The Company is a holding investment company. Its established policy is to focus on the use of its management and financial resources in the core business of real estate investment and development and financial services. The Company mainly holds real estate investment and development business in Hong Kong through its Joint Real Estate (Hong Kong) Limited (“Joint Real Estate”), which currently holds 74.99% of the shares, and the real estate investment and development business in the People's Republic of China through Tianan China Investment Co., Ltd., a joint venture owned by United Real Estate. The Company also mainly operates financial services business through Sun Hung Kai Co., Ltd. (“Sun Hung Kai”), which owns 54.74% of the shares by United Properties, and Asia United Finance Co., Ltd., where Sun Hung Kai actually holds 58.18% of the shares. Xingong Investment Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company holding 74.97% interest, invests in listed and unlisted securities.
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