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311376687 v11[买方]和[卖方]之间的机密商定形式过渡服务协议,日期为[●]

311376687 v11目录页-I-文章I定义.......................................................................................................1第二条服务、持续时间和服务经理.................................................3 2.1服务..............................................................................................................................3 2.2服务持续时间..........................................................................................................3 2.3服务的过渡性.........................................................................................3 2.4新服务。....................................................................................................................4 2.5过渡事务经理。...........................................................................................4 2.6人。...........................................................................................................................5 2.7第三方提供商........................................................................................................6 2.8知识产权。..........................................................................................................6第三条附加安排....................................................................................6 3.1系统安全。................................................................................................................6 3.2通道。...............................................................................................................................7 3.3数据保护..................................................................................................................7第四条费用和支出.......................................................................................8 4.1费用和付款。..................................................................................................8 4.2税务事项........................................................................................................................9第五条免责声明;合规.........................................................................................9 5.1担保免责声明...................................................................................................9 5.2遵守法律法规..........................................................................第10条第六条有限责任和赔偿.........................................................10 6.1间接损害和其他损害..................................................................................10 6.2责任限制.....................................................................................................10 6.3释放和受助人赔偿.....................................................................................10 6.4提供商赔偿..........................................................................................................10 6.5赔偿程序.............................................................................................10 6.6付款义务的责任...................................................................................11 6.7排除其他补救措施..........................................................................................11 6.8确认....................................................................................................................11第七条期限和终止..........................................................................................11 7.1任期和终止。....................................................................................................11 7.2终止.......................................................................................................的影响12

311376687 v11目录(续)第II-7.3页不可抗力。.................................................................................................................第12条第八条争端解决...............................................................................................12 8.1争议解决办法。..........................................................................................................12第九条一般规定.................................................................................................14 9.1无代理.......................................................................................................................14 9.2通知.............................................................................................................................14 9.3可分割性......................................................................................................................15 9.4完整协议.............................................................................................................15 9.5无第三方受益人...........................................................................................15 9.6适用法律................................................................................................................15 9.7修正案......................................................................................................................15 9.8附表的优先顺序..................................................................................................15 9.9对应.....................................................................................................................15 9.10可分配性;控制权变更....................................................................................16 9.11无追索权..................................................................................................................16 9.12相互起草...............................................................................................................16 9.13交易协议..................................................................................................16附表A服务A-1

311376687 v11过渡服务协议本过渡服务协议的日期为[●](本“协议”),由特拉华州的[●]公司(“买方”)和[●](一家根据《商业公司法》(安大略省)成立的公司(“卖方”)签订。除非本协议另有规定,否则本协议中使用的所有大写术语应具有《采购协议》(如本协议定义)中规定的含义。“协议”应具有前言中所给出的含义。“控制人”是指单独或与他人共同决定处理个人数据的目的和方法的实体。“数据保护法”应具有第3.3(A)节中规定的含义。“争议”应具有第8.1(A)节规定的含义。“DPA”应具有第3.3(D)节中规定的含义。“不可抗力”对于一缔约方来说,是指该缔约方(或代表其行事的任何人)无法控制的事件,该事件(A)不是由于该缔约方(或代表其行事的任何人)的过失或疏忽而引起或造成的,(B)该缔约方(或该人)从其性质上不会合理地预见到,或者(如果合理地预见到)是不可避免的,包括天灾、民事或军事当局的行为、恐怖主义行为、网络攻击、禁运、流行病、流行病或疾病(包括新冠肺炎)或其他卫生危机或公共卫生事件,或上述任何卫生警报、检疫或政府卫生警报的任何恶化,禁止或限制旅行或阻止任何个人到工作地点报到,战争、骚乱、叛乱、火灾、爆炸,

311376687 v11-2-地震、洪水、异常恶劣的天气条件或部件不可用,或在计算机系统的情况下,电气或空调设备的任何故障。“授权方”应具有3.1(A)节规定的含义。“利息支付”应具有4.1(D)节规定的含义。“新服务”应具有第2.5(A)节中规定的含义。“非所得税”应具有第4.2节规定的含义。“当事人”是指本协议的当事人。“个人数据”是指与可直接或间接识别的已识别或可识别自然人有关的任何信息,特别是可参照该自然人的身份识别特征进行识别。“处理”和“处理”是指对个人数据或个人数据集执行的任何操作或一组操作,无论是否通过自动手段,如收集、记录、组织、组织、存储、改编或更改、检索、咨询、使用、通过传输、传播或以其他方式提供披露、对齐或组合、限制、删除或销毁。“[编辑:商业机密。]”。“服务提供方”是指根据本协议提供服务的一方或其附属公司。“提供者受保障方”应具有第6.3节中给出的含义。“服务提供者制度”应具有第2.8(C)节中规定的含义。“买受人”应具有前言中所给出的含义。“买方本地服务经理”应具有第2.5(A)节中规定的含义。“买方服务”应具有第2.1节中给出的含义。“买方服务经理”应具有第2.5(A)节规定的含义。“接受方”是指在本协议项下向其提供服务的一方或其附属机构。“受保方”应具有第6.4节中给出的含义。“接收方系统”应具有第2.8(B)节规定的含义。“报销费用(S)”应具有第4.1(C)节规定的含义。“代表”应具有第3.3(A)节规定的含义。“时间表(S)”应具有第2.2节中给出的含义。“安全条例”应具有3.1(A)节中规定的含义。

311376687 v11-3-“服务费(S)”应具有第4.1(A)节中给出的含义。“服务”应具有第2.1节中给出的含义。“卖方”应具有前言中所给出的含义。“卖方本地服务经理”应具有第2.5(B)节中规定的含义。“卖方服务”应具有第2.1节中给出的含义。“卖方服务经理”应具有第2.5(B)节中规定的含义。“子处理器”是指由提供商或其任何关联公司或代表提供商或其任何关联公司指定的、代表接收方处理与本协议有关的个人数据的任何人(包括提供商的任何第三方和任何关联公司,但不包括提供商的雇员)。“系统”应根据上下文要求,指提供者或接受者适用的信息技术系统。“第三方产品”是指提供商或其代表作为服务的一部分提供的第三方产品和服务,可能包括数据、API、软件、服务模块、硬件、支持和维护、培训、实施、安装、集成以及专业和其他服务。“第三方提供商”应具有第2.7节中给出的含义。第二条服务、期限和服务管理人2.1服务。在符合本协议的条款和条件下,(A)买方应向卖方提供或安排向卖方提供本协议附表A所列的服务(“买方服务”),及(B)卖方应向买方提供或安排向买方提供本协议附表A所列的服务(“卖方服务”,以及与买方服务和任何新服务共同构成的“服务”)。除本协议或本协议附表中另有规定外,所有服务应仅供各自的接收方及其附属公司使用和受益。在不限制附表A规定的任何特定义务和服务标准(包括其任何补充)的情况下,适用的提供商应尽商业上合理的努力,以合理和及时的方式提供或促使提供适用的服务,前提是在任何情况下,提供商都不会以低于合理的谨慎提供或导致提供适用的服务。[编辑:具有竞争性和商业敏感性的信息。]2.2服务期限。在本协议条款的约束下,买方和卖方均应向各自的接收方提供或促使向各自的接收方提供每项服务,直至(A)附表A或附表b所述的服务的期限届满(各自为“时间表”,统称为“时间表”)或(B)根据第7.1(B)条终止服务的日期(以较早者为准)。如果提供商提供服务的能力取决于买方服务或卖方服务(视情况而定)的持续(且这种依赖关系已告知另一方),并且提供商根据本协议提供特定服务的能力因此类支持买方服务或卖方服务(视属何情况而定)的终止而受到重大不利影响,则提供商提供此类从属服务的义务应随着此类支持买方服务的终止而自动终止

311376687 v11-4-或支持销售商服务(视情况而定)。双方应尽商业上合理的努力,在附表A中列出所有此类从属关系,并在对附表A进行任何修订时对其进行修订。2.3服务的过渡性性质。双方承认服务的过渡性,并同意真诚合作并采取商业上合理的努力,以避免中断服务从提供商向接收方的过渡,包括根据本协议的条款协助退出服务或其中的一部分,不言而喻,提供商根据本协议第2.3条提出的任何请求所产生的任何增量成本和支出应由接收方支付。接收方同意在合理可行的范围内尽快采取商业上合理的努力,减少或消除其及其关联公司对每项服务的依赖。2.4新服务。(A)在本协议期限内,任何一方均可不时要求另一方提供该另一方根据本协议没有明确义务提供的附加或不同服务(“新服务”)。收到这种请求的缔约方应真诚地考虑这种请求。除非经双方书面同意,否则任何一方均无义务提供任何新服务,包括由于双方根据第2.4(B)条进行真诚协商后,未能就适用于提供此类新服务的条款(包括服务费)达成协议。(B)对于根据第2.4(A)节提出的任何新服务请求,买方服务经理和卖方服务经理应本着善意(I)协商适用的服务费和适用附表的附录条款,该附录应合理详细地描述服务费和适用于该等新服务的性质、范围、服务期(S)、终止条款和其他条款,以及(Ii)确定提供商因提供该等新服务而产生的任何成本和开支,包括任何启动成本和开支。这些费用和费用应由收件人独自承担。经双方书面同意的适用时间表的每一项补充,自该协议之日起应被视为本协议的一部分,其中规定的新服务应被视为在每种情况下根据本协议提供的“服务”,但须遵守本协议的条款和条件。2.5过渡事务经理。(A)买方应任命和指定一名资历足够高的个人担任其初始服务经理(“买方服务经理”),此人在任命和指定之日由买方聘用,直接负责协调和管理买方服务的交付,并有权就本协议项下提供服务的相关事宜代表买方行事。买方服务经理应与买方人员合作,定期处理卖方提出的与本协议项下提供服务有关的问题和事项。尽管第10.2节另有规定,根据本协议,卖方与买方就涉及服务的日常事务进行的所有通信应首先通过在附表A中就该服务指定的当地服务经理(“买方本地服务经理”)或买方服务经理以书面形式指定的其他个人进行,并在确认收据后通过电子邮件发送给卖方。如果买方本地服务经理不可用,则此后应通过买方服务经理进行沟通。如有必要,买方应根据第10.2节的规定,通知卖方任命了不同的买方服务经理或买方本地服务经理(S)。

311376687 v11-5-(B)卖方应任命和指定一名在任命和指定之日由卖方聘用的足够资深的个人作为其初始服务经理(“卖方服务经理”),该经理应直接负责协调和管理卖方服务的交付,并有权就与本协议有关的事项代表卖方行事。卖方服务经理应与卖方人员合作,定期处理买方提出的与本协议有关的问题和事项。尽管有第10.2节的要求,买方根据本协议与卖方就涉及服务的日常事务进行的所有通信应通过附表b中关于该服务的当地服务经理(“卖方当地服务经理”)或卖方服务经理以书面形式指定的个人进行,并在收到确认后通过电子邮件发送给买方;但如果卖方本地服务经理不可用,则此后应通过卖方服务经理进行沟通。如有必要,卖方应根据第10.2节的规定,通知买方已任命不同的卖方服务经理或卖方本地服务经理(S)。2.6人。(A)任何服务的提供方应向该服务的接受方提供提供该服务所需的适当资格的人员,但有一项谅解,即这些人员应继续受雇于或聘用于该提供方。服务提供方有权在其合理的酌处权下(I)指定哪些人员执行该服务,以及(Ii)随时撤换这些人员。任何此类移除或替换不应作为根据本协议支付的任何服务费或报销费用的任何增加的基础,也不应解除提供商根据本协议提供任何服务的义务,提供商应尽其商业上合理的努力,在将服务移交给不同人员的过程中限制对接收方的干扰。(B)如果适用的提供方提供的任何服务需要接收方人员的合作和服务,则适用的接收方应向提供方提供提供此类服务所需的人员(这些人员应具备适当的资格,以便支持提供方提供该服务),但有一项谅解,即这些人员应继续受雇于接收方。接收方应有权在其商业上合理的酌情决定权下(I)指定哪些人员应在提供此类服务时提供给提供方,以及(Ii)随时撤换这些人员。因撤换或替换此类人员而给提供商带来的任何直接成本增加应由接收方承担,对提供商提供此类服务产生的任何直接重大不利影响不应被视为违反本协议,接收方应尽其商业上合理的努力限制此类人员在过渡期间对提供商造成的干扰。(C)对于主要可归因于或主要由于接收方人员的任何行动或不作为而导致的、由接受方受保障各方承担的任何责任,服务提供方不承担本协议项下的任何责任,但根据服务提供方的指示采取的任何此类行动或不作为除外。(D)本协议中的任何条款均不得授予任何提供方或其提供服务的员工或代理人直接或间接控制或指导适用接收方的运营的权利。这些员工和代理人不应被要求向适用接收方的管理层报告,也不应被视为处于该接收方的管理或指导之下。

311376687 v11-6-2.7第三方提供商。双方承认,每个提供商可以直接提供适用的服务(包括通过关联公司),或通过该提供商聘请的一个或多个第三方根据本第2.7节的条款提供适用的服务(每个此类第三方均为“第三方提供商”)。每一提供商应在其合理的酌情决定权下决定是否应直接或通过第三方提供商提供适用的服务。每个服务提供方在选择(或替换)任何此类第三方服务提供方(或其替代者)时的谨慎程度,至少应与保留该第三方提供方向该提供方提供类似服务或为其提供类似服务的情况相同。根据第2.1节的规定,如果任何提供商决定使用一个或多个第三方提供商,则该提供商应继续对其在本协议项下的义务以及该第三方提供商(S)违反本协议条款的任何行为负责,就像该提供商已违反本协议条款一样。2.8知识产权。[编辑:具有竞争性和商业敏感性的信息。]第三条补充安排3.1[编辑:具有竞争性和商业敏感性的信息。]3.2[编辑:具有竞争性和商业敏感性的信息。]3.3[编辑:具有竞争性和商业敏感性的信息。]第四条费用和付款4.1费用和付款。(A)除本协议或本协议附表另有规定外,服务接受者(或其指定人)应向服务提供者(或其指定人)支付服务费用(或服务类别,视情况而定)(每项费用构成“服务费”,统称为“服务费”),如本协议附表所列。除本合同附表另有规定外,所有服务费均不包括任何非所得税(其责任由第4.2节规定)。适用的提供商应单独负责支付提供商及其附属公司用于提供服务的员工的所有工资和福利以及所有所得税、社会保障税、失业补偿、工人补偿税、其他就业税或扣缴、保费和汇款。(B)在本协议期限内,任何服务(或服务类别,视情况而定)的服务费金额可在以下范围内增加:(I)双方共同同意的任何增加,(Ii)适用于任何新服务的任何服务费用,以及(Iii)在符合本协议条款和条件的情况下,提供服务的第三方提供商收取的费率或费用的任何增加,前提是各方将采取商业上合理的努力进行谈判,以降低任何此类增加的金额。除服务费和报销费用的任何月度发票外,提供商应向接收方提供合理的文件,以支持此类服务费或任何报销费用的计算,包括与任何超过5,000美元的报销费用有关的发票副本。(C)每一接收方应向适用的提供方报销该提供方或其关联公司因提供服务而发生的合理的自付费用和支出(每个此类成本或支出,“报销费用”,统称“报销”

311376687 v11-7--收费“)。任何(I)与差旅有关的费用或(Ii)其他成本或支出,如(A)与任何服务双方的历史惯例有重大不符,或(B)超过5,000美元(经常性供应商费用与历史成本无重大不符),应事先获得接收方的批准。在履行服务过程中发生的任何授权差旅相关费用应根据适用接收方当时适用的商务旅行政策发生并向适用接收方收取。(D)本合同项下到期和应付的服务费和报销费应以美元开具发票并支付,除非双方另有约定。接收方应在收到每张此类发票后六十(60)天内,通过电汇(或双方商定的其他付款方式)向适用的服务提供方(或其指定人)支付发票中规定的服务费和报销费用的金额(每笔付款均为发票付款)。在未根据本协议第八条的规定及时通知开票争议的情况下,如果适用的接收方未能在到期日之前支付该金额,则适用的接收方除应支付的金额外,还应向适用的提供方支付利息,利息从付款到期之日起至实际付款之日止,每年的默认利率为6%(6%),或最高法定利率(以较低者为准)。如果发生任何账单纠纷,适用的收件人应及时支付任何无争议的金额。双方可以书面形式就本协议或任何其他交易协议项下应支付的任何金额达成净开票或其他抵销安排。(E)接收方应及时全额支付服务费和报销费,不得因提供方对接收方的任何义务而抵销、反索赔或以其他方式扣留本协议项下欠提供方的任何款项,但各方根据第4.1(D)节同意的任何净开票安排除外。4.2税务事宜。(A)在不限制本协议任何条款的情况下,接收方应负责并支付消费税、销售额、使用费、增值税、货物和服务、转让、印花税、单据、档案、记录和其他类似的非所得税,在每种情况下,这些税项都是因提供商提供服务或接收方根据本协议应支付的任何服务费而征收或支付或评估的(统称为“非所得税”)。被要求对这种非所得税进行核算的一方应向另一方提供适当的税务发票,并在适用的情况下,向有关政府当局提供这种非所得税金额已汇出的证据。双方应尽商业上合理的努力将非所得税降至最低,并在法律允许的范围内,通过提交或提供任何必要的免税或其他类似表格(包括正式签署的适当版本的美国国税局W-8表或美国国税局W-9表)、证书或其他类似文件,以最大限度地减少非所得税并获得任何非所得税的退款、退还、退税等。

311376687 v11-8-(B)如果根据本协议支付的任何款项在法律上要求扣缴或扣除任何税款(非所得税除外)(包括任何服务费),则接收方应保留扣缴或扣除此类税款的权利,并将其支付给适当的税务机关。除因提供方未能将正式签署的IRS表W-9或适当版本的IRS表W-8(视情况而定)未能交付给接收方而导致的任何扣缴或扣除外,接收方应至少在到期日前五(5)天通知提供方其打算扣除或扣缴此类税款(通知应包括拟议扣除或扣缴的计算依据和方法),并且接收方和提供方同意在确定要求扣缴或扣除任何此类税项的程度方面进行合理合作。并应在法律允许的范围内,向对方提供并提供任何免税证书、纳税表格(包括正式签署的IRS表格W-9或适当版本的IRS表格W-8,视情况而定)或另一方合理要求的其他信息,以减少或取消根据本第4.2(B)条应缴纳的任何税款;但收款人或任何其他扣缴义务人在任何情况下均无义务向任何人支付按照适用税法扣缴并支付给有关税务机关的应扣缴款项的总额或任何附加额。在任何此类金额被如此适当地扣除或扣留的范围内,就本协议而言,此类金额将被视为已支付给被扣留的服务提供方。第五条免责声明;合规性5.1保证免责声明。除本协议明确规定外,双方承认并同意所有服务均按原样提供,每个接收方承担因其使用和依赖服务而产生或有关的所有风险和责任,并且在适用法律允许的最大范围内,每个提供商不对此作出任何陈述或保证。除本协议明确规定外,在适用法律允许的最大范围内,每个提供商在此明确声明不承担与服务有关的所有陈述和保证,无论是明示的还是默示的,无论是事实还是法律实施、法规或其他方式,包括关于任何服务的质量、性能、不侵权、商业效用、适销性或特定用途或目的的适销性或不侵犯第三方任何知识产权的任何陈述或保证。5.2遵守法律法规。每一方应对其自身及其附属公司和第三方提供商遵守适用于其在本协议项下履行的任何和所有法律负责。任何一方不得在知情的情况下采取违反任何此类适用法律的行为,导致另一方承担责任。第六条有限责任和赔偿6.1因此而造成的损害和其他损害。即使本协议有任何相反规定,除因违反第九条而造成的任何损害外,任何一方或其任何关联公司或代表均不对另一方或其关联公司或代表在法律或衡平法上对任何特殊的、间接的、附带的、惩罚性的或后果性的损害或利润损失、收入损失、业务损失或保险成本负责,无论是在合同、侵权行为(包括过失和严格责任)或其他方面。

311376687 v11-9-提供或未提供本协议项下的任何服务或接受任何服务,每一方特此代表自己、其附属公司及其代表放弃任何此类损害索赔。6.2责任限制。除因违反第九条造成的任何损害外,每个提供商及其关联公司和代表在本协议项下因任何与本协议有关的行为或不作为(包括履行或违反本协议),或因销售、交付、提供或使用本协议项下或预期提供的任何服务而造成的损失,无论是合同、侵权(包括过失和严格责任)或其他法律或衡平法上的损失,不得超过接收方根据本协议实际支付或应支付给该提供商的总服务费(不包括任何报销费用)。6.3受助人赔偿。每一接收方在此同意赔偿适用的服务提供方及其关联方和代表(每一方均为“服务提供方”),使其免受因(A)该接收方或其任何关联方、代表或其他人使用此类服务或(B)销售、交付、提供或使用本协议项下或预期的任何服务而产生的、与之相关或与之相关的第三方索赔、诉讼、诉讼或诉讼造成的任何和所有损失。除非此类损失是由于适用的服务提供方实质性违反本协议、充分违约、严重疏忽、故意不当行为或欺诈行为而造成的。6.4提供方赔偿。各服务提供方在此同意赔偿适用的接收方及其关联方和代表(每一方均为“接收方受保障方”),使其免受因(A)该接收方或其任何关联方、代表或其他人使用此类服务或(B)销售、交付、提供或使用本协议项下或预期的任何服务而引起的、与之相关或与之相关的第三方索赔、诉讼、诉讼或诉讼造成的任何和所有损失。如果此类损失是由于适用提供商的充分违反、实质性违反本协议、严重疏忽、故意不当行为或欺诈行为而造成的。6.5违反充分性。买方未能履行其在本协议项下的义务,只要是由于充分违约而导致的,则不应构成对本协议的违反。“充分性违约”是指任何销售实体违反采购协议第4.24条的行为。6.6赔偿程序。采购协议第8.4节的规定适用于本协议项下的赔偿要求。6.7付款义务的责任。第VI条中的任何规定不得被视为在任何方面取消或限制买方或卖方在本协议中的明确义务,即根据本协议提供的服务支付服务费和报销费用。6.8排除其他补救措施。除根据第7.1节终止本协议并根据第7条解决与本协议有关的争议的权利外,在适用法律允许的最大范围内,本协议第6.3节和第6.4节的规定应是服务提供方受保方和接收方受保方针对本协议项下的任何索赔、损失、损害、费用或责任的唯一和排他性补救措施,无论这些索赔、损失、损害、费用或责任是由成文法、习惯法或民法原则、严格责任原则、侵权行为、合同或其他方面引起的。

311376687 v11-10-6.9确认。对于根据适用法律不能排除的任何责任,任何一方均不排除责任。第七条期限和终止7.1期限和终止。(A)本协议应立即在截止日期起生效,并在下列日期之前终止:(I)任何一方根据本协议的条款有义务向另一方提供任何服务的最后日期,或(Ii)双方共同书面同意完全终止本协议的日期。(B)如果服务提供方未能履行其在本协议项下关于该服务的任何重大义务,接收方可随时终止本协议,但不能终止其中的一部分,(I)在向服务提供方提供至少三十(30)天的事先书面通知后,或(Ii)在服务提供方收到或立即收到书面通知后十四(14)天内,此类违约仍未得到纠正。如果此类故障无法修复,以及(Iii)如果提供商在提供此类服务时违反了任何法律。在第(I)项的情况下,接收方应向提供方支付与结束该服务有关的必要且合理的有据可查的自付费用,但员工遣散费和搬迁费用除外,但包括用于提供该服务的设备的未摊销许可费和成本、用于提供该服务的协议项下的合同义务、提供商就任何资源或根据提供商用于提供该服务的任何其他第三方协议应支付的任何其他终止费用(或公平分配的部分,如果是任何此类设备,则为双方合理接受的部分)。也用于提供服务以外的目的的资源或协议(“终止成本”),前提是(X)提供商将尽商业上合理的努力将终止成本降至最低,并且(Y)提供商将应接收方的请求提供适用于特定服务的终止成本的善意估计。(C)如果接收方未能履行本协议规定的与该服务有关的任何重要义务,包括支付到期的服务费,并且在接收方收到提供商的书面通知后十四(14)天内仍未得到纠正,则服务提供方可在事先书面通知接收方的情况下,随时终止本协议,但不得终止本协议。如果任何服务在月底以外终止,则与该服务相关的服务费应按比例适当分摊。双方承认,根据本协议提供的服务之间可能存在在适用的时间表中无法识别的相互依赖关系,并同意,如果提供商根据本协议提供特定服务的能力因根据第7.1(B)(I)节终止另一项服务而受到重大不利影响,则双方应本着诚意进行谈判,以修改与该受影响的持续服务相关的时间表,该修订应与可比服务的条款和定价方法一致。7.2终止的效力。根据本协议终止任何服务后,终止服务的提供者不再有义务提供终止的服务,相关接收者也没有义务支付与任何此类服务相关的任何未来服务费,但接收者仍有义务向相关提供者支付(A)服务费

311376687 v11-11-以及在终止生效日期之前提供的服务所欠和应付的补偿费用,以及(B)第7.1(B)节所述的任何适用费用,这些费用应仅在接受者根据第7.1(B)(I)节终止任何服务的情况下支付。对于任何服务的终止,本协议中不完全与该终止的服务有关的条款应在任何此类终止后继续有效,并且与本协议终止相关的第一条第2.8(E)条、第六条(包括在终止之日或之前在本协议项下产生或发生的任何可赔偿损失的责任)、第七条、第九条、第十条以及所有到期和未支付的服务费和报销费用以及根据第7.1(B)条应支付的任何适用费用的所有责任应继续无限期地继续存在。7.3不可抗力。(A)任何一方(或代表其行事的任何人)均不对未能履行本协议下的任何义务(付款义务除外)承担任何责任或责任,只要该义务的履行因不可抗力而被阻止、受挫、阻碍或延迟。如果发生不可抗力,受其影响的一方应在合理可行的情况下尽快向另一方发出中止通知,说明中止的日期和程度及其原因,该方应尽商业上合理的努力消除任何此类原因,并在消除该等原因后尽快恢复履行义务。(B)在不可抗力期间,接收方有权就该服务寻求替代服务提供商(S),如果不可抗力持续存在超过三十(30)天,则永久终止该服务(S),但有一项理解,即接收方不需要向服务提供方提供终止的任何提前通知或支付与此相关的任何费用。第八条争议解决8.1争议解决。(A)如果因本协议预期的交易引起或与本协议预期的交易有关的任何争议、争议或索赔,或本协议任何条款的有效性、解释、违反或终止,或任何服务成本的计算或分摊,包括根据任何法律寻求补救或主张权利的索赔(各自为“争议”),买方和卖方同意,买方服务经理和卖方服务经理(或买方和卖方指定的其他人)应本着善意进行谈判,试图友好地解决该争议。如果在发出首次书面通知后三十(30)天内(或在双方同意的较长期限之后),该争议仍未得到双方满意的解决,则该争议应按照《采购协议》第10条所述的争议解决程序解决;但该争议解决程序不得修改或增加双方在本协议项下可获得的补救措施。(B)在任何关于服务费金额的争议中,如果争议最终根据第8.1(A)条规定的争议解决程序得到解决,并且确定服务提供方已向接收方开具发票,并且接收方已向服务提供方支付的服务费高于或低于服务费应支付的金额,则(I)如果确定接收方多付了服务费,则服务提供方应在确定后至少五(5)个工作日的下一次发票付款时向接收方退还相当于

311376687 v11-12-此类多付;以及(Ii)如果确定接收方少付了服务费,则接收方应在确定后至少五(5)个工作日在下一次发票付款时向服务提供方报销相当于该少付金额的现金,报销金额可计入根据第4.1(D)节达成的任何净账单或其他抵销安排中。第九条保密9.1保密信息的处理。每一方应并应促使其关联方及其董事、高级管理人员、经理、雇员、顾问、代表和代理人(统称为相关人员)在本协议期限内,将另一方根据本协议所提供的所有已知为机密或专有的信息(“保密信息”)视为机密信息,对其保密,并且不得使用、披露或允许向任何人披露,除非是为了履行接收方在本协议项下的义务。接收方或其关联公司以非保密方式从另一来源获得另一方的任何保密信息,除非该等信息(I)是或成为公众普遍可获得的信息,而不是由于接收方或其任何关联方违反本协议的结果,前提是接收方或其关联公司不知道该其他来源受该另一来源与披露方或其任何关联公司之间的保密协议的约束,(Ii)在披露方或其关联公司披露该信息之前,该信息由接受方或其关联公司合法拥有,并继续按照获取该信息的条款持有,但本条第(Ii)款不包括卖方拥有的关于该企业、转让的子公司、持续雇员、转让的资产和承担的负债的信息,除非该等信息是卖方或其关联公司在交易结束后合法地从第三方(为免生疑问,不包括任何商业服务提供商)处收到的,并且继续按照获取该信息的条款持有,(Iii)独立于披露方或其关联方披露的信息而开发,(Iv)被书面同意为非保密的当事人,(V)任何适用的法律或证券市场规则要求披露;但在适用法律允许的范围内,接受方应向披露方提供关于该要求的书面通知,以使披露方能够(由披露方承担费用)寻求保护令或以其他方式防止此类披露,接受方应利用其商业上合理的努力,由披露方承担费用和披露方的书面请求,与披露方合作,以获得适当的保护令或对此类信息进行保密处理,或者(Vi)向任何类型的潜在融资来源、投资者或贷款人披露;但该第三方须受保密协议约束,或(B)与首次公开招股或直接上市有关,包括在其中所载的任何注册声明、初步招股说明书或最终招股说明书或其任何修订或补充文件或相关材料中,以及(B)与首次公开招股或直接上市有关,以及与招股有关的银行家、财务和法律顾问及潜在投资者。如果接收方的相关人员或从接收方收到此类机密信息的任何其他人(包括根据本条款第9.1条允许接收方向其披露此类机密信息的任何融资来源、投资者或贷款人)的任何行动或未采取行动将违反本条款,则接收方应根据本条款承担违反接收方契约的责任。第十条总则10.1无机关。本协议中的任何内容不得以任何方式或任何目的被视为任何一方作为非关联方的代理人处理该另一方的业务。一个

311376687 v11-13-本协议项下的任何服务的提供方在履行此类服务时应作为独立承包商,而不是接收方的代理人,保持对其员工、其分包商及其员工的控制,并遵守所有扣缴收入的来源要求,无论是联邦、国家、州、地方还是外国的。10.2个通知。本协议项下的所有通知和其他通信应以书面形式发出,只有在以下情况下才被视为已正式发出:(I)如果是亲自递送,则应被视为已正式发出:(I)如果是亲自递送,(Ii)如果以挂号或认证的头等邮件邮寄,则在邮寄日期后两(2)个工作日,(Iii)预付邮资,(Iii)在保证次日递送的隔夜航空快递服务的下一个工作日,或(Iv)如果在太平洋时间下午5:00之前通过电子邮件发送,则在同一天,否则,在发送后一(1)个工作日(除非发送者收到未送达或“退回”消息),在每种情况下,向另一方发送以下地址或电子邮件地址(或根据本条款通过通知指定的人或个人或其他地址或电子邮件地址):(A)如果给买方,致:北极狼网络公司,Inc.科伦宾路伊甸园草原,MN 55347。注意:法律部电子邮件:Legal@arcticwolf.com,副本至:Cooley LLP 3175 Hanover Street Palo Alto,CA 94304-1130Eric Jensen;Kate Nichols电子邮件:alieberman@Cooley.com;ejensen@Cooley.com;Knichols@Cooley.com(B)如果卖给卖家,请发送至:BlackBerry Limited 2200 University Ave。E·滑铁卢,电话:N0.2万0A7注意:首席法务官电子邮件:Legal@Blackberry.com,并将副本复制到:Morison&Foerster LLP 4200Republic Plaza 370第17 Street Denver,CO 80202-5638如果本协议的任何规定或其对任何人或情况的适用被有管辖权的法院裁定为无效、无效或不可执行,则本协议的其余条款或该规定对个人或情况的适用或在

311376687 v11数据中心和硬件托管美国事件响应移动应用程序通知美国Cylance MDR,Aurora Protect,Aurora终端防御,Aurora终端防御移动插件,Aurora托管终端防御电子邮件交付服务美国CylanceENDPOINt,Cylance EDGE,Cylance MDR,Aurora Protect,Aurora终端防御,Aurora终端防御移动插件,Aurora按需管理终端防御,Aurora管理终端防御云服务提供商美国/爱尔兰Cylance MDR,Aurora管理终端防御安全信息和事件管理服务德国CylanceMDR带外通信工具美国Cylance MDR问题管理门户网站CylanceEDGE、Cylance MDR、Aurora Protect、Aurora Endpoint Defense、Aurora Endpoint Defense Mobile Addon、Aurora托管终端按需防御、Aurora托管终端防御

311376687 v11使用以下授权子处理器交付服务:客户数据将存储在客户在提供之前选择的地理区域中。名称用途数据处理地点附加信息[编校:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]客户所选地区的云服务提供商最终用户联系信息和服务运营收集的数据澳大利亚、巴西、德国、日本、美国[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。][编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]数据分析服务提供商通过服务运营收集的数据澳大利亚、德国、美国[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。][编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]移动应用程序通知服务提供商消息通知标识美国[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。][编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]电子邮件交付服务提供商电子邮件地址美国[已编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。][编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]电子邮件交付服务提供商电子邮件地址美国[已编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]





证据A:转让商标申请人/注册人/所有者商标与形象国家应用程序。不是的。提交日期登记。不是的。注册日期Cylance Inc.Cylance United阿拉伯EMR 268935 2017年2/28 268935 2018年2/21 Cylance Inc.Cylance United阿拉伯EMR 268936 2/28/268936 2018年1/21 Cylance Inc.Cylance阿根廷3568103 12/21 2016年4/6 Cylance Inc.2016.2930972 3/22/22 Cylance Inc.澳大利亚Cylance 1524063 11/5 1524063 4/26 Cylance Inc.巴西Cylance Inc.912026510 12/8Cylance Inc.Cylance Inc.巴西Cylance Inc.912026596 2016.12/8/912026596 2018.8/21 Cylance Inc.加拿大Cylance Inc.1601126 11/5 TMA919113 11/2/2015.Cylance Inc.瑞士Cylance Inc.2016.11/30 2016.1336940 11/30 Cylance Inc.2016.1235579 12/27/2016.1251338 6/14/2017 Cylance Inc.中国11709078 11/7/2014 11709078 4/14 Cylance Inc.Cylance Inc.Cylance Inc.哥伦比亚Cylance Inc.1336940 2016年11/30 1336940 Cylance Inc.2016年11/30 Cylance Inc.古巴1336940 11/30 Cylance Inc.2016.11/30 Cylance Inc.欧洲联盟(EUTM)011338662 11/12 011338662 2/16 Cylance Inc.英国011338662 2012.12/12 UK00911338662 2/16 Cylance Inc.香港303983446 12/5/2016 Cylance Inc.印尼D002016061001/8Cylance Inc.印度尼西亚Cylance Inc.2018年12月8日J002016060998 2018.IDM000600799 2018年2月23日Cylance Inc.以色列Cylance Inc.1336940 2016年11月30日1336940 Cylance Inc.2016年11月30日印度Cylance Inc.2016年11月30日Cylance Inc.2016.Cylance Jordan 150697 12/5 150697 10/19/2017 Cylance Inc.日本Cylance Inc.20166026895 3/11 8242/22

Cylance Inc.韩国Cylance Inc.1336940 2016年11月30日1336940 Cylance Inc.2016年11月30日墨西哥Cylance Inc.2016年11月30日1336940 2/15 Cylance Inc.Cylance Malaysia 2016013877 2016年12月22-22 2016013877 8/7 Cylance Inc.2016013876 12/22 2016年3-8 Cylance Inc.Cylance挪威1336940 13/30 11/30 Cylance Inc.新西兰Cylance Inc.秘鲁Cylance Inc.686674 2016年12月7-00016704 2017年5-10-10 Cylance Inc.俄罗斯Cylance Inc.1336940 2016年11-30-30 1336940 11/30 Cylance Inc.新加坡Cylance Inc.40201609317Y 6/9/2016 40201609317Y 9/30 Cylance Inc.土耳其1336940 2016年11-30-30 Cylance Inc.台湾地区Cylance Inc.105073384 12/7-9/16 Cylance Inc.美国Cylance Inc.836405/27-45 892232014年Cylance Inc.Cylance Inc.WIPO 1336940 2016年11月30日1336940 2016年11月30日Cylance Inc.南非Cylance Inc.201635811 2016年12月5日201635811 1/2 Cylance Inc.201635812 201635812 1/2 Cylance Inc.(日文片假名为2016112015 10/13/2016.5964978 7/21/2017 Cylance Inc.(风格化)澳大利亚1739645 12/7/2015 1739645 5/5/2016 Cylance Inc.加拿大1758154 2016年7月12日TMA957656 2016年9月12日

Cylance Inc.Cylance Inc.(风格化)中国18524473 18524473 2015.12-7 18524473 Cylance Inc.(风格化)中国18524474 18524474 12-7-18524474 2017.12-21 Cylance Inc.(风格化)欧洲联盟(EUTM)014887707 2015.12-12-4 Cylance Inc.(风格化)英国014887707 12-7-12英国2015.UK00914887707 2016.12-12日本Cylance Inc.(风格化)2015121092-12-8Cylance Inc.Cylance Inc.(程式化)美国86655881 2015年6月9/5125156 2017年1/17 Cylance Inc.美国87952809 2018年6/7 5997739 2/25

Cylance Inc.带有盾牌的Cylance智能防病毒徽标美国87954326 2018年6月8日5997742 2/25 Cylance Inc.带有双螺旋盾牌设计中国29397760 3/2 2018 29397760 12/28 Cylance Inc.Cylance/双螺旋盾牌设计中国29397759 3/2 2018年29397759 2/21 Cylance Inc.美国Cylance AVERt 97485507/1/22 7317371 2/27/27 Cylance Inc.Cylance AVERt United States 97470734 6/22 7121182 7/25CylanceAVERt WIPO 1683138 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc.澳大利亚CylanceAVERt  Cylance Inc.CylanceAVERt加拿大Cylance AVERt 1683138 7/8/2022 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc.欧洲联盟(EUTM)1683138 7/8/2022 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance AVERt英国1683138 7/8 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance AVERt日本1683138 7/8/8/2022 Cylance Inc.CylanceAvert新加坡1683138 1683138 7/8/2022年Cylance Inc.Cylance GATEWAY美国97470754 6/22/7121185 7/25/2023年Cylance Inc.美国CylanceGATEWAY美国97485501 7/1/2022 7121629 7/25/2022 Cylance Inc.WIPO 1683142 7/8/8/2022 Cylance Inc.澳大利亚1683142 7/8/8 Cylance GATEWAY Cylance Inc.加拿大1683142 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc.

Cylance Inc.英国Cylance GATEWAY英国1683142年7月8日1683142 7月8日Cylance Inc.Cylance GATEWAY日本1683142年7月8日1683142 7月8日Cylance Inc.新加坡Cylance GATEWAY新加坡2022年7月8日1683142 7/8欧洲联盟(EUTM)018088261 6/27/27英国Cylance Inc.018088261 6/27 UK00918088261 1/17美国赛朗斯公司88248032-01-3 6038132 4-21赛朗斯公司世界知识产权组织1673558-06-22 2022 6-22-22澳大利亚赛朗斯公司2018年6-22 1673558 6-22-22加拿大赛朗斯公司1673558 6-22-22-22  赛伦斯公司新加坡1673558 6-22-22-22-22-22美国赛朗斯公司Cylance Inc.欧洲联盟(EUTM)017940988 2018年8月10-017940988 2018年12-20 Cylance Inc.英国2018年8月10-10英国2018年12-20 Cylance Inc.日本2018102597 2018年8-10 6128189 3/8 Cylance Inc.美国87795224 2018年2-13  Cylance Inc.美国88017100 6/27-5836042 8/13Cylance Inc.英国017260985 017260985 9/29 UK00917260985 2018年9/24 Cylance Inc.日本2017130181 9/29 6037163 4/20 Cylance Inc.美国Cylance Inc.87469882 5/31/2017 5571576 9/25 Cylance Inc.WIPO 1673568 6/22 1673568 6/22 Cylance Inc.澳大利亚1673568 6/22 173568 6/22  Cylance Inc.新加坡CylanCEOPTICS 1673568 2022年6月22日1673568

Cylance Inc.美国87469892-5-31 5536885 2018年8-7-7 Cylance Inc.Cylance PERSONA美国97470713 6-22-22 7121180 7-25-20 Cylance Inc.Cylance PERSONA美国公司97485495 7-7-25 Cylance Inc.Cylance PERSONA WIPO 1683140 7/8-16-22 Cylance Inc.澳大利亚1683140 7-8-8-22 Cylance PERSONA加拿大公司1683140 7/8-888000796 2018年6月14 5997794 2020年2月25日Cylance Inc.CylanCEV美国86019673 2013年7月25日4700636 3月10日

Cylance Inc.澳大利亚双螺旋盾构设计1726084 2015年10月7月1726084 2016年4月5日Cylance Inc.双螺旋盾构设计加拿大1749257 10/6 TMA997848 2018年5/31 Cylance Inc.双螺旋盾构设计欧洲联盟(欧盟)2015.10/6 014653653 4/13 Cylance Inc.双螺旋盾构设计英国2015.014653653 10/6英国2016年10月914653653 4/13 Cylance Inc.双螺旋盾构设计日本2015097435

Cylance Inc.双螺旋盾牌设计新加坡40201609320Q 2016年9月40201609320Q 2016.30 Cylance Inc.双螺旋盾牌设计美国86655878 2015年6月5169214 3/28 Cylance Inc.双螺旋盾牌设计(彩色)美国87201455 2016年10月5171653 2017年3月28-28 Cylance Inc.美国Infinity 86173889 1/23 4551950 6/17 Cylance Inc.知道真相欧洲联盟(EUTM)016251159 1/132017年11月英国016251159-11-13英国00916251159 2017.Cylance Inc.澳大利亚S设计与矛业有限公司1728750-10-16-1728750 10-16-2015欧洲联盟(EUTM)014684666 10-15

Cylance Inc.S设计与长矛英国014684666 10/15 UK00914684666 1/1/2016 Cylance Inc.澳大利亚盾牌设计公司1735953 11/19 1735953 4/26 Cylance Inc.加拿大盾牌设计公司2015.11/19 TMA957633 12/9/2016 Cylance Inc.盾牌设计欧洲联盟(EUTM)014814586 11/20/2016 Cylance Inc.盾牌设计英国2015UK00914814586 5/312016年Cylance Inc.盾牌设计日本2015115107-11-24 5826264 2-12

Cylance Inc.美国防护罩设计公司86642506 2015.27 4870795 2016.12/15 Cylance Inc.澳大利亚的AI 1751441 2/10/2016 1751441 5/25 Cylance Inc.加拿大的AI 1766637 2/5/5 TMA1039910 7/11/2016 Cylance Inc.欧洲联盟(EUTM)的AI 015086572 2/9/6 Cylance Inc.英国的AI 015086572 2/9/6Cylance Inc.THREATZERO澳大利亚1758357 1758357 3/11 1758357 7/27 Cylance Inc.THREATZERO加拿大1772193 3/14 2016.TMA1002529 8/10 Cylance Inc.THREATZERO日本2016027975 3/14 2016.5897598 11/18 Cylance Inc.THREATZERO美国86759649 9/17 5346764 11/28/2017 Cylance Inc.THREATZERO盾牌设计美国公司000779 6/14 58989 8/13

证据B:转让域名拥有者/注册人域名集团黑莓有限公司avisad.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.avtruth.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.clyance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.clyance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.ae EMEA BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.biz N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.blog N.America CIRA Research in Motion Limited cylance.ca N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cyance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.Company N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.de EMEA德国BlackBerry Ltd cylance.mail N.America IE Reg Cylance爱尔兰Limited cylance.ie N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.info N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.io N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.kr N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.lu EMEA BlackBerry Ltd cylance.market N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.me N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.mobi N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.kr N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.lu EMEA BlackBerry Ltd cylance.market N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.mobi N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.net N.America Registrant Sync I39O cylance.N美国黑莓有限公司cylance.nz N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.org N.America NL SG PT Blackberry Limited cylance.pt EMEA BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.qa EMEA沙特阿拉伯黑莓有限公司cylance.ru N.America SE Research in Motion Limited cylance.se EMEA BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.Sucks N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.tech N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.tv N.America Research in Motion Limited cylance.uk N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.tv N.America

BlackBerry Ltd cylance.xyz N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.zone N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance apggregator.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceantivirus.ai EMEA BlackBerry Ltd cylanceantivirus.app N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceantivirus.io N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceantivirus.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceantivirus.org N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceassistant.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancecleavs.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancantivirus.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancantivirus.org N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancecolav.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancecleav.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancecolav.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancantius.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceantius.org N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancecolavs.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceclecus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.北美黑莓有限公司cylanceconsulting.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceconsum er.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancecorp.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancedr.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceedge.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceendpoint.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceecutionControl.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancehubard.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancefinty.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancefinity.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceecutioncontrol.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancehub.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancefinty.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancefinty.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancefinity.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancefinity.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceecutionControl.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancefinty.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancefinity.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancefinity.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceExecutionControl.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancecorp.comN.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancefinyty.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancefinty.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancefineution.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceecutionguard.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancececorp.com N.America BlackBlackBerry Ltd cylancespect.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancek8.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancelabs.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancelabs.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancesalespro.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceon-premi.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceonpreson.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancerewards.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancerewardSemea.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceriskzero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceriskzero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancerewardards.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceriskzero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceriskzero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceriskzero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cyanceriskzero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cyancesalesproity.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancerewewardard.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceriskzere.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceriskzero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceriskzer

黑莓有限公司cylancesmartantivirus.ai EMEA BlackBerry Ltd cylancesmartantivirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancesmartav.ai EMEA BlackBerry Ltd cylancesmartav.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylestestage.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylestore.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancesupportnumber.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancesmartav.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceexo.com N.America Blackry Ltd cylanceproport.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancesupportnumber.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancesmartav.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceexo.com N.America Blackry Ltd cylance.comN.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancesupportnumber.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancesmartav.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancesmartav.com N.America Blackry Ltd cylanco.com N.America Blackry Ltd cylancesupportnumber.com N.美国黑莓有限公司endpoint执行控制.com N.America Cylance Ltd fora.ge N.America BlackBerry Ltd.hackingexposed.tv N.America BlackBerry Ltd.hackingexposedlive.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.infined-day.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.klownstrike.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd lambs2lion s.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd LegalDigitalforensics.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd mycylance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantivirus.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantiVirus.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantivirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantiVirusus.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantivirus.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantivirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd nextgenantiVirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantivirus.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantiVirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantiVirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantivirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantiantiVirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantiVirus.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenenantiVirus.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantiantiVirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantiantiVirus.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantiantiVirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantiantiVirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.BlackBerry Ltd onprem-cylance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd opclever.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.OPERCLEVER.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.PermanualPrevenention.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.popmybox.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd opmybox.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd ridgeway is.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd sentientecutionControl.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.sentientecutionContro.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.sentientecutionContro.net N..org America BlackBerry Ltd.skoutforensics.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.skoutforensics.net America N.

