secured by such power of attorney or the obligations secured by such power of attorney remain undischarged, the power of attorney shall not be revoked by the dissolution, bankruptcy, death or incapacity of such ICLK Shareholder. The proxy and power of attorney granted hereunder shall automatically and without further action by the parties hereto terminate upon the termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 4, this Section 4 and the proxy granted hereunder shall only be effective with respect to an ICLK Shareholder if such ICLK Shareholder fails to perform his or its obligations under Section 3(a) above.





Section 5.           No Voting Trusts or Other Arrangement. Each ICLK Shareholder agrees that during the term of this Agreement, such ICLK Shareholder will not, and will not permit any entity under ICLK Shareholder’s control to, deposit any Voting Shares in a voting trust, grant any proxies with respect to the Voting Shares or subject any of the Voting Shares to any arrangement with respect to the voting of the Voting Shares except as contemplated in this Agreement. Each ICLK Shareholder hereby revokes any and all previous proxies and attorneys in fact with respect to the Voting Shares. Each ICLK Shareholder agrees that during the term of this Agreement, such ICLK Shareholder will not, and will not permit any entity under ICLK Shareholder’s control to, take any action that would make any representation or warranty of such ICLK Shareholder herein untrue or incorrect, or have the effect of delaying or preventing such ICLK Shareholder from performing such ICLK Shareholder’s obligations hereunder.


Section 6.           Transfer and Encumbrance. Each ICLK Shareholder agrees that during the term of this Agreement, such ICLK Shareholder will not, directly or indirectly, transfer (including by operation of law), sell, tender, grant, offer, exchange, assign, pledge, charge, create any Lien on, or otherwise dispose of (including by gift, tender or exchange offer, merger or operation of law), or encumber or create or permit to exist any Lien on (“Transfer”) any of his, her or its Voting Shares or enter into any contract, option or other agreement with respect to, or consent to, a Transfer of, any of his, her or its Voting Shares or such ICLK Shareholder’s voting or economic interest therein. Any attempted Transfer of Voting Shares or any interest therein in violation of this Section 6 shall be null and void. This Section 6 shall not prohibit a Transfer of Voting Shares by any ICLK Shareholder to (a) any investment fund or other entity controlled or managed by or under common management or control with such ICLK Shareholder or affiliates of such ICLK Shareholder, (b) to another corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust or other business entity that is an affiliate (as defined in Rule 405 promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended) of such ICLK Shareholder, or (c) if such ICLK Shareholder is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, trust or other entity, any stockholder, member, partner or trust beneficiary as part of a distribution; provided, however, that a Transfer referred to in this sentence shall be permitted only if, as a precondition to such Transfer, the transferee agrees in a writing, satisfactory in form and substance to ICLK and DWM to be bound by all of the terms of this Agreement as a ICLK Shareholder and either such ICLK Shareholder or the transferee provides DWM with a copy of such agreement prior to the consummation of any such Transfer. With respect to each ICLK Shareholder, this Agreement and the obligations hereunder shall attach to the Voting Shares Beneficially Owned by such ICLK Shareholder and shall be binding upon any person to which legal or Beneficial Ownership shall pass, whether by operation of law or otherwise, including, the ICLK Shareholder’s successors or assigns. No ICLK Shareholder may request that ICLK or the ICLK Company’s depositary banks or transfer agent, as applicable, register the Transfer of (book-entry or otherwise) any or all of the Voting Shares of such ICLK Shareholder (whether represented by a certificate or uncertificated), unless such transfer is made in compliance with this Agreement. Notwithstanding any Transfer of Voting Shares, the transferor shall remain liable for the performance of all of the obligations of the ICLK Shareholder under this Agreement.


Section 7.           Additional Securities. Each ICLK Shareholder covenants and agrees to notify DWM in writing of the number of Additional Securities Beneficial Ownership in which is acquired by such ICLK Shareholder after the date hereof as soon as practicable, but in no event later than five (5) Business Days, after such acquisition. Such Additional Securities shall automatically become subject to the terms of this Agreement and shall constitute Voting Securities of such ICLK Shareholder for all purposes of this Agreement.





Section 8.           Share Dividends, etc. In the event of a reclassification, recapitalization, reorganization, share split (including a reverse share split) or combination, exchange or readjustment of shares, change in ratio of ADSs to ICLK Class A Shares, or other similar transaction, or if any share dividend, subdivision or distribution (including any dividend or distribution of securities convertible into or exchangeable for securities of ICLK) is declared, in each case affecting the Voting Securities, the term “Voting Securities” shall be deemed to refer to and include such shares as well as all such share dividends and distributions and any securities of ICLK into which or for which any or all of such shares may be changed or exchanged or which are received in such transaction.


Section 9.           Appraisal and Dissenters’ Rights. Each ICLK Shareholder hereby (i) waives, and agrees not to assert or perfect, any rights of appraisal or rights to dissent from the Transactions (including the Merger) that ICLK Shareholder may have by virtue of ownership of Voting Shares and (ii) agrees not to commence or participate in any claim, derivative or otherwise, against ICLK relating to the negotiation, execution or delivery of this Agreement, the Merger Agreement or any other Transaction Agreements to which ICLK is a party or the consummation of the Transactions (including the Merger), including any claim (1) challenging the validity of, or seeking to enjoin the operation of, any provision of this Agreement or (2) alleging a breach of any fiduciary duty of the Board of Directors of ICLK in connection with this Agreement, the Merger Agreement or any other Transaction Agreements to which ICLK is a party or the Transactions (including the Merger).


Section 10.         Redemption.   Each ICLK Shareholder agrees not to exercise any right to have any Voting Shares Beneficially Owned as of the date hereof or acquired and held in such capacity subsequent to the date hereof redeemed by ICLK.


Section 11.         Conversion Notices Each ICLK Shareholder holding ICLK Class B Shares (each a “ICLK Class B Shareholder”) agrees to deliver a written notice to ICLK immediately prior to the Effective Time, that such ICLK Class B Shareholder elects to convert all of the ICLK Class B Shares then held by it into ICLK Class A Shares pursuant to the M&A with immediate effect.


Section 12.         Termination. This Agreement shall automatically terminate upon the earlier to occur of (i) the Closing and (ii) the date on which the Merger Agreement is terminated for any reason in accordance with its terms. Upon termination of this Agreement, no party shall have any further rights, obligations or liabilities under this Agreement; provided, that nothing in this Section 12 shall relieve any party of liability for any breach of this Agreement occurring prior to termination and the provisions of this Section 12 and Section 15 through Section 17 shall survive any termination of this Agreement.





Section 13.         No Agreement as Director or Officer. Each ICLK Shareholder is signing this Agreement solely in its capacity as a shareholder of ICLK. No ICLK Shareholder makes any agreement or understanding in this Agreement in such ICLK Shareholder’s capacity (or in the capacity of any Affiliate, partner or employee of such ICLK Shareholder) as a director or officer of ICLK or any of its Subsidiaries (if such ICLK Shareholder holds such office). Nothing in this Agreement will limit or affect any actions or omissions taken by a ICLK Shareholder (or any Affiliate, partner or employee of such ICLK Shareholder) in his, her or its capacity as a director or officer of ICLK, and no actions or omissions taken in any ICLK Shareholder’s capacity (or in the capacity of any Affiliate, partner or employee of such ICLK Shareholder) as a director or officer shall be deemed a breach of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement will be construed to prohibit, limit or restrict a ICLK Shareholder (or any Affiliate, partner or employee of ICLK Shareholder) from exercising his or her fiduciary duties as an officer or director to ICLK or its Subsidiaries.


Section 14.         Specific Enforcement. It is agreed and understood that monetary damages would not adequately compensate an injured party for the breach of this Agreement by any party hereto and, accordingly, that this Agreement shall be specifically enforceable, in addition to any other remedy to which such injured party is entitled at law or in equity, and that any breach of this Agreement shall be the proper subject of a temporary or permanent injunction or restraining order. Further, each party hereto waives any claim or defense that there is an adequate remedy at law for such breach or threatened breach or an award of specific performance is not an appropriate remedy for any reason at law or equity and agrees that a party’s rights would be materially and adversely affected if the obligations of the other parties under this Agreement were not carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof.


Section 15.         Entire Agreement. This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, written or oral, among the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and contains the entire agreement among the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. Any provision of this Agreement may be amended or waived if, but only if, such amendment or waiver is in writing and is signed, in the case of an amendment, by each party to this Agreement, or, in the case of a waiver, by the party against whom the waiver is to be effective. No waiver of any provisions hereof by either party shall be deemed a waiver of any other provisions hereof by such party, nor shall any such waiver be deemed a continuing waiver of any provision hereof by such party.


Section 16.         Notices. All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given: (a) on the date established by the sender as having been delivered personally; (b) one Business Day after being sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier guaranteeing overnight delivery; (c) on the date that transmission is confirmed electronically, if delivered by email; or (d) on the fifth Business Day after the date mailed, by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid. Such communications, to be valid, must be addressed as follows:


if to ICLK, to:


iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited

15/F Prosperity Millennia Plaza, 663 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong S.A.R., People’s Republic of China

Attention: Josephine Ngai

Email: josephine.ngai@i-click.com





with a copy to:


Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton

37th Floor, Hysan Place, 500 Hennessy Road

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Attention: Shuang Zhao

E-mail: szhao@cgsh.com




Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton

45th Floor, Fortune Financial Center

5 Dong San Huan Zhong Lu

Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020

People’s Republic of China

Attention: Denise Shiu

E-mail: dshiu@cgsh.com


if to DWM, to:


DWM Holding Limited

1 Wallich Street
Guoco Tower
Singapore 078881

Attention: Wayne Huo

Email: wayne.huo@ambergroup.io


with a copy to (which will not constitute notice):


Simpson Thacher & Bartlett

35th Floor, ICBC Tower

3 Garden Road

Central, Hong Kong

Attention: Yi Gao

Email: YGao@stblaw.com




Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP

3919 China World Center

1 Jianguomenwai Avenue

Beijing, 100004, China

Attention: Yang Wang

Email: yang.wang@stblaw.com





if to the ICLK Shareholder(s), to the address(es) set forth underneath the ICLK Shareholder’s name on the signature page hereto,


or to such other address or to the attention of such Person or Persons as the recipient party has specified by prior written notice to the sending party (or in the case of counsel, to such other readily ascertainable business address as such counsel may hereafter maintain). If more than one method for sending notice as set forth above is used, the earliest notice date established as set forth above shall control.


Section 17.         Miscellaneous.


(a)            Governing Law; Consent to Jurisdiction; Waiver of Jury Trial. Section 11.7 and Section 11.8 of the Merger Agreement are incorporated herein by reference, mutatis mutandis.


(b)            Severability. The invalidity of any portion hereof shall not affect the validity, force or effect of the remaining portions hereof. If it is ever held that any restriction hereunder is too broad to permit enforcement of such restriction to its fullest extent, such restriction shall be enforced to the maximum extent permitted by Law.


(c)            Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts for the convenience of the parties hereto, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument. Delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page to this Agreement by electronic, facsimile or portable document format shall be effective as delivery of a mutually executed counterpart to this Agreement.


(d)            Titles and Headings. The titles, captions and table of contents in this Agreement are for reference purposes only, and shall not in any way define, limit, extend or describe the scope of this Agreement or otherwise affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.


(e)            Assignment; Successors and Assigns; No Third Party Rights. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement may not, without the prior written consent of the other parties hereto, be assigned by operation of Law or otherwise, and any attempted assignment shall be null and void. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors, permitted assigns and legal representatives, and nothing herein, express or implied, it intended to or shall confer upon any other Person any legal or equitable right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement.


(f)            Documentation and Information. Each ICLK Shareholder shall permit and hereby authorizes ICLK, DWM and/or any of their respective Affiliates to publish and disclose in all documents and schedules filed with the SEC, and any press release or other disclosure document that ICLK and/or DWM determines to be necessary or desirable in connection with the Merger Agreement or the Transactions, such ICLK Shareholder’s identity and ownership of the Voting Shares and the nature of such ICLK Shareholder’s commitments and obligations under this Agreement.





(g)            Public Disclosure. None of the ICLK Shareholders shall issue any press release or make any other public statement with respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement without the prior written consent of DWM (or, for purposes of this subsection (g) only, after the consummation of the Merger, ICLK) except as such release or statement may be required by Legal Requirements or a Governmental Entity, and then only after (a) the form and terms of such disclosure have been provided to DWM for their review and comment, and (b) notice has been provided to DWM and DWM had a reasonable opportunity to comment thereon, in each case to the extent legally permissible. Notwithstanding the above, each ICLK Shareholder agrees to permit ICLK and the other ICLK Shareholders to publish and disclose in all documents filed by ICLK or any such other ICLK Shareholder filed with the SEC in connection with the Transactions, its and its respective Affiliates’ identity and beneficial ownership of its Voting Securities or other equity securities of ICLK and the nature of such ICLK Shareholder’s commitments, arrangements and understandings under this Agreement, or any other agreement or arrangement to which it (or any of its Affiliates) is a party relating to the Transactions (including a copy thereof), to the extent required by applicable Legal Requirements or the SEC (or its staff) or by mutual agreement between ICLK and DWM.


(h)            Further Assurances. Each party hereto shall execute and deliver such additional documents as may be necessary or desirable to give effect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


[Remainder of page intentionally left blank]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement as a deed as of the date first written above.


as a DEED) 
for and on behalf of) 
 )/s/ Wing Hong Sammy Hsieh
In the presence of:)Name: Wing Hong Sammy Hsieh
 )Title: Director
/s/ Winnie Lee Yuk Ching) 
Name: Lee Yuk Ching) 


[Signature Page to ICLK Voting Agreement]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement as a deed as of the date first written above.


as a DEED) 
for and on behalf of) 
 )/s/ Junwei HUO
In the presence of:)Name: Junwei HUO
 )Title: Director
/s/ Dongni HU) 
Name: Dongni HU) 


[Signature Page to ICLK Voting Agreement]




IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement as a deed as of the date first written above.


as a DEED) 
for and on behalf of) 
 )/s/ Jian Tang
In the presence of:)Name: Jian Tang
/s/ Chau Hoi Ying) 
Name: Chau Hoi Ying) 


Addresses for Notices:

ICLK Shareholder





[Signature Page to ICLK Voting Agreement]




IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement as a deed as of the date first written above.


as a DEED) 
for and on behalf of) 
ICLK SHAREHOLDER: Bubinga Holdings Limited) 
 )/s/ Wing Hong Sammy Hsieh
In the presence of:)Name: Wing Hong Sammy Hsieh
/s/ Chau Hoi Ying) 
Name: Chau Hoi Ying) 


Addresses for Notices:

ICLK Shareholder





[Signature Page to ICLK Voting Agreement]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement as a deed as of the date first written above.


as a DEED) 
for and on behalf of) 
ICLK SHAREHOLDER: Wing Hong Sammy Hsieh) 
 )/s/ Wing Hong Sammy Hsieh
In the presence of:)Name: Wing Hong Sammy Hsieh
/s/ Chau Hoi Ying) 
Name: Chau Hoi Ying) 


Addresses for Notices:

ICLK Shareholder





[Signature Page to ICLK Voting Agreement]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement as a deed as of the date first written above.


as a DEED) 
for and on behalf of) 
ICLK SHAREHOLDER: Marine Central Limited) 
 )/s/ Huang Jianjun
In the presence of:)Name: Huang Jianjun
 )Title: Director
/s/ Z.Z.Huang) 
Name: Z.Z.Huang) 


Addresses for Notices:

ICLK Shareholder





[Signature Page to ICLK Voting Agreement]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement as a deed as of the date first written above.


as a DEED) 
for and on behalf of) 
ICLK SHAREHOLDER: Creative Big Limited) 
 )/s/ Kenny Sin Nang Chiu
In the presence of:)Name: Kenny Sin Nang Chiu
 )Title: Director
/s/ Carmen Chiu) 
Name: Carmen Chiu) 


Addresses for Notices:

ICLK Shareholder





[Signature Page to ICLK Voting Agreement]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement as a deed as of the date first written above.


as a DEED) 
for and on behalf of) 
ICLK SHAREHOLDER: Huge Superpower Limited) 
 )/s/ Deng Yazhi
In the presence of:)Name: Deng Yazhi
 )Title: Director
/s/ Y.L.Deng) 
Name: Y.L.Deng) 


Addresses for Notices:

ICLK Shareholder





[Signature Page to ICLK Voting Agreement]




IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement as a deed as of the date first written above.


as a DEED) 
for and on behalf of) 
ICLK SHAREHOLDER: Capable Excel Limited) 
 )/s/ Wong Siu Wa
In the presence of:)Name: Wong Siu Wa
 )Title: Director
/s/ J Ma) 
Name: J Ma) 


Addresses for Notices:

ICLK Shareholder





[Signature Page to ICLK Voting Agreement]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement as a deed as of the date first written above.


as a DEED) 
for and on behalf of) 
ICLK SHAREHOLDER: Integrated Asset Management (Asia) Limited) 
 )/s/ Yam Tak Cheung
In the presence of:)Name: Yam Tak Cheung
 )Title: Director


Addresses for Notices:

ICLK Shareholder





[Signature Page to ICLK Voting Agreement]





Annex A







Form of Proxy Card







(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)






I/We (note (1))  



being the registered holder(s) of (note (2))


shares of US$0.001 each in the capital


of the Company (“Share(s)”), hereby appoint (note (3)) the chairman of the Meeting or    




to act as my/our proxy for the Meeting to be held at 15/F Prosperity Millennia Plaza, 663 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China, on January 3, 2025, 9:00 a.m. (Hong Kong time), or on January 2, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. (New York time) and at any adjournment thereof and to vote on my/our behalf as directed below.




