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CHINA TANGSHANG [00674] is currently reported at 0.195 Hong Kong dollars, with a rise of 12.07%.
As of 15:58, CHINA TANGSHANG [00674] is reported at 0.195 HKD, an increase of 0.021 HKD or 12.07% compared to the closing price of 0.174 HKD yesterday, with a trading volume of 0.2088 million HKD. Today's highest price is 0.182 HKD and the lowest price is 0.159 HKD. Based on yesterday's closing price, the 10-day average price is 0.19 HKD and the 50-day average price is also 0.19 HKD. The current PE is -5.18 times, and the 14-day strength index is reported at 40.12.
China Tangshang Holdings Announces Registrar Changes
China Tangshang Swings to Loss in Fiscal H1; Shares Slide 5%
CHINA TANGSHANG: Interim Report 2024
Investors Appear Satisfied With China Tangshang Holdings Limited's (HKG:674) Prospects As Shares Rocket 38%
China Tangshang (00674.HK) recorded a mid-term profit of approximately 0.328 billion Hong Kong dollars, a decrease of about 58.1% year-on-year.
Grain 11月28日 - China Tangshang (00674.HK) announced that for the six months ended September 30, 2024, the group recorded revenue of approximately 328,200,000 Hong Kong dollars, a decrease of about 58.1% year-on-year, and recorded a loss of about 41,800,000 Hong Kong dollars, compared to a profit of about 100,300,000 Hong Kong dollars in the same period of 2023. The increase in losses is mainly due to the decrease in revenue from property development business and the decrease in fair value of completed properties held for sale during the period.