纽约,纽约 10282
铀能源公司,按照内华达州法律成立的公司(“公司”),确认其与Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.的协议(本“协议”)与高盛公司(“首席经理”)以及附在本文件后面的签名页上列示的共同经理(每个称为“联合经理”以及和主要承销商一起,管理者”) 如下:
1. 定义. 本协议及任何条款协议中使用的下列术语应具有所示的含义。
「业务日」指除了星期六、星期天、美国联邦法定假日或纽约州授权或法律或其他政府行为要求关闭银行机构的任何日子。”应指除周六、周日、法定假日外的任何一天,或者法律授权或要求银行机构或信托公司在纽约市关闭的日子; 提供的, 然而为了清楚起见,银行机构或信托公司不应被认为是被法律授权或要求因 "居家令"、"避难所"、"非必要员工" 或任何其他类似命令或限制,以及因任何政府当局的指令关闭任何实体分行而必须保持关闭,只要纽约市的商业银行的电子资金转账系统(包括电汇)在该日通常对客户开放。
“信息披露文档”应指(i) 基础招股说明书,(ii) 招股说明书补充,(iii) 发行方自由书面招股说明书(如有),在本协议附表I中列明,(iv) 在相关适用时间出售的股份的公开发行价格,如条款协议中所规定,以及(v) 双方此后明确书面同意将其视为信息披露文档组成部分的任何其他自由书面招股说明书。
「Exchange Act」 是指1934年修正版的证券交易所法案;”指1934年修订的证券交易法及其下发布的委员会规则和规定。
“重大不利影响” 应具有在第3(b)节中赋予该术语的含义。
“重要许可证” 应具有在第3(t)节中赋予该术语的含义。
进行中的程序” 应具有在第3(b)节中赋予该术语的含义。
“规则 158”, “规则 164”, “规则 172”, “规则 173”, “规则 405”, “规则 415”, “规则 424”, “规则 430B“和“规则 433「指的是该法案下的规则。」
2. 股份的销售与交付本公司拟通过或向管理人(作为销售代理和/或主办方)发行和销售,在本协议的有效期限内不时提供,根据本文所述的条款,最多发行不超过最大金额(定义如下),该金额等于该数量股份中的较小者(“Shares”) 公司的普通股,每股面值$0.001(“普通股”), (a) 等于公司授权但未发行的普通股股数(减去因行使、转换或交换任何未偿还证券或其他保留自公司授权资本股票而可发行的普通股数量),(b) 等于董事会授权的股份数量或金额,或 (c) 将导致公司或股份的发行不满足使用S-3表格的资格和交易要求,包括在适用的情况下,S-3表格注册声明的一般指令I.b.6((a)、(b) 和 (d) 中的最小值,最高金额”)。尽管本协议中包含相反的规定,双方同意遵守本节2中关于根据本协议发行和销售的股份数量和总销售价格的限制将是公司的唯一责任,且管理者对此类合规性不承担任何义务。
(a) 任命管理者为销售代理;条款协议. For purposes of selling the Shares through the Managers, the Company hereby appoints the Managers as exclusive agents of the Company for the purpose of selling the Shares of the Company pursuant to this Agreement and the Managers agree to use their respective commercially reasonable efforts to sell the Shares on the terms and subject to the conditions stated herein. In using commercially reasonable efforts to sell Shares, as sales agent for the Company, each Manager will undertake such sales in a manner that is consistent with its respective normal trading and sales practices and applicable state, provincial and federal laws, rules and regulations and the rules of the Trading Market. The Company agrees that the sales of Shares hereunder shall only be effected by or through one Manager on any single given Trading Day, and the Company shall not deliver a Sales Notice (as defined below) to more than one Manager on any same Trading Day. The Company agrees that, whenever it determines to sell the Shares directly to a Manager as principal, the Company will enter into a separate agreement (each, a “条款协议)实质上与 附件I hereto, relating to such sale in accordance with Section 2 of this Agreement.
(b) 代理销售. Subject to the terms and conditions and in reliance upon the representations and warranties herein set forth, the Company will issue and agrees to sell Shares from time to time through a Manager, acting as sales agent, and each Manager agrees, severally and not jointly with the other Managers, to use its commercially reasonable efforts to sell, as sales agent for the Company, on the following terms:
(i) 股份应每日出售,或根据公司与特定经理达成的其他协议出售(该经理称为“指定经理”),在任意一天,(A) 为交易日,(B) 公司已通过电话指示指定经理(及时通过电子邮件确认)进行此类出售(“销售通知”)和(C) 公司已履行本协议第6条下的义务。公司将指定每天由指定经理销售的最大股份数量(受第2(d)条所列限制的约束)及可出售的每股最低价格。根据本协议的条款和条件,指定经理应尽商业合理的努力在特定日子内销售公司指定出售的所有股份。根据本第2(b)条出售的股份的总销售价格应为指定经理根据本第2(b)条出售的普通股价格,不包括任何券商费用或其他费用。
(ii) 公司承认并同意(A)不能保证指定经理会成功出售股份,(B) 如果由于指定经理未能根据其正常交易和销售惯例及适用法律法规使用其商业合理的努力出售该股份,指定经理对公司或任何其他人或实体不承担责任或义务,(C) 指定经理在本协议下没有义务原则性地购买股份,除非根据条款协议由指定经理与公司另行特别约定。
(iii) 公司不得授权发行和销售,且指定经理不需以商业合理的努力出售任何股份,价格不得低于公司董事会不时指定的最低价格(“董事会)或公司合法授权的委员会,或公司合法授权的官员,书面通知指定经理。公司或指定经理可以通过电话(迅速通过电子邮件确认)通知另一方,因任何原因随时暂停股票的发行; 提供的, 然而该项暂停或终止不得影响或损害各方关于在发出该通知之前所售股份的各自义务。
(iv) 指定经理可以通过法律允许的任何方法出售股票,视为《法案》第415条定义的「市场发行」,包括但不限于在交易市场直接进行的销售,以及在普通股的任何其他现有交易市场上的销售,场外交易或通过市场制造商进行的交易。指定经理还可以通过私下协商的交易出售股票,前提是指定经理在私下协商交易中获得公司的事先书面批准,如果在《招股说明书补充材料》的「分配计划」部分或为该私下协商交易提交的其他招股说明书补充材料中有如此规定。为避免疑义,每位管理者同意,单独、不与其他管理者共同承担的责任,即(i)不应在加拿大提供或出售股票,(ii)在其所知的最大可能性下,不应向其知道或有理由相信身在加拿大的人提供或出售股票,或者与加拿大的买方预先安排过的任何人,或者对任何它知道或有理由相信是代表加拿大人士的人,或对任何它知道或有理由相信打算重新提供、转售或交付股票给任何在加拿大的人或代表在加拿大的人,(ii)公司或管理者在加拿大不得直接或间接进行任何广告、招揽、行为或谈判,以促进本协议下股票的销售。尽管本协议中有任何相反规定,Eight Capital将不会在美国的交易市场或任何其他普通股的现有市场上进行股票的销售。
(v) 针对本节2(b)下的股份销售,指定经理的补偿应为2.25%的股份销售总价格的佣金(“经纪费用)。前述补偿率不适用于指定经理作为主体的情况,在这种情况下,公司可以按照相关适用时间在条款协议中约定的价格将股份出售给指定经理。扣除经纪费用和任何清算公司、执行经纪人或政府或自我监管机构就该销售征收的任何交易费用后的剩余收益应构成公司为该股份所获得的净收益(“净收益”).
(vi) 指定经理应在每个交易市场每日交易结束后,向公司提供书面确认(可以通过传真或电子邮件),确认在本节2(b)下销售的股份数量、总销售收入及公司获得的净收益,以及公司应向指定经理支付的与该销售相关的补偿。
(vii) 除非公司与指定经理另有协议,否则根据第2(b)节的股份销售结算将于美东时间上午10:00发生,在进行股份销售的日期后第一个(1ST)交易日(或作为行业惯例的常规交易提前的日子)进行(每个,称为“结算日期)。在每个结算日前的交易日,公司将或将导致其转让代理商通过将股份电子转移至指定经理或其指定人账户的方式进行交易(前提是指定经理已至少在结算日前的一个交易日向公司提供了该指定人的书面通知)至存管信托公司(“DTC通过其在保管系统中的存入和提款,或通过公司与指定经理协商一致的其他交付方式,股份在所有情况下应为可自由交易、自由转让的可注册股份,且具备良好的可交割形式。在每个结算日,指定经理将当天的净收益交付到公司指定的账户。如果公司或其过户代理(如适用)未能在结算日交付经过授权的股份,除了在本协议第7条中列出的权利和义务外,公司将:(i) 保护指定经理不受因此种违约而产生的任何损失、索赔、损害或合理的、已记录的费用(包括合理的和已记录的法律费用及开支)的影响;并且 (ii) 向指定经理支付因该违约而本应获得的任何佣金、折扣或其他补偿。
(viii) 在每个适用时间、结算日和陈述日,公司应被视为确认本协议中包含的每项声明和保证,仿佛该声明和保证是在该日期作出的,并根据需要进行修改,以涉及该日期修订的注册声明和招股说明书。指定经理在代表公司销售股份时的任何义务,应以公司在此处的声明和保证的持续准确性、公司履行其在此的义务以及在本协议第6条中规定的额外条件的持续满足为条件。
(c) 期限销售. 如果公司希望根据本协议出售股份,但不按照本协议第2(b)条的规定(各称为“定向增发”), the Company will notify the Designated Manager of the proposed terms of such Placement. If the Designated Manager, acting as principal, wishes to accept such proposed terms (which it may decline to do for any reason in its sole discretion) or, following discussions with the Company wishes to accept amended terms, the Designated Manager and the Company will enter into a Terms Agreement setting forth the terms of such Placement. The terms set forth in a Terms Agreement will not be binding on the Company or the Designated Manager unless and until the Company and the Designated Manager have each executed such Terms Agreement accepting all of the terms of such Terms Agreement. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the terms of a Terms Agreement, the terms of such Terms Agreement will control. A Terms Agreement may also specify certain provisions relating to the reoffering of such Shares by the Designated Manager. The commitment of the Designated Manager to purchase the Shares pursuant to any Terms Agreement shall be deemed to have been made on the basis of the representations and warranties of the Company herein contained and shall be subject to the terms and conditions herein set forth. Each Terms Agreement shall specify the number of the Shares to be purchased by the Designated Manager pursuant thereto, the price to be paid to the Company for such Shares, any provisions relating to rights of, and default by, underwriters acting together with the Designated Manager in the reoffering of the Shares, and the time and date (each such time and date being referred to herein as a “交货时间”) and place of delivery of and payment for such Shares. Such Terms Agreement shall also specify any requirements for opinions of counsel, accountants’ letters and officers’ certificates pursuant to Section 6 of this Agreement and any other information or documents required by the Designated Manager.