Please indicate with a “X” in the spaces provided how you wish the proxy to vote on your behalf.



1. AS A SPECIAL RESOLUTION THAT,  the agreement and plan of merger, dated as of November 29, 2024 (the “Merger Agreement”), by and among the Company, Overlord Merger Sub Ltd. (“Merger Sub”) and Amber DWM Holding Limited (“Amber DWM”), the plan of merger (the “plan of merger”) required to be registered with the Registrar of Companies in the Cayman Islands (such plan of merger being substantially in the form attached as Annex A to the accompanying proxy statement and to be produced and made available for inspection at the extraordinary general meeting) in order to give effect to the merger (the “Merger”) of Merger Sub with and into Amber DWM, with Amber DWM surviving as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company (the “Surviving Entity”), and any and all transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement and the plan of merger, be authorized and approved.










2. AS A SPECIAL RESOLUTION THAT, the ninth amended and restated memorandum and article of association of the Company be further amended and restated by their deletion in their entirety and the substitution of in their place of the tenth amended and restated memorandum and articles of association of the Company substantially in the form attached as Annex C to the accompanying proxy statement with effective immediately prior to the effective time (the “Effective Time”) of the Merger (the “Amendment of M&A”).










3. AS A SPECIAL RESOLUTION THAT, the name of the Company be changed from “iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited” to “Amber International Holding Limited” effective immediately prior to the Effective Time (the “Change of Name”).










4. AS A SPECIAL RESOLUTION THAT, immediately prior to the Effective Time, the authorized share capital of the Company be varied as follows: all ICLK Class A Shares and all ICLK Class B Shares the holders of which have delivered a written notice to iClick to convert its ICLK Class B Shares to ICLK Class A Shares with immediate effect on the Closing Date immediately before the Effective Time (such ICLK Class B Shares, the “Converting ICLK Class B Shares”), in the authorized share capital of the Company (including all issued and outstanding ICLK Class A Shares and Converting ICLK Class B Shares, and all authorized but unissued ICLK Class A Shares and ICLK Class B Shares) shall be re-designated as New Class A Shares (unless such New Class B Shares are otherwise required to be automatically converted into New Class A Shares in accordance with the Amendment of M&A (assuming the Amendment of M&A proposal is approved), all ICLK Class B Shares other than the Converting ICLK Class B Shares shall be re-designated as New Class B Shares, and the authorized share capital of the Company shall be US$1,300,000 divided into 1,300,000,000 New Ordinary Shares comprising of (x) 1,191,000,000 New Class A Shares, and (y) 109,000,000 New Class B Shares (the “Variation of Share Capital”).










5. AS AN ORDIANRY RESOLUTION THAT, Wing Hong Sammy Hsieh, a director of the Company, be authorized to do all things necessary to give effect to the Merger Agreement, the plan of merger, and the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement and the plan of merger, including the Merger and, effective immediately prior to the Effective Time, the Amendment of M&A, the Change of Name and the Variation of Share Capital.










6. AS AN ORDIANRY RESOLUTION THAT, the chairman of the extraordinary general meeting be instructed to adjourn the extraordinary general meeting in order to allow the Company to solicit additional proxies in the event that there are insufficient proxies received at the time of the extraordinary general meeting to pass the special resolutions to be proposed at the extraordinary general meeting.













I/we also hereby authorise/do not authorise* my/our said proxy to vote for me/us on my/our behalf in respect of any other resolutions and/or amended resolutions in his absolute discretion at the annual general meeting, or at any adjournment thereof.


Dated this __________ day of __________________2024/2025.


Shareholder’s Signature: ____________________________ (notes (4) and (5))


¨ Please tick here if you are appointing more than 1 proxy.  Number of shares proxy appointed over.




1. Full name(s) and address(es) to be inserted in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS.
2. Please insert the number of shares registered in your name(s) in each class; if no number is inserted, this form of proxy will be deemed to relate to all the Shares registered in your name(s).
3. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. If a proxy other than the chairman of the Meeting is appointed, the appointor must delete the words “the chairman of the Meeting or” and insert the name and address of the proxy desired in the space provided.
4. In the case of joint registered holders, the vote of the senior who tenders a vote, whether in person or by proxy, shall be accepted to the exclusion of the votes of the other joint holder(s). For this purpose, seniority shall be determined by the order in which the names stated in the Register of Members of the Company in respect of such joint holding.
5. This form of proxy must be signed by the appointor, or his attorney duly authorised, in writing, or if such appointor is a corporation, either under its common seal, or under the hand of an officer or attorney so authorised.
6. If this form is returned duly signed but without a specific direction, the proxy will vote or abstain at his discretion. The proxy will also be entitled to vote at his discretion on any resolution properly put to the Meeting other than those referred to in the notice convening the Meeting.
7. The ‘Vote Abstain’ option is provided to enable you to abstain from voting on the resolutions. However, it should be noted that a ‘Vote Abstain’ is not a vote in law and will not be counted in the calculation of the proportion of the votes ‘For’ and ‘Against’ a resolution.
8. In order to be valid, this form of proxy together with a power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed, or a certified copy of such power or authority must be delivered to the Company’s Hong Kong office at 15/F Prosperity Millennia Plaza, 663 King's Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China, by email to ir@i-click.com as soon as possible and in any event no later than 9:00 a.m. January 1, 2025 (Hong Kong time), or 8:00 p.m. December 31, 2024 (New York time).
9. Any alterations made to this form should be initialled by the person who signs it.
10. To appoint more than one proxy you may photocopy this form. Please indicate the proxy holder’s name and the number of shares in relation to which they are authorised to act as your proxy (which, in aggregate, should not exceed the number of shares held by you). Please also indicate if the proxy instruction is one of multiple instructions being given. All forms must be signed and should be returned together in the same envelope.






Form of ADS Voting Instruction Card






Proof 4 18-Dec-24 The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR the Resolution. Special Resolutions Ordinary Resolutions FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN Res. 1 Res. 5 Res. 2 Res. 6 Res. 3 Res. 4 iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited TO THE REGISTERED HOLDERS OF AMERICAN DEPOSITARY RECEIPTS REPRESENTING ORDINARY SHARES OF iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited Sign below Date: Please sign this Voting Instruction Card exactly as your name(s) appear(s) on the face of this card and on the books of the Depositary. Joint owners should each sign personally. Trustees and other fiduciaries should indicate the capacity in which they sign, and where more than one name appears, a majority must sign. If a corporation, this signature should be that of an authorized officer who should state his or her title. FOLD AND DETACH HERE Please refer to the reverse side of this card for the Resolutions to be voted at the Meeting. Address change Mark box, sign and indicate changes/comments below: Mark box at immediate left if you wish to give a discretionary proxy to a person designated by the Company. PLEASE NOTE: Marking this box voids any other instructions indicated above. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Depositary PO Box 64873 Saint Paul MN 55164-0873


Proof 4 18-Dec-24 iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited AGENDA Special Resolutions 1. THAT the agreement and plan of merger, dated as of November 29, 2024 (the “Merger Agreement”), by and among the Company, Overlord Merger Sub Ltd. (“Merger Sub”) and Amber DWM Holding Limited (“Amber DWM”), the plan of merger (the “plan of merger”) required to be registered with the Registrar of Companies in the Cayman Islands (such plan of merger being substantially in the form attached as Annex A to the accompanying proxy statement and to be produced and made available for inspection at the extraordinary general meeting) in order to give effect to the merger (the “Merger”) of Merger Sub with and into Amber DWM, with Amber DWM surviving as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company (the “Surviving Entity”), and any and all transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement and the plan of merger, be authorized and approved. 2. THAT the ninth amended and restated memorandum and articles of association of the Company be further amended and restated by their deletion in their entirety and the substitution of in their place of the tenth amended and restated memorandum and articles of association of the Company in the form attached as Annex C to the accompanying proxy statement effective immediately prior to the effective time (the “Effective Time”) of the Merger (the “Amendment of M&A”). 3. THAT the name of the Company be changed from “iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited” to “Amber International Holding Limited” effective immediately prior to the Effective Time (the “Change of Name”). 4. THAT immediately prior to the Effective Time, the authorized share capital of the Company be varied as follows: all ICLK Class A Shares and all ICLK Class B Shares the holders of which have delivered a written notice to iClick to convert its ICLK Class B Shares to ICLK Class A Shares with immediate effect on the Closing Date immediately before the Effective Time (such ICLK Class B Shares, the “Converting ICLK Class B Shares”), in the authorized share capital of the Company (including all issued and outstanding ICLK Class A Shares and Converting ICLK Class B Shares, and all authorized but unissued ICLK Class A Shares and ICLK Class B Shares) shall be re-designated as New Class A Shares, all ICLK Class B Shares other than the Converting ICLK Class B Shares shall be re-designated as New Class B Shares (unless such New Class B Shares are otherwise required to be automatically converted into New Class A Shares in accordance with the Amendment of M&A (assuming the Amendment of M&A proposal is approved)), and the authorized share capital of the Company shall be US$1,300,000 divided into 1,300,000,000 New Ordinary Shares comprising of (x) 1,191,000,000 New Class A Shares, and (y) 109,000,000 New Class B Shares (the “Variation of Share Capital”). Ordinary Resolutions 5. THAT Wing Hong Sammy Hsieh, a director of the Company, be authorized to do all things necessary to give effect to the Merger Agreement, the plan of merger, and the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement and the plan of merger, including the Merger and, effective immediately prior to the Effective Time, the Amendment of M&A, the Change of Name and the Variation of Share Capital. 6. THAT the chairman of the extraordinary general meeting be instructed to adjourn the extraordinary general meeting in order to allow the Company to solicit additional proxies in the event that there are insufficient proxies received at the time of the extraordinary general meeting to pass the special resolutions to be proposed at the extraordinary general meeting. iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Depositary PO Box 64873 Saint Paul MN 55164-0873 Voting Instruction Card PLEASE MARK, DATE AND SIGN ON REVERSE SIDE AND RETURN PROMPTLY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., (the “Depositary”) has received notice that the Extraordinary General Meeting (the “Meeting”) of shareholders of iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited (the “Company”) will be held on January 3, 2025, at 9:00 a.m., (Hong Kong Time) or January 2, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. (New York time), at 15/F Prosperity Millennia Plaza, 663 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China, for the purposes set forth on this card. If you are desirous of having the Depositary, through its Nominee or Nominees, vote or execute a proxy to vote the Ordinary Shares represented by your American Depositary Receipt(s) (ADRs) FOR or AGAINST or ABSTAIN from voting on the Resolution proposed for the Meeting, kindly execute and forward to the Depositary the attached Voting Instruction Card. The enclosed postage-paid envelope is provided for this purpose. This Voting Instruction Card should be executed in such a manner as to show clearly whether you desire or oppose or abstain from voting on the Company’s Resolution. Alternatively, you may include instructions to give a discretionary proxy to a person designated by the Company. The Voting Instruction Card MUST be forwarded in sufficient time to reach the Depositary before 9:00 a.m., New York City time, on December 31, 2024. Only the registered holders of record of American Depositary Receipt(s) as of the close of business in New York City on December 18, 2024, will be entitled to execute the attached Voting Instruction Card. The signatory, a registeredholder of American Depositary Receipts representing Ordinary Shares of the Company of record as of the close of business in New York City on December 18, 2024, hereby requests and authorizes the Depositary, through its Nominee or Nominees, to vote or execute a proxy to vote the underlying Ordinary Shares of the Company represented by American Depositary Receipts, in accordance with the instructions given at the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders. NOTE: In order to have the aforesaid shares voted, this Voting Instruction Card MUST be returned before 9:00 a.m., New York City time, on December 31, 2024. Please Note: The Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting is available for viewing on the Company’s website https://ir.i-click.com/. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Depositary



Audited Consolidated Financial Information of Amber DWM








Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm   1
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position as of June 30, 2023 and 2024   2
Consolidated Statements of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the Years Ended June 30, 2023 and 2024   3
Consolidated Statements of Change in Equity for the Years Ended June 30, 2023 and 2024   4
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended June 30, 2023 and 2024   5
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements   7









To:The Board of Directors and Shareholders of

Amber DWM Holding Limited


Opinion on the Financial Statements


We have audited the accompanying consolidated statement of financial position of Amber DWM Holding Limited and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) as of June 30, 2023 and 2024, and the related consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive loss, changes in equity, and cash flows for each of the two-years ended June 30, 2023 and 2024, and the related notes (collectively referred to as the financial statements). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of June 30, 2023, and 2024, and the results of its operations and its cash flows in each of two-years ended June 30, 2023 and 2024, in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.


Basis for Opinion


These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.


We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Company is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audits, we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.


Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.



/s/ WWC, P.C.


Certified Public Accountants

PCAOB ID No. 1171


We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2024


San Mateo, California

December 19, 2024









   Note   June 30, 2023   June 30, 2024 
       US$   US$ 
Non-current assets               
Property, plant and equipment   4    277,275    96 
Intangible assets   5    17,441,206    16,983,750 
Total non-current assets        17,718,481    16,983,846 
Current assets               
Financial asset, at fair value through profit or loss   6    259,114    247,826 
Trade and other receivables   7    285,066    271,082 
Digital assets   8    13,936,889    21,572,603 
USDC   8    2,832,988    1,253,301 
Amount due from related parties   22    3,005,000    12,220,264 
Assets related to custodian digital assets of customers   12    10,125,274    20,892,932 
Derivative financial instruments   9    102,744    22,395 
Pledged deposits   10    -    3,000,000 
Cash and cash equivalents   10    98,162    1,899,343 
Total current assets        30,645,237    61,379,746 
Total assets        48,363,718    78,363,592 
Current liabilities               
Trade and other payables   11    373,365    947,836 
Liabilities related to custodian digital assets of customers   12    10,125,274    20,892,932 
Liabilities due to customers   13    11,543,650    21,092,985 
Payable to related parties   22    24,669,407    39,791,752 
Derivative financial instruments   9    102,744    22,395 
Lease liabilities   14    226,019    - 
Total current liabilities        47,040,459    82,747,900 
Non-current liabilities               
Lease liabilities   14    58,019    - 
Total liabilities        47,098,478    82,747,900 
Share capital   15    3,000,000    13,500,000 
Accumulated losses        (7,808,822)   (23,958,370)
Reserve   16    6,074,062    6,074,062 
Total equity        1,265,240    (4,384,308)
Total equity and liabilities        48,363,718    78,363,592 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.









   Note   June 30, 2023   June 30, 2024 
      US$   US$ 
Revenue   17    1,111,361    3,548,213 
Cost of revenue        (814,161)   (1,984,984)
Gross profit        297,200    1,563,229 
Other income   18    71,708    169,714 
Technology and development expense        (331,631)   (353,319)
Sales and marketing expense        (8,391)   (7,294)
General and administrative expense        (2,292,834)   (5,234,748)
Finance costs   19    (86,084)   (81,623)
Total operating expenses        (2,718,940)   (5,676,984)
Operating loss        (2,350,032)   (3,944,041)
Realized gain in fair value of digital assets – related parties’ loans        58,421    508,491 
Realized gain/(loss) in fair value of digital assets        226,552    (339,897)
Unrealized gain/(loss) in fair value of digital assets - related parties’ loans   22    (5,430,850)   (12,181,220)
Unrealized loss in fair value of digital assets        (304,947)   (192,881)
Total other expenses        (5,450,824)   (12,205,507)
Loss before income tax   20    (7,800,856)   (16,149,548)
Income tax expense   21    -    - 
Loss for the year, representing total comprehensive loss for the year        (7,800,856)   (16,149,548)
Loss per share attributable to owners of the Company               
Basic and diluted        195.00    395.70 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares               
Basic and diluted        40,000    40,808 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements








   Reserve   Accumulated
   US$   US$   US$   US$ 
Balance at July 1, 2022   3,000,000    6,074,062    (7,966)   9,066,096 
Loss for the year, representing total comprehensive loss for the year   -    -    (7,800,856)   (7,800,856)
Balance at June 30, 2023   3,000,000    6,074,062    (7,808,822)   1,265,240 
Issuance of preference shares (Note 14)   10,500,000    -    -    10,500,000 
Loss for the year, representing total comprehensive loss for the year   -    -    (16,149,548)   (16,149,548)
Balance at June 30, 2024   13,500,000    6,074,062    (23,958,370)   (4,384,308)


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.









