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Ranking of Volume Change Rates (9 AM) ~ SBI Resarch, NEC ETC are ranked.
The volume change rate ranking allows understanding the trends in market participants' interests by comparing the average volume over the last five days with the volume on the distribution day. ■ Top volume change rates [As of January 31, 9:32] (Comparison of the average volume over the last five days) Stock code Stock name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Price change rate <1934> Youratech 472600 107185.08 180.12% 0.1034% <9247>
Volume change rate ranking (10 o'clock) - TradeWorks, ABEJA, etc. are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, you can understand the interest of market participants, such as trends in trading, by comparing the average volume of the past 5 days with the volume on the delivery day. Top volume change rate [As of 10:32 on October 21] (comparison with average volume of the past 5 days) Stock code Stock name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Price change rate <3997> Trade Works 129,400 227 13.66 250.9% 0.072% <5574>
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Volume change rate ranking (9 am) ~ gumi, San-Electron and others ranked
*In the volume change rate ranking, comparing the volume of the latest 5 days with the volume on the day of distribution helps understand the interest of market participants in trends and other factors. *Top volume change rate [as of June 10, 9:32 am] (compared to the average volume of the latest 5 days) Code Stock name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate <4166> KAKKO 306,700 107,185.08 349.32% 0.075