黑莓有限公司Smartav.ai EMEA黑莓有限公司Smartav.ai EMEA黑莓有限公司thetruthaboutbigav.com北美黑莓有限公司威胁zero.com北美黑莓有限公司传统型反病毒.com北美黑莓有限公司传统拉夫.com北美黑莓有限公司trusthemath.com北美黑莓有限公司whatioptics.com北美黑莓有限公司zeroday.tv北美


311393987 v11[买方]和[卖方]之间商定的保密战略客户支持协议,日期为[●]

311393987 v11目录页-I-文章I定义.......................................................................................................1第二条服务、持续时间和服务经理.................................................3 2.1服务..............................................................................................................................3 2.2留存服务...............................................................................................................3 2.3服务持续时间..........................................................................................................3 2.4服务标准..........................................................................................................3 2.5合作;客户成功........................................................................................3 2.6知识产权;Data.................................................................................................4 2.7系统安全.................................................................................................................52.8数据保护..................................................................................................................5第三条免责声明;合规........................................................................................6 3.1担保免责声明...................................................................................................6 3.2遵守法律法规............................................................................6第四条费用和支出.......................................................................................7 4.1费用和支出...................................................................................................7 4.2税务事项........................................................................................................................7第五条有限责任和保障............................................................7 5.1间接损害和其他损害....................................................................................7 5.2责任限制.......................................................................................................8 5.3发行版和销售商Indemnity.............................................................................................8 5.4买方赔偿..........................................................................................................8 5.5赔偿程序...............................................................................................8 5.6排除其他补救措施............................................................................................8 5.7确认......................................................................................................................8第六条期限和终止.............................................................................................8 6.1期限和终止。......................................................................................................8 6.2终止.........................................................................................................的影响9第七条争端解决...................................................................................................9 7.1争议解决。............................................................................................................9第八条一般规定...............................................................................................10 8.1无代理.......................................................................................................................10 8.2通知.............................................................................................................................10

311393987 v11目录(续)第II-8.3页可分割性..................................................................................................11 8.4完整协议.............................................................................................................11 8.5无第三方受益人...........................................................................................11 8.6适用法律................................................................................................................11 8.7修正案......................................................................................................................11 8.8附件、展品和附表的优先顺序............................................................11 8.9对应的.....................................................................................................................11 8.10可分配性;更改控制....................................................................................12 8.11无追索权..................................................................................................................12 8.12相互起草...............................................................................................................12 8.13交易协议..................................................................................................12附件、附件和时间表附件1治理和运营支持附件A黑莓解决方案许可协议附件B黑莓技术支持服务计划说明附件C-1[编辑:专有客户数据,受第三方保密义务约束。]附件C-2[经过编辑:专有的客户数据,受第三方保密义务的约束。]附件C-3[经过编辑:专有的客户数据,并受第三方保密义务的约束。]附件D产品附件E数据处理协议附表C-1A[编辑:专有的客户数据,并受第三方保密义务的约束。]附表C-10亿[编辑:专有客户数据,并受第三方保密义务的约束。]附表C-2[编辑:专有的客户数据,并受第三方保密义务的约束。]

311393987 v11战略客户支持协议本战略客户支持协议的日期为[●](本“协议”),由特拉华州的[●]公司(“买方”)和[●](一家根据《商业公司法》(安大略省)注册成立的公司(“卖方”)签订。除非本协议另有规定,否则本协议中使用的所有大写术语应具有《采购协议》(如本协议定义)中规定的含义。L S鉴于,买卖双方已订立日期为[●]的该等股权及资产购买协议(“购买协议”),据此,买方购买转让的附属公司股权及转让的资产,并承担卖方或其他销售实体的负债,卖方向买方出售、转让、转让及转让所有转让的附属公司股权、转让资产及承担的负债;鉴于,采购协议要求双方在成交时签订本协议,以使卖方(或其适用关联公司)能够继续履行构成例外合同(如采购协议中的定义)的某些客户合同下的义务;鉴于,采购协议要求买方和卖方在成交日期或之前签署和交付本协议。因此,考虑到前述和本协议中包含的相互协议,买方和卖方拟受法律约束,特此同意如下:第一条定义本协议中使用的下列大写术语应具有下列含义:“协议”应具有序言中所述的含义。“BlackBerry协议”是指BlackBerry解决方案许可协议和BlackBerry技术支持服务计划说明。“黑莓解决方案许可协议”是指如附件A所列管理客户使用产品(S)的协议。“黑莓技术支持服务计划说明”是指描述客户有权获得的技术支持服务级别的文件,如附件b所示。“客户”应指所有[编辑:专有客户数据,并受第三方保密义务约束。]“客户特定条款”是指适用于[编辑:专有客户数据并遵守第三方保密义务]的附件C-1,适用于[编辑:专有客户数据且遵守第三方保密义务]的附件C-2,以及适用于[编辑:专有客户数据且遵守第三方保密义务。]的附件C-3。

311393987 v11-2-“争议”应具有第7.1节中给出的含义。“DPA”应具有第2.8节中给出的含义。“[编辑:专有客户数据,受第三方保密义务约束。]客户“是指附表C-2中所列的人员。“[编辑:专有的客户数据并受第三方保密义务的约束。]客户”应指附件C-3中定义的人员。“[编辑:专有的客户数据,并受第三方保密义务的约束。]客户”应指附表C-10亿中列出的人员。“当事人”是指本协议的当事人。“个人数据”是指与可直接或间接识别的已识别或可识别自然人有关的任何信息,特别是可参照该自然人的身份识别特征进行识别。“处理”和“处理”是指对个人数据或个人数据集执行的任何操作或一组操作,无论是否通过自动手段,如收集、记录、组织、组织、存储、改编或更改、检索、咨询、使用、通过传输、传播或以其他方式提供披露、对齐或组合、限制、删除或销毁。“产品”是指附件D所列的任何产品、服务、计算机软件产品或产品,其研究、开发、设计、销售、营销或分发(A)在与企业有关的交易结束前的任何时间,或(B)由受让子公司在与企业相关的交易结束前进行的。“买受人”应具有前言中所给出的含义。“买方受补偿方”应具有第5.3节中给出的含义。“保留的服务”应具有第2.2节中给出的含义。“卖方”应具有前言中所给出的含义。“卖方受赔偿方”应具有第5.4节中给出的含义。“卖方服务经理”应具有第2.5(B)节中规定的含义。“服务”应具有第2.1节中给出的含义。“[已编辑:专有客户数据,并受第三方保密义务的约束。]客户”应指附表C-1A所列人员。

311393987 v11-3-“运输安全协议”应具有第2.5(A)节规定的含义。在本协议条款和条件的约束下,买方应向卖方提供或安排向卖方提供以下服务(“服务”),在每种情况下,仅就适用的产品(S):(A)除保留的服务外,“黑莓”在黑莓解决方案许可协议中规定的义务,在适用的客户特定条款中被确定为买方的服务,以代表卖方为每个客户的利益;和(B)除保留服务外,在《BlackBerry技术支持服务计划说明》中规定的、在卖方代表卖方为每个客户的利益而合理要求的适用客户特定条款中确定为买方服务的“BlackBerry”的维护、支持和服务。卖方应继续按照适用的客户特定条款为客户提供某些服务,经双方书面同意的此类其他服务,包括替换服务(“保留服务”),买方应提供第2.1(B)条所要求的所有其他服务。在本协议条款的约束下,买方应向卖方提供或安排向卖方提供各项服务,直至就每个客户而言:(A)按照附件C-1至C-3的规定,该客户当时的适用产品的当前合同期限届满之日(S),或(B)根据第6.1(B)款或第6.1(C)款终止该服务之日(均为“服务条款”),以较早的时间为准。(A)买方应任命和指定一名资历足够高的个人担任其初始服务经理(“买方服务经理”),此人在任命和指定之日由买方聘用,直接负责协调和管理服务的交付,并有权就本协议项下提供服务的相关事宜代表买方行事。买方服务经理应与买方人员合作,定期处理卖方提出的与本协议项下提供服务有关的问题和事项。买方服务经理可能与根据双方于本协议日期生效的过渡服务协议(以下简称“TSA”)指定的买方服务经理相同。(B)卖方应任命和指定一名在任命和指定之日由卖方聘用的足够资深的个人作为其初始服务经理(“卖方服务经理”),该经理有权代表卖方就与本协议有关的事项行事。卖方服务经理应与卖方人员合作,定期处理买方提出的与本协议有关的问题和事项。卖方服务经理可以是根据TSA指定的卖方服务经理。

311393987 v11-4-(C)双方应真诚合作,管理本协议项下与提供服务有关的事项,包括协调定期会议、编写和提交报告,以及附件1规定的任何其他相关责任。(D)对于客户成功事项,包括如果客户指控违反产品合同,提出任何问题或问题,或以其他方式威胁到与产品相关的纠纷(S),包括例如:与黑莓解决方案许可协议第2-4、6-8或10-13节有关的事项,任何黑莓技术支持服务计划描述下预期的支持服务,双方应真诚合作,以解决客户的关切。除非双方另有约定(包括但不限于购买协议或任何其他交易协议规定的赔偿义务和其他补救措施),买方和卖方承认并同意,黑莓协议项下因情况、行为或不作为而产生或与之相关的所有赔偿义务,以及与服务有关的所有责任,均由买方(而非卖方)负责。买方和卖方承认并同意,黑莓协议或客户特定条款下的所有其他赔偿义务,包括因(I)截止日期之前或(Ii)截止日期之后因保留服务而产生的情况、作为或不作为或与之相关的赔偿义务,以及与(I)和(Ii)有关的所有责任应由卖方(而不是买方)负责。(E)不迟于客户关于产品的合同到期日前六(6)个月(或考虑到客户合同的滚动到期日期,最早在合理可行的情况下)(S),双方应真诚合作,通知有关客户:(I)卖方不再提供产品(S);及(Ii)客户应直接与买方签订合同,继续使用产品(S)。除前述规定外,只要买方同意与该客户签订继续使用产品的合同(S),双方应尽商业上合理的努力,防止因该客户使用该产品(S)而受到不适当的干扰或产生不利影响。买方应向卖方提供提供服务所需的合格的适当人员。买方有权(A)指定哪些人员执行服务,以及(B)随时撤换这些人员。2.6知识产权;数据。(A)本协议和根据本协议提供的服务不应影响或导致任何知识产权或技术的任何权利或所有权的转让。任何一方均不得因提供本协议项下的服务而获得另一方的任何知识产权或技术的任何权利、所有权或利益(本节2.6中规定的明示许可权除外)。为免生疑问,本协议中的任何条款均不得限制或修改购买协议或任何其他交易协议中规定的任何知识产权或技术的权利、所有权或许可证的转让。(B)买方确认交易完成后,卖方依靠买方服务根据黑莓协议向每个客户提供产品(S),包括开发、改进、托管、支持、维护、运营、更新、提供和以其他方式提供客户购买的适用产品(S)。根据第2.6(A)条的规定,仅在卖方需要访问和使用买方或其任何关联公司拥有或控制的、仅为执行保留服务所必需的特定技术和知识产权的范围内,买方特此授予卖方有限的、非排他性的、不可转让的、不可再许可的、可撤销的、完全付费的、免版税的权利,仅在适用的服务期限内,将此类技术和知识产权用于执行保留服务的唯一和有限目的(以及

311393987 v11-5-此类技术或知识产权的使用受与第三方签订的许可或其他协议管辖,但须遵守其中规定的任何适用限制或其他要求)。为免生疑问,本第2.6(B)节规定的许可证不允许卖方或其关联公司修改或准备买方或其任何关联公司拥有或控制的任何技术或知识产权的衍生作品。(C)在买方、卖方和客户之间,客户保留所有客户数据的所有权(定义见黑莓解决方案许可协议)。关于匿名数据(如黑莓解决方案许可协议中的定义),在买方和卖方之间,买方应拥有所有匿名数据,买方应仅在卖方履行保留服务所需的范围内向卖方及其关联公司提供适用的匿名数据。2.7系统安全。(A)如果一方或其关联方(“访问方”)(视情况而定)被允许访问另一方或其关联方(“授权方”)与提供服务或保留服务相关的系统,则访问方应遵守作为附件E(统称为“安全条例”)所附的授权方适用的所有安全政策、程序和指南(包括物理安全、网络访问、互联网安全、保密和个人数据安全指南),并且不得故意篡改,损害或规避授权方或其任何附属公司采用的任何安全或审计措施。访问方只能访问和使用授权方及其附属公司已被授予访问和使用权的系统。(B)各访问方应采取措施,将访问权限仅限于访问方有权访问系统的人员,并防止未经授权访问、使用、销毁、更改或丢失系统中包含的信息,包括将本协议和《安全条例》中规定的限制通知此类人员。(C)如果访问方在任何时候确定任何此类人员试图规避或已经规避《安全条例》,任何未经授权的人员已经或曾经访问系统,或任何此类人员从事了合理预期会导致授权方或其任何关联方的数据、信息或软件未经授权访问、使用、销毁、更改或丢失的活动,访问方应迅速(无论如何在其确定后二十四(24)小时内)通知授权方,以便各方能够合作终止任何此等人员访问相关系统的行为。此外,如果授权方合理地相信任何接入方人员从事了第2.7(C)节所述的任何活动或以其他方式构成安全问题,则授权方有权在向接入方发出合理通知后,拒绝该人员访问系统。每一接入方应提供相关授权方可能要求的合理合作,以调查对系统的任何未经授权的访问。2.8数据保护。在提供服务需要处理个人数据的范围内,买方关于处理与提供服务相关的个人数据的义务应由双方在附件E中规定的数据处理协议(“DPA”)中相互商定。在本协议与DPA之间存在任何冲突的情况下,应以DPA为准。

311393987 v11-6-第三条免责声明;合规性3.1保证免责声明。除本协议明确规定外,双方承认并同意所有服务均按原样提供,卖方承担因使用和依赖服务而产生或有关的所有风险和责任,买方在适用法律允许的最大范围内不对此作出任何陈述或保证。3.2遵守法律法规。每一方应负责遵守适用于其在本协议项下履行的任何和所有法律。任何一方不得在知情的情况下采取违反任何此类适用法律的行为,导致另一方承担责任。第四条费用和付款4.1费用和付款。所有服务费均不包括任何税费(税费责任由第4.2节规定)。(B)每一缔约方应对其在本协定项下履行义务的所有费用和开支负责。(C)本合同项下到期和应付的服务费应以美元开具发票并支付,除非双方另有约定。除双方另有约定外,买方应按月向卖方开具该会计月的发票,并合理详细地注明卖方欠其的服务费。如发生任何账单纠纷,卖方应及时支付任何无争议的金额。双方可以书面形式就本协议或任何其他交易协议项下应支付的任何金额达成净开票或其他抵销安排。

311393987 v11-7-(D)卖方应及时全额支付服务费,不得因买方对卖方的任何义务而抵销、反索偿或以其他方式扣留本协议项下欠买方的任何款项,但双方根据第4.1(C)节商定的任何净账单安排除外。4.2税务事宜。在不限制本协议任何条款的情况下,卖方应负责并支付因买方提供服务而征收或应付或评估的消费税、销售额、使用费、增值税、货物和服务、转让、印花税、单据、档案、记录和其他类似的非所得税或卖方根据本协议应支付的任何费用或收费(包括任何服务费)(统称为“非所得税”)。被要求对这种非所得税进行核算的一方应向另一方提供适当的税务发票,并在适用的情况下,向有关政府当局提供这种非所得税金额已汇出的证据。双方应尽商业上合理的努力,尽量减少非所得税,并在法律允许的范围内,通过提交任何必要的免税或其他类似表格、证书或其他类似文件,以获得任何非所得税的任何退款、退还、退税等。第五条有限责任和赔偿5.1因此而造成的损害和其他损害。尽管本协议有任何相反规定,除因违反第八条而造成的任何损害外,任何一方或其任何关联公司或代表均不对另一方或其关联公司或代表在法律或衡平法上对任何特殊的、间接的、附带的、惩罚性的或后果性的损害或利润损失、收入损失、业务损失或保险成本承担责任,无论是在合同、侵权行为(包括过失和严格责任)或其他法律或衡平法上,在每种情况下,这些损害都是由于根据本协议提供或接受任何服务而产生的、与之相关的或由于未能提供服务而产生的。每一方特此代表其本人、其附属公司及其代表放弃对此类损害的任何索赔。5.2责任限制。每一方及其关联方和代表在本协议项下对与本协议有关的任何行为或不作为(包括履行或违反本协议),或因销售、交付、提供或使用本协议项下或预期提供的任何服务而共同承担的法律或衡平法责任,无论是合同、侵权行为(包括疏忽和严格责任)还是其他法律或衡平法上的责任,不得超过买方在紧接引起责任的事件发生前十二(12)个月期间从卖方收到的关于客户和索赔标的的相关服务部分的金额;但是,如果在(A)2026年1月1日和(B)卖方向买方就此类服务首次付款之日或之前(A)2026年1月1日或之前,根据附件C-3提供的服务所产生的任何责任,则第5.2节中规定的各方及其关联方和代表的总责任不得超过300,900,000美元(3,900,000美元)。5.3卖方赔偿。卖方特此同意赔偿、辩护买方及其关联公司和代表(每一方均为“买方受赔方”),使其免受因(A)卖方或其任何关联公司或代表使用任何服务或(B)任何客户使用任何保留的服务而引起的、与之相关或与之相关的第三方索赔、诉讼、诉讼或诉讼造成的任何和所有损失,除非此类损失是由于买方重大违反本协议、严重疏忽、故意不当行为、或者诈骗。

311393987 v11-8-5.4买方赔偿。买方在此同意赔偿卖方及其附属公司和代表(每一方均为“卖方受赔方”),使其免受因(A)客户在成交后使用任何产品(S)或(B)销售、交付或提供本协议项下或预期提供的任何服务而引起的、与之有关或与之相关的第三方索赔、诉讼、诉讼或诉讼造成的任何和所有损失,除非此类损失是由于充分违反本协议(A)和(B)中的每一项而引起的,卖方实质性违反本协议、严重疏忽、故意不当行为或欺诈行为。5.5充分性违约。买方未能履行其在本协议项下的义务,只要是由于充分违约而导致的,则不应构成对本协议的违反。“充分性违约”是指任何销售实体违反购买协议第4.24条的行为。5.6赔偿程序。采购协议第8.4节的规定适用于本协议项下的赔偿要求。5.7排除其他补救措施。本协议第5.3节和第5.4节的规定,在适用法律允许的最大范围内,对于本协议项下的任何索赔、损失、损害、费用或责任,应是买方受赔方和卖方受赔方适用的唯一和排他性补救措施,无论这些索赔、损失、损害、费用或责任是由成文法、普通法或民法原则、严格责任原则、侵权行为、合同或其他方面引起的。5.8确认。对于根据适用法律不能排除的任何责任,任何一方均不排除责任。第六条期限和终止6.1期限和终止。(A)本协议应立即在截止日期起生效,并在下列日期之前终止:(I)任何一方根据本协议的条款有义务向另一方提供任何服务的最后日期,或(Ii)双方共同书面同意完全终止本协议的日期。(B)卖方可在事先书面通知买方的情况下,随时终止本协议:(I)如果买方未能履行其在本协议项下关于服务的任何重大义务,并且在买方收到卖方的书面通知后三十(30)天内仍未得到纠正,卖方可随时终止本协议;以及(Ii)如果买方在提供此类服务时违反了任何法律,则卖方可随时终止本协议。(C)卖方在向买方提供至少三十(30)天的事先书面通知(或双方以书面形式达成的其他协议)后,可随时就一个或多个客户终止本协议。6.2终止的效果。在根据本协议为特定客户终止任何服务时,买方不再有义务提供终止的服务。对于任何服务的终止,本协议中不只与该终止的服务有关的条款应在任何此类终止以及与本协议终止相关的第一条、第五条(包括对下列条款下的任何可赔偿损失的责任)中继续有效

311393987 v11-9--本协定在终止之日或之前产生或发生)、第六条、第八条和第九条应无限期继续有效。第七条争端解决7.1争端解决。(A)如果因本协议预期的交易引起或与本协议预期的交易有关的任何争议、争议或索赔,或本协议任何条款的有效性、解释、违反或终止,或任何服务成本的计算或分摊,包括根据任何法律寻求补救或主张权利的索赔(各自为“争议”),买方和卖方同意,买方的服务经理和卖方的服务经理(或买方和卖方指定的其他人)应本着善意进行谈判,试图友好地解决此类争议。如果在发出首次书面通知后十五(15)天内(或在双方同意的较长期限之后),该争议仍未得到双方满意的解决,则该争议应按照《采购协议》第10条所述的争议解决程序解决;但该争议解决程序不得修改或增加双方在本协议项下可获得的补救措施。(B)在任何关于服务费金额的争议中,如果争议最终根据第7.1节规定或提到的争议解决程序得到解决,并且确定服务费买方已向卖方开具发票,且卖方已向买方支付的服务费高于或低于服务费的应得金额,则(I)如果确定卖方多付了服务费,买方应在确定后十(10)个工作日内向卖方退还相当于该多付金额的现金以及利息支付,自卖方付款之日起至买方偿还之日止;以及(Ii)如果确定卖方少付了服务费,卖方应在确定后十(10)个工作日内向买方退还相当于该少付金额的现金,外加利息,从卖方最初应支付该款项之日起至卖方付款之时止。第八条保密8.1保密信息的处理。每一方应并应促使其关联方及其董事、高级管理人员、经理、雇员、顾问、代表和代理人(统称为相关人员)在本协议期限内,将另一方根据本协议所提供的所有已知为机密或专有的信息(“保密信息”)视为机密信息,对其保密,并且不得使用、披露或允许向任何人披露,除非是为了履行接收方在本协议项下的义务。接收方或其关联公司以非保密方式从另一来源获得另一方的任何保密信息,除非该等信息(I)是或成为公众普遍可获得的信息,而不是由于接收方或其任何关联方违反本协议的结果,前提是接收方或其关联公司不知道该其他来源受该另一来源与披露方或其任何关联公司之间的保密协议的约束,(Ii)在披露方或其关联公司披露该信息之前,该信息由接受方或其关联公司合法拥有,并继续按照获得该信息的条款持有,但本条第(Ii)款不排除卖方所拥有的关于该企业、被转移的子公司、持续雇员、被转移的资产和承担的负债的信息,除非该等信息是卖方或其关联公司从第三方合法接收的(为免生疑问,不包括任何商业服务

311393987 v11-10-提供商)在成交后,并继续根据获得信息的条款持有,(Iii)独立于披露方或其关联公司披露的信息而开发,(Iv)被书面同意为非保密的当事人,(V)任何适用法律或证券市场规则要求披露;但在适用法律允许的范围内,接受方应向披露方提供关于该要求的书面通知,以使披露方能够(由披露方承担费用)寻求保护令或以其他方式防止此类披露,接受方应利用其商业上合理的努力,由披露方承担费用和披露方的书面请求,与披露方合作,以获得关于此类信息的适当保护令或保密待遇,或(Vi)向任何类型的潜在融资来源、投资者或贷款人披露;但该第三方须受保密协议约束,或(B)与首次公开招股或直接上市有关,包括在其中所载的任何注册声明、初步招股说明书或最终招股说明书或其任何修订或补充文件或相关材料中,以及(B)与首次公开招股或直接上市有关,以及与招股有关的银行家、财务和法律顾问及潜在投资者。如果接收方的相关人员或从接收方收到此类机密信息的任何其他人(包括根据本条款第8.1条允许接收方向其披露此类机密信息的任何融资来源、投资者或贷款人)的任何行动或未采取行动将违反本条款,则接收方应根据本条款承担违反接收方契约的责任。第九条总则9.1不得代理。本协议中的任何内容不得以任何方式或任何目的被视为任何一方作为非关联方的代理人处理该另一方的业务。本协议项下任何服务的买方在履行该服务时应作为独立承包商,而不是卖方的代理人,保持对其员工、其分包商及其员工的控制,并遵守所有扣缴收入的来源要求,无论是联邦、国家、州、地方还是外国。9.2通知。本协议项下的所有通知和其他通信应以书面形式发出,只有在下列情况下才被视为已正式发出:(A)如果是亲自递送的,则应被视为已正式发出:(B)如果以挂号或认证的头等邮件邮寄,则在邮寄日期后两(2)个工作日预付邮资;(C)在押金后的下一个工作日提供保证次日递送的隔夜航空快递服务;或(D)如果在太平洋时间下午5:00之前通过电子邮件发送,则在同一天,或在发送后一(1)个工作日(除非发送者收到未送达或“退回”的消息),在每种情况下,按以下地址或电子邮件地址(或一方根据本条款通过通知指定的一个或多个人或其他地址或电子邮件地址)向另一方发送:(A)如果给买方,致:北极狼网络公司,Inc.科伦宾路伊甸园草原,邮编55347。注意:法律部电子邮件:Legal@arcticwolf.com,副本发送至:Cooley LLP 3175 Hanover Street

311393987 v11-11-Palo Alto,CA 94304-1130注意:Anne Lieberman;Eric Jensen;Kate Nichols电子邮件:alieberman@Cooley.com;ejensen@Cooley.com;Knichols@Cooley.com(B)如果卖给卖家,请发送至:BlackBerry Limited 2200 University Ave。E·滑铁卢,电话:N0.2万0A7注意:首席法务官电子邮件:Legal@Blackberry.com,并将副本复制到:Morison&Foerster LLP 4200Republic Plaza 370第17 Street Denver,CO 80202-5638如果本协议的任何条款或其对任何人或情况的适用被有管辖权的法院裁定为无效、无效或不可执行,则本协议的其余条款或此类条款对个人或情况的适用,或在已被认定为无效或不可执行的司法管辖区以外的司法管辖区,应保持充分的效力和效力,且不应因此而受到影响、损害或无效。一旦确定,双方应本着诚意进行谈判,努力商定这样一项适当和公平的规定,以实现双方的原意。9.4整个协议。本协议、采购协议和其他交易协议(在本协议明确规定的范围内)及其附件、证物、附表和附录包含双方之间关于本协议标的的完整协议,取代所有先前关于该标的的协议、谈判、讨论、书面、谅解、承诺和对话,双方之间除本协议中所述或其中提及的协议或谅解外,没有其他协议或谅解。9.5无第三方受益人。除条款V中关于买方受赔方和卖方受赔方的规定外,本协议是为了双方及其允许的继承人和受让人的唯一利益,本协议中的任何明示或默示的内容都不打算或将赋予任何其他人,包括买方或卖方的任何工会或任何雇员或前雇员,任何性质的任何法律或衡平法权利、利益或补救,包括根据或由于本协议而在任何特定时期内的任何就业权利。9.6适用法律。本协定应按照纽约州的国内实体法解释,并由纽约州的国内实体法管辖,不受任何选择或冲突的法律规定或规则(无论是纽约州还是任何其他司法管辖区)的影响。9.7修正案。

311393987 v11-12-9.8附件、展品和附表的优先顺序。本协议所附或引用的每个附件、附件和附表在此并入本协议,并构成本协议的一部分;但该附件、附件或附表中包含的条款仅适用于该附件、附件或时间表的相关服务。如果个别附件、附件或附表中包含的条款与本协议正文中的条款发生冲突,则附件、附件或附表中的条款应优先于该附件、附件或时间表下适用的服务。个别减让表中包含的任何条款均不得以其他方式修改本协议的条款。9.9对应值。本协议可一式两份或两份以上签署,每份应被视为正本,但所有副本一起构成一份相同的文书。通过电子邮件交换.pdf或.tif格式的本协议副本和签名页(包括但不限于符合2000年《美国电子签名法》的任何电子签名,例如www.docusign.com),或通过旨在保留文档原始图形和图片外观的任何其他电子方式,或通过上述方式的组合,对于双方而言,应构成对本协议的有效执行和交付,并可在所有目的上取代原始协议。这种执行和交付应被认为是有效的、具有约束力的,并在任何目的下都有效。9.10可分配性;控制权变更。未经另一方事先书面同意,任何一方对本协议或本协议项下任何权利的转让均不得生效;但是,如果未经任何一方同意,买方可将其在本协议项下的任何权利和义务全部或部分转让给买方的一个或多个关联公司,或转让给与本协议有关的买方全部或部分资产的继承人。在不违反前述条款的前提下,本协议对双方及其各自的继承人和受让人的利益有效,并对其具有约束力。任何一方不遵守上述规定而进行的任何据称的转让或转授均为无效。9.11相互起草。本协议应被视为双方共同工作的产物,任何对文件起草人进行解释或解释的解释规则均不适用。9.12交易协议。[本页的其余部分故意留空。]

311393987 v11[战略客户支持协议签名页]特此声明,双方已于上文第一次写明的日期由其正式授权的代表签署了本战略客户支持协议。[卖方]按:姓名:标题:[买方]按:姓名:标题:

311393987 v11附件1治理和业务支持缔约方将真诚合作,在《采购协议》签署之日至截止日期之间编写一份业务文件,详细说明各方在现有客户和产品方面的角色和责任分配。

311393987 v11附件A黑莓解决方案许可协议

本BlackBerry解决方案许可协议(“协议”或“BBSLA”)是您代表公司或作为其代表的其他实体(“您”或“客户”)与下文第13(A)款(“BlackBerry”)所述的BlackBerry Limited或其关联公司就使用某些BlackBerry软件和BlackBerry服务(定义见下文)达成的法律协议。你和黑莓一起是“党”,单独是“党”。点击下面的相应按钮,或者安装、访问或使用任何BlackBerry软件或BlackBerry服务,即表示您同意遵守本协议的条款和条件。如果您不同意本协议的条款和条件,或者如果您未获授权代表客户接受本协议的条款和条件,请勿复制、安装、访问或使用任何BlackBerry软件或BlackBerry服务。1.定义。(A)“附属公司”,就任何法律实体而言,是指控制该实体、由该实体控制或与其共同控制的任何其他实体。(B)“授权用户”是指客户的雇员和独立承包商。(C)“匿名数据”是指通过处理和/或聚合客户数据以使结果对于客户或其授权用户不可识别而生成的数据;以及与使用BlackBerry解决方案有关的任何结果、日志和/或其他数据。(D)“Beta产品”是指BlackBerry根据附加条款和条件向客户提供的BlackBerry软件或BlackBerry服务的任何商业前发布或评估版本。(E)“BlackBerry服务”是指根据本协议由BlackBerry或其代表提供并被确定为BlackBerry服务的任何付费服务,包括通过BlackBerry软件提供的云服务,但不包括任何第三方项目。(F)“BlackBerry Software”或“Software”指仅以目标代码(而非源代码)形式提供的任何BlackBerry专有企业软件(以及嵌入其中的任何经许可的第三方软件),包括服务器软件、客户端软件、个人计算机软件以及界面和文档。BlackBerry软件应包括BlackBerry可自行决定向客户提供的BlackBerry软件的任何升级、更新或修改版本,但不包括任何第三方项目。(G)“黑莓解决方案”是指黑莓专有的企业解决方案或服务,由黑莓软件和/或黑莓服务的任何组件(S)或部分(S)和适用的文档组成。(H)“客户数据”是指任何数据、文件、消息、可执行文件或代码、由客户和/或其授权用户上传、输入或以其他方式提交给BlackBerry的系统活动,或通过BlackBerry解决方案的正常操作从客户和/或授权用户收集的系统活动,以及文档中指定的任何其他客户数据。(I)“文档”是指BlackBerry提供的任何适用的BlackBerry最终用户文档(不包括任何营销或促销材料)。(J)“终端”是指黑莓解决方案使用的无线设备、台式机、计算机系统和任何其他终端。(K)“知识产权”系指任何专利、著作权、商标、工业品外观设计、商业秘密、机密信息或其他专有权利。(L)“恶意软件”是指包含任何病毒、特洛伊木马、蠕虫、后门程序、关闭机制、嗅探器、僵尸程序、Drop Dead机制、间谍软件、恶意代码或类似代码的任何软件或内容。(M)“反向工程”是指对数据、软件(包括接口、协议和程序中包含的或与之结合使用的任何其他数据,在技术上可能被视为或可能不被视为软件代码)或服务或从一种形式获取任何信息、数据或软件或将其转换为人类可读形式的任何方法或过程进行反向工程、翻译、反汇编、反编译、解密或反构造的任何行为。(N)“技术支持服务”是指黑莓提供的技术支持和维护服务。(O)“第三方项目”指客户或任何第三方:(I)软件;(Ii)内容;(Iii)服务,包括互联网连接、系统、无线网络和非BlackBerry网站;以及(Iv)设备、服务器、设备和其他硬件产品。2.执照。(A)有限许可证。在本协议和客户支付所有适用费用的前提下,BlackBerry授予客户个人的、可撤销的、非独家的、不可转让的许可,允许其仅出于文档中指定的目的在内部安装、访问和/或使用BlackBerry解决方案,并受基于客户根据接受的BlackBerry订单获得的许可的数量和类型以及许可期限的使用和时间限制。客户可授权其授权用户行使上述权利,但前提是客户应对其授权用户使用BlackBerry解决方案负责。


30数据处理增编附表二截至《协定》之日,北极狼授权的次级处理器列于下表:供应商供应商[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]平台[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同和具体数据点,这些合同或单独、组合或共同为商业秘密。]目的数据驻留北极狼产品(S)电子邮件和其他办公应用程序美国MDR,MR,MA,事件响应,CDO,IRJS聘用人公司数据存储库美国MDR,MR,MA,事件响应,Cyber JumpStart门户数据中心和托管美国MA,事件响应,CDO内部票务美国MDR,MR,MA内部工作跟踪和程序美国MDR,MR,MA公司数据存储库;安全文件传输美国MDR,MR,MA安全文件传输美国事件响应客户和内部协作和消息传递美国MDR,MR,MA,事件响应,IRJS定位器,Cyber JumpStart门户,CDO会议/电话美国MDR,MR,MA,事件响应,

31 IRJS定位器,Cyber JumpStart门户,CDO Workstation Backup USA MDR,MR,MA产品票务系统USA MDR,MR,MA,事件响应数据中心和托管美国/加拿大/德国/澳大利亚MDR,MR,MA,Cyber JumpStart门户,事件响应数据中心和托管美国/澳大利亚/巴西/德国/日本CylanceENDPOINt,CylanceEDGE,Cylance MDR,Aurora保护,Aurora终端防御,Aurora终端防御移动addon,Aurora托管终端防御按需,Aurora管理型终端防御美国/加拿大/德国/澳大利亚MDRMA代码和配置存储库美国MDR,MR用户身份验证美国MDR,MR,MA SSO/VPN/针对用户的移动访问身份验证USA Cyber JumpStart用于票证升级的门户寻呼工具USA MDR,MR,MA,事件响应电子邮件交易USA MDR,MA,Cylance ENDPOINt,CylanceEDGE,Cylance MDR,Aurora Protect,Aurora Endpoint Defense,Aurora Endpoint Defense Mobile Addon,Aurora托管终端防御按需,Aurora托管终端防御

32管理客户事件美国MDR、MR、MA电子邮件安全美国MDR、MR、MA、CDO、事件响应地理IP地址查找服务美国MDR地理IP地址查找服务美国MDR用户体验指标美国MDR、MR、MA、Cyber JumpStart门户数据仓库存储、管理和分析美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、澳大利亚、德国(基于SOC位置)MDR、MR数据分析美国/澳大利亚/德国/日本/巴西CylanceENDPOINt和CylanceEDGE(在澳大利亚、德国、日本、巴西和美国有租户的客户);Cylance MDR Aurora Protect、Aurora Endpoint Defense和Aurora Endpoint Defense Mobile Addon(在澳大利亚、德国、日本、巴西和美国有租户的客户);Aurora按需管理终端防御、Aurora管理终端防御错误记录美国、德国MDR、MR法医证据跟踪、危害根信息美国事件响应数据中心和托管美国事件响应的硬件

33移动应用程序通知美国Cylance MDR、Aurora保护、Aurora终端防御、Aurora终端防御移动插件、Aurora管理终端防御电子邮件交付服务美国CylanceENDPOINt、CylanceEDGE、Cylance MDR、Aurora Protect、Aurora终端防御、Aurora终端防御移动插件、Aurora按需管理终端防御、Aurora管理终端防御云服务提供商美国/爱尔兰Cylance MDR、Aurora管理终端防御按需提供服务、Aurora管理终端防御安全信息和事件管理服务德国Cylance MDR带外通信工具美国Cylance MDR门户网站管理CylanceENDPOINt、CylanceEDGE、Cylance MDR、Aurora Protecte、Aurora管理终端防御按需服务Aurora终端防御、Aurora终端防御移动插件、Aurora按需管理终端防御、Aurora管理终端防御








附表1-A产品Cylance保护Cylance保护移动Cylance保护OEM Cylance光学Cylance网关Cylance Avert Cylance引擎(以前称为Cylance OEM引擎)Cylance V Cylance智能防病毒(SmartAV)Cylance本地管理服务器Cylance混合代理Cylance AWS Cloud(美国东部、加拿大、巴西、德国、澳大利亚、日本)Cylance Databricks Cylance Infinity Cylance Cognition Cylance AI Assistant Cylance MDR按需Cylance MDR标准(以前称为Cylance Guard标准)Cylance MDR Advanced(以前称为Cylance Guard Advanced,包括ExaBeam集成)Cylance MDR Pro(包括Stella Cyber白标集成)Cylance对手模拟Cylance汽车系统评估Cylance违规模拟Cylance建筑自动化评估Cylance认证的ThreatZERO合作伙伴提供Cylance临床应用程序评估Cylance妥协评估Cylance IR自定义攻击Cylance定制IoT Cylance定制团队服务Cylance定制员工增强Cylance Cyber声明Cylance嵌入式系统设计评审Cylance嵌入式系统设备安全评估Cylance Expert Witness证词Cylance外部网络渗透测试Cylance防火墙评估Cylance硬件取证Cylance主机配置审查Cylance ICS组件测试和分析Cylance ICS Red Team Services Cylance ICS风险评估Cylance ICS安全评估

Cylance ICS安全技术评估Cylance事件遏制-定位器Cylance事件遏制响应Cylance事件遏制定位器Cylance事件准备情况评估Cylance事件响应计划开发Cylance事件响应计划差距分析Cylance内部网络渗透测试Cylance IR桌面练习Cylance ISO 27002策略差距分析Cylance it安全差距评估Cylance移动应用程序渗透评估Cylance MSSP-网络工作说明书Cylance OSINT侦察评估Cylance物理安全评估Cylance重新测试服务Cylance物理安全评估Cylance规划Cylance安全工具评估Cylance社会工程评估Cylance ThreatZO保证Cylance ThreatZO保证MS Cylance ThatZO定制光纤升级)Cylance ThreatZERO基础(保护+光纤)Cylance ThreatZERO基础(保护+光纤)MSSP Cylance ThreatZERO基础(仅保护)Cylance ThreatZERO防护MSSP的Cylance ThreatZERO防护小型附加Cylance ThreatZERO托管预防Cylance ThreatZERO常驻专家Cylance ThreatZERO常驻专家(许可)Cylance Threat零培训Cylance虚拟CISO(本地或远程)Cylance无线网络渗透测试



机密附表1-C其他销售实体和其他采购实体销售实体采购实体资产1按比例份额成交现金支付**2按比例份额延迟现金支付3按比例份额股票对价Cylance Inc.(美国)北极狼网络公司(美国)ALL[·]%[·]%100%黑莓公司(US)ALL[·]%[·]%-黑莓有限公司(加拿大)北极狼网络加拿大,公司(加拿大)供应商合同和劳动力到位(如果有)[·]%--北极狼网络公司(美国)除供应商合同外的所有资产(包括收入合同)[·]%[·]%-黑莓英国有限公司(英国)北极狼网络公司(美国)所有(劳动力和转让股权除外)[·]%--北极狼网络国际公司,公司(美国)转让子公司股权*$[·]-北极狼网络英国有限公司(英国)劳动力到位(如果有)[·]%--黑莓新加坡私人。北极狼网络有限公司(新加坡)北极狼网络有限公司(美国)全部[·]%[·]%-北极狼网络英国有限公司(英国)员工到位(如果有)[·]%1更新以反映指定的应收账款。2数额将根据分配情况确定。3数额将根据分配情况确定。





附表1.2-A(6)商标和域名申请人/注册人/所有人与形象国家应用程序的商标标记。不是的。提交日期登记。不是的。注册日期Cylance Inc.Cylance United阿拉伯EMR 268935 2017年2月28日268935 2018年2月21日Cylance Inc.Cylance United阿拉伯EMR 268936 2017年2月28日268936 Cylance Inc.2018年1月21日Cylance Inc.3568103 2018年12月21日2932573 4/6 Cylance Inc.Cylance澳大利亚公司1524063 2012年11月5日1524063 4/26 Cylance Inc.巴西Cylance Inc.912026510 2016年12月8-8 912026510 Cylance Inc.Cylance巴西912026596 12/8 2018年Cylance Inc.2018年Cylance Inc.加拿大1601126 11/5 11 TMA919113 11/2/2017 Cylance Inc.瑞士1336940 11/30 11/30 Cylance Inc.Cylance中国11709078 11709078 2012年11月7月11709078 4/14 Cylance Inc.Cylance中国11709077 11/7 2012年4月14日Cylance Inc.哥伦比亚Cylance Inc.2016.1336940 11/30 Cylance Inc.Cylance古巴2016.1336940 11/30 Cylance Inc.2016.11/30 Cylance Inc.欧洲联盟(欧盟)011338662 11/12 011338662 2/16/12 Cylance英国Cylance Inc.香港Cylance Inc.303983446 2016年12月5日Cylance Inc.2016年12月16日Cylance Inc.印尼Cylance Inc.D002016061001 2016年12月8月8日IDM000601640 2018年2月27日Cylance Inc.Cylance印度尼西亚J002016060998 2018年12月8月8日IDM000600799 2/23 Cylance Inc.以色列Cylance Inc.1336940 2016年11/30 11/30 Cylance Inc.印度Cylance Inc.1336940 11/30 2016年11月30日Cylance Inc.

