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Hong Kong stock movement | MAN WAH HLDGS (01999) falls over 6%, Institutions indicate that tariffs may cause some disturbance to the company's gross margin in North America in the short term.
MAN WAH HLDGS (01999) fell more than 6%, as of the time of writing, it dropped by 6.29%, reported at 4.62 Hong Kong dollars, with a transaction amount of 63.0224 million Hong Kong dollars.
Man Wah's Controlling Shareholder Boosts Stakeholding
MAN WAH HLDGS (01999) received a Shareholding increase of 5 million shares from its controlling Shareholder Huang Minli.
MAN WAH HLDGS (01999) issued an announcement that the company has been granted by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Executive Director, and President Mr. Huang Minli (...
Express News | Man Wah - Chairman on 10 February Purchased 5 Mln Ordinary Shares of Co
Major rating|Citi: Downgraded MAN WAH HLDGS Target Price to HKD 4.6, rating lowered to 'Neutral.'
Minhua announced last Friday (7th) the appointment of company secretary Zhang Xian to take over the investor relations position, as the former investor relations director is currently under investigation by regulatory Institutions. The announcement mentioned that this investigation is unrelated to Minhua's listing. Citigroup issued a Research Report indicating uncertainty whether this single event will evolve into any management risks. On the other hand, the Real Estate market remains sluggish, and the downward trend in Consumer spending may slow the demand for Furniture replacements, while reclining chairs face competition from new entrants in custom Furniture. Therefore, Minhua's stock price will be pressured by the uncertainty mentioned above. In addition, Citigroup has downgraded Minhua's earnings forecast for the 2025 to 2026 fiscal year.
Man Wah Holdings Limited's (HKG:1999) Prospects Need A Boost To Lift Shares