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gw terroir (00524.HK): Dong Jianmei has been appointed as an independent non-executive director.
On November 21, 2023, Gelonghui reported that gw terroir (00524.HK) announced that starting from November 21, 2024: Zhang Shimin resigned as an independent non-executive director and will no longer serve as a member of the audit committee, remuneration committee, and nomination committee; and Dong Jianmei has been appointed as an independent non-executive director as well as a member of the audit committee, remuneration committee, and nomination committee.
Great Wall Terroir Holdings Limited's (HKG:524) 30% Price Boost Is Out Of Tune With Revenues
GW Terroir (00524.HK) reported a loss of approximately 10.5 million Hong Kong dollars in the middle term.
On August 20th, Geelong announced that during the six months ending on June 30th, 2024, the company's revenue was approximately HKD36.9 million (2023: approximately HKD41.7 million). The company's attributable loss during this period was approximately HKD10.5 million (2023: approximately HKD12.9 million), with a basic loss per share of approximately 5.3 Hong Kong cents.
Express News | Great Wall Terroir Holdings H1 Gross Profit HKD 2.6 Million
Express News | Great Wall Terroir Holdings H1 Revenue HKD 36.9 Million
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