The Group is a Singapore-based restaurant group with over 15 years of experience in owning and operating Singaporean restaurants. Our business is divided into restaurant retail business and store management and leasing business. The Group's history can be traced back to January 2004, when our executive directors Mr. Zhu and Ms. Liao founded FCP to own and operate a food center. Food centers are unair-conditioned or air-conditioned restaurants composed of individual indoor food and/or drink stalls. They have indoor and/or outdoor dining areas, providing affordable food options. Unlike hawker centers, food centers more commonly refer to coffee shops or dining rooms in Singapore, which are usually privately managed. Food centres are iconic representatives of Singaporean dining culture and are commonly found in residential and industrial areas. A food street is an outdoor restaurant composed of individual food stalls or kiosks. It only has an outdoor dining area and is not a hawker center. Over the years, we have grown from the owner and operator of a small food center to one of the largest food center operators in Singapore. Currently, we are operating and managing 13 restaurants, including 12 food centers, of which 9 are traditional food centers, 3 are air conditioned food centers; and a food street. According to the Insight Consultation Report, as of 2017, the Group ranked 7th in the Singapore coffee shop management market, accounting for about 4.0% of the Singapore coffee shop management market. In 2012, we further expanded our retail catering business to food centers operated and managed by an independent third party. Currently, we operate a total of 45 food stalls under our catering retail business. Of these dining stalls, 29 are located in our own/rented food centers and rented food streets, which are operated and managed by us. Of these 29 catering stalls, 9 are operated in owned properties and 20 are operated in leased properties. The remaining 16 food stalls are leased from food centers managed by independent third parties. We believe that the location of our restaurants is critical to the success of our business, and our restaurants are strategically located in Singapore. Going forward, we will strive to use our competitive advantages to expand the scale of our operations, increase our market share in the Singaporean restaurant industry, and expand into other regions with relevant opportunities.