moomoo SG Help Center-Cash Withdrawable
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Cash Withdrawable

1. What is cash withdrawable?

Cash withdrawable refers to the cash you can withdraw from your securities account to your bank account, including but not limited to:

  • Uninvested cash;

  • Funds settled after selling stocks.


Your cash withdrawable amount may be impacted by various factors, as listed below:

  • Asset settlement: Includes the process of buying and selling assets like stocks, options, and mutual funds, as well as distributing dividends, and more.

  • Trading costs: Includes funds on hold, stock borrowing fees, margin, and more.


Please note that your cash withdrawable amount may not be updated in real time. It may take 1-3 business days for your account to update.

If you need to withdraw funds urgently and are unsure about the amount required to open a trade, we suggest you suspend trading for 2-3 business days before you intend to withdraw funds. This will help ensure that you can withdraw the most amount of funds available.


2. What may affect your cash withdrawable?

2.1 Asset settlement

1)Stocks & options trades

When you trade, the funds will be updated to your cash withdrawable once the settlement with the exchange is successful. The time it takes to settle varies by exchange. Below are the settlement cycles for some products:

  • Stock Connect A Shares: T+1

  • Options and Futures: T+1

  • Singapore Stocks: T+2

  • Hong Kong Stocks: T+2

  • US Stocks: T+2

Note: The US stocks are settled in the post-market trading session 1 days after the transaction day, however, due to time zone differences, this will complete on the 2nd day in Singapore.



For Singapore, Hong Kong stocks, and Stock Connect A shares:

  • Singapore or Hong Kong stocks sold on Monday, 07/31/2023 SGT will be settled on Wednesday 08/02/2023 SGT.

  • Stock Connect A shares sold on Monday 07/31/2023 SGT will be settled on Tuesday 08/01/2023 SGT.

Singapore Time






Singapore or Hong Kong stock trades

Sell (T day)


Settling (T+1 day)


Settled (T+2 day)

Trading day

Trading day

Stock Connect A share trades


Sell (T day)


Settled (T+1 day)

Trading day


Trading day

Trading day


For US stocks:

  • Daylight Saving Time: US stocks sold on Monday, 07/31/2023 ET will be settled at 20:00 on Tuesday, 08/01/2023 ET, which is at 8:00 Wednesday, 08/02/2023 SGT for the settled funds to be updated to your cash withdrawable.

  • Winter Time: US stocks sold on Monday, 07/31/2023 ET will be settled at 20:00 on Tuesday, 08/01/2023, which is at 09:00 Wednesday, 08/02/2023 for the settled funds to be updated to your cash withdrawable.

Eastern Time






Singapore Time

Wednesday - Thursday

Thursday - Friday

Saturday morning

Saturday - Sunday

Sunday - Monday

US stock trades

Sell (T day)


Settled (T+1 day)


Trading day


Market holiday


Market holiday

Adjustments for holidays and other market closures

Please note that settlement times will be automatically extended in case of market holidays or other factors.


For Singapore and Hong Kong stocks:

  • If you trade Singapore or Hong Kong stocks on Wednesday SGT, the funds are supposed to be settled on Friday SGT. However, if Thursday or Friday is a holiday, the settlement date will be next Monday SGT.

For Stock Connect A shares:

  • If you trade Stock Connect A shares on Wednesday SGT, the funds are supposed to be settled on Thursday SGT. However, if Thursday or Friday is a holiday, the settlement date will be next Monday SGT.

Singapore Time







Singapore or Hong Kong stock trades


Sell (T day)


Market holiday


Settling (T+1 day)

Market holiday


Market holiday


Settled (T+2 day)


Stock Connect A share trades

Sell (T day)


Market holiday


Market holiday


Market holiday


Market holiday


Settled (T+1 day)



For US stocks:

  • If you trade US stocks on Thursday SGT, the funds are supposed to be settled on Friday SGT. However, if  Friday is a holiday, the settlement date will be next Monday SGT, which is at 08:00 Tuesday for the settled funds to be updated to your cash withdrawable.

Eastern Time







Singapore Time


Wednesday - Thursday

Thursday - Friday

Friday - Saturday

Saturday - Sunday

Sunday - Monday

Tuesday morning


US stock trades


Trading day

Sell (T day)

Market holiday

Market holiday


Market holiday


Settled (T+1 day)

2)Fund redemptions

The cash withdrawable amount may be affected by a fund redemption request. Please refer to the article below for details:

Why can't my funds be used for withdrawal or currency exchange?


2.2 Funds on hold

Funds placed on hold are not available to withdraw until the hold is cleared from your account. Funds may be placed on hold for the following:

  • Open order being processed

  • Pending withdrawal requests

  • Pending currency exchange requests

  • Unsettled fees, interest charges or trading costs

  • Frozen IPO subscription amounts

Once the hold is cleared, the cash withdrawable amount will be updated automatically.


2.3 Margin

Investors who have opened a margin trading account have a margin amount that is required to hold in the account at all times. The margin required may affect the cash withdrawable amount.

The margin requirement is calculated based on all your open positions of stocks, options and other financial securities in your account. The margin required will include unused cash and may reduce the cash withdrawable.

To increase the cash withdrawable amount, consider closing any open positions currently held in your margin account.