MI Energy Holdings Limited (MIE) is one of the leading independent upstream oil companies in China, focusing on oil and gas exploration and development. The company was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in December 2010, and the stock code is 1555.HK. MIE is headquartered in Hong Kong, China. Currently, it has 6 oil and gas production blocks and 4 oil and gas exploration blocks in mainland China, Kazakhstan, and the US. The total area of oil and gas fields exceeds 4,000 square kilometers. Operate two crude oil product split projects in Jilin Province and two unconventional natural gas product split projects in Linxing and Sanjiaobei in Shanxi Province within China, and operate four production blocks, including Aksaz, Dolinnoe, Kariman, and EMIR, and the ADeK exploration block in Kazakhstan through its wholly-owned subsidiary Emir-Oil. We operate the Niobrara leaf rock oil project in the US. After more than ten years of rapid development, MIE has ranked among the international medium-sized oil and gas companies in terms of oil and gas reserves and resources. According to the independent reserves consulting firm's calculation according to the international standard PRMS, the net present value of MI Energy's “proven + estimated” (2P) net oil and gas reserves after discounting was as high as 4 billion US dollars at the end of 2014.
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