Cylance Inc.Cylance Jordan 150696 2016年12月5日150696 2017年10月19日Cylance Inc.日本Cylance Inc.2016026895 2016年3月11日5908242 12/22 Cylance Inc.韩国Cylance Inc.2016年11月30日13 36940 Cylance Inc.2016Cylance墨西哥1336940 11/30 11/30 Cylance Inc.2018年2/15 Cylance Inc.马来西亚Cylance Inc.2016013877 12/22 2016013877 8/7/2017 Cylance Inc.Cylance挪威公司1336940 2016年11月30日1336940 2016年11月30日Cylance Inc.新西兰1336940 2016年11月30日1336940 Cylance Inc.2016年11/30 Cylance Inc.秘鲁686674 12/7 2016年00016704 5/10 Cylance Inc.Cylance俄罗斯公司1336940 2016年11/30 Cylance Inc.新加坡40201609317Y 6/9/2016 40201609317Y 9/30/2016 Cylance Inc.Cylance Inc.土耳其1336940Cylance Inc.台湾Cylance Inc.105073384 2016年12月7-01869968 2017.16 Cylance Inc.美国85636405 5-27-4589223 8/19 Cylance Inc.Cylance WIPO 1336940 2016年11-30-11 2016年11-30 Cylance Inc.南非Cylance Inc.201635811 12/2-2/2016 Cylance Inc.南非Cylance Inc.201635812-12-5/2016 Cylance Inc.(日本版片假名日本)Cylance Inc.5964978 2017年7月21日Cylance Inc.(风格化)澳大利亚1739645 2016年12月7-7 1739645 Cylance Inc.(风格化)加拿大1758154 2015.12-7 TMA957656

Cylance Inc.Cylance Inc.(风格化)中国18524473 18524473 2015.12-7 18524473 Cylance Inc.(风格化)中国18524474 18524474 12-7-18524474 2017.12-21 Cylance Inc.(风格化)欧洲联盟(EUTM)014887707 2015.12-12-4 Cylance Inc.(风格化)英国014887707 12-7-12英国2015.UK00914887707 2016.12-12日本Cylance Inc.(风格化)2015121092-12-8Cylance Inc.Cylance Inc.(程式化)美国86655881 2015年6月9/5125156 2017年1/17 Cylance Inc.美国87952809 2018年6/7 5997739 2/25

Cylance Inc.带有盾牌的Cylance智能防病毒徽标美国87954326 2018年6月8日5997742 2/25 Cylance Inc.带有双螺旋盾牌设计中国29397760 3/2 2018 29397760 12/28 Cylance Inc.Cylance/双螺旋盾牌设计中国29397759 3/2 2018年29397759 2/21 Cylance Inc.美国Cylance AVERt 97485507/1/22 7317371 2/27/27 Cylance Inc.Cylance AVERt United States 97470734 6/22 7121182 7/25CylanceAVERt WIPO 1683138 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc.澳大利亚CylanceAVERt  Cylance Inc.CylanceAVERt加拿大Cylance AVERt 1683138 7/8/2022 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc.欧洲联盟(EUTM)1683138 7/8/2022 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance AVERt英国1683138 7/8 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance AVERt日本1683138 7/8/8/2022 Cylance Inc.CylanceAvert新加坡1683138 1683138 7/8/2022年Cylance Inc.Cylance GATEWAY美国97470754 6/22/7121185 7/25/2023年Cylance Inc.美国CylanceGATEWAY美国97485501 7/1/2022 7121629 7/25/2022 Cylance Inc.WIPO 1683142 7/8/8/2022 Cylance Inc.澳大利亚1683142 7/8/8 Cylance GATEWAY Cylance Inc.加拿大1683142 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc.欧盟(EUTM)1683142年7月8日1683142年7月8日

Cylance Inc.英国Cylance GATEWAY英国1683142年7月8日1683142 7月8日Cylance Inc.Cylance GATEWAY日本1683142年7月8日1683142 7月8日Cylance Inc.新加坡Cylance GATEWAY新加坡2022年7月8日1683142 7/8欧洲联盟(EUTM)018088261 6/27/27英国Cylance Inc.018088261 6/27 UK00918088261 1/17美国赛朗斯公司88248032-01-3 6038132 4-21赛朗斯公司世界知识产权组织1673558-06-22 2022 6-22-22澳大利亚赛朗斯公司2018年6-22 1673558 6-22-22加拿大赛朗斯公司1673558 6-22-22-22  赛伦斯公司新加坡1673558 6-22-22-22-22-22美国赛朗斯公司Cylance Inc.欧洲联盟(EUTM)017940988 2018年8月10-017940988 2018年12-20 Cylance Inc.英国2018年8月10-10英国2018年12-20 Cylance Inc.日本2018102597 2018年8-10 6128189 3/8 Cylance Inc.美国87795224 2018年2-13  Cylance Inc.美国88017100 6/27-5836042 8/13Cylance Inc.英国017260985 017260985 9/29 UK00917260985 2018年9/24 Cylance Inc.日本2017130181 9/29 6037163 4/20 Cylance Inc.美国Cylance Inc.87469882 5/31/2017 5571576 9/25 Cylance Inc.WIPO 1673568 6/22 1673568 6/22 Cylance Inc.澳大利亚1673568 6/22 173568 6/22  Cylance Inc.新加坡CylanCEOPTICS 1673568 2022年6月22日1673568

Cylance Inc.美国87469892-5-31 5536885 2018年8-7-7 Cylance Inc.Cylance PERSONA美国97470713 6-22-22 7121180 7-25-20 Cylance Inc.Cylance PERSONA美国公司97485495 7-7-25 Cylance Inc.Cylance PERSONA WIPO 1683140 7/8-16-22 Cylance Inc.澳大利亚1683140 7-8-8-22 Cylance PERSONA加拿大公司1683140 7/8-8Cylance Inc.欧洲联盟(EUTM)1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 Cylance PERSONA英国1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc.日本Cylance PERSONA 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance PERSONA新加坡1683140 7/8 1683140 7/8/2022 CylanceCyLANCEPROTECt澳大利亚公司1758046 2016年3月10-10 1758046 2016年10月12-10 Cylance Inc.加拿大CyLANCEPROTECT 1771573 3-3-9 TMA983192 10-19-2017 Cylance Inc.欧洲联盟(EUTM)015197379 3-3-9 2016.015197379 7-22-16-21英国Cylance Inc.2016.015197379 3-9-9-6 UK0091560379 7-22-30 Cylance Inc.日本CyLANCEPROTECT 2016025649 3-9-5870539 7-29 Cylance Inc.2016Cylance Inc.CylanCEPROTECT美国86193569 2014年2月14日4730095 5/5 Cylance Inc.CylanCEPROTECt盾牌设计美国88000796 2018年6月14 5997794 2/25 Cylance Inc.美国CylanCEV美国86019673 2013.7/25 4700636

Cylance,Inc.澳大利亚双螺旋盾构设计1726084 2015.10/7 1726084 2016年4/5 Cylance Inc.双螺旋盾构设计加拿大1749257 10/6 TMA997848 2018年5/31 Cylance Inc.双螺旋盾构设计欧洲联盟(EUTM)2015.10/6 014653653 4/13 Cylance Inc.双螺旋盾构设计英国2015.014653653 10/6英国2016年10月914653653 4/13 Cylance Inc.双螺旋盾构设计日本2015097435

Cylance Inc.双螺旋盾牌设计新加坡40201609320Q 2016年9月40201609320Q 2016.30 Cylance Inc.双螺旋盾牌设计美国86655878 2015年6月5169214 3/28 Cylance Inc.双螺旋盾牌设计(彩色)美国87201455 2016年10月5171653 2017年3月28-28 Cylance Inc.美国Infinity 86173889 1/23 4551950 6/17 Cylance Inc.知道真相欧洲联盟(EUTM)016251159 1/132017年11月英国016251159-11-13英国00916251159 2017.Cylance Inc.澳大利亚S设计与矛业有限公司1728750-10-16-1728750 10-16-2015欧洲联盟(EUTM)014684666 10-15

Cylance Inc.S设计与长矛英国014684666 10/15 UK00914684666 1/1/2016 Cylance Inc.澳大利亚盾牌设计公司1735953 11/19 1735953 4/26 Cylance Inc.加拿大盾牌设计公司2015.11/19 TMA957633 12/9/2016 Cylance Inc.盾牌设计欧洲联盟(EUTM)014814586 11/20/2016 Cylance Inc.盾牌设计英国2015UK00914814586 5/312016年Cylance Inc.盾牌设计日本2015115107-11-24 5826264 2-12

Cylance Inc.美国防护罩设计公司86642506 2015.27 4870795 2016.12/15 Cylance Inc.澳大利亚的AI 1751441 2/10/2016 1751441 5/25 Cylance Inc.加拿大的AI 1766637 2/5/5 TMA1039910 7/11/2016 Cylance Inc.欧洲联盟(EUTM)的AI 015086572 2/9/6 Cylance Inc.英国的AI 015086572 2/9/6Cylance Inc.THREATZERO澳大利亚1758357 1758357 3/11 1758357 7/27 Cylance Inc.THREATZERO加拿大1772193 3/14 2016.TMA1002529 8/10 Cylance Inc.THREATZERO日本2016027975 3/14 2016.5897598 11/18 Cylance Inc.THREATZERO美国86759649 9/17 5346764 11/28/2017 Cylance Inc.THREATZERO盾牌设计美国公司000779 6/14 58989 8/13

域名所有者/注册者域名组黑莓有限公司avisdead.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.avtruth.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cleverMalware.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.clyance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.ae EMEA BlackBerry Ltd cylance.biz N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.blog N.America BlackBerry Limited cylance.Club N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.Cylance.de EMEA德国黑莓有限公司cylance.mail N.America Cylance爱尔兰有限公司cylance.info N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.io N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylance.io N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.kr N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.lu EMEA BlackBerry Ltd cylance.market N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.me N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.mobi N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.net N.America注册同步PBI39O cylance.no N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.me N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.mobi N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.net N.America注册同步PBI39O cylance.no N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.nn黑莓有限公司cylance.org北美黑莓有限公司cylance.pt EMEA黑莓有限公司cylance.qa EMEA沙特阿拉伯黑莓有限公司cylance.ru北美黑莓有限公司cylance.se EMEA黑莓有限公司cylance.se EMEA BlackBerry Ltd.cylance.Se北美黑莓有限公司cylance.tech北美黑莓有限公司cylance.tv北美黑莓有限公司cylance.uk北美黑莓有限公司cylance.us北美黑莓有限公司cylance.wtf N.America黑莓有限公司cylance.xyz N.America

BlackBerry Ltd cylanceantivirus.io N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceantivirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceantivirus.ai EMEA BlackBerry Ltd cylanceantivirus.app N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceantivirus.io N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceantivirus.org N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceaseassistant.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceantivirus.ai EMEA BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceantivirus.app N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceantivirus.io N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceantivirus.org N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceaseassistant.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceantivirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceconsulting.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancanceconsulting.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceconsulting.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancececonsulting.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceconsulting.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceconsult.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceconsulting.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceantius.org N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceantius.ai EMEA BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceantius.io N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceantius.io N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceantivirus.org N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceaseasant北美黑莓有限公司cylanceconsum er.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancecorp.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancedr.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceedge.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceendpoint t.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceecutioncontrol.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancguard.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancehub.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceBerry Ltd.cylanceinfinty.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceendpoint.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancehub.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceberry Ltd.cylanceinfinty.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceBerry Ltd cylanceinfinty.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceguard.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancehub.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceBerry Ltd cylancebernity.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceberry Ltd.BlackBerry Ltd cylanceIntelligence ence.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancek8.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancelabs.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancelabs.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceon-pre.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceon-pre.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceProtect.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancerewards.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceriskzero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancesalesproity.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancertantiVirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceriskzero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancesalesproity.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancertantiVirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceriskzero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancesalesproity.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancertantiVirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceriskzero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancesalesproity.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancertantiVirus.comN.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceriskzero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceseriskzero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cyancesmartantiVirus.comN.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancererewardSemards.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceriskzero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancesesalesproity.com N.

BlackBerry Ltd cylancesmartantivirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancesmartav.ai EMEA BlackBerry Ltd cylancesmartav.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylestestage.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylestore.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylanceore.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancesupportnumber.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancetheThreat.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancesmartav.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancancexero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancancexero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceancexero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylenceexero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd cylancetheThreat.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance theThreat.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancesmartav.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancancexero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceancexero.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylenceExecution.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancetheThretion.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancetheThresues.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancesmartav.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylestage.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylanceanceexeroo.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylancesupport.comN.America BlackBerry Ltd.cylance the威胁.comN.America Cylance Inc.fora.ge N.America BlackBerry Ltd hackingexposed.tv N.America BlackBerry Ltd.hackingexposedlive.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.infined-Day.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.klownstrike.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.lambs2lion s.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd LegalDigitalforensics.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd mycylance.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd nextgenantivirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantivirus.org N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantivirus.org N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantivirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd nextgenantivirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantivirus.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantivirus.org N.America BlackBerry Ltd nextgenantivirus.org N.America BlackBerry Ltd nextgenantivirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantivirus.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextgenantivirus.org N.America BlackBerry Ltd.nextGenerationendpoint t.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd..comN.America BlackBerry Ltd.opclever.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.operation clever.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.PermanualPrevenention.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.popmybox.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.popmybox.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.SentientExecutionControl.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.SentientExecutionControl.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.SentientExecutionControl.net N.America BlackBerry Ltd.SensentExecutionControl.org N.America BlackBerry Ltd.skoutforensics.com N.America BlackBerry Ltd.skoutforensics.net N.EMEA BlackBerry Ltd.Smartantius.EMEA

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附表1.3不包括资产1.卖方及其关联公司的所有股权,包括转让子公司股权以外的Cylance Inc.的股权;2.指定应收账款以外的所有应收账款,包括业务预付递延收入定义中提到的所有应收账款;3.卖方或其任何关联公司持有的任何许可证(转让子公司独家持有的许可证除外);4.未经任何第三方同意不得转让或转让的任何转让合同,如果在成交前未获得此类同意;但一旦获得每个此类同意,该转让合同应被视为自关于该合同的最后一次所需同意交付给买方之日起自动包含在转让资产中,而无需各方采取进一步行动;5.所有排除合同,包括与Cylance GovCloud有关的所有合同和指定的排除合同;6.属于专利标的的所有专利或发明;7.除附表1.2-A(6)所列商标和域名以外的所有商标和域名,在不限制上述规定的情况下,单独或与附表1.2-A(6)所列商标和域名一起使用或包含“BlackBerry”、“BB”、“QNX”、“Certicom”或“Secusmart”的卖方或其任何附属公司的任何商标、域名、社交媒体句柄、名称或识别符;8.未在附表1.2-b中明确列出的所有商业秘密,或以其他方式属于企业所有知识产权的定义;9.卖方的所有会议记录和股权转让分类账以及卖方或其任何附属公司的所有所得税申报单(仅与转让的子公司有关的除外),包括以合并、合并、统一或其他集团为基础提交的任何此类纳税申报单,以及适用法律要求卖方保留的所有人员记录和其他记录;10.保险单下的所有权利以及与之相关的所有预付款项,包括构成团体医疗、牙科、住院、健康、残疾或雇员计划的工人补偿保险单和保险单下卖方或其任何关联公司的所有权利,以及与之相关的所有预付款,转让的保险单除外;11.法律要求卖方或其关联公司保留这些记录的所有人员和医疗记录,以及与所有雇员计划有关的所有合同和与所有雇员计划(转移的附属雇员计划除外)相关的所有权利和资产;12.卖方在本协议项下或根据本协议和买方与卖方之间的其他协议所享有的所有权利,以及卖方针对任何第三方的任何权利、索赔或与任何除外责任有关的诉讼理由;





附表5.5买方资本化截至2024年12月11日,买方的法定资本包括:(A)优先股。352,381,213股优先股,面值0.0001美元(“买方优先股”),其中32,511,200股已被指定为A系列优先股,全部已发行已发行;69,365,524股已被指定为B系列优先股,68,181,812股已发行已发行;60,827,252股已被指定为C系列优先股,全部已发行并已发行;78,591,864股已被指定为D系列优先股,76,287,350股已发行和已发行;73,085,373股已被指定为E系列优先股,全部已发行和已发行,19,000,000股已被指定为F系列优先股,全部已发行和已发行其中16,983,903股已发行和已发行,19,000,000股已被指定为F-1系列优先股,其中1,213,136股已发行和已发行。(B)普通股。6.5亿股普通股,面值0.0001美元(“买方普通股”),其中148,250,233股已发行和已发行。(C)除(I)买方优先股的转换特权、(Ii)日期为2021年7月7日的若干经修订及重订的投资者权利协议(日期为2021年7月7日)由买方及其附表A所列每名投资者及其之间所提供的权利、(Iii)购买65,636,117股买方普通股、35,653,056股限制性股票单位及根据买方2012年购股权计划(“买方购股权计划”)授予雇员及其他服务提供者的限制性股票奖励的未偿还认购权外,(Iv)6,732,515股买方普通股,可通过交换北极狼网络加拿大公司目前已发行的可交换普通股发行,(V)买方和[经修订:受第三方保密义务约束的私人公司投资者]之间购买普通股的某些认股权证,日期为2016年10月27日,(Vi)买方与[经修订:受第三方保密义务约束的私人公司投资者]之间的某些普通英文认股权证协议,日期为2018年6月20日,(Vii)买方于2020年8月签订的某些贷款和担保协议以及四份认股权证协议(合计,《2020 LSA》)与[编辑:负有第三方保密义务的私人公司投资者。],关于此类2020年LSA,[编辑:负有第三方保密义务的私人公司投资者。]已收到认股权证以购买1,748,252股买方D系列优先股;(Viii)买方向买方现有及未来雇员及服务供应商授予购买买方普通股及限制性股票单位的期权的承诺;(Ix)买方与所附投资者时间表所列人士及实体于2022年9月30日订立的若干票据购买协议,以及据此发行的本金总额为401,000,000美元的票据;(X)根据北极狼网络加拿大有限公司S 2013年购股权计划,买方、担保人(定义见上文)及美国银行信托全国协会(受托人)于2022年9月30日订立的若干契约,以及(Xi)收购3,169,550股可交换普通股的购股权,并无未行使购股权、认股权证、权利(包括转换或优先购买权)或向买方购买或收购其任何股本的协议。除上述未行使购股权外,买方已预留额外6,930,955股买方普通股,以供日后根据买方购股权计划授予的购股权或其他股权奖励行使时购买。



机密SF-6234353附表6.9(F)采购价格分配方法销售实体采购实体IRC§1060分类类别资产价值分配方法Cylance Inc.(美国)北极狼网络公司(US)第六类(第197条无形资产)收入合同[·]知识产权[·]第七类(商誉)[商誉]剩余黑莓公司(美国)北极狼网络公司(US)第六类(第197条无形资产)收入合同[·]黑莓有限公司(加拿大)北极狼网络黑莓英国有限公司(英国)北极狼网络国际公司(美国)第五类(非上市股权)转让子公司股权[·]北极狼网络公司(美国)第六类(第197条无形资产)收入合同[·]黑莓新加坡私人公司。北极狼网络有限公司(新加坡)北极狼网络公司(美国)第VI类(第197条无形资产)收入合同[·]黑莓印度私人有限公司(印度)北极狼网络印度私人有限公司(印度)第VI类(劳动力到位)集合劳动力[·]








4第4.4节无冲突(B)·下列重要合同包含非转让条款或需要提供交易对手同意或通知:o规定[编辑:遵守第三方保密义务的供应商合同]的协议,由Cylance Inc.和[编辑:遵守第三方保密义务的供应商合同]于2015年12月14日由Cylance Inc.和[编辑:遵守第三方保密义务的供应商合同]-将协议转让给附属公司需要通知。O租赁二楼,日期为2021年10月26日,由[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]作为业主,转让子公司作为租户,黑莓有限公司作为担保人,经2021年10月27日的附函修订,并由2024年8月21日的变更死亡和2021年8月21日的退回契据补充。(“软木租约”)-租约中的担保人需经业主同意方可替代。O与下列每个主要客户签订合同:[编辑:专有客户数据,遵守第三方保密义务。]O与下列每个主要供应商签订的合同:[编撰:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]







11 ·转让子公司或任何销售实体收到适用交易对手方终止或不续签通知的重大合同清单,请参阅本文所附附件4.9(d)。 [已编辑:专有客户数据并遵守第三方保密义务。]




311419275 V10 15本协议第4.12节知识产权(B)·附表1.2-A(6)通过引用并入本协议。·以下是针对本协议第4.12(B)节第(Ii)款的披露:卖方对印度的NLANCE商标提出了一项未决的反对意见。(D)根据第4.12(D)节的第一句话进行以下披露:·根据2017年12月7日Cylance OEM协议[编辑:专有客户数据,受第三方保密义务],与Cylance Inc.,经2018年7月30日第1号修正案、2020年12月15日第2号修正案和2023年2月16日第3号修正案[编辑:专有客户数据,须遵守第三方保密义务]。作为某些Cylance软件产品的授权经销商,Cylance Inc.授予[编辑:专有客户数据并遵守第三方保密义务。]在广告和促销材料中使用Cylance Inc.的某些商标以推广此类Cylance软件产品的非独家许可。·根据日期为2021年2月24日的订单,[编辑:专有客户数据,并遵守第三方保密义务。]。Cylance Inc.被授予[编辑:专有客户数据,并受第三方保密义务。]非排他性且不可转让的有限许可,期限为[编辑:专有客户数据,并受第三方保密义务约束。]协议,按照[编辑:专有客户数据并受第三方保密义务约束]中规定的条款复制和分发根据该协议购买的某些软件订阅。协议。(G)没有。(K)以下披露是出于提供信息的目的,并不以任何方式影响根据《协定》第8.2(A)(Xii)条可能产生的与此类事项有关的任何获得赔偿的权利:·[编辑:披露有关专利主张和诉讼状况的细节可能不利于此类事项的解决。](L)·卖方(或其关联公司)在正常业务过程中不时对申请人提起反对或取消诉讼,申请人提交的商标申请被卖方视为与卖方的标志令人困惑地相似。·销售商的一家附属公司还在正常业务过程中就销售商认为注册不当的第三方域名提起了统一的域名争议解决政策诉讼。请找到下面列出的内容。

311419275 V10 16国家名称状况结果知识产权组织--世界知识产权组织UDRP第D2020-0891-诉cylancguard.com注册人[与UDRP第[D2020-0890]已关闭域名转让给Cylance Inc.WIPO-WO UDRP编号。D2021-4212-诉Cylance Inc.印度反对党1051013号-Cylance Inc.诉nCrypted Technologies Private Limited(NLANCE IC 9为3988601)待决(P)·[编辑:专有客户数据,并遵守第三方保密义务。]

311419275 V10 17第4.13节不动产和动产·软木租赁,其中包含一项习惯性恢复条款。·商务中心协议,日期为2023年12月6日,由[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同]。和BlackBerry India Private Limited(“Noida Lease”)。

311419275 V10 18第4.15节保险单名称被保险人承保范围保费有效期商业责任保险单编号[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。](雇主责任)转让的子公司[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]15,000,000欧元4,260.56欧元2024年6月1日-格林尼治标准时间2025年6月1日12:00

311419275 V10 19第4.16节诉讼以下披露是为了提供信息,并不以任何方式影响根据协议第8.2(A)(Xii)节可能产生的与该事项相关的任何赔偿权利:·2022年9月,Backertop许可有限责任公司对本公司提起诉讼,指控其专利侵权。

311419275 V10 20第4.17节遵守法律(D)·卖方持有加拿大政府相关当局颁发的三份出口许可证,使其能够将产品转让给其子公司,这些许可证在成交时不会转让:o CylanceAVERt Cloud o CylanceGATEWAY Server o CylanceMDR Server·此外,销售实体在正常过程中持有某些许可证,这些许可证不是特定于业务运营的,在成交时不会转让。

311419275 V10 21第4.18条雇员(A)·人口普查中提供的遣散费金额是截至2025年1月31日的估计金额。(B)·[编辑:受影响的雇员人数是商业敏感信息。]受2024年10月RIF影响的员工。(C)·在过去三年内,[编辑:受影响的雇员人数是商业敏感信息。]受让子公司的员工受到卖方及其子公司采取的强制行动减少的影响。

311419275 V10 22第4.19节员工福利事项(A)由转让的子公司赞助的计划以星号标识。1.BlackBerry Limited股权激励计划及其授予的股权奖励2.BlackBerry销售激励薪酬计划3.BlackBerry FY25可变激励薪酬计划美国:4.BlackBerry 401(K)计划([编辑:受第三方保密义务的供应商合同。])5.医疗([编辑:受第三方保密义务的供应商合同。])6.牙科([编辑:受第三方保密义务的供应商合同。])7.愿景([编辑:受第三方保密义务的供应商合同。])8.短期残疾([编辑:遵守第三方保密义务的供应商合同。])9.长期残疾([编辑:遵守第三方保密义务的供应商合同。])10.基本员工生活和AD&D([编辑:遵守第三方保密义务的供应商合同。])11.自愿生命和AD&D([编辑:遵守第三方保密义务的供应商合同。])12.灵活性支出账户([编辑:遵守第三方保密义务的供应商合同。])13..健康储蓄账户([编辑:受第三方保密义务的供应商合同。])14.通勤福利账户([编辑:受第三方保密义务的供应商合同。])[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]危重疾病保险[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]健身报销计划17.员工援助计划


311419275 V10 24 37。准医疗([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])38.愿景([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])39.矫形/矫形鞋[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])40.助听器([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])私人值班护理([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])42.用品/服务([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])牙科福利([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])短期伤残保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])长期残疾([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])46.人寿保险和AD&D保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])47.集团注册退休储蓄计划和黑莓配对计划([已编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])免税储蓄账户([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])员工援助计划50.旅行援助([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])51.紧急旅行保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])52.个人支出账户53.医疗支出占54。健康计划(与公益广告相同)55.假期56号。黑莓57天。全球服务认可奖

311419275 V10 25 58。明星奖励计划59.自带电话计划法国:60。医疗([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])61.团体人寿保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])62.伤残保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])63.企业计划([编辑:受第三方保密义务的供应商合同。])。PERCO([编撰:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])65.健身和健康报销66英镑。票证支票雇员服务大学([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])67.旅行援助([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])68.紧急旅行保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])69.雇员和家庭援助方案([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])70.年假71.黑莓72天。服务认可奖73。明星奖项目德国:74。养恤金计划([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])75.LeaseABike([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])76.旅行援助([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])77.紧急旅行保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])

311419275 V10 26 78。商务旅行AD&D([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])79.员工援助计划([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])80.健身报销支出账户81。带上自己的电话程序82.黑莓香港日:83。团体人寿保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])84.意外死亡和致残([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])85.长期残疾([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])86.医院和外科([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])87.充值福利-超额医院和外科保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])88.初级护理-门诊([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])89.牙科福利([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])90.旅行援助([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])91.紧急旅行保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])92.商务旅行AD&D([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])93.94.雇员援助计划。健康报销计划95。年假96.黑莓97天。专业协会费用

311419275 V10 27 98。99.强制性公积金全球服务认可奖101。明星奖励计划102。自带电话计划印度:103。健康报销计划107。休假天数112天。黑莓113天。全球服务认可奖114。明星奖励计划115。自带电话程序爱尔兰:116。

311419275 V10 28 118.服务政策条件中的集体死亡([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])*119.团体退休计划*120。参与协议*121.眼睛护理和VDU电子代金券([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])*122.自行车上班/旅行通行证([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])123.旅行援助([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])124.紧急旅行保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])125.商务旅行AD&D([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])126.员工援助计划([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])127.年假128。黑莓天数129天。全球服务认可奖130。明星奖励计划131。自带电话程序132。意大利每年350欧元的健身/健康报销:133欧元。医疗保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])134.生命、意外死亡和伤残保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])135.养恤金计划([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])136.Ticket Restaurant([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])137.旅行援助([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])

311419275 V10 29 138。紧急旅行保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])139.商务旅行AD&D([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])140.员工援助计划([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])141.健身/健康报销142。年假143.黑莓144天。服务认可奖145。明星奖励计划146.自带电话计划日本:147。团体人寿保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])148.团体人身事故([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])149.补充人身意外([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])150.集团短期伤残保险([编撰:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])151.健康保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])152.旅行援助([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])153.紧急旅行保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])154.商务旅行AD&D([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])155.雇员援助计划([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])156.健康报销

311419275 V10 30 157.假期天数158。全球服务认可奖159。明星奖励计划160。自带电话计划马来西亚:161。团体定期人寿([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])162.意外死亡和事故([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])163.集团医院和外科([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])164.集团门诊全科医生和有限合伙人限制([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])165.健康报销计划166。旅行援助([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])167.紧急旅行保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])168.商务旅行AD&D([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])169.雇员援助计划([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])170.假期天数:荷兰:171天。医疗保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])172.《生命与残疾》([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])173.养恤金([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])174.旅行援助([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])

311419275 V10 31 175。紧急旅行保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])176.商务旅行AD&D([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])177.雇员援助方案([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])178.年假179.黑莓天数180天。服务认可奖181。明星奖励计划182。自带电话计划西班牙:183。医疗保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])184.意外死亡和伤残([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])185.养恤金计划([编撰:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])186.Ticket餐厅和儿童保育凭证([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])187.旅行援助([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])188.紧急旅行保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])189.商务旅行AD&D([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])190.雇员和家庭援助方案([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])191.健身报销支出占比192。年假193.黑莓194天。服务认可奖

311419275 V10 32 195。明星奖计划196。自带电话计划新加坡:197。团体定期人寿([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])198.Group Medical([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])199.集团重大医疗集团([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])200.团体人身意外([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])201.集团牙科PPO计划([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])202.旅行援助([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])203.紧急旅行保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])204.商务旅行AD&D([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])205.雇员和家庭援助方案([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])206.健康报销计划207。休假天数208天。黑莓209天。全球服务认可奖210。明星奖励计划211。自带电话计划英国:212。医疗保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])213.牙科保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])

311419275 V10 33214.集团个人养恤金([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])215.团体人寿保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])216.长期残疾([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])217.短期残疾([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])218.眼睛护理凭证和VDU凭证([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])219.骑单车上班计划220.季票租借221。旅行援助([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])222.紧急旅行保险([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])223.商务旅行AD&D([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])224.员工援助计划([编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。])225.健身报销支出账户226。年假227。黑莓228天。全球服务认可奖229项。明星奖励计划230。带上你自己的电话程序(I)没有。

311419275 V10 34第4.20节负债·保证税定义 (C)款所述的税款,或在任何采购实体应支付的范围内,保证税定义 (B)款所述的截至紧接结算前尚未支付的税款。·公司间应付账款,将在结账前清偿。

311419275 V10 35第4.21节客户和供应商(A)本合同附件4.9(B)(Iii)所列客户。[编辑:专有的客户数据,受第三方保密义务的约束。](B)本合同附件4.9(B)(Iv)所列供应商。[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]

311419275 V10 36第4.23节经纪及检索人费用交易完成后,Perella Weinberg Partners LP(“PWP”)有权根据PWP与BlackBerry Limited于2024年12月1日订立的咨询服务合约协议收取成功费用。

311419275 V10 37第4.24节转让的子公司业务;资产所有权;资产的充分性(A)A部分无。B部分资产·以欧元计价的美国银行账户持有的现金。·与通过增值税申报已缴纳和可追回的销售税相关的税收抵免。·公司间应收账款。·预付雇员责任保险(工人补偿),截止日期为2025年5月31日。·受让子公司是下列合同(“受让子公司供应商合同”)的一方:[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]·Cylance Inc.和受让子公司之间于2016年10月17日签订的公司间服务协议,根据2019年5月1日修正案A修订。·转让子公司黑莓有限公司与附表A所列各方之间转让个人数据的公司间协议,日期为2022年12月27日。·商业责任保险单编号[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。]·信件协议,由转让的子公司和以下每个员工之间签订:[编辑:受保护的个人信息。]·科克租赁公司。·与软木租赁相关的租赁改进和建筑施工安全。·计算机硬件和IT设备。·办公用品、办公家具和设备。负债·转让公司供应商合同项下的应付帐款和公司间应付帐款。·与SAS项目设施的估计破旧有关的应计负债。·与就业有关的负债,包括应计工资、雇员佣金和福利。·与工资预扣有关的应计负债,用于根据员工购股计划以15%的折扣购买卖方的股票。·税收,包括工资预扣税和联邦公司所得税。·与科克租赁公司有关的经营租赁债务。(C)·个人计算机和笔记本电脑、法律服务、公司管理服务、财务服务、人力资源服务以及销售和营销服务。

311419275 V10 38·除转让财产外,用于与业务有关的租赁办公空间,包括该租赁办公空间内的所有有形个人财产、it基础设施、家具和办公设备及固定装置。·与业务有关的保险单,但转让的保险单除外。(E)转让的子公司不包括资产--无。转移的子公司不包括负债--无。转移的附属债务--无。转让子公司不包括合同-无。

311419275 V10 39第6.1节待结企业的经营(E)(I)·续签[编辑:受第三方保密义务约束的供应商合同。][编辑:负有第三方保密义务的供应商合同]之间的协议,日期为2021年1月21日,由[编辑:负有第三方保密义务的供应商合同]为Blackberry Corporation c/o Cylance编写,日期为2023年12月22日。·基本上按照向买方提供的条款续签Noida租约。

<img src=“https://www.sec.gov/akam/13/pixel_7edab004?a=dD0zNjk0MDAyODhlMDk0YzQxOTY4MjJiZDNkODNlNWQwODY3ODRmZWFjJmpzPW9mZg==”Style=“可见性:隐藏;位置:绝对;左侧:-999px;顶部:-999px;”/>

Cylance Inc. CYLANCE SMART ANTIVIRUS LOGO WITH SHIELD UNITED STATES 87954326 6/8/2018 5997742 2/25/2020 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE with Double Helix Shield Design CHINA 29397760 3/2/2018 29397760 12/28/2019 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE/DOUBLE HELIX SHIELD DESIGN CHINA 29397759 3/2/2018 29397759 2/21/2020 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT UNITED STATES 97485507 7/1/2022 7317371 2/27/2024 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT UNITED STATES 97470734 6/22/2022 7121182 7/25/2023 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT WIPO 1683138 7/8/2022 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT AUSTRALIA 1683138 7/8/2022     Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT CANADA 1683138 7/8/2022 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 1683138 7/8/2022 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT UNITED KINGDOM 1683138 7/8/2022 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT JAPAN 1683138 7/8/2022 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT SINGAPORE 1683138 7/8/2022 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY UNITED STATES 97470754 6/22/2022 7121185 7/25/2023 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY UNITED STATES 97485501 7/1/2022 7121629 7/25/2023 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY WIPO 1683142 7/8/2022 1683142 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY AUSTRALIA 1683142 7/8/2022 1683142 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY CANADA 1683142 7/8/2022 1683142 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 1683142 7/8/2022 1683142 7/8/2022

Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY UNITED KINGDOM 1683142 7/8/2022 1683142 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY JAPAN 1683142 7/8/2022 1683142 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY SINGAPORE 1683142 7/8/2022 1683142 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 018088261 6/27/2019 018088261 1/17/2020 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD UNITED KINGDOM 018088261 6/27/2019 UK00918088261 1/17/2020 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD JAPAN 2019090418 6/28/2019 6219229 1/23/2020 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD UNITED STATES 88248032 1/3/2019 6038132 4/21/2020 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD WIPO 1673558 6/22/2022 1673558 6/22/2022 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD AUSTRALIA 1673558 6/22/2022 1673558 6/22/2022 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD CANADA 1673558 6/22/2022     Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD SINGAPORE 1673558 6/22/2022 1673558 6/22/2022 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEHYBRID UNITED STATES 88017088 6/27/2018 5836041 8/13/2019 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEIDENTITY EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 017940988 8/10/2018 017940988 12/20/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEIDENTITY UNITED KINGDOM 017940988 8/10/2018 UK0097940988 12/20/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEIDENTITY JAPAN 2018102597 8/10/2018 6128189 3/8/2019 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEIDENTITY UNITED STATES 87795224 2/13/2018     Cylance Inc. CYLANCEON-PREM UNITED STATES 88017100 6/27/2018 5836042 8/13/2019 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 017260985 9/29/2017 017260985 1/24/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS UNITED KINGDOM 017260985 9/29/2017 UK00917260985 1/24/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS JAPAN 2017130181 9/29/2017 6037163 4/20/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS UNITED STATES 87469882 5/31/2017 5571576 9/25/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS WIPO 1673568 6/22/2022 1673568 6/22/2022 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS AUSTRALIA 1673568 6/22/2022 1673568 6/22/2022 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS CANADA 1673568 6/22/2022     Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS SINGAPORE 1673568 6/22/2022 1673568 6/22/2022

Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS Shield Design UNITED STATES 87469892 5/31/2017 5536885 8/7/2018 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA UNITED STATES 97470713 6/22/2022 7121180 7/25/2023 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA UNITED STATES 97485495 7/1/2022 7121628 7/25/2023 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA WIPO 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA AUSTRALIA 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA CANADA 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA UNITED KINGDOM 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA JAPAN 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA SINGAPORE 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT AUSTRALIA 1758046 3/10/2016 1758046 10/12/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT CANADA 1771573 3/9/2016 TMA983192 10/19/2017 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 015197379 3/9/2016 015197379 7/22/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT UNITED KINGDOM 015197379 3/9/2016 UK00915197379 7/22/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT JAPAN 2016025649 3/9/2016 5870539 7/29/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT SINGAPORE 40201609318W 6/21/2016 40201609318W 9/30/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT UNITED STATES 86193569 2/14/2014 4730095 5/5/2015 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT SHIELD DESIGN UNITED STATES 88000796 6/14/2018 5997794 2/25/2020 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEV UNITED STATES 86019673 7/25/2013 4700636 3/10/2015

Cylance Inc. DOUBLE HELIX SHIELD DESIGN AUSTRALIA 1726084 10/7/2015 1726084 4/5/2016 Cylance Inc. DOUBLE HELIX SHIELD DESIGN CANADA 1749257 10/6/2015 TMA997848 5/31/2018 Cylance Inc. Double Helix Shield Design EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 014653653 10/6/2015 014653653 4/13/2016 Cylance Inc. Double Helix Shield Design UNITED KINGDOM 014653653 10/6/2015 UK00914653653 4/13/2016 Cylance Inc. DOUBLE HELIX SHIELD DESIGN JAPAN 2015097435 10/8/2015 5826254 2/12/2016

Cylance Inc. DOUBLE HELIX SHIELD DESIGN SINGAPORE 40201609320Q 6/9/2016 40201609320Q 9/30/2016 Cylance Inc. DOUBLE HELIX SHIELD DESIGN UNITED STATES 86655878 6/9/2015 5169214 3/28/2017 Cylance Inc. DOUBLE HELIX SHIELD DESIGN (IN COLOR) UNITED STATES 87201455 10/12/2016 5171653 3/28/2017 Cylance Inc. INFINITY UNITED STATES 86173889 1/23/2014 4551950 6/17/2014 Cylance Inc. KNOW THE TRUTH EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 016251159 1/13/2017 016251159 5/11/2017 Cylance Inc. KNOW THE TRUTH UNITED KINGDOM 016251159 1/13/2017 UK00916251159 5/11/2017 Cylance Inc. S Design and SPEAR AUSTRALIA 1728750 10/16/2015 1728750 10/16/2015 Cylance Inc. S Design and SPEAR EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 014684666 10/15/2015 014684666 1/1/2020

Cylance Inc. S Design and SPEAR UNITED KINGDOM 014684666 10/15/2015 UK00914684666 1/1/2020 Cylance Inc. Shield Design AUSTRALIA 1735953 11/19/2015 1735953 4/26/2016 Cylance Inc. Shield Design CANADA 1755750 11/19/2015 TMA957633 12/9/2016 Cylance Inc. Shield Design EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 014814586 11/20/2015 014814586 5/31/2016 Cylance Inc. Shield Design UNITED KINGDOM 014814586 11/20/2015 UK00914814586 5/31/2016 Cylance Inc. Shield Design JAPAN 2015115107 11/24/2015 5826264 2/12/2016

Cylance Inc. Shield Design UNITED STATES 86642506 5/27/2015 4870795 12/15/2015 Cylance Inc. THE AI OF AV AUSTRALIA 1751441 2/10/2016 1751441 5/25/2016 Cylance Inc. THE AI OF AV CANADA 1766637 2/5/2016 TMA1039910 7/11/2019 Cylance Inc. THE AI OF AV EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 015086572 2/9/2016 015086572 6/9/2016 Cylance Inc. THE AI OF AV UNITED KINGDOM 015086572 2/9/2016 UK00915086572 6/9/2016 Cylance Inc. THE AI OF AV JAPAN 2016013953 2/9/2016 5872365 8/5/2016 Cylance Inc. THREATZERO AUSTRALIA 1758357 3/11/2016 1758357 7/27/2016 Cylance Inc. THREATZERO CANADA 1772193 3/14/2016 TMA1002529 8/10/2018 Cylance Inc. THREATZERO JAPAN 2016027975 3/14/2016 5897598 11/18/2016 Cylance Inc. THREATZERO UNITED STATES 86759649 9/17/2015 5346764 11/28/2017 Cylance Inc. THREATZERO SHIELD DESIGN UNITED STATES 88000779 6/14/2018 5835989 8/13/2019

EXHIBIT B: TRANSFERRED DOMAIN NAMES Owner/Registrant Domain Name Group BlackBerry LTD avisdead.com N. America BlackBerry LTD avtruth.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cleavermalware.com N. America BlackBerry LTD clyance.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.adult-block N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.ae EMEA BlackBerry LTD cylance.biz N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.blog N. America CIRA Research In Motion Limited cylance.ca N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.club N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.company N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.de EMEA Germany BlackBerry LTD cylance.email N. America IE Reg CYLANCE IRELAND LIMITED cylance.ie N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.info N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.io N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.is EMEA QNX Software Systems Limited cylance.kr N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.lu EMEA BlackBerry LTD cylance.marketing N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.me N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.mobi N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.net N. America Registrant Sync PBI39O cylance.no N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.nz N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.org N. America NL SG PT Blackberry Limited cylance.pt EMEA BlackBerry LTD cylance.qa EMEA Saudi Arabia BlackBerry LTD cylance.ru N. America SE Research In Motion Limited cylance.se EMEA BlackBerry LTD cylance.sucks N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.technology N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.tv N. America Research In Motion Limited cylance.uk N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.us N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.wtf N. America

