HK Stock MarketDetailed Quotes

00486 RUSAL

  • 3.250
  • 0.0000.00%
Market Closed Dec 11 16:08 CST
49.38BMarket Cap14.84P/E (TTM)

RUSAL Key Stats

RUSAL Earnings Estimates




Revenue is based on 3 analyst forecasts. Estimate data is from S&P, and actual data is from Income Statement

Currency: USD

DatePeriodRevenue/EstimateEarnings Call
Mar 12, 20202019/Q42.489B / 2.457B--
Nov 7, 20192019/Q32.486B / 2.499B--
Aug 8, 20192019/Q22.566B / 2.533B--
May 13, 20192019/Q12.170B / 2.201B--
DatePeriodRevenue/EstimateEarnings Call
Mar 12, 20202019/Q42.489B / 2.457B--
Nov 7, 20192019/Q32.486B / 2.499B--
Aug 8, 20192019/Q22.566B / 2.533B--
May 13, 20192019/Q12.170B / 2.201B--

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