(d) 最多股份数量. Under no circumstances shall the Company cause or request the offer or sale of any Shares pursuant to this Agreement at a price lower than the minimum price authorized from time to time by the Company’s board of directors, a duly authorized committee thereof or a duly authorized executive committee, and notified to the Managers in writing. Further, under no circumstances shall the Company cause or permit the aggregate offering amount of Shares sold pursuant to this Agreement to exceed the Maximum Amount.
(e) Regulation m通知. 普通股为「活跃交易证券」,根据《交易法》中的《规则101》由该规则的子条款(c)(1)免于适用。如未满足《交易法》中的《规则101(c)(1)》所规定的例外条款,公司应提前至少一个工作日通知指定经理其出售任何股份的意图,以便指定经理有时间遵循《规则m》。
(f)黑暗期. 公司不得请求出售任何股份,而指定经理也无义务出售任何股份,除非在本协议所述的进一步限制和公司与指定经理共同达成的协议的基础上,在以下情况下:(i) 在公司内部交易政策禁止任何公司高管或董事购买或出售任何股份的期间,以及 (ii) 从公司公布其收益、营业收入或其他运营结果(每项称为“收益公告)开始,直至公司提交文件后的24小时内(称为“提交时间”) 提交季度报告(表格10-Q)或年度报告(表格10-K),包括截至该盈利公告所涵盖的同一期间或时期的合并基本报表,或者(iii)在公司处于或可能被视为拥有重要非公开信息的任何其他期间内。
3. 保证和承诺公司向每位管理人员在执行时以及在各个时间重申或视为根据本协议作出以下陈述和保证,具体情况如下或在注册声明、招股说明书或纳入文件中规定。
(a) 子公司所有直接或间接的子公司(分别为“”),均详列于公司最近一份提交给证券交易委员会的年度报告10-K的展示表21.1中。公司直接或间接拥有每个子公司的全部股本或其他权益,且无任何“”,如本协议之定义(即抵押、贷款、质权、先买权、优先认股权或其他限制)的限制。每个子公司已发行的股份均有效发行,全部付清,且无优先认股权或类似购买证券的权利。子公司公司的注册信息详见公司最近提交给委员会的10-K表格年度报告的第21.1号展览。公司直接或间接拥有所有子公司的所有资本股票或其他股权利益,且没有任何“留置权(在本协议中应指担保、收费、担保权益、负担、优先购买权、优先权或其他限制),并且每个子公司已发行和流通的资本股票均合法发行且已全额支付,无须评估,且不受优先权和类似权利的限制,以认购或购买证券。
(b) 组织和资格公司及每个子公司均为根据其注册或组织所在法域的法律正式成立或以其他方式组织的实体,合法存在且处于良好状态,具备拥有和使用其财产和资产的必要权力和能力,并能够按照当前经营的业务开展活动。公司及任何子公司均未违反或违约其各自的公司章程、章程细则或其他组织文件。公司及子公司均已正式取得在每个其开展的业务性质或所拥有财产的法域内进行业务所需的资格,并处于良好状态,除非未能取得资格或未处于良好状态的情况是在合理预期范围之外,导致的结果不会对本协议的合法性、有效性或可执行性产生实质性不利影响(任何(i)、(ii)或(iii)之中的任何一项,重大不利影响”) and no “进行中在任何此类管辖区内,已对任何行动、索赔、诉讼、调查或程序(包括但不限于部分程序,如证词)进行的任何(无论是已启动还是威胁)已被提出,撤销、限制或削减,或试图撤销、限制或削减该权力和权限或资格。
(c) Authorization and Enforcement公司拥有进入和完成本协议所涉及交易的必要公司权力和权限,并进一步履行其在此的义务。公司对本协议的签署和交付以及其完成所涉及交易的行为已经得到公司必要行动的完全授权,并且公司、董事会或其股东在此事宜上无需进一步采取行动,除了与所需批准相关的内容外。本协议已由公司正式签署和交付,构成公司在其条款下可强制执行的有效且具约束力的义务,但(i)受一般公平原则和适用的破产、无力偿债、重组、延期和其他普遍适用法律影响的债权人权利的强制执行所限,(ii)受与特定履行、禁令救济或其他公平救济的可用性相关的法律的限制,以及(iii)在适用法律可能限制赔偿和贡献条款的范围内。
(d) 无冲突公司对本协议的签署、交付和履行、股份的发行和销售以及公司完成本文所涉及的其他交易不会(i)与公司或任何子公司的证书或章程、章程细则或其他组织或章程文件的任何条款冲突或违反,或(ii)与任何协议、信贷设施、债务或其他文件(证明公司或子公司的债务或其他)产生任何留置权,或赋予他人任何终止、修订、加速或取消的权利(无论是否通知、时间延迟或两者兼有),或(iii)在所需批准的情况下,违反或导致任何法律、规则、规章、命令、判决、禁令、裁定或任何法院或政府机构的其他限制(包括联邦和州的证券法律和规章)与公司或子公司所受限制的情况,包括本公司或任何子公司的任何财产或资产。除非在每个(ii)和(iii)条款的情况下,不能合理预期会导致重大不利影响。
(e) 备案、同意和批准。 公司不需要获得任何法院或其他联邦、州、地方或其他政府机关或其他「个人」(定义为个人或公司、合伙企业、信托、法人或非法人协会、合资企业、有限责任公司、股份公司、政府(或其机构或下属机构)或任何其他实体,包括交易市场)的同意、豁免、授权或命令,或向其提供任何通知,或进行任何申报或登记,以执行、交付和履行本协议,除以下情况外:(i) 本协议要求的申报,(ii) 向委员会提交的招股说明书补充文件的申报,(iii) 向交易市场提交申请并获得批准以在规定的时间和方式上市交易股票,(iv) 根据适用州证券法和金融业监管局的规则和法规要求进行的该等申报。FINRA与此相关的“所需的批准”).
(f)股票发行. The Shares are duly authorized and, when issued and paid for in accordance with this Agreement, will be duly and validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable, free and clear of all Liens imposed by the Company. The Company has reserved from its duly authorized capital stock the maximum number of shares of Common Stock issuable pursuant to this Agreement. The issuance by the Company of the Shares has been registered under the Act and all of the Shares are freely transferable and tradable by the purchasers thereof without restriction (other than any restrictions arising solely from an act or omission of such a purchaser). The Shares are being issued pursuant to the Registration Statement and the issuance of the Shares has been registered by the Company under the Act. The “分销计划” section within the Registration Statement permits the issuance and sale of the Shares as contemplated by this Agreement. Upon receipt of the Shares, the purchasers of such Shares will have good and marketable title to such Shares and the Shares will be freely tradable on the Trading Market.
(g) 资本化. The capitalization of the Company is as set forth in the Registration Statement, the Base Prospectus, the Prospectus Supplement and the Prospectus. The Company has not issued any capital stock since its most recently filed periodic report under the Exchange Act, other than pursuant to the exercise of employee stock options under the Company’s stock option plans, the issuance of shares of Common Stock to employees pursuant to the Company’s employee stock purchase plan and pursuant to the conversion or exercise of securities exercisable, exchangeable or convertible into Common Stock (“普通股等价物”). No Person has any right of first refusal, preemptive right, right of participation, or any similar right to participate in the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Except (i) pursuant to the Company’s stock option plans and (ii) pursuant to agreements or instruments filed as exhibits to Incorporated Documents, there are no outstanding options, Warrants, scrip rights to subscribe to, calls or commitments of any character whatsoever relating to, or securities, rights or obligations convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for, or giving any Person any right to subscribe for or acquire, any shares of Common Stock, or contracts, commitments, understandings or arrangements by which the Company or any Subsidiary is or may become bound to issue additional shares of Common Stock or Common Stock Equivalents. The issuance and sale of the Shares will not obligate the Company to issue shares of Common Stock or other securities to any Person and will not result in a right of any holder of Company securities to adjust the exercise, conversion, exchange or reset price under such securities. All of the outstanding shares of capital stock of the Company are validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable, have been issued in compliance with all federal and state securities laws, and none of such outstanding shares was issued in violation of any preemptive rights or similar rights to subscribe for or purchase securities. There are no stockholders agreements, voting agreements or other similar agreements with respect to the Company’s capital stock to which the Company is a party or, to the knowledge of the Company, between or among any of the Company’s stockholders.