    Note   June 30,
  June 30,
        US$   US$  
Cash flows from operating activities                  
Loss before income tax         (7,800,856 )   (16,149,548 )
Adjustments for:                  
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment   4     137,586     76,365  
Amortization of intangible assets   5     345,788     457,456  
Fair value gain on financial assets, at fair value through profits or loss   6     (9,114 )   11,288  
Unrealized fair value loss on digital assets - related parties’ loans         5,430,850     12,181,220  
Unrealized fair value loss on digital assets         304,947     192,881  
Interest income         -     (73,848 )
Interest expense   19     86,084     81,623  
Lease modification   20     -     42,597  
Net income received or settled in digital assets         5,873,470     3,300,427  
Operating cash flows before working capital changes         4,368,755     120,461  
Changes in working capital:                  
Trade and other receivables         21,785     (477 )
Trade and other payables         (333,226 )   550,771  
Cash generated from operations         4,057,314     670,755  
Income tax paid         -     -  
Net cash generated from operating activities         4,057,314     670,755  
Cash flows from investing activities                  
Placement of deposit         -     (3,000,000 )
Interest received         -     68,309  
Advance to related parties         -     (11,672,795 )
Purchase of intangible assets   5     (64,927 )   -  
Net cash used in investing activities         (64,927 )   (14,604,486 )
Cash flows from financing activities                  
Issuance of preference shares   14     -     13,500,000  
Proceed from related parties         25,814     6,415,029  
Repayment to related parties         (4,086,686 )   (4,050,941 )
Repayment of lease liabilities         (117,327 )   (129,176 )
Net cash (used in)/generated from financing activities         (4,178,199 )   15,734,912  
Net change in cash and cash equivalents         (185,812 )   1,801,181  
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year         283,974     98,162  
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year   10     98,162     1,899,343  





A reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities as follows:


  Amount due to
related parties
    US$   US$  
June 30, 2024          
As at July 1, 2023     284,038     24,669,407  
Non-cash movement              
- Interest expense     3,355     78,268  
- Written off     (158,217 )   -  
- Unrealized fair value loss     -     12,181,220  
Cash movement              
- Repayment of principal     (129,176 )   -  
- Operating cash flow - Repayment to related parties     -     (23,700 )
- Investing cash flow - Advance from related parties     -     522,469  
- Financing cash flow - Advance from related parties     -     6,415,029  
- Financing cash flow - Loan repayment to related parties     -     (4,050,941 )
As at June 30, 2024     -     39,791,752  
June 30, 2023              
As at July 1, 2022     392,992     29,203,557  
Non-cash movement              
- Interest expense     8,373     77,711  
- Unrealized fair value loss     -     5,430,850  
- Repayment in digital assets     -     (5,981,839 )
Cash movement              
- Financing cash flow - Loan repayment to related parties     -     (4,086,686 )
- Financing cash flow - Advance from related parties     -     25,814  
- Financing cash flow - Repayment of principal     (117,327 )   -  
As at 30 June 2023     284,038     24,669,407  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.










Amber DWM Holding Limited (the “Company”) was incorporated in the Cayman Islands on November 28, 2023 and its registered office at Maples Corporate Services Limited, PO Box 309, Ugland House, Grand Cayman, KY1-1104, Cayman Islands. The principal place of business of the Company is 1 Wallich Street, #30-02, Guoco Tower, Singapore 078881.


These consolidated financial statements comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”).


The principal activity of the Company is investment holding. The principal activities of the subsidiaries are disclosed below.


The details of its subsidiaries are as follows:


Name of subsidiaries     Percentage of effective
ownership held by the
(Country of incorporation and
principal place of business)
  Principal activities  June 30,
  June 30,
Sparrow Holdings Pte. Ltd. (1) (Singapore)  Investment holding   100%  100%
Sparrow Tech Private Limited (2) (Singapore)    Develop digital asset platform to provide digital asset products/solutions   100%  100%
Sparrow Digital Pte. Ltd. (Singapore)   Develop digital asset platform to provide digital asset products/solutions   100%  100%
Sparrow Operations Private Limited (3) (Singapore)  Other business support services   100%  100%
Sparrow Fund Management Pte. Ltd.(4) (Singapore)  Fund management activities   100%  100%
Amber DWM Limited (Hong Kong)  Cost centre   -   100%
Amber Trading Alfa Limited (BVI)  Inactive   100%  100%


(1)Sparrow Holdings Pte. Ltd. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries were acquired by Amber Global Limited on November 29, 2022, and then restructured to Amber DWM Holding Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amber Global Limited on July 18, 2024.


(2)On August 1, 2022, Sparrow Tech Private Limited is granted with Major Payment Institution (“MPI”) license by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) to provide Digital Payment Token (“DPT”) services in Singapore under the Payments Services Act 2019 (“PSA”).


(3)Formerly known as Sparrow Research Pte. Ltd.


(4)Formerly known as Amber Capital Markets (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.








1.Overview (Continued)




In preparation of its business combination with iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited (“iClick Asia”), a company incorporated in Cayman Islands and listed on Nasdaq Capital Market, the Company underwent a series of reorganization arrangements and the following transactions were undertaken to reorganize the legal structure.


1.Amber DWM Holding Limited was incorporated in the Cayman Islands on November 28, 2023, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amber Global Limited.


2.Sparrow Holdings Pte. Ltd., Sparrow Tech Private Limited, Sparrow Digital Pte. Ltd., Sparrow Operations Private Limited, and Sparrow Fund Management Pte. Ltd. (collectively known as “Sparrow Group), these entities were incorporated in Singapore and acquired by Amber Global Limited on November 29, 2022. As part of the preparation for the business combination, Amber Global Limited transfers the entire issued and paid-up capital of Sparrow Group to Amber DWM Holding Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amber Global Limited on July 18, 2024. As a result of the transfer, Sparrow Group became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amber DWM Holding Limited.


3.Amber DWM Limited was incorporated in Hong Kong on January 29, 2024 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amber DWM Holding Limited.


4.Amber Trading Alfa Limited was incorporated in British Virgin Islands on April 8, 2022 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amber Technologies Limited, a subsidiary of Amber Global Limited. As part of the preparation for the business combination, Amber Technologies Limited transfer the entire issued and paid-up capital of Amber Trading Alfa Limited to Amber DWM Holding Limited on June 27, 2024. As a result of the transfer, Amber Trading Alfa Limited became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amber DWM Holding Limited.


After the series of reorganization arrangements, Amber DWM Holding Limited became the holding company for all the subsidiaries. Since all entities involved in the reorganization arrangements are under common control before and after the reorganization, the reorganization is accounted for in a manner similar to a pooling of interests with the assets and liabilities of the parties to the reorganization carried over at their historical amount. Therefore, the accompanying consolidated financial statements were prepared as if the corporate structure of Amber DWM Holding Limited had been in existence since the beginning of the periods presented.


2.Material accounting policy information


2.1Basis of preparation


    The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) under the historical cost convention, except as disclosed in the accounting policies below.
    The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to exercise its judgement in the process of applying the Group’s accounting policies. It also requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates and assumptions. The areas involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to the financial statements are disclosed in Note 3.








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


    In the current year, the Group has adopted all the new and revised IFRS and Interpretations of IFRS that are relevant to its operations and effective for annual periods beginning on or after July 1, 2023. Changes to the Group’s accounting policies have been made as required, in accordance with the transitional provisions in the respective IFRS and Interpretations of IFRS. The adoption of these new or amended IFRS and Interpretations of IFRS did not result in substantial changes to the Group’s accounting policies and had no material effect on the amounts reported for the current or prior financial years.


    IFRS and Interpretations of IFRS issued but not yet effective


Description  Effective for
annual periods
beginning on or
Amendments to IAS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements: Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current  1 January 2024
Amendments to IFRS 16 Leases: Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback  1 January 2024
Amendments to IAS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements: Non-current Liabilities with Covenants  1 January 2024
Amendments to IAS 7: Statement of Cash Flows and IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures: Supplier Finance Arrangements  1 January 2024
Amendments to IAS 21: The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates: Lack of Exchangeability  1 January 2025


    At the date of authorisation of these financial statements, certain IFRS and Interpretations of IFRS were issued but not yet effective. Consequential amendments were also made to various standards as a result of these new/revised standards.
    The Group does not intend to early adopt any of the above new/revised standards, interpretations and amendments to the existing standards. Management anticipates that the adoption of the aforementioned revised/new standards will not have a material impact on the financial statements of the Group and Company in the period of their initial adoption.


2.2Liquidity and going concern


    In assessing the Group’s liquidity and significant doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern, management monitors and analyzes cash and bank balances and operating expenditures commitments. The Group’s liquidity needs are to meet working capital requirements and operating expenses obligations. To date, the Group has financed its operations primarily through operating cash flows and advances from ultimate holding company and related companies.
    Management has considered whether there is substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern due to: (1) net current liabilities of approximately US$21,368,000 and US$16,395,000 for year ended June 30, 2024 and 2023; (2) accumulated deficit of approximately US$4,384,000 as of June 30, 2024; and (3) net loss of approximately US$16,150,000 and US$7,800,000 for the year ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, and (4) net cash generated from operating activities of approximately US$671,000 and US$4,057,000 for year ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.2Liquidity and going concern (Continued)


    The ultimate holding company and certain related companies provided a letter of undertaking not to demand repayment of US$39,791,752 (2023: US$24,669,407) until the Group has sufficient resources to repay. In addition, as part of the pre-closing condition with iClick Asia, the ultimate holding company agreed and will waive payables approximately US$37,738,000 owning by the Company as at June 30, 2024. The ultimate holding company also undertake to provide financial guarantee for non-trade receivables due from certain related companies. In addition, the ultimate holding company undertake and will continue to provide additional cash funding to ensure the Group will have sufficient working capital and to meet its financial obligations for at least the next 12 months from the date of approval of these consolidated financial statements.
    Management will also consider the following: (1) obtaining other available sources of financing from financial institutions and line of credits or (2) issuance of additional ordinary shares, preference shares or convertible note. Based on the above considerations, management believes that the Group has sufficient funds to meet its operating and capital expenditure needs and obligations in the next 12 months. However, there is no assurance that the Group will be successful in implementing these strategies.




    Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable. Revenue is recognised when services are rendered to the customer. Depending on the terms of the contract and the laws that apply to the contract, service may be provided over time or at a point in time.
    Service is provided over time if the Company’s performance: (1) provides all of the benefits received and consumed simultaneously by the customer; or (2) creates and enhances an asset that the customer controls as the Company performs.
    If service transfers over time, revenue is recognised over the period of the contract by reference to the progress towards complete satisfaction of that performance obligation. Otherwise, revenue is recognised at a point in time when the customer obtains control of the service.
    Specifically, the Group uses a five-step approach to recognise revenue:


·Step 1: Identify the contract(s) with a client
·Step 2: Identify the performance obligations in the contract
·Step 3: Determine the transaction price
·Step 4: Allocate the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract
·Step 5: Recognize revenue when (or as) the Company satisfies a performance obligation


    The Group recognises revenue when a performance obligation is satisfied, i.e., when “control” of the goods underlying the particular performance obligations is transferred to customers.’
    The following is a description of the accounting policy for the principal revenue streams of the Company.


    Conversion fees


    The Group earns conversion fee when customers transfer or withdraw funds and/or digital assets from its proprietary platform, and conversion between fiat currencies and digital assets, according to the customers’ requirements.








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.3Revenue (Continued)


    Conversion fees (Continued)


    The Group will charge the customer a predetermined conversion fee, which is based on a fixed percentage of the contract price for each transaction. The conversion fee is a fixed price contract, and the conversion fee is indicated on the contract with customers. Management determined there is only one performance obligation related to conversion fee and revenue is recognised at a point in time upon conversion service is rendered and (1) accepted and acknowledgement by customers indicating acceptance of service or (2) objective evidence of transfer of cryptocurrency into designated wallet specified by the customer or counterparty. Customers typically make payments together with the transaction price i.e. conversion fee will be charged together or deducted from the transaction price. The Group is an agent to as the Group provides facilitation services for the transaction entered by the customers.


    Finance income


    The Group enters into arrangements with Whalefin Technologies Ltd (“Whalefin”), a related party, to purchase cryptocurrency-denoted products which represent fixed interest cryptocurrency deposit at Whalefin. The deposit is not protected by any insurance and is non-secured, hence the Group may lose some or all of the amount deposited with Whalefin in extreme market conditions. Upon maturity, the Group receives the same type of cryptocurrency in the same quantity, in principal plus additional interest returns in cryptocurrency. The deposit can be withdrawn on demand and is generally delivered to the Group within 3 working days upon maturity. The nature of the product in essence, is a cryptocurrency lending arrangement.
    Financing income derived from cryptocurrency lending arrangement is denominated in units of the specific cryptocurrency to Whalefin and is recognised based on the gross carrying amount over the term of the cryptocurrency lending arrangement using effective interest rate. The term of the cryptocurrency lending arrangement varies from 30 days to 250 days.


    Advisory fee


    Advisory fee is recognised at a point in time for consultancy service is rendered and accepted by customers.


2.4Government grants


    Grants from the government are recognised as a receivable at their fair value when there is reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and the Group will comply with all the attached conditions.
    Government grants receivable are recognised as income over the periods necessary to match them with the related costs which they are intended to compensate for, on a systematic basis. Government grants relating to expenses are shown separately as “other income”.








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.5Basis of consolidation




    Subsidiaries are all entities (including structured entities) over which the Group has control. The Group controls an entity when the Group is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Group. They are deconsolidated from the date on that control ceases.
    In preparing the consolidated financial statements, transactions, balances and unrealised gains on transactions between group entities are eliminated. Unrealised losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment indicator of the transferred asset. Accounting policies of subsidiaries have been changed, where necessary, to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by the Group.


    Common control


    Acquisition of entities under an internal reorganization scheme does not result in any change in economic substance. Accordingly, the consolidated financial statements of the Group are a continuation of the acquired entities and is accounted for as follows:


·The results of entities are presented as if the internal reorganization occurred from the beginning of the earliest period presented in the financial statements;


·The Group will consolidate the assets and liabilities of the acquired entities at the pre-combination carrying amounts. No adjustments are made to reflect fair values, or recognize any new assets or liabilities, at the date of the internal reorganization that would otherwise be done under the acquisition method; and


·No new goodwill is recognized as a result of the internal reorganization. The only goodwill that is recognized is the existing goodwill relating to the combining entities. Any difference between the consideration paid/transferred and the equity acquired is reflected within equity as a merger reserve.




    The acquisition method of accounting is used to account for business combinations entered by the Group.
    The consideration transferred for the acquisition of a subsidiary or business comprises the fair value of the assets transferred, the liabilities incurred and the equity interests issued by the Group. The consideration transferred also includes any contingent consideration arrangement and any pre-existing equity interest in the subsidiary measured at their fair values at the acquisition date.
    Acquisition-related costs are expensed as incurred.
    Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed in a business combination are, with limited exceptions, measured initially at their fair values at the acquisition date.








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.5Basis of consolidation (Continued)


    Acquisition (Continued)


    On an acquisition-by-acquisition basis, the Group recognises any non-controlling interest in the acquiree at the date of acquisition either at fair value or at the non-controlling interest’s proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets.
    The excess of (a) the consideration transferred, the amount of any non-controlling interest in the acquiree and the acquisition-date fair value of any previous equity interest in the acquiree over the (b) fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired is recorded as goodwill.




    When a change in the Group’s ownership interest in a subsidiary result in a loss of control over the subsidiary, the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary including any goodwill are derecognised. Amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income in respect of that entity are also reclassified to profit or loss or transferred directly to retained earnings if required by a specific standard.
    Any retained equity interest in the entity is remeasured at fair value. The difference between the carrying amount of the retained interest at the date when control is lost and its fair value is recognised in profit or loss.




    Investment in subsidiaries are carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses in the Company’s statement of financial position. On disposal of such investment, the difference between disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the investment is recognised in profit or loss.


2.7Property, plant and equipment


    All items of property, plant and equipment are initially recorded at cost. Subsequent to recognition, property, plant and equipment are measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. The cost of property, plant and equipment includes its purchase price and any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management. Dismantlement, removal or restoration costs are included as part of the cost of property, plant and equipment if the obligation for dismantlement, removal or restoration is incurred as a consequence of acquiring or using the property, plant and equipment.
    The projected cost of dismantlement, removal or restoration is also recognised as part of the cost of property, plant and equipment if the obligation for the dismantlement, removal or restoration is incurred as a consequence of either acquiring the asset or using the asset for purpose other than to produce inventories.








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.7Property, plant and equipment (Continued)


    Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method to allocate depreciable amounts over their estimated useful lives. The estimated useful lives are as follows:


Computer equipment  3 years
Furniture and fittings  3 years
Office equipment  3 years
Leasehold improvement  Over lease term
Leased premise  Over lease term


    Fully depreciated property, plant and equipment are retained in the financial statements until they are no longer in use.
    The residual values, useful lives and depreciation method are reviewed at the end of each reporting period, and adjusted prospectively, if appropriate.
    An item of property, plant and equipment is derecognised upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss on derecognition of the asset is included in profit or loss in the year the asset is derecognised.


2.8Intangible assets


    Acquired intangible assets are initially measured at cost. The cost of intangible assets acquired in a business combination is initially measured at their fair value at the acquisition date. Subsequent to initial recognition, the intangible assets are reported at cost less accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment losses.
    Intangible assets with finite useful life are amortised over its useful life, using its straight-line method.


    Computer software


    Acquired computer software is initially capitalised on the basis of the costs incurred to acquire and prepare the software for its intended use. Direct expenditure which enhances or extends the performance of computer software beyond its specifications and which can be reliably measured is added to the cost of the software. Costs associated with maintaining computer software are recognised as an expense as incurred.
    Computer software licences are subsequently carried at cost less accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment losses. These costs are amortised to profit or loss over their estimated useful lives of 3 years.




    Trademark is stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment losses. The cost is amortised over 10 years, which is the shorter of their estimated useful lives and periods of contractual rights.








