35.63BMarket Cap9.17P/E (TTM)
2.910High2.860Low11.91MVolume2.890Open2.890Pre Close34.43MTurnover0.10%Turnover Ratio12.15P/E (Static)12.37BShares4.21552wk High0.82P/B35.63BFloat Cap2.55052wk Low0.20Dividend TTM12.37BShs Float5.283Historical High0.146Dividend LFY1.73%Amplitude-0.508Historical Low2.891Avg Price1000Lot Size6.94%Div YieldTTM5.07%Div Yield LFY
why today drop so much??
1. Optimization of coal power assets, expected to achieve a comprehensive turnaround in 2023:
In 2022, the company actively introduced China National Coal Group's subsidiary, China Coal Power, as a strategic partner and successfully transferred equity interests in the Yaomeng and Dabieshan thermal power projects, with a combined installed capacity of 4.76 million kW. After di...
China Power signed acquisition agreements with CLP New Energy and CLP International New Energy on June 30, 2022. It intends to issue additional shares to CLP New Energy at approximately HK$4.4 per share for a transaction price of RMB5.78 billion...
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