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[Brokerage Focus] Industrial Securities maintains a 'Buy' rating on HKEX (00388), indicating that market trading activity improved last year.
Jingu Financial News | A research report from Industrial Securities indicates that in Q4 2024, HKEX (00388) will have revenue and other income of HKD 6.381 billion, a year-on-year increase of 31%. Among them, the main business revenue increased by 33% year-on-year, mainly due to the increase in trading Volume in the spot, derivative, and Commodity markets, as well as an increase in settlement fees. During the same period, the company's profit attributable to Shareholders was HKD 3.78 billion, a year-on-year increase of 46%. Over this period, the company's EBITDA profit margin was 75%. In 2024, both revenue and other income, as well as profits, will reach new highs: the company will achieve revenue and other income of HKD 22.374 billion in 2024, a year-on-year increase.
Express News | HKEX - With Effect From 9:00 Am on 31 March , Listing of Shares of Xiwang Special Steel Will Be Cancelled
Bonnie Chan Yi-ting: The funds from the North have reached nearly 20% of the trading volume in Hong Kong stocks, and many Assets in China are still undervalued.
Investors can diversify risks through the Hong Kong Stock Connect.
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