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Agricultural Bank of China Strengthens Capital With New Bonds
Agricultural Bank of China (601288.SH): completed the issuance of 40 billion yuan of perpetual capital bonds in 2024 (the third tranche).
The agricultural bank of china (601288.SH) announced that the company issued "China agricultural bank..." in the national interbank bonds market.
Market Chatter: ABC Technologies Nears $1.27 Billion Deal to Acquire TI Fluid Systems
In November, the MLF volume continued to shrink. Previously, the 500 billion buy-back reverse repurchase has released medium-term liquidity ahead of schedule. The industry expects the reserve requirement ratio cut to be implemented faster.
①The funding operation mode of shortening and lengthening funds continues. On the one hand, the central bank continues to reduce the MLF operations volume, reduce the existing stock to mitigate its impact on the liquidity market. On the other hand, short-term funds continue to be net injected to hedge against cross-month fund pressure, strengthening the guiding position of reverse repurchase agreements on market interest rates. ②Local government bonds are centrally supplied, and the MLF is likely to see a quicker implementation under the reduced volume environment.
Goldlok Holdings' Loan Balance Reaches 80 Million Yuan
Rare! This rural commercial bank is offering a 5-year fixed deposit interest rate of 1.5%, which is lower than the 1.55% level of state-owned banks. It is referred to as a "case" in the industry.
①Recently, Wuxiang Rural Commercial Bank adjusted the deposit execution interest rates, lowering the execution interest rates for personal fixed-term deposits of two years, three years, and five years to 1.5%, with the five-year execution interest rate being lowered below the lowest level of the state-owned banks' published rates. ②The phenomenon of the aforementioned rural commercial bank reducing rates beyond the mid- to long-term levels of state-owned banks is still considered an isolated case.