128.52BMarket Cap76.81P/E (TTM)
95.700High91.050Low3.77MVolume91.300Open91.150Pre Close352.78MTurnover0.28%Turnover Ratio107.65P/E (Static)1.34BShares96.90052wk High13.96P/B128.52BFloat Cap16.59152wk Low0.31Dividend TTM1.34BShs Float106.831Historical High0.310Dividend LFY5.10%Amplitude9.543Historical Low93.568Avg Price200Lot Size0.32%Div YieldTTM0.32%Div Yield LFY
101891442 : Hold or sell ?
SpideyInvestor OP 101891442 : Can hold first unless losses more than 10%. Next quarterly earnings reports should look good due to good year end sales drive by outlets
101891442 SpideyInvestor OP : I’m still winning after 10% loses, I’m wonder I should sell first then get in before quarter report
SpideyInvestor OP 101891442 : To be safe, I personally like to do that. Take profits first and then come back later before report. Next year market might be unstable a bit for CN/HK...have to be cautious
101891442 SpideyInvestor OP : Any idea when is the next quarter report?