HK Stock MarketDetailed Quotes


  • 0.237
  • 0.0000.00%
Not Open Dec 20 16:08 CST
60.67MMarket Cap8.78P/E (TTM)

About REF HOLDINGS Company

Weifeng Financial Printing Co., Ltd. is a trusted financial printing service provider. It is committed to providing a variety of high-quality financial printing products and services to the market, and specializes in handling initial public offering regulations, financial reports, circulars, announcements and other financial documents. Weifeng's professional team consists of senior practitioners with rich experience in the industry, and has achieved impressive results in serving local and even international corporate customers in the past. With comprehensive financial printing expertise, Weifeng is dedicated to providing customers with the best solutions. After thoroughly understanding your needs, we will suggest the most appropriate products and services to you, and make every effort to ensure that your project is carried out in a timely and accurate manner. Weifeng's competitive advantage The best quality financial printing products and services One-stop service supply for various financial printing needs of customers Professional, accurate and fast Expertise in processing large amounts of confidential data under urgent time limits Efficient and accurate publication and document archiving services Tailor-made project and service solutions Professional and senior staff group Award-winning design and creative team A dedicated and responsible customer service team Excellent typesetting, translation and proofreading skills 8 fully equipped, spacious and comfortable meeting rooms First-class conference and presentation equipment that can meet the needs of corporate events and meetings

Company Profile

Listing DateJun 20, 2017
FoundedFeb 5, 2014
Registered AddressCayman Islands
Chairmanwende liu
Secretaryweilun gao
Audit InstitutionGuowei Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.
Company CategoryOther
Registered OfficeWindward 3, Regatta Office Park, PO Box 1350, Grand Cayman KY1 — 1108, Cayman Islands
Head Office and Principal Place of BusinessRoom 5906-5912, 59th Floor, Central Centre, 99 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
MarketHong Kong motherboard
Business REF Holdings Limited is a Hong Kong investment holding company mainly engaged in financial printing services for the Hong Kong financial community. The company's main business includes providing printing, translation and media publishing services. Printing services mainly include layout, proofreading, design, printing, ordering and delivery of listing documents, financial reports, compliance documents and other documents. Translation services mainly include translation of all types of printed documents between Chinese and English. The media distribution segment mainly includes uploading documents to the Internet or publishing them in newspapers. The company mainly operates in Hong Kong, China.

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • wende liu
  • Presidencies, Non-executive Directors, Authorized Representative
  • 180.00K
  • jiayin fan
  • Executive Director, Authorized Representative
  • 1.16M
  • zhixiong liang
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee Members, Remuneration Committee Members
  • 180.00K
  • guanqiu huang
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Audit Committee Members, Remuneration Committee Members
  • 180.00K
  • hanwen li
  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Remuneration Committee Chairman, Audit Committee Members, Nomination Committee Members
  • 180.00K
  • heru zhao
  • Managing Director of Weifeng Finance
  • --
  • liyi luo
  • Sales Director of Weifeng Finance
  • --
  • kaier li
  • Sales Director of Weifeng Finance
  • --
  • weilun gao
  • Company Secretary
  • --
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