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J Front, F & L C ETC (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Previous After ------------------------------------------------- <5831> Shizuoka FG Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <8308> Resona HD Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Previous After ------------------------------------------------- <1878> Daito Trust Mizuho "Buy"
Teijin, Sumitomo Chemicals, ETC [List of brand materials from the newspaper]
*Teijin <3401> shipped samples of electrode materials, miniaturizing the Fuel Cell Energy for Autos (Nikkan Kogyo, front page) — ○*Sumitomo Chemicals <4005> focuses on Agrochemicals and electronic materials with a new mid-term plan, solidifying its foundation for a return to growth (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) — ○*Mercari <4385> enters the MVNO market, allowing the resale of unused gigabytes on 'Mercari' (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) — ○*Nagase & Co. <8012> establishes a new investment fund, creating a new company to transform its materials business (Nikkan Kogyo, page 4) — ○*Mitsubishi Corporation <8058> supports the introduction of EV trucks for Pharmaceutical Logistics comprehensively.
NJS has set a new high [New Highs and New Lows Update].
The newly updated high stock prices on the Main Board include Kajima <1812> and DM Mitsui Sugar Holdings <2109> among 32 stocks, while the newly updated low stock prices on the Main Board include Hakuhodo DY Holdings <2433> and Ito En <2593> among 32 stocks. "Main Board" "Standard Board" "Growth Board" New highs New lows New highs New lows New highs New lows 03/04 331819175180 03/03 331827117802 28/02 1639131561902
INPEX, Haseko etc. (additional) Rating
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ----------------------------------------------------------- <1979> Taiki SMBC Nikko "2" "1" <4887> Sawai GHD Nomura "Neutral" "Buy" <5706> Mitsui Gold Daiwa "3" "2" <9508> Kyushu Electric Nomura "Neutral" "Buy" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After --------
Escurí---Developing wedding facilities in major cities leveraging a unique Global Strategy Weapon.
Escri <2196> is primarily engaged in the bridal business, which involves planning and operating ceremonies and receptions. The segments are divided into the bridal business (84.2% of Q3 results for the fiscal year ending March 2025) and the construction A-REIT ETF business (15.8% for the same period). In its main bridal business, 27 facilities are operated primarily in major cities, and a unique store opening strategy focusing on urban locations and building-in facilities is being promoted. About half of the customers place importance on "convenience of transportation" when deciding on the venue.
List of cloud breakout stocks (weekly) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud breakout stocks]
○ List of stocks that broke through the clouds in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board <1879> Shin Nihon Ken 1499 1489.5 1407.5 <1928> Sekisui House 3390 3371.5 3322.5 <2353> Nichiju 205 195 201 <25935> Ito En No. 1