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.8Intangible assets (Continued)




    Goodwill on acquisitions of subsidiaries is included in intangible assets. Goodwill is not amortised, but it is tested for impairment annually, or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that it might be impaired, and is carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Gains and losses on the disposal of an entity include the carrying amount of goodwill relating to the entity sold.
    The amortisation period and amortisation method of intangible assets other than goodwill are reviewed at least at the end of each reporting period. The effects of any revision are recognised in profit or loss when the changes arise.


2.9Impairment of non-financial assets


    The Group assesses at each reporting date whether there is an indication that an asset may be impaired. If any indication exists, (or, where applicable, when an annual impairment testing for an asset is required), the Group makes an estimate of the asset’s recoverable amount.
    An asset’s recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s or cash-generating unit’s fair value less costs of disposal and its value in use and is determined for an individual asset, unless the asset does not generate cash inflows that are largely independent of those from other assets or group of assets. Where the carrying amount of an asset or cash-generating unit exceeds its recoverable amount, the asset is considered impaired and is written down to its recoverable amount.
    Impairment losses are recognised in profit or loss.
    A previously recognised impairment loss is reversed only if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the asset’s recoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognised. If that is the case, the carrying amount of the asset is increased to its recoverable amount. That increase cannot exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation, had no impairment loss been recognised previously. Such reversal is recognised in profit or loss.


2.10Financial instruments


            Financial assets


            Initial recognition and measurement


    Financial assets are recognised when, and only when the entity becomes party to the contractual provisions of the instruments.
    At initial recognition, the Group measures a financial asset at its fair value plus, in the case of a financial asset not at fair value through profit or loss (“FVPL”), transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the financial asset. Transaction costs of financial assets carried at FVPL are expensed in profit or loss.








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.10Financial instruments (Continued)


               Financial assets (Continued)
              Initial recognition and measurement (Continued)


    Trade receivables are measured at the amount of consideration to which the Group expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring promised goods or services to a customer, excluding amounts collected on behalf of a third party, if the trade receivables do not contain a significant financing component at initial recognition.


    Subsequent measurement
    Debt instruments


    Subsequent measurement of debt instruments depends on the Group’s business model for managing the asset and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the asset. The three measurement categories for classification of debt instruments are amortised cost, fair value through other comprehensive income (“FVOCI”) and FVPL.


    At amortised cost


    Financial assets that are held for the collection of contractual cash flows where those cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest are measured at amortised cost. Financial assets are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less impairment. Gains and losses are recognised in profit or loss when the assets are derecognised or impaired, and through the amortisation process.


    At fair value through other comprehensive income


    Financial assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling the financial assets, where the assets’ cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest, are measured at FVOCI. Financial assets measured at FVOCI are subsequently measured at fair value. Any gains or losses from changes in fair value of the financial assets are recognised in other comprehensive income, except for impairment losses, foreign exchange gains and losses and interest calculated using the effective interest method are recognised in profit or loss. The cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in other comprehensive income is reclassified from equity to profit or loss as a reclassification adjustment when the financial asset is derecognised.


    At fair value through profit or loss


    Assets that do not meet the criteria for amortised cost or FVOCI are measured at FVPL. A gain or loss on a debt instrument that is subsequently measured at FVPL and is not part of a hedging relationship is recognised in profit or loss in the period in which it arises.








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.10Financial instruments (Continued)


    Financial assets (Continued)


    The Group recognises an allowance for expected credit losses (“ECLs”) for all debt instruments not held at FVPL. ECLs are based on the difference between the contractual cash flows due in accordance with the contract and all the cash flows that the Group expects to receive, discounted at an approximation of the original effective interest rate. The expected cash flows will include cash flows from the sale of collateral held or other credit enhancements that are integral to the contractual terms.
    ECLs are recognised in two stages. For credit exposures for which there has not been a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, ECLs are provided for credit losses that result from default events that are possible within the next 12-months (a “12-month ECL”). For those credit exposures for which there has been a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, a loss allowance is recognised for credit losses expected over the remaining life of the exposure, irrespective of timing of the default (a “lifetime ECL”).
    For trade receivables, the Group applies a simplified approach in calculating ECLs. Therefore, the Group does not track changes in credit risk, but instead recognises a loss allowance based on lifetime ECLs at each reporting date. The Group has established a provision matrix that is based on its historical credit loss experience, adjusted for forward-looking factors specific to the debtors and the economic environment which could affect debtors’ ability to pay.
    The Group considers a financial asset in default when contractual payments are 60 days past due. However, in certain cases, the Group may also consider a financial asset to be in default when internal or external information indicates that the Group is unlikely to receive the outstanding contractual amounts in full before taking into account any credit enhancements held by the Group. A financial asset is written off when there is no reasonable expectation of recovering the contractual cash flows.




    A financial asset is derecognised where the contractual right to receive cash flows from the asset has expired. On derecognition of a financial asset in its entirety, the difference between the carrying amount and the sum of the consideration received and any cumulative gain or loss that had been recognised in other comprehensive income for debt instruments is recognised in profit or loss.


    Derivative financial instruments


    A derivative financial instrument is initially recognised at its fair value on the date the contract is entered into and is subsequently carried at its fair value. Fair value changes on derivatives that are not designated or do not qualify for hedge accounting are recognised in profit or loss when the changes arise.








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.10Financial instruments (Continued)


    Financial liabilities
    Initial recognition and measurement


    Financial liabilities are recognised when, and only when, the Group becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the financial instrument. The Group determines the classification of its financial liabilities at initial recognition.
    All financial liabilities are recognised initially at fair value plus in the case of financial liabilities not at FVPL, net of directly attributable transaction costs.


    Subsequent measurement


    After initial recognition, financial liabilities that are not carried at FVPL are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Gains and losses are recognised in profit or loss when the liabilities are derecognised, and through the amortisation process.




    A financial liability is derecognised when the obligation under the liability is discharged or cancelled or expires. On derecognition, the difference between the carrying amounts and the consideration paid is recognised in profit or loss.


    Offsetting of financial instruments


    Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the statements of financial position when there is a legally enforceable right to offset and there is an intention to settle on a net basis or realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.


2.11Digital assets


    The Group’s digital asset portfolio mainly comprises cryptocurrencies and since the Group actively trades cryptocurrencies, purchasing them with a view to their resale in the near future for the ordinary course of business. The Group applies the guidance in IAS 2 Inventories for commodity broker-traders and measures the digital assets at fair value less costs to sell. The Company considers there are no significant “costs to sell” digital assets and hence measurement of digital assets is based on their fair values with changes in fair values recognized in profit or loss in the period of the changes.








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.11Digital assets (Continued)


    Digital asset held for customers or placed with counterparties


    Digital assets are recognised as the Group’s assets when the Group has present rights to the digital assets and the right to economic benefit and control others’ access to the benefit. The digital asset are held in a related party’s platform or third party’s exchange institution. If it is determined that the Group has the control over the digital assets, the Group recognises digital assets held for customers as its asset and recognises a corresponding liability due to its customer for the digital assets in its financial statements.


    USD Coin (“USDC”)


    USDC is a type of cryptocurrency that is backed by reserve assets in the traditional financial system, such as cash and cash equivalents, or securities. USDC is a stable coin redeemable on a one-to-one basis for United States dollars. Thus, it is accounted as a financial instrument amortized at cost recorded in consolidated financial position of the Group.


    Receivables and payables settled in cryptocurrencies


    Receivables and payables settled in cryptocurrencies are measured at the fair value of the underlying cryptocurrencies based on their respective quoted prices initially and subsequently on the measurement date. The change in fair value of the underlying cryptocurrencies, are recognized in profit or loss.




    When the Group is the lessee


    At the inception of the contract, the Group assesses if the contract contains a lease. A contract contains a lease if the contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. Reassessment is only required when the terms and conditions of the contract are changed.


    Right-of-use assets


    The Group recognises a right-of-use asset and lease liability at the date which the underlying asset is available for use. Right-of-use assets are measured at cost which comprises the initial measurement of lease liabilities adjusted for any lease payments made at or before the commencement date and lease incentives received. Any initial direct costs that would not have been incurred if the lease had not been obtained are added to the carrying amount of the right-of-use assets.
    These right-of-use assets are subsequently depreciated using the straight-line method from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful life of the right-of-use asset or the end of the lease term.
    Right-of-use assets are presented within “property, plant and equipment”.


    Lease liabilities


    The initial measurement of a lease liability is measured at the present value of the lease payments discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease, if the rate can be readily determined. If that rate cannot be readily determined, the Group shall use its incremental borrowing rate.








    Lease payments include the following:


·Fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments), less any lease incentives receivable;


·Variable lease payments that are based on an index or rate, initially measured using the index or rate as at the commencement date;








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.12Leases (Continued)
  Lease liabilities (Continued)


·Amounts expected to be payable under residual value guarantees;


·The exercise price of a purchase option if the Group is reasonably certain to exercise the option; and


·Payment of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the Group exercising that option.


    For a contract that contains both lease and non-lease components, the Group allocates the consideration to each lease component on the basis of the relative stand-alone prices of the lease and non-lease components. The Group has elected to not separate lease and non-lease components for property leases and account these as one single lease component.
    Lease liabilities are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Lease liabilities shall be remeasured when:


·There is a change in future lease payments arising from changes in an index or rate;


·There is a change in the Group’s assessment of whether it will exercise an extension option; or


·There is a modification in the scope or the consideration of the lease that was not part of the original term.


    Lease liabilities are remeasured with a corresponding adjustment to the right-of-use asset, or is recorded in profit or loss if the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset has been reduced to zero.
    Short-term and low-value leases


    The Group has elected to not recognise right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases that have lease terms of 12 months or less and leases of low-value leases, except for sublease arrangements. Lease payments relating to these leases are expensed to profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
2.13Income taxes


    Current income tax for current and prior periods is recognised at the amount expected to be paid to or recovered from the tax authorities, using the tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period. Management periodically evaluates positions taken in tax returns with respect to situations in which applicable tax regulation is subject to interpretation and considers whether it is probable that a tax authority will accept an uncertain tax treatment. The Group measures its tax balances either based on the most likely amount or the expected value, depending on which method provides a better prediction of the resolution of the uncertainty.








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.13Income taxes (Continued)


    Deferred income tax is recognised for all temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements except when the deferred income tax arises from the initial recognition of goodwill or an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a business combination and affects neither accounting nor taxable profit or loss at the time of the transaction.
    A deferred income tax liability is recognised on temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries, except where the Group is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.
    A deferred income tax asset is recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences and tax losses can be utilised.
    Deferred income tax is measured:


(i)at the tax rates that are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realized or the deferred income tax liability is settled, based on tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date; and


(ii)based on the tax consequence that will follow from the manner in which the Group expects, at the end of the reporting period, to recover or settle the carrying amounts of its assets and liabilities.


    Current and deferred income taxes are recognised as income or expense in profit or loss, except to the extent that the tax arises from a business combination or a transaction which is recognised directly in equity. Deferred tax arising from a business combination is adjusted against goodwill on acquisition.
    The Group accounts for investment tax credits (for example, productivity and innovation credit) similar to accounting for other tax credits where a deferred tax asset is recognised for unused tax credits to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the unused tax credits can be utilised.




    Provisions are recognised when the Company has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and the amount of the obligation can be estimated reliably.
    The Group recognises the estimated costs of dismantlement, removal or restoration of items of property, plant and equipment arising from the acquisition or use of assets. This provision is estimated based on the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation, taking into consideration time value of money.








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.15Employee benefits
  Defined contribution plans


    Defined contribution plans are post-employment benefit plans under which the Group pays fixed contributions into separate entities such as the Central Provident Fund in Singapore on a mandatory, contractual or voluntary basis. The Group has no further payment obligations once the contributions have been paid.
    Short-term employee benefits


    Short-term employee benefit obligations are measured on an undiscounted basis and are expensed as the related service is provided. A liability is recognised for the amount expected to be paid if the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation to pay this amount as a result of past service provided by the employee, and the obligation can be estimated reliably.


2.16Foreign currency translations and balances
  Functional and presentation currency


    Items included in the financial statements of each entity in the Group are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (“functional currency”). The functional currency of the Company is United States Dollar and the financial statements are presented in United States Dollar (“USD”).


    Transactions and balances
    Transactions in a currency other than the functional currency (“foreign currency”) are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates at the dates of the transactions. Currency exchange differences resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the closing rates at the balance sheet date are recognised in profit or loss. Monetary items include primarily financial assets (other than equity investments), contract assets and financial liabilities.
    Non-monetary items measured at fair value in foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rates at the date when the fair values are determined.


    Translation of Group entities’ financial statements
    The results and financial position of all the Group entities (none of which has the currency of a hyperinflationary economy) that have a functional currency different from the presentation currency are translated into the presentation currency as follows:


(i)  assets and liabilities are translated at the closing exchange rates at the reporting date;


(ii)income and expenses are translated at average exchange rates (unless the average is not a reasonable approximation of the cumulative effect of the rates prevailing on the transaction dates, in which case income and expenses are translated using the exchange rates at the dates of the transactions); and








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.16Foreign currency translations and balances (Continued)
  Translation of Group entities’ financial statements (Continued)


(i)all resulting currency translation differences are recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in the currency translation reserve. These currency translation differences are reclassified to profit or loss on disposal or partial disposal with loss of control of the foreign operation.


    Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the acquisition of foreign operations are treated as assets and liabilities of the foreign operations and translated at the closing rates at the reporting date.


2.17Cash and cash equivalents


    Cash and bank balances in the consolidated statements of financial position comprise cash on hand, bank balances and pledged deposits (less than 3 months) which are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to insignificant risk of changes in value.
    For the purposes of consolidated statements of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents exclude any pledged deposits.


2.18Share capital


    Ordinary shares
    Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issuance of new ordinary shares are deducted against the share capital account.


    Convertible preference shares
    Convertible preference shares are separated into liability and equity components based on the terms of the agreement. On issuance of the convertible preference shares, the fair value of the liability component is determined using a market rate for an equivalent instrument. This amount is classified as a financial liability measured at amortised cost (net of transaction costs) until it is extinguished on conversion or redemption.
    The remainder of the proceeds is allocated to the conversion option that is recognised and included in equity. Transaction costs are deducted from equity, net of associated income tax. The carrying amount of the conversion option is not re-measured in subsequent years.
    Transaction costs are apportioned between the liability and equity components of the convertible preference shares, based on the allocation of proceeds to the liability and equity components when the instruments are initially recognised.








2.Material accounting policy information (Continued)


2.19Earnings per share


    The Group presents basic and diluted earnings per share data for its ordinary shares. Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit or loss attributable to owners of the Company by the weighted-average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year, adjusted for own shares held, if any.
    Diluted earnings per share is determined by adjusting the profit or loss attributable to owner of the Company and the weighted-average number of ordinary shares outstanding, adjusted for own shares held, if any, for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares.


2.20Segment information


    Operating segment is reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the executive committee whose members are responsible for allocating resources and assessing performance of the operating segment.


2.21Related party


    A related party is defined as follows:


  (a) A person or a close member of that person’s family is related to the Group if that person:


(i)Has control or joint control over the Group;
(ii)Has significant influence over the Group; or
(iii)Is a member of the key management personnel of the Group or of a parent of the Company.


(b)An entity is related to the Group if any of the following conditions apply:


(i)The entity and the Group are members of the same group (which means that each parent, subsidiary and fellow subsidiary is related to the others).
(ii)One entity is an associate or joint venture of the other entity (or an associate or joint venture of a member of a group of which the other entity is a member).
(iii)Both entities are joint ventures of the same third party.
(iv)One entity is a joint venture of a third entity and the other entity is an associate of the third entity.
(v)The entity is a post-employment benefit plan for the benefit of employees of either the Group or an entity related to the Group. If the Group is itself such a plan, the sponsoring employers are also related to the Group.
(vi)The entity is controlled or jointly controlled by a person identified in (a).
(vii)A person identified in (a) (i) has significant influence over the entity or is a member of the key management personnel of the entity (or of a parent of the entity).








3.Significant accounting judgements and estimates


The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to exercise its judgement in the process of applying the Group’s accounting policies. It also requires the use of accounting estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the balance sheet date and revenues and expenses during the reporting periods.


Information about estimation uncertainties that have a significant risk of resulting in a material adjustment within the next financial year are included in the following notes:


3.1Judgements made in applying accounting policies


    Accounting of digital assets transactions and balances
    Management notes that the topic of digital assets and the accounting for digital assets continues to be considered by IASB and continues to monitor new comments and interpretations released by the Board and other standard setters from around the world. In line with this, the Group has considered its position for the year ended 30 June 2024 and 2023 and had to make judgement that the most applicable standard would be IAS 2 Inventories, based on the Group’s understanding of the characteristics of the assets as these digital assets are mainly held for the purpose of providing a service to customer in converting different type of digital asset and lending arrangement with a related party, which can be denominated in different type of digital asset.
    Management treatment continues to be to measure crypto assets at fair value (unless otherwise disclosed and provided certain conditions are met) under the respective accounting standards.
    Revenue recognition – conversion fees


    Significant judgement is required in determining whether the Group is principal or agent in certain transactions between customers.
    The Group evaluates the presentation of gross or net basis based on whether it controls the digital asset before it is transferred to the customer (gross) or whether it acts as an agent by facilitating the transaction. The Group does not set the prices for the transaction as the price is the market rate established on a trading platform between the buyer and seller. As a result, the Group acts as an agent in facilitating the ability for the customer to convert or purchase digital assets.