BlackBerry LTD cylance.xyz N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.zone N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceaggregator.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceai.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceantivirus.ai EMEA BlackBerry LTD cylanceantivirus.app N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceantivirus.io N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceantivirus.net N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceantivirus.org N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceassistant.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceav.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceaws.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceaz.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancecollect.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceconsulting.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceconsumer.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancecorp.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancedetect.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancedr.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceedge.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceendpoint.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceexecutioncontrol.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceguard.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancehub.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancehybrid.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceidentity.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceinfinity.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceinspect.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceintelligence.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancek8.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancelabs.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancelabs.net N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancemdr.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceon-prem.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceonprem.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceprotect.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancerewards.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancerewardsemea.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceriskzero.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancesalespro.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancesecurity.com N. America

BlackBerry LTD cylancesmartantivirus.ai EMEA BlackBerry LTD cylancesmartantivirus.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancesmartav.ai EMEA BlackBerry LTD cylancesmartav.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancestage.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancestore.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancestore.net N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancesupportnumber.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancethethreat.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancev.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancex.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancexero.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancezero.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylenceprotect.com N. America BlackBerry LTD endpointexecutioncontrol.com N. America Cylance Ltd fora.ge N. America BlackBerry LTD hackingexposed.tv N. America BlackBerry LTD hackingexposedlive.com N. America BlackBerry LTD infinite-day.com N. America BlackBerry LTD klownstrike.com N. America BlackBerry LTD lambs2lions.net N. America BlackBerry LTD legaldigitalforensics.com N. America BlackBerry LTD mycylance.com N. America BlackBerry LTD nextgenantivirus.com N. America BlackBerry LTD nextgenantivirus.net N. America BlackBerry LTD nextgenantivirus.org N. America BlackBerry LTD nextgenerationendpoint.com N. America BlackBerry LTD onprem-cylance.com N. America BlackBerry LTD opcleaver.com N. America BlackBerry LTD operationcleaver.com N. America BlackBerry LTD perpetualprevention.com N. America BlackBerry LTD popmybox.com N. America BlackBerry LTD popmybox.net N. America BlackBerry LTD ridgewayis.com N. America BlackBerry LTD sentientexecutioncontrol.com N. America BlackBerry LTD sentientexecutioncontrol.info N. America BlackBerry LTD sentientexecutioncontrol.net N. America BlackBerry LTD sentientexecutioncontrol.org N. America BlackBerry LTD silencethethreat.com N. America BlackBerry LTD skoutforensics.com N. America BlackBerry LTD skoutforensics.net N. America

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Exhibit E Form of Strategic Customer Support Agreement [See Attached]


311393987 v11 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page -i- ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................ 1 ARTICLE II SERVICES, DURATION AND SERVICES MANAGERS ................................................. 3 2.1 Services .............................................................................................................................. 3 2.2 Retained Services ............................................................................................................... 3 2.3 Duration of Services .......................................................................................................... 3 2.4 Standard of Services .......................................................................................................... 3 2.5 Cooperation; Customer Success ........................................................................................ 3 2.6 Intellectual Property; Data ................................................................................................. 4 2.7 System Security ................................................................................................................. 5 2.8 Data Protection .................................................................................................................. 5 ARTICLE III DISCLAIMERS; COMPLIANCE ........................................................................................ 6 3.1 Disclaimer of Warranties ................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Compliance with Laws and Regulations ............................................................................ 6 ARTICLE IV COSTS AND DISBURSEMENTS ....................................................................................... 7 4.1 Costs and Disbursements ................................................................................................... 7 4.2 Tax Matters ........................................................................................................................ 7 ARTICLE V LIMITED LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION ............................................................ 7 5.1 Consequential and Other Damages .................................................................................... 7 5.2 Limitation of Liability ....................................................................................................... 8 5.3 Release and Seller Indemnity............................................................................................. 8 5.4 Purchaser Indemnity .......................................................................................................... 8 5.5 Indemnification Procedures ............................................................................................... 8 5.6 Exclusion of Other Remedies ............................................................................................ 8 5.7 Confirmation ...................................................................................................................... 8 ARTICLE VI TERM AND TERMINATION ............................................................................................. 8 6.1 Term and Termination. ...................................................................................................... 8 6.2 Effect of Termination ......................................................................................................... 9 ARTICLE VII DISPUTE RESOLUTION ................................................................................................... 9 7.1 Dispute Resolution. ............................................................................................................ 9 ARTICLE VIII GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................................... 10 8.1 No Agency ....................................................................................................................... 10 8.2 Notices ............................................................................................................................. 10

311393987 v11 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page -ii- 8.3 Severability ...................................................................................................................... 11 8.4 Entire Agreement ............................................................................................................. 11 8.5 No Third-Party Beneficiaries ........................................................................................... 11 8.6 Governing Law ................................................................................................................ 11 8.7 Amendment ...................................................................................................................... 11 8.8 Precedence of Annexes, Exhibits, and Schedules ............................................................ 11 8.9 Counterparts ..................................................................................................................... 11 8.10 Assignability; Change of Control .................................................................................... 12 8.11 Non-Recourse .................................................................................................................. 12 8.12 Mutual Drafting ............................................................................................................... 12 8.13 Transaction Agreements .................................................................................................. 12 ANNEXES, EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES Annex 1 Governance and Operational Support Exhibit A BlackBerry Solution License Agreement Exhibit B BlackBerry Technical Support Services Program Description Exhibit C-1 [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Exhibit C-2 [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Exhibit C-3 [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Exhibit D Products Exhibit E Data Processing Agreement Schedule C-1A [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Schedule C-1B [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Schedule C-2 [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]

311393987 v11 STRATEGIC CUSTOMER SUPPORT AGREEMENT This STRATEGIC CUSTOMER SUPPORT AGREEMENT, dated as of [●] (this “Agreement”), is by and between [●], a Delaware corporation (“Purchaser”), and [●], a corporation incorporated under the Business Corporation Act (Ontario) (“Seller”). Unless otherwise defined in this Agreement, all capitalized terms used in this Agreement shall have the meaning set forth in the Purchase Agreement (as defined herein). R E C I T A L S WHEREAS, Purchaser and Seller have entered into that certain Equity and Asset Purchase Agreement, dated as of [●] (the “Purchase Agreement”), pursuant to which Purchaser purchased the Transferred Subsidiary Equity Interests and the Transferred Assets and assumed the Assumed Liabilities from Seller or the Other Selling Entities, and Seller sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed all of the Transferred Subsidiary Equity Interests, Transferred Assets and Assumed Liabilities to Purchaser; WHEREAS, the Purchase Agreement requires that the Parties enter into this Agreement at the Closing to enable Seller (or its applicable Affiliates) to continue to perform its obligations under certain customer contracts that constitute Excluded Contracts (as defined in the Purchase Agreement); and WHEREAS, the Purchase Agreement requires execution and delivery of this Agreement by Purchaser and Seller at or prior to the Closing Date. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual agreements contained in this Agreement, Purchaser and Seller, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS The following capitalized terms used in this Agreement shall have the meanings set forth below: “Agreement” shall have the meaning set forth in the Preamble. “BlackBerry Agreements” shall mean the BlackBerry Solution License Agreement and BlackBerry Technical Support Services Program Description. “BlackBerry Solution License Agreement” shall mean the agreement governing a Customer’s use of Product(s), as set forth on Exhibit A. “BlackBerry Technical Support Services Program Description” shall mean a document describing the levels of technical support services that a Customer is entitled to acquire, as set forth on Exhibit B. “Customers” shall mean all [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] “Customer Specific Terms” shall mean Exhibit C-1 as applicable to [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.], Exhibit C-2 as applicable to [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.], and Exhibit C- 3 as applicable to [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.].

311393987 v11 -2- “Dispute” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.1. “DPA” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.8. “[Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Customer” shall mean a Person listed on Schedule C-2. “[Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]Customer” shall mean a Person defined in Exhibit C-3, [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]Customer Specific Terms. “[Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]Customers” shall mean a Person listed on Schedule C-1B. “Parties” shall mean the parties to this Agreement. “Personal Data” shall mean any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier of that natural person. “Processing” and “Process” shall mean any operation or set of operations performed on Personal Data or sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction. “Product” shall mean any product, service, computer software product or offering listed on Exhibit D that is researched, developed, designed, sold, marketed, or distributed (a) at any time prior to the Closing in connection with the Business or (b) by the Transferred Subsidiary prior to the Closing in connection with the Business. “Purchaser” shall have the meaning set forth in the Preamble. “Purchaser Indemnified Party” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.3. “Purchaser Services Manager” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.5(b). “Retained Services” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.2. “Seller” shall have the meaning set forth in the Preamble. “Seller Indemnified Party” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.4. “Seller Services Manager” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.5(b). “Services” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1. “[Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]Customer” shall mean a Person listed on Schedule C-1A. “Systems” shall mean the applicable information technology systems of Purchaser or Seller, as the context requires.

311393987 v11 -3- “TSA” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.5(a). ARTICLE II SERVICES, DURATION AND SERVICES MANAGERS 2.1 Services. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Purchaser shall provide or cause to be provided to Seller the following services (“Services”), in each case solely with respect to the applicable Product(s): (a) other than the Retained Services, the obligations of “BlackBerry” as set out in the BlackBerry Solution License Agreement identified as services of Purchaser in the applicable Customer Specific Terms for the benefit of each Customer, on behalf of Seller; and (b) other than the Retained Services, the maintenance, support, and services of “BlackBerry” as set out in the BlackBerry Technical Support Services Program Description identified as services of Purchaser in the applicable Customer Specific Terms that Seller reasonably requests for the benefit of each Customer, on behalf of Seller. 2.2 Retained Services. Seller shall continue to provide certain services for Customers in accordance with the applicable Customer Specific Terms, and such other services, including replacement services, as mutually agreed by the Parties in writing (the “Retained Services”) and Purchaser shall provide all other services required under Section 2.1(b). 2.3 Duration of Services. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Purchaser shall provide or cause to be provided to Seller each Service until the earlier to occur of, with respect to each Customer, (a) the date that such Customer’s then-current contract term expires with respect to the applicable Product(s), each as set forth on Exhibits C-1 to C-3, or (b) the date on which such Service is terminated under Section 6.1(b) or 6.1(c) (each a “Service Term”). 2.4 Standard of Services. Purchaser agrees to perform the Services in a manner that is in accordance with the BlackBerry Agreements. 2.5 Cooperation; Customer Success. (a) Purchaser shall appoint and designate a sufficiently senior individual who is employed, as of the date of such appointment and designation, by Purchaser to act as its initial services manager (the “Purchaser Services Manager”), who shall be directly responsible for coordinating and managing the delivery of the Services and have authority to act on Purchaser’s behalf with respect to matters relating to the provision of Services under this Agreement. The Purchaser Services Manager shall work with the personnel of Purchaser to periodically address issues and matters raised by Seller relating to the provision of Services under this Agreement. The Purchaser Services Manager may be the same individual as the Purchaser Services Manager designated under the Transition Services Agreement between the Parties, dated as of the date hereof (the “TSA”). (b) Seller shall appoint and designate a sufficiently senior individual who is employed, as of the date of such appointment and designation, by Seller to act as its initial services manager (the “Seller Services Manager”), who shall have authority to act on Seller’s behalf with respect to matters relating to this Agreement. The Seller Services Manager shall work with the personnel of Seller to periodically address issues and matters raised by Purchaser relating to this Agreement. The Seller Services Manager may be the same individual as the Seller Services Manager designated under the TSA.

311393987 v11 -4- (c) The Parties shall collaborate in good faith to manage the matters relating to the provision of Services under this Agreement, including the coordination of regular meetings, the preparation and submission of reports, and any other related responsibilities as specified in Annex 1. (d) For Customer success matters, including if Customer alleges breach of contract with respect to the Products, raises any issue or question or otherwise threatens a dispute related to the Product(s), including for example: related to Sections 2-4, 6-8, or 10-13 of the BlackBerry Solution License Agreement, any support services contemplated under the BlackBerry Technical Support Services Program Description, the Parties shall collaborate in good faith to address such Customer’s concern. Except as otherwise agreed by the Parties (including but not limited to the indemnification obligations and other remedies provided under the Purchase Agreement or any other Transaction Agreement), Purchaser and Seller acknowledge and agree that all indemnification obligations under the BlackBerry Agreements arising from or relating to circumstances, acts or omissions which occurred on or after the Closing Date and arise from the Services, and all liabilities relating thereto, shall be the responsibility of Purchaser (not Seller). Purchaser and Seller acknowledge and agree that all other indemnification obligations under the BlackBerry Agreements or Customer Specific Terms, including those arising from or relating to circumstances, acts or omissions which occurred (i) prior to the Closing Date or (ii) after the Closing Date and arise from the Retained Services, and all liabilities relating to (i) and (ii), shall be the responsibility of Seller (not Purchaser). (e) No later than six (6) months (or as early as is reasonably practical given the rolling expiry dates of Customer contracts) prior to the expiry date of a Customer contract with respect to the Product(s), the Parties shall cooperate in good faith to notify such Customer that (i) Seller no longer provides the Product(s) and (ii) Customer should contract directly with Purchaser for continued use of the Product(s). Subject to the foregoing, to the extent Purchaser agrees to contract with such Customer for continued use of the Product(s), the Parties shall use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent undue interruption or adverse effect regarding such Customer’s use of the Product(s). Purchaser shall make available to the Seller such appropriately qualified personnel as may be necessary to provide the Services. The Purchaser shall have the right to (A) designate which personnel it shall assign to perform the Services and (B) remove and replace such personnel at any time. 2.6 Intellectual Property; Data. (a) This Agreement and the performance of the Services under this Agreement shall not affect or result in the transfer of any rights in or to, or the ownership of, any Intellectual Property Rights or Technology. Neither Party shall acquire any right, title or interest (except for the express license rights set forth in this Section 2.6) in any Intellectual Property Rights or Technology of the other Party by reason of the provision of the Services hereunder. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Agreement shall limit or modify the transfer of the rights in and to, the ownership of, or the licenses with respect to any Intellectual Property Rights or Technology as set forth in the Purchase Agreement or any other Transaction Agreement. (b) Purchaser acknowledges that following the Closing, Seller relies on Purchaser’s Services to provide the Product(s) to each Customer in accordance with the BlackBerry Agreements, including to develop, improve, host, support, maintain, operate, update, provide and otherwise make available the applicable Product(s) purchased by Customer. Subject to Section 2.6(a), solely to the extent Seller needs to access and use the specific items of Technology and Intellectual Property Rights owned or controlled by Purchaser or any of its Affiliates that are solely necessary to perform the Retained Services, Purchaser hereby grants to Seller a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, fully paid-up, royalty-free right to use such Technology and Intellectual Property Rights, solely during the applicable Service Term, for the sole and limited purpose of performing the Retained Services (and to the

311393987 v11 -5- extent the use of such Technology or Intellectual Property Rights are governed by a license or other agreement with a Third Party, subject to any applicable restrictions or other requirements set forth thereunder). For the avoidance of doubt, the license set forth in this Section 2.6(b) does not permit Seller or its Affiliates to modify or prepare derivative works of any Technology or Intellectual Property Rights owned or controlled by Purchaser or any of its Affiliates. (c) As between Purchaser and Seller on the one hand and Customer on the other hand, Customer retains ownership of all Customer Data (as defined in the BlackBerry Solution License Agreement). With respect to Anonymous Data (as defined in the BlackBerry Solution License Agreement), as between Purchaser and Seller, Purchaser shall own all Anonymous Data and Purchaser shall provide Seller and its Affiliates access to the applicable Anonymous Data solely to the extent necessary for Seller to perform Retained Services. 2.7 System Security. (a) If a Party or its Affiliates (the “Accessing Party”), as the case may be, is given access to the other Party’s or its Affiliates’ (the “Granting Party”) Systems in connection with the provision of Services or Retained Services, the Accessing Party shall comply with all of the Granting Party’s applicable security policies, procedures and guidelines (including physical security, network access, internet security, confidentiality and personal data security guidelines) attached hereto as Exhibit E (collectively, “Security Regulations”), and shall not knowingly tamper with, compromise or circumvent any security or audit measures employed by the Granting Party or any of its Affiliates. The Accessing Party shall access and use only those Systems of the Granting Party and its Affiliates for which it has been granted the right to access and use. (b) Each Accessing Party shall take steps designed to restrict access to only those of the Accessing Party’s personnel who are specifically authorized to have access to the Systems and prevent unauthorized access, use, destruction, alteration, or loss of information contained therein, including notifying such personnel of the restrictions set forth in this Agreement and the Security Regulations. (c) If, at any time, an Accessing Party determines that any such personnel has sought to circumvent, or has circumvented, the Security Regulations, that any unauthorized personnel has or has had access to the Systems, or that any such personnel has engaged in activities that would reasonably be expected to lead to the unauthorized access, use, destruction, alteration or loss of data, information or software of the Granting Party or any of its Affiliates, the Accessing Party shall promptly (and in any event within twenty-four (24) hours of its determination) notify the Granting Party so that the Parties may cooperate to terminate any such person’s access to the relevant Systems. In addition, the Granting Party shall have the right to deny personnel of any Accessing Party access to the Systems upon reasonable notice to the Accessing Party in the event that the Granting Party reasonably believes that such personnel have engaged in any of the activities set forth above in this Section 2.7(c) or otherwise pose a security concern. Each Accessing Party shall provide such reasonable cooperation as the relevant Granting Party may request in investigating any unauthorized access to the Systems. 2.8 Data Protection. To the extent that the provision of the Services requires the Processing of Personal Data, the obligations of Purchaser regarding the Processing of Personal Data in connection with the provision of the Services shall be mutually agreed between the Parties in the Data Processing Agreement set forth in Exhibit E (the “DPA”) between the Parties. To the extent there are any conflicts between this Agreement and the DPA, the DPA shall govern.

311393987 v11 -6- ARTICLE III DISCLAIMERS; COMPLIANCE 3.1 Disclaimer of Warranties. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ALL SERVICES ARE PROVIDED AS-IS, THAT SELLER ASSUMES ALL RISKS AND LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO ITS USE OF AND RELIANCE UPON THE SERVICES, AND PURCHASER, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY WITH RESPECT THERETO. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, PURCHASER HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES REGARDING THE SERVICES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, EITHER IN FACT OR BY OPERATION OF LAW, BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY IN REGARD TO QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, COMMERCIAL UTILITY, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF ANY SERVICE FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE OR THE NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES. 3.2 Compliance with Laws and Regulations. Each Party shall be responsible for its own compliance with any and all Laws applicable to its performance under this Agreement. No Party shall knowingly take any action in violation of any such applicable Law that results in liability being imposed on the other Party. ARTICLE IV COSTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 4.1 Costs and Disbursements. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Seller (or its designee) shall pay to Purchaser the fee for the Services (or category of Services, as applicable) (each fee constituting a “Service Charge,” and, collectively, “Service Charges”) as set forth on the applicable Customer Specific Terms. All Service Charges shall be exclusive of any Taxes (responsibility for which shall be governed by Section 4.2). (b) Each Party shall be responsible for all of its own costs and expenses in connection with its performance under this Agreement. (c) The Service Charges due and payable hereunder shall be invoiced and paid U.S. dollars, unless the Parties otherwise agree. Except as otherwise agreed by the Parties, on a monthly basis, Purchaser shall prepare an invoice for such fiscal month to Seller noting, in reasonable detail, the Service Charges owed to it by Seller. Seller shall pay the amount of the Service Charges set forth in such invoice by wire transfer (or such other method of payment as may be agreed between the Parties) to Purchaser (or its designee) within thirty (30) days of the receipt of each such invoice. In the absence of a timely notice of billing dispute in accordance with the provisions of ARTICLE VII of this Agreement, if Seller fails to pay such amount by the due date, Seller shall be obligated to pay to Purchaser, in addition to the amount due, interest at an annual default interest rate of six percent (6%), or the maximum legal rate, whichever is lower (the “Interest Payment”), accruing from the date the payment was due up to the date of actual payment. In the event of any billing dispute, Seller shall promptly pay any undisputed amount. The Parties may agree in writing to net billing or other offsetting arrangements with respect to any amounts payable hereunder or under any other Transaction Agreement.

311393987 v11 -7- (d) Seller shall timely pay the full amount of Service Charges and shall not set off, counterclaim or otherwise withhold any amount owed to Purchaser under this Agreement on account of any obligation owed by Purchaser to Seller except for any net billing arrangements agreed to by the Parties pursuant to Section 4.1(c). 4.2 Tax Matters. Without limiting any provisions of this Agreement, Seller shall be responsible for and shall pay any and all excise, sales, use, value-added, goods and services, transfer, stamp, documentary, filing, recordation and other similar non-income Taxes, in each case, imposed or, payable with respect to, or assessed as a result of the provision of Services by Purchaser or any fees or charges (including any Service Charges) payable by Seller pursuant to this Agreement (collectively, “Non- Income Taxes”). The Party required to account for such Non-Income Tax shall provide to the other Party appropriate tax invoices and, if applicable, evidence of the remittance of the amount of such Non-Income Tax to the relevant governmental authority. The Parties shall use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize Non-Income Taxes and obtain any refund, return, rebate or the like of any Non-Income Tax, including by filing any necessary exemption or other similar forms, certificates or other similar documents, in each case, to the extent legally permissible. ARTICLE V LIMITED LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION 5.1 Consequential and Other Damages. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Agreement, except for any damages resulting from breaches of ARTICLE VIII, neither Party nor any of their Affiliates or Representatives shall be liable to the other Party or its Affiliates or Representatives, whether in contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability) or otherwise, at law or equity, for any special, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages or lost profits, loss of revenue, loss of business or cost of cover, in each case which in any way arise out of, relate to or are a consequence of the provision of, or failure to provide, any Services under this Agreement or the receipt of any Services, and each of the Parties hereby waives on behalf of itself, its Affiliates and its Representatives any claim for such damages. 5.2 Limitation of Liability. The aggregate Liability of each Party and its Affiliates and Representatives, collectively, under this Agreement for any act or failure to act in connection herewith (including the performance or breach of this Agreement), or from the sale, delivery, provision or use of any Services provided under or contemplated by this Agreement, whether in contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability) or otherwise, at law or equity, shall not exceed the amounts received by Purchaser from Seller with respect to the Customer or Customers and relevant portion of the Services to which the subject matter of the claim relates in the twelve (12) month period immediately prior to the incident giving rise to the liability; provided, however, that in the case of any Liability arising from the Services to be provided pursuant to Exhibit C-3 on or before the earlier of (a) January 1, 2026 and (b) the date that the first payment from Seller to Purchaser for such Services is made, the aggregate Liability of each Party and its Affiliates and Representatives as set forth in this Section 5.2 shall not exceed three million, nine hundred thousand dollars (US$ 3,900,000). 5.3 Seller Indemnity. Seller hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Purchaser and its Affiliates and Representatives (each, a “Purchaser Indemnified Party”) from and against any and all Losses from third-party claims, suits, actions, or proceedings against a Purchaser Indemnified Party arising from, relating to or in connection with (a) the use of any Services by Seller or any of its Affiliates or Representatives or (b) the use of any Retained Services by any Customer, in the case of each of clauses (a) and (b), except to the extent that such Losses arise out of Purchaser’s material breach of this Agreement, gross negligence, willful misconduct, or fraud.

311393987 v11 -8- 5.4 Purchaser Indemnity. Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Seller and its Affiliates and Representatives (each, a “Seller Indemnified Party”), from and against any and all Losses from third-party claims, suits, actions, or proceedings against a Seller Indemnified Party arising from, relating to or in connection with (a) the use of any Product(s) or Services by Customers after Closing or (b) the sale, delivery or provision of any Services provided under or contemplated by this Agreement, in the case of each of clauses (a) and (b), except to the extent that such Losses arise out of a Sufficiency Breach, Seller’s material breach of this Agreement, gross negligence, willful misconduct, or fraud. 5.5 Sufficiency Breach. Any failure of Purchaser to perform its obligations under this Agreement to the extent such failure results as a consequence of a Sufficiency Breach shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement. A “Sufficiency Breach” means a breach by any Selling Entity of Section 4.24 of the Purchase Agreement. 5.6 Indemnification Procedures. The provisions of Section 8.4 of the Purchase Agreement shall govern claims for indemnification under this Agreement. 5.7 Exclusion of Other Remedies. The provisions of Section 5.3 and Section 5.4 of this Agreement shall, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable Law, be the sole and exclusive remedies of the Purchaser Indemnified Parties and the Seller Indemnified Parties, as applicable, for any claim, loss, damage, expense or liability, whether arising from statute, principle of common or civil law, principles of strict liability, tort, contract or otherwise under this Agreement. 5.8 Confirmation. Neither Party excludes responsibility for any Liability which cannot be excluded pursuant to applicable Law. ARTICLE VI TERM AND TERMINATION 6.1 Term and Termination. (a) This Agreement shall commence immediately upon the Closing Date and shall terminate upon the earlier to occur of: (i) the last date on which either Party is obligated to provide any Service to the other Party in accordance with the terms of this Agreement or (ii) the mutual written agreement of the Parties to terminate this Agreement in its entirety. (b) Seller may terminate this Agreement (i) at any time upon prior written notice to Purchaser if Purchaser has failed to perform any of its material obligations under this Agreement with respect to the Services, and such failure has continued uncured for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt by Purchaser of written notice of such failure from Seller, and (ii) and at any time if Purchaser has violated any Laws in its provision of such Services. (c) Seller may terminate this Agreement with respect to one or more Customers at any time upon providing at least thirty (30) day’s prior written notice to Purchaser (or as otherwise mutually agreed in writing). 6.2 Effect of Termination. Upon termination of any Service pursuant to this Agreement for a given Customer, Purchaser shall have no further obligation to provide the terminated Service. In connection with the termination of any Service, the provisions of this Agreement not relating solely to such terminated Service shall survive any such termination, and in connection with a termination of this Agreement, ARTICLE I, ARTICLE V (including liability in respect of any indemnifiable Losses under

311393987 v11 -9- this Agreement arising or occurring on or prior to the date of termination), ARTICLE VI, ARTICLE VIII AND ARTICLE IX shall continue to survive indefinitely. ARTICLE VII DISPUTE RESOLUTION 7.1 Dispute Resolution. (a) In the event of any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, or the validity, interpretation, breach or termination of any provision of this Agreement, or calculation or allocation of the costs of any Service, including claims seeking redress or asserting rights under any Law (each, a “Dispute”), Purchaser and Seller agree that the Purchaser’s services manager and the Seller’s services manager (or such other persons as Purchaser and Seller may designate) shall negotiate in good faith in an attempt to resolve such Dispute amicably. If such Dispute has not been resolved to the mutual satisfaction of Purchaser and Seller within fifteen (15) days after the initial written notice of the Dispute (or after such longer period as the Parties may agree), then such Dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution process referred to in Article 10 of the Purchase Agreement; provided, however, that such dispute resolution process shall not modify or add to the remedies available to the Parties under this Agreement. (b) In any Dispute regarding the amount of a Service Charge, if such Dispute is finally resolved pursuant to the dispute resolution process set forth or referred to in Section 7.1, and it is determined that the Service Charge Purchaser has invoiced Seller, and that Seller has paid to Purchaser, is greater or less than the amount that the Service Charge should have been, then (i) if it is determined that Seller has overpaid the Service Charge, Purchaser shall within ten (10) business days after such determination reimburse Seller an amount of cash equal to such overpayment, plus the Interest Payment, accruing from the date of payment by Seller to the time of reimbursement by Purchaser; and (ii) if it is determined that Seller has underpaid the Service Charge, Seller shall within ten (10) business days after such determination reimburse Purchaser an amount of cash equal to such underpayment, plus the Interest Payment, accruing from the date such payment originally should have been made by Seller to the time of payment by Seller. ARTICLE VIII CONFIDENTIALITY 8.1 Treatment of Confidential Information. Each Party shall, and shall cause its Affiliates and its and their directors, officers, managers, employees, consultants, representatives and agents (together, the “Related Persons”) to, during the term of this Agreement, treat all information of the other Party that is known to such Party as confidential or proprietary provided under this Agreement (the “Confidential Information”) as confidential, preserve the confidentiality thereof, and not use or disclose or permit to be disclosed to any Person, except for the purposes of performing the receiving Party’s obligations under this Agreement, any Confidential Information of the other Party unless such information (i) is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a breach of this Agreement by the receiving Party or any of its Related Persons, becomes available to the receiving Party or one of its Affiliates on a non- confidential basis from another source, provided that such other source is not known by the receiving Party or its Affiliates to be bound by a confidentiality agreement between such other source and the disclosing Party or any of its Affiliates, (ii) was lawfully in the possession of the receiving Party or its Affiliates before the information was disclosed by the disclosing Party or its Affiliates and continues to be held in accordance with the terms on which it was obtained, provided, however, that this clause (ii) shall not except information in the possession of Seller with respect to the Business, the Transferred Subsidiary, the Continuing Employees, the Transferred Assets and the Assumed Liabilities unless such information is lawfully received by Seller or its Affiliates from a third party (excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, any Business Service

311393987 v11 -10- Providers) after the Closing and continues to be held in accordance with the terms on which it was obtained, (iii) is developed independently of the information disclosed by the disclosing Party or its Affiliates, (iv) is agreed to be the parties in writing as not being confidential, (v) is required to be disclosed by any applicable Law or stock market rule; provided that, to the extent permitted by applicable Law, the receiving Party shall provide written notice of such requirement to the disclosing Party for the purpose of enabling the disclosing Party to seek (at the disclosing Party’s expense) a protective order or otherwise prevent such disclosure and the receiving Party shall use its commercially reasonable efforts, at the disclosing Party’s expense and the disclosing Party’s written request, to cooperate with the disclosing Party in obtaining an appropriate protective order or obtaining confidential treatment with respect to such information or (vi) is disclosed (A) to a prospective financing source, investor, or lender of any kind; provided that such third party is bound by a confidentiality agreement or (B) in connection with an initial public offering or direct listing including in any registration statement, preliminary prospectus or final prospectus contained therein or any amendments or supplements thereto, or related materials, and to bankers, financial and legal advisors, and potential investors in the offering. The receiving Party shall be liable hereunder as a breach of the receiving Party covenants if any action or failure to take action by a Related Person of the receiving Party or by any other Person that receives such confidential information from the receiving Party (including any financing source, investor or lender that the receiving Party is permitted to disclose such confidential information to under this Section 8.1) would be a breach of this provision if the receiving Party had taken such action or failed to take such action. ARTICLE IX GENERAL PROVISIONS 9.1 No Agency. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed in any way or for any purpose to constitute any Party as an agent of an unaffiliated party in the conduct of such other party’s business. A Purchaser of any Service under this Agreement shall act as an independent contractor and not as the agent of Seller in performing such Service, maintaining control over its employees, its subcontractors and their employees and complying with all withholding of income at source requirements, whether federal, national, state, local or foreign. 9.2 Notices. All notices and other communications under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given only if done in the following ways: (a) on the day of delivery if delivered personally, (b) two (2) Business Days after the date of mailing if mailed by registered or certified first class mail, postage prepaid, (c) the next Business Day following deposit with an overnight air courier service which guarantees next day delivery, or (d) on the same day, when sent by email if prior to 5:00 pm Pacific Time, and otherwise one (1) Business Day after transmission (unless an undelivered or “bounceback” message is received by the sender), in each case to the other party at the following address or email address (or to such person or persons or such other address or email address as a party may specify by notice pursuant to this provision): (a) If to Purchaser, to: Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. 8939 Columbine Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Attention: Legal Department Email: legal@arcticwolf.com With a copy to: Cooley LLP 3175 Hanover Street

311393987 v11 -11- Palo Alto, CA 94304-1130 Attention: Anne Lieberman; Eric Jensen; Kate Nichols Email: alieberman@cooley.com; ejensen@cooley.com; knichols@cooley.com (b) If to Seller, to: BlackBerry Limited 2200 University Ave. E. Waterloo, ON N2K 0A7 Attention: Chief Legal Officer Email: legal@blackberry.com With a copy to: Morrison & Foerster LLP 4200 Republic Plaza 370 Seventeenth Street Denver, CO 80202-5638 Attention: Erik G. Knudsen; Chere C. See Email: eknudsen@mofo.com; csee@mofo.com 9.3 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any Person or circumstance is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions hereof, or the application of such provision to Persons or circumstances or in jurisdictions other than those as to which it has been held invalid or unenforceable, shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated thereby. Upon such determination, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith in an effort to agree upon such a suitable and equitable provision to effect the original intent of the Parties. 9.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, the Purchase Agreement and other Transaction Agreements (to the extent expressly set forth in this Agreement), and the Annexes, Exhibits, Schedules and appendices hereto and thereto, contain the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, supersede all previous agreements, negotiations, discussions, writings, understandings, commitments and conversations with respect to such subject matter, and there are no agreements or understandings between the Parties other than those set forth or referred to herein or therein. This Agreement, the Purchase Agreement and any other Transaction Agreements together govern the arrangements in connection with the Transactions and would not have been entered independently. 9.5 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Except as provided in ARTICLE V with respect to Purchaser Indemnified Parties and Seller Indemnified Parties, this Agreement is for the sole benefit of the Parties and their permitted successors and assigns and nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to or shall confer upon any other Person, including any union or any employee or former employee of Purchaser or Seller, any legal or equitable right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever, including any rights of employment for any specified period, under or by reason of this Agreement. 9.6 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed for all purposes by the internal substantive Laws of the State of New York without given effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule (whether of the State of New York or any other jurisdiction). 9.7 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended, supplemented or modified only by a writing signed on behalf of each of Purchaser and Seller.

311393987 v11 -12- 9.8 Precedence of Annexes, Exhibits, and Schedules. Each Annex, Exhibit, and Schedule attached to or referenced in this Agreement is hereby incorporated into and shall form a part of this Agreement; provided, however, that the terms contained in such Annex, Exhibit, or Schedule shall only apply with respect to the relevant Services for such Annex, Exhibit, or Schedule. In the event of a conflict between the terms contained in an individual Annex, Exhibit, or Schedule and the terms in the body of this Agreement, the terms in the Annex, Exhibit, or Schedule shall take precedence with respect to the Services applicable under such Annex, Exhibit, or Schedule. No terms contained in individual Schedules shall otherwise modify the terms of this Agreement. 9.9 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. The exchange of copies of this Agreement and signature pages by email in .pdf or .tif format (and including, without limitation, any electronic signature complying with the U.S. ESIGN Act of 2000, e.g., www.docusign.com), or by any other electronic means intended to preserve the original graphic and pictorial appearance of a document, or by combination of such means, shall constitute effective execution and delivery of this Agreement as to the parties and may be used in lieu of the original Agreement for all purposes. Such execution and delivery shall be considered valid, binding and effective for all purposes. 9.10 Assignability; Change of Control. No assignment of this Agreement or any rights hereunder by any party shall be given any effect without the prior written consent of the other party; provided, however, that, without any party’s consent, Purchaser may assign, in whole or in part, any of its rights and obligations hereunder to one or more of Purchaser’s Affiliates or to a successor of all or a portion of Purchaser’s assets to which this Agreement relates. Subject to the preceding sentences, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties and their respective successors and assigns. Any purported assignment or delegation by any party not in compliance with the foregoing shall be null and void. 9.11 Mutual Drafting. This Agreement shall be deemed to be the joint work product of the Parties and any rule of construction that a document shall be interpreted or construed against a drafter of such document shall not be applicable. 9.12 Transaction Agreements. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and the terms of the Purchase Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall control with respect to the subject matter addressed by this Agreement to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency. [The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.]

311393987 v11 [Signature Page to Strategic Customer Support Agreement] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Strategic Customer Support Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first written above. [SELLER] By: Name: Title: [PURCHASER] By: Name: Title:

311393987 v11 Annex 1 Governance and Operational Support The Parties will cooperate in good faith to prepare an operational document between the date of execution of the Purchase Agreement and the Closing Date that details allocations of each party’s roles and responsibilities with respect to the existing Customers and Products.

311393987 v11 Exhibit A BlackBerry Solution License Agreement

Page 1 of 7 BLACKBERRY SOLUTION LICENSE AGREEMENT This BlackBerry Solution License Agreement (the “Agreement” or “BBSLA”) is a legal agreement between you on behalf of a company or other entity as its representative (“You” or “Customer”) and BlackBerry Limited or its Affiliate as set forth in subsection 13(a) below (“BlackBerry”) regarding the use of certain BlackBerry Software and BlackBerry Services (as defined below). Together You and BlackBerry are the “Parties” and individually a “Party”. BY CLICKING ON THE APPROPRIATE BUTTON BELOW, OR BY INSTALLING, ACCESSING OR USING ANY BLACKBERRY SOFTWARE OR BLACKBERRY SERVICE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, OR IF YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF CUSTOMER, DO NOT COPY, INSTALL, ACCESS OR USE ANY BLACKBERRY SOFTWARE OR BLACKBERRY SERVICE. 1. Definitions. (a) “Affiliate” means, with respect to any legal entity, any other entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with such entity. (b) “Authorized Users” means Customer’s employees and independent contractors. (c) “Anonymous Data” means data generated by processing and/or aggregating Customer Data so that results are non- personally identifiable with respect to Customer or its Authorized Users; and any results, logs, and/or other data regarding use of the BlackBerry Solution. (d) “Beta Products” means any pre-commercial release or evaluation versions of BlackBerry Software or BlackBerry Services made available to Customer by BlackBerry under additional terms and conditions. (e) “BlackBerry Services” means any paid service made available by or on behalf of BlackBerry hereunder and identified as a BlackBerry service, including cloud services made available via the BlackBerry Software, but excluding any Third Party Items. (f) “BlackBerry Software” or “Software” means any BlackBerry proprietary enterprise software (and any licensed third party software embedded therein) in object code form only (and not source code) provided hereunder, including server software, client software, personal computer software and interfaces and Documentation. BlackBerry Software shall include any upgrades, updates or modified versions of the BlackBerry Software that may be provided to Customer by BlackBerry at its sole discretion, but excludes any Third Party Items. (g) “BlackBerry Solution” means BlackBerry’s proprietary enterprise solution or service comprised of any component(s) or portion(s) of BlackBerry Software and/or BlackBerry Services and applicable Documentation. (h) “Customer Data” means any data, files, messages, executable files or code, system activity uploaded, inputted or otherwise submitted by Customer and/or its Authorized Users to BlackBerry or collected from the Customer and/or its Authorized Users through the normal operation of the BlackBerry Solution, and any other Customer Data specified in the Documentation. (i) “Documentation” means any applicable BlackBerry end user documentation provided by BlackBerry (excluding any marketing or promotional materials). (j) “Endpoints” means wireless devices, desktops, computer systems and any other endpoints with which the BlackBerry Solution operates. (k) “Intellectual Property Rights” means any patents, copyrights, trademarks, industrial designs, trade secret, confidential information or other proprietary right. (l) “Malware” means any software or content that contains any virus, trojan horse, worm, backdoor, shutdown mechanism, sniffer, bot, drop dead mechanism, spyware, malicious, or similar code. (m) “Reverse Engineer” means any act of reverse engineering, translating, disassembling, decompiling, decrypting or deconstructing data, software (including interfaces, protocols, and any other data included in or used in conjunction with programs that may or may not technically be considered software code) or services or any method or process of obtaining or converting any information, data or software from one form into a human-readable form. (n) “Technical Support Services” means technical support and maintenance services provided by BlackBerry. (o) “Third Party Items” means Customer or any third party: (i) software; (ii) content; (iii) services, including internet connectivity, systems, wireless networks and non-BlackBerry websites; and (iv) devices, servers, equipment and other hardware products. 2. License. (a) Limited License. Subject to this Agreement and Customer’s payment of all applicable fees, BlackBerry grants Customer a personal, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to internally install, access and/or use the BlackBerry Solution solely for the purpose specified in the Documentation and subject to the usage and time limitations based on the quantity and type of licenses and term of the licenses acquired by Customer pursuant to an accepted BlackBerry order. Customer may authorize its Authorized Users to exercise the foregoing rights provided that Customer shall be responsible for its Authorized Users’ use of the BlackBerry Solution.

