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Nippon Seiko, NTN ETC (additional) Rating
Target Price Change Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ------------------------------------------- <3402> TORAY INDS INC GS 1060 yen 1210 yen <3405> Kuraray GS 2540 yen 2900 yen <6752> Panasonic HD Mizuho 2050 yen 2160 yen <6471> Nissei Electric Nomura 800 yen 640 yen <6472> NTN Nomura 280 yen 260 yen
Makino Milling Machine ranked, converging on the TOB price.
Makino Milling Machine <6135> is ranked (as of 9:32 AM). It has significantly continued to rise. The ongoing TOB (Tender Offer) by Nidec Corporation Sponsored ADR <6594> is a clue. Nidec announced on the morning of December 27 last year that it would conduct a TOB (Tender Offer) for Makino Milling Machine. The purchase price is 11,000 yen per share, and on December 27 and 30, it reached the daily limit increase. Today, there is a movement aligning with the TOB price. High Volume Change Rate [January 6, 09:32 current]
Nikkei Down 0.4%, Dragged by Auto Stocks -- Market Talk
Nikkei May Fall Amid Uncertainty Over U.S., Japan Monetary Policy -- Market Talk
Japan Steel Corporation, Takatori, etc. [List of stock material from the newspaper]
*Japan Steel Manufacturing <5401> plans to prohibit the acquisition of United States Steel and is considering all measures (Nikkai Industrial page 2) - ○ *Honda <7267> is investigating hydrogen and local production and consumption with Nippon Steel Trading in Thailand (Nikkai Industrial page 7) - ○ *Suzuki <7269> is solving social issues in India and has signed a memorandum with two local organizations (Nikkai Industrial page 7) - ○ *Takatori <6338> develops a system to automatically stretch and separate fabric, improving sewing productivity (Nikkai Industrial page 8) - ○ *Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings <4188> is increasing production of Anode Material for Batteries, expanding capacity 2.8 times in Kagawa (
List of conversion stocks (Part 3) [List of parabolic signal conversion stocks]
○List of stocks that have switched to Sell market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1821> Mitsui Construction 413 431 <1975> Asahi Kogyo 2275 2313 <2266> Rokko Butter 1325 1453 <2325> NJS 3575 3855 <2327> NSSOL 4072 4239 <2440> Gurunavi 2692 77 <2685> Adastria 3465 3810 <3073> DD Group 14