Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: ETF Profit Distribution Notice
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Notice of estimated profit distribution for ETFs
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Securities registration form (domestic investment trust beneficiary securities)
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Semi-Annual Report (Domestic Investment Trust Beneficiary Securities) — 12th Term (2024/02/21-2025/02/20)
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Summary of interim financial results for the fiscal year ending 2025/2 (2024/2/21 to 2024/8/20)
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Announcements of individual stocks related to the split of ETF beneficiary rights.
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Securities registration form (domestic investment trust beneficiary securities)
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Securities Report (Domestic Investment Trust Beneficiary Securities) - 11th Term (2023/02/21-2024/02/20)
Nikkei Average Double Bull: Summary of financial results for the fiscal year ending 2024/2 (2023/2/21 to 2024/2/20)
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: ETF Profit Distribution Notice
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Notice of estimated profit distribution amount for ETF
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Securities registration form (domestic investment trust beneficiary securities)
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Semi-Annual Report (Domestic Investment Trust Beneficial Securities) - 11th Issue (2023/02/21 - 2024/02/20)
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Interim Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ending 2024/2 (2023/2/21 to 2023/8/20)
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Securities registration form (domestic investment trust beneficiary securities)
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Securities Report (Domestic Investment Trust Beneficial Securities) - Tenth Period (2022/02/21 - 2023/02/20)
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Summary of financial results for the fiscal year ending 2023/2 (2022/21 to 2023/2/20)
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: ETF income Distribution Notification
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Notice of expected amount of ETF income distribution
Nikkei225 Bull 2x ETF: Securities filing (domestic investment trust benefit certificate)