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[Brokerage Focus] Huaxin Securities maintains a "Buy" rating on China Resources Beverage (02460), indicating that its beverage Business has significant long-term revenue growth potential.
Jinwu Finance | Huaxin Securities research indicates that in 2024, China Resources Beverage (02460) is expected to have revenues and Net income of 13.521 billion and 1.637 billion yuan, respectively, representing year-on-year growth of 0.05% and 23.12%. The revenue growth rate slightly fell short of expectations due to frequent rainfall during the third quarter peak season, which had a temporary impact on sales. In 2024, the company's gross margin is projected at 47.31%, an increase of 2.66 percentage points, mainly due to the increased proportion of products produced by self-owned factories, the extension of the value chain, adjustments in fee rates for cooperative production partners, and a decline in the prices of raw materials such as PET. The sales and management expense ratios for 2024 are expected to be 30...
CICC: Maintain a "Outperform Industry" rating for China Resources Beverage (02460) with a Target Price of 16.8 Hong Kong dollars.
The bank expects clear improvement in profit margins in the next 3-5 years, and net income in 2025 is likely to continue to grow significantly.
China Resources Beverage (02460) will distribute a final dividend of 0.307 yuan per share on July 24.
China Resources Beverage (02460) announced that the company will distribute a final dividend of 0... per share on July 24, 2025.
China Resources Beverage 2024 Net Rose on Higher Revenue, Lower Finance Costs
China Resources Beverage 2024 Rev CNY13.52B Vs. CNY13.51B >2460.HK
China Resources Beverages (02460.HK) reported a steady increase in revenue to 13.521 billion yuan for the 2024 fiscal year, with net income growing by 23.12% year-on-year.
On March 21, Gelonghui reported that China Resources Beverage (02460.HK) announced its annual performance for the year ending December 31, 2024. The company's revenue was 13.521 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.05%. Among this, the revenue from packaged drinking water products accounted for 89.7% of the total revenue, while the revenue from beverage products accounted for 10.3%. Due to frequent rainfall during the peak season of the third quarter in 2024, sales were temporarily affected. The company responded to external challenges through various measures including the launch of new products, expanding channel depth and breadth, strengthening brand building, and improving the supply chain, resulting in steady annual sales growth.