5.22BMarket Cap50.62P/E (TTM)
3.330High3.150Low4.91MVolume3.190Open3.240Pre Close15.90MTurnover4.75852wk High0.38%Turnover Ratio1.59BShares3.15052wk Low0.065EPS TTM4.26BFloat Cap4.758Historical High50.62P/E (Static)1.29BShs Float0.034Historical Low0.065EPS LYR5.56%Amplitude0.04Dividend TTM7.25P/B100Lot Size1.19%Div YieldTTM
FRONTKN Stock Forum
Same advice to other over valued tech stock.
Market Overview and Performance Dynamics
Today's Malaysian and regional financial markets experienced a broadly bearish sentiment, with the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI declining 13.380 points (-0.845%) to close at 1,570.87. The market landscape was characterized by widespread negative movements across multiple sectors and indices, reflecting a complex interplay of regional economic factors and company-specific performance.
Sectoral Pe...
buy the dip
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