Page 2 of 7 (b) Trial License. If a BlackBerry Solution is provided by BlackBerry to Customer for internal testing purposes (“Trial”), the license set out above shall be of a sixty (60) day limited duration from when the BlackBerry Solution is made available by BlackBerry to Customer unless stated otherwise by BlackBerry in writing (“Trial Period”) and shall apply solely to the extent necessary to perform the Trial. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, such license shall automatically terminate upon the expiry of the Trial Period, or earlier if Customer breaches any provision of this Agreement, and subsection 12 (d) of this Agreement shall apply. The Trial Period may be extended or terminated by BlackBerry in writing at any time in its sole discretion. 3. Technical Support Services. Any Technical Support Services acquired by Customer, including as part of a BlackBerry Software subscription, are provided subject to: (i) this Agreement; (ii) the Technical Support Services program description found at www.blackberry.com/supportprogramdescriptions (or such other site as may be made available to Customer by BlackBerry from time-to-time), as may be amended by BlackBerry and which is incorporated herein by this reference; and (iii) Customer’s payment of all applicable fees for the requisite time period and number and type of licenses acquired by Customer pursuant to an accepted BlackBerry order. Customer agrees that it may be required to update BlackBerry Software and/or Third Party Items to continue to access or use the BlackBerry Solution, Third Party Items or portions thereof. 4. Rules of Use for BlackBerry Solution. Customer acknowledges and agrees that: (a) Customer has the right and authority to enter this Agreement and has any necessary consents from its Authorized Users as may be required by applicable law; (b) Customer shall not, or attempt to, sell, rent, lease, use for timeshare or service bureau purposes, sublicense or transfer the BlackBerry Solution; (c) Customer and its Authorized Users shall not take any action to: (i) upload, transmit, or otherwise make available any Malware, unless expressly permitted by BlackBerry in writing as required to provide the BlackBerry Solution; (ii) gain unauthorized access to any component or portion of the BlackBerry Solution, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to a BlackBerry Solution, or obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information made available through any component or portion of the BlackBerry Solution not intentionally made available by BlackBerry to Customer; or (iii) take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of the BlackBerry Solution. In addition, Customer and its Authorized Users shall not permit any third party to take any of the actions outlined in (i) – (iii) above. If Customer becomes aware of the existence of any of such activities, Customer shall promptly notify BlackBerry in writing; (d) Customer and its Authorized Users shall not copy, host, publish, distribute or modify the BlackBerry Software, or any content made available to Customer as part of the BlackBerry Solution, in whole or in part, except for copying as reasonably necessary for back-up purposes; (e) Customer and its Authorized Users shall not disclose the results of any benchmark testing, technical results or other performance data relating to the BlackBerry Solution without BlackBerry’s prior written consent; (f) The BlackBerry Solution contains valuable trade secrets, proprietary and confidential information of BlackBerry and/or its Affiliates. Customer and its Authorized Users shall not: (i) disclose or make available, directly or indirectly, the BlackBerry Solution (including any content made available to Customer related to the BlackBerry Solution) to any third party; (ii) use the BlackBerry Solution except as set forth herein; or (iii) alter, modify, adapt, create derivative works of, translate, deface, or Reverse Engineer any software, or any content, made available to Customer as part of the BlackBerry Solution, in whole or in part, or permit, acquiesce, authorize or encourage any other entity or person to do so; (g) BlackBerry may monitor Customer’s and its Authorized Users’ use of the BlackBerry Solution to determine compliance with this Agreement and Customer and its Authorized Users shall provide information requested by BlackBerry necessary for such purpose. BlackBerry may, through an independent auditor and/or itself, audit Customer’s and its Authorized Users’ use of and/or access to the BlackBerry Solution. If Customer is found to have exceeded its authorized usage and/or access, Customer shall, among other things, pay to BlackBerry: (i) any additional amounts due based on BlackBerry’s then current price list; (ii) BlackBerry’s reasonable costs associated with such audit; and (iii) interest on the amounts due to BlackBerry at the maximum rate permitted by law. Any refusal by Customer to provide requested information and/or cooperate with an audit, or to promptly pay amounts found owing to BlackBerry as a result of such audit, shall be deemed to be a material breach of this Agreement; (h) Subject to the terms of an applicable BlackBerry order or Documentation, an Authorized User will be considered provisioned where the Authorized User is assigned the ability to access the BlackBerry Software, regardless of whether an Authorized User has accessed or utilized the BlackBerry Software. Provisioned Authorized Users will be counted to determine whether a Customer is within (or has exceeded) its licensed usage of the BlackBerry Software. Customer is solely responsible for ensuring that it does not provision Authorized Users in excess of its license rights; (i) Customer assumes sole responsibility and liability for: (i) the establishment of appropriate security measures to control access to the licensed BlackBerry Solution, including for Endpoints; (ii) Customer’s selection, use, access, cost or implementation of any Third Party Item, regardless of how Customer acquires or obtains access to the Third Party Item, or whether any such Third Party Items are required in order to use all or any part of, or operate in conjunction with, the BlackBerry Solution; and (iii) informing its Authorized Users of any functions to be performed on their devices;

Page 3 of 7 (j) BlackBerry may, without any liability to Customer or any Authorized User, modify, suspend, discontinue or place limits on the BlackBerry Solution or any part thereof, including: (i) periodically suspending use of and/or access thereto, or otherwise taking it out of operation in order to do maintenance and support of BlackBerry Software or BlackBerry Services; (ii) if Customer's or its Authorized Users’ use of and/or access to the BlackBerry Solution or any part thereof poses a security or other risk to the software or service or any third party or adversely impacts the software or service; (iii) if required by law or regulation or in BlackBerry’s opinion it is or may be subject to liability as a result of operating the BlackBerry Solution or any part thereof; or (iv) if Customer and/or an Authorized User is in breach of this Agreement; and (k) Customer and its Authorized Users shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes, regulations and policies applicable to Customer’s receipt or use of and/or access to the BlackBerry Solution. 5. Ownership and Intellectual Property. (a) Customer acknowledges and agrees that it does not acquire any Intellectual Property Rights in or relating to the BlackBerry Solution or any translation or other derivative work thereof. Customer agrees that it shall not refute or otherwise challenge BlackBerry’s and/or any of its Affiliates’ ownership of any such Intellectual Property Rights. All comments, ideas, changes or other feedback provided by Customer and/or any Authorized User to BlackBerry regarding the BlackBerry Solution shall be owned by BlackBerry. All rights, title and interest not expressly granted herein are reserved by BlackBerry. (b) As between the Parties, Customer retains the ownership (including any Intellectual Property Rights) in and to the Customer Data. 6. LIMITED WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER. (a) If during the ninety (90) day period following BlackBerry making the Software available to Customer for electronic download, the BlackBerry Software is not capable of performing the material functions described in the Documentation when used as specified by BlackBerry in the Documentation applicable to the specific type and version of the BlackBerry Software, BlackBerry shall make reasonable efforts to correct or provide a workaround for such problem (which fix or workaround may be provided to Customer at BlackBerry’s reasonable discretion in one of a variety of forms). (b) Any obligations of BlackBerry under this Section 6 shall not apply to trial software or Beta Products or if the failure of the BlackBerry Software to perform the material functions described in the Documentation is due to: (i) use of the BlackBerry Software in a manner inconsistent with any of Customer’s obligations set out in this Agreement or in a manner inconsistent with the instructions in the Documentation applicable to the specific type and version of the BlackBerry Software; (ii) a malfunction or other problem related to any Third Party Item; or (iii) any external causes affecting the BlackBerry Software, correction of errors attributable to software other than the BlackBerry Software, or defects due to repairs or modifications not authorized by BlackBerry in writing. (c) CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT WHERE THE BLACKBERRY SOLUTION IS DESIGNED TO INTEROPERATE WITH OR FACILITATE CUSTOMER’S ACCESS TO THIRD PARTY ITEMS, BLACKBERRY HAS NO CONTROL OVER THE FUNCTIONALITY, DELIVERY, USE OR PERFORMANCE OF SUCH THIRD PARTY ITEMS. (d) CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND WARRANTS THAT CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE AND LIABLE FOR: (I) VERIFYING THE ACCURACY AND ADEQUACY OF ANY INPUT, OUTPUT OR ALERT INTO OR FROM THE BLACKBERRY SOLUTION; OR, (II) CUSTOMER’S DECISION TO ALLOW OR MAINTAIN ANY MALWARE OR VULNERABILITY ON OR TO CUSTOMER’S (OR ITS AUTHORIZED USERS’) ENDPOINTS, SYSTEMS OR NETWORKS. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, CUSTOMER WAIVES ANY AND ALL CAUSES OF ACTION OR CLAIMS AGAINST BLACKBERRY ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THIS SUBSECTION (D). (e) THE CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT THE BLACKBERRY SOLUTION IS NOT DESIGNED OR INTENDED FOR USE IN ANY HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENT REQUIRING FAIL-SAFE PERFORMANCE OR OPERATION, NOR IS IT INTENDED FOR THE OPERATION OF NAVIGATION, NUCLEAR FACILITIES, WEAPONS SYSTEMS, LIFE-SUPPORT SYSTEMS, OR ANY APPLICATION OR INSTALLATION WHERE FAILURE COULD RESULT IN DEATH, SEVERE PHYSICAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. (f) EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED HEREIN, AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE BLACKBERRY SOLUTION IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND ALL CONDITIONS, ENDORSEMENTS, GUARANTEES, ASSURANCES, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE BLACKBERRY SOLUTION ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED AND EXCLUDED, INCLUDING THOSE OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND TITLE. BLACKBERRY DOES NOT WARRANT OR PROVIDE ANY OTHER SIMILAR ASSURANCE WHATSOEVER: (I) OF UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE USE OR OPERATION OF THE BLACKBERRY SOLUTION; (II) THAT ALL THREATS, VULNERABILITIES, ATTACKS OR MALWARE WILL BE DISCOVERED, REPORTED OR REMEDIED; (III) THAT CUSTOMER DATA, SYSTEMS OR NETWORKS SHALL BE FREE FROM LOSS OR CORRUPTION; OR, (IV) THAT CONTENT SHALL BE TRANSMITTED WITHIN A REASONABLE PERIOD OF TIME. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW: (a) IN NO EVENT SHALL BLACKBERRY BE LIABLE FOR: (I) INDIRECT, ECONOMIC, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES; (II) LOST PROFITS, REVENUE OR EARNINGS, LOST

Page 4 of 7 OR CORRUPTED DATA, DELAYS OR FAILURE TO TRANSMIT OR RECEIVE ANY DATA, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, FAILURE TO REALIZE EXPECTED SAVINGS AND COST OF SUBSTITUTE SOFTWARE OR SERVICES; AND (III) DAMAGES RELATED TO OR ARISING OUT OF ANY THIRD PARTY ITEMS; (b) NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF BLACKBERRY EXCEED THE AMOUNTS RECEIVED BY BLACKBERRY FROM CUSTOMER FOR THE PORTION OF THE BLACKBERRY SOFTWARE, OR THE RELEVANT PERIOD OF THE BLACKBERRY SERVICE, WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE CLAIM IN THE TWELVE (12) MONTH PERIOD IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO THE INCIDENT GIVING RISE TO THE LIABILITY; AND (c) THE LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS AND DISCLAIMERS SET OUT IN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL APPLY: (I) WHETHER AN ACTION, CLAIM OR DEMAND ARISES FROM A BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONDITION, BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY, STATUTORY LIABILITY OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY; (II) WHETHER OR NOT SUCH DAMAGES COULD REASONABLY BE FORESEEN OR THEIR POSSIBILITY HAS BEEN DISCLOSED TO BLACKBERRY; AND (III) TO BLACKBERRY, ITS AFFILIATES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. 8. Beta Products. Customer acknowledges and agrees that: (i) Beta Products may not be authorized for commercial use or certified by government or other authorities and BlackBerry makes no representation that such authorization or certification shall be obtained or that the Beta Products shall be commercially released or released without changes; (ii) Beta Products are not intended for use in any productive or other environment where Customer is relying on the performance of the Beta Products; (iii) Beta Products are not intended to represent or perform in the same manner as commercial software or services and Customer should ensure that it regularly backs up any data used with such materials; and (iv) all testing and evaluation that it conducts of Beta Products and related software and services is done entirely at Customer’s own risk. The Beta Products shall be made available for a period of up to ninety (90) days, unless stated otherwise by BlackBerry in writing. The period of availability of the Beta Products may be extended or terminated by BlackBerry at any time in its sole discretion. BlackBerry may require Customer to promptly return the evaluation or beta copies of the Beta Products and remove all copies of such Beta Products from its systems. 9. Data Use and Anonymous Data. Customer, on its own behalf and on behalf of its Authorized Users, grants BlackBerry a non-exclusive, sub-licensable, transferable, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual right and license to collect, use, copy, store, transmit, modify, and create derivative works of the Customer Data (collectively “Process” or “Processing”) to the extent necessary to provide the BlackBerry Solution to Customer and in order to generate Anonymous Data. Customer agrees that BlackBerry has the right to generate Anonymous Data and that Anonymous Data is owned by BlackBerry, which BlackBerry may use for any lawful business purpose (including, without limitation, to develop and improve the BlackBerry Solution and to create and distribute reports and other materials). Customer warrants and covenants that it has the right to grant to BlackBerry such licenses. 10. Personal Data and Privacy Notice. Customer, on its own behalf and on behalf of its Authorized Users: (i) agrees that BlackBerry and its Affiliates and their respective service providers may Process Customer Data for the purposes set out in this Agreement and in BlackBerry’s Privacy Notice, as may be amended from time-to-time by BlackBerry and which is incorporated by reference herein, the current version of which can be viewed at www.blackberry.com/legal; and (ii) represents and warrants that it has a lawful basis for such Processing, including collection of Authorized User’s personal data as required for the use of the BlackBerry Solution, products or services used with the BlackBerry Solution and as contemplated in this Agreement. 11. Indemnification. (a) Customer shall indemnify, hold harmless, and if requested by BlackBerry, defend, BlackBerry and its Affiliates and their successors and assigns and their respective directors, officers, employees, independent contractors and agents from and against any and all claims, proceedings, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees and expenses) arising out of or in connection with any breach of this Agreement by Customer or an Authorized User. BlackBerry shall give Customer prompt written notice of any claim or proceeding. If BlackBerry has requested Customer to defend a claim or proceeding: (i) BlackBerry may at its option and expense participate in its defense or settlement; (ii) Customer shall not settle it in a manner that requires BlackBerry or any of its Affiliates to admit any liability; and (iii) if BlackBerry later has a reasonable basis to believe that Customer cannot or may not be able to fulfill its obligations under this subsection (a), then, without limiting Customer’s obligations hereunder, BlackBerry shall be entitled to provide Customer with notice of its decision to defend the claim or proceeding, and thereafter to assume control of its defense and/or settlement. (b) BlackBerry shall defend, or at its option settle, any claim brought against Customer and/or its directors, officers and Authorized Users (“Customer Indemnitee(s)”) by a third party alleging that use of the BlackBerry Software infringes a third party copyright or patent right, and shall pay any damages finally awarded, to such third party by a court of competent jurisdiction or that is agreed to in a settlement by BlackBerry to the extent the BlackBerry Software is the basis of such a claim. This indemnification is conditional upon Customer Indemnitee(s) giving BlackBerry prompt written notice of any such claim and permitting BlackBerry to have sole control of the defense or settlement. BlackBerry shall not settle the

Page 5 of 7 claim in a manner that requires Customer to admit any liability. Customer shall provide BlackBerry all reasonable information and assistance in connection with any such claim. If such a claim occurs, or if in BlackBerry’s opinion is likely to occur, BlackBerry in its sole discretion may: (i) procure the right for Customer to continue to use the applicable BlackBerry Software; or (ii) modify or replace the applicable BlackBerry Software or infringing portion(s); or, if neither (i) nor (ii) is available or commercially practicable, (iii) terminate Customer’s license to the affected portion of the BlackBerry Software and refund or credit a portion of the license fees paid by Customer on a pro rata basis corresponding with the remaining portion of the license term. BlackBerry shall have no obligations or liability under this subsection (b) to the extent that any claim is based upon or arises out of: (i) any modification or alteration to the applicable BlackBerry Software not made by or on behalf of BlackBerry; (ii) any combination or use of the applicable BlackBerry Software with equipment, software, services, products or systems not provided by BlackBerry; (iii) Customer’s continued use of allegedly infringing BlackBerry Software after being notified; (iv) Customer’s failure to use software updates or upgrades made available by BlackBerry; or (v) use of the BlackBerry Software other than in accordance with the applicable Documentation or outside the scope of the license granted under this Agreement. The remedies set forth in this subsection (b) constitute Customer Indemnitees’ sole and exclusive remedies, and BlackBerry’s entire liability, with respect to infringement or violation of third party intellectual property rights. 12. Term and Termination; Survival. (a) This Agreement commences upon Customer's agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement (as outlined at the beginning of this Agreement) and continues only for the term of the licenses acquired by Customer, subject to early termination as provided herein. (b) This Agreement may be terminated by either Party: (i) if the other Party materially breaches this Agreement and fails to cure it within thirty (30) days after written notice of the breach; and (ii) if the other Party ceases to carry on business in the ordinary course, becomes insolvent or the subject of voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings, has a receiver, trustee or similar officer appointed with respect to the whole or substantial part of its assets, or is the subject of any creditor protection or proposal or similar arrangement under applicable law. (c) This Agreement may be terminated by BlackBerry upon a sale of all or substantially all the assets of Customer, any merger, consolidation or acquisition of Customer with, by or into another corporation, entity or person, or any change in the ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting shares of Customer in one or more related transactions. (d) Upon expiry or termination of either this Agreement or the provision of the BlackBerry Solution to Customer (which, for clarity, shall terminate this Agreement) for any reason: (i) all licenses and rights provided to Customer under Section 2 of this Agreement shall immediately terminate and Customer shall not be entitled to any refund; (ii) Customer and its Authorized Users shall immediately cease all use of and/or access to the BlackBerry Solution and delete and/or destroy all copies of BlackBerry Software that are in the possession or control of Customer and/or its Authorized Users and, on BlackBerry's request, confirm the same in writing signed by an officer of Customer; (iii) BlackBerry shall have the right to block any use of and/or access to the BlackBerry Solution, and/or delete any files, programs, data and e-mail messages associated with any account of Customer or an Authorized User, without notice to Customer or the Authorized User; (iv) BlackBerry may retain Customer Data pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, or for so long as may be required to comply with any law or regulation applicable to BlackBerry or any court, regulatory agency or authority to which BlackBerry is subject; and, (v) Customer shall remain liable for all amounts due and shall pay all such fees immediately upon expiration or termination of this Agreement. Where only a portion of the BlackBerry Solution expires or is terminated, the foregoing subsections (i) – (v) shall be limited to such portion and the Agreement shall continue for the remaining portion(s). (e) The following Sections of this Agreement shall survive its expiry or termination: Sections 1, 4 - 7 inclusive and 9 - 13 inclusive. 13. General. (a) Applicable Law and Jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws as specified below (“Governing Law”), excluding conflicts of laws provisions and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Except as expressly provided herein, each Party irrevocably consents and submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts as specified below and waives any objection thereto on the grounds of venue, forum non-conveniens or any similar grounds and irrevocably consents to service of process by mail or in any other manner permitted by applicable law. As set out below, the Customer’s primary address shall determine the Governing Law of this Agreement and, unless the BlackBerry entity is indicated on the BlackBerry order or binding quote, the contracting BlackBerry entity. Where Customer’s primary address is located in: (i) Canada, Caribbean, South America, or any other region or country not listed in subsections (ii) - (iv) inclusive below: “BlackBerry” means BlackBerry Limited and the Governing Law is the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada and the courts of the city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada shall have exclusive jurisdiction;

Page 6 of 7 (ii) United States of America and Japan: “BlackBerry” means BlackBerry Corporation and the Governing Law is the laws of the State of California and the courts of the county of Santa Clara, California, U.S.A. shall have exclusive jurisdiction; (iii) Europe, the Russian Federation, Middle East or Africa: “BlackBerry” means BlackBerry UK Limited and the Governing Law is the laws of England and Wales and the courts of the city of London, England shall have exclusive jurisdiction; and (iv) Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan): “BlackBerry” means BlackBerry Singapore Pte. Limited and the Governing Law is the laws of the Republic of Singapore and the courts of the Republic of Singapore shall have exclusive jurisdiction. (b) Dispute Resolution. (i) Any dispute, claim or controversy (collectively “Claims”) arising out of or relating to this Agreement involving BlackBerry Corporation (or other BlackBerry entity where Customer’s primary address is in the United States of America), including the determination of the scope, applicability or adjudicative process associated with this Agreement, shall be submitted to and determined by arbitration in the county of Santa Clara, California, U.S.A. The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS pursuant to its Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures. For Claims of five million United States dollars ($5,000,000), or less, the arbitration shall be administered pursuant to JAMS' Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures. Any judgment awarded by JAMS may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. (ii) With respect to any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement involving BlackBerry Limited, BlackBerry UK Limited and BlackBerry Singapore Pte. Limited or other BlackBerry entity not covered by (b)(i), the Parties waive any right to a trial by jury with respect to any lawsuit or judicial proceeding arising or relating to this Agreement. (c) Force Majeure. BlackBerry shall not be liable for its failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under the Agreement if such failure results from circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to supplier strikes, lock-outs, labor disputes or availability, third party acts, war, riot, civil disorder, acts of terrorism, curtailment of transportation, work stoppages, epidemic, compliance with any law or governmental order, prohibition, rule, regulation or direction not in force on the date the Agreement commences. (“Event of Force Majeure”). If an Event of Force Majeure continues for more than thirty (30) working days, BlackBerry shall have the right to terminate, without liability, to Customer. (d) Injunctive Relief. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Parties agree that Customer's or any of its Authorized Users' breach of certain terms of this Agreement may cause irreparable harm to BlackBerry and/or its Affiliates for which damages shall be an inadequate remedy and BlackBerry may therefore seek injunctive or equitable relief in any court of competent jurisdiction without the requirement of posting a bond, in addition to all other remedies available to it. (e) Compliance with Laws, Export Control and U.S. Government Users. Customer agrees that the BlackBerry Solution may include cryptographic technology, data or other information and shall not be received, exported, imported, used, transferred, distributed, accessed or re-exported except in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations of the relevant government authorities, including U.S. and Canadian export control and sanction regulations. Customer also represents and covenants: (i) not to, directly or indirectly, allow access to or use of the BlackBerry Solution in embargoed or sanctioned countries/regions, by sanctioned or denied persons, or for prohibited end-uses under U.S. or Canadian law; and, (ii) that Customer shall ensure that its receipt and use of and/or access to the BlackBerry Solution, or that of its Authorized Users, is in accordance with the restrictions in this subsection (e). If any part of the BlackBerry Solution is being licensed by the U.S. government, including any U.S. federal agency, the BlackBerry Solution is considered access to commercial computer software and documentation developed exclusively at private expense and the BlackBerry Solution is provided as a “commercial item” as that term is defined in FAR 2.101 (and as it is defined and used in all corresponding agency specific Federal Acquisition Regulation supplements) and is provided with only those rights specified in Section 2. (f) Assignment. BlackBerry may assign this Agreement with notice to Customer. Customer shall not assign this Agreement in whole or in part, by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of BlackBerry and any assignment in breach of this provision shall be void and of no effect. BlackBerry may perform its obligations under this Agreement directly or may have some or all of its obligations performed by any Affiliate, contractor, subcontractor, services provider or third party. (g) Notices. Any notice, request, demand or other communication required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered by hand or sent by registered mail or courier, effective on the date of receipt, addressed as follows: if to Customer, at the billing address supplied to BlackBerry by Customer and, if to BlackBerry, addressed to BlackBerry Limited at 2200 University Avenue East, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2K 0A7, Attention: Legal Department. A Party may from time-to-time change its address by notice in writing to the other Party delivered hereunder. In addition, BlackBerry may at its option deliver the foregoing notice or other communication to an e-mail address provided by Customer to BlackBerry, which shall be effective and deemed delivered when transmitted, and if Customer has provided BlackBerry with no such address, notice may be duly given when prominently posted on www.blackberry.com/legal. (h) Third Party Beneficiaries. The provisions of this Agreement are for the benefit of Customer and BlackBerry and not for any other person or entity, whether under statute or otherwise, except for BlackBerry’s Affiliates and suppliers of BlackBerry and its Affiliates.

Page 7 of 7 (i) Additional Terms. Customer’s Authorized Users must obtain through a third party application store and install BlackBerry Solution client software for certain third party wireless device software platforms and Customer is responsible for ensuring its Authorized Users' compliance with the applicable client end user license agreement. Such client end user license agreement shall automatically terminate on expiry or termination of this Agreement or the provision of the BlackBerry Solution to Customer hereunder. (j) Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including any non-disclosure agreement and/or data protection agreement entered into by the Parties, is the complete agreement between the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior agreements and understandings between the Parties applicable to the BlackBerry Solution. This Agreement may only be modified by the Parties by a written document executed by the Parties. Except to the extent expressly precluded by applicable law, BlackBerry may also modify this Agreement, including to reflect changes in law or business practices. Notwithstanding subsection 13(g), BlackBerry shall notify Customer of the change by a reasonable means of notice, including posting the revised Agreement at www.blackberry.com/legal and Customer should regularly visit the site to review the most current version of this Agreement. Customer agrees that its continued use of the BlackBerry Solution after the changes become effective shall constitute Customer’s acceptance of the revised Agreement. If there is any inconsistency between this Agreement and any Documentation used with the BlackBerry Solution, the provisions of this Agreement shall apply to the extent of the inconsistency. (k) Interpretation and Language. Headings are inserted herein for convenience only and do not form part of this Agreement. As used herein: (i) "days" means calendar days; (ii) “include” and “including” are not limiting; and (iii) use of a BlackBerry Solution shall be deemed to include active or inactive use. If this Agreement is translated into a language other than English, the English version shall prevail to the extent that there is any conflict or discrepancy in meaning between the English version and any translation thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, BlackBerry acknowledges and agrees that the Japanese version of this Agreement shall not be construed to include section 13(n). Where Customer's primary address is located in Quebec, it is the express will of the Parties that this Agreement and all related documents be drawn up in English. C'est la volonté expresse des Parties que la présente convention ainsi que les documents qui s'y rattachent soient rédigés en anglais. (l) No Waiver. The waiver by either Party of any right provided under this Agreement must be in writing signed by such Party and any waiver shall not constitute a subsequent or continuing waiver of such right or of any other right under this Agreement. (m) Severability. If any section, provision or part thereof of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent authority in any jurisdiction, that section, provision or part shall be limited if possible and only thereafter severed to the extent necessary to render this Agreement valid and enforceable in such jurisdiction. (n) Marketing and Promotion. From time-to-time, BlackBerry lists and/or mentions its customers in its marketing and communications initiatives. Customer agrees that BlackBerry may use Customer’s name and logo worldwide, free of charge for such purpose for the duration of the Term. In addition, subject to applicable privacy law and BlackBerry’s Privacy Notice, Customer expressly consents to BlackBerry contacting the Customer for marketing or promotional purposes.

311393987 v11 Exhibit B BlackBerry Technical Support Services Program Description

SOLUTION BRIEF BLACKBERRY TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES Program Description (Technical Support Services Program Description) July 2024

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.....................................................2 SUPPORT LEVELS..................................................3 ADVANTAGE SUPPORT..........................................4 PREMIUM SUPPORT...............................................5 SERVICE FEATURES...............................................5 COVERAGE AND ACCESS......................................5 PREMIUM SUPPORT TEAM...................................6 PREVENTATIVE SERVICES....................................6 TECHNICAL ACCOUNT MANAGER (TAM).............6 ADDITIONAL PROGRAM FEATURES.....................8 myACCOUNT PORTAL...........................................8 BLACKBERRY SOFTWARE ASSURANCE..............9 BLACKBERRY INFRASTRUCTURE STATUS TOOL........................................................9 BLACKBERRY TECHNICAL WEBCAST SERIES...............................................9 BLACKBERRY SPARK eNEWSLETTER................10 NAMED CONTACTS.............................................10 RESPONSE AND ESCALATION POLICY.............12 SOFTWARE SUPPORT LIFECYCLE......................13 CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES..........................13 ANNEXES..............................................................15 ANNEX 1 TO THE TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION..............15 ANNEX 2 TO THE TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION..................19 This document, including all attached Annexes, is provided for informational purposes only. BlackBerry reserves the right to periodically change information that is contained in this document; however, BlackBerry makes no commitment to proactively provide any such changes, updates, enhancements or other additions to this document to you. INTRODUCTION This document describes the levels of BlackBerry Technical Support Services (BTSS), a service that provides organizations with direct access to the technical experts at BlackBerry in order to help achieve maximum uptime and stability of BlackBerry enterprise software. With a flexible choice of program levels and optional services designed to meet the needs of organizations - regardless of the size and complexity of your BlackBerry enterprise software deployment - there are Support and Services options that will help provide your organization with increased productivity. By subscribing to BlackBerry Technical Support Services, organizations may receive the following benefits: • Provides direct access to technical experts to maximize uptime and ensure your solution is performing to your expectations. • Flexible and scalable support options that are designed to meet the evolving needs of organizations. • Prioritization of High Severity issues ahead of non-High Severity issues, to ensure issues with critical business impact are addressed as quickly as possible. • BlackBerry Software Assurance, which provides Upgrade and/ or Update rights for your perpetual and/or active subscription Client Access Licenses (see Annex 2). • Administrator Support for a wide range of BlackBerry enterprise software and services purchased, including but not limited to BlackBerry Spark Suites, BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Suites, BlackBerry Unified Endpoint Manager (BlackBerry UEM), BlackBerry Dynamics Secure Mobility Platform, BBM Enterprise, BlackBerry 2FA, BlackBerry Enterprise Identity and BlackBerry Workspaces. • Access to myAccount, an online self-service area that features exclusive support resources and troubleshooting tools. 2

Note: Except as outlined in this document, each service offered within this BlackBerry Technical Support Services program will be delivered in English and Japanese. SUPPORT LEVELS The BlackBerry Technical Support Services program is divided into two distinct support levels – Advantage Support and Premium Support. To be eligible for BTSS customers must: • Cover all software and licenses, subscriptions and value- added services on support. The customer cannot cover some software licenses, subscriptions and value added services on support and go unsupported on others. • Cover all software and licenses, subscriptions and value- added services consistently on the same level of support. For example, if a customer purchases Premium support for some software it must cover all software, subscriptions and value- added services at the Premium level. • Customers must renew their technical support subscription on time to ensure there is no lapse in coverage. Should a lapse occur and the customer wishes to renew the coverage, except as otherwise stated herein, the new technical support subscription effective date will be the day following the original expiration date. With regard to technical support services for a perpetual license: If the technical support service subscription expires and customer elects not to renew, BlackBerry will cease providing technical support services and other benefits of technical support services as described in this Program Description as of the expiration date. To reinstate the applicable technical support service, the customer must, in addition to entering into a new technical support service term, pay the Back Support Fee and the Reinstatement Fee outlined as follows: (A) “Back Support Fee” is the technical support service fee associated with the perpetual licenses for the period beginning on the day following the applicable subscription expiration date to the current date, calculated on a pro- rated basis and rounded up to the nearest month, at the then-current MSRP; and (B) “Reinstatement Fee” is the greater of: a) fifty percent (50%) of the Back Support Fee; or b) $1,000 USD. When technical support has lapsed, unless and until BlackBerry accepts an order to reinstate customer’s technical support service (either directly, or through a channel partner) which includes the Back Support Fee and the Reinstatement Fee, BlackBerry shall not be obligated to provide technical support services to the customer. With regard to technical support services included in a software subscription license: The technical support service will expire at the end of the then-current subscription license term. Customer will no longer have the right to use the corresponding BlackBerry Solution or receive technical support services. If customer does not deprovision all Authorized Users from the applicable BlackBerry Solution on or before the expiration date, in order to reinstate the subscription licenses and the associated technical support services, BlackBerry must receive and accept an order from customer (either directly, or through a channel partner) for a new subscription and such order shall include the Lapsed Fee and the Subscription Reinstatement Fee outlined as follows: 3

(A) “Lapsed Fee” is the subscription license fee for the period beginning on the day following the applicable subscription expiration date to the current date, calculated on a pro-rated basis rounded up to the nearest month, at the then-current MSRP; and (B) “Subscription Reinstatement Fee” is the greater of: a) fifty percent (50%) of the Lapsed Fee; or b) $1,000 USD. • Any new purchase of a perpetual license requires that the customer also purchase one-year of BTSS. For existing and active Technical Support customers, the technical support subscription may be pro-rated to align to your then current BTSS term. As a means to ensure that we provide the best support to our customers, BlackBerry offers Severity Based Routing, which enables us to manage and respond to your issues based on severity. Your high severity issues will be prioritized and you will be connected with an expert support representative helping to minimize users’ downtime. By submitting online through myAccount, you are able to provide key diagnostic data and details of your issue, enabling BlackBerry support to offer improved time to resolution, lessening the impact to your users. Customers always have the ability to override the suggested severity and set the severity of the issue based on the situation. The following is a high level description of the support levels and a suggested customer profile for the primary audience at each support level. ADVANTAGE SUPPORT CUSTOMER PROFILE: • BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Suites, BlackBerry UEM, BlackBerry Spark Suites. • Typically, will have less than 1,000 mobile devices under management. • Customers investing in Value Added Services, including but not limited to, BlackBerry Workspaces, BBM Enterprise, BlackBerry 2FA and BlackBerry Enterprise Identity. • Security and productivity conscious. • Enterprise software downtime could result in lost business opportunities and/or revenue. • Mobile employees rely on their managed mobile device to effectively execute their day-to-day activities and drive business productivity. Advantage Support provides Administrator access to maintenance and support for customers who have a significant and/or growing number of managed mobile devices. Advantage Support is designed for small to medium sized organizations that require assistance with technical and/or configuration issues in a timely manner to help ensure their organization is not negatively impacted by downtime. Technical incidents can be initiated through electronic submission in myAccount twenty-four (24) hours-a-day, seven (7) days-a-week, and three-hundred-and-sixty-five (365) days-a-year. Low and Medium priority cases submitted through the myAccount portal will be assigned to a BlackBerry Technical Support Analyst during Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Eastern Time (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). All customers have the option to phone in on active tickets during operational hours. In addition to direct access to technical experts, Advantage Support customers may purchase certain preventative support features that will help meet their specific support needs. Customers at this level may use the self-service tools and technical documentation within the myAccount portal to troubleshoot and validate common tasks and have access to relevant web-based training. 4

PREMIUM SUPPORT CUSTOMER PROFILE: • BlackBerry solution is a mission critical business application, where enterprise software or end user downtime has a high potential to result in lost business opportunities and/or revenue. • Customers that have multiple technical environments that may include BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Suites, BlackBerry UEM, BlackBerry Dynamics, BlackBerry Spark Suites and BlackBerry Workspaces deployed in one or more geographic locations. • Require relationship-based services with designated account management resources as an option. • Mobile employees rely extensively on their managed mobile devices to effectively execute their day-to-day activities and drive business productivity. Premium Support provides enterprise-grade, relationship- based services, for customers running a mission critical BlackBerry deployment. Customers at this level of support typically rely extensively on the BlackBerry enterprise solution and desire improved call routing to more experienced technical resources and improved response time targets. Premium Support offers 24x7 telephone access to a group of tier 3 technical experts with a broad knowledge of BlackBerry enterprise solution, and access to specific details about the customer’s deployment. These customers also would like the option for designated support resources, such as a Technical Account Manager (TAM), who will develop an understanding of the customer’s business and help customers to advance their BlackBerry solution deployment, as a customer advocate. SERVICE FEATURES COVERAGE AND ACCESS The methods of accessing the BlackBerry Technical Support team and expected response time² for incidents reported vary based on the level of support purchased and the Severity of the issue. All customers are encouraged to submit tickets electronically via myAccount, a one stop resource to track ticket status, see and provide updates for the ticket owner, leverage self-service options and view server status. During the ticket submission process customers will have the opportunity to set the severity of their issue. Advantage Support: Named Contacts can contact submit incidents electronically through the myAccount portal twenty-four (24) hours-a-day, seven (7) days a week³. High severity Service Requests submitted electronically will have a Response Time Target of two (2) hours. All Customers can phone in on active tickets. Premium Support: Named Contacts can engage Level 3 BlackBerry Technical Support analysts via telephone or submit Service Requests electronically through the myAccount portal twenty-four (24) hours-a-day, seven (7) days a week³. High Severity tickets submitted via the telephone will be routed to the highly skilled technical experts and will be given the highest priority in the telephone queue. High Severity Service Requests submitted via myAccount will have a Response Time Target of thirty (30) minutes. 5

PREMIUM SUPPORT TEAM The Premium Support Team is a group of Tier 3 technical analysts that are focused on resolving issues for Premium Support customers. Members of this team have the benefit of gaining a more in-depth understanding of the customer’s technical environment. These analysts are trained to address complex technical issues and strive to provide organizations with root cause analysis of technical issues in order to help alleviate issue reoccurrence. As a result, access to these analysts may allow the IT resources within an organization to spend more time proactively planning and conducting maintenance of the BlackBerry solution, rather than troubleshooting issues. Advantage Support: N/A Premium Support: Included PREVENTATIVE SERVICES TECHNICAL ACCOUNT MANAGER (TAM) The Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) is a designated resource, assigned by BlackBerry to build an ongoing post-sales relationship with the customer’s BlackBerry administration resources. The TAM will serve as a liaison between the customer and internal BlackBerry teams (including BlackBerry Technical Support and BlackBerry Engineering) for technical-related items. The TAM will provide the customer with general information and assistance relating to BlackBerry solutions including recommendations, best practices, known issues and how to mitigate them, upcoming software releases, insight and guidance that otherwise may be difficult for the customer to obtain. The TAM provides proactive support case management and also acts as the escalation point for critical technical support cases, working diligently to monitor the critical case, escalate to additional resources if necessary, and provide the customer with updates on the status of the critical case. The TAM will work alongside internal teams to provide the customer with information on BETA and Early Adopter programs and facilitate the customer’s enrollment in these programs if necessary. The TAM will also act as the customer’s advocate within BlackBerry for technical-related items. The TAM subscription shall entitle a customer to the equivalent of up to four (4) hours of assistance per week from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday in a single time zone (as designated by the customer) for the duration of the subscription term. Any hours not used on or before the subscription term expiry date will be forfeited and no refunds or credits will be permitted. Customers with global BlackBerry enterprise software deployments and multiple regional offices, or those who require additional TAM resources will have the option of purchasing additional TAMs to handle their support needs, including additional time zones. Note: Technical Account Manager was previously known as Premium Service Manager or PSM. Any customer who previously purchased a PSM shall continue to receive the benefit of the PSM for the remainder of its subscription term and in accordance with its agreement with BlackBerry. Upon renewal, the customer will be transitioned to a TAM. 6

Below is an overview of some of the common tasks that a TAM may perform while working with a customer: * BlackBerry’s delivery of onsite services shall be subject to any applicable public health, government, and/or travel limitations or restrictions. ACTION FREQUENCY OVERVIEW Onsite Visit* Annually The TAM will visit the customer’s primary location annually. Customized Reporting Weekly The TAM will provide customized reports on a regular basis that may include: • Open issues and status • Defects of interest and status • Closed cases • Pending software updates • Known Issues and how to mitigate them The TAM will also provide an Annual Service Review outlining key details of the customer’s support experience and service usage during the previous quarterly period. Proactive Support Weekly The TAM will arrange regular conference calls to review reports and provide proactive technical notifications as they become available. These calls will be scheduled during the TAM’s hours of availability. Issue Escalation As necessary The TAM will act as the escalation point for critical technical support cases. The TAM will monitor the case, escalate to additional resources if necessary, arrange troubleshooting sessions, and provide the customer with verbal and/or written updates. Customer Advocate As necessary The TAM will act as a point of contact to help connect the customer with other internal BlackBerry resources as needed. Support Systems & Resource Overview As necessary The TAM will provide an overview of the support tools and resources available to the customer. Product Optimization and Configuration As necessary The TAM will provide their technical knowledge to ensure systems are optimized for peak performance to allow for configuration changes or upgrades to optimize a vital deployment. BETA Enrollment4 Assistance As necessary The TAM will work with the Sales and BETA teams at BlackBerry and assist a customer in their efforts to enroll in these programs. 7

Advantage Support: N/A Premium Support: Option TECH-TO-SITE ASSISTANCE (PER INCIDENT) Organizations may purchase the option to have a senior member of the BlackBerry Technical Support team dispatched to their location in the event of a technical issue or planned system change on a per incident basis. When an organization has purchased Tech-to-Site Assistance5 6, BlackBerry will arrange for a BlackBerry Technical Support team member to depart for the customer’s location within forty-eight (48) hours of the customer requesting Tech-toSite Assistance. For a more detailed services description of Tech-to- Site Assistance, see Annex 1. Advantage Support: Option Premium Support: Option ADDITIONAL PROGRAM FEATURES myACCOUNT PORTAL The myAccount portal is a secure online resource center available to customers with a BlackBerry Maintenance and Support Services subscription. myAccount requires a unique login and password which will be provided to each Named Contact (as defined within this document) when BTSS is purchased. Log in details will be provided to each identified Named Contact via email. The myAccount portal provides access to self-service tools and resources to help troubleshoot common issues. This includes access to the BlackBerry Technical Solution Center, software documentation, product tutorials and archived BlackBerry Technical webcasts. In addition, Named Contacts may access the following tools: • Create Service Requests – Tickets submitted electronically (in myAccount), bypass the triage team. During the ticket submission process, you will have the opportunity to set the severity of your issue and you will be notified of the Response Time Target. • Manage Service Requests – In addition to creating requests, Named Contacts may view, and add comments to open service requests associated with their support subscription. • View Support Subscription Details – Named Contacts may view details about their organization’s support subscriptions and gain access to subscription expiry dates, a list of Named Contacts active on the subscription, and a link to the BlackBerry Technical Support Services Welcome Package, which is an initial package that a customer receives describing all subscription features. BlackBerry appreciates the value of our customers being educated and knowledgeable about the BlackBerry enterprise software they manage and support. Named Contacts will gain access to web-based training modules within the myAccount Portal. Note: The interface of the myAccount portal is in English only, however input is accepted in both English and Japanese. The web-based training modules will be tailored to BlackBerry software components covered under the BlackBerry Technical Support Services subscription. 8

Click here to review BlackBerry’s training offerings. Advantage Support: Included Premium Support: Included BLACKBERRY SOFTWARE ASSURANCE BlackBerry Software Assurance¹ provides Upgrade and Update rights for BlackBerry Software, allowing customers with perpetual or active subscription licenses to ensure they have continuous access to the latest features and functionality. BlackBerry Software Assurance allows you to upgrade and update perpetual Client Access Licenses to work on new versions of BlackBerry Software as they become available during your BTSS subscription term. An Upgrade is a new major version release of the covered software that provides functional enhancements at the platform-level which materially advance the software’s capabilities. Upgrades will typically be identified by a change in the first version number of the software (e.g. BES 10.x to BlackBerry UEM 12.x) An Update is a minor release that provides new and/or additional features or functionality. Updates will typically be identified by a change in the second version number of the software (e.g. UEM 12.15 to UEM 12.16). An Update may also be referred to as a “Feature Release” or “Service Pack”. New Product Releases are not included in BlackBerry Software Assurance. A New Product Release is a software release that contains new features or substantial additional functionality, which BlackBerry may determine in its sole discretion, is subject to additional license fees or terms (“New Releases”). Advantage Support: Included Premium Support: Included For more detailed services description of BlackBerry Software Assurance, see Annex 2. BLACKBERRY INFRASTRUCTURE STATUS TOOL Customers may log in to the myAccount Portal to access a tool that is designed to show the status of the BlackBerry Infrastructure. This tool may assist Named Contacts in proactively identifying whether an issue they are experiencing is the result of problems in their technical environment, or could be as a result of problems being experienced with the BlackBerry Infrastructure³. Premium Support subscribers also gain access to view the details and status of any events related to the BlackBerry Infrastructure. The details consist of incident and change notifications, such as the time and date of planned BlackBerry Infrastructure maintenance. The details may also include impact statements outlining the potential customer impact during an event. Advantage Support: View status indicator for the BlackBerry Infrastructure. Premium Support: View status indicator and details of planned and/or unplanned events for the BlackBerry Infrastructure. Proactive engagement from TAM in the event of an unplanned network related event that may be customer impacting. Note: BlackBerry Infrastructure Status Tool is delivered in English only.

