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KAISA HEALTH [00876] is currently reported at 0.02 Hong Kong dollars, with a decline of 16.67%.
As of 15:33, KAISA HEALTH [00876] reported HKD 0.02, down HKD 0.004 or 16.67% from yesterday's closing price of HKD 0.024, with a trading volume of 0.0214 million HKD. Today's highest price is HKD 0.024, and the lowest price is HKD 0.02. Based on yesterday's closing price, the 10-day average price is HKD 0.02, the 50-day average price is HKD 0.03, and the current PE is 16.00 times, with a 14-day strength index of 45.45.
Kaisa Health Group Names New Auditor Amid Changes
Kaisa Health (00876) appointed Wingtak Wealth as the new auditor.
Kaisa Health (00876) announced that KPMG Certified Public Accountants (KPMG) after considering multiple factors...
Kaisa Health Restructures Board to Enhance Leadership
Kaisa Health (00876.HK): Liu Lihao, Luo Tingting, Xie Binhong, and Yu Huiming were appointed as executive directors.
Kaisa Health (00876.HK) announced on October 22 that Liu Lihao, Luo Tingting, Xie Binhong, and Yu Huiming have been appointed as executive directors of the company, effective from October 22, 2024.
Express News | Kaisa Health - Liu Lihao, Luo Tingting, Xie Binhong, Yu Huiming Appointed as Executive Directors