Company NameAIR CHINA
Listing DateDec 15, 2004
Issue Price2.98
Shares Offered2.81B share(s)
FoundedSep 30, 2004
Registered AddressChina
Chairmanchongxian ma
Secretaryhaoxianxiaofeng xuan
Audit InstitutionDeloitte Guan Huang Chen Fang Certified Public Accountants
Company CategoryMainland registration of Mainland State-owned Assets control
Registered Office101, 1st to 9th Floor, Building 1, No. 30 Tianzhu Road, Shunyi District, Beijing, China
Head Office and Principal Place of Business5th Floor, China Aviation Building, 12 Donghui Road, Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
MarketHong Kong motherboard
BusinessInternational, domestic and regular and irregular airline passenger, cargo, mail and luggage transportation services; domestic and international business flight operations, aircraft maintenance, inter-airline business agents; ground services and air express services related to main business (excluding letters and items of a letter nature); in-flight duty-free goods; in-flight retail business; aviation accident insurance sales agents; import and export business; hotel management; hosting exhibitions; conference services; property management; design, production, agency, advertising; technical training; rental of own housing; machinery and equipment rental; accommodation; sales; catering services; Handicrafts, souvenirs; wholesale of agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery products, wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco products, wholesale of textiles, clothing and household goods, wholesale of cultural, sporting goods and equipment, wholesale of minerals, building materials and chemical products, wholesale of machinery, hardware products and electronic products, general retail, specialized retail of food, beverages and tobacco products, specialized retail of textiles, clothing and daily necessities, specialized retail of cultural, sporting goods and equipment, sales of automobiles, motorcycles, spare parts and fuels and other power supplies, specialized retail sales of household appliances and electronics, hardware and electronics Specialized retail of interior decoration materials , Internet retail. (Catering services, lodging, and projects subject to approval according to law, carry out business activities according to the approved content after approval by the relevant departments)”