3.1Key sources of estimation uncertainty


    The key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the end of the reporting period are discussed below. The Group based its assumptions and estimates on parameters available when the financial statements were prepared. Existing circumstances and assumptions about future developments, however, may change due to market changes or circumstances arising beyond the control of the Group. Such changes are reflected in the assumptions when they occur.








    Fair value of digital assets and USDC
    Crypto assets are measured at fair value using the quoted price in United States dollars from a number of different sources with the primary being Coinmarketcap (https://coinmarketcap.com) at closing Coordinated Universal Time. Management considers this fair value to be a Level 1 input under the IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement fair value hierarchy as the price on the quoted price(unadjusted) in an active market for identical assets.


    Impairment of goodwill
    The Group tests goodwill for impairment at least on an annual basis. Determining whether goodwill is impaired requires an estimation of the value-in-use of the cash-generating units (“CGU”) to which goodwill has been allocated. The value-in-use calculation requires the entity to estimate the future cash flows expected to arise from the CGU and a suitable discount rate in order to calculate present value. No impairment loss was recognised during the financial year ended June 30, 2024 and 2023.
    The carrying amount of goodwill as at June 30, 2024 and 2023 was US$16,735,211 (Note 6).









4.Property, plant and equipment


   Computer equipment   Furniture and fitting  



   Leasehold improvement  






   US$   US$   US$   US$   US$   US$ 
Balance at July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023   116,514    19,815    3,404    84,770    657,216    881,719 
Write-off   -    -    -    (84,770)   (657,216)   (741,986)
Balance at June 30,2024   116,514    19,815    3,404    -    -    139,733 

Accumulated depreciation

Balance at July 1, 2022   110,125    15,441    2,774    82,932    255,586    466,858 
Depreciation   6,389    2,356    276    773    127,792    137,586 
Balance at June 30, 2023   116,514    17,797    3,050    83,705    383,378    604,444 
Depreciation   -    1,922    354    1,065    73,024    76,365 
Write-off   -    -    -    (84,770)   (456,402)   (541,172)
Balance at June 30, 2024   116,514    19,719    3,404    -    -    139,637 
Carrying amount                              
Balance at June 30, 2023   -    2,018    354    1,065    273,838    277,275 
Balance at June 30, 2024   -    96    -    -    -    96 


 Right-of-use assets acquired under leasing arrangements are presented together with the owned assets of the same class. Details of such leased  assets are disclosed in Note 14.


 During the current financial year, the Company terminated its existing tenancy agreement for its office premise.








5.Intangible assets





   Computer software  






   US$   US$   US$   US$ 
Balance at July 1, 2022   -    3,580,305    1,393    3,581,698 
Additions   16,735,211    64,927    -    16,800,138 
Balance at June 30, 2023 and June 30, 2024   16,735,211    3,645,232    1,393    20,381,836 
Accumulated amortization                    
Balance at July 1, 2022   -    2,594,262    580    2,594,842 
Amortization   -    345,706    82    345,788 
Balance at June 30, 2023   -    2,939,968    662    2,940,630 
Amortization   -    457,317    139    457,456 
Balance at June 30, 2024   -    3,397,285    801    3,398,086 
Carrying amount                    
Balance at June 30, 2023   16,735,211    705,264    731    17,441,206 
Balance at June 30, 2024   16,735,211    247,947    592    16,983,750 




Goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated to the cash-generating unit (“CGU”) that are expected to benefit from the business combination. The Group has only one CGU for the year ended June 30, 2024 and 2023.


During the financial year ended June 30, 2023, goodwill with carrying amount of US$16,735,211 was acquired through the Sparrow Group (Note 1).


Purchase price   - 
Net liabilities assumed   (16,735,211)
Goodwill   16,735,211 


The Group tests CGU for impairment annually, or more frequently when there is an indication for impairment.


The Group has measured the recoverable amount of the CGU based on a value in use calculation using 5-years cash flows projections approved by the directors. Key assumptions on which management has based its cash flow projections for the respective periods are as follows:



June 30,



June 30,


    %    % 
Revenue growth   7.0 - 219.0    7.0 - 41.0 
Long-term growth rate   3.0    3.0 
Discount rate   16.0    16.0 








5.Intangible assets (Continued)


Management determined revenue growth based on past performance and its expectation of market developments. The long-term growth rate used was consistent with forecasts included in industry reports. The discount rate was pre-tax and reflected specific risk relating to the industry.


6.Financial asset, at fair value through profits or loss



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
As at the beginning of financial year   250,000    259,114 
Fair value gain in profit or loss (Note 18 and Note 20)   9,114    (11,288)
As at the end of financial year   259,114    247,826 


The Company investment in Signum Capital Investment VVC-Sub Fund is designated and measured at FVPL because its performance is monitored and managed on a fair value basis.


The fair value measurement has been categorised as Level 3 fair value based on inputs to the valuation techniques used. Fair value measurement will be performed on a quarterly basis.


7.Trade and other receivables



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Trade receivables - third parties   -    6,090 
Other receivables - third parties   2,614    - 
Deposits   202,418    147,437 
Prepayments   80,034    112,016 
Interest receivables   -    5,539 
Total   285,066    271,082 


Trade receivables are non-interest bearing and are generally on 30 (2023: Nil) days’ terms.








7.Trade and other receivables (Continued)


The currency profile of the Group’s trade and other receivables at the end of the reporting date are as follows:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
United States Dollar   51,019    65,754 
Singapore Dollar   234,047    159,175 
Hong Kong Dollar     -    1,296 
Others   -    44,857 
Total   285,066    271,082 


8.Digital assets



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Digital assets:          
Held in related party’s platform   14,756,229    22,693,621 
Digital assets held on exchange institution   2,013,648    132,283 
    16,769,877    22,825,904 


The following table sets forth the fair values of digital assets held by the Group as the end of the financial year:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Bitcoin (“BTC”)   4,764,644    13,565,294 
Ethereum (“ETH”)   2,974,771    4,187,371 
Sparrow dollar (“SP$”) (1)   -    2,985,222 
USD Tether (“USDT”)   6,194,805    807,247 
USDC   2,832,988    1,253,301 
Others   2,669    27,469 
Total   16,769,877    22,825,904 


(1) SP$ is a cryptographic blockchain-based digital information unit token issued by the Group and only used in Group’s platform. Each SP$ is  equivalent to US$1.


Among the digital assets balance, it included digital assets held by the Group used to purchase cryptocurrency-denoted products which represent fixed interest cryptocurrency deposit with related party and corresponding liabilities due to customers totalling approximately US$21,100,000 and US$11,500,000 for the financial year ended June 30,2024 and June 30,2023 respectively, as disclosed in Note 13.








9.Derivative financial instruments








   Assets   Liabilities 
   US$   US$   US$   US$ 
   Buy   Sell         

Derivatives carried at fair value:

Crypto structured products                    
June 30, 2024                    
To Customers                    
Call option   121,000    2,356,139    7,346    4,757 
Put option   -    1,698,009    -    10,292 
To related party                    
Call option   121,000    2,356,139    4,757    7,346 
Put option   -    1,698,009    10,292    - 
    242,000    8,108,296    22,395    22,395 
June 30, 2023                    
To Customers                    
Call option   -    1,523,850    28,381    - 
Put option   -    2,649,800    -    74,363 
To related party                    
Call option   -    1,523,850    -    28,381 
Put option   -    2,649,800    74,363    - 
    -    8,347,300    102,744    102,744 


The Group entered into put and call BTC and ETH options with its customers, and the Group also entered into identical back-to-back put and call BTC and ETH options with a related company. Management has no intention to hold these derivatives for more than one year and option varies from 3 days – 73 days (2023: 3 days – 56 days) till maturity.


10.Cash and bank balances



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Fixed deposit   -    3,000,000 
Cash at banks   98,162    1,899,343 
    98,162    4,899,343 


Fixed deposit bears interest at 3.90% to 4.67% (2023: Nil) per annum and for tenure of 30 (2023: Nil) days.


During the financial year, the Group placed a fixed deposit of US$3,000,000 with a bank in Hong Kong in accordance with Hong Kong VATP  guidelines for a related company, WhaleFin Markets Limited.








10.Cash and cash equivalents (Continued)


For the purpose of presenting the consolidated statement of cash flows, and cash and cash equivalents comprise the following at the end of the  financial year:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Cash and short-term deposit   98,162    4,899,343 
Less: Restricted fixed deposit   -    (3,000,000)
    98,162    1,899,343 


The currency profiles of the Group’s cash and cash equivalents as at the end of each reporting period are as follows:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
United States Dollar   38,886    4,717,455 
Singapore Dollar   48,029    114,110 
Hong Kong Dollar     7,720    63,972 
Others   3,527    3,806 
Total   98,162    4,899,343 


11.Trade and other payables



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
 Trade payables - third parties   6,058    27,754 
Other payables - third parties   28,284    88,908 
Accrued expenses   339,023    831,174 
    373,365    947,836 


Trade payables are non-interest bearing and are generally on 30 (2023: 30) days’ credit terms.


The currency profiles of the Group’s trade and other payables as at the end of each reporting period are as follows:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
United States Dollar   44,940    436,694 
Singapore Dollar   328,425    461,018 
Hong Kong Dollar     -    50,124 
    373,365    947,836 








12.Assets and liabilities related to custodian digital assets of customers (Continued)



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Digital assets due to customers   8,664,264    19,025,928 
Bank balance due to customers   1,461,010    1,867,004 
    10,125,274    20,892,932 


The balance represents the safeguarding liability and corresponding safeguarding asset of the Group for the custodian of customers’ digital assets in the Group’s proprietary platform.


The Group allows its customers to deposit digital assets like Bitcoin (“BTC”), Ethereum (“ETH”), USD Coin (“USDC”), Tether USD (“USDT”) in the Group’s proprietary platform free of charge. Customers also deposit an immaterial amount of other digital assets such as DOT, XLM, XRP and SOL in the Group’s proprietary platform to facilitate the future transactions of the customers on the Group’s proprietary platform.


The Group opens a separate account on Bitgo, DBS, and related party’s platform, Whalefin to hold the customers’ digital assets and maintains internal recordkeeping of the digital assets for each of the customers. The Group’s contractual arrangements state that its customers retain legal ownership of the custodian digital assets; have the right to withdraw, used for payment to purchase services in the platform; and also benefit from the rewards and bear the risks associated with the ownership, including as a result of any price fluctuations of the digital assets.


The customers also bear the risk of loss as a result of fraud or theft, unless the loss was caused by the Group’s gross negligence or wilful misconduct.


The following table sets forth the fair values of digital assets due to customers as the end of the financial year was as follows:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
BTC   4,807,044    10,148,542 
ETH   2,730,426    2,617,172 
USDT   719,298    6,155,594 
USDC   407,377    82,314 
Others   119    22,306 
    8,664,264    19,025,928 


The following table sets forth the currency profile for the funds due to customers as the end of the financial year was as follows:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
United States Dollar   1,306,746    1,862,496 
Singapore Dollar   154,264    4,508 
    1,461,010    1,867,004 








13.Liabilities due to customers



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Structured products   11,530,387    21,077,444 
Accrued interest   13,263    15,541 
    11,543,650    21,092,985 


Liabilities due to customers are mainly related to proceeds received from customers who purchased cryptocurrency-denoted products, which represent fixed/variables interest cryptocurrency deposited in “Sparrow” platform operated by the Group. The deposit is not protected by any  insurance and is non-secured. Upon maturity of the product, the customers receive the same type of cryptocurrency in the same quantity plus  additional interest returns. The deposit and interest will be deposited to customers account on the same date upon maturity of structured products,  and customers able to withdraw it on demand.


The following table sets forth the fair values of liabilities due to customers as the end of the financial year:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
BTC   2,435,769    13,500,282 
ETH   1,833,907    4,123,677 
SP$   -    2,049,063 
USDT   5,471,059    783,549 
USDC   1,802,103    609,864 
Others   812    26,550 
Total   11,543,650    21,092,985 


14.Lease liabilities


Group as a lessee


The Group has lease contracts for leasehold office. The Group’s obligations under these leases are secured by the lessor’s title to the leased assets. The Group is restricted from assigning and subletting the leased assets.


Carrying amount of lease right-of-use assets





At July 1, 2022   401,630 
Depreciation   (127,792)
At June 30, 2023   273,838 
Depreciation   (73,024)
Written off   (200,814)
At June 30, 2024   - 








14.Lease liabilities (Continued)


Lease liabilities


The carrying amount of lease liabilities and the movement during the financial year are disclosed elsewhere in the consolidated financial statements, and the maturity analysis of lease liabilities is disclosed in Note 23.



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Current   226,019    - 
Non-current   58,019    - 


Amounts recognized in profit or loss



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Depreciation of right-of-use assets   127,792    73,024 
Interest expense on lease liabilities (Note 18)   8,373    3,355 
    136,165    76,379 


Total cash outflows


The Group had total cash outflows for leases of US$117,327 and US$129,175 for the years ended June 30, 2023 and June 30, 2024, respectively.


15.Share capital



June 30,



June 30,



June 30,



June 30,



Number of



Number of


   US$   US$ 
   Series A preference
At date of incorporation   40,000    -    3,000,000    3,000,000 
Issuance of preference shares   -    2,100    -    10,500,000 
At end of financial year   40,000    2,100    3,000,000    13,500,000 


The Company was incorporated in Cayman Island on November 23, 2023, with an authorized share capital of US$50,000 divided into 50,000 ordinary shares of US$1.00 each.








15.Share capital (Continued)


On February 7, 2024, the Company’s shareholders approved to amend the authorized share capital from US$50,000, divided into 50,000 ordinary shares, par value of US$1.00 per share, to US$50,000, divided into 2,000,000,000 ordinary shares of par value US$0.000025 per share. The issued 1  ordinary share of par value of US$1.00 each, is therefore subdivided into 40,000 ordinary shares, par value of US$0.000025.


 On February 7, 2024, the Company issued 2,000 Series A preference shares with a cash consideration of US$10,000,000 for working capital.


 On April 15, 2024, the Company’s shareholder approved to amend the authorized share capital by re-designated 1,000 authorised but unissued  ordinary shares be and are hereby re-designated as 1,000 Series A preference shares with par value of US$0.000025 each. After the re-designation, the  authorised share capital of the Company is US$50,000 divided into (i) 1,999,997,000 ordinary shares, par value of US$0.000025 each, and (ii) 3,000  Series A preference shares, with par value of US$0.000025 each.


 On May 6, 2024, the Company issued additional 100 Series A preference shares with a cash consideration of US$500,000.




Capital reserve represents non-distributable reserve which arose from waiver of loan from ultimate holding company.





June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Disaggregation of revenue          
Conversion fees   271,025    1,497,054 
Finance income   840,336    1,988,365 
Advisory fee   -    62,794 
    1,111,361    3,548,213 



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Timing of transfer          
Point in time   271,025    1,559,848 
Over time   840,336    1,988,365 
    1,111,361    3,548,213 








18.Other income



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Government grants   61,617    8,794 
Foreign exchanges difference, net   893    - 
Fair value gain on FVPL (Note 6)   9,114    - 
Service income (Note 22)   -    35,954 
Interest income   -    73,848 
Consultation fee   -    38,309 
Others   84    12,809 
    71,708    169,714 


19.Finance costs



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Interest expense on :          
Lease liabilities (Note 14)   8,373    3,355 
Related parties (Note 22)   77,711    78,268 
    86,084    81,623 


20.Loss before tax


Loss before tax has been arrived at after charging:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Employee benefits expense   1,603,460    3,683,279 
Technology expense   331,631    353,319 
Business development expense   8,391    7,294 
Professional fees   87,374    728,897 
Lease modification    -       42,597 
Fair value loss on FVPL (Note 6)   -    11,288 
Amortization of intangible assets (Note 5)   345,788    457,456 
Depreciation of right-of-use assets (Note 14)   127,792    73,024 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (Note 4)   9,794    3,341 
License fees   7,609    95,074 
Outsourcing fees   60,507    67,164 








21.Income tax expense


The major components of income tax expense recognized in profit or loss for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 were:



June 30,



June 30,


    US$    US$ 
Current income tax – current year   -    - 


Relationship between tax expense and accounting loss


A reconciliation between tax expense and the product of accounting loss multiplied by the applicable corporate tax rate for the financial years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 were as follows:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Loss before tax   (7,800,856)   (16,149,548)
Income tax expense at 17% (2023: 17%)   (1,326,146)   (2,745,423)
Effect of difference tax rate   13    167 
Income not subject to tax   (1,542,364)   (30,727)
Non-deductible expenses   2,480,841    2,304,892 
Deferred tax assets not recognised   387,656    471,091 
    -    - 


The Group has unabsorbed tax losses available for offsetting against future taxable income as follows:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
At beginning of financial year   -    2,280,329 
Addition   2,280,329    2,771,124 
At end of financial year   2,280,329    5,051,453 


Deferred tax assets are unrecognised for tax losses carried forward to the extent that realisation of the related tax benefits through future taxable profits is probable. The Group has unrecognised tax losses of approximately US$5,000,000 (2023: US$2,300,000) at the reporting date which can be carried forward and used to offset against future taxable income subject to meeting certain statutory requirements. The unrecognised tax losses have no expiry dates.




Under the current Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore, the Group’s subsidiary incorporated in Singapore is subject to a statutory tax rate of 17% (2023: 17%).