(h) 注册声明该公司符合根据《法案》使用表格 S-3ASR 的要求,并已向委员会提交并备案了注册声明,包括相关的基本招募说明书,以在《法案》下注册股票的发行和销售。该公司已支付或将在任何结算日期之前支付与注册声明相关的必要备案费用。该注册声明自本日以来有效并可供股票的发行和销售使用。根据提交的情况,基本招募说明书包含《法案》及其规则要求的所有信息,除非首席经理书面同意进行修改,否则在实质上应与执行时间之前提交给首席经理的版本一致。在执行时间、每次重复或被视为作出的情况下,以及在《法案》要求交付的招募说明书的所有时间段内(无论是以实物交付还是通过遵守规则 172、173 或任何类似规则)与股票的任何发行或销售相关,注册声明均符合规则 415(a)(1)(x) 中规定的要求。注册声明的初始有效日期不得早于执行时间前的三年日期。
(i) 已纳入文件的准确性在与委员会提交时,合并文件在所有重要方面均符合《交易法》及其规则的要求,且在其与委员会提交时,合并文件未包含任何关于重要事实的不实陈述,也未遗漏任何在作出陈述的情况下使其内容不具有误导性的必要重要事实;而且任何此后提交并在注册声明、基本招募说明书、招募说明书补充或招募说明书中引用的进一步文件,当此类文件向委员会提交时,将在所有重要方面符合《交易法》及其适用规则的要求,并且不会包含任何关于重要事实的不实陈述或遗漏任何在作出陈述的情况下使其内容不具有误导性的必要重要事实。
(j) 不合格发行人在提交登记声明后的最早时间, 公司或其他发行参与者作出真实的股份报价(根据规则164(h)(2)的定义),以及在执行时间及每个时间重复或 deemed 进行此陈述(以此日期作为第二条款的确定日期),公司在此之前不是且现在也不是不合格的发行人(根据规则405的定义),不考虑委员会根据规则405的判定, 公司不必被视为不合格的发行人。
(k) 自由写作说明书公司有资格使用发行人自由书写招股说明书。每份发行人自由书写招股说明书未包含任何与登记声明、任何并入的文件及未被取代或修订的任何招股说明书补充中所包含的信息相冲突的实质信息;且每份发行人自由书写招股说明书未包含任何虚假的重大事实声明,也未遗漏任何必要的重大事实,以使其中的声明在其作出的情况下不具有误导性。上述句子不适用于基于并符合管理者专门为此提供给公司的书面信息而在任何发行人自由书写招股说明书中的声明或遗漏。公司根据规则433(d)所需提交的任何发行人自由书写招股说明书,已根据法律及其下规则的要求,已向委员会提交或将提交。公司已提交或根据规则433(d)所需提交,或由公司准备或使用的每份发行人自由书写招股说明书在所有重要方面符合法律及其下规则的要求。未经首席管理者的事先同意,公司不得准备、使用或提及任何发行人自由书写招股说明书。
(l) 与注册声明相关的程序注册声明不是根据《法案》第8(d)或8(e)条款的待审查程序或检查的主题,且公司不是因发行股份而根据《法案》第8A条款的待审查程序的主题。公司没有收到任何通知,表明委员会已发布或打算发布与注册声明有关的停止命令,或者委员会以其他方式暂时或永久吊销或撤回注册声明的有效性,或打算或已书面威胁要这样做。
(m) SEC报告公司在所有重要方面已遵守根据《法案》和《交易法》要求提交所有报告、计划、表格、声明及其他文件的要求,包括根据第13(a)或15(d)条款,提交截止日期在本文件日期之前的两年期间内(或公司依法要求提交此类材料的较短期限)(上述材料,包括相关展品和引用的文件,在此统称为“SEC报告”)及时提交,或者已获得有效的延长期并在任何此类延期到期之前提交了任何此类SEC报告。
(n) 基本报表. 根据注册地址、招股说明书或合并文件中引用的合并财务报表及其任何修正或补充内容,均在所有重要方面遵守适用的会计要求及委员会当时有效的相关规则和规定,或在后续提交中修订或更正。该财务报表按照美国公认会计原则编制,并在所涉及期间保持一致(“一般公认会计原则(GAAP))除非在该财务报表或相关附注中另有说明,且未经审计的财务报表可能并不包含GAAP所要求的所有附注,并在所有重要方面公正地反映了公司及其合并子公司截至该日期的财务状况及各期结束时的运营结果和现金流情况。但在未审计报表的情况下,须遵循正常的、不重要的年末审计调整。
(o) 会计师. 公司的会计师事务所是普华永道会计师事务所。根据公司的了解,该会计师事务所预计将就公司下一份10-K表格年度报告中包含的财务报表发表意见,且该事务所是根据《法案》要求注册的公共会计师事务所。
(p) 重要的不利事件. Since the date of the latest audited financial statements included within the SEC Reports, except as specifically disclosed in a subsequent SEC Report filed prior to the date hereof, (i) there has been no event, occurrence or development that has had or that could reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect, (ii) the Company has not incurred any liabilities (contingent or otherwise) other than (A) trade payables and accrued expenses incurred in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice and (B) liabilities not required to be reflected in the Company’s financial statements pursuant to GAAP or required to be disclosed in filings made with the Commission, (iii) the Company has not altered its method of accounting, (iv) the Company has not declared or made any dividend or distribution of cash or other property to its stockholders or purchased, redeemed or made any agreements to purchase or redeem any shares of its capital stock and (v) the Company has not issued any equity securities to any officer, director or “附属公司” (defined as any Person that, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by or is under common control with a Person, as such terms are used in and construed under Rule 144 under the Act), except pursuant to existing Company stock option plans. The Company does not have pending before the Commission any request for confidential treatment of information. No event, liability or development has occurred or exists with respect to the Company or its Subsidiaries or their respective business, properties, operations or financial condition, that would be required to be disclosed by the Company under applicable securities laws at the time this representation is deemed made that has not been publicly disclosed at least 1 Trading Day prior to the date that this representation is deemed made.
(q) 诉讼. There is no action, suit, inquiry, notice of violation, Proceeding or investigation pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened against or affecting the Company, any Subsidiary or any of their respective properties before or by any court, arbitrator, governmental or administrative agency or regulatory authority (federal, state, county, local or foreign) (collectively, an “行动不利于或挑战本协议或股份的合法性、有效性或可执行性,或如果发生不利裁决,可能合理预期会导致重大不利影响的任何行动。公司及其任何子公司,亦或根据公司的知识,任何董事或高管,均未成为涉及违反联邦或州证券法或违反信托责任的任何诉讼的对象。公司所知,尚未有关于公司或其任何现任或前任董事、高管的调查悬而未决或预期。委员会未对公司或任何子公司根据《交易法》或《法案》提交的任何登记声明发布停止命令或其他暂停其有效性的命令。
(r) Labor Relations目前没有重大劳动争议存在,或者根据公司的知识,关于公司任何员工的重大劳动争议也并没有迫在眉睫,这可能合理地被预期会导致重大不利影响。公司的或其子公司的员工均不属于与其在公司或子公司关系相关的工会,且公司及其任何子公司也没有参与任何集体谈判协议。公司及其子公司相信与员工的关系良好。公司所知,任何高管都没有违反任何雇佣合同、保密、披露或专有信息协议、竞业禁止协议或任何其他合同或协议或任何限制性契约,而继续雇用每位这样的高管并不会使公司或其任何子公司在上述事项中承担任何责任。公司及其子公司遵守所有美国联邦、州、地方和外国关于雇佣和雇佣实践、雇佣条款及条件以及工资和工作时间的法律法规,除非未能遵守可能在个别或总体上合理预期不会产生重大不利影响。
(s) 不存在现有违约. 公司及其任何子公司(i)未违约或违反(且并没有未被放弃的事件发生,它在通知或时间的推移或两者作用下,会导致公司或任何子公司违约),且公司或任何子公司未收到关于自身违约或违反的索赔通知,任何契约、贷款或信贷协议或其作为当事方的任何其他协议或文书(无论此类违约或违反是否已被放弃),(ii)未违反任何法院、仲裁者或政府机构的命令,或(iii)未或一直未违反任何政府当局的法规、规则或规定,包括但不限于所有与税务、环境保护、职业健康与安全、产品质量与安全以及就业和劳工事务相关的外部、联邦、州和地方法律,除非在每种情况下不太可能合理预期将产生重大不利影响。
(t) 监管许可证. 公司及子公司拥有适当的联邦、州、地方或外国监管机构发放的所有证书、授权和许可,以开展注册声明、基本招股说明书、任何招股说明书补充或招股说明书中所描述的各自业务,除非未能拥有此类许可证不太可能合理预期将产生重大不利影响(“重要许可证)公司及其任何子公司均未收到关于撤销或修改任何重要许可证的程序通知。
(u) 资产标题. The Company and the Subsidiaries have good and marketable title to all real property owned by them that is material to the business of the Company and the Subsidiaries and good and marketable title in all personal property owned by them that is material to the business of the Company and the Subsidiaries, in each case free and clear of all Liens, except for Liens as do not materially affect the value of such property and do not materially interfere with the use made and proposed to be made of such property by the Company and the Subsidiaries and Liens for the payment of federal, state or other taxes, the payment of which is neither delinquent nor subject to penalties. The Palangana Mine, the Palangana Project, the Burke Hollow Project, the Goliad Project, the Salvo Project, the Yuty Project, the Anderson Project, the Reno Creek Project, and the Irigaray Project, which includes the Christensen Ranch Project, the Moore Ranch Project, the Ludeman Project, the Allemand-Ross Project, the Barge Project, the Jab-West Jab Project, the Charlie Project, the Nine Mile Lake Project, the Red Rim Project, the Clarkson Hill Project, the Roughrider Project, the Shea Creek Project, the Raven-Horseshoe Project, and the Christie Lake Project, each as described or included or incorporated by reference in the Prospectus (collectively, the “Material Properties”) are the only resource properties currently material to the Company in which the Company or the Subsidiaries have an interest; the Company or through the Subsidiaries, hold either freehold title, mining leases, mining concessions, mining claims, exploration permits, prospecting permits or participant interests or other conventional property or proprietary interests or rights, recognized in the jurisdiction in which the Material Properties are located, in respect of the ore bodies and minerals located on the Material Properties in which the Company (through the applicable Subsidiary) has an interest under valid, subsisting and enforceable title documents or other recognized and enforceable agreements, contracts, arrangements or understandings, sufficient to permit the Company (through the applicable Subsidiary) to explore for and exploit the minerals relating thereto; all leases or claims and permits relating to the Material Properties in which the Company (through the applicable Subsidiary) has an interest or right have been validly located and recorded in accordance with all applicable laws and are valid and subsisting; except as disclosed in the Prospectus, the Company (through the applicable Subsidiary) has all necessary surface rights, access rights and other necessary rights and interests relating to the Material Property in which the Company (through the applicable Subsidiary) has an interest granting the Company (through the applicable Subsidiary) the right and ability to explore for and exploit minerals, ore and metals for development and production purposes as are appropriate in view of the rights and interest therein of the Company or the applicable Subsidiary, with only such exceptions as do not materially interfere with the current use made by the Company or the applicable Subsidiary of the rights or interest so held, and each of the proprietary interests or rights and each of the agreements, contracts, arrangements or understandings and obligations relating thereto referred to above is currently in good standing in all respects in the name of the Company or the applicable Subsidiary; except as disclosed in the Prospectus, the Company and the Subsidiaries do not have any responsibility or obligation to pay any commission, royalty, license, fee or similar payment to any person with respect to the property rights thereof, except where such fee or payment would not have a Material Adverse Effect, either individually or in the aggregate;