BLACKBERRY TECHNICAL WEBCAST SERIES Technically focused webcasts provide Named Contacts (as defined below) with information and workarounds to help proactively diagnose common technical scenarios. A senior member of the BlackBerry Technical Support team will walk participants through an in-depth presentation focusing on one specific issue or scenario relating to the BlackBerry solution, with a live question and answer period conducted with the presenter after the presentation. Note: BlackBerry Technical Webcasts are delivered in English only. Advantage Support: Included Premium Support: Included BLACKBERRY SPARK eNEWSLETTER Each month Named Contacts will be sent BlackBerry Spark®, an electronic newsletter that aims to communicate technical information such as fixes and workarounds for common technical issues. BlackBerry Spark is created by members of the BlackBerry Technical Support team, who share their knowledge on how to diagnose and troubleshoot issues that they handle on a regular basis with customers. Note: BlackBerry SPARK eNewsletters are delivered in English only. Advantage Support: Included Premium Support: Included NAMED CONTACTS Customers can designate a certain number of individuals, based on subscription level, to submit technical support incidents to BlackBerry and to have full access to the myAccount Portal. Examples of Named Contacts may include IT Managers, BlackBerry enterprise software Administrators, Telephony Managers and Help Desk staff members who are responsible for helping manage the BlackBerry solution. It is important to note that Named Contacts cannot transfer end users to BlackBerry Technical Support. BlackBerry may send periodic notifications to each Named Contact using the contact information provided during enrollment. Such notices may include, but are not limited to, program changes, software release notifications, product newsletters, surveys, webcast invites and BlackBerry solution offers. Named Contacts may indicate at any time that they no longer wish to receive such notices. Advantage Support: 10 included; Option to purchase more Premium Support: 50 included; Option to purchase more Note: Additional charges may apply should individuals from your organization who are not listed as Named Contacts contact the BlackBerry Technical Support team using your BlackBerry Technical Support Services code. 10

BLACKBERRY TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES COMPARISON CHART SERVICE FEATURES PREVENTATIVE SERVICES ADDITIONAL FEATURES FEATURES ADVANTAGE SUPPORT PREMIUM SUPPORT Coverage and Access 24/7/365 incident submission to Level 1 Associates via myAccount³ for High Priority incidents as defined. Medium and Low Priority incidents will be assigned Mon-Fri 8am-8pm Eastern Time (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) 24/7/365 incident submission to Level 3 Analysts via Telephone and/or myAccount³ FEATURES ADVANTAGE SUPPORT PREMIUM SUPPORT Tech-to-Site Assistance 5 6 Option Option myAccount Portal Included Included FEATURES ADVANTAGE SUPPORT PREMIUM SUPPORT BlackBerry Technical Webcast Series Included Included BlackBerry Infrastructure Status and Notifications4 (English only) View status in myAccount View status and event details in myAccount. Proactive notification via TAM BlackBerry Technical Webcast Series Included Included BlackBerry Spark eNewsletter Included Included Named Contacts 10 50 11

RESPONSE AND ESCALATION POLICY PROCESS When organizations contact the BlackBerry Technical Support team, a support ticket is initiated. Each support ticket is assigned a unique support ticket number which the BlackBerry Technical Support team uses to track the issue from initiation to resolution. The support ticket number will be provided either at the end of a call with a BlackBerry Technical Support representative or via an automated email message receipt when contacting BlackBerry Technical Support through the myAccount Portal. Organizations must refer to this support ticket number for all communications relating to that specific issue. PROBLEM DEFINITION & RESPONSE TIME TARGETS All requests for support are initially deemed to be ‘problems’ by the BlackBerry Technical Support team. Problem classifications are outlined in the table below: When a problem is reported, organizations indicate its impact to their organization in an attempt to assist the assigned BlackBerry Technical Support representative to classify the problem’s severity. SEVERITY DEFINITION RESPONSE TIME TARGETS High Critical business impact A High incident is defined as a problem that causes a total loss of service for which no procedural workaround exists. This problem is critical to your organization’s ability to conduct business, and may affect either the BlackBerry Software or a majority of the deployed smartphones. Note: BlackBerry support teams are paged twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week for critical problems; Customers must agree to be available for engagement 24x7 until relief has been provided. Advantage Electronic: 2 hours Premium Phone: Immediate Electronic: 30 minutes Medium Moderate business impact A Medium incident is defined as a problem that has slightly compromised the ability of a customer to conduct business. The customer can continue to conduct business and productivity loss is minor. The situation may be temporarily circumvented with an established work-around. Advantage Electronic: 12 Hours or next Business Day Premium Phone and Electronic: 2 hours Low Nominal business impact A Low incident is defined as a problem that does not compromise the ability of a customer to conduct business. This may include a request for service, enhancement, or “how to” request. There is little to no risk of customer impact. Advantage Electronic: Next Business Day Premium Phone and Electronic: Next Business Day Note: Severity classifications may be updated during the lifecycle of a problem if the impact to the customer changes. Note: The foregoing response times are estimates only and shall not be considered a representation or warranty under any agreement the customer may have with BlackBerry including the Business Services by BlackBerry terms or this Technical Support Services Program Description. 12

SOFTWARE SUPPORT LIFECYCLE Organizations are encouraged to upgrade to the most recent software versions of each component of BlackBerry enterprise software. When organizations install software upgrades or updates, they are able to take advantage of the latest productivity-enhancing administration features. To achieve a high level of support excellence, BlackBerry limits the number of software versions for any component of the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution that will be supported through BlackBerry Maintenance and Support Services. The following policies determine whether a version is supported: • Support is offered for the current shipping version of any software element of the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution when it operates in a supported configuration; • Support is generally offered for the previous software release for a period of twelve (12) months after the release of the current shipping version. When product problems are encountered in previous releases, an upgrade to the current shipping software release may be necessary in order to fix the problem; and • Software Updates and hotfixes are generally produced for the current shipping version only. The creation of Software Updates and hotfixes for previous versions may be evaluated by BlackBerry on a case-by-case basis. BlackBerry Technical Support uses a Software Support Lifecycle to determine which BlackBerry enterprise software versions are eligible for support. Please visit the following website to view product support timelines for all BlackBerry Software: BlackBerry Software Support Lifecycle Note: Once a version of software is no longer covered as part of the Software Support Lifecycle, no software patches, fixes or workarounds will be generated to resolve the issue. If an issue cannot be resolved without one of these steps, an upgrade to a supported software version will be required in order for any additional troubleshooting to take place. Additional charges may apply. See Annex 2. CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES After the Level 1 Support team has determined the nature of your issue, to effectively troubleshoot and resolve a problem, BlackBerry may require customers to provide records, such as log files or configuration files. If the requested information is not provided, it may impede BlackBerry’s ability to address the reported problem within the specified Response Time Targets or at all. It is assumed that individuals involved in support of the BlackBerry enterprise software products and systems at the customer’s location(s) are familiar with the processes outlined in this plan. It is also assumed that these individuals have received the required user training on any BlackBerry enterprise software product or system they are supporting. Examples of customer responsibility for support and system maintenance include but are not limited to the following: • Daily/weekly operator preventive maintenance tasks. • Providing BlackBerry with accurate information about systems and software being operated in order to allow accurate and efficient troubleshooting of submitted incidents. • Providing BlackBerry with a current list of all BlackBerry solution SRP IDs to be supported on the subscription. • To ensure that Named Contacts associated with an account are verified on a regular basis and any changes to assigned Named Contacts is communicated to BlackBerry. 13

• Site preparation and related environmental requirements. • User privileges. • Data loading procedures. • Maintenance of a centralized reference library for related product and system documentation. • Archive, back-up, recovery, and periodic testing plans. • Assisting BlackBerry to research and verify compatibility of recommended software patches. • Perform basic, initial problem isolation and identification before reporting an incident to BlackBerry Technical Support. • Participate in evaluating problem escalation priorities, when necessary. • Coordinate, facilitate, and participate in periodic support reviews and technology meetings. • Support of products not supported by BlackBerry. • Schedule change implementation activity. • Review system change activity prior to implementation. • Provide facilities outside the production environment to test changes before implementation. • Ownership of approval to change to the system. • Verification of functionality after a change to the system. ADDITIONAL SERVICES PROVIDED BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Services that are not expressly included within a customer’s designated support level (as outlined above) may be available through the BlackBerry Professional Services team. If a customer requests any of these services, BlackBerry Technical Support will help the customer to engage the BlackBerry Professional Services team. Examples of services provided by BlackBerry Professional Services team include, but are not limited to, the following: • Mobility Strategy planning services. • Planning and/or deployment services for installations, upgrades, or migrations. • Staff Augmentation services. • Planning and/or deployment services for Disaster Recovery or High Availability. • End user rollout and communications strategies and documentation. • Security Consulting services. • Product Validation Services to ensure your newly deployed BlackBerry Software Platform is functioning to design and specifications. • Environment Health Check services. • System administrator functions that are the customer‘s responsibility including, but not limited to: - Installation/configuration/testing/tuning of third-party non-factory installed applications, components or products. - Assistance and consultation with backup and restoration of customer’s system(s) and related data. - Management of customer-tailored parameters. - Creation/modification of scripts that are unique to the customer’s environment. • Product training including customized operational/ technical procedures. 14

• Custom programming or custom application development for customer. • Developer focused SDK consulting, or education. • Services relating to BlackBerry specific third-party application software support, database implementation, population, and administration, execution of data loading procedures, data archiving and recovery. (Note: In-scope and out-of scope services wilI be dependent on each customer’s requirements.) • Offering support directly to end users who are not Named Contacts. • When issues have been determined to be outside of the design and specifications of the BlackBerry Software by BlackBerry Technical Support, BlackBerry Professional Services team may be engaged to assist or consult in restoring services caused by: - A customer or any third party’s negligence, misuse, or abuse; - failure to operate equipment in accordance with BlackBerry’s recommended specifications; - failure to perform regular preventive maintenance activities; product training including customized operational/ technical procedures; - acts of third parties; - improper implementation or operation of software; and - failure to perform those actions as prescribed by BlackBerry during technical troubleshooting. • This may include BlackBerry Software and/or third- party software rollbacks from a previous backup to an operable state for any component of the BlackBerry solution and restoring software to an operational level as defined in the product specifications. ANNEXES ANNEX 1 TO THE TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Annex 1: Tech-to-Site Assistance (Per Incident) During the term of the Business Services by BlackBerry Terms, a customer may purchase Tech-To-Site Assistance services as further described below on a per incident basis (“TTS Services”) for a Technical Issue (as defined herein) and the TTS Services will be delivered to the customer by a BlackBerry resource (the “BlackBerry Resource”) onsite at the customer’s location indicated in the Services Request Form (“SRF”), a copy of which is attached to the applicable Tech-to-Site Addendum to the Business Services by BlackBerry Terms and also available at <URL to SRF>. In order to purchase TTS Services, customer must execute a Tech-To-Site Assistance (Per Incident) Addendum to the Technical Support Terms (including the SRF) and BlackBerry must approve the SRF. Each SRF approved and accepted by BlackBerry shall be deemed to be a schedule to and form a part of the customer’s Business Services by BlackBerry Terms (“Approved SRF”). 1. Technical Issue Definition and Scope of Tech- to-Site Services a) Technical Issue and Submission Process i) A “Technical Issue” shall be as described in each Approved SRF. Technical Issues are specifically limited to BlackBerry Software as defined in the Technical Support Terms. For clarity BlackBerry Software shall not include any Third Party Software, as defined in the Technical Support Terms. The 15

customer is required to submit to BlackBerry, for BlackBerry’s review, a separate SRF for each Technical Issue. ii) BlackBerry reserves the right to review and accept each submitted SRF to determine, at BlackBerry’s sole discretion, whether the Technical Issue is covered under the Business Services by BlackBerry Terms and the Technical Support Services Program Description. A Technical Issue in an SRF that can be resolved remotely or that is not otherwise covered under the Business Services by BlackBerry Terms, the Program Description, or any applicable Addenda to the Technical Support Terms may be rejected by BlackBerry. If BlackBerry determines that the Technical Issue could be resolved remotely without dispatching a BlackBerry Resource, then BlackBerry may continue to troubleshoot the problem remotely and advise the customer as to what the issue may be and how it may be resolved. iii) If BlackBerry approves the SRF, BlackBerry will electronically contact the customer with the details of the Accepted SRF and to confirm the assignment and deployment of a BlackBerry Resource to the customer’s location. iv) BlackBerry will assign and deploy, at BlackBerry’s sole discretion, a BlackBerry Resource to the customer’s location as indicated in the Approved SRF to provide the TTS Services. The BlackBerry Resource will perform only the TTS Services to resolve the Technical Issue as stated in the Approved SRF and no other services will be provided by the BlackBerry Resource at the customer’s location. b) Scheduling of TTS Services i) BlackBerry will dispatch a BlackBerry Resource within twenty-four (24) hours of BlackBerry’s approval and acceptance of an SRF. Upon arrival in the city of the customer’s location, the BlackBerry Resource will report directly to the customer’s location. All travel arrangements, including transport to the customer’s location will be arranged by BlackBerry. ii) The BlackBerry Resource is limited to perform the TTS Services for a maximum of eight (8) hours within a twenty-four (24) hour period (a “Work Day”). The BlackBerry Resource will perform the TTS Services within as many Work Days as required in order to resolve the Technical Issue. iii) The BlackBerry Resource is limited to performing the TTS Services as detailed in an Approved SRF. If the customer requires additional services, then the customer will have to submit a separate SRF for BlackBerry’s review and approval. c) TTS Services: For each Approved SRF, BlackBerry will be responsible for (i) analyzing the Technical Issue; and (ii) using commercially reasonable efforts to resolve the Technical Issue. If it is determined, solely by BlackBerry at its discretion, that the Technical Issue cannot be resolved while onsite at the customer Location using commercially reasonable efforts or that the Technical Issue is an Out of Scope Issue, as defined below, the BlackBerry Resource will be authorized to end the applicable SRF. d) Technical Issue Resolution: The Technical Issue will be considered resolved, as determined by the BlackBerry 16

Resource in their sole discretion, when the Technical Issue outlined in the applicable Approved SRF is no longer reproducible during the BlackBerry Resource’s visit to the customer’s location. Once the Technical Issue is deemed resolved at the BlackBerry Resource’s discretion and the customer has provided a sign-off to the Approved SRF, the Approved SRF will be deemed completed and the BlackBerry Resource will no longer be available at the customer’s location. 2. Out of Scope The following are NOT included in the scope of the TTS Services: a) Physical contact and direct changes to the customer’s messaging system servers; b) Physical contact and direct changes to the customer’s BlackBerry Enterprise Solution environment; c) Physical contact and direct changes to the customer’s existing or proposed network infrastructure; d) Software reloads and the restoration to product specifications of any component of the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution; e) Support when a virus is detected on the customer’s systems; f) System administration functions including, but not limited to: (i) installation, configuration, testing of or tuning of any third-party applications, components or products; (ii) backup and restoration of the customer’s systems and related data; (iii) management of custom parameters; and (iv) creation and modification of scripts that are unique to the customer’s environment; g) Issues relating to third party software support, database implementat ion, populat ion, and administration, execution of data loading procedures, data archiving and recovery, and assessment and testing services; h) Formal classroom training or product training (including customized operational or technical procedures); i) Custom application development; j) Services required due to the following causes: (i) a third-party’s or the customer’s negligence, misuse or abuse; (ii) failure to operate equipment and software in accordance with BlackBerry’s recommended specifications; (iii) failure to perform regular preventive maintenance activities; (iv) any third-party acts or omissions; (v) improper implementation or operation of software; and (vi) failure to perform actions as prescribed by BlackBerry during technical troubleshooting; k) Issues related to unsupported products, once the cause is isolated to the unsupported product and communicated to the customer; and l) Issues related to the customer’s network environments, third-party software or hardware (Collectively “Out of Scope Issues”). If a submitted SRF contains an Out of Scope Issue, then BlackBerry will reject the SRF. If a Technical Issue in an Approved SRF is determined to be an Out of Scope Issue by the BlackBerry Resource while at the customer’s location, then the customer must provide a sign off for the Approved SRF and the BlackBerry Resource will not remain at the customer’s location. 17

3. Customer’s Responsibilities a) Point of Contact: The customer must designate personnel to act as the single point of contact for the BlackBerry Resource (“Customer’s Contact”) applicable to the Approved SRF. Customer’s Contact will be responsible for, but not limited to, the following: i) Be onsite at the customer’s location at the time of the BlackBerry Resource’s arrival; ii) Provide the BlackBerry Resource with appropriate security clearance and credentials to work onsite at the customer’s Location; iii) Provide, as needed, any documentation, guidelines or policies, including but not limited to the customer’s health and safety policies, for the BlackBerry Resource to review in order to be permitted to work onsite at the customer’s location; iv) Be responsible for managing any of the customer’s technical and business resources which may be necessary to resolve the Technical Issue; and v) Have the authority to and provide sign-off on the Approved SRF, indicating that the customer agrees that the Technical Issue has been resolved. If the Customer’s Contact is not available to sign-off, another of the customer’s employees, who has the authority to do so, must sign on the Customer’s Contact’s behalf. b) In addition to the customer’s obligations as set forth in the Business Services by BlackBerry Terms, the customer will be further responsible for the following i) Provide, as needed, personnel knowledgeable in the customer’s current systems; ii) Prov ide the customer ’s bus iness user representatives as required by BlackBerry; iii) Provide visual access to necessary work site and systems; iv) Provide access to other materials and resources relevant to the TTS Services as may be needed by BlackBerry; v) Provide a suitable and safe work area space with desks, chairs, telephones and all other required equipment (“Work Space”). Such Work Space shall conform with all appropriate and applicable health and safety regulations; vi) Provide LAN connections which enable access to the Internet for BlackBerry Resource; vii) Assume responsibility for the management of all third party vendors; and viii) Provide access with proper licenses to all necessary tools and third party products required by BlackBerry Resources to complete the assigned tasks. 4. Qualification of BlackBerry Resource BlackBerry will provide a BlackBerry Resource to perform the TTS Services with the following experience: i) Experience troubleshooting the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution; and ii) Experience providing technical support to large corporate information technology (IT) departments. NOTE: BlackBerry’s delivery of onsite services shall be subject to any applicable public health, government, and/ or travel limitations or restrictions. 18

ANNEX 2 TO THE TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ANNEX 2: BLACKBERRY SOFTWARE ASSURANCE AND SUPPORT By purchasing BlackBerry Technical Support Services with coverage of perpetual Client Access Licenses, You are entitled to BlackBerry Software Assurance. BlackBerry Software Assurance is also included with active subscription licenses. BlackBerry Software Assurance and Support provides Upgrades and Updates, as well as any applicable network operation center services that BlackBerry provides, for the number of perpetual BlackBerry enterprise software licenses for which you have purchased coverage for, during the term of the Technical Support subscription or in the case of subscription licenses, the period for which the subscription runs, subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Annex. An Upgrade is a new major version release of the covered software that provides functional enhancements at the platform-level which materially advance the software’s capabilities. Upgrades will typically be identified by a change in the first version number of the software (e.g. BES 10.x to BlackBerry UEM 12.x). Please note, for certain BlackBerry Workspaces licenses, an Upgrade may require professional services performed by BlackBerry at an additional cost. An Update is a minor release that provides new and/or additional features or functionality. Updates will typically be identified by a change in the second version number of the software (e.g. BlackBerry UEM 12.12 to BlackBerry UEM 12.13). An Update may also be referred to as a “Feature Release” or “Service Pack”. New Product Releases are not included in BlackBerry Software Assurance. A New Product Release is a software release that contains new features or substantial additional functionality, which BlackBerry may determine in its sole discretion, is subject to additional license fees or terms (“New Product Releases”). Upgrade and Update Availability Upgrades and Updates will be available in BlackBerry’s normal course of making such Upgrades and Updates generally available to the public; however, there is no assurance that BlackBerry will make any Upgrades or Updates available during the term of Your Subscription. BlackBerry Software Assurance is subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of the BlackBerry Solution License Agreement (“BBSLA”) and any applicable Addenda or Amendment. Updates and Upgrades are licensed to You subject to the BBSLA and any applicable Addenda or Amendment. Any capitalized words not defined herein, have the meaning in the BBSLA or any applicable Addenda or Amendment. Additional Terms, Conditions and Limitations 1) This Upgrade and Update Program only applies to valid BlackBerry enterprise solution perpetual and/ or active subscription licenses and entitles You only to an Upgrade or Update for the specific product you have licensed. For example, a Silver perpetual CAL is eligible to be Upgraded to a Silver perpetual CAL, but not to other BlackBerry UEM perpetual licenses such as Gold - BlackBerry or Gold - Knox Work Space; 2) Upgrades and Updates, if any, will be made available electronically and will not be shipped on physical media; 19

3) Additionally, in order to receive BlackBerry Software Assurance benefits a customer must: a) Cover all software and licenses, subscriptions and value-added services on support. The customer cannot cover some software licenses, subscriptions and value-added services on support and go unsupported on others. Note: support is included in the cost of a subscription based license. b) Cover all software and licenses, subscriptions and value-added services consistently on the same level of support. For example, if a customer purchases Advantage support for some software it must cover all software, subscriptions and value-added services at the Advantage level. c) Renew their support subscription for perpetual licenses on time to ensure there is no lapse in coverage. Should a lapse occur and the customer wishes to renew the coverage late, the new subscription effective date will be retroactive to the day following the original expiration date and payment for the entire period will be required. 4) If You own perpetual licenses that are not currently covered on a BlackBerry Technical Support subscription, and You wish to establish BlackBerry Software Assurance benefits, You must purchase BlackBerry Technical Support coverage for such licenses. Customers in this scenario will fall into one of two categories: i) Customer does not have an active BlackBerry Technical Support subscription. In this case, the annual subscription start date will be the most recent of: a) The day after the last active BlackBerry Technical Support subscription expired b) The date of the product launch (for example, UEM v.12.13 launch, June 17, 2020) c) The date the perpetual licenses were purchased ii) Customer has an active BlackBerry Technical Support subscription. In this case, payment for coverage of additional perpetual licenses will be pro-rated based on the most recent of the below, until the customer’s upcoming subscription expiry date: a) The date of the product launch (for example, UEM v.12.13 launch, June 17, 2020) b) The date the perpetual licenses were purchased 5) If You own perpetual licenses that are not currently covered on a BlackBerry Technical Support subscription, and You wish to establish BlackBerry Software Assurance benefits, You must purchase BlackBerry Technical Support coverage for such licenses. Customers in this scenario will fall into one of two categories: 6) BlackBerry enterprise software and this Upgrade and Update Program are subject to BlackBerry’s end of life policy found here; 7) BlackBerry may refuse to provide You Upgrades and Updates and/or terminate Your Subscription if You fail to timely pay the fees, or are otherwise in breach of the Business Services by BlackBerry Terms or the terms contained herein or found in the BBSLA or its applicable Addenda or Amendment. 20

BlackBerry (NYSE: BB; TSX: BB) provides intelligent security software and services to enterprises and governments around the world. The company secures more than 500M endpoints including over 215M vehicles. Based in Waterloo, Ontario, the company leverages AI and machine learning to deliver innovative solutions in the areas of cybersecurity, safety and data privacy solutions, and is a leader in the areas of endpoint security, endpoint management, encryption, and embedded systems. BlackBerry’s vision is clear - to secure a connected future you can trust. For more information, visit BlackBerry.com and follow @BlackBerry. ©2022 BlackBerry Limited Trademarks, including but not limited to BLACKBERRY and EMBLEM De- sign are the trademarks or registered trademarks of BlackBerry Limited, and the exclusive rights to such trademarks are expressly reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. BlackBerry is not responsible for any third-party products or services. BB23 | 220826 THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE CONTENT OF THIS DOCUMENT, AND ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN IS PROVIDED “AS IS” EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY AGREED TO BY BLACKBERRY IN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN BLACKBERRY AND YOU FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT, IN NO EVENT SHALL BLACKBERRY OR ANY OF ITS SHAREHOLDERS, AFFILIATES, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS OR SUPPLIERS, BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES FOR ANY USE OF THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, RELIANCE ON THE INFORMATION PRESENTED, LOST PROFITS, LOST DATA, OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, ARISING IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF BLACKBERRY WAS EXPRESSLY ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. ¹ May be subject to additional fees. ² The response times are estimates only and shall not be considered a representation or warranty under any agreement with BlackBerry including the Business Services by BlackBerry terms or this Technical Support Services Program Description. ³ Availability of myAccount may be restricted during maintenance and technical upgrades. 4 A valid Non-Disclosure Agreement is required between the customer and BlackBerry. 5 Service only offered where available. 6 A separate set of terms and conditions specific to the use of this service may need to be executed between the customer and BlackBerry. 7 Subject to availability.

311393987 v11 Exhibit C-1 [Redacted: Competitively and commercially sensitive proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Exhibit C-2 [Redacted: Competitively and commercially sensitive proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Exhibit C-3 [Redacted: Competitively and commercially sensitive proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Attachment 1 to Exhibit C-3 [Redacted: Competitively and commercially sensitive proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Attachment 2 to Exhibit C-3 [Redacted: Competitively and commercially sensitive proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]

311393987 v11 Exhibit D Products Product Code Sub Product Name Sub BIS.CP.UEM.EA.SD CylancePROTECT Mobile for UEM Device License BIS.CP.UEM.EA.SU CylancePROTECT Mobile for UEM User License BIS.CP.UEM.EA.SU.N CylancePROTECT Mobile for UEM User License - NFR CV.SLG.SD CylanceV - Device - Gov CV.STD.SD CylanceV - Device - Standard EDG.STD.SD CylanceEDGE Device License GA.EA.STD.SD CylanceGUARD Advanced - EMEA-JAPAN - Device - Standard GA.GT.MS.EA.STD.SD CylanceGUARD Managed XDR Advanced Add-On Gateway - EMEA-JAPAN GA.SLG.SD CylanceGUARD Advanced - Device - Gov GA.STD.SD CylanceGUARD Advanced - Device - Standard GA.UPO.EA.STD.SD CylanceGUARD Advanced Upgrade from Protect + Optics - EMEA-JAPAN - Device - Standard GE.STD.SD CylanceGUARD Essentials - Device - Standard GT.EA.STD.SD CylanceGATEWAY - EMEA-JAPAN - Device - Standard GT.STD.SD CylanceGATEWAY Device License GT.STD.SU CylanceGATEWAY User License GT.STD.SU.N CylanceGATEWAY User License - NFR MDR.ADV.SD CylanceMDR - Advanced MDR.OND.SD.PROMO CylanceMDR On-Demand - Promotion MDR.PRO.SD CylanceMDR - Pro MDR.STD.SD CylanceMDR - Standard OEM.EG Cylance Engine OP.EA.STD.SD CylanceOPTICS Upgrade - EMEA-JAPAN - Device - Standard OP.STD.SD CylanceOPTICS Device License PM Premium Support PO.EA.STD.SD CylancePROTECT + OPTICS - EMEA-JAPAN - Device - Standard PO.LA.STD.SD CylancePROTECT + OPTICS - LATAM - Device - Standard PO.MSSP.EA.STD.SD CylancePROTECT + OPTICS MSSP - EMEA-JAPAN - Device - Standard PO.MSSP.LA.SD CylancePROTECT + OPTICS MSSP - Device - LATAM PO.SLG.SD CylancePROTECT + OPTICS - Device - Gov PO.STD.SD CylancePROTECT + OPTICS - Device - Standard

311393987 v11 PP BPSS Premium Support PT.EA.STD.SD CylancePROTECT - EMEA-JAPAN - Device - Standard PT.LA.STD.SD CylancePROTECT - LATAM - Device License PT.MSSP.EA.STD.SD CylancePROTECT MSSP - EMEA-JAPAN - Device - Standard PT.MSSP.LA.SD CylancePROTECT MSSP - Device - LATAM PT.SLG.SD CylancePROTECT - Device - Gov PT.STD.SD CylancePROTECT Device License S.PM Spark - Premium Support SAV.EN10.EA.STD.SD Cylance Smart Antivirus Enterprise 10 Device - EMEA-JAPAN - Device - Standard SAV.EN10.SLG.SD Cylance Smart Antivirus Enterprise 10 Device - Device - Gov SAV.EN10.STD.SD Cylance Smart Antivirus Enterprise 10 Device - Device - Standard SI.SLG.SD CylancePROTECT Static IP - Device - Gov SI.STD.SD CylancePROTECT Static IP - Device - Standard TS.TAM Technical Account Manager TZ.ASR.EA.STD ThreatZERO Assurance - EMEA-JAPAN - Standard TZ.ASR.SLG ThreatZERO Assurance - Gov TZ.ASR.STD ThreatZERO Assurance - NALA-ANZ - Standard

20 Exhibit E DATA PROCESSING ADDENDUM This Data Processing Addendum (“Addendum”) forms part and is incorporated into the STRATEGIC CUSTOMER SUPPORT AGREEMENT between Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. and BlackBerry Limited, a corporation incorporated under the Business Corporation Act (Ontario) (“Seller”) for the provision of Services identified in the Strategic Customer Support Agreement referenced therein (referred to as the “Agreement”). Each of Seller and Arctic Wolf may be referred to herein as a “party” and together the “parties”. By signing below, Seller enters into this Addendum on behalf of itself and, to the extent required under Data Protection Laws (defined hereinafter), in the name and on behalf of its Affiliates, if and to the extent Arctic Wolf Processes Personal Data for such Affiliates. In the delivery of Services to Seller pursuant to the Agreement, Arctic Wolf may Process Personal Data on behalf of Seller and the parties agree to comply with the following provisions with respect to any Personal Data, each acting reasonably and in good faith. 1. Definitions. Any capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Addendum shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. In this Addendum, the following terms shall have the meaning set forth as follows: 1.1. “Affiliate” means (i) an entity of which a party directly or indirectly owns fifty percent (50%) or more of the stock or other equity interest, (ii) an entity that owns at least fifty percent (50%) or more of the stock or other equity interest of a party, (iii) an entity which is under common control with a party by having at least fifty percent (50%) or more of the stock or other equity interest of such entity and a party owned by the same person, but such entity shall only be deemed to be an Affiliate so long as such ownership exists, or (iv) regardless of ownership, any company or other entity, whether or not with legal personality, which directly or indirectly, is under joint control with a party. 1.2. “Authorized Sub-Processor” means those parties listed in Schedule II of this Addendum, as such list may be updated from time-to-time in accordance with Section 5, who have a need to know or otherwise access Personal Data to enable Arctic Wolf to perform its obligations under this Addendum or the Agreement and do not include subcontractors who provide ancillary services such as telecommunication services, postal/transport services, maintenance and user support services, as well as other resources, tools, and measures to ensure the confidentiality, availability, integrity and resilience of the Services. 1.3. “Data Subject” means (i) “data subject” as defined under the GDPR or the UK GDPR, (ii) “consumer” or “household” as defined under the CCPA, and/or (iii) such similar term under the relevant Data Protection Laws. 1.4. “Data Protection Laws” means one or more of the following data protection laws or regulations as applicable to the Processing of Personal Data by Arctic Wolf under this Agreement: (i) Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR”); (ii) the United Kingdom (“UK”) Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (“UK GDPR”); (iii) Swiss Federal Data Protection Act on Data Protection of 25. September 2020 (Status as of 1. September 2023) (“FDPA”); (iv) California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CCPA”); (v) the South Africa Protection of Personal Information Act (“POPIA”); (vi) the Australia Privacy Act No. 119 1988 (as amended); (vii) Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”); and (viii) any relevant law, statute, regulation, legislative enactment, order or other binding instrument, that implements, supplements, or amends the foregoing. 1.5. “EU Standard Contractual Clauses” means the Standard Contractual Clauses for the transfer of Personal Data to Third Countries, designated for transfer of Personal Data from the EEA to data importers established in non-EEA countries that do not provide an adequate level of data protection, and approved by the European Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/914 of 4 June 2021, as currently set out at: https://eur- lex.europa.eu/eli/dec_impl/2021/914/oj?uri=CELEX:32021D0914 (Module Two: Transfer Controller to

21 Processor, and Module Three: Transfer Processor to Processor) as may be amended or replaced by the European Union from time-to-time. 1.6. “EEA” means the European Economic Area. 1.7. “Instruction” means the (i) instructions from Seller as set forth in the Agreement, (ii) the “Business Purpose” as defined under CCPA, (iii) such similar term under the relevant Data Privacy Laws, and/or (iv) any direction, either in writing, in textual form (e.g. by e-mail) or by using a software or online tool, issued by Seller to Arctic Wolf and directing Arctic Wolf to Process Personal Data. 1.8. “Personal Data” means (i) “personal data” as defined under the GDPR and/or the UK GDPR, (ii) “personal information” as defined under CCPA, and/or (iii) such similar term under the relevant Data Protection Laws, that is under the control of Seller and Processed by Arctic Wolf in connection with the delivery of the Services. 1.9. “Personal Data Breach” means a breach of security which results in or is likely to result in the to the accidental or unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, encryption, unavailability, acquisition, disclosure of, or access to, Personal Data transmitted, stored, or otherwise Processed. 1.10. “Process” or “Processing” is as defined under the applicable Data Privacy Laws and further described in Schedule I. 1.11. “Restricted Transfer” means the disclosure, grant of access or other transfer of Personal Data Processed under the Agreement to any person located in Third Countries. 1.12. “Services” shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. 1.13. “Sale”, “Sell” or “Selling” means selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, Personal Data with a Third Party, whether for monetary or other valuable considerations or for no consideration, for the Third Party’s commercial purposes. 1.14. “Standard Contractual Clauses” means government approved contract mechanism for Restricted Transfers. 1.15. “Third Country(ies)” means countries outside of the scope of the data protection laws of the EEA, Switzerland, and/or the UK (as applicable), excluding countries approved as providing adequate protection for Personal Data by the European Commission, the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner, and/or the Information Commissioner’s Office (as applicable) from time-to-time. 1.16. “Third Party” means any person (including companies, entities, organizations, etc.) that is not Seller, an Authorized Subprocessor, or Arctic Wolf. 1.17. “UK Standard Contractual Clauses” means the International Data Transfer Addendum issued by the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office under s.119(A) of the UK Data Protection Act 2018 as may be updated from time-to-time, and currently found at https://ico.org.uk/media/for-organisations/documents/4019539/international- data-transfer-addendum.pdf. 1.18. “Regulator” means (i) in the context of the EEA and the EU GDPR, the meaning given to that term in the EU GDPR; (ii) in the context of the UK and the UK GDPR, means the UK Information Commissioner’s Office; and (iii) in the context of Switzerland means Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner; and (iv) in the context of any other jurisdiction, any governmental authority with jurisdiction over Seller’s Processing of Personal Data under the Agreement. 2. Processing of Data

22 2.1. Scope and Roles of the Parties. This Addendum applies when Personal Data is Processed by Arctic Wolf. The parties acknowledge and agree that, regarding the Processing of Seller’s Personal Data pursuant to the Agreement, Seller will act as either the “Controller” or “Processor” and Arctic Wolf is the “Processor” or Sub-Processor,” respectively, as those terms are defined under the Data Protection Laws, and unless otherwise determined by a Regulator. As between the parties, all Personal Data Processed under the terms of the Agreement shall remain the property of Seller. During the term of the Agreement, Arctic Wolf shall Process Personal Data only in accordance with Seller’s Instructions (unless expressly waived in a written requirement). Further information regarding Arctic Wolf’s Processing can be found in Schedule II. In the event Arctic Wolf reasonably believes there is a conflict with any Data Protection Laws and Seller’s Instructions, Arctic Wolf will inform Seller and the parties shall cooperate in good faith to resolve the conflict and achieve the goals of such Instruction. 2.2. Seller’s Processing of Personal Data. Seller shall, with respect to the Services, Process Personal Data and provide Instructions for the Processing of Personal Data in compliance with the Data Protection Laws. Seller shall ensure that Seller’s Instructions comply with all applicable Data Protection Laws, and that the Processing of Personal Data in accordance with Seller’s Instructions will not cause Arctic Wolf to be in breach of the Data Protection Laws. Seller is solely responsible for the Instructions Seller provides to Arctic Wolf regarding the Processing of such Personal Data. Seller is likewise responsible for ensuring that its transfer of Personal Data to Arctic Wolf will comply with Data Protection Laws. Seller shall not provide or make available to Arctic Wolf any Personal Data in violation of the Agreement or otherwise inappropriate for the nature of the Services. 2.3. CCPA. If the CCPA is applicable, Arctic Wolf shall act as a “service provider” and shall Process Seller Personal Data only on behalf of Seller in accordance with and for the Business Purpose. Without limiting the foregoing, Arctic Wolf shall not (i) Sell the personal information, (ii) retain, use, or disclose the personal information for a commercial purpose other than providing the Services; or (iii) retain, use, or disclose the personal information outside of the provision of the Services pursuant to the Agreement. Arctic Wolf certifies and will certify throughout the term of this Addendum to comply with the provisions set forth in this Section 2.3.1 and all applicable obligations under the CCPA. 2.4. Obligations of Each Party. Each party shall comply with the obligations applicable to that party under the applicable Data Protection Laws. 2.4.1. Arctic Wolf represents and warrants that: (i) it shall promptly inform Seller if, in Arctic Wolf’s opinion: (i) Arctic Wolf cannot comply with such Data Protection Law, or (ii) Seller’s Instructions violate such Data Protection Law, provided that Arctic Wolf is not obliged to perform a comprehensive legal examination with respect to an Instruction of Seller; (iii) its personnel and Authorized Subprocessors who Process Personal Data have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality; and (iv) Arctic Wolf understands and shall comply with the restrictions placed on it as a Processor of the Personal Data. 2.4.2. Seller represents and warrants that: (i) its use of the Services and the Instructions provided do not contravene such Data Protection Law; (ii) it has complied and continues to comply with such Data Protection Law, in particular that it has obtained any necessary consents and/or given any necessary notices, and/or otherwise has the right to disclose Personal Data to Arctic Wolf and enable the Processing set out in this Addendum and as contemplated by the Agreement; (iii) it has assessed the requirements under such Data Protection Law as they apply to Seller with regard to Personal Data and finds that the security measures referenced in Schedule 3 are adequate to meet those requirements; and (iv) it will ensure compliance with and shall not in any way alter or diminish such security measures referenced in Schedule 3 to the extent applicable to Seller through its use of the Services. 3. Restricted Transfers. 3.1. Arctic Wolf has self-certified under the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, the UK Extension related thereto, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles and commits to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles and/or the Swiss-US Data Privacy Framework (as applicable) as described therein.

23 3.2. To the extent needed and applicable, if, in fulfilling its obligations under the Agreement or pursuant to other lawful instructions from Seller, there is a Restricted Transfer of Personal Data, the parties agree to enter into and abide by the EU Standard Contractual Clauses and/or UK Addendum (as applicable), which are incorporated into this Addendum as follows: 3.2.1. Module Two (controller to processor transfers) will apply when Seller is the Controller in relation to the applicable Personal Data, and Module Three (processor to processor) will apply when Seller is a Processor in relation to the applicable Personal Data. 3.2.2. Seller is the Data Exporter and Arctic Wolf is the Data Importer (the foregoing shall apply with respect to Table 1 of the UK Addendum); 3.2.3. In Clause 7, the "Docking Clause (Optional)", shall be deemed incorporated (the foregoing shall apply with respect to Table 1 of the UK Addendum); 3.2.4. In Clause 9, the parties choose Option 2, 'General Written Authorisation', with a time period of 10 days (the foregoing shall apply with respect to Table 2 of the UK Addendum); 3.2.5. The optional wording in Clause 11 shall be deemed not incorporated (the foregoing shall apply with respect to Table 2 of the UK Addendum); 3.2.6. In Clause 13, the competent Regulator shall be the Irish Data Protection Authority; 3.2.7. In Clause 17, the Data Exporter and Data Importer agree that the EU Standard Contractual Clauses shall be governed by the laws of Ireland, and choose Option 1 to this effect (Part 2, Section 15(m) of the UK Addendum shall apply); 3.2.8. In Clause 18, the Data Exporter and Data Importer agree that any disputes shall be resolved by the courts of Ireland (Part 2, Section 15(n) of the UK Addendum shall apply); 3.2.9. In accordance with Section 19 of the UK Addendum, neither party may end the UK Addendum when the UK Addendum changes; 3.2.10. Completed Annexes I, II and III of the EU Standard Contractual Clauses and Annexes 1B, II and III of Table 3 of the UK Addendum are included in Annexes I through III herein; 3.2.11. Notwithstanding the fact that the Standard Contractual Clauses are incorporated herein by reference without the Standard Contractual Clauses actually being signed by the parties, the parties agree that the execution of this Addendum is deemed to constitute its execution of the Standard Contractual Clauses on behalf of the Data Exporter or Data Importer (as applicable), and that it is duly authorized to do so on behalf of, and to contractually bind, the Data Exporter or Data Importer (as applicable) accordingly; 3.2.12. The parties agree that the Standard Contractual Clauses shall cease to apply to the Processing of Personal Data if and to the extent that the relevant transfer of Personal Data ceases to be a “Restricted Transfer”; and. 3.2.13. In relation to Restricted Transfers subject to the FDPA, references in the EU Standard Contractual Clauses to the GDPR, EU or EU member state law shall have the same meaning as the equivalent reference in the FDPA; and in Clauses 13, 17, and 18 the competent Regulator, governing law, and jurisdiction shall be, respectively, the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner, the law of Switzerland, and the courts of Switzerland. 3.3. The provisions in this Addendum shall be without prejudice to the parties’ ability to rely on any other legally valid international data transfer mechanism for the transfer of data out of the EEA, UK, and/or Switzerland. The parties agree to enter into other standard contractual clauses approved under Data Protection Laws to effectuate the Restricted Transfers of Personal Data for purposes of providing the Services.

24 3.4. The parties further agree that if any of the EU Standard Contractual Clauses or the UK Addendum are updated, replaced, or are no longer available for any reason, the parties will cooperate in good faith to implement updated or replacement Standard Contractual Clauses, as appropriate, or identify an alternative mechanism(s) to authorize the contemplated Restricted Transfers. 4. Deletion or Return of Personal Data. Following expiration or termination of the Agreement, at Seller’s request, Arctic Wolf shall return or delete the Personal Data (including Personal Data in the possession of Authorized Sub- Processors), unless further storage of Personal Data is required by applicable law. If return or destruction is impracticable or prohibited by law, rule or regulation, Arctic Wolf shall take measures to block such Personal Data from any further Processing (except to the extent necessary for its continued hosting or Processing required by law, rule, or regulation) and shall continue to appropriately protect the Personal Data remaining in its possession, custody, or control and to continue to comply with this Addendum for so long at Arctic Wolf continues to have possession, custody, or control of the Personal Data. The parties agree that the certification of deletion of Personal Data that is described in Clause 8.5 of the Standard Contractual Clauses or Clause 12(1) of the UK Standard Contractual Clauses shall be provided by Arctic Wolf to Seller only upon Seller’s request. 5. Audits. Taking into account the nature of the Processing and the information available to Arctic Wolf, Arctic Wolf shall provide reasonable assistance in response to inquiries from Seller or a competent Regulator relating to Arctic Wolf’s Processing of Seller’s Personal Data. 5.1. Arctic Wolf shall, upon written request from Seller, provide Seller with information reasonably necessary to demonstrate compliance with its obligations set forth in this Addendum. This information shall consist of permitting examination of the most recent reports, certificates and/or extracts prepared by an independent auditor pursuant to Arctic Wolf’s ISO27001 or similarly held industry certification. 5.2. In the event the information provided in accordance with Section 5.1 above is insufficient to reasonably demonstrate compliance, Arctic Wolf shall permit Seller, or Seller’s third party auditor (provided such auditor is not a competitor to Arctic Wolf or provides products and/or services to a competitor of Arctic Wolf) to inspect or audit the technical and organisational measures of Arctic Wolf for the purposes of monitoring compliance with Arctic Wolf’s obligations under this Addendum. Any such audit or inspection shall be: (i) at Seller’s expense; (ii) limited in scope to matters specific to Seller; (iii) agreed in advance between the parties in writing, including scope, duration, and start date; (iv) conducted in a way that does not interfere with Arctic Wolf’s day-to-day business; (v) during local business hours of Arctic Wolf and, upon not less than twenty (20) business days advance written notice unless, in Seller’s reasonable belief that a Personal Data Breach or an identifiable, material breach of this Addendum has arisen; (vi) limited to no more than once per any twelve (12) calendar month period, except if (i) required by instruction of a competent Regulator; or (ii) in case of a Personal Data Brach; and (vii) subject to the confidentiality obligations in the Agreement or, where a third-party auditor conducts the audit, such third-party auditor must be a professional bound by a duty of confidentiality or subject to a suitable non-disclosure agreement. 5.3. Seller will provide Arctic Wolf with copies of any audit reports generated in connection with any audit under this Section, unless prohibited by the applicable Data Protection Law. Seller may use the audit reports only for the purposes of meeting its regulatory audit requirements and/or confirming compliance with the requirements of this Addendum. 5.4. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this Section 5 shall also apply to the audit provisions of any Standard Contractual Clauses entered into in accordance with Section 3 of this Addendum. 6. Authorized Sub-Processors 6.1. Seller consents to the use of Authorized Subprocessors to deliver the Services. The current list of Authorized Subprocessors is attached in Schedule III. 6.2. Seller agrees it may subscribe to receive notifications related to the modification to the Authorized Subprocessors.