Hong Kong


Under the current Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance, the Group’s subsidiary incorporated in Hong Kong is subject to 16.5% income tax on their taxable income generated from operations in Hong Kong before April 1, 2018. Starting from the financial year commencing on April 1, 2018, the two-tiered profits tax regime took effect, under which the tax rate is 8.25% for assessable profits on the first HK$ 2million and 16.5% for any assessable profits in excess of HK$ 2million.








21.Income tax expense (Continued)


British Virgin Islands


The entity established under the BVI Act is exempted from BVI income taxes.


Cayman Islands


The Company established under the Cayman Islands Act is exempted from Cayman Islands income taxes.


22.Significant related party transactions and balances


Related parties name  Relationship to the Company
Amber Global Ltd  Ultimate holding company
Amber AI Ltd  Affiliates
Amber Technologies Service Pte Ltd  Affiliates
WhaleFin Technologies Ltd  Affiliates
Amber Technologies Ltd  Affiliates
Amber Vault AUS Pty. Ltd.  Affiliates
Amber Technologies Global Pte Ltd  Affiliates
WhaleFin Markets Ltd  Affiliates
Amber Custodian Services Ltd  Affiliates


In addition to the related party information disclosed elsewhere in the financial statements, the following transactions with related parties took place at terms agreed between the parties during the financial year:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Amber Global Ltd          
Interest expenses (Note 19)   18,750    59,015 
Amber Technologies Service Pte Ltd          
Service income (Note 18)   -    (35,954)
Amber Technologies Global Pte Ltd          
Outsourcing / support fees   60,507    29,573 
Interest expenses (Note 19)   58,961    13,951 
Whalefin Technologies Ltd          
Revenue   (112,846)   (554,381)
Cost of sales   2,069    13,940 
Interest expenses (Note 19)   -    5,303 
Other income   -    (2,500)
Amber Technologies Limited          
Revenue   (727,548)   (1,370,178)
Cost of sales   -    29,613 
RigSec Technology Limited          
Revenue - Channel fees   -    (25,000)








22.Significant related party transactions and balances (Continued)


Amount due from related parties



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Rigsec Technology Ltd   -    25,000 
WhaleFin Technologies Ltd   5,000    - 
Amber AI Ltd   -    400,000 
WhaleFin Technologies Ltd (1)   -    6,594,664 
Amber Technologies Global Pte Ltd   -    47,476 
Amber Technologies Services Pte Ltd   -    35,953 
WhaleFin Markets Ltd (1)   -    5,115,549 
Amber Custodian Services Ltd   -    1,622 
Amber Global Ltd   3,000,000    - 
    3,005,000    12,220,264 


(1)These non-trade receivables mainly pertained to expenses paid on behalf for related parties.


The amount due from related parties are trade in nature, unsecured, interest-free and with the credit term 30 days (2023: 30 days).


The amount due from related parties are non-trade in nature, unsecured, interest-free and payable on demand.


The currency profile of the Group’s amount due from related parties at the end of the reporting date are as follows:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
United States Dollar   3,005,000    9,206,835 
Singapore Dollar   -    83,429 
Hong Kong Dollar   -    2,930,000 
    3,005,000    12,220,264 








22.Significant related party transactions and balances (Continued)


Amount due to related parties



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Amber Technologies Ltd   23,700    - 
Amber Technologies Global Pte Ltd [1]   2,482,807    - 
Amber Global Ltd [2]   1,005,507    - 
Amber Global Ltd [3]   21,131,579    29,340,127 
Amber Global Ltd [4]   -    5,398,040 
Amber Global Ltd [5]   -    3,000,000 
WhaleFin Technologies Ltd [6]   -    1,505,302 
Amber AI Ltd   10,645    410,493 
Amber Technologies Global Pte Ltd   15,169    3,029 
Amber Technologies Services Pte Ltd   -    1,659 
WhaleFin Technologies Ltd   -    132,779 
Amber Vault AUS Pty. Ltd.   -    323 
    24,669,407    39,791,752 


 The amount due to related parties are trade in nature, unsecured, interest-free and credit term 30 days (2023: Nil).


[1]The loan payable due to Amber Technologies Global Pte Ltd is in fiat currency, unsecured, bearing interest at 7.00% per annum and repayable on demand.


[2]The loan payable to Amber Global Ltd is in fiat currency, unsecured, bearing interest at 3.00% per annum and repayable on demand.


[3]The loan payable to Amber Global Ltd is in cryptocurrency, unsecured, bearing interest at 3.00% per annum and repayable in 12 months term. Due to fluctuations of fair value of cryptocurrency, the Company incurred unrealized fair value loss on digital assets loan approximately unrealized fair value loss US$12,200,000 and US$5,400,000 in June 30, 2024 and 2023 respectively.


The Group had repaid partial of cryptocurrency loan with related parties and incurred realized fair value gain on digital assets loan approximately US$500,000 and US$60,000 in June 30, 2024 and 2023 respectively.


[4]The loan payable to Amber Global Ltd is in fiat currency for the purpose of working capital purpose, unsecured, interest free and repayable on demand.


[5]The loan payable to Amber Global Ltd is in fiat currency and novated from Whalefin Markets Ltd to the Group. The loan is unsecured, interest free and repayable on demand.


[6]The loan payable to WhaleFin Technologies Ltd is in fiat currency, unsecured, bearing interest at 3% per annum and repayable in 12 months term.








22.Significant related party transactions and balances (Continued)


The following table sets forth the fair value of amount due to Amber Global Ltd that were denominated in digital assets as the end of the financial year was as follows:-



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
BTC   5,248,000    18,266,078 
ETH   5,153,886    6,875,466 
USDC   10,753,393    4,198,584 
Total   21,155,279    29,340,127 


The following table sets forth the amount due to related parties denominated in fiat as the end of the financial year was as follows:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
United States Dollar   1,972,576    10,451,625 
Singapore Dollar   1,541,552    - 
Total   3,514,128    10,451,625 


Key management personnel


 Key management personnel are directors of the Group and those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling  the activities of the Group, directly or indirectly.


 The remuneration of key management personnel of the Group during the financial years were as follows:



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Directors’ fees   1,400    2,400 
Salaries and related costs   426,839    1,059,201 
Defined contribution plan   21,943    56,809 
    450,182    1,118,410 








23.Financial risk management


The Group’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks from its operation. The key financial risks include credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk (including foreign currency risk, digital asset price risk, risks associated with the storage and protection of digital assets and investment risk related to trading of digital assets).


The directors review and agree policies and procedures for the management of these risks, which are executed by the management team. It is, and has been throughout the current and previous financial years, the Group’s policy that no trading in derivatives for speculative purposes shall be undertaken.


The following sections provide details regarding the Group’s exposure to the abovementioned financial risks and the objectives, policies and processes for the management of these risks.


There has been no change to the Group’s exposure to these financial risks or the manner in which it manages and measures the risks.


Credit risk


Credit risk refers to the risk that the counterparty will default on its contractual obligations resulting in a loss to the Group. The Group’s exposure to credit risk arises primarily from trade and other receivables. For other financial assets (including cash), the Group minimizes credit risk by dealing exclusively with high credit rating counterparties.


The Group has adopted a policy of only dealing with creditworthy counterparties. The Group performs ongoing credit evaluation of its counterparties’  financial condition and generally does not require collateral.


The Group considers the probability of default upon initial recognition of asset and whether there has been a significant increase in credit risk on an ongoing basis throughout each reporting period.


The Group has determined the default event on a financial asset to be when internal and/or external information indicates that the financial asset is unlikely to be received, which could include default of contractual payments due for more than 60 days or there is significant difficulty of the counterparty.


To minimize credit risk, the Group has developed and maintained the Group’s credit risk gradings to categorize exposures according to their degree of risk of default. The credit rating information is supplied by publicly available financial information and the Group’s own trading records to rate its major customers and other debtors. The Group considers available reasonable and supportive forward-looking information which includes the  following indicators:


·Internal credit rating

·External credit rating

·Actual or expected significant adverse changes in business, financial or economic conditions that are expected to cause a significant change to the debtor’s ability to meet its obligations

·Actual or expected significant changes in the operating results of the debtor

·Significant increases in credit risk on other financial instruments of the same debtor

·Significant changes in the expected performance and behavior of the debtor, including changes in the payment status of debtors in the company and changes in the operating results of the debtor


Regardless of the analysis above, a significant increase in credit risk is presumed if a debtor is more than 30 days past due in making contractual payment.








23.Financial risk management (Continued)


Credit risk (Continued)


The Group determined that its financial assets are credit-impaired when:


·There is significant difficulty of the debtor

·A breach of contract, such as a default or past due event

·It is becoming probable that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization

·There is a disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial difficulty


The Group categorizes a receivable for potential write-off when a debtor fails to make contractual payments more than 120 days past due. Financial assets are written off when there is evidence indicating that the debtor is in severe financial difficulty and the debtor has no realistic prospect of recovery.


The Group’s current credit risk grading framework comprises the following categories:


Category Definition of category

Basis for recognising
expected credit loss


I Counterparty has a low risk of default and does not have any past-due amounts. 12-month ECL
II Amount is >30 days past due or there has been a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition. Lifetime ECL – not credit impaired
III Amount is >60 days past due or there is evidence indicating the asset is credit-impaired (in default). Lifetime ECL – credit-impaired
IV There is evidence indicating that the debtor is in severe financial difficulty and the debtor has no realistic prospect of recovery. Amount is written off








23.Financial risk management (Continued)


Credit risk (Continued)


The table below details the credit quality of the Group’s financial assets, as well as maximum exposure to credit risk by credit risk rating categories:


      12-month or   Gross
    Category   lifetime ECL   US$     US$     US$  
June 30, 2023                          
Trade receivables   III Note 1   Lifetime ECL (Simplified)     -       -       -  
Other receivables   I Note 2    12-month ECL     205,032       -       205,032  
Amount due from related parties   I Note 2    12-month ECL     3,005,000       -       3,005,000  
USDC   I Note 3    12-month ECL     1,030,885       -       1,030,885  
Cash and cash equivalents   I Note 4    12-month ECL     98,162       -       98,162  
June 30, 2024                                
Trade receivables   III Note 1   Lifetime ECL (Simplified)     6,090       -       6,090  
Other receivables   I Note 2    12-month ECL     152,976       -       152,976  
Amount due from related parties   I Note 2    12-month ECL     12,220,264       -       12,220,264  
USDC   I Note 3    12-month ECL     643,437       -       643,437  
Cash and cash equivalents   I Note 4    12-month ECL     4,899,343       -       4,899,343  


Trade receivables (Note 1)


For trade receivables, the Group has applied the simplified approach in IFRS 9 and use provision matrix to measure the loss allowance at lifetime ECL. In determining ECL on a collective basis, trade receivables are grouped based on similar credit risk and aging. The Group maintains an allowance for credit losses on its receivable balances, which represents its best estimate of current expected credit losses over the contractual life of the receivable balances. When evaluating the adequacy of its allowance for credit losses at each reporting period, the Group analyses receivable balances with similar risk characteristics on a collective basis, considering factors such as the aging of receivable balances, payment terms, historical loss experience, current information, and future expectations. At each reporting period, the Group reassesses whether any receivable no longer shares  similar risk characteristics and should instead be evaluated as part of another pool or on an individual basis.


Based on the above assessment, the Group has concluded that there has been no significant increase in the credit risk since the initial recognition of the receivables and determined that the ECL is insignificant except for those recognized during the financial period








23.Financial risk management (Continued)


Credit risk (Continued)


Other receivables and amount due from related parties (Note 2)


Other receivables are considered to be low credit risk and subject to immaterial credit loss. Credit loss for these assets have not increased significantly since their initial recognition. Consequently, they are measured at the 12-month ECL.


USDC (Note 3)


USDC is considered to be low credit risk and subject to immaterial credit loss as underlying reserve of USDC are held in cash, short-duration U.S. Treasuries, and overnight U.S. Treasury repurchase agreements within segregated accounts for the benefits of USDC holder. Credit loss for these assets have not increased significantly since their initial recognition. Consequently, they are measured at the 12-month ECL.


Cash and cash equivalents (Note 4)


Cash and cash equivalents are mainly deposits with reputable banks with high international credit rating. Credit loss for the assets have not increased significantly since their initial recognition. Consequently, they are measured at the 12-month ECL.


Excessive risk concentration


Concentrations arise when a number of counterparties are engaged in similar business activities, or activities in the same geographical region, or have economic features that would cause their ability to meet contractual obligations to be similarly affected by changes in economic, political or other conditions. Concentrations indicate the relative sensitivity of the Group’s performance to developments affecting a particular industry.


Exposure to credit risk


The Group does not have any significant credit risk exposure to any single counterparty or any group of counterparties having similar characteristics except for outstanding trade receivables from 1 customer which represent 100% of total trade receivables balance as at June 30, 2024.


Since the Company mainly maintains certain of its digital assets in accounts with the third party custodian platform, the Company may be exposed to significant losses if the platform experiences outages or becomes unavailable. To mitigate such risks, the Company only establishes accounts with the platform that have a good reputation.








23.Financial risk management (Continued)


Credit risk (Continued)


Liquidity risk


Liquidity risk refers to the risk that the Group will encounter difficulties in meeting its short-term obligations due to shortage of funds. The Group’s exposure to liquidity risk arises primarily from mismatches of the maturities of financial assets and liabilities. It is managed by matching the payment and receipt cycles. The Group finances its working capital requirements through a combination of funds generated from operations, advances and loans from related parties, if necessary.


In assessing our liquidity, we monitor and analyze our cash and bank balances and our operating expenditure commitments. As of June 30, 2024, our cash and bank balances amounted to approximately US$4,900,000, our current assets were approximately US$61,400,000, and our current liabilities were approximately US$82,748,000.


Based on the above considerations, management is of the opinion that the Group has sufficient funds to meet its working capital requirements and debt obligations, for at least the next 12 months, taking into consideration undertaking from ultimate holding company and certain related companies not to demand repayment of approximately US$39,791,000 until the Group has sufficient resources to repay. In addition, the ultimate holding company will waive payables approximately US$37,738,000 upon the closing of the business combination with iClick Asia. In addition, the ultimate holding company undertake and will continue to provide additional cash funding to ensure the Group will have sufficient working capital and to meet its financial obligations for at least the next 12 months from the date of approval of these consolidated financial statements.


There are several factors that could potentially arise that could undermine the Group’s plans, such as changes in the demand for its products, economic conditions, its operating results continuing to deteriorate and its shareholders and related parties being unable to provide continued financial support.


The Group maintains sufficient cash and bank balances, internally generated cash flows, and advances/loans from ultimate holding company to finance their activities and management is satisfied that funds are available to finance the operations of the Company.


Analysis of financial instruments by remaining contractual maturities


The following table details the remaining contractual maturity for non-derivative financial liabilities. The tables have been drawn up based on the undiscounted cash flows of financial liabilities based on the earliest date on which the Group can be required to pay. The table includes both interest and principal cash flows.


   On demand or
within 1 year
   Within 2
to 5
   US$   US$   US$ 
June 30, 2023               
Trade and other payables   373,365    -    373,365 
Lease liabilities   232,897    58,224    291,121 
Amount due to related parties   24,669,407    -    24,669,407 
Liabilities due to customers   21,668,924    -    21,668,924 
    46,944,593    58,224    47,002,817 








23.Financial risk management (Continued)


Liquidity risk (Continued)


   On demand or
within 1 year
   Within 2 to 5
   US$   US$   US$ 
June 30, 2024               
Trade and other payables   947,836    -    947,836 
Amount due to related parties   39,791,752    -    39,791,752 
Liabilities due to customers   41,985,917    -    41,985,917 
    82,725,505    -    82,725,505 


Market risk


Market risk is the risk that changes in market prices, such as interest rates and foreign exchange rates will affect the Group’s profit or loss. The objective of market risk management is to manage and control market risk exposures within acceptable parameters, while optimizing the return on risk.


Foreign currency risk


The Group’s foreign exchange risk results mainly from cash flows from transactions denominated in foreign currencies. At present, the Group does not have any formal policy for hedging against currency risk. The Group ensures that the net exposure is kept to an acceptable level by buying or selling foreign currencies at spot rates, where necessary, to address short-term imbalances.


The Group has transactional currency exposures arising from sales or purchases that are denominated in a currency other than the functional currency of the entity, primarily Singapore Dollar (“SGD”).


At the end of each reporting period, the Group’s exposure to foreign currency risk is as follows:



June 30,



June 30,


   SGD   SGD 
   US$   US$ 
Financial assets          
Trade and other receivables   234,047    159,175 
Amount due from related parties   -    83,429 
Assets held on behalf of customers   154,264    4,508 
Cash and cash equivalents   48,029    114,110 
    436,340    361,222 
Financial liabilities          
Trade and other payables   (328,425)   (461,018)
Lease liabilities   (284,038)   - 
Liabilities due to customers   (154,264)   (4,508)
    (766,727)   (465,526)
Net exposure   (330,387)   (104,304)








23.Financial risk management (Continued)


Market risk (Continued)


Foreign currency risk (Continued)


Strengthening of Singapore Dollar against the United States Dollar as at the reporting date would increase/(decrease) profit or loss by the amounts shown below. The analysis assumes that all other variables remain constant.



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
USD strengthening 5% (2023: 5%)   (16,519)   (5,215)


Weakening of Singapore Dollar against the above currencies would have had an equal but opposite effect on the above currencies to the amounts shown above, on the basis that all other variables remain constant.


