184.33BMarket Cap6.67P/E (TTM)
26.650High25.500Low19.66MVolume25.500Open25.450Pre Close508.32MTurnover0.28%Turnover Ratio6.67P/E (Static)7.13BShares32.30052wk High0.63P/B184.33BFloat Cap18.56052wk Low1.59Dividend TTM7.13BShs Float37.305Historical High1.582Dividend LFY4.52%Amplitude-12.222Historical Low25.860Avg Price500Lot Size6.13%Div YieldTTM6.12%Div Yield LFY
104556909 : Ok
CoWHideTrader : nice
103677010 : noted
Ahmad Fiqri :
Mr Careful : the real capital flight out of china may be materializing soon after disappointment with stimulus and expectations of a devaluation of yuan strengthening.