(i) |
公司或适用的子公司持有在招股说明书中描述的实质性财产的直接权益(“项目权利”),根据有效、持续和可强制执行的协议或文书,所有与项目权利相关的协议和文书都根据其条款有效且持续,并可强制执行,除非(A)受到一般公平原则以及适用的破产、无力偿债、重组、暂缓和其他影响债权人权利执行的一般适用法律的限制,(B)受到与特定履行、禁令救济或其他公平救济的可用性相关法律的限制,以及(C)在适用法律的范围内,赔偿和贡献条款可能受到限制; |
(ii) |
公司及其子公司已识别出所有实质性许可证、证书和批准(统称为“许可证”),这些许可证是在实质性财产的勘探、开发和最终实际运营中需要的,这些许可证包括但不限于环境评估证书、水许可证、土地租赁、重新划分或区域变更和其他必要的地方、州和联邦批准;并且,除非在招股说明书中披露,否则适当的许可证已经收到、申请或公司或适用的子公司已开始获得这些许可证的程序;并且,除非在招股说明书中披露,公司或适用的子公司不知有任何问题或理由认为这些许可证不应在正常情况下予以批准和获得; |
(iii) |
为维护公司及适用子公司在其各自权益中的实质性采矿权利所需执行的所有评估或其他工作,截至目前已完成,并且,除非在招股说明书中披露,公司及适用子公司在这方面已在所有实质性方面遵守所有适用的法律以及对第三方的法律和合同义务,但不包括公司及适用子公司打算放弃或放弃的采矿权利,以及不符合条件的情况,这种不符合情况单独或合计不会对实质性产生不利影响;截至本协议日期,所有这些采矿权利均在所有方面保持良好状态; |
(iv) |
除在招股说明书中披露、包含或引述的内容外,公司的矿业及其子公司(包括但不限于重要资产)在各方面都遵循良好的矿业和工程实践进行开采,并且已遵守所有适用的工人赔偿、健康和安全以及工作场所的法律、法规和政策;并且 |
(v) |
除在招股说明书中披露、包含或引述的内容外,除持续进行的由公司或其子公司进行的常规评估外,未对公司或其子公司进行任何环境审计、评估、评估、研究或测试。 |
(v) 知识产权公司及其子公司拥有或有权使用与其各自的业务相关的所有专利、专利申请、商标、商标申请、服务标志、商品名称、商业秘密、发明、版权、许可证以及其他类似的知识产权,这些权利在注册声明、基本招股说明书、任何招股说明书补充文件或招股说明书中描述,且如果未能拥有这些权利,合理预期会对其产生重大不利影响(统称为“知识产权权利”)。自最新审计的财务报表包含在SEC报告中以来,公司或任何子公司未收到任何通知(书面或其他形式),指称其知识产权侵犯或侵犯任何人的权利,除了不会产生对其产生重大不利影响的情况。根据公司的了解,所有这些知识产权都是可执行的(专利和商标申请除外),且不存在他人对任何知识产权的现有侵权。公司及其子公司采取了合理的安全措施,以保护其所有知识产权的机密性、保密性和价值,除非不采取这些措施在个别或总体上合理预期不会产生重大不利影响。
(w) 保险公司及其子公司已向具有公认财务责任的保险公司投保,投保额度符合与公司及其子公司从事的业务同类公司在合理和惯例的情况下所应有的损失和风险,包括但不限于董事及高级职员保险。根据公司的了解,这些保险合同和政策是准确和完整的。公司或任何子公司没有理由相信,在现有保险到期时将无法续保,或无法从类似的保险公司获得必要的类似保险,以继续其业务而不显著增加成本。
(x) 附属交易除非在注册声明、基本招股书、任何招股说明书补充或招股说明书中另有规定,公司及其管理层和董事、根据公司的了解,公司目前的员工均不参与与公司或任何子公司的任何交易(除作为员工、管理层和董事提供服务外),包括任何合同、协议或其他安排,提供服务、租赁不动产或动产、借款、放贷或其他任何涉及向任何高级职员、董事或该员工的支付情况,或根据公司的了解与任何高级职员、董事或此类员工有重大利益关系或担任高级职员、董事、受托人或合伙人的任何实体的支付情况,所有这些情况的金额均超过120,000美元,除(i)支付为提供服务而得的工资或咨询费,(ii) 为公司所发生的费用提供报销,以及 (iii) 其他员工福利,包括公司任何股票期权计划下的股票期权协议。
(y) 萨班斯·奥克斯利合规除注册声明、基本招股说明书、任何招股说明书补充或招股说明书中披露的信息外,截止生效日期,公司在所有适用的《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002)》条款中均遵守重要规定。公司及其子公司维持一个内部会计控制系统,能够提供合理的保证,以确保:(i) 交易按照管理层的一般或特定授权执行,(ii) 交易的记录符合GAAP的财务报表准备要求,并维护资产的可追溯性,(iii) 资产的访问仅在管理层的一般或特定授权下允许,以及(iv) 对资产的记录责任与现有资产在合理间隔内进行比较,并对任何差异采取适当措施。公司已建立披露控制和程序(根据交易法第13a-15(e)和15d-15(e)条的定义),并设计了这些披露控制和程序,以确保在公司所提交或提交的报告中,依法必须披露的信息能够在证券委员会规定的时间内被记录、处理、汇总和报告。公司的认证官员已对公司最近提交的年报第10-k表格涵盖期间结束时的披露控制和程序的有效性进行了评估(该日期为“),公司在其最近提交的周期性报告中展示了认证官员关于披露控制和程序有效性的结论,基于他们截止评估日期的评估。自评估日期以来,公司的财务报告内部控制没有发生任何变更(该术语在交易法中被定义),这些变更对公司的财务报告内部控制产生了实质性影响,或合理可能产生实质性影响。截止评估日期,公司财务报告的内部控制是有效的,并且公司并不知晓其财务报告内部控制中存在任何重大缺陷。评估日期
(z) 寻找者’费用除对经理的支付外,公司不向任何经纪人、财务顾问、顾问、寻找者、安置代理、投资银行、银行或与本协议所涉及的交易有关的其他人支付任何经纪费、寻找者费用或佣金。对任何费用,经理不承担任何义务,亦不承担任何其他人代表或请求的与本节所述费用类型相关的任何索赔。
(aa) 没有其他的销售代理协定除非在注册声明、基本招股说明书、任何招股说明书补充文件或招股说明书中另有规定,公司未与任何代理或任何其他代表达成任何其他销售代理协议或其他类似安排,关于市场发行的股份(根据法案第415(a)(4)条的定义)。
(bb) 合规的规范M项目公司没有,也没有任何代表其行事的人,(i) 直接或间接采取任何行动,旨在导致或导致任何证券的价格稳定或操纵,以便于销售或转售任何股份,(ii) 出售、投标、购买或支付任何补偿以招揽购买任何股份,或 (iii) 向任何人支付或同意支付任何补偿以招揽他人购买公司其他证券,除了在第(ii)和(iii)条款的情况下,向指定经理支付的与股份 placement 相关的补偿。
(cc) 上市和维护要求普通股在交易市场上市,本协议所述股份的发行和销售不违反交易市场的规则和规定。普通股根据《交易法》第12(b)或12(g)条注册,公司没有采取任何旨在终止普通股根据《交易法》注册的行动,也没有收到任何通知公司正在考虑终止该注册。在本日前的12个月内,公司未收到任何交易市场的通知,通知其普通股不符合该交易市场的上市或维护要求。普通股目前有资格通过存管信托公司或其他建立的清算公司进行电子转让,公司在与该电子转让相关的费用方面处于对存管信托公司(或其他建立的清算公司)的支付现状。
(dd) 收购保护措施的适用除注册声明、基本招股说明书、任何招股说明书补充或招股说明书中所列内容外,公司及其董事会已采取一切必要措施,以使任何控股股东收购、业务合并、毒丸(包括权利协议下的任何分配)或公司章程(或类似章程文件)或其注册州法律下的其他类似反收购条款不适用于股份的购买者。
(ee) 投资公司公司不属于「投资公司」,在此次股票的发行和出售及其收益的应用生效后,也不会成为「投资公司」,此术语在1940年投资公司法修订版中有定义。
(ff) 偿付能力根据截止目前公司财务状况,(i) 公司资产的公平可售价值超过公司现有债务及其他负债(包括已知的或有负债)的偿还需求,(ii)公司的资产不构成进行当前和拟进行的业务所需的异常少的资本,包括在考虑到公司所开展业务的特定资本需求及预计资本需求和可用资本后所需的资本,(iii)公司的当前现金流以及公司在清算所有资产后,考虑到所有预期现金使用后的收益,将足以在所需时支付其负债的所有金额。在截止目前的一年内,公司不打算在其能够偿还到期债务的能力之外增加债务(考虑到债务到期时需支付的现金时间和金额)。SEC报告列出截止报告日期公司或任何子公司所有未偿还的有担保和无担保的债务,或公司或任何子公司有承诺的债务。根据本协议,负债“”应指(a) 任何借款负债或欠款超过250,000美元的金额(不包括正常业务中发生的应计负债和贸易应付款),(b) 与他人负债有关的所有担保、背书和其他或有负担,无论是否应在公司的资产负债表(或附注)中反映,除正常业务中用于存款或收款的可转让票据的担保背书或类似交易外;以及(c) 根据公认会计原则,任何租赁中超过250,000美元的租金支付的现值。公司及任何子公司均未在任何债务上违约。
(gg) 税务状态. 除了那些不单独或总计产生或合理预期产生重大不利影响的事项,公司及其每个子公司(i)已提交或归档所有必要的美国联邦及州所得税和所有外国所得以及特许税报表,并已支付或计提所有到期的税款,公司不知道对其提出或威胁的税收缺陷,也不知道其所需的任何管辖区的报告和声明,(ii)已支付所有在此等报表、报告和声明上表明或被确定到期的重大税款和其他政府评估和费用;并且(iii)已在书籍上拨备出合理充足的款项用于支付所有在此等报表、报告和声明适用期之后的重大税款。没有任何重大未支付税款被任何管辖区的税务机关声称到期,公司或任何子公司的高管对此没有任何此类索赔的基础。
(hh) 外国反腐败实践. 公司及其任何子公司,或根据公司的了解,公司的任何董事、高管、代理人、员工、关联公司或其他与公司或其任何子公司相关联的人,均未(i)直接或间接使用任何资金用于非法的捐赠、礼品、娱乐或其他非法费用(或采取任何进一步的行为),(ii)从公司资金中直接或间接向外国或国内政府官员或员工或任何外国或国内政党或竞选活动支付、承诺、授权任何非法付款,(iii)未充分披露公司所作的任何违反法律的捐赠(或任何公司知道的代其行事的人的捐赠),或(iv)在任何重大方面违反1977年《外国反腐败法》、2010年《英国反贿赂法》或任何其他适用的反贿赂或反腐败法律。
(ii) No Conflicts with Sanctions Laws. Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries, nor any director or officer of the Company or its Subsidiaries, nor, to the knowledge of the Company, any agent, employee or representative of the Company or its Subsidiaries, affiliate or other person associated with or acting on behalf of the Company or its Subsidiaries is currently the subject or target of any sanctions administered or enforced by the U.S. government (including, without limitation, the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Treasury Department or the U.S. Department of State and including, without limitation, the designation as a 「specially designated national」 or 「blocked person」), the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, His Majesty’s Treasury or other relevant sanctions authority (collectively, “制裁”), nor is the Company or any of its Subsidiaries located, organized or resident in a country or territory that is the subject or the target of Sanctions, including, without limitation, the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, or the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic or any other Covered Region of Ukraine identified pursuant to Executive Order 14065, and the Crimea region, Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria (each, a “受制裁国家”); and the Company will not directly or indirectly use the proceeds of the offering of the Shares hereunder, or lend, contribute or otherwise make available such proceeds to any subsidiary, joint venture partner or other person or entity (i) to fund or facilitate any activities of or business with any person that, at the time of such funding or facilitation, is the subject or the target of Sanctions, (ii) to fund or facilitate any activities of or business in any Sanctioned Country or (iii) in any other manner that will result in a violation by any person (including any person participating in the transaction, whether as underwriter, advisor, investor or otherwise) of Sanctions. For the past ten years, the Company and its Subsidiaries have not knowingly engaged in, are not now knowingly engaged in, and will not engage in, any dealings or transactions with any person that at the time of the dealing or transaction is or was the subject or the target of Sanctions or with any Sanctioned Country.
