105.76MMarket Cap-2.18P/E (TTM)
0.000High0.000Low0Volume0.048Open0.048Pre Close0.00Turnover0.00%Turnover RatioLossP/E (Static)2.20BShares0.08252wk High0.18P/B105.76MFloat Cap0.03852wk Low--Dividend TTM2.20BShs Float6.660Historical High--Dividend LFY0.00%Amplitude0.017Historical Low--Avg Price1000Lot Size--Div YieldTTM--Div Yield LFY
There appears to have a big seller (probably the placee who got a big block of placement shares previously) trying to offload but apparently there is also a big buyer soaking up the sales.
More to be seen once the seller has finished his sell order. Just a guess based on price volume movements
Looks interesting. Volume picking up on rising trends the last few sessions
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