As Hong Kong dollar is pegged to the United States dollar, the Company considers the risk of movements in exchange rates between Hong Kong dollars and United States dollars to be insignificant.


Digital assets price risk


Digital assets that the Company deals within its trading activities are digital assets such as Bitcoin (“BTC”) and Ethereum (“ETH”) which can be traded in a number of public exchanges.


The Group’s exposure to price risk arises from digital assets and digital assets payables which are both measured on a fair value basis. In particular, the Group’s operating result may depend upon the market price of BTC and ETH, as well as other digital assets. Digital asset prices have fluctuated significantly from time to time. There is no assurance that digital asset prices will reflect historical trends.


The price risk of digital assets arising from trading of digital assets business is partially offset by remeasurement of digital assets payables representing the obligations to deliver digital assets held by the Group in the customers’ accounts to the customers under the respective trading arrangements with the Group.


At the end of each reporting period, the Group’s exposure risk to digital asset payable to related parties is as follows:



June 30,



June 30,



June 30,



June 30,


   BTC   ETH   BTC   ETH 
   US$   US$   US$   US$ 
Financial assets                    
Digital assets   2,328,875    1,140,864    65,012    63,694 
Digital assets receivable from customers   7,242,813    4,564,333    23,648,823    6,740,848 
    9,571,688    5,705,197    23,713,835    6,804,542 
Financial liabilities                    
Digital assets payables to customers   (7,242,813)   (4,564,333)   (23,648,823)   (6,740,848)
Digital assets payables to related parties   (5,248,000)   (5,153,886)   (18,266,078)   (6,875,466)
    (12,490,813)   (9,718,219)   (41,914,901)   13,616,314)
Net exposure   (2,919,125)   (4,013,022)   (18,201,066)   (6,811,772)









23.Financial risk management (Continued)


Market risk (Continued)


Digital assets price risk (Continued)


Strengthening of BTC and ETH against the USD as at the reporting date would increase/(decrease) profit or loss by the amounts shown below. The analysis assumes that all other variables remain constant.



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
BTC strengthening 30% (2023: 30%)   (875,738)   (5,460,320)
ETH strengthening 30% (2023: 30%)   (1,203,907)   (2,043,532)


Weakening of BTC and ETH against the USD would have had an equal but opposite effect on the above currencies to the amounts shown above, on the basis that all other variables remain constant.


Risks associated with the storage and protection of digital assets


The Group primarily stored its digital assets with cryptocurrency custodians to facilitate customers deposits and withdrawals. Due to the lack of an insurance policy for its digital assets, any disruptions or closures of cryptocurrency custodians, as well as potential cyber-attacks or thefts, could result in substantial losses for the Group.


Investment risk related to trading of digital assets


The Group follows a fully hedged strategy for structured products. Each user-facing structured product is quoted by a related party and a spread is added before it is quoted to clients. Therefore, there is no exposure to structured products.


24. Fair value of assets and liabilities


Fair value measurement


The accounting standard regarding fair value of financial instruments and related fair value measurements defines financial instruments and requires disclosure of the fair value of financial instruments held by the Group.


The accounting standards define fair value, establish a three-level valuation hierarchy for disclosures of fair value measurement and enhance disclosure requirements for fair value measures. The three levels are defined as follow:


Level 1 – Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active market for identical assets or liabilities that the Company can access at the measurement date


Level 2 – Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly, and


Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.








24.Fair value of assets and liabilities


Fair value measurement (Continued)


Assets measured at fair value


The following table shows an analysis of each class of assets measured at fair value at the reporting date:


   Fair value measurements at the reporting date using 

Quoted prices
in active
markets for

(Level 1)



inputs other
than quoted

(Level 2)



(Level 3)








   US$   US$   US$   US$ 
June 30,2024                    
Financial assets:                    
Financial asset, FVPL   -    -    247,826    247,826 
Derivative financial instruments   -    22,395    -    22,395 
Digital assets   18,587,381    -    2,985,222    21,572,603 
USDC   1,253,301    -    -    1,253,301 
    19,840,682    22,395    3,233,048    23,096,125 
Financial liabilities:                    
Derivative financial instruments   -    22,395    -    22,395 
June 30,2023                    
Financial assets:                    
Financial assets, FVPL   -    -    259,114    259,114 
Derivative financial instruments   -    102,744    -    102,744 
Digital assets   13,936,889    -    -    13,936,889 
USDC   2,832,988    -    -    2,832,988 
    16,769,877    102,744    259,114    17,131,735 
Financial liabilities:                    
Derivative financial instruments   -    102,744    -    102,744 


Financial assets, FVPL


The fair value measurement of the investment in Signum Capital Investment VVC-Sub Fund (“Signum”) (Note 6) is based on the net asset value of Signum provided by the fund administrator without adjustment. There have been no changes in the valuation techniques of the financial instrument during the financial and prior financial year.


There were no transfers between Level 2 and 3 during the financial and prior financial year.








24.Fair value of assets and liabilities (Continued)


Fair value measurement (Continued)


Derivative financial instruments


The fair value of the put and call option is measured on a recurring basis by referencing to the spot price of underlying digital assets, which the Group considers to be a Level 2 fair value input.


Digital assets and USDC


Digital assets measured at fair value less costs to sell. The digital assets are adjusted to fair value only when an impairment is recognised, or the underlying asset is held for sale. Fair value is measured using the quoted price of the digital asset at the time its fair value is being measured, which is measured on a daily basis. This valuation represents a Level 1 and 2 classification within the fair value hierarchy.


The principal market will be the market with the greatest volume and level of activity for the digital assets which the Company holding the digital assets can access. In other words, the principal market is the market predominantly used by the Company to transact its digital assets.


Assets and liabilities not measured at fair value


Cash and cash equivalents, other receivables and other payables


The carrying amount of these balances approximate their fair value due to the short-term nature of these balances.


Trade receivables and trade payables


The carrying amount of these receivables and payables approximate their fair value as they are subject to normal trade credit terms.


Lease liabilities and loans from related parties


The carrying amount of these balances approximate their fair value as they are subject to interest rates close to market rate of interest for similar arrangements with financial institutions.


25.Segment reporting


Operating segments are identified on the basis of internal reports about components of the Group that are regularly reviewed by the Chief Executive Officers (“CEO”) for the purpose of resource allocation and performance assessment. Segment results, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis.


The Group operates in a single business segment which is development of digital asset platform and provision of digital asset service and solutions. No operating segments have been aggregated to form the following reportable operating segment.


Geographical information and major customer


The Group’s non-current assets are in Singapore.








25.Segment reporting (Continued)


The following table breaks down revenue by geographic location of the Group’s revenue. The geographical location is based on the geographical location where customers is located.



June 30,



June 30,


   US$   US$ 
Asia   215,793    1,218,711 
North America   746,605    1,212,422 
Africa   143,940    855,805 
Europe   1,686    188,988 
Others   3,337    72,287 
    1,111,361    3,548,213 


26.Capital management


The Group manages their capital to ensure that the Group is able to continue as a going concern and maintain an optimal capital structure so as to maximize shareholder’s value. The capital structure of the Group consists of equity attributable to owners of the Company, comprising issued share capital, reserves and accumulated losses as presented in the consolidated statements of changes in equity.


The Group manages its capital structure and makes adjustments to it, in light of changes in economic conditions. To maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group may adjust the dividend payment to shareholders, return capital to shareholders or issue new shares. The Group is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. No changes were made in the objectives, policies or processes during the financial years ended June 30, 2023 and 2024.


27.Events after reporting period


The Company evaluated all events and transactions that occurred after June 30, 2024 up through December 19, 2024, which is the date that these consolidated financial statements are available to be issued, and there were no other material subsequent events that require disclosure in these consolidated financial statements except below:


On July 2, 2024, the Company incorporated Amber DWM Units Holding Limited, a company incorporated in Cayman Islands and subscribed for 1 ordinary share for a consideration of US$1.


On September 24, 2024, the Company incorporated Amber Premium FZE, a company incorporated in UAE and subscribed for 1 ordinary share for a consideration of US$1.


On November 29, 2024, the Company disposed its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Amber DWM Units Holding Limited and Amber Trading Alfa Limited to its ultimate holding company.







Unaudited Pro Forma Consensed Combined Financial Information






Defined terms included below shall have the same meaning as terms defined and included elsewhere in this proxy statement and, if not defined in the proxy statement, in the Form 20-F filed with the SEC on June 20, 2024.




The following unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information present the combination of the financial information of iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited (“iClick” or the “Company”) and Amber DWM Holding Limited (“Amber DWM”) adjusted to give effect to the Business Combination. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information has been prepared in accordance with Article 11 of Regulation S-X. The Company and Amber DWM have not had any historical relationship prior to the Business Combination. Accordingly, no pro forma adjustments were required to eliminate activities between the companies.


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet combines the unaudited consolidated balance sheets of the Company as of June 30, 2024, with the audited consolidated statements of financial position of Amber DWM as of June 30, 2024, giving effect to the Business Combination as if it had been consummated on the balance sheet date.


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statements of comprehensive loss for the year ended December 31, 2023, combines the audited consolidated statements of comprehensive loss of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2023 and the historical unaudited consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive loss for the year ended December 31, 2023 of Amber DWM, giving effect to the Business Combination as if it had been consummated on January 1, 2023.


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of comprehensive loss for the six months ended June 30, 2024, combines the unaudited consolidated statements of comprehensive loss of the Company for the six months ended June 30, 2024 and the historical unaudited consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive loss for the six months ended June 30, 2024 of Amber DWM, giving effect to the Business Combination as if it had been consummated on January 1, 2024.


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet was derived from and should be read in conjunction with the following historical financial statements:


·the Company’s unaudited consolidated balance sheet as of June 30, 2024, as file on Form 6-K furnished to the SEC on November 27, 2024.


·Amber DWM’s audited consolidated statements of financial position as of June 30, 2024, as included elsewhere in this report.


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of comprehensive loss for the year ended December 31, 2023, has been prepared using the following:


·the Company’s audited consolidated statements of comprehensive loss of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2023, in the Form 20-F filed with the SEC on June 20, 2024.


·Amber DWM’s unaudited consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive loss for the year ended December 31, 2023.


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of comprehensive loss for the six months ended June 30, 2024, has been prepared using the following:


·the Company’s unaudited consolidated statements of comprehensive loss of the Company for the six months ended June 30, 2024, as file on Form 6-K furnished to the SEC on November 27, 2024


·Amber DWM’s unaudited consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive loss for the six months ended June 30, 2024.


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information should be read in conjunction with the Company’s and Amber DWM’s financial statements and related notes.




Description of the Business Combination


Pursuant to the agreement and plan of merger, dated as of November 29, 2024 (the “Merger Agreement”) by and among the Company, Overlord Merger Sub Ltd.("Merger Sub"), a Cayman Islands exempted company and a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of iClick and Amber DWM Holding Limited ("Amber DWM"), a Cayman Islands exempted company and the holding entity of Amber Group's digital wealth management business, known as Amber Premium ("Amber Premium"), Merger Sub will merge with and into Amber DWM, with Amber DWM continuing as the surviving entity and becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company (the "Merger"), and the shareholders of Amber DWM will exchange all of the issued and outstanding share capital of Amber DWM for a mixture of newly issued Class A and Class B ordinary shares of the Company on the terms and conditions set forth therein in a transaction exempt from the registration requirements under the Securities Act of 1933.


Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, Amber DWM agrees to (i) acquire 100% of the equity interests in WhaleFin Markets Limited (“WhaleFin HK”), a company incorporated in Hong Kong, from Amber Global Limited, a Cayman Islands exempted company, for a consideration of US$1 (the “WhaleFin HK Equity Transfer”), and (b) cause its subsidiary Amber Premium FZE (“FZE”) to assume all rights and obligations under all of the active customer contracts to which WhaleFin Technologies Limited ("WFTL") is a party (the “WFTL Assigned Contracts”) (the “WFTL Contract Assignment”, and collectively with the WhaleFin HK Equity Transfer, the “DWM Asset Restructuring”). The completion of the DWM Asset Restructuring is a condition to the completion of the Merger.


Following the consummation and as a result of the Merger, Amber DWM's business will be wholly owned by the Company. Upon completion of the Merger, the Amber DWM shareholders and iClick shareholders (including holders of ADSs), in each case, immediately prior to the Merger, will own approximately 90% and 10%, respectively, of the outstanding shares of the combined company, or 97% and 3% voting power, respectively.


For more information about the Merger, please refer to the report on Form 6-K furnished to the SEC on November 29, 2024.


Accounting for the Business Combination


The Business Combination will be accounted for as a reverse acquisition (reverse merger) in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the United States (“U.S. GAAP”). Under this method of accounting, the Company will be treated as the “acquired” company for financial reporting purposes. This determination was primarily based on the current shareholders of Amber DWM having a majority of the voting power of the post-combination company, and the relative valuation of Amber DWM compared to the Company. Accordingly, for accounting purposes, the Business Combination using the acquisition method of accounting in reverse acquisition will be treated as the equivalent of Amber DWM issuing shares for the acquisition of the Company, accompanied by a recapitalization. Goodwill as of the balance sheet date is measured as the excess of purchase consideration over the fair value of net tangible and identifiable intangible assets acquired. The fair values assigned to the Company’s net tangible and identifiable intangible assets acquired and liabilities assumed are determined by the net assets values of net tangible and identifiable intangible assets acquired and liabilities. The estimated fair values of these assets acquired and liabilities assumed are considered preliminary. The final purchase consideration and the allocation of the purchase consideration will differ from that reflected in the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information, and amounts would be finalized following the completion of the acquisition.


Basis of Pro Forma Presentation


The historical financial information has been adjusted to give pro forma effect to events that are related and/or directly attributable to the Business Combination, are factually supportable, and as it relates to the unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of comprehensive loss, are expected to have a continuing impact on the results of the post-combination company. The adjustments presented on the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements have been identified and presented to provide relevant information necessary for an accurate understanding of the post-combination company upon consummation of the Business Combination.


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information is for illustrative purposes only. The financial results may have been different had the companies always been combined. You should not rely on the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information as being indicative of the historical financial position and results that would have been achieved had the companies always been combined or the future financial position and results that the post-combination company will experience. Amber DWM and the Company have not had any historical relationship prior to the Business Combination. Accordingly, no pro forma adjustments were required to eliminate activities between the companies.


The shares outstanding and weighted average shares outstanding as presented in the pro forma condensed combined financial statements includes re-designation of all ICLK Class A Shares and ICLK Class B Shares in the authorized share capital of ICLK to be re-designated as New Ordinary Shares immediately prior to the Effective Time, the issuance of 372,265,357 Class A Ordinary Shares of the Company and 36,318,335 Class B Ordinary Shares of the Company to the shareholders of Amber DWM, which is calculated based on the number of outstanding ICLK equity securities as of November 29, 2024.


As a result of the Business Combination and immediately following the closing of the Business Combination, shareholders of Amber DWM own approximately 90% of the post-combination company outstanding ordinary shares, and the shareholders of the Company own approximately 10% of the outstanding post-combination company ordinary shares.




