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加拿大多倫多交易所: LAC • 紐交所: LAC




Lithium Americas宣佈Thacker Pass的關閉



十二月2024年23日 - 加拿大溫哥華: Lithium Americas Corp.(TSX: LAC)(紐交所: LAC) (“Lithium Americas”或 “公司今天宣佈關閉其先前宣佈的創業公司(“創業公司與通用汽車控股公司(“通用汽車)共同資助、開發、施工並運營位於內華達州洪堡縣的Thacker Pass項目Thacker Pass”或“項目, 以提供符合北美關鍵礦產供應鏈的電池級鋰碳酸鹽”).

Lithium Americas現在持有Thacker Pass的62%權益,並將管理該項目。通用汽車以6.25億美元的總現金和信用證收購了Thacker Pass的38%權益(通用汽車的合資投資),包括4.3億美元的直接現金資金,支持第一階段的施工1 和1.95億美元的信用證設施(信用證設施”).

作爲交易的組成部分,通用汽車已向合資企業注入了3.3億美元現金,以及來自Lithium Americas的1.38億美元2 的資金。通用汽車剩餘的1億美元現金貢獻,以及Lithium Americas的1.81億美元貢獻,將在最終投資決策時(最終投資決策)用於第一階段。

通用汽車將在公司之前公佈的美國能源部(“) 226億美元貸款的首次提款之前發佈LC設施。能源部貸款)預計將在2025年中期進行。

「Lithium Americas和通用汽車共同致力於推動Thacker Pass的生產,以顯著提高國內關鍵鋰供應的產量, 減少對外國供應商的依賴,並開始創造新的就業機會,帶動內華達州北部的經濟活動,」Lithium Americas的總裁兼首席執行官Jonathan Evans表示。“我們目標是在2025年初宣佈最終投資決定。我們的工程、採購和施工管理承包商Bechtel及其他主要承包商已經在現場加快了工作, 降低風險 施工進度, 我們繼續以2027年末的完成爲目標。”

作爲合資公司關閉的一部分,Lithium Americas和能源部已經完成了對能源部貸款文檔的修訂,以適應合資公司的成立。能源部貸款的主要條款保持不變。


關於與通用汽車的合資企業,高盛和Evercore集團擔任Lithium Americas的財務顧問,Vinson & Elkins LLP和Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP擔任Lithium Americas的法律顧問。BMO資本市場在2023年1月宣佈的GM原始投資中擔任Lithium Americas的財務顧問。

關於能源部貸款,高盛和Co. LLC擔任Lithium Americas的財務顧問,Vinson & Elkins LLP擔任Lithium Americas的法律顧問。




第一階段是Thacker Pass的初始生產階段,目標爲每年生產40,000噸電池級鋰碳酸鹽(每年)的電池級鋰碳酸鹽。


代表的是210百萬美元的初步Lithium Americas預計的貢獻,參考了2024年10月16日關於與通用汽車合資企業的公告,並根據2024年8月之後發生的約定支出的信用進行調整。



關於Lithium Americas

Lithium Americas is committed to responsibly developing the Thacker Pass project located in Humboldt County in northern Nevada, which hosts the largest known Measured and Indicated lithium resource in North America. The Company is focused on advancing Thacker Pass Phase 1 toward production, targeting nameplate capacity of 40,000 tpa of battery-quality lithium carbonate. The Company and its engineering, procurement and construction management contractor, Bechtel, entered into a National Construction Agreement (Project Labor Agreement) with North America’s Building Trades Unions for construction of Thacker Pass. The three-year construction build is expected to create approximately 1,800 direct jobs. Lithium Americas’ shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and New York Stock Exchange under the symbol LAC. To learn more, visit www.lithiumamericas.com or follow @LithiumAmericas on social media.


Virginia Morgan,VP,投資者關係和ESG




This news release contains 「forward-looking information」 within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation, and 「forward-looking statements」 within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (collectively referred to as 「forward-looking information」 (“FLI”)). All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are FLI and can be identified by the use of statements that include, but are not limited to, words, such as 「anticipate,」 「plan,」 「continues,」 「estimate,」 「expect,」 「may,」 「will,」 「projects,」 「predict,」 「proposes,」 「potential,」 「target,」 「implement,」 「scheduled,」 「forecast,」 「intend,」 「would,」 「could,」 「might,」 「should,」 「believe」 and similar terminology, or statements that certain actions, events or results 「may,」 「could,」 「would,」 「might」 or 「will」 be taken, occur or be achieved. FLI in this news release includes, but is not limited to, expectations regarding satisfaction of draw-down conditions for the DOE Loan; the timing of GM’s posting of the LC Facility and the first draw on the DOE Loan; ; anticipated timing for FID; expectation about the extent that the JV, DOE Loan, and cash on hand would fund the development and construction of Thacker Pass; expectations and timing on the commencement of major construction and first production; project 降低風險 initiatives; expectations related to the construction build, job creation and nameplate capacity of the Project as well as other statements with respect to the Company’s future objectives and strategies to achieve these objectives, and management’s beliefs, plans, estimates and intentions, and similar statements concerning anticipated future events, results, circumstances, performance or expectations that are not historical facts.

FLI involves known and unknown risks, assumptions and other factors that may cause actual results or performance to differ materially. FLI reflects the Company’s current views about future events, and while considered reasonable by the Company as of the date of this news release, are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies. Accordingly, there can be no certainty that they will accurately reflect actual results. Assumptions upon which such FLI is based include, without limitation, the absence of material adverse events affecting the Company during the construction of the Project; the ability of the Company to satisfy all draw-down conditions under the DOE Loan; expectations regarding the Company’s financial resources and future prospects; the ability to meet future objectives and priorities; a cordial business relationship between the Company and third party strategic and contractual partners; general business and economic uncertainties and adverse market conditions; the availability of equipment and facilities necessary to complete development and construction at the Project; unforeseen technological and engineering problems; political factors, including the impact of the results of the 2024 U.S. presidential election on, among other things, the extractive resource industry, the green energy transition and the electric vehicle market; uncertainties inherent to feasibility studies and mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates; uncertainties relating to receiving and maintaining mining, exploration, environmental and other permits or approvals in





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