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Pentamaster Moves Forward With Privatization Plans
Pentamaster Extends Dispatch of Scheme Document for Privatisation Proposal
Pentamaster International Appoints Independent Financial Advisor
Awantec, Pentamaster, Velocity Capital, Ecobuilt, Karex, Sunway REIT
PENTAMASTER (01665) will pay a special dividend of HKD 0.07 per share.
PENTAMASTER (01665) announced that it will distribute a special dividend of HK$0.07 per share.
Pentamaster Being Sued By UK Based Ocado Group
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LADYGAGA888 : What took so long??? We need the money for CNY
飞向宇宙の股 OP : When can get the $0.07 dividend?
LADYGAGA888 飞向宇宙の股 OP :
飞向宇宙の股 OP LADYGAGA888 : Mr Chuah CB... Any idea when can we get the dividend?