(jj) 遵守反洗钱法律. The operations of the Company and its Subsidiaries are and have been conducted at all times in compliance with all applicable financial recordkeeping and reporting requirements, including those of the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act of 1970, as amended, those of the Bank Secrecy Act, as amended by Title III of the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOt Act), and the applicable anti-money laundering statutes of all jurisdictions in which the Company and its subsidiaries conduct business, the rules and regulations thereunder and any related or similar rules, regulations or guidelines, issued, administered or enforced by any governmental or regulatory agency (collectively, the “反洗钱法律”), and no action, suit or proceeding by or before any court or governmental agency, authority or body or any arbitrator involving the Company or its subsidiaries with respect to the Anti-Money Laundering Laws is pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened.
(kk) 网络安全概念. (i)(x) Except as set forth in the Registration Statement, the Base Prospectus, any Prospectus Supplement or the Prospectus, there has been no security breach or other compromise of or relating to any of the Company’s information technology and computer systems, networks, hardware, software, data (including the data of its respective customers, employees, suppliers, vendors and any third party data maintained by or on behalf of it), equipment or technology (collectively, “It Systems and Data)和(y)公司未被通知,也不知道任何可能合理预期导致任何安防-半导体漏洞或其他对其信息系统和数据的妥协的事件或控件,除非在此条款(i)的情况下,个别或合计,合理预期不会导致重要不利影响;(ii)公司目前遵守所有适用的法律或法规以及任何法院、仲裁者或政府或监管机构的所有判决、命令、规则和条例,内部政策和与信息系统和数据的隐私与安全以及保护这些信息系统和数据免受未经授权使用、访问、挪用或修改的合同义务,除非在此条款(ii)的情况下,个别或合计,合理预期不会对重大不利影响产生影响;(iii)公司已实施并维持商业上合理的保障措施,以维持和保护其重要保密信息及所有信息系统和数据的完整性、连续运行、冗余和安全性;(iv)公司已实施与行业标准和实践一致的备份和灾难恢复技术。
(ll) 外国资产控制办公室公司、任何子公司,以及根据公司的了解,公司的任何董事、官员、代理、员工或与公司或任何子公司有关的关联方,目前都不受美国财政部外国资产管理办公室管理员施加的任何美国制裁。OFAC”).
(mm) FINRA成员股东在公司高管、董事或根据公司所知的任何持有公司五百分之五(5%)或更大股份的股东中,与任何FINRA会员公司没有任何关联,除非在注册声明、基本招股说明书、任何招股说明书补充文件或招股说明书中另有说明。
(nn) 披露包在执行时,每个适用时间、结算日期和陈述日期,公开披露包不包含也不会包含任何不真实的重大事实陈述或遗漏任何为了使其中的陈述在做出时的情况下不具误导性而必要的重大事实。前述句子不适用于基于并符合管理者专门提供给公司用于其中的书面信息的声明或遗漏。
(oo) 法律和文件摘要注册声明、公开披露包和招股说明书中标题为「普通股描述」的陈述,在所有重大方面都准确、完整和公正。注册声明、公开披露包和招股说明书中标题为「美国联邦所得税后果」的陈述,在所有重大方面都准确地总结了相关法规、法规或规则、法律程序、协议或文件的条款。除了那些根据其条款已到期、失效或终止的协议外,注册声明、公开披露包和招股说明书中明确提及的公司或其任何子公司与任何其他方之间的所有协议,都是公司或相关子公司与该其他方的法律、有效和有约束力的义务,依据其各自条款可强制执行,受破产、无力偿债、重组、暂缓或类似法律影响债权人权利的一般原则和一般公平原则的限制,且除非适用法律或该法律所依据的政策对其中的赔偿和贡献权利有所限制。除非在注册声明、公开披露包和招股说明书中描述的情况外,公司或其任何子公司均未发送或接收到任何通知,表明终止或有意终止在注册声明、公开披露包和招股说明书中提及、描述或引用的任何此类合同或协议,或作为注册声明的附录提交。
(pp) 统计和市场相关数据公司未发现任何原因使其认为注册声明、披露文件和招股说明书中包含的统计数据、行业相关数据和市场相关数据是基于或源自不可靠且不准确的来源。
(qq) 遵守《雇员退休收入保障法》(ERISA)除非在每种情况下,任何此类事项不会合理地预计对公司产生重大不利影响,(i) 每个「员工福利计划」(根据1974年《员工退休收入保障法》第3(3)条的定义,包括其下的规定和已发布的解释(“ERISA”)是公司或其任何成员的“控制集团“(定义为根据1986年《国内收入法》第414节修订版的规定,属于控制集团的任何组织,"代码“)将承担责任(每个“计划”) 在所有重要方面遵守所有适用的法规、规则和规定,包括ERISA和《法典》;(ii)关于每个受ERISA第IV条管辖的计划(A)没有「报告事件」(根据ERISA第4043节的定义)发生,公司或其控制集团的任何成员对其承担任何重大责任;(B)公司及其控制集团的任何成员在ERISA第IV条下没有发生或预计会发生重大责任(除向计划的缴款或支付给退休计划担保公司所需的保费外,均为正常情况下无违约的);(iii)任何受《法典》第412节或ERISA第302节管辖的计划未能满足这些条款下的最低资金标准;(iv)每个计划均旨在根据《法典》第401(a)节获得合格资格,并且没有任何通过行动或不作为导致该资格丧失的情况。
(rr)环境法律. Except in each case as otherwise disclosed in the Registration Statement, the Disclosure Package and the Prospectus and except in each case as would not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect: (i) the Company and its subsidiaries have complied with all applicable federal, state, local, foreign and international laws (including the common law), statutes, rules, regulations, orders, judgments, decrees or other legally binding requirements of any court, administrative agency or other governmental authority relating to pollution or to the protection of the environment, natural resources or human health or safety, or to the manufacture, use, generation, treatment, storage, disposal, release or threatened release of hazardous or toxic substances, pollutants, contaminants or wastes, or the arrangement for such activities (“环境法律”); (ii) the Company and its subsidiaries have obtained and complied with all permits, licenses, authorizations or other approvals required of them under Environmental Laws to conduct their respective businesses and are not subject to any action to revoke, terminate, cancel, limit or appeal any such permits, licenses, authorizations or approvals; and (iii) none of the Company or any of its subsidiaries has received written notice of or is otherwise subject to any pending or threatened claim, or has any cost or liability under Environmental Laws in respect of its past or present business, operations (including the disposal of hazardous substances at any off-site location), facilities or real property (whether owned, leased or operated) or on account of any predecessor or any person whose liability under any Environmental Laws it has agreed to assume; and the Company is not aware of any facts or conditions that could reasonably be expected to give rise to any such claim, cost or liability. Except in each case as otherwise disclosed in the Registration Statement, the Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, none of the Company or any of its subsidiaries is aware of any facts or issues relating to compliance with Environmental Laws that would reasonably be expected to have a material effect on their capital expenditures, earnings or competitive position or is a party to any judicial or administrative proceeding (including a notice of violation) under any Environmental Laws to which a governmental authority is also a party and which involves potential monetary sanctions, unless it could reasonably be expected that such proceeding will result in monetary sanctions of less than $300,000, or which is otherwise material, and no such proceeding has, to the Company’s knowledge, been threatened in writing or is known by the Company to be contemplated.
(ss) 对分红的限制除非在注册声明、披露文件和招股说明书中披露,否则公司的任何子公司均不得直接或间接禁止或限制向公司或公司的任何其他子公司支付分红,或以其他方式分配该子公司的股本证券,或向公司或公司的任何其他子公司偿还可能会不时到期的贷款或预付款项,或将任何财产或资产转移给公司或公司的任何其他子公司。
(tt) 展品的准确性根据《证券法》需要在招股说明书中描述或作为注册声明的附录提交的合同或其他文件,以及根据《交易法》需要作为招股说明书中引用文件的附录提交的合同或其他文件,并未在招股说明书中描述或作为注册声明的附录提交。
(uu) XBRL. 根据注册声明中引用的可扩展商业报告语言,互动数据在所有重大方面准确呈现所要求的信息,并已按照委员会适用的规则和指导方针编制。
4. 协议. 公司与每位经理达成一致:
(a) 审核注册声明和招股说明书的修订和补充的权利. 在任何需要交付与股票相关的招股说明书的期间(包括在依据第172、173条规则或任何类似规则可以满足该要求的情况下),公司在与股票的发行或销售相关的情况下,不会提交对注册声明的任何修订或补充(包括任何招股说明书补充),除非公司在提交之前已向主承销商提供了其审阅的副本,并且不会提交主承销商合理反对的任何修订或补充。公司将确保在生效时间后提交的任何招股说明书补充都得到妥善完成,以主承销商批准的形式,并将根据第424(b)条的适用段落在规定的时间内向委员会提交该补充,并提供主承销商合理满意的该及时提交的证据。公司将及时通知经理们(i)招股说明书及其任何补充(如需要)已提交给委员会,符合第424(b)条的要求,(ii) 在任何需要根据法案交付招股说明书(无论是以实物方式还是通过符合第172、173条规则或任何类似规则)与股票的发行或销售相关的期间内,注册声明的任何修订已提交或生效(不包括根据《交易法》第13(a)或15(d)提交的公司的年度报告),(iii) 委员会或其工作人员对注册声明的任何修订或招股说明书的任何补充或任何额外信息的请求,(iv) 委员会颁发的停止令悬挂注册声明的生效,或对其使用提出异议的通知,或为了该目的启动或威胁任何程序,以及(v) 公司收到的关于在任何司法管辖区暂停股票销售资格的通知,或为此目的启动或威胁的任何程序。公司将尽最大努力防止任何此类停止令的发布或任何此类暂停或对注册声明使用的异议的发生,并在发生、出现或提出异议后,尽快获得此类停止令的撤销或对此类情况或异议的解除,包括必要时通过修改注册声明或提交新的注册声明,并尽最大努力使该修订或新注册声明尽快生效。
(b) 后续事件. If, at any time on or after an Applicable Time but prior to the related Settlement Date, any event occurs as a result of which the Registration Statement or Prospectus would include any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact necessary to make the statements therein in the light of the circumstances under which they were made or the circumstances then prevailing not misleading, the Company will (i) notify promptly the Managers so that any use of the Registration Statement or Prospectus may cease until such are amended or supplemented; (ii) amend or supplement the Registration Statement or Prospectus to correct such statement or omission; and (iii) supply any amendment or supplement to the Managers in such quantities as the Managers may reasonably request.
