28.69BMarket Cap28.03P/E (TTM)
21.82High20.40Low628.16KlotVolume21.32Open21.33Pre Close1.32BTurnover4.63%Turnover Ratio47.75P/E (Static)1.39BShares24.4252wk High3.24P/B28.01BFloat Cap8.2152wk Low23.46Limit Up1.36BShs Float24.42Historical High19.20Limit Down6.66%Amplitude-0.71Historical Low0.40Dividend TTM21.03Avg Price303.84KlotAsk1.94%Div YieldTTM100Lot Size300.56KlotBid
Zhejiang Crystal-optech Stock Forum
Metaverse, defined by the industry as the next generation of Internet, can overturn the way the Internet is used today just as the mobile Internet has changed the PC Internet.
The meta-universe is built on top of Web3.0 and is a "traversal" and "distributed" Internet. In such an Internet, people can n...
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