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Shareholders Will Probably Hold Off On Increasing Shing Chi Holdings Limited's (HKG:1741) CEO Compensation For The Time Being
Shing Chi Holdings Limited's (HKG:1741) Popularity With Investors Under Threat As Stock Sinks 46%
SHING CHI HLDGS [01741] is currently reported at 0.049 Hong Kong dollars, an increase of 36.11%.
As of 14:08, SHING CHI HLDGS [01741] is quoted at 0.049 HKD, up 0.013 HKD or 36.11% compared to yesterday's closing price of 0.036 HKD, with a trading volume of 0.0067 million HKD. Today's highest price is 0.049 HKD, and the lowest price is 0.039 HKD. Based on yesterday's closing price, the 10-day average price is 0.04 HKD, the 50-day average price is 0.04 HKD, and the current PE is -2.86 times, with a 14-day Relative Strength Index of 29.27.
SHING CHI HLDGS [01741] is currently reported at 0.043 HKD, with an increase of 19.44%.
As of 14:07, SHING CHI HLDGS [01741] is quoted at HKD 0.043, an increase of HKD 0.007 or 19.44% compared to yesterday's closing price of HKD 0.036, with a transaction volume of HKD 0.0057 million. Today's highest price is HKD 0.043, and the lowest price is HKD 0.039. Based on yesterday's closing price, the 10-day average is HKD 0.04, the 50-day average is HKD 0.04, and the current PE is -2.86 times, with a 14-day strength index of 29.27.
Express News | RI Ying Holdings FY Gross Profit HKD 9.9 Million