7.06BMarket Cap10.11P/E (TTM)
0.970High0.940Low16.51MVolume0.970Open0.970Pre Close15.78MTurnover1.12652wk High0.31%Turnover Ratio7.52BShares0.75452wk Low0.093EPS TTM5.10BFloat Cap1.399Historical High10.11P/E (Static)5.42BShs Float0.009Historical Low0.093EPS LYR3.09%Amplitude0.02Dividend TTM2.48P/B100Lot Size2.02%Div YieldTTM
MYEG Stock Forum
Main stocks that showed strong buying momentum would be the likes of MYEG, DNEX, SNS, YTL, INARI, HARTA, and JCY. All of which were able to sustain ...
$MYEG (0138.MY)$
Remember, MyEG is going to issue new shares priced at 0.91-0.925, do not go all in now.
The raised proceeds will mostly be used to ensure there are cash flows for continuous operation along with expanding MyDigitalID as a national ID to be used by other agencies, similar to MyID in Australia. However, most of the proceed will be spent on further developing AI and Blockchain technology.
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