Company NameTUYA-W
Listing DateJul 5, 2022
Issue Price19.30
Shares Offered7.30M share(s)
FoundedAug 28, 2014
Registered AddressCayman Islands
Chairmanxuejichenliaohan wang
Secretaryxiaolangdengjingxian chai
Audit InstitutionPricewaterhouseCoopers
Company CategoryOverseas registration of Mainland Individuals control
Registered OfficePO Box 309 Ugland House Grand Cayman, KY1-1104 Cayman Islands
Head Office and Principal Place of BusinessRoom 1912, 19th floor, Lee Garden One, 33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
MarketHong Kong motherboard
Business Tuya Inc is a Chinese holding company mainly engaged in providing Internet of Things (IoT) cloud development platforms and services. The company provides a variety of services through its IoT cloud development platform, including IoT Platform as a Service (PaaS), industry software as a service (SaaS), cloud-based value-added services, and others. Its platform allows customers to access common infrastructure and all the ready-to-use software, development tools, and services needed to develop and manage smart devices. Its products are mainly used in smart homes, smart commerce, healthcare, education, agriculture, outdoor sports and entertainment.