25 At least ten (10) days before enabling any third party other than current Authorized Subprocessors to access or participate in the Processing of Personal Data, Arctic Wolf will add such third party to the Authorized Subprocessor list posted at https://arcticwolf.com/terms/sub-processors/. If Seller reasonably believes the third party cannot comply with the requirements this Addendum or has another reasonable basis for objecting to the third party, Seller may object to the addition of any such third parties to the List by informing Arctic Wolf in writing within ten (10) days of receipt of the aforementioned notice by Seller. If Seller objects to such change, and Arctic Wolf cannot provide a commercially reasonable alternative within a reasonable period of time, the parties may terminate the Agreement. Arctic Wolf will refund any prepaid fees on a pro rata basis for the terminated portion(s) of the Services that were to be provided after the effective date of termination or as otherwise set forth pursuant to the termination provision within the Agreement. This termination right is Seller’s sole and exclusive remedy if Seller objects to any newly added Authorized Subprocessor. If Seller does not object to the engagement of a third party within ten (10) days of notice by Arctic Wolf that third party will be deemed an Authorized Subprocessors for the purposes of this Addendum. 6.3. Arctic Wolf will enter into a written agreement with each Authorized Subprocessors that requires the Authorized Subprocessor to (1) protect Personal Data to the same extent required by Arctic Wolf under this Addendum, and (2) be in compliance with Data Protection Laws. Arctic Wolf will remain liable to Seller for all actions by each Authorized Subprocessor with respect to the Personal Data. 6.4. Arctic Wolf may replace an Authorized Subprocessor without advance notice where the reason for the change is outside of Arctic Wolf’s reasonable control and prompt replacement is required for security or other urgent reasons. In this case, Arctic Wolf will inform Seller of the replacement subprocessor as soon as possible following its appointment. Section 6.2 applies accordingly. 7. Security of Personal Data. Taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of Processing as well as the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, Arctic Wolf shall maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk of Processing Personal Data as set forth in Schedule III. Arctic Wolf will regularly monitor compliance with such security standards and will not materially decrease the security standards during the term of the Agreement. 8. Rights of Data Subjects 8.1. If Arctic Wolf directly receives any complaint or request from a Data Subject to exercise his/her rights under Data Protection Laws (“Data Subject Request”) in relation to Seller’s Personal Data and Seller is identified or identifiable from the request without the need for any independent investigation, Arctic Wolf will promptly (and in any case within five (5) business days of receipt) forward such Data Subject Request to Seller, unless otherwise required by the applicable Data Protection Law. Seller is solely responsible for ensuring that Data Subject Requests for erasure, restriction or cessation of Processing, or withdrawal of consent to Processing of any Personal Data are communicated to Arctic Wolf, and for ensuring that a record of consent to Processing is maintained with respect to each Data Subject. 8.2. Arctic Wolf shall, at the request of the Seller, and taking into account the nature of the Processing applicable to any Data Subject Request, cooperate with Seller with respect to any action taken relating to the Data Subject Request and apply appropriate technical and organizational measures to assist Seller in complying with Seller’s obligation to respond to a Data Subject Request and/or in demonstrating such compliance, where possible, provided that (i) Seller is itself unable to respond without Arctic Wolf’s assistance and (ii) Arctic Wolf is able to do so in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Seller shall be responsible to the extent legally permitted for any reasonable costs and expenses arising from any such assistance by Arctic Wolf. 9. Actions and Access Requests 9.1. Where Seller is obligated by Data Protection Laws to carry out a data protection impact assessment (“DPIA”) relating to Seller’s use of the Services, Arctic Wolf shall provide reasonable cooperation and assistance to Seller

26 for the DPIA to allow Seller to comply with its obligations under the Data Protection Laws. Seller shall be responsible to the extent legally permitted for any reasonable costs and expenses arising from any such assistance by Arctic Wolf and Arctic Wolf shall be entitled to involve Seller at Arctic Wolf’s then-current rates for any time expended in assisting with the DPIA. 9.2. Arctic Wolf shall provide Seller with reasonable assistance to Seller in cooperation or prior consultation with any Regulator as may be required by Data Protection Laws. Seller shall be responsible to the extent legally permitted for any reasonable costs and expenses arising from any such assistance by Arctic Wolf and Arctic Wolf shall be entitled to involve Seller at Arctic Wolf’s then-current rates for any time expended in providing such assistance. 9.3. If Arctic Wolf receives any order, demand, warrant or any other document requesting or purporting to compel the production of Personal Data (including, for example, by oral questions, interrogatories, requests for information or documents in legal proceedings, subpoenas, civil or criminal investigative demands or other similar processes) by any competent authority (“Production Request”), Arctic Wolf will immediately notify Seller, except to the extent prohibited by applicable law. If the Production Request is not legally valid and binding, Arctic Wolf will not respond. If a Production Request is legally valid and binding, Arctic Wolf will provide Seller with at least forty- eight (48) hours’ notice prior to the required disclosure, so that Seller may, at its own expense, exercise such rights as it may have under applicable law to prevent or limit such disclosure. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Arctic Wolf will exercise commercially reasonable efforts to prevent and limit any such disclosure and to otherwise preserve the confidentiality of Personal Data and will cooperate with Seller with respect to any action taken relating to such Production Request, including to obtain an appropriate protective order or other reliable assurance that confidential treatment will be accorded to Personal Data. 10. Personal Data Breach. Whenever Arctic Wolf reasonably believes that there has been a Personal Data Breach of Seller’s Personal Data Processed by Arctic Wolf or its Authorized Subprocessors, Arctic Wolf shall (i) notify Seller of the Personal Data Breach without undue delay (and in no event more than seventy-two (72) hours); (ii) take all steps it deems necessary and reasonable (in its sole discretion) to investigate and remediate the Personal Data Breach, to the extent that remediation is within Arctic Wolf’s reasonable control; (iii) provide Seller with reasonable cooperation and assistance necessary for Seller to comply with its obligations under the applicable Data Protection Laws relating to the Personal Data Breach; and (iv) provide Seller with details about the Personal Data Breach. The obligations described in this Section 10 shall not apply in the event that a Personal Data Breach results from the actions or omissions of Seller. For the avoidance of doubt, a Personal Data Breach will not include unsuccessful attempts to, or activities that do not or are unlikely to, compromise the confidentiality, availability, or integrity of Personal Data including, without limitation, unsuccessful log in attempts, unsuccessful denial of service attacks and other attacks on firewalls or networked systems and no notice of the foregoing shall be required. In the event a Personal Data Breach requires notification by Seller to Data Subjects or relevant Regulators, the parties agree to coordinate in good faith on developing the content of any public statements or required notices. 11. Liability. [Redacted: Confidential legal terms relating to risk allocation between the Parties.] 12. Changes in Data Protection Laws. The parties agree to negotiate in good faith modifications to this Addendum if changes are required for Arctic Wolf to continue to Process Personal Data in compliance with Data Protection Laws, including but not limited to (i) the GDPR; (ii) the CCPA; (iii) any Standard Contractual Clauses; or (iv) if changes to the membership status of a country in the European Union or the European Economic Area require such modification. 13. Confidentiality. The confidentiality terms in the Agreement shall apply to this Addendum and where applicable, the Standard Contractual Clauses. 14. Miscellaneous. 14.1. Conflicts. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this Addendum and the Agreement, the terms of this Addendum shall prevail. In the event and to the extent of any conflict or inconsistency between the body of this Addendum and the Standard Contractual Clauses in a way that materially affects the adequacy of the transfer, the Standard Contractual Clauses shall prevail.

27 14.2. Severability. In the event any provision of this Addendum, in whole or in part, is invalid, unenforceable or in conflict with the applicable laws or regulations of any jurisdiction, such provision will be replaced, to the extent possible, with a provision which accomplishes the original business purposes of the provision in a valid and enforceable manner, and the remainder of this Addendum will remain unaffected and in full force. 14.3. Counterparts. This Addendum may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed and original and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument and shall become effective when counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other parties; it being understood that all parties need not sign the same counterparts. Signatures of the parties transmitted via facsimile or other electronic means shall be deemed to be their original signatures for all purposes.

28 SCHEDULE I TO DATA PROCESSING ADDENDUM Processing Details A. List of Parties Data exporter(s) Details Name: Seller Address: Address as listed in the Agreement Contact person’s name, position and contact details: Contact information as listed in the Agreement Activities relevant to the data transferred under these Clauses: Activities relevant are described in Part B below Role (controller/processor): Controller (or processor, if Seller is acting on behalf of a customer) Data importer(s): Details/Descriptions Name: Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. Address: Address listed in the Agreement Contact person’s name, position and contact details: see below Activities relevant to the data transferred under these Clauses: Activities relevant are described in Part B below Role (controller/processor): Processor (or subprocessor, if Seller is acting as processor on behalf of a customer) Pursuant to Article 27 of the UK GDPR, Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. has appointed EDPO UK Ltd as its GDPR representative in the UK. You can contact EDPO UK regarding matters pertaining to the UK GDPR: [Redacted: Confidential customer data.] Pursuant to Article 27 of the EEA GDPR, Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. has appointed IITR Cert GmbH as its GDPR representative in the EEA. You can contact IITR Cert GmbH regarding matters pertaining to the EEA GDPR: [Redacted: Confidential customer data.] B. Description of Transfer Categories of data subjects whose personal data is transferred The categories of data subjects whose personal data is transferred are determined solely by the Data Exporter. In the normal course of the Data Importer’s Solutions, the categories of data subject might include (but are not limited to): the Data Exporter’s personnel, customers, service providers, business partners, Affiliates, and other End Users. Categories of personal data transferred

29 The categories of personal data transferred are determined solely by the Data Exporter. In the normal course of the Data Importer’s Solutions, the categories of personal data transferred might include (but are not limited to): first name, last name, business title, business address, business email address, phone number, in order to deliver our requested Solutions. The Software products as part of Solutions process system and application data, which may include the following data, some of which may be personal data: • End user contact information: such as first and last names, phone numbers, email addresses and mobile phone numbers, addresses, and location (not real-time) • Account information: such as account name, full name, unique identifiers, local group memberships, account status, account activity • Endpoint network activity: such as destination IP address, destination port, process name, image path, hostname, URLs, source port / IP address • Endpoint information: such as serial number, model, OS, free space, battery level, distinguished name, group membership, MAC addresses, installed applications, process information, user activity, event logs • Geolocation data: By default precise geolocation is collected only when the end user has explicitly granted permission. Approximate location is derived from source IP address. The Data Importer does not intentionally or knowingly process any special categories of personal data. However, the categories of personal data transferred are determined solely by the Data Exporter. The frequency of the transfer (e.g., whether the data is transferred on a one-off or continuous basis) Continuous with use of the Solutions. Nature and purpose of the processing The provision of the Solutions to Data Exporter in accordance with the Agreement. Purpose(s) of the data transfer and further processing To provide the Solutions to Data Exporter as described in the Agreement. The period for which the personal data will be retained, or, if that is not possible, the criteria used to determine that period For as long as necessary to provide the Solutions as described in the Agreement, as legally or contractually required, or upon receipt of Data Exporter’s written request for deletion. For transfers to subprocessors, also specify subject matter, nature, and duration of the processing The subject matter, nature and duration of the processing are specified above and in the Agreement. C. Competent Supervisory Authority Identify the competent supervisory authority lies in accordance with Clause 13 Irish Supervisory Authority.

30 SCHEDULE II TO DATA PROCESSING ADDENDUM As of the date of the Agreement, Arctic Wolf’s Authorized Subprocessors are included in the table below: Vendor Vendor [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Platform [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations and Specific data points that are either individually, in combination or collectively trade secret.] Purpose Data Residency Arctic Wolf Product(s) Email and other office applications USA MDR, MR, MA, Incident Response, CDO, IRJS Retainer Corporate Data Repository USA MDR, MR, MA, Incident Response, Cyber JumpStart Portal Data Center and Hosting USA MA, Incident Response, CDO Internal Ticketing USA MDR, MR, MA Internal work tracking & procedures USA MDR, MR, MA Corporate data repository; Secure File Transfer USA MDR, MR, MA Secure File Transfer USA Incident Response Customer and Internal Collaboration and Messaging USA MDR, MR, MA, Incident Response, IRJS Retainer, Cyber JumpStart Portal, CDO Conferencing/phone USA MDR, MR, MA, Incident Response,

31 IRJS Retainer, Cyber JumpStart Portal, CDO Workstation Backup USA MDR, MR, MA Product ticketing system USA MDR, MR, MA, Incident Response Data Center & Hosting USA/Canada/Germany/ Australia MDR, MR, MA, Cyber JumpStart Portal, Incident Response Data Center & Hosting USA/Australia/Brazil/Germany/ Japan CylanceENDPOINT, CylanceEDGE, Cylance MDR, Aurora Protect, Aurora Endpoint Defense, Aurora Endpoint Defense Mobile Addon, Aurora Managed Endpoint Defense on Demand, Aurora Managed Endpoint Defense Artificial Intelligence USA/Canada/Germany/ Australia MDR, MR, MA Code and Configuration Repository USA MDR, MR User Authentication USA MDR, MR, MA SSO/VPN/Mobile Access authentication for Users USA Cyber JumpStart Portal Paging tool for ticket escalations USA MDR, MR, MA, Incident Response Email transactions USA MDR, MA, CylanceENDPOINT, CylanceEDGE, Cylance MDR, Aurora Protect, Aurora Endpoint Defense, Aurora Endpoint Defense Mobile Addon, Aurora Managed Endpoint Defense on Demand, Aurora Managed Endpoint Defense

32 Management of Customer Incidents USA MDR, MR, MA Email Security USA MDR, MR, MA, CDO, Incident Response Geo IP Address Look Up Service USA MDR Geo IP Address Look Up Service USA MDR User Experience Metrics USA MDR, MR, MA, Cyber JumpStart Portal Data Warehouse Storage, Management, and Analysis USA, Canada, Australia, Germany (based on SOC location) MDR, MR Data analytics USA/Australia/Germany/Japan/ Brazil CylanceENDPOINT & CylanceEDGE (customers with tenants in Australia, Germany, Japan, Brazil, and USA); Cylance MDR Aurora Protect, Aurora Endpoint Defense, & Aurora Endpoint Defense Mobile Addon (customers with tenants in Australia, Germany, Japan, Brazil, and USA); Aurora Managed Endpoint Defense on Demand, Aurora Managed Endpoint Defense Error Logging USA, Germany MDR, MR Forensic Evidence Tracking, Root Point of Compromise Information USA Incident Response Data Center and Hardware Hosting USA Incident Response

33 Mobile application notifications USA Cylance MDR, Aurora Protect, Aurora Endpoint Defense, Aurora Endpoint Defense Mobile Addon, Aurora Managed Endpoint Defense Email delivery services USA CylanceENDPOINT, CylanceEDGE, Cylance MDR, Aurora Protect, Aurora Endpoint Defense, Aurora Endpoint Defense Mobile Addon, Aurora Managed Endpoint Defense on Demand, Aurora Managed Endpoint Defense Cloud service provider USA/Ireland Cylance MDR, Aurora Managed Endpoint Defense on Demand, Aurora Managed Endpoint Defense Security information and event management services Germany CylanceMDR Out of band communication tool USA Cylance MDR Issue management portal USA CylanceENDPOINT, CylanceEDGE, Cylance MDR, Aurora Protect, Aurora Endpoint Defense, Aurora Endpoint Defense Mobile Addon, Aurora Managed Endpoint Defense on Demand, Aurora Managed Endpoint Defense

34 SCHEDULE III Technical and Organisational Measures [Redacted: Confidential customer data subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]

Exhibit F Form of Side Letter [See Attached]

CONFIDENTIAL Agreed Form 1 ARCTIC WOLF NETWORKS, INC. INFORMATION RIGHTS LETTER [______], 20[__] [Investor Name] [Street Address] [City], [State] [Zip] Re: Information Rights Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter will confirm our agreement (the “Agreement”) that pursuant to and effective as of your acquisition of [•] shares of common stock (the “Shares”) of Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. (the “Company”) pursuant to that certain Equity and Asset Purchase Agreement, dated as of [●], by and among the Company, [Seller], and the other parties thereto (the “EAPA”), BlackBerry Limited or its designated Affiliate (as defined below) (the “Investor”) shall be entitled to the following rights: 1. The Company shall deliver to the Investor (or its Affiliates): (a) as soon as practicable, but in any event within one hundred twenty (120) days after the end of each fiscal year of the Company, an income statement for such fiscal year, a balance sheet of the Company and statement of stockholders’ equity as of the end of such year, and a statement of cash flows for such year, such year-end financial reports to be in reasonable detail, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”), and audited and certified by independent public accountants of nationally recognized standing selected by the Company, unless the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of the Preferred Stock of the Company (voting together as a single class and not as separate series, and on an as- converted basis) have determined that audited financial statements are unnecessary, in which case the Company shall deliver unaudited financial statements within ninety (90) days after the end of such fiscal year; (b) as soon as practicable, but in any event within forty-five (45) days after the end of each quarter of each fiscal year of the Company, an unaudited income statement, statement of cash flows for such fiscal quarter and an unaudited balance sheet and a statement of stockholders’ equity as of the end of such fiscal quarter, all prepared in accordance with GAAP (except that such financial statements may (A) be subject to normal year-end audit adjustments and (B) not contain all notes thereto that may be required in accordance with GAAP); (c) as soon as practicable, but in any event within forty-five (45) days after the end of each quarter of each fiscal year of the Company, a statement showing the number of shares of each class and series of capital stock and securities convertible into or exercisable for shares of capital stock outstanding at the end of the period, the Company’s common stock (the “Common Stock”) issuable upon conversion or exercise of any outstanding securities convertible or exercisable for Common Stock and the exchange ratio or exercise price applicable thereto, and the

CONFIDENTIAL Agreed Form 2 number of shares of issued stock options and stock options not yet issued but reserved for issuance, if any, all in sufficient detail as to permit the Investor to calculate its percentage equity ownership in the Company, and certified by the chief financial officer or chief executive officer of the Company as being true, complete, and correct; (d) within thirty (30) days of the end of each month, an unaudited income statement and statement of cash flows for such month, and an unaudited balance sheet as of the end of such month, all prepared in accordance with GAAP (except that such financial statements may (A) be subject to normal year-end audit adjustments and (B) not contain all notes thereto that may be required in accordance with GAAP); (e) promptly and in any event no later than ten (10) business days after execution or effectiveness of any agreements or other instruments with respect to the issuance of any securities, whether shares of the Company or any of its Affiliates or any securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for any such shares (including, without limitation, any such shares or securities issued in connection with debt securities) in connection with any equity financing, a description of such security, the per share price of such security and the implied pre- money and post-money valuation of the Company under such agreement(s) and/or other instrument(s), as applicable; and (f) prior to the end of each fiscal year, a budget and business plan for the next fiscal year, prepared on a monthly basis, including balance sheets, income statements and statements of cash flows for such months and, as soon as prepared, any other budgets or revised budgets prepared by the Company. If, for any period, the Company has any subsidiary whose accounts are consolidated with those of the Company, then in respect of such period the financial statements delivered pursuant to the foregoing sections shall be the consolidated and consolidating financial statements of the Company and all such consolidated subsidiaries. 2. [Redacted: Commercially sensitive information relating to methodologies for valuation of private company stock.]. 3. Investor may, at the Investor’s expense, visit and inspect the Company’s properties, to examine its books of account and records; provided, however, that the Company shall not be obligated pursuant to this Section 3 to provide access to any information that (A) it deems in good faith to be a trade secret or similar confidential information or (B) the disclosure of which would adversely affect the attorney-client privilege between the Company and its counsel. 4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, solely by reason of becoming party to this Agreement, Investor will not obtain with respect to the Company, and the Company will not provide to Investor, any of the following rights, as defined in Section 721 of the Defense Production Act, as amended, including its implementing regulations: (a) “control” of the Company, including the power to determine, direct or decide any important matters affecting the Company; (b) membership or observer rights on the Board of Directors or equivalent body of the Company, or the right to nominate an individual to a position on the Board of Directors or equivalent body of the Company; (c) access to any “material nonpublic technical information” in

CONFIDENTIAL Agreed Form 3 the possession of the Company (provided, however, that such prohibited information shall not include financial information regarding the performance of the Company, and provided further that Investor may confer with the Company about such financial information); and (d) any “involvement” (other than through voting of shares) in “substantive decision making” of the Company regarding (i) the use, development, acquisition, safekeeping, or release of “sensitive personal data” of U.S. citizens maintained or collected by the Company, (ii) the use, development, acquisition, or release of “critical technologies,” or (iii) the management, operation, manufacture, or supply of “covered investment critical infrastructure.” The Investor agrees to use the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential information for any information obtained pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise as a stockholder of the Company that the Company identifies in writing as being proprietary or confidential, and the Investor acknowledges that it will not, unless otherwise required by law or the rules of any national securities exchange, association or marketplace, disclose such information without the prior written consent of the Company except such information that (a) was in the public domain prior to the time it was furnished to the Investor, (b) is or becomes (through no willful improper action or inaction by the Investor) generally available to the public, (c) was in its possession or known by the Investor without restriction prior to receipt from the Company, (d) was rightfully disclosed to the Investor by a third party without restriction or (e) was independently developed without any use of the Company’s confidential information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Investor may disclose such proprietary or confidential information (i) to its attorneys, accountants, or representatives; (ii) to any existing or prospective Affiliate (as defined below), partner, member, stockholder, or wholly owned subsidiary of the Investor in the ordinary course of business; (iii) to any prospective purchaser of the Shares in the Company from the Investor, if such prospective purchaser agrees to be bound by the provisions of this paragraph; (iv) as may otherwise be required by law, regulation, rule, court order or subpoena; or (v) if the Investor is a limited partnership or limited liability company, to any former partners or members who retained an economic interest in the Investor, current or prospective partner of the partnership or any subsequent partnership under common investment management, limited partner, general partner, member or management company of the Investor (or any employee or representative of any of the foregoing) (each of the foregoing persons, a “Permitted Disclosee”); provided that the Investor informs such Permitted Disclosee that such information is confidential and directs such Permitted Disclosee to maintain the confidentiality of such information. Furthermore, nothing contained herein shall prevent the Investor or any Permitted Disclosee from (A) entering into any business, entering into any agreement with a third party, or investing in or engaging in investment discussions with any other company (whether or not competitive with the Company); provided that the Investor or Permitted Disclosee does not, except as permitted in accordance with this paragraph, disclose or otherwise make use of any proprietary or confidential information of the Company in connection with such activities, or (B) making any disclosures required by law, rule (including any stock market rule; provided, however, that any such disclosure remains subject to the obligations and limitations as set forth in Section 2 above), regulation or court or other governmental order. For the purposes of this Agreement, “Affiliate” shall mean with respect to any Person (as defined below), any other Person who or which, directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with such specified Person, including, without limitation, any general partner, officer, director or manager of such Person and any venture capital or investment fund now or hereafter existing that is controlled by one or more general partners or managing members

CONFIDENTIAL Agreed Form 4 of, or is under common investment management with, such Person, and “Person” shall mean any individual, corporation, partnership, trust, limited liability company, association or other entity. The rights described herein shall terminate and be of no further force or effect upon (a) such time as no shares of the Company’s stock are held by the Investor or its Affiliates; (b) the consummation of the sale of the Company’s securities pursuant to a registration statement filed by the Company under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, in connection with the firm commitment underwritten offering of its securities to the general public; (c) when the Company first becomes subject to the periodic reporting requirements of Sections 12(g) or 15(d) of the 1934 Act, whichever event shall first occur; (d) the consummation of a Liquidation Event, as that term is defined in the Company’s Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended and/or restated from time to time (the “Restated Certificate”) that is effected for independent business reasons unrelated to extinguishing such rights; or (e) upon the consummation of a SPAC Transaction, as that term is defined in the Restated Certificate. The confidentiality obligations referenced herein will survive any such termination. [Signature Page Follows]

SIGNATURE PAGE TO INFORMATION RIGHTS LETTER Very truly yours, Agreed and Accepted: BLACKBERRY LIMITED ARCTIC WOLF NETWORKS, INC. By: By: Name: Name: Nicholas Schneider Title: Title: Chief Executive Officer

Schedule 1-A Products Cylance Protect Cylance Protect Mobile Cylance Protect OEM Cylance Optics Cylance Gateway Cylance Avert Cylance Engine (formerly referred to as Cylance OEM Engine) CylanceV Cylance Smart Antivirus (SmartAV) Cylance On-Premise Management Server Cylance Hybrid Proxy Cylance AWS Cloud (US-East, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Australia, Japan) Cylance Databricks Cylance Infinity Cylance Cognition Cylance AI Assistant Cylance MDR On-Demand Cylance MDR Standard (formerly referred to as Cylance Guard Standard) Cylance MDR Advanced (formerly referred to as Cylance Guard Advanced inclusive of Exabeam integrations) Cylance MDR Pro (inclusive of Stellar Cyber white-label integration) Cylance Adversary Simulation Cylance Automotive System Assessment Cylance Breach Simulation Cylance Building Automation Assessment Cylance Certified ThreatZERO Partner Delivered Cylance Clinical Application Assessment Cylance Compromise Assesment Cylance Custom Attack Simulation Cylance Custom IoT Embedded Cylance Custom IR Forensics Project Cylance Custom Red Team Services Cylance Custom Staff Augmentation Cylance Cyber Statement of Work CylancePROTECT Malware Analysis Cylance Embedded System Design Review Cylance Embedded System Device Security Assessment Cylance Expert Witness Testimony Cylance External Network Penetration Test Cylance Firewall Assessment Cylance Forensic Investigation and Analysis Cylance Hardware Forensics Cylance Host Configuration Review Cylance ICS Component Testing and Analysis Cylance ICS Red Team Services Cylance ICS Risk Assessment Cylance ICS Security Assessment

Cylance ICS Security Technology Assessment Cylance Incident Containment - Retainer Cylance Incident Containment Response Cylance Incident Containment Retainer Cylance Incident Readiness Assessment Cylance Incident Response Plan Development Cylance Incident Response Plan Gap Analysis Cylance Internal Network Penetration Test Cylance IR Table Top Exercise Cylance ISO 27002 Policy Gap Analysis Cylance IT Security Gap Assessment Cylance Mobile Application Penetration Assessment Cylance MSSP - Cyber Statement of Work Cylance OSINT Reconnaissance Assessment Cylance Physical Security Assessment Cylance Retesting Services Cylance Risk Assessment & Security Roadmap Planning Cylance Security Tools Assessment Cylance Social Engineering Assessment Cylance Thick Application Assessment Cylance ThreatZERO Assurance Cylance ThreatZERO Assurance MSSP Cylance ThreatZERO Custom Cylance ThreatZERO Foundational (OPTICS Upgrade) Cylance ThreatZERO Foundational (PROTECT + OPTICS) Cylance ThreatZERO Foundational (PROTECT + OPTICS) MSSP Cylance ThreatZERO Foundational (PROTECT only) Cylance ThreatZERO Guard Self Onboarding for MSSPs Cylance ThreatZERO Guard Small Add On Cylance ThreatZERO Managed Prevention Cylance ThreatZERO Resident Expert Cylance ThreatZERO Resident Expert (Clearance) Cylance ThreatZero Training Cylance Virtual CISO (On-premises or Remote) Cylance Web Application Penetration Assessment Cylance Wireless Network Penetration Testing

Schedule 1-B Scheduled Patents [Redacted: Commercially and competitively sensitive information pertaining to the scope of the patent license granted to buyer.]

Schedule 1-C Other Selling Entities and Other Purchasing Entities [Attached]

CONFIDENTIAL Schedule 1-C Other Selling Entities and Other Purchasing Entities Selling Entity Purchasing Entity Assets1 Pro Rata Share of Closing Cash Payment**2 Pro Rata Share of Delayed Cash Payment3 Pro Rata Share of Stock Consideration Cylance Inc. (US) Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. (US) All [•]% [•]% 100% BlackBerry Corporation (US) Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. (US) All [•]% [•]% - BlackBerry Limited (Canada) Arctic Wolf Networks Canada, Inc. (Canada) Vendor Contracts and workforce in place (if any) [•]% - - Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. (US) All assets (including revenue Contracts) other than vendor Contracts [•]% [•]% - BlackBerry UK Limited (UK) Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. (US) All (other than workforce and Transferred Equity Interests) [•]% - - Arctic Wolf Networks International, Inc. (US) Transferred Subsidiary Equity Interests* $[•] - - Arctic Wolf Networks UK Ltd (UK) Workforce in place (if any) [•]% - - BlackBerry Singapore Pte. Limited (Singapore) Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. (US) All [•]% [•]% - Arctic Wolf Networks UK Ltd (UK) Workforce in place (if any) [•]% 1 To be updated to reflect the Specified Accounts Receivable. 2 Amounts to be determined in accordance with the Allocation. 3 Amounts to be determined in accordance with the Allocation.

CONFIDENTIAL Selling Entity Purchasing Entity Assets1 Pro Rata Share of Closing Cash Payment**2 Pro Rata Share of Delayed Cash Payment3 Pro Rata Share of Stock Consideration BlackBerry India Private Limited (India) Arctic Wolf Networks India Private Ltd (India) All [•]% - - Various BlackBerry employing entities Arctic Wolf Networks UK Ltd (UK) Workforce in place for individuals outside of US, Canada, UK, Singapore and India (if any) [•]% - - * Included for purposes of payment of consideration in accordance with Article 2. For the avoidance of doubt, the Transferred Subsidiary Equity Interests are not Transferred Assets. ** Pro Rata Share in each case to calculated by multiplying the percentage listed (if applicable) by the amount equal to (i) the Closing Cash Payment less (ii) the consideration payable in respect of the Transferred Subsidiary Equity Interests.

Schedule 1.2-A Transferred Assets 1. Specified Accounts Receivables; 2. all fixed assets of Seller or its Affiliates exclusively held for use in the Business other than the right, title and interest in and to the personal computers and laptops of the Selling Entities; 3. all prepayments and prepaid expenses solely to the extent exclusively related to the Transferred Contracts, including all prepaid rent under the Transferred Lease Agreements; 4. all right, title and interest in, to the following Contracts listed on Schedule 1.2-A(4) and any additional Contract exclusively relating to the Business that Seller or any Other Selling Entity enters into prior to the Closing; provided, that Seller (i) will provide Purchaser with written notice in accordance with this Agreement attaching a true and complete copy of any such additional Contract prior to Closing and (ii) for any such Contract involving payments from a Selling Entity or the Transferred Subsidiary to a third party in excess of $50,000, will obtain Purchaser’s prior written consent before entering into any such Contract (collectively, the “Transferred Contracts”): 5. all rights of Seller and its Affiliates (solely to the extent that such rights exclusively relate to the Business) under each Transferred Contract imposing or purporting to impose on any third party any obligations that relate to confidentiality, non-disclosure of confidential information, non-use of confidential information, non-competition or non-solicitation of customers; 6. all Business Owned IP Rights, including, but not limited to, the following: (i) Trademarks listed on Schedule 1.2-A(6) and (ii) domain names listed on Schedule 1.2-A(6) and all Technology owned by or purported to be owned by any Selling Entity or the Transferred Subsidiary that embodies any Business Owned IP Right; 7. the books and records exclusively related to or exclusively used in the Business or the Transferred Assets, including, but not limited to, all operating records, financial records and statements, data, results, and other information and materials (including data from and within Seller’s customer relationship management and other computer systems and backups, and diagnostics data) maintained by Seller or its Affiliates exclusively related to or used in the Business or the Transferred Assets, including all sales and sales promotional data, sales collateral, advertising materials, catalogs, manuals, marketing materials, customer lists and records, referral sources, research and development materials, service and warranty records, operating guides and manuals, creative materials, intellectual property materials, studies, cost and pricing information, supplier lists and records, business plans, regulatory records and correspondence, except all such books and records that Seller or its Affiliates are required by Law to retain, provided, that, to the extent permitted by applicable Law, Seller shall provide copies of such books and records; 8. all of Seller’s and its Affiliates’ rights, recoveries, refunds, counterclaims, rights of set-off and claims (choate or inchoate, known or unknown, matured or unmatured, accrued or contingent), against third parties, including warranty and other Contract claims (express, implied or otherwise) solely to the extent exclusively related to the Business, any Transferred Asset, any Continuing Employee or any Assumed Liability, other than those that relate to the Excluded Assets or the Excluded Liabilities; 9. all goodwill arising from the Trademarks included in the Business Owned IP Rights;

10. all of Seller’s right, title and interest in and to the furniture and office equipment located at the Transferred Properties; and 11. The source code of prior versions of the Products and any versions of the Products currently under development (including all documentation, user manuals and release notes) and the Copyrights embodied in and Trade Secrets that constitute the source code of the foregoing are Transferred Assets. To the extent that any of the foregoing is not in the custody or control of the Transferred Subsidiary or any Selling Entity as of the Closing Date, however, Seller shall not have any obligation to deliver such Transferred Asset. For the avoidance of doubt, the Transferred Assets do not include any of the foregoing to the extent held by the Transferred Subsidiary and separately transferred through the transfer of the Transferred Subsidiary Equity Interests to Purchaser.

Schedule 1.2-A(4) Transferred Contracts Customer Contracts Contracts with customers as set forth on Section 4.9(a)(i) of the Disclosure Schedule, other than the Contract with [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]. Supplier Contracts Contracts with the following suppliers in the following table. [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]

Schedule 1.2-A(6) Trademarks and Domain Names Trademarks Applicant/ Registrant/ Owner Mark with Image Country App. No. Filing Date Reg. No. Reg. Date Cylance Inc. CYLANCE UNITED ARAB EMR 268935 2/28/2017 268935 2/21/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE UNITED ARAB EMR 268936 2/28/2017 268936 1/21/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE ARGENTINA 3568103 12/21/2016 2932573 4/6/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE ARGENTINA 3568104 12/21/2016 2930972 3/22/2018 Cylance, Inc. CYLANCE AUSTRALIA 1524063 11/5/2012 1524063 4/26/2013 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE BRAZIL 912026510 12/8/2016 912026510 8/21/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE BRAZIL 912026596 12/8/2016 912026596 8/21/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE CANADA 1601126 11/5/2012 TMA919113 11/2/2015 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE SWITZERLAND 1336940 11/30/2016 1336940 11/30/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE CHILE 1235579 12/27/2016 1251338 6/14/2017 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE CHINA 11709078 11/7/2012 11709078 4/14/2014 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE CHINA 11709077 11/7/2012 11709077 4/14/2014 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE COLOMBIA 1336940 11/30/2016 1336940 11/30/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE CUBA 1336940 11/30/2016 1336940 11/30/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 011338662 11/12/2012 011338662 2/16/2014 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE UNITED KINGDOM 011338662 11/12/2012 UK00911338662 2/16/2014 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE HONG KONG 303983446 12/5/2016 303983446 5/16/2017 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE INDONESIA D002016061001 12/8/2016 IDM000601640 2/27/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE INDONESIA J002016060998 12/8/2016 IDM000600799 2/23/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE ISRAEL 1336940 11/30/2016 1336940 11/30/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE INDIA 1336940 11/30/2016 1336940 11/30/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE JORDAN 150697 12/5/2016 150697 10/19/2017

Cylance Inc. CYLANCE JORDAN 150696 12/5/2016 150696 10/19/2017 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE JAPAN 2016026895 3/11/2016 5908242 12/22/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE SOUTH KOREA 1336940 11/30/2016 1336940 11/30/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE MEXICO 1336940 11/30/2016 1336940 2/15/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE MALAYSIA 2016013877 12/22/2016 2016013877 8/7/2017 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE MALAYSIA 2016013876 12/22/2016 2016013876 8/3/2017 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE NORWAY 1336940 11/30/2016 1336940 11/30/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE NEW ZEALAND 1336940 11/30/2016 1336940 11/30/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE PERU 686674 12/7/2016 00016704 5/10/2017 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE RUSSIA 1336940 11/30/2016 1336940 11/30/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE SINGAPORE 40201609317Y 6/9/2016 40201609317Y 9/30/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE TURKEY 1336940 11/30/2016 1336940 11/30/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE TAIWAN 105073384 12/7/2016 01869968 9/16/2017 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE UNITED STATES 85636405 5/27/2012 4589223 8/19/2014 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE WIPO 1336940 11/30/2016 1336940 11/30/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE SOUTH AFRICA 201635811 12/5/2016 201635811 1/2/2020 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE SOUTH AFRICA 201635812 12/5/2016 201635812 1/2/2020 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE (in Japanese Katakana) JAPAN 2016112015 10/13/2016 5964978 7/21/2017 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE (Stylized) AUSTRALIA 1739645 12/7/2015 1739645 5/5/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE (Stylized) CANADA 1758154 12/7/2015 TMA957656 12/9/2016

Cylance Inc. CYLANCE (Stylized) CHINA 18524473 12/7/2015 18524473 1/21/2017 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE (Stylized) CHINA 18524474 12/7/2015 18524474 1/21/2017 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE (Stylized) EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 014887707 12/7/2015 014887707 4/12/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE (Stylized) UNITED KINGDOM 014887707 12/7/2015 UK00914887707 4/12/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE (Stylized) JAPAN 2015121092 12/9/2015 5876413 8/26/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE (Stylized) UNITED STATES 86655881 6/9/2015 5125156 1/17/2017 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE SMART ANTIVIRUS UNITED STATES 87952809 6/7/2018 5997739 2/25/2020

Cylance Inc. CYLANCE SMART ANTIVIRUS LOGO WITH SHIELD UNITED STATES 87954326 6/8/2018 5997742 2/25/2020 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE with Double Helix Shield Design CHINA 29397760 3/2/2018 29397760 12/28/2019 Cylance Inc. CYLANCE/DOUBLE HELIX SHIELD DESIGN CHINA 29397759 3/2/2018 29397759 2/21/2020 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT UNITED STATES 97485507 7/1/2022 7317371 2/27/2024 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT UNITED STATES 97470734 6/22/2022 7121182 7/25/2023 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT WIPO 1683138 7/8/2022 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT AUSTRALIA 1683138 7/8/2022     Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT CANADA 1683138 7/8/2022 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 1683138 7/8/2022 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT UNITED KINGDOM 1683138 7/8/2022 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT JAPAN 1683138 7/8/2022 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceAVERT SINGAPORE 1683138 7/8/2022 1683138 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY UNITED STATES 97470754 6/22/2022 7121185 7/25/2023 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY UNITED STATES 97485501 7/1/2022 7121629 7/25/2023 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY WIPO 1683142 7/8/2022 1683142 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY AUSTRALIA 1683142 7/8/2022 1683142 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY CANADA 1683142 7/8/2022 1683142 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 1683142 7/8/2022 1683142 7/8/2022

Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY UNITED KINGDOM 1683142 7/8/2022 1683142 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY JAPAN 1683142 7/8/2022 1683142 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylanceGATEWAY SINGAPORE 1683142 7/8/2022 1683142 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 018088261 6/27/2019 018088261 1/17/2020 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD UNITED KINGDOM 018088261 6/27/2019 UK00918088261 1/17/2020 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD JAPAN 2019090418 6/28/2019 6219229 1/23/2020 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD UNITED STATES 88248032 1/3/2019 6038132 4/21/2020 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD WIPO 1673558 6/22/2022 1673558 6/22/2022 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD AUSTRALIA 1673558 6/22/2022 1673558 6/22/2022 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD CANADA 1673558 6/22/2022     Cylance Inc. CYLANCEGUARD SINGAPORE 1673558 6/22/2022 1673558 6/22/2022 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEHYBRID UNITED STATES 88017088 6/27/2018 5836041 8/13/2019 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEIDENTITY EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 017940988 8/10/2018 017940988 12/20/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEIDENTITY UNITED KINGDOM 017940988 8/10/2018 UK0097940988 12/20/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEIDENTITY JAPAN 2018102597 8/10/2018 6128189 3/8/2019 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEIDENTITY UNITED STATES 87795224 2/13/2018     Cylance Inc. CYLANCEON-PREM UNITED STATES 88017100 6/27/2018 5836042 8/13/2019 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 017260985 9/29/2017 017260985 1/24/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS UNITED KINGDOM 017260985 9/29/2017 UK00917260985 1/24/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS JAPAN 2017130181 9/29/2017 6037163 4/20/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS UNITED STATES 87469882 5/31/2017 5571576 9/25/2018 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS WIPO 1673568 6/22/2022 1673568 6/22/2022 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS AUSTRALIA 1673568 6/22/2022 1673568 6/22/2022 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS CANADA 1673568 6/22/2022     Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS SINGAPORE 1673568 6/22/2022 1673568 6/22/2022

Cylance Inc. CYLANCEOPTICS Shield Design UNITED STATES 87469892 5/31/2017 5536885 8/7/2018 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA UNITED STATES 97470713 6/22/2022 7121180 7/25/2023 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA UNITED STATES 97485495 7/1/2022 7121628 7/25/2023 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA WIPO 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA AUSTRALIA 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA CANADA 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA UNITED KINGDOM 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA JAPAN 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance Inc. CylancePERSONA SINGAPORE 1683140 7/8/2022 1683140 7/8/2022 Cylance, Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT AUSTRALIA 1758046 3/10/2016 1758046 10/12/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT CANADA 1771573 3/9/2016 TMA983192 10/19/2017 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 015197379 3/9/2016 015197379 7/22/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT UNITED KINGDOM 015197379 3/9/2016 UK00915197379 7/22/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT JAPAN 2016025649 3/9/2016 5870539 7/29/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT SINGAPORE 40201609318W 6/21/2016 40201609318W 9/30/2016 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT UNITED STATES 86193569 2/14/2014 4730095 5/5/2015 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEPROTECT SHIELD DESIGN UNITED STATES 88000796 6/14/2018 5997794 2/25/2020 Cylance Inc. CYLANCEV UNITED STATES 86019673 7/25/2013 4700636 3/10/2015

Cylance, Inc. DOUBLE HELIX SHIELD DESIGN AUSTRALIA 1726084 10/7/2015 1726084 4/5/2016 Cylance Inc. DOUBLE HELIX SHIELD DESIGN CANADA 1749257 10/6/2015 TMA997848 5/31/2018 Cylance Inc. Double Helix Shield Design EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 014653653 10/6/2015 014653653 4/13/2016 Cylance Inc. Double Helix Shield Design UNITED KINGDOM 014653653 10/6/2015 UK00914653653 4/13/2016 Cylance Inc. DOUBLE HELIX SHIELD DESIGN JAPAN 2015097435 10/8/2015 5826254 2/12/2016

Cylance Inc. DOUBLE HELIX SHIELD DESIGN SINGAPORE 40201609320Q 6/9/2016 40201609320Q 9/30/2016 Cylance Inc. DOUBLE HELIX SHIELD DESIGN UNITED STATES 86655878 6/9/2015 5169214 3/28/2017 Cylance Inc. DOUBLE HELIX SHIELD DESIGN (IN COLOR) UNITED STATES 87201455 10/12/2016 5171653 3/28/2017 Cylance Inc. INFINITY UNITED STATES 86173889 1/23/2014 4551950 6/17/2014 Cylance Inc. KNOW THE TRUTH EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 016251159 1/13/2017 016251159 5/11/2017 Cylance Inc. KNOW THE TRUTH UNITED KINGDOM 016251159 1/13/2017 UK00916251159 5/11/2017 Cylance Inc. S Design and SPEAR AUSTRALIA 1728750 10/16/2015 1728750 10/16/2015 Cylance Inc. S Design and SPEAR EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 014684666 10/15/2015 014684666 1/1/2020

Cylance Inc. S Design and SPEAR UNITED KINGDOM 014684666 10/15/2015 UK00914684666 1/1/2020 Cylance Inc. Shield Design AUSTRALIA 1735953 11/19/2015 1735953 4/26/2016 Cylance Inc. Shield Design CANADA 1755750 11/19/2015 TMA957633 12/9/2016 Cylance Inc. Shield Design EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 014814586 11/20/2015 014814586 5/31/2016 Cylance Inc. Shield Design UNITED KINGDOM 014814586 11/20/2015 UK00914814586 5/31/2016 Cylance Inc. Shield Design JAPAN 2015115107 11/24/2015 5826264 2/12/2016

Cylance Inc. Shield Design UNITED STATES 86642506 5/27/2015 4870795 12/15/2015 Cylance Inc. THE AI OF AV AUSTRALIA 1751441 2/10/2016 1751441 5/25/2016 Cylance Inc. THE AI OF AV CANADA 1766637 2/5/2016 TMA1039910 7/11/2019 Cylance Inc. THE AI OF AV EUROPEAN UNION (EUTM) 015086572 2/9/2016 015086572 6/9/2016 Cylance Inc. THE AI OF AV UNITED KINGDOM 015086572 2/9/2016 UK00915086572 6/9/2016 Cylance Inc. THE AI OF AV JAPAN 2016013953 2/9/2016 5872365 8/5/2016 Cylance Inc. THREATZERO AUSTRALIA 1758357 3/11/2016 1758357 7/27/2016 Cylance Inc. THREATZERO CANADA 1772193 3/14/2016 TMA1002529 8/10/2018 Cylance Inc. THREATZERO JAPAN 2016027975 3/14/2016 5897598 11/18/2016 Cylance Inc. THREATZERO UNITED STATES 86759649 9/17/2015 5346764 11/28/2017 Cylance Inc. THREATZERO SHIELD DESIGN UNITED STATES 88000779 6/14/2018 5835989 8/13/2019

Domain Names Owner/Registrant Domain Name Group BlackBerry LTD avisdead.com N. America BlackBerry LTD avtruth.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cleavermalware.com N. America BlackBerry LTD clyance.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.adult-block N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.ae EMEA BlackBerry LTD cylance.biz N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.blog N. America BlackBerry Limited cylance.ca N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.club N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.company N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.de EMEA Germany BlackBerry LTD cylance.email N. America CYLANCE IRELAND LIMITED cylance.ie N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.info N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.io N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.is EMEA BlackBerry Limited cylance.kr N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.lu EMEA BlackBerry LTD cylance.marketing N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.me N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.mobi N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.net N. America Registrant Sync PBI39O cylance.no N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.nz N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.org N. America BlackBerry Limited cylance.pt EMEA BlackBerry LTD cylance.qa EMEA Saudi Arabia BlackBerry LTD cylance.ru N. America BlackBerry Limited cylance.se EMEA BlackBerry LTD cylance.sucks N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.technology N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.tv N. America BlackBerry Limited cylance.uk N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.us N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.wtf N. America BlackBerry LTD cylance.xyz N. America

BlackBerry LTD cylance.zone N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceaggregator.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceai.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceantivirus.ai EMEA BlackBerry LTD cylanceantivirus.app N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceantivirus.io N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceantivirus.net N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceantivirus.org N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceassistant.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceav.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceaws.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceaz.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancecollect.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceconsulting.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceconsumer.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancecorp.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancedetect.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancedr.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceedge.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceendpoint.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceexecutioncontrol.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceguard.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancehub.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancehybrid.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceidentity.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceinfinity.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceinspect.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceintelligence.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancek8.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancelabs.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancelabs.net N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancemdr.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceon-prem.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceonprem.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceprotect.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancerewards.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancerewardsemea.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylanceriskzero.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancesalespro.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancesecurity.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancesmartantivirus.ai EMEA

BlackBerry LTD cylancesmartantivirus.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancesmartav.ai EMEA BlackBerry LTD cylancesmartav.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancestage.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancestore.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancestore.net N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancesupportnumber.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancethethreat.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancev.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancex.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancexero.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylancezero.com N. America BlackBerry LTD cylenceprotect.com N. America BlackBerry LTD endpointexecutioncontrol.com N. America Cylance Inc. fora.ge N. America BlackBerry LTD hackingexposed.tv N. America BlackBerry LTD hackingexposedlive.com N. America BlackBerry LTD infinite-day.com N. America BlackBerry LTD klownstrike.com N. America BlackBerry LTD lambs2lions.net N. America BlackBerry LTD legaldigitalforensics.com N. America BlackBerry LTD mycylance.com N. America BlackBerry LTD nextgenantivirus.com N. America BlackBerry LTD nextgenantivirus.net N. America BlackBerry LTD nextgenantivirus.org N. America BlackBerry LTD nextgenerationendpoint.com N. America BlackBerry LTD onprem-cylance.com N. America BlackBerry LTD opcleaver.com N. America BlackBerry LTD operationcleaver.com N. America BlackBerry LTD perpetualprevention.com N. America BlackBerry LTD popmybox.com N. America BlackBerry LTD popmybox.net N. America BlackBerry LTD ridgewayis.com N. America BlackBerry LTD sentientexecutioncontrol.com N. America BlackBerry LTD sentientexecutioncontrol.info N. America BlackBerry LTD sentientexecutioncontrol.net N. America BlackBerry LTD sentientexecutioncontrol.org N. America BlackBerry LTD silencethethreat.com N. America BlackBerry LTD skoutforensics.com N. America BlackBerry LTD skoutforensics.net N. America BlackBerry LTD smartantivirus.ai EMEA

BlackBerry LTD smartav.ai EMEA BlackBerry LTD thetruthaboutbigav.com N. America BlackBerry LTD threatzero.com N. America BlackBerry LTD traditionalantivirus.com N. America BlackBerry LTD traditionalav.com N. America BlackBerry LTD trustthemath.com N. America BlackBerry LTD whatisoptics.com N. America BlackBerry LTD zeroday.tv N. America

Schedule 1.2-B Other Transferred Assets [Redacted: Data points that are either individually, in combination or collectively trade secret.]