(c) 后续备案通知. During any period when the delivery of a prospectus relating to the Shares is required (including in circumstances where such requirement may be satisfied pursuant to Rule 172, 173 or any similar rule) to be delivered under the Act, any event occurs as a result of which the Prospectus as then supplemented would include any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact necessary to make the statements therein in the light of the circumstances under which they were made not misleading, or if it shall be necessary to amend the Registration Statement, file a new registration statement or supplement the Prospectus to comply with the Act or the Exchange Act or the respective rules thereunder, including in connection with use or delivery of the Prospectus, the Company promptly will (i) notify the Managers of any such event, (ii) subject to Section 4(a), prepare and file with the Commission an amendment or supplement or new registration statement which will correct such statement or omission or effect such compliance, (iii) use its best efforts to have any amendment to the Registration Statement or new registration statement declared effective as soon as practicable in order to avoid any disruption in use of the Prospectus and (iv) supply any supplemented Prospectus to the Managers in such quantities as the Managers may reasonably request.
(d) 盈利报表公司将在可行的情况下,向其证券持有者和管理者提供符合《证券法》第11(a)节和规则158规定的公司及其子公司的收益声明或声明。
(e) 注册声明的交付在管理者的要求下,公司将向该管理者及其顾问提供无需收费的签署版注册声明(包括附属文件),并在法律要求该管理者或经销商交付招股说明书的情况下(包括在可以根据规则172、173或任何类似规则满足该要求的情况下),提供该管理者合理要求的尽可能多的招股说明书、每个发行人免费书面招股说明书及其任何补充文件。公司将支付与该发行相关的所有文件的印刷或其他制作费用。
(g) 自由写作说明书. The Company agrees that, unless it has or shall have obtained the prior written consent of the Lead Manager, and the Lead Manager agrees with the Company that, unless it has or shall have obtained, as the case may be, the prior written consent of the Company, it has not made and will not make any offer relating to the Shares that would constitute an Issuer Free Writing Prospectus or that would otherwise constitute a 「free writing prospectus」 (as defined in Rule 405) required to be filed by the Company with the Commission or retained by the Company under Rule 433. Any such free writing prospectus consented to by the Lead Manager or the Company is hereinafter referred to as a “允许的自由书面招股说明书.” The Company agrees that (i) it has treated and will treat, as the case may be, each Permitted Free Writing Prospectus as an Issuer Free Writing Prospectus and (ii) it has complied and will comply, as the case may be, with the requirements of Rules 164 and 433 applicable to any Permitted Free Writing Prospectus, including in respect of timely filing with the Commission, legending and record keeping.
(h) 后续股票发行. Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary will offer, sell, issue, contract to sell, contract to issue or otherwise dispose of, directly or indirectly, any other shares of Common Stock or any Common Stock Equivalents (other than the Shares) during the term of this Agreement (i) without giving the Managers at least three Business Days’ prior written notice specifying the nature of the proposed transaction and the date of such proposed transaction and (ii) unless Lead Manager suspends acting under this Agreement for such period of time requested by the Company or as deemed appropriate by the Lead Manager in light of the proposed transaction; 提供的, 然而公司可以根据执行时有效的任何员工股票期权计划、股票所有权计划或分红再投资计划发行及出售普通股,并且可以向过去的顾问发行有限制性普通股,尽量提前通知,公司可以发行在执行时转换或行使的普通股等值证券所能发行的普通股。
(i) 市场操纵在本协议终止之前,公司不会直接或间接采取任何旨在构成或可能合理预期导致或结果的行动,按照交易法或其他法律的规定,以违规行为操纵公司任何证券的价格,以促进股份的销售或转售,或其他违反交易法下的规章m的条款。
(j) 不正确证书的通知在本协议有效期内,随时在不时补充的情况下,公司将在收到通知或获得相关知识后,立即告知管理者任何将改变或影响根据本协议第6条所提供的意见、证书、信件及其他文件的信息或事实。
(k) Certification of Accuracy of Disclosure. Upon commencement of the offering of the Shares under this Agreement (and upon the recommencement of the offering of the Shares under this Agreement following the termination of a suspension of sales hereunder lasting more than 30 Trading Days), and each time that (i) the Registration Statement or Prospectus shall be amended or supplemented, other than by means of Incorporated Documents, (ii) the Company files its Annual Report on Form 10-k under the Exchange Act, (iii) the Company files its quarterly reports on Form 10-Q under the Exchange Act, (iv) the Company files a Current Report on Form 8-k containing amended financial information (other than information that is furnished and not filed), if the Lead Manager reasonably determines that the information in such Form 8-k is material, or (v) the Shares are delivered to the Lead Manager as principal at the Time of Delivery pursuant to a Terms Agreement (such commencement or recommencement date and each such date referred to in (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above, a “声明日期”), the Company shall furnish or cause to be furnished to the Lead Manager forthwith a certificate dated and delivered on the Representation Date, in form reasonably satisfactory to the Lead Manager to the effect that the statements contained in the certificate referred to in Section 6 of this Agreement which were last furnished to the Lead Manager are true and correct at the Representation Date, as though made at and as of such date (except that such statements shall be deemed to relate to the Registration Statement and the Prospectus as amended and supplemented to such date) or, in lieu of such certificate, a certificate of the same tenor as the certificate referred to in said Section 6, modified as necessary to relate to the Registration Statement and the Prospectus as amended and supplemented to the date of delivery of such certificate.
(l) 提供意见;否定保证书. At each Representation Date, the Company shall furnish or cause to be furnished forthwith to the Lead Manager and to counsel to the Lead Manager written opinions of lead corporate counsel to the Company (“首席顾问”), 特别纽约顾问向公司和特别税务顾问发给管理者,并于该陈述日期上呈交,形式和内容合理满意于首席经理,包括首席顾问的负面保证声明。在每个陈述日期,首席经理的法律顾问应交付一份书面意见和披露信,发给管理者,并在该陈述日期上呈交,形式和内容合理满意于首席经理。
(m) 审计师确认 “舒适” 信。在每个陈述日期,公司应确保(1)公司的审计师(“会计师)或其他令首席经理满意的独立会计师立即向管理者提供一封信,并且(2)公司的首席财务官立即向首席经理提供一份证书,任一情况均应在该陈述日期上签字,形式应令首席经理满意,内容应与本协议第6条中提到的信件和证书相同,但需修改以涉及注册声明和简章,及其修改和补充至该信件和证书的日期; 提供的, 然而公司不需要要求会计师在提交8-k表格的当前报告时向主承销商提供此类信函,除非(i)此类8-k表格的当前报告在需要根据《法案》交付与股份相关的招股说明书的任何时间提交,以及(ii)主承销商根据在该当前报告中报告的事件请求了此类信函。
(n) 尽职调查会议在本协议项下股份的发行开始时(以及在本协议项下在中止销售超过30个交易日后重新开始发行股份时),以及在每个陈述日期,公司的尽职调查会议将以形式和实质上合理地令主承销商满意的方式进行,其中应包括管理层和会计师的代表。公司应及时配合主承销商或其代理人根据本协议所设想的交易,随时提出的任何合理尽职调查请求或审查,包括但不限于在正常营业时间内向主承销商提供信息和可用文件,以及与公司相关的适当企业官员和公司的代理人进行接触,并及时提供或促使提供主承销商合理要求的公司、公司官员及其代理人的证书、信函和意见。公司应向主承销商报销每次尽职调查更新会议中主承销商律师的费用,最高为每次更新5000美元,加上主承销商在此过程中产生的任何附加费用。
(p) 出售股份的披露公司将在其10-K年报及10-Q季报中披露根据本协议通过经理销售的股份数量、公司所得净收益以及公司在相关季度内根据本协议销售股份所支付的补偿;如果后续根据委员会政策或请求的变化需要,还将通过8-K当前报告或进一步的招股说明书更频繁地披露。
(q) 撤销权利如公司知晓,截止适用结算日,第6节规定的条件尚未满足,公司将向同意因指定经理的购买要约而从公司购买股份的任何人提供拒绝购买和支付该股份的权利。
(r) 声明和保证的确认. 公司对本协议下的购买股份要约的每一次接受,以及公司对条款协议的每一次签署和交付,均应视为对指定经理的确认,即公司在本协议中所包含或根据本协议作出的陈述和保证在该接受或该条款协议之日均是真实和正确的,且承诺这些陈述和保证在与该接受相关的股份的结算日或与该销售相关的交付时间之日也将是真实和正确的,仿佛是在该日期作出(唯一例外是这些陈述和保证应视为与登记声明和所涉及股份的补充和修订的招股说明书相关)。
(s) 股份保留. 公司应确保在任何时候都有足够的普通股,以便根据本协议的条款,从其授权但未发行的普通股或库藏股中发行不带任何优先认购权的股份的最大总数。公司将合理努力促使这些股份在交易市场上市交易,并维持该上市。
(t) 根据交易所法案的要求. 在需要交付与股份相关的招股说明书的任何期间(包括在可以根据第172、173条或任何类似规则满足该要求的情况下),公司将在《交易法》要求的时间内向证监会提交所有要求文件。
(u) DTC设施公司应与管理者合作,尽其商业合理最大努力使股份能够通过DTC的设施进行清算和结算。
(v) 资金使用公司将按照招股说明书中设定的方式使用股份销售的净收益。
(w) 招股说明书补充文件的提交如果根据本协议进行的任何销售不是根据第415条规定的「市场上」发售,包括但不限于根据条款协议进行的任何放置,公司应在第424条规定的时间内提交一份说明该交易条款、售出股份数量、价格、管理者报酬以及根据第424条和第4300亿条所需的其他信息的招股说明书补充文件。
(x) 附加注册声明. To the extent that the Registration Statement is not available for the sales of the Shares as contemplated by this Agreement, the Company shall file a new registration statement with respect to any additional shares of Common Stock necessary to complete such sales of the Shares and shall cause such registration statement to become effective as promptly as practicable. After the effectiveness of any such registration statement, all references to “注册声明” included in this Agreement shall be deemed to include such new registration statement, including all documents incorporated by reference therein pursuant to Item 12 of Form S-3, and all references to “基础招募说明书” included in this Agreement shall be deemed to include the final form of prospectus, including all documents incorporated therein by reference, included in any such registration statement at the time such registration statement became effective.
5. 费用支付. The Company agrees to pay the costs and expenses incident to the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, whether or not the transactions contemplated hereby are consummated, including without limitation: (i) the preparation, printing or reproduction and filing with the Commission of the Registration Statement (including financial statements and exhibits thereto), the Prospectus and each Issuer Free Writing Prospectus, and each amendment or supplement to any of them; (ii) the printing (or reproduction) and delivery (including postage, air freight charges and charges for counting and packaging) of such copies of the Registration Statement, the Prospectus, and each Issuer Free Writing Prospectus, and all amendments or supplements to any of them, as may, in each case, be reasonably requested for use in connection with the offering and sale of the Shares; (iii) the preparation, printing, authentication, issuance and delivery of certificates for the Shares, including any stamp or transfer taxes in connection with the original issuance and sale of the Shares; (iv) the printing (or reproduction) and delivery of this Agreement, any blue sky memorandum and all other agreements or documents printed (or reproduced) and delivered in connection with the offering of the Shares; (v) the registration of the Shares under the Exchange Act, if applicable, and the listing of the Shares on the Trading Market; (vi) any registration or qualification of the Shares for offer and sale under the securities or blue sky laws of the several states (including filing fees and the reasonable fees and expenses of counsel for the Lead Manager relating to such registration and qualification); (vii) the transportation and other expenses incurred by or on behalf of Company representatives in connection with presentations to prospective purchasers of the Shares; (viii) the fees and expenses of the Company’s accountants and the fees and expenses of counsel (including local and special counsel) for the Company; (ix) the filing fee under FINRA Rule 5110; (x) the reasonable fees and expenses of the Lead Manager’s counsel, not to exceed $50,000 (excluding any periodic due diligence fees provided for under Section 4(n)), which shall be paid upon the Effective Time; and (xi) all other costs and expenses incident to the performance by the Company of its obligations hereunder.