AS OF JUNE 30, 2024



(US$’000, except share data and per share data, or otherwise noted)  (A)
iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited
Amber DWM Holding Limited
   Pro Forma
   Note  Pro Forma
Current Assets                            
Cash and cash equivalents   44,825    4,899    49,724    4,958   (1)   47,440 
                   (7,242)  (2)     
Time deposits   123        123           123 
Restricted cash   25,291        25,291           25,291 
Financial assets at fair value through profits or loss       248    248           248 
Digital assets receivable from related parties               16,449   (1)   16,449 
Digital assets held in segregated customer accounts               472,489   (1)   472,489 
Funds held in segregated customer accounts               1,525   (1)   1,525 
Short-term investments   2,147        2,147           2,147 
Amount due from an equity investee   6        6           6 
Accounts receivable, net of allowance for credit losses of US$1,558 as of June 30, 2024   11,210    6    11,216    45,595   (1)   56,811 
Rebate receivable   676        676           676 
Prepaid media costs   6,106        6,106           6,106 
Digital assets held       43,719    43,719    12,661   (1)   26,210 
                   (30,170)  (5)     
Derivative financial instruments       22    22           22 
Other current assets, net of allowance for credit losses of US$nil as of June 30, 2024, respectively   6,878    12,485    19,363    35,327   (1)   43,811 
                   833   (2)     
                   (11,712)  (5)     
Discontinued operations   54,454        54,454    (54,454)  (3)    
Total current assets   151,716    61,379    213,095    486,259       699,354 
Non-current assets                            
Investment in an equity investee   182        182           182 
Other long-term investments   3,179        3,179           3,179 
Intangible assets, net       16,984    16,984           16,984 
Right-of-use assets, net   42        42           42 
Goodwill               26,946   (4)   26,946 
Other assets   324        324    1,042   (2)   1,366 
Discontinued operations   112        112    (112)  (3)    
Total non-current assets   3,839    16,984    20,823    27,876       48,699 
Total assets   155,555    78,363    233,918    514,135       748,053 
Liabilities and equity                            
Current liabilities                            
Accounts payable (including accounts payable of the consolidated variable interest entity (“VIE”) and its subsidiaries without recourse to the Company of US$666 as of June 30, 2024)   3,310    948    4,258           4,258 
Deferred revenue (including deferred revenue of the consolidated VIE and its subsidiaries without recourse to the Company of US$nil as of June 30, 2024)   7,570        7,570       (1)   7,570 
Lending collateral due to clients               23,053   (1)   23,053 
Liabilities due to customers       41,986    41,986    504,224   (1)   546,210 
Accrued liabilities and other current liabilities (including accrued liabilities and other current liabilities of the consolidated VIE and its subsidiaries without recourse to the Company of US$786 as of June 30, 2024)   13,970    39,791    53,761    47,113   (1)   58,992 
                   (41,882)  (5)     
Lease liabilities (including lease liabilities of the consolidated VIE and its subsidiaries without recourse to the Company of US$55 as of June 30, 2024)   736        736           736 
Bank borrowings (including bank borrowing of the consolidated VIE and its subsidiaries without recourse to the Company of US$1,951 as of June 30, 2024)   36,932        36,932           36,932 
Borrowing from externals               10,955   (1)   10,955 
Derivative financial instruments       22    22           22 
Income tax payable (including income tax payable of the consolidated VIE and its subsidiaries without recourse to the Company of US$433 as of June 30, 2024)   1,554        1,554           1,554 
Discontinued operations   56,607        56,607    (56,607)  (3)    
Total current liabilities   120,679    82,747    203,426    486,856       690,282 
Non-current liabilities                            
Lease liabilities (including lease liabilities of the consolidated VIE and its subsidiaries without recourse to the Company of US$22 as of June 30, 2024)   205        205           205 
Deferred tax liabilities (including deferred liabilities of the consolidated VIE and its subsidiaries without recourse to the Company of US$nil as of June 30, 2024)   (12)       (12)          (12)
Accrued liabilities and other liabilities   28        28           28 
Discontinued operations   1,463        1,463    (1,463)  (3)    
Total non-current liabilities   1,684        1,684    (1,463)      221 
Total liabilities   122,363    82,747    205,110    485,393       690,503 
Ordinary shares – Class A (1,191,000,000 shares authorized as of June 30, 2024; 417,663,545 shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2024, respectively)   39        39    (39)  (4)   418 
                   418   (4)     
Ordinary shares – Class B (109,000,000 shares authorized as of June 30, 2024; 36,318,335 shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2024, respectively)   5        5    (5)  (4)   36 
                   36   (4)     
Share Capital       13,500    13,500           13,500 
Treasury shares (218,396 shares as of June 30, 2024)   (39)       (39)   39   (4)    
Additional paid-in capital   502,886        502,886    (2,983)  (2)   58,871 
                   3,504   (3)     
                   (502,886)  (4)     
                   (3,504)  (4)     
                   61,854   (4)     
Capital reserve       6,074    6,074           6,074 
Statutory reserves   81        81    (81)  (4)    
Accumulated other comprehensive losses   (4,082)       (4,082)   4,082   (4)    
Accumulated deficit   (467,032)   (23,958)   (490,990)   3,659   (1)   (22,683)
                   (2,384)  (2)     
                   467,032   (4)     
Total iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited shareholders’ equity   31,858    (4,384)   27,474    28,742       56,216 
Non-controlling interests   1,334        1,334           1,334 
Total equity   33,192    (4,384)   28,808    28,742       57,550 
Total liabilities and equity   155,555    78,363    233,918    514,135       748,053 



(A)Derived from the Company’s unaudited balance sheets of June 30, 2024.
(B)Derived from the audited consolidated statements of financial position of Amber DWM Holding Limited of June 30, 2024.
(1)Reflects the unaudited statements of financial position as of June 30, 2024 for WFTL Contract Assignment.
(2)Reflect the transaction costs expected to be incurred by the Company, for legal, Merger & Acquisition consulting fee, accounting, advisory, and printing fees incurred as part of the Business Combination. None of these fees has been incurred as of the pro forma balance sheet date.
(3)To exclude the discontinued operations in the Company.
(4)To reflect recapitalization of Amber DWM through (a) the contribution of all share capital in Amber DWM to the Company, (b) the issuance of 408,583,692 Company's shares in connection with the Business Combination, and (c) the excess of purchase consideration over the fair value of net tangible and identifiable intangible assets acquired will be recorded as goodwill.
(5)To eliminate the intercompany balances between Amber DWM Holding Limited and WFTL Contract Assignment.






(US$’000, except share data and per
share data, or otherwise noted)
iClick Interactive
Asia Group
Amber DWM
Holding Limited
   Note    Pro Forma
Net revenues – the Company   36,051                  36,051 
Net revenues – Amber DWM       2,756    8,020    (1)     10,776 
              (72)   (2)     (72)
Cost of revenues   (16,970)   (1,624)   (2,011)   (1)     (20,605)
            72    (2)     72 
Gross profit   19,081    1,132    6,009          26,222 
Operating expenses                          
Research and development expenses   (923)   (362)   (2,388)   (1)     (3,673)
Sales and marketing expenses   (17,280)   (10)   (49)   (1)     (17,339)
General and administrative expenses   (10,838)   (3,745)   (4,669)   (1)     (19,252)
Impairment of long-lived assets   (1,310)                 (1,310)
Total operating expenses   (30,351)   (4,117)   (7,106)         (41,574)
Operating loss   (11,270)   (2,985)   (1,097)         (15,352)
Interest income   1,162                  1,162 
Interest expense   (193)   (100)             (293)
Other losses, net   (2,299)   (94)   14    (1)     (2,379)
Unrealized change in fair value of digital assets - related party's loan       (9,650)       (5)     (9,650)
Loss before share of loss from an equity investee and income tax expense   (12,600)   (12,829)   (1,083)         (26,512)
Share of loss from an equity investee   (61)                 (61)
Income tax expense   (658)                 (658)
Net loss from continuing operations   (13,319)   (12,829)   (1,083)         (27,231)
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interests   103                  103 
Net loss from continuing operations attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited’s ordinary shareholders   (13,216)   (12,829)   (1,083)         (27,128)
Discontinued Operations                          
Loss from operations of discontinued operations   (25,562)       25,562    (3)      
Income tax credit   11        (11)   (3)      
Net loss from discontinued operations   (25,551)       25,551           
Net loss from discontinued operations attributable to non-controlling interests   77        (77)   (3)      
Net loss from discontinued operations attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited’s ordinary shareholders   (25,474)       25,474           
Net loss   (38,870)   (12,829)   24,468          (27,231)
Net loss attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited’s ordinary shareholders   (38,690)   (12,829)   24,391          (27,128)
Net loss from continuing operations   (13,319)   (12,829)   (1,083)         (27,231)
Other comprehensive loss:                          
Change in net retirement benefits plan – prior service cost   (32)                 (32)
Foreign currency translation adjustment, net of US$nil tax   (379)                 (379)
Comprehensive loss from continuing operations   (13,730)   (12,829)   (1,083)         (27,642)
Comprehensive loss attributable to non-controlling interests   156                  156 
Comprehensive loss from continuing operations attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited   (13,574)   (12,829)   (1,083)         (27,486)
Net loss from discontinued operations   (25,551)       25,551           
Other comprehensive income:                          
Foreign currency translation adjustment, net of US$nil tax   376        (376)   (3)      
Comprehensive loss from discontinued operations   (25,175)       25,175           
Comprehensive loss from discontinued operations attributable to non-controlling interests   76        (76)   (3)      
Comprehensive loss from discontinued operations attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited’s ordinary shareholders   (25,099)       25,099           
Comprehensive loss attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited   (38,673)   (12,829)   24,016          (27,486)
Net loss from continuing operations per ADS attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited’s ordinary shareholders                          
— Basic   (1.29)                   (0.30)
— Diluted   (1.29)                   (0.30)
Net loss from discontinued operations per ADS attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited’s ordinary shareholders                          
— Basic   (2.49)                    
— Diluted   (2.49)                    
Net loss per ADS attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited’s ordinary shareholders                          
— Basic   (3.78)                   (0.30)
— Diluted   (3.78)                   (0.30)
Weighted average number of ADS used in per share calculation:                          
— Basic   10,223,660         81,716,738    (4)     91,940,398 
— Diluted   10,223,660         81,716,738    (4)     91,940,398 



(A)Derived from the Company’s audited consolidated statements of comprehensive loss of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2023.

(B)Derived from the unaudited consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive loss for the year ended December 31, 2023 of Amber DWM Holding Limited.

(1)Reflects the unaudited consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive loss for the year ended December 31, 2023 for WFTL Contract Assignment.

(2)To eliminate the intercompany transactions between Amber DWM Holding Limited and WFTL Contract Assignment.

(3)To exclude the discontinued operations in the Company.

(4)The calculation of weighted average shares outstanding for basic and diluted net loss per share assumes that the business combination occurred as of the earliest period presented. In addition, as the Business Combination is being reflected as if it had occurred on this date, the calculation of weighted average shares outstanding for basic and diluted net loss per share assumes that the shares have been outstanding for the entire period presented. This calculation is retroactively adjusted to eliminate the number of shares redeemed in the Business Combinations for the entire period.




The following summarizes the number of Company Ordinary Shares outstanding (in ADS) at the Closing Date:


   Actual Ownership 
Weighted average shares calculation, basic and diluted in ADS     
The Company's outstanding shares   10,223,660 
Shares issued to Amber DWM's shareholders in Business Combination   81,716,738 
Weighted average shares for EPS calculation, basic and diluted in ADS   91,940,398 
Percentage of shares owned by existing shareholders of Amber DWM   89%
Percentage of shares owned by existing holders of the Company   11%


(5)Represents the change in fair value of a related party loan during the fiscal year. The related party loan is in cryptocurrency, unsecured, bearing interest at 3.00% per annum and repayable in 12 months term. It would be waived by the related party prior to the Merger.






(US$’000, except share data and per
share data, or otherwise noted)
iClick Interactive
Asia Group
Amber DWM
Holding Limited
   Note    Pro Forma
Net revenues – the Company   14,220                  14,220 
Net revenues – Amber DWM       1,856    16,856    (1)     18,712 
              (83)   (2)     (83)
Cost of revenues   (6,124)   (1,069)   (5,640)   (1)     (12,833)
              83    (2)     83 
Gross profit   8,096    787    11,216          20,099 
Operating expenses                          
Research and development expenses   (311)   (245)   (2,734)   (1)     (3,290)
Sales and marketing expenses   (4,381)   (5)   (40)   (1)     (4,426)
General and administrative expenses   (7,704)   (3,675)   (4,971)   (1)     (18,734)
              (2,384)   (5)       
Total operating expenses   (12,396)   (3,925)   (10,129)         (26,450)
Operating loss   (4,300)   (3,138)   1,087          (6,351)
Interest income   598                  598 
Interest expense   (32)   (68)             (100)
Other gains, net   2,560    93    38    (1)     2,691 
Unrealized change in fair value of digital assets - related party's loan       (7,972)       (6)     (7,972)
Loss before share of loss from an equity investee and income tax expense   (1,174)   (11,085)   1,125          (11,134)
Share of loss from an equity investee   (37)                 (37)
Income tax expense   (58)                 (58)
Net loss from continuing operations   (1,269)   (11,085)   1,125          (11,229)
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interests   111                  111 
Net loss from continuing operations attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited’s ordinary shareholders   (1,158)   (11,085)   1,125          (11,118)
Discontinued Operations                          
Loss from operations of discontinued operations   (7,666)       7,666    (3)      
Income tax expense   (23)       23    (3)      
Gain on disposal of discontinued operations   2,585        (2,585)   (3)      
Net loss from discontinued operations   (5,104)       5,104           
Net loss from discontinued operations attributable to non-controlling interests   32        (32)   (3)      
Net loss from discontinued operations attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited’s ordinary shareholders   (5,072)       5,072           
Net loss   (6,373)   (11,085)   6,229          (11,229)
Net loss attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited’s ordinary shareholders   (6,230)   (11,085)   6,197          (11,118)
Net loss from continuing operations   (1,269)   (11,085)   1,125          (11,229)
Other comprehensive loss:                          
Foreign currency translation adjustment, net of US$nil tax   (13)                 (13)
Comprehensive loss from continuing operations   (1,282)   (11,085)   1,125          (11,242)
Comprehensive loss attributable to non-controlling interests   111                  111 
Comprehensive loss from continuing operations attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited   (1,171)   (11,085)   1,125          (11,131)
Net loss from discontinued operations   (5,104)       5,104           
Other comprehensive income/(loss):                          
Foreign currency translation adjustment, net of US$nil tax                      
Comprehensive loss from discontinued operations   (5,104)       5,104           
Comprehensive loss from discontinued operations attributable to non-controlling interests   32        (32)   (3)      
Comprehensive loss from discontinued operations attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited’s ordinary shareholders   (5,072)       5,072           
Comprehensive loss attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited   (6,243)   (11,085)   6,197          (11,131)
Net loss from continuing operations per ADS attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited’s ordinary shareholders                          
— Basic   (0.12)                   (0.12)
— Diluted   (0.12)                   (0.12)
Net loss from discontinued operations per ADS attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited’s ordinary shareholders                          
— Basic   (0.51)                    
— Diluted   (0.51)                    
Net loss per ADS attributable to iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited’s ordinary shareholders                          
— Basic   (0.63)                   (0.12)
— Diluted   (0.63)                   (0.12)
Weighted average number of ADS used in per share calculation:                          
— Basic   9,955,943         81,716,738    (4)     91,672,681 
— Diluted   9,955,943         81,716,738    (4)     91,672,681 



(A)Derived from the Company’s unaudited consolidated statements of comprehensive loss of the Company for the six months ended June 30, 2024.


(B)Derived from the unaudited consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive loss for the six months ended June 30, 2024 of Amber DWM Holding Limited.


(1)Reflects the unaudited consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive loss for the six months ended June 30, 2024 for WFTL Contract Assignment.


(2)To eliminate the intercompany transactions between Amber DWM Holding Limited and WFTL Contract Assignment.


(3)To exclude the discontinued operations in the Company.


(4)The calculation of weighted average shares outstanding for basic and diluted net loss per share assumes that the business combination occurred as of the earliest period presented. In addition, as the Business Combination is being reflected as if it had occurred on this date, the calculation of weighted average shares outstanding for basic and diluted net loss per share assumes that the shares have been outstanding for the entire period presented. This calculation is retroactively adjusted to eliminate the number of shares redeemed in the Business Combinations for the entire period.




The following summarizes the number of Company Ordinary Shares outstanding (in ADS) at the Closing Date:


   Actual Ownership 
Weighted average shares calculation, basic and diluted in ADS     
The Company's outstanding shares   9,955,943 
Shares issued to Amber DWM's shareholders in Business Combination   81,716,738 
Weighted average shares for EPS calculation, basic and diluted in ADS   91,672,681 
Percentage of shares owned by existing shareholders of Amber DWM   89%
Percentage of shares owned by existing holders of the Company   11%


(5)Reflect the transaction costs expected to be incurred by the Company, for legal, Merger & Acquisition consulting fee, accounting, advisory, and printing fees incurred as part of the Business Combination.


(6)Represents the change in fair value of a related party loan during the fiscal year. The related party loan is in cryptocurrency, unsecured, bearing interest at 3.00% per annum and repayable in 12 months term. It would be waived by the related party prior to the Merger.




The following table sets forth summary historical comparative share information for the Company and Amber DWM, respectively, and unaudited pro forma condensed combined per share information after giving effect to the Business Combination and other events contemplated by the Business Combination Agreement presented under ordinary shares outstanding at the Closing Date:


The net loss per share calculated using the historical weighted average shares outstanding, and the issuance of additional shares in connection with the Business Combination, assuming the shares were outstanding since June 30, 2024.


This information is only a summary and be read in conjunction with the historical financial statements of the Company and Amber DWM and related notes that are included elsewhere in this report. The unaudited pro forma combined per share information of the Company and Amber DWM is derived from, and should be read in conjunction with, the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements and related notes included elsewhere in this report.


The unaudited pro forma combined loss per share information below does not purport to represent the earnings per share which would have occurred had the companies been combined during the period presented, nor earnings per share for any future date or period. The unaudited pro forma combined book value per share information below does not purport to represent what the value of the Company and Amber DWM would have been had the companies been combined during the period presented.


December 31, 2023  Amber DWM
Holding Limited
   The Company   Pro Forma
Net loss from continuing operations attributable to ordinary shareholders (US$'000)   (12,829)   (13,216)   (27,128)
Shareholder's equity (US$'000)   (3,800)   37,125    53,297 
Book value per ADS - basic and diluted (US$)   (0.05)   3.63    0.58 
Basic and diluted weighted average shares outstanding in ADS   81,716,738    10,223,660    91,940,398 
Basic and diluted net loss per share in ADS (US$)   (0.16)   (1.29)   (0.30)



(1)      Book value per share = total equity/common shares outstanding in ADS


June 30, 2024  Amber DWM
Holding Limited
   The Company   Pro Forma
Net loss from continuing operations attributable to ordinary shareholders (US$'000)   (11,085)   (1,158)   (11,118)
Shareholder's equity (US$'000)   (4,384)   31,858    56,216 
Book value per ADS - basic and diluted (US$)   (0.05)   3.20    0.61 
Basic and diluted weighted average shares outstanding in ADS   81,716,738    9,955,943    91,672,681 
Basic and diluted net loss per share in ADS (US$)   (0.14)   (0.12)   (0.12)



(1)      Book value per share = total equity/common shares outstanding in ADS