Schedule 1.3 Excluded Assets 1. All equity interests of, or held by, Seller and its Affiliates, including the equity interests in Cylance Inc. other than the equity of the Transferred Subsidiary; 2. all accounts receivable other than the Specified Accounts Receivable, including all accounts receivable referenced in the definition of Business Prepaid Deferred Revenue; 3. any Permit held by Seller or any of its Affiliates (other than any Permit held exclusively by the Transferred Subsidiary); 4. any Transferred Contract that is not assignable or transferable without the Consent of any third party, if such Consent has not been obtained prior to the Closing; provided that once each such Consent is obtained, such Transferred Contract shall be deemed to be automatically, and without further action by the parties, included in the Transferred Assets as of the date the last such required Consent with respect to such Contract is delivered to Purchaser; 5. all Excluded Contracts, including all Contracts relating to Cylance GovCloud and the Specified Excluded Contracts; 6. all Patents or inventions that are the subject of a Patent; 7. all Trademarks and domain names other than the Trademarks and domain names listed on Schedule 1.2-A(6), and without limiting the foregoing, any Trademark, domain name, social media handle, name or identifier of Seller or any of its Affiliates that uses or contains “BlackBerry”, “BB”, “QNX”, “Certicom” or “SecuSmart”, either alone or in combination with the Trademarks and domain names listed on Schedule 1.2-A(6); 8. all Trade Secrets that are not expressly listed in Schedule 1.2-B, or otherwise falling under the definition of Business Owned IP Rights; 9. all minute books and equity transfer ledgers of Seller and all income Tax Returns of Seller or any of its Affiliates (other than solely with respect to the Transferred Subsidiary), including any such Tax Returns filed on a consolidated, combined, unitary or other group basis, and all personnel records and other records that Seller is required by applicable Laws to retain in its possession; 10. all rights under insurance policies, and all prepayments related thereto, including all rights under workers’ compensation insurance policies and insurance policies that constitute group medical, dental, hospitalization, health, disability or Employee Plans and rights of Seller or any of its Affiliates under insurance policies, and all prepayments related thereto, other than the Transferred Insurance Policies; 11. all personnel and medical records pertaining to current or former Business Service Providers to the extent Seller or its Affiliates is required by Law to retain such records, and all Contracts relating to and all rights in connection with and assets under all Employee Plans (other than other than the Transferred Subsidiary Employee Plans); 12. all of Seller’s rights under or pursuant to this Agreement and the other agreements between Purchaser and Seller contemplated hereby and any rights, claims or causes of action of Seller against any third party pertaining to any Excluded Liabilities;

13. all rights to and interest in real property, whether owned or leased, other than in the Transferred Lease Agreements; 14. all Tax assets with respect to the Transferred Assets for any Pre-Closing Tax Period; 15. cash and cash equivalents; 16. all of Seller’s right, title and interest in and to the personal computers and laptops; 17. all rights with respect to and un attorney-client privilege, attorney work product doctrine or other legal privilege.

Schedule 1.4 Assumed Liabilities 1. The amount of all Transferred Subsidiary Indebtedness, Closing Transaction Expenses and Assumed Employee Liabilities, in each case to the extent included in the calculation of the Upfront Cash Consideration and the Delayed Cash Amount, as adjusted in accordance with Section 2.1, Section 2.2 and Article 8 hereof; 2. all Liabilities of Seller or any Other Selling Entity under the Transferred Contracts to the extent relating to facts and circumstances first arising after the date such Transferred Contract is effectively assigned to Purchaser or another Purchasing Entity at or after the Closing, if applicable pursuant to Article 3 of this Agreement, and not related to any breach, non-performance, default, wrongdoing or misconduct by Seller, any Other Selling Entity or the Transferred Subsidiary at or before the Closing; 3. all Liabilities solely to the extent arising from or relating to the ownership of the Transferred Subsidiary Equity Interests or Transferred Assets by the Purchasing Entities or the Transferred Subsidiary or the operation, activities or conduct of the Business after the Closing, including, for the avoidance of doubt, Liabilities relating to the Continuing Employees; 4. all Liabilities related to claims, causes of action, litigations or other Proceedings which may arise in the future, to the extent related to (a) the operation, activities or conduct of the Business after the Closing, or (b) any other fact, event, occurrence or circumstance in each case arising from conduct after the Closing to the extent related to the Business, the Transferred Assets or the Transferred Subsidiary, including any such Proceeding to which Seller or any of its Affiliates (excluding the Transferred Subsidiary) becomes a party or defendant after the Closing; 5. all Liabilities arising from facts, events, occurrences or circumstances in each case from conduct after the Closing arising under the Transferred Lease Agreements other than obligations for the deferred purchase price of property or services (including any potential future earn-out, milestone, purchase price adjustment, releases of “holdbacks” or similar payments) or deferred rent; and 6. all Transfer Taxes. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Schedule 1.4, Assumed Liabilities shall not include “Indemnified Taxes”.

Schedule 1.5 Excluded Liabilities 1. other than the amount of the Assumed Employee Liabilities to the extent included in the calculation of the Delayed Cash Amount, as adjusted in accordance with Section 2.2 and Article 8 hereof, any Liabilities related to claims, causes of action, litigations or other Proceedings currently pending against Seller or any of its Affiliates, or which may arise in the future, to the extent related to (a) the operation, activities or conduct of the Business prior to the Closing, or (b) any other fact, event, occurrence or circumstance arising prior to the Closing to the extent related to the Business, Seller or any of its Affiliates, including any such Proceeding to which Purchaser or any of its Affiliates becomes a party or defendant after the Closing; 2. any Liabilities of Seller or its Affiliates under any Contract of Seller or its Affiliates that is not a Transferred Contract; 3. any Transaction Expenses of Seller or its Affiliates as of the Closing, other than the amount of all Closing Transaction Expenses to the extent included in the calculation of the Upfront Cash Consideration, as adjusted in accordance with Section 2.1 and Article 8 hereof; 4. any environmental Liabilities of Seller or its Affiliates as of the Closing; 5. any of Seller’s or any of its Affiliates’ Liability for payroll, payroll Tax withholding, and workman’s compensation benefits, in each case, to the extent related to any period on or prior to the Closing Date, including Transaction Payroll Taxes; 6. any Liability of Seller or its Affiliates under ERISA, or under any Employee Plan (other than any Liabilities under any Transferred Subsidiary Employee Plan and the amount of any Assumed Employee Liabilities to the extent included in the calculation of the Delayed Cash Amount, as adjusted in accordance with Section 2.2 and Article 8 hereof); 7. any Indebtedness of Seller or any of its Affiliates, other than the amount of all Transferred Subsidiary Indebtedness to the extent included in the calculation of the Upfront Cash Consideration, as adjusted in accordance with Section 2.1 and Article 8 hereof; 8. all obligations for the deferred purchase price of property or services (including any potential future earn-out, milestone, purchase price adjustment, releases of “holdbacks” or similar payments) or deferred rent under the Transferred Lease Agreements as of the Closing (other than Indebtedness); 9. all Liabilities arising from the Excluded Assets; 10. all Indemnified Taxes other than Taxes of the Transferred Subsidiary; and

11. any claim by a current or former or purported equityholder of Seller or any of its Affiliates or any other third party following the Closing seeking to assert, or based upon the following: (i) ownership or rights to ownership of any equity, options, warrants or other rights to acquire equity of Seller or any of its Subsidiaries; (ii) any rights of a current, former or purported equityholder of Seller or any of its Affiliate in the capacity of an equityholder, including any option or preemptive rights or rights to notice or to vote (together with the rights described under clause (i), the “Ownership Rights”); (iii) any Ownership Rights under any of Seller’s Organizational Documents or the Organizational Documents of any of its Affiliates or any other agreement with Seller or any of its Affiliates; or (iv) any claim that any of the Transferred Assets or the Transferred Subsidiary were wrongly sold, transferred or assigned to Purchaser.

Schedule 5.5 Purchaser Capitalization As of December 11, 2024, the authorized capital of Purchaser consists of: (a) Preferred Stock. 352,381,213 shares of Preferred Stock, par value $0.0001 (the “Purchaser Preferred Stock”), of which 32,511,200 shares have been designated Series A Preferred Stock, all of which are issued and outstanding, 69,365,524 shares have been designated Series B Preferred Stock, 68,181,812 of which are issued and outstanding, 60,827,252 shares have been designated Series C Preferred Stock, all of which are issued and outstanding, 78,591,864 shares have been designated Series D Preferred Stock, 76,287,350 shares of which are issued and outstanding, 73,085,373 shares have been designated Series E Preferred Stock, all of which are issued and outstanding, 19,000,000 shares have been designated Series F Preferred Stock, 16,983,903 shares of which are issued and outstanding, and 19,000,000 shares have been designated Series F-1 Preferred Stock, 1,213,136 shares of which are issued and outstanding. (b) Common Stock. 650,000,000 shares of common stock, par value $0.0001 (the “Purchaser Common Stock”), of which 148,250,233 shares are issued and outstanding. (c) Except for (i) the conversion privileges of the Purchaser Preferred Stock, (ii) the rights provided in that certain Amended and Restated Investors’ Rights Agreement, dated as of July 7, 2021, by and among Purchaser and each of the investors listed on Schedule A thereto, (iii) currently outstanding options to purchase 65,636,117 shares of Purchaser Common Stock, 35,653,056 restricted stock units and no restricted stock awards granted to employees and other service providers pursuant to Purchaser’s 2012 Stock Option Plan (the “Purchaser Option Plan”) and its Subsidiaries’ equity plan, (iv) 6,732,515 shares of Purchaser Common Stock issuable upon exchange of currently outstanding Exchangeable Common Shares of Arctic Wolf Networks Canada Inc., (v) that certain Warrant to Purchase Common between the Purchaser and [Redacted: Private company investors subject to third party confidentiality obligations.], dated October 27, 2016, (vi) that certain Plain English Warrant Agreement between the Purchaser and [Redacted: Private company investors subject to third party confidentiality obligations.], dated June 20, 2018, (vii) that certain Loan and Security Agreement and four Warrant agreements entered into by Purchaser in August 2020 (together, the “2020 LSA”) with [Redacted: Private company investors subject to third party confidentiality obligations.], which in connection with such 2020 LSA, [Redacted: Private company investors subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] received warrants to purchase 1,748,252 shares of the Purchaser’s Series D Preferred Stock; (viii) Purchaser’s commitments to grant options to purchase Purchaser Common Stock and restricted stock units to various of Purchaser’s current and future employees and services providers; (ix) that certain Note Purchase Agreement among the Purchaser and the persons and entities listed on the Schedule of Investors attached thereto dated September 30, 2022, and the aggregate principal amount of $401,000,000 notes issued thereunder; (x) that certain Indenture among the Purchaser, the Guarantors (as defined therein) and U.S. Bank Trust National Association (as Trustee) dated September 30, 2022, and (xi) options to acquire 3,169,550 Exchangeable Common Shares pursuant to Arctic Wolf Networks Canada Inc.’s 2013 Stock Option Plan, there are no outstanding options, warrants, rights (including conversion or preemptive rights) or agreements for the purchase or acquisition from Purchaser of any shares of its capital stock. In addition to the aforementioned outstanding options, Purchaser has reserved an additional 6,930,955 shares of Purchaser Common Stock for purchase upon exercise of options or other equity awards to be granted in the future under the Purchaser Option Plan.

Schedule 6.6(a) Offered Employees List [Redacted: Protected personal information.]

Schedule 6.9(f) Purchase Price Allocation Methodology [Attached]

CONFIDENTIAL sf-6234353 Schedule 6.9(f) Purchase Price Allocation Methodology Selling Entity Purchasing Entity IRC § 1060 Classification Category Asset Value Allocation Methodology Cylance Inc. (US) Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. (US) Class VI (Section 197 Intangibles) Revenue Contracts [•] Intellectual Property [•] Class VII (Goodwill) [Goodwill] Residual BlackBerry Corporation (US) Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. (US) Class VI (Section 197 Intangibles) Revenue Contracts [•] BlackBerry Limited (Canada) Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. (US) Class VI (Section 197 Intangibles) Revenue Contracts [•] BlackBerry UK Limited (UK) Arctic Wolf Networks International, Inc. (US) Class V (Nonpublicly-traded Equity) Transferred Subsidiary Equity Interests [•] Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. (US) Class VI (Section 197 Intangibles) Revenue Contracts [•] BlackBerry Singapore Pte. Limited (Singapore) Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc. (US) Class VI (Section 197 Intangibles) Revenue Contracts [•] BlackBerry India Private Limited (India) Arctic Wolf Networks India Private Ltd. (India) Class VI (Workforce in Place) Assembled Workforce [•]

Schedule 11.4 Certain Assumed Employee Liabilities 1. With respect to each Continuing Employee who participates in Seller’s Variable Incentive Pay Program (the “VIP”, and each such Continuing Employee, a “VIP Participant”), an amount equal to the VIP Participant’s accrued bonus under the VIP for the Seller’s fiscal year in which the Closing occurs, calculated based on the Closing Date Balance Sheet. (the “Pro-Rata VIP Bonus”).

Schedule 11.7 Business Service Providers The employees listed on Column I (Employee Name) on the tab titled “Census – All” of the Census. [Redacted: Protected personal information.]

Schedule 11.36 Patent Litigation Matters The Patent Litigation Matter shall consist of the following: [Redacted: Disclosure of details regarding the status of patent assertions and litigations would be potentially prejudicial to resolution of such matters.]

Schedule 11.37 Permitted Encumbrances (a) None (c) None


This Disclosure Schedule (this “Disclosure Schedule”) is delivered in connection with the Equity and Asset Purchase Agreement, dated as of December 15, 2024, by and among Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc., a Delaware corporation (“Purchaser”), Arctic Wolf Networks International, Inc., a Delaware corporation, BlackBerry Limited, a corporation incorporated under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) (“Seller”), and BlackBerry UK Limited, a private limited company organized under the laws of England and Wales (“Transferred Subsidiary Parent”) (the “Agreement”). Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in this Disclosure Schedule have their respective meanings as set forth in the Agreement. Any headings herein are included for convenience of reference only and shall be ignored in the construction and interpretation hereof. Any summary of or reference to a written document in this Disclosure Schedule is qualified by the terms of such documents, annexes, schedules and exhibits. This Disclosure Schedule is arranged in paragraphs corresponding to the numbered and lettered paragraphs contained in Section 4 of the Agreement, and the disclosure in any such numbered and lettered Section of this Disclosure Schedule shall qualify any section or subsection in Section 4 of the Agreement to the extent that it is reasonably apparent on its face that such disclosure should qualify or apply to such section or subsection. Information set forth in this Disclosure Schedule may be included for informational purposes and may not be required to be disclosed pursuant to the Agreement. The disclosure of any information in the Disclosure Schedule shall not be deemed to constitute an acknowledgment that such information is required to be disclosed in connection with the representations and warranties made by Seller in the Agreement or that such information is material, nor shall such information be deemed to establish a standard of materiality, and no party shall use the inclusion of any such information in any dispute or controversy between the parties as to whether any obligation, item or matter not included in any Section of this Disclosure Schedule is or is not material for purposes of the Agreement. The inclusion of any specific amount, item or matter in any Section of this Disclosure Schedule is not intended to imply that such amount, item or matter, or other amounts, items or matters, are or are not in the Ordinary Course, except with respect to disclosure of exceptions to representations and warranties that provide that an amount, item or matter is in the Ordinary Course. The information contained in this Disclosure Schedule is disclosed solely for the purposes of the Agreement, and no information contained herein shall be deemed to be an admission by any party to any third party of any matter whatsoever, including any violation of Law or breach of any Contract. The information contained in this Disclosure Schedule is intended to qualify the representations and warranties in Section 4 of the Agreement, but the disclosure of any matter or document in this Disclosure Schedule shall not imply or create any representation, warranty or undertaking not expressly given in the Agreement nor be taken as extending the scope of any representation, warranty or undertaking set forth in the Agreement. The information contained in this Disclosure Schedule is confidential, proprietary information of Seller. Purchaser shall be obligated to maintain and protect such confidential information in accordance with the Agreement.

3 Section 4.3 Capitalization of Transferred Subsidiary (a) • The authorized share capital of the Transferred Subsidiary is EUR1,000,000, consisting of 1,000,000 ordinary shares of EUR1.00 each. 100 ordinary shares are issued and outstanding, all of which are held as of record by Transferred Subsidiary Parent.

4 Section 4.4 No Conflicts (b) • The following Material Contracts contain non-assignment provisions or require counterparty consent or notice to be provided: o Agreement for the Provision of [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.], dated December 14, 2015, by and between Cylance Inc. and [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] – notice is required to assign the agreement to an Affiliate. o Lease of Second Floor, dated October 26, 2021, by and between [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.], as Landlord, Transferred Subsidiary, as Tenant, and BlackBerry Limited, as Guarantor, as amended pursuant to the Side Letter, dated October 27, 2021, as supplemented by the Dead of Variation, dated August 21, 2024, and the Deed of Surrender, dated August 21, 2021. (the “Cork Lease”) – consent of the landlord is required to substitute the Guarantor under the lease. o Contracts with each of the following Key Customers: [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] o Contracts with each of the following Key Suppliers: [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]

5 Section 4.5 Governmental Approvals and Consents • None.

6 Section 4.7 No Undisclosed Liabilities (c) The following disclosure is made for informational purposes only and shall in no way affect any rights to indemnification under the Agreement that may arise in connection with such matter, if any: • The Irish Tax Disclosure.

7 Section 4.8 Absence of Changes (a) (i) • In mid-October 2024, Seller implemented a reduction in force, which affected the Sales & Marketing departments of the Business and resulted in the employment termination of [Redacted: Number of employees impacted is commercially sensitive information.] employees who were providing services to Seller and its Affiliates in connection with the Business (the “October 2024 RIF”). This reduction in force did not trigger any notice requirement under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988 or similar state laws. (b) • The October 2024 RIF.

8 Section 4.9 Contracts and Commitments (a) (i) • Contracts with the customers set forth in Annex 4.9(a)(i) attached hereto. [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] (ii) • Contracts with the suppliers set forth in Annex 4.9(a)(ii) attached hereto. [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] (iii) • The following Contracts with suppliers of the Transferred Subsidiary: o The Cork Lease o [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] o Life Group Disability Policy. o [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] o Life Group Death in Service Policy. o [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] o with respect to group healthcare premiums. o [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] o with respect to employee supplemental benefits. There is no written agreement. o [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] o , dated October 25, 2022, by and between [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.], as the Founder, the Transferred Subsidiary, as the Participant, and [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.], as the Trustee (the “Participation Agreement”). o Definitive Deed and Related Rules New Ireland Master Trust, dated March 10, 2020, by and between [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] (the “Master Trust Deed”). o Service Contract, dated April 1, 2022, by and between the Transferred Subsidiary and [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.], as amended pursuant to Amendment No. 1, effective as of April 1, 2023, and as further amended pursuant to Amendment No. 2, effective as of April 1, 2024 (the “[Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Service Contract”). o Purchase Order PO44359, dated March 19, 2024, by and between [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] and the Transferred Subsidiary (the “[Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Purchase Order”). o Invoice number 562655844635, dated December 5, 2024, by and between [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] and Cylance Ireland Limited. o Cork City Council Municipal Rate 2024, Rate No. RA0484314110013, dated July 22, 2024, for the Transferred Subsidiary Customer Number 151811. o Cork City Council Municipal Rate 2024, Rate No. RA048431411000X, dated July 22, 2024, for the Transferred Subsidiary Customer Number 161015.

9 o Cork City Council Municipal Rate 2024, Rate No. RA0484314130002, dated July 22, 2024, for the Transferred Subsidiary Customer Number 136784. o Cork City Council Municipal Rate 2024, Rate No. RA0484314110027, dated July 22, 2024, for the Transferred Subsidiary Customer Number 165438. o [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] o with respect to building operating expenses. There is no written agreement. o Agreement with [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] with respect to telecom services. (b) (i) • The Cork Lease. • [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] • The Participation Agreement. • The Master Trust Deed. • The [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Service Contract. • [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Purchase Order (ii) None. (iii) Contracts with each of the customers set forth in Annex 4.9(b)(iii) attached hereto. [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] (iv) Contracts with each of the suppliers set forth in Annex 4.9(b)(iv) attached hereto. [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] (v) None. (vi) None. (vii) None. (viii) None. (ix) (A)

10 None. (B) • BlackBerry Sales Incentive Compensation Plan • BlackBerry FY25 Variable Incentive Pay Program (x) None. (xi) None. (xii) None. (xiii) None. (xiv) None. (xv) None. (xvi) • Contracts with each of the persons set forth in Annex 4.9(b)(xvi) attached hereto. [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] (xvii) None. (xviii) None. (xix) None. (c) (iii) The following disclosure is made for informational purposes only and shall in no way affect any rights to indemnification under the Agreement that may arise in connection with such matter, if any: • [Redacted: Commercially sensitive third-party information subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] (d)

11 • See Annex 4.9(d) attached hereto for a list of Material Contracts for which the Transferred Subsidiary or any Selling Entity received a notice of termination or non-renewal from the applicable counterparties. [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]

12 Section 4.10 Taxes (a) The following disclosure is made for informational purposes only and shall in no way affect any rights to indemnification under the Agreement that may arise in connection with such matter, if any: • The Transferred Subsidiary’s Irish corporate income tax return for the tax year ending February 2024 was filed in November 2024. An Irish corporate income tax accrual for the tax year ending February 2024 was not included on the Transferred Subsidiary balance sheet dated September 30, 2024. A true-up accrual of approximately EUR [Redacted: Sensitive tax data with respect to immaterial tax liabilities that are neither due nor payable at this time.] was included as of November 2024 upon filing of the tax return for the tax year ending February 2024, and a refund of approximately EUR [Redacted: Sensitive tax data with respect to immaterial tax liabilities that are neither due nor payable at this time.] was received in December 2024 for the February 2024 taxable year. An accrual for Irish corporate income tax for the tax year ending February 2025 is not currently included on the Transferred Subsidiary balance sheet but the Irish corporate income tax will not exceed EUR [Redacted: Sensitive tax data with respect to immaterial tax liabilities that are neither due nor payable at this time.] for the portion of such taxable year ending on the date hereof. This disclosure shall be referred to as the “Irish Tax Disclosure”.

13 Section 4.11 Privacy and Information Security (c) The following disclosure is made with respect to the first sentence of Section 4.11(c) for informational purposes only and shall in no way affect any rights to indemnification under the Agreement that may arise in connection with such matter, if any: • [Redacted: Commercially sensitive third-party information subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] (d) The following disclosure is made with respect to the first sentence of Section 4.11(d) for informational purposes only and shall in no way affect any rights to indemnification under the Agreement that may arise in connection with such matter, if any: • [Redacted: Commercially sensitive third-party information subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] (e)(ii) The following disclosure is made for informational purposes only and shall in no way affect any rights to indemnification under the Agreement that may arise in connection with such matter, if any: • Certain customer contracts require the Selling Entities to notify the customers that Purchaser will, after the Closing Date, Process Personal Information on behalf of the customer. (f) The following disclosure is made with respect to the second sentence of Section 4.11(f) for informational purposes only and shall in no way affect any rights to indemnification under the Agreement that may arise in connection with such matter, if any: • [Redacted: Commercially sensitive third-party information subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] (h) The following disclosure is made with respect to the first sentence of Section 4.11(h) for informational purposes only and shall in no way affect any rights to indemnification under the Agreement that may arise in connection with such matter, if any:

14 • [Redacted: Commercially sensitive third-party information subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] (j) The following disclosure is made with respect to the first and third sentences of Section 4.11(j) for informational purposes only and shall in no way affect any rights to indemnification under the Agreement that may arise in connection with such matter, if any: • [Redacted: Commercially sensitive third-party information subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]

311419275 v10 15 Section 4.12 Intellectual Property Rights (b) • Schedule 1.2-A(6) of the Agreement is incorporated by reference. • The following disclosure is made against clause (ii) of Section 4.12(b) of the Agreement: there is one pending opposition that Seller filed against the mark NLANCE in India. (d) The following disclosures are made against the first sentence of Section 4.12(d): • Under the Cylance OEM Agreement, dated December 7, 2017, between [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.], and Cylance Inc., as amended by Amendment # 1, dated July 30, 2018, Amendment No. 2, dated December 15, 2020, and Amendment No. 3, dated February 16, 2023 [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Cylance Inc. granted [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.], as the authorized reseller of certain Cylance software products, a non-exclusive license to use certain trademarks of Cylance Inc. in advertising and promotional materials for the promotion of such Cylance software products. • Under the Order Form, dated February 24, 2021, [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]. Cylance Inc. granted to [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] a non-exclusive and non-transferable limited license, for the term of the [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Agreement, to reproduce and distribute certain software subscriptions purchased thereunder on the terms set forth in the [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Agreement. (g) None. (k) The following disclosure is made for informational purposes with respect to and shall in no way affect any rights to indemnification under Section 8.2(a)(xii) of the Agreement that may arise in connection with such matter, if any: • [Redacted: Disclosure of details regarding the status of patent assertions and litigations would be potentially prejudicial to resolution of such matters.] (l) • From time to time, Seller (or one of its Affiliates) files opposition or cancellation actions in the ordinary course of business against applicants who filed applications for trademarks that Seller deems to be confusingly similar Seller’s marks. • An Affiliate of Seller has also filed Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy actions in the ordinary course of business, in connection with third-party domains that Seller thought were improperly registered. Please find listed below.

311419275 v10 16 Country Title Status Outcome Wipo - WO UDRP No. D2020-0890 - v. Registrant of cylanceav.com and v. Registrant of cylanceguard.com Closed Domain names were transferred to Cylance Inc. Wipo - WO UDRP No. D2020-0891 - v. Registrant of cylanceguard.com [Merged with UDRP No. D2020- 0890] Closed Domain name was transferred to Cylance Inc. Wipo - WO UDRP No. D2021-4212 - v. Rashmika Molia, Registrant of cylancesupportnumber.com Closed Domain names were transferred to Cylance Inc. India India Opposition No. 1051013 – Cylance Inc. V. NCRYPTED TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED (3988601 for NLANCE IC 9) Pending Pending (p) • [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]

311419275 v10 17 Section 4.13 Real and Personal Property • The Cork Lease, which contains a customary restoration clause. • Business Centre Agreement, dated December 6, 2023, by and between [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] and BlackBerry India Private Limited (the “Noida Lease”).

311419275 v10 18 Section 4.15 Insurance Policy Name Insured Carrier Coverage Premium Effective Period Commercial Liability Policy No. [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] (Employers Liability) Transferred Subsidiary [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] EUR 15,000,000 EUR 4,260.56 June 1, 2024- 12:00pm GMT on June 1, 2025

311419275 v10 19 Section 4.16 Litigation The following disclosure is made for informational purposes with respect to and shall in no way affect any rights to indemnification under Section 8.2(a)(xii) of the Agreement that may arise in connection with such matter, if any: • In September 2022, Backertop Licensing LLC filed a complaint against the Company alleging patent infringement. In March 2023, both parties agreed to dismiss the case and filed a joint stipulation of dismissal with prejudice. • Section 4.12(k) of this Disclosure Schedule is incorporated by reference.

311419275 v10 20 Section 4.17 Compliance with Laws (d) • Seller holds three export licenses from appropriate Canadian governmental authorities that enables it to transfer products to its Subsidiaries, which will not be transferred at Closing: o CylanceAVERT Cloud o CylanceGATEWAY Server o CylanceMDR Server • In addition, the Selling Entities hold certain permits in the Ordinary Course, which are not specific to the operation of the Business and will not be transferred at Closing.

311419275 v10 21 Section 4.18 Employees (a) • The severance amounts provided in the Census are the estimated amounts as of January 31, 2025. (b) • The [Redacted: Number of employees impacted is commercially sensitive information.] employees affected by the October 2024 RIF. (c) • Within the past three years, [Redacted: Number of employees impacted is commercially sensitive information.] employees of the Transferred Subsidiary have been impacted by reduction in force actions implemented by Seller and its Subsidiaries.

311419275 v10 22 Section 4.19 Employee Benefit Matters (a) Plans sponsored by the Transferred Subsidiary are identified with an asterisk. 1. Blackberry Limited Equity Incentive Plan and the equity awards granted thereunder 2. BlackBerry Sales Incentive Compensation Plan 3. BlackBerry FY25 Variable Incentive Pay Program United States: 4. BlackBerry 401(k) Plan ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] ) 5. Medical ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] ) 6. Dental ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] ) 7. Vision ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 8. Short-term Disability ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 9. Long-term Disability ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 10. Basic Employee Life and AD&D ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] ) 11. Voluntary Life and AD&D ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] ) 12. Flexibility Spending Accounts ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] ) 13. Health Saving Accounts ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] ) 14. Commuter Benefits Accounts ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] ) 15. [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Critical Illness Insurance 16. [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Fitness Reimbursement Program 17. Employee Assistance Program

311419275 v10 23 18. Travel Assistance – [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] 19. Emergency Travel Insurance – [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] 20. Business Travel Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 21. Bring Your Own Phone Program Australia: 22. Death & Total Permanent Disability ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 23. Long-Term Disability ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 24. Superannuation ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 25. Resident Health Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 26. Business Travel AD&D ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 27. Travel Assistance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 28. Emergency Travel Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 29. Employee Assistance Program ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 30. Wellness reimbursement 31. Vacation entitlement as specified in offer letter 32. Global Service Recognition Awards 33. Star Award Program 34. Bring Your Own Phone Program Canada: 35. Prescription drugs ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 36. Hospital ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.])

311419275 v10 24 37. Paramedical ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 38. Vision ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 39. Orthotics/ orthopedic shoes [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 40. Hearing Aids ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 41. Private Duty Nursing ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] ) 42. Supplies / Services ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 43. Dental Benefit ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] ) 44. Short-Term Disability Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] ) 45. Long-Term Disability ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 46. Life and AD&D Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 47. Group Registered Retirement Savings Plan & BlackBerry Matching Plan ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 48. Tax Free Savings Account ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 49. Employee Assistance Program 50. Travel Assistance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 51. Emergency Travel Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 52. Personal Spending Account 53. Health Spending Account 54. Wellness Program (Same as PSA) 55. Vacation 56. BlackBerry Days 57. Global Service Recognition Awards

311419275 v10 25 58. Star Award Program 59. Bring Your Own Phone Program France: 60. Medical ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 61. Group Life Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 62. Disability Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 63. Plan Epargne Entreprise ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 64. PERCO ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 65. Fitness and Wellness Reimbursement 66. Ticket Cheque Emploi Service Universel ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 67. Travel Assistance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 68. Emergency Travel Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 69. Employee and Family Assistance Program ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 70. Annual Leave 71. BlackBerry Days 72. Service Recognition Awards 73. STAR Award Program Germany: 74. Pension Plan ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 75. LeaseABike ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 76. Travel Assistance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 77. Emergency Travel Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.])

311419275 v10 26 78. Business Travel AD&D ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 79. Employee Assistance Program ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 80. Fitness Reimbursement Spending Account 81. Bring Your Own Phone Program 82. BlackBerry Days Hong Kong: 83. Group Life Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 84. Accidental Death and Disablement ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 85. Long-Term Disability ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 86. Hospital & Surgical ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 87. Top Up Benefits – Excess Hospital & Surgical Cover ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 88. Primary Care – Outpatient ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 89. Dental Benefits ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 90. Travel Assistance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 91. Emergency Travel Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 92. Business Travel AD&D ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 93. Employee Assistance Plan 94. Wellness Reimbursement Program 95. Annual Leave 96. BlackBerry Days 97. Professional Association Fees

311419275 v10 27 98. Mandatory Provident Fund 99. Housing Rental Reimbursement Program Salary Sacrifice Scheme 100. Global Service Recognition Awards 101. Star Award Program 102. Bring Your Own Phone Program India: 103. Health Insurance (Employee + Dependents and Parents) ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 104. Accidental Death and Disability ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 105. Meal Allowance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 106. Wellness Reimbursement Program 107. Travel Assistance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 108. Emergency Travel Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 109. Business Travel AD&D ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 110. Employee Assistance Program ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 111. Vacation Days 112. BlackBerry Days 113. Global Service Recognition Awards 114. Star Award Program 115. Bring Your Own Phone Program Ireland: 116. Private Medical Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.])* 117. Group Disability Policy Conditions ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.])*

311419275 v10 28 118. Group Death in Service Policy Conditions ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.])* 119. Group Retirement Plan* 120. The Participation Agreement* 121. Eye Care and VDU eVoucher ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.])* 122. Bike to Work / TravelPass ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 123. Travel Assistance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 124. Emergency Travel Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 125. Business Travel AD&D ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 126. Employee Assistance Program ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 127. Annual Leave 128. BlackBerry Days 129. Global Service Recognition Awards 130. Star Award Program 131. Bring Your Own Phone Program 132. €350 per year fitness / wellness reimbursement Italy: 133. Medical Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 134. Life, Accidental Death and Disability Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 135. Pension Plan ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 136. Ticket Restaurant ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 137. Travel Assistance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.])

311419275 v10 29 138. Emergency Travel Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 139. Business Travel AD&D ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 140. Employee Assistance Program ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 141. Fitness/Wellness Reimbursement 142. Annual Leave 143. BlackBerry Days 144. Service Recognition Awards 145. STAR Award Program 146. Bring Your Own Phone Program Japan: 147. Group Life Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 148. Group Personal Accident ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 149. Supplementary Personal Accident ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 150. Group Short Term Disability Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 151. Health Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 152. Travel Assistance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 153. Emergency Travel Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 154. Business Travel AD&D ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 155. Employee Assistance Program ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 156. Wellness Reimbursement

311419275 v10 30 157. Vacation Days 158. Global Service Recognition Awards 159. Star Award Program 160. Bring Your Own Phone Program Malaysia: 161. Group Term Life ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 162. Accidental Death and Accident ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 163. Group Hospital & Surgical ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 164. Group Outpatient GP & LP Limit ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 165. Wellness Reimbursement Program 166. Travel Assistance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 167. Emergency Travel Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 168. Business Travel AD&D ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 169. Employee Assistance Program ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 170. Vacation Days Netherlands: 171. Medical Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 172. Life and Disability ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 173. Pension ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 174. Travel Assistance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.])

311419275 v10 31 175. Emergency Travel Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 176. Business Travel AD&D ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 177. Employee Assistance Program ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 178. Annual Leave 179. BlackBerry Days 180. Service Recognition Awards 181. STAR Award Program 182. Bring Your Own Phone Program Spain: 183. Medical Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 184. Accidental Death and Disability ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 185. Pension Plan ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 186. Ticket Restaurant and Child Care Vouchers ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 187. Travel Assistance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 188. Emergency Travel Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 189. Business Travel AD&D ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 190. Employee & Family Assistance Program ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 191. Fitness Reimbursement Spending Account 192. Annual Leave 193. BlackBerry Days 194. Service Recognition Awards

311419275 v10 32 195. STAR Award Program 196. Bring Your Own Phone Program Singapore: 197. Group Term Life ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 198. Group Medical ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 199. Group Major Medical ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 200. Group Personal Accident ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 201. Group Dental PPO Plan ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 202. Travel Assistance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 203. Emergency Travel Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 204. Business Travel AD&D ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 205. Employee & Family Assistance Program ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 206. Wellness Reimbursement Program 207. Vacation Days 208. BlackBerry Days 209. Global Service Recognition Awards 210. STAR Award Program 211. Bring Your Own Phone Program United Kingdom: 212. Medical Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] ) 213. Dental Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] )

311419275 v10 33 214. Group Personal Pension ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 215. Group Life Assurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 216. Long Term Disability ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 217. Short Term Disability ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 218. Eye Care Vouchers and VDU Vouchers ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 219. Cycle to Work Scheme 220. Season Ticket Loan 221. Travel Assistance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 222. Emergency Travel Insurance ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 223. Business Travel AD&D ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 224. Employee Assistance Program ([Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]) 225. Fitness Reimbursement Spending Account 226. Annual Leave 227. BlackBerry Days 228. Global Service Recognition Awards 229. STAR Award Program 230. Bring Your Own Phone Program (i) None.

311419275 v10 34 Section 4.20 Indebtedness • Taxes described in clause  (c) of the definition of Indemnified Taxes, or, to the extent payable by any Purchasing Entity, clause (b) of the definition of Indemnified Taxes, that are unpaid as of immediately prior to the Closing. • Intercompany payables, which will be extinguished prior to the Closing.

311419275 v10 35 Section 4.21 Customers and Suppliers (a) The customers set forth in Annex 4.9(b)(iii) attached hereto. [Redacted: Proprietary customer data and subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] (b) The suppliers set forth in Annex 4.9(b)(iv) attached hereto. [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.]

311419275 v10 36 Section 4.23 Brokers’ and Finders’ Fees Upon completion of the transaction, Perella Weinberg Partners LP (“PwP”) is entitled to receive payment of a success fee pursuant to an advisory services engagement agreement dated December 1, 2024, between PwP and BlackBerry Limited.

311419275 v10 37 Section 4.24 Transferred Subsidiary Operations; Title to Assets; Sufficiency of Assets (a) Part A None. Part B Assets • Cash held in a euro-denominated Bank of America account. • Tax credits related to sales taxes paid and recoverable through VAT tax filings. • Intercompany receivables. • Prepaid Employee Liability Insurance (Worker’s Compensation) through May 31, 2025. • The Transferred Subsidiary is a party to the Contracts (“Transferred Subsidiary Vendor Contracts”) listed or described below: [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] • Intercompany Services Agreement, dated October 17, 2016, by and between Cylance Inc. and the Transferred Subsidiary, as amended pursuant to Amendment A, dated May 1, 2019. • Intercompany Agreement for transfers of Personal Data, dated December 27, 2022, by and between BlackBerry Limited, the Transferred Subsidiary, and each of the other parties set out in Schedule A thereto. • Commercial Liability Policy No. [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] • Letter Agreement, by and between the Transferred Subsidiary and each of the following employees: [Redacted: Protected personal information.] • The Cork Lease. • Leasehold improvements and building construction security relating to the Cork Lease. • Computer hardware and IT equipment. • Office supplies, office furniture and equipment. Liabilities • Accounts payables under the Transferred Company Vendor Contracts and intercompany payables. • Accrued liabilities relating to estimated dilapidation on the facility for Project SAS. • Employment-related liabilities, including accrued payroll, employee commissions and benefits. • Accrued liabilities relating to payroll withholdings, which are used to purchase shares in Seller at a 15% discount pursuant to the Employee Share Purchase Plan. • Taxes, including payroll withholding taxes and federal corporation income taxes. • Operating lease liabilities relating to the Cork Lease. (c) • Personal computers and laptops, legal services, corporate management services, finance services, human resource services and sales and marketing services.

311419275 v10 38 • Leased office space used in connection with the Business other than the Transferred Property, including all tangible personal property, IT infrastructure, furniture and office equipment and fixtures in such leased office space. • Insurance policies relating to the Business other than the Transferred Insurance Policies. (e) Transferred Subsidiary Excluded Assets – None. Transferred Subsidiary Excluded Liabilities – None. Transferred Subsidiary Indebtedness – None. Transferred Subsidiary Excluded Contracts – None.

311419275 v10 39 Section 6.1 Conduct of the Business Pending Closing (e) (i) • Renewal of [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] Agreement, dated January 21, 2021, between [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.], dated December 22, 2023, prepared for Blackberry Corporation c/o Cylance, by [Redacted: Vendor contracts subject to third party confidentiality obligations.] . • Renewal of the Noida Lease substantially on the terms made available to Purchaser.