6. 管理者义务的条件根据本协议及任何条款协议,管理者的义务应受以下条件的限制: (i) 公司在执行时间、每一代表日期以及每一适用时间、结算日期和交付时间所作出的陈述和保证的准确性; (ii) 公司在本协议下履行其义务;以及 (iii) 以下附加条件:
(a) 注册声明的有效性;招股说明书补充的提交注册声明在向委员会提交后立即生效,并且根据424条款要求向委员会提交的招股说明书及其任何补充材料必须已按照424(b)的要求以规定的方式和时间提交,关于任何股份的销售;每个招股说明书补充必须在本协议和法律规定的时间内以424(b)要求的方式提交;根据法案第433(d)条要求公司必须提交的任何其他材料,必须在第433条要求的适用时间段内向委员会提交;并且没有发布停止令中止注册声明的有效性,也未发布任何反对使用的通知,亦未对此目的启动或威胁的程序。
(b) 提供意见书公司应已促使主要顾问、公司专用纽约顾问及特别税务顾问向主要管理者提供其各自的意见和否定保证声明(仅由主要顾问提供),该声明应在相关日期出具并以主要管理者可接受的形式和实质内容寄给管理者。主要管理者的顾问应提交一份书面意见及披露函,寄给管理者,日期为相关日期,形式和实质内容应合理让主要管理者满意。
(c) 送达官员’的证明公司应已提供或安排提供给主承销商,在主承销商要求的范围内,并在与任何股份发行相关的合理提前通知下,公司的证明,由首席执行官或总裁以及公司的首席财务或会计官签署,日期为该日期,内容如下:
(i) 本协议中公司的陈述和保证在该日期上是准确和真实的,具有与该日期上的陈述相同的效力,公司已遵守所有协议并满足在该日期之前应履行或满足的所有条件;
(ii) 没有发出暂停注册声明有效性的停止令或任何反对其使用的通知,也没有为此目的启动任何程序,或根据公司的知识,未被威胁;并且
(iii) 自注册声明、招股说明书和纳入文件中最近的财务报表日期以来,公司及其子公司的整体状况(财务或其他)、收益、业务或资产均未发生重大不利影响,无论是否由于正常业务交易引起,除非在注册声明和招股说明书中列明或预期。
(d) 送达会计师’ “证书” 信函公司应要求并促使审计师向管理人员提供根据主承销商的要求并在合理提前通知的情况下与任何股票发行相关的信函(可能提及之前交付给主承销商的信函),日期为该日期,格式和内容应令人满意,以确认他们是根据《法案》和《交易所法》及委员会在其下颁布的各项适用规则和条例的独立会计师,并且他们已对注册声明和招股说明书中包含或通过引用合并的公司的任何未审计的中期财务信息进行了审查,并提供符合惯例的「保证」,使主承销商满意。
(e) 没有重大不利事件自披露在注册声明、招股说明书和合并文件中的信息的各自日期以来,除非另有说明,否则不会有(i)信函或在本第6节(d)段中提到的信函所列的以前报告的结果发生任何变化或减少,或(ii)有任何变化或任何涉及潜在变化的开发,影响公司的状况(财务或其他)、收益、业务或其子公司整体的财产,无论是否因正常业务交易而产生,除非在注册声明、招股说明书和合并文件中列明或暗示的(不包括对其中任何修正或补充),在上述(i)或(ii)情况中,其影响在主承销商的独立判断下,是如此重大和不利,以至于使得按注册声明(不包括任何修正)、合并文件和招股说明书(不包括任何修正或补充)所设想的方式进行发行或交付股票变得不切实际或不明智。
(g) 没有FINRA异议FINRA不得对本协议下条款和安排的公平性和合理性提出任何异议。
(h) 在交易市场上市的股份股份应已在交易市场上市并获得交易授权,且应已向主承销商提供此类行动的满意证据。
(i) 其他保证在每个结算日期和交货时间之前,公司应向主承销商提供主承销商合理要求的进一步信息、证书和文件。
本第6节要求交付的文件应在位于纽约,纽约10017,450莱克星顿大道的Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP(主承销商的法律顾问)办公室按本协议规定的每个日期交付。
7. 赔偿与贡献.
(a) 公司的赔偿本公司同意赔偿并保护管理者、董事、官员、员工和管理者的代理人,以及在《法案》或《交易所法》的意义上控制管理者的每一个人,免受任何和所有损失、索赔、损害或责任,无论是共同责任还是个别责任,致使他们或任何他们可能根据《法案》、《交易所法》或其他联邦或州法令或法规、普通法或其他法律,遭受损失、索赔、损害或责任,前提是这些损失、索赔、损害或责任(或与之相关的诉讼)源于或基于注册声明中包含的任何不实陈述或涉嫌不实陈述的重大事实,该声明用于注册股份的原始文件或任何修订,或在基本招股书、任何招股书补充、招股书、任何发行人自由书面招股书中,或在任何修订或补充中,或源于或基于未在其中陈述的重大事实的遗漏或涉嫌遗漏,或与该等违约、保证、契约或协议的任何违反相关。本公司同意向每个被赔偿方报销与调查或辩护任何此类损失、索赔、损害、责任或诉讼相关的合理法律或其他费用; 提供的, 然而本公司在任何此类情况下不承担责任,前提是任何此类损失、索赔、损害或责任源自或基于对所提供的信息的依赖,并符合法律要求,以书面形式由管理者专门提供给本公司以便纳入其中。此赔偿协议将是本公司可能其它责任的补充。
(b) 由每个管理者进行赔偿每位经理与其他经理独立而非共同地同意赔偿并保护公司、其每位董事、每位签署注册声明的官员,以及在法律或交易法意义上控制公司的每个人,赔偿的程度与公司对每位经理的上述赔偿相同,但仅限于经理为包含在前述赔偿文件中而特意提供给公司的书面信息; 提供的, 然而在任何情况下,经理对超过此处支付给该经理的股份经纪费用的任何金额不负责任。此赔偿协议将是经理可能面临的任何其他责任的附加。
(c) 赔偿程序在本条款第7节下,赔偿方收到任何行动开始通知后,若有索赔需向赔偿方提出,赔偿方需书面通知赔偿方该行动的开始;但未能通知赔偿方将不会免除其在上述(a)或(b)段落下的责任,除非在此情况下赔偿方不得不知晓此行动且未通知导致赔偿方丧失重大权利和辩护的情况,以及(ii)在任何情况下,未能通知不会免除赔偿方对任何赔偿方承担的义务,除非在上述(a)或(b)段落中约定的赔偿义务。赔偿方有权选择自己选择的律师,并承担该律师的费用,以代表赔偿方在寻求赔偿的任何行动中(在这种情况下,赔偿方对此后不负责任何由赔偿方或各方保留的独立律师的费用和支出,除非下文另有规定); 提供的, 然而, that such counsel shall be reasonably satisfactory to the indemnified party. Notwithstanding the indemnifying party’s election to appoint counsel to represent the indemnified party in an action, the indemnified party shall have the right to employ separate counsel (including local counsel), and the indemnifying party shall bear the reasonable fees, costs and expenses of such separate counsel if (i) the use of counsel chosen by the indemnifying party to represent the indemnified party would present such counsel with a conflict of interest, (ii) the actual or potential defendants in, or targets of, any such action include both the indemnified party and the indemnifying party and the indemnified party shall have reasonably concluded that there may be legal defenses available to it and/or other indemnified parties which are different from or additional to those available to the indemnifying party, (iii) the indemnifying party shall not have employed counsel reasonably satisfactory to the indemnified party to represent the indemnified party within a reasonable time after notice of the institution of such action or (iv) the indemnifying party shall authorize the indemnified party to employ separate counsel at the expense of the indemnifying party. An indemnifying party will not, without the prior written consent of the indemnified parties, settle or compromise or consent to the entry of any judgment with respect to any pending or threatened claim, action, suit or proceeding in respect of which indemnification or contribution may be sought hereunder (whether or not the indemnified parties are actual or potential parties to such claim or action) unless such settlement, compromise or consent includes an unconditional release of each indemnified party from all liability arising out of such claim, action, suit or proceeding.
(d) 贡献. In the event that the indemnity provided in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of this Section 7 is unavailable to or insufficient to hold harmless an indemnified party for any reason, the Company and each Manager, severally and not jointly with the other Members, agree to contribute to the aggregate losses, claims, damages and liabilities (including legal or other expenses reasonably incurred in connection with investigating or defending the same) (collectively “损失公司和经理可能需要按照适当的比例对其所承担的责任进行分担,以反映公司与经理在股份发行中所获得的相对利益; 提供的, 然而在任何情况下,经理对股份所适用的经纪费用负有的责任不得超过根据本协议支付给该经理的金额。如果立即前一句提供的分配因任何原因不可用,则公司和每位经理应分别而非与其他经理共同承担相应比例的责任,以反映不仅是上述相对利益,还包括公司与该经理在与导致损失相关的声明或遗漏方面的相对过失,以及其他相关的公平考虑。公司获得的利益应视为来自发行的总净收益(在扣除费用之前),而该经理获得的利益应视为根据本协议支付给该经理的股份所适用的经纪费用。相对过失应根据多种因素进行确定,包括任何虚假或声称虚假的重要事实陈述或遗漏或声称遗漏的重要事实是否涉及由公司提供的信息,双方的意图及其相对知识、获取信息的机会和纠正或防止此类虚假陈述或遗漏的机会。公司和经理同意,如果贡献是通过比例分配或任何其他未考虑以上公平因素的分配方法来确定的,将是不公正和不公平的。尽管本段(d)的规定,任何因欺诈性虚假陈述(根据《法案》第11(f)节的定义)而有罪的人无权从任何未犯此类欺诈性虚假陈述的人处获得贡献。根据本节7的规定,控制经理的每个人,无论是在《法案》还是在《交易法》下,以及经理的每位董事、官员、员工和代理人,都应享有与经理相同的贡献权利,控制公司的每个人,无论是在《法案》还是在《交易法》下,签署注册声明的公司官员和公司的每位董事应享有与公司相同的贡献权利,但各自应受本段(d)的适用条款和条件的限制。
8. 终止.
