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Volume change rate ranking (9 AM) ~ Ryohin Keikaku, Interaction, ETC are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume over the last 5 days with the volume on the day of the release, it is possible to understand the trends of market participants' interests, etc. ■ Volume Change Rate Top [As of January 14, 9:32] (Comparing with the average volume over the last 5 days) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <2624> iF225 Year 4 17213107185.08 289.48%-0.0101% <9058> To
Volume change rate ranking (10 o'clock) - NF HD, BTM ETC are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume over the last five days with the volume on the day of distribution, one can understand the trends in stock selection and the interests of market participants. ■Top volume change rates [As of January 8, 10:32] (Comparison of the last five days' average volume) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <6864> NF HD 1574300 25585.56 245.06% 0.1111% <5247>
Listed Index Fund US Bond (Ccy Hdg): Securities Report (Domestic Investment Trust Beneficiary Securities) - 16th Term (2024/01/11-2024/07/10)
Volume change rate rankings (9:00) - Hot Stock, Zen and others ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume of the last 5 days with the volume on the distribution day, you can understand the interest of market participants such as trends in transactions. High Volume Change Rate [As of September 10th, 9:32] (Comparison of average volume for the last 5 days) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <2248> iF500H有 4720 107,185.08 163.67% 0.0085%
Volume change rate ranking (14 o'clock) - Susmed, Kuramoto, etc. rank in.
In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume of the last 5 days with the volume on the distribution day, you can understand the market participants' interest in trends such as speculation. Top volume change rate [As of 14:32 on September 3] (comparison with the average volume of the last 5 days) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Price change rate <1487> U.S. Treasury HE 48695 14241.708 358.55% 0%
Volume Change Rate Ranking (10 o'clock) - Sasumedo, Enechange, etc. ranked in.
In the volume change rate ranking, you can understand the market participants' interest in trends such as hunting by comparing the volume of the latest 5 days with the volume on the delivery date. ■ Volume Change Rate Top [As of September 3, 10:32] (Comparison of the latest 5-day average volume) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <1487> U.S. Treasury HE 48516 14241.708 358.41% -0.000