1. What is Rebalancing?
Rebalancing is the process of correcting portfolio drift to align your portfolio with the most recent advice. Moomoo Singapore may periodically rebalance your portfolio to maintain your desired risk profile and investment strategy by adjusting the weightings of individual ETFs on a best-effort basis. Rebalancing will only occur in accordance with the investment portfolio you have selected.
2. How to Rebalance My Portfolio
There are two ways to rebalance your portfolio.
2.1 Auto-Rebalancing
If you have enabled Auto-Rebalancing, the system will automatically send a notification and adjust the portfolio for you every time there is new rebalancing advice.
2.1.1 Rebalancing notifications
Before rebalancing the portfolio for you, the system will send you an email and a push notification at least 3 hours before regular trading hours (RTH). The notification will include when the transaction is expected to be executed and instructions for cancelled and disabling Auto-Reblancing order. If you do not want to follow the rebalancing advice, you can cancel the order or disable Auto-Rebalancing function anytime before RTH.
2.2.2 View rebalancing details
You can go to Accounts > Universal Account > the corresponding portfolio's Position Details page > Orders to enter the rebalancing order's Details page and view the transaction details.
2.2.3 Cancel an Auto-Rebalancing order
To cancel an order, tap the Cancel button in the upper right corner of the order's Details page before the RTH on the day the rebalancing is expected.
If the order is canceled or fails to be executed, it will not be submitted again on the day and will be auto-submitted on the next trading day. You can disable Auto-Rebalancing to stop this and all future automatic rebalancing transactions.
2.2 Manual rebalancing
2.2.1 How to rebalance my portfolio manually
If you have not enabled Auto-Rebalancing, you can go to Accounts > Universal Account > Assets > Securities > the portfolio's Position Details page to view the latest rebalancing advice (if any) and tap the advice to place a rebalancing order yourself.
2.2.2 View rebalancing details
You can view the weighting of each individual ETF in the portfolio before and after the rebalancing in the Rebalancing Plan on the rebalancing order page. You can also tap Order Details to view the estimated transaction details. To submit the order, tap Rebalance.
Note: You need to update the app to the latest version before rebalancing your portfolio. The Rebalancing Plan and Order Details are for reference only. Please refer to the order's Details page for the actual transaction results.
2.2.3 Rebalancing notifications
After successfully submitting a rebalancing order, you will receive an email and a push notification telling you when the rebalancing is expected to take place. If the order fails to be executed, you will receive an email and a push notification asking you to resubmit the order in the app.
3. Enable and Disable Auto-Rebalancing
3.1 Why do we recommend enabling Auto-Rebalancing?
It is recommended that you keep Auto-Rebalancing on after you purchase an ETF portfolio so that it will be rebalanced automatically without delay every time there is a new rebalancing signal.
When Auto-Rebalancing is turned off, you have to pay extra attention to rebalancing notifications and submit each rebalancing order manually. Delaying rebalancing may cause the portfolio to deviate from the original asset allocation, increasing the risk of losses that differ from those anticipated in the initial allocation.
3.2 Acceptance of Auto-Rebalancing
Prior to every auto-rebalancing, you will be notified of the upcoming portfolio rebalancing order 3 hours before RTH (around 9 PM SGT). If you do not cancel or disable the Auto-Rebalancing feature within those 3 hours, it will be considered as your consent and acceptance of the new advice given. Refer to section 2.1.3 for instructions on how to cancel an Auto-Rebalancing order and section 3.3 on how to disable the Auto-Rebalancing feature.
3.3 How to enable/disable Auto-Rebalancing
You can enable Auto-Rebalancing in the following three ways.
Buy order page: Turn on the toggle switch for Auto-Rebalancing and tick "I have read and agree to forms and documents" above the Buy button.
Rebalancing order page: Turn on the toggle switch for "Auto rebalancing for future strategy updates" and tick "I have read and agree to forms and documents" above the Rebalance button.
Go to Accounts > Universal Account > More > Auto-Rebalancing settings and tick the universal account(s) for which you want to turn on Auto-Rebalancing in the ETF Portfolio section.
3.4 What portfolios does an Auto-Rebalancing toggle switch control?
Each Auto-Rebalancing toggle switch controls one universal account. If you hold multiple universal accounts, their Auto-Rebalancing toggle switches work independently.
There is only one switch for all ETF portfolios under the same universal account. No matter which way you choose to enable/disable Auto-Rebalancing, it applies to all ETF portfolios under the account.