(a) 公司有权在提前五(5)个工作日书面通知的情况下,单方面终止本协议中关于征求购买股份报价的条款。任何此类终止对任何一方不承担任何责任,除非(i) 对于通过公司指定的管理者进行的任何待售,公司的义务,包括对管理者的补偿,应继续有效,尽管已经终止,以及(ii) 本协议第5、6、7、8、9、10、12和14条款在此类终止后仍然有效。
(b) 主承销商有权在书面通知的情况下,单方面终止本协议中关于征求购买股份报价的条款,任何时间均可。任何此类终止对任何一方不承担任何责任,除非本协议第5、6、7、8、9、10、12和14条款仍然有效。
(c) 本协议在根据上述第8(a)或(b)条款终止或经过公司和主承销商的共同协议前,始终有效,前提是任何此类双方协议的终止在所有情况下应视为条款第5、6、7、8、9、10、12和14继续有效。
(d) 本协议的任何终止应在该终止通知中指定的日期生效,前提是该终止在主承销商或公司收到该通知的营业结束前不生效。如果该终止发生在任何股份的结算日期或交付时间之前,则该股份的销售应根据本协议第2(b)条的规定进行结算。
(e) In the case of any purchase of Shares by a Designated Manager pursuant to a Terms Agreement, the obligations of such Designated Manager pursuant to such Terms Agreement shall be subject to termination, in the absolute discretion of the Designated Manager, by prompt oral notice given to the Company prior to the Time of Delivery relating to such Shares, if any, and confirmed promptly by facsimile or electronic mail, if since the time of execution of the Terms Agreement and prior to such delivery and payment, (i) trading in the Company’s Common Stock shall have been suspended by the Commission or the Trading Market or trading in securities generally on the Trading Market shall have been suspended or limited or minimum prices shall have been established on such exchange, (ii) a banking moratorium shall have been declared either by Federal or New York State authorities or (iii) there shall have occurred any outbreak or escalation of hostilities, declaration by the United States of a national emergency or war, or other calamity or crisis the effect of which on financial markets is such as to make it, in the sole judgment of the Designated Manager, impractical or inadvisable to proceed with the offering or delivery of the Shares as contemplated by the Prospectus (exclusive of any amendment or supplement thereto).
9. 存续的陈述和赔偿. The respective agreements, representations, warranties, indemnities and other statements of the Company or its officers and of the Manager set forth in or made pursuant to this Agreement will remain in full force and effect, regardless of any investigation made by the Manager or the Company or any of the officers, directors, employees, agents or controlling persons referred to in Section 7, and will survive delivery of and payment for the Shares.
10. 通知. All communications hereunder will be in writing and effective only on receipt, and will be mailed, delivered, emailed or facsimiled to the address of the Company or the Managers, as applicable, set forth on the signature page hereto.
11. 继任者. 本协议将使其利益受益并对本协议各方及其各自的继承人以及第7节中提到的官员、董事、员工、代理人和控股人具有约束力,除此之外,任何其他人都没有权利或义务。
12. 无信托责任. 公司在此承认(a) 根据本协议的股份购买和销售是公司与每位经理及其可能通过其行事的任何关联方之间的公平商业交易,(b) 每位经理仅作为销售代理和/或主办人在与公司证券的购买和销售中行事,而非作为公司的受托人,以及(c) 公司与经理的 engagement 是独立承包商,而不是以其他身份进行。此外,公司同意独自负责在与发行相关的判断(无论经理是否已对或正在对公司在相关或其他事务上提供建议)。公司同意不会主张经理提供了任何性质的咨询服务或承担了对公司的代理、受托或类似的义务,以及与该交易或相关过程相关。
13. 整合. 本协议及任何条款协议取代公司与经理之间就本协议主题所达成的所有先前协议和谅解(无论是书面还是口头)。
14. Applicable Law. 本协议及任何条款协议将根据纽约州适用于在纽约州签订和执行的合同的法律进行管辖和解释。公司和每位经理分别:(i) 同意因本协议引起或与之相关的任何法律诉讼、行动或程序应专门在纽约最高法院、纽约县进行,或在纽约南区美国地方法院进行,(ii) 放弃对任何此类诉讼、行动或程序的地点的任何异议,以及(iii) 不可撤销地同意纽约最高法院、纽约县及纽约南区美国地方法院在任何此类诉讼、行动或程序中的管辖权。公司和每位经理进一步同意接受并承认在纽约最高法院、纽约县或在纽约南区美国地方法院可能送达的任何及所有诉讼程序,并同意通过挂号信送达给公司的邮寄将被视为对公司的有效送达,关于任何此类诉讼、行动或程序,并且送达给每位经理的邮寄也将被视为对该经理的有效送达,关于任何此类诉讼、行动或程序。如果任何一方开始行动或程序以执行本协议的任何规定,则在该行动或程序中胜诉的一方应由另一方偿还合理的律师费及其他因调查、准备和提起该行动或程序而产生的费用。
15. 美国特殊决议机制的承认. (a)如果任何作为覆盖实体的经理受到美国特殊决议机制下的程序的影响,则该经理对本协议或任何条款协议的转让及在本协议或任何条款协议下的任何利息和义务将有效,且实际情况与在美国或美国州法律下的转让效果相同;(b)如果任何作为覆盖实体的经理或该经理的BHC法案附属公司受到美国特殊决议机制下的程序的影响,则根据本协议或任何条款协议对该经理行使的违约权的行使,不得超过在美国特殊决议机制下根据本协议或任何条款协议行使的违约权的程度。对于第15节的目的,(A)“银行控股公司法附属机构”的含义是在12 U.S.C. § 1841(k)中分配给该术语「附属」的意义,并应根据该条款进行解释;(B)“被覆盖实体”指以下任一项:(i)根据12 C.F.R. § 252.82(b)中定义的、并根据该条款进行解释的「覆盖实体」;(ii)根据12 C.F.R. § 47.3(b)中定义的、并根据该条款进行解释的「覆盖银行」;或(iii)根据12 C.F.R. § 382.2(b)中定义的、并根据该条款进行解释的「覆盖金融机构」;(C)“违约权”在12 C.F.R. § 252.81, 47.2或382.1中分配的含义,并应根据适用性进行解释;以及(D)“U.S. Special Resolution Regime“指的是(i) 联邦存款保险法及其下所颁布的法规,以及(ii) 多德-弗兰克华尔街改革与消费者保护法第II条及其下所颁布的法规。尽管有上述规定,如果作为受保护实体的经理受到本节第15条所述的美国特殊清算制度的程序,主经理有权立即通过书面通知该受保护实体的经理,终止本协议,受适用法律的约束,前提是该终止对本协议下的其他经理不产生影响。
16. 放弃陪审团审判公司在适用法律允许的最大范围内,特此不可撤销地放弃在任何法律程序中由此引起或与之相关的陪审团审判的任何和所有权利,包括本协议、任何条款协议或由此产生的交易。
17. 副本本协议及任何条款协议可以签署一份或多份副本,每一份均应视为原件,所有这些副本合在一起应构成同一协议,可以通过传真或以.pdf文件形式通过电子邮件发送。
18. 修改;豁免本协议的任何条款不得被放弃、修改、补充或修订,除非在书面文书中签署,在修订的情况下由公司和主经理签署。对本协议任何条款、条件或要求的任何默认的放弃不得被视为将来持续的放弃,或对后续默认的放弃,或对本协议其他条款、条件或要求的放弃,任何一方对本协议下的任何权利的延迟或遗漏行使不应以任何方式损害任何此类权利的行使。
19. 标题本协议及任何条款协议中使用的章节标题仅为方便而设,并不影响本协议的解释。
作者: /s/ Amir Adnani
姓名:Amir Adnani
苏特1830 – 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华乔治亚街1188号,邮政编码V6E 4A2
高盛 & 公司 LLC
作者: /s/ 瑞安·卡恩________________________ 姓名:瑞安·卡恩 标题:董事总经理 |
纽约,纽约 10282
传真:(212) 902-9316
由: /s/ Edward D. Silvera 姓名:Edward D. Silvera 职位: 首席运营官 |
430 Park Avenue, 4楼. 纽约,纽约,美国,10022
作者: /s/ 布拉德·帕维尔卡
作者: /s/ 布拉德福德·林佩特
由: /s/ 马修·肯尼
388 格林威治街,纽约 NY 10013
作者: /s/ Reid Obradovich 姓名:Reid Obradovich 职务:首席,董事总经理 |
100 亚德莱德街西
M5H 1S3
作者: /s/ J. Barry
姓名: J. 巴里
888 圣克莱门特大道
加利福尼亚州纽波特海滩, 92660
作者: /s/ 杰ENNIFER·帕尔迪
姓名: 珍妮弗·帕尔迪
One Post Office Square, Suite 3000
波士顿, MA 02109
电子邮件: UECATM@cgf.com
附录 I
铀能源公司(“公司”)提议,依据此处以及2024年12月20日签署的市场发行协议中的条款和条件进行。市场交易协议),包括公司和高盛公司作为首席经理及共同经理(如其中定义)(统称为“管理者” 和每一个,称为“经理),向公司选择的经理发行和出售(“指定经理)所指定的证券 附件 I 如本协议所列(“购买的股份”).
Each of the provisions of the At The Market Offering Agreement not specifically related to the solicitation by the Designated Manager, as agent of the Company, of offers to purchase securities is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, and shall be deemed to be part of this Terms Agreement to the same extent as if such provisions had been set forth in full herein. Each of the representations and warranties set forth therein shall be deemed to have been made at and as of the date of this Terms Agreement and the Time of Delivery, except that each representation and warranty in Section 3 of the At The Market Offering Agreement which makes reference to the Prospectus (as therein defined) shall be deemed to be a representation and warranty as of the date of the At The Market Offering Agreement in relation to the Prospectus, and also a representation and warranty as of the date of this Terms Agreement and the Time of Delivery in relation to the Prospectus as amended and supplemented to relate to the Purchased Shares.
An amendment to the Registration Statement (as defined in the At The Market Offering Agreement), or a supplement to the Prospectus, as the case may be, relating to the Purchased Shares, in the form heretofore delivered to the Designated Manager is now proposed to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein and in the At The Market Offering Agreement which are incorporated herein by reference, the Company agrees to issue and sell to Designated Manager and the latter agrees to purchase from the Company the number of shares of the Purchased Shares at the time and place and at the purchase price set forth in the 附件 I 在此。
If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding, please sign and return to us a counterpart hereof, whereupon this Terms Agreement, including those provisions of the At The Market Offering Agreement incorporated herein by reference, shall constitute a binding agreement between the Designated Manager and the Company.
铀能源CORP。 |
签名:__________________________________________ 姓名: 阿米尔·阿德南尼 职务: 总裁、首席执行官及董事 |
指定经理 (其中之一):
高盛 & 公司 LLC
签名:__________________________________________ 姓名: 职位: