華盛頓特區 20549 |
(修正案編號 4)*
Pyxis腫瘤學公司 (發行者名稱) |
普通股,面值每股$0.001 (證券類別的標題) |
747324101 (CUSIP編號) |
帕梅拉·康尼利 321 哈里森大道, 波士頓, MA, 02118 (617) 351 2575 (收到通知和通訊的授權人的姓名、地址和電話號碼) |
12/23/2024 (需要提交本聲明的事件日期) |
CUSIP編號 | 747324101 |
1 |
拉拉·沙利文 | ||||||||
2 | 如果是集團成員,請勾選適當的框(請參閱指示)
(a) (b) | ||||||||
3 | 僅供SEC使用 | ||||||||
4 |
PF | ||||||||
5 |
| ||||||||
6 | 公民身份或組織地點
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每個報告人受益擁有的股份數量: |
| ||||||||
11 | 每個報告人所實際擁有的總金額
6,624,699.00 | ||||||||
12 | 檢查行(11)中的總金額是否排除了某些股票(請參閱說明)
| ||||||||
13 | 行(11)中金額所代表的類別百分比
10.3 % | ||||||||
14 | 報告人類型(見說明)
IN |
項目1. | 證券和發行公司。 | |
(a) | 證券類別標題:
普通股,面值每股$0.001 | |
(b) | 發行人名稱:
Pyxis腫瘤學公司 | |
(c) | 發行人主要執行辦公室地址:
美國馬薩諸塞州波士頓哈里森大道321號,郵政編碼02118。 | |
本修正案第4號附錄13D("修正案第4號")由簽名人根據該法的第13d-2(a)條款提交,關於Pyxis Oncology, Inc.("發行人")的普通股,每股面值0.001美元("股份"),其主要執行辦公地址位於馬薩諸塞州波士頓哈里森大道321號,郵政編碼02118。本修正案第4號修改並補充於2021年10月22日向美國證券交易委員會("SEC")提交的附錄13D聲明("原附錄13D"),該聲明經2022年5月23日提交的修正案第1號、2023年4月4日提交的修正案第2號和2024年4月3日提交的修正案第3號修訂(連同本修正案第4號一起,統稱爲"附錄13D")。本文件中使用的專有名詞,如未在本修正案第4號中另作定義,則具有在附錄13D中之前定義的含義。除非本文件中特別規定,否則本修正案第4號不修改附錄13D中之前報告的任何信息。 | ||
項目2. | 身份和背景 | |
(a) | 拉拉·沙利文 | |
(b) | 馬薩諸塞州波士頓哈里森街321號 | |
(c) | 總裁兼首席執行官,Pyxis Oncology, Inc. | |
(d) | 否 | |
(e) | 否 | |
(f) | 美利堅合衆國 | |
項目3。 | 資金或其他考慮因素的來源和金額 | |
根據拉拉·沙利文擔任發行人首席執行官的職位,發行人在2024年12月23日授予報告人一個購買1,135,000股股票的期權,行權價格爲每股1.67美元。該股票期權將在2025年12月23日完全歸屬,前提是報告人在歸屬日期之前繼續受僱。 | ||
項目4。 | 交易目的 | |
對此第4號修訂的第3項的回應在此引用。 | ||
第五項。 | 發行人證券的利益 | |
(a) | Item 5 of the Schedule 13D is hereby amended and supplemented as follows:
As of the date hereof, the Reporting Person may be deemed to be the beneficial owner of 6,624,699 Shares, representing approximately 10.3% of the total number of shares outstanding. This amount includes: (i) an aggregate 4,220,817 Shares obtainable upon exercise of options, certain of which are subject to vesting upon the Reporting Person's continued employment through the applicable vesting date; and (ii) 537,335 Shares obtainable upon vesting of RSUs, all of which are subject to vesting upon the Reporting Person's continued employment through the applicable vesting date.
The foregoing beneficial ownership percentage is based on the sum of (i) 59,465,729 Shares outstanding as of November 11, 2024, as reported in the Issuer's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on November 12, 2024, plus (ii) the 4,220,817 Shares issuable upon exercise of options granted to the Reporting Person, and (iii) the 537,335 Shares issuable upon vesting of RSUs granted to the Reporting Person, each of (ii) and (iii) which have been added to the total Shares outstanding in accordance with Rule 13d-(d)(1)(i) under the Act. | |
(b) | The response to Item 5(a) of this Amendment No. 4 is incorporated by reference herein. | |
(c) | The response to Item 3 of this Amendment No. 4 is incorporated by reference herein. Other than as disclosed in this Amendment No. 4, there have been no transactions in the Shares by the Reporting Person effected during the past